The Computer I Would Actually BUY

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this is going to be a weird video and it's also going to be a lot of fun because i'm going to be live streaming building a workstation for one of our staffers but there's also a bunch of like scripted stuff poof get over here pluth wrote up a whole bunch of stuff for me to say during the stream and i'm going to start with some of that it is one thing to recommend pc builds based on a hypothetical use case but it's an entirely different one when i got to hit the bricks and go shopping because i need a computer or this guy needs a computer or any of these other people back here yeah and he needs a computer and the spoiler here is that i actually do need a lot of computers if you saw our recent 80 people video where we have 80 people working for this company 80 of these actual real people you'll know that we need at least one computer in a lot of cases too the writers these guys are so greedy they're like oh oh oh that's a stationary computer oh oh i i need one that i can carry around with me all right thanks please sorry you can go all of that costs a pretty penny so nexigo is sponsoring this live stream and we're going to be using their new iris webcam look at this thing it's the size of a freaking xbox connect okay we're going to be using their new iris webcam for our top down footage it's 250 bucks which is on the expensive end for a webcam but it's got an enormous one over 1 8 inch sony starva sensor which is the largest on a webcam yet you can capture it 4k 30 or 1080p 60 with up to 10x digital zoom and 3d noise reduction to keep colors clean and lifelike and it even has native picture and picture support for when you've got a conference call and you want to show off something in the meeting when while you remain in frame speaking of remaining in frame it's got ai tracking and auto framing so you can move around a bit and stay center screen and if you're still not impressed boom onboard flash memory to save image presets so that you can create in the onboard osd menu like no extra software installation required you can just set all that up and it'll stay set no matter what you connect it to super cool back to the problem at hand though up until now we've been using an assortment of random pre-built laptops and cobbled together workstations like you can go back to videos from like oh man here i'm going to come around the table you can go back to videos from like 2013 2014 where i'm putting together ed's workstation and some little like shuttle you know bare bones pc or something like that like we would just take whatever review samples engineering sample motherboard sure no problem put it in a workstation what's the worst that can happen oh i don't know it could blue screen all the time or just generally run really slow and i think that if logistics has to deal with any more seemingly random issues that they can't just easily fix by swapping out a part they will actually kill me is it true it appears to be true can i borrow your knife you need my knife no i'm not giving you my knife also this is a very shallow knife good good good knife thanks jerry rig everything but not that suitable for murdering people um so it's going to be a new era we are going to let the ite professionals around the world stop screaming at us i hope by standardizing all of the machines in our office and this has actually been this has actually been in the works for probably a solid few months now most of our new workstations are built using this template so we're going to be answering today the question what would we choose if we had to actually pay for our computers let's start with the motherboard and this is one of those things where as a typical gamer this is not necessarily the route that i would go we settled on the asus pro art creator z690 wi-fi it's an expensive board at around 450 dollars and for you know your your 999 to 13.99 gaming box i wouldn't recommend spending more than around 150 175 bucks on a motherboard but this has everything that we need ddr5 pcie gen 5 dual thunderbolt 4 type c ports 10 gig and 2 and a half gig lan with four m.2 nvme slots some of that stuff we care about very little like all the nvme slots people are not even allowed to have storage installed on their computers it is actually forbidden your boot drive you store nothing on it i saw you using notepad he knows he knows i saw you he was using notepad the other day it's great it's banned it's banned notepad is banned for a good reason we've lost very important just even a quick meeting you write it down in a notepad pad you experience a crash which theoretically we shouldn't really have anymore because these have actually been really stable you write something down in notepad boom it's gone there's no auto save there's no cloud save it's notepad it's gone so local storage is banned but all those other features are pretty meaningful especially things like thunderbolt uh we have a lot of peripherals be they capture cards or external drives or any audio interfaces whatever it is and knowing that every computer in the building is going to have a port that you can plug anything into that has a value also 10 gig and two and a half gig lan this way whoever you build the workstation for in the first place that doesn't matter uh maybe they maybe they move on or maybe they get reassigned or you know for whatever reason they need they have different needs all of a sudden right or that computer gets assigned to someone else two and a half gig land is plenty for most of the people here but 10 gig is what we need for reviewing high bitrate footage over the network actually two and a half gig is probably fine for most only the heaviest stuff is going to care about 10 gig it also means that we are future proof and if we for whatever reason need to transfer large files it'll be done in a quarter of the time because our central server is capable of many many many gigabytes a second data transfers so you pretty much want your network connection on all your endpoints to be as fast as possible we almost went with a cheaper motherboard by the way and then we can just add 10 gig nics but those are about 150 dollars new so uh nicholas callanan who helped come up with the specs for these convinced me that this was the right choice we also went with asus so this was this was part of our rationale because according to puget systems this particular board is reliable they're a brand that we trust pretty pretty well around here which isn't to say they haven't made mistakes um but we've overall had pretty good experiences with them and we chose the wi-fi version of the board because in the event that our wired network were to go down for some reason it's nice to be able to worst case scenario you know jump on a cell phone hotspot so you can at least work on emails or something like that i'm pretty sure everyone has a company cell phone plan is that is that standard does everyone have a company's cell phone plan okay yeah so so it's the kind of thing that i don't feel bad about obviously it you know eats up some of their data for the month that i'm sure they'd rather use for streaming netflix or whatever but that's not my problem like i'm paying for the cell phone plans so if i say okay hey guys sorry those things down we need to like use our hotspots for a little bit then that that's fine right like is this okay i'm just i'm just making sure i don't know every once in a while i get told no you're an evil draconian boss and how dare you do that so i'm i i'm just i don't know i'm just making making sure that we're all i'm making sure we're good okay uh what else is on here ah yes all right our other concern and this is tied in closely to our choice of cpu we went with the core i5 12600k although there are some variants i'll talk a little bit more about that later our other concern when we standardized on this platform was long-term use we got screwed by amd to put it mildly they said publicly that trx what was it they called it trx for strx40 whatever the whatever the threadripper 3000 platform was they said hey sorry about changing the socket on you so fast compared to the consumer platform uh but we promise this one will have an upgrade path there was no upgrade path also and this is the first time actually hearing of it we've apparently been having some issues with our threadripper editing stations what are the issues hold on well you got a mic dan do you know what the issues are yeah i don't know we've been having a lot of problems with random crashing and you know failures and and weird issues with premiere and audio issues and overheating and what do you mean really overheating yeah well we're air cooling a lot of them yeah we put in each nh or like the you 14 no u14s in them i think so yeah well yeah even still uh okay very very strange ah let's see i built them they're crashing who's to blame probably dan yes actually a lot of the ones that you built have been super stable really i think the ones you did blindfolded were probably some of the better ones uh a lot of the newer ones that we've been sort of cobbling together from other gpus and cpus that we have so we're quite excited for the standardization yeah cobbling together you never know like that's the thing in theory how long of a tether do you have andy let's freaking go man let's go dan feed us okay we're going on a little walk here okay don't worry we got this we got this okay i mean there's not even that many obstacles andy whoa wow there was some stuff on there okay cool all right do we have enough of a tether all right here's the thing right in theory if i were to grab some you know this g-force uh i don't know uh oh that's weird it's like all where are all the bloody graphics cards oh here they are okay cool right so in theory if i were to grab this uh rtx 2080 super or i were to grab oh i don't know this one from asus well they would work the same right you just pop they're both pci express you just put this one in or that one in practice though you can run into weird firmware idiosyncrasies you can run into you know cooling issues if this particular fan arrangement works better in the particular case you're using and so the second you start grabbing random hardware off the shelf and expecting it to work exactly the same you can start to run into trouble so i didn't actually know that the threadripper editing stations were causing issues and if i had known that i probably wouldn't have approved spending so much to stockpile threadripper 3000s did we ever go ahead with that okay well hopefully we didn't because now we're standardizing on these uh in fairness to those stations we do run them pretty hard at least eight hours a day so your mileage may vary um but hopefully uh yeah that's that's not uh going to continue to be a problem because i really don't want to get new standard workstations to replace the standard editing workstations anyway let's talk about the cpu so the upgrade path at the time that we were building out our our standard parts list am4 was looking like pretty much a dead platform so that's amd's consumer socket that has gone all the way from ryzen 1000 to ryzen 5000 but as far as we know it's not going to get a zen 4 ddr4 cpu variant and ryzen 5000 is going to be the end so it was either ryzen 5000 or 12th gen intel knowing that um there is no hedt anymore effectively there's only workstation pro super expensive stuff or consumer so what we know about 12th gen is that the lga 1700 socket is going to get at least one refresh 13th gen also the performance is great the core i5 12600k is has six performance cores for efficiency core so that's a total of 10 cores it'll do 16 threads it'll turbo to 4.9 gigahertz which is great for just about everything we need to do but not quite uh here you want to come in here and we'll we'll get actually why don't we switch to the top down let's show them that fancy webcam that sponsored the video there you go let's have a look at that top down um they don't think i'm live because i haven't acknowledged the queen oh yeah right oh i did see that in the news so it looks like here in canadia stan we are probably going to need some new money um in all seriousness though the british monarchy has very little to do other than like weird ceremonial stuff with canada so for our yankee friends or whoever else thinks that we actually do have like a queen