TikTok is Poisoning Society | Asmongold Reacts to Upper Echelon Gamers

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let's take a look at this i'm actually curious what this is this video is brought to you by surfshark i was very uncertain whether or not to include a sponsor on this one due to the subject matter but surf shark is a tool promoting security and protection so i landed on yes all right before getting started i want to do a brief history of who i am and outline my relationship to tiktok as a social media application i do not actively use the platform i understand that there is massive growth potential for any creator i understand that creators who leverage it properly are seeing monumental follower gains and i understand that i feel like a lot of the follower games people get on tick-tock are like really kind of circumstantial just to tick-tock like they're just in the tick-tock ecosystem so like somebody can have like [ __ ] 3 million followers on tick-tock and they have 20 000 followers on on twitter and they get like 200 likes nobody gives a [ __ ] so i tic talk is like you can blow up on tiktok but it's very contained there's content there which there are people that break that mold though but all things combined tik tok is a platform that i despise i've covered the application multiple times now okay first it was criticism of trends and challenges where tick-tock users would dress as victims of global tragedy and inappropriately sing or dance on screen i don't know i mean like i always view like that like kids would like dress up as like uh you know a holocaust victim stuff like that man like there are people in my school like that would dress up as [ __ ] like [ __ ] kkk members and they weren't even white they were just dressing up as kkk members i feel like kids doing stupid like really bad stuff like that this doesn't this isn't a new development kids were doing this whenever i was in high school kids were doing this like on youtube on vine i feel like it's always been like this yeah like this is nothing new with tick-tock it's just because it's a big platform you see it more did we got packed out of my school oh nobody gave a [ __ ] of mine to be victims on the anniversary of 9 11 pretending to be victims of the holocaust these teenagers were displaying what i consider to be a horrifying lack of respect and common decency but even worse i don't know like the lack of respect and common decency i do see like some the thing is like i do definitely see some people that that are doing it are doing it to mock it but you've got to also remember like these are people who are kids these are like 15 and 16 year old girls like you can't necessarily expect these people to be able to understand the nuances of a genocide you know what i mean like i don't know like i just like maybe it's just like me but like whenever i see a kid do something really dumb like that i don't really hold it against him i'm like it's a kid man like i think back at dumb [ __ ] that i did whenever i was a kid i didn't dress up as a holocaust victim that was dumb but i did other [ __ ] that probably they think is even dumber than what they what they're doing yes would be it's being a kid yeah tina it's a [ __ ] teenager i don't know like i don't think that's i don't think this is a big deal i really don't any of these users were also participating in challenges challenges are a flash in the pan of social media popularity but in a short amount of time they can deal a substantial amount of damage challenges on tick tock range from benign or relatively easy tasks to flat out dangerous behavior snorting spray tan solution for example which allegedly increases melanin i feel like every time that i see something like this there's also the uh als ice bucket challenge right that raised a lot of money for uh you know people with that situ with uh that disorder so so like i don't think that challenges are like fundamentally bad and i think the fact is um beauty influencers thinking tick tock tanning is helping develop eye catching golden glow i mean i will definitely say that if you are a content creator and you're trying to like sell a product and you're doing stuff like this to your audience i don't know like it's it's really hard for me to say that somebody should stay on the platform whenever they're promoting snorting nasal uh nasal spray you know missing a big point the kids in your class reach 200 people kids busy on tick tock reach about 200 000 people it can affect the health of society i don't know man i mean you could say the exact same thing about uh 4chan you could say the exact same thing about youtube about facebook et cetera like i i don't really think that's the case i think people go through [ __ ] whenever they're younger and obviously like kids get into stupid [ __ ] and then they get older and most of them grow out of it some of them don't i don't know it just it doesn't just doesn't seem like a big deal to me yeah it it's scheme yeah it's like it's almost like a like a satanic panic it's weird i i do think this is this is dumb but it's also important to contextualize like the amount of people that are actually like doing this kind of stuff very minimal in production eating entire scoops of dry protein or mixing powder which can cause aspiration pneumonia drinking methylene blue commonly used as fish tank cleaner to recolor your tongue and the list goes on challenges on tick-tock range from innocent to potentially life-threatening and anywhere in between i do think that like there are some good challenges like the als bucket challenge i do think that you know contextually that happened before tick tock though so i don't think challenges are like categorically bad but i could see why i don't think that it's unreasonable to expect tick tock to try to suppress challenges that are self-harm you know what i mean putting pennies behind electrical sockets which causes electrocution and fire holding your own breath until you pass out and slapping school teachers or vandalizing school bathrooms when i say that these challenges are now a constant part of our everyday lives i mean am i the only person that remembers the vine challenges of like stealing things from stores uh what was it called uh [ __ ] put them in a casket whenever you would like put your arms over your shoulders and then fall down onto things in like a store and knock stuff over okay yeah i mean that's what i'm saying like i really just i like i feel like this [ __ ] yeah planking put him in a coffin there it is yeah put him in a coffin yeah there he goes this yeah this is [ __ ] like the best thing bro the [ __ ] funniest thing about this [ __ ] is like those guys that were in like 2011 2012 put them in a coffin right now they're sitting here [ __ ] 29 years old about how bad tick tock is because it has kids graffitiing the wall at a school you see what i'm saying like i i feel like nobody sees how the wheel is turning plus even when we don't know it i'm being serious