Twilight Princess HD by Pheenoh in 3:46:32 - SGDQ2017 - Part 77

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here at power patio are there any upcoming of rad games you guys are working on that you can tell us a bit about the firm's Bulbasaur's meow thanks Baldo bob thanks bulls-eye so we talked about to last a bit we talked about battle chasers night war a little bit in which which into the brief into the breach ones that I'm looking forward to yeah that's some subsets new games so they did FTL and nothing since so FTL came out like what five years ago maybe and this is their second game basically you can check out the trailer it's on youtube and their website as well yeah the the amplified edition of necrodancer is come out as well so the necrodancer dlc is in early access now but it's coming out soon the game mentioned on my run with the weird made-up language it's called tooth and tail it's like an arcade RTS from the guys that made Monaco it's a very different game in Monaco but it's from a same team - cool tell them about tunak tunak hello but yeah okay yeah so there's another game that we're we're hammering away at called tunic it was called secret legend awhile back and tunic is like a lovechild between geez like Dark Souls Fez and like old-school Zelda yeah and it's taking this all the stuff that we've loved those games and it's all going in and it's it's like one small act up with this game basically we got a referral from the dead of a long time ago but maybe April 2015 kind of thing and he's like hey I'm doing this little game here well have a look and he sent us a combat prototype and I played like five minutes of it and that was it and I was like yeah it's tight cool to keep in touch and two weeks later he hits me up and he's like I haven't like a macro prototype of the overworld it's not gonna be the final game and he was like I know that the world feels like and that's nice and release by the way yeah that's my best impression so we like play this build and it's like seven hours of content in this macro overworld prototype and was like who is this guy so fast forward we're still working on it and it's killer like there's nothing I'm looking forward to more as far as our current portfolio you can call it yeah yeah awesome awesome one final really important question directed directly at Jeff Jeff I've heard some rumors floating around from the team but is it true that you to be an international fashion model before you took on audio oh yeah Manila Philippines that was on me just took that place by storm good good to know good to know maybe maybe we'll see you on stage a little bit later all right guys that room before we throw it back to the host I want to do a very quick fry spotlight we have all kinds of really cool stuff you guys can win during the upcoming twilight princess run we have this lovely wood burning here by Derek Meyers akari France and it's her amazing book legend of the hero and it comes with a set of eight different prints we have this beautiful watercolor by kami call and we actually have this amazing windwaker quilt here by Aubrey snow hopefully it's all available on camera there's always guys you can head over to games done quick calm check the tracker for all the information you're gonna need on prizes upcoming runs its incentives guys thank you so much for being here is there any things that you want to say before we make you sent and fix our audio all right I'm gonna let these guys go so we can get on with the show thank you guys so much and we're gonna throw it right back up to the post as we get ready for Twilight Princess HD thanks a lot thank you so much for the power up audio guys for doing all of their hard work and for that great interview this is Nightwing back on the mic taking over for proto magic girl so thank you so much for doing such a great job proto before we get into Twilight Princess we have a couple of donations coming off the megamanblock $200 from forgotten saves saying amazing work from all the racers thanks for breaking my favourite games we save the world in so many games it's time to think of the frames kill the animals we have $20 from Emile Raz 1977 let's take a second to cheer the cause everyone is donating to Doctors Without Borders the incredible work they do all over the world is inspiring good luck runners we have $100 from the French from New Zealand saying hi sgdq so glad to see might magic six on this year's schedule I played this game so much as a kid I can't wait to see it later smashed by the speedrun thanks to all the volunteers for this wonderful event keep up the good work we have $200 from players a and B saying loving this megaman x block great job by all the runners I thought they did a great job too mega man's always hype Kevin 196 gives us $10 and says the megaman block is always my favorite these races have been nail-biting and you're all killing it thanks for having such a positive effect on the world $25 from anonymous says wanted to shout out the folks on the couch all week explaining the amazing things that these runners make look effortless alright guys after that donation we are all set to bring you Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess take it away fee no that's a little important yeah there we go yes yeah that's good yeah you want apologies from Kevin he was in an interview no I want the amiibo so what I'm doing right now before the run starts is I'm tying my amiibo to the quest log one it's gonna be used for save warps and then basically every time I do is say for if I'm going to use the amiibo and it's it's just going to jump straight into the first quest log alright here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] ok ready 3 2 1 go okay hello everyone i'm phyno behind me I have gymnasts and horn lutes and this is Twilight Princess HD yeah this is quite a long run so hopefully we will be able to give you some informative commentary so far and away the most asked question I get when I run this game and stream it is what's the difference what did they change and if you're familiar with this the speedrun at all you'll know I'm already doing something different so there are a few pets glitches Gate clip back in time early Master Sword mat which all fixed in this so changes are out makes it run a little bit longer than original version but it's not too bad I'm good to see some new interesting questions HD exclusive glitches as well so there's that yeah there are also some mechanical changes as well for one Epona's way harder to control for summary so in the original version when you're dashing you have full control over the analog stick but in this version for whatever reason they change the just cardinal directions so things like this happen as well yeah so right now we ran through some grass two clicks and ruby's because we need to buy the slingshot in a few minutes and so thankfully in this game you can skip cutscenes which allows you to get to the gameplay right away and is very nice otherwise this run would be probably like a few hours longer so we have this riveting gameplay right now yeah goats are arguably the most challenging part of the run those we call them troll goats where they'll just they'll go towards the entrance and then we'll just kind of walk right past it and just wastes a lot of time and yeah so we get to do goats twice in this run so that was only the first time since gate clipless patched I actually have to do the first two days of horde on both those are skipped in the original version in fact like the first 20 minutes of this run is completely glitchless it is possible to skip the first two days in this game but there's an item that we need to get in those first two days to progress later on and if you hear me just kind of like grind it on the controller basically the the Z arc and this in this game is like multi-use so unless I'm on Epona it also functions as another like a button so what i'm going through text i'll just sit there and just try to grind it hitting a and zr every other frame they get the text to go through as fast as possible so one other change from the original that you that you might note here is that the climbing was actually sped up a lot in the HD version which is a very nice change and in the SD version it was very slow definitely one of the worst parts of the game also that blue rupee was not there in the original version that was that it is and that gate that in the background as you can see there actually isn't there either and so like most Wii U games this game does have gyro controls unlike the original game and that's also the reason why I'm using the Wii U gamepad in case of pro controllers so I can use the Darrow controls are much quicker frame and when you get items we can equip them without needing to pause we can just swipe them on a control stick to whichever button we want I thought it was because so we could worry about the controller running out of battery for the entire time yeah thankfully I have mine plugged in so this was the items in this just mentioned that I needed I have to fish out the rig fish later to get a scent to climb snow beak since MapQuest restricts using that way later in the run and so there's some hidden rupees back here I'm gonna get him I still need 30 for the fishing rod yeah another nice change from the original is that you only ever see rupee texts for each individual rupee once in this title in the original game every time you decided to save your play session and come back later it would always tell you again how much I'm out each rupee was which it was a little annoying so this is fishing it's a little bit of RNG depending on how long it takes the fish to come to the pole that was pretty average RNG and then fishing you just hold the fishing rod there isn't really much to it [Music] was another change right here so you actually had to fish twice in the original version one to get that cat's attention and then the second time to actually trigger this cutscene I guess they realized that was kind of silly so they also yes we can't skip this cutscene it's very important we have to watch it yes now we have 30 rupees which is enough to buy the slingshot it's like pretty much the first weapon you get in the game we also get a free bottle with milk which actually is important to the run later on now we're gonna go back home we have an early twenty five dollar donation from Stairmaster just saying good luck fee no thank you [Music] so I'm gonna get the wooden sword as well also another item that's technically possible to skip but it's not faster to you so just because killing some of the enemies when I free towers takes too long with the slingshot yeah so this is one of three swords we get in the game it's definitely the weakest by a lot it's gonna be replaced pretty shortly with a much more powerful sword though and I need to do the slingshot and sorta toriel's here to trigger the Telos saving sequence and so here we can see why gyro is so good you can aim really fast and really precisely so this is just your basic Zelda sword training tutorial where they tell you pretty much just all the different sword combinations you can do horse best days were being taught by kids who are younger than us that somehow know this oh so if you probably notice I'm running this on the English version of the game and if you're familiar result of speedruns typically the japanese version is the fastest which actually is the case in this game but because the text advances so quickly the difference is negligible between the versions it's like less than five seconds so I just run it on English because that's yeah so normally you don't want to like use all six of Epona's Spurs at once you want to have use five and then wait for them to refill but due to the length that area if you use all six then I want to use all six here because I need to slow down or else I'll hop over Koro when I try to talk to him here [Music] that's another big benefit of the dispersion over the SD version is when I have downtime like when I need to turn around with opponent I can just look down and equip items that I need versus SD where you have to actually pull up in the item I'll always time equipping it done allows for a lot of interesting so one thing that a is present in this Zelda game and a bunch of other Zelda games that use a similar engine is a serious difference in roll speeds whenever you're rolling on geometry that slopes up versus geometry that's either flat or slopes downwards when link rolls or simply just travels up slope geometry is his speed is actually hindered quite a bit it's sort of noticeable in an RTA run but not really that much but it is possible the chain rolls for pretty high speeds going up slow because that can actually save a lot of time if you get them frame perfectly and that also creates for some interesting optimizations in some areas trying to avoid sloped geometry as much as possible which we like to call invisible Hills yeah gymnast and I have both done tasses of the original version of this game and so we know a lot about just interesting things like slope geometry here invisible Hills things like brakes lighting [Music] yeah so whenever like an enemy's not required to be you obviously just run past it no need to take the time to try to beat it so I jump flash gonna cutscene just saves a little bit time puts me a little bit further forward before hits on each of those guys and jumps last quick spin to broke the cage and we'll be seeing a lot of jump slash quick spin of this run it's a very good way to deal a lot of damage very quickly yeah if you spin the control stick while you do a jump slash you'll actually automatically transition into a quick spin when link hits the ground it's very nice you can also do the same thing out of a backflip but that's only used once in the run I believe so now we get to herd goats a second time and this time there are 20 of them instead of 10 yeah this one actually has a timer on screen yeah goats in general are just extremely finicky like there's like there's pretty much no consistent way to do them even though they technically are consistent each goat kind of has a bit of a sort of a radius around them in which when you get near them they'll run away from you but that the size of that radius is actually a little bit random so sometimes it'll just be really small and you have to get like right up next to them and so just that randomness also makes it really hard to consistently get a good time I generally like a really good time to shoot for would be like under 20 seconds and we're just happened there happens all the time we're 19 out of 20 goat goes in and then one just runs off on its own and wastes 10 seconds [Music] Shanee Alice gives us $25 to say legend of zelda hype good luck fee no thank you and so now like any responsible adult we're gonna give the little children our weapon [Music] go ahead with donations we have it's it's quite a bit of downtime right here okay we have a $25.00 from anonymous saying Twilight princesses want to buy all-time favorite Zelda games good luck Tofino on the run Thank You $25 from Auggie saying what a crazy amount of Zelda swag I travel through time or cross the ocean for any of them here's a small bag of rupees to help fund great fairies all over our world seth s gives $50 and says amazing marathon for an amazing cause I'm currently playing through Twilight Princess HD but much slower of course keep up the great work doctor Ozymandias gives $25 and says I can't wait to see this awesome Zelda run as well as the zelda block later keep up the good work guys will he get the box burger yes nice that saves three frames by the way yeah save the frames yeah yes it's one of those little things that you can go for it doesn't really matter if you get or not but it's it's worth swag point so you always have to go for it oh yeah it matters anyway these are the sewers this is sort of like the wolf link tutorial section you'll be doing a lot of just like little optimizations - cancelling which I'll show here in a second and things like jumping straight to for the chain from the ground that's the climbing up yeah in general the targeting system in this game released jump attacking in this game is kind of broken we'll be seeing a lot of later and so like you know just mentioned this game has kind of small technique called - cancelling where if you do a - but then either interrupted with a V attack or jump off a ledge within I think it's nine or ten frames of initiating the - then you won't have to wait for the cooldown timer to begin another - you can just do note the next one when you have the opportunity because usually you have to wait fifty nine frames between each - you can do try to get a little text skip here we'll see if I get it Hey so a minute actually when you drop those rocks it turns on Minda warping mindand jumping here and when you hit the ground it actually she talks to you for a brief second but you can make the rocks fall and then just jump around the trigger and then I'm doing another another trick called first frame vintage jumping here so basically any time I call min up to jump to her if she talks to me right before I do the jump there's a single frame where I can actually jump straight to where she's gonna be instead of having to wait there'll be another one right here it is a frame perfect trick but because this game has something called input buffering 99% of the time I get it yeah input buffering is really helpful for a lot of like little techsoup's in this game like this one right here where you have one frame with input before like Midna or someone else talks to you but because of the input buffering technique we can get those pretty much 100% consistently and what input buffering is is pretty much like coming out of cutscenes are out of loading zones the game like if you hold the a button the game will give you like a first frame - or a first frame roll even though you didn't press the a button down on that first frame it still sort of counts it as being pressed down so if you just hold it you'll always get those first frame jumps nice car garage okay so we sell Zelda and now we're gonna go back and get the order on sword and order on shield if you're familiar with this D speed Renzi probably neither as a tricky can do he recalled sword and shield skip unfortunately I can't do it or fortunately rather because it's an awful trick but I can't do it because I need to order on sword otherwise when they clear for on Twilight I won't have a weapon yeah so if you clear fare in Twilight without a weapon you'll have to somehow get all the way to the Master Sword without a weapon which isn't really possible because you need to defeat some enemies that require a sword squirrel buddy so in this area we have so much speed that we just make it into the loading zone even though we talk to the squirrel it's actually interesting as wolf link you have two different base speeds depending on the area you're in which are either thirty three or 45 usually you'll have the higher speed of 45 in large areas like fields or provinces and you'll have 33 in smaller areas like dungeons or just generally smaller areas now for some reason in order that you have the base 45 speed which is why it looks like he's moving really fast [Music] skipping a platform yeah the trigger to make that cutscene right there start is gigantic so as long as like it even just relatively close to him it triggers it okay hopefully I get this first right okay that ledge is really finicky it's not supposed to be you know I don't think but it's like that in the original game to you is it sometimes when you jump up to the ledge it'll just drop you immediately you have to try again didn't you say you like once clip that up bounces yeah yeah good programming and so also an organ at least when running to Russell's house over here there are a lot of little animals that you want to avoid talking to that chicken Cuoco sorry yeah so the game forces us to get the shield before we can get the sword if we could just get the sword first right away then we would be able to skip the shield we need the sword okay so a little bit orangey here I want the cuoco to not be really close to the hole which it looks like he's on yeah so I want rustled or not be close to the house which he's not good so I got really good luck there yeah if you get too close to Russell he like