Link's Awakening Remake 100% in 2:51:57 (WR) (Commentated)

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That seems like a huge time save :O

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/siriuslyred 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2023 🗫︎ replies

god gamer lime

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fungusbreath3 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2023 🗫︎ replies

How? how? how?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dubiono 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2023 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone it is I the lion films here and this is Link's Awakening 100 in 251-57. this is a glitched speedrun of the game and 100 for Link's Awakening switch means you have to get every single item that permanently affects Link's inventory so this means collecting all 50 secret seashells all 14 chamber Stones all 32 heart pieces and all nine heart containers the Run starts out pretty tame here um most of the optimization in the early game comes from just moving uh with tight lines and doing what you can to go a little bit faster there are damage boosts and Shield bumps you can do to save some extra time and I'll go over those once we get there first off we approach our first quote-unquote glitch I think it's been ruled to not really be a glitch but this is an animation cancel it saves about 1.5 seconds or so normally link stands there holding a sword out for a little while but as you can see we flicked our Shield by holding Shield there's also another glitch astute viewers might have noticed on the right side of the screen the octarok was stuck inside the bushes that's a bit rare um it does not happen every run but it's common enough that I've seen it enough times not to be surprised anymore foreign now this is obviously a remake of the original Game Boy games of lynx Awakening um the Gameboy links Awakening and The Game Boy Color links Awakening DX I think officially this is more of a remake of Link's Awakening DX considering the inclusion of the color dungeon but regardless this remake adds a lot of new content I think it's one of the better Zelda remakes um because it adds a lot of Collectibles and that makes 100 very very fun when I listed out the 100 requirements you may have noticed that there are almost double the amount of seashells that the original games have and very very many more heart pieces as well and one more heart container which is a little bit strange but we'll go over that later now rippies are a very important part of this run I'm going to collect our first 50 rupee chest here there are quite a few mini games that cost a rupee rupees for us to play and we need to use then to purchase quite a few expensive things as well you may be thinking that we can just steal everything and while we can steal all the shop items there are some unique items as well that we can't steal so the beginning of the game is pretty normal [Music] somebody who's played the game a bunch of times and is attempting to complete it 100 might do some of the same stuff that we're doing here just go through get the powder get the rupees but once we get to dungeon one things are going to change quite a bit there's our first shield bump and there's another little optimization if you hit both Terran and Tanooki mode and the bush at the same time while technically Taryn first and then the bush it'll disappear after you complete the cutscene so you won't have to slash it and it also blocks Taryn from getting in your way most of the time foreign [Music] figure in the plot of this game so we're gonna be seeing him quite a few times throughout the Run but we do actually end up avoiding a few of his speeches not all our first collectible here is the well heart piece I think this is um probably one of the most commonly found secrets in the game when I was a kid I remember finding it in the game boy version and being super proud of myself but there are quite a few more uh difficult things to find so here's our first instance of the trendy game uh it's quite a bit different from its Game Boy counterpart and we're actually going to be revisiting the trendy game a few times during the run our final visit will actually be many many visits as we get all of the figurines this game added sort of souvenir figurines as part of a little side quest you can do on this first visit though we're just going to be grabbing the Yoshi doll which will allow us to start the trading Quest and we'll be grabbing the heart piece about the trading Quest we do actually have a way of skipping all of the trading quests and that is RNG manipulation normally the trading Quest is done so that you can read the dark book in the library and learn the egg pattern in order to Traverse the depths of the egg however in our speed runs we actually pre-manipulate our file to have a predetermined egg path so any percent speed runs don't have to do the trading Quest for us though and 100 there are actually a couple of seashells that are locked behind the trading Quest so you have to do certain items and then a Trader or tradee will give you a secret seashell so that was our first instance of stealing and we'll be doing this quite a few times during the Run I think a total of 10 or 11 times so get used to this dying animation it'll get longer and longer each time as well as we get more hearts stealing is super super nice in this game though um if we weren't able to steal it would be a much much harder to Route game you would have to grind for a very long time on some mini games in order to get the rupees you need there are a lot of expensive items in this game and actually that reminds me that I did have sort of a joke thought to do a deathless 100 run so now we equip the shovel which will allow us to dig up some Secrets um additionally I do that menu inside because I feel that there's a little bit less menu lag um this game actually has a decent bit of menu lag when you first open the menu you have to wait for a tiny bit before you can start moving your cursor so if ever if it ever seems like I open a menu and I'm just not doing anything it's uh on purpose so now that we've completed the Mabe Village Tours that we can do right now we're gonna head side the first dungeon dungeon one now this speed runs a little bit unique in that there aren't a lot of sequence breaks but there are a lot of major skips inside our sort of normal route dungeon one actually will be one of the sequence breaks that we do a lot of the mid game is uh not I wouldn't say played as normal but you know the routing makes sense you go from the fourth dungeon or the third dungeon to the fourth to the fifth then all that so I do a damage boost there from the spark um it's helpful it saves a little bit of time and also if the mini mold arm there gets in your way you're able to get iframes and go through him and if you're on the left side of him when you're opening the chest um when you use those iframes it actually enables you to get a second damage boost sometimes but that's pretty rare [Music] here's our first 2D section this game has a lot of these we'll actually be avoiding quite a few of them but they're part of what makes this game very Charming and now we get the Rock's feather uh no breath of the wild was not the first Zelda game at all to allow you to jump on your own command that would have to go to Link's Awakening or I guess Zelda 2 if you want to get all technical about it but I don't think people generally like to talk about solitude [Music] so we are going to go a bit out of our way here to the training Quest and I am now realizing that I completely forgot to mention that uh yeah we just leave dungeon one after getting the feather so this is our first sort of sequence break in the Run um dungeon one actually has a couple of secret seashells that we're not able to get until we have some more items later laughs [Music] so if you played this game before you might be wondering how we're actually going to be able to progress with the story considering we uh we haven't beaten dungeon ones so we can't really access dungeon two or can we um normally once you beat dungeon 1 it activates the Bow Wow is missing Quest um since we haven't beaten dungeon one we need an alternative method to enter dungeon 2. and we're going to be using this Cuco just for that [Music] I don't really want to spoil this trick so I think I'll explain it afterward we also get another seashell in these leaves here [Music] so our first major glitch of the run this is known as Bow Wow skip uh for us in 100 it's more of a Bow Wow delay but this uh allows us to get into dungeon 2 without having to complete dungeon one the way it works is you have the chicken the like like uh sucks you up and then it shoots link out it spits you out and you rub against the chicken and it sort of angles link onto the trees [Music] foreign dungeon that in any percent has gone through multiple major skips um button 100 we've never and still don't really have any skips in here because we have to fight the genie boss in order to get the heart container and both of the skips in this dungeon involve completely avoiding the Genie or incapacitating the genie there's the dungeon 2 he knocks warp and we'll go more into detail about Enoch's Works once we actually use them in the run but basically there's a trick where you use this little guy to warp you to the end of the dungeon but that trick works you right to the instrument and not to the boss and when you're in the instrument room the door closes behind you and Genie skip uh skips only the genie fight so the one part that 100 actually has to do uh is what gets skipped so obviously we can't do that I actually slightly messed up in the spur room here but I'm glad that I did because it's going to make it easier to grab this five rupees these five rupees um I guess I could say this blue ruby now having a high rip account is good because it allows me to skip that chest right there which is a 20 Ruby chest um after this dungeon we're going to be purchasing Tracy's medicine which has a variable price it either costs 28 rupees or 42 rupees costs 28 rupees if your kill count is even and it costs 42 rupees if your kill count is odd You Can Count Your kills to actually not have to worry about collecting rupees and not have to worry about collecting that chest um but during this run I completely forgot about that because this was actually somewhat of a d-rust run for me I was not expecting to get a big PB here but luckily I was fortunate enough to get a good amount of rupees anyway so even if I got 42 I would still be able to purchase the medicine [Music] a little bit [Music] so like I said before we have to do this boss which is a little bit of a bummer um for perspective this dungeon takes about five minutes and 25 seconds ish and about a minute in a in 50 seconds of that is dedicated simply to this fight uh higher or lower depending on how fast you go on the fire um While most of the fight is waiting we do actually have a combat strategy that we're gonna use on a couple other bosses as well known as a double spin slash basically when Link's sword is angled a certain way against an opponent the sword spin slash will actually hit the enemy twice and one rotation this allows us to do quite a bit of damage for damage instead of the normal two damage the spin slash does because it's two times two right that makes sense so I get that double spin slash now I don't actually have to worry about getting a double spin Slush at all um because Genie only requires one double spin slash in order to too simple and a two cycle is the fastest that you can do Genie don't think anybody's ever done a one cycle pretty sure that's not possible although maybe I wonder if Genie gets hurt by arrows hmm might be something to look into now dungeon 2 is done um during a speed run with live split um most Runners split and I split on when the text box for the instrument appears and so this run I think it was either 1858 or 1857 I was an early keeping track um sub 19 is a pretty nice start for 100 and I'm getting quite a bit of Rupees to make up for that 20 rupee chest that I missed oh and there's a guardian Acorn I guess I can explain the mechanics of Guardian acorns and piece of power now uh Guardian Acorn basically works such that every time you get 14 kills without taking damage uh a guardian acorn will appear and that will half the amount of damage you take from enemies why you get a damage having item after not taking damage who knows um there's also the piece of power which uh increases the damage of your regular slashes and increases your speed very slightly and that happens every 32 kills plus the amount of heart containers you have also just there we grabbed Tracy's medicine which is an item that revives link whenever he dies uh no that is not a safety Strat um that will allow us to complete a trick much later into the Run um about probably an hour and 50 minutes in from now and it'll save us minutes so we get it as soon as possible just because it's on the way [Music] so we're going back to the shop and this is one of the rare occasions where we're actually not going to be stealing we're simply going to be good citizens and purchase 20 bombs from a shop should being a good citizen be associated with purchasing bombs I don't know uh I guess that's up to you but bombs are a staple of the Zelda series and they're