How I Cook My $2 Steak

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what's up boys so I've wanted to do this for a while a lot of people have asked for it and we're finally gonna do it today I'm going to show you all how I cook a steak I know how to cook one meal a steak and today you're going to learn how to do the same thing now I would say that steak is the most important meal of the day usually whenever I get up around 2 to 3 P.M I start the day off I eat one two four cookies maybe some gummy Lifesavers um maybe go down to I don't know McDonald's and get some food and then towards the end of the night and this is about where we're at now uh it's about looks like a little bit a little past 1 a.m and so this is Prime Steak time and I'd like to show you guys how I actually do it now I don't like to get the good steaks now the reason for that is not because I don't like the good steaks it's because I don't want to like the good steaks the fact is that I've been using these steaks I've been getting these steaks now for I don't know probably [ __ ] 10 years and my mom always made them for me and uh these are these steaks right here you guys can see I've got them in a bag and uh this whole bag it had four steaks in it and it was how much money was it uh this thing's all [ __ ] up what does it say oh my God what a piece of [ __ ] okay I'm gonna have to open this which is all right because you know we're gonna have to need to do that with the stakes so I'll show you guys how much uh my steaks are and uh this is a meal I usually make for myself multiple times a week uh seven dollars so it was seven dollars for four steaks here and I get these as I said all the time uh they're delicious I have no complaints I have no problems I like to keep things simple I like to keep things cheap so next thing is you're gonna need a uh well you're gonna need a pan the thing is that I have about 20 pans in my house 19 of them are dirty well actually 20 of them are dirty I'm about that to clean number 19 or number 20 here and I really just clean and use the same pen over and over I don't think you're going to want to see this but uh basically I had this problem with my sink and uh basically the sink uh wouldn't uh there's I wouldn't like uh wouldn't uh [ __ ] uh like drain the sink was like black of like water and that was a [ __ ] problem for like two months and so I got a liquid plumber and I fixed that and so now it's it's not a problem but it was and um but anyway so let's go ahead and uh I'm gonna go ahead and clean this so you see right here there's a there's these little flies I don't know why they're here it's just too [ __ ] [ __ ] and so the first thing you do um like obviously I I hate washing dishes um I I only I only use paper plates and plastic uh utensils I think that sometimes I have to use a real fork and knife for this there is no silverware that is clean in the house uh that was not that I just I don't really do that and uh there's a lot of dirty silverware and then every every about like every two months or so I have this like kind of I'm trying to think like what to put it's like a midlife crisis so it's like a mid-month crisis because it happens all the time and uh basically what I do is I clean up like three things in the house and uh you know maybe I don't drink soda for like five hours and I think to myself like I'm gonna turn my life around and I feel such an overwhelming sense of drive and accomplishment I figure that you know what I've earned myself a little bit of a break I crack open another cold one and uh you know throw the garbage back on the floor and so that's generally how things go the handle of the pan uh it's like falling off uh you can screw it back in and I tried to screw back in with a kitchen knife uh but I need a screwdriver but it's been like a pain in the ass for like the past six months and um it's just been [ __ ] annoying the screwdriver's out the garage I just and anyway so uh number one we have the pan now also we have to have uh as with any good steak what do you eat with the steak great question you eat a potato now uh I only as I said I only make this meal I uh do this all the time you have one potato now uh okay give me give me a minute I gotta this is really annoying now I've got to clean a [ __ ] Fort too uh all the forks are dirty because I was eating steaks with them I tried doing it with a plastic fork and the plastic fork melted uh melted onto the pan and so that was really kind of unfortunate and so we don't use plastic forks to make steaks anymore uh this is some Fork my mom ordered it was some overpriced thing uh at uh on eBay I think this you know this like whole set was like a hundred dollars so we're gonna get our money's worth out of it so next thing you do is you want to uh oh yeah I forgot about the potato so the potato uh this is how I cook a potato is I take the fork and I stab the [ __ ] out of the potato this is what my mom told me to do because she didn't want to have to [ __ ] put it in the oven I still have the [ __ ] out of the potato and I put the [ __ ] in the microwave I thought it was going it was gonna but it wasn't I put this [ __ ] in for eight and a half minutes so you need butter you want to put butter on the pan uh I don't even know why you do that I just see other people doing it I really have