looks at you and draws his sword which causes a small cutscene obviously we want to avoid so now we're coming on our first shadow beast fight it's just a single shadow beast it's sort of like your introduction to them instead hard enemy yes on case you didn't know you can also do a technique known as just quick spinning in this game or if you rotate the joystick and press B now you'll just do a spin attack really fast you can also do the same thing by holding the B button which I'm pretty sure everybody already knows but quick spinning is obviously faster than having to hold the B button for like two seconds okay we're coming up on our first Twilight here the Twilight's were actually changed quite a bit in this version so in the original you have 15 tears per Twilight and when you kill the bugs you actually have to wait for the tears to form completely before you can pick them up and this version there's 12 for Twilight they actually moved some of them around and once the bug dies that's here you can pick it up immediately so it's really great for speed running it speeds all three of them up by a ton but first we need to do this shadow beast fight gotta get him into church yes this fight has a scripted loss no matter how you try to beat the shadow beasts one will always survive and call the others back up [Music] [Applause] now so now with them in the church as long as you just get the last two shadow beasts at the same time you'll win the fight you just don't want to leave one hanging because then it will call the others back to life yes now we got sarin Twilight vessel okay so this first file that's pretty short as most of the tears are kind of contained area so you can see there I'm picking them up immediately it didn't have to wait for them to form or anything in the original version there's a tear on the back of that house it is now gone they're still too here in Kouros house another first frame in the jump so I'm gonna talk to Koro and that'll make the bugs come out and what I try to do here is kill the bugs in internal sensors and what that does is there's a scripted cutscene that plays after you kill the bugs but if senses aren't on it actually won't play and so it's okay thanks for going down yeah so like wolf link if you try to dash into sloped geometry you can sometimes bond you'll sign get backwards here's another one they remove if there's usually two here there's only one in this version please don't pay in the bud yeah the am the bugs is like really crazy sometimes they'll just do things you're not expecting and run in random directions and it's a really frustrating group speed run so as a wolf link this tunnel has a shortcut it's a few seconds faster than just dashing through so there's a log cycle on this area I'm gonna try to make basically as soon as I love the areas there's a log swinging back and forth that I want to beat to a certain cycle but my movement in the area has to be basically perfect I think one piece right now though yeah so hitting that cycle saves a few seconds so we're just having to watch the log swing back again there's two caves sometimes they like to spread out and they're painted about to get when they do that so this is the North Ferran area which in the original version is where you would do the early master sort which unfortunately it does not work thankfully double patched this so how you do it in the original game is you do a minute charge against one of the shadow beasts up against a wall and when he does a certain type of swing you get a really high jump and it'll shoot you out of bounds in this version he actually doesn't do that type of swing at all they just totally removed it none of the shadow base to it and there's also invisible collision all along the out-of-bounds area up there so even if you could do it you can't actually get out there very sad if we could it would shorten this be turned by in 20 minutes [Music] yeah so I shoot a few short minutes later we're done with fair and Twilight and there's a cutscene skip I've min to talk to you right there but using a foot buffering I can just backflip out of the trigger portion a chance to see me and then I can just roll around it we have a 70 dollar donation from JT run just saying it Zelda hype so i actually actually tried to buy the lantern from him because it gives me less textboxes other than saying no as I think he gives me free if he says oh but you say bye he's like what you don't have enough money I have the feeling was my baby first the one in a long line of puns but we have $20 from a beaver in a bee suit saying I've been working like a dog all week and now it's time to chill out and relax watching Twilight Princess good decision it's time for a very exciting section of the game so this monkeys gonna try to lead us across the poison fog area that we can actually push her during it to like a short amount of time that shorten the amount of time she has to walk which we need checkpoint but we don't want to push her too far because then she'll turn around to hit a checkpoint that's behind her and then go forward again they're also slashing the grass ooh to see if we can get any rubies because we do need a fair amount of roofies in this run my goal here is ten I want I want to have ten after I finish linear or Twilight so I can take two years cannon there's a lot of just free rupees here I was trying to kill the keys before the monkey saw it yes if the monkey gets scared she'll stop and then restart her swinging cycle also each time she goes up to the Miss to swing she basically will either swing it eight times or 16 times come on and it's complete RNG which one she does so you can actually lose quite a bit of time here just a bad luck which is unfortunate but for the most part this has been good so far I haven't been counting anything yes for enemies there's just two keys on this one Daegu Bella but we can shoot the dick Obama from far away since unlike the Kisa de carava it just stays where it is can't move probably I was trying to person the monkey up the hill there to skip that last swing but it's really hard to push the monkey she's very picky yeah so now we got our lantern back but unfortunately it's out of oil so we're gonna go steal some more so I need to get the oil oil from the shop here but I actually can't get it until the enemy's here that's what I do is I slash him and it grows his buddy over here I think just so he stays a little bit time he runs towards me and that I can come up here and just definitely buy this oil it definitely did not just steal the oil all right this is the first and only golden wolf that we get in this run every time you meet a golden wolf you get taught a new hero ability or hit a new hidden skilled by other heroes shade and this is the only required ability for the run which is the final blow the actually the only place this is required is the final blow on the final boss if you don't get this you can make it all the way to the final boss but then you can't deal the final blow which kind of sucks and since I can't do EMS it's actually not not possible to run around the wolf but in the original version you can't you can you can run around the wolf and just Dodger this completely and it's actually advantageous to do so because in the original version we were out the wolf later to a better time and there's a runner who's saying that is Vinick who actually forgot to get the wolf one time it was on PD face and I got all the way to the very final boss and could not kill him she put up the hiddens go it's a very sad realization when that happens in a run you'll have had that happen also you there shut us sibenik by the way very cool runner we have a $50 donation from GC kid 333 saying looking forward to all those twilight princess HD exclusive glitches okay here's the first dungeon and it also contains the most broken item in the game thankfully but I have to free some up he's 44 didn't get it he's gonna get in my way so I'm gonna slash or whatever you do that that's gonna kill him it's actually possible to climb up between these spiders without killing them but it's like a one in a hundred chance that they actually won't attack you so I'm just gonna shoot him with the slingshot there we get to see that fast climbing in action so we have to kill this spider right here otherwise the monkeys gonna stay scared by it and then we won't be able to use the monkey to swing across some ropes that backflip stays one frame yeah so now we're gonna head off to save a second monkey not because we need the second monkey but uh because we know we do need this like oh yeah we do need the second yeah we don't need the four yeah so we're gonna use the second monkey after I free him to get to the Gil boomerang early yeah cuz only the second monkey will allow us to go to the other side of the dungeon I think there's nine monkeys in total somebody's kind of correct me on that one day it's probably seven I get seven yeah but we're only gonna get two of them because once I have to go boring we are unstoppable and we're gonna jump straight to the boss quite literally quite literally yes yeah so that was our first small key we need Smokies are just like a staple of Zelda dungeons you unlock doors right back there you didn't actually need to knock down that skulls well you can just jump jump slash right next to him free our monkey buddy here now we're gonna face some very tough enemies useful Copeland's actually have a high chance at dropping a bluebird being unfortunately it didn't happen there I'm gonna need 300 rupees later to fix the cannon to get the city in the sky so any extra money just free money I think we all need free money because what you should do with that free money is donate like Brandi Lynn giving 21 dollars in saying been waiting months for this run Twilight Princess is my favorite good luck fee no thank you yes so one other like small mechanical property of Twilight Princess is that if you're in the air and you're holding the a button when you hit the ground you'll automatically do a first frame roll which is very nice so I'm not gonna swing across there it's actually slower to do so I just roll around here I have to swing across like pull it the lantern when I jump there just to save a few frames cuz I got to swing it here in a minute and when the item isn't in your hand it takes like three three frames extra to pull it out same for when I actually have it in my hand I need to open a door or something it takes three frames extra to put it away actually open the door so generally if I need to open a door I'll try to put the item I have in my hand away before I get to the whole thing yeah so this path right here is supposed to be sort of like the back path after you already get the gale boomerang to get back to saving more monkeys but it's kind of easily exploitable just walk into the bridge by pulling open that now right away here it actually triggers the bridges to turn right away rather than having to wait for the big long like timer to pass yeah so that first one we had to jump into the second one we can just do a side hop before to get between the bridges can't do that on the first one because there's actually an invisible wall present while the bridges are turning it's not present when they're stationary but they put that in there cuz I guess they figured out that you could side hop for like simply just jump between the bridges here's how many times he hops is random okay that wasn't too bad [Music] I say you're forced to do this fight in two cycles not really much you can do about that now come on I'm being punished there we go here we go so this is one of the longer unskipable cutscenesthat's nice and Bert Hale I'm gonna do my best for you for giving a hundred dollars we have wolf link is best link oh we have a hundred and fifty dollars from nimnim two four eight saying thanks to all the staff runners and donators you all rock shout out to Wendy the human and Josie the cat twenty five dollars from Sara one nine five saying Twilight Princess is one of my favorite games super stoked to see you guys play it keep up the good work alright so we got the most broken item in the game allows us to do very fast things so right here we're gonna do our first safe warp and then Fino is going to be using the wolf link amiibo actually to load up a save file after quitting playing this one because using the wolf link amiibo to automatically load file one is around three seconds faster than going through the menus to load it and again I just I just say we're here just because it's a little bit faster to get back to the Senate room this way yeah getting out of the gale boomerang room with the gable boomerang is actually really slow and so at this point casually you're about halfway down with the dungeon maybe even more like 40% done but we're gonna go straight to the boss I'm just gonna grab the boss key here and then we're gonna do some magic with the gibla marine a little bit of a shortcut here there we go and I can actually skip targeting that first one cuz it'll hit it on the way over yeah so unfortunately boskie Skip's aren't really a thing in this game there's only one dungeon you can do a Bosque skip in because in this game bus loading zones are actually tied to the boss doors themselves actually being open so even if you get behind the door it doesn't load the boss unfortunately 50 dollars from ants if saying great job to everyone involved with the marathon so far and good luck to fee no thank you yes yeah right here on a either side of this bridge there's rooms which lead to monkeys we don't really care about them so you'll notice that we called the gilding those broken item in the game and that's because of a glitch that we can do is they call the long jump attack which we know just did back there although that one only saves like a second there's gonna be some pretty big ones up here which is how we skip the rest of the dungeon so pretty much throwing out the gale boomerang and then using the gale boomerang as an object that Lincoln target will allow you to jump to wherever it is and it caps your speed at around three times that of a regular jump attack so you can go three times as far there are some like technical I think the technical things you need to do with it though the gale boomerang either needs to be over a void or over a surface that's higher than links feet to actually get a long jump attack otherwise you'll just get like a really slow one and so I'm gonna try to do something here called the Lukas it's very very difficult very easy to screw up but if I do it right it's gonna let me it's gonna let me skip waiting on Luke in the second phase yeah so we brought over to bomb wings we're gonna try to use both those bomb wings to hit the main guy ababa Swain in the second phase of this fight it is a really finicky strat though so hopefully if you know we'll be able to get it basically the bomb timers don't run in cutscenes and throwing them that guild with rank resets them so I'm just gonna kind of try to juggle them during the second fight to keep resetting the timers before they explode [Music] it's good and it's gonna come back to me with the first one I'm gonna throw it again reset the timer and then before comes back I'm gonna try to kill him right there get him back up and then while he's coming back up to it one more time and there we go all right very nice [Applause] and that saves around 40 seconds we have time for like a donation right now I heard I have a good one I hope this was real Jai Phi we have $25 saying Shelby I've looked through many castle to find my princess Beach now that I find you my have Castle is complete will you marry me say yes I hope you have another donation letting us know what she said yeah so this is the first of three few shadows that are in the game we're only gonna get the person third ones though we're not going to be getting the second one [Music] 150 dollars from dr. voit saying been watching for a couple years and I've been very excited to see one of my very first Zelda games ruined good luck have fun fee no thank you yeah we grab that heart container does technically waste time to grab it but we do it so that we don't die in the second-to-last dungeon just in case things go wrong and it's just general marathon safety something strange happens yeah so now we can leave Ferren and be on our way to eldena yeah have you tried to leave earlier there actually isn't a Midna text trigger blocking this area and so you can't really get past it you actually can with the lja glitch but um there really isn't any benefit to it in the HD version it really only has you just went goodbye at CMS because you need to do some human Twilight nonsense to actually get to Kakariko and I can't turn you in a toilet without the Masters room so this is the most exciting part of the run rolling all the way across I roll field which means we have time for donations excellent we have felt salamander giving $50 and saying waited all night to donate during Twilight Princess always amazing to see how much developers fix the games only to have speedrunners find new glitches all over again best of luck fee No thank you we have two hundred and fifty dollars from anonymous saying yeah yeah oh we have twenty-five dollars from anonymous saying starting medical school in 25 days with a goal to work with Doctors Without Borders for now time to relax and enjoy one of my all-time favorite Zelda games good luck fee No thank you I've never seen it starts storming here before it's actually really rare for at the store grand that's interesting I hope that's not a bad omen I hope not either also earlier fee no did this long jump attack that seems kind of pointless back in Hyrule Field that actually was skipping a mailman trigger there's the mailman comes and gives you a letter basically actually he doesn't give you a letter he just tells you there's a wall this way don't go this way but we can actually just LGA right past it so I'm actually gonna encounter him later basically it's a forced one so if you're looking forward though the postman don't worry you'll still get the same but when I skip that one I actually the game still has other checkpoints for him and I need to skip one more if I skip that one and I'll be doing that after but yeah if I had missed it it wouldn't have been a huge deal because basically it kind of stacks the more times I have to skip him the last time it saves because it's just a short encounter too so as long as I get it again after Elden it'll it'll be around one second saved sometimes when I work and this is an advantage of the HD version sometimes when our warp I can actually use the gamepad to select the warp it it's faster than using the analog stick actually selected with the cursor unfortunately I can't zoom in on sub sub regions with it so it's really only useful when I need to work within a sub region so you're seeing a lot in the lake hylia or linear twilight but for the most part I'll be doing it just like that where I just browse to it like normal yeah so this is the second Twilight section of the run the elven Twilight each Twilight section gets progressively longer as the game wants you to do more stuff before you begin collecting tears and the tears are just more spread out in each preceding section Austan po 12 gives $150 and says keep up the great work sgdq and good luck on all the runs so now we're just heading over to Kakariko where most of the Elden Twilight bugs are there a few and Death Mountain though it is actually possible as wolf link to just like a run straight through the gate through the center looks kind of funny but unfortunately it's really precise and so digging under the gate is pretty much going to be faster every time you try to do it and actually did another minitek skip there after work the bridge there's one right when I new land from the work on the bridge but I just jump attack before she had a chance to talk to me here we have another Twilight again quite different they changed and then changing bug locations with actually cut some out and then there's something else a November oh so in the original version here you are supposed to go to the graveyard and do a well clip that for whatever reason was fixed even though it requires you to be human to do it yeah so we won't be able to do that I couldn't do it anyway cuz I don't have the Master Sword to turn human but it's very strange