or a king of canada it really does not work that way we're we're part of the british commonwealth but it it's symbolic it's mostly symbolic i mean you know i guess i'm saddened to see like one of the few remaining like decent people monarchs um go like she actually seemed to be not horrible which is pretty cool but then again i mean you never know right public figures right like i could i could like kill cats for fun for all you guys know oh my god well i'm just saying it's possible it's possible i i don't but i might just be saying that right so anyway so i yeah that's that's all i really have to say about that let's uh let's go ahead and let's have a look at installing this here this here cpu engineering is going to get 12 900 case so that they can get a little bit more oomph in solidworks and the big little architecture is actually great because these chips are super efficient even in roles like accounting where you know for the most part they don't really they don't really like need a ton of cpu horsepower so the idle power consumption of these systems pretty darn low uh all right i have some notes here about like why intel but i already kind of ad-libbed my way through that something something they supposedly run a bit cooler oh the 13th gen ones are supposed to run cooler yeah oh well that would be that would be great because 12th gen um does not run as cooler has there been for this project should i throw things in a bin floor bin floor gang yeah sorry i missed andy uh all right there's a bin now let's talk stor why are we putting two terabytes of storage in our workstation people it's one terabyte it's one terabyte okay we're out of one terabyte drive this is the kind of random swapping of parts that we're not supposed to do okay you know ploof says he knows here let me help you with this okay well we're all gonna pretend that this is a regular p5 plus one terabyte drive this is not a two terabyte drive as for why we've gone with the p5 plus we had a number of options for drives here you want to throw me on that overhead again we had a number of options for drives i mean one of the obvious ones especially looking at the reliability data that puget publishes would be samsung like man those things just never die like a 980 pro probably would have been a great choice for this but frankly the p5 plus has been damn good from our experience i don't i don't think we've had a single one of these things fail have we had any of these failed then no all right that and crucial are absolute bros they're actually kind of hilarious every once in a while they'll just send over like some drives and uh we kind of we get in touch and we kind of go hey what are these for and they're like i thought you might put drives in things sometimes so that's how we've ended up with a lot of crucial drives in our test benches and stuff because they're a reliable and b super super easy to get our hands on one of the rules though one of the big rules for these workstations is that no matter what whether we whether we have to whether we get a you know a review sample as long as it's not like a flaky engineering one or whether we buy it at wholesale or whether we buy it retail or whether we have to pay like a secondhand rare hardware markup i don't care we have to get the same standardized hardware so my expectation then after i finish this stream is this two terabyte drive comes out of here and we put the same the same one terabyte drive in okay cool so we're all on the same page here that's good that's wonderful i love it hold on i'm just gonna pull out my chat here i just realized i'm not talking to you guys we've got uh we've got merch messages if you guys wanna oh my goodness this fingerprint sensor never works i do love the flow x13 but it does have some problems so we got merch messages whenever we're live you can go on you can leave a merch message in the checkout and is someone curating them dan dan's going to be either replying to them or popping them up on the stream or curating them so that i can address them later and then i've also got floatplane chat up here and all that good stuff okay let's go ahead and get our heatsink installed i already pulled off the uh the cover strip fun fact fun fact layered the guys that like make this little plastic thing in this thermal pad i'm pretty sure they actually have like a local production facility like here in vancouver yeah i know right it's a small world right that would actually be super cool yeah can can you can you note that down yeah like would you do you guys want to see like a thermal i don't i have no i think laird is like an enormous company it's quite possible they don't actually make thermal pads here but if they're local we could just drop in be like hey you know what about your other facility that you know makes computer hardware stuff all right wanna come back to the overhead for me please let's go ahead we're just gonna use our top pcie slot that's the one that connects directly to the cpu oh we're going to try to actually align this properly that would be great oh i love these actually andy come on in here i love these these tool-less m.2 installers that asus has oh my goodness you just turn this little thing and that's the whole thing freaking amazing amazing sell more in floatplane chat asks hey why didn't you wait for amd 7000 if you were considering future proofing is it just because they needed to decide before it got announced yes we had made the decision before amd had announced ryzen 7000 and another thing is that i typically do not like to go with the absolute latest and greatest you guys might recall whether it was when we upgraded our editing stations to were they 6950 x's i can't remember what it was before the thread rippers and even when we went threadripper 3000 both of those platforms were at least a year old at the time that we upgraded our editing stations to them because even though companies like amd and intel and nvidia spend a lot of time on quality control you can still run into weird bugs especially if it's like a cobbled together custom pc compared to one that has been has gone through an additional validation step from an oem like a dell or an hp or lenovo you can still run into weird issues when you're just plugging random hardware into things and i like to let other people be the guinea pigs for a year i mean even us to an extent like when we're testing these things and when it comes to the machines that run our daily business i like to use something that i know is going to be stable um there's a paragraph here that ploof kind of wrote up for me about like why are we standardizing uh i think we kind of yeah we kind of talked about this to an extent but yeah the more unique machines you have the more unique problems you're gonna have if i had a dollar for every time a company rep told me oh that shouldn't happen i've never seen that before i could afford a lab for real though like i just because we're always playing around with cutting edge hardware we're always pairing it with other cutting edge hardware which it causes errors at an exponential rate um it's just it's just something that we've we've run into time and time and time and time again and there's a reason that businesses don't want to screw around with that kind of thing if we have to spend even an hour troubleshooting a machine at someone else's desk that wastes dan's time it wastes that person's time but it goes beyond that right like it has a knock-on effect in business there's not just the cost right like the the hourly cost of of my time or andy's time there's also the opportunity cost what else could dan have been doing well let's see other things dan does right like maybe dan could have been building out the uh network infrastructure at lab two maybe that like you know four hours that dan spent troubleshooting someone's stupid black display right could have been spent on terminating ethernet cables or running aps getting us moved in sooner getting getting things moving forward well that has a huge opportunity cost if we're just like wasting his time also there's a morale concern right does dan like to have his time wasted or does he like to feel like he's having an impact moving things forward changing the industry building a lab right dan which would you prefer do you like to troubleshoot computers or do you like to build things uh a bit of both okay building's better when it's when it's troubleshooting problems that are unique or very weird and specialized then it's fun otherwise you know i must rather be taking the company somewhere forward instead of fixing the stuff that we already have this is our problem we hire people who are actually giant geeks and would rather troubleshoot a computer than do almost anything else but but from a business standpoint it's really important to consider the opportunity cost of people not being able to work and then when things do go wrong we have to go out and look for unique parts potentially to replace we won't have backups that are just on hand so we can quickly swap out the bad part put a new one in and get someone up and running again it also makes inventory easier we've had a few instances where we needed to steal a gpu out of someone's machine or like their workstation um actually that's really that's uh that's really funny where we've needed to steal hardware from people's workstations in order to make a video uh that ends up causing a lot of downtime for everyone involved especially because in most cases because we're making a video about it it's like good current hardware and they kind of want it back when we're done so we end up performing maintenance on the computer twice sorry i should uh i should hang out with chad a little bit here guys sorry i had oh this fingerprint sensor i do not like it asus like a lot of other things about this machine all right let's talk g skill trident z ddr5 memory engineers or actually some of our creatives who need more than 32 gigs of ram they're going to end up with a 2 by 32 gig kit as for everyone else they're getting 5200 mega transfer per second 2 by 16 gig kits and the reason we settled on ddr5 is that even with the pricing being as awful as it is andy do you want to get the install here or something i don't know sure here's how you here's how to put in ram okay we're going to go with spaced out the slots farther from the from the cpu socket there we go there's your there's your second one um even with ddr5 being priced the way that it has been lately especially a few months ago when we were expecting these machines it seemed kind of silly to not have all of this like next-gen hardware um also using next-gen ddr5 like it's ddr5 is going to be the memory standard for us for the next i mean probably at least three to five years right so do what do we want to go out and buy a bunch of ddr4 at this point it doesn't make a ton of sense also at the time it wasn't clear whether raptor lake 13th gen core was going to support ddr4 at all it looked like maybe only ddr5 600 series chipset boards were going to be able to support raptor lake so with that in mind going ddr5 for both the motherboard and the ram made potential sense if we wanted to have an upgrade path to raptor lake um yeah as for oh as for the brand i mean i wouldn't describe myself as a g skill fan um in the way that i wouldn't really describe myself as a fan of almost anything i don't like the word fan it's derived from fanatic which is which is not a not a logical thing to be fanaticism it's not it's not a rational state but i respect g-skill i think that they've done a great job of engineering their products over the years even going back to the ddr3 days we just had really great consistency with g-skill products we were also looking at corsair vengeance we've had great experiences with corsair products but g-skill was the one that ultimately won out so we've settled on their trident z5 rgb the rgb is incidental we don't actually care about having rgb in our workstations and the good news about the decision that we made is as we've continued to hire over the last few months ddr5 has gotten cheaper and cheaper and cheaper so yay uh all right why don't you go ahead and switch over to the top down so we can check out our nexigo camera that's sponsoring this stream this is the mexico iris and it's actually keeping up pretty well with what we're trying to do here here you know what here we can check