The Famine is Over

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coming up on the Potters touch God says I am not in the business of being sought last I want you to make me first and come to me first when do you want me to seek you Lord late at night no early in the morning whatever God asks you for something he will always ask you for he is first because God wants to be the priority in your life not the afterthought after you talk to everybody else he said as soon as your eyes open up in the morning seek me early in the morning and I will bless you because I am first somebody say he is first hey family how you doing I'm excited to have the opportunity to share the word with you today I trust you're having a blessed blessed and prosperous season in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ I want to talk to you about something that I'm very seldom hear anybody talk about the Bible talks about famines and it talks about droughts whenever there is a drought you know that eventually there will be a famine but what you might not know is that it is possible for the famine to be over without the drought ever ending what are you talking about I'm saying that God can bless you in a season of drought that other people can't hardly survive in but if God says live don't let the drought kill you go to 1st Kings 17 7 take a look at this the famine the famine dear it's over in spite of the drought what decided to Zarephath and there you will find a widow and I will feed you to this woman can you imagine being the lights are getting out of the brook ha ha ha ha got your head we didn't all you haters talk about me I'm good see wouldn't it be goes right up decided and God says that she is and you come this one and he says her Lord sometimes God's answers don't look like what we had in mind cuz I bet you the widow in a mansion all widowed with lots of money Bentley in the driveway you know stereo system in the house outdoor pool I'll go get in the pool its river dried up again the pool is gonna be good it's gonna be fine her in that Shack on them boney legs him trembling knees she don't look like she could take care of herself this is your answer to my droughts he said yeah and he go little to the woman he says I'm thirsty miracles are made out of need miracles are made out of need if there is not a need to challenge you there will not be a word to stir you so when you ask God to stir your faith he'll stir your need he'll stir you and challenge you in an area of your vulnerability because you will never find out what you got until you've been challenged beyond what you see so here he comes down to the house to meet the widow and he goes to the winner and says I'm thirsty and he challenges her limitations if it were within her reach if it were easy for her to do it wouldn't be a miracle she said well you know it normally wouldn't be no problem but I had this situation going on you know I'm trying to raise these two boys by myself and and and and and and and we are in a drought sir didn't you watch CNN or Fox uh we are in a drought the thing that I rely on that I counted on that I depended on is gone for me to she said that right before you came over I was gathered two sticks now you know you broke when you counted sticks two sticks to differentiate from the woman next door who only had one stick I got two sticks I got just enough fire for us to have a final supper with my two boys and then I will be like the rest of those bodies down at the end of the street that are wrapped in burlap about to be buried I watched my neighbors go I watched the friends around the corner go I fought it as long as I could I'm down to my last two sticks I got a handful of meal I got a little bit of oil I'm gonna make a little bit of bread I'm gonna eat something and I'm a dad and he says okay and I guess he said what kind of profit are you the woman telling you she's getting ready to dive with her kids notice how poverty is generational it has its own culture it has its own mentality and poverty is not as much about not having money it's about a mindset it's a mindset it's a mindset it's a mindset and once once you get in that poverty mentality money won't bring you out because your mind will always rob you of the opportunity your money gave you it's a mindset you have to break the culture of it it's the way you think it's the way you handle stuff it's where you perceive value it's a mindset you you gain something just being raised in a house where there's some prosperity you get to hear conversations you wouldn't hear you get a mentality that you wouldn't get you get a way of processing problems that you wouldn't get when your daddy's solution for not having money is to run that cable code out the window Helen over to the neighbor's house ain't nobody that's a mindset that's a mindset that get over spirit is a mindset and so even when you start going better you still acquiesce to the culture of poverty and there you are making seventy thousand dollars a year talking about run dead cold out the window and you're stealing something you could have paid for cuz it's a mindset culture is not just me to starve in profit just my my starvation has affected my children and so I'm gonna feed them what I eat which is part of the problem because when all you feed the kids is what you eat they will only think like you think or have what you have so she said I'm going to feed them what I eat and I already know while I'm chewing it we gonna die cuz when a famine it's a drought going on there all I got left is this and we're gonna die I know what I have I know it's not enough I know it will not sustain me I'm going to eat it and eating is about living but she said I'm going to eat it and I and he said okay go on fix yourself some lunch but just make a little cake for me first he doesn't tell her yeah I'll say I'm doing this day the famine is over your head or you're gonna gather up you're gonna read so bleh she would have died like a neighbor's you're gonna come through you and succeed you're gonna overcome glory to God Ollie hey Don SATA he says go ahead and die he didn't even give her any hope of life he puts demand on her demand he says go ahead and die but before you die let's see I'm not sure that God could have used me in this story I'll be honest because if I went to the man of God and I told him like we getting ready to eat this cake me and Ringo he'd escape we all die and and that's all we can do and he said go ahead and die