with a tree until they fix that yeah also because the graveyard buggers improved it's faster to just warp back to Kakariko after getting the basement bugs we have $50 from mobile demo saying love the marathon love the vod's love the prizes but kill the animals good that room is really small and with the distance between each bug sometimes you'll like bonk into a wall and you won't be able to get them all in just three jumps the bugs also like to just run around a lot so sometimes you'll jump at them but you'll just miss it entirely they're very sneaky so didn't get the graveyard bag it's not there I'm actually gonna skip the one on the end or the maillot mark there because it's not there either there is one here in the end normally there's two but they removed the back one so I'm going to jump down and light the torch and then prep the buggin leave we can save a little bit of time actually skipping those climbing animations but if I don't jump to the right way I'll actually just jump straight down that's all I usually just skip it on this roof we're gonna do some - slides - cancels to just preserve our dashes so we don't have to wait for the cooldown timer bucks yeah a lot of this run is trying to optimize your dashes whenever you're in a small area basically I'm trying my best to avoid walking for a long period of time without a - or at least walking at a slow speed so I'll do things like that right - and then I immediately cancel it so that when I hit the ground I can dash it in it's gonna go up that's fine 50 dollars from dan two-to-one saying keep up the great work for you know thank you guys so we're jump attacking that dog because a jump attack as walt wink i will actually give you a higher speed than simply running on ground if the enemy is far enough away or high enough in the original version there's actually a way to skip this this whole section with the bomb post entirely but it well it doesn't require transforming into human but it's only really consistent as human and so we just don't do it in tphd yeah it is it is possible to do the jump as a wolf but i've grinded it for like two hours and all i got at one time so it's not really a viable at all without a better setup and it only saves like what 15 20 seconds or so yeah it's something like that yeah this run is pretty long at nearly four hours grand scheme of things 15 seconds usually doesn't make that big of a difference and the bug in the pier is also gone so I'm going to just go straight up Def Con trail now so we have time for a more donation lots of running sounds good we have one hundred and fifty five dollars from anonymous then watching games done quick four years shout out to everyone behind the scenes that makes this event run so smooth this donation goes to runners choice do you have a runner's choice yes I'm donating for the keno marks runners to sing part of the world awesome spike we have a hundred and fifty dollars from Elder Big Dave saying enjoying the stream I get to point out to my 11 year old son some of the games I play to death as a kid my son wants everyone to know it's been so much fun watching you folks play thirty dollars from Dragon pasta saying thanks for feeding my Zelda obsession this event is the greatest $50 from clockwork one three three saying a longtime viewer first-time donor I've watched gdq for about three years now but I've been unable to donate I but to finally be able to contribute in what small way I can so I was trying to kill those four as fast as possible because there's a steam cycle when you load this part of the crater but I was trying to beat that unfortunately that one inside the barrier just completely ignored me so I don't think I'm gonna make this that's okay usually I don't have to wait here but again just kind of got screwed by the hour and beyond that one one last bug the bottom of the hot spring here yeah he's the biggest pain what a guy [Music] yeah so now we're gonna go and get our horse back after was stolen by some bold ones you know we have a donation asking you a question it says $50 from a shadow nock saying so last time I asked my then 18 month old son if we should save or kill the animals he ended up siding with kill the animals but I just assume he didn't know what he was talking about this time at two years old his response was kill kill kill should I be worried no 150 dollars from Philip J fry saying shut up and take my money and save the animals 150 dollars from anonymous saying managed to be on vacation at the same time as gdq thanks to everyone there for what they do and for the awesome speedruns managed to be pretty sure you plan that one I was a tiny bit nervous doing that trick basically what I did was normally have to trigger the Goron to talk there and that's what makes renato actually talk to you here and then he can take my poni but you have to wait for the Goron to knock you off because once he talks to you you're kind of locked in there however if I'd do a quick spin into the cutscene it lets me move during the cutscene and like I just dropped out immediately which saves a handful of seconds the reason I was worried is because when you drop down if you somehow grab the gate your Bane will just straight softlock so we're glad that didn't happen yes and how Epona's mad that some old ones we're trying to take control over [Music] so now we're gonna go through this section where basically the games gonna try to throw us off but we have to hold certain directions on the analog stick but it's the exact same pattern every time so not really a challenge to it it's a little bit tricky because there's a bit of a delay on the on the actual inputs you have to push the direction a little bit after it shows up all the rods you'll fall off so this is where the route really deviates from a casual players were out normally you would go back and get their boots no cover I'm gonna do village to go straight we will still be getting that routes all right now before we do that though I need to dodge the mailman once more he's pushing mailman I tell ya here we're gonna do an LGA what this actually does is this actually jumper Hey at least it's entertaining yeah yeah for that if that skip Ward's successful you know actually would have jumped into a trigger that would have disabled the mailman not just simply a jumped over the mailman trigger that's all right we've got Doctors Without Borders here I'm just doing spur management to get to over by the rocks yeah so proponent runs runs over like any enemies they pretty much just instantly die so if you remember the milk from the beginning of the run we're gonna be using it here everybody knows them drunk bones we're gonna need strong bones to survive this yes I'm not really there's a some rocks blocking the way that we need bombs to get past but it's a little diving and some strong bones we can actually just put a pond out down here and ride out there we go [Applause] yes so now we're riding out to an air trigger that's actually right under the linear route Twilight cutscene area and we'll just get teleported up there there are two kinds of triggers in this game direct ground triggers and air triggers ground triggers obviously only exist on the ground but air triggers exist infinitely upwards and downwards so even if you're under the map you can still trigger them and we'll be abusing that some more later yeah so minna wants to talk to me here but there's actually a key that always spawns in the same area and I can actually get an Lda off the keys right there and jump out of the trigger if it wasn't for the key so the action actually the jump attack isn't doesn't go far enough to actually get out of the trigger but the keys thankfully it gives us a little hand there I don't pick up innocence there's no real reason to and I will pick up some later that are required but all the ones that just kind of show you where to go or are just that day to show you we're gonna go while you're running we have fifty dollars from peanut allergy twenty two that says just how to donate during the twilight princess run one of my favorite games in my favorite series looking forward to watching and get demolished fifty dollars from zero saying thank you to everyone for your hard work fifty dollars from Bismarck 189 there's not a more worthy cause than donating $50 to an organization that saves lives that in making sure the whole world knows that Eris's name is will be I'm gonna die so yeah way earlier in the run if you're here you may have noticed that we mentioned a technique known as break sliding and unfortunately we don't get to see that in runs because it's actually a really sort of precise task technique that allows you to sort of like moonwalk backwards but it actually saves time because if you were here earlier for the explanation of speed you'll know that when link travels up a slope geometry his speed gets reduced quite a bit but when he's traveling down slope geometry or on flat ground the speed isn't really reduced at all but if you do a break slide and moonwalk backwards up us up a slope you'll actually get the speed that you would normally get if you go down the slope which saves time literally anywhere you have to go up a slope in like a tool-assisted speedrun still quite a bit more running so feel free to go ahead on donations we have $15 from clash tournaments Tchibo saying hi Nightwing great to hear you on the mic and deceits handless on a run earlier smash is here to help cure the world putting my money towards naming Cait Sith Cibo we need more smash at sgdq I agree and thank you Cibo we have $50 from anonymous Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game I remember playing it when it first came out on the Gamecube I just had to donate for a good cause and a great game $150 from M & M saying Twilight Princess was the first game I saw a speedrun of and I'm so excited to watch it live keep up everything you guys do and good luck on the runs fee No thank you $50 from grumpy tiger shoutout to everyone working behind the scenes to make sgdq the amazing events it is amazing job we have $50 from Becky are saying hey listen you're all great and keep up the amazing work $50 okay okay so so I talked to figure there to trigger this fighted sequence and he shoots three arrows here that'll be good he could shoot up to five basically what I'm going to try to do here is I'm gonna try to trick his AI into flying low after I attack him and I'm gonna try to read grab him this orangey right now it's not very good though please fly down okay well this might store it no he didn't fly down okay well what I was trying to do there was jump before he actually tried to grab me and then after he attacks he will spin around and it kind of just brings up his AI a little bit this enemy easily dies to a charge attack and then we have this a long flight section so we're donations we have 123 dollars and 45 cents from Iran I can count $500 donation from eduard von stein when I saw that stained glass tile zelda quilt i knew i had to enter the running for that so here is some of that free money you all have been asking for earlier and while spanish might be the correct choice for Jedi Outcast I have to put this towards my native tongue of German 75 dollars from Meg 4:3 I always look forward to gdq events since the Zelda games were what got me into speedrunning it only seems right to donate during a Zelda game thank you for a week of amazing speedruns go-go-gadget 9 9 9 - it gives 150 dollars says had to donate during my favorite zelda game which also happens to be the first gdq run i ever watched back in 2013 with Moffat as a medical professional it makes me so proud to see the community come together for such an important cause way to combine my two favorite things medicine and video games $50 from a Gilly - 49 I look forward to gdq every time and it was most excited to hear about this twilight princess run good luck with the rest of the run fee no thank you alright so it is possible to actually do a clip in this area with the Carderock and then fly straight to the loading zone which saves a few seconds because the map is normally like a zig zag that we have to go through but it's really precise so it's not done in RTA yeah the risk/reward on that clip is very very high only saves a couple seconds and the chance that you're gonna bonk on the wall and fall down is really high so I just don't go for it [Music] hey Chad is just asking the couch to reintroduce themselves if you go ahead and give a roll call again that'd be great alright I'm gymnast 86 and I'm horn let's and I'm you know just letting you go you guys are doing a great job and everyone says so so that meant that Minda jump right there Minda actually did talk to me before the minute jump but for some reason just that one I can't do them in the jump on where I jumped to her before she actually gets to the thing I don't know why there's just not a frame there where you can jump just that one is fixed the rest I'm gonna work fine it's usually some weird exception to toilet things mechanics yeah some way shape or form these guys like the trow me a lot okay a lot of times we'll get real close to the barrier wall and even if I target them and like a like a parallel to where they are sometimes you'll just hit the wall for no reason and then have to redo the fight we're gonna go back to death Mountain which I got to work for earlier this is actually my first trip to Death Mountain so the meteor is going to fall which is not only supposed to happen work for you in turquoise mines however I've already set the flag to make the meteor war bubble that actually happened in the tunnel with the car garage when I was flying so what's gonna happen here is the meteors going to fall and then I'm gonna just walk right up and work it away and it's kind of interesting from from a dialogue perspective because I'm in there right here it says whoa that was close and then you walk up to and she's like wow this thing's been here a while even though I just dropped so that's gonna solve the domain which I need to get the vessel I'm gonna do a nether minitek skip here and then walk into this cutscene this cutscene is actually gonna put me back in that minute rigor so when it finishes I'm going to jump out of it one more time [Music] yeah so there's actually way to skip this cutscene also but you only do it once and because you come through this area twice there's no reason to try since you wouldn't be able to do with the second time there we go now we get to ride the water slide all the way down to linear vessel we have $51 from I love C man one of my favorite runners tonight keep up the good work thank you we have $25 from DJ still napping I remember playing this game the day I got the brand new Wii it took me forever great to see it destroyed in one sitting good luck fee no thank you okay here's the vessel this is the last Y light thankfully in this toilet there's actually one bug that just straight-up got moved and I'll be showing him in a minute and it's actually good that he um because he's quicker to get now so the layer bugs by far are the most dispersed the one that's really out of the way is one in the castle town yeah unfortunately that one was not removed likely because then you did a sort of descriptive way to make you get the castle town warping which I need to get it anyway for the speedrun so not a big deal but yeah I would have liked to see that one get get chucked okay this one is kinda annoying sometimes okay sometimes that one in the back just ignores you when you run by him yeah each of the shadow beasts sort of have like a region of their own that they can sort of like be notified that you're near them in strange so this is the bug that got me 15 dollars from Marissa 38 thanks to all the runners for supporting a great cause excited for this twilight princess run oh he's never touched me before was a bad thing that was very surprising I've never seen him dodge me there yeah using that book it's possible to skip the cutscene or through telleth that we watched earlier but doing so kills the bug and then you can't skip the cutscene the second time and that was actually only discovered like a few days ago by a runner named Abra no we did it accidentally so then this bug is really he's really nice to me actually that's it's kind of surprising as well and the SD version there were actually two bugs right by those lily pads and those are really annoying yeah yeah the SD version if you ever see like a plus 30 linear Twilight split it's it's because of those bugs and if anyone's wondering what we're referring to when we say SD it means the original version of Twilight Princess which was produced in standard definition unlike this one which is in high definition just a little way for us to distinguish we're talking about although I still call this one TP all the time and people are like what because this is the yes superior TP we have time for more donations now yep long run to castle town $50 from knock box saying too many great runs what am I supposed to sleep also let's make sure we kill the animals $200 from Mattie beau always enjoy the zelda runs be sure to go for those swag points absolutely $25.00 from Silver Moon 9000 big Zelda fan loved playing through Twilight Princess HD glad to see it at gdq good luck thank you we have no comment but $50 from a raccoon from twitch chat we have $50 from anonymous I recently discovered gdq and was excited to find out sgdq was starting at the beginning of July thanks for the entertainment and what you all do we have a 500 dollar donation from Cythera long time long time watcher but first time live love it so far I had to donate during his LD game since it's one of my favorite game series ever money goes to phenols choice and yet Hut yeah hi is she cue from the state right below you Iowa Twilight Princess was the first game I have ever played and I am beyond glad to see it now good luck to phyno the most polite spear and her ever saying I thank you after every good luck thank you ten dollars from anonymous that was so this is the shadow beast fight that's kind of scripted in here due to being forced to get the castle town bug I believe the portal here actually doesn't even exist in any other state of the overworld except this one yep that's correct just in safety so I'm going to do some interesting movement and castle down here yep if you want to explain oh yeah so the default movement in castle town is actually really slow even if you do a - your speed gets hindered very quickly down to around 25 so instead you just do consecutive - cancels to preserve your speed a little bit better because the initial - is still very fast but then it just tapers off really quickly try to get this sign up here groups didn't work good so I try to hit the I try to break the blocks at the far right side there because the bug will pop out away from me and I need him to get on the ground until he gets on the granny it's actually invincible and I can't kill him nice vibrato yeah so when I do howling songs you just kind of have to be pretty close to it and then you can just goof off at the end it it'll work yeah generally the game will accept the song if at least two thirds of it is correct that we're actually gonna you don't skip that first one there's that the second one oh no I it's a it's only advantageous to skip the first one in the original version because of how the second one lines up in this version there is no second one because it was removed so I just kill him immediately while we're on this flight we have $50 from Jobo Fett always a blast watching gdq's thanks to all the runners for showing us how games can be optimized and or broken $25 from n master 64 hola me amigos tell Fino his phone and his fellow onion bros are rooting for him except for kita who's busy playing sonic high school again thank you oh yeah so their outing for this Twilight we do that card reflect there because it spawns us back here when we fail it and there's a bug right there and so that was the second-to-last bug and yeah like Jim said I I drop off the air I initially run of the wall suit or drop me right there it's also good because this is that's the closest bug to this final bug so it just works out really well routing ways [Music] and so there's some interesting strats you can do for this boss bug so it's gonna circle around from you know a few times and when he finally charges at f-- you