【2023 commentary】Twilight Princess 100% (new route + world record)

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hello I am wildebeest and this is my 2023 update for Twilight Princess 100 a lot has changed in the past year or so since I released my first commentary on the category I've developed and Incorporated new strats improved the route and generally improved at the game lowering the world record by eight and a half minutes there are a lot of changes throughout the run and I'm excited to go over them I'll go over the requirements for 100 in a minute but because the intro cutscene is skippable the gameplay has already begun this category begins differently for most other categories of Twilight Princess in that instead of grabbing the Rock and doing the clip through the gate to do back in time I'm rolling over to Epona and we'll complete the introductory days of warden Village the reason for this is that making a back in time save would lock us out of several early game items the bottle the slingshot the fishing rod the Orton sword and shield and the Orton portal all of which are required for 100 so we're going to have to do some goat herding on the way back to the main village I tried to get some RNG rupees from the grass to help pay for the slingshot later but none appeared so I'll have to back that up in a bit let's now go over the requirements for 100 we'll need to get all the hearts meaning all the boss's heart containers and all 45 heart pieces in the game I'll have to fill out the item wheel including upgrades such as bomb capacity and the coral earring for the fishing rod though not including temporary items like uku or the invoice or memo lastly I'll need to fill out the pause screen which means beating the first three dungeons for the fused Shadows beating the next four for the mirror shards getting all the equipment that's tunics Shields and swords getting all seven hidden skills all 24 golden bugs opening all warp portals getting all 60 post holes upgrading the wallet to Giant capacity and the same for the quiver and at least filling the slots on the menu for the scents the letters from the postman and the fishing Journal note that this means that I don't need to get all the sense in the game get all 16 letters or completely fill out the fishing Journal our rules only require filling the slots on the menu during the requirements overview I hearded the first 10 goats of the 50 that I'll be hurting over the course of the whole run and thus have completed Orden day one Day 2 begins in Link's house and the goals for this sequence are to get the items in Orton Village which are the fishing rod the bottle and the slingshot as well as to get the fishing journal on the pause screen before saving tallow again the slingshot is going to cost 30 rupees so because I didn't get an RNG blue rupee worth 5 from the grass earlier I'll get this guaranteed one beneath a rock instead as you may have guessed by now the fastest form of movement as human link without any items is rolling which maxes out at a speed of 32.9 in-game distance units per frame however rolls can only Reach This Max Speed when they're on flat ground and Link already has some speed before beginning the roll rolls from a standstill or on a slope either up or down will be at slower speeds for reference a roll on flat ground from a standstill is only 25 speed so you'll notice if you watch my roles that I'll often run before beginning to roll or run between roles just to attain max speed on the next roll I've tried to face link directly towards the monkey when picking up this hot grass so that I won't need to aim side to side after the cutscene and I was indeed able to release the hawk right away [Music] and I will now return Uli's cradle to her for the reward of one fishing rod Lulu does walk home pretty slowly but fortunately for us it's not necessary to wait for her there are a good number of rupees scattered around Orden and two yellow rubies on top of Uli's House are very convenient so I'll jump off her mailbox and onto a roof to get them and then run away before she calls the police Midway through the jump I'll get the fishing rod out into Link's hand because there's a short animation that plays of him pulling it out of his pouch and I can save the length of time that animation takes by going through in midair when I couldn't be doing anything else anyway now to get the bottle in the slingshot I will need to fish two fish out of this Pond there's RNG here in the size of the fish and how quickly they bite the fish can be either 10 inches or 11 inches long and if the second fish is larger than the first one then there's an extra text box fortunately my first fish was 11 inches so I won't be getting that I want a shout out here one of the few RTA viable tricks that I don't go for in this run a trick called cat Warp I had to roll pretty much all the way across the village to get to this fishing spot next to the cat that's going to take the fish but the cat starts following link around the village after he's gotten one fish if he has the fishing rod out the gets activation range can extend far enough to catch link on the other side of the pond and make the cat teleport to him which saves time on Link's movement and this cutscene as the cat doesn't have as far to go to the cat flap problem is that the game applies an RNG based multiplier to the distance between link and the cat to determine whether the cat should be activated this multiplier makes it impossible to activate the cat from across the pond about half the time and going for cab warp in the first place requires a substantial enough investment of time that backing up a case of bad RNG would be a significant time loss warped or not the cat has returned to Sarah's shop and in return I get the bottle of milk and the ability to buy the slingshot lastly before leaving the shop I'll make a save because the properties of a save file in this state of warden Village will be useful for a glitch later on in the Forest Temple which I'll explain when we get there [Music] Russell seeing that link has now helped the villagers will offer him a carefully crafted wooden sword that he is so kindly placed in a chest in Link's house which we will of course completely ignore in order to go fast what one would do here in a casual playthrough is go inside get the wooden sword come back out and go through the sword and slingshot tutorials with the kids which would then open the gate to farron obviously that takes a fair amount of time and even though this is 100 we don't actually need the wooden sword to fulfill the requirements because the Wooden Sword and the Orden sword take up the same slot on the pause screen and we will be getting the ordinance sword later so what we can do instead to save that time is bring Duane the rock all the way over to the gate and use Dwayne to get some extra height on our side hop which gets link stuck inside the gate where he can then Bonk out into farron being swordless and Farren turns out not to be a huge deal but it will make a couple of things awkward in a few minutes in routing 100 we generally tend to avoid Galloping across Hyrule Field for extended periods of time as there are usually better ways to get around so we won't see too much of opponent in this run but link can't jump this fence by himself so here she is she'll get her time in the spotlight during the wagon escort and after Temple of Time here I'm timing my last spur on oppona so I can Mash a to talk to Koro without accidentally dashing past him hey Coro here I'm going to time my last roll to begin just before the wooden sword animation I mentioned before that rolling from a standstill and rolling on a slope will slow link down and in this case both were true so I tried to leave as little movement as possible for after link had been stopped by the cutscene similarly after swinging the lantern to burn the webs in this cave I'll quickly run in a circle just so that when the web is gone I'll already have some speed and my first roll will be a little faster this section of the run is pretty densely packed with RNG in this cave for example the keys can decide that link doesn't deserve the heart piece yet and knock him down every time he tries to climb up to it fortunately I got pretty lucky here one key seems to have been on vacation and the other hit me way too early to knock me down I did however fail to put my Lantern away before climbing which is not a big deal but it just means I'll have to kind of awkwardly stop while I'm rolling in the next area foreign day two all we have left to do is to save Tallow and the monkey from the cage this is the part where it becomes kind of awkward that we don't have a sword the cage was definitely designed to be broken by the sword but thankfully the Goblins clubs can also damage the cage what I'll have to do is manipulate the goblin so that they're facing the cage and will swing at it and hope that they break it quickly the cage has eight bars to be broken and a horizontal swing from the Goblins will usually hit one of the bars but a vertical swing when aimed correctly can hit up to three that was a pretty fast cage break and now all I have to do is kill the goblins with the slingshot and I'm set with the goblins close together and shooting from the correct position it's possible to get double hits with the slingshot as we just saw [Music] now that may have looked awkward to execute because it was but in the category any percent no save and quit you wouldn't even have the slingshot there that means that after getting the coblins to break the cage the runners have to then push the bakoblins all the way across the area into Trill shop where Trill will then Peck them to death the slingshot in general is not a very useful item I'm going to fire two more seeds from it over the course of the entire rest of the run but it is pretty nice to have it there it's now time for round two of goats where I need to herd 20 of them instead of only 10 like I did before I was busy talking about the requirements for 100 during goats one but it works essentially the same way as goats too the goats always start off in the same starting locations and facing the same directions but how they react to link is RNG sometimes they'll run really quickly and sometimes they run slowly and sometimes they'll hear Link's whoops from far away and other times they will only hear him when he's very close to them this unfortunately makes it pretty hard to herd the goats consistently quickly a few people including myself have heard of the 20 goats in under 16 seconds before but as you can see I didn't get quite as good a time this time the best task time for goats 2 on the other hand is just under 14 seconds in a lot of Twilight Princess speedrunning category is wrestling bow for the iron boots comes right after goats too this isn't the case for 100 just like in a casual playthrough we'll only be able to wrestle bow for the iron boots after taming oppona after beating Eldon Twilight the only reason that some categories can do that is because the back in time save that they make at the beginning of the Run has the Epona tamed flag set which puts Beau in the correct state for wrestling again we can't make it back in time save at the beginning of 100 because it locks us out of some items but you can see how convenient it would be to be able to get the boots right then and there as much as I love the cutscenes in this game it is so so nice from a speedrunning perspective that most of them are skippable with just two start presses some cutscenes still aren't skippable but even this pretty Central one of getting conked on the head and turned into a wolf is the fact that the very first cutscene is skippable means that we gain control of Link after just over 9 seconds in a speed run here we have a span of a few seconds where the player is meant to struggle against wolf Link's chain not getting anywhere until being set free by midnight in the next cutscene but with some carefully timed B attacks it's actually possible to break this box in the corner before the cutscene begins this just saves the tiny amount of time it would have taken to break the box now after the cutscene you'll be able to see at the end of this digging animation that there's a small Frame Window where I can turn wolf link before the Fade Out to the cutscene begins there's nothing useful I can do in that particular window but all over the game there are little Windows like that between animations and cutscenes or cutscenes and other cutscenes or text boxes and other text boxes and so forth where it's possible to give an input and actually save some time the amount of time saved depends on the context in just a minute we'll see a few examples where a frame perfect input can save a second or two but later on there's a frame perfect input between two text boxes that will allow us to enter Goron mines there are alternatives but this fastest route does not work without that frame perfect input so they can be pretty important this sewer sequence is our introduction to Wolf link and it's kind of a tutorial area wolf link movement does have some nuances to it but for the most part we just want to be at dash speed as much as possible what makes this non-trivial at least in some cases is that once wolf link dashes there is a timer that must run down before he's allowed to dash again and if the dash is interrupted by falling off a ledge or running into a wall over 10 frames into the dash then wolf link is left at walking speed for the remainder of that timer however if the dash is canceled within 10 frames of its initiation then wolf link will be able to dash again immediately afterwards so in jumping off of that platform just now I pressed B to do an attack immediately after beginning the dash thus canceling the dash and allowing me to dash again immediately after landing on the ground here I'll talk to him into ones from just outside her cutscene trigger before hitting the trigger this reduces the amount of time that I need to wait for text boxes the game does require you to miss this jump once before it'll teach you the mid to jump if I'd done it in such a way that wolf link didn't touch the water upon Landing then I could have skipped that ugh what are you doing text box from midna unfortunately I must bear her judgment midna jumps that are preceded by text boxes are a very common example of what I mentioned earlier about there being one frame for input between one thing and another thing where an input can save time in this case pressing a on that frame will cause link to do the jump while mitna is flying away saving the length of the animation we'll see an example of that on this jump [Music] the text box after this load is also skippable with a frame perfect input that I unfortunately missed and there will be one more frame perfect jump to attempt on our way to meeting Zelda foreign here it comes rats having just met Zelda there's only a little bit left to do in ordin before we can make our way to fahren the next area of the game the remaining tasks are to get the Orton Shield ordin Sword and the Orton portal earlier I skipped the wooden sword because the ordin sword is going to take the same inventory slot so it didn't matter towards the 100 requirements and it would have just cost time to get similarly the Orton shield and the wooden Shield that can later be obtained fill the same slot on the inventory and at a glance it seems like it might be faster to skip the ordin shield and to just fill that slot with the wooden Shield later on however this isn't possible in 100 because the mid attacks after getting the ordin shield is what makes the ordin sword appear and the mid attacks after the ordin's sword is what makes the Orton warp portal appear which of course is required oh oh since my last commentated video I did add one optimization on the way to the origin Shield instead of using midna to get the jump onto the roof I'll just make the jump myself and then jump off getting it first and second try is twice as good as just getting it first try right right anyway the angle for the jump is moderately precise and unfortunately I did still need to go watch that cutscene with Beau talking about the shield before making that jump because that ledge just isn't grabbable until after that cutscene [Music] between the animation of Link walking away from the shield and the mid to text afterwards there is one frame where I couldn't put a jump attack if I really wanted to but again it's not obtaining the origin Shield that makes the origin sword spawn it's the midnight text afterwards so if I were to do that and then just leave without ever hitting the mid to trigger then I could go to where the sword is supposed to be and it just wouldn't be there foreign ly here there is one frame for input between the sword text box and the midnight text however because of the way wolf link movement works there isn't anything that I could input that wouldn't just cause me to Bonk right back onto that midday trigger so that one at least to safe here there's RNG both in where the chicken is standing and where Russell is standing with his torch so it can be treacherous trying to Dash and not talk to either of them finally we reached the Orton spring where the portal will spawn I will need to come back to Orden later on in the run to get a hidden skill the iron boots and a heart piece so this portal will at least see one use there will be one portal later on that I'll have to get but will never actually use foreign [Music] the secondary of the game that will allow us to open up the map a little bit more the three main areas of Twilight Princess Faron Eldon and laneru all begin with a Twilight section where I'll need to get Tears of Light by killing bugs scattered around the map designed to make the player explore the area completing each Twilight isn't itself a requirement for 100 but it is a prerequisite for other things that are required so I will be completing all three much like I was required to fail the jump earlier in sewers I will be required to fail the shadowbeast fight once so that middle will teach me the mid to charge attack the requirement for winning the portal fights is just that no Shadow Beast can be Left Alive by itself so with the mid to charge attack I can kill the last two Shadow beasts with the same attack and then win the fight each shadowbeast fight is essentially a puzzle of aggro ranges and if you know where the shadow beasts will let you lure them then you can solve the puzzle I'll now talk to the fair and Light Spirit for the fair and vessel and that will allow me to collect the tears and clear the Twilight though if you've ever seen a Twilight Princess speedrun before you know that I'm going to do a little bit more exploration then the game really intends me to during this Twilight right off the bat there are two bugs right next to each other that are easily killed with one attack and instead of collecting The Tears of Light from them now I'm going to get them later this is because I'm going to backtrack through this area later anyway and if I wanted to collect the tears now I would have to wait out the bug explosion animation likewise for this bug I will be getting the tier as soon as I leave coro's house but instead of waiting for the tier right now I'll just come back for it [Music] after link kills these two bugs Coral will try to talk to him again but only if we have senses on so I'm going to turn senses off right as I kill the bugs to skip the text box thanks Cora is just so inviting it's sometimes hard to leave his house you know my bank quota now fulfilled I'll come back to collect this tier that has become fully formed and collectible in my absence speaking of the tears becoming collectible the bugs will only stay dead on an area reload if they've exploded by the time link reaches a load zone so I intentionally delayed reaching that load Zone just to make sure that the book would explode first thank you [Music] like the bugs in and around Cora's house these bugs are not going to be on my path when I'm backtracking through this area so I will wait and collect the tears now [Music] oh [Music] these next bugs will be on my path back but this cutscene puts them underground where they're kind of a pain to get and when I come back later they'll be above ground so I'm just going to leave them for now and now just 25 minutes into the run we're coming up on one of the biggest sequence breaks in all of Twilight Princess speedrunner as I enter this Portal fight I'll run around to the left side of the Arena to lure the shadow Beast over and then bring them to a good spot on the wall where I can try to get a super jump off of his swing and land up on the out of bounds area unfortunately the shadow Beast has two kinds of swings and only one will work for the trick I got two bad swings and then failed the super jump on the third one so I'll have to just kill one Shadow Beast to reset the fight and try again there we go and now that I'm up here it's very simple to just jump down to the entrance to the sacred grove where I'll be able to get the master sword early and of course this being 100 while I'm here I'll also howl at the stone which will spawn a golden wolf in castletown one Trend in recent developments in this category that I've really enjoyed is that we just keep finding more and more uses for hidden skills in older routes the golden wolf spawned by this howling Stone wouldn't even be reached until very very late in the run but now hidden skills are more of a priority so we'll be seeing this wolf in about two hours [Music] [Music] thank you foreign back to the main sequence break here we're going to be entering the secret Grove about 27 minutes into the Run having set foot in a whopping zero dungeons for reference the sacred grove would only become accessible in a casual setting after beating the first three Dungeons and Midas desperate hour the first thing I'll do upon entering the sacred grove is make a save much like the save I made earlier in Orden this save will be used later on for a glitch the way it works is that when link howls at this howling Stone to start the Skull Kid chase the game sets a flag marking that link is in a boss sequence this is known as the boss flag and when it's set it has a number of effects on minibos and boss sequences most notably for this category miniboss and the boss intro cutscenes will not play when the flag is set I'll briefly interrupt this explanation to point out the quick climb that I just did on certain Ledges it's possible to climb so that link tries to climb out of bounds and the game forces him back in which abridges his climbing animation anyway the thing about the boss flag that's important for Speed runs is that after it's set it can be preserved so that it can be used in unintended places and can even be preserved across file loads so later on in the run when I need to skip a mini boss intro cutscene I'll just load the file that I just saved how let the stone to set the boss flag then reload my file in the dungeon and the cutscene will be skipped like sorry after this cutscene I'll time a dash to occur right as wolf link leaves the ledge so that he can make it all the way to the land without Landing in the water [Music] [Music] I'll go for a minor optimization here where I'll try to