Commentated Twilight Princess 100% speedrun

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hello i am bewilde beast and this is twilight princess 100 unlike other zelda games twilight princess's opening cut scene is completely skippable so in the speedrun we take control of link only nine seconds in which is very refreshing but does not leave me much time to explain the category well so suffice it to say for now that we'll be doing all the things in the game i'll be a little bit more specific about the requirements for 100 a little bit later but let's get started first off we're collecting opponent i'm going to do a quick turn here so i can roll to opponent without um talking to ilia now if you've seen violet princess speedruns before you're probably familiar with a trick called back in time where instead of collecting a pony here we just go straight to the gate go through it jump off the bridge and end up on the title screen 100 does not do that because that trick ends up locking you out of getting some of the equipment on the pause screen that is needed for fulfilling the 100 requirements so instead we're getting a pona riding over here and collecting some rupees oh i got a blue there ideally we'd get 10 rupees or more during that ride seven is pretty good you can get as few as three but in any case we're working towards getting 30 to buy the slingshot later [Music] but just get the story progression started we have to complete this goats minigame we will be hurting a total of 50 goats in the rum once i've finished hurting all the goats i will do a bit of flashy movement looks like a slide and a moonwalk that is completely pointless here but is good practice for something that'll come up later in the run where it's actually important that was a combination of tricks the first one was an opponent slide whereby releasing r and tapping a the frame afterwards one can get off of opponent and continue sliding at the speed one would be going if they were still on opponent there are two instances of using that trick later on in the run and it's always nice to warm up on it and the second half the moonwalking is something called brake sliding by tapping and releasing the target button while holding the control stick just outside the neutral zone you get link moving in that special way which is very useful later on in the run for moving through sand we'll talk about that in a few hours having completed the first goats minigame we're moving on to day two of orton village which allows us to do several other things we're going to do as much as we can right now but there is still going to be one return trip later on in the run to finish up all the stuff we can do here we'll talk about various movement techniques throughout the run but just to start off and as you've probably guessed rolling is faster than simply walking in this game so i will be rolling whenever human pretty much as much as possible [Music] huh now we receive our first item of the game the fishing rod which is not terribly useful but is of course required we will use it a total of three times in this run two of them are coming up within the next minute after a cool jump off of the mailbox we collect two more rupees [Music] and we're about to get three more from the grass over here there we go 30 and we're set to buy the slingshot later time for fishing we do this for two reasons one we do need to get the fishing journal onto the pause screen and two we need to fish two fish out of this pond to i guess feed to the cat here so that we can get the milk bottle from the shop that was good fish rng one it bit rather quickly and two i got an 11 inch fish you can get a 10 inch fish and 11 inch fish here if the second fish you get is larger than the first fish that you get then there's an extra text box so if i start off with the 11 inch fish then it doesn't matter what size the second fish is i don't get the extra text box [Music] that was one of the best cutscenes in the game [Music] in the shop we're going to receive that bottle and buy the slingshot i was talking about earlier one kind of strange thing is that i'm going to save in the shop and the reason i'm doing that is to use that save as part of a glitch later on to get monkeys early in forest temple [Music] kind of like the fishing rod the slingshot is not going to see very much use we're going to use it on two occasions but again it is required for 100 percent speaking of which now would be a good time to go over the requirements for 100 in twilight princess seeing as we're about to skip something that you might think would be part of the requirements the requirements for 100 and twilight princess are to get all 20 hearts which means getting the heart containers and heart pieces getting all the items on the pause screen and all the items in the item wheel including upgrades um getting all the warps getting all 60 pose getting all the golden bugs and all the hidden skills completing all the dungeons and beating the game however in the scene that we just witnessed i left link's house without picking up the wooden sword that russell had left there and in fact i'm never going to pick it up the reason that that's allowed is that that wooden sword doesn't have a spot on the pause screen the paw screen sword slots only include the orton sword and the master sword both of which we will be getting in the run i mentioned this trick earlier this is gate clip which is how any percent runs of twilight princess begin i placed a rock carefully in front of the gate so that it would push me upwards while i side hopped over it giving me just enough height to get into the gate and then i rolled until i bonked out of the gate onto the opposite side that gate opens upon completing the tutorial for the wooden sword which of course requires getting the wooden sword all that was neatly skipped with that one rock i want to mention one last thing about the requirements for 100 just like the wooden sword there are a few other things that you might expect would be in 100 category but are not actually part of our rule set it is not required that we collect all of the letters from the postman nor that we complete the fishing journal nor is it required that we get all of the different scents in the game we just need at least one cent at least one letter and at least one entry in the fishing journal so that those slots are filled on the pause screen [Music] now that we have the lantern we can go on save tallow which will further progress the story and open up more of the game to us this will be a good time to talk about some basic movement as human in the game as i mentioned before i'll want to be rolling almost all the time it is faster than simply walking one very important thing to know about rolling in this game though is that chaining rolls frame perfectly that is to say starting a new roll on the very first frame that rolling is possible is the most optimal way to move in most situations any frames spent walking between chained rolls will result in losing speed especially if link is moving up a slope if you'd like to drive yourself nuts then you can look at the hud in the top right corner of the screen you can see that sometimes the items flash they're full colors between rolls and sometimes they don't if they do not flash then i have chained rolls framed perfectly let's see whether i get destroyed by keys [Music] that most beloved pastime of zelda speedrunners getting destroyed by keys all right we just collected our first heart piece of the run you may have seen on that text box that this game is a little bit different from other zelda games that have hard pieces in that it takes five hard pieces to complete a heart container in this game whereas it is usually four in the other games in this game there is a total of 45 heart pieces which adds up to nine heart containers plus the three that we start with and then there are eight full heart containers from bosses in the dungeons speaking of the text boxes i am running this category on english which is optimal one thing that's a little bit unusual about twilight princess speedruns is that while many other speedruns are done on the japanese version of the game as the text moves faster twilight princess runs are usually not done on japanese because on the japanese version a very important glitch called map glitch is patched and that glitch saves us a whole lot of time some categories that don't involve map glitch are run on japanese those include goron mines rta and bug limit which is our glitchless category this part is a little bit awkward in a casual play through one would have the wooden sword here but as i pointed out before i skipped that so i've got to get these picolins to destroy the cage for me which takes some finagling there we go and i'm going to kill them with the slingshot i've conveniently lined them up here so each slingshot pellet will hit both of the goblins it's not always easy to do that but they lined up very nicely for me there again to progress with the storyline we need to heard some more goats link is a farm hand in this game this time we've got 20 goats and there will be a timer on screen so we can really keep track of how long i'm taking while a task can hurt all 20 goats in under 15 seconds humans have only managed to get within the 15 second range under 16 seconds i don't think i'll be doing that this run that does require some nice rng and very good movement but if i get under 20 seconds then i'll be pretty happy with that nope nope nope nope nope the tradition is to call these misbehaving goats howards why i do not know i am actually amazed that i took this goat's time i really hope i redeem myself later on the thing about goats is that there is some rng in it even though it appears that all the goats are in a set position the rng component of goats is how they react to link's whooping how far away they react from and how quickly they move after they react and so for example if there is a clump of goats where one goat reacts from very far away and runs quickly and another goat in the same clump doesn't move very fast at all and waits for link to get very close before moving it can get pretty awkward um [Music] most cutscenes in this game are skippable so you won't see what's going on here but this is the cut scene where link gets transformed into a wolf first now we have some wolfen going on in this very short segment of gameplay before the cutscene i will be attempting to break that box with some carefully timed attacks yay link stays chained up there for a fixed amount of time so if we can break the box during that time then it saves us from having to do it here the spin attack i just did there was totally pointless but it does bring up a cool thing about this game which is that between pairs of cutscenes that are adjoined there is usually one frame where an input can go through and link can actually respond to the controller and it is actually possible to save quite a bit of time throughout the run by knowing where those spots are and either mashing for or timing some inputs just as we discussed frame perfect rolling being optimal as humanlink before one thing worth mentioning as wolf link is something called dash cancelling the fastest way for wolf link to move is to dash just by pressing a and there's a timer from when link starts one dash to when he can initiate another dash in most cases if link's dash gets interrupted then he will still have to wait out that timer before dashing again resulting in a period of moving slowly however if a dash is interrupted within 10 frames of being initiated then the dash is cancelled as we call it and link can dash again immediately as a result we see things like what i'm about to do i will dash and then immediately press b to cancel the dash so that upon landing i can dash again immediately i'll refer to this from here on out as dash cancelling and it will be relevant anytime in the run that i'm moving as wolf there are a few small time savers climbing this spiral staircase the first is a text box skip see if i get it now it is required that you fall down there one time it's not possible to keep going up the stairs immediately but it is possible to skip that text box by jumping to the side of the stairs the next small time savers here go back to what i mentioned before about single frames where inputs can be accepted between pairs of cutscenes in this case on the upcoming mini jumps there will be a text box before the jumps become possible and then once the jumps become possible there will be a short animation of midna flying away from length as we've just seen but there is one frame between those two things where it is possible to press a and get the jump see if i get it okay no not this time but we've got another opportunity coming up if i jump attack the frame after skipping the cutscene after this load zone hey then we skipped the midtext box on the upcoming ledges you'll see some more dash cancelling i will dash right as i get to the edge of each ledge so that the ledge interrupts my dash within 10 frames and i can dash again immediately upon landing one last potential single frame early jump here nope didn't get that one either it would be possible to learn to time those use a visual cue and try to get them consistently but they're all different and they're such minor time savers that most people just mash for them oh now that we've become a wolf and i've met zelda there are just a few more things to do in ordon before we move on to pharyn the things we have left to do are to acquire the ordon sword and the orton shield [Music] the enemy we're about to pass this bulban is affectionately named hugo by our speedrunning community he is completely irrelevant in this category but serves a major role in any percent while it is impossible to avoid talking to this squirrel as far as i know i will be trying my hardest to avoid talking to a chicken and several frogs later [Music] oh also this cat as much as i would like to talk to the cat not in the speed run i'll also avoid jumping on the middle platform here [Music] [Music] here's where we get the ordon shield the jump i'm about to do is very stupid i think i get it first try in this run but midnight jumps are supposed to be essentially automatic you go where midnight goes but the one i just did sometimes you get stuck bonking on the wall indefinitely [Music] next stop is the sword this is the part where i need to avoid talking to frogs and chicken and the reason that i'm commentating about talking to frogs and chickens is that this part of the run doesn't really have much to it we've really only done one glitch in the entirety of the run so far and that was gate clip to get the lantern early without the wooden sword aside from that while we have had some tricks and techniques used to make this rather speedier than a casual play through we haven't been able to use any significant glitches just to avoid getting locked out of 100 in the game however that will be changing rather soon oh no i was so focused on not talking to a chicken and several frogs that i talked to that guy instead his position as far as i know is rng now it is time to get our first warp portal part of the 100 definition is acquiring all of these portals and we will use this one once there is one warp portal in the whole run and that is the sacred grove warp portal that we will get but we'll never actually warp to hey that is all we have to do in ordon right now so we're going to move on to farron as i said before we will come back to orton one time later in the run it won't be visible but you will be able to hear that on my fourth dash here i will do a dash cancel into the cutscene so that upon skipping the cutscene i can dash again immediately things like dash cancels and roll chaining make it really important to know the terrain well through the entire run so that you can plan ahead to move optimally this is where we learn the mid and the charge attack it is unfortunately impossible to kill all of the shadow beasts on the first attempt here so i'll just be doing two spin attacks before i go over to midnight to get the charge attack [Music] next we'll begin the fair and twilight sequence wherein we need to find and kill 16 bugs that contain tiers of light to fill up the vessel [Music] the first two that we're approaching are always going to be in the same position so it is possible to line up just so and hit them both with one attack oh no well in any case i killed those bugs and then left the tears there on purpose i will be collecting those again later the way that fahren twilight is routed it makes more sense to leave the bugs there now and not collect the tears because the bugs take a little bit of time to explode and release the tier and then the tier takes a little bit of time to fully form and be collectible so if i'm coming back again later anyway i might as well not wait now here i'm going to kill these bugs with senses off and turn off sensors right before watching the attack which skips a shortcut scene with koro similarly i didn't collect the tear from the book behind the house immediately after killing it because i needed to run over to that platform anyway to get inside the house so we're just gonna go back and collect it now i'll leave these two bugs tears for later as well though i do need to make sure that i don't hit the loading zone before they explode good otherwise they would not register as having been killed at all and next time i came back here i would need to kill the bugs again instead of just collecting the tears here are the last ones that i will kill and then ignore [Music] and now we're approaching the first major glitch in this speed run and it is a huge sequence break known as early master sword when i get to the next area i will be confronted with another shadow beast fight but instead of killing all the shadow beasts i will position one very carefully so that i can use my midnight charge to jump over it and onto an out of bounds ledge that will bring me to the master sword area very early in a casual play through one would get the master sword after having completed three dungeons i have completed zero here's the setup we'll jump into the cutscene trigger attack the shadow beast so that it runs towards us a little bit more quickly position it on the wall and go for the super jump now from here it is just barely possible to jump all the way over to the entrance to sacred grove and there you have it early master sword we will have to come back to that shadow beast fight later in order to get the warp portal and complete fair and twilight and it is on the pathway to that that we will be collecting all of those tears that we left behind earlier [Music] i'm having this stone to spawn a golden wolf that will teach me one of the hidden skills there are seven throughout the course of the game and we will need to collect all of them in order to 100 that kind of similarly to the work portals there is one hidden skill that we won't be using at all helm splitter it doesn't really come in handy but all the other ones will be quite useful [Music] much as i made a save in the ordin shop earlier i will also be making a save as soon as i enter sacred grove the reason for this save is a little bit easier to fully explain skipping the cutscene after howling at the stone to start the skull kid chase sequence sets a flag in the game that is supposed to keep track of whether intro cutscenes have been skipped for boss fights or not but because that flag's value does not get reset when the console gets reset later on in the run i will be able to load this save set that flag by skipping the cutscene again and then use that flag on another file to access the deku toad fight early [Music] uh nice hop [Music] coming out of this cutscene it's possible to time a dash such that link has enough speed to land on land instead of in the water [Music] hey [Music] and here it's possible to attack skull kid in such a way that link falls to the ground while the cutscene is happening we'll be able to tell by where skull kid is looking if he's looking at the ground like he is then link is on the ground as well and after doing that it's actually possible to see skulka disappear around this corner there he goes the way this fight works is that after killing at least one of the mannequins that skull kid spawns by blowing his horn a timer begins to count down for a skull kit to blow his horn again and become vulnerable one thing worth noting here is that rupees are important throughout the run i'll be spending a lot of money i think it's about 3 500 rupees over the course of the run and so during down time in fights like this i will be trying to collect rupees from skulls and from enemies and whatnot because at this point in the run every rupee counts and i might as well doesn't cost any time [Music] [Music] and now comes time for one of the hardest puzzles in the game which thankfully i've prepared for [Music] uh [Music] [Music] while it is very possible to spend hours on this puzzle casually every twilight princess speedrunner has it etched in their memory and now we arrive at the master sword just over half an hour into the run as i said before this is a huge sequence break and there are quite a few ramifications to this number one link can transform between human and wolf whenever and wherever we want to now which is extremely convenient number two link can warp to the different portals and that is extremely valuable for saving time in the overworld one other very important way this impacts the route is that it allows us to get into lake bed temple early without the zora armor which we'll use to get the claw shot early and essentially route bed in with lenovo twilight yet another perk of getting the master sword early is simply its use in combat it is twice as powerful as the ordon sword and because the game does not expect you to have the master sword for the first half or so you'll be able to defeat many bosses and bosses in far fewer cycles than intended [Music] it is at this point in the run where we get to truly admire how small midna's nose is compared to the rest of her face hmm [Music] and now we are back to some gameplay our next move is to ward back to near the beginning of fair and twilight so that we can collect all of those tears we left behind we'll do that as we approach the shadow beast arena where we did the early master sword trick we will get the portal there and then complete the twilight [Music] [Applause] uh since farron is still in twilight here the monkey will not be helping us through the purple mist which is actually a good thing because the monkey moves rather slowly the purple mist is a little bit strange in when it decides to void link out so to be safe i swing once and roll twice at first and then swing once and roll three times from there on out these bugs we did not kill earlier just because we're going to be collecting 10 rupees in the big spot behind the sign so that'll take up the time of the bugs exploding and the tears becoming collectible uh um here are the last two bugs and while waiting for them to explode since we have the master sword we can go ahead and transform and burn the web to enter or i can forget to burn the web to enter forest temple i guess i'll have to do that later link looks kind of weird here because the game expects him to be a wolf and freaks out a bit coming out of this cutscene there is a one frame window for a backflip hopefully i'll get that and that skips some midna text dang the really unfortunate thing here is that there's a cool down between midnight calls so after the text box i just have to sit there for a couple of seconds and wait until i can call aminda again in any case we are headed to forest temple now though on our way there we will encounter a golden wolf that the game spawns automatically to make sure that you get ending blow which is a hidden skill that is required to beat ganondorf at the end of the game it is the only hidden skill that is required to beat the game [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] and now we headed to the forest temple where i realized that i did not burn the webs earlier i guess forest temple starts off with a very interesting trick this will use the save that we made in the orton shop earlier the basis of this trick is called back in time which is spawning link on the title screen and one does this by voiding and resetting the console on the very same frame so i'm making a save here so i can come back to forest temple after all this is done and i'm going to line myself up and position myself very carefully then buffer for a frame to time my reset so i get back in time upon spawning on the title screen i will void again and proceed to the file select screen at a certain time choose the file that we saved in order shop and as a result of these shenanigans get wrong warped into the king bulban one fight where i skipped the cutscene and then immediately reset just like in sacred grove skipping that cutscene set the value of a flag that is related to boss fights and in this case setting that flag's value to a high enough number makes the game think that i have already freed several of the monkeys in forest temple which will allow me to proceed to the mini boss fight to get the boomerang immediately if you're still not completely sure how all of that worked it is okay it is rather complicated if you'd really like to learn more about it then you can look up zelda tp find the page on back in time and read to your heart's content [Music] one very minor movement technique i'll be using at the top of the vines is what's called a df walk i will move to the side while targeting for just a few frames before beginning to roll and that will allow my rolls to attain their full speed faster than if i had begun rolling from a standstill it's such a minor optimization even when done completely correctly that i only do it in places like that where i wouldn't have had room for a third roll so i would have been walking some amount of the distance anyway here we see the result of the complicated trick i performed at the beginning of the dungeon suddenly i have four monkeys surrounding me instead of only the one is i mentioned earlier that having the master sword early will help us in combat and this mini boss fight with ook is a demonstration of that while it is not possible to deal enough damage with the orton sword to defeat ook in one cycle it is possible with the master sword so all we have to do is wait for a random number of hops around the arena looks like i got three knock them down and perform a combo to instantly end the fight ah it is important to land the combo [Applause] the boomerang is an extremely important item in twilight princess speedriding it will be used many many times throughout the run because it is key for a trick called the long jump attack or lja when link is locked onto something that is over top of a surface higher than his feet or over a void and he does a jump attack he will get extra distance on that jump attack and sometimes quite a bit of it in the gamecube version of this game which is what i am playing here when link throws the boomerang he is locked onto it so if we throw the boomerang over a surface that's higher than mike's feet or over a void and do a jump attack then we can do one of those long jump attacks pretty much wherever we want to you'll see several of these in this dungeon and many many more throughout the run now having received the boomerang will save warp to get back to the beginning of the dungeon while death warping is a useful option in several other zelda games it is not useful in twilight princess speedrunning and that is because when link dies in twilight princess he respawns at the beginning of the room that he died in even in a dungeon rather than respawning at the beginning of the dungeon so save warping was the fastest way to get back here on a few occasions i can think of throughout the run we will void intentionally to respawn at the beginning of a room but of course this avoids the long death animation and game over screen the remaining business we have in this dungeon is to collect two heart pieces get the boss key and defeat the boss there is only one bosque skip that is currently possible in twilight princess because entering boss rooms for the most part is associated with actually opening the door rather than any loading zone behind the door the