no idea it doesn't matter yeah well anyway let's go ahead I'll just put it over here and I'll just put the I mean you guys can [ __ ] believe that I put the butter on the pan right like I don't have to [ __ ] bring you guys over here I can believe that all right good so anyway uh you put the butter on the pan and you turn the pan on and so uh usually leave it on for like maybe a couple of a couple like 30 seconds a minute or so and uh then we're gonna go ahead and get back into uh the steak situation so uh I have three things that I put on my steaks let's go ahead and talk about them um so uh this is a Worcestershire sauce uh the reason why I do this is because my dad does this um they were out of the uh the craft Worcestershire sauce which is like literally like way cheaper so I had to buy this [ __ ] it's all the same who gives a [ __ ] and so also uh this is steak seasoning uh Salt Lake is a place here in Austin I went there one time for uh uh some [ __ ] thing and it was pretty good so I decided to get the steak seasoning steak seasoning is pretty good and also we get lemon pepper so those three things those are uh that's the steak ingredients so now as you can see uh the uh I was gonna say as you can see you can't see it because I've been I'm too lazy I don't want to put it over here but yeah there's like [ __ ] uh like uh butter in like the pan and [ __ ] right and so um every time that I cook a steak so like you know how like women take pictures of like their food you you know you go on Instagram and it's like some girl she's taking a picture of her food again uh I'm a man I don't do that but I do take pictures of every single steak that I cook I cook the exact same steak every single time and I take a picture of it at the end that way I remember how good it was so let's begin uh we've got a steak right here this is a oh this is a good one oh yeah so it's not a big one this is a nice a nice little small meal uh I'm about about six three or so and uh I don't know if we want to get one double up on Stakes today or not this is definitely a smaller size steak ah it's fine if I'm hungry later on I'll just eat another cookie um and so this is yeah we'll just go ahead and go with this steak right here I stabbed the steak a little bit give it a little uh that way I get the uh this this [ __ ] in there on the steak so I'm gonna go ahead and take you guys I'm gonna move you a little bit over here and so you gotta shake shake this [ __ ] up right and the reason you do that is because on the back of the bottle it says to do it and so uh next thing go ahead and open this up and I'll show you guys what we're doing here um we get this oh I'm [ __ ] up uh so you guys you guys messed me up uh I gotta do these first I think the seasonings better uh now now it's it's cooking and um now I'm I'm getting stressed out oh [ __ ] okay all right so so I put I I put this on the steak there we go all right good oh my God it's okay all right all right so then uh we get the lemon pepper and this Izzy taught me how to make a steak but I don't know if she'll like my own little things I put out all right so did I shake this one I I don't remember okay so anyway we'll put this on I don't think I shook it so then there you go there's the steak oh wow what a good steak and so then after that obviously you got to turn the [ __ ] over and so what you do there is you turn it oh [ __ ] um so you turn it [ __ ] okay um all right no no we're good we're good we're good we're good so I might keep this one down just for a minute now sometimes uh we're gonna go for I usually put a little bit more of this right here and we got oh that's the wrong one we're gonna get a little bit more on there and I know some people are gonna think that I only get my I want to eat my steaks medium oh sorry not medium Rim I I get steaks medium to medium well at restaurants but at home I only cook steaks well done the reason for that is because um I'm paranoid I don't want to eat something that's been oh man that's a good ass [ __ ] steak man and so anyway you get you get it in a pan you get all those sauces on it and you just really have yourself a good time um I have to take a picture of this one after the video and so anyway let me put this back on and talk a little bit more about uh some of the things that I do how we doing yeah we're doing good and so anyway um so basically I take the steak and I just put it back on the pan up and down I I gotta um [ __ ] uh [ __ ] okay so I'll probably have to like it's probably too hot uh this is just another it's uh it's happened sometimes oh wow what a steak and so uh I uh one time I tried to make something else that wasn't a steak now I only make steaks I'll put this back in the refrigerator the only thing I have in the refrigerator uh his his cake I get I get cakes at the grocery store and I eat them so the steaks pretty much [ __ ] done at this point uh the good thing about these steaks is that I give them and I cook them about the same time that the potato is getting microwaved so this is a good quick meal now usually I eat steaks about six times a week uh with like one day being Chipotle actually that's not true maybe two days being Chipotle some days that I I do have Chipotle and a steak at the same time oh yeah I was gonna say yeah so I'm a pretty tall guy uh I'm like 140 145 