because the influence of tick tock that has bled over fatal online trend to societal impact is profound on december 17th of 2021 in the aftermath of a national tragedy tick tock gave rise to ambiguous but substantial threats of violence against schools forcing a nation maybe i'm maybe i'm a bit old i'm not the only person who remembers the uh you know the the the panics that like mainstream media would have in the 90s and the 2000s about kids having similar uh like different types of like challenges that were going around the nation that would like they would harm themselves yeah i remember them yeah i'm trying to think of some examples but like yeah trench coat planking uh yeah tight yeah tide pods that's a great example tide pods are a great it's it's a semi-recent one but like i mean this was going around like way way way before tick-tock security media was in the united god but the states of what this app has become cannot be denied however for those already forming an opinion of the platform it gets worse the next example of coverage i looked into was medical tick tock is a home to viral and popular trends but what are those trends doing for teenage girls those trends are likely causing neurological disorders as they are bombarded by and subjected to viral content of facial and behavioral tics or manufactured quirky behavior which they begin to subconsciously imitate tick-tock trends designed to be engaging and funny like multi-million view fake videos of tourette's ticks is causing actual health problems in underage users i do think uh uh what do you call like i would probably agree with that that like having people go and you know like act like they have tourette's etc but like i think that we should contextualize the tourette's example as every single person whenever they found out that that that girl was like faking tourette's universally [ __ ] uh disowned her it's not like this is somebody who's doing it for fun on tick tock and everybody likes her everybody [ __ ] hated her you see what i'm saying i i do think that you can make a very strong argument though with what what upper echelon is saying uh that social media is probably harmful i think that if you like you know you have like two different like i don't know like [ __ ] scales and you have the good and the bad i think for like young kids and like teenagers like 15 year olds [ __ ] like that i think that there's probably more weight in the bad scale because the reality is like look at for example the holocaust thing right you have some 15 year old girl she thinks that she's doing uh you know she's doing black people a favor by putting on blackface and pretending to act out a scene as if she's a slave and then you know her face is on a million [ __ ] articles you've got thousands of people messaging her telling her to kill herself and like this person basically put themselves in the crosshairs of thousands and maybe millions of people because they're a naive stupid kid that doesn't understand the nuances of blackface because they're 15 [ __ ] years old so like that like you see what i'm saying right it's like it it's harmful in a way that's like actually not even because of the website itself it's because of the way that people react to it so like now this girl is gonna have to like she's always gonna be known as blackface betty you know everybody's gonna say you know like whenever she [ __ ] goes to uh whatever school she goes to for college everybody's oh you're the blackface girl i remember you and it's like so are you really racist like do you really hate them or what like do you want to bring back slavery and like this kind of [ __ ] right like it's gonna it [ __ ] somebody up so i do think that like if you if you put it in context of like under 18s or maybe under 20s using social media tick-tock in my opinion again is no different than twitter or any of these other ones instagram i think instagram might be worse for girls but in general you know all different varying levels of bad depending on how you look at it i think that you could very strongly make an argument that tick-tock is worse for young people than good gets worse the entire application is formed around small snippets of content one of my most popular videos ever was called tick-tock is destroying a generation and centered on medical research suggesting that tick-tock lowers attention spans decreases concentration and affects short-term memory these factors combined i mean i i would have to look at that and see what that is because like is it is it something that is unique to tick-tock is it unique to tick-tock in a way that it is not unique to video games social media as a whole uh social media consumption uh television usage etc you see what i'm saying it's like what is the control here i don't know i might actually look into this because i i like my my gut reaction is that tick tock probably does create this trend but this trend is probably created through consuming content on the internet organically you see what i'm saying so so like that that's that's what my gut reaction to it is but i don't know i haven't read the study i don't i don't know what these graphs are as well as the resulting depression and anxiety that are built when users cannot properly moderate their own attention span also their susceptibility to advertising which can be very damaging or are subjected to things that they are unable to avoid or turn away from due to self-control issues make tick-tock a singular feedback loop of nearly all major negative factors involved with social media entirely i'm not sure if i entirely agree that tick tock is the problem because people lack self-control i i find that to be like a very dangerous precedent to set logically i i think it's like if somebody is unable to control themselves is it society's responsibility to make the entire world a padded room for their inability to do that since tick tock is a one-stop shop designed to facilitate rapid digestion of content for everything bad that has come from this aggressive social media revolution that video one second let me read this content for everything bad that has come from this rapid onset of functional technique behaviors in young adults during covid19 pandemic um i mean if i look at the results and methods and everything like this i don't see tick-tock this is tick and i actually did read something that there were speech therapists that were making comments that they've had so many kids and like parents of kids that need to have help from these speech therapists because the uh isolation during kovid effectively like [ __ ] somebody's speech it literally held it back multiple multiple years and they can't speak properly and they're having teachers that are trying to get them to speak properly i still speak good yeah exactly and it's like everywhere in massachusetts that video the previous one went viral in the aftermath i was engaging with a number of professors and lower grade teachers about which particular sources i had used and in