but before you die what what was being tested in this woman was her respect for God's Word what is being tested in this woman is do you esteem your need over his the carnal mind says I'm not thinking about you I told you I'm already down and out I'm gonna bake this cake and eat and die you better knock on somebody else endure the spiritual mind says it's not enough anyway why would I be stingy when it's not enough anyway I'm hungry the kids are hungry he's hungry this one will fix it but it will set a precedence that even as I was going down I put God first here is the power of the text it is not just that she gave to the Prophet it is that she gave to him first that's what unlocked the miracle that's what unlocked the miracle it's not just that she gay if she didn't say okay I tell you what I'm gonna eat me and the kids gonna eat and if you got any crumbs left you have some she didn't ever got her miracle the miracle is in one thing and this is what the text is about is not about prophecy it's about priority it's not about prophecy he had it been about prophecy he would have prophesied yeah it's over I've come to your house today it's gonna be good from here on out turn your morning in advance and it's over how did his prophecy he didn't give her no prophecy he didn't give her no promise he didn't say if you you just you're just gone in there everything's gonna be fine now no he said go and eat it and I just make a little cakes for me first and most people would have died on it right there in light of the world something in her background taught her seek you first the kingdom of God in all his righteousness and all these things shall be added on the u.s. is not just seeking God is seeking God Oh y'all owe him if not just seeking Him is seeking him fer now be fair don't you get disgusted and people who seek you last after they have made the mess followed everybody else's advice lost the car not it coming back to get the dog - and then they call you and say what should I do you say you should have called me three months ago God says I am not in the business of being sought last I want you to make me first and come to me first when do you want me to seek you Lord late at night no early in the morning whatever God asks you for something he will always ask you for his first because God wants to be the priority in your life not the afterthought after you talk to everybody else he said as soon as your eyes open up in the morning seek me early in the morning and I will bless you because I am first somebody say he is first still to come on the POTUS touch I got a little bit of love I got a little bit of strength high-five somebody I got a little bit whenever God gets ready to work he will always use a little bit it's enough but a little bit of this have a look that a flag you'll see 5,000 salts if you got a little bit if it's nothing but a jawbone of an ass he'll destroy the Philistines if you got a little bit Christ came so that you may have life and have it more abundantly the mystery and the majesty is that you don't have to work for this God's provision is never limited your River is dried up but God said I already got a plan for you I already have made provision for you no no you can receive all that God has in store for you for your gift of any size you will receive feed which feeds you on CD when you visit our website or call 1 800 Bishop - I'm gonna bless you according to your appetite let me find somebody that's hungry for what I have and for your gift of $70 or more you'll receive abundant supply on DVD whatever little bit you got you need to use it and let God open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing however when your gift is 125 dollars or more you will receive abundance supply on DVD a blessed mug and no card set I refuse existence I will not just exist I will live I didn't come to make you religious I came to make you plentiful blessings await you today and God will provide in abundant supply do you see what's feeding you God said have happy old God don't let me be your God at midnight let me be your God early in the morning seek me first calm you pump me while I'm yet near forsake your wicked ways so he says one thing to the woman he says bake a little cake he didn't ask for lunch he didn't ask for just a portion he said just abortion first and as she was going to obey what he's here he said as the Lord liveth your meal barrel will not run out watch this closely he did not say your meal barrel will run over he said it will run out I want to talk to some people that that you you haven't run over but you haven't run out how I'll talk to me somebody talk to me somebody I don't have enough that I could brag I don't have enough that I could take off work I don't have enough that I cannot crazy I don't have a running over blessing but I got something wise just every time I reach Kancha labor tell him is time for you to stretch he said I'm gonna design I'm gonna design a miracle for you there's gonna require you to stretch in order to be able to get it him you will have to work to be able to get it I'm not gonna send you four loaves of bread and they'll send you handfuls of potential and every time you stretch I'm gonna give you a handful of potential my god I feel myself out to preach this morning you see I know God can make bread if he wants to because he proved it for the children of Israel when they got a hungry God didn't send them meal he sent them manna down from heaven so I know God can make bread when he wants to but when God is trying to teach you he won't give you the bread he'll give you the meal and if you stretch for it he'll give you a hand full of potential who am i preaching to this morning tell your neighbor say neighbor if you stretch God will fill your hand with potential my my my my touch fried people him tell him I got a little bit got a little bit got a little bit I got a little bit yeah that's what I got a got a little bit I got a little bit I got a little bit of faith I got a little bit of power I got a little bit of love I got a little bit of strength high-five somebody I got a little bit whenever God gets ready to work he will always use a little bit if you're nothing but a little bit of fish add a little bit of thread he'll feed 5000 salt if you got a little bit see if it nothing but a jawbone of an ass he'll destroy the Scylla size if you got a little bit y'all only hear what I'm saying slap your neighbor tell them I got a little bit I can't see clearly