one exception to this is more feel who's bosque we will be skipping later this room will contain the first lja of the run as i throw the bomb in the boomerang to blow up the rock on the other side i will wait for the boomerang to be over top of the ledge and then do a jump attack so that link makes it over during the cutscene as a side note about using first-person items like the boomerang or later the claw shot it does save time to have the item out and in link's hand before using it if it is just going to be used in third-person mode so you see i just pulled the boomerang while falling and i'm now throwing it without going into first person however when aiming is required it actually is faster to go into first person mode using c up and then to pull the first person item rather than doing it in the opposite order as it skips a short animation of link just holding the item the second heart piece of this dungeon is in this room and to get it i need to fool a plant ha take that another thing to note here is that because they do not have slots on the pause screen you do not need to collect the dungeon map and compass for 100 thus all i have left to do in the dungeon is to go get the boss key and then fight the boss after lighting the spiderweb in this next room i will run in a small circle just to give link some momentum so that once the spiderweb burns i'm already moving [Music] it is possible to time a roll here so that that doesn't happen so that link actually rolls a little bit farther towards the chest during the cutscene but not a big deal [Music] uh in this room it's possible to do an lja up the steps to save the climbing animation this saves very little time but it's cool and finally we're going to do two more lj's in this room to get to the boss door in a pretty surprising way now a lot of things are going to be going on at once during this boss fight so i'll start talking about it now first off the intro cut scene is automatically skipped again as a result of the early boss fights flag that we said earlier with the master sword it's possible to two cycle diabolo meaning we need to knock it down with a bomb twice so our objective in this fight is going to be to juggle bombs essentially so that we have too accessible and can end the fight as quickly as possible this strat is called oopless because casually you'd have to make some progress in the fight and then wait for ook to appear to give you more bombs and between waiting and the cutscene that takes a long time so here i'm standing near the position where the game is automatically going to spawn link after the first phase of the fight is complete and i'm gathering these two bombs and putting them right there so i have easy access to them at the beginning of phase two during phase two i will position link and the bombs in pretty precise places so that i am able to hit diablo with one bomb while saving another one hit diababa once with the master sword and then use the second bomb on it to quickly end the fight [Music] so [Music] [Music] a detail of combat in twilight princess that's worth noting here is that some kinds of attacks deal more damage than others specifically jump attacks roll stabs and all forms of spin attack deal twice as much damage as normal slashes and stabs do so during combat sequences i will often be using those double damage techniques to get through them faster one exception to this is in fights with enemies like dark nuts or deku toad where they force the fight to go into a second cycle if a combo is completed in fights like that i will be using single slashes and not completing a combo now would be a good time to talk a little bit about the structure of the story progression in twilight princess from each of the first three dungeons link is supposed to obtain one of these a fused shadow after getting the fused shadow from the third dungeon the lake bed temple we enter a kind of intermediate state called midness desperate hour where we need to heal midnight and do some other stuff after that we'll need to complete four more dungeons to get four mirror shards before we can enter palace of twilight and finally hyrule because of how the game checks for the mirror shards and fused shadows it's actually possible to complete the game without completing four of the dungeons forest temple goron mines snoopy ruins and temple of time and any percent does skip at least part of all of those dungeons however in 100 we do need to get all the fused shadows and mirror shards having now cleared fern twilight and beaten the forest temple we will head over to eldon the next region though we will still be seeing plenty of feron later on in the run this is yet another convenience of having the master sword early we can't warp to elden because we don't have any warp spots there yet so we can at least become a wolf and move much more quickly than we could as a human unfortunately at this point in the story's progression epona is not tamed so we can't ride her over tilden [Music] there is one thing coming up though that i will want to be a human for and that is for skipping the postman there is a trigger to receive some mail before entering elden but by lining up using a visual on the wall i'm able to skip it with an lja [Music] i mentioned before that lja's work when the object link is targeting is over a void or a surface higher than link's feet in this case i threw the boomerang next to the wall and on its return journey it passed through that wall out of bounds in that out of bounds area there is no floor so it was over void and i got a jump long enough to pass over top of the postman trigger without hitting it uh yes [Applause] here with the shadow beast fight i'm opening the gorge warp portal but i'm also doing something else pretty important behind the scenes which is acquiring map warping during the dialogue that follows this cutscene minda opens the map and allows link to warp back to pharyn to obtain the bridge to cross the gorge and in so doing she gives us the power to warp with the map whenever we want to which is much faster than calling her to warp as i've been doing so far on the run as a side note since not much is going on in the run at this point getting across the gorge that we just warped away from is a pivotal part of the any percent speed run because to warp the bridge that i'm about to warp first costs a lot of time by itself and second requires completing the fair and twilight which the optimal 90 route does not do as far as i know it is possible to 100 the game without warping this bridge but crossing the gorge by other means is very very annoying it is more difficult than a simple lja because of the distance in this route it is useful to cross this area a bunch of times and to warp here several times so warping the bridge is worthwhile there's one frame coming up where i can do a jump attack to avoid some midna text and now we are on our way to kakariko so we can begin the elden twilight sequence uh hilariously the ground in this area has a lot of tiny slopes which makes the mini charge attacks miss the shadow beasts completely despite being locked on sometimes [Music] this twilight sequence is going to be quite a bit more linear than the fair and toilet sequence was since we won't be taking a long detour to get the master sword in the middle this is yet another spot where we will save some time as a result of having the master sword because the developers did not intend for link to be human here the collision on this well cover does not really work as human so it is possible to simply side hop down skipping entering the sanctuary this room is somewhat tricky but through careful position manipulation it is possible to always put these bugs in favorable positions where the charge will actually hit them every single twilight bug in this game has its own quirks and there's a lot of effort and planning that just goes into figuring out how to kill them as you may have noticed we killed a bug in the graveyard before hopping down into the well and now it's tears here waiting for us [Music] in this next room i'll simply bonk against the wall and wait for the bug to come to me and delay my jump back down until the tier is fully formed and ready to be collected by standing left of the fireplace after lighting it it is possible to manipulate this bug to land on the ground so we can kill it now instead of later and by bonking on this counter we actually dislodge the bug that is all the way upstairs making it very convenient to attack upon entering the room while waiting for its tear to form i will get some rupees here it is possible to avoid this text box by sight hopping into the rupee if link collects the rupee before the apex of a side hop or a back hop or something then he will collect the ruby without getting any text but unfortunately i missed it there i do however skip climbing these ledges with some angled jumps there are some nuances to the movement in this next area i will delay dashing until i get to the very edge of the platform so that i dash cancel here i'll dash cancel with some b attacks to get a dash right before the edge of the roof so i can dash again on the next roof [Music] [Music] we're now approaching a trick called bomb house skip what's supposed to happen is lynch is supposed to chase a bug into the bomb house where the bug will start a fire causing some explosions link will escape and collect the tears of three bugs however using a somewhat precise jump as a wolf or an lja is human it is possible to kill the bug that is supposed to bore link into the bomb house before it enters the bomb house the game does not expect this and conveniently reacts by skipping the whole sequence that i described earlier and making all three tiers immediately accessible to like um in this room it is unfortunately impossible to kill the bug until it leaves the corner hopefully it will lead quickly there it is and i'll try again to side hop over the blue roofie go skip the text next we'll send death mountain to collect the last three bugs and the fastest way to get down there is to side hop or back hop off this ledge we are approaching an instance of a possible quick climb which is where link climbs ledge in such a position that the climbing animation would end up out of bounds and the game reacts to this by skipping the climbing animation that should happen right here it is a very small time save and it only works on certain ledges oh no moving is hard sometimes just like we've seen in other cases i killed that bug and waited for it to explode before howling so that once i'm done with this howling stone the tear will be there and ready to collect [Music] so [Music] once again this spawns a golden wolf on the overworld that will teach us a hidden skill later on sometimes shadow beasts really like to inspect the walls make sure that they're still there [Music] [Music] [Music] and this will conclude the elden twilight we will be seeing even more of elden and kakariko specifically in the rest of the run than we will of farron and although completing the twilights is not directly required for 100 it is required for advancing these areas to a state where certain things can be collected and the story can progress [Music] speaking of collecting things we'll be collecting the first golden bug here an ant there are 24 of these spread throughout the run that we will bring to agatha in return for money and wallet upgrades [Music] the next thing we're going to do is tame a pona to that we're going to activate a cutscene with a goron on the death mountain trail and then come back to kakariko now because we have the master sword the fastest way to do that is as a wolf we can simply warp back to kakariko but one weird side effect of that is that we end up entering the opponent cutscene as a wolf and the game does not handle that very well so if you reverse to flashing lights please look away starting in about 20 seconds if however you are not averse to flashing lights i highly recommend looking at the screen as link will look um very interesting [Music] oh [Music] normally while taming opponent the camera will follow link and opponent around but it doesn't really matter that it doesn't do that here the bottom of the screen tells you exactly what to do and it is the same inputs every time [Music] [Music] at this point we will not have any more flashing lights on the screen [Music] now it's time to make the return trip to orton that i mentioned earlier this will be the last time that we enter this region we have exactly four things to do we're going to learn a hidden skill from a golden wolf i'm going to collect some rupees i'm going to get the iron boots by wrestling bow and we're going to herd 20 more goats to get a heart piece [Music] [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] huh [Music] perhaps somewhat surprisingly we're going to call opponent here and ride her over into the village proper now for such a short distance it wouldn't normally be worthwhile to call opponent watching this cutscene of blowing in the grass and opponent arriving and mounting her and all of that especially because opponent doesn't even move that quickly in this area but we are going to need opponent to hurt the goats anyway so we're going to need to call her at some point here i'll attempt to side hop into the ruby to skip the text but yeah it's harder to do that with rupees that are in the boomerang since they're moving so erratically [Music] now we approach the rng based wrestling match with bow grabbing hold of bow in each round of the match is essentially a game of rock paper scissors and after grabbing hold of bow it's just a matter of mashing a until bo is knocked out of the arena there aren't very many things until i princess speedrunning that involve serious mashing a quick overview of mashing for twilight princess is that the game runs at 30 frames per second and accepts inputs once per frame so optimal mashing in this game is pressing the button in question 15 times per second any faster than that and the game will see the button pressed on adjacent frames meaning the game will interpret it as being held down rather than pressed multiple times with a matching rate of 12 to 13 times per second or more it is possible to knock out of the arena in one cycle as i've just done jumped up it's typical for this wrestling match and acquiring the iron boots to come very early in a twilight princess speed run any percent gets the iron boots within eight minutes or so of starting the run but the reason that's possible is through using back in time at the beginning of the run which as i mentioned before is not possible for a hundred percent as it locks us out of some items we have one last thing to do in ordon village before we're done here for the entire rest of the speed run and that is to herd 20 more goats i hope very much that i will redeem myself after that lousy performance on the last set of coats here also is a minor use of an opponent's slide i will just slide into fado's dms [Music] well that's better at least fewer howard's that time [Music] next we're going to head to la neru where having completed the elden twilight we will be able to start and complete the laner twilight as well on our way there we will be doing some important things nabbing a heart piece getting a golden bug and entering lake bed temple for the first time which might be a bit of a surprise considering we haven't even entered goron mines yet which is supposed to come before lake bed in the story as a result of the sequence breaking we will face some barriers to entry which we'll see in just a minute here as far as i can tell there is unfortunately no way to get opponent to spawn facing the right direction [Music] here are our heart piece and the golden bug will be down here by the tree you notice i'll ride opponent a little bit before getting off and the reason for that is the coblins the enemies that were up on that hill that i just jumped off of will follow link down here and if they get close enough to a pona then a pono will turn a different direction we're coming up on the first barrier to our sequence breaking which is the gate to la neru at this point in the game you're not really supposed to be going to leneru at all so the skate is here to prevent you from doing so however by bulking into it causing oh my by bonking into it to start it in its swinging animation and then side hopping at a specific angle it is possible to go right through it it is unfortunately a bit finicky and now that we're finally through we just need to run a little bit into this area so that the area starts to load and link will automatically get warped to the lake hylia bridge in part of a sequence where he is forced to jump off of the bridge and into lake hylia i do not know why the sky is green this conveniently places us in the middle of lake hylia which is exactly where lake bed temple is and here we encounter the next of our routes obstacles which is how to get into lake bed temple without the zora armor or water bombs the answer is pillar clip i will momentarily sink down near the bottom of the lake and swim upwards from under a pillar in a precise position so that the pillar pushes link out of bounds where he can then swim to the loading zone there's just enough air on the air meter to do this without the zoro armor calling midna is not strictly a necessary part of this trick however it is very common for runners to do it rta as it makes it a bit easier another thing you'll see here is something called tap swimming i'm repeatedly putting on the iron boots and taking them back off to allow link to swim horizontally underwater which is not something he can normally do without the zora armor [Music] back at the beginning of forest temple we used a back in time trick to set a flag to give us monkeys without saving them in the dungeon i mentioned that that flag is also tied to other boss fights and so we're going to manipulate that flag but in a slightly different way here as we don't need the value to be as high this time i'm now loading my save that i made earlier in the run in sacred grove and after i howl the stone and skip the cutscene it'll set that flag to a value other than zero and it will not be reset to zero when i reset again this flag allows for skipping the opening cutscenes of boss fights and in the case of the upcoming deku toad fight that is extremely useful as it means that link does not need to enter the arena from the normal place from underwater which would be impossible without the zoro armor i want to give a quick shout out to purple friend looking very friendly and purple behind link [Music] in this room there is unfortunately no way to proceed in the room without hitting the trigger for this stalactite to fall however we can move through the rest of the room rather quickly without bombs with the cunning use of ljas the upcoming room will feature a rather showy double lja to get to a room on the right side i'm doing a setup here because failing this lja and falling to the bottom of the room would incur a huge time loss [Music] the next room will in fact feature two showy double ljas the first one over to the right to get the heart piece and the second one to go over to the deku tote arena on the left [Music] since our next destination is way over on the other side of this room and getting back there would require a lot of climbing i'm going to use this gate to void out and this will spawn link back where we began in this room now again in a casual play through one would need to enter the deku toad arena by another door in order to actually start the fight but since the intro cut scene has been skipped using that flag we said earlier we can just look up as though the intro cut scene had already occurred and the fight begins [Music] in order to make this fight go by as quickly as possible i will be trying to take one cycle of beckham toad i'll have to make the tongue vulnerable by killing all the tadpoles and letting deku toad go up to the top of the room and then i'll be chaining together 10 slashes without finishing a combo dekuto's vulnerability cycle here only lasts for a certain amount of time and if link finishes a combo then it automatically ends and dekutode's tadpoles must be killed again and so forth but by timing those single slashes loosely enough that they didn't make a combo but tightly enough that they fit within that window of vulnerability we were able to kill decoupe in one cycle now that we've obtained the claw shot and one heart piece the only things left to do in this dungeon for 100 are to get the second heart piece and defeat more feel but we'll need to come back later in order to do that as that fight requires either using the zora armor or a glitch with bombs which we don't have yet thus to make this possible we will be collecting ooku which is a magnificent creature that will allow us to warp out of the dungeon and then back in later google will also be instrumental in solving a problem that i haven't mentioned yet caused by getting the master sword early which is that we cannot currently enter goron mines by any normal means when link has the master sword it is impossible to start the wrestling match with gor koran the elder goron that is supposed to allow link access to goron mines so we're going to have to do a trick later on that involves warping away with ooku framed perfectly between two text boxes [Music] [Music] [Music] warping out of the dungeon with ooku conveniently places us on the ledge outside of the shrine from which we can go talk to fire and start the laner twilight [Music] oh we're about to complete the upcoming fight in a pretty interesting way the way this fight is intended to be done is by jump attacking the cargo rock that this bullpen is riding a couple of times to knock the bullet off and then killing it to take control of the cargo rock bones also die if they touch water so what i'm going to do here is lure the cargo rock down to the water so that when it reaches to grab link it will submerge itself and kill the bulb one this strat is a bit risky as if link actually does get grabbed and the baublin also dies by being submerged the game will try to play the cutscene of the ball blind dying and the cutscene of link getting grabbed at once and will crash which of course is not optimal the tunnel in this flight is kind of windy so to fly more directly towards the load zone at the end of the tunnel we'll clip out of bounds and from here fly pretty much straight this clip works pretty much the same way that pillar clip did and the way that many clips in this game work which is that we are having one piece of collision push link through another piece of collision there is just a little bit of steering here to do as the game is trying to correct link's path to follow the tunnel but of course we don't need to do that and i do need to make sure that i don't go too low and close to the inbounds area as if i do link will void out by inputting a jump attack the first frame after skipping these cutscenes i will skip some midna text and now we can head up to zoro's domain see the upcoming text box before a series of mid to jumps is a unique example of the text box occurring before jumps but there not being a frame where it's possible for link to start the jumps early [Music] so obtaining this warp portal is a prerequisite for obtaining the linear vessel which allows us to clear the twilight in this area so now we've got to warp the giant volcanic rock from death mountain to melt the ice in this area in this area i just have to wait so i'm gonna get punched by a goron for funsies [Music] in this next area there's a trigger for queen rotella's ghost to talk to you however since i have the master sword and can be a human here i can just put on the iron boots and swim under it [Music] another side effect of the game not expecting link to be human here is that when he exits this area he will howl very convincing wolf impression something that's relevant a few times in this run is that the game enforces a timer between midnight calls so after this forced mint to call in the cutscene i can't call her again immediately to transform into a row so i roll twice as human before transforming to fill that time [Music] we've now obtained the la nero vessel which will allow us to begin killing the 16 bugs that inhabit this area this is the last of the twilight sequences and it is the longest culminating in a kind of twilight boss fight uh [Music] it occurs to me now to mention that there are a total of 15 shadow beast fights to obtain portals in this game and each of them aside from the first one the oren spring one is a puzzle centered around the fact that you cannot leave one shadow beast standing by itself the last two or more must be killed simultaneously on each of the upcoming platforms i'm going to do one b attack to position myself near the edge so that once i dash off the ledge my dash will be cancelled and i will be able to dash again immediately on the next platform [Music] [Music] i mentioned before in this area that we skipped the queen rotella text trigger and that trigger is still active so i need to be careful here not to go too far to the right otherwise i will hit it [Music] and the requirement that i escape underwater as human again sets us up for a trick called waterfall side hop which i'm about to perform it's possible for link to stand on the lip of this waterfall so i'm going to swim right and then in the few frames where he's standing i will side hop and that gives me just enough distance to land on this upper ledge which is close to a bug [Music] let's see how my lily pad book rng is [Music] yeah it's usually possible to hit one of those bugs immediately after climbing onto a lily oh man i'm getting owned there we go these bugs can be uh bothersome if you get very lucky then the two bugs will line up and can be killed in one attack in general our rupee routing in this run is not so strict that every green ruby counts very much so it's really only worth getting green rubies from grass like that in times where waiting is required anyway like when the bug is exploding and the tear is forming this area is a bit awkward because i'm going to go to the left to howl of the stone but then the bug that i really came here for is on the right but because the golden wolf that this stone spawns is convenient to get before i ever come back to this area it makes sense to howl now oh [Music] um there isn't too much to talk about here we're going to collect a bug and then run all the way to castletown but i just want to mention that one very cool thing about this category is that we get to see many of the areas in the game multiple times and in very different states and in very different parts of the run and this area is the scene well i'm having some trouble there this area is the scene of a somewhat tense moment later on in the run where i'm trying to collect some pose with a strict time limit by that point in the run the area looks different as it's not in twilight anymore and it just feels totally different it's very cool to experience the atmosphere of the areas of the game changing over the course of this six and a half hour run this may not be the first time in the run that i've done this but i think i haven't mentioned it yet i'm panning the camera down here to face the ground just to reduce lag there are some areas where lag reduction actually makes a pretty substantial difference it doesn't make a huge difference here but it can't hurt and i basically just have to run straight anyway one relevant detail of how mid to charge attacks work is that when targeting multiple enemies when the attack is released the most recently targeted enemy will be attacked first and so on with the first targeted enemy being attacked last that's very relevant in this particular shadow beast fight that's going to occur because if i were to target the last two shadow beasts in the wrong order then i could end up bonking and having to redo the fight [Applause] incidentally i did target them in the wrong order and that was kind of risky i lucked out and not bonking i'm entering castletown now and moving through castletown as wolf is a little bit weird in that dashes and castle town don't really give wolf link all that much speed so i'm just going to be dash cancelling the entire time i'm here dashing and then pressing b within 10 frames so that i can dash again it looks pretty silly