what order with an ultimate effect where the subject matter itself crossed over into classrooms that level of response felt good i was proud of it i disliked tik-tok i formed that opinion based on a variety of medical and social factors i sourced the information and then it had some measure of impact as a result i wish we could see more of these studies because the study that he just showed with tourette's doesn't show or indicate any causal link between tourette's or ticks and tick tock like if if you read the the page there's nothing that that implied a link between the two things believe me when i say this it gets exponentially worse from here all right before going further sponsored video and that sponsor is once again surf shark your life online is a minefield you play games browse websites download files basically everything is a risk surfshark is here to help with that by offering vpn virtual private network services that can help insulate you from a variety of 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offers encryption ip protection or modification and so much more today they are offering 83 off and three full months free if you click the link down below in the description using promo code echelon again that's a lot code echelon and three full months for free if you click the link down below in the description big thank you to the channel outstanding partner and this is the part of the video where i need to outline methods and give disclaimers investigating this subject matter is kind of tricky merely possessing a recording of what i looked into is probably under some circumstances illegal having been made aware by a community request that tik tok live might contain problematic underage content i was faced with a difficult question of how exactly to investigate this after a great deal of thought i landed on this kind of solution i would not engage with anything that i discovered except to say precisely what i was doing investigating tick tock live to see if there is inappropriate or directly paid for explicit content by miners if i encountered a broadcast that i believe to be a legitimate example of underage explicit content i would cease recording immediately document what i found with notes only and move on i would only record footage from streams where i was reasonably sure that those recordings were not over the line and i would blur all or nearly all of the content that i recorded in the final video since much of it would likely be near the line at best should this kind of content be an issue i was not prepared for what would happen next i'm using a technology i created some time ago for challenge and trending research purposes on prior videos i began to browse the ticktalk live page it's important to note here that ticktalk live does not function like youtube or twitch for example because you are not able to directly search keywords or categories tick talk is else was that dude scratching off lottery tickets merry feed of popular content where you selectively choose what to engage with but that content feed is determined by an algorithm this presents our first problem sure the tiktok algorithm as reported and investigated by the wall street journal utilizing dozens of custom bot scanning accounts served a never-ending stream of drug content and sexual fetish material to users between the age of 13 and 15. the algorithm began to bombard these if i was between the age of 13 and 15 it would be serving it to me because i'd be asking for that i mean i'm just saying i remember one time uh my mom i i told i realized that i couldn't delete part of the porn history on my on my thing and i told my mom that i was getting porn pop-ups to preemptively make her think that i wasn't looking at porn and it wasn't me but it was actually that i couldn't delete all of the history in that way and she was like oh wow i'm so sorry you had to see that yeah so i wonder how many of these [ __ ] kids it's the website's fault yeah she believed it one time i told her that i had to look at porn because everybody in my school called me gay and i was getting bullied for them calling me gay so i had to look at porn because i was getting bullied at school and she actually felt sorry for me and forgot about the entire thing bro like i have like i have finessed myself out of so many situations test accounts made as users with a self-expressed age of 13 14 or 15 with non-stop depictions of whips chains or torture devices they were funneling these children into what some users refer to as kink talk which commonly contained sexual power dynamic fantasies and that's like this is the [ __ ] that i was talking about before where i do think that it's probably better if kids aren't on places like tick tock and twitter like i i really think that like this is a this is a bad thing overall like young kids minors being on these platforms is probably bad i've been on social media ever since i was 13 14 years old and i don't think that it was bad for me but um like my space wasn't the same as tick tock very explicit behavior hundreds of videos containing adult material whether it be substances behavior or both were served in rapid succession to underage accounts by a central feed which is governed by the algorithm now yeah it's important to understand how and why this occurs and while youtube uh had a whole issue with this stuff happening and that was part of what like the whole elsa gate thing was is that youtube was also pushing these like weird perverted fetish videos to like little kids so like tick tock is definitely behind on this like massively [ __ ] behind on this and like while i don't think that tick tock is fundamentally bad at least not yet uh i've finished the video but i think this is this is fundamentally bad that question might be incredibly complex one of the easiest explanations is watch time how long do you hover over a video letting it play this one key metric can be used to determine without ever needing to examine likes or followers what content is more popular on tick tock and for children ages 13 to 15 sexualized material can be an interest simply watching that portion of the feed for a few seconds longer even if you never decide to like the video or follow the posting account can tell the algorithm that you want to see more and in a matter of minutes you can be sucked down a rabbit hole of algorithmically driven adult content served to a miner's account which reinforces itself over and over and over again tiktok live is a central feat where users are mostly subjected to whatever the platform wants them to see until they have found specific streams that they like from particular broadcasters and followed those accounts but what happens when the feedback loop starts and what if the subject matter is even worse at this point i need to say something to everyone watching especially parents i can't show you all of what i found i can't even show you most of what i found out of respect for the children involved i need to heavily censor