also a staple of Zelda speedrunning because they are very often one of the most broken items in Zelda games um and this game is no different we're going to be using these bombs to do a wide variety of glitches and actually here's another major glitch um this one doesn't involve bombs this is Villa skip villaskip allows us to skip uh Cadillac Castle um thinking about it I don't really know why it's called Villa skip because you still enter Richard's Villa I I think this is the Villa area I guess the Villa is his house so you skip entering his house um but it skips Cadillac Castle which is a very long side quest in which you grab five Golden Leaves and you give them back to Richard because his castle got taken over by a bunch of fierce enemies um but we don't have to bother with that because five Golden Leaves they aren't a permanent uh addition to the inventory so we don't really worry about that and there are no items inside Candlelight castle that we have to grab the other couple of uh couple of items in the garden here oh I actually mess up the jump which is a little bit silly but it's tighter than it looks to be honest um you can make it from directly in front of the heart piece but I find that it helps to go from the middle of the holes but now we're going to enter dungeon three and this will be our first example of major glitches within a dungeon and every dungeon after this will actually have a glitch inside of it besides when we return to dungeon one for some reason as the dungeons get more difficult that also influences how glitchy they are [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign dungeon its gimmick relies around collecting a bunch of keys um I actually don't remember the name of the official dungeon I think it is called the key Cavern [Music] um but I don't quite remember whether that's a colloquial term or not in that first from there I actually did a bit of a menuing strategy um if you see the ball might move to the upright of the room it's quicker to equip arrows instead of bombs immediately so that you can shoot the bombite instead of walking all the way across the room and probably getting hit by the shredded stealthos along the way so I mentioned that it's important to collect a lot of keys and um the glitchless and the glitch of speedrun ends up doing this however for us we actually don't have to collect any more than that one in the beginning those four little key blocks aren't going to stop our powerful bombs this is a trick known as a bomb loon I honestly could not tell you how it works I don't think anybody really understands how it works but for some reason when link holds bombs and goes off certain Ledges uh he's able to just sort of levitate upwards it's it's very very strange but it allows us to break quite a few dungeons here so now we have the boots um the Pegasus boots are very very nice very refreshing after playing for 26 minutes with just walking speed um the boots are the fastest form of Link's movement and I do a little screen reload there so that I can bring the zoles and gels back to set up for another trick um to get onto that fence on the other side because I'm going to be doing a bomb jump and if I didn't reload them they would have loaded in at this screen right here when I re-entered from the dadongo snakes room and that would have proved disastrous for throwing that bomb so that was a good bomb jump um that trick is actually a lot easier than it looks but it's still a pretty frame tight um I just use a visual cue of the bomb flashing red and then I charge and jump and I get it most of the time so now the dungeon's complete we've done all the hard stuff we just have to do the boss uh pretty easy I think most casual players probably have a pretty easy time with this boss too unless they can't really figure out the weakness um but yeah you just slashed his eye in the first phase four times oh looks like I missed the first hit there um so yeah you slashed four times and then you dash through break them apart beat him up and now I'm at one heart so I gotta be careful not to get hit here come on whoops okay well that's rather unfortunate so at this point I was actually debating resetting um like I said earlier we need the medicine for a trick and now I've just lost it so I'm gonna have to purchase it again later and also this dungeon 3 was on cold pace and then that itself lost I think around eight seconds um so yeah not not looking good for a speed run um [Music] I lost about eight seconds there and I'm gonna lose some more time later to re-buying the medicine it's quite a silly mistake uh quite a rare one um I actually can't remember the last time I died on that fight well I guess right then and there um but now I'm going to buy the medicine again uh once I warp near Tracy's shop again for now we're just not gonna worry about it we're gonna eliminate that from our minds and pretend it was a decent dungeon three so we're not quite done with dungeon 3 yet actually we do have to re-enter because like I said earlier uh we need to collect quite a few rupees still even though we steal so we're going to collect a 300 rupee chest from that stealthos room to the right those fancy jumps were not just for swag um the stealthos are very much big trolls if you don't do specific setups sometimes they can uh very easily Dodge your attacks they're quite agile bony friends I guess it holds true that the bonus people typically are the most agile so you're gonna see me stop my dashes in a few different ways during this run uh there's the normal stop where I just sort of slow down that is technically so there's actually a bit of a debate between Runners um there's jumping there's that stopping and there's slashing slashing is by far the slowest way to stop it wastes 10 frames jumping wastes three frames from Landing and stopping uh is actually a bit of a variable um if you're going in a straight line doing the normal stopping by flicking the stick in the other direction is slower than jumping but most of the time you're not going in a straight line you're going around curves and so I find that I mostly prefer stopping by just flicking back on the stick I think right there might have been better to jump but right there I think it was better to stop normally um next up is a fit okay first I'm in a bonk uh next up then is a cool Overworld trick that I found when I first started running this category um you don't need the flippers to get the seashell you can just sort of Jump Around The Donut blocks initially it was believed that you had to jump from the bottom Island to get that seashell without flippers um and that's a pixel perfect I think frame perfect jump it's very very very stupid um not worth going for it and runs at all um but I did find an alternative method that allows you to actually go for it I guess fancy speedrunners would call it RTA viable that spark is impossible to void no matter how much I try and try and try you always get hit on that first one [Music] so segments like these are part of what makes 100 my favorite category um it's super unique you get to do a lot of cool movement like around these little holes there and there's fun routing like you get the stick there and then you go around and you get those seashells in the heart piece and then you are already trading the stick to this guy and then we're still going in a loop and getting more seashells and that's just it's a lot of fun also this is the best cutscene in the game by far Karen is quite a doofus [Music] [Music] so this room has a movement optimization that I actually messed up in this run um you can go in between the water and that zero shark um but it's it's pretty tight I always go for it because I'm silly um if you don't want to go for it you can just jump over the zero um and obviously that's faster than falling into the water or getting hit but um I've got a pretty good idea of the position required just didn't quite do it right this one so it may seem like we're going quite a bit out of our way here to animal Village but activating this four point will prove very very helpful for later and also we need to do the trade Quest here anyway so now that we've finished dungeon three maybe wondering why we haven't really done anything to progress the dungeon 4 plot that's because we're actually going to head to color dungeon right now color dungeon was a unique dungeon added in the DX version of The Game Boy games uh the Game Boy Color release of Link's Awakening and it is a dungeon focused around the theme of color it allows you to get a pretty nice reward at the end you choose what sort of tunic you want in Link's Awakening DX 100 um from what I've heard it actually does not matter that much which tunic you pick um it's a matter of like just a small amount of seconds but in this game the red tunic is very much preferred I did a Marathon run one time and I had a bid war between blue and red tunic and blue one and I realized that it is a lot slower than I thought um if those words are lost on you I guess I should explain the red tunic um increases the amount of damage you do and the blue tunic decreases the amount of damage you take [Music] so this dungeon despite its simple look is actually deceptively difficult there are three bosses each with a unique quick kill I actually mess up this one um but I get the other ones um and the movement is also uh very very tough most of the rooms look very very s uh straightforward um but for instance in that first room where I had to kill those three ghosts um I actually had to do a specific movement to get them to pop out at a certain time and we're going to be doing that again in a short while here um but yeah you actually have to manipulate the time it takes for the ghosts to pop out by doing specific movement so here's the Next Room I activate those Reds first and then the screen and I jump over and I activate him so that's a pretty quick way of doing the room um I think I've done it slightly faster before but that's basically the ideal of what you want so now comes the next boss of the color dungeon this is Stone Golem despite his very wooden look he is Stone Golem I think it's kind of silly but yeah you have to spin slash him as you're falling down and make sure you don't get hit by rocks um if you mess up and wait too long to hit him he'll start doing two shakes and releasing even more rocks and just no fun at all I hate messing up that fight luckily we got it it's a lot harder to recover a messed up fight there than it is to recover the other two fights so this is the Bingo room which is actually probably the place where you can lose the most time when you're first learning this dungeon uh luckily I got a pretty good room there you basically want to avoid the little balls I don't actually know what those guys are called um but you want to avoid them popping back out again of their shells I guess they look a bit like the uh robots in Star Wars episode three the ones that attack the ships that's what I always think of so here's our final boss of the color dungeon known as chroma club and in German I probably butchered that pronunciation um but in Japanese I think in the game boy version in Japanese his name is D whom which is uh a very strange name but now we get our raw tunic I don't know how to pronounce that either uh red tunic um yeah now um there is actually sort of a common misconception about the red tunic the red tunic does not increase the damage of all of your attacks threatenix simply uh increases your regular slashes damage this is similar to how the piece of power works if only the red tunic also made us move faster like the piece of power um but yeah the red tunic just increases the amount of damage your regular slashes do which may seem like it's kind of minuscule but it ends up helping quite a lot later on in the Run so we're gonna do some more stealing here nothing new after we steal we're gonna do dream Shrine and that involves link dreaming while he's inside the wind fish's dream and also inside that dream link is able to uh collect two different items it's a weird thing I don't know links links op Nerf link and there we go I got trolled by the piece of power which does absolutely nothing for us with the red tunic a piece of power and red tunic do not stack I think I would actually be more annoyed if they did Stack because that means I might have to Route them in at some point but no they do not stack so it's pure time loss especially now that we have boots and we're not walking anywhere the speed upgrade doesn't help either I guess it helps right there but that's it um the thing about piece of power is it wastes two seconds to grab and if you get piece of power and then walk for the maximum amount of distance that you can walk you still end up losing like 0.2 I think um so it's still time loss even if you get all the movement time save now we're back to 20 game and it's time for the worst item of all time the seashells and trendy game are notoriously difficult with 100 Runners and probably casual players as well um now if I'm very lucky I might be able to get oh my God I'm sorry I'm not a very good actor um obviously I did this run so I already know the results um yeah we got that seashell first try which is a blessing from the Lord above um it is a very very rare to get that seashell first try especially when you're 40 minutes into a run um I think average is actually like three tries um but it can go absolutely