for this next bug i'm going to try to jump from this staircase over to the ledge on the right without falling down oops and then if i bonk in a particular place on the wall then this bug will come down quickly rather than staying up and kind of buzzing around on the ledge [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] yes always good to read we're about to be re-entering the tunnel that we flew through and uh clipped out of bounds in on the way up to zoro's domain for the first time and this is another area in the game that i really appreciate re-use in the first time we saw this there wasn't any water yet not a very different kind of atmosphere to it now we've got water and we need to collect bugs and we're going to see this area three more times in the run with two different variations on the area the first is in a mini-game going up the river and the second is in a mini-game going down the river [Music] one thing i've got to be careful about on this last bug is that link doesn't officially collect the tier until he turns blue like he just did and if i were to bonk and fall into the water before link turned blue then i wouldn't actually collect the tier and i'd have to do this whole flight again [Music] just one more bug to go this is the boss bug fight we're approaching in this fight there are some optimizations we can do aside from just waiting for the bug to attack when the bug is attacking it's possible to hit it right after its attack ends if you're standing in the right place and then attack it again which skips a cycle of it having to fly down to the wrath so here i'm lining up and i want the bug to come at me on this side of the platform that way i can back up and be lined up for attacking it right at the end of its attack [Music] lastly to kill the boss bug i don't need to target all of its legs just one and by bonking oh no well when doing that from the right position link will bonk on the water and it will shorten that animation a little bit but that's an unusual one for me to miss but i did miss it there having now completed the linear twilight our next main task will be to obtain the zora armor what's a little bit awkward about this is that the wagon escort sequence that leads to the zora armor contains a scripted fight with king bulblin it's the second time you would see him in a casual play through so refer to this as kb2 king 2 fight and that fight is supposed to be done after completing the goron mines it's supposed to require the bow which we don't have yet and then at the end of the escort sequence there is a trigger for the kingvaleble in one fight which we haven't activated yet but will later and we'll need to get past that in order to enter kakariko [Music] me [Music] we're coming up on another postman skip there is a postman trigger on this bridge that will actually be skipping many times throughout the run and the easy way for us to do that is to throw the boomerang so that it curves over the side of the bridge where it is over a void and we can hop right over it [Music] it is surprisingly difficult not to talk to people in clock town it takes a little bit of practice to avoid them so you'll see i'm dropping some rolls here to avoid pressing a next to people oh i didn't read the sign either very good all right now that we're entering the escort sequence the first thing that we have to deal with is that king baldwin ii fight i mentioned before we don't have the bow and arrow it's technically possible to do this with bombs but we're just going to avoid the fight entirely and to do that we're going to run into a corner get epona to push us out of bounds and void and very conveniently voiding here causes the game to respawn us on the opposite side of the bridge already with two small keys as though we had defeated king baldwin [Music] the escort sequence is kind of an auto scroller the wagon is only going to move so fast we just need to be a little bit careful because we're going to try to get a 100 rupee chest while the wagon is being chased by uh the volvon riders and the cargo rock and if we don't get back to the wagon in time then parker rock will drop a bomb and we'll have to run around the entire field before completing the sequence which is a big pain [Music] [Music] i'm going to park upon a counter-intuitive spot when i get off to unlock the gate but the reason i do this is that parking opponent right in front of the gate will cause her to turn around and that makes it way harder or maybe impossible i'm not sure to get the 100 rupee chest in time [Music] as a side note during a casual play through one would not be able to access this chest during the escort sequence as the escort sequence is to get the zoro armor and that comes before entering lake bed temple which is where you get the claw shot having now blown up the cargo rock that would have derailed the wagon and having given ourselves a little bit more time by extinguishing the fire we're just going to ride straight to the end beyond the gate to kakariko where this escort is headed there are two triggers that we'll need to avoid one is a mid attack trigger where she will tell us to go back and save the wagon that we've just left behind on fire and another is the king boblin one fight trigger that i mentioned earlier and to do that after unlocking the gate i will do an lja and then a second lja the first one brings us over the king boblin trigger and the second over the mid the text trigger which unfortunately if we were to hit the minitex trigger would force link to walk back into the king bolton trigger on his way to the gate now to get the zoro armor we just have to follow queen rutala you'll notice that i go the wrong direction a couple of times here and the reason is that when going the wrong direction king rotello warps link to a certain place and sometimes it's a little bit faster to do that than just to move forwards [Music] here's another example of that i'll crawl partway into the tunnel and then crawl back out and queen rotella will warp us into this area [Music] what a nice looking fish suit all right i mentioned earlier that there was a problem with getting to goron mines and that was that we're locked out of it we're locked out of the goro koran wrestling match because we have already gotten the master sword and so he can't allow us in but there was a trick we were going to use ooku for to get us in an alternate way and this trick is called text displacement the way it works is that we'll get an npc's dialog to advance to a certain text box but then interrupt it and then when we talk to another npc the game having kept track of how far into the first npc's dialogue we were we'll try to apply that to the second npc's dialogue so by interrupting koro's text after buying the bottle we can set the game's memory to expect a certain text box to come out of another npc that we talked to and this works for gorkoron it advances his dialogue to the text boxes where he allows us into goron mines this is a safety save that i'm doing here you only get one try at this so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to buy the bottle and then in the one frame between text boxes that the game accepts inputs i'm going to press the uku button and uku will warp us away interrupting koro's dialog given that it's a frame perfect trick and it's really a matter of timing two inputs of my own in a press to advance the text box and the y press to use ooku i use a metronome for this trick it's set to 200 beats per minute which equates to nine frames of the game which is how long we need to wait now i'm warping back out of lake bed because there isn't a reason for us to come back here yet we still can't defeat morefield we really just needed ooku to get us out of that koro text box so i'm going back out now we'll warp to death mountain where we can approach goron mines the second dungeon of the game [Music] [Music] on the way up death mountain it is very common to get hit by some falling volcanic rock it's just rng based and unfortunately it kind of follows link around as you can see so it's kind of tough to avoid the worst is when you get hit by one while you're climbing up here but i got lucky here i don't think i've mentioned yet but minda won't let link transform between human and wolf in front of npcs so i have to go hide behind a box here and in other places go hide behind other stuff in order to transform here is part two of trying to avoid getting hit by stuff i'm going to side hop up this ramp in an attempt to not get hit by these gorons sometimes works and then here i'm going to launch off the score on a bit to the left to collect three yellow rupees i will try to avoid the text again by side hopping such that link collects the rupees before the apex of his jump it's just barely possible there for the last two rupees as mentioned before we're locked out of the sumo wrestling event here but with text displacement we can just talk to goro koran continually advance his text until he tells the guards to get out of the way he'll also chop his head off hilariously it wasn't known until recently that after reaching this text box link could just roll past the guards they haven't moved visibly but their hitboxes have changed to allow for that and until recently we thought we had to reload the room in order to get those guards to move and now we enter goron mines in this first room we'll skip pretty much all of the puzzles we'll skip the first two jets of flame by rolling into them and while link still has invincibility frames or iframes just simply rolling past them and then to get over to the other side of the room we'll perform an lja it's a little bit awkward because that flying rock attack from the lava enemy that's off screen will always come and it's annoying to have to wait but it usually comes while the boomerang is in the air just a little bit awkward in this room with very clean movement it's possible to make an early cycle on the spinning platforms that i'll approach in a few seconds i don't think i did in this run it saves about two seconds and costs something like 20 to 25 seconds to fail let's see oh no my movement wasn't clean enough anyway so i'll be waiting here midair i am going to pump the iron boots um it is unfortunately possible to jump straight over those spinning platforms into the lava so i pump the iron boots just to make links jumps a little bit shorter here i'm going to kill the dadongo just so it doesn't mess me up while i'm doing this clip and then after pulling this wall three times link can clip through instead of pulling it a lot more times and running around the whole room i mentioned at the end of forest temple that in any percent it's possible to skip completing several dungeons not getting the fused shadows or mirror shards associated with them and the reason for that is that the game only checks for the last fuse shadow which is lake bed temple or the last mirror shard which is city in the sky to determine whether the story can progress and the same thing is true with the key shards in this dungeon there are three key shards that you're meant to collect that form the boss key the goron elders in the various rooms give you the shards and the game really only checks for the third one before giving you the full boss key unfortunately trying to climb this ladder without talking to the quran that it just spoke to to get the first of the three key shards will result in a cutscene pulling link back away from the ladder and while it is possible to skip this room entirely it requires a hidden skill that we don't have yet and bombs which we also don't have yet so the quickest way to do this is just to come in here and get the shard even though it's not required we will be skipping the second key shard however walking on magnetic ceilings is slow unfortunately but we can speed it up just a little bit by doing some combos it's tough to do combos the whole way just for fear of the sword clanking on the wall and targeting the enemies and just having to go around bends but we can use them a little bit to speed this process up this is the hardest chest in the entire game to open i swear now rather than walking slowly all the way back across the room i'm just going to void in the lava and that'll move us towards our destination faster here i admittedly walk a little far before falling off the ceiling but falling too early would be such a humongous time loss i think it's worth the extra steps putting on the iron boots to press these switches in this room is a little bit awkward you may remember in the previous room when i had to step on a switch like this one i would side hop and put on the boots mid-air so that the pudding on boots animation wouldn't play but it's not possible to reliably side hop in this room since there are enemies all around the switches so it's just a little bit clunky since we already have the zorro armor here it is actually a bit faster to do this room while wearing the zara armor just equip it before this room i choose not to because it's pretty risky zara armor increases fire and ice damage and there are quite a few fire enemies in this lava-based dungeon in this room we also get to use the claw shot which in a casual playthrough you would not have in this dungeon and it makes this room pretty easy to skip an entire puzzle and just shoot the switch common question i get is about a glitch for walking quickly on these magnetic surfaces as though link didn't have the iron boots on that is a glitch in twilight princess however it is only possible on the wii version of the game and this is the gamecube version we will also skip a puzzle in this room this time by using an lja [Music] uh [Music] and this next room is meant to lead us to the second key shard which i mentioned before we'll be skipping this time we just won't enter the room with the elder at all and instead lja to the door to the miniboss instead the intent for this upcoming mini boss fight with dangoro is for link to damage dan goris efficiently and then throw him into the lava three times in a row for three separate cycles but with a setup we can throw him off the platform from a specific position that'll allow us to do two cycles worth of lava damage in one cycle and then from here it is possible to spin attack dan gore on his way back up and start the third cycle immediately making the fight go by very quickly [Music] hmm [Music] movement in this room is extremely awkward as it's possible to target dangoro while facing him from anywhere in the room and he has a huge radius wherein link can talk to him so you noticed as i passed by i was running for a moment and then slashed my sword before rolling and the slashing animation prevents link from talking to dangoro now we approach the dungeon item which is the bow after this all we have left to do is get the final key shard for the full bosque and then defeat the boss virus [Music] huh [Music] i believe the amount of fire damage i just accidentally took in that room would have killed me if i had worn zoro armor [Music] hmm hmm in this next room there's a cool lja to skip falling into the water make link land on land unfortunately we don't get to show it off 100 just because we don't have boomerang equipped and it saved so little time that equipping boomerang would make it cost more time than it's worth here's another place in this dungeon where it's very useful to have the claw shot skips getting onto this magnetic platform killing some enemies very quick and easy thankfully by shooting the rope holding up the door from afar in this room it's possible to just ignore all of the enemies and run by them to the boss door and now we enter fires room the virus boss fight is very straightforward all we need to do is shoot virus in the forehead with an arrow put on the iron boots and drag him down to the ground then damage him ideally with a roll stab spin attack or jump slash this happens three times then the fight is over [Music] [Music] this [Music] since at this point in the fight i need to wait for virus to get up anyway i'm going to get some arrows to prepare for what's going to come after this dungeon [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] here's our second fused shadow of the run only seven dungeons left to go [Music] pink [Music] [Music] now that we've completed goron mines and gotten the zora armor the time soon approaches for us to go back to lake bed temple and finally finish the dungeon by defeating warfield but since finishing goron mines spawns us in kakariko there are a few convenient things for us to do first number one on the list is to finally complete the king bulban one fight yes we are going to do the king baldwin one fight after having already skipped the king baldwin 2 fight the trigger is still there the reason we're going back to this fight at all rather than skipping it entirely like we did with the king golden 2 fight is that this one is important for story progression as it is only after completing this fight that barnes in the bomb shop will allow us to buy the bomb bag which of course is required for 100 it will also quickly become obvious why it is advantageous for us to do the fight now rather than having done it earlier the trigger for this fight has been active since obtaining the iron boots but since casually the player is expected to hit this trigger before entering goron mines the player usually doesn't have the bow for this fight [Music] as you can see having the bow makes this fight trivial it is much easier and less rng based than chasing king bubbling around the entire field with a sword we'll see that phase two here follows in a similar fashion [Music] [Music] next on the docket are to buy the bomb bag from barnes and to complete the archery minigame for a heart piece the transaction that is about to take place in the bomb shop is extremely silly since barnes will only sell us the bomb bag with normal bombs inside it and what we really want is water bombs here we're going to buy the bomb bag full of normal bombs sell the bombs back to barns and then buy 10 water bombs [Music] [Music] these 10 water bombs are the only water bombs we'll have for the entire run and in fact we're only going to use three of them as water bombs five of them are going to use as normal bombs and two of them we will probably not use it all unfortunately we still do need to buy 10 water bombs there because in this game bombs are not a thing that you can pick up from grass just from random drops they are only possible to get in chests and from shops so since we need more than five bombs here of some kind and we only have the one bomb bag we need to buy 10 water bombs by launching off this goron at a specific angle it will be possible for link to grab the ladder mid air instead of landing on the ground first [Music] [Music] this minigame is easy all you have to do is hit the targets how hard could it possibly be [Music] that went a lot better than usual [Music] and with that heartbeat we've concluded our business in kakariko for the time being we are going to come back here quite a few more times in the run but that'll be a little bit later on we are still kind of headed back to lake bed temple here we just need to oopu in at some point but there are some convenient things to do in hyrule field first first there's a hard piece to get up on a ledge and the intended way of getting this hard piece is to blow up some rocks to the right and then climb up and do this whole climbing sequence but by parking opponent in a specific place it is possible to shoot a bomb arrow at a rock and claw shot straight up to these vines from back [Music] i got a question here recently about why speedrunners tend to equip things mid-air the reason for that is that midair we don't have to be doing anything else we don't need to be pressing any buttons holding a direction on the control stick so it's easy to press whatever button we need to to equip something and on top of that it doesn't interrupt a series of rolls which as i mentioned before i'm trying to chain frame perfectly [Music] here i'm going to do something a little odd i want to collect this golden bug but after i get it in the boomerang i'm just going to gallop straight away from it this is because it's possible to do something called boomerang teleporting where i will pick up another golden bug that is not in the boomerang and upon doing so the golden mug that's in the boomerang will automatically teleport to you instantaneously [Applause] [Music] next on our list is a heart piece that is really only supposed to be obtainable far later into the storyline after completing temple of time and obtaining the dominion rod but we can skip needing the dominion rod with a simple lja oh i pressed a2 earlier huh [Music] [Music] here it looks like i'm setting up for another boomerang teleport but that's actually not quite the case once i get to the opposite side of the bridge i'm going to activate a cutscene and during the cutscene the boomerang has time to make it all the way back here [Music] huh having obtained the elden bridge portal now i will collect some easy rupees helping with the ruby route i'll side hop over all of them to avoid text boomerang one more golden bug and then hop down to this area which is the exit area from a cave when it's meant to enter above entering the cave normally up above leads to a series of magnetic walls link must climb down in order to get the heart beast chest but with lja here we can enter through the back door and get the heartbeats chest immediately now at long last it is finally time to return to lake bed temple and complete it first comes the heart piece that is on top of this chandelier and conveniently opening the chest for this heart piece puts link in an excellent position for a simple setup to skip the boss key [Music] interestingly this is the only bosque skip that is currently known to be possible in twilight princess and that is because for all the other dungeons entering the boss arena is specifically tied to opening the boss door but in this dungeon opening the boss door leads to a small room where there is a separate loading zone for the boss arena with the zora armor the more fuel boss fight is pretty straightforward first we're going to claw shot the eye that appears and do one of our large damage attacks to it a spin attack in this case between doing a large amount of damage with a spin attack as opposed to a normal slash and having the master sword which deals more damage than the orton sword would and which the game does not expect you to have at this point we can skip the second cycle of the first phase [Music] [Music] in the second phase of the moorfield fight all we need to do is to claw shot onto more phil's eye three times total and deal some damage with the sword [Music] after dealing enough damage to complete a cycle morefield will throw link off of her back and conveniently always swim up left so link can just follow her easily now on this cycle i put on the iron boots before grabbing onto more fuel i'll be attempting what's called a re-grab and the way this is done is by force on equipping the iron boots like i just did oh no well the way it works is you're not supposed to be able to unequip the iron boots while more fuel is bucking you off but by force on equipping them that is to say equipping something over them from the item wheel you can automatically take them off and this ejects link for more photos back immediately if more feels head is at the correct angle and you're equipped with the claw shot you can re-grab morefield's eye very very quickly after releasing unfortunately i missed it there looks like more fuel was turning away while i was forced on equipping the boots [Music] [Music] here's our third and final fused shadow collecting this advances us to a story sequence known as midna's desperate hour wherein midna damaged by xant must be brought to zelda to be healed conveniently despite the name the game does not seem to think that midna is desperate enough to impose any kind of limitation on how long the player takes to help revive her so while midna is desperate we will be doing some serious mini-gaming [Music] so desperate hour is well known for its beautiful background music that is unfortunately very often interrupted by enemy music [Music] the first of the errands we're going to run while midna is dying is going to the castle town ruins to collect the first posel of the speed run like in other zelda games pose are ghost enemies and in twilight princess upon defeating one link can grab the pose soul this serves as one of the main collectibles of the game there are 60 post souls throughout the entire game and we will collect all of them post hole collection serves as the backbone for a lot of routing from here on out in the run because most pose vanish in the daytime in this game twilight princess does have an internal in-game clock even though there isn't a display for it like in majora's mask it is a 24-hour clock and a minute passes on that clock every seven frames when link is in an area where time passes time does pass in most overworld locations some exceptions being hidden village and kakariko village it also doesn't pass in dungeons or cutscenes dialogue and so on it is worth mentioning here that although there are two rewards you can receive for getting post souls one at the 20 soul mark and the other at the 60 soul mark will only be getting the 20 soul reward even though we will be getting all 60 pose that is because the 20 soul reward is a bottle which of course is required to fill out our item wheel but the 60 postal reward is infinite money which is not required for 100 although we do need to spend a lot of rupees throughout the run this infinite money is slow to get and requires all 60 pose which at that point in the run we will have spent most of the money we're going to spend our second errand to run is to complete the first mini game of the run the star one mini game featuring the claw shot and sexy tingle the reward for this minigame will be the first quiver upgrade the big quiver which can contain 60 arrows [Music] the layout for this minigame is always the same so i just need to follow the path and aim well [Music] i'm big in quivering [Music] our next errand to attend to is to deliver our first six golden bugs to agatha the rupee rewards that she gives for giving her golden bugs will be one of our main sources of income throughout the run and she will also give the first wallet upgrade the big wallet upon receiving the first bug [Music] unfortunately it is only possible to give bugs to agatha one at a time so we'll be giving her six bugs here and it's a pretty repetitive menuing process later on in the run we'll have an instance of giving her eight bugs and after that we'll have another instance of giving her 10 bugs it takes a while [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] by the way the way the rupee rewards work is that agatha gives 50 rupees for the first bug of a pair and 100 rupees for the second bug of the pair since i'm giving her all the bugs that i have right now there isn't really room for error i just give her all of them but next time i come here i'm not going to give her all the ones that i have and i will need to be careful to choose the correct ones so that i don't waste rupees when link receives rupees from a chest in this game he'll actually put the rupees back if they won't fit in his wallet at the time but when receiving money from agatha the game doesn't check for that and any rupees that agatha gives that won't fit in the wallet simply vanish [Music] having completed these errands we will begin to actually try to help minna in her desperate hour now the first step is to go to telma's bar where we will get kicked out and then talk to louise thomas cat who will tell us how to get to zelda by entering the bar from above there is a cool glitch here called louise glitch i'm not sure if i get it here ah no i didn't get it by be attacking in the right place while climbing those stairs you can get a glitched camera angle in this cutscene the camera would be facing the opposite direction right now wouldn't be zooming out zooming in panning around and so forth in total the cutscene ends up being about two seconds shorter with louise glitch it is unfortunately a little bit precise and it's such a small time save that it's not really worth going for a setup so i tried for it but i didn't get it this run [Music] [Music] this leads us to giovanni's room which is where we're supposed to learn about the pose in the first place he tells us about the 60 pose after killing the one that's in his room and it is convenient that we're able to get the po in the ruins before we get this one because there isn't a great place to route that in later in the run it would be possible but it would just cost an extra couple of warps now we visit the cleanest sewers of all time aside from the rats i suppose uh [Music] in upcoming staircase ascent and rooftop sequence there are some seriously treacherous moments ropes in this game are very fickle in whether they decide to support link or not and i hope that i will not miss any here we can skip a rope with a carefully angled jump you'll see i approach this rope rather slowly i'm gonna take it easy make sure i don't jump off instead of grabbing onto the rope [Music] there are two more ropes to climb across after this one but i will skip both of them with carefully angled jumps and then skip part of this one by attacking the bulb now in this rooftop sequence we don't have any ropes to worry about but we do have a bridge that is fluttering up in the wind by being careful with the movement here it's possible to make an early wind cycle but it is a little bit treacherous if i take a little bit too long then the bridge might not be at such an angle that i can get off of it in time and the bridge sometimes decides that link shouldn't be standing on it and causes him to tumble which is terribly unfortunate looks like it went fine this time [Music] i mentioned before that a lot of routing in this category is centered around collecting pose the reason for that is again that pose are only available at night having completed midnight's desperate hour we're about to embark on what we call a day night cycle wherein we start at a particular time of day and have a lot of things to accomplish in the overworld before the night that follows this day is complete so that we can get some pose near our destination which ultimately is arbiter's grounds in short that means that making too many mistakes within the next 35 minutes or so of the run could result in missing a po in the night cycle and having to go back to retrieve it later which for this cycle would cost about three and a half minutes fortunately this cycle isn't too packed with stuff to do there is quite a bit of leeway in it but there will be a cycle later on in the run that is much much tighter you might be wondering watching this sequence of collecting golden bugs and two very different areas of the field and then going to the golden wolf that we see in the distance why i'm not spending more time as a wolf for the movement and the reason is just that it costs about four seconds to transform we need to be human in order to collect the golden bugs and to use the boomerang on the second bug and it would just require too much transforming to be worthwhile now we receive the third hidden skill of the run back slice and just like shield bash and jump strike both we'll never actually use this in a combat setting the main use we'll get out of backslice is its ability to let link roll over ledges that he normally wouldn't be able to get over we'll see this use case in just a few minutes [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] uh [Music] here we'll see another instance of the same postman skip that i performed earlier again pretty much every time we come to this bridge we're going to do this [Music] now we get to use some of the rupees that we got from agatha earlier we're going to donate 150 rupees to charlotte the beggar in total we'll need to donate 1 000 rupees to him over the course of the run unfortunately in 50 rupee increments the entire time for the reward of a heart piece [Music] [Music] in our first visit to castletown south we'll collect one of the two golden bugs the other one we'll get later when we need to be a little bit closer to it and use back slice as i mentioned earlier to get over this wall to quickly approach the golden wolf that will teach us our next hidden skill [Music] [Music] the hidden skill that we're currently learning is the fourth one which is home splitter we'll actually never use this in the entire run in combat or otherwise but of course it is necessary for 100 by our rule set and the way that hidden skills work in twilight princess is that regardless of which golden wolf you go to on the overworld you will always receive the next hidden skill in the series of seven you'll always receive the hidden skills in a fixed order so it's not like we could get one of the more useful hidden skills that we'll get later right now instead [Music] we'll now head down to the lake hylia area by means of this giant hole in the ground on the way down we can grab 100 rupees from this chest with a carefully timed jump slash [Music] next we'll play plums mini game i'll take a quick step towards plum before transforming so that the cutscene of him falling down to the grass is shorter and then i'll choose to play the minigame without learning the rules which in general is a bad idea but i think i'll be okay one interesting thing about the plum and later isa mini games is that they actually move link to a different area of the map so they're very relevant to routing in this mini game we'll be hitting these giant fruit shaped balloons to get points the object is to get 10 000 points and as we chain fruit balloons together in a combo their values rise exponentially so all i need to do to get 10 000 points is to hit 10 strawberries in a row [Music] the next strawberry is a forbidden fruit and i will not give in to temptation [Music] oh my well thankfully there's a backup strawberry over here failing this minigame would be pretty unfortunate it takes a while to complete it [Music] [Applause] [Music] now i receive my reward for the minigame which is a hard piece and i am careful to select no in this text box so that i do not play the minigame again in this area i'll collect a golden bug and then open up a warp portal then i'll talk to iza to start a pretty interesting sequence called the isa 1 skip just as we just completed the plum mini game where we flew up river isa who is standing right in front of us is in charge of a mini-game that goes down river this mini-game has two incarnations the first time that link does it the path will be full of rubies and the reward will be a bomb back and the second time link completes it he will need to shoot bomb arrows at pots and the reward is an upgrade for all of link's bomb bags the first of these two mini games is skippable in an interesting way what's going to happen is after completing the shadow beast fight a cut scene with iza will automatically start hearing she will loan us a bomb bag to blow up the rocks that are blocking the downriver minigame upon doing that the minigame will automatically start but we can save and quit out of it and later on start the upstream minigame from the opposite side of the river and hit the end trigger for the downstream mini-game that we save and quit out of earlier effectively skipping the mini-game [Music] [Music] here's that saving quit out of the minigame but the other steps that i mentioned we won't be completing until a little bit later because this saving quit puts us in a good position to visit the fishing pond and then on our way to restart the upstream mini-game there are some other things that we can do as i mentioned earlier the 100 rule set does not include filling out the entire fishing journal so the only things that we need to do here are one to collect the heart piece and two to fish the bottle out of the small fishing pond on the right as i jump in the water you'll notice that i do something kind of strange after my equip i'll pull out the claw shot for a split second before i start to swim the reason i do that is that after diving link will automatically start to swim downwards and i really didn't want to do that so the fastest way to get link to swim in the direction that i want him to is to pull out the claw shot which evens him out horizontally because link is underwater when he collected the heart piece a minute ago the collection cutscene is delayed until here and now we get to fish for the bottle this is unfortunately rng based as it is possible to fish a fish out of this pond the bottle out or some other detritus awkwardly in-game time also moves significantly faster while link is in the fishing pond so very bad rng here can necessitate rerouting the day night cycle that is some good rng we will continue putting off finishing the ease of one skip that i detailed earlier because completing ease of one skip leads us directly into the isa 2 minigame and finishing that leads us directly to a po and we need it to be night time in order to collect that po so on our way there we'll do a few more things in the kakariko gorge area first we're going to hit the postman trigger on purpose this time between this trigger being awkward to avoid and wanting opponent for movement here and for setting her up for later it is worth our while to hit this one [Music] [Music] i'll now write opponent over to get a golden bug and i'm going to ride in a very awkward arc in an attempt to aim opponent in a direction where if i get directly on her back so that she starts running immediately she won't run into a fence after collecting that bug it is now time for the elden cave which houses a heart piece and a post soul it isn't night time now in the game but there are certain pose that are available at any time of day those include pose that are found in caves dungeons and grottos and some other assorted pose throughout the game it might be a little counterintuitive that i left epona where i left her rather than riding over to the cave but we actually won't be riding opponent again for hours after this point in the run and when we finally do need opponent again we'll be in the midst of the very tight day night cycle that i mentioned earlier and we'll want opponent to be right there near the bridge this is our first major spelunking experience in the run and it is fittingly pretty easy pretty straightforward not too crazy a path to follow but soon we'll be entering the lake highly a cave and that one is significantly more challenging to get through it's going to be quicker for me to save warp out of this dungeon than to leave it normally and i'm going to save warp while collecting the close soul it turns out that around when that ripping noise happens the game considers link to have collected the soul and it is possible to save warp after that without receiving the you gotta post soul text conveniently saving means going to the pause screen and the pause screen also displays how many pose you've collected so it's easy to check while save warping that you have the correct number of post soles [Music] in this area there are two heart pieces one freestanding one on top of a rock and one in a chest and it's pretty easy to lja to the chest while also collecting the freestanding heart piece in the boomerang it's not strictly necessary to kill that enemy but it is a sad day when the enemy comes up from behind and knocks link off of the cliff [Music] now for one of my favorite animations in the run [Music] and now it is finally time to go complete easel one skip by entering the upstream minigame with plumb [Music] again the idea here is to hit the end trigger for the minigame that we started and saved and quit out of earlier what's a little bit awkward about this is that it's in the water and if we simply bonk to knock wolf link out of the cargo rocks grip and into the water he'll fail the mini-game and we'll just get a prompt from plum asking if we want to do it again unfortunately in this run i do fail at once so we're about to see what i just described [Music] as you can see although wolflink was in the water he did not hit the trigger to end the esa 1 minigame so what we'll need to do instead is to clip out of bounds successfully this time then bonk out of bounds so that link voids more normally in such a way that doesn't restart the minigame but respawns him on that map he'll respawn on a high out of bounds ledge where he can transform into human jump in the water and swim to the trigger [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh just as you can see performing this pretty strange set of actions spawns link in this boat guided by the zora just as though he had completed the first ease of minigame and as such we will receive the bomb bag as our reward and open up the ease of two minigame [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hmm now we begin the second eza minigame this one we will actually complete for the reward of upgraded bomb bags this mini game is hands down the hardest minigame in the whole run because it's just really tough to control the canoe and bulking too many times into walls means failing the minigame which incurs a three and a half to four minute time loss [Music] although it may seem like this minigame is kind of an auto scroller it really isn't because holding forward on control stick does allow link to accelerate in the boat and going into first person mode to shoot any of the pots down interrupts that acceleration so speed control is important in this mini game and then of course going as quickly as possible means that the canoe is as hard as possible to control [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] here is the hardest part can i make it nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this next turn really shows how important it is to know the currents in this mini-game after passing this wooden structure i'll need to get to the right immediately otherwise the current will force link debunk on the left wall nothing you can do about it [Music] and as 25 is the minimum required score for receiving the reward for this minigame i will just hit one last pot and be done as i mentioned earlier there's a po nearby that we'll want to collect after completing this mini game and as you see the sky has turned dark the minigame has cost us enough in-game time that we will be able to collect the po immediately [Music] now that we have barnes bomb bag uses bomb bag and the bomb bag upgrades we only have one bomb bag left to get and that is the one from the underwater goron in zoro's domain i'm going to do something a bit counterintuitive when approaching this po i'm not going to turn on wolf link's senses to make the po visible until i've already started my mid to charge attack and the poe has approached wolf length the reason for doing this is that when wolf link approaches a po with senses on the po will perform a kind of reaction animation whereas approaching without the senses on skips that animation and the po aggros immediately um [Music] now we approach the cave that i mentioned earlier the lake hylia cave in this cave we'll find three pose and a heart piece but it is substantially more difficult to get through than the prior cave was mostly on account of being very dark but also because there are places where you can void most of the way through the cave and backtracking can cost up to two minutes [Music] pose like this one that are available at any time of day because they're in a cave grotto or otherwise tend to behave differently from what i described for the po at lake hylia where we needed to approach before turning senses on for these bows it doesn't matter [Music] uh [Music] that bonk made absolutely no sense [Music] here i'll finally take out the lantern the rest of the cave has been dark but this is by far the most treacherous part as i have to walk over four of these planks and risk voiding right at the end of the cave it is worth trying to take the lantern out as little as possible just because the first swinging animation causes link to stop in his tracks [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i mentioned lag reduction earlier and that's a pretty big deal in lake hylia this area is large and having a lot of things loaded can make the area very laggy so i approach this howling stone specifically from the right side so that the lag you'll see here [Music] is far less severe than the lag we would have heard at the end of the song if i had done otherwise [Music] hmm [Music] it takes nearly 20 seconds to climb this ladder that exceptionally long ladder climb was part of our speed run because we need to talk to aru here in order to get a memo that will allow fire to launch us into the desert [Music] here again i will turn the camera for lag reduction purposes huh and now we'll enter the first totally new area of the game that we've seen in a little while the desert we're really going to take care of all of the overworld stuff to do in the desert right now except for one po that will have to get a lot later in the run there won't be much for me to comment on here so enjoy the music [Music] [Music] uh is anything [Music] me [Music] huh huh uh this is one of the two warp portals we'll get in the desert area we will work back to this one on a total of two occasions in the run both of which are hours from now okay [Music] [Music] this grotto sucks [Music] [Music] uh we've now done just about everything we need to do in this area and we're headed off to the boblin camp to do that we're going to steal a boar and since it's night time and i didn't step into that ring of light the sentries will not catch us and will not play a cutscene [Music] up oh i got lucky there the lever knocked into link between him collecting the post soul and the text showing up and that unlocked him normal animation of holding up the pose soul the text of course did still come up eventually but i was able to use the time that link would normally spend in that animation running towards this golden wolf here we learn the fifth hidden skill which is mortal draw this one will see a little bit of use in combat but that's about it [Music] [Music] uh [Music] next we'll enter the boblin camp which is the last area before the arbiter's grounds and when we enter this area we're going to use a glitch that we haven't used so far this front is called map glitch the purpose of using the glitch is to get out of bounds to reach the king bulbon 3 fight a little bit faster than we could if we went to get the key like normal i'll pull up the map to tell the game to warp away but i'll call midna to interrupt that warp although link doesn't actually go anywhere the game still prepares for the wharf by removing void planes and so now i can get out of bounds well below where the void plane would normally be and enter the fight from below [Music] and now king baldwin shows off his dance moves this isn't an issue 100 but one interesting thing about map glitch is that it prevents the game from reloading the area after a death so if i were to die during the king bulban fight then that would be a soft lock i'd have to go back to my previous save very conveniently riding the boar out of this area breaks map glitch so we don't have to worry about any of that anymore [Music] hey defeating king baldwin both spawns a poe in what was his arena and gets rid of all of the smaller bubbling enemies that are in the camp so now i'm going to go back and collect that po as well as a heart piece that is in a hog this is the last area in this day night cycle where in-game time is passing so as long as i'm able to exit this area before daybreak then i'll be able to collect the last po in the next area and complete the cycle as routed we're still pretty far off from daybreak as i mentioned before this cycle is pretty lenient [Music] oh no i tried to grab the soul from a little too close fortunately again in-game time doesn't pass here so getting owned by this foe does not mean that i might miss the cycle the cycle is now complete [Music] and now it is time to enter arbiter's grounds the first half of this dungeon will center around gathering post souls from special pose in order to open a gigantic gate to get to the second half of the dungeon to get to that main room with the gate we'll have to traverse two rooms in the first of these two rooms i'm timing v-presses to attack across the sand which prevents link from sinking into it [Music] [Music] here i'll time a roll to roll across the sand without stepping in it and obtain the first small key of the dungeon [Music] [Music] the large gate in this upcoming room that bars us from accessing the second half of the dungeon works in a pretty similar way to what i mentioned about the fused shadows and the mirror shards earlier in that the game only checks for pose two three and four when determining whether to open the gate or not we do not currently know of a way to skip hitting this cutscene and enter the gate before it closes or anything like that there is a glitch that is used in low percent called item sliding specifically rupee sliding in here that allows link to clip through the door while waiting in the get roopy animation unfortunately that rupee slide through the gate takes hours to complete so it's not useful in any speed runs right now outside of low percent any percent in old dungeons do skip killing the first po which as i mentioned before the gate does not check for when determining whether it can open or not this is a trick very fittingly called poe one skip since this is hundred percent i do need to kill the first poe because i need to get all the post souls in the game but ironically later on i will still be performing po one skip as it is still the fastest way for me to get to po four i'll still need to sniff this po which will give me the post end which will allow me to dig up the chain to get to po 2. even though i already know where it is the digging just won't work unless you have the scent to get to the first heart piece i will again be doing b attacks across the sand so as not to sink and then i'll do some carefully timed rolls as human to get back over realistically rta it is necessary to kill this gibdo in order to have enough time to claw shot up to the second level and it also conveniently drops 20 rupees so we'll be collecting those before going up [Music] the special larger pose that we see in arbiter's grounds have an animation that they play when they first notice link when he gets close enough to them but before they actually start to attack him and to become vulnerable thankfully i can skip this animation by doing a jump attack at the po which although it won't hit it will bring the po into aggro mode just like other cases we've seen before there will be one frame where the game will accept inputs between this post-hole text box and the cut scene of the poe deflating i'll mash a and b to try to initiate a movement towards the door in that frame [Music] while pushing the lever in the next room to turn it again it is possible to have link's animation interrupted by a rat uh well i'm not getting it here with some specific movement to set the rat in the right place and link in the right place it's possible to have this turning animation interrupted by the rat and the room keeps turning while you have control of link so it's possible to run to the door in that time and save a few seconds next we'll see the trick called poe one skip which again is not actually skipping po one here but could skip poe one this trick starts off with an lja to get pretty far across the sand towards the platform in the center of the room and then i'll clip up onto that pillar that's rising out of the sand and immediately roll to grab this ledge with one more lja we can make it all the way over to the store and break out of the dungeon's intended room order this fight goes by pretty quickly wow i picked a bad time to miss a roll there now it is time to watch this wall open all the way yep it's all the way open in this next room is the po 4 fight the way this fight works is that po 4 spawns three decoys and all four of them circle link they circle links slowly at first and then quickly right before doing an attack and there are two cycles of this fortunately by doing some seemingly pointless movement between the two cycles it's possible to skip the slow part of the pose circling around link on cycle two this is the upward pose so i'm going to jump attack as soon as possible and you see the pose immediately go into their quick circling [Music] all right once we cross the chandelier we'll use the small key that we got earlier from behind the gibdo this looks a little bit weird as we don't see a key door there but there is a lock on the other side as you can hear doing the rooms of this dungeon in the order that a casual playthrough would would result in coming through this door from the opposite side first another result of entering this side of the dungeon backwards is that the gibdos in this room are programmed to look for link coming from the opposite door so we can get right up behind this one without it noticing us with good rng on the stalking the tiny skeleton dudes it would have been possible to align my midna attack to kill the gibdo and ideally land right on the dirt patch that i was going to dig up but unfortunately for us while the stall kin's starting positions are fixed the direction that each one moves after link opens the door to this area is our engine so it's not always possible to line up for that [Music] this is the last of the four post holes that we need in this dungeon so now i'll just make my way back to the central room the large gate will open up and we'll be able to enter the second half of the dungeon so in this half of the dungeon we'll get the boss key another heart piece and the dungeon item which is the spinner we start off immediately with a major sequence break in order to get the last of those things that we're supposed to obtain first by clipping out of bounds and just be attacking across that sand it's possible to get the boss key very easily now we'll continue the trend of going through the dungeons rooms in the reverse of the intended order this room is really the spinner tutorial room where you get to solve a few movement based puzzles with it i'm now doing a kind of strange side hop off of the spinner railing in order to quickly get over to the heart piece chest [Music] then it's possible to just use back slice to get over this ledge to the door to the next room the next room will feature a brake slide through sand when i mentioned brake sliding earlier in the run link was doing a kind of moonwalk but here it'll look a little bit different and it'll help us to get through the sand without being slowed down by it i almost made it it is possible to get all the way there with the brake slide with the magic armor it is possible to skip killing these enemies and going in this circuitous path to get to the miniboss store but we don't have the magic armor here and it's pretty hard anyway so if you want to see that one look at some arbiter's ground sales the mini boss guarding the spinner is death sword and although the game expects us to kill death sword in order to open the gate that'll lead us to the spinner chest death sword's a cute little guy and we're gonna spare him instead first enter i guess what you could call phase two of the fight we're going to turn into a wolf and attack death sword a few times to activate him and make him fly around the room now while death sword is still alive the gate to the spinner chest will be closed but there is a pretty sizable gap between the top of that gate and the top of the room where i could theoretically get through to the chest so what i'll do is make death swords spin around the room and get into a pretty specific place near the wall to lure death sword into the corner from there i'll transform into a wolf and tag a death sword with them in the charge attack walk away wait for death sword to be a very specific place in his flying pattern and use him to super jump over that ledge this trick is called death sword skip and it is somewhat precise since it takes a transformation and a bit of a setup and waiting for death sword to fly a little bit it only saves 15 seconds versus the optimal way of killing him now that we have the spinner the boss key and the hard pieces we'll save warp to get back to the dungeon quickly and approach the boss room [Music] conveniently we'll be able to cross this room quickly as human now that we can just use the spinner to get over the sand despite what the prompt at the bottom of the screen might have you think it doesn't