know there's actually way you can sort of stop the bug from sort of going away if you attack it at a specific time and then attack it again to get on really fast it's a little bit finicky though because if the if the boss bug is too close to the platform you're standing on when you do the second jump attack to start attacking again you'll kind of just yeah you'll grab on and then instantly fall back off so you have to be careful of that and then I need to charge his legs here as long as I grab one leg it's fine so I'm gonna try to do is charge the leg and then run into some collision in the back and it's gonna start the sequence of killing him and then immediately cancel it which saves a little bit of time so yeah that was a perfect bug fight and that's it for the toilets now comes the hardest part of the run yeah this is the gauntlet yeah we call this the gauntlet or the death segment just because it has basically the three hardest tricks on the run all back-to-back fifty dollars from avocado asylum simply saying good luck have fun thank you fifty dollars from captain smushy face seventy-eight thank you to the runners for all your hard work keep it up and good luck to Fino thank you so this is the cannon I needed to take when I was talking earlier about how I needed ten rupees I have exactly ten which is good if I was short because it is a little orangey dependent on how much I get there's actually 20 on fears over fear that I can grab but the gale boomerang weights a little bit of time that a good backup if I need it perfect the unfortunately unused side role was on display there yes [Music] and so thankfully now we have a pony tamed again so we don't have to roll all the way across all these provinces [Music] $50.00 from Sam b2 to to had to donate during the twilight princess run this is truly an amazing event and it warms my heart to see how much good you're all putting into the world and money goes to Kingdom Hearts two level one Sephiroth battle because Sephiroth is truly the best waifu $50 from joel be props to all the staff and runners for putting this event together lots of great run so far and so many yet to come okay so I'm all set up to actually do the escort and get those armor however I don't have above the skipped going lines so I need a way to be clean bubbling thankfully the game is programmed to take bomb arrows as hits for King Belle boom which includes bombs so what I'm going to do right now is try to do a glitch to get to the bombs early normally I'm not supposed to be able to get back to xerostomia but by doing a very very precise flip in this area oh here's a postman by the way sounds tired that was the mandatory one I mentioned earlier but I'm gonna try to do a precise clip to get to a loading zone here that's actually blocked by a giant rock yeah so this clip he's about to do is actually one of the most recently discovered clips for the game it's actually a technique that works in multiple areas using okona so basically what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be clipping on the little lip of this ledge right here just as it sort of combines into the ground below it and so now if you know is going to be getting into a very precise position where this works using some visual cues using the GUI on the right side of the screen and so this clip does technically have multiple positions and angles but they're all like very different they're not like all lined up next to each other or anything so you have to kind of wait for the camera to settle after turning with the pono sometimes just make this setup a little long now way back Epona until we hit a certain position hurry up very nice [Applause] yeah things get a little crazy now so a pun is designed to snap to collision so as long as I write her out of bounds over some collision I will keep that height until I hit more pleasure on I'm actually gonna abuse that fact right now I'm gonna get over an out-of-bounds area with collision and use it to raise my height right now I'm not high enough actually hit the loading zone so I'm gonna come over here that's exactly that's out of bounds area right here as collision and ride up with opponents [Music] there we go oh yeah this trees are flagged by the way somewhere right out right there and it's gonna put me just high enough to reach the celebrity living with a backflip no there's actually no collision right there if you're wondering why I didn't fall down that's actually pestilence on the exit the area and so they just stopped but everything actually do have to be a little careful here because if I go too far to the left and hit the loading zone while still out of bounds the game will actually panic and crash so I'm gonna try to aim in between the rock and so normally there are rocks here that block your way because you're supposed to have bombs to deal with them okay that's fine I hit a little bit of there we go there we go nice [Applause] so that's the first of three really hard tricks in this segment yeah if you do a dive and you hit land you don't take any damage and you get a roll out of it which is nice so this is the area of interest here I want to play Isis minigame which should give you a bumbag for unfortunately to start the minigame you need the bomb arrows to blow up some rocks however she straight-up gives you the bomb bag to combine it with your arrows so I'm going to be using an interesting technique blow up the rocks without any heroes first I'm going to do the shadow bees fight though yes we have time for one or two donations $50.00 from Daniel wood I was trying to find a run to donate for and I was a forced to give this great Zelda run 50 dollars from anonymous hey sgdq third time Joni donating to a GDQ and the perfect time for this donation during the Zelda game with the most amazing soundtrack good luck to phyno and all the runners this week thank you $25.00 from constable lemon shoutouts to my man Nightwing sorry you have to watch again and get messed up in both smash and Twilight Princess donation goes to busting as the favorite thing in earthbound okay here's the trick yeah so right now feena's gonna be using or he's gonna be targeting some very precise positions with the gale boomerang and what this essentially does is this is gonna create a path through the gale boomerang to go along that fina will actually then throw a bomb into to blow up the rocks over there so boomerangs sort of acts as a carrier throw the bomb Gale boomerang catches it and brings it all the way over to the rock yeah unfortunately it's very finicky so if I'm even just very slightly off on one of them the bomb will explode on the wall without actually breaking the rocks which has just happened there yeah and thankfully you can move around while targeting in the boomerang and your locked target positions don't get undone okay we have 30 bombs and actually if we run out of bombs I will give us more so we have infinite bombs all right one that's one litter twice yes yeah there are two layers of rocks here how dare they oh come on there's [Applause] so there is a point later in the runner where you have to get rid of all of our bombs anyway so wasting bomb doesn't really affect anything here except time and if you notice I actually have bomb arrows on lazy our yeah our button rather have to check the controller they're actually not permanent bomb arrows they're only available during this mini game so once I complete the mini game to get the bomb bag I will lose them which is okay they're not really used anywhere else $25.00 from anonymous saying so glitch many speed much wow such fast I'm firing the bomb arrows that I don't really have and now we can go down the river she's gonna drop a bunch of rupees I really am only interested in getting ten but anything extra it's just worth the 300 or fix the cannon later also yeah the boat controls are kind of crazy so if I like go off into a random tangent it's because the boat decided that it needed to go that way we have our previous runner of vvvvvv fiery Blizzard donating $120 hey guys here is my money for the deaths on my run plus fee nose 20 goats time it was great to run in another gdq and good luck with the rest of the run fee No thank you 50 dollars from the guy from Florence always feels good to watch a Zelda game gets spedrun good luck and save the frames' thank you so that's it for the mini game just got a ride down the waterfall here and we wit the bomb Magnum so that was trick to three we have the third one coming up so I mentioned earlier that I can use the bombs to beat King Belden unfortunately because I don't have the bow to combine them with I need to time the explosions of the bombs to explode exactly over King Baldwin its face right when I'm passing them so there's really really strict timing here I'm very easy to screw up and so see how that goes I'm actually gonna save warp here to put me back in front of the spring it's actually faster than walking back because link is so slow in this area by himself I mean you could super swim that is true they actually ported Wind Waker HD swimming into this game and so super swimming does exist in this game unfortunately it's not really useful yeah I do super swimming in this game you need to alternate the analog stick back and forth 30 times a second which just isn't really humanly possible unless someone wants to prove me wrong [Laughter] fifty dollars from anonymous always loved the soundtrack to Twilight Princess great to see this run okay friends kind of ate my psyche up there oh yeah so now we're gonna go do the escort sequence for the zuhr armor and then after that we're gonna be going to finally get the iron boots which we should have gotten a while ago but decided to do things out of order because it's the fast way to do it while you're rockin and rollin we have $100 from strawberry speedruns - Oh longtime fan here here's hoping that all of this games equestrian and non equestrian tricks are kind to you throughout the run Twilight Princess HD is my favorite Zelda speed game even if Epona handles like a drunken rhinoceros that likes to watch too much initial D best of what I can run and remember gyroscopes aiming is the best aiming that's true also let's get some more money towards that shattered man glitch the animals can figure out life or death without our help Thank You strawberry he's a tphd runner as well we're gonna do something here called a pony slidin which looks really cool and saves time too it's the best combination I need to cook the bombs go yeah this is like the only area in the game word human lick is actually faster than wolf link when it comes to movement okay will we avoid the science no actually I was an NPC but yeah there's tons of stuff you can talk to you here so I try my best to roll through it without talking to anything oh my gosh really really gotta make sure it Stella's bar that was passed it through this okay whatever okay so this is what I would consider the last really hard part of the run there are some more tricks obviously but this is definitely the last hard trick so defeating King Golan with bombs is something that's been done in the original games no saving quick category for a pretty long time and I'm chucking my bombs out because I need to empty the bag after the escort okay here we go yeah so right now Tina's gonna concentrate now there's a visual cue on the side of the screen that he uses to know the timing for when to pull the bomb and then so for these first two cycles King golems just gonna kind of come straight at him alright that's one shot three bombs is perfect [Music] Wow get me off unfortunately if he hits me off his health reset so hope to redo this again yeah so the first two cycles King Bolin just kind of runs straight at you on the third cycle he swerves from side to side which makes the third cycle particularly difficult [Music] yeah use these arrows okay that's the hard one unfortunately he either goes left or right there and I got the bad one which puts it a little harder to hit [Music] yeah this fight has ended many players runs in this game and in the original version in the no save and quit category it's very hard to learn and even at higher levels it's still very hard to execute early there we go right [Applause] somehow he threw its keys back to us so the snake checks and it's a little bit of an autoscroller round I have to wait on the wagon to kind of catch up to me so what I'm gonna do is actually run ahead of it and pull up some rocks just to get some free money as well as different of my bombs how do we feel about some donations yeah go for 25 dollars from acoustic curves head to donate during the zelda run I have to say that stained glass quilt looks amazing good luck fee No thank you fifty dollars from Mike free I love me some Legend of Zelda but this is pretty much the only console game I have yet to play it looks great fifty dollars from as llúria I absolutely love Twilight Princess can't wait to see this beautiful game be broken okay items doing interesting things fifty dollars from anonymous love the gdq's nice to donate this time around 25 dollars from flame and Sarge glad I didn't miss this Twilight Princess HD run though I didn't expect the flying horses good luck thank you 25 dollars from 40 stop 30 really would have expected the out of bounds in this game to be cleaned up in the HD version apparently not okay so killing that card to rock as mandatory otherwise the card arts gonna set the wagon off on a different path it would actually be okay if the card rock set it off on a different path the real issue is before I kill him there's actually a minute trigger I can't get past so I have to kill him and then that release the trigger and then once that's gone I can actually skip the last trigger that makes me wait on the wagon so I'm just gonna go ahead and ditch the wagon usually it catches on fire but I guess I got lucky this time using other lja we can jump straight to the loading zone and there we go so right there by rolling to the left it just kind of resets links position to actually closer to the graveyard loading zone so it just saves a little bit of time basically if you get if you get too far away from this retailer during this little follow quest she'll say no wait come here and then work you to her so I used it right there at the very beginning and I'm gonna actually use it again right here to skip the tunnel so I count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and then I back out and that should be close enough to trigger that just pushed me through the tunnel which is faster than continuing the crawl-through [Music] and now we get the Zorro armor [Music] not doing too bad so I need to get in the water here so there's a single frame here where I can actually side hop I can't get out up in this text here it's like encapsulates the area but again at least get towards my destination a little bit quicker and we'll go ahead and put those over armor went on I have two bombs left they had to get rid of them just some time before I get into lake bed which we're going to write it for the iron boots so now we have another pretty long travel sequence back to organ village because where the iron boots are located well we have $50.00 from the Goron saying stick to horseback rolling is our thing we have a hundred and fifty dollars from veterinary gamer hey all veterinarian here I always do my best to catch the zelda runs best of luck to all the runners in all of our events and what kind of etwood I be if I didn't put my money towards saving the animals $50 from Josh Golf hello from the Pacific Northwest really enjoying the zelda twilight princess run fee no of the couch and the announcer y'all are killing it put half two runners choice and half two announcers choice good luck to phyno and the rest of the runners this week thank you and thank you so right here it's gonna become midnight temporarily and now it's day that's actually the little effect that happens whenever you approach the Twilight wall for whatever reason in the surround I don't think anybody's ever figured it out it never goes away after you clear the Twilight so yeah it just temporarily becomes midnight therefore we have another 50 hours from as as llúria saying oh and I almost forgot good luck fee no no thank you yeah so just like wolf link having different speeds depending on the size of the area Epona also has different speeds so in these smaller areas her speed is reduced by about 20 units we have $10 from deliverance I can't donate as much as I usually do as I am going back to school but every little bit counts it is a lot of hard work to make events like this happening you guys always make them run so smoothly thank you for all of your work and another big thank you to your loved ones for supporting you all while making this invent an event incredible one hundred fifty dollars from the Maz room I love what you guys do and Zelda's always been my favorite series keep it up and good luck on Twilight Princess thank you actually can't - uh no word on so I just kind of throw the boomerang here bow is going to wrestle us for the iron boots the sequence is always interesting to me because I'm so used to the original version in the game even after a year of playing this one you never ever wrestle him with his armor on so it just looks a little strange to me also look at Bo's mustache they kind of look like tusks is that actually a mustache I think so yes so a wrestling with bow is essentially just a game of rock-paper-scissors there are three moves each move beats one but loses to another except for the first round in which the bow has a movement which he does nothing in which no matter what you do you pretty much win good yeah so basically I know which movies gonna more likely do just because I've worked out the chances so what I'm doing the strategy here is basically the equivalent of just throwing rock over and over again until I win and yeah how fast you push bow also depends on how fast you're mashing so you want to mash as fast as you can thankfully the easy are button is used here as well so it's very easy to get a very quick push and that was very good rng yeah those really good RNG [Applause] there's basically side steps the worst thing he can do and he didn't even do it once there have been some runs that I've seen where like you'll lose like a minute or a minute and a half to bow like just using moves that need the grab or the slap right door anytime I'm in a double door situation like that where I can pick a left or right I'll always go with right just because the animation open is just very slightly faster $50 from acts lamp 66 simply saying good luck have fun thank you $50 from final Meister really enjoying one of the highlights of my summer sgdq really impressive to all the runs and looking forward to seeing what's in store so now we're gonna go to you lake bed a little bit of a trek back that way but we get to do a pretty interesting which to get money back into lake hylia and actually along the way that we're gonna read by some choo-choos there's a very very small chance that a rare true children I wouldn't get too excited though because it's only ever happened twice in a run and one actually one of them was yesterday my previous run but if it does drop I'll get off the horse and catch it in a bottle and be able to use it using something called soup glitch through out there on to save around 40 seconds yeah the road shoe jelly restores hearts and it doubles link attack power for a certain period of time very useful for some fights [Music] ten dollars from Kyoko zelda runs got me into speedrunning always loves seeing it run best of luck fee no thank you and it also killed the saves frame the animals five dollars from evolution Turner Daisy Twilight Princess and breath of the wild are my two most favorite Zelda games I've beaten Twilight Princess five times and yet I never get tired of watching it be played great job to the runner fifty dollars from arc Wolfman Twilight Princess is my favorite Legend of Zelda always glad to see being run at a gdq so unfortunately that choo-choo I just ran over was the one if it had been unfortunately was not okay yeah the Richard Julia saves around 20 or 25 seconds so it's not that big of a deal you don't get it and if you like the Epona slide a bit earlier we're gonna do another one right here yeah so supposedly there's a wall in here that stops you from going