I can see men walking like trees I thank you Lord for little bits every now and then you got a shout over a little bit somebody give God praise so little bit the amazing thing is that God does the moose when you got a little bit Abraham said Lord you should have done this when I was young my factories broke down they still there but it broke her factory ain't never been there but she there and if you gonna give us a miracle you should have given us a miracle when we were young you wait till I'm 99 years old I just got a little bit of light what I just got a little bit what I just got a little bit of what I just got a little bit of quartz I just got a little bit of what I just got a little bit of what if you got a little bit of life if you got a little bit of wisdom if you got a little bit of strength if you're not a little bit of beauty whatever little bit you got you need to use it and let God open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing anybody who ever got blessed always god bless with not enough giving something yeah with not enough they never had enough anything to do everything but see when you get rid of that mentality were you cursing your little bit and you see a little bit as a nucleus for what God is about to do in your life a little bit attention MEA I got a little bit I'm old but I'm not dead I got a little bit of strength left I got a little bit of power you had uh I don't have the money I want but I got a little bit I got a little bit I got a little bit and God says the principle is in the priorities if you don't master it on a small scale you won't master it on a large scale you understand what I'm saying God let me be broke with no money he let me be prosperous with all kind of money and I ended up at the same place an active what's wrong he said it's not the amount it's your method is your method and whether it's $100 or $1,000 you will always be broke because you have the methodology of poverty you don't have your priorities in the right place when I do give you a thousand you buy what you want and beg what you need he said an until you get your priorities straight I can't afford to bless you because I can't bless you if I can't trust you Oh y'all hear me I said I can't bless you if I can't trust you but if you show me that you'll fix your method then I can make an investment in your life in fact if you put first things first God said I'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you won't have room enough to receive swaps and I say first things first the whole principle of tithing is not gambling at a casino it is a commitment to priority it is saying god I put you first whenever you put God first he will arise and let your enemies be scattered your figs will not cast their fruit before their time your leaf will not wither your enemies will be your footstool because you could God it's crazy but I'm gonna do it I'm gonna make a little cake for you first mama rehiring she said when I'm making a cake for the Prophet first and she made little cake buddy gave him the cake and then the reason I told you that the famine is over and not the drought is because all outside of her house the drought persisted it would have gotten her house but because of the man of God she said I know it's still dry I know it hadn't been any rain my cow collapsed my sheep are dead my chicken dehydrated she said but all I know is it every time I need a handful see you were shouting because I said the famine was over but what you need to understand is that the beauty of the prophecy is that the famine is over though the drought continues God said if I get ready to bless you I don't need any outside circumstance to be lining up right for you to be blessed a thousand can fall in the right side ten thousand can fall into the left side but if I decide to bless your house no weapon formed against you shall be a little prosper every time than right I wish I had a witness if I had somebody in this place that God made a way out of no way jump up on your feet and the wind - I've got a clove but I pronounced benediction over the famine in your life it is over I want you to eulogize your famine and put it in the ground ashes to ashes and dust to dust stop looking for the conditions to change for you to be free when God says come out of he can bring you out in ways you've never even thought about before you have to see your little bit as the nucleus of what God is about to do it's a start it may not be the end but it's a start and you got a shout over the start I feel good about that they listen if you're in leadership if you're supporting leadership if you're in the pews of a church and you sense that you were called to some aspect of leadership you need prenatal care before the birth ever begins to occur you can't wait til you get there to start getting ready if you do it's going to delay the progress you got to start right now feeding your dreams and what are you talking I'm inviting you friend to the International pastors and leadership conference April 30th through May the second write it down April 30th to make the second go ahead and get your time and get off for it and come and just pour into yourself so that that little nucleus of what God is doing right now can explode into a resource center for thousands perhaps even millions to be blessed but it won't start till you started and it won't be built - you're building a great big edifice starts with the laying of the first blood let's lay that bluff international path to the Leadership Conference got your name all over looking for you before I die in a cage I want to run in the wild to understand what it is to be a pastor they can hear that life-changing message that and the education you are frustrated about something that just an incubator to take you to the next dimension now we're gonna grow and go to global missions no more limits no more boundaries to register for this international gathering visit pastors and leaders org or call 1-800 Bishop to tell you about your family but my famine is over as for me in the house that's for me in my house as for me my house this is your year to stretch this is your rear to stretch out and watch God bless you you've got afraid this is the bomb
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 306,544
Rating: 4.8550777 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: IYj9vrysOc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 13 2015
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