take serious mashing to spin this room as quickly as possible beyond about four a-presses per second additional mashing doesn't make a difference [Music] [Music] [Music] and now we begin the stallard fight the trick known as stallard skip where we clip out of bounds and get behind the exit gate to leave the boss room without killing stallard is considered rta viable now but since this is 100 i do need the stallard heart container so i will be killing him [Applause] in the first phase of the fight all i need to do is maneuver the spinner to attack stallard's spine without getting blocked by the stall troops as a psa if your spine is ever cracking and smoking like this you should definitely see a chiropractor uh i had a fine path to the spine there but i didn't move her very well and then that time i didn't get very good rng this fight can get pretty rough if you make a mistake in this third and final cycle of the phase five stall troops will spawn right in front of stallard's spine as i approach so i'll be trying to bounce off of a wow didn't even get there i'll be trying to bounce off of a nearby stall troop to hit the spine from behind now that is one dead skeleton just in case the skeleton does somehow come back to life i do have a plan if i were to get knocked off of a tall ledge by the skeleton's skull then what i would do to skip having to use the spinner to climb all the way up the arena is to wait for this hypothetical skull to shoot a fireball and get on the spinner at a particular time so that i can knock it down early and then one cycle it by spamming spin attacks while it's vulnerable oh no it's still alive who could have foreseen this [Music] there's our quick knock down without ascending the entire spinner track and now as i spam spin attacks you can look in the bottom right corner of my input display to see how slowly i'm spinning the control stick for some reason in this game it's really hard to be consistent at doing spin attacks especially chaining them like that and i find spinning the stick slowly and continuously helps a lot [Music] the skull exploded there's no coming back from that one i think it is now safe to say that the skeleton is dead [Music] we saw earlier that the spinner was useful for moving across sand as humanlink and i'm going to use it to get out of this room because in this room the spinner moves very quickly just to make the boss fight work but in most places the spinner doesn't move all that quickly so we won't be using it for transportation anywhere except for where we have spinner rails [Music] in the mirror chamber area we have the first shadow beast fight for a portal that involves five shadow beasts after getting this portal i'm going to use the spinner to raise the mirror this is not actually necessary for completing the game but killing stallard and then not raising the mirror causes warping to be a little bit weird it means that you have to do some extra zooming in and out and with the number of warps we still have left in the run it's faster to just do this now we skip a cutscene that explains the entire story arc and now we're off to zoro's domain for a few collectibles and to begin heading to snow peak it occurs to me now to mention that with the exception of entering lake bed early for the claw shot but not completing it all the dungeons in this run are completed in the intended order the first thing we have to do here is to pick up a bomb bag that i never knew existed in any of my casual play-throughs getting the bomb bag is pretty straight forward we're just going to bomb the rock and free the goron but on the way back out i'm going to do a glitch called swimming with water bombs the idea is that i begin to pull out a water bomb but force and equip the iron boots by equipping over them while link is in the pulling animation it's possible to use this glitch to get air refills for runs like any percent that don't have the zora armor but the way we're going to be using it is to do a trick called rocket link where i shoot up to the surface of the water like that without any swimming while wearing the zora armor this is as simple as force on equipping the boots to swim with the water bomb and then pressing the bomb button or a again to try to release the bomb our first target here is a po and i'm going to be very careful to not jump off of this ledge i have done that a few times before and notice during this whole section that i'll attempt to keep my camera pointed towards the wall as the waterfalls in this area are pretty laggy getting the red rupee in this chest is not strictly necessary but skipping it does require getting the treetop rupees and snowboarding and i prefer not to rely on that [Music] [Applause] now in a run that couldn't do map glitch like twilight princess hd any percent or a bug limit run at this point we would need to go through a whole side quest in order to get the reek fish sent so that we could ascend a snow peak but because we can use map glitch which was the glitch we used earlier in the bulbling camp to disable void planes we'll be able to run through the snow storm that would normally void link out here without voiding and that saves us quite a bit of time that said i still will need to get the sketch from ashay up ahead in order to get the coral earring from morales later on i'll never use it since i don't need to fish for the reek fish but it is considered a fishing rod upgrade and thus is required for 100. [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] and it's right around here where link would normally void out but you see we're not voiding out since we have map glitch active one unfortunate side effect of map glitch is that when i turn on senses in order to kill this po i won't be able to turn them back off again while map glitch is still active so the poor visibility in this area is even further reduced by having the screen darkened like this since i can't approach this pole with senses off like i normally would do for overworld pose i'll jump attack it like this to make it aggro earlier just like darter's grounds pose [Music] uh so [Music] very conveniently howling at a howling stone disables map glitch and we have a howling stone right up here that we would need to howl at anyway [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] now with map glitch disabled i can enter the cave loading zone without fear of soft locking i've mentioned some benefits of having the hidden skills so far in the run but one downside of having mortal draw is that it's easy to accidentally immortal draw enemies when you don't really mean to to avoid accidentally mortal drawing the key step ahead i'm going to pull out the claw shot during my back flip so that the prop does not appear huh this is one of the more awkward parts of routing for this category we're getting the snow peak portal now but instead of snowboarding down to enter the dungeon we're going to warp away immediately we'll warp to kakariko in order to get a golden bug two pose a hidden skill and the coral earring from rallis and after that we're going to warp right back to snow peak it's awkward because we had to at least enter the snowpeak ascent to talk to ashay to get the sketch in order to get this coral earring we're about to get so it wouldn't have made sense to try to do this before ascending snowpeak if we were to do this immediately after finishing snowpeak ruins we wouldn't be able to get the pose in the graveyard because finishing snow peak ruins sets the in-game clock to noon and the pose would only be visible at night and the next place we want to go after completing snow peak ruins is sacred grove and temple of time and getting there we're going to be using glitches that require the hidden skill that we're going to get in the graveyard so with all of those dependencies we're just going to kind of awkwardly come here now [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] this is the sixth of seven hidden skills for us to learn throughout the run this one is jump strike and as i mentioned before this will be used in a glitch in the temple of time areas of the route the glitch is called moon boots and it'll make it possible for us to get into the sacred grove early to get out of the sacred grove early skipping some of the skull kids sequence and to get into the temple of time early [Music] uh [Music] huh uh [Music] again we will never use the coral earring we just needed to get it for the upgrade we are not even going to equip the fishing rod again in the run [Music] now having run those errands we'll warp straight back to snow peak where we'll head to the dungeon [Music] [Music] hmm almost all of the rupee farming that we've done so far on the run has been in preparation for the single biggest expenditure that we have in the entirety of the run which is donating to malo mart we'll need to donate 1 000 rupees in order to open the bridge to castletown and to get the goron's heart piece that is there and then we'll need to donate a further 200 rupees on top of that in order to open the castletown branch of malamart and buy the magic armor to prepare for this we'll want to have 600 rupees which is our current wallet's full capacity by the time we exit snowpeak ruins there are 100 rupees that we'll collect in snow peak ruins itself but the rest of the rupees ideally will come from snowboarding there are some rupees on the treetops we can get though it's a little bit difficult to get up there reliably and then there's a pretty free red ruby worth 20 rupees a little further along the track generally speaking during snowboarding i'm going to try to stay in the air for as much time as possible as that allows link to achieve his highest horizontal speed so i'm really not sure how i messed that up that way but in any case now i have 423 rupees i have 60 free rupees from this red on three snowboarding attempts and so i'm going to have to get 17 other rupees elsewhere i just picked up two greens along the way so if i remember correctly in this run i ended up getting a red in the snow peak boss key room but there are other backups too [Music] now into the dungeon snow peak ruins this one has a lot of cool stuff in it [Music] the very first thing that we do in this dungeon is a sequence break we're going to do an lja across this room and then claw shot up through a fake floor normally the way to get to this chest would be to bomb the floor above and then come down through it but we're going to go the opposite direction i will need a small key in this dungeon so in this room i'm going to do a double lja in order to get to the small key chest i am going to use the item wheel to buffer the second half of this double lja because when targeting two points on one flat wall to try to get the boomerang to go out of bounds it won't always cooperate sometimes it'll stay in bounds and in some cases such as this one it's hard to react quickly enough to see that without buffering in this room i'm going to transform into a wolf in a particular place along the ice and then turn so that the lower ledge there clips me into the ice once again oh uh okay that was a weird one once again a case of once again a case of using some piece of collision to push link through another piece of collision that room is pure slapstick sometimes all right we'll be doing something similar here this is called freezer clip i'm going to run over to the freezer that is guarding the door to the mini boss room i'm going to run into it to get some iframes eye frames invincibility and then b attack in a particular place so that it pushes me straight through the door then i can open the door from the other side this skips a very time consuming puzzle involving moving cannon balls around the dungeon now for the mini boss fight this is dark hammer as you can tell by his dark hammer hammer or not he dies to one mortal draw [Music] i always found it very cool that the dungeon item for snowfeak ruins was the mini boss's weapon rather than something seemingly random found in a chest [Music] as is pretty common we'll now save warp to get back to the beginning of the dungeon i think i mentioned earlier in this video but i can't remember death warps are pretty uncommon in twilight princess speedrunning because dying just spawns link at the beginning of the room rather than the beginning of the dungeon like it does in most other zelda games now for part two of snowflake ruins our first tasks are to break a couple of suits of armor to collect a po and 100 rupees [Music] now one more po in the lobby and now we get to do a super cool trick called super jump it is aptly named i am going to throw the boomerang to get a case nearby link transform into wolf tag the keys with the charge attack and then release the charge attack once the keys flies back to its home on the ceiling releasing that charge attack then will give link a very high jump that should land him on the chandelier next is an awkward lja to this heart piece chest and now we want to cross the room to exit it on the upper floor behind the chill hose it is possible to set up a double lj to do this but it's annoying and finicky and i go for two singles instead i buffer both of these lj's because falling at this point would be a pretty big time loss considering the keys that i used to super jump up here is dead we have one more po to kill in this dungeon and it is in this room this room is kind of awkward as it's full of mini freezers and i really want to avoid dealing with them at all so i'll try to lure the po out this is you see why this is awkward ideally my charge attack would have bonked on the wall after moving through the pose so that i wouldn't have had to get frozen a couple of times but not too bad [Music] in this room we'll bypass a second freezer that is guarding a door this time we don't need a clip though we'll just roll into it to get iframes and walk right past it now it's a bit risky taking a lot of ice damage in here wearing the zora armor which multiplies what ice damage does only have five hearts left but there's a silver lining to it this lja here is pretty important if i don't get it on the first try then i'm in jail i'm stuck in a room that requires a small key to get out of and i don't have the key so gotta be careful here [Music] unfortunately the best backup for failing that lja is to climb up this ladder and get hit by this freezer until you die and then try it again each instance of climbing the ladder takes approximately forever so having low health going into that lja actually feels a little bit safer than having more health in this room i'll need to kill nine chill foes in order to unlock the door to the boss key so i'll try to stand in a particular place here where i can knock out three of them at once i missed one this one's a bit easier here i'll push one of them so that it's within range of three others and i can kill four at once okay yeah i saw a red rupee so i went for it as a backup now i'm totally set on rupees [Music] before a text box from midna but after the text box for this key there is one frame where i can input something so i'll try to side hop out of the range of the mid to text box [Music] and now we're off to fight the boss one thing that's cool about this dungeon in this speedrun is that this is the first time that we're seeing yeta at all when in a casual play through one would interact with yeta several times throughout the dungeon as she's in a central room with a central role the first phase of the blizzard fight can be kind of chaotic i'll just be trying to control the rebounds as best i can and position link so that i don't get hit in phase two blizzata floats above the ground and a casual play through one would be expected to knock out some of the icicles that surround her and then damage her central ice cage three times over three cycles conveniently it'll be possible for us to do this without breaking any of the icicles that surround her and in only one cycle by simply keeping her against a wall [Music] i'll now do one sword slash bonk against the wall in order to be in a good position to be knocked into lizetta's circle of icicles rather than out of it now i put her between lincoln the wall hit once hit again and that is three cycles in one [Music] [Music] bye [Music] we are rapidly approaching the time to look into eyes of yeto [Music] uh [Music] i have the ball and chain and the boomerang equipped which do you think i'll use to get the heart container [Music] it's more useful than it looks [Music] i mentioned before that finishing snow peak ruins sets the in-game clock to noon but conveniently the po that is on the hill near here does not care about time of day and is present right now for us to collect [Music] after collecting this post hole we'll be headed to temple of time by way of the sacred grove and this will involve using the glitch with jump strike that i mentioned earlier moon boots if we start a jump strike with the iron boots on but then force and equip them on one of two frames within the jump strike animation then link will gain more height in the jump strike than he would normally allowing us to reach some ledges that are otherwise too high the two unequipped frames that give extra height do give different amounts of extra height and for most instances of moon boots including this one we'll need the frame that gives the most height making this a frame perfect trick [Music] this is incidentally the very same ledge that we super jumped to near the beginning of the run to get the master sword early [Music] the most recent route change for this category was based on the discovery of moon boots and really centers around an instance of it that is coming up in this sacred grove 2 sequence the sequence is essentially the same as the sacred grove 1 sequence that we saw right before getting the master sword we chase skulkit around to various locations and it culminates in the fight in the final arena with a special use of moon boots however we'll be able to skip a good chunk of this sequence including the final fight which is important as defeating skull kids sets time of day to day time and that would make it so we couldn't collect the pose hole that is near the master sword we would need to warp back here later to do so all in all grove 2 skip saves about 2 minutes if done well the reason that this is a special use of moon boots though is that moon boots itself does not give us enough height to get to the ledge that we need to get to so we'll need to combine moon boots with a bomb boost to get up to that ledge conveniently with our current setup it's possible to use either of the two frames of moon boots that gives us extra height in conjunction with this bomb booth to get us up to the ledge however for each of those two moon boots frames there is only one frame in the bomb's countdown timer on which we can begin the jump strike to make the boost work all in all that works out to this trick being double frame perfect though there are two pairs of frames that work i hope you're taking notes as there will be a short quiz at the end of the run [Music] oh one more thing about grove 2 skip before we see it these puppets that have been flying around and annoying me the entire sequence they're going to be there too [Music] whoa [Music] there you go now with a few back slices we can get up to the top of this area and jump into what would normally be the skull kid fight arena only skull kid isn't there since we didn't complete the whole chase [Music] it doesn't matter whether i kill this po or go into the grotto for a heart piece first so i'm going to kill the po later as the puppets will not be around when i exit the grotto [Music] [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] that was some interesting movement [Music] this is the po that we would need to warp back here for if we actually did the skull kid fight to be clear we couldn't have just gotten this po when we got the master sword in the first place because the pose only spawned on the overworld after beating like bed temple now i need to take out my sword put it away and then take it back out again this is what despawns the statue blocking the door to the temple of time speaking of the door to the temple of time because we didn't do the skull kid fight we weren't able to get up to that upper area yet after this shadow beast fight we'll have to use moon boots one more time thankfully not with a bomb boost this time to get up there this is the one portal in the game that we will never warp to this run one frame early both times the frame late just right [Music] [Music] in this room i roll forwards and now we enter the temple of time the first half of temple of time will feature several small sequence breaks and only a handful of glitches and the second half of temple of time will feature one glitch that is a humongous sequence break that will save us many minutes [Music] rather than climbing these ledges normally i'm going to use backslides to ascend them this is very very slightly faster than climbing you'll see we pass uku standing by the stairs on the way to the small key uku would really like to talk to us and join our inventory that would involve a shortcut scene but we can skip it with a carefully positioned lja skipping uku saves something like a second [Music] the next couple of rooms have gates that are supposed to open upon completion of a puzzle but fortunately for us there are claw shot targets near these gates and with carefully timed jump slashes we can make it over the gates without completing the puzzles these claw shot targets are here for the intended second half of the dungeon where the player has to backtrack through all of these rooms in possession of the giant statue while bringing it back to the door of time while we did totally ignore the enemies in the first room it's pretty much impossible to do that in this room they're a little bit bothersome in this main hub room we will be doing a small sequence break the dungeon item for the temple of time is the dominion rod which lets us take control of statues throughout the dungeon when we have a large statue we could knock down this gate to the po and if we just took control of the statue that's up on the ledge then it would be pretty easy to direct it down and onto the switch beyond the gate but we don't have the dominion rod yet and we're not coming back to this room for any other reason so we're gonna try to get it done now by pulling the statue down with the ball and chain and throwing it very carefully planned on the switch again it's basically impossible to just ignore the enemies in this room you pretty much have to kill any of the lozapos that notice you [Music] [Music] this isn't a sequence break exactly but it is a pretty big puzzle skip here we're meant to put two statues on the switches up ahead so that we can climb the stairs this is the first statue and the second statue is way downstairs and involves turning the central pillar fortunately by standing on the second switch inside hopping off at the right time we can side hop into the cut scene and get off of the platform just quickly enough to make it up to the top floor we have two things to get in this room a small key and a heart piece the small key chest becomes available after killing both armors and the heart piece chest requires when we put things on switches that are up on these high ledges this is another instance of avoiding back tracking you'll see that throwing the statue as i'm about to do requires a pretty precise position and angle that's because the game really expects you to come back with the dominion rod later and use some statues that are up on those ledges already [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] huh remember grove 2 skip where i did a double frame perfect moon boots bomb boost in order to get up to a high ledge well i mentioned in that case that while it was double frame perfect there were two pairs of frames that would work in this next room it's possible to do a truly double frame perfect moon boots bomb boost to go straight over the fence that's to my right right now skipping part of the room's puzzle and getting the heart piece early you'll notice that i didn't do that just now and that is because true double frame perfect tricks at 30 frames per second are really hard and it's almost four hours into the run here though i will do a different kind of boost i'll place a bomb on the ground and use the spinner to ride into it causing it to explode and boost me through this electrified fence just like a few rooms ago the sequence break just avoids having to come back here with the dominion rod later seriously though each of the two times that i could use a moon boots bomb boost in this dungeon save something like 25 seconds together 50 seconds if done well and they're very tempting to start going for uh [Music] these scales are more of a puzzle when coming back down with the large statue don't worry i'll come back for the po after this room this is the boss key room i'll need to kill all the enemies to open the door to get back out and i'll need to place four things including these homosaurs shells on switches up above to open the gate to the chest one kind of interesting thing that you'll see here is a technique called l sliding while claw shotting something it's possible to make links slide while it's retracting and of course in this case i'm sliding towards the switch that i want to put the thing that i'm clawshotting on top of oh i missed the roll there it's possible to roll right before that cutscene begins and have link grab the ledge in front of the boss bosque chest making it very quick to get afterwards [Music] the room up ahead has a lot of moving parts on the timer and messing up any of the movement can lead to pure chaos i think i have a clean rep here [Music] never mind okay not too bad when the los alfos get involved it gets pretty rough and so here i can do an lja to get past that electrified barrier which fortunately does not reform very quickly after link leaves the switch climbing this ledge is the hardest part of the dungeon [Music] and now we enter the mini boss fight with the dark knight as i mentioned before i will not be doing the moon boots bomb boost that would allow us to skip the fight and get the dominion rod early the fight activates when the dark nut is first hit so we can just shoot a bomb arrow from the door to quickly activate the fight and teleport link closer to it from here we want to hit the shield to make it vulnerable run around and do a series of single slashes rather than completing combos as those would cause the dark knight to start shielding this again sooner for phase two all i should need to do is roll forward take a couple of steps and pull out the ball and chain and watch the dark nut destroy itself let's see whether i get it uh not quite i don't think i walked forward quite far enough the other strat for this is pretty similar to phase one but we get to use the ball and chain that fight obviously went by pretty fast it's this cutscene and the mid fight cutscene and the gate opening cutscene that really make doing the bomb boost faster in the first place and now we get the dominion rod this rod will see a lot of use in a casual play through but we're not going to use it all that much what's intended here is for us to take a large statue in this room and maneuver it all the way back down the way we came to get back to the door of time at the beginning of the dungeon put it in its slot and open the door of time as far as we know that is the only way to open the door of time but fortunately we're going to be able to get through the door of time without opening it so as it's customary in this run we save warped after getting the dungeon item and this brings us immediately back to the door of time what we'll do is take control of this small statue and just like many of the other clips that we've seen we'll use the small statues collision to push link through the collision of the door of time this requires a precise angle and speed and part of the statue's hopping animation so it's kind of a finicky trick [Music] and now we're through the door of time this room will essentially do the intended way though to optimize it will have to deal with a pretty strange camera angle and now it's time for the armagoma fight this fight is extremely straightforward we just wait for armagoma to stop and open its eye shoot it with an arrow knock it down and