terribly in fact in my last PB my 256 I had to leave and re-enter and so I decided to leave and just do that seashell later but we also get our first figurine luckily a very very easy figurine to capture there are going to be some very awkwardly shaped and difficult figurines later but the first one the chow chow figure is quite easy or the snoopston figure yeah now that we have done more Mabe Village chores so we can go back to dungeon one again and now that we have boots and bombs our 2B items and Bonks so our three be uh features um we can finish dungeon one so we start by just grabbing this key and I have to say that this dungeon is quite Goofy with boots a lot of the rooms I think are sort of designed around you not having anything that makes you move fast so a lot of the rooms are pretty small and there's one giant room uh that's supposed to feel expansive to explore um but once we get there it's gonna feel a little bit silly actually because we're just gonna run through the whole thing and here is that big room again yeah so you can see why it's better to return with a more upgraded item kit rather than doing this dungeon and then coming here [Music] yeah see we just dashed through this entire room when normally it's super super slow [Music] now one disappointing part is that I do really really wish that the red tunic increased the damage of your spin slashes as well um because moldorm ends up taking the same amount of time to fight with the red tunic as he does with the green tunic um because spin flashes but the green tunics still do two damage so you hit him twice with the green tunic with two spin slashes in this run I think I use one spin slash and then one normal slash I will say the fight is quite a bit easier because you are less at risk for being knocked into the voids in the corners um when you're holding sword out to release a spin slash um bold orm can sort of just run into your sword and you're bonking and you can't do any inputs and you get forced into a corner and it's very stupid and annoying and this fight is annoying and it's annoying did I mention aggravating I think I didn't mention aggravating but yeah that's D1 completed a very very fun dungeon with boots and now that we've finished color dungeon and we finished dungeon one we're free to return to our main quest and start taking on dungeon 4. foreign [Music] benefit of doing D1 later as well is that you avoid that owl cut scene you'll also avoid the uh ball throwing boys this cutscene where they tell you that Bow Wow is missing so you get to skip two cutscenes which is quite nice Rock trolled me there oh well [Music] this category is very nice because you get to enjoy a nice little date with Marin [Music] foreign [Music] actually a bit of a funny uh anecdote you have to say yes here but when I first started running this game I actually thought it was optimal to say no and then yes so I was actually releasing a bunch of Time Each run um this was in like my first week of running the game though so this is one of the 50 rupee chests that I think we can actually skip um a lot of getting good at 100 is sort of learning to do a bit of routing on the Fly and um eliminate Ruby chests that you might not need as you collect uh stray rupees in the Wilds [Music] [Music] come on [Music] so the desert is actually one of the most sealed and locked in areas in this game it's actually one of the only areas that we really haven't found a way to get inside of um through glitches so we do have to do the Marin day in order to get in here and we do have to get in here because there's a heart piece two seashells and the dungeon 4 key and based on the rules of the category we have to get the keys even if we have ways of skipping them uh here's line mola lanmola is annoying as he is in every Zelda game that he makes an appearance in um it's possible to one cycle him um but I half messed up and half got unlucky so we had to settle for a two cycle there um it's a bit faster to just drop in and then pick up the key um because you get sort of the full movement speed as you're going down the pit and you get the heart piece as well [Music] [Music] thank you so I've actually picked up quite a few blue roofies more than usual this run um which has sort of helped recover my rip account um I actually ended up finishing this run with a lot more rupees than I expected to just because I performed very well on the mini games um if you don't perform so well that's why you have the extra rubies but now we get to learn meren's song lots of Marin interaction here [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] very beautiful I like the parrot or toucan I guess toucan on the left the toucan and the bear definitely homies [Music] we've got a little hung up on the fence there but that's not [Music] uh this is a little bit of a skip I don't know really what you would call this I guess a movement technique um normally you might work to damp a to access the dungeon for keyhole um but I found that it's actually a little bit quicker to just warp to the seashell mansion and then do a jump to that ladder [Music] that is one crazy looking fish [Music] now it's actually quite a bit faster to just run back rather than taking this war but since we need this warp later it actually ends up being faster to grab it now it's actually the only opportunity we get until we need to use it again uh like two hours from now not two hours but an hour and a half or so a small movement optimization it's slightly faster too jump off the Ladders because you're able to start your movement a bit quicker this puzzle is nice um you can actually solve it just as I should without having to enter and re-enter the staircase I think when I played casually I did the staircase but this room is probably the hardest room to do well I feel in terms of movement I always mess it up I don't think it's technically the hardest um but it's so easy to Bonk in there like I did that lost me quite a bit of time I will say that's one of the things that I do enjoy um quite a bit about 100 is it's quite a bit less frustrating to make those small one second mistakes because there are a lot more opportunities to get big minutes of time saved foreign categories I tend to get a bit neurotic about every little time save in this while intense in its own right is intense for very different reasons so now we're going to do our next bomb loon here in Dungeon four this one will levitate us to the top and this allows us to get the boss key immediately which is very very nice for 100 and very nice for other categories as well um we've sort of dramatically shortened the time that dungeon 4 takes those 10 bombs weren't required but uh I find it's good practice to still go for them because you need them in basically every other category and the jump is a little bit tight [Music] so all we collect in Dungeon four are a Bosque and a small key um the small key is simply so that we can fight the mini boss cue ball who allows us to get the flippers I don't know why I walked around when I had iframes but whatever cue ball is an annoyingly tough fight um it's not super hard but if you make a mistake you lose a bunch of time okay that was a perfect fight there normally you have to do a spin flash at the end but because I've read tunic I did not have to do that so now we have the flippers and we can go ahead and complete the dungeon after dungeon four um there is a scripted ghost encounter who actually prevents you from going inside any more dungeons so for this reason every other category um weights until the end of the run to uh beat this dungeon however for us um for one thing I don't think there's really any way to avoid getting the ghost in 100 you would have to do some very very silly routing um that involves replacing the ghost with another companion and additionally the ghost gives us bottle that we need anyway so it's much faster for us to just beat the dungeon now so I'm going to be utilizing more double spin slashes here um it's not actually like super super optimal you don't they don't help as much in 100 the double spin slashes um since the regular slashes do so much damage on their own but for me it just helps in terms of getting the positioning of the angular fish right I've tried fights where I just Spam and often times that leads to pushing the piranha killer as he is known in German all the way to the top of the screen and it ends up being pretty sloppy and messy to fight him but that was a very nice D4 there were only a couple small mistakes in there [Music] [Music] oh and I suppose I completely neglected to mention the um jump to the boss room that Skips a small key as well immediately after completing the dungeon we're gonna go into this cave here and get Mondo's Mambo Mambo's Mambo is a great song and it allows you to warp to any warp point on the map [Music] foreign [Music] the Game Boy versions but not this version might be a little bit surprised by what I said uh considering Mambo's monpo it's not that great of a song in The Game Boy games it only sends you to Mambo's pond which is really not that fascinating [Music] but for now we're gonna be continuing on with the trade Quest you can actually if you're good at the game just Dash right into that door but I messed up my movement a little bit so I had to stop so I didn't Bonk on the side which I have also done a few times so now we get Christine's letter which we're going to deliver later made a little bit of a menuing mistake there um it's pretty tough to remember the specific movements for each map menu it's faster to use d-pad if you use the control stick the cursor will slide around on the map but if you use the d-pad it'll instantly lock to whichever warp point is nearest to the direction you pressed and so there I think I did a left and then a down left but my down left registered is just down so that's why it sent me back to animal Village or Zoo dwarf in German I think zudorf is probably where Gannon got the [Music] ending of his name from [Music] good this sort of melancholy cutscene is part of what makes Link's Awakening so enjoyable for me there are a lot of these sort of heavier undertones [Music] um throughout the game um and I think it's a pretty beautiful game in its own right once you get down to it I actually missed the Zora there so I had to dive under him one time I had a very quick swim there because I jumped and I landed on the back of the Zora so I got a very nice damage boost this neat little secret pathway will allow us to get another heart piece that I actually missed barely and it will lead us to our first of three capacity upgrades capacity upgrades in this game are really good because there's only one and it doubles the amount of each capacity that you have and it refills uh whatever you're upgrading which proves just absolutely amazing for routing [Music] um if we did not get this we would have to pick up quite a few extra bomb refills so now we work to Mambo's Pond and this is actually where I will be re-buying the medicine um which is slightly embarrassing for my splits because it makes a segment that's usually pretty consistent quite a bit longer than it uh normally might be oh well play stupid games Win stupid prizes or however Reddit says it so now we're going to finish up the ghost side quest bring uh I think it's officially a boy ghost but I guess it doesn't really matter bring them to their final resting place where they will reward you with a bottle and while bottles are super super useful in Ocarina of Time in Majora's Mask they uh I kind of suck in this game we do not use them for anything [Music] [Music] actually our bottles even that good in Majora's Mask I think they are the not as good as Ocarina of Time I don't quite remember [Music] so we're just gonna discover some more secret items get our seashells get a heart piece actually wait yeah the heart pieces later but got two seashells and then get our piece [Music] we get a nice push cancel there which is a little trick that allows you to uh immediately start moving after pushing a block um it's saves about 0.4 seconds if you do it manually with the shields but it's frame perfect so it's not really worth going for there it's automatic um if you take damage it'll automatically push cancel you so it's uh worth it there if you were to do all the push cancels in the first split of the game you would end up saving somewhere around uh two seconds but it's five frame perfect tricks to save two seconds which uh it's not really worth it especially without a good visual indicator or anything if there was a good visual or audio cue um I might consider going for it but um it's basically just muscle memory and frame perfect muscle memory is not the most reliable thing to go off of so now that we've gotten all of our Collectibles we can enter dungeon 5. this dungeon is fun but also really annoying um there are quite a few RNG rooms in here specifically this first room can lose you quite a few seconds to an optimal pattern and the boss of this dungeon is a coin flip on whether or not you get to attack um I think there's a way of doing it so that it becomes a 75 instead um but I don't really know that method and it's a bit harder than I'm willing to go for I think I don't know maybe at this point now that I've gotten a good run I'll start going for it so this dungeon is slightly repetitive um I missed oh my God okay I forgot how bad that room was um normally should be