this out and i'll start getting the cooler unboxed here it's got a 90 degree field of view an f 2.2 aperture and a focal length of 4.2 millimeters uh do you want to try the 10x digital zoom there dan i have absolutely no controller you have no control over that poof all right it has a remote this is exciting it has a remote yeah look at this oh my god that's quite good oh that's pretty sick here you got to go back to go go to proof so you can see i'm using the remote den oh yeah that's cool wow there we are hey look i'm using a remote hey look at you go because i've been just doing it in obs right what kind of webcam has a zoom like that if you bring it all the way out okay that's sick and i've been punching in here on obs and now if you bring it in even more oh my goodness whoa come on we'll go to the cpu stock socket there there we are look at that oh wow we totally could have been using this for our close-ups this is awesome i mean obviously it's still a webcam but like considering that it's way over here and we're like 10x zoomed in okay that's cool um we're going to have a short circuit of us unboxing this particular webcam that will also be sponsored by mexico but uh it's kind of battle battle hardened at this point uh hey proof question for you do we talk later on in the stream about the fact that there's an hdmi cable coming out of this webcam is that is that one of the talking points because that is hilarious it's the best part for me that's a new one for me it's really useful all right dan you want to go to the overhead so we can get some thermal compound installed get a cpu cooler installed absolutely we went with the noctua nhu14s as for the reason well again noctua was another one of those companies i wouldn't describe myself as a fan of anything but i absolutely love noctua's product development philosophy i've told this anecdote a number of times but i mean honestly it it sticks with me even stronger today than it did any of the previous times that i've told it because the system works uh are you are you on this view i can't tell what view you're on the system works um i remember meeting with noctua's ceo uh roland and it was at computex something something or other i don't know like five five years ago six years ago or something like that and i said man you guys have the best fans in the world you must have the best engineers in the world and he goes no i'll go what oh well sick burn on your engineers that's not a very nice thing to say he goes well no it's the truth i mean to be clear we have good engineers you know we love our engineering team they obviously got us to where we are but they don't they're not necessarily the best in the world it's it's a difference in product development philosophy that sets our products apart we give good engineers who don't have to be the best ones but good engineers the time to do their best work and i kind of went oh that makes sense so i don't have to be necessarily like a uh like a a recruitment savant to make a good product i just have to have okay recruitment like good recruitment and then i need to give people time to do their best work and that's exactly exactly the product development philosophy that led a to our screwdriver taking three years and b to our screwdriver ranking among the best ratcheting screwdrivers on the market in project farms review which i was man my heart was absolutely pounding while i was watching it just like make her break make her break make her break okay yes we gotta win there okay make her break make her break another win yes it's like i i not since i followed sports really intensely have i been like that invested in something on a screen was absolutely absolutely wild um oh i had a couple of people bring up questions regarding the uh my comment on the project farms review i said that i was glad we submitted for the review and some people misunderstood they thought that we had provided a review unit or compensated project farms in some way but that's not what happened at all the only reason that we were involved in any way todd buys all his own tools the only reason we were involved in any way is because the screwdriver is not generally available for sale yet so all we did was allow todd to jump the queue and order one earlier that was it he paid full price and the only special arrangement was us just getting him a a buy link when that didn't exist for the general public everyone else is back ordering it so hopefully that helps to to clarify what went on there and so the reason that i was talking about you know me submitting for the review was because we didn't have to do that we could have just said no todd you can get one when everyone else gets it like if we weren't confident in the product we could have sold tens of thousands of units started shipping them out before anyone on the review side of things could get their hands on them but we wanted to go with a maximum transparency launch strategy for better or for worse and it ended up thankfully being for better which was i won't say lucky because we worked hard to have as good a launch as we as we ended up with on the ltt screwdriver um but it you know obviously is i guess it's a little lucky you never know something can go terribly wrong i mean i've i've seen the way that couriers treat shipments even just even a screwdriver even something as robust as that could could be destroyed by certain certain couriers i'm not going to name any names it's just not worth it but uh yeah yeah yeah exactly you've all you've all seen the like the the front door security cam footage oh man on the subject of the screwdriver this is one of my favorite things about it you can load up big heavy stuff like these thumbnails okay boop here we go obviously that's not how i would normally install something like that i was just showing off the extremely low back force on the ratchet normally i would go in one-handed love that it's not slipping off and a quarter turn to tighten it okay oh i guess i realized i haven't actually talked about exactly what cooler we used so mad respect for noctua's product philosophy they just don't release something unless it's good enough and the noctua nhu14s it's good enough 12th gen is hot but the u14s is more than good enough for the 12600k as for the core i9s um we've done some testing and as long as we under volt them they will apparently run just fine with this particular cooler that's in the script but ploof and dan since i have you both here i don't know that i necessarily agree i kind of feel like we should probably just go nhd 15 for those stations that need core i9s and that's just going to have to be the way that it is i don't want to play around with under volting or overclocking or any kind of it should be stock operation that way if something goes wrong it's somebody else's fault all right cool so as long as we're all good on that then i'm i'm good it's possible that once raptor lake hits it's not going to be a concern anymore but it's also possible given the way that amd is pushing their tdps that intel is going to go super aggressive and 13th gen could be extremely extremely hot for those of you wondering why we decided not to go liquid cooling that's for a couple of reasons one is that obviously leaks suck though i will say that in our water-cooled work stations we haven't really had any leaks but two and this is the much bigger issue we don't want to deal with a defective pump tower style air coolers just work like these fans run freaking forever whereas a water cooler has multiple points of failure the fan can fail or the pump can fail and even if both are super reliable the odds of a product failure at that point they well they're compounded right so if we were going to go with an aio apparently it was going to be the arctic liquid freezer 2 360. oh okay what's the rationale for that does arctic make a fine aio i don't think we've ever like reviewed it it's just good okay cool well there you go all right i'm gonna go ahead and plug in our cpu fan header right there i don't know if andy wants to catch that i don't know if that hey dan you want to show off the zoom on that webcam again let's go for it let's go for it mexico mexico paid good money to sponsor this stream i don't know what the thing is you don't know where the thing is where's the remote where's the remote let's go how you guys doing yeah it's pretty soon okay cool we good i there's a window in front of it i can't see what you see yeah so that's my problem right now [Music] so am i am i good to go oh yeah okay there we go all right all right cool so right there boom i'm gonna plug that in i can't believe this thing's a webcam all right let me go back to andy now oh i applied thermal compound hey yes i did okay rock on oh that's no i remember now yeah i did a line method line method man i see that debate's been opened up again i didn't actually read the article but i saw i think it was a fairly respected publication say oh the line method the line method's the best so um i guess that is no longer settled that it doesn't matter i'm still pretty sure it probably doesn't matter i'd suspect there's actually more variance between runs um like between applications than there is variance between the application methods but especially now that you know we've known for a long time that the way manufacturers just goop it on doesn't matter at all other than that it's a pain to clean up the board anyway all right let's go ahead and pop this open here's our case this one's going to be familiar to anyone who's watched any streams of us building workstations in the last couple of years it's the phanteks eclipse p500 as for why we like it well there's a lot to like it's not too big it's not too expensive it's really easy to open up and perform maintenance on and to build in in the first place it's got top i o instead of front i o which helps with optimizing our desk space so the computers go on the ground the i o goes on the top and everything's nice and easy to access um it's got rgb because like i don't know we've got an image to maintain i guess is that the only reason we want the rgb one just for the memes are you serious right now really uh sorry what that's why we went rgb like just for the freaking memes they come with rgb what's not to like oh my god okay um yeah you gotta make an extra 30 frames a second on premiere pro because of how many positions here require beefy gpus going with a super compact case wasn't necessarily an option um it would have been nice if we could so we strongly considered the meshfy 2 or the defined seven compact but we ended up getting a pretty good deal from phanteks on these cases gotta love bulk orders so we ended up with the p500a just always we just always end up with the p500a which is good because i can build a computer in one of these in like what was my record 17 minutes 17 minutes so that means yeah that means the rest of the stream shouldn't take actually too much longer are there any curated merch messages hey why don't we do a couple merch messages for those of you who are not familiar with the concept of a merch message uh we do these instead of super chats instead of twitch bits or any of that kind of stuff because instead of just throwing money at a fang company and then a fraction of it making its way through to us and you just getting like your message highlighted in the chat merch messages you buy something on ltt store while we're live there's a field to fill out your merch message and you can submit questions and comments you can do shout outs for people and it'll just kind of pop up in the bottom of the stream like you guys have probably been seeing all along and what's cool is that instead of 30 of the transaction going to fang um 30 it all comes to us and then you get like an order in the mail you actually get like a lanyard or um a t-shirt or whatever it is that you think is cool so you don't just get highlighted text and giving a bunch of money to google or amazon you can give all of it to us and our manufacturing partners and then you can actually get something in return which is pretty pretty neat all right let's uh let's do some motherboard installation in our case here first we're going to do this peel god i love that i o isn't that gorgeous like does it get any better than that you got an hdmi port for the onboard gpu which is critical when you're troubleshooting there's a reason we didn't go with ks