redact or remove portions of footage and other on-screen content but what i found here is disturbing within minutes of browsing the feed i was being shown users primarily girls who were certainly under 18 and could easily have been under the technical age requirement of 16 for tick tock live which many users i found would openly admit some stated without hesitation or numerous times that they were 15 others 14 etc and it became clear that should the algorithm decide to serve you that content if you watch it longer or if you like any of it there was no shortage from there things got worse i started to see questionable content popping up where girls often appearing to be quite young were holding signs or standing in front of the camera with a revealing outfit those signs would say things like rose equals say daddy or ice cream equals 360 spin or even universe equals cut shirt or in one case a woman who is definitely older than 18 she would cut off the wedding dress she was wearing for a certain chat sticker the thing is these pictures or stickers are not just pictures they're money in a way that seems nearly purpose-built for obfuscation these little stickers and pictures like a rose are actually a way to donate money to these broadcasters many of whom were openly admitting to being under 18 or even under 16 years old as they did spins bent over on camera lifted their shirts or engaged in other clearly suggestive content directly for money following the rules that i set out for myself through four separate sessions i had to cut the recording and delete the footage over half a dozen times bombarded now with a feed of this content determined by the tiktok algorithm i was being served a never-ending stream of girls on tik-tok many of them at very young ages being paid by a chat room of viewers intending to see them in compromising positions it's awkward it's uncomfortable and once you begin to see what's really happening it makes you sick but there's more attempting to go okay all right yep i'm sold yeah okay i mean the thing is like yep all right this is rice but wait there's more yeah i know look at the [ __ ] video we're not even halfway done and so yeah this is haram brother sheitel yeah there's a lot of pedos in america i mean this is a this international website the thing is like this is like i do think this is really really [ __ ] bad that's a problem what the [ __ ] yeah it's like i i don't know if they're like not managing it if they don't give a [ __ ] or what like this is really really really [ __ ] bad hassan loves tick tock well like there are a lot of people that use tick tock that don't even know this exists like don't don't go and say that anybody that uses tick tock is somehow complicit in this to be fair this i remember this happened on twitch this has happened on twitch too i i know that this is something that people might not want to admit twitter might not want me to say this but yeah this has happened it was a big thing like three years ago and yeah of course it happens on all these platforms the problem is that it happened on twitch and like it was like a big deal it happened once it got deleted immediately like twitch is so proactive with this stuff think about it like this twitch is so proactive with this stuff that that piece of [ __ ] that went on a shooting rampage somewhere up in new york they banned his no name [ __ ] zero viewer andy stream within like 10 minutes so compared to compared to tick tock twitch is doing a great job about this process ethically i began to ask questions in the chat room i would directly state that i was a journalist i don't actually view myself to be an adequate journalist by any stretch but that's an easier and more mainstream way of communicating the types of questions that i was intending to ask rather than i'm a gaming youtuber so yeah so directly state that i was a journalist investigating the tick tock platform to see if there are underage users being paid by older men for explicit content and the results were very troubling one of three specific things would happen when i asked this question probably the other people in the chat would tell them to shut up because like yeah it's guys that are doing this online and it's like the girl i mean like she's a [ __ ] kid right i mean if a guy offers people a hundred dollars like people are dumb as [ __ ] right that's why there is an age of consent that's why you can't [ __ ] sign a contract when you're 14. that's the whole reason for it so yeah it's like these people are getting it's their literal groomers like that that's there's no it's not like you know you're making some joke like no like that's literally what it is and it is that simple i'm going to show heavily redacted background footage with exactly two of those outcome possibilities the first was that the broadcaster would ignore me don't do that women are disgusting too far more women teachers [ __ ] young boys and girls than men i don't think that's true i think that there's far more male teachers doing doing that and i think the reason why you hear about the female ones is because they're more salacious because sometimes you hear about like some female teacher that's like [ __ ] her students and uh you know she's attractive and so you have like all these guys that are [ __ ] 53 year old boomers with wrapper on sunglasses and i think camouflage hat on with a gray beard saying like hey where was she whenever i was in middle school huh brother man wasn't like that when we was at school huh that's why that's the [ __ ] reason why it's because it's shown to you more because it's going to give you a bet it's going to give more reactions every guy that does this with some [ __ ] student like some girl student nobody sees this like nobody sees it because it happens so often it's not newsworthy or refused to engage that's what i expected and i wasn't surprised in the slightest the second was that the broadcaster would immediately suspend me from the chat and repeatedly even frantically express that they were 18 years old or 19 years old or that i don't break terms of service i promise i promise etc here's an example all right guys i am 19 i think someone asked my comments guys 19. yes guys i'm 19. i mean i don't know if she's 19 or not i've noticed this response was also expected to a degree considering the fact that a random user was asking them about what would be you know what i mean like i mean i i i don't know how old she is i have no idea but it's like like i i that's like one point on like let's just ask the obvious [ __ ] let's say what what's clearly obvious here there are many of them even if none of the ones in this video are breaking tos and are underage there are many of them that are so even if none of them on this video are there are dozens and dozens and dozens of them that do that borderline or highly illegal and disgusting behavior without any sort of preamble they don't know who i am or what i actually want and they simply respond by distancing themselves