super quick with the red mail but oh well um so this dungeon's a bit repetitive this is master stalfos and you fight him four times which is kind of a lot got hit there which lost us a second probably it's a little bit hard because every time I practice this um most of the time when I'm doing dungeon 5 I have the green tunic so the knock pack sorry the knock back dealt to master stealthos is quite a bit lower um so it's a little bit harder for me to adjust usually I don't get hit though buy my own bombs I mean oh wow that time I just ran directly into it huh so I lost probably maybe two and a half seconds maybe more from both of those fights but all in all that's not too bad considering um in my PB I lost I think 40 seconds also nice double blue I think I lost about 40 seconds to this Dungeon Because I messed up the glitch that we do here any percent um is able to skip this dungeon completely and actually I suppose I should mention that there is a new trick that was discovered not super recently but recently enough that there really isn't a good setup for it um and there's a trick that would save about a minute and a half in this category I think a minute 40 was the final um decided time it saves about 30 seconds and 90 uh this new version um but the trick that we're about to do is known as hookshot Rocket and it involves um picking up a bomb while the hook shot Falls onto your head so that the hook shot and the bomb Collide and when that happens the hook shot launches into the air and it takes you with it and then you uh are on the walls and then you in any percent you walk to the end of the dungeon and you're done you just have to come back for hook shot in this category since we have to fight the boss and since that doesn't give us the hook shot uh we just use this trick to get to the boss key early which getting to the boss key this method is faster than um going then getting the hook shot immediately it's better to delay the hook shot and get the boss key rather than get the hawk hook shot and uh delay the boss key wait what did I just I don't know hopefully you understand what I mean I think I tripped over my own words there but yeah so now we have to go back and get the hook shot because we used it to do that trick um as I was saying earlier there's a new method that allows you to take the hook shot with you in return for like I think like 10 seconds of extra setup time I think less I think it's like seven seconds of extra setup time uh if you do it quickly and that is very good because it would allow us to skip needing the boss key and 100 percent um we would just take the hook shot with us onto the walls grab it get onto the walls and then immediately fight the boss um fortunately that's just not the way things are uh headed right now that trick is I think it's the hardest trick in the game period um and I think the runners of this game have everybody who's tried the trick I think has um come to a consensus that it's pretty much not really RTA viable um however I have a friend um Snow Miser second place and 100 who has actually been grinding out the trick quite a bit um I think he'll start going for it and runs um because he has about a I think a 40 success rate with it which is way way higher than anybody else has and if you hit it second try it still ends up I think it only loses a little bit if you hit its second try so this will end up becoming a reset point but um it's worth it probably to get that extra minute and a half and I'm scared because I might start having to uh go for it as well foreign er uh Sly meal this is one of the most annoying bosses in the game luckily I got the one cycle um the way I do this fight is I just hope for him to spawn on the left side some people just hope for him to spawn on the bottom some people just hope for him to spawn on the top and some people just hope for him to spawn on the right side I think it's all basically preference one of those patterns probably doesn't work because of the tail RNG or not orangey the tail pattern um for me left side has just always worked so I do left side um and that fight is why the red tunic is super super good um if we didn't have the red tunic we would actually want to Route out a piece of power to fight that boss um which is very annoying it's what glitchless has to do um if you don't have a damage boosting uh item or tunic whatever um that fight is impossible to one cycle and it means you have to deal with even more RNG all right so now it's time to enter D6 and along with entering dungeon 6. it's also time to finally rescue Bow Wow from captivity um it took us kind of a while but um this ends up being the fastest time to rescue Bow Wow um it also ends up being the best time because we're able to just leave this area there are certain times where the flags are set such that if you rescue Bow Wow um you'll get soft locked upon leaving this cave and so you have to Mambo away which loses some time um but at the point in the run that we do Bow Wow and actually I walk here because usually Bow Wow runs at you but of course Bowa trolls me and will be trolling me quite a lot throughout this run anyway um we're able to just Auto load wait did I never discuss autoloading hello I am a terrible commentator okay uh auto loading is a mechanic in this game it's basically just a fancy name for a simple concept um it's just loading your autosave but yeah so we've now rescued Bow Wow who will provide almost no assistance to US during this run oh look he's telling me where the seashell is because I missed it what a helpful guy um some Runners really like bow wow they think he's cute um I am not a big fan a lot of times I have bonked on Bow Wow and I think literal surrenders also tend to not like Bow Wow because sometimes he gets very moody and refuses to eat the flowers that you need him to eat to get into dungeon too and glitchless so yeah um this split is actually I think the longest chore based split in the run that blue repeat was completely unnecessary to grab um but I accepted anyway um that was just I don't know that was just a bit of a silly fool I actually had it I think at one time I've had a pattern where Bow Wow completely blocked my hook shot here you do a nice little down right angle there to get back um and I had one time where bow it was just completely in the way so Bow Wow just randomly can decide to uh turn your speed around into a Let's Play this is actually the end of the trading sequence here um [Music] once we do this trading item we're actually going to skip to the end of the trading Quest by doing a trick known as early lens which was in the very very old any percent route trading that letter um we did Christine's trade for her and she's very pleased um that we managed to catfish this guy into thinking that a very respectable goat lady is actually Princess Peach from the hit Mario series he's absolutely smitten she's presumably getting some money or something uh I don't know there's some dark undertones in this game sometimes maybe she's just embarrassed and shy and maybe when they actually meet in real life you know he'll he'll realize and he'll be like it's fine I love you for who you are on the inside I don't know um now we're done with mysterious Forest that's the end of mysterious for us we're done we're leaving goodbye not coming back and we go to animal Village and as part of the 100 requirements we have to get the dungeon 6 dungeon key but also we don't really have a way to get into dungeon 6 anyway um there is a way to get into dungeon six with the rooster but unfortunately in order to get the rooster you need to beat dungeon six so uh we have a bit of a dilemma there um if we had some way of getting the rooster before beating dungeon six um the route would be absolutely crazy um for one thing um and it would also mean that we don't have to get this key here [Music] in terms of any percentage and 100 you have to grab the keys which always kind of trips me up um when I first started running this category I was actually uh kind of into the idea of not including the keys anymore but uh I've grown to understand that having a consistent rule Set uh is good actually yeah we're just gonna collect some seashells here um there's a hidden one in uh what is known as the armos maze here that we're also going to grab this is quite a fun area to move around in when you don't have to worry about health like you do in 100 or like you don't and 100 um and any percent you have five Hearts here and any percent no he knocks Scorpio four hearts and the armos do two hearts of damage to you and the boss that gives you the key does one heart and it's very scary so you have to be on your best behavior you have to try not to get hit by the armos I actually missed that Arrow there but it's pretty irrelevant so this area Bow Wow actually tends to help out a bit by taking care of the souls how did I Bonk there what the hell okay um that's very strange normally um when you're going around a curve like that uh excuse my voice crack normally when you're going around a curve like that link will just sort of um manage to not get owned by the curve I missed my last error there well ah this fight is also pretty frustrating sometimes um this boss has a stupid amount of invincibility frames while jumping and coming back from the jump so um it can be pretty annoying to deal with him if you mess up the pattern luckily I recovered pretty well there so this will be our last set of chores before we go to dungeon six wow it happened again that is fascinating so this was actually a pretty bad split I think I ended up losing around six seconds in my PV oh and look Bow Wow trolled me that's awesome um yeah a lot of that was to uh that was trolling and the Bonks so we'll be doing our last uh collectible chores here um This Heart piece in the moat in the original games did not have any sort of outline um I forget the intended way that you're supposed to know that that heart piece is there I think maybe if you do stuff with the photographs um also as a side tension I wish they had photographs in this game as well anyway um I think maybe it's something with the photographs that tells you the hard piece is there now there is a task Strat for the seashell a task 100 Strat where the autoload the auto save that gets created after grabbing that seashell um in this game there's one frame after you load into the game if you're in water where you can use items um so if you load your auto save um within that one frame or sorry if you use an item within one frame of loading that autosave you can Mambo to seashell mansion and the reason why I say it's a test Strat is because it saves a total of one second to do that frame perfect trick so it's definitely not worth it to go for in runs but see what I mean there see like I went around that corner but the other one's just did not let me pass oh well silly game [Music] so now it's time for dungeons so now it's time for Dungeon six um this used to be one of the longest dungeons in the game um but over the course of a few months we kept finding new and newer glitches that just absolutely tore this dungeon to shreds um first the glitch route was always just like it it was a pretty vanilla route that involved like I think a small key Skipper two um and then we graduated to the Dongo skip which was uh pretty hard trick it used to be tassel me then they made it RTA viable um and so we started doing the Dongo skipping runs and then I think very soon after didongress get not not very soon but decently soon after the donga skip um we found the trick that we use now um and it's quite a silly one I don't really want to spoil it so I think I'll refrain from explaining it until after we get there for now enjoy the dungeon six gameplay here oh man [Music] [Music] foreign so that's another one of our bomb loons this one's pretty unique in that you just float up a staircase for some reason um I also did a small time safe strap to skip the screen transitions there unfortunately I miscounted and had one extra there um but yeah that Strat makes dungeon six very very quick it's only about two and a half minutes long in any percent categories where you don't have to fight the boss um and that's part of what makes it so fast is that you get to skip the boss previously all of our D6 tricks still required us to fight this very long boss um but 100 we get to fight this guy and he's actually a very very fun boss uh this is facade I'm not even gonna try and pronounce the German name and the way that facade works is very very unique um he gets influenced by the way you move around the screen and you use a nice little Strat here to damage him with his room tiles I was barely early there and then I ended up falling in so this is actually a very very bad facade fight [Music] um but I did get to utilize a cool little recovery Strat um normally facade doesn't take damage if he's more than one tile away from a wall but if he's in front of the door the door extends the hitbox of the bomb Arrow so if you shoot the door you'll still do damage to facade so this was a really good D6 um in terms of the trick execution I got the trick first try um and all the movement was decent enough but facade fight went a bit sloppy but what are you gonna do so now that we've beaten dungeon six um you might think that we're gonna go to dungeon seven well if you think that you'd be wrong we're actually gonna do dungeon 8 and then dungeon seven um which has