skus kf excuse me um those those f skus great to save a buck but not man when when we were with our threadripper systems with ryzen systems whenever we're troubleshooting it sucks to not be able to just pull the gpu and isolate that as a problem so having onboard video on these is actually critical and then i love this you got the thunderbolt ports here but having thunderbolt on the back of your motherboard is not enough if you want to be able to properly get the full thunderbolt experience you need to inject a displayport signal and having these displayport inputs mean that the displayport signal that you're going to use is the one coming off your dedicated gpu so you don't have to pass through over the pcie bus to your integrated gpu and then send that out of the thunderbolt port which can have some overhead you can go straight out of your gpu inject that displayport signal into thunderbolt and then if you're running a dock say for example in another room like i do at home there is no additional overhead which is sick also got a ton of 10 gig usb ports wi-fi 6e the two and a half and 10 gig lan that i mentioned before and let's go ahead integrated io shield so there's pretty much no additional steps we're just going to pop this bad boy in um hello is that where you go i think so there you go and the p500s has this nice little retaining stand off here so the board should just stay in there while i get my screws out and get this baby screwed in let's go ahead and do a couple merch messages here christian w says for someone that wants to get a nas but has no prior knowledge of networking or servers what would be the best route for me to go i've built my own systems but never anything server related okay well this is a good one fun fact a server is not really a a a kind of computer it sort of is right like it sort of is but fundamentally it's the same thing it's got a cpu it's got memory it has a motherboard power supply case cases often in a different shape than a typical desktop gaming pc but you know it has all the same elements so a server is not really a kind of computer it's a kind of computer role right any computer can be a server it might not be a very good one it might not be a reliable one but it can be a server so if you've built a computer then you can build a server now that doesn't mean that there aren't configuration considerations it doesn't mean that i wouldn't you know go on the forum for example and say hey here's what i've got in mind you guys have any recommendations but what it means is that if you can build a computer you can build a server if all you want to do is file storage the way to go is really there's one of two main options i would either go with unraid or i would go with truenas what's really cool about trunaz is because they are supported by their enterprise customers um the base like consumer version of trunas is actually completely free to use and has all the functions that you would need for a basic file server the drawback of trunas is that because it's engineered more for enterprise users truenas is well it's more enterprise focused like because you're going to be using zfs for example you need to buy all the drives for each of your v devs right so these are the components that make up a z pool you're going to have to buy all those drives in chunks they're going to have to all be matching if any of them fail over time you're not going to lose data because zfs well you probably won't lose data at cfs woo but if you lose any of those drives you're going to want to replace them with something identical that's that's more of like a business way of thinking that's a business way of going about things like oh i'll just buy in bulk consumers don't necessarily do that so what's cool about unraid uh who we've known and worked with for a long time is that you do have to pay for the software especially if you need certain features but they allow you to piecemeal upgrade your storage so you can as long as your parity drive is greater than or equal to the capacity of any other drive in the system you can just keep adding drives 10 20 30 drives all completely mismatched and they will all be protected from the failure of a single device or even up to two devices i believe you can have two parity drives with unraid um either of them has support for uh for docker containers although i think with trunas there's some there's some nuance there i use on raid at home personally and jake has done most of the fooling around with truenas for us so don't don't quote me on that but they they have a lot of like similar functions if you want better performance i'd say truenavs if you want a more consumery kind of interface and a more consumer mindset created product then i'd say i'd say unraid is the way to go and both of those are just software that you install on your computer once you've built it uh via an installation usb like it's if you built a computer you can almost certainly do it uh let's go ahead and uh do one more here alex j a i'm still rocking a 7 700 k in rx 6800 xt i mean no that's not bad i'm running into some issues with vr games and more demanding games is it time to ditch the 7700k and upgrade to either new reisner 13th gen i'm so glad that you included all the necessary information for me to answer your question if you are encountering performance issues that are bothersome to you it's time you are the only one who can answer whether it's time to upgrade and i am just i don't know i feel like this is going to end up being a bit of a tirade so maybe i should find something to be working on in the meantime but i am just i'm so sick and tired of people pressuring other people or feeling pressured or like shamed into upgrading because of some like consumeristic keeping up with the jones's kind of mentality and i realize that may sound a little rich coming from me because we're constantly showing off the latest and greatest and being like because well they love technology i'm sorry right what am i supposed to do apologize for thinking the latest shiniest stuff is really cool obviously i think it's cool but that doesn't mean that running a 7700k is like bad that you should feel bad it's a good chip if it does everything that you want it to do well it's like it's like the petrol heads like this this guy will say it's not it's not about the it's not about the car you have it's how you drive the car or whatever how does it go uh that's what civic drivers say at least well don't don't come in here and start shaming people for not having a cool enough car oh my goodness anyway that's cool yeah exactly i'm with andy civic's perfectly cool especially when it's pink and green so the point the point is if you are not happy with the performance then it is time for you to upgrade yes and given the timing don't go 12th gen don't go ryzen 5000 at least wait and see give it a couple weeks normally i wouldn't say stuff like that but both amd and intel are being pretty chatty right now which means there's probably something exciting coming hold on a second uh you've got something about bulk order discounts here something something ordering 50 plus units of each how many of these cases did we buy i don't i don't know i don't know exactly i don't know eventually uh i don't know i'm sorry oh my goodness i barely work in logistics i thought we were okay uh all right one of the questions that i asked plouffe to write up a thing about here was were there any compromises in our standardized machines because there's a big difference between the kinds of builds that we do just for a video as a one-off you know things like uh i don't know six workstations one cpu that's not real nobody nobody builds a machine like that and actually deploys it that would be stupid um you know there's the cost issues there's the reliability issues there's the cost issues so in the real world where you're actually paying for things obviously corners do get cut from time to time so i asked the the team that came up with our standardized list what corners we cut and let me have a look um okay almost all out of pocket oh apparently it's almost all out of pocket so we brought in everything you see here got it in tried it out for a couple of weeks decided yes or no after rigorous testing and that's it no we didn't cut corners oh we wanted to are you sure we didn't cut corners i don't remember us doing any testing what someone said they did it okay hold on a second where's callum nicholas he's coming he's coming okay so i heard a little bird told me that when we brought in the bulk orders for the standardized workstations we like we like tested the hardware for a while but dan says he doesn't remember anyone testing any hardware did we test it that was before oh it was before oh was that long ago yeah oh okay so everything's like thoroughly tested okay and these have been stable out in the field so far the only unstable one is a test bench with the editors okay why do the editors have a test bench we've been having memory leak issues with the threadripper stuff oh i don't know it's a vram issue oh got it okay all right okay okay all right okay cool so then they're they're they're tested okay now tell me something have we validated with g skill for example that there's the modules they're sending use all the same dies that i haven't validated okay we should we should do that because whatever we've validated for for die type we should make sure i mean batch to batch there can be variants but that's the kind of thing that could set apart our own internal qc from what someone like adele or someone like an hp would do where they would just throw in whatever validated module whereas if we can make sure we're getting exactly the same thing every time that would be that would actually be really cool sorry i just thought of it otherwise i would have mentioned it before all right thanks lnn okay i'm back i don't remember it because i wasn't working for you then yeah that that actually makes so much sense now uh so just to clarify the manufacturers of the of the dram ics okay so the actual little chips right that go on to a memory module i mean you can't see any of the chips on these they got heat spreaders so it doesn't really matter to see it but the the little the little uh little black packages okay um the actual ics change all the time and g skill doesn't manufacture ics okay corsair doesn't manufacture them mushkin doesn't manufacture them so they come typically from micron samsung um who else is even left sk hynix is that it yeah there's some there's some chinese ic manufacturers but you won't see those generally speaking like outside of china except on like taobao or aliexpress or whatever else um so those ic manufacturers well they do sell direct in a lot of cases um like oh oh yeah uh crucial crucial is another one uh micron so mike crucial is the retail brand for micron did i mention micron before did i say micron oh good okay so other than crucial and samsung who do sell their own does sk oh sk sells directly too don't they okay so the point is unless you're buying directly from those brands someone is buying ics in bulk binning them putting them onto modules and then reselling them right so you're just you're trusting the validation and the binning process that that module maker is going through but they can't validate on every motherboard they can't validate with every cpu and as we learned in our intel factory tour even within the same model of cpu from the same company every single piece of silicon is unique and it's all about designing a product that has enough leeway enough tolerance that with all of that uniqueness they can all perform the same functions so in order to have as little variance as possible at least validating that that module maker bought dies so that the chips from the same type okay so there's there's there's different there's different die types um so as long as they bought the same type then there's a good chance that it will behave well with that exact cpu um compared to if it uses a different dye type it's a very very long-winded version of that explanation we should probably just do a video about that i wonder if we've done a tech quickly about that ploof do you want to do you want to ask do you want to message john and ask him if we've done a tech quickie on that and if we haven't maybe we could do up uh do a quick quick tech quickie because i think especially with what amd is