attack Skull Kid in such a way that wolf link falls to the ground during the cutscene link is invisible during the cutscene but we'll be able to tell whether it worked based on where skull kid looks Skull Kid looked down near the ground so link is on the ground too foreign [Music] fight with skull kid I'll need to hit him three times and he'll only become vulnerable after I've killed at least one of the puppets ideally on each cycle I'll kill exactly one puppet because each hit on a puppet results in five completely stagnant frames of hitstun effect while waiting for Skull Kid to become vulnerable I can look around for rupees and skulls at this point in the Run rupee count is not very important but if there are rupees that I can get without wasting any time then I will go for them [Music] [Music] thank you the only obstacle left standing between me and the master sword is this very difficult puzzle but thankfully I've played this game a few times before and I've memorized the solution by now much like the one frame windows for input that I mentioned earlier for every jump link makes during this puzzle there is a two Frame Window where the game will accept inputs and there's nothing useful that we can do in these particular two frame windows so I'm just trying to press the x button during them so that the screen will Flash true and now just 31 minutes into the run I already have the master sword the sequence break is exceptionally useful for quite a few reasons foremost among them being that I can now transform between human and wolf whenever I want and warp even outside of Twilights this will save quite a bit of time on Overworld movement having the master sword will also allow us to enter lake bed Temple early without the Zora armor and obtaining the claw shot and the lake bed Temple uku early will make the route a little faster on top of this and perhaps most obviously the master sword is also useful for combat without getting the master sword early link would be equipped with the ordin sword for the first three Dungeons and the master sword deals double the damage that the ordin sword does which will definitely come in handy especially for shortening miniboss and boss fights now there is one pretty important downside to having the master sword early for 100 having the master sword breaks the Death Mountain sumo wrestling event that is supposed to let link enter the Goron mines this used to be a major hurdle for 100 routing but with a glitch called text displacement that was found in 2018 we can now circumvent this issue pretty easily I'll explain more about that when we get there in about an hour as a side note there is a sacred grove warp portal that I'm going to need to open eventually but unfortunately I can't right now because the Grove isn't in the correct State we refer to the Grove's starting state where we do the first Skull Kid Chase and fight and where we can pick up the master sword as Grove one after beating snow peak ruins which is when we're meant to go to Temple of Time the Grove State will change to Grove too where there's a different Skull Kid Chase and fight there are pose to collect and it's possible to open the sacred grove wart portal and enter Temple of Time um [Music] by the time I did the super jump for early Master Sword I had made it up to the north fahren portal area unfortunately I couldn't open that portal while doing the super jump if I had somehow ericked it so that I killed the last two Shadow beasts and got a super jump off of it then the cutscene afterwards would still have warped me back down to the ground this means that to return to fair and Twilight I will need to warp to South Faron and do that backtracking that I mentioned earlier where I can collect all the tears that I left along the way when learning a category of Twilight Princess it's always interesting to look at the fair end routing there are some categories that don't do the fair in Twilight at all such as any percent some categories like 100 do the entire Twilight with early Master Sword in the middle finishing up with the two bugs right outside Forest Temple before warping back to get ending blow there are also examples of categories like all fused Shadows that do need to complete the Twilight but don't need ending below so after killing the last two bugs that category enters for a sample does part of it comes back out and then finishes the Twilight by collecting the tears Goron mines RTA has another variation because it never needs to enter Forest Temple it collects those last two tiers before Forest Temple kind of in the middle of the Twilight and uses the two tiers that are closest to the fair and spring as the final ones to speed up my backtracking in this area I can transform and use the lantern to avoid voiding out in the purple mist afterwards I'll encounter the digging bugs that I skipped earlier only this time they won't be dug underground so I'll be able to kill them easily and get a yellow Rippy while I'm waiting for the tears to become collectible morning I now enter the North Fair and portal arena for the second time only this time I'll actually kill the shadow beasts and now the only two tiers remaining in the fair and Twilight are the two right outside the Forest Temple oh by standing in a particular spot I can get the two bugs to align themselves so I can kill them with one leg of a charge attack then because I have the master sword while I'm waiting for the bugs to explode I can transform and burn the web blocking Forest Temple so that later when I want to enter Forest Temple I don't need to wait for the web to burn another upside of transforming a human here is that it will allow me to at least attempt to skip some midnight texts with a one frame backflip nice that backflip saved something like five seconds in this category one result of having completed fair and Twilight is that the golden wolf in front of the Forest Temple has now spawned so I'll now warp to North Theron to get the hidden skill from it and then enter Forest Temple as the first dungeon of the Run now that we're getting into dungeons I'd like to take a moment to give an overview of the entire route with current knowledge at least the nine dungeons in the game serve as a pretty rigid skeleton for 100 routing while in general it is possible to use glitches to complete the dungeons in this game out of order doing so in most cases will lock us out of something that is required for 100 for example it would be pretty easy to complete snow peak ruins before any of the other dungeons but doing so before completing arbiter's grounds would mean that ashay wouldn't spawn meaning that we couldn't get the corally ring from Alice and that is required as a fishing rod upgrade delaying beating Forest Temple or Goron mines wouldn't strictly lock us out if anything for 100 but we'd have to go pretty far out of our way to do it and it wouldn't save any time so the dungeons in this run will be completed in the intended order Forest Temple Goron mines lake bed Temple Arbiters grounds snow peak ruins Temple of Time City in the sky a palace of Twilight and finally Hyrule Castle in my opinion the more interesting and creative part of 100 routing lies between the dungeons where we do Overworld collection for things like heart pieces golden bugs and pose all while preparing to get to the next dungeon the main challenge in these collection sequences is that many pose in the game can only be collected at night time and this game doesn't have a quick and easy way to swap between day and night so we'll see some tight in-game time routing later especially after Midnight's desperate hour and Temple of Time anyway I've now learned ending below the first of the seven hidden skills this skill is by far the least useful except in that it's required to finish the game the very final input on Ganondorf requires ending blow otherwise I don't intend to use it at all in the Run and now it's time to enter the Forest Temple where I'll use back in time for the first and only time in this run back in the sacred grove I mentioned the boss flag and how it interacts with mini boss and boss cutscenes the boss flag conveniently also controls how many monkeys I have in the Forest Temple instead of going around the dungeon and saving the monkeys if I just set the boss flag to the right value then I'll have plenty of them the fastest way for me to do that will be to make this save in Forest Temple so I can come back and then execute back in time voiding out out of bounds and resetting on the same frame so that I spawn on the title screen if I now load a file with specific properties while link voids out on the title screen then I can wrong warp into the King boblin fight skipping the King boblin fight intro cutscene while resetting the game will set the boss flag and preserve it so that when I load my file back in the Forest Temple it is set and I have some monkeys this is the reason that I made the save in Sarah's shop about six minutes into the run that save had the right properties for the wrong Warp now with the main stick of the Forest Temple being that you have to go around and save the monkeys I've essentially skipped the entire first half of it all I need to do is make my way to the mini boss this to me at least is very reminiscent of how back in time is used in Skyward Sword runs enter a dungeon due back in time skip most of the dungeon and then finish it thankfully back in time in Twilight Princess is not nearly as powerful as it is in the Skyward Sword so this won't be ubiquitous in fact this is the only time that this will happen in the run though what happens in the first half of lake bed is kind of similar and of course with this being 100 I still do need to do the second half of the dungeon to get the heart pieces and the boss key before fighting dayababa thank you [Music] voila monkeys interestingly while using ebf to skip a boss cutscene we'll clear it so that it can't be used again using it to get the monkeys here did not clear it so I actually won't have an intro cutscene when I get to dayababa another note about movement and roll speeds after this monkey chain I'll walk a little bit before rolling and I'll roll before targeting rather than doing a targeted role targeting while rolling is a good way to orient the camera but doing a targeted role as the first roll in the chain will always set that roll's speed to 25 rather than the maximum of 32.9 even if you're running first furthermore while being late for chaining untargeted roles does not reduce link speed being late for changing targeted roles does reduce link speed so that every roll is only 25 speed the number of times ook hopped around the arena was RNG and now I can one cycle him because I have the master sword again the game expects you to have the ordin sword here and it's not possible to one cycle with that RNG in this game can theoretically be pretty brutal in the cases of ook the fishing bottle armagoma and Zelda which are all pretty significant RNG components of the Run there's actually no cap on how long each one can take theoretically ook could still be hopping I could never get the fishing bottle Zelda would give me an infinite number of cycles and so forth obviously that never happens but it can be pretty bad myug RNG here was just fine the forest Temple's dungeon item is the boomerang and the boomerang is very powerful in speed runs when link is targeting anything in the game that's targetable including enemies or the boomerang or some objects and does a jump attack the jump attack speed is determined by the height difference between what Link's standing on and what the targeted object is over if the targeted object is overground higher than Link's feed or over a void then link will get a very high speed jump attack up to 72 speed we call these long jump attacks or ljas it can be hard to make this useful with enemies or other objects but since we can Target the boomerang and through the boomerang wherever we want the boomerang gives us the power to lja all over the place and ljas can clear gaps that link is not normally meant to clear among other things back to the run I save warped after getting the boomerang because exiting Luke's room normally is very very slow in this game save warping will always bring you back to the beginning of a dungeon but death warping is far less powerful in that it only brings you back to the beginning of the room that you died in intentional deaths as a result are extremely uncommon in speedruns of this game I could have done some of the collection in the dungeon before getting the boomerang but it's much faster with it so now I'll enter The West Wing of the dungeon for the two hard pieces another subtle piece of movement Tech is the targeted diagonal walk that I'll do before I begin rolling in this room which gets me up to full speed a little bit faster than just running by bouncing the boomerang off the stairs in just the right way I can pick up the bomb line quickly then throw it across to blow up the Rock and initiate an lja right before the cutscene so I cross the Gap during the cutscene unfortunately I missed that jump attack once it only saves about half a second over climbing there's a key in the Caged monkey in this room but I can completely ignore them because of the glitch I did earlier and just throw the boomerang to extinguish this torch and get the heartbeats [Music] to blow up the Deku like in this room that's guarding the heart piece you're meant to use a bombling that's close to the Deku like but the one that's farther away from it is a little more convenient if I pick it up with the boomerang in the right way then it has just enough time on its fuse that I can throw it to the deck you like and jump down during the cutscene if you were to just pick up the bomb link normally then it wouldn't have enough time on the fuse and would blow you up before you get there the boomerang Strat works because bombs timers get reset when they're in the boomerang and this is going to be really important for the boss fight these two heart pieces are the Only Collectibles in this dungeon so now I'll make my way to the boss key and then to the boss laughs the game kind of intends for you to go all the way around the room to get to the boss key but I can take this shortcut to get there a little faster and by standing in this not too precise position I can Target just three of the four fans but still hit all four of them saving a little bit of time on the boomerangs movement thank you [Music] getting to diaba's room normally requires saving a few more monkeys and the monkeys that I gave myself with the early boss flag glitch only counted towards the four that are required for getting to oog but with the help of some pretty cinematic Boomerang ljas I'll be able to skip the monkeys entirely thank you foreign I can do a short decidedly uncinematic lja to just skip climbing the step when I timed that it saved a few frames so I go for it this is the room where the monkeys are meant to help out by providing link with a long chain to swing on to the boss door but since a lot of the floor of this room is a void I can use that for an LJ over to these mushrooms pop up from mushroom to mushroom and then LJ to the boss storm I targeted for that last lja because While most of the room's floor is avoid there are a few routes or branches spreading out from the tree that do have collision and doing a jump attack while the boomerang is over these would not give very much speed at all applying the boss flag to getting monkeys for ook doesn't fully clear it so when I entered diaba's room the fight has already started there's no intro cutscene in the diabet the player is meant to Boomerang these freestanding bomblings into the Boba heads for phase one and then in phase two wait for UK to come and provide more bomblings to hit the main diab ahead with waiting for Luke takes a while though so what I'll do instead is boomerang these two bomblings leave them in a specific spot on the ground and then use this third bomb link to kill the bobble head there was just enough time on the two bombings timers that they didn't explode before this cutscene began and if immediately after the cutscene I get them in the boomerang to refresh their timers and then do a bit of juggling I'll be able to use those two bomblings to quickly get through the two cycles of phase two [Music] [Music] that trick is called ooklis and it's very satisfying to perform it was made a little bit easier by my having the master sword instead of the Orton sword but it still would have been possible with the Oregon sword [Music] now it seems pretty intuitive that the Forest Temple the first dungeon in the game would be the first one that we beat in 100 there was a route idea I toyed around with though that delayed beating Forest Temple until later on it is a little bit faster to do the second half of forest temple with bomb arrows and the claw shot but the main reason I was considering delaying it is that beating Forest Temple sets the in-game time to noon one of the main routing concerns for Overworld collection later will be how to spend enough in-game daytime to advance to night time so that it's possible to collect Overworld pose and doing that efficiently can be difficult the idea was to return to Forest Temple later to beat it and set time of day to noon when at that point in the run it would normally be 6 am but delaying beating the dungeon had too many ramifications and was ultimately slower [Music] in the next half hour or so of the run I'll be opening up the Overworld by unlocking warp portals and beating the Elton and the neighbor twilights there will be some collection and even dungeon work mixed in with that but my first task is just to get to Eldon thankfully because I already have the master sword in this category I can Dash there as wolf which is quite a bit faster than rolling there as human as you would have to do in a glitchless run or Twilight Princess HD run hey Coro wolf dash speed varies by area in the game an area I just left it maxed out at 33 which is a little bit faster than human rolling but less affected by slopes and in this area as you can see wolf link is going a little bit faster his speed is maxed out at 45 quite a bit faster than rolls foreign [Music] to the entrance to Eldon I'm going to run along this wall on the right so that I can skip the postman trigger that blocks the way I'll do that with a boomerang LJ from right next to the trigger on the ground if I throw the boomerang here it'll curve back to me out of bounds and when it's out of bounds it's over a void so I can get a long jump attack as I mentioned earlier I don't need to get every piece of mail in the game so I will be doing quite a few Postman skips I need to see the postman a minimum of one time in the run so that I can get the post bag on the pause screen and in this route we see the postman exactly once if that's the part of the Run you're most excited for then get comfortable because it happens over four hours into the Run I've just entered the Elden Twilight as Wolf the game expects you to be human here so in this cutscene I'll start off as human again and then transform into a wolf again laughs my first task in Elden Twilight will be to avoid getting the youth scent that that cutscene was advertising I do not want to sniff any youths next I can Dash over to this Arena and kill the shadow beasts to open up the gorge portal this Portal fight is a special one because after the cutscene of the portal opening some midnight text will pop up that will force us to warp back to fahren and will give us the ability to map warp however as is often the case there is one frame of control between the two cutscenes and you could hear that I just didn't attack on that frame in 100 this attack is completely pointless I just did it for practice but in some other categories such as any percent that one frame is used to do a jump attack into the gorge to void out before Midas text pops up that trick is called Gorge void and for routing reasons in any percent it saves about a minute to do it in 100 though it is fastest to use this forced warp as the game intends to warp this bridge from North farron to the Gorge I mentioned that that midnight text also granted map warping that just means that instead of pressing Z to call midna to warp I can use the d-pad to open the map and do it which is a little bit faster in most cases and will be important for some tricks later on in the Run foreign [Music] to get the Elden vessel and start the Twilight I'll first need to open the kakariko village portal [Applause] hey guys just as in the Faron Twilight There are 16 tiers that I'll need to collect from Bugs scattered around the map and I'll even have another awkward jump to do a few minutes in this time to skip the bomb house sequence in a casual playthrough getting to the bugs in the basement of the sanctuary means doing some mid to jumps up a tree and then onto the top of the sanctuary to fall in then light some torches and then finally get to the basement but since I have the master sword I can simply transform into human and side hop down this well to get down there I killed the graveyard bug and made sure to wait for it to explode before entering the well loading zone so that when I go back out to the graveyard the tear will already be fully formed and collectible second leg of that charge attack was not supposed to miss the bug but I guess it worked out [Music] foreign if I do a b attack to Bonk on the left wall and Target repeatedly then the bug will come down to me which is very convenient both because I can kill the bug easily and because if the bug dies elsewhere then the tear likes to fly away as far from the load Zone as possible time for the Tactical fence Bonk nailed it the fastest way for me to kill the bug in the fireplace will be for me to light the fireplace and then stand just to the left of it that'll make the bug land on the floor instead of up on the platforms up above instead of waiting for this bug to explode I'll go over here and bonk on the counter which will dislodge the second floor bug from the wall so that when I get up there I can kill it right away while waiting for this tier to form I can knock down the stressor to get 10 free rupees which I side hop over to skip the text box then collect the tier then head back to the first one lastly I can replace a little bit of climbing with jumping on these platforms the contents of the boxes in this abandoned house are RNG and one of them can drop a yellow Ruby or a blue one so I'll jump attack just in case I need to skip a text box thank you by jump attacking this bug's dresser from the right place I can get the bug to spawn in a convenient location for me to collect the tier right next to the load Zone thank you the next years to collect are the ones in the bomb house the player is meant to see a bug screwing into the bomb house and follow it in then inadvertently light the house on fire and escape with a kind of long cutscene to skip that what I'll do instead is do a pretty precise jump onto this railing and then over to the other side from there I'll be able to kill the bug before it enters the bomb house the bomb house will then skip the entire burning and blowing up cutscene and we'll just have the tears in it this saves something like 40 seconds over doing