sort of always been a staple in the glitched Lynx Awakening runs a very strange menu there um ever since the discovery of what is known as flame cave skip uh We've basically just always been doing dungeon 8 before dungeon seven um it provides a much more direct route than uh than normal and it also allows for you to skip quite a few cut scenes um in glitchless you avoid a cutscene actually by doing dungeon 7 first of course and then you do you do half of dungeon seven and then you do dungeon 8 and then you finish dungeon seven just so you can avoid uh a few cutscenes [Music] but in this run we simply use flame cave skip and that allows us to uh sort of destroy the end game um we're gonna be getting rooster here um after we get frog song we'll revive rooster and rooster sort of completely breaks the Overworld movement um there are quite a few glitches that you can do really easily with the rooster um notably uh the ones that we use are the air climb the no clip and what's known as rock um a bit of an immature name but it is basically just a glitch that allows you to rock sorry it allows you to walk on some rocks uh that you normally would not be able to so this is frog song the best song in the game [Music] I think what's Most Fascinating about this song is whenever people complain about it I feel like they have completely different reasons from each other as to why they don't like it some people say that the singing is bad but the melody is good some people say that the singing is good but the melody is bad some people say that specifically the two little frogs are terrible singers but war is a good singer and then I've heard some people say that war is a terrible singer but the two frogs are good things um it's quite funny I actually enjoy the song um I don't know if that's just like an inherent contrarianism of mine but I I don't know I I've never had a problem with it I guess it's supposed to be intentionally bad but I'm not quite uh musically talented or rhythmically talented at all to really identify why it's bad so now we're getting rooster um and rooster is going to replace Bow Wow as the link can only ever have one companion at a time and this eliminates our need to return Bow Wow foreign and now it's time for fishing this is the most egregiously RNG based part of the Run um you have to catch an orange fish a cheap cheap of suitable size such that it gives you a heart piece and a seashell you have to catch a blooper that's over 100 centimeters and you have to catch a big blue fish known as Old Baron um that is over 150 centimeters the reason we have these centimeter requirements is because if they if they are not big enough then they'll actually just not give you the reward you need and you'll have to catch it again um so this chips you right here I thought was big enough to get me the heart piece for some reason looking back I don't really know why I went for this cheat sheet uh it's very very small um normally you want to go for a bigger one I think it's either 45 or 50 is the heart piece requirement I think it's 50. and that one was 43. I accidentally said yes and wasted 10 Rupees there so it is fine though we did get the cheap cheap so and green fish are much more common than green fish are the other thing that can give you that 50 centimeter heart piece I immediately get a big enough uh blooper though which is very nice I was very pleased to see that um so the reason this is very RNG based one you need to get the right size but also you have to actually get the um proper fish and I think I think the possible percentage chance for Old Baron to appear is 20 so you need the big blue fish to appear which is only 20 of the time and you need it to be 150 centimeters or over which is only 50 percent of the time uh so it's pretty rare to get a big enough one and whenever you see this white light it means there's a special fish in the pond um so that cheap shape is big enough to give me the heart piece but also this green fish is big enough and for some reason this specific spot right below link uh provides automatic catches so I decided I'd rather just go for the green fish even though it's gonna give me an extra animation of giving me the middleweight lure the lures are not required for 100 because they do not modify your inventory yeah this guy definitely big enough to give me the heart piece and you may notice that we do actually have Oberon at the bottom of the pond um but he's not quite big enough for us so we're gonna avoid catching him for now so this is probably the silly part of um doing 100 percent and I actually ended up reaching a pretty pretty rare percent chance I haven't exactly counted these but I I think it's over 10 reloads maybe and the percent chance that you get everything by the time that you do this is very very high um I just got super unlucky um I equipped the heavyweight lure there which I normally don't do immediately I usually check the pawn first and then equip the lure but this time I was like I need to just go for all the time save that I can reasonably get because this fishing is on Pace to be really bad unless I get a really quick catch here that was sort of the um Silver Lining to this fishing um all of the fish were caught super super quickly um so even though it took me a million attempts to get this Old Baron when it really shouldn't have taken me this long um I got a much quicker catch than normal it's pretty random I don't know the exact like probabilities of the fish resisting or whatever um yeah we got a good catch there that one was 159 actually which is quite a bit bigger than normal uh it caps out at 170 but I think I've only ever seen one get even close to that I have seen a very very humongous cheap cheap though foreign but yeah the total odds of getting all the fish that you need in one single Pond also the bottle is pretty annoying to try and get here but if you're careful it's good the key thing with learning to fish the bottle is just having patience you really can't rush it anyway the chance of getting a First Pond fishing is point two nine percent so it's uh it's gonna be a while before any 100 run gets that but a 100 run that gets that or close to that uh is bound to save a lot of time on this run um that fishing segment was 9 minutes and 40 seconds starting from the text box uh after dungeon six uh which is about 40 seconds off of my gold which while not perfect I was very pleased to have not lost more time because it's very possible for fishing to go absolutely terribly and for you to lose minutes there so the fact I only lost 40 seconds actually more than 40 seconds but 40 seconds to my gold uh I was very pleased so now we're doing a trick called early lens um I mentioned earlier that the lens is required casually to read the book um but it also is required to get a seashell and to get the boomerang uh so we very much need it that was kind of an awkward menu um but yeah the magnifying lens is gonna allow us to get a couple items that we need so even though we don't really need to finish the rest of the trading Quest um we do still have to get the lens so now we go to this Sora who tells us about gorya the traitor um on the beach who we can also now see with the lens yeah taronga strand which is the Beach area I equipped Marin's song which may seem a bit unconventional but um it's actually required for seashell here she thanks us she says donkey for uh dunk I think it's just dunk I don't know dank dunk I don't know uh for delivering her letter her catfish letter anyway um now we talked to the walrus and we uh get a seashell he thinks we're Marin and then he realizes we're not Marin and he spits out a seashell at us don't really understand the context behind that seashell and I think the existence of that seashell probably eluded many casual playthroughs but oh [Music] I tried to throw the rooster behind me but I pressed a a bit too early there foreign I've tried many times to make that menu a little bit more flashy I feel like I'm able to uh save a menu there but every time I've tried to mass it out and execute it it just it always ends up being the same amount of menus if not more so here's Korea give him the bow and he gives us the boomerang and the boomerang completely sucks in comparison to the bow so we're gonna buy the bow back it's a little bit silly but it's required for 100 so we have to get it the boomerang was actually super super good in the game boy version um but they nerfed it a lot in this remake for some reason um the boomerang was super cool because it one shot death eye um but in this it does less damage than the bow does which is very silly so we're going to do our first air climb oh wait no our second air climb of the run I forgot about early lens this allows us to get this hard piece really quickly and easily and now we're going to do our second or art God I I can't get this right our third air climb um and this is flame cave skip I got it first right here it's not too hard of a trick but if your muscle memory on it is a little bit messed up it can be pretty easy to mess up uh and now we're doing d8 back door um I guess this counts as a rooster no clip um I didn't mean to pick up that bomb by the way but I think that actually ended up saving the run because looking back at the footage I think that bomb was uh too far down for that to work yeah we do a bunch of fancy stuff there and then we spawn here and then the rooster floats us up to the bridge and uh yeah now we enter d8 we skip uh the Turtle Rock fight and we get a heart piece for free wow for some reason I jumped there don't think it's faster to jump but oh so now that we're in Dungeon 8 we're gonna warp immediately back to the beginning and we're going to see our first instance of a very game breaking glitch known as a he knocks warp um this glitch allows you to skip over entire dungeons um in 100 we're going to use it just to get the magic Rod immediately and then we're actually not going to use the second one um the old Route was to do this unox warp and then do a second he knocks warp and then um beat the boss but I actually found that it well me along with cinemizer we found that it's faster to just do this first unox warp and then do the no he knocks warp glitches Strat which involves doing a bomb loon uh to get onto the walls to get to the ball soon so this was third try hey Knox work which is not great but it's a frame perfect trick at 60fps um and that one specifically doesn't have uh the most amazing visual cue of all time so I was decently happy with third try there hey and so now we're just going to Traverse the walls this allows us to skip the Plano fight it allows us to skip two small keys and we get the magic Rod right away I actually then I accidentally went a little bit far right there um which scares me a lot but end up being okay so we get the magic rod and now I'm going to do the no hinox warp trick here which is actually pretty cool um it ends up being kind of a cool route okay I missed the first jump that's fine okay I missed the second jump that's fine again all right there we go okay I missed the third jump that's cool as well okay the fourth term okay so this is turning out to be a bit of a disaster um losing quite a bit of time and I think I probably got a little bit tilted here I don't know if I'd say tilted I think I got nervous um I don't remember being mad but I definitely got nervous when I messed up a bunch of times there um yeah this specific um bomb loon is super cool we do a cool little Strat here to get into the blocks and then we jump out to the wall line up so that we don't fall off if your lineup isn't uh precise there you can just fall off the wall immediately when you screen transition we have to jump over those stairs or else you Bonk and it's ruined and then we do this and we just jump into the Boston easy peasy go into the boss room go down a little bit oh uh oh looks like I'm stuck just just go down a little bit man oh he went up don't don't go up go down oh okay well I screwed up and then I got to I got a little bit upset so I collected all of those because I thought I was going to reset and then I decided to continue this is probably this is definitely the biggest mistake of the Run um I lost about a minute and a half to this mistake so now I all I had to hope for was that I could just hit the cnox warp immediately and it turns out I am better at the harder Strat I don't know why I'm kind of silly but whatever it's fine um I think the key thing I can blame there is a lack of practice again this was meant to be sort of a de-rest run um so when I messed up on that no he knock sword trick also this fight is super annoying I messed up but whatever um huh so when I messed up on that trick um it was mostly because not really the execution itself the execution itself I think I lost like 20 maybe 15 seconds or so trying to get that trick at the start there um and falling a bunch of times for no reason but falling off at the end there was just because I haven't really done that method of the trick and no he knocks work obviously you don't want to fight the boss you just go immediately to the instrument um [Music] so I don't know I just got a little bit um messed up I think the nerves too were kicking in there yeah I lost a minute and a half to my gold um which actually ended up only being about 30 seconds to my PB s um funnily enough because my PB also had a bad dungeon 8 apparently I can't get a good dungeon 