however the third outcome which happened numerous times was the most interesting and concerning when asking the question of certain broadcasters some of them would answer yes i have heard of that stuff they would go on to describe that it didn't happen in their broadcast but they did know about it they had some friends who did it etc etc but the strangest factor of all was that on more than one occasion and only after they answered affirmatively to my questions the broadcaster would be suspended or banned from the platform in real time here's an example of that for context this girl i'm just going to call her jane for privacy reasons answered my question as you'll hear with yes i do know about that it doesn't happen here though and was then suspended immediately afterward i don't know what to say man i just i just been doing it do you hear of older men using ticks off live for minors but yes i do but nobody's on here with that and if they are i dismiss it right away i'm a journalist investing in a platform that's what's up okay um i went on to have a roughly 10-minute off-platform interview with jane about specifics of this and this is where i started to become aware of coded language to be clear i cannot give a definitive reason why multiple broadcasters were suspended as soon as they answered my questions acknowledging that the problem even exists but it did not happen a single time to a broadcaster that blocked me or refused to answer it only happened when they gave a statement and it might be possible that the ban was simply for evading the 16 year old age requirement jane had acknowledged in the very same broadcast that she was 15 and was i feel like that's probably what it was yeah i feel like that's probably what it was because that's what happens like on twitch you guys know about the thing that they have that like automatically detects certain types of chat variations of people saying that they're underage and then because of that it will automatically ban their account yeah coincidentally handed down at that particular moment but i am extremely skeptical of what was going on here regardless this is when i started to learn about coded language and where it became increasingly difficult for me to keep investigating it felt disgusting and wrong to even sit silently in these rooms let alone continue to ask questions things started to make sense from then on as to what precisely was happening viewers are using coded language to have underage girls perform for them that's really what it is fit check means let us see your stomach or pull your shirt up you forgot something or get something from the back means walk away and show your ass outfit check was a common one very common where girls would back up to show their entire bodies and the chat rooms were completely overrun with requests and i don't just mean trolls here they were overrun with paying viewers requesting feet pictures often referred to as feet check or toe ring check or anything like that or attempting to move off platform and discuss some sort of larger transaction through cash app do you want to make 400 fast or 500 fast etc or buying them something from their amazon wishlist i want to be extremely clear right now not all of the broadcasts that i've where are the parents like number one where's chris hansen where's the fbi where are the [ __ ] parents like holy [ __ ] what's going on here oh my god yeah chris hansen where are you this is nuts man shitty dog [ __ ] parents yeah tall ring check it's just things that will it's just i mean like guys do this to girls on on twitch right it's like can you stand up it's like like you guys know this any female streamer let's say she's an apex legends gameplay streamer and you look at her top clips which one is going to be the top clip probably her walking away from the from the [ __ ] webcam you know this i know this yes stand up something like this this is very very common uh it's obviously not as common on twitch now but it was more common back in the day so yeah i mean this is absolutely just what people do right it's just horny guys that just get on the internet and do stuff like this i mean like it's bad whenever you're doing it to like just a girl but like if somebody underage like that's like a thousand times worse right so i i really hope that like i i don't see how this is as prevalent as it is and they don't like because the problem is like also these users are probably not getting banned like they're not getting banned fast enough they're not getting removed off the platform etc because like these users are also the ones that are creating the ecosystem for it you see what i'm saying don't want your kids on social media man i mean [ __ ] i can't see how you can watch this video and think that that's a good thing and this is what i said at the beginning of video right this is the one the one thing that i said that tick-tock you know absolutely like because i know about this everybody does found or that i'm using in the background right now were underage girls performing for money but many of them were perhaps for some they just looked younger than they were but some of them openly acknowledged that they were 15 while taking donations in order to do squats and spins these are children using tick tock live to display their bodies even fully clothed but doing splits and showing their feet or spreading their legs for money from older men well it's important to know that like even if you think that showing your feet or something like that is not inherently sexual it is for the people that are asking for it so like even if you think oh it's not sexual yes it is yes it [ __ ] is for the people that are asking for it this is absolutely a sexual transaction a breeding ground of inappropriate and sickening behavior yeah to be clear i undertook multiple sessions of investigation after starting with an old account i created a brand new fresh never before touched profile and engaged with the same pattern of browsing this new account fell into the same content black hole as before in a very short span of time and were right to undertake the process again i have no doubt in my mind at all of similar or identical results i have to be careful here because certain claims i ran into over the course of my second session devolve into hearsay it wasn't one of the specific girls that i talked to personally but her friend who had been allegedly extorted after selling nude pictures to one of the viewers in her chat yeah that type of situation and i do believe that she was sincere as a personal opinion is called i mean do we really have to call hearsay on a girl giving a guy nudes for money and then the guy extorting her for more nudes like i mean i don't know i think that like if you just told me that that happened i would be like yep yep that probably yeah i i i think that happened extortion and when underage is her fault no the thing is like you're right that like obviously like these girls should exercise better judgment and should