I'm getting a little fat to be honest um I don't eat a lot of food basically I'm not I'm not a big food eater so this might not seem like a big meal to you but to me this is delicious and it's great um the reason why I like steaks so much is because of the fact that I just think that they taste really good I'm actually really glad that they're easy to make because if they weren't easy to make I would never eat them until I get well sometimes they'll take me out for like a business dinner and uh you order like a 200 steak and it's on the company card so [ __ ] them but besides that I mean we're talking about seven dollar steak packs on a daily basis usually I go to the grocery store I get steaks I get potatoes I get cookies oh yeah there's these uh new uh Dr Peppers that have uh like real sugar in them they're pretty good so I get those too and that's about all I get at the grocery store sometimes I get the um there's like this let me see if I can show you guys do I have any um yeah I do uh so this is also one of my special snacks basically I have a best by April 20th 2022 okay so we're gonna throw these away um anyway so yeah uh these are uh like uh yoga yogurt things and it has like strawberry and blueberry and it's frozen I've never seen the movie anyway uh let's go ahead and just put this back um so the steak is pretty much done uh so if you want to take a look I I'll show you this thing uh this is a this is this looks like a good ass [ __ ] steak so you take a look at this look at it you can literally see it's like steaming this is It's emanating power out from its uh from its edges so you have that's obviously a steak this is a delicious it's going to be a delicious steak I can't wait to eat this one so I was watching a uh an anime and uh I saw it because I got Crunchyroll because I wanted to watch uh Fist of the North Star and uh you know I'm a big JoJo fan and uh but it was inspired by that oh I put oh [ __ ] um so anyway uh I had that and so I saw this um I saw this uh [ __ ] anime it was called um my stepdaughter's uh my stepmom's daughters my ex [Music] and I watched the first episode uh watch the first episode as a meme and so it's seven now let's put this stuff away and I I don't I try to I try to put the stuff that I'm not using away there's no real reason for that it's just that it's a pain and a dick to use the the microwave uh if if there's something in the way yeah that's basically about it and so now I have uh paper plates right in front of me and these are let's see these are really these are the high quality uh you know people ask me like what do you do now that you uh you know you're you're streamed as well and you make money uh well uh these paper plates is only like 30 of them and it was like five dollars so these are the these are the hard reel this these are the steak paper plates these are the paper plates I need to snake off of so uh you get the you get the paper plate here you put the steak right there on the plate and then let's put the uh the [ __ ] potato so you put the potato right here also on the plate and do I have a knife oh yeah yeah I need to get another knife I'm running out of battery on my phone because I didn't charge my phone and my phone's also running out of memory so this video is gonna have to be over kind of soon uh because I also want to eat the steak and so I'm gonna just cut this [ __ ] open real quick just so you guys can see what we're all about and so you cut that potato open that's a good [ __ ] looking potato oh man look at that and so you see this right here this is what what we eat pretty much every day I I've never gotten sick I've never had a bet like I've never gotten sick after eating a steak I've never felt bad after eating a steak I'm a simple man I live a simple life I like steak and [ __ ] potato and I don't care if it's a cheap steak it's a good [ __ ] steak and it's good enough for me so anyway uh before I usually leave the kitchen area uh this is the pan here as you can see it's dirty so what we do is I just put water on it and I do that because this makes it to where like uh it's easy to get the stuff off and then I just leave it on the counter until the next steak time which will probably be tomorrow so yeah I wanted to share kind of uh what what I'm doing and and kind of how I make these stakes and everything I know a lot of people ask about it uh this was a method um Izzy taught me how to make steaks and she probably will not be happy with some of the little twists that I put on it but I think I'm doing great and I also use A1 for my Stakes I've been using a one for a long time this one is empty I left it down here to remind myself to get more A1 I have four more bottles upstairs and I think one of them has actually isn't knows two of them that that are empty and the nurse two that are not because yeah yeah because the other one is like a different kind of A1 yeah so anyway I use A1 with my steak so anyway guys uh I wanted to do this video and kind of show you all how it's done by a stake master thank you so much for watching I might do another one of these peace
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 2,153,291
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: hETgbsF5yY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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