through it but sometimes it's just not there yeah this wall over here is it's a good wall oh well sometimes it's a good one there we go see yeah right after doing that clip we're gonna go straight into another clip once we swim over to the entrance of lake bed normally to get delayed bed you need water bombs to blow up a rock that normally blocks the entrance but there's actually a conveniently placed pillar near the entrance that we can just kind of swing through and to get out of bounds and into the tunnel twenty-five dollars from syru x hey gdq i'd make a witty witty comment but i didn't want to try and force it here's a red rupee and a blue rupee for enduring that bad pun so try to get behind the pillar and it's a little bit finicky with the camera but hopefully yeah so it was a little bit off there unfortunately the camera I get swimming down is like the best camera to do the clip so hopefully I don't doesn't take me to major eyes here thankfully there it is okay [Applause] historically that trick is either one try or tenderize so glad to see it was second try so here's like that we're gonna be skipping the majority of it this is the only dungeon in the game with the bus keys good yeah enjoy yeah lake bed is essentially just like a long jump attack playground lots of long jump attacks so here's what I threw out all my bums so that I could open this chest and get some more bumps for those who don't know normal bombs can't be used underwater water bombs have to be used and the original version is actually possible to backflip against that gate and click through it but I don't think it works in this region I've never been able to get it it's really precise even in the original version so runners don't normally go for it right here you're normally you're supposed to have bom arrows to knock down the rocks and create a path up for you so we can jump really far so it's not an issue we're gonna slide on this rock here we go I just went a little too far up let's see go it's the door cool so I need to get down to a certain part here so I'm gonna do an L be a little difficult to be careful there we go yes so during that double LJ after the first one link will actually just snap to whatever angle the object he's targeting is facing some moral games so I need to get over the railing here but before I do that I'm actually gonna get this small key you actually don't get this small key in the original version speedran but we're gonna see an HD exclusive oops okay well if I screw that up actually the trilogy juice goes a little mess with me but we're gonna be seeing XT exclusive a little bit later we'll run that saves around a minute and I need that key to do it actually be pretty careful with my bombs here it is the route for the bombs is airtight I do have backups if I waste one but it's slower to do so so I'm gonna try my best to make every bomb count that's good a Nick with the slingshot we're gonna use that and hey what's up here it's a frog so I needed kills babies to make em jump in the air for some reason when he jumps if you gonna see up and they come back out he falls in medially very strange so I'm gonna drop the bomb there and shoot it at the slingshot so I don't the wait on the timer damage is fine and if I throw a bomb in his mouth right now I can actually make him go straight down again with the tongue [Applause] here's my one of my favorites all the weapons the claw shot [Music] oops so I tried to go for a frame perfect' Rick there and I messed it up basically you can drop during that cutscene the gate opening but I went one frame too early fifty dollars from be the tree save Zelda save Hyrule save the animals yeah so now we're pretty much done this lake now there's one more small thing we need to go do before we do the boss key skip though it's really fortunate this is this dungeon has the only bus we skipped because the Bosque is actually very deep in the dungeon so it saves quite a bit of time if you're wondering why this is the only one with the boss key skip is because you actually don't open the door to get to the boss and this one you open a door and then drop down into the boss so the loading zone for the boss is always there I just need to get out of balance to the tip so the bus key skip is done in this room but I'm actually gonna go to another room first to set up a glitch wait later in the run conveniently these lines are here I can use them to get way up top so in the room after this hallway there's actually a gate that normally blocks you from being able to like progress out of sequence in the dungeon and the important thing here is that we just load that gate because there's a gate of the exact same type later in the run that we're going to encounter but if we load with this gate first for some reason to run or the gate later in the run will be unloaded and that next gate being unloaded is actually what allows us to save a minute so we just go in and out of the room load the gate and then go back to bosky skip boskie skip is actually pretty difficult so hopefully we get a first try you can just kind of fall through this railing and line up using the back of the sword do some back flips and fall in paths business [Applause] yes unfortunately we have to just kind of float all the way down activate the boss fight while we're floating $15 from vicarious Vice work oh those are some words of encouragement for wolf link don't worry he'll understand okay more fuel oh not as much of a pain as the SD version but still kind of a pain the SD version you actually fight this boss without blades or armor it's really really crazy definitely recommend looking up an ET tube later or something but it's much slower to do it without the so armor so I technically could but I don't want to go so we'll be doing it with this over our way this horse is actually kind of harmless really all I can do is suck you up and eat you and it's really easy to dodge the little sucking technique so what I'm going to try to do is grab her eye and then do a little technique to regrip her constantly without being thrown off too far yeah unfortunately she's being a pain yeah more feel the way Marshall swims is totally random so if she just decides to swim away and straight up she'll do that yeah so the regrab here is actually dependent on whether or not morpha swims straight forward or down she swims up it's not gonna work but basically you force on equip the iron boots and then try to shoot the claw shot again to regret the I unfortunately Morpho is too high though they're more Theo try again are you [Applause] yeah so ideally you'll get to read grabs right after each other on the boss flight will last like 30 seconds it's still really good though you're good on donations in honor of that great boss fight we have fifty dollars from Jack 72 my roommate said I wouldn't donate he just got wrecked put this towards level one Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts two $30 from 9s Zelda was such a big part of my gaming education I had to throw a donation in during this run best of luck to fee No thank you a hundred hours from Astro two one six Twilight Princess is one of my favorite games great to see it ripped apart so thoroughly ten dollars from we multiple time watching second time donating I immediately started watching when I got wind that Twilight Princess is on I even got my sister to start watching good luck to you Fino thank you yeah so this is the third piece of the fused shadow we skipped the second one because we completely skipped having to go through Goron mines but the game will think that we have the entire few jet or even if we only have the last piece and again just getting the heart beats just for a little safety there your heart container rather this is usually around the halfway point for some reason in the original version actually mesh be to say no on those safe screens but you can't do that on this so I have to mesh the control stick could actually go over to no and so now it's time for the best theme in the game midlas lament we actually have a donation just about that $150 from Kyle two three three keep it up I look forward to Minna's lament OMG dis musik bible-thumper $50 from newer awesome marathon so far keep up the good work and save those animals $50 from princess Triforce glad to see all my all-time favorite game being run for such a great cause save the monkeys and Hyrule I guess and kill the animals twenty-five dollars from Thomas Baxter I remember really disliking the escort quest wishing the runner the best of luck and breaking that section in the entire game all in the interest of speed again just doing - cancelling here for a movement fifty dollars from anonymous Zelda well now I have to donate again thanks for keeping me sane during long hours that work my frustrations at work demand killing the animals I just like to give a shout-out to any of the European TP runners watching right now I know it's very late over there yeah so this is like just a major story part of the game but we don't really care about the story because we'd like to go fast we have 150 dollars from niteowl 9000 the Legend of Zelda series is one of my favorite series good luck on your run thank you oh boy ropes there's actually a faster strategy through this room you can actually right at the very start do a jump off the ledge on the right hand side and grab onto the rope but it's if you're not like frame perfect then it's actually slower because you have to wait for the Goron cycle because he's walking around down below and if you're holding on to the rope he'll see you and throw you out so yeah it's a little it's more so it's a lot safer to just go around the left yeah so this is our introduction to pose will be we will be collecting a few more mandatory ones later in the run and she's a little goof off that does nothing so we go down to the water slides and look out of bounds unfortunately you can't - as wolf with a stick in your mouth so I need to bring this web up here I'm actually going to stop and kill the keys for some reason if the keys are still alive when you try to climb the slash up here I'll see Mike skip one wolf link tries to look at the key sign just will refuse to climb the ledge so okay there we go so I usually will kill at least two it won't climb there we go and I climb it the very far right side there it skips the climbing animation just because where you're climbing up already has like collision in the way that's why just kind of bumped you up it seems a little tiny bit of time and this is probably the hardest part I'm in this desperate hours climbing the tower here because the ropes are really bad and the enemy is very good so I dodged his arrow and knock him into the water the bubbling is actually hate the water and will die immediately it's hitting him I'm gonna use a little bit of a speed straddled some of these to jump off the ropes early the ropes are very very finicky sometimes you'll walk right up to and then you just will miss so hopefully that doesn't happen we're good so far sometimes like if you jump attack the bulb ones too early you'll end up bunking on the floor and then you'll fall all the way down and be sad I can actually jump off on that last one but I didn't want to push my luck I actually do a jump attack right there it'll get a slow walk in with a loading zone and the reason is so my dashes line up so I can hit him right there because he'll shoot me and then right after I hit him I can dash again the reason why I'm glad cure so much about speed in this area is because there's a win cycle I'm trying to make before the bridge Falls and actually I don't think I'm gonna make it now cuz I just grab that box you'll see it's it's gonna be tight I don't think oh my god I mean ice that was amazing filling that win cycle will dues like 20 seconds and sometimes there's actually like a respawn point like just a little bit of the ways back and that would lose you twenty seconds but sometimes that spawn point just doesn't like to activate so you spawn all the way back at the beginning of that room and it wastes like 42 a minute or something yeah it's really bad so actually pause on pause there because the area Tex prevents me from bringing up the map so I just puzzling pause real quick look at the area text away so I can break up the map and warp and now we are finally gonna get the master story 50 dollars from the sneaky triangle I'm glad to get to watch such a great game get broken but I just tuned in so can you reset save the frames kill the animals sure right now we're only two hours in once again we have to save the monkey all kinds of trouble I almost got it you can actually push her out of the cutscene now oops talk to her again here's another at the last first stream into jump the section is actually a little terrifying because the logs will hit you off and then you have to do all this again that combined with the fact that there's ropes makes it a little scary so we'll see here I have fallen and lost around here before so I should be careful okay we should be good yes those logs are they're a bit bigger than you think they usually are so now we're gonna play Zelda's Lullaby and make our way through the lost woods to the sacred grove ten dollars a little syllabi he goes right something like that ten dollars from a caramel calamity first time donating of course it has to be during the best block of the marathon its Elda zelda's the best block of the marathon so basically we just have to go through and follow skull kid maad where he decides to go his positions are always the same so it's not like he spawns in different places they actually the puppets AI and this is different than the original version and sometimes they do some really crazy stuff like just float off of the walls and stuff did it'd be silly if we see it but I can't guarantee it especially when I fight the Skull Kid sometimes you'll just see them kind of float out of bounds during cutscenes so yeah yes oh we have time for more donations oh yeah yeah $50 from anonymous love this game and loving the speedrun keep up the entertaining run $500 from halo do 22 always love the Zelda games but Twilight Princess is by far my favorites so I gotta get this in while I'm still up good luck and make sure to save those animals thank you $25.00 from tribe are looking forward to when they release a bubsy Zelda crossover what could possibly go on a hundred and fifty dollars from Chris eight greetings from Germany woke up early to get some of that Twilight action so real quick reitman if you know hit that last the Skull Kid that last time if you do it be attack there it actually most of the time puts you all the way back down onto the ground which just saves a few seconds normally just doing like a knee attack or having a bad angle would just leave you on the top there so for this fight with skulking in the puppets for each phase you want to kill one puppet as soon as possible but then you want to hold off on killing any of the other ones because killing one puppet will start the timer for Skull Kid 2 then go into another whistling animation which is when he becomes vulnerable again yeah and I want to kill just one god that was like five I usually want to kill like one because each each puppet I hit will cause like frames and which leg frame will prevent the timer from ticking down for him to blow again so I mean really insignificant oh yeah look at the puppets back here like what are they doing they're just like hugging the wall they just want to be loved $50 from caiera Niko Zelda Limerick for you all there once was a hero of time his skills with the sword were sublime with Curt with his courage reborn a wolf's now his form though his clothes are still green as a lion I wish all runners the best of luck thank you so this puzzle is I mean there's multiple solutions for it but two of them are notably the fastest so it just it's always the same every time nothing really too interesting you can do here there is one single frame where I can turn on the senses so I guess that's interesting every time I get it as a frame perfect trick $30 from D breezy med 201 glad to hear such enthusiasm for such a great game I'm glad to give another 30 after a quick yeah from the crowd oh and save the animals and there's the Master Sword this is the second-longest unskipable cutscenesthat's nice again other while we are apart we both love Twilight Princess and good luck for you know good job on the run so far thank you it's going really well $50 from Grand Master BT hey sgdq long time viewer and this is my first time donating Twilight Princess is one of my favorite Zelda games so I had to donate during the run good luck thank you $10 from ym blue thank you for another great gdq and another great twilight princess Rhonda you know helped me discover the speedrunning community so I had to donate for the best Zelda run awesome $25.00 from rice to ko6 thanks for everyone who helps makes this possible GD he was my favorite run my favorite time of the year I booked the entire week off just for this this is my first donation to the event and I couldn't pick a better game donation goes to runners choice one hundred and fifty dollars from lieutenant hummus I'm loving this run but I haven't heard a lot of people donating to save the animals this is incorrect put this donation towards killing the animals and actually that particular donation now gives the difference between kill the animals and save the animals only 151 and 31 cents in favor of kills so that actually made a huge difference guys 25 dollars from a rat to 69 I know you don't hear this very often but Twilight Princess is one of my favorite Zelda games it's amazing to see it done so quickly and even more amazing to know that it's for an awesome cause great job everyone and go fast that's what I like to do right we have free warping now so my movement would be a lot less rolling well they're still gonna be a lot of rolling but a lot less overworld rolling yeah the Master Sword gives you the ability to transform between human or wolf at will which in turn allows you to be able to warp at will very nice and here is another change for the HD version I can turn human and wolf without talking to Midna so it's a quick transform which again saves time that's appearance I'm really really happy that they just made these little quality life changes well one because it just increases redundant and makes the speed on faster and it's just nicer you know yeah right why do we have to climb so low a bladder just doesn't make sense yeah just generally improves the flow of the gameplay it's intense action sequence also a quick update in the run two runs from now divinity original sin the character names it is a tight battle between two b 9s and dat boy less than 150 dollars separates all three of those choices so get your donations in for those names yeah I got it so that site off there is frame perfect and I can't use input buffering yeah so sometimes I get it sometimes I don't that it's just a tiny tiny good amount of time so now that we got a Horace memo we can go and shoot ourselves off to the desert where the next dungeon the arbiters grounds is located and we want to transform there before we hit like the little island there otherwise we can't transform after that we have $30 from glacials asking a simple request from Fino good luck fee no I will donate another 20 if you know thanks me for this donation you thank you for the donation what a cool guy $25 from no vowel wishing fee no the best of luck on the run thank you $10 from Brian have to donate during Twilight Princess HD as this as the original was my first Zelda title ever as a pianist I used to play Midna cement over and over again just because it's so dang good thanks for the nostalgia Fino and here's to the best Ganon slang weapon in the game a good old fishing rod we will be seeing the fishing rod right at the end so even as a wolf link you can still equip items using the gamepad which is very nice since you couldn't do that in the original version so I need to break down these fences here and I have to use the border to do it and the original version you can do snow be girly so we had the ball and chain at this point and can't do that in this region so I have to use the boar hopefully they don't whack me okay I just need to kill one I get the two off one of them the other one will come back to hit me but usually he doesn't