saying about the upcoming ryzen 7000 chips wanting i think they were saying the sweet spot is six thousand mega transfers a second even just hitting those speeds at all you're going to need good dyes and hitting those speeds consistently across all those unique pieces of silicon is going to be a whole other matter entirely i don't even know what i'm supposed to be talking about right now why don't we do a couple more oh power supply right our power supply obviously obviously there are a lot of good power supply manufacturers corsair makes great power supplies evga came out of nowhere and has some great power supplies um there's actually there's a there's a lot man compared to when i first got into computers when it was like antec intermax and garbage there's actually a lot of companies that have pretty darn good power supplies in their product portfolios but csonic has just been a tried and true performer for us i'm again i'm going to put you on the spot again dan have we had a failed seasonic power supply i don't know if i'm actually allowed to talk about this but there was a manufacturing defect in one of their lines where when we were getting spikes with the 3090s and our threadrippers we can talk about that but every other sea sonic has been rock solid and some of these are rendering and working 24 7. well 40 hours a week so yeah sure a lot yeah that's the point they're solid so i do remember that uh back when the 3000 series first launched i believe it was a seasonic 1000 watt unit i can't remember the detail that's uh that's about right yeah i think it was a c sonic thousand watt unit uh wasn't designed to handle those those transient momentary power draw spikes it was particularly the gpus while paired with a super hydra cpu but my understanding is they got all of that squared away and everything we got before and everything we've received since has been absolutely rock solid so they've built up enough goodwill with us that we kind of went well the pricing is fair anyway warranty coverage is outstanding and there's just no reason for us to go with anything else other than that i can't figure out how to get this to fit ah yes it's a rear rear installation rear installation unit all right why don't i do a merge message while i get this bad boy installed here oh my goodness okay gotta unlock this stupid thing every single stupid time can you talk about ryzen 7000 review embargo lift dates let me tell you something part of an nda is that you're not allowed to say what the terms of the nda are that's uh that's industry norm also i don't even sign those agreements anymore i don't even know so the safest thing for me is to keep my trap absolutely sealed shut regarding any product that is not yet available in a retail store because i actually just usually don't know what i'm allowed to say or what i'm not allowed to say yeah they're just like fight club thanks twitch chat uh what else we got for our merch messages here any plans on creating a screwdriver bit holder for all the different bits you sell we'd love to our problem right now is that there are two main ways for us to create plastic molds way number one the way that we did it for the screwdriver uh costs anywhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 50 000 us dollars a mold so every plastic component cost us that much each each one the good thing about that is the work is done on shore here in vancouver which is super cool we love supporting local business um we own our molds if we ever decided hey uh you know what instead of shooting these at ph which is the injection molding company that we're using for the screwdriver we want to shoot them somewhere else we could literally get in a car drive over retrieve our molds bring them here and take them somewhere else no problem that's it for the advantages super pricey super slow you can get molds done overseas for a fraction of the cost like the molds for this instead of costing around 150 000 us dollars probably would have been closer to the neighborhood of like 30 to 40 000 us dollars but there are problems with that one is that while chinese mold makers can do excellent work like as good as a mold maker here they have a bit of a different way of doing business over there where if you come to them and you say well make it cheaper they will and it'll be worse so you have to be you have to be really careful when you're defining the scope of your project to say that quality is the main the main factor and i think that culturally factories over there are used to people coming in because they are trying to save a buck so a lot of the time what you'll run into is that even if you explicitly say we want a really high quality one they might turn around and try and save you a buck thinking they're doing you a favor when actually that wasn't what you wanted in the first place so that's a drawback of doing things overseas the other drawback overseas is good luck owning your molds once they've made them they're effectively theirs and you're a lot of in a lot of cases going to be locked into using the same factory that produced the molds to actually shoot the plastics as well so you've you've locked yourself into a single vendor which is a drawback it can be much faster to get the molds made but from talking to people experienced in the industry a lot of the time you will you will lose that speed advantage through shipping more samples back and forth and uh communication challenges unless you happen to have an engineering team that is fluent in you know mandarin or cantonese and so i guess what i'm trying to say in all of this is that yes we would love to make a screwdriver bit holder i don't know that i want to spend a hundred thousand dollars producing onshore molds which by the way are super slow like we would wait months to get on shore molds so super high price and take forever also i don't know that i necessarily want to lock in a mold making injection molding vendor overseas without having like a lot of time to to vet them make sure that the quality the working conditions all that stuff is good so yes we'd love to but it's not going to be soon we have some other injection molding projects like the cable management arches that we are hoping to try and try an overseas vendor the cost is so much lower that we're actually considering just dual sourcing it right out of the gate getting two molds made at two completely different companies and kind of seeing which one is better but we have not settled on that and i still need to have longer conversations with kyle and nick from the creator warehouse team actually tynan has learned a lot and has been invaluable on the injection molding side of things as well we've all been we've all been learning a lot throughout this process yes not now um i guess i could talk a little bit more about the power supply we chose we went with an 850 watt seasonic 80 plus platinum it's a little bit overkill especially with the gpu that we're using i'll show you that in a little bit but hey you know if uh rtx 4000 series and the upcoming amd radeon rdna 3 gpus end up being as power hungry as it sounds like they might then we could need this kind of a power supply once the next generation rolls around uh we also have a great relationship with c sonic apparently they actually comp a large portion of these so that's uh that's super that's super cool well uh there you go seasonic focus 850 watt what else can i say about it um what else we got here oh oh this is an interesting conversation linus why not go with a pre-build yeah at this point you're probably thinking boy this looks like a lot of work you were talking about the opportunity cost earlier this appears to be taking a while why not just buy a bunch of pre-built systems surely the you know a factory-style assembly operation could build computers a lot faster than us and yeah that's fair enough there are some very respectable system integrators where you can even pick each part to ensure high quality we looked into it and we wanted to get puget systems to build our computers for us but unfortunately they didn't have a couple of the parts we wanted we also reached out to memory express they happened to be our canadian canadian bros here they're kind of like micro center but up here they wanted about 125 canadian per machine and our logistics team is able to crank out roughly one of these per hour with bios updated with drivers installed with whatever golden image we want to use here so for us it just didn't quite make sense to pay that price but they were they were pretty darn close they were they were very they were very close actually it's only because we're doing so many of them that it really makes sense to do it ourselves if we were doing only a few it's very likely that given the cost of logistics um that it would make more sense to have memrex do it you've also got to remember that we do customize them slightly depending on people's use cases like i'm going to get a quadro card and the editors get a 30 90 and like the writing team and the business team get a weaker gpu right so we do throw things in and out let's just be lean and flexible kind of thing right so why do you get a quadro why why are you so special because i do a lot of the solidworks and and that sort of design will work because ronaldo's like that's what the engineers are going to get to they're going to get a qualified you know engineering level card you're getting us ah you're getting ahead of us see the gpu section is coming oh i'm so sorry i don't get a teleprompter um all right what's going on here uh how's how's chat doing how you guys doing sorry i haven't checked in with you in the last little little bit here i'm just kind of building this computer super casual um man is there even any point trying to look at youtube chat good gravy no probably not cool uh nick corey says i just watched your video about puget systems uh touring them like five years ago uh right before you started the stream yeah yeah man i love those guys they're just you know sometimes it's about you know buying from a company that makes a reliable product and sometimes it's about buying from good people and you know obviously like i said john from puget systems he might kill cats in his spare time i don't know i have no way of actually knowing that but from every interaction i've ever had with him and his brother actually they just seem like upstanding folks who care about fairness care about you know spreading love of pcs knowledge i just yeah i think they're just they're just upstanding folks so massive massive shout out puget systems they don't like really sponsor anything with us or anything like that but what they do do is they provide puget bench as a tool to the broader pc community free of charge which is just incredibly generous of them they could easily keep tools like that that allow benchmarking of software suites that don't have built-in benchmark tools they could easily just keep that internally for themselves optimize their builds and just kind of black box the whole thing but they don't and i think that says a lot about their integrity super super super cool folks over there i guess i should probably plug in some more power supply cables here um are you guys doing the the eight pin and the four pin like are you plugging in every possible cable or what's what's the what's the deal what's the strat here um i'm actually not too sure i think you'd probably do both of them just in case in the future um yeah i mean it shouldn't matter one eight pin should be enough and curiously this motherboard motherboard this uh your shirt tag's sticking up again sorry fix that for me yeah you know what it's these american apparel blanks uh we have an order of 50 000 of our own blanks that is set to arrive very shortly and then we will be saying bye bye to our american apparel blanks which to be clear were the best quality and most consistent blanks we could find uh from like an existing brand but have not fully met our standards and ours are gonna have printed tags on the inside not the little paper tags that stick up all the time so that's one of the little improvements that we've made oh i apparently thought i was plugging in a pcie connector before and it was my other four plus four so let's go ahead and get that installed while i do maybe a couple more couple more chat messages here here we go merch messages as a european with his own server room