not do this kind of stuff but like you're talking about people that are literally too young to enter a contract like there is a legal distinction that is like prevalent throughout all of society that people of this age are not in full mental control of their actions yes it is it is her fault too absolutely but like who am i going to get really mad at here am i going to get mad at the girl who's doing it who's getting a bunch of money and doesn't think that it's bad and doesn't understand the fetishes that she doesn't know that she's playing into am i gonna get mad at her am i gonna get mad at her stupid [ __ ] parents for not even knowing that this is happening or the shitty [ __ ] website that's okay with it happening or the [ __ ] pedophiles in the chat that are making a [ __ ] ecosystem for it well i'm going to get mad at the first three that the last three she's last on the list because that's what they are [ __ ] man performing for money on a live broadcast fielding thousands of donations in some cases most parents aren't watching your kids 24 7 though let's say you have a daughter and your daughter is a teenager and she just happens to have she's like oh i have people giving me money online do you think that the parents don't know that she has a lot more money what do you think is going on be a good parent and think for three seconds i can guarantee you my dad who's 70 [ __ ] five if he heard that premise he would know exactly what was going on immediately so i don't want to give the excuse oh they didn't grow up on the internet my dad would [ __ ] know that in a second my mom would have known that in a second and requests for other ways to send them money for a favor is often what they would say in the chat room it can absolutely occur on that platform in a very short time frame i was finding more instances that made my skin crawl than those that didn't understanding that nearly every single teenage girl who uses the live broadcast feature of tiktok was being bombarded with requests and that's another thing too that's actually a really good point is that and this is what happens on on twitch too uh it's what happens on every social media platform as a girl it doesn't really matter how old you are um you can be 12 or 40. uh you're going to have a bunch of creepy guys if you post pictures of yourself that are trying to like you know get in your dms or something similar to that did he say how some of the viewers were buying the girl stuff on amazon wishlist have the parents not notice packages just showing up well i mean the girl could always have them sent to her friend's house and then try to hide them from the parent but like you can always the thing is like a good parent will be one step ahead because imagine getting outsmarted by a 14 year old like every time that me and lowell tried to [ __ ] set off fireworks my mom would catch us every [ __ ] time it didn't matter and she would be there [ __ ] ready to catch us and she was like what's what's in the bag lol my homework she's like let me see it make sure it's right okay wow m1 thousands oh you got charcoal in there huh yeah that's not how to make gun powder good try though guys we're gonna i'm gonna put this over here all right you're gonna go down to the park have fun and that was it yeah yeah just a dark silhouette yeah that's what it was my dad always two steps ahead well my dad was the one buying me the fireworks right like he was just like the thing is like he knew we weren't gonna blow our hands off right because he knew they weren't that bad but my mom she was like uh with nope no no fireworks yeah my dad was on buying it for me it starts to feel overwhelming a 13 year old girl who lies about her age is suddenly getting showered in gifts for showing her feet and twirling on camera she gets more money when she dances i want to make sure that this is just as sick as it really is she's getting the money because she's lying about her age keep that in mind and an algorithm designed to serve content that people are interested in is showing her broadcast to more and more sick people all around the world every day even every hour or minute this kind of situation is so prevalent okay i was shocked by this i encountered young boys who were using face filters pretending to be young girls in order to receive roses and other gifts which are redeemable for cash maybe some of them were pranking the audience sure but if there is such a high demand for this such a large economy of transactions and behavior taking place the children will use filters to appear more feminine and engage with it for profit that is a serious problem when doing follow-up research for this video i learned something else moderators of tik-tok are specifically being trained using real material depictions of child sexual abuse uncensored explicit images of children are used in high volume for moderation training and we need to ask a sincere question why do they ask a sincere question why is the age not 18 why is it 16 like how about that like why is it 16. it's legal age in europe yeah i mean i i feel like if you have a higher age overall it will be harder for younger people to pretend like they are the higher age you see what i'm saying so like it's not even about the age it's about the disparity between people doing it and like the people that are uh the age that they're trying to be it's interesting after my initial wave of research on the subject i found an article on forbes written by alexandra s levine titled how tick tock live became a strip i've actually heard about like uh cops and [ __ ] like that it like really [ __ ] up their head because they have to go through you know these like hard drives of these people right and like they have to see all this stuff and it just like completely [ __ ] them up having to uh having to deal with all that stuff and like it's actually a big issue for like people that are moderators of these social media platforms to have to go through all of this like [ __ ] terrible content like i i genuinely feel really bad for them club filled with 15 year olds this was an excellent piece of work and most importantly contained quotes from security legal and law enforcement experts i'll link it down below if anyone is interested it was invaluable in my own creation of this video as per tick tock's own enforcement report they removed over 300 million videos in 2021 alone that violated their community guidelines and the majority of these were not removed by automation combining the adult nudity and sexual activities category with the minor safety category accounts for over 50 percent of all videos removed since 2020. looking at the number of accounts i just i don't see how you can have such a massive ecosystem of these like striptease like economy videos like there's clearly a lingo for this kind of stuff like i i i do not even with how big of a platform tick tock is i do not agree like why is there any striptease stuff going on on tiktok why not just don't have it on the platform