8 or dungeon three and I could run oh well um as a result of doing that trick to skip Turtle Rock um the game waits for exactly seven seconds there it's like hard programmed into the game to wait for seven seconds for some reason when the rooster is uh behind there um so this is cockroach walk um you don't have to get all the works in this game either yes they're not part of the inventory yeah would be a little bit silly if you did have to get all the works foreign I do know that Twilight Princess gets all of them um but really it's like five extra seconds of gameplay as you get that warp and like one other that's right near there as well so I think as a community we just sort of decided against it I also got those 50 rupees there which I ended up not needing um I think a big part of the time save later on is going to end up being skipping a lot more of these creepy chests uh this is our final capacity upgrade we get powder which uh is useless except for one case one little enemy we gotta fight so there's an example of a no clip um there's a slightly faster version than the one I did there but that ended up working anyway I also messed up there um I meant to jump down to get back in bounds but instead I just jump to more out of bounds it was weird but I still got the jump back in Mounds first try so not a huge deal [Music] so that seashell since we don't want to wait for the animation we run away from it desperately ah I suppose I could make the joke oh no I forgot the seashell um yeah we simply run back to collect it later it's uh slightly faster that time I jumped because the rooster was in the way so it helped to uh avoid some potential time loss and here's a cool little movement optimization this is a YOLO jump um not really a YOLO I get it every time but if you mess up you fall down and you lose probably 45 seconds I think in this category you lose a lot more time in uh any percent categories where you don't get rid of the waterfall in front of D4 um in those categories if you fall down you uh just have to reset back to after you beat dungeon 8 and it ends up losing I think a minute and a half to two minutes I don't quite remember foreign s here um this one will allow us to get to the dungeon 7 warp which we'll need a very shortly I know I just said that all the warps aren't required but this one we're actually going to use um pretty soon foreign [Music] so we're about to see sort of the true power of air climbs um it's pretty ridiculous what you can do with this trick um we're gonna use it to just sort of descend across a very big chunk of the map um and it's going to allow us to actually get inside the rafting game early well not early it allows us to get inside the rafting game without a raft um and this allows us to collect the uh heart piece and seashell that are located here very very quickly and easily unfortunately the rooster is a little bit of a troll it is faster to uh hover with the rooster rather than swim through the Rapids so now at this point in the run I think we have 46 seashells um we have 44. my bad um so we're actually going to be getting four out of five of our seashell rewards because the fourth reward is the level two sword the um I forget exactly what it's called um [Music] but yeah we get the level two sword here and that allows us to do one more damage uh so all of our attacks do three damage which is quite a lot and it's going to help us save a bunch of time later on in this run when we do dampa while um I'm collecting all these rewards I think I'm gonna take this time to do a more detailed explanation on he knocks warps because we're about to do a pretty big one to skip all of dungeon seven hidox warps as a glitch basically uh the way they work is whenever the he knocks grabs a link um what's actually happening is link is teleporting to the he knocks's hand so whatever position link is in uh the he knocks grabs you if you're in the grab range you are teleported to the he knocks his hand so he can then throw you if um you interrupt this grabbing animation on like the frame he grabs you whether that be through falling through a hole taking damage uh doing an attack if you're able to I think was one way of getting it to work as well um then you get what's known as henox warp most of the time uh it doesn't really do anything um you'll just void out for a little bit and then you'll respawn right in front of the he knocks again but in very specific pixels on very specific frames uh you can actually get some pretty crazy results um and the first instance of this glitch was posted on Reddit a game clip somebody posted they completely accidentally got the glitch in a one in like one billion chance they got the glitch and it worked them to the end of this dungeon here and so everybody in the speedrun community freaked out um it took them I think two months it's either one or two months to even come up with a setup that comes close to what that person pulled off accidentally and it's a much different setup than what that person did uh I got the first try SKU shot here I think I forgot to talk about excuse earlier in Dungeon five um skew skewing uh Link's angle basically as you hopefully probably I've already noticed by now link only moves in eight directions um but when jumping link is okay I don't know how I messed that up um but when jumping link Link's angle is able to be manipulated much further into being basically any 360 degree Direction um and the developers did not think you would be able to do this so it allows for you to do some uh pretty minor skips none of them are major the d51 saves a small key um in this dungeon it actually does save quite a bit of time um because it allows you to immediately get to the Unix for something so I I try to improvise a strat here by hitting myself with bomb arrows while I'm going to the he knocks and it just did not go well um we have to grind our health down because for this unox warp um instead of choosing to take damage or get interrupted by a hole on the frame that the hinox hits us we are choosing to take we are choosing to die um and so dying with the medicine actually allows for a range of frames uh to work so this Enoch swarp is technically easier uh than the dungeon 8 he knocks warp that's only one frame uh because there are multiple frames that work um the problem is there's a much there isn't really as much of a visual cue um so for this one I do a specific setup that gives me three frames um to hit the trick and those three frames all send me to the boss room and regular any percent you also have three frames to hit the trick two of those friends send you to the boss room and one of those frames send you to the instrument room obviously 100 we have to beat the boss um so getting the instrument room is really bad and before edl told me about this setup um that gives you three bathroom frames I had a number of runs that died to getting the instrument room which was very very silly so the eagle fight's pretty easy um I actually got very lucky there I only got one gust um before the gusts were a huge time loss but um we actually learned from the Japanese Runners um they watched their runs and we found out that they were able to cancel the gust animation by going onto the ladder and going back up I thought I got into the door but I guess I didn't but yeah that's dungeon seven um much much quicker than it normally would take um [Music] takes a very very long time without the Keynote swerp [Music] and we got our first try as well which is nice it's a three frame trick so it's not super super hard but again it is a 60fps game so uh it's still a tight window so now that we've done dungeon seven you may be thinking that basically everything's done I mean how do you have another hour left of the Run um well to answer that question we've got a lot of mini games to do um but we're actually not going to be doing those mini games just yet we're actually going to beat the game first and then do those mini games which sounds very very weird but unfortunately there's exactly one item locked behind beating the game and creating a save after the credits so you have to watch the credits in this run and I'm very very sorry that you have to do that but um it's just part of the Run simple as it's part of the 100 requirements we got to do it I actually have thought about doing a route of Max percent pre-credits um or like 100 no chamber Stones I don't know some sort of silly title like that um so that the Run actually ends with beating the boss the final boss but as of right now final boss is actually only about two-thirds of the way into the room [Music] a nice fun little thing for me to make uh credits more fun rather than just sitting for five minutes is I actually have a segment that times my credits time um you might think that's kind of asinine but I don't know I think it's kind of cool the time my mashing it keeps me uh focused and attentive um for the two little spots in at the end of those five minutes where you have to mash or beginning and end of those five minute credits uh and also at least the credits aren't much longer um you know there's some games where the credits are like 10 minutes [Music] foreign [Music] so as I mentioned earlier we don't have to read the book because we are in G manipulated our egg pattern to be a specific pattern I am currently using what is believed to be the most optimal pattern um uh it has a nice little nickname rulu uh which stands for the actual pattern it's right up left up up up up up up up up um so it's good because most of your movement here is just going to be up and it's very quick you just Dash right through uh makes for a nice pattern [Music] for a while um when this game was first being run people before RNG minute was found people did um a super sorry a super permutation of 100 possible egg patterns so instead of reading the book they decided they wanted to skip the trade Quest and instead test their luck right at the end luckily that phase did not last uh for very long at least I never had to deal with it by the time I started running the game um [Music] um but yeah that ended up you could end up losing a lot of time at the very end if you uh a pattern that was very very far into the permutation so there is a strat to avoid getting hit by these blue balls here but since we have a million Hearts I just choose to uh try and go for the insta kills by uh swiping as vigorously as I can I use furiously um this is agonim Agony works very very similarly to how he works in A Link to the Past um in this game he shoots either an orange ball or a blue ball the very first ball is always Orange and then there's a 50 50 chance of getting either an orange or a blue ball um and [Music] you can only have one given pattern three times in a row so you can only have three Orange in a row or three blue in a row so the max blue balls you can get is nine and the minimum blue balls you can get is one I decided to go for triples here which I have never really practiced um there's a little technique for saving a cycle on death eye here by uh getting uh two triple shots but I end up missing all my opportunities so I had to settle for doing double shots for the last levels yeah not a perfect nightmare fight but good enough I think I got three blue balls there which is decent three blue balls is still in the expected range um you have about a 75 chance of getting three or under and then everything above three is uh more unlikely but yeah so that's nightmare beaten in 205 um now we have to deal with credits which is slightly silly um but I don't know it is kind of nice to have a good break point in the Run um because from this point on there are going to be zero cutscenes it's gonna be non-stop gameplay uh non-stop minigame action and even though I'm saying minigame and I'm making them sound easy and trivial um they're actually kind of the most intense part of the run and also the hardest so yeah you save the hardest for the end pretty awesome [Music] feel free to just skip through the credits um I don't think I have too much to explain here I'd rather explain things as they uh come up is there anything I should clarify that I didn't touch on earlier talked about skus talk about skip because you need to be fired [Music] um I think we're good this run is improvable but this end game is going to show part of why um I think it's a really good run worthy of having its own special commentated video instead of just being a um run that doesn't have any commentary so I'm actually going to take a break myself I'll be back by the end of credits to explain more about the Run I'll see them [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so remember that work I said we'd need later we finally get to use it laughs [Music] so now we're going to begin rafting um which is a pretty easy mini game it's the easiest of the minigames um but it's still pretty fun to try and get your time lower a good time for rafting in an Arceus setting is probably um a mid to high 23 Second I think all of my rafting times this run were pretty bad I think I got like a 24 and then a 25 and then a 26. um which is not great but um I still saved a bunch of time over my PB uh because I got flick back when I was trying to menu on this exact menu and I accidentally uh clicked schnapp shellin which is Rapids raid instead of Rapids race and Rapids raid does not give you anything good at all besides this collectible item or not collectible well I