it normally there is an easier version of the skip too I could have transformed into human and used the boomerang to do a long jump attack over the Gap then transformed back into wolf to kill the bug but that version of the trick is about 4 seconds slower there are quite a few bugs and Twilights that are invincible in certain positions and this bug is Invincible until it leaves the corner unfortunately it sometimes takes a while to do that this is partially RNG and partially in the player's control and I actually meant to do a setup that would discourage that behavior but I unfortunately failed it I mentioned earlier that my early game rupee count isn't of the utmost importance but as you just saw I am still getting RNG rupees when they don't cost any time to get there are quite a few things to buy in this run and over the course of the whole thing I'm going to be spending 3673 rupees so every little bit helps [Music] most of the movement to the Death Mountain Trail bugs will be unremarkable but there is another quick climb that I can do just like the one that we saw in the sacred grove earlier okay here I have a bug to kill and a howling Stone to Howl at I'll begin howling at the stone as soon as the bug explodes as usual this will mean that when I respawn here after the entire howling sequence the tear will be fully formed and collectible [Music] this howling Stone spawns the golden wolf in the Orton's spring that'll learn Shield match from after I tame Epona while each howling Stone does correspond to a specific golden wolf location on the map link will always learn the seven hidden skills in the same order regardless of the order he visits the wolves in [Music] back in Death Mountain Trail I can instantly collect this tear from the bug I killed before howling and then I've just got two more left to get and a warp portal along the way whoops fortunately for me in this run this area is on a cycle there's a steam vent that sometimes blocks access to the exit going as fast as possible in this area just means waiting for that steam cycle a little bit longer so my sloppy movement and the Bonk won't actually cost me that much time copia [Music] [Music] there was no reason for me to kill that squeeble it's just mean to me sometimes and killing it doesn't cause a hit stun effect so it didn't cost me any time anyway I've just finished the Elden Twilight which opens up a lot of the Elden region to me this will be very relevant to eventually entering Goron mines or second dungeon though beating Elden Twilight is required in any percent even though any percent doesn't even visit Goron mines this is just because beating Eldon Twilight is a hard requirement for entering lanairu Twilight which we don't know how to skip in full game runs without cheats after Elden Twilight the player is meant to go tamipona and Death Mountain Trail and on my way to doing that I'll just stop in this abandoned house to get the first golden bug of the Run giving the golden bugs to Agatha and castletown will be one of our main sources of rupees and is required for getting the wallet upgrades now I'll finish heading to Death Mountain trail to activate a cut scene with a Goron that'll allow me to tame oppona back into kakariko because I'm outside of Twilight in early game I'm meant to be human for this sequence when the Goron rolls at me I'm supposed to try to grab it but then get knocked down off the ledge and leave the area to talk to Renato conveniently though since I have the master sword I can warp right back to kakariko skipping those cutscenes after automatically getting some text from a phantom Renato I'll also be able to enter the opponent taming cutscene as wolf surely The Taming cutscene will transform me back to human right heads up that if flashing lights are bad for you you should look away for the next minute or so however if flashing lights are not bad for you I highly recommend looking at the screen for the next minute or so because this cutscene is very entertaining [Music] this is how the game handles taming opponent as Wolf the camera is locked in a specific spot and the game is trying to map wolf Link's textures onto humanlink's coordinates and pretty understandably not doing a great job of it it's kind of amazing that that doesn't crash the game the only functionally different thing about it is that if I were to not skip that cutscene I would still be on oppona as wolf afterwards and if I tried to get off I would void out [Music] now that I've tamed oppona I'll be able to wrestle Beau to get the iron boots and while I'm in Orden I'll be able to fully clear it so I don't need to return there ever again in the Run all that's left for me to do here is to get the hidden skill from the golden wolf that I spawned with the howling Stone on Death Mountain Trail get the iron boots from bow and get a heart piece from herding goats one last time um [Music] the text at the top says shield attack but for whatever reason the community generally refers to this hidden skill as Shield Bash this skill will only get a few uses throughout the run as part of a position setup and for reflecting energy ball attacks from Zant heads and Palace of Twilight I go for a small optimization here of getting a little closer to the hero shade before trying to use Shield bash but I got a little too close that time [Music] here we'll get to see a little more use of Epona it won't actually be worthwhile to call her just for her movement speed into Warden Village but I need to hurt goats and I'll need a pony for that thank you there is a convenient orange ruby worth 100 rupees behind Uli's House so a right opponent over there and if I'm careful to stop holding the control stick forwards at the right time then opponent won't run into the wall and buck [Music] the only thing I'd like to comment on in this cutscene is how happy beau's door looks that door is enjoying the hell out of this cutscene foreign the wrestling match with Beau for the iron boots is very RNG heavy it's essentially weighted rock paper scissors we each have the ability to slap grab or Dodge where slapping beats dodging dodging beats grabbing and grabbing beats slapping the theoretical fastest way to get through each cycle is to slap after landing a slap if I mash a fast enough between roughly 12 and 15 Hertz then I can knock ball off in just one cycle as seen here this of course requires good RNG here's what happens if you don't get good RNG just like the RNG based ook fight back and Forest Temple this wrestling match can theoretically last forever and quite a few Runners including myself have gotten bad enough RNG that we've lost dubbo before the best recourse if that happens is to ask Bo if he'll kindly save Hyrule for you then take Link back to his house and turn off the console next I'll write opponent to my last ordin activity hurting the last 20 goats the third round of good herding is identical to the second round though with different RNG since I'm approaching Fado to start the herding on oppona instead of from a cutscene I can go for the minor optimization of opponent sliding into his DMS you can do an opponent Slide by holding R while on oppona and then releasing it and pressing a on the very next frame at the end of this round of goats I'll do another opponent slide and transition it into a brake slide this is completely pointless it doesn't save me any time here but it is good practice for the rest of the run where I will be using both techniques if link is moving in a direction and You Begin holding L and the control stick very very slightly in the opposite direction you'll get a break slide which is where link shuffles forward in a kind of weird animation if you then release L he'll moonwalk there are two more opponent slides I'll go for in the run to save a little bit of time over dismounting normally brakes lighting will come in handy in Arbiters grounds where it can be used to cross long Sandy areas without losing much speed with that hard piece I've now completely cleared Orden Village and will never come back here for the rest of the Run after getting the iron Boots the player is meant to head back to Death Mountain and go to Goron mines but as I mentioned earlier the fact that I have the master sword early means that I can't enter Goron mines in the normal way there are multiple ways to achieve text displacement the glitch that will allow me into core on mines but the fastest method for this category involves uku it'll also be useful to have the claw shot early as that saves some time in Goron mines and after Lenovo Twilight so to get uku in the claw shot I'm going to head to lake bed I don't have any means of breathing underwater so I can't beat the dungeon yet but I can at least go and get these two things hey Cora roughly on my way to the lanero gate will be a heart piece and a bug to pick up the hard piece is admittedly a little bit out of the way and I will be coming here two more times during the run but in both of those cases I'll be on a time crunch and it's not that far out of the way after targeting the heart piece I'll Target the ground to delay the boomerang getting back to Lane if I didn't do that then when the boomerang got back to me I'd stop in place on Epona and lose all of my momentum before getting to the bug because I haven't escorted the wagon to kakariko yet to get the Zora armor the path to lineru is blocked by a gate that's guarded by two bulblins the bulblins I can make quick workouts the gate I can also make quick workouts if I line myself properly as wolf bulk into the gate and then side hop I'll go straight through it there's a cutscene trigger at Lake hylia bridge but this is obviously not the way the game expects the player to approach it I can still trigger the cutscene from over here but because the area wasn't loaded properly the sky is green okay jumping off this bridge pretty conveniently places me in Lake hylia right above lake bed Temple where I want to go again I don't have any means of breathing underwater yet and I don't have any water bombs to open up the conventional entrance to lake bed Temple but I will be using the conventional entrance if I begin sinking near the entrance and then swim up under a pillar that abuts the wall I'll be able to use the pillar to push link out of bounds and from there swim to the entrance's load Zone this trick is called pillar clip and the air meter just barely allows for it foreign s I'll use a technique called tap swimming where I repeatedly put on and take off the iron boots in order to get linked to swim horizontally which normally he can't do without the Zora armor like bed Temple begins with a long underwater tunnel that I won't be able to get through without breathing underwater normally a save warp would still respawn link near the entrance to this tunnel but because I have the master sword the save War point is changed to after the tunnel presumably because the game thinks I must have already beaten the dungeon I mentioned earlier that I'll want to set the boss flag again for lake bed Temple this time though I can do it in an easier and more convenient way I can just load the save that I made in the Grove I'll let the stone to start the Skull Kid sequence which sets the boss flag then reset and continue on my file in lake bed I didn't use this method of setting the boss flag back in Forest Temple because this method doesn't set the flag to the right value for having all the monkeys however it will suffice for clearing the intro cutscene of a boss or mini boss which I'll apply to dekuto the mini boss guarding the claw shot I'll explain why this is helpful when we get there and you can see what's going on in this room we get to say hi to purple friend hi purple friend there is a way to clip through the gate that's currently opening without pulling the lever that I just pulled unfortunately it's extremely precise and difficult and we'd need to do it twice in our two trips through lakebed so at least for now it's reserved for tasses and individual level runs only in this room the player is meant to knock down the stalactites with bomb arrows to create platforms but I can get across with some LJ's instead for a casual player lake bed Temple is a somewhat confusing dungeon with a lot of backtracking but with the power of ljas and the boss flag my path to the mini boss will be pretty straightforward I need to go down a level and to the right so I can set up a double lja using the chandelier to get there I won't have any reason to return to this part of the dungeon later so I'll go ahead and get the heart piece while I'm here starting from a somewhat precise position I can set up another double LJ to get over to where the heart piece is the Precision in this double LJ comes not only from having to land on this pillar but having to avoid destroying the pot in the process next I can take the pot and put it next to this switch then pick it up again and put it on the switch like I meant to the first time I'll kill the Los alfos because I don't want to accidentally Target it later and then get the heart piece the fastest way to get all the way across the room to the mini boss from here is to void out so I can Boomerang the pot and use a shield bash setup to get pushed out of bounds by the gate and sent back to where I entered the room I'll use yet another double lja to get to the next room if it looks like I'm being careful on any of these double ljas it's because I am filling any of them would cost the better part of a minute or more here's where the boss flag comes into play the intended way for the player to get to Deku toad is to enter this room from a different door blow up an underwater Rock enter a load Zone From Below watch a cutscene in the mini boss room then look up at the ceiling to start the fight I currently have no way of getting past that rock but because the boss flag is set the intro cutscene is skipped so I can look up at the ceiling from anywhere in the room to start the fight including the door I just entered which is meant to be the exit just like the fight with ook in the Forest Temple I'll be able to one cycle Decker toad because I have the master sword first I'll need to kill all of the tadpoles once I've killed all of them Deku toad will hop to the ceiling and it'll do it sooner if I get close to it once on the ceiling Deku toad will start falling as soon as I enter first person and then there's just enough time on Decatur's timer for me to get 10 slashes in and finish the fight that one cycle is a little bit challenging because going too slowly on the slashes will mean that I can't get 10 in before the timer is up and going too quickly on the slashes will mean that I do a combo immediately making Deco toad get back up foreign [Music] now that I have the class shot I'll save warp to get back to the beginning of the dungeon then go get uku and warp out with it [Music] it's very common in Twilight Princess speedrunning to have the boomerang and the claw shot equipped so a lot of Runners have a preference as to which button each of those items goes on my preference isn't strong anymore but I do prefer claw and Y and rang on X so it's easy for me to remember this next equip because I need to put the claw shot on the x button and it just feels wrong back in the hub room getting to uku is as simple as claw shotting over the wall to the right just like I was able to skip the forest Temple's main shtick of saving the monkeys I won't need to turn the staircase in this Central room at all [Music] when I use yuku she'll Warp Me Out of the dungeon leaving me with her son uku Jr when I use yuku Junior he'll warp me back to the dungeon at the entrance I used for the room that iukued out of this is part of the reason that I used a save warp to get here instead of backtracking through the dungeon if I backtracked then I would have entered this room at the bottom instead of the top so when iuku Junior to back in I would start off at the bottom and be farther away from the heart piece I mentioned that I'll be using uku to get into Goron mines but while I'm already in lederu I might as well open it up this entails warping a volcanic rock that falls at Death Mountain to zoro's domain and to get to zoro's domain I'd open the warp portal I'll need to take the kargarak from Lake hylia talking to fire will start the cargrock fight event to emphasize the amount of danger in this fight fire will direct our attention to this grass in a casual playthrough the player would wait for the cargo Rock to attack bite it repeat all of that and then finally kill the bulblin Archer what I'll do instead is get far enough away from the cargo rock that it instantly enters its aggro mode then run back and transform any Baldwin in the game will die if it touches water and I've got an entire Lake behind me so if I can just lure the cargo rock into the water then I can drown the bulb when riding it and end the fight because there's RNG in the cargurox flight pattern it's hard to say exactly how much time this saves over doing the fight quickly but we estimate that it's about 5 Seconds there's a kind of daredevilish element about that Strat because if I were to get grabbed by the cargo Rock while the bulblin Archer was dying then the game would crash as a result of the overlapped cutscenes on the mini map in the bottom left you can see that the path for this cargo Rock flight has a zigzag in it thankfully the walls here are not terribly solid I can use one wall to push me through another one out of bounds and then fly directly to the end load Zone the rest of this cargo Rock flight is uneventful so I'll take the opportunity to mention that I appreciate how this area is reused throughout the run in total we'll be seeing this area six times once for this cargo flight once in linear Twilight proper once for Plum's minigame wants to begin easy one skip once to end easel one Skip and finally for the ez2 mini game in each instance I'll have to do something pretty different and it's cool seeing how the area develops and looks different over the course of the game [Music] for a little extra convenience the load Zone to exit this area is a plane meaning I don't need to go back in bounds to leave I've now made it to up Resorts River and from here I can Ascend zoro's domain in nearly every instance of mid to giving a text box before initiating a jump sequence there is that one frame for input where I can get an early jump for whatever reason this one is the exception I can't get an early jump on this one thank you [Music] foreign portal in zoro's domain concludes my Trek to the northwesternmost corner of the map from here to open up the province for its Twilight and post Twilight States I'll just need to warp that volcanic rock from Death Mountain for some reason it's possible to warp this rock as human and it'll be useful for me to be human for a text Skip and a cutscene skip after the warp so I'll go ahead and transform dang I meant to transform right before getting hit by that rock so it would freeze in place right above link which makes no difference at all it just looks funny [Music] after skipping this cutscene there is one of our one frame windows for input where I can do a side hop to skip some mid attacks unfortunately I missed it then on the ground behind me there's a trigger for a cutscene with Rotella who's a dead fish I'll leave in the water to avoid hitting that trigger I'll now just need to follow the flow of the water down to Lake hylia where I can get the lanero vessel and begin the Twilight on the way human link will do his best wolf impression [Music] thank you with the lanero vessel I can begin the third and final Twilight of the Run shout outs to one two three four five on the timer foreign [Music] I mentioned earlier that I treat the shadow Beast fights as puzzles that I know the solution to they're also a great example of why it's important to know which direction the camera is facing even when there isn't a great cue the fights begin and end with the camera facing directly up at the portal so it's impossible to tell which direction it's facing and which direction to move unless you've already planned it out oh just as in the Elden Twilight earlier I'll be careful here not to warp away until link has turned blue and the tier counts as collected the Twilight began at the South End of the province in Lake hylia and I don't have any portals in the middle of it yet so I'm going to warp tizora's domain at the North End Of The Province and then make my way down foreign earlier the trigger is still there so I'll need to skip it again exiting in Resort's domain this way to avoid hitting the trigger means that I'll be in the waterfall on the other side falling down that waterfall would be very inconvenient for getting the next bug but there's a six Frame Window where I can get a side hop off the waterfall to land on an upper ledge [Music] girls [Music] the upcoming Lily Pad bugs can be very awkward in general when there are flying bugs the bugs will alternate between two positions one where link can hit them and one where he can't for the lily pad bugs in particular it's important not to just attack as soon as possible because doing so can mean missing the bug and landing in the water where it takes several seconds to even attempt to kill the bug again foreign I'll begin making my way south to Upper Zora's River I'll need to listen to ISA to spawn the bug that I need to kill here but first i'm going to Howl at the howling Stone pathing wise it would be slightly more convenient to Howl at this Stone on my next trip here but this howling Stone spawns the golden wolf on the west side of Castle town and the most convenient time for me to go to that will be before my next trip here thank you [Music] an odd Quirk of the area I'm in now where link is howling with the golden wolf is that it's actually the same map where all the howling Stones bring you and the collisions for The Ledges that wolf link stands on for the various howling Stones do all exist they're too far apart to travel from one to another without cheats but if I had a way of getting to another one then I could hit the load Zone there and respawn at that howling Stone instead of the one I entered at for example I could howl at this Upper zores River howling stone make a big jump and then spawn at the hidden village hellingstone this is called a howling Stone alternate exit and moon jump speed runs which use a modified version of Twilight Princess that allows link to jump whenever he wants for however long he wants make ample use of these alternate exits but again unfortunately there is currently no known way to use them without cheats thank you this is all there is to do in Upper Zora's river right now so I'll continue making my way south to castletown foreign if you're a big fan of running straight you're going to love this next section when I first started watching Twilight Princess speed runs I thought that Runners were just showing off when they pinned the camera down like this going wherever they're trying to go without looking the actual reason that we do it is that some areas are very laggy and this helps reduce that lag I've never played the Wii version of the game myself but I hear that it doesn't have any lag which is very convenient because it also doesn't have camera control so I don't think you can Pan the camera down like this