then use one of the giant statues in the room to smush it this happens in three separate cycles unfortunately for us this fight has a lot of rng in it armagoma is currently running across the ceiling covering up the various holes that light is pouring through and armagoma can do this as far as i know indefinitely i've seen her crawl to as few as three holes and as many as eight or nine holes in one cycle [Music] for cycles two and three armagoma will drop some eggs from which little baby spiders will hatch and we'll want to kill all of those before shooting armagoma this makes cycle 2 a little bit awkward because unlike cycle 3 where we can kill the eggs as they're dropping from armagoma cycle 2 has a cut scene for that where we don't have control of like so we're going to want to kill the little spiders as quickly as possible so that when armagoma opens her eye we'll be able to shoot it immediately this is not only for time's sake but also because when armageddon opens her eyes she can start shooting a laser and that laser has a huge damage multiplier for zora armor getting hit twice by that laser would be death oh my uh i kind of wish i weren't demonstrating that in this fight but i paused there so that i could unequip the zoro armor just in case i got hit by the laser [Music] all right but cycle 3 is a piece of cake it's the same thing except we can kill the eggs as they drop so no problem there [Music] like every other boss in this game armagoma does have two phases but while for most bosses the first phase is the short one and the second one is kind of the main one the second phase of armagoma is going to be very short [Music] [Applause] that's phase two it's kind of a pity that it's so short because i really like the music for that phase for anyone keeping track this is our third of four mirror shards we just have one more dungeon to go before we can enter the palace of twilight [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Music] before we leave this ante chamber to the temple of time we do need to get a po and a heart piece from behind the statues but after this we are beginning another day night cycle this one is quite a bit tighter than the one we had earlier on in the run and it only takes a few mistakes to make it impossible to get all of the pose before daybreak failing to get one or both of the last two pose in the cycle would end up costing a minute to a minute and a half later on [Music] uh [Music] [Music] and here we go for the next half hour or so the clock is ticking and i'm going to be very careful [Music] our first stop is snow peak ruins we're going to warp back there and complete the two extra rounds of snowboarding so that we can get a heart piece from yeta this will also be useful for filling our wallet to its 600 rupee capacity in time to warp to kakariko and donate it to malo mart [Music] huh [Music] the first race is with yeto and he's pretty slow so we can still beat him in the race even if we bonk and get knocked off the snowboard but any time we spend doing that does count towards this day night cycle of course for the timer at the bottom of the screen i'll be aiming for a time of 109 or 110. i've gotten 108s before and i wouldn't be surprised if humans had gotten 107s before i just looked up a task of this to see what it can do and the time was 105.96 i highly recommend looking that tas up it's by marth and it looks really cool [Music] i will stop my jumping here just to make sure that i get this red rupee there are reasonable backup rupees for not getting up to 600 rupees over the course of snowboarding but it does cost some time and i'd rather not [Music] there yeah [Music] [Music] next we want to go right back up to the mountaintop in order to race yeta and the fastest way to do that is going to be to roll up here and do an lja into the void this saves a bit of time over simply using the warp portal that's up there [Music] is quite a bit faster than yellow so we have to be pretty careful in this race if i were to bonk and lose the race then i wouldn't have enough in-game time in this day night cycle to do the race again right now so i'd have to come back later and that would cost a lot of time hear how much fun yeta is happening [Music] there [Applause] [Music] as a side note viewers of any percent will be used to seeing this snowboarding section shrouded and missed that happens if you skip the messenger fight at the top of snow peak but since this is 100 we of course needed to complete that fight so visibility is greatly improved [Music] [Applause] [Music] not the best snowboarding times but they'll work i like to play it safe in snowboarding because you can easily lose a run here we have one last thing to do in the entirety of snow peak province for the rest of the run and that is to get the po that's in the cave before the snowboarding area so we'll void out again to get back there quickly this cave is a little awkward to move through in reverse [Music] having filled our wallet and cleared snow peak entirely our next stop is kakariko where we will donate 600 rupees i mentioned before that in-game time doesn't pass in kakariko village so anytime we're in kakariko we have a little bit less to worry about [Music] here's one of the best sound effects on the run [Music] there are some sounds and animations that are triggered by specific text boxes and when we mash through those text boxes we can often hear things like characters making two sounds at once and overlapping like we just heard or blinking very rapidly as the text boxes fly by now we'll begin what can be considered the backbone of this whole in-game time segment which is ilia's memory quest before we get started on that though we are going to shoot a boulder that boulder contains a heart piece and if we blow up the boulder normally then we get a little cut scene of the boulder exploding and the heart piece being shown but by interrupting that by opening the door we get to skip the cutscene now we get renato's letter this is the first item in a trading sequence that we'll need to complete in order to restore ilia's memory in categories other than 100 this storyline is completely skippable by just clipping through the statue that blocks us from the sky cannon that takes us to city in the sky ironically 100 does do the full ilia's memory quest but then does that clip anyway as it skips collecting all the sky book characters but the full quest is required in order to get the recharge dominion rod the sky book and the horse call [Music] we have one more heart piece to get while we're here in the back of this fountain [Music] i'd just like to point out here that when the item wheel is as full as it is it can be pretty hard to find the right items quickly now we'll do rocket link again in order to surface very quickly and now we're off to deliver that letter we just received in castletown [Music] normally on the way into castletown from this warp spot we do a postman skip but this time i won't be doing it anytime we do something in the story progression that would yield a letter all of the postman's locations over the entire map of the game are activated although we could have skipped this postman trigger in exactly the same way that we have before we would then have to skip all others to make it worthwhile and although that is usually what we end up doing there is a postman trigger on our way to the hot spring water heart piece that we won't be able to skip thus hitting the trigger here to get it out of the way and not spend any time doing skips is optimal our main piece of business in castletown is to progress ilya's memory quest by delivering renato's letter to telma in the bar and then telma's invoice to the doctor but on the way there we're going to visit agatha to fill up on rupees strangely i'm going to item wheel buffer opening this door and i do that because as the area was loading in the hud had not appeared yet and before the hud appears it's impossible to open the door quickly opening and closing the item wheel makes the door openable a little bit sooner than it would be if we just waited if you remember earlier in the run when i gave six bugs to agatha this section is just like that but 33 longer enjoy the music [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] now we get one of the best text boxes in the game [Music] she knows we have bugs that text box appears when you leave agatha's castle but still have bugs in your inventory that you haven't given to her yet we didn't give her all the bugs that we have right now because we need to fill the wallet again later and we want to have enough bugs for that and obviously that text box didn't take very much time and it wouldn't be worth rerouting the golden bugs just to avoid it [Music] oh hey [Music] [Music] [Music] one astonishingly difficult thing in this game is not talking to the people in castletown as you try to roll by them so i'll be giving them a wide berth here and spacing out my roles quite a bit so that i don't accidentally talk to any of them [Music] our next stop is the doctor's clinic where we will get the medicine sent after giving him the invoice [Music] hmm huh [Music] now for time of day reasons we'll temporarily abandon the memory quest in favor of getting some collectibles we're going to need it to be night time soon in order to get some pose along the route so first we're going to set up to get the hot spring water heart piece from the goron out by the bridge by going to talk to it [Music] [Music] [Music] eat free [Music] the other prerequisite for getting the heart piece from the score on is going to be paying 400 more rupees to malo mart so we're going to do that now and then start the hot spring water delivery hmm [Music] there are two things in this branch of malmart that i'll need to buy eventually which are the hylian shield and the hawkeye because i have 200 rupees left after donating 400 i will buy the hylian shield now [Music] because we need to go onto the pause screen to equip the highland shield we won't do that until we have a reason to and that won't come up until the last 45 minutes or so of the run when we enter cave of ordeals the reason we equip it at all is just for fear of the ordon shield getting burned if the orden shield were to get burned then we'd have to refill that slot on the pause screen by coming back to malo mart and buying a wooden shield now we begin the hot spring water delivery the goal is just to carry this hot spring water across hyrule field to the bridge where we talked to the goron earlier in exchange for a heart piece while it is possible to run there in a straight line it is pretty risky because levers spawn closer to the center of the field and they can knock the barrel out of link's hands and destroy it causing us to fail the delivery and waste a whole lot of time so i'm running around the perimeter of the field to avoid levers spawning there are two other kinds of enemies that we'll encounter here one is a cargo rock that can fly behind link but we'll never actually hit him or the barrel as long as we keep moving and the other is the bulban archer we should be coming up on a second one soon the only way these guys can hit link is if he's running directly towards or away from them or is very close to them so i took kind of a wide arc around that one to avoid it uh [Music] hey [Music] whenever nintendo paid the goron's voice actor it was not enough [Music] now we get to resume ilia's memory quest we'll head back to castletown as wolf and pick up a posthole along the way huh [Music] since we already got the medicine sent the remaining things that we have to do for ilia's memory quest in the castletown area are to talk to louise and then get the wooden statue from the stall hounds i also won't be talking to the dog here as much as i would like to but as usual we have a pit stop to make this one is with giovanni i mentioned before that although we are going to be collecting all 60 post holes the reward for getting 60 post souls is not meaningful for 100 it's essentially infinite money but the reward for getting 20 post souls is a bottle which of course is relevant for 100 so we'll get that now even though we blew past 20 post holes quite a while ago conveniently this bottle is full of great fairy tears and although no bottle contents are required for 100 those will be useful in the gannon fight near the very end of the run [Music] unfortunately we do need to visit with louise here even though we already know where the stall hounds will spawn because they won't spawn without talking to her by the end of this day night cycle we'll ideally have 600 rupees again so that we can spend 300 more in malamart and 300 more to fix up the sky cannon so i'll be getting 100 rupees from a chest here and i'll also try to collect rupees that the stahl hounds drop to get to the rupee chest quickly i'll have to do a back slice over a ledge at such an angle that link gets a jump on the other side and just barely can jump slash to the chest [Music] because i'm doing well on in-game time so far i expect that i'll go for the animation skip once all the stall hounds are defeated and have exploded the wooden statue goes through an animation of just bouncing into existence but if link is standing right where it spawns when the cutscene begins then it'll skip that animation yeah i'm going for it here and i missed it dang it is kind of hard to keep track of where you are here when link is flying around wildly with the midnight charge attack and the stall hounds are exploding all over the place [Music] after collecting this golden bug we'll head back to kakariko our ilias memory quest hub in order to deliver the wooden statue to her and open up hidden village [Music] the past few times i've warped here i've transformed immediately so that the people in the village wouldn't see me and prevent me from transforming but since it's nighttime they won't see me and i'll just transform by the door [Music] next we'll clean up kakariko there are some pose and a hard piece left to get and along the way we'll try to amass some more rupees our first stop is going to be getting the silver ruby which is worth 200 out of the bell on top of the sanctuary that we just exited we can knock the rupee out of the bell with a bomb arrow and set our boomerang beforehand on a peculiar kind of flight pattern so that it collects the ruby while we're on our way to our next destination for this jump my roll spacing is going to be a little weird the reason for that is less so that i can aim towards the correct corner and more so that i don't accidentally read the sign that tells me that it's dangerous [Music] speaking of dangerous i'm now going to use this cuckoo to fly all the way across kakariko village i'll also turn the camera a little bit so i can see exactly when i need to let go of it and grab the ledge as it is a very very bad time to miss that ledge grab a silver lining is that since we're in kakariko village if i were to miss that let's grab it would have no impact on my in-game time as in game time is not passing here and so it would not make the day night cycle any harder but it would necessitate getting up here by other means to get these pose and the quickest way to do that is through the bomb shop and that is very slow [Music] now that we're leaving kakariko every area we'll be in for the remainder of this night cycle will have in-game time passing so every little mistake or optimization counts from here on out on death mountain trail we'll be getting one post hole one heart piece and 80 rupees strictly speaking only 60 rupees are required here but i prefer to get 80 just for safety actually i finally did the math recently and as long as i have over 340 rupees here i don't need to get 80 from rocks time saved for next run we've done several glitches based on super jumps throughout the run like early master sword and death sword skip but here i need to be careful and try to do the opposite not get a jump that'll launch me off of the ledge [Music] this is the rupee i should have skipped but whether i get this one or not i will intentionally get the red rupee text from the first red rupee that i get because sitting on that text box does not cost in-game time and it means that i don't need to spend time avoiding the text on all of the rupees [Music] that is the last we'll see of death mountain trail this run now we'll head back to the gorge to get some pose and golden bugs remember a couple hours ago when i said we were leaving epona right where we'd want her to be later well she's still there waiting for us and we will ride her again as soon as we've gotten this pope [Music] the next few minutes of this day night cycle are by far the most worrisome as the upcoming golden bugs have minds of their own and really like to fly away and the poe in the middle of the field is surrounded by enemies that make getting it pretty chaotic these are not great qualities when we're trying to conserve as much in-game time as possible i will throw the boomerang at this bug without targeting it as in my experience that seems to make the bug less likely to fly away after the boomerang returns to length it looks like this might be less of a mess than usual ah yeah well that's not a mess at all ooh and i even got the animation cancelled from that cargo rock damage that was a relatively tame poget it did look a little bit chaotic but it can be far worse than that [Music] thankfully since we unlocked this gate during the escort sequence we no longer need to clip through it as well in this area we'll clear the boulders with bomb arrows and then claw shot up to get the po on the highest ledge as well as the 50 rupee chest it's very common for twilight princess speedrunners to have strong preferences on which of the two item equip buttons y and x the claw shot and the boomerang should go on my personal preference as can be seen throughout the rest of the run is to have the claw shot on the y button and the boomerang on the x button but to avoid doing extra equips it sometimes works out that the two need to be flipped and here i have the flaw shot on the x button and the boomerang on the y button this doesn't last for very long i will be equipping the iron boots pretty soon but i really do have to think about it every single time in an ongoing poll of twilight princess runners that nimzo started about a year ago 58 runners including myself have espoused a preference for the claw shot on the y button while only 17 runners have espoused a preference for the claw shot being on the x button research into this phenomenon is ongoing [Applause] so far these golden bugs are being very nice to me accidentally mortally drew a stall hound there a few hours ago i did a trip called a boomerang teleport where i got one golden bug in my boomerang then traveled over to another golden bug and picked it up and was able to pick up the first golden bug immediately afterwards this pair of golden bugs the one that i just got and the one that i'm about to get seemed like a good pair of candidates for that but unfortunately the line of sight between the two bugs is not quite good enough and the first bug would get stuck on the bridge here i'll want to dismount from opponent with an opponent's slide as we've seen earlier in the run and now we enter the minigame flight by foul in this minigame we'll need to pick up a cuckoo and then fly most of the way across lake hylia in order to land on a small platform to get some rupees and art piece because we're tight on in-game time and it's hard to pick these guys up sometimes i'll throw the boomerang in such a way that two cuckoos get caught in it just raising the probability that i'll be able to mash a out of this text and pick one up immediately [Music] the two chests i need to get are the uppermost one and the one right below that and if i'm quick then i should be able to roll off of the right side of this platform ah no i won't do it optimally i'd roll off the right side of the platform so that i don't need to wait for it to turn anymore but because the cuckoo landed there i don't want to accidentally grab it and throw off my timing if we were to miss this hard piece we'd have to go up and do the mini-game an entire extra time same goes for this po there isn't another way to get back here without doing the mini-game in extra time so i need to be careful not to fall off the platform [Music] speaking of doing the mini-game in extra time we are going to do it a second time on purpose this time though we're not going to fly over to the chests we're going to fly over to a distant ledge where there's a poe uh [Music] [Music] we have two more pose to get before this day night cycle is over and we get to stop worrying about in-game time that said at this point in the run i probably wouldn't be that worried about in game time as this cycle has been pretty clean uh [Music] so the sun hasn't even begun to come up yet so we're totally safe but this last po can kind of be a doozy the reliable way to do it is to knock those elbows down with a spin attack and then kill the po but uh well oh my well you see what i mean that was 100 my fault oh wow i think that's the best i've ever done in that cycle because i don't remember ever hearing the hyrule field music start that late before all right next is the worst golden bug in the entire game it is often impossible to see this one and it flies around to locations that no golden bug should be in let's see if i can find it nope looks like i'm going to try one more time in the spot where it's supposed to be get unlucky and i'll have to look for it again later after i come out of the cave this cave is probably one of the most challenging parts of a casual 100 playthrough of course i'll be cheating by having done these puzzles many times before one interesting thing about this cave is that it's actually possible to get the hard piece at the end of the cave without completing any of the puzzles with a particular position it's possible to use the double frame perfect moon boots bomb boost that i mentioned earlier in order to get on top of one of these blocks and then carefully lja over the gate into the next area unlike the potential uses for moon boots bomb boosts that i mentioned earlier i'm not avoiding doing that for these puzzles just because i'm a wimp but because it actually doesn't save any time first off even if pulled off perfectly it wouldn't save very much time over just completing the puzzles and the big problem with it is that after you collect the heart piece all the gates to get out of the cave are still closed since the puzzles wouldn't have been completed there's no good way to death warp since we'll have full health after collecting the heart piece and a save warp would bring us all the way back to upper zora's river which we have no reason to go to right now and cost us a good bit of time and travel one small optimization here is that if i stand just the right distance away from the block and throw the ball and chain then there won't be an animation of ball and chain bouncing on the ground i may or may not have needed to look up a video of how to do these puzzles mid-run in my first run of this category [Music] oh normally i'd skedaddle immediately after leaving this cave but in this run i need to back up that golden bug that i couldn't find earlier hopefully i can find it quickly nope no dice oh i think i saw it ah there we go oh no the very impressive sword twirling that link just did is an animation that happens when you try to put your sword away after killing certain enemies and lizalfos are on that list so having killed the los alvos right before i tried to grab the golden bug i pressed a to grab the bug and put my sword away flashly this bug can be not quite as bad as the previous one but sometimes very bad looks like i got it first try [Music] to finish up our rookie route for this segment i will be getting 50 rupees from the boulder i'm currently blowing up and then 30 more rupees will be available from boulders that i need to break later unlike the grotto back in the desert that had two pose in it and sucked this grotto has two pose in it but does not suck by running along the wall i can get the pose in position so i can knock both of them down with one charge attack and then get both of their soles before either of them can get back up see that didn't suck [Music] [Music] what [Music] this heart piece chest does take a while to get to but at least it'll make us go wee wee [Music] i'm trying to keep this commentary as insightful as possible [Music] finally getting back to ilia's memory quest we are now going to go to the grudo mesa in order to warp elden bridge back to where it belongs oh bye [Music] from here we'll run the hidden village which we unlocked by giving the wooden statue to ilia in order to get the skybook [Music] uh even though his memory quest is one of the more serious storylines in the game overall hidden village is a very playful component of it if you have a cowboy hat nearby this would be the time to put it on the object here is simply to kill all 20 vulvas thankfully i already know where they are [Music] i already missed a lot of shots but bonking is just adding insult to injury there's hardly any movement to even do in this whole area somehow managed to bonk anyway [Music] it is going to be slightly more convenient to kill the final bouldin through the wall rather than running around [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] finally we have elias charm and the ancient sky book so elia's memory quest is almost completed though we will still need to watch a cutscene to turn ilia's charm into the horse call the final hidden skill howling stone is here and normally in hidden village you can't transform but if you stand in this particular place it is possible [Music] [Music] [Music] this howling stone spawns the wolf in castletown right in front of the barrier around hyrule castle that will teach us great spin [Music] uh now we have one more warp to kakariko we are finally starting to head towards city in the sky but we need to do a little bit of shopping at malo mart first and we will need to get the horse call from ilya hmm [Music] this is the last time we'll come to this branch of malamart this time we need to donate 200 more rupees in order to open the castle town branch so we can get the magic armor later and then we'll need to spend 100 rupees on the hawkeye which is a very cool item that allows link to zoom in with a scope when he's using the bow unfortunately we will never use it in the run as it takes extra time to equip and is totally unnecessary [Music] huh [Music] the following cutscene has an unfortunately high length to reward ratio but it is required for getting the fully upgraded horse call and it does serve as a nice bathroom break [Music] and the poignancy of the cutscene is only somewhat marred by like wearing a fish suit ah [Music] we did watch that entire cut scene for the sole purpose of turning ilius charm into the horse call giving it a different name on the item wheel but at the very least we will use this item once in the run very similarly we will now show the ancient sky book to shad to trigger a cutscene that will ultimately imbue the dominion rod with power again at this point in a casual play through one would travel all around the map completing a bunch of puzzles involving owl statues in exchange for ancient sky book characters that we could ultimately use to unlock this owl statue but we'll be able to skip all of that with one simple clip doctors hate him we will still get to use the dominion rod two more times in the run though once for a heart piece and once in cave of ordeals [Music] following the format of the other clips in this game we'll be using the collision of the wall to push us into the owl statue to clip through now because of that clip we do have to warp this cannon in a somewhat awkward way i'll call midna to warp it but then tell her that i don't want to warp it and instead warp using my map that is because the game actually wouldn't allow me to warp it if i were to try with midna because she would have a dialog box saying that shad is too nearby even though shad is nowhere in sight our very last step before entering city in the sky is paying fire 300 rupees to fix up this sky cannon to someone like me who has run any percent before this feels like a little pocket of any percent in the hundred percent route from here until we get