guess collectible those pickups that we uh passed when we came here with the rooster earlier yes [Music] yeah this minigame basically just comprises of uh it was almost 23. um just using hook shot wherever you can to go a little bit faster and the very nice thing about this minigame is that you get your rupees back after winning so you don't really have to worry about your rupee count otherwise we would have to get a lot more rupees during the Run um and you actually get 300 rupees um once you eat up all the rewards but um that's not really useful for us it's probably useful in a deathless 100 run I think this is the mini game you would grind in order to avoid stealing from the shop hmm so you get a heart piece and then a seashell and then you get a chamber Stone um each one is a reward for a different increment but obviously since we go super super fast speed run mode um we are always under that limit um I think 40 seconds is the heart piece reward 35 seconds is the seashell reward and 30 seconds is the chamber Stone reward I've never really even gotten close to failing I think the worst I've gotten in a run was like 27 Maybe it's it's a pretty simple maze to be honest see I even missed the hook shot twice and I still got a 26. maybe I got a 28 one time but yeah it's it's definitely one where once you practice it a few times uh you're not likely to fail but it still happens when you get flick back on the menus it's super silly but oh well at least it didn't happen this one I tried to do Dash there for some reason just just silly movement [Music] so that's our last Overworld heart piece the rest will be achieved from the trendy game and from dampet uh so the trendy game uh we talked about trendy very early on in the run around 10 minutes and around 40 minutes um where our first two trips to trendy uh now we're gonna be doing a bunch of trips after we steal five chamber Stones here uh while I do this whole stealing process I'll start to explain the trendy game trendy game uh gives you a chamber Stone as a reward so it's always been a part of the 100 definition um however as part of a community agreement you also have to place the very last Bow Wow figure in so it's sort of um implicitly implicitly you also have to place all of the figurines because in order to place the Bow Wow one you have to place all the other ones and the Bow Wow one is also the one that gets you the chamber Stone and the Bow Wow one is also the one that's locked behind credits it's a little bit silly but it's just part of the Run um and I'm glad that we do trendy um because there's actually a lot of skill in um in getting each of the figurines each one has a different setup you have to do um and if you do it right most of the time they should stay in there but you can still get unlucky and uh have terrible horrible things happen most notably with the seashells um we got one of the seashells earlier luckily um and we'll be getting the second one very soon yeah trendy allows us to get um a chamber Stone Heart piece and seashell and then all the figurines which allows us to get a chamber Stone I think I'm just about finishing up chamber Stones here um I actually haven't been counting while commentating but that should be the last one okay one more then foreign so now we're done with shopping and now we get to do Trend again um this is honestly a pretty fun part of the run I know I think a couple of my 100 can Patriots don't really care for this but to me it's part of what makes the run so unique and enjoyable um and I'm looking forward to uh doing this again next run um yeah there are a lot of cool setups I have that tend to work pretty well um most of them revolve around going to that middle spot in between the last two tiles so you can see there's a dark square and a light square and a line that divides them all the way to the right um and so using that pattern as a visual reference um I am able to get basically all of the figurines from that position um I just adjust my timing based on the figurine and what's good about that position specifically is that it also allows you to grab the left side um item in a very very similar cycle I think it well I guess I could say in the same cycle um you have to do basically no waiting at all just grab one thing after the other and that's part of the optimization in this category is not just doing the mini games correctly but also doing them quickly um specifically in dampe later um building the dungeons quickly is Gonna Save Us a lot of time so we wrap this heart piece this heart piece has actually caused me problems before um most of the time it's a very very easy member of the trendy Guild but it definitely has caused me difficulties before I will not deny that I will point out whenever we get to a tougher uh trendy object um in fact our next visit will actually have arguably the hardest one in it um which is the second seashell I actually think the second seashell is not nearly as hard as the first one um I have a pretty decent setup for it but when it fails it loses you a bunch of time um pretty much every time you fail this specific seashell it will almost always land in a spot where you're incapable of grabbing it just based on sort of the location of where you're grabbing it from which is the left moving platform um if it moves to the left you can't move the uh pincer thing to the left at all you can only move it to the right and up so I don't know why I saw my Dash there I think I did that on accident um so if it goes to the left at all um you end up getting super screwed and you have to leave and re-enter and all the setups are kind of messed up and it's just not a fun time boo is coinc not ironically I guess the easiest um figuring to grab in my opinion I've never had boo fail um because Boo just sort of boo is very light and big so he aligns himself with the pincer and also uh doesn't fall out of the pincer so here's the seashell let's see if we get it first try very very good when I when that happened in my run I popped off a little bit because I knew I already had about a minute of time save um from my last run needing to get an extra seashell here that I neglected to get earlier because it was causing me a lot of problems um so getting that also saved a bunch of time on my PV because I think I messed up on that got it like second or third try or something because it's not always um you know you have to leave and re-enter sometimes it does go to the right or just down a bit and you're able to uh re-grab it up next uh are gonna be a couple of easy ones um we've got the cheap cheap and the blooper um but after them it's going to get quite a bit harder again in fact I actually used to think that the blooper was one of the hardest um figurines to grab but I've gotten way way better I have a much better setup for it I used to use a setup that basically never worked it worked like 20 of the time but for some reason I was going for it in runs because it was somewhat insolent I guess but now I've uh developed a better setup and I think I I stole some of the setups from Glam I'm not sure I can't remember whether Glenn and I have um similar setups are different setups um but I do remember watching golan's trendy game at one point for a while uh Glenn is a glitchless 100 Runner I actually started going to the wrong area there that's the rust showing um glan and M Chan both glitchless 100 Runners we don't have a separate glitches category and they still perform very well for uh doing the run without glitches that's pretty commendable I want to try out they've actually inspired me to want to try out glitches 100 at some point definitely not anytime soon but uh when I can I want to give it a shot yeah it's very impressive the times they were able to get and a big part of that time save comes from doing these mini games well um this category at this category is inception um a lot of Runners lost time to this because it wasn't really fully understood in fact some Runners actually did phishing at the end of the run along with um all these figurines that we're grabbing you know they did it as part of the post game Quest and uh obviously that is not fun when you can lose up to minutes just on RNG with fishing I think it wasn't really understood what caused the um specific fish to appear um now we know that it is I think D4 gets you cheap cheap D5 gets you blooper and D6 gets you all Baron but I'm gonna have some of those mixed up Shy Guy is deceptively difficult um should I used to always go well for me and then about a year ago I started having some troubles with him you can see how he kind of spazzes out when she's in the crane um he's a pretty oversized figurine which causes those difficulties but got him first try this run which is very nice um yeah he's one of the figurines who kind of want to worry about because if your positioning is a little bit off and I think in fact um if her positioning is too perfect it might actually be worse for shy guy but I don't really have anything to substantiate that claim next up is piranha plant um another one that I used to think was hard but I developed a better setup and so now piranha is pretty easy um Prana being so good is part of why it's hard and part of why it's easy um it makes it easy because it'll pretty much always hit the conveyor belt once you uh bring it over there even if you get something like this pattern right here that I got where the piranha is dipped all the way out to the other side um because it's so big it'll just pop right back in um but yeah I was slightly worried during this run because I was like what if that doesn't work um normally what you kind of want to see there is grabbing the piranha and it's just directly vertical um but it doesn't matter that much most I think even when you get a weird result like I just did there it'll pretty much always work thank you next up is pokey also deceptively difficult because it's not on the moving platform um Pokey honestly I kind of to see YOLO um sometimes he uh freaks out and doesn't work properly and then sometimes he goes perfectly like he did this run the truly devilish thing about Pokey is that if the base of Pokey is stuck on the conveyor belt um then you can't grab him just if if half of his body is on the conveyor belt and the other half isn't the other half is in the prize box so it doesn't matter you just can't grab them very different from the other uh figurines and also very annoying but luckily we got Pokey first try and now Begins the other arguably most difficult um don't know how I bonked there the other arguably most difficult uh trendy object this is Bow Wow is big and circular too big for the crane so what happens a lot of the time was 100 Runners is we get Bow Wow in the crane we're like okay we can get it first try so I see I had good timing there and I'm like okay okay I get him in the crane I'm like okay I can get him first try and so just take a look at how I was Behavior here it's pretty insane how much he pushes that out and he got very very very close to falling out but we got Bow Wow first try and this whole trendish game segment is why I think this run is especially good um I had essentially perfect trendy every single object in Trendy was first try every seashell was first try the hard pieces were first try the chamber Stone was first try and every single figurine was first try which is pretty nuts and I actually checked my inventory there um that may seem like an accident but that was on purpose because this scolded by a minute and I was suspicious that I might not have actually stolen all the chamber Stones I was like wait did I do something wrong but nope that split was just that good um and it's kind of what makes this run amazing but dampe also has something to say about this run being amazing so uh we'll start dampe the first so dampe um has a lot of rewards as you can see we um we don't even have the two remaining heart containers for our uh heart bar dampa gives us two heart pieces and wait no he gives us one heart piece wait no does he no he does give us two sorry tripping up on my own uh thoughts here dampa gives you two heart pieces and he gives you a heart container which is pretty nuts um the kind of interesting thing about nampae is um it's basically like all menuing um because the dungeons you create are obviously intentionally easy a big part of the time saves and time losses here are from building the dungeons but see here's the big butt um a long time ago I actually discovered that you're able to do enox worps in dampa so those crazy glitches we saw earlier that allowed us to skip all of dungeon 8 in all of dungeon 7 will almost solved on Janae and almost solve dungeon seven um we're actually able to do these in dampa Dungeons and so they allow us to complete a lot of the challenges much quicker than we normally would have been able to um these tricks save minutes in the route um and it's how I got my first 100 record which admittedly I probably should have gotten by a lot more but for being an inexperienced Runner of the game it was a really good Showcase of how powerful these glitches were I got a 3 13 22 um the previous record was 3 15 20 by Samurai man and it was I I'd been running the game for about five months um and I was still really bad I was about like I think I just turned 15 when I got the record um so I was young inexperienced immature not great I actually have a bit of a funny anecdote um considering about one of