get me I didn't fall down and then I'm gonna wait right here to dash oh my god really he knew he knew so I wait - right there - - because I want the - told to stop right after the fence break but before I hit a wall that's all right here we go one hundred and fifty dollars from shifty son I have been playing Zelda since before I could talk Twilight Princess is one of my favorites thanks for all you do and good luck fee no thank you alright so we have a kind of difficult trick here I'm gonna try to use we're gonna be abusing the air triggers Jim mentioned earlier that extend infinitely upwards and downwards hopefully I get it if not we'll just run around I grab the gate and so up to the left here you can make a jump from this tent to the wall over here as wolf link and you have to turn sideways to transform it to human link otherwise you'll fall down and then using that pillar right there as a platform that's higher than likes feet we can do an L J AJ over and then we can climb on this broken pillar up to the top of the main tent there we go [Applause] [Music] so King Baldwin is essentially just like a giant second meat it's very slow they actually they changed king bubblin in this version as well in the original version your your quick spin has a consistent hitbox and he becomes susceptible before the quick spin actually ends we can actually one quick spin will hit him three times in the original version that was changed in this version I'd only hit someone so the fight is a little bit slower but still pretty quick here's our friend the borer it's interesting and actually get behind these gates that I'm running through right now with LJ's but it won't open arbiters grounds until I run through it with the board there excuse me $20 from flemeth long time donator first-time viewer love from Hong Kong keep up the good work everyone so this dungeon has lots of quicksand but quicksand just generally not an obstacle at all because you can just be attacked with a wolf link across the entire view of any sand pit pretty much yeah wolf is really broken here for the quicksand like Jim said and we'll be using it quite a bit we get to say hello to our good friend the lantern once again okay so this dungeon if you've played Ocarina times very heavily based off of its 4po structure so we're gonna have these full pose come through here close the gate and I have to go through and get them there actually is a way to skip all four pose and go through that gate but I won't be doing it because it takes six hours to do six hours is pretty yeah yeah eight to twelve yeah yeah so the reason that is is because when you pick up a rupee that gives you a text box you actually have a very very very small amount of momentum so what you can do is pick up a rupee right next to the gate and then let that momentum push you through the gate and it's actually so slow that the collision detection it doesn't catch that you're moving and so you'll just slide straight to the gate it's just so slow it takes hours to do it so it's not really useful and there actually is a way to skip this pole that fee knows fighting right now and it is possible in this version but it is very very hard and very imprecise or very precise and it's just not really viable in the HD version basically in one of the rooms adjacent to this one there's this pillar that's sticking out of the sand and you can kind of angle yourself on it and put yourself in a bit of a precise position and angle backflip on it and you'll sort of hop off of it and grab onto a Ledge which basically skips meaning basically you're going backwards through the dungeon at that point but yeah as I said it's just really difficult to do in there in HD version well it's hard to do in the SD version as well but it's a little easier than that one yeah coz to actually open the gate you only need the last three pose you don't technically need the first one because the game doesn't check for it because it assumes that to get the last three you must have gone to get the first one I'm just gonna kill this bubble because he's being a pain or d-wing I'm at least rubies are okay I still need some money actually I'm a little oh yeah it's fine I'm gonna get 40 more I want to get out of this tender with a hundred because we're gonna pick up a silver later which would be 200 and then I'll have enough to fix the cannon that's too soon before you can attack the pose they have to turn whiter so I like indicate that they're solid now actually worked out kind of well to save to kill the bubbles anyway they may just get in your way if they get you you get knocked out of sense it was something he can't attack though go Punk bonk we've got a bunk counter going I think I'm a 2 or 3 now it's not too bad I want this rat to hit me okay nice that lets me get it off get off of the little turn thing right there a little early it's actually interesting that so that that turning thing actually controls the top room too so what can happen there if I'm not careful is the rat will hit me off after I've turned it and it will just kind of keep turning and then when I go to open this if I open the door before it completes its cycle when I go to open this room they'll just be a wall just a wall right here and I can't do anything yes on this room normally you're supposed to pull a chandelier to open up your path and get past it but we can just do small lja to skip that gonna D wing him he'll get my way okay good sometimes it's all picky I pulled them old dorm out of the sand nice and I only need 40 rupees which was two more redeads so I'm just gonna go ahead and skip this one thankfully I'm fast enough to get away from me screams because this next room is really annoying with lots of style children and to read it's that you can't really get past without killing unfortunately and unfortunately the two best strategies in this room were to use any bomb arrows or be the bomb chain which I haven't either of so I almost guaranteed get frozen at least twice so we'll see how it goes sometimes it'll be once rarely is it zero no no okay that's close yes Oh actually miss the 20 on the first month which is okay I have a backup 20 I can get where's the here this Oh something I've been doing that I kind of forgot to mention was every time I'd go up to a PO one of the big toes here I'm actually jump attacking them and that's to skip his screaming animation and that'll just make him turn blue just very slightly faster so we got one more PO we need to go get this is the bull rat room so these little cool rats that grab on to you I'm going to try to avoid them there we go oh no they're after me thankfully they stay in the room and so we are not going to jump down here which I've done before and here we have another chandelier puzzle and same same sort of concept we're just gonna skip it with an L J I have to be careful you're though because the mold dorms like to come up and bite me yes so one thing that I don't think we mentioned yet is that every time that we use the Gila boomerang of exposure we actually go into first person mode before we use it because that speeds up the animation of pulling it out and being able to aim it around there's wire one of my bombs are going there we go the paths that the that I have to open here with the lanterns was always the same so this is the final po it has some rng to it it's pretty reminiscent of Meg in the Ocarina of Time Forest Temple produces three duplicates of itself and then it makes you guess which one it is so we can't tell which one is the real one until the real one turns solid and these pose can right at the start there they were swirling around link they pretty much can choose to do that for as long as they want so sometimes you just get really bad luck but it was very good here nice no it actually got the best poha obviously I want the poo that's right by the exit door so that was good luck twenty dollars from sure Ruby Twilight Princess was the first Zelda game I ever completed love this game and love this event keep it up so yeah now we can finally continue on to the next part of the dungeon so yeah if you figure out a way to skip these pose that doesn't take six hours please contact us we'd love to know okay so you kind of get teaser at the Bosque here it's a like right here but there's no I never picked up a blue that's right so there's the blue they kind of tease you at the Bosque there but there's a big quicksand thing in the way that prevents you from actually getting to it and I skip that just so now I had the bus key yeah they didn't really do a very good job at protecting this it's actually possible to even just jump in there as human and roll over to the other side which is actually used in the glitchless category if I'm correct and so you're not really supposed to be here yet you're supposed to get there after the spinner and make your way back so what I'm doing right now is technically backtracking to the spinner I need the spinner to beat the bus as well as uh nice as well let's do some other things $20 from mol on first time watching sgdq and I love what you guys are doing keep it up $25 from tatertot army longtime viewer finally had the opportunity to donate good luck to Fino on the twilight princess run thank you save the animals oops should be okay oh okay now I have to call three of them with this one so I'm just gonna sit here all right I didn't want to waste a bomb so normally what I do is I drop the one there and then I don't get stuck in this hand and then the other two follow me to the exit and I bombed them there but since the first one failed they really needed that last one to kill all of them so I'm still on track with the bumps remembering that the bomb right here is airtight and so I need to not waste any if possible so that swords a really cool boss or mini boss I suppose this first phase is pretty easy I'm just gonna attack I'm gonna ring become solid the second phase is more interesting because there's actually a stun lock I can do so basically the game is just waiting for me to complete a combo on him go left thank you so what I can do is just never finish a combo and just poke them to death yeah [Applause] now it is actually possible to skip that sword or skip fighting at least the second phase of death sword but it is probably one of the most precise tricks in this game and so we don't go for it and I don't even think it saves very much time you'd basically lure him over to this side right here and then turn into wolf and use yeah maminta charge attack to get up onto the ledge where you're supposed to exit through but yeah it's it's a really precise trick it's very position position and you have to like release on like in a small window so it's not really RTA viable yeah when a would jerk friend that trick it was me so I'm gonna say we're here to get back to the front of the dungeon I'm just a little bit quicker than backtracking a hundred dollars from this is alan two two three four a game that i was never particularly fond of I'm really enjoying this twilight princess run great work so the spinner allows us to get across Santa's human link pretty easily saves time over having to transform to all four navigate the room as human so I like to keep spinning around the our button unfortunately spinner is used mainly for mashing the spinner button so mashing ours a little harder than somebody actually is two fingers to do it which looks a little goofy 150 dollars from burnout the fungineer I really appreciate it when Fino says thank you loving the run so far keep up the good work thank you applause for him to say thank you you're welcome yeah this is just essentially opening up the path to the boss door a hundred dollars from Jackson Fairfield psychic ninja this Zelda run is a great accompaniment to being stuck at work to being stuck working late good luck on the rest of the run and I say I say save the dang animals thank you for the good luck [Music] alrighty Stallard probably the most heart orangey heavy boss unfortunately so what he does is he has three phases or three parts of his first phase and he'll put up little I guess there's tall folks around him in the sand and I need to dodge them while hitting his spine third one is particularly hard because I'll put up a five guys up by his spine and I have to dodge them and then bounce off one behind him oh I got a little lucky there usually the second phase doesn't give you trouble but something to this oh I was really bad luck and of course it wouldn't be as Auto boss we didn't have two phases so all the sand drains here we're going to erase the pillar in the middle and trip to the second phase my position here is at the greatest okay your position after that cutscene is random so ideally you'd be closer to the spinner contraption so I'm gonna try to do something here that will actually basically cut the secondaries in half so what happens is the head fires at you until you get on the track in the middle and then it zooms up really quickly to the top so you supposed to write the track all the way up to the top but what I can do is I can jump on it right when he fires at me and then I can zoom up to him before he has a chance to run away and hit him it's a very very tight timing so let's see if I get it Evan Audio careful oh that's a fortunate I went just a little bit too early that's okay it doesn't save a whole lot of time it's just basically the trip writing up the pillar and now we do [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel free to go ahead on the missions will do we have fifty dollars from Chino gotta get a donation in during fee nose around as a long time lurker of his streams glad to see this run is going so well donation is going to debt boi also a donation without a pun that seems highly unlikely one hundred and fifty dollars from Sphinx Lord eight eight two zero zero how could I not donate during the twilight princess run here's to a great run in a great organization now if only my internet would cooperate I hope it does for you thanks Lord $20 from Alex zero if these doctors are as dedicated as the streamers we are now in good hands fifty dollars from anonymous hey everyone thanks for the great event and good luck to all the runners putting my donation towards level one Sephiroth fight because that sounds terrible to play and great to watch ten dollars from Joaquin e suddenly heard saria's song and decided it was a great time to donate wolf link is so cute angry keep on the great work everyone two hours have passed two more left well this is actually the first instance in the game where we actually have to fight five shadow beasts rather than three it's really no different but it was just a little bit more thankfully the quote hardest shadow beasts fight isn't done in this room that's the one outside the sacred grove so another HD asd difference you can actually skip raising this mirror by going into the warping menu at this point and then just zooming in all the way in turning on warping it just it just works normally minna is is there and says wait wait the mirror twilight is so close and prevents you from warping but just for some reason when you zoom all the way in you can warp that was fixed in this region so I have to do a threesome here so now we'll be heading to Snow Peak I'm not actually not going to finish the dungeon I just need to go in for the ball and chain unfortunately it's only really it's used most multiple times but it's really only has one actual needed use for the run and that is to fight Zandt later on to stun him in one of his boss phases if we could somehow get around that we would not even need to go snow be good all and it would cut a huge chunk of time off the ground so you had to get up into Snow Peak we first have to get the reef fish sent and the first part of that quest is to come here and get a sketch from this girl so we have to do a little bit of a training quest here to get the fishing rod upgrade we just needed to fish out the rigged fish a hundred and fifty dollars from techno loving the zelda block mind-blowing how you find glitches in the first place but so fun to watch good luck to all the runners thank you $50 from huffin glad to see this is the Wii U version I always like link but more so when I learned he was left-handed like me you can imagine my sadness at the Wii version of this game donation goes to runner's choice unless someone on the couch is left handed then it's their choice nope nope excellent $25.00 from you gamer 81 longtime gdq watcher and supporter here The Legend of Zelda is probably my favorite franchise of all time so I had to donate during the twilight princess run doing great so far for you know keep up the great work thank you so here's r alice i can just transform behind that the grave there and then show him the sketch from a che and he will give me the corollary which is the fishing rod upgrade [Music] so vectors arose domain we're gonna do some fishing $25.00 from blazing flare Twilight Princess is my second favorite Zelda game and the first one I ever completed 100% seeing Fino do all of these cool movement texts is a real treat donation goes to runner's choice ten dollars from anonymous first time catching gdq live after binging through older gdq's and it should be fitting to donate during my favorite series so the reek fish is a little hard to fish up then add the normal fish that we decided to get earlier in the run basically they just go away quicker after they tell you that they've bitten on the rod yeah they're trolls all right their wheel so we're gonna turn the wolf and sniff the fish smells like fish okay so yeah for climbing Snow Peak Mountain appeared normally if you don't have the reef fish sent there are a bunch of loading zones that will sort of void you out and respawn you back at start right here but if you have the sense then some of those living zones are moved and they create a path that will lead you up the mountain so I'm just gonna check real quick to make sure I'm not going off the path because I have booted out before once they get around that rock it's pretty safe just kind of hug the wall here hopefully I don't bunk goodbye I didn't even slow down I was really good that's basically a giant slope in the geometry going up where I just was so usually I either a bunker B blues off basically on my speed neither which happens that was good NASA did that has something that we've seen already which is the climb cancel there where I just climb up basically in a spot where there's already collision so it just kind of bumps me up and skips the climbing animation well that was really fast too while we're running up this mountain we have $50.00 from anonymous how to donate during my favorite run of every gdq good luck on the run fee no and as always save the frames kill the animals thank you so we need to climb up here and there's actually vines which is just a little bit quicker than using the ladder the keys are very mean here so hopefully nice to me right now okay good the Keystone this next earier also very mean I'm going to try to skip the messenger fight here have the Snow Peak top X's I don't need this work by using an OVA okay good I think I got it maybe yes okay so basically what I did is i LJ far enough down the mountain that the void puts me in a different spot then I'll buy the door and that lets me drop right in oops I'm to say no if you'll say yes if he say yes but I said no after saying yes so by skipping that shadow beasts fight the trigger for clearing away the fog during this snowboarding section actually doesn't go away so it's you have to basically do what we call blind snowboarding now in HD it it's a little bit better it's a little bit more clear what you have to do but in the SD version it's a lot harder just to reminder guys we have about an hour or so left on the run am i right fee no that's correct and we are very close to $600,000 raised so if you could please get your donations and I would love to hit that goal before at the end of fee nose run so if you're under when I'm jumping a lot your speed is constant well in the air now where is it so kind of variable on the snow so I'm just trying to stay basically in the air as long as possible just a little bit quicker I definitely definitely need a hundred rupees by the time I get into the Snow Peak so I'm going to need to grab for red here this is the backup I was talking about earlier there we go and then let's not