the double claw shots the only differences between this and any percent will be our item wheel menuing and one trick to get down to our offices room oh i am having a rough time of this transforming here is awkward because we need this post that i'm standing next to to block link from fire's line of sight what kind of tools do you think it'll take to fix the sky cannon this ancient mystical animatronic piece of machinery if you guessed one hammer you're correct [Music] get ready for one of the most awkward equips in the whole run yep that's about right it is theoretically possible to menu directly to any item on the item wheel but as i mentioned before when it's this crowded it's kind of hard to do that and the two items i needed to equip there were both not near the top of the item wheel where the cursor always starts and not at any cardinal positions [Music] good [Music] uh this cutscene heavy stretch of the run is just about over and we'll have a lot to talk about in city in the sky which is my favorite dungeon in any twilight princess speedrun that i've done though if i remember correctly this run had a very rough city in the sky so you might be seeing a little bit more of it than i would have liked the very first thing we encounter in this dungeon is wind rng and i got bad wind rng there this dungeon is a very aiming intensive one and we'll have claw shot and boomerang equipped for almost the entirety of it rather than using one of the uka to get through this room the intended way we're going to do a couple of ljas i'll be trying to angle my boomerang throws so that the boomerang bounces off of a wall instead of curving back well that was a good example but i held onto my control stick too long so i lost targeting on the boomerang and that one didn't bounce off yeah see this is this is a bad start here i'm going to do something a little strange instead of just opening this door i'm going to transform into a wolf and then open the door and then transform back the reason is that there's a giant fan at the top of this room and the trigger to turn on that fan is very close to the door that i just opened if i open the door as wolf link then the game considers link to be far enough back that he hasn't actually hit the trigger and this means that the fan never turns on this is convenient for 100 although it's not really required we would do the same route if we were to turn the fan on but we just have to turn it off after getting to the boss key but in any percent in all dungeons keeping that fan off is a huge time save as it allows access to the boss key without traversing the second half of the dungeon speaking of traversing half of the dungeon we are currently heading to the west wing of the dungeon in order to get a small key just so that we can use it in the east wing of the dungeon to progress to the double claw shots it is possible to enter the east wing of the dungeon without this small key a trick known as small ki skip but it is very much tass only as it involves several instances of frame perfect claw shot actor displacement which is a glitch that allows us to move things that have claw shot targets on them by interrupting the claw shot animation by falling off of a ledge it also involves two precisely timed bomb boosts and an extremely precise claw shot shot right at the end for all that complexity it only saves something like 30 seconds done by a tas in any percent setting of course a human would do it much slower and it definitely wouldn't save any time and 100 coming to this area is a little bit more important for setting up for the second half of city in the sky now that we've gotten this small key a trigger appears on the other side of this bridge and if we were to hit that trigger then we would see a cut scene of arghrot coming by and destroying this bridge thankfully we can avoid this trigger simply by side hopping and doing a little bit of parkour and what's important about this is that it'll save us from doing a lot of backtracking after getting the double claw shots in a casual play through one would backtrack through the entire dungeon using the double claw shots but because we got the small key but didn't hit the argorock cutscene the game's respawn point for a save warp is now at the small key chest instead of at the beginning of the dungeon this is presumably to prevent someone from getting the small key and then save warping to skip that argorock cutscene but it works very well in our favor because that small key chest area is a very advantageous place for us to begin the second half of city in the sky i didn't point this out on the other bridge but it was also true there when extending these bridges with the spinner it's possible to release the spinner and get a roll away from the slot right as the bridge is finishing its extension [Music] now we'll get to skip two entire rooms full of puzzles with some ljs i'll try again here to get the boomerang to bounce off of the door frame rather than curving in its usual arc [Music] as with a lot of the fights in the speed run if you know exactly what to do in this room you can end the fight comically quickly there's an even sillier strat for this room that is hard to get consistent but is actually slightly faster than what i just did by aggroing the two dynalfos and then just shooting the claw shot at the wall you can scare the dinolfos into putting up their shields and just falling off of the ledge [Music] i'll intentionally dilly dally a little bit on this platform to wait for the wind cycle uh we can also skip a good deal of the puzzle in this room by doing an awkward jump off of this ledge skipping turning on one of the fans and i missed it i remembered i had some trouble in this city in the sky the back up at this point would be to use this fan to go over and try it again which is what i'll do or to use that fan to go and complete the puzzle in the normal way which would still be a little bit slower hopefully i get it this time oh no this trick is not terribly difficult there we go now we have just enough height to make it to this ledge everything we've seen so far in city in the sky has been the same as in any percent or all dungeons run in this room i'll do something slightly different though the object is to get down to the bottom of the room as quickly as possible and so i'll just do this the reason that that jump is pretty much only used in 100 context is because it costs two hearts to land there in hundred percent of course we have plenty of health but at this point in any percent run we would only have three hearts total [Music] next we'll enter the mini boss room in the fight with er alphos but the fight is kind of slow so we're just going to skip it entirely i'll do a position setup with a sword combo and then claw shot onto a very poorly thought out claw shot great [Music] this skips the fight entirely and it's a bit tough as there's a pretty strict time limit for getting that if the uralfoss goes into attack mode and starts flying towards link then there's no way to keep the position that we need in order to hit that target at that point most runners would void and try again from the initial position while it is possible to just yolo the position there are quite a few positions where if you claw shot the target link will void upon hitting it because he gets crushed by the gate as i mentioned before this save warp is a special one as it brings us back to the small key chest and now we can immediately do the second half of the dungeon without any backtracking [Music] we'll get to skip a sizeable chunk of this next room by hitting the switch from an awkward angle and then doing an lja over to the gate oh [Music] we'll also use ljs to skip a significant portion of this next room and we'll also skip this kind of demi boss the giant deku baba in the middle simply by running around this side to distract it and then running to the other side it is possible to totally ignore the giant deku baba run straight to where we want to go and then claw shot from there but it requires both very fast claw shot aim and good rng from the deku baba and the penalty would be voiding and restarting the room so it's just not worth it one strange side effect of not killing the giant baba is that the normal city in the sky background music disappears at least for this room we'll be able to hear that once the enemy music has gone away huh [Music] this next room is a series of puzzles involving very slow-moving p-hats fortunately for quick we can make a cycle on them that allows us to spend very little time riding them and to get the distant po and get back hurt quickly [Music] oh no to get this lja i need to make two targets the positioning is not terribly precise and i missed the second target so i think i'm going to miss the cycle here and we'll have to see the backup instead if i've made the cycle i'll be able to claw shot up to the p hat that's right above me and then immediately claw shot to the next b hat but i think the second one will be too far away yeah didn't quite make it so instead i'll have to do a kind of awkward lja from this tree root in order to get back on the ledge of this area and then claw shot over to some vines [Music] okay now we're back on track i'll now do an lja to get over this heart piece chest which skips claw shopping through a bunch of pee hats over in the next room that is the last heart piece in city in the sky so now we'll make our way over to the last po and the boss key the cargo rocks in city in the sky these bird enemies are kind of stupid they will fly in strange places sometimes i have had one fly between the claw shot and the next p-hat i was targeting just to block my shot in an upcoming area they also like to fly into walls the upper level of this area contains the bow that we need and the door to the boss key fortunately we can skip a lot of climbing around and transformation by clawshotting up here with a somewhat precise target [Music] while it's not part of the optimal route i am also going to get the 50 ruby chest that is on this platform because it's convenient the only things we have left to worry about in our ruby route are paying for one mini game a star too many games buying the magic armor and paying 850 more rupees to sharla the beggar on top of the 150 that we paid way earlier in the run in order to reach a thousand and get the heart piece optimally the farming for these 850 rupees that we have left to pay would be done in cave of ordeals picking up roofie drops from the enemies but while i usually get up to 850 rupees in cave and war deals it's not totally reliable for me so i prefer to just get this chest and donate that money to sharlow ahead of time so that i only have to worry about 800 rupees later the gigantic fan in this room is the one that we skipped turning on by avoiding the fan trigger near the door at the beginning of the dungeon now all we have left to do is to make our way to the boss door here it's possible to uh there it was possible to carefully jump off of the fan so as to get a roll upon landing instead of taking fall damage but i failed to do so this area features a very flashy double lja which is one of the things that i remembered best from watching speedruns of this game before i started to do them myself we skipped turning on these fans in the previous area but by clawshotting onto the very top of the grate we can grab onto the top of the fans and from here we can do that double lja in order to get all the way across the rest of the area [Applause] [Music] the layout of this fan tower does necessitate some waiting but we will try to make a quick cycle near the end in order to skip waiting for the fans to turn around [Music] that was the quick cycle and now i will aim my claw shot reticle at a visual cue on the wall claw shotting onto the final claw shot target at that exact height will allow me to face the door immediately after driving so i can roll straight to it [Music] to get up to the boss arena and start the fight all we need to do is claw shot up to some vines and then climb them to the arena climbing vines is very slow in this game though so i'm going to position myself in a spot where i can claw shot as high on the vines as i possibly can oh no one very annoying thing about claw shotting onto vines is that if you claw shot on the very very edge of the vines then we'll get what we just saw where link treats it as though it's a claw shot target and not vines that are climbable since there was nothing else clash audible from there i just had to void and try again the arc rock fight is designed to be pretty much an auto scroller but in the context of a speed run we do get to do some cool things here first uh we have to wait so i will just bonk against this pillar repeatedly for phase one all i'm going to need to do is to clash out onto argorock's tail while wearing the iron boots two times total i'm gonna be uh i'm gonna be careful not to claw shot the tail on the very first possible frame because that would lead to a glitch that we call cool game where we are soft locked riding around on argarock's tail is a very funny glitch but would also cost a huge amount of time we have one more cycle left in this phase and if we claw shot onto this grate quickly enough then arc rock won't fly all the way around the arena and we can complete that cycle immediately uh [Music] in the second phase of the fight arc rock will stay up high near the tops of the pillars and we are meant to claw shot around these pea hats that will be floating up in the air in order to get behind argorock after it shoots its flame and claw shot onto its back this repeats over three cycles with the third flame from arcarock being a little bit longer before dealing with any of this however we are going to jump to our doom this seems like an odd choice but the reason we do it is so that we don't need to wait for argarock to fly all the way around the arena before we can start our cycles i mentioned before that in each cycle arborok will shoot a flame and normally argorock would follow link around with this flame while he's claw shotting to the various b hats but by sinking very low on this first p hat while r brock is shooting the flame we can execute what's called a flame skip there i sank just below the range where argoroc knows that we're up on the p hats and down into the range where argo rock thinks we've fallen down and if arghar thinks we've fallen down to the ground then it'll stop shooting the flame and we can get onto its back a little more quickly i'm about to do the second cycle exactly the same way that i did the first cycle but i should mention here that it is possible to two cycle argo rock rather than doing a three cycle fight like i'm about to do what i would do for that two cycle is to clash out onto the p hat like i'm about to do but then instead of claw shotting to the next p hat i would claw shot back to one of the columns from there i would wait for argorock to shoot flame again carefully time a side hop and then drink the great fairy tears that i got in the bottle from giovanni earlier the great fairy tears double the amount of damage that link does with the sword so from there i would just have to make my way around the arena and claw shot onto arc rock's back again in order to deal the final blows the technique is kind of tricky because the timer on the great fairy tiers is pretty short but the real reason i don't do it is because i like to have the great fairy tiers as a backup health source in cave of ordeals so now we're on the third cycle this one's going to be a little bit different you'll notice i don't have the iron boots on and i'm not immediately sinking this is a two-part flame cycle so i'm going to wait until we're near the end of this part of the flame cycle start to sink and this will set me up for the normal kind of flame skip on the second half of the flame cycle if you looked closely you'll see the camera shifted when i got to the bottom of my ascent that was me moving out of arghrox range since each of the cycles in phase 2 was pretty long it seems at a glance that a 2 cycle in this fight would save quite a bit of time but because executing the 2-cycle strat involves waiting for an extra flame anyway it only ends up saving something like 20 seconds i probably will start going for it and runs pretty soon [Applause] this is the fourth and final mirror shard we need to rebuild the mirror of twilight though as i mentioned before the game only checks for this one now we'll be able to head to the palace of twilight though as usual we have some errands to run on our way there what huh [Music] here i'm going to put on the iron boots before clawshotting back into the can so that after this extremely long loading transition i can just mash b and do a jump slash out of the sky in order to land on the bridge rather than landing in the water the first of the errands we need to run is to return to south fern to pick up a heart piece and a poe [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] i'll also pick up the 15 rupees inside of this rock to pay for the mini-game that we're going to do in castletown soon and i won't try to side hop over the reviews to avoid the text because we're going to be getting a lot of blue and yellow rubies and cave of ordeals and it would be absurdly difficult to try to side hop over all of them so we'll definitely get the text at some point here we see one of our two remaining uses of the dominion rod in a casual play through we would have come here earlier to get the sky book character that we just revealed from under the owl statue but since we don't need those for this run all i'm going to do is use the owl statue to hop to a heart piece [Music] [Music] finally we'll get the po in this area even though it is daytime by the in-game clock we can still get this po because it's present at all times of day presumably because this area is always shrouded and missed [Music] next we'll head to castletown for a few more errands we'll complete the second star minigame for a quiver upgrade we will give the last of the golden bugs to agatha and get the giant wallet we will buy the magic armor and lastly we will meet the final golden wolf to get great spin this time on our way in we will skip the postman trigger we should not see the postman again for the entire rest of the run [Music] [Music] oh i forgot about the errand that we need to run on the way to our errands i will give 50 rupees that i got in city in the sky to sharla the beggar now we'll go do the star 2 mini game and bonk on the way in [Music] this mini-game looks pretty chaotic to the uninitiated but really all one needs to do is follow the color-coded lines unfortunately one mistake in this mini-game can really snowball so i will be pretty careful with my aiming [Music] [Applause] i'm giant and quivering this quiver holds 100 arrows and that is way more than we need for the rest of the run so we'll never need to stock up again [Music] just as before i will item wheel buffer before entering agatha's house to make the door openable sooner and now we will embark on our longest menuing journey yet we need to give 10 bugs to agatha this takes a solid two minutes so feel free to skip ahead or to just enjoy the music [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hey we got the giant wallet [Music] our next stop is the castletown branch of malamart that we opened up earlier by donating 1200 rupees what are we going to do there why we're going to spend more rupees of course central castle town is one of the laggiest areas in the game and the camera is totally fixed so i don't know if there's a means of lack reduction a lot of people really like the music we're about to hear [Music] the magic armor is the final piece of equipment we need to fill our slots on the pause screen while link is wearing the magic armor any damage he sustains impacts his wallet rather than his hearts in a casual setting this could be very useful in cave of ordeals where one wants to take very little damage and there are plenty of rupees to be found but since we'll be planning to spend the rupees that we collect there rather than using them with the magic armor we won't use it there and in fact we'll never equip the magic armor during the run [Music] now it certainly is a bit of a detour to come all the way here now when we're just going to warp the palace of twilight after rather than coming here and getting this golden wolf on our way into hyrule castle what makes this worthwhile is that great spin unlike so many of the other hidden skills will be extremely useful in combat and we have quite a bit of combat to do in palace of twilight and cave award deals greatspin will save us a lot of time [Music] [Music] uh one minor optimization here is that i'll do a back flip into great spin so that i only knock down these two of the heroes shades that means that this one does not need to stand back up again before beginning the text box now the deal with great spin is that it's only active when link has full health so i'm going to be very careful with my health and palace of twilight and cave war deals and now we finally head to palace of twilight our second or third to last dungeon depending on whether you count cave war deals [Music] [Music] one very subtle difference between 100 and 80 here is that any percent would normally transform into a wolf before entering palace of twilight this would shorten the intro walking cutscene and make it so that midna doesn't need to pop out of link's shadow every time she pops up with a text box but since wolfe does not move that much faster than human in palace of twilight and we're going to be killing the first santa head with great spin anyway transforming 100 doesn't have an advantage over staying human [Music] of the main dungeons in the game palace of twilight is the one that will approach most linearly it has the fewest sequence breaks as every room requires a small key in order to get to the next room and we don't have a way of skipping any of them so we won't be skipping a single room in the entire dungeon and we'll pretty much just be doing the puzzles as intended that said it is still a speedrun we have plenty to optimize and we will see more minor glitches like ljas to cross rooms quickly a recurring enemy in this dungeon is the zan head they're quite easily defeated as human as we can just use one great spin and killing them often spawns the next wave of enemies or a small key chest [Music] these shrouds of twilight mist stuff are unique to this dungeon and they automatically transform link from human into wolf if you enter from his union this zan head spawn location is a bit awkward i'll try to b attack right before the cutscene begins that's pretty good to land near where the chest is going to spawn ideally you'd end up right where the chest is going to spawn because coming out of this cutscene the camera's still looking at this second chest so we can't see like hopefully i'll be able to open the chest without seeing it nice here rather than moving away from the wall a little bit to use the claw shot targets i'll just side hop up the chest and jump slash towards the door the main rng we encounter in this dungeon is just spawn locations for enemies i mentioned that the spawn location was awkward in the last room there are four possible spawn locations for that zen head and this room holds the phantom xanth mini boss fight where phantom's aunt is going to spawn at some location around the room and i need to find him quickly enough that he doesn't have time to fire off an attack or even worse start warping around the room fortunately i only need to find him once in this category because with grit oh my god i forgot that happened this run occasionally zanet will spawn right next to you and it's very convenient as i was saying since we have great spin in hundred percent we can one cycle phantom's ant so we only need to get to him once meaning we only have to deal with a little bit of rng in these mini boss fights progressing through this dungeon requires obtaining this soul this little orb that i'm carrying and another soul that's on the other side of the dungeon in order to get the light sword which will allow us to progress further into the dungeon normally there are separate cutscenes for these stairs rising and for the hand rising that we saw earlier but i threw the sole quickly enough that the cutscenes overlapped [Music] here i need to raise some stairs by throwing the sole into the middle of the room and i'm gonna do some kind of weird movement to do that just because it's a little awkward to get the angle when the socket for the sole is covered by this black twilight stuff so just did a little setup to get the angle right i also pulled the sword out there because if i didn't then mashing a to roll out of the cutscene i might accidentally mortal draw one of the little squibbles i'm gonna do an l slide here while picking up the soul beyond just allowing us to move towards the door while we're grabbing on to the soul this skips a short enemy encounter four squibbles are supposed to fall from the sky there but l sliding into their spawn zone for whatever reason prevents them from spawning because this dungeon is so linear with all the small key doors all the categories that come to this dungeon do it very similarly but 100 we do make this small detour to get a heart piece [Music] this is soul number one of two and now we'll make our way to the other side of the dungeon where the rooms are a little bit harder to get through the sole we just got spawns that rising light platform but it's pretty slow so we're just going to lja over [Music] different twilight princess speedrunners have different names for this upcoming room some of which are quite obscene the one i like is stupid room as this room is very stupid we have a lot of rng to deal with and not very much time to deal with it first off the keys were nice to me there sometimes they really crowd you and block your shot i was able to kill that one easily and then oh i got a nice damn head spawn that zen head can spawn in one of five locations across the room and you have to both react to the spawn location quickly and not fall while you're doing so ideally not sustaining any damage in the process either as i mentioned before great spin is useful for the phantoms and one cycle which saves a lot of time and if we were to take any damage then we wouldn't have great spin anymore [Music] this room doesn't require as precise movement it just has several waves of enemies that could come as a surprise if i didn't know what was coming fortunately i have played this game before a few seconds after this last wave dies a chest spawn cutscene begins and i'm going to try to claw shot up to this target before it does once i claw shot onto the ceiling i can theoretically no scope my shot onto the wall i usually try it i just missed so close getting to the door from this chest is a little awkward as it would normally require claw shutting onto the ceiling or jumping down and transforming so i'm going to do an lj to get there instead for a tas it is faster to claw shot onto the target that i was just doing the lja towards but getting the necessary angle and position for that is a little bit tough it's not tas only by any means but for me it's a little bit faster to lja on average here's the second phantom xan mini boss fight it is virtually identical to the first one if you watch a runner with an input display as i have here you can always tell whether they use headphones or not you can see from mine that i'm preparing to run in circles around the room until i see phantom sand because i'm not using headphones here when i really should be it's possible to hear phantom's ants spawn if you have stereo setup now we get the second soul to bring back to the front of the dungeon to get the light sword raising the stairs here is a little bit different than it was last time i'm going to run towards the socket drop the sole and then delay a roll until right before the cutscene so that i get enough distance to make it onto the stairs [Music] in this room i'm going to run straight you can see on my input display that i am holding the up notch clean [Music] this room houses the second of our two heart pieces for the dungeon i'll do that straight away and then do an awkward jump down to skip some of these side scrolling platforms in order to have enough time to do this without