as a little treat to myself after having run straight for 30 seconds I'll now run straight for 30 more just to be the man who ran straight for 60 seconds to fall down at your door all right thankfully that is the one time in the run that I have to take that path this shadowbeast fight is a great example of why it's important to Target Shadow beasts in the correct order with a midna charge the attack hits the most recently tagged chatter Beast first so if I had tagged those two in the opposite order then I would have bonked on the fence before killing the last one while I'm here I'll need to kill one bug that's nestled away in a corner of castletown moving through castletown optimally as wolf will look kind of strange normally I'll only Dash cancel as wolf when my Dash will be interrupted by something but specifically in castletown dash speed is reduced by so much after the first few frames of the dash that its fastest to cancel every Dash with a B attack if you ever see a wolf doing this down the Alleyways of your own town don't worry it's just trying to go fast I can do a Nifty side hop over to the ledge that the bug is on and then break the boxes in such a way that the bug flies left where I can kill it quickly mad bug is completely Invincible while it's still up on the ledge I've now finished my journey South through the region so I can warp to Lake hylia to get the last few bugs foreign [Music] there are four bugs to kill on this cargo Rock flight at first I'm going to ignore the first of the four bugs in favor of taking a more direct path up the river the bug will eventually catch up to me so I don't need to go out of my way to get it [Music] foreign I'll intentionally bunk on the wall to end the flight early very conveniently this will also spawn me right next to the penultimate bug in the Twilight for the final tier of light in the game I'll need to beat the boss bug there's no known way to skip any of the three Cycles in this fight but there's a way to make them faster on Cycles 2 and 3 when the bug is attacking from the water I'll be able to attack it right as its attack finishes that'll skip the part where the bug flies high up and attacks downwards like it just did an interesting Quirk of this fight is that the boss bug will only start its water attack if it's on camera so I'm going to keep it on camera at all times to let it attack as early as possible a funny side effect of this is that if I were to do the opposite and keep the camera facing away from the bug all the time it would just keep circling and as it circles it slowly descends in the water with enough patience you can get the bug all the way down near the entrance to lake bed Temple for one last Small Time save I can skip the animation of wolf Link's charge attack going around and hitting all six of the bug's legs by starting it from the corner where a bonk will interrupt it oh right there's one more tiny Time Saver I'll turn the camera before collecting this tier as that will reduce lag during this cutscene this saves 0.6 seconds with linear Twilight now cleared there's just a little bit more to do before I can head to Goron mines recall that the purpose of going to laneru first was to get uku and the claw shot from Lake Bed Temple however I'll also need to spend 220 rupees 100 as part of getting text displacement and 120 to get the Bomb Bag immediately after Goron mines there's a 100 rupee chest that I can get basically for free during the wagon escort for Zora armor and it's pretty much equally convenient for me to do that before or after Goron mines so to get those rupees I'll warped to castletown to start the escort as soon as I've gotten the heart piece in this back area [Music] [Music] anywhere I still don't want to see the postman just yet so on my way into castletown I'll Transform and do an LJ over his trigger on the bridge foreign town is a surprisingly difficult part of the run there are a bunch of NPCs with pretty large talking radii talking to any of them by accident probably costs about three to five seconds but it feels like years I'll occasionally stop rolling just to avoid this I mentioned earlier that in a casual playthrough after getting the iron Boots the player would be expected to ride opponent back to Eldon to get to Goron mines on the way back into kakarika though there's a trigger to enter the first of the four king boblin fights that are scripted throughout the game because I have the master sword and I'm able to warp outside of Twilights I haven't had to hit that trigger yet but this wagon escort sequence begins with the second scripted King boblin fight there's no issue with doing King Baldwin 2 before King Baldwin won though I'm not equipped with the bow or bombs that I would need to fight him fortunately the fastest thing for me to do anyway is to not enter the fight and instead Park oppona in the corner where she can then push me out of bounds [Music] for some reason voiding in this area of the map acts like a void after the King volman fight and respawns Link after the fight with the two keys he would have gotten from the fight now I'll begin the main section of the wagon escort the wagon moves slowly and at a set speed so I have plenty of time to visit these grass patches for RNG groupies [Music] I'll wait to extinguish any flames on the wagon until it passes this spot so I can then ride ahead to the gate and unlock it Epona will automatically turn around if I park her right in front of the gate so I'll park her off to the side instead to complete the escort I'll need to prevent a cargo rack from dropping a bomb in the wagons path but since I rode so far ahead of the wagon I'll have time to go get this Ruby first as I climb the ledge the chest is on I'll Pan the camera a little bit right this will reduce lag while I'm getting the rupee foreign [Music] to get back to the wagon extinguish it and blow up the cargo Rock before it drops the bomb now that I've passed this checkpoint there won't be any midnight text in the upcoming winding path telling me to go back and save the wagon so I'll just kind of Let It Burn the flame countdown at the top of the screen gives me plenty of time to ride to kakarika I mentioned at the beginning of the escort that I hadn't hit the king boblin one trigger outside of kakariko after getting the iron boots that means the trigger is still there and if I were to hit the trigger then I would start the king Bolton one fight and I would have to redo all of the escort there is also a mid-notech trigger after that where she says hey your wagon's on fire you might want to fix that and auto walks you back into the king Bowl One One trigger thankfully I can LJ over both triggers but I need to be careful because one mistake could cost me minutes [Music] as my reward for masterfully escorting the wagon to kakariko and totally not just letting it burn along the way this dead fish is going to give me her fish suit wolf speed isn't that much faster than human speed in kakariko but it's worth transforming here because I'm going to need to warp away afterwards so I would need to transform anyway in this area I need to hit certain checkpoints as Rotella guides me to the tunnel so I won't be taking the most optimal path to the base of the stairs [Music] once I'm far enough inside the tunnel if I start moving the wrong direction then Rotella will warp me to the end of the tunnel this is actually faster than going all the way through the tunnel all right [Music] I have the claw shot uku and enough rupees so it's finally time to head to Goron mines like I explained during the master sword cutscene I'll need to use the text displacement glitch to get into Goron mines the idea is to interrupt some dialogue with an NPC that isn't meant to be interrupted then take the flag that marks how far into that dialogue I was and apply it to another NPC the fastest known way to do this for 100 is to interrupt the dialogue of buying the bottle from Koro for 100 I need to buy this bottle anyway so this isn't out of the way just like in so many other places I've pointed out in the game there will be a one Frame Window where the game will accept my inputs between the text box that says that I bought the bottle and coro's next bit of dialogue if I press the Y button to ooku back into Lake Bed temple on this one frame then I will have text displacement hey Coro [Music] thank you thanks Coro I made a safety save before that because this trick is one try only I can only buy one bottle and if I were to fail it then there would be no good way for me to get into Goron mines reloading that safety save getting back to Koro and trying again costs about 40 seconds so with the trick being frame perfect and so high stakes I use a metronome to help me with the timing I need to wait nine frames between pressing a to close the text box and pressing y to use uku so I set my metronome to 200 beats per minute which means there's a click every nine frames then tap back and forth on my a and Y buttons to the beat of the metronome this helps my consistency a lot though the window for the trick is still a 30th of a second so I do sometimes fail uku brought me back into Lake Bed Temple so I used Dooku to get back out then warped to Death Mountain ascending Death Mountain there will be some RNG in how the volcanic rocks fall if I get unlucky I'll get hit twice the second hit forcing me to redo a midnight jump not the worst luck now I'll just need to beat up some gorons to get to the entrance okay before speedrunning this game I didn't realize you could get past the steam with a simple side hop as long as you have a shield there are two rolling gorons here that will try to hit me but if I side hop roughly parallel to the wall they'll both Miss if I had started side hopping while I was a little too far to the right then I might have accidentally clipped through the floor there which would have been very unfortunate there are three yellow rupees up on the sledge that I want to get before entering the dungeon it's difficult but possible to skip getting the text on these yellow rubies but I'm gonna be getting more yellow rupees later and it's not worth trying to skip the text on all of them ah now I'll get to apply my text displacement to gorkoron If I Didn't Have The Master Sword then talking to him would initiate the sumo wrestling event which would let me into Goron mines however with the master sword that event simply can't start but with text displacement I've Advanced his dialogue to where he lets me into the dungeon or he at least removes the invisible wall behind the Goron guards but I can just roll past them in this first room there are three flame Jets blocking the way they can be turned off by standing on a switch with the iron boots but I can get past them a little bit faster by taking damage from them to activate Link's invincibility and then just rolling through the second half of the room leads up to a third flame jet but I can skip all of that with an LJ near the door I'll take to leave this room there are spinning platforms that are on a cycle that's already begun if I can move quickly enough to the small key and then to those platforms I won't need to wait out a cycle [Music] foreign ahead of me in this room there's unfortunately a giant invisible wall so I can't jump down right away but I can at least skip part of the path of the room by jumping down here the intent in this room is for the player to pull the chain to move the slab blocking the exit then roll around the room to get past the slab instead what I'll do is pull out the slab three times and then wedge myself between it and the wall and let it carry me to the door laughs the boss key in this dungeon is split into three parts called the keyshards the game tells you that you need all three key shards to enter the boss door but in fact it only checks for the final one in theory then I can skip this first keyshard that I'm about to get and there are ways around it but they require items and hidden skills that I don't have yet if I had tried to Simply roll past the Goron to get to the latter then the game would have teleported me back laughs this room heavily implies the player is meant to use the iron boots but I can actually just jump across I'll press my first Iron boots switch in this room and I'll try to get a frame perfect iron boots press so I can rise up immediately that was the frame perfect press from here I'll do some sword combos to move a little bit faster along this magnetic ceiling and make my way to the heart piece from where I entered this room the heart piece and the exit are in opposite directions so instead of walking slowly on the ceiling again to get back it'll be faster for me to void out a very common question a lot of Runners get is about a glitch that would allow you to run normally on this ceiling instead of wearing the iron boots that glitch does exist but unfortunately only on the Wii 1.0 version of the game as I'm playing the GameCube version I'll just have to clonk the old-fashioned way there are actually quite a few differences in glitches between the Wii and GameCube versions of the game enough that even though they're the same game the speed runs are pretty different for example in this room the Wii version saves a lot of time by having that glitch and the Wii version also has faster loads and as I mentioned earlier virtually no lag but one of the biggest differences between the two is that the Wii version can't do Boomerang ljas this and other disparities account for some pretty big routing differences between the two and at the time I'm recording this the Wii 100 world record is about 49 minutes slower than the GameCube one which is this run foreign here there will be two more switches for me to press with the iron boots I got another frame perfect press there and it looks like I was one frame early on that boots press the direction link faces when he drops off of one of these magnets is dependent on the direction he's facing on the magnet but is sometimes mirrored so I'll turn away from the door so that I can flip towards it and get an auto roll the puzzle in this room involves pressing some switches to walk on some magnetic walls and ceilings to get to a crystal and hitting the crystal will then open the gate I will need this small key in order to leave the room but I won't need to do that whole puzzle the simplest solution would be for me to shoot the crystal with the claw shot which a casual playthrough wouldn't have in this dungeon but there's an even faster way of doing it without opening the gate at all if I transform into wolf and then stand in the right place I can climb through the game this also wouldn't be possible in a casual playthrough because you wouldn't have the master sword yet and thus couldn't transform getting to the second heart piece involves a little more clunking normally to exit this room I would need to clunk up the other side and cut a rope to knock the bridge down but I can just lja instead the movement through this outdoor area is pretty straightforward but a lot of the walls are very bonkable hopefully I won't demonstrate this foreign [Music] to speak of the left side of this next room leads to the second keyshard which then leads to the door on the right which is the mini boss as I said before I don't need the second key Shard so I'm just going to LJ straight to the mini boss in the dangoro fight the player is meant to go through three cycles of attacking dangoro and then throwing him in the lava I'll be able to accelerate that a little bit by using a position setup to make link grab the ledge when he first throws dangoro off this will cause dangoro to bounce in the lava for long enough to count as two cycles from here I can try to hit dangora with a Spin Attack while he's bouncing to get a quick third cycle but unfortunately the direction he bounces is RNG and I wasn't able to get it there's another version exclusive glitch that pertains to this fight in Twilight Princess HD it's possible to use the quick transform function to disable the Collision for the magnetic floor and cause Angora to fall straight through it into the lava it's very funny and I highly recommend looking it up as I leave dangoro's room I'll take out my sword and slash before rolling it's really easy to accidentally talk to dangoro while passing him even from pretty far away and slashing the sword makes it impossible to talk to him thank you now that I have the bow I'll just need to go one room further to get the final key Shard which is the one that I really need I'll need to activate all the bmos in the room by rolling over to this one then I can shoot the one in front of the Elder's door and pull it to get there when I go to the next room and then come back to this one the bmos will only stay pulled out if I pull it four times it's also possible to squeeze past the bmos after pulling it two times and then push it two times on the way back out but it takes the same amount of time to do that and I find that I Bonk more often when I do Goron mines is laid out somewhat differently from the other dungeons in that the boss door is pretty far from the entrance in most of the other dungeons I'll save warp to get back to the entrance after getting the dungeon item in the boss key then head to the boss door from there but for this dungeon it's faster to backtrack returning through dangora's room is kind of awkward because the camera doesn't automatically Pan behind link and you can Target nangoro from anywhere in the room I'll also slash again to avoid talking to him I can save a tiny amount of time backtracking through this room using an lj8 across the water instead of diving into it this saves under a second hey hey in the Next Room I can skip killing the bmos pulling the bmos to open the door activating the magnet and writing the magnet to the bridge simply by using the claw shot I'll also equip the iron boots whenever I'm falling to reduce the amount of time that link is in the air as he moves faster on the ground than he does during a jump this is the room with the boss store in it and it'll be easier for me to snipe down the bridge from over here than if I were to go interface with the enemies it's really not as hard as I made it look unlike most of the other bosses in the game virus only has one phase which I'm about to make look harder than it is wow all I've got to do is three Cycles worth of shooting them in the head and then pulling his chains to knock him down [Music] on the remaining two cycles I'll be able to pull them down a little more quickly by pulling the chain on his right leg from kind of far away from him thank you [Music] foreign [Music] the boss fights in this game aren't especially difficult even with speed strats but this one is by far the easiest [Music] thank you [Music] what foreign I still love the lake bed Temple uku and I have the Zoro armor now so I can fight more feel but there's still one subtle but important thing that I need to do before beating leg bed in the main Elden region of Hyrule Field just north of the bridge of Eldon there are three rocks blocking the path to laneru in a casual playthrough blowing up these rocks is how the player gets to laneru in the first place after beating Goron mines I made it to the nehru by clipping through the gate earlier and I've already finished the Twilight but I still need to go blow up those rocks because that's what spawns the Elden Bridge War portal and if I blow them up after beating lakebed then Hyrule Field is in the wrong State and the portal won't spawn so to do that I need to buy the bomb bag from Barnes but I just exited kakariko instead that's because I need to hit this King Baldwin 1 trigger that's still sitting here at the entrance I avoided that trigger with an lja during the wagon escort and otherwise I've avoided the path entirely by warping while I won't need to go back and do the king Bolton 2 fight that I skipped at the beginning of the wagon escort completing the first king Baldwin fight does affect the state of kakariko and will allow me to do things that I need to do for 100 it's required for getting barns to sell the bomb bag for spawning the golden wolf in the graveyard and for allowing the Bell to drop a silver rupee thankfully though because I already have the bow from Goron mines this fight is trivial [Music] in a casual playthrough and other Speed Run categories you have to chase King boblin around with your sword slashing at him but in that phase he only starts moving if you get close to him so I didn't in this phase my arrow is so powerful that King boblin will fly sideways wow what a powerful Arrow [Music] with King boblin now out of the way I can do the two things that I really need to do before going to lake bed buy the bomb bag from Barnes and use it to blow up the rocks at laneru of course along the way there will be some convenient heart pieces and golden bugs to get laughs when Barn sells me the bomb bag for 120 rupees it'll have 30 normal bombs in it I'd like to have water bombs to get the Goron Bomb Bag later and for a trick called Rocket link later on in the run so I will immediately sell his bombs back to him and buy some water bombs there's an archery minigame with the kids in kakariko that is activated by climbing to the top of the Watchtower so I'll exit through the top of the bomb shop foreign this minigame is what makes the Hawkeye show up in mallow Mart the idea is that you begin the minigame but can't hit the final Target go buy the Hawkeye and then can hit the final Target I'll just go without the Hawkeye as it's more convenient for me to buy it much later in the Run I think I accidentally pressed the a button instead of the Y button [Music] that's all I'll do in kakariko for now but there will be plenty to do here later kakariko is a hub for the Ilyas memory Quest storyline and the mallow Mart side quest and there will still be plenty of Collectibles for me to get here on future trips for now I'll ride out to the main Alden field where I can eventually blow up those rocks my first stop on the way to those rocks is for this heart piece chest there's a long and out of the way path to get up to these Vines but if I position oppona in just the right place I can blow up the Rock and Claw shot up to the vines From Below I needed to be careful the claw shot high enough up on the vines that link wouldn't immediately fall for lack of room to climb one nice side effect of getting this chest before riding out to the main field is that for some reason it deactivates the postman trigger oh no right it deactivates the postman trigger that I would have hit after just a few more seconds of riding opponent into the field [Music] there are four golden bugs in this area one on the east side of the field that I'm currently heading towards one on the west side of the field and one at either end of Eldon Bridge I just caught the East bug in the boomerang and I'm riding away from it the boomerang moves slower when it has something caught in it so it's going to take a while to catch up to me but it actually won't matter for catching the bug because of a trick called the boomerang teleport when I pick up this golden bug while the other one is still in the boomerang the other one will teleport to me immediately [Music] it seems like a really useful trick but unfortunately this is the only time I'll be able to use it in the