and that way it doesn't matter how old you are why not just not have striptease content on the platform period and i'll tell you why it's because they make money off of it that's the reason suspected to be under the age of 13 15 million of them in one quarter october to december of 2021 15 million account deletions for suspicion of being under 13 years old in just three months i am not going to make the claim that tiktok is failing to try and moderate their platform if their internal reports are to be believed they certainly make that effort i believe i witnessed it in real time as i investigated all this when broadcasters acknowledged my questions and were immediately suspended they even resorted to highly unethical tactics to educate their moderators on child sexual material as they do this but with the volume that they process the sheer number of children flooding into the platform and the undeniable economy that has arisen for here's my thinking on this is like if you can't moderate it you shouldn't have it like if if you cannot provide a platform that people cannot get groomed on then maybe you shouldn't do it in the first place it's that simple it's not like oh well we we have a lot of people that are going on the website i guess we can't do anything maybe [ __ ] try to think about why that is and and it doesn't matter like why like how many people you have hired to do this it's clearly not enough tic toc makes ninety percent off the sticker gifts uh live users give the broadcasters a lot will tell you not to send them it isn't worth it that's why they push for larger gifts they make more money off of them so tick tock basically has a token system like live jasmine or something like that is that what you're telling me holy [ __ ] like i don't [ __ ] i like i don't i go on tick-tock like maybe once a month to see like you know are there any viral videos of me you know any good videos of me on tick tock this month all right cool yeah oh that was a good one i did say the funny joke that day haha yep and that's about it i don't have yeah yeah that's about all i do it's crazy man you go on live jasmine a lot though no but like you know i can really go on a porn site and you like try to like click and like play a video and it like opens up an ad for live jasmine like give this happen right i mean let's just be honest here guys uh yeah i mean so yeah of course a [ __ ] course i've seen this sexual exploitation and transactional behavior we must ask the question is this platform doing more harm than it is good an algorithm that has aggressively promoted adult behavior from substances to kinks and more directing that content at children is now governing a live feed of broadcasters where underage girls are being showered in gifts to perform suggestive actions or poses and it's like you think about these girls right how many times have you guys seen like some girl on on on twitter or something like that or tic toc or one of these places like and they turn 18 they immediately started only fans you know what i mean like how is that not like how many of them probably were groomed for that you know by guys like this all the time yeah many of them with cash up paypal amazon wishlist or venmo in their bio specifically for this purpose while a massive community of groomers and most likely pedophiles watch intently many of them actively trying to pull the girls into an off platform environment oh yeah whether for money or other incentives you saw that which i found within mere hours of investigating this topic had to be cut several times in fear of crossing a profound moral ethical even legal boundary and once you have witnessed these broadcasts even in passing the machine learning of tick tock will continue to push them into your feet aggressively at every turn i mean at that point i mean let's just call it what it is i mean they're they're literally pushing underage sexual content that's literally what they're doing there's no if ands or buts about it they are doing that and i think that they should face the exact same scrutiny probably more than youtube did you guys remember elsagate this was a massive [ __ ] problem on youtube and youtube took a huge l on this because they let it happen when i say this anyone in my audience who is a parent or even a free thinking teenager carefully examine when and how you use this platform because shrouded behind the simplistic visual of just a rose or an emoji is a cash for favors underbelly of children performing paid actions for groomers and sick individuals set aside the dangerous challenges the disrespectful trends the medical concerns of imitation and neurological disorders or the rampant scamming and falsified content that plague this platform each and every day set all of that aside and look now at one simple reality an algorithm that has been proven to serve wildly inappropriate even dangerous content to children now governs an effective marketplace of underage exploitation is this application worth using that's it i reached the point in the production of this video just to be completely honest with everyone where i couldn't take it anymore uh if it feels like i think that like this is something that the government should be involved with like i don't think that it's fair to put the responsibility on the individual consumer on the individual person like i i think this is something the government needs to be responsible for and not you or me or anything like that ban it i mean i i don't know about banning tick tock right i i think that it's like there is a spectrum of like how to approach this problem do you just delete it do you have government regulation for it do you have uh you know different limitations on like content curation like for example uh there are like i there so like these cam websites for example uh the the caming websites if you want to live stream on one of the camping websites you have to submit like actual like some of them require you i think to send in your birth certificate but you have to send in a picture of your driver's license you have to send in a bunch of verification in order to actually uh be on one of these cam websites so like why is it that you can't just require tick tock to do the exact same thing you see what i'm saying all easily fakeable yes but like what you're doing is like you're narrowing down the amount of so basically all right so imagine if you have no barrier to entry at all and you have 10 000 people that are doing it and then imagine if you add in five barriers to entry and now you only have two thousand people doing it which one is easier to moderate ten thousand or two thousand you see what i'm saying it it does help like it's not about like every every law that is made does not stop crime there has never been a law that was made that effectively has stopped the crime from happening every crime that was happening with kane and abel is still happening today it's not about that abrupt end that's why i had to shut down stop looking stop recording