getting smushed by the hand i'm just going to claw shot at three times which causes it to give up hope and we won't have to worry about it i'll have to wait a split second for the platform to come a little bit closer and make the jump down this is the very same stupid room that we saw earlier so i'm just going to kill these keys to get vengeance on them as although they behave themselves very well this run they know what they did to my last run more seriously it's to prevent the keys from knocking the sole out of my hands and also it's a little bit more important than any percent as they're a convenient way to refill on health since those keys drop hearts since i want to get the soul to the central platform as quickly as possible i'm either going to throw or drop it i got the throw okay and then roll over to this platform to start it moving before claw shotting the sole running over the platform with the sole in hand is a lot slower than rolling throwing it was convenient as it put a little bit closer to the platform made it easier to claw shot but getting the throw there is a one framer you might have seen i was mashing for it and if i didn't get it i would have just pressed b to pull out the sword and drop it at the door [Music] and for our efforts we are rewarded with the light sword it is immediately useful for getting through the waterfall that we'll see in just a moment we will use it to activate some souls in the next rooms and it does conveniently one-shot all the twilight enemies [Music] there is a way to skip this waterfall with a super jump off of one of these cargo rocks but with current knowledge the light sword is still required for getting through two rooms later on which is too bad as it would be pretty interesting to skip the entire first half of the dungeon [Music] speaking of super jumps it's possible to bypass the first part of this room with super jump from this ground floor up to the first ledge unfortunately although it is very cool i won't be doing it in this run as this was a pb attempt and that strat only saves a few seconds maximum with good enemy rng as far as i know no one goes for it in pb attempts yet so instead i'm just doing this part as intended raising the steps by putting the soles in the sockets these platforms move pretty slowly so i'll try to save a little bit of time using an lja here here while i'm waiting for the last zen heads to spawn i'll go ahead and activate these souls so that when i come back here to ride the platform after getting the small key i won't have to wait for the platform to form it'll already be there [Music] [Music] oh the fake out and lja is possible here just as we did on the last level to skip writing the platform all the way over but falling on this lja for example if the boomerang were to not go out of bounds would mean writing two more slow platforms and it's just a high risk one in this area there's a sequence of three waves of zen heads to kill and we'll also be getting the boss key from behind the twilight mist waterfall thing the order i'm going to do this in is optimal i'm going to ride this platform over to where the first zan head spawn is then void to get back to the beginning of the room then i'm going to ignore the zen heads that spawn nearby while i go get the boss key so that after i get the boss key the cycle lines up nicely and i can kill that wave of zen heads right after jumping down the challenge of doing this optimally is that the wave of xan heads that'll be down below the boss key will be firing their laser beam thingies at me while i'm trying to claw shot up there so i have a pretty strict time limit on finding the claw shot targets before i miss that optimal cycle you'll see momentarily why aiming at the claw shot target is a challenge um i think i missed the cycle yeah i'm pretty sure i did oh well now i definitely did oh well [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] this is the final room of the long sequence of small key door rooms as we ascend this room we'll have to kill two zan heads in order to spawn the small key chest i'm gonna do something kind of strange here and calm midna but then immediately cancel the call for the duration of that call the timer on the shadow beast that i just killed continued so the shadow beasts fell when they normally would but the platforms up above that i'll be jumping to a little bit later did not continue to move as a result when i'm most of the way through this room i'll be able to make a cycle on a platform that otherwise would have been possible but difficult and the reason that i'm not just going for that possible but difficult cycle is that using the midnight call to delay the platform doesn't actually change how quickly we can clear the room because the zan heads are also on cycles and if i were to make the tough platform cycle without delaying it with the midnight call then i'd have to wait for the last zan head anyway there is a risky strat that saves something like three seconds if done correctly where you would not delay the platform with the midnight call but you would delay killing the zen head that i just killed and that would make this last zen head be on a different part of its cycle when we're able to claw shot over and would give us a tiny amount of time to kill it immediately after claw shotting [Music] here i'll do one last lja to skip part of this platform ride [Music] and this is our final room before the boss key door this room is pretty trivial when you know what's going on there are just waves of shadow beasts that fall and we're just going to try to kill them as quickly as possible i do want to collect two hearts during this so that i have full health going into the zan fight because it is very convenient to have great spin for zan whoops [Applause] now we enter the boss room to fight sand this is a pretty cool boss fight in that it's kind of like a boss rush in that the different phases of the boss fight mirror some of the boss fights and mini boss fights that we've seen prior in the game this boss fight also features some excellent music [Music] [Applause] aside from the final one all the faces in this fight are designed to be completed in two cycles for the most part that's what we'll do but we will be able to game that a little bit in the first phase we'll simply knock sand down with the boomerang and then use great spin two times for our two cycles it is possible to one cycle this phase but it's very finicky and difficult and it sometimes doesn't even save time depending on zan's spawns in this phase i will go for a one cycle after attacking zan for the first time it's possible to delay some further attacks until after the game thinks santa's worked away i'll try to do that here i didn't wait long enough so i didn't get that one cycle that's too bad zan takes some time to spawn in this phase so while we wait i'll do my fish suit dance the idea in this phase is to claw shadzant out of the giant heads and attack him i rolled twice there so i'm as close to the head as possible without getting blown away by the nostrils we'll use mortal draw for this cycle as it's faster than doing the complete combo and we don't have great spin right now since we intentionally took some damage on the last phase but now we'll get a heart so we have great spin again and in the second cycle several zen heads will spawn and we're meant to guess which one houses the real xant turns out he always spawns in the one farthest from length so i'm going to wait on the opposite side of the arena then swim across and as soon as the mouth opens i'm going to try to claw shot him zen would normally try to shoot a whole bunch of those little purple attacks but because i was quick enough he only got to shoot one and i didn't need to wait in this phase zen will be hopping around the totem poles like ook did back in forest temple but fortunately for us zant always hops in the same pattern so you know exactly where he's going and he also always spawns for the second cycle on the central pillar [Music] in this phase we'll need to wait for zan to fall down and then hit his feet with the ball and chain to get him to hop around where we can great spin him a fun fact about this fight is that it is the only required part of the game that requires the ball and chain if it weren't for this fight then our any percent category wouldn't even get the ball and chain it wouldn't go to snow peak at all and it would save a whole lot of time but as far as we know the ball and chain is the only way to make zan vulnerable in this phase this final phase is pretty straightforward so let's just listen to the music so and that is the zen fight that is our second to last boss sequence [Music] [Music] just like in snow peak runes it is possible to collect this heart container with the ball and chain but unfortunately in this case it's slower than using the claw shot [Music] at this point we've been wearing the zora armor for most of the run we put it on at the moorfield fight and haven't taken it off since but here i will put on the hero's clothes and i'll switch to the hylian shield we are gearing up to enter cave of ordeals which is a long sequence of rooms with tons of enemies in them that is not truly a dungeon it doesn't have a dungeon structure or puzzles or a boss but is meant to be just a combat challenge the reason that i swapped shields for this is that if i were to accidentally get the organ shield burned then i would have to go buy a wooden shield from malamart which would be extremely inconvenient and slow and the reason that i swapped tunics is that at various points in capable ordeals it's possible to take both fire and ice damage and those deal extra damage when link is wearing the zora armor health management is a big challenge in cave of ordeals because just like in palace of twilight i want to have great spin but i want to have it through the entire cave and there aren't very many health refills available incidentally the reason that we're entering cave of ordeals at all is that a few floors contain pose we won't actually complete the entire cave because the final reward is just filling a bottle we already have with fairies tears what am i doing oh my that was a very interesting room anyway we'll get to the last floor that has a po on it get the pose soul and then save warp out but we will be doing most of the cave because that final pose on floor 44 of [Music] 50. one other goal in cable ordeals is to collect enough rupees to donate to charlotte for the heart piece in my case that's 800 since i got the 50 in city in the sky earlier i will get 300 guaranteed rupees from dig spots but the rest of the rupees need to come from random enemy drops which will all be nothing one rupee five rupees or 10 rupees [Music] huh [Music] uh in the next room it's possible to just land on a tech tight and it's very annoying hey i didn't land on a tech type [Music] on the last of each set of ten floors in cape of ordeals there is a great ferry and talking to each of them spawns the little bottleable fairies in each of the light spirits springs throughout the game if at this point you've begun to wonder how someone could remember the floors of this cave well enough to anticipate each one the answer is mostly lots and lots of practice i do keep a list of the floors of the cave open while i'm doing runs but i mainly do that in case i lose health so i can look ahead and see where the next heart drops are having to really rely on the list for every floor would be very distracting [Music] whoops [Music] [Music] in this next room i'll try to kill two of the chew worms at a time if they're close enough together oh i kind of went for it but i didn't get quite close enough to the second one at the end of this room i'm going to transform in anticipation of the next room but you'll notice that i delay my transform until all of the bubbles have exploded and i do that because the door opening animation begins after the last enemy has exploded and it can continue during a transformation but if i transform before the last enemy explodes then its explosion will be delayed until after i finish transforming um uh this next room houses the first of the three pose that we came here for the po rooms are some of the most awkward because they're most optimally cleared as human but of course we can only attack the pose with senses on as wolf so we have to avoid the pose in some sometimes awkward ways in order to not sustain damage [Music] the upcoming room contains a lot of chews from which we can get two jellies nice and the one that we saw shining on the ceiling is a rare chew so i'm gonna take out a bottle and collect its jelly it does the same thing as the great fairy tears it doubles link's attack strength for a while so we're going to use it in the beast ganon fight in order to reduce the fight length by one cycle if i had done the argoroc 2 cycle earlier in city in the sky then i would have already used my great fairy tiers and i would need this raritu jelly in order to do the beast canon 2 cycle but because i didn't do that in this run either the chew jelly that i just got or the great fairy tears are really just spare health for cave of ordeals this is the 20th floor so we're almost halfway there kind of the floors get more involved as they go on [Music] huh huh [Music] [Music] [Music] the upcoming room is very satisfying [Music] hmm didn't mean to grab the ledge there i'm going to be pretty careful in this room just because getting too close to the gibdos will make them scream and freeze link and while in this room that isn't too much of a hazard for taking damage it just takes a lot of time this room is mean if you don't know what's coming huh huh [Music] oh that i meant to roll stab the bubble just like i did with that one uh yeah i didn't really do this room right oh well oh ball and chain i guess i did that because i was close enough to the bones that i didn't want to blow myself up link is going to stop moving forwards at the end of this ledge instead of continuing like he normally would link pauses whenever a switch is pressed in this game whether it's him on the switch or something else pressing the switch down and when we get to that ledge the room after this one spawns and in that room two statues are on switches this room features our final use of the dominion rod in the run i'll have to use it to move these two statues off the switches that i mentioned earlier [Music] [Music] this next room is truly brutal if you don't remember what's coming up there is a po and there are four gibdos surrounding it and if we're careful then we can kill all the gibdos while avoiding the po and nothing bad happens but if you're not careful then the gibdos will freeze you oh my oh no okay okay yeah that's working out that was close uh if you're not careful the gyptos will scream and freeze link and then the po will come and whack you and it is not a good time [Music] oh that's the first damage i've taken this cave before deals thankfully this is just the room to do it in as this room has a heart refill there are only two rooms that we do in cable ordeals that have hard refills so that's very convenient [Music] [Music] [Music] this next room has four chilfos in it so i will look down over the ledge to see where they're standing in the room to try to jump in a good place to kill them and to stay safe and i failed to do so that room is unfortunately a lot slower when you don't have great spin anymore but i can use my milk now yes this is milk we have saved since about five and a half minutes into the run hopefully the milk has not spoiled in the past six hours [Music] now on to another tough room this one has four chilfos in addition to two freezers and other assorted ice enemies i'll also look for this one to see where they are [Music] not too bad a start [Music] looks like i'm being very careful with health at the expense of time and it's really a hard trade-off to make decisions about you capable deals because obviously the end goal is to do it all quickly but saving health can make the later floors go quickly that said at this point there are only a few floors left and great spin does not help all that much in them so i wish i had gone a bit faster but that's the whole run isn't it [Music] this next room has two dark nuts and i'll handle them in much the same way that i handled the darknet mini boss in temple of time i'll just have to be careful where i'm slashing them so that one doesn't interfere while i'm fighting the other [Music] once again i'll wait till this one explodes to transform so that while i'm transforming the door opening animation will begin [Music] just four more floors oh yeah well that was just bad aim but this room is kind of awkward because you have to shoot just a little bit behind the armors to kill them if you shoot them head on then they'll just activate and come to life but won't die this room i would normally do with bomb arrows because at this point in cave ordeals i usually wouldn't have full health anymore and honestly i think i'm losing time here by trying to use great spin i've done more testing in this room since i did this run and what i really should have done there is wait for all the bokoblins to chase me to the center of the room and then use greatspin so i wouldn't have to try to chase them around speaking of chasing enemies around i've also since realized that i should probably just use the bow in this room using the sword for these enemies is very awkward and i have plenty of arrows oh no all right that was a pretty rough ending but that is the last room we have to full clear this next room has the final po and we just need the pose so i'm going to avoid the other enemies while i get the soul and then save warp [Music] [Music] with the three pose we just gotten capable or deals we now have 58 pose total we have two more to get and this is one of them the other is in hidden village along with one of our remaining heart pieces so we're about to head there [Music] [Music] there is a postman trigger on the bridge ahead of me so i'm going to run right up to it and then lj over it after calling opponent to ride the rest of the way to hidden village [Music] [Music] yes over to our right is one last grotto to enter for a heart piece this one is unfortunately awkward as i'm going to have to transform into a wolf to enter the grotto and then immediately transform back into a human to kill the stalfos inside it just feels wasteful [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] huh next we have version two of hidden village earlier when we came to hidden village we needed to clear the place of 20 bulblins before we could get the ancient sky book but now we're going to have to talk to 20 cats instead in order to get a heart piece as if talking to 20 cats wasn't playful enough the music is going to be the same as it was on our first pass which i find very funny wow i'm having trouble talking to this cat oh no it's impossible oh it's possible [Music] i do remember finding the sequence pretty tough casually as the goal is to talk to all 20 of the cats but it's not obvious until you talk to a cat again that you've already talked to it it's just hard to keep track thankfully i have studied [Music] [Music] ah the second story cats sometimes fall off of their ledges so i'll have to remember to get that one later [Music] [Music] guys [Music] now that i've talked to all 20 cats and spawned the heart piece i don't want to talk to any more cats because it costs time every time i have an extra conversation no don't get me wrong if it were real life i would want very much to talk to that cat but this is another situation entirely oh no now we'll get our final po this one is a bit tricky as it's on the second story but we really don't want to go up there so it's kind of hard to make it aggro and stay down in such a way that you can attack it but got it eventually and now we are off to castletown to finish the game [Music] here's our final postman skip of the run [Music] and for the final heart piece to get us up to 20 heart containers in the top left corner i will now donate 800 rupees to sharla the beggar 50 rupees at a time [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] it is very common among twilight princess runners to enter the next cutscene by bonking on the door frame let's see whether i get it very nice in this cutscene midna will show off her very cool hat and turn into a squid [Music] this hat of course is made of the fused shadows that we got in our first three dungeons [Music] and this is what finally breaks the barrier that allows us to enter hyrule castle much as it is in wind waker and wind waker hd barrier skip is often something that's talked about as a holy grail of glitch hunting and twilight princess but at least among people running the game it's not exactly very sought after just speaking for myself part of the appeal of speedrunning twilight princess is getting to play a whole lot of the game and while drastically shortening the run with a barrier skip could be very cool it probably wouldn't be as fun now we enter hyrule castle our final dungeon there are no collectibles left to get all we need to do is finish the game this dungeon has several barriers that trap link inside and force him to defeat a bunch of enemies before proceeding we can skip the first of these barriers by using jump strike to delay receiving rookie text and make it through the barrier entirely and we can skip the second of these barriers simply by entering it skipping the cutscene of it forming and then exiting it here's our fourth and final king bolan fight this one is as simple as simply using great spin until he's done [Music] uh similarly to a lot of things we've seen earlier in the run right after the cutscene of king bulban riding away we will see a text box from midna but between those two things there is one frame where the game will accept inputs and on that frame i will attempt to a backflip so that i can save warp while midair and escape that text nice i got it that's hard because there isn't a great visual or audio cue for that one so we just mash for it as a side note if i had missed it i still would have saved warped but i would have just had to sit through the midtext first in a category that didn't skip that first barrier it would have been about equal to just go back afterwards instead of save warping but since i skipped the first barrier i don't have a good way of getting back here without running through it and entering the fight so safe warping is the faster option very similarly to the last barrier skip here i will enter this barrier zone with a jump slash and skip the cutscene midair so that link does not have a chance to walk into it [Music] [Music] in this room it's possible to skip the dark nut fight by the same means we skipped the first barrier i will get a blue ruby out of the suit of armor and then i will use the boomerang to bring it to length while charging a jump strike when the brew rupee reaches length he will automatically start the jump strike but won't receive the text or hit any barriers until he reaches the ground on the opposite side [Music] as we exit this room we will still trigger the fight and interestingly because we never defeat the dark knight this fight music will persist until we go outdoors [Music] ah [Music] [Music] the two dinolfos in this room will go down very easily with bomb arrows [Music] we were able to skip the er alphas and city in the sky but we can't skip this one as we need this last key fortunately we can one cycle the fight with the cunning use of great spins [Music] in this cutscene link will be saved from a certain doom by the resistance and their exploding hawk wow [Music] as far as i know it has never explained why we couldn't have had that rocket launcher a lot earlier [Music] now we enter the final tower ascent in the first room i'm not going to take the intended path across the blocks but by being quick and by taking the right angles i'll be able to make it across anyway [Music] once again cunning use of great spin now i'll skip using the nearby claw shot targets in favor of just doing a more precise shot on a distant one i may have to wait for this spinner cycle i didn't have to wait long if you get on at the wrong time it can be impossible to make it without voiding and now i'll skip this final dark nut with a much easier method of just claw shotting past it [Music] now it is time for the final boss sequence first we'll have puppet zelda followed by beast cannon followed by horseback ganon followed by ganondorf i'm going to want to equip the great fairy tears and the bow in preparation for the beast cannon fight and i always remember to do so here because pulling up the item wheel on the first frame that zelda's boss text appears on the screen will result in a crash and that would be very unfortunate the puppet zelda fight is pure rng what we want her to do is shoot balls of light down at us if she does any other attacks like this one then we cannot damage her we need to hit her with a total of three balls of light over the course of the fight and there's a set pattern to her attacks such that she cannot possibly fire three balls of light in fewer than seven attacks [Music] there is truly nothing for me to be doing in this fight except for waiting so i'm going to make a ford of pots while i do [Music] when i get this attack i will look down at the floor for lag reduction purposes i just don't want the game to load all the particle effects from the triforce attack [Music] [Music] [Music] since i took damage i will break one of my beloved pots here as it is nice to have great spin going into the beast ganon fight [Music] oh no she broke my fort of pots [Music] [Applause] next is the beast ganon fight immediately as this fight starts beast ganon will be charging at us and by shooting them in the forehead with an arrow we can knock them down very quickly [Music] now i'll use mortal draw to quickly finish the first cycle there are several different variations of attacks that beast ganon can do fortunately we won't need to transform into a wolf we'll just need to wait for him to appear go to the opposite side and shoot him again on the forehead [Music] this time before using mortal draw i'll drink the great fairy tears as that will complete both of the remaining cycles at once the penultimate phase of this boss fight is horseback i will ride close to ganondorf so that he swings his sword and becomes vulnerable and then i'll just chase him around the field trying to aim zelda's light arrows at him the awkward part about this fight is just aiming the arrows as zelda shoots straight from where she's sitting so it is pop did i really just do it well uh i guess that's also another awkward part of the fight this is going very poorly normally the only awkward part of the fight is aiming zelda's arrows as she just shoots straight ahead and you can aim them by just aiming opponent various directions but ganondorf likes to juke you a bit this fight is done in three cycles as well and i could have used my remaining rare chew jelly to make that into a two cycle but it saves very little time and i'm not familiar with the strat because ideally i would be using that uh great fairy tears back in the argoroc fight and the chew jelly on beast ganon so i wouldn't have any here so i'll sooner be adding the argarock 2 cycle than the horseback 2 cycle we rapidly approach the end of the game ganondorf will now tell us his desire i wonder what it is oh foul blade blot out the light okay got it the very final fight in the game with ganondorf is staggeringly easy if you know what to do all i need to do is get behind him so he gets confused do a combination jump attack plus spin attack to knock him down repeat two more times and then finish [Music] there you have it twilight princess 100 in six hours 27 minutes and 38 seconds this run was a personal best though at the time of recording this voiceover i have already beaten it and hope to take it down quite a bit further in the future if you have any questions i would be happy to answer them please post them in the comments or you can find me on twitch toodles
Channel: bewildebeest
Views: 357,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hy8j8zD3Xmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 388min 7sec (23287 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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