the records that I got during that age but I'll uh I'll refrain from telling it in this super ultra professional setting um anyway dampa he knock swerps play a super super big part in your time loss and time saving out here uh you have to do five frame perfect tricks well four frame perfect tricks actually uh five one the one of the he knocks Works uh is actually pretty simple and easy um thanks to Snow Miser um it previously was Pixel Perfect um and so in my previous record I did this Pixel Perfect setup that Snow Miser had created and I got first try and I was super super happy um but now Snow Miser has found a new setup for page two uh specifically this is page two three page two uh chamber three um and now it's one of the easiest keynote swerps um but it is a 50 50 RNG chance whether you get it or not um yeah we've got quite a few knocks orbs to do here um on page two and three page one has no he knocks warps because all the dungeons are so quick and easy to do that it doesn't really matter anyway page one doesn't provide as many Innovative challenges for you to uh sort of design um so it's not really as um so the Enoch swords aren't really needed at all here I'm decently satisfied with how my building uh went with page one here um like I said earlier building really is sort of the Crux of um getting good at damp a uh sort of weaning off of using the damper tutorials is how you're gonna save time as you become more experienced and 100 um but I will say that my building gets a little bit shaky toward the end just because I got nervous and I was Rusty it's just it wasn't great don't PB on d-rust Runs kids it's not a good look oh yeah so here's the last part of page one before we uh start doing our crazy glitches um [Music] this one looks like it's a lot of building you have to fill up all the tiles by the way um looks like it's a lot of building but compared to some of these later ones it's it's really not going to be that much I actually messed a building here too for some reason so silly I forgot to put that chamber in [Music] but yeah this six minute split here is just all menuing so that's why it's uh it's pretty nice to uh get a gold here unfortunately I actually lost my gold because of this fight right here this silly little modern fight that usually only takes two hits I accidentally ran it oh pathetic I would have golded by about two seconds I think um instead I choked really hard so what happens when you're Rusty [Music] hello so here's page two one uh we get our first example of a dampa he knock sword um and so as you can see I'm pretty uh liberal with the chambers that I'm placing in terms of chests um before damp Equinox warps you would want as few chests as possible um to make traversing the dungeon a lot easier also as you can see my building is a bit more rough around here oh it's one of the improval parts of this record um my building overall was not super super amazing [Music] [Music] there's there's our he knocks gonna help us Warp the thing is though the reason why um it is a little bit more sloppy doing my menuing there is because if you have one discrepancy in your chamber also first try nice um if you have one discrepancy in your chamber it can actually cause um the he knocks warp to fail sometimes um most of the time if you mess up I think you're fine but it makes you end up relying on RNG um and so the way I have the dungeons built is so that you don't have to rely on RNG as far as I know um but yeah I was pretty nervous this run about messing up the building phase and then having the sorry excuse my voice crack um having the actual um run go to waste because I would try so hard to build it correctly and then build it incorrectly and I would be all for not building here actually went better than expected um it's surprisingly despite being a bigger dungeon it's one of the simpler designs because it sort of just kind of works out logically that's another thing with the kinox work dungeons is um it's not really super logical um which rooms are which it's just whichever ones allow the setup to work so you can't really rely on intuition at all and my rote memory skills are not the greatest I I tend to over rely on intuition but now it's time for two three the one I was talking about that Snow Miser found honestly I'm so thankful for Snow Miser he's such a good pal and um I'm really that I have somebody who's um about as passionate for 100 as I am um he actually is the one who motivated me to uh come back to this category this run um so he came up with this the initial Pixel Perfect Two Three setup and while I say Pixel Perfect it there there was a pretty good visual cue so um it wasn't like extremely extremely hard to get but it was pretty tough I don't know why for some reason I just lingered on that screen for so long I messed up here this is really the building that I'm most embarrassed about because um this one actually does work pretty logically but I just I don't know I failed pretty hard here um anyway um yeah I don't know for some reason I got like really nervous doing this because I did not want it to fail um because this was actually the first time I did the new setup and see look I replaced that I probably didn't have to replace that but I did it anyway um this is the first time I did the new setup that Snow Miser came up with I didn't practice it a single time so instead of the Pixel Perfect setup you do it like this and it just it just works somehow it just works you shoot them Bonk against the wall and then hold up right and shoot again and it it just works folks I missed my bomb error though and that was kind of a disastrous fight there um in the initial setup video I actually noticed that I messed up there in the initial setup video he holds Shield while walking to that hole luckily apparently it still works if you don't hold Shield so there you go my God all right now here's the final of page two let me do one more dampenox warp here this one is more similar to the one that we did on two one and the rest of them will actually be mostly similar to the 102 one I'm also disappointed about my building here see there are still like lots of little things I can improve um with my Phoebe and big things too actually like I lingered on the eye screen there because I knew I needed it but for some reason I still just didn't place it just kind of silly mistakes like that about to put the D as well oh and the way um the dampage guide Works um is each section is sort of numerically or sorry alphabetically categorized so whenever I say D or whatever I'm referring to a specific page I was actually nervous this would fail because I didn't rub up all the way on that right wall there but boom first try again so all the page two Canon swords for first try so even though the building was sloppy I goulded by a minute here uh which also is a very very good part of the Run um [Music] I'm a little bit disappointed in my building I should have practiced Stampede more before this run but I was like yeah you know it'll be good practice to do it in the Run always practice that's my advice for you young speedrunners out there practice practice this is God item and see like here this this dungeon is super easy to build as well but I just so many silly mistakes that's fine I think my building overall is still decent enough um especially considering the more important part actually hitting the frame perfect tricks was good um I would much rather take you know first track enox warps over building faster and getting like fifth try or something foreign [Music] so the first two dungeons here in page three actually are very build heavy um because there are a lot of tiles you have to place and um you actually don't do any Helix orbs for these first two but the very last two you do canonic swords for the very last two dampa dungeons you do the very last two things you do in the Run Curry to hit a frame perfect trick pretty pretty nerve-wracking this one I think is the part that I'm most embarrassed about having in the record I went very slow on this building phase in fact I think I was actually pretty much just reading the guide as I did it because of how much I forgot which uh you pretty much don't want to do um when I was in my Prime um a while ago I don't know actually I guess this technically counts as my Prime but um when I was running this game this category a lot a while ago I actually ended up um God see like look at how slow this is okay anyway um I practiced the building a lot and it did me a lot of good um and I really think if I want to go for record again I I've definitely got to do that I mean just look at this oh so silly I'm like I'm just so lost for some reason just can't do it just um loads of time lost soon [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] our third most useless item [Music] it's a little bit silly it's like the bottom row of the inventory in this game is just dedicated to the trash items you get the boomerang and the three bottles and you use all of those zero times this building went better than comparatively than the other ones um but it's also probably the easiest dungeon to build just because there are very few tiles and operate super logically um obviously certain things have to be correct here because again it is uh precise requirements for the uh [Music] for the enoxwork to work so here's three three this one is particularly hard because you have to do it without a sword and the sword provides the best visual cue for this trick so it ends up being mostly on timing and as you can see there I went super early or maybe you can't really tell um but basically whenever you take damage to your own bomb arrow that means you went early and if you get grabbed by the he knocks it means you won late as you can see again I went early so I started to get a little bit nervous once I missed it the second try I was like okay this is not good um in my PBA I got both of the hinox first try then I missed it again and I was like okay I'm going super early I need to just like wait a little bit just be more patient foreign a little bit too long I was exactly a frame late there which is pretty frustrating and then I bonked I rubbed against the wall still and here we go attempt number five can we do it can we do it and there we go fifth try pretty silly time loss um having four extra tries there but it happens now it's time for the final chamber gotta build it and complete it see how we do foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so this building was mostly fine except for that one big mistake I made where I had to end up swapping the tiles this cnx4 takes the most time to retry because you have to throw the pot against the wall but who cares about how long it takes to retry when you can just hit it first try um so yeah um only four total failed hinox warps and it was all on one of them just a little bit silly but otherwise this was a really good damp I I actually ended up losing a minute and a half to my PBS uh page three here because it was a gold it hit both of them first try and uh the building was much better um I don't think four retries loses a minute and a half I think most of that time was actually from the building which oh well whatever it's the end of the Run um we have completed links Awakening 100 almost we still got a little bit left to do uh and that menuing mistake there made me really nervous that I was gonna miss the 251 but we'll see should still be close I've already timed it so I already know um but here we go we get our final reward we've collected all 50 seashells collected all 32 heart pieces all nine heart containers all 14 chamber Stones now we're redeeming our or sorry all 13 Jeffersons and now we're redeeming our final reward what do we get for 50 seashells a 14th chamber Stone yeah uh okay so that says oh shoot uh there's me talking in the VOD um yeah thank you for watching yes I got 251 57.1 in my actual timing another silly thing about this run is that my splits just disappeared during it for some reason just live split like glitched out and got rid of my splits I tried to get them back during the Run multiple times but just didn't work um but yeah thank you all for watching um I really appreciate it shout outs to all the links Awakening Community um but big shout outs to edl and snowmaster um they did quite a bit of work on 100 and I definitely would not be as good as I am without them um I know idiosis that she personally isn't a big fan of the category um just because um you know it's just really not for her but um she really put her all into the couple of runs that she wanted to do and Snow Miser for being my pal um I don't know that's about it for me I really appreciate you watching at home I hope you enjoyed this video and yeah that's 100 of Link's Awakening complete farewell
Channel: TheLimeFilms
Views: 40,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, link's awakening, link's awakening remake, link's awakening la, thelimefilms, stream, speedrun, switch, link's awakening switch remake, link's awakening switch remake speedrun, link's awakening remake speedrun, lar speedrun, zelda speedrun, 100%, 100% speedrun, las speedrun, speedrun commentary, zelda speedrun commentary, links awakening world record, speedrun world record
Id: eaPqh3dzunQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 41sec (10421 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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