run there are two other instances where I'd really like it to be useful but for the teleport to work the boomerang has to have a line of sight to link and it wouldn't have that in the other cases so the bugs would just get stuck on walls along the way next up is a heart piece chest on the top of these battlements normally you get this heart piece as part of the sky Book quest using the Dominion Rod but with an LJ I can skip the need for the owl statue [Music] I'll take care to Target this bug and not free throw the boomerang as if I were to miss getting it caught in the boomerang it would be a huge time loss I'm finally approaching those all-important rocks I mentioned earlier when I get to the north side of the bridge I'll shoot the rocks from as far away as I can this will put me as close to the shadow beasts as possible when I begin the Portal fight if you look in the top right corner of the screen during this cutscene you can just barely make out link and the golden bug that the boomerang delivered [Music] [Music] foreign this has satisfied my last prerequisite for returning to Lake Bed and finally beating it but as usual there's still a little bit left to do I want to get some rupees from this convenient rock on my way to getting the golden bug on the upper ledge [Music] the player is intended to use some claw shot targets to get up to that area to enter the Goron stock cave but with an lja I'll be able to enter from below and get to the heart piece much more quickly now I'll finally uku back to lake bed which I can conveniently do inside this cave even though I can't warp from here as we've seen in the two dungeons so far the general plan for dungeons in this run is to get the dungeon item get the boss key and then beat the boss boss keys are generally required in this game because load zones are tied to the doors that open to them getting behind a boss door out of bounds without opening it does not get you to the boss fight lakebet Temple is the one exception because instead of leading to a load Zone the boss door leads to a small anti-chamber that contains a load Zone with this Nifty setup I'm able to clip into the bridge enter the anti-chamber from above and then enter the boss fight without the boss key this is very convenient because while other dungeons boss keys are generally not too far out of the way lakebet Temple's boss key is very far out of the way the fight with more fuel isn't quite as simple as the fight with virus was but it's still going to be pretty trivial because I have the Zora armor most speedrun categories skip getting the Zora armor and instead refill air using a glitch that involves water bombs this being 100 of course I needed to get the Zora armor anyway it's possible for the first phase of this fight to have two cycles but I can do it in only one if I do a big damage attack on the eyeball damage values in this game are context dependent but generally speaking little damage encompasses normal sword slashes and stabs while big damage includes jump attacks spin attacks and roll stabs I only needed the quickspin to hit the eyeball once to one cycle the first phase unfortunately even though my quick spin hit twice it doesn't deal any preemptive damage to the second phase in Phase 2 I'll need to use the claw shot to grab onto morefield's eye and then damage it for a total of three Cycles normally after dealing damage to end a cycle Morpho will go through a long animation of bucking link off I can skip this animation and attempt to re-grab the eyeball immediately if I'm wearing the iron boots and force unequip them by equipping something else over them I just put them back on before the second cycle so that I could do it again for the third cycle there I opened the item wheel multiple times to make sure that morfield's head was in the correct position for me to get a regrap those are three quick Cycles with the Zora armor at least the cutscenes in the middle and at the end of the more fuel fight take longer than the fight itself incidentally since morpheal's swimming pattern and position in the room is RNG based this cut scene is variable length as the amount of time it takes for more fuel to get to this wall is variable [Music] thank you [Music] this is the third and final fused shadow in the game so I'll be moving on to the mirror Shard dungeons after this however this next section of the run is going to be less dungeon focused on my way to arbiter's grounds I'll be crossing the desert and there are quite a few pose in the desert that only appear at night crossing the desert takes a long time so I only want to do it once meaning that I want to advance in-game time tonight by the time I get to the desert at this point in the Run there's no quick way of setting time of day to night so to spend that day time I'm going to do a lot of Overworld collection before I get to the desert before that though I do need to complete midna's desperate hour which activates automatically after lakebed and prevents me from warping [Music] during midna's desperate hour time of day is locked so it may at first seem like it's not relevant to the daytime spending that I mentioned earlier but one thing I've learned over the course of rerouting this category is that outside of dungeons pretty much everything can be affected by in-game time considerations for instance it's possible to get the castletown ruins Poe during Midnight's desperate hour but the golden bug near the ruins is not available during Midas desperate hour the most recent rap before this one and probably plenty of other routes in the past got the PO during Midnight's desperate hour but got the golden bug afterwards as a means of spending in-game time this newest route spends that daytime via other means which makes it possible to collect that golden bug and Poe at the same time later on which is more efficient on the left side of the screen you can see the golden wolf that I spawned by howling at the upper zores river howling Stone I could have stopped to learn backslice from it just now but Min is looking awfully pale on my back so I probably should get her to Zelda as quickly as possible Right and one little detour probably won't hurt her too much see in this state mitna does lose the ability to warp but the game doesn't account for the possibility that the player might have the master sword already so it's still possible to transform its convenient routing wise to do a couple of things as human in castletown before saving midna and the game doesn't impose any limit on how long you can take to save her so it's time for some medicinal mini gaming hey the game will give me 30 seconds to finish this minigame think I can do it [Music] I'm big and quivering and yes the normal mini game music was a little bit screwed up on account of the midna's desperate hour music being global all right I've kept him into waiting long enough I should probably go healer now but I'm already human and I'm gonna be passing Agatha and I've got all these golden bugs and not that many Rupees so time for some bug donations what's more important about this donation trip than just getting Rupees is getting the big wallet which Agatha will give me after I give her the first bug this increases wallet capacity from 300 Rupees to 600 rupees which is very useful as just like I noted before I'll need to spend a lot of rupees over the course of the Run sometimes in 600 rupee increments and the larger capacity will allow me to amass rupees over the course of a long stretch of the run without having to go out of my way to spend them right away as much as I love this category donating bugs is the one thing in the run that I would call tedious there's no way to donate more than one bug at a time and I need to donate all 24 of the bugs over the course of the run to get the giant wallet I've looked into applying text displacement to Agatha to try to get her to give the giant wallet without having received all the bugs but the closest text displacement can get is locking us out of the giant wallet which obviously isn't great and beyond that as slow as it is getting rupees from Agatha is faster than most other methods of getting rupees so I think it's unlikely to ever be cut out of the Run even if someday it is possible to get the giant wallet early foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] probably did by this point for the rest of this section I'll be making my way to the midnight store to see if she's still under warranty and get a replacement I'll need to get through telma's bar and to do so I'll need to first get kicked out I need to transform back into wolf before entering because if I enter as human when the game tries to knock me back out the door I'll still be partially inside it and then we'll void out I'll do a b attack at the top of these stairs and unfortunately I missed it but there's a position precise way to enter this cutscene that prevents the camera from panning around and that saves 1.7 seconds over the course of the cutscene it's called Louise glitch named after this cat and a Dash speed the B attack to activate this glitch is frame perfect [Music] foreign [Music] there's another minor Time Saver coming up inside Thomas bar I remember that in this round I didn't get it but it's easy to describe the trick is called rope Skip and you skip a rope instead of going over to this left rope to cross the Gap you can just jump across to the second rope the reason it didn't even look like I went for it here was that what I failed was the cutscene skip at the beginning it's always possible to make the jump to the second row the problem is that it has to be done very soon after loading the room otherwise the Goron on the floor will catch link and throw them out at the bar the first of my two start presses to skip the cutscene was too early so it didn't count and seeing that I'd failed to skip the cutscene right away I knew that I couldn't go for the rest of the trick anyway here's the first Poe soul of the Run only 59 to go this post hole is a special one because there's currently no known way of beating the game without getting it Twilight Princess low percent speed runs which aim to beat the game with as few items as possible famously skip getting the post holes and arbiter's grounds with a nearly 10 hour long rupee slide through the gate but the post hole I just got is still necessary foreign because I have the master sword I won't need to bring that Lit stick all the way over to these torches fend off the keys and then bring it up to this spiderweb I can just transform and use the lantern instead I'll try to transform back into wolf on the very first frame that the spider webs Collision is gone which is significantly after it visually disappears so that wolf Link's front paws are ahead of where they would be if I had transformed behind the spider web in addition to putting wolf lamp closer to my destination this also makes it easy to get a dash cancel off the ledge this is the point where the sewers meet up with the map that I went through about two hours ago at the beginning of the Run getting through this time will be just a little bit different first I'll deflect this fire arrow so the bulblin Archer runs back to the water where I can knock him in to kill him then unlike at the beginning of the run I actually can make this jump without midna now the staircase is just very slightly altered and that makes it possible to skip one rope it is theoretically possible to get through this room without killing the bulblin Archer at the beginning in fact tacos do it but it requires extremely good RNG as usually the Archer will snipe link down which of course is a huge time loss foreign [Music] I can at least skip these next two ropes and half of the final one unlike the first visit to the rooftops earlier in the run I have a wind cycle to contend with now this will make the final jump somewhat treacherous looking as you'll see but as long as I don't make any major mistakes with my movement I should be able to make the job here goes oh the bridge tried to get me that bridge blowing in the wind has notoriously wonky Collision sometimes landing on it looks totally normal but sometimes it makes link face an unexpected Direction there is also video documentation of players jumping directly through the bridge and voiding out it looks very funny but is not ideal for Speed runs I finally made it to the midnight store and it looks like they've got another one in stock for me so now I'm set to get started on some Overworld collection for my first day night cycle finishing midna's desperate hour sets the in-game time to 6am night time begins in the game at 7 pm and most Overworld pose are only available at night time so as I mentioned after beating Moorefield the main goal here is to spend this daytime to get to night time and collect pose but of course to spend the daytime as efficiently as possible because finishing mid-ness desperate hour spawned me in this area west of castletown I'll begin by getting this golden bug which is in a pretty inconvenient location and will never be more convenient to get for the rest of the Run next I'll roll to this golden wolf to learn the third hidden skill backslice and yes it is faster to roll here than to transform twice to use wolf getting hidden skills will be a secondary goal of this part of the run one of the biggest developments for this category in the past few years was the discovery of an RTA viable method of skipping Grove 2 which is the sacred grove sequence preceding Temple of Time this saves something like two and a half minutes for reasons I'll explain when we get there but the RTA viable method of doing it requires jump strike which is the sixth hidden skill this is why shortly I'll be making a trip to the area south of castletown the game only requires the player to go to this area once to get ilia's wooden statue after Temple of time but there's also a golden wolf there and I'll need to learn its hidden skill to get up to six to have jump strike before Temple of Time the hidden skill I'm learning right now backslice only has a few applications within the run but what's cool about it is that I won't ever use it for combat I'll only use it for movement another cool thing about backslice is this text box that concludes with the phrase unguarded Rears [Music] just like when I was going to get the Zora armor I can do a quick lja on the bridge to skip the postman trigger again I will still need to see the postman once in the run but in this day night cycle it's easy to avoid him as this is the only trigger I'll even need to skip my path during the day night cycle after beating Temple of Time will take me through many more Postman triggers so if I just hit the first one of those then I don't need to worry about the rest of them this is Charlo over the course of the run I need to give him 1 000 rupees in exchange for a hard piece most of the rupees I give him will be from drops and Cave of ordeals around 6 hours into the run but I can't count on getting a full thousand in Cave of ordeals so I'm donating 200 now [Music] thank you excellent here's the trip to the south of castletown the full list of things I'll need in this area comprises two golden bugs one Poe Soul the wooden statue and a hidden skill I can't get the PO right now because it's not night time and the wooden statue only spawns after Temple of time so on this trip I'll only be getting the hidden skill and the one bug that's convenient the other bug is all the way on the other side of the area [Music] oh this next hidden skill is Helm splitter but before the hero shade will teach it to me I'll need to prove that I've mastered the back slice that he taught me two minutes ago Yep looks like I've mastered it until pretty recently Helm splitter was basically useless for Speed runs but in December of 2020 a Reddit post made its way to our speedrun Discord server this post was a video of someone using Helm Splitter on a dinathos and Temple of Time and seemingly accidentally getting over a fence that's not meant to be passable we did some research and figured out that using Helm splitter very early on in an enemy's stunned animation will give link an extra boost of speed unfortunately we haven't yet found ways for this Tech to be used in many places in this run the only place I'll use it is inside Temple of time and it doesn't do anything that I couldn't already do but it does make two sequence breaks much easier than they were with the previous methods in this area south of castletown there's a convenient gaping Chasm that I can jump into it'll take me to Lake hylia though I'll stop on the way for this 100 rupee chest [Music] this very conveniently will spawn me right next to the howling grass that I can use to begin plums minigame I'll move slightly towards the grass as human before transforming as this makes Plum begin to descend so the cutscene I'll see of the rest of his descent is very short Plum's Mini-Game is both a useful way for me to get to Upper Zora's River where I'll need to open a warp portal and a good way for me to spend in-game time I'll spend about two in-game hours doing it which is a good chunk of the 13 in-game hours that I'll need to spend before night time the goal of the mini game is to amass at least 10 000 points by hitting these fruit balloons going for combos to get multipliers there are multiple ways to get a high enough score but the fastest way will be to get 10 strawberries in a row [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you what a pleasant minigame this has taken me to Upper zores River which is a pretty inconvenient place to get to without the war portal my only other option for getting here would have been to warp to zoro's domain and then dash for a while which is much less useful than getting a heart piece the first thing to do in this area is to collect the one golden bug I'll throw the boomerang to pick it up and then draw my sword while the boomerang is out then put it away right as the boomerang returns when the boomerang returns to link and he's empty-handed he goes through an animation of catching the boomerang this makes it harder to instantly collect the bug but if link has another item in hand even if he's part way through putting it away that animation is skipped so I timed putting away the sword to coincide with the boomerang's return so that I could grab the bug as soon as it arrived the shadowbeast fight is a special one in that completing it automatically brings me into isa's Hut where she'll ask me to help her by blowing up some rocks blowing up these rocks would then begin a boat ride down the river in a sequence we call Isa one I'll be rewarded with a bomb bag if I finish easy one and clear the river but it turns out that I can cheat the minigame a little bit if I blow up these rocks to begin the sequence and then save warp then I can enter the other end of the river through a special means and finish the minigame by reaching the end of the River from the end of the river this trick is called use a one Skip and it takes so much time to do that it only ends up saving 20 seconds but it also helps the route flow quite a bit better the reason that I keep referring to it as Isa one by the way is that Iza has a second minigame the reward for which will be the bomb bag upgrades other than that Mini-Game Isa 2 the only things I have left to do in Upper Source River are to get a postal which of course I'll have to get later and to clear the fishing hole thank you the fishing hole holds a heart piece and a bottle and this bottle is one of the significant pieces of RNG in this run each time I get the fish on prompt while I'm fishing for the bottle there is a 50 chance that I get it and a 50 chance that it's not the bottle it's a coin flip and there's no limit on how many attempts it can take to find the bottle theoretically it could take me an infinite number of tries in fact fishing out too many fish before getting the bottle can make it impossible to get the bottle without a hard console reboot fortunately I'll be standing in a place where I can see what's at the end of the line when the fish on prompt pops up so if I get any fish I just won't reel them in but let's hope that it takes fewer than infinite tries for me to find the bottle this time [Music] yep that's a bottle [Music] during the second half of Visa one Skip and then doing Iza 2 will take a fair amount of in-game time but it wouldn't be enough to get me to night time and I'd really like it to be night time when I finish Iza 2 because there's a nighttime only Poe near where the mini game ends from a routing perspective what to do at this point is a tough decision all locations in the game that are open to me right now that have heart pieces and bugs also have pose so if I make a trip somewhere now I'll also need to return later when it's night time the two best candidates for areas to add an extra trip to are the gorge and snow peak both have ways of adding an extra trip that doesn't cost very much time but going to The Gorge now as our older route called for doesn't spend enough in-game time to get us to night time by the time we finish Iza 2. so to spend a lot of this remaining daytime I'm going to ascend to snow peak I don't have the reek fish scent so I can't Ascend snow peak the intended way but I can still Ascend it using a trick called map glitch the map pull that you just saw was the entire trick what I did was press the that button and the Z button on the same frame opening the map took priority over calling midna so the map popped up first and I chose to warp somewhere but when the map closed and the warp tried to begin the mid to call interrupted it during warp sequences most load zones and void plans are disabled so the midna call interrupting the warp made it so that my load zones and void planes are disabled but I didn't actually warp anywhere that means I can get through this blizzard which would normally avoid me out because I don't have the reek fish scent I actually won't need to get the reek fish scent at all this round there are three pose on the path ascending snow peak for some reason the first two are available at any hour of day but the third one is only available at night so I'll need to come back for that one some other time the reason that that return trip won't cost me very much time is that I'll need to make a return trip at some point anyway for the connection cave po I'll go through that cave on my way to snow peak but I need to get the ball and chain from snow peak to get the PO inside my eventual return trip for that Poe which will take place very near the end of the run will combine well with my return trip for the third Ascent Poe one kind of unfortunate side effect of maplinich is that I can't turn senses off they will remain on until I deactivate map glitch and deactivating map glitch can be done in two ways the more Universal method is to save and quit but there are also certain loads and triggers that map glitch doesn't deactivate and hitting one of these will deactivate map glitch instead very conveniently for using map glitch to ascend snow peak howling in a howling stone is one of these special loads when I howl at the howling Stone before entering the cave map glitch will be deactivated foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] how long at this Stone spawns the golden wolf in