and now an energy crisis how much does your new house idle at i am okay i'm not a european for one thing um so that might have been you know maybe you thought from my accent i was european sorry that's a terrible accent also that was a thing anyway um sorry maybe maybe you thought i was european i'm not i'm canadian um you know we have a queen too well we did oh shoot that was oh total accident shoot uh is is there is there a tape delay like can we go on talk about the cats again can we shoot the opportunity oh no um crap what was i even talking about i don't even remember anymore oh yeah the sorry the merch message jeez um so i'm not european i live in british columbia uh which is not in britain despite the name and we have super cheap power it's all hydro so my power consumption at my house is actually a pretty minor consideration at any time and then because we have a pretty beefy solar installation on our roof we actually only we actually generate about half of the power that we consume and because we got a really good deal from dual sun i think it was dual sun yeah from dual sun for those panels uh it like ended up being quite cost effective i've actually approached them about buying even more of them because i'm sitting here going well it's free real estate right like yeah bring bring on the solar power so i'm super super happy with uh with my solar power a lot happier than i am with my uh attacked here given current world events yeah let's just not let's let's just not mention anything uh oh at idle we are we are definitely producing more than we consume but you know obviously you charge the car you run the clothes dryer you start cooking and we end up consuming more than we're producing especially in the evening which you know as people who work during the day with a bunch of school-age children is obviously when we consume the vast majority of our power all right i'm going to what the crap oh here we go i'm going to plug in my front usb 3 here uh now seems like as good a time as any to shout out mexico for sponsoring this stream they make what appears to be like the beefiest freaking webcam on the market that's the mexico iris oh and now is as good a time as any to talk about one of the cool features of the iris uh where is it ah yes cool i promised that i would explain why there's both a usb 3 type b port and an hdmi port on this webcam cool right okay so like a mirrorless or a dslr it actually has a high speed hdmi port so that in addition to plugging in via usb and sending a compressed signal you can actually use hdmi to output uncompressed 4k footage we are actually not using that today oh we're using um and it also has dual noise canceling mics if you can't afford a decent usb or xlr microphone that's what we're not using today sorry i got that i got that a little mixed up yeah this thing is this thing is super cool though maybe just switch to the top down for a little bit and maybe i'll plug in some some motherboard stuff or something like that i don't know sure absolutely i gotta show off with this other feature too i just noticed that when you zoom it in so i'm gonna i'm gonna pop it in here onto this table here and then on the remote you've got this like arrow key things so i can actually like move the picture around while zoomed in to get it all framed up really nicely just from sitting over here and look we've got a float plane we've got linus at the computer there um i'm not going to be able to lay this down i'm sorry i'm sorry mexico i'm doing my best but um i cannot figure out what half of these cables back here are and i think if i lay this thing down flat i'm just going to create a lot of trouble for myself squary cable goes in squarey hole yeah i know i know how i know where the cables go i just mean they're hard to untangle there's a lot of them back here yeah yeah yeah freaking guy kids today man that's what i say um all right we got a few fan connectors here i'm sorry i'm just like working around the back here all right what else is going on guys uh dylan asks any update on the larger water bottle that's a good question dylan and at any other time i would provide you with a firm eta for when it's going to arrive but the problem is that the world has still not recovered from covet 19. logistics is absolutely fubar and i don't i don't know when they'll arrive theoretically they're like in the port now will when will they arrive no i don't know they could sit there for weeks so it's really frustrating and trust me i hate it exactly as much as you do if not more so remember when we did a limited time or like a limited quantity launch of the workshop jacket and the um like the rgb t-shirt the the multi-nap shirt remember how that was like a while ago those were our airship units that were sent at the same time as our sea shipment of the bulk of those product orders they're still not here do the math like it's been months it's ridiculous and it's not like it's cheap it's not like i'm saving a buck on the shipping it's freaking expensive sorry i'm getting all i'm getting all mad again but it's it is very frustrating like i'm trying to trying to run a business here and just you can't you can't get a ship you can't get a ship unloaded to save your life um where the hell are all the ram or the fan headers on this motherboard oh here's one i don't know there's none along the right-hand edge what kind of motherboard has no fan headers on the right-hand edge okay this will do there's three on the bottom here there's there's one hiding with the uh with the front panel i o here so we'll plug that in okay this is not going to be my final cable management work which i feel like is something i say just about every stream but i will come on andy come on but it's serviceable and i'm gonna plug in my rgb here okay got my priorities straight there we go come on get get get in there i think i bent it that's fine it doesn't really matter it's just rgb if it doesn't work then logistics will fix it why why do we have to do this every time don't tell linus that we do a worse job most of the time anyway he doesn't check the editor's computers ever it's true i don't but you did admit to me today that they have problems and it's not the ones i built so there is that well that's the one that we're testing for two years now or something i guess yeah okay all right a generic excuse i've had quite a people ask um what the hell is the logistics department um okay i'm still waiting for an answer too yeah our logistics department is not what i think a logistics department would be at a normal company if there is such a thing you know you would think logistics so like receiving and shipping yeah we do that they do do that but then you might also think um you know rearranging of of stock on the shelves and they they do that yeah yeah a little bit yeah a little bit some people do no i help you yeah see there you go okay you might not think of actually like installing the shelves um oh yeah but they do do that you might not think of uh troubleshooting computers and building streaming setups and configuring like audio audio equipment but they definitely do do that you might not think coordinating with contractors for you know building out a lab air conditioning hvac networking they do a lot of that that would sound more like uh like uh like a site manager or something like that so our logistics department is sort of like oh they do a lot of help with like set building so kind of like in a in a grip set building kind of or even set design sometimes role um so they're kind of like a catch-all the cool thing about our logistics department is that they're not just random grunts some of them in particular have very extensive experience in relevant industries that i feel like we make use of in a way that like a normal again if there's such a thing normal logistics role wouldn't um hey callan nicholas okay give me give me three things you worked on in the last week that you wouldn't normally work on in a logistics role at some other company uh i just made the company sign again you made the company sign yeah that doesn't really sound like logistics that sounds more like probably graphic design and a site manager would probably do that okay what else you got um i printed and designed the ssd holder for andy and that's the short circuit okay i don't even know who would do that so this is why we have a catch-all department um what else let's see oh i did uh the four editor rigs that decided to go poof four of them yeah it was windows updates that screwed up everything oh okay so it wasn't like hardware no oh that's very annoying thanks microsoft love you anyway yeah thanks thanks calen um he also helped fix the camera that i like broke uh that stream is or that's not stream that video is coming very soon i slipped up i said the word stream because it was a big enough disaster it might as well have been his dream bad things happen on streams i take i take no responsibility for it it's live guys it's live entertainment i i can't be held liable for what comes out of my mouth oh i'm trying to do some i'm trying to do some cable management here i also want to maybe chat with you guys a little bit what else we got going on here uh curated merch messages i've been thinking about solar panels from my house how the solar panels at the new house been working oh did you curate this like ages ago before i talked about it uh no yeah that's a that's actually a new one yeah okay yorkie yorkie bar kid would you recommend them especially if energy prices rising globally like i said i've been i've been happy as heck with my solar panels they have dramatically reduced my utility bill i drive i do most of my driving on electric power on battery power on my volt so it's helped significantly with just like lower my my my overall energy costs since i basically don't buy gas and i now get a lot of my electricity generated for nothing so yeah i'm super thrilled it's possible that you will get a significant amount of your investment out of the the resale of your home but obviously that's going to be market dependent you can't count on that right like if the whole market in your area just takes a giant poo then you know the handful of solar panels you put on your roof is not going to be the difference between you know getting today's rate and getting tomorrow's lower rate or whatever the case may be but i am overall extremely happy with it yes what else we got here what's your opinion on key selling sites for video games some of them get you games for like half price but i'm always concerned about the devs not getting enough of that money well for one thing the devs are going to get less money because the devs are usually based on a percentage share of the total amount for number two the bigger concern about gray market keysights is that a lot of them the actual source of those cheap keys in the first place because you got to understand they're not valve they're not epic games so they don't just have unlimited inventory they actually have to get keys from somewhere and the way that a lot of those keys are obtained is through credit card fraud so they're it's it's one of those things where yes you are saving money but no it is not necessarily a victimless crime that's not always necessarily the case but the truth is that you know you want to talk about you know sort of business rationale right i talked about opportunity cost earlier why we might not do something ourselves if it costs us additional time that we could have spent doing something more productive so the other big thing when it comes to business is liability i don't need the liability of having been involved in some kind of illicit credit card scraping scheme or like whatever it's just not worth it for the what what am i gonna say like 60 70 bucks on a windows license like it's i i got a lot of skin in this game i i can't be i can't be going down over something that's stupid right it's just not worth it um okay that's it for the curated ones for now uh what's next oh let's talk gpu cool rtx 3050. this may be the single stupidest part of this build and i'll explain to you why in a moment not because having a gpu in an office computer is stupid even if it is a little bit stupid but because of the particular card we chose not because asus is a stupid company or anything like that uh they do stupid things from time to time but i wouldn't describe them still as a stupid