fall off if you fall off here then you get sent back all the way to the top of the mountain which is not very good lose this like a minute little scary so there's a minute trigger here and it's pretty easy to skip but sometimes I fail it there we go I got it nice nice I have very very small time safe yeah that's yeah this is the snow-peak mansion it's definitely the shortest dungeon we do we're only gonna be in here for like three yeah it's also one of the most broken so normally there's this gap you can't cross it up I can and then you can wash off through this bombable floor because the collision on it is only one-sided and then there's a smoky in this room that you're supposed to need the ball and chain to get but again the all-powerful boomerang yeah shouts the dragon being for that setup yeah the reason that we target the walls with the boomerang is because between those targets of boomerang will actually go through the wall and out of bounds which is over a void and that's what allows the launch of attack to work nicely so this is still kind of doing the whole dungeon backwards I'm not supposed to be in this area as you can see i just opened the the second half of the courtyard backwards there's a cannon puzzle you're supposed to do here to kill the freezer so you can open the door though actually just gonna hop out of bounds and then open the door backwards yes that's the freezer it skip okay here's dark camera alright get up real close to him to make him ow make him throw his thing and then with bricks bends like in ones like one and yeah I actually had to wait for him to throw his thing anyway so it didn't waste any time those basically a perfect snow peek [Applause] it's unfortunate we don't get to see the rest of it because even if you have to even if you had to complete the whole dungeon the rest of it on a speedrun is still really cool this way so since we're done I'm just gonna go ahead and save warp to get back to the front of the dungeon while you're warping we have $100 from Ken - two - I'm doing aha donating $100 but my real act of charity is to immortalize my friend's name in the most useless way possible as a character in a Might and Magic speedrun okay now we're gonna go to city in the sky which is not technically the next dungeon normally we're supposed to beat Snow Peak and then go back to the sacred groves to get the temple of time and then do temple of time but I'm actually just going to jump straight to city in this guy by using a glitch but before we do that I need the money to fix the cannon which we are gonna get it right now so normally you need bomb arrows to hit this Bell which drops a silver rupee and I don't have arrows though so we're gonna improvise and there's a 300 my backup if I run out of bombs there is actually to do a glitch call a parallel universe glitch really cool but it wastes a ton of time to show off so unfortunately I'm not going to but I'll go ahead and describe it anyway just because I know you're curious now basically what I what I would do is exit a door well as wolf and it would cause my position to go out of bounds we're all actors exists in the same space and then I can just quick spin to get the silver Ruby yeah so now this is the clip we used to get to the city of this guy can endure Liam and that saves around an hour yep that really useful we can do that yes so when this game first came out we originally thought that it wasn't possible to do that clip because we believed it had been patched Nintendo did actually increase the hitbox size of that owl statue but they didn't increase it enough so later we figured out that we could still click past the statue it was just much more precise we we have a $500 donation from anonymous whoo I have never watched a speedrun before today I love that you're all so committed to your art Godspeed Wolf link second best music in the game a hundred dollars from mr. Dean shaping up to be another great sgdq I had to donate during one of my favorite Zelda games Twilight Princess loved the POE designs in this one good luck and have fun thank you already we're gonna go to sitting this guy there's this very creepy bird so yeah the city in the sky contains one piece of the or one shard of the mirror of Twilight snow-peak ruins and the temple of time also contains shards of the mirror but just like with the fused shadow the game counts having the full mirror as just having the last piece that you would normally get so it's good that the game does that what a great noise allow me to help you out then $15 from nevets wasn't going to donate this year due to school cost but fee knows politeness has won me over so thank you for making one of my favorite games more enjoyable okay so i canti a bad one like there that's okay i'm gonna stand in front of the stairs here it's gonna prevent the wind from blowing me so i can shoot the switch and let the ALJ's begin this entire dungeon is in the sky so there's lots of voids everywhere for LJ's don't do it oh it's closed oh yeah so right here inna was actually gonna open this door in a very specific way even though it just kind of looks like he's not really opening the door I mean done wants me to go I had to be very careful there cuz I didn't exactly do it right at first yeah so opening that door from as far back as possible actually skip hitting a trigger that activates the fan at the top of this room and doing that will actually allow us to get the boss key very fast once we need to get it and saves around a minute and a half it also saves a lot of headache because the rooms that you normally have to go through our pretty brutal it's actually pretty interesting how that was found so there's a user by the name of dragonbane who's kind of like the mad scientist of Twilight Princess and winwaker and he was timing text for different versions by working around two different rooms maybe worked into the boss key room to get the boss key text here and noticed that the fan wasn't activated despite that he had just entered the dungeon so he was like okay well something's gotta activate it and he went into a tool called one viewer and found the trigger and then discovered that basically the reason why it works is it counts as being in the trigger when you step in it but where wolf links position technically is for stepping in it is his back legs and it's possible to get the door open text before the back legs touch the trigger and so what happens is you open the door and as soon as you enter the opening door animation all the triggers in the room unload so you essentially walk straight through it without ever activating them and so the small key that FINA just got sort of changes the save point that the dungeon wants you to be yet and so it also is linked to this cutscene right here that happens but uh since we're speed runners we can skip this cutscene some wind and jump slashes that's actually the slower strand so there's like two different window renji's step in whenever you enter a room and if I get the better one there I don't I do the faster strat I got the bad luck there so it's a more safer one the only really difference is the set-up time I need a little bit longer to do the faster one so when I get the bad wind RNG meaning I know the wind is going to come sooner I just don't before it yes if you try to spin right here what the Deku Baba alive it's just gonna attack you and not allow you to spin and so if you've been with us since lakebed the gate we mentioned way long ago is now going to come into play as normally after entering this room you'd go to the right enter another door and then proceed through three more kind of annoying rooms that it's really thankful that we get to skip so instead we're gonna go over to the left we're gonna roll past this wind and we're gonna enter the door at the opposite side of this room and then in front of us there's usually supposed to be a gate that's loaded but it's not loaded because we actually loaded the one in lake bed earlier which for some strange reason just unloads this one flying [Applause] didn't get it there's a single frame there where ganks we drop on the fan on the cutscene and then go through the fan and I'll just spawn in the fight saves like 1 second but I'm gonna try to do the 1 cycle here and so normally this boss has two cycles but we can sort of do some fake damage to it with the ball and chain fortunately it's rng dependent I only got one hitch and I'm gonna pull him down try again yeah so we want a hit his shield while he's attacking us and that will actually do damage to him but it won't work actually initiate the second phase because he's not actually getting damaged oh yeah now you're low on health stone but one more hit Wow a guy okay it's normally doing that fight the arroyos once he takes a certain amount of damage we'll begin flying in and out of the rooms through the holes at the top but if you do like the sort of fake damage with the ball and chain while he's shielding it still though it still deals damage but you don't actually kill him until you deal a physical hit which by that point you've done so much damage that you actually kill him it was a very close fight so we're gonna get our health back now because we're gonna save work every time you save and reload the game if you have less than three hearts the game will just give you back three hearts we have a hundred and twenty dollars from X forsaken huge fan of gdq and enjoy all the runs I love Legend of Zelda series and wish Fino and the other runners the best of RNG as always save the frames and kill the animals thank you $20 from jimothy Fino is great I like how he thanks donators for good luck wishes so best of luck to you on your excellent Twilight Princess HD run hey you know could you wish my friend Devin a happy birthday while we watch you expertly run his favorite game absolutely happy birthday Devin and thank you for the look and he'll donate another $20 because you did that 50 dollars from Omega Meyer hi again sgdq coming back from my first donation this year and since I always like seeing you pull off ridiculous feats in additional content is best content the first one goes to level 1 Sephiroth fights in Kingdom Hearts 2 donating during the zelda block for a chance at the amazing prizes keep up the good work and greetings from Germany so yeah this is the fan we were talking about earlier that doesn't activate because it's off we can just collage out these vines and skip a whole bunch of rooms that normally would be required to get to the boss key and I can do a little bit of a shortcut here to get up to the top room early if I stand on the right spot I actually barely grab these vines oh come on I'm gonna fix my standing there we go and then I can come over here and skip the ropes with an update oh okay all right yeah this guy sees you you'll like pretty much always run over to where you are so yeah I had to kill him once he saw me let's try that again yeah this LJ is kind of tricky sometimes because the boomerang has to be in a very precise position to be concealed go to the door and since the fan never activate I can just roll around and get the bus key fifty dollars from rolling em I discovered agdq last winter I have been eagerly waiting this as should it use since then thanks to all the awesome runners and organizers and good luck to phyno he thank you so normally what you're supposed to do is right after you get the boskie you're supposed to sort of lower yourself down and activate this switch which will turn on a fan in this room but we didn't do that so if you knows gonna have to do something a little bit unintended to get past all of this so I can abuse that if I'm higher than the grading here if I grab the top it'll actually make me grab the top at the fan and then I can do a he's coming it's just gonna work no I was a little far to the right um but it's cool so he can see it again but like I was saying we can grab the top of the greetings here and then just kind of chain that into an LGA to get to the ending here he is she's gonna wait just in case the boomerang accidentally locked on so come on car garage right there we have five dollars from Juno if someone reads this I will donating it on Friday this is my first time donating greetings from New Orleans and I'm turning 29 next week so I thought you all could use the money this week happy early birthday June oh there it is a lot of close calls in this dungeon and once again at quarter hurt thankfully I should be safe until I get the boss room for chess hearts so there's just two area office in this room but if you just jump on the fans they won't attack you it's okay you have to wait anyway and so sometimes when Fino jumps in has to fall a long way he'll equip the iron boots temporarily to increase his fall speed and saves a few frames each time so if I'm quick here I can actually grab this fan and then turn back around and grab that before it goes out of reach nice nice that shots not very easy all right come on I'll get hearts why not Goodin hurt so I do have a backup suit file starting right here at the boss and the reason is is because I've actually lost a run because my game crashed during this boss just randomly so just in case that happens we are prepared fortunately if the game is going to crash it actually wants me sort of basically when I avoid out in the second part of the fight the audio will become very strange and sped up which it's not supposed to be and if I see that I know to reset them just do it again so I'm waiting on our doc to come down here right now I might have to actually be careful it's possible to softlock right at the beginning of the fight but only if you grab the tail too fast also luster on doing that so I'm gonna try to do here is grab the pillar and then grab our gerak again for you as a chance to get away like so and that skips having to watch our garage fly around an extra time surprisingly the weak point is not some glowing eye this time this cutscene is pretty long donations no problem we have $200 from Pat 84 hey guys a longtime viewer and have to do my part for this great cause one hundred and fifty dollars from maple I'm pretty sure my cats would want me to save the animals so save the animals big thanks to all the runners and support staff for making GDQ a great success each year fifty dollars from who even may even by accepting this donation you agree to be responsible if I get fired for watching the stream all week keep it up and save the animals okay so I'm gonna do something a little odd right now I'm going to actually jump off the edge okay music fine probably not gonna crash probably and so the reason I avoid out there is to put our croc back at the top it just saves a very small amount of time because nobody has to fly back and then by sitting on here with the iron boots while he blows the slam I can actually trick him into thinking I felt and he'll stop blowing is flame and then I can go around and grab this back and we're gonna basically do that two more times and so like we'd mentioned much earlier in the run if you were here there was a chance that we could get a rare rare true jelly drop that would have turned this flight from a three cycle into a two cycle but because it's units of getting the rare true jelly is only 10% we didn't get it this time so we have to do three cycles here which I'm okay with because the two cycles strat is actually very very difficult we're gonna do something a little different on this one because he has two flames and this cycle a hard rock tries to trick you by turning around and then shooting his flames the other way and there we go that's City in this guy [Applause] and I would say in honor of that great city in the sky we have a 750 dollar donation from anonymous [Applause] amazing run fee no good luck with the rest of the run great job with the event guys keep up the good work kill the animals and save the frames' thank you yeah I love the speed run but it's it is quite log well all these donations coming in should ease that quite nicely we have $20 from Victorious Val you're doing awesome fee no I've never really sat down and watched a speedrun so this is my first one it's so cool to see all the tricks English's that you can extort thank you five dollars from anonymous shout-out to gymnast on the couch I love your winwaker runs thank you I think that was just so that someone else would say thank you we have fifty dollars from Jay one one zero here's to hitting that $600,000 mark before I turn in for the night thanks phyno for an awesome run so far thank you for doing all rightie $100 from muffin 54 the city in the sky has always haunted my dreams seeing you finish it so easily means that I can finally dream happy dreams thank you so I put on the Iron Boots there before I got in the Canon and that's so I can actually do it jump slash right here and the Iron Boots cancel my momentum fast enough they'll actually lean on the bridge it's like a more boy immediately yeah if i didn't do that i would laying in the water and have to swim ashore $25 from Sookie Kaji wonderful Zelda game wonderful Zelda runner keep being awesome Fino thank you okay time for the technically the second class dungeon it's also the longest unfortunately there's almost no sequence breaks there's little things here and there but I have to go into you I think I think I do I go into every single room in the dungeon just because that's what's required casually well before we get into the thick of that we have a $50.00 from mr. thick great job on the run so far if you know putting my money towards putting my money on that boy for original sin it's an older meme sir but it checks out PS there's another $50 coming if the couch gives us their best wolf link impression oh that's pretty good so if you come at those Zandt heads in a precise where you can actually get two hits on them with wolf link with the V attack and then finish them with the Midna charge little optimizations here I grabbed the thing and then I dropped with iron boots to turn into a wolf just very slightly faster yes so this the same had been spun in a four places here and I got the worst one just there which is okay very small amount of time wasted it seems like every run like that gets this far away always get that spawn so this funds the small key in the compass but I don't care about the compass and this dungeon has a lot of small keys and one in basically every room and this ledge is actually low enough they can get on the chest and then jump /up we just look very slightly faster than cutting the target so coming up here will be the first mini boss fight in this dungeon it'll be a basically we it's called phantoms and it's just this little hologram basically of Zant and the strat here normally when you finish a combo just like any other enemy it'll start the descent will start basically warping around but by doing by never finishing a combo he'll just keep trying to throw some stuff and if you do a stab and then two quick spins you can actually get rid get done with the fight in three cycles so just like that that's perfect [Applause] if you noticed at the end there I actually turned straight around after it warps that's because I can actually hear them in my headphones to see where he warped I use a stereo sound in that fight a little minitek skip there it triggers when you get close to this also I stay far away and grab it with the claw shot oops that's not what I want to do okay good they pushed it beckon how hopeful so one other minor change between the original HD is that there was another glitch patch that was used and the palace of Twilight a little bit in the original known as L sliding basically if you shoot the claw shot and target you can then sort of move around and slide around weirdly while the claw thought of shooting out to save a little bit of time we have a quick fifty dollar donation from the zero just saying it great run so far thank you it has been a good run I really don't like this room or the magic room on the other side because I have to aim straight down with the gyro which is killer on my wrists also aiming straight down with the driver just it starts to act a little strange five dollars from anonymous had to donate during my all-time favorite Zelda games only my second time watching sgdq and my second time donating good luck Tofino for the rest of the run thank you okay so I'm going to put this all down here and then go