and stop asking questions it's weird stop scripting i saw what i saw and i know what it is to a degree you'll have to take my word for some of this but i'm more than willing to stake everything i've worked for since the as somebody who has been on the internet for 20 years he is completely right in everything that he's saying and this video should be one hour and 20 minutes and not just 20 minutes uh if anybody's been on the internet this is the same thing with stick cam back in the day and then there was like younow and like these other platforms like this is tick tock is just the latest iteration of this this has been going on on the internet for the last 20 years omegle yeah nothing there's nothing new about this it's just that it shouldn't be happening chat with this today i believe tick-tock is poisoning our society in a way that will have untold and dramatic consequences on the future young boys are being funneled into a world where underage girls are performing dances for cash for for little images that are convertible to cash they're in chat rooms where explicit discussion of what they would like to do to that little girl is taking place and if we think about this logically what kind of result will that have on their opinion of women and their future behavior in context this social media platform is one of the most terrifying and disgusting it's bad because it makes uh it makes guys resentful of girls because they have this opportunity and that's like where you get tater tots this is how tater tots are made it's one of the reasons and it's unfortunate but that's what happens it's a completely distorted view on things things i've ever seen in my life and again i believe that to some degree tiktok as a company is attempting to moderate this reality but tater tots meaning kids that watch andrew tate and agree with everything he says maybe it was a little bit too tongue-in-cheek that's that's what i meant to say okay when the effects of your product are almost universally negative it probably should not exist that's it link down below patreon locals odyssey another youtuber to check out merch social media surf shark the video sponsor et cetera et cetera cut it there and stop rambling as always thank you all for watching and have a nice night this is a good video yeah that's a bit much uh like it's a it's a bit [ __ ] much here let me link you guys a video upper echelon gamers has actually done like some really really good uh investigative journalism videos like i really like these a lot talking about you know important issues like this i think this is a big deal so yeah i'm really glad to see i'm glad to see this happening uh new lazy piano video yeah i'll watch that in a bit this is the slow fall technology giving us opportunities straight from ideal path no i mean you're right that like guys have been trying to do this to girls for like thousands of years like i don't think that like nobody is saying that this is like a new development but being able to do it with pretty much like complete impunity and anonymity and to do it in the most uh uh the worst way possible let's just say that i i think that's really what the problem is and it's also that like the company is making billions of dollars off of it it's that simple right is it like these companies are making billions of dollars off of having uh you know underage cam shows on their platform it's outrageous should be actively fought again so i i think that people should uh i wish more people knew that this was happening because like i i think that the like anybody who's like us right like internet users that are online all the [ __ ] time we all know what this is we know it you know it everybody [ __ ] knows it however there's a lot of people that don't really use the internet as much they don't do this kind of stuff and they don't really understand that it's bad and i think those are the people you really need to reach with this kind of stuff because the moment that you know like uh you know i i don't know like sandra and pam at their [ __ ] uh you know their church revival group get wind of this they're gonna start calling their senator and that's what the problem is is that like they don't even know really what tick-tock is it's crazy someone dk fresh today i'm i'm probably going to do dk fresh but i want to watch a couple of other things as well huge issue with online interactions people think are somehow a different dimension that has nothing to do with real life i think that online in real life have definitely there's been a convergence it's not like you guys remember back in like 2006 to i'd say like from the early internet to i would say like there's there's been like different like levels of the internet right i would say the internet pre 2004 was like a completely different existence and then from 2004 to like 2000 and like 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 somewhere around there uh it was like kind of like an alternate uh version of you and like now who you are on the internet is is kind of pretty much who you are in real life i i would say in in many cases so i think that it's unfair to categorize what happens on the internet uh under the same level of kind of like uh like not caring that you would back in like 2006 because like you you have people like for example uh you know they're getting harassed in real life they're getting harassed in real life on social media by people that they go to school with so like how is this really a different place whenever it's people that they know that are doing it do you agree the internet changed after covid too yeah i think it did tick tock it's called out because it's china they're all pervasive i think that they are all pervasive but i think that it's unfair to say that every single platform has this specific issue yes i and i feel like this whole video the main thing that this video is talking about is like creeps online and groomers like that's really what this is so it's not like really tick tock is fundamentally bad it's this part of tick tock is fundamentally bad and again it's not impossible for tick tock to just say you can't go live on our platform unless you provide age verification and id in the same way that like any of the cam sites do and i'm sorry but i think that's probably what they should do because they clearly can't manage the amount of live content that they have and i think that if you can't manage the amount of live content that you have and you're constantly unknowingly and let's be honest knowingly hosting child porn then i don't think that you should be able to do that flat [ __ ] out it's not even a question it's not oh well they can't they've got too many requests then shut it down [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,224,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: CGggX1Ou-mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 27sec (3627 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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