company um it's just that this particular card is one of those stupid things that they've done this is a 30 50. look at this thing here where's my where's my nexago iris who sponsored this video with their private giant privacy blocker thing here we go yeah let's get this thing man love that love that image quality this is a 30 50. here's a linus hand for scale this thing is freaking enormous and it's so it's so overkill that like a solid 20 of it here is just penis extension like this this frame has to sit here in order to justify having this this fan here you know what i'm saying here okay there's no pcb here and that's not because it needs pass-through cooling they've actually taken a very similar approach to what they did on their noctua collab gpu where there's additional clearance around the edge of the fan blades so that air can come in and then out this thing has so much more cooling than it needs this is a two and a half slot cooler design look at this it's absolutely ludicrous why did we settle on this particular 30 50. does it even cost more than the other ones like is it just the same price so we might as well have the beef-tasticest cooler no no i i've had no idea it's cheaper how does that make any sense cause it's giant there's like more metal in it i don't understand okay well we got a bulk deal i see there's notes in the script well i'm not clearly not looking at them oh my god okay well that was supposed to land in here i'm trying to trying to build a computer here jeez oh geez okay let's turn this around so fine we settled on the 30 50 because oh okay really good display out options while still being affordable and good enough for some light gaming we do have people occasionally stay after work and like play games here if they haven't gotten an extreme tech upgrade yet and their work computer's better than their home one we went in video over amd purely because of end bank encoding uh occasionally people will need to capture footage or like capture their screen at their desk and nvent just looks better although my understanding is that amd recently uh fixed their encoding i haven't yeah i have not checked it out yet but that could no longer be the case but it certainly was when we did this uh we also thanks to our bulk deal um got a slightly cheaper deal on this uh than the terminator graphics cards the tournament oh the t-1000 so the t-1000 was our alternative choice okay it was pcie powered for fewer cables low profile four display outputs good availability but there was no bulk price on that got it the original plan was actually to throw 30 70s in this thing again with the rationale being that if people wanted to use them for something else they totally could but especially at the price of gpus back when we were configuring these things uh that felt pretty overkill and so we figured hey well worst case scenario you can always go up to the lounge if you want to play games on your lunch hour or whatever cad users as dan was alluding to before are going to get a4 thousands once we have enough of them for now we have a surplus of p5000s that are going to be distributed but of course we're going to standardize them all at some point right dan you know i guess so i don't do incredibly complicated engineering work like some of our uh engineering team do and create a warehouse so i don't need a super powerful card it would be nice if my computer didn't turn off like a couple times a day what yeah i thought we're trying to figure out i've been using a pre-built for like ages and i just it just turns off it just turns off this this is why this is why we're doing it i'm just so tired of the business downtime although a benefit of pre-builds i've heard is that you can get really great warranties on them i don't i don't i thought we were not willing to say that word i'm talking about the warranty word oh no no that's i'm referring to secret shopper too where oh yeah where dell delta tried to sell us the the financing and the warranty a total of i think seven times over the course of our calls hundreds of dollars yeah and then and then when we had a problem with the machine even though we had an extended warranty if i recall correctly they like didn't offer us the on-site thing it was it was a whole it was a whole mess i don't remember the exact details so don't quote me on that but you have to go back and watch the video because it was it was a nightmare all right so this is a little trick that i like keep my my extra pci slot covers handy fan text has this nice little thing that they include that doesn't have a spot to hold those but you can totally do it like that pretty cool right and then do we just put these in the bottom that seems like a safe place for them there now it's in there all right is that it did i did i build a computer i think so i'm not going to close up the side panels because that's bad jeebies but i guess now's as good a time as any to tell you about our monitor cool right did we talk about this do we talk did we talk about this okay cool well uh pluto do you mind giving me a hand just kind of getting this cleared out getting our peripherals here and getting this plugged in is yeah is windows on the drive what a guy isn't updated oh because we just we literally just got this one oh okay cool that's uh probably fine it's probably fine it's just just something to be aware of but there's weirdness probably okay all right man this is a heavy freaking keyboard is this our standardized keyboard were you involved in this no i wasn't actually no how sure are you very sure because i would have remembered going to meetings about that uh but we get a lot of stuff what people can't hear me pretty much because i have no mic well you can stand close to me oh i thought you're gonna say something oh okay um kikron likes us we have a good relationship with them and we get a lot of the q or the k series depending on what you want because you can get them in different layouts and people can choose some people want a 60 someone at tkl someone a full yeah you know what's your complaint i have a complaint oh no they don't make a blank set of keycaps what you can put any keycaps on it for crying out loud i'll buy you a blank set dan we'll put that on there are you just are you just spending company money like this just i'll bring them up we'll buy you one who's we ploof who's we buy it with colton oh my god and then he'll get fired colton's card um yeah but they work really good and they're great and they sound nice and they feel good and they're not super expensive even if we were buying them but i think we're either getting a bulk deal or we're getting most of them for uh cheaper free good relationship and we we show them off in a lot of videos and stuff okay so um yeah it's the first time hearing of any of this but okay i mean it seems nice can't really complain and it's like heavy enough you could probably kill a man you know or a cat yeah or a cat if you're killing cats yeah where'd you put the mouse there's an mx master three yeah that's my mouse don't lose it oh okay we're out we're out of emics master threes oh okay uh but yeah we chose these just because i mean they're great they're super comfortable for most people they've got the side thumb scroll there um you got the locked or unlocked yeah well you know they're just great for like spreadsheets and stuff but the reality is with the keyboards or the mice anyone can basically go down to logistics and then say hey i want something else yeah swap it out we're pretty flexible on these because it doesn't make a huge difference to the stability of the computer in most cases there can be outliers but as long as you're using you know this this uses uh like that that open whatever uh firmware or whatever yeah qmk yes you're not gonna have an issue probably with a qmk firmware keyboard and logitech's mice have been pretty darn solid for a very long time x3 is like switching between devices is so easy oh yeah it's a cool feature so you can switch between the uh the logitech dongle and bluetooth just sorry no that's power this switches between them sorry um so that's that's pretty sweet yep that's uh that's fair that's fair uh let's go ahead and switch sides here if you don't mind real quick over there whoa almost okay almost took it out almost took it out what a guy can i pass you back some cables to plug in thank you thank you good sir oh my god why is it in fashion for okay no never mind it's okay i i thought this was one of those cases where the the port was on the side which i absolutely hate that that's not super in fashion there's not trendy now it's not that trendy well it's on the good stuff it's trendy enough that it's a problem i i do not approve don't approve of it um any other curated merch messages dan are you even watching these some of them have timed out i know i'm sorry uh pc italian got this just to say hi on stream sup pci pc italian says uh say hi to proof my favorite host wow yeah what a guy it's kind of him no to send a merch message to shout you out no i don't no i don't think it's like a pity why why are you gonna why are you gonna take it that way i would never say anything that mean i would say things that mean but only as a joke only as a joke uh do we need a dp cable here i got one oh yeah yeah yeah i got one uh we also need a power cable for the computer maybe that could be pretty good i love that um oh there's probably no there's probably one here there's probably one here it's gotta be there's gotta be one hanging here yeah yeah oh really a little short this is yeah it's pretty short um here how much andy andy down here how am i supposed to plug this power cable into anything what's what's the point of this i'm sorry i don't i'm sorry i don't understand yeah i blame logistics hey logistics hey dan yeah what can i do um why why is that there this is not my department not your department that's what's there is that man that's the that's always the story isn't it there's a free spot in the squid there's a free spot in the sky yeah but i don't have a cable uh oh thank you yeah that is my fault yeah no the issue is that there's a male c-13 here that just doesn't go anywhere why don't worry it's all good honestly ever since we beefed up the logistics department things run so much more smoothly around here it was kind of a problem for a bit all right that's plugged in what do you think moment of truth is this thing gonna fire up everything's just gonna work immediately that's what i think is gonna happen let's go okay we have fans spinning all my rgb lights are lit up uh motherboard does not have like a q-code postcode readout or anything like that oh it does have some little lights here though what are we on oh my god that led is so bright that it's like blinding and i can't read any of the silk screening on the board around it oh okay we're looking for white and then it's probably going to restart a couple times we can talk about our monitors so we've got pa 278 qvs so those are asus pro arts for 1440p 27 inches and then we've got pa 329 cv pro arts for 4k 32 inch these are both good sizes for their resolution 75 hertz which is just a little nicer a little more responsive than 60 hertz even if you're not gaming they're color accurate out of the box for when we disagree about color in a photo or a video this way we know we're all looking at the same shade or hue and are surprisingly affordable at around 300 we considered going with dell but the reality of it is these days you can get a really decent ips display for your money and the everything that other manufacturers had to offer just didn't beat this one ben q was a real competitor but we ended up with asus because of the bulk discount so that's always that's always good for our desk pad ltt northern lights obviously what can i say it's great we had it built with a custom thickness it uses a natural rubber backing so that it's non-slip uh it has um oh crap i forget the i forget the word for it what what's it called the finished edges stitched edges so that when your wrist is rolling over the edge of it it's comfortable it's just a good desk pad and it's the same price no matter the size pretty cool right uh this has rebooted three times now uh should i be concerned yet no it's ddr5 ram probably okay right off wow that rgb header got very bent ooh white white led that's a good sign come on baby you can boot oh green led um okay maybe i'll hang with