the kakariko graveyard which by no coincidence is also where I'll be getting the coral earring from Rallis that'll have to be a little bit later in the run though as it has some prerequisites I'll get into later foreign I very narrowly avoided getting Frozen by that keys [Music] in this shadowbeast fight if I just stand in the right place they'll all come straight to me getting this portal is as far as I'm going to take this snow peak trip if I wanted to there's nothing stopping me from beating snow peak ruins right now and it would be convenient but it would unfortunately lock me out of 100 even though I won't be catching any reek fish with it I do need to get the coral earring from Rallis as it is a fishing rod upgrade to get him to give me the coral earring I'll need to give him Ash a sketch and Asha will only spawn after I've beaten arbiter's grounds neither ashay nor Alice will spawn if I've already beaten snow peak so this unfortunately restricts me to the intended dungeon order anyway back to the matter at hand I've now spent enough in-game time that by the time I finish Iza 2 it'll be night time all I need to do first is to finish easy one skip earlier I began the sequence at the beginning of the river and then save warped and just now I howled to begin Plum's minigame again and this will start me at the bottom of the river if a ball can fall into the water in plums minigame then the game considers the Mini-Game failed and will respawn me in Lake hylia but the game doesn't expect me to be able to void another way if I Bonk and void out of bounds then the game will respawn me in this map on and out of bounds ledge as you can tell from the lack of Mini-Game music the area is no longer in the plums minigame State and I can simply swim to the load Zone where the easel one boat ride would have ended I turn the camera to the side while swimming for lag reduction suddenly canoe foreign bag is the second Bomb Bag I've gotten of the three there are in the game it's now late afternoon in the game and this is perfect this means that when I finish Iza 2 and get the upgraded bomb bags it'll be night time but not so far into it that I need to worry about running out of night time before getting to arbiter's grounds thank you [Music] the goal in this Mini-Game is to shoot Parts with bomb errors for points and to have 25 points or more by the end there are 30 points worth of pots total with yellow pots being one point and red pots being two this means that I can skip some of the pots I'll skip the very first one because it's by itself and if I take out the bow to shoot a pot then the canoe will slow down this does mean though that I'll need to be careful not to Bonk the canoe into the side walls as that would cost me points [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when I first started running this category this minigame and specifically this section of this Mini-Game is one of the hardest parts of the run for me to do consistently there are lots of invisible currents in the water and going in the wrong place at the wrong time can launch link directly into an obstacle [Music] foreign [Music] there are my 25 points with zero bunks along the way [Music] you can now tell from the sky the lack of Lake hylia music and the pose in the background that it is night in game please now I can begin some serious Poe collection I'll start with this awkwardly placed one that's really not convenient to get from anywhere except from issa's minigame this bow is so inconvenient on the outskirts of lake hylia that after I kill it I'm going to warp from Lake hylia to Lake hylia as that will get me to the next po faster than dashing as wolf [Music] the places I need to go in this part of Lake hylia make a nice Arc I'll get a PO then go to the lake hylia cave then get another PO on my way to aru's memo together some pose like this one are high up in the air and they tend to stay high up and Out Of Reach if you approach with senses on so I approached without senses on then turn them on at the last second to tag the PO with the charge attack and kill it I also grabbed the post hole from the side that would launch link more towards where I'm heading next this is a very minor optimization but there are a lot of pose in the run and it adds up foreign next up is the lake hylia cave there's a heart piece and three pose in this cave that are available at any time of day but the cave is located between two pose that are only available at night so it didn't make sense to come here earlier I'll be firing bomb arrows all through the cave to unblock the passageways the game allows for shooting arrows without going into first person so long as link has enough momentum so be careful to only shoot when link is moving fast enough not right at the ends of rolls thank you [Music] this is the first passageway that's a little bit treacherous I can void out if I'm not careful I know this cave very well but it is a long cave and voiding out would bring me all the way back to the beginning so on the very last passageway where it's easy to accidentally void I'll pull the lantern out for safety whoops I accidentally tried to shoot a bomb Arrow too soon after a roll and entered first person link showing off his amazing ability to hit two enemies that are in different directions with one stab okay [Music] on the way to the final poem heart piece I'll make a quick DeTour for this 100 rupee chest [Music] the trick here is to keep moving foreign [Music] [Music] for some reason while exiting this cave wolf link likes to do a little dance [Music] great dancing link my next stop on the way to aru's Tower will be the lake hylia howling Stone this Stone spawns the golden wolf in the desert that I'll be seeing in just a few minutes when I'm nearing arbiter's grounds I ran a little bit past the stone before beginning to howl to try to reduce lag [Music] unfortunately I got a little bit of lag at the end anyway my position when I began howling determined the camera angle and lake hylia is a pretty laggy area with the perfect camera angle I could have avoided lag entirely [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all I have left to do is to get the PO at the base of the tower then I can get aru's memo and enter the desert to finish out this day night cycle [Music] it takes 19 seconds to climb this ladder yep still climbing hmm just like ashay will only spawn at the entrance to snow peak after beating arbiter's grounds like I mentioned earlier aru will only spawn on this Tower and Grant access to the desert after beating lakebet Temple this is why we bother to be at lake bed in any percent unlike in any percent though I've got the Zora armor and that means my fastest option for getting to fire is swimming tomb again I'll do a little bit of camera manipulation to avoid lag thank you this is the final stretch of the collection cycle following midna's desperate hour my destination in the desert is the bulblin camp on the opposite side on the way there though I'll need to get five pose two golden bugs a warp portal and a hidden skill there is a sixth Po in the desert but it'll be faster for me to get that one in three hours or so foreign [Music] and here's why it's so important that it's night time by the time I get to the desert I'm about to dash for a long time and it would be a shame if I had to do it a second time later on in the run because I missed some pose [Music] yep still dashing what you need [Music] both golden bugs in the desert can do a pretty good job of evading link when they want to this one in particular though can be a real nuisance as I've seen it simply fly out of bounds through the wall foreign I'll end up using this war portal two times later on in the run first to warp the Elden bridge and second to enter Cave of ordeals whoops I meant to do a spin attack to hit the last two at once but I accidentally pressed the b button a little bit too early and got a roll stab but I did a Spin Attack quickly enough after that that the game allowed me to finish the fight anyway next game I owe you one foreign [Music] towards The Grotto I'll also Orient the camera so that he turns to face The Grotto and I can dig straight in oh uh nearly dig straight in this Grotto has two pose in it and it can become a real mess if I don't do it just right after knocking down the first Poe I'll go Acro the second one so it comes around right when I'm ready for it I can then lure the second one near the exit for a quick getaway afterwards [Music] [Music] the way the player is meant to get to the Baldwin Camp is by stealing a boar from these camping Bowl Blends and then riding it through the fences it's possible to skip stealing a board by using the ball and chain to knock down a turret but I don't have the ball in chain yet there's also a way to clip past the turret as wolf but it's so precise that it's considered Tass only at least for now foreign I'll learn the fifth hidden skill mortal draw from this golden wolf this is one of the minority of hidden skills that will exclusively be used for combat it kills most enemies in one hit including very conveniently the mini boss in snow peak ruins oh [Music] [Music] there's a minor Time Saver here that I unfortunately missed if I held just outside the Dead Zone on my control stick while performing mortal draw Link would have done a slightly different animation that would have hit the hero shade a few frames earlier I'll try again to get it when I'm learning the next hidden skill here is my final desert po before I enter Bowlen camp [Music] just like when I ascended snow peak earlier I'm going to activate map glitch as soon as I enter this area this again will disable void plans and that will allow me to get to King Bolton 3 by going out of bounds which is a bit faster than heading to him normally would be the trigger for this King Baldwin fight extends infinitely upwards and downwards and isn't affected by map glitch so from this out of bounds ledge I can just jump attack through the ground into the void and eventually hit the trigger [Music] King Baldwin's doing a little dance too from the out of bounds ledge that iljied to I could have actually made it to the exit to arbiter's grounds but there wouldn't have been a load Zone there the load zone is only active after breaking the fences with a bore so this fight is required [Music] laughs I've now opened the path to arbiter's grounds but I need to do a little bit more collection before I can actually enter back in the bobland camp a Poe has now spawned where King boblin was and there's also a heart piece that I haven't gotten yet from a roasting boar getting this heartbeats will actually be my first use of mortal draw the hidden skill I just learned that was an example of the fast mortal draw I mentioned earlier though I got it by mashing a out of a roll instead of by holding the control stick just outside the dead zone [Music] I have one final po to get in front of the entrance to arbiter's grounds and then it's dungeon time [Music] thank you the first term in the dungeon features a treacherous path through the sand and that would be the fastest path across the room if I had entered as human but because I entered his wolf I can just do B attacks across the sand to avoid sinking all right human link won't begin to sink in the sand mid-roll so I'll be sure to time rules to begin right before I reach Sandy areas [Music] [Music] the second room is nice and spooky in a casual playthrough but is Trivial in a speed run I just need to light two torches good Ness [Music] with the exception of Hyrule Castle all the dungeons in the game have two heart pieces and a heart container within them in the three fused Shadow dungeons which are the ones I've already beaten these were the Only Collectibles as I wasn't meant to be able to transform yet now that the game knows I can transform though the next four dungeons which are the mirror Shard dungeons will also have pose in them in fact this dungeon's main stick is that I'll need to find four pose scattered throughout the dungeon to be able to open a big gate strictly speaking to get past the gate I don't actually need to get all four pose because the player is only meant to be able to get to the pose in a specific order the gate doesn't actually check for the first bow and will open if the player has gotten posed two through four more with a technique called a pickup slide that you can see in a low percent run I could clip through the gate without killing any pose so long as I'm willing to wait about 10 hours of course none of this is really relevant to my 100 run because I need to get all the post holes in the game anyway and these four special pose do give postals just like the rest of them it is just fun to note the irony that I'll be doing a trick called po one skip a little bit later even though I've just killed po1 I'll come back to that in a few minutes thank you I'll now need to get the post end from po1 in a casual playthrough the purpose of the post end appears to be to guide the player to the other pose I already know where all the pose are but I still need to get the scent because without it the game won't let me dig in the digging spots like the one I just dug up to pull the chain to drop the stairs as the stairs dropped I dashed past them to this chest to get the first of the two heart pieces here's another place that's convenient to have mortal draw [Music] this room houses bow too and the only complication in the fight is that there are two bubbles in the room that will try to bother me I'll Spin Attack them between Cycles on the poe just to get them out of the way for arbiter's grounds pose it matters even more that I oriented the camera the direction that I want to go after getting the pose sold because after the post hole text there's one frame where I can input a dash or a B attack to get it closer to the door before the cutscene starts in the upcoming room I'll need to push the lever to turn the central column again if I manipulate a rat just right I should be able to get it to knock me out of the pushing animation as soon as it's begun so I can get to the door early I didn't do it quite right but you get the idea it's possible to get knocked off so early that link gets to the door and opens it before the room has finished turning if I were to do that and then re-enter the room or enter the room above that's connected to it I'd be faced with a solid wall as the room wouldn't have counted as turning in casual play this would be a soft block as it would prevent access to PO 3 but I'm gonna get to Pro 3 through other means the player is meant to access this side of the dungeon and po4 by crossing the chandelier in the main room after killing po 3 on the opposite side getting to PO 3 the normal way takes some time as there are several rooms to cross but if I can get to po4 early then I can use the chandelier in the opposite direction to get to bow 3. I failed this trick the first time because it's a bit finicky but what I'm trying to do is lja most of the way across the sand then pop up onto this pillar to grab the ledge from here I can skip using the chandelier in this room and LJ to the door this trick is called po one skip because it allows us to get to po4 as our first po it's then possible to get the post sent from po4 which grants access to the other two pose this stealthos is not long for this world I couldn't even finish saying that in time in this room we'll get to see the big door open all the way yep it's open [Music] this being the intended fourth and final po of the dungeon it's kind of a demi boss as seen in some previous Zelda games the poll will spawned three copies of itself when I can attack the real one it'll turn purple there are two cycles in the fight and on each cycle RNG determines how many times the pose will spin around me quickly after attacking the real Poe I'll jump attack right back through it to make the pose start spinning around me quickly again without spinning slowly first from here I'll lure the pose near the door and then check the two that are visible neither of them was right so I'll charge up a spin attack and hit the PO as it comes to attack me the timing on this is somewhat tight so this is a little bit more difficult than finishing the fight in the center of the room but it does save time because I'm near the door from po4's room I can make my way across this one and then cross the chandelier backwards like I described earlier it was in preparation for opening this next door that I got the small key behind the give dough on my way to Poe too it doesn't look locked but listen because I'm going through the dungeon backwards the lock was on the other side getting the key in this room is a pain because it spawns a bunch of Ghost Rats but I don't need it in this room if RNG cooperates I'll be able to tag some stalkin and a gibdo with the charge attack and an arrangement that will make the attack hit the gibdo hit some stalking while the give dough has invincibility then bring me back to the gibdo to kill it normally in this room the give toes automatically notice link but I didn't hit their activation triggers because I entered through the exit as a result the second crypto here seems content just to hang out thank you [Music] that was po3 but it's the fourth and final PO for me to kill in this dungeon the pogay will now open and I won't even need to wait 10 hours I'll begin moving through this room with a B attack as that will line my dashes up perfectly to get a dash cancel off of this ledge oh now I can get to the second half of the dungeon where I can get the spinner get the boss key and then go fight Stallard or at least that's supposed to be the order that I do those things in the boss key is right here and it's actually pretty easy to get to it early I'll just need to do some B attacks to get out of bounds and then go to the other side [Music] I still need the spinner so now I need to make my way through this room backwards there's a hard piece and an area to the left of this so I'll get a side hop off of the spinner rail or I'll fail to get a side hop off of the spinner Rail and just roll I guess that's cool too from here I can use backslice to get over this rail and then head to the Next Room this is the room that precedes the mini boss fight with the death sword I meant to be entering it from the other side so I've got this big sand pit in my way normally link can't cross this much sand but if I do a brake slide then he can I briefly covered brake sliding about two hours ago after hurting the third round of goats all I had to do was hold the control stick opposite the direction link was moving just outside the dead zone and hold L this is the only time it actually has a purpose in the run but it skips a transformation foreign and now I enter the mini boss fight with death sword to begin the fight I'll need to cut the ropes and then transform into wolf to attack death swords ghost form as you'll soon see in the background there's a gate blocking my access to the spinner chest killing death sword is the only way to open this game but there's also a big gap above the gate that I meant to exit the room through rather than killing death sword the fastest way for me to get to that spinner chest then will be to get over the gate to do this I'll lure death sword into a corner and then get it to attack from there I can tag it with a charge attack and position legs so that I'll get a super jump over the gate this is basically the same method as how I got to the master sword early way earlier in the run but this iteration is a bit more precise in both position and timing thank you [Music] all I have left to do now is to be the final boss Stallard and the fastest way for me to get to the boss store will be to save War back to the entrance this is true regardless of whether I escape death sword or not but skipping death sword essentially necessitates it because with death sword still alive the door was still locked and I couldn't have left the room normally [Music] on the second trip through the first two rooms I have the spinner and I'll make use of it crossing the sand contrary to my intuition when I began speedrunning this game rolling up the stairs will be faster than rolling up the slope slopes both up and down attenuate links max rolling speed but the stairs are a series of unsloped steps and the vertical parts of the steps don't influence link speed at all so as far as horizontal speed is concerned it's the same as rolling on flat ground there are a few spinner sockets like this in the game and despite what the a prompt at the bottom of the screen might have you believe mashing speed doesn't matter all that much pressing a about four times per second will open the passage just as quickly as pressing it more often than that will it's at this point in the round that I choose to believe that we're not seeing a 3D World with a mini map in the bottom left corner but rather that the game follows the adventures of a yellow triangle that loves going in circles and the rest of the screen is but a maxi map while streaming 100 runs I pretty frequently get asked why I'm not doing Stallard skip after all it's been RTA viable for over a year now it's not because I think it's too hard and not worth it for this category nor because it's strictly speaking banned it's because I need the heart container from Stallard and I need to kill it to get that if I really wanted to I could skip Stallard and then come back in the arena and kill it to get the heart container but that seems slow anyway the first phase of the Stallard fight is skeleton pinball the first cycle had no obstacles and I managed to avoid them in this cycle for the third cycle there are five stall troops that are guaranteed I got caught on stallard's arm look at that that's an unusual one for this third cycle there are five stall troops that are guaranteed to spawn right around the spine so I need to go behind it and then bounce back to hit it on a serious note if your spine is ever smoking or crumbling like this you should consider seeing a chiropractor in phase two of the fight Stallard boops link off of the platform and the player is meant to then ride the spinner rail to chase Stallard up the arena with good time and getting onto the spinner rail though I'll be able to knock down Stallard before it gets very far from here if I spam spin attacks on Styler then I can finish the fight in one cycle [Music] [Music] foreign because the spinner moves very fast in Boss Arenas exiting this room will be one of the few times that I used the spinner purely for ground transportation Arbiters grounds is a unique dungeon in that it doesn't have a blue warp at the end I'll need to go raise the mirror to get my mirror Shard as a reward raising the mirror is also what causes ashay to spawn on snow peak and I need her in order to get the upgraded fishing rod as you may have noticed beating arbiter's grounds set the time of day to night specifically 9 pm this means that amidst talking to ashay for her sketch and delivering it to rallies for the upgraded fishing rod I'll be able to collect some post holes this night cycle though is not nearly as involved as the one that preceded Arbiters grounds only beginning a few pose and time of day won't be very tight nice legs link fun fact if you jump off of the spinner rail right before