to the other side I think it's gonna go in maybe maybe not Wow incredible so that activates this platform I'm actually not gonna use it anyway I'm gonna just LJ over cuz this little bit quicker the reason I didn't do the site versus because getting the soul on that site actually does not activate that platform putting the one that I just put in activates it so if I'd have done this I first and brought this all back I would have been stuck I have a donation that we can all all can relate to we have $50 from Matt b37 I should be asleep but I can't look away no I'm gonna miss a cycle here that's okay okay I didn't mean to do that bit nice yes that Zandt head spun is random he got one of the worst spawns but thankfully he was able to get over to it really quickly and finish it off otherwise it'll teleport away and it could potentially teleport to like the other side of the platforms its web in bed yeah I fell right there at the at the beginning and had to wait on the platform but actually normally I get a bad spawn there and I have to wait anyway so my quick recovery really made up for it I'm going to kill this sand head double and then we have kill these in a certain order that's why I like it says wombo combo so that I can have that one put me out right here and then before that one dies I'm gonna try to rush on this [Music] 20 dollars from anonymous long time watcher first time donating good luck on the run thank you okay so I'm gonna get this key and I'm supposed to just clutch right over but it's a little bit sore or actually going to the LJ there and then when it goes out of bounds here we go one hundred and fifty dollars from anonymous here so more people can have access to doctors but not for animals kill them same strategy here as a first rate nice and so one thing about those steps that you want to make sure you wait until links momentum is stopped before stabbing otherwise you'll do a rolling stab which does more damage than a regular stabbing and the roll step actually counts kind of as at the end of a combo and so it would make make phantoms that just start teleporting around a lot just a quick update we are less than two thousand dollars away from 600 K $50 from max P sadly I missed the megaman block but i woke up just in time to see twilight princess keep up the good work phyno and good luck on the finish thank you okay so I'm gonna make those platforms go up and over here and just grab it sometimes as a shadow beast knocks it out of the hole or just fine okay one last room I consider the first part of this dungeon much harder than the second so thankfully we're almost done with it so I was these keys okay so what I'm gonna try to do here is throw this all in on a one frame in between this cutscene like that and what that lets me do is roll to this and I could just turn around and grab it which is such a small amount of time because a quick one while we're teleporting on that platform $20 from Big Boi three four hey wishing for the best of luck on this great legend of zelda run I've never seen this game beaten before so fast I love it donating towards Metroid fusing 0% because I'm curious as to how you can beat a game by not technically playing it [Music] and we had the butter short yeah so now the Master Sword Master Sword can now killed Zandt heads and shadow beasts in just one hit they like my sword okay so I need to put the two sort of mini souls here in the holes to raise the platform fortunately entity one of them blind basically so hopefully that goes in and so the second half of this dungeon is pretty much just like the first half with more raising platforms and just platforming in general thanks thankfully those a mini shadow beast can't get up the stairs is there very annoying when you're trying to pick up the mini Souls $10 from Benjamin be great run so far fee no good luck finishing the rest of the run had to put in my part towards the 600k thank you LJ's here just this platform ride is why wait I was trying to do a trick there to make the platform activate but stay in place but I kind of missed it's okay only saves a second 150 dollars from newlyweds just married and watching live for the first time we've been blessed so much and wanted to give back to a great cause keep up the good work another LJ is skip a platform right oh my gosh i targeted Wow there's my that's never happened before on your way back up we have a donation of $200 from the Vita White Mage always happy to donate during gdq's for such good causes put this towards killing the animals we've been saving them a lot lately so it's time they found their own way out this time keep up the good work and a happy running here we go $20 from anonymous been watching three years now decided I should pitch in even if it's just a little bit good luck to all the speedrunners so now I have to write this platform over to another platform to kill exam head and killing that one's ant head spawns of the next fuse and heads that we have to kill in order to get a small key once again wall or platform riding we have $100 from Joshua D I was going to donate $1 for every time phyno said thank you but I lost count I hope this covers it kill those animals so I just come over and kill those and head and then fall out of bounds so that I can respawn back here this is the way up to the Bosque $50 from amiami hey you yes you I hope you have a great day whoever you are just my stuff so just a little fact about quick spins is that the direction that you circle the analog stick actually does matter if you circle it clockwise like will do a clockwise quit spin but if you circle it counterclockwise and will do a counter clockwise quick spin so this room coming up right away here is very timing based there is a platform cycle way at the top of the this room that we want to catch and we'll see if we see if you know gets it yeah so right there we called the Midna because it actually stops the platform cycle at the top from moving but still allows the shadow piece to come down which gives us more time to hit the platform at the top take a quick spin one hundred and sixty dollars from anonymous finally able to watch during the event and I just want to say good luck to all plus good job to everyone making sure this event goes well shoutouts to all the behind the scenes I think I'll make it it's going to be close and yes very nice [Applause] thank you mama justice No yeah that rooms kind of intense because even the slightest little mess up when we miss the platform at the table so glad that went well more LG's just skip platform roids $50 from shilly - oh I watched your pilot princess SD run a few gdq's back and was amazed so I knew I had to catch this I was bummed at first that so many glitches were lost to the HD update but you've really made up for it great run and I hope to see another update in a few years and so basically the shadow piece always drop in the same spot so I'm just kind of setting up a charged spin and letting them fall into their deaths getting those hearts doesn't waste any time because we have to wait for the barrier to go away anyway okay Zandt Santa has six phases five phases thank six you know each one has our own little strats each one of them have RNG some more than others though so we'll see how this goes [Applause] and you guys you hear the crowd there we just passed $600,000 and that was thanks to a thousand dollar donation from the fifth Matt [Applause] comment is only ruh ruh ruh ruh ruh so one thing to note about Zandt is that his health works in a very strange way he doesn't really take much damage but his phases mostly end with the ending of a combo so most of the time you're gonna see phyno doing an attack or a bunch of attacks just to the air and then you're gonna and then he's gonna and his face now right there he also got a one cycle which basically he sort of interrupted Zan's sort of teleporting animation or I guess he did it right before and that just prevented zan from teleporting away yeah so each of these zan fights is just based off of a previous boss fight or mini boss fight that you encounter in the game so right there you just grab him before he has a chance to do anything one other nice change from the original version is that Lynx wings is sort much faster underwater now there he goes check out this pot I'm gonna try to do that again what I just did with the I grabbed him before you had a chance to do anything yeah so the head that sands spawns in will always be the one across from you nope and a little high Zen will always spawn here in the middle next I use the ball and chain to knock off just cuz it hits the pole just slightly quicker than rolling into it and one more thing to note is that it's actually faster to do a combo where you hold forward at the end tap be three times and then backwards and tap three and tap once to finish off the combo just because the animation is a little bit faster so this is the one reason that we really need the ball and chain is nice run so that we can stun dance in this blizzard of phase I stand by the wall just so he can't hit me when he comes down I missed that's good all right here's the last one so I'm gonna try to do here is only hit him with the combo hit the fourth one and if I can do it correctly the fight will be really quick okay guys [Applause] yeah so despite how long and sort of unbroken the palace of Twilight is in comparison to the other dungeons it's actually one of the hardest wants to do really well so that was really well done by phyno okay I'm coming to the conclusion here $25.00 from anonymous first time watching agdq live here's the 600k fifty dollars from zen cara in a world so full of self-centered people it's refreshing to see so many willing to use their gifts to bless others thank you so much to everyone who puts in their time energy and gifts towards such a worthy cause good luck runners run well five dollars from cat eyes Jimmy keep it up fee know your run has been amazing it isn't much but here's to supporting Doctors Without Borders thank you alright so her friend the postman he wants to talk to us again [Music] [Music] so let's skip the last postman just a little figure there on the bridge ten dollars from captain Snipes Twilight Princess and oblivion are by far my favorite games ever to see one of them back-to-back is literally a dream come true okay feel free to continue on donations this is the longest unskipable cutscenesthat's nice kappa run and thanks to all the time all the people put in for sgdq thank you $150 from anonymous been enjoying this year's as she'd accused so far and looking forward to what's coming later on in the week great job and big thanks to all the staff and runners for making this awesome event happen once again and best of luck on the Twilight Princess HD run fee no money goes to killing the animals thank you $50 from bananen a key been watching and donating since agdq 2014 a friend showed me the stream and I didn't think much of it after watching it a bit I was hooked took three days off this year and potatoes to watch while playing breath of the wild on my switch that I just got thanks for the next month of entertainment and keep up the great work everyone 24-25 towards Nanaki as read eight hours read thirteen because that's where my name comes from and 25 towards Kingdom Hearts to Tara fight five dollars from lost to pirate no donation is too small on the chance that this gets read aloud I just want to remind everyone that you're no small donation might be that extra dose of Medicine that extra roll of gauze or that mundane but essential box of pens used to chart a patient's treatment helped as you best help as best you can donation towards runners Disney song of choice $10 from assure you hey I'll sure you here been watching gdq since the summer of 2016 courtesy of the lower runner and have enjoyed it every year wasn't sure if I'd be able to donate this year but managed to scrounge up something hopefully I'll be able to do more before the week is through great work as always to all involved money goes towards the level one lingering wheel fight already Harold Castle is the last dungeon and I was successful in keeping all the bums I needed it's used them here so this is called my standstill and do nothing strap I'm going to stand still and do nothing just like that the barriers in this dungeon are actually quite bad we're gonna do some skips so skip that cutscene a and the barrier just forms $50 from Robin to 50 just saying keep up the good work $20 from our GN m14 fee know is so polite I just had to donate for how well-mannered and nice he has been watching agdq for a few years now and I'm finally and I'm glad to see how much it's growing I wish the best rng for the rest of the runs perfect [Applause] you know this guy's tired of us smacking them around there's a really funny text to your room in this surprise that King Baldwin talks unfortunately I'm going to skip it with a back flip and then uh save work while you're warping we have five dollars from mix well one nine six Nightwing it's your buddy mix well great job tonight my friend keep killing it buddy also hello Ali yeah so this save warp right here only saves around like a second or so so if you don't run with a wolf link amiibo it's actually slower to do this save work coming up right here there's another barrier skip this one's a little a lot more precise while we're getting close to finishing we have $30 from some B's saying just got home from trivia night where my team got second to last place should have just stay at home and watch Zelda our trivia team name was summer trivia done bad not leaving the house again until sgdq is over save the frames Oh gyro so I was trying to do a quick strat there but I get kind of scoot over by the gyro it's okay I'm gonna throw this I don't know if it's gonna work okay good it did so I actually angle right before the cutscene starts there to put it in the perfect spot so when I just get out of the cuts and I can match the boomerang and it will put out the torch so here in Hyrule Castle you can actually choose between one of two paths after you defeat that dark nut the path on the Left requires the bow which we skip but thankfully the path on the right only requires the lantern all right last bomb we're gonna use it in this room there we go conveniently $25 from panic nice job you know that takes Talent thank you very sad you couldn't be here [Applause] $25.00 from Xin Zhao love all the Zelda games and it's amazing watching Twilight Princess getting destroyed and $25.00 from anonymous great stuff is always so I can tell about what time my runs gonna be from this cutscene usually it's sort of a little over eight minutes assuming I don't get absolutely screwed by the last bus with RNG so yeah we'll see it looks like I am on pace though to beat my estimate which is quite good because I did have one run that where I just got really terrible luck and played really bad after the practice and I didn't beat my estimate so here's all these people that we don't know cuz we skipped a whole bunch of stuff very nice of them to help out though speaking of people we don't know we have $50 from anonymous saying he had to donate during my second favorite series for donation to my favorite game this donation goes to the Kingdom Hearts 2 level 1 Sephiroth fight good luck to all the runners $200 from Steven 1:45 Twilight was the Zelda game that gave me the most difficulty when playing it on the Gamecube finish strong and good luck thank you okay this room is intense all right I get it so I do a shortcut there that's to just kind of roll on the following blocks and it's faster than going through the vanilla path for that room but there's a high chance that I'll just fall we roll into a block and fall down like I cost about that far one on the right to skip him and to do one of the cross shots and then we have this very very difficult fight with the iron knuckle there we go [Applause] and it's time for the final bosses 50 dollars from nickel appleís long time watcher of agdq and lover of all things LT good luck to all the runners and thanks to all the crew helping behind the scenes okay puppet Zelda game it's puppet Zelda whatever so she has three attacks she can do this is one this is also the worst one I want her to do the electric ball if she does it right off the bat where she didn't the best I can get his seven cycles so now the best thing get is eight and now the best I can get is nine yeah and it's complete RNG when she throws so this is the reason why everybody hates this fight it was just a total RNG I knew that she was gonna give me the Triforce of text because the camera panned out before it happened if it doesn't pan out she's either gonna give me the electric ball or charge me so that was three so right now we're hoping for nine if we get it and this next one won't be an electric ball is a Triforce that's also the reason that's the worst attack is because it wastes the most amount of time with the charge I can actually cancel the charge right when she comes down with my shield okay that's good and it just cuts the to move a little short now these next three moves won't be the ball I know just because it's scripted in it'll not be so just do some redecorating here I guess [Music] this she did not like me redecorating well I'm getting really bad luck so it's gonna be one more and then potentially an electric fall hopefully she'll charge at least once nope okay yeah I probably lost around 30 seconds to a minute here from that okay that could have been the electric ball but it wasn't so now we're looking at 10 cycles okay here we go yes unfortunately that's kind of a big RNG section right at the end you can potentially lose TVs or even records to that fight all right I'm gonna try to hit B scan and write as soon as he charges me so now he knows attacking again and we point in a very specific way to deal a certain amount of damage which will make the final phase of this fight a little bit faster we're going to go where did he go other he is so that I've built basically the maximum amount of damage possible at this point instead of going into warp portals he'll just work once and attack me immediately where is he what okay sneaky guy so next up is the horse back again and fight third out of the four final boss fights okay so I'm gonna get close enough for him to swing at me and that's going to let me get behind them it's not really too well-known we can actually guide the arrow with the analog stick here nice excellent we got time coming up here in about a minute I'm just gonna real quickly show off something with canons AI before I deal the final blow so the strategy here for Ganon is I try to get behind him to make him kick and then while he's kicking he's vulnerable and the game considers him down and lets you deliver the final blow when you've done enough damage to knock him down three times and thankfully just a jump slash quick spin is enough to knock him down so it's a very quick fight usually takes around 15 seconds when done perfectly so before I do this I just wanna show Kanan really likes the fishing rod and time [Applause] ooh yes so this that was Twilight Princess HD it's a quite a long run a lot of fun though just want to give a shout out stay everybody in the TV discord dragonbane especially for putting so much work into this game also see if you wanted a shout out so shout out the cfb yeah if you're if you're interested in speedrunning any of the either of this why like princess games we have a discord discord GG /tp lots of friendly people in there I get questions all the time since my twitter and twitch for people asking for help and the first thing I do is direct ins a discord because somebody will reply way faster than I will so yeah if you're interested in running the game feel free to pop in and ask some questions and thanks for watching [Applause] all right so as we finished up in that Twilight Princess HD run we had quite a few donations come in I will try and speed run through a few of them for you we have
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 1,073,028
Rating: 4.6143517 out of 5
Keywords: Summer Games Done Quick 2017, SGDQ2017, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: PiSpzwIiNjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 19sec (14059 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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