chat again for a little bit hey there we go oh what's this new cpu installed blah blah okay hold on a second no yeah i want normal power level okay up higher power consumption yeah yeah yeah yeah okay uh f1 to continue take advantage of asus optimized performance okay i don't even know are we are we enabling mcu i probably wouldn't what is mcu multiple multi-core enhancement yeah i don't know we might have to ask helen in i'm not i'm not putting it on this one ensure your oh cpu fan speed detection error did i plug it into the wrong oh oh i plugged it into the cpu opt header i misread the silkscreen label so okay i'll plug it into the standard fan header one okay f1 to run setup let's see if the os that you installed on this is good to go how's floatplane chat doing proud owner of a gpu wasteland desk pad from ltt and still no box to keep it nice and white oh and still in the box to keep it nice and white yeah i don't think we'll ever do a white mouse pad again seeing what sarah did to hers with coffee stains it was awful it was awful that was why that was a hundred percent why we hadn't done it before and i it was sarah that i made the argument to she pushed she pushed hard for a light-colored mousepad and i was like i'll tell you what we'll do it as a limited edition we'll see how it goes but the last thing that i want to see is a bunch of people posting like battle station pics with a gross ugly like rancid white desk pad right and before we even got our stock of them hers had like multiple coffee stain rings all over it and i was like sarah you are the problem she was like okay and that was the last time we ever made a light-colored mousepad what else is there to say uh oh there are some things we haven't standardized yet laptops this one's going to be tough because they change like every eight months and we need to standardize on a lot more than just one we're going to need like a workhorse like a powerhouse we're going to need like an ultrabook and then we're probably also going to need something in between but we haven't really decided on what yet and that in between is a really tough one because they're they're trying to pack a lot of power into something that's not unreasonably thick and there end up being a lot of thermal compromises so it's hard to find a perfect one that's not just going to be perfect today but also going to be reliable for headsets there's also just like too many options everyone has different preferences so it's hard to find something something standard um oh i've got another curated merch message how many employees are you expecting to have by the time the lab is up and running did you ever think lmg would grow this far this fast okay well i can answer the second part first no my my wildest dreams version of what i thought this company could be capable of was maybe three to five people probably still working out of like my house or maybe a small office and that we would be self-sufficient at that point like we would bring in enough revenue that we could all eat that was the goal that was the plan my mouse is not working is that plugged in um we are now up to about 80 people i think we might actually be over it now i've honestly lost count because it's a little complicated i can't just look in one company directory and find everyone who works here because we do have a handful of contractors we have multiple companies create a warehouse linus media group and floatplane are all separate companies that each have their own separate employee directories so and we're we're at the size now we're even at a very low attrition rate like people go people come people go again people come again people come people go so like stuff happens so it's kind of always in flux like it used to be i knew the exact number off the top of my head but i just can't anymore oh you know what i think it's because i'm in mode three buddy mode two oh oh there's no dongle oh i think it needs the dongle i think yeah usb is just powered i know yeah um how many are you expecting to have by the time the lab is up and fully operational um hopefully yvonne won't watch the stream but i would be surprised if we hadn't cracked 100 by then i know we've got a lot of job postings up right now lab related i think i mean it's not exactly a secret like you can see i think jobs yeah here we go uh we have a talent and culture coordinator whatever that is uh full oh that's it like an hr position okay that makes sense oh yeah okay yep sure full-time writer producer for techlinked full-time writer producer focused on apple products full-time social media coordinator creator warehouse is hiring a tool designer manufacturing engineer full-time fit technician a float plane is hiring a junior back-end developer a back-end web developer a front-end developer machine learning computer vision engineer actually that one i think we have i think we have a really good candidate that we really like uh hopefully that'll come through soon so that's like eight positions that we're hiring right now no that is not what i expected and it's not what the goal was in response to your question apparently the mic keeps randomly crackling and fuzzing yeah we've had some problems with that actually i've been trying to move it around but you know keeps happening i am not going to lie i'm a little confused as to why this mouse is not working you plug the dongle in oh mode three hey there we go nice nice and then what our benchmark for this is that we're gonna like play video games because because that's what people are supposed to be doing on these computers right hundred percent 100 they just got to play some video games oh that's cool this adjusts all the way down okay that's kind of neat i'm sorry we can put it there like that uh press to start sure 3050 baby vampire survivors let's go so did you just put this on here because i was like being a hater about this game when i was at your house is that why this is on here callanan did it okay all right so here come come come come explain this game to me again you only have antonio i only have antonio so i will choose antonio so he's got a whip he uses wasd oh yeah okay yeah so that's just happening kill bats i'm gonna time it you gotta time it what this guy sucks he gets better he gets better you're almost leveled up this is stupid hold on wave just no i don't like it because it works get the orbs this is a bad game how am i supposed to survive you got your gun oh my god oh my god there you go pick those up okay take oh my god the whip is pretty good right now because then you you shoot back and forth now go pick up those other orbs well i'm trying there's stuff in the way mr elite gamer who can't tell that i can't get that stuff i'm trying i'm trying come on man you get better you're killing me here you can level up now oh my god santa water yeah i i mean i just the name alone was enough it's called santa water like what is that wait what happened i don't i don't whip in both directions anymore you turned oh well that's stupid turned at the right oh my god i'm dying i'm dying okay well this is definitely uh very thrilling yeah it's like a half hour run so you can just stop a half hour run 30 minutes supposed to survive for 30 minutes i would spend half an hour playing this game are you serious right now that's sick it's great okay hold on hold on there's like zombies and stuff it gets harder if you kill the blue guy you get a treasure chest if you eat the chicken you heal so you want to eat oh i want i want to get all the chicken yeah what does this guy think who's this guy think he has luke got to eat the chicken luke's like chicken or something luke only eats chicken oh okay yeah that's like the only thing he eats okay well we need a better whip obviously yeah you'd think they would just let you control the whip no no no no no that's not the game that's not the game well that's i don't know man this elden ring right this looks really weird free upgrade it's not free if i had to kill something to earn it okay sure fair get like what's happening it's doing the cool animation that everyone likes you love the chest animation what no i don't yeah i know everyone hates it everyone skips the chest animation thank you dopamine hit that this is what i'm all about right gamers like uh like sound effects right big number magic wand go up faster yeah you know you got a magic wand shooting stuff and there's more stuff coming at you it gets harder and harder can i run like when do you run you no but there is a speed upgrade you can get like you're seeing those other ones come up yeah you have to pay 4.99 for it this looks like a phone for transactions oh there's no microphone it's made by e8 is like three dollars three dollars yeah and then if you want to run faster you pay another three oh my god what is this well i should get them all then right no oh my god okay well i could get more santa water right like get that santa oh my god this is probably dead i'm gonna die yeah this is not this is not good this is really bad actually holy bananas what what game is they're supposed to survive for half an hour what is even happening right now vampire survivors full-time system builder position when linus is oh man i'm not promising anything about that uh george asks would you recommend the steam deck if so which spec yeah i mean if you enjoy gaming then i would recommend the steam deck it's sick as for which spec i mean you're the only one who can answer that they all have the same performance so it comes down to how much storage you feel like you need and whether you want that uh that fancy matte anti-roof anti-glare display linus are you ever going to hire a full-time i.t manager to run your little data center so yeah we actually have like people who are totally qualified to run the like our storage and stuff who work for float plane and like have built a really amazing infrastructure over there that we could totally use here a big part of the reason that we continue to duct tape together our own solutions is that it's content so we've we've never completely permanently lost anything that mattered so here's to another 10 years of luck i guess i i think it'll go fine you've got uh you've got jake to make sure your servers are good yeah i mean jake jake's good until he loses interest and doesn't monitor them you know i'm shadowing him for a lot of it so good yep new tech support for that um scary do we have anything else no i think that's uh i think that's pretty much it is oh i guess we should thank nexigo once again for sponsoring this video our top down footage looked pretty darn good especially for a webcam right so it seems like a pretty good way to go oh no seems like a pretty good dslr alternative uh for streamers and i mean well really anyone who just wants like a really good webcam um yeah so there's a short circuit unboxing coming is that like a sponsored video or something or yeah oh okay cool so yeah maybe we'll have a little bit more footage of like human faces on it and stuff like that hello mexico iris i don't know if you guys can even see this okay and i'm back okay there's i just want to make sure that there's no last minute like merch messages that we missed or anything like that oh yep scott says super excited for the screwdriver to come in the mail in six months so i can use it to mount my new gpu that i might finally get in 12 to 18 months well maybe you could afford a new gpu faster if you didn't blow 70 on a screwdriver you ever think of that scott lcd chair uh tony c asks when is the ltt chair coming uh no time soon i have zero interest in being involved in the chair market it's it just looks like a nightmare if we were gonna do a chair we would absolutely like uh do like a cooled chair like the one that we built as a project here i'll like a year ago okay you laugh andy i took that to the land game changer okay game changer i had the least sweaty back of anyone there i am fairly certain and my butt crack almost zero sweat almost zero almost yeah exactly it was amazing all right i think that's it thanks guys see you later look up into the camera oh look up into the camera okay bye
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,098,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Id: CY3OQh-7wIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 57sec (6477 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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