reaching the top you'll hit a barrier that extends pretty far up from the ground don't ask me why I know that raising the mirror initiates two cutscenes that are cool and cinematic and Central to The Game's plot but for some reason are skippable so I just skipped them my first stop will be in zoro's domain where I have a bit of collection to do before getting to ashay this will be my second and final trip to zoro's domain in the run so I'll need to clear everything in the inner area there's a bomb bag to get from the underwater Goron and then in the outer area there are two pose and a golden bug foreign this bomb bag is the reason that it was important for me to get water bombs earlier in the run to get it I'll use a water bomb to blow up the Rock and then do a trick called swimming with water bombs to make link rise to the surface of the water instantly this application is called Rocket link all I'll need to do is try to pull a water bomb while underwater and then equip something over the iron boots while I'm pulling the bomb out that'll make link swim with the water bomb in his hands and then if I press a to drop it while wearing the Zoro armor he'll instantly rise to the top as a side note it's possible to do this without the Zora armor but the inputs are a little bit different it's also possible with a trick called norgore that gets used in any percent to get that Goron's bomb bag with a normal bomb instead of a water bomb unfortunately the trick is one try only and if I were to fail it I would need to go get water bombs which there's no convenient source for right now so I don't go for it in 100 percent falling straight down off this ledge will place me near the first zoro's domain Poe I need to lure the PO to me so I'll do it with this midnight jump and then kill the PO on higher ground so I don't need to do the jump afterwards [Music] it's possible to pick up this blue Ruby without text during the jump but I didn't quite get it it doesn't really matter though my rupee count is fine thank you here's one of the few spots where I'll Transform without entering first person even though Mitten is on my back this is to reduce lag as a first person transform here is very laggy I've just fully cleared zoro's domain so now I'll make my way to ashay to get the sketch I just pulled out and then canceled the claw shot after diving into the water to make links start swimming horizontally earlier than he normally would oh [Music] now that I have the sketch I'll just need to give it to Alice and the kakariko graveyard to get the upgraded fishing rod I'll go there now foreign has been passing while I've been in zoro's domain but in kakariko and the graveyard in game time doesn't pass that means I'll still have plenty of nighttime afterwards for a little bit of extra po collection I've been in the kakariko graveyard twice before in the run but both were in states where these Collectibles weren't available the first was during the Twilight and the second was at the end of the escort sequence now though I'll be able to fully clear the graveyard's two pose golden bug hidden skill and fishing rod upgrade [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] this will be my sixth hidden skill jump strike and this hidden skill is the reason that I went out of my way to get a golden wolf south of castletown earlier jumpstrike gives link a big jump before he strikes that she couldn't have figured that one out the big jump is what's important to me as I'll never use this hidden skill in combat if I begin to jump strike while wearing the iron boots and then equip something over the iron boots during a two-frame window of the jump strike then the game will miscalculate Link's gravity and Grant him some extra height the exact amount of height does depend on which frame in the two Frame Window the iron boots are unequipped on so this trick can be framed perfect depending on the application we call this glitch Moon boots and it'll be very useful for some skips on the way to Temple of Time and within it if I hadn't done that spin attack at the end of my jump strike then the main hero shade would have fallen down and I would have needed to wait out his animation of getting back up before getting the text unlike at the end of the escort sequence I will actually have to crawl through the entire tunnel this time exiting the tunnel I'll do a jump attack into the water to prevent link from entering his diving animation enjoy this music as I don't think we'll hear it again for the rest of the Run [Music] thank you getting that Coral earring for my fishing rod upgrade was the only thing that I strictly needed to do between beating Arbiters grounds and finishing snow peak but as I mentioned earlier I've got some extra night time so I'll make a trip to the area west of castletown to finally get that other golden bug and get the PO in the ruins [Music] thank you [Music] now I'll head back to snow peak to enter the dungeon using the warp portal that I opened about 45 minutes ago a night a day and most of another night have passed since I opened this warp portal but yeto is still standing here with his fish [Music] in this cutscene I'll declined to go on a spiritual journey with yeto as that would cost me a second or two in text boxes most speedrun categories other than 100 skip getting the snow peak portal by ljing to yeto instead getting the portal is what clears the fog so skipping it results in what we call blind snowboarding where you can barely see on our way down the slope even during blind snowboarding most Runners including myself take the shortcut down the mountain there's a risk of voiding because it's hard to see but it is the fastest path for 100 I needed to get the portal so the fog is cleared and that makes snowboarding a little bit easier though I will also want to collect some rupees on the way down that only spawn when the fog is cleared there are a blue red and purple Ruby on the Treetops that I'll be passing to the left of I find it hard to get these reliably and the last Treetops sometimes slows link down a lot so I opt not to get them but I do get this red rupee later on the snowboard Lynx max speed is 70. but tiny slopes up and down along the chorus can make it fall below that jumping on the snowboard locks link speed and usually does it at 70 which is why I've been hopping so much foreign [Music] dungeon snow peak ruins of all the dungeons in the game this one is by far the most broken the other mirror Shard dungeons in 100 will take 15 to 20 minutes to complete but with the sequence breaks available to me this one will take closer to 10. I'll begin by completely ignoring Yeta in the dungeon map and opening this door which is meant to just tease This Heart piece chest with an LJ though I can cross the gap from here I'll want to make my way to the courtyard and then to the mini boss for the ball and chain I can claw shot up through this ceiling as the floor is meant to be bombed on the way down to the chest and only as one-sided collision and then try to clip through this floor but have kind of a rough time of it there we go that floor's Collision is just special now between me and the courtyard there's a locked door and I don't have a small key and there's also a ladder that's blocked by this freezer but if I begin climbing this ladder and then drop off of it frame perfectly right as the freezer begins spewing ice then instead of spewing indefinitely like it's supposed to it'll only spew for a short time this doesn't give me quite enough time to get to the top of the ladder but if I drop off again this time within a 16 Frame Window then I can get another short spew and make it to the top this ladder is only meant to be climbed after the freezer it has been destroyed by cannonballs pretty late in the dungeon now that I've made it to the Courtyard I'll grab a small key as it'll make it faster to get out here again later next I'll continue my trend of ignoring Cannonball puzzles by completely skipping this freezer guarding the mini boss room if I get some invincibility by side hopping into it then I can use it to push me out of bounds and through the door and then open the door from the other side to begin the fight I'll just need to roll across the room [Music] this mini boss is called Dark Hammer because of its weapon of choice a dark hammer anyway all I need to do is get dark Hammer to throw the ball in chain and then mortal draw it from behind killing it in one hit foreign take a look at this dark hammer the ball and chain can be picked up mid-roll which is kind of interesting for items in this game and after I get it I'll just save warp to get back to the lobby quickly as that's where there is the most collection to do [Music] now that I have the ball and chain I can destroy the suits of armor in the lobby I'll hit one of them once to free the bubble that's inside it as the bubble is guaranteed to drop 100 rupees and then hit another twice to free the first po I'll now be able to kill the PO and the bubble with one charge attack I'll try to side hop over the orange rupee to skip its text but I accidentally ran into it and then head over to the center of the room for the next poem foreign from here I want to get up to the second floor of this room where there's a heart piece and a door to the next Poe the fastest way for me to do that will be to use this keys I'll catch it in the boomerang to bring it down to me then transform and tag it with a charge attack the keys will then fly back home and if I position myself correctly I can use that to get a jump onto its Chandelier as its reward for helping me out I'll Now kill the keys then to get to this heart piece I can do an angled LJ pop-up onto this platform I'm really not sure why that pop-up happens but it does and it's nice from here to get to the PO it'll be fastest to use ljas rather than using the ball and chain on the chandelier as intended these ljas are kind of awkward because the boomerang needs to be out of bounds for them to work and sometimes it just decides not to go out of bounds so I'm buffering on each one to make sure that it does the PO in this room is behind an ice wall guarded by a bunch of mini freezers just like in the last room I could use the ball and chain as intended but if I move just right then I can lure the PO out without the mini freezer it's getting in the way I'll now show off my figure skating routine on the way to the door here's why I dug up that key before the mini boss fight just like with the other freezers I can skip this one by rolling into it to get invincibility and then rolling past it to the door that's not the door all right I'll do it the old-fashioned way this door brings me to the second floor of the courtyard where I want to get to the boss key room which is right at the top of the ladder that I climbed earlier this time though I can do an LJ to get there if I were to fail this LJ then I could just climb the ladder using the same trick that I used earlier but before that trick was found recently falling here was disastrous the best backup I'd have had would be climbing up the ladder over and over again until the freezer killed me which is very slow there are a number of fast ways to clear the chillfos in this room the fastest I know of uses bomb arrows and it's very fun to do foreign died just 13 seconds after I took control of Link for some reason the boss key or bedroom key as it's called in this dungeon isn't in a boss key chest just a normal one and I'll go for a side hop after this text to avoid some midnight text from here I just need to backtrack to the Courtyard to get to the boss door hopefully on my way I won't be startled by anyone wearing a spooky costume ah oh you startled me with your freezer costume Yetta in the first phase of the blizzetta fight I'll position myself near the center of the room and throw the ball and chain at blizzetta to try to bounce her repeatedly off walls [Music] [Music] close enough now in phase two blizzetta will spawn 10 icicles that will try to fall on link afterwards they'll rise again and encircle bozetta and then the entire ensemble will try to fall on like after that I'm meant to knock blizzetta into a wall to end the first cycle and go on to the second and eventually third cycles that sounds like a lot of Cycles so what I'll do instead after dodging the icicles as they fall one by one is position myself a little bit away from a wall so that when the circle of icicles Falls I'm knocked back inside the circle and right next to plazetta with enough invincibility that she doesn't push me further away from there if I knock her into the nearby wall I have enough time to pull the ball and chain a second time and hit her again and then a third time to finish the fight it is possible to slightly speed up this fight by destroying some of the icicles before they fall I don't go for that Strat in full game runs because it's a little bit risky if the Ring of icicles is incomplete when I get knocked down before I do the one cycle then I could just fly across the arena I could use a bomb Arrow to knock me back a set amount but it's still a little bit finicky if you want to see the Strat though check out one of my individual level or IL speedruns of snow peak runes oh [Music] [Music] I'll be mashing for a backflip during a one Frame Window of control I have over link as that would put me a little bit closer to the portal I missed it unfortunately you could see the frame though where the controller buttons all showed up on the screen this happens on all of the one frame windows that I've mentioned and I never noticed it before I started speedrunning but now I see them everywhere and wonder how I missed them and now for one of the most important parts of the Run looking into eyes of yellow foreign I mentioned at the beginning of the dungeon that this one would go by very quickly and it did but ironically this cutscene is one of the longest post boss cutscenes in the game if not the longest it's nearly two minutes between dealing the final blow to blizzetta and actually leaving fun fact you can pick up heart containers with the ball and chain and that concludes snow peak ruins I'll still be making two trips back to Peak Province later on in the run though as I still have a bit to collect I'll need to race yeto and Yeta in snowboarding for a heart piece there are the two pose I mentioned earlier in the connection cave and on the ascent of the mountain and there's one Poe on the spiral Mountain near the entrance to the dungeon that I'll get now beating snow peak ruins sets time of day to noon but this Poe doesn't care about time of day and is still available [Music] oh all right unlike all of the other transitions between dungeons the transition between snow peak runes and Temple of Time doesn't have much to it there will be some collection along the way but I won't be going out of my way for any all I'll really need to do is get through the sacred grove again to get to the dungeon this is easier said than done though because I'll be doing some tough glitches to get there fast for example right now I'm meant to go talk to Russell to get his golden cuckoo so I can fly to the sacred grove however using Moon Boots the glitch that I mentioned earlier I can get enough height on this jump strike to get on this out of bounds ledge and from here make my way to the sacred grove just like I did very early in the run to get the master sword for this application the iron boots unequipped during the moon boots is frame perfect I'll refer to this trip through the sacred grove as Grove 2 Grove 1 being the one leading to the master sword in Grove 2 the Skull Kid Chase and fight are a bit different and more reliant on the bow for that reason in another context it would be fastest to stay human for the Grove but I'm not actually going to be doing very much of the skull kid Chase and I need to get a Poe so it's faster for this category to be wolf here I'll do the exact same quick climb that I did half an hour into the Run even though I said I wouldn't be doing much of the skull kid Chase I do still need to hit him this once to open this passageway [Music] it is possible to grab this post hole with an angle that makes link backflip off the ledge it's interesting in that it delays the text box from the post hole until link reaches land but it's actually slower so I don't do it this is as far as I'll take the Skull Kid Chase I'll make a quick pit stop to light these torches and spawn a chest with 30 bombs in it which will keep me supplied for the rest of the run but then I'll be heading over to the next room for Grove to skip Grove to skip combines jump strike Moon boots with a bomb boost to get up onto an out of bounds ledge there are two frames for unequipping the iron boots that will work for this Moon boots and each of those frames has two corresponding frames on the bomb timer that will work for the Boost the angle and position I'll need for this boost are also somewhat precise and the entire time I'm going for it these puppets will be spawning just to bother me uh [Music] yeah I didn't have enough time that time I had enough time but the puppet spawned in such a way that it was covering up the bomb so I couldn't see which frame I had buffered on [Music] and that time I got a bad frame for the moon boots this trick is tough there we go from here I'll carefully set up my angle so I don't just side hop right off and then backslice up this ledge I can now jump to the next room over which was the arena for the Skull Kid fight at the end of Grove one there's a Poe and a grotto with a heart piece in it here I'll go for The Grotto first because if I go for the PO right now then the puppets will spawn a lot has changed in this category since I made my last commentary video for example I said last time that the double pograto in the desert sucked I've since learned to do it right and it doesn't suck anymore this Grotto on the other hand will never change it will suck forever it's so clumsy and I've actually gone through this Grotto with every single item on the item wheel to see if I can find something faster to no avail I really wanted to be able to mow this lawn of Babas with the spinner but no such luck [Music] all right [Music] [Music] the main way that Groove 2 skip saved me time was pretty obvious I didn't have to do the entire skull kid Chase or do the fight at the end it saves a little more time than it appears though because of time of day being inside Groove 2 sets time of day to 5 AM which is still night time finishing Groove 2 by defeating Skull Kid sets time of day to 8 AM which is no longer night I skipped that fight so time of day is still night and even though I only have an hour left of it in game that's enough time for me to get this Poe which is only available at night without Grove 2 skip I would have needed to work back here later when it was already night time [Music] I'll now take my sword out put it away and then immediately take it out again this Portal fight is unfortunately required for entering Temple of Time as even though the door is unblocked by the statue after placing the master sword in the pedestal the door doesn't have an open prompt until this fight is finished it doesn't matter for 100 because to fill the requirements I need to get the portal anyway though this is the one portal in the game that I'll never warp to since I didn't do the Skull Kid fight and enter this area from the upper entrance where I could push the block down I'll need to do Moon boots again to get up to the dungeon this one is frame perfect just like the first one take that keys from here if I back walk not backflip if I back walk there we go I can enter the door from the back side there isn't normally an open prompt there but doing certain actions can make it appear for some reason thank you Temple of Time is one of my favorite dungeons in the run it's a challenging and dense one and it uses a nice variety of Tricks before I get to do any of those tricks though I need to place a pot on this switch as X showed in the old dungeons task it is actually possible to place this pot on the switch using the boomerang from afar and save a little bit of time it's very precise though and we couldn't find a good RTA setup for it I'll back slice up these steps as it's a little bit faster than climbing we'll make this dungeon so interesting is that the player is meant to go all the way to the end of it to get the Dominion Rod then use the Dominion Rod to bring a statue all the way back to the beginning to open the door of time because it's possible to clip past the door of time though I won't need to make that return trip and will save warp instead that means that I'll have to have other ways of getting to the things that I'm supposed to use the statue for the path between this small key and the door I'm going to use it on is blocked by uku whose cutscene trigger extends all the way to the left and right I can LJ over it though and Skip getting rooku this lja is moderately precise and only saves a second or two the next two rooms have Gates that can be opened by solving puzzles however there are also claw shot targets over the gates and by correctly timing a jump attack I can make it over these claw shot targets are designed for the return trip with the Statue but they sure are convenient going this direction I'll knock down the Los alvos trying to attack me but if I'm quick I won't need to kill any there's a PO in this next room that I meant to use the Dominion Rod to get I don't have it yet but I can still get the PO the arrangement of Los alfos in this room is RNG so I'll have to kill some number of them so they don't crowd me but then I'll finally use Helm splitter for the trick that I mentioned when I learned that hidden skill oh this is Alphas Arrangement yeah I'll just kill all the extra ones that's unfortunate but it will make this trick easier I'll lure the Los alfos to the gate then use the boomerang to stun it if I use Helm splitter right after the boomerang hits the Los alfos then I'll get some extra horizontal speed on it for what we call Long Helm Splitter from here I can knock down the PO which stays in the center of the area and jump for its soul from near the gate which will landlink on the switch opening the gate so I can escape and also breaking me out of the postal get animation the game seems to try to make skips like that using Helm splitter Impossible by attenuating the speed that Helm splitter gets when you're near a wall and normally it's not possible to start a Helm splitter so soon after stunning an enemy as stunning the enemy for Helm splitter is meant to be done with Shield bash Shield bash has a somewhat long animation and by the time it's done long Helm splitter is no longer possible but for some reason Los alfo specifically will give the helm splitter prompt even when they're stunned with the boomerang or the claw shot here I can skip a trip down to the first floor to grab the other Statue by side hopping onto this Rising platform as the cutscene Begins the timing for this is not very tight in this room I'll need to kill the armos so that the small key chest spawns but I'll also want to get the heart piece chest while I'm here just like for the poe the game expects me to come back here with the Dominion Rod so that I can move the statues onto the switches to spawn the chest easily but from a somewhat precise position at angle I can just throw the statues onto the switches [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] again it'll be just a little bit faster to backslice here instead of climbing the ledge [Music] with the small key I just got I can now make my way across the room and enter the next staircase being careful not to get knocked all the way down by these spinners hahaha I'll need to hit the crystal switch once in this room to move the walls but I can skip doing it a second time by simply claw shotting over the fence there are lasalfos in this next room and I'll be able to use long Helm splitter again for a sequence break this time to get to this heart piece early I'll lure the Los Alphas over to the fence start it with the boomerang and then long Helm splitter before we knew about long Helm splitter it was still possible to get over here early but it required a jump strike Moon boots bomb boost twice as precise as Grove 2 skip long Helm splitter is so much easier I can LJ off of this lesalfos to escape before the electric barrier reforms then shoot the switch once to get out of the room in this room I meant to solve a puzzle by placing statues on the scales with a jump strike Moon boots onto the railing though I won't need to foreign from here I can claw shot to the top of the room and then get to the boss key which I'm not meant to be able to get to until after getting the Dominion rod I'll bypass this PO for now and come back forward after getting the boss key when it makes more sense for me to be wolf in this room I need to kill all the enemies and then press all the switches I can make quick work of the armos with one bomb Arrow from the door then take off the helmets or shells roll to the center of the room and Spin Attack both at once if I'm fast I can then claw shot to the top of the room before the cutscene starts while claw shotting the helmishore shells I'll move towards the switches with L slides link will slide like this if I shoot the claw shot from first person then hold the direction on the control stick and hold l [Music] [Music] I'll now transform wolf to get that Poe outside the door and I can stay wolf until I get to the next small key chest [Music] this room is full of traps and enemies and if anything goes wrong it quickly gets messy thankfully I at least have a plan let's hope it goes well thank you hey I didn't get destroyed instead of bringing the statue over to the switch I can just do an lja to beat the barrier to open the next gate I'll need to kill the armos which I can do quickly with bomb arrows from this step and while I'm waiting for the cutscene to begin I can come over here for a quick Arrow refill there's not much I can do about these spiders okay [Music] I'm not actually sure what I was just trying to do I don't remember that's not something I normally do anyway I now enter the mini boss fight with the Dark Knight it's actually not much of a fight as I'm going to ignore the Dark Knight completely if I throw the boomerang at the dark knight from the door well I meant to hit the dark nut to start the cutscene early but oh well anyway see you later darknet it's time for another Moon boots bomb boost this one is somewhat precise in angle and position and will require an input within a two Frame Window followed by a frame perfect input and with that I can get the Dominion rod skit by the way I'm not in any danger of getting hit by the dark knot it may look formidable but it can't conquer a tiny step that leads up to the area with the chest no matter how many attempts the skip takes the Dark Knight will always be struggling against that step I'm now in the farthest reaches of the dungeon and trapped behind the gate so I'll save warp to get back to the entrance the door of time that leads to the boss room is in the first room after all again to get past the door of time the game expects me to use the Dominion Rod to bring the statue all the way from the dark nuts room back through the dungeon however with a very precise angle it's possible to use a small statue in this room to clip through the door to set up my angle I'll start with a pause buffered angle change I'll enter first person hold direct right and buffer the correct number of frames then I'll do a few turns to make Minor Adjustments to Link's angle and now all I need to do is roll with the correct timing that skip alone saved several minutes of backtracking now there's just one more room before armagoma if I take control of the small statue and get it stuck so that it stays far behind me I can get all the way to the gate before it presses the switch from there I can just roll to make the statue void out and take normal control of link again armagoma is another big RNG component of the run in each of the three Cycles in phase one gomo will crawl around the ceiling to the lights for between 200 and 300 frames depending on RNG after that timer runs out each time gomo reaches a new light there's a 50 50 chance that it will open its eye and become vulnerable once I shoot the eye I just need to smush the spider the path that Goma takes back to the ceiling is also determined by RNG you can see now she's crossing the room but sometimes she takes a wall Closer by oh it is comforting to have over 10 hearts for this fight because with the Zora armor on I take 10 times damage for Fire and Ice attacks guma's laser deals one heart normally and counts as a fire attack so deals 10 Hearts when I have the Zora armor on I should never get hit by the laser but mistakes happen and again it would cost me some time to take the Zora armor off as I'll want it for Palace of Twilight in an hour and a half or so [Music] foreign as I've gotten ready to smush Goma on each cycle I've moved out of the way before swinging the Dominion Rod if I were to swing the Dominion rod and bonk it on one of goma's legs then the statue's attack wouldn't connect [Music] in most of the boss fights Phase 2 is longer than phase one but that's not the case for Goma I can say from experience that running out of arrows here is unfortunate [Music] this is my third of the four mirror shards the last one being in city in the sky but before I go to City in the sky there will be a lengthy interlude there's a clip I could do in the sanctuary to get the city in the sky basically anytime I want but there's a big story line ilya's memory Quest active after Temple of time and I'll need to complete it to repower the Dominion rod and get the ancient Sky book and the horse call the side quest itself has a few steps but overall isn't that complicated but because it involves traveling to a few different places and it's got to be night for me to get one of the trade Quest items it makes sense to fit a whole lot of collection into this side quest this means that between now and city in the sky in addition to completing the side quest I'll get 12 heart pieces 16 pose and 10 golden bugs this is one of my favorite parts of the run because time of day is pretty tight and there's a lot to do when all goes well it doesn't look like much but there's a lot of practice that goes into making it work beating Temple of Time sets time of day in game to noon and I'll only have until 6am to get all the things that I need to do done but there are quite a few places where in-game time doesn't pass it doesn't pass during warps loads or text boxes or when I'm in grottos indoor areas Villages dungeons or most caves as a result even though one in-game minute lasts for 21 frames meaning that the 18 in-game hours I have translates to 12.6 minutes of real time it'll actually be over half an hour before my night ends anyway before exiting Temple of Time I have a quick po heart piece and golden bug to get [Music] when collecting some golden bugs I'll try to throw the boomerang above them so that the bugs get caught lower in the boomerang scale and then end up on the ground when the boomerang returns to link it matters more for the flying bugs than for the snail but it does seem to limit how far away from length the snail will land leaving Temple of Time is where in-game time begins to pass for my collection cycle as usual the night time is far more valuable than the daytime because I need to collect pose so I'll need to spend this daytime in some efficient way I could have gotten this other Grove bug before entering Temple of time but it would have been a tiny bit slower and it wouldn't have spent that in-game time just now next it's time for a big in-game time spender snowboarding I'll need to beat yetto and then Yeta for a heart piece the races aren't very difficult but if I were to void or otherwise fail either one of them it would be a huge time loss I'll also want to get some rupees on the snowboarding course to max out my wallet to its capacity of 600 rupees before I warp to kakariko [Music] I won't need to take the shortcut in order to beat yellow but I still want to go fast so I'll take it anyway I'll also slice him up a bit take that as a reminder just like I said before entering snow peak ruins staying in the air for prolonged periods of time is the fastest way to move through snowboarding it looks like I'll be going for the treetop rupees here which makes sense given my rupee count and I got a 20. that's all I really needed as there's a much easier 20 to get later on in the course and I can get it again the next time too [Music] [Music] considering landing on the treetop slowed me down a little bit 112 was not too bad my fastest without Treetop Rupees is a 108. now for the second race with Yetta I could warp back to the top of the slope but it's slightly faster to lja and void out laughs again since I was already taking the fastest path with yeto I'll take the exact same path with Yeta though this time I won't get the treetop rupees I guess that is a little bit of an oversimplification there are some optimizations along the path that I'm taking that I won't go for just for fear of crashing and ruining my in-game time there is also another faster path though that faster has a big asterisk next to it at present the fastest ever snowboarding time is a 102 by nimso which you can see on the TP category extensions leaderboard this is roughly six seconds faster than my fastest ever and is done by jumping over a very long void to create a shortcut and spin attacking the entire time to maintain height the void in question is coming up on the right right now and you can see on the minimap how cutting across it would be a shortcut now the reason I don't go for this isn't just that it's extremely risky it's also slower in a full game Run context at least for the first round of snowboarding even if I were to maintain height during that jump very well the game would still void me out because the void planes during snowboarding are very aggressive the only way to avoid voiding out would be to perform map glitch the glitch that allowed me to get to snow peak early by disabling load zones and void plane however that would mean that I couldn't void at the end of the first race so I'd have to warp back to the top and that would cost all the time that I saved on snowboarding now in the old Route after receiving the heart piece from Yetta I would avoid it again to get back to the top and get the connection cave Poe but because that Poe is now routed later in the run I'm actually just going to warp the kakariko from behind Yeta and I guess that means that the map glitch Strat actually would be optimal for the second round of snowboarding in 100 I'll have to try it out in any case I'm now warping to kakariko where I can begin working on ilya's memory Quest and the mallomar donation side quest both of them require trips to kakariko and to castletown so intertwining them makes sense for the Malamar side quest I'll need to donate 1 000 rupees then do the hot spring water minigame which will bring me to Castle Town Quick aside I'm shooting this rack to make it blow up while I open the door to skip a cutscene of it blowing up back to the Malamar side quest I'll then need to donate 200 more Rupees to open the castle Town Malamar so I can buy magic armor later all of this combines very nicely with the trade sequence in ilia's memory Quest along with this donation on this trip to kakariko I'll also get Renato's letter afterwards I'll go to castletown to deliver the letter to Telma and while I'm there I can donate bugs to Agatha to refill my wallet another quick aside here I'll shoot another rock before opening a door you know why after doing the things I need to do in castletown I'll need it to be night for the next part of ilia's memory Quest so I can warp back to kakariko make my donation and do the hot spring water minigame which both brings me to castletown and spends in-game time to make it night I'll do a lot of mostly unrelated collection after my nighttime castletown trip but in the morning I'll make one last trip to kakariko both to finish the Malamar donations and to finish ilya's memory Quest and repower the Dominion rod got all that there will be a quiz after the run [Music] now that it's no longer blocked by rocks or nested in asides I can grab this heart piece with the boomerang while I make my way back behind the spring for another heart piece with proper Boomerang targeting it is actually possible to get that heart piece without blowing up the boulders that are on top of the cave but it's a bit finicky foreign [Music] to the surface just like I did after getting the Goron Bomb Bag and then warp to castletown as soon as I've reached land [Music] as I said this trip to Castle Town serves both ilya's memory Quest and the Malamar donation side quest but there's also one other important thing that I need to do I need to talk to the postman over the course of all the collection I'll be doing before getting the city in the sky there are a lot of Postman triggers that I would need to bypass if I were trying to skip the postman if I really wanted to I could skip or otherwise avoid all of these Postman triggers but I need to see the postman at some point during the Run anyway to get the post bag on the pause screen to fulfill the 100 requirements and this is a really good time to do it so I don't need to skip all of those triggers my next stop will be in Agatha's Castle to donate some more bugs and fill my wallet back to 600 rupees hey hey even though I don't have an equipped to make here I'll open and close the item wheel quickly before opening Agatha's door or before talking to this guy opening doors is kind of hard and this one is particularly difficult to open because it's so close to the area entrance that the banner reading castletown South Road is still up by the time link gets to it and it's impossible to open a door while that's on screen the Adam wheel pull was to get rid of that Banner sooner than it would normally Fade Out on this trip to Agatha I won't give her all of the bugs that I have because that would prevent me from using her to fill my wallet again later this unfortunately means that when I'm leaving she'll say I know you have bugs which costs about a second and a half I had thought at one point that in the newest route we could give all the bugs to Agatha on this trip and do I know you have bugs skip for that huge time save but I had miscounted and we only realized this when another Runner the guy downstairs was doing a run with I know you have bug Skip and didn't have enough rupees after his final trip to Agatha sorry tgd foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] bugs the next stop in the trade sequence will be in telma's bar just like when I went to Thomas bar earlier during midna's desperate hour I'll attempt to do a glitch using Louise the cat though I probably won't get it this time either as it's very precise if I had to tell me directly there's a cutscene trigger that I'll hit but if I talk to Louise from just the right place then I'll be pushed into the cutscene trigger during her meow and deactivate the cutscene oh nope getting this cutscene would have saved six seconds or so I go for it mostly for fun it's a very very precise cutscene Skip and I've only gotten it in a few runs but I get to talk to Louise [Music] in return for Renato's letter telma's given me the invoice which I'll now deliver to the doctor oh oh [Music] remember [Music] the medicine scent will allow me to kill the stall Hounds in South castletown to get the wooden statue but I'll only be able to do that at night so I'll have to come back as I mentioned earlier I'll be spending the remainder of my daytime doing the hot spring water minigame to activate that I'll need to donate in mallow Mart one more time but I'll also need to talk to the score on by the bridge [Music] thank you in-game time has been ticking through this entire trip to castletown whenever I've been Outdoors if the route has worked out properly then I'll be getting back to this spot just before it turns night [Music] huh I only need to donate 400 rupees right now for the Malamar bridge but I have 600 rupees in my wallet so I can go ahead and buy the Hylian Shield for 200. huh unlike the Zora armor versus the hero's clothes The ordin Shield has no functionality that the Hylian Shield doesn't I'll just leave the ordin shield equipped because it would take time to equip the Hylian Shield in fact I won't use the Hylian Shield at all in the Run the goal of this mini game is to get this hot spring water to the Goron on the bridge if I get hit by an enemy then I'll drop the hot spring water and the barrel May explode there is also a time limit on how long the water will stay hot but that's not much of a concern the enemies aren't too much of a concern either if I ran directly across the field then levers would spawn and probably hit me but if I run around the perimeter like this then they don't spawn this cargo Rock looks pretty menacing but it actually can't catch up to me so long as I keep moving so all I really need to worry about is dodging the fire arrows from The boldland Archers fine this cutscene takes an unfortunately long time [Music] [Music] okay it's over as you can tell from the sky in the background it is very nearly night time which is perfect because I want to get to the PO on the upcoming Bridge right as it turns night between killing the stall Hounds in South castletown and the end of night time I have quite a bit of collection to do and you'll see at the end of the cycle how tight the in-game time is perfect timing [Music] on my way to the area south of castletown I'll make two stops the first will be with Giovanni to get the reward for having collected 20 post holes the second will be with Louise again as I'll need to speak to her to spawn the stall hounds oh the 20 post Soul reward is a bottle with Great Fairy tiers in it the bottle of course is required for 100 but I'll also be using the Great Fairy tiers during the argaroc fight what our rule set doesn't require is fully saving Giovanni after getting 60 post holes at the end of the run this is because the reward for that isn't an item of any kind but is infinite money and unfortunately that money is slow enough to get that it won't be useful for the run so that's the last of Giovanni will see this run if I were to turn on senses we could see that the medicine scent that I got earlier is leading me to where Louise is getting the medicine scent was a prerequisite for spawning Louise but I don't actually need to use it as a guide finally I can take the South exit out of castletown for that wooden statue and some collection there's a pretty convenient 100 rupee chest here that I'd like to get the player is meant to get this chest by claw shotting up a pillar and then using the spinner to jump down but if I backslice with the proper angle onto this slope then I can do a jump attack onto the platform instead foreign [Music] s can drop green blue or yellow rupees ideally for the route I'll be getting at least 60 rupees here for a total of 160 or more but RNG that good is pretty uncommon [Music] wow that was uncommonly good RNG I'll now head to the second golden bug in this area which pairs with the one that I got about an hour and a half ago and then I'll have cleared this area and won't need to return I'll now return to kakariko to give the wooden statue to Ilya and after that the rest of the night time is free for collection foreign thankfully it won't be relevant to this run but if I were to give Ilya the wooden statue without having gotten the Zora armor earlier the game would crash this is because that combination of story Flags would result in there being two renatos in the room at once and the cutscene wouldn't know which Renato to use there's no speed run category where this is relevant and it wouldn't happen in a casual playthrough but I found this crash the hard way about five hours into a run of a strange old dungeons variant that I was doing so it's hard to forget my collection Arc through kakariko and Death Mountain Trail Begins by getting the silver rupee from the Bell on top of the sanctuary I could have done some midday jumps up to the roof if I had done the mid to jumps up to there during Eldon Twilight but that would have been slow with some proper Boomerang targeting I can just get the silver rupee to come to me next there are just two pose left in kakariko Village one is by the ruins of the bomb house and the other is by the Watchtower the fastest way for me to get there will be to take akako from this side and fly over I'll Target walk to approach takako so that it doesn't fly away now it's pretty easy to fly with the cocoa to the roof of the bomb shop on the left but I can also just barely make it to this ledge which is about four seconds faster [Music] [Music] all right this is all I can do in kakariko right now uh nice but I can head to Death Mountain trail to clear that out there is one Poe and one heart piece in-game time wasn't passing in kakariko Village but it will be passing in Death Mountain Trail and in most of the places I go after this the only exception being the Eldon cave so this is where I really need to be paying attention to my in-game time I don't just need to get the pose hard pieces and golden bugs I need to get them fast because otherwise I'll run out of night time okay for me I'll get to the upper ledge where the poe is by launching off this Goron and then I'll be very careful not to launch myself off the ledge afterwards [Music] the heart piece chest is kind of far away from here but on the way I can turn over these rocks for some guaranteed red rubies all right [Music] [Music] coming up next is a pretty long collection Arc that will finally feature oppona I'll begin in the gorge where there are quite a few things I can collect now then write oppona most of the way across the map for some collection in Hyrule Field South and in lanero the first thing to take care of in The Gorge is the gorge cave which houses a heart piece and a Poe [Music] in addition to using the lantern to burn some of the webs in the cave I can use bomb arrows as for some of the webs I can shoot a bomb Arrow from afar and not need to wait for the web to burn before I pass through it it's also possible to use the ball and chain to burn the webs but it's not actually faster thank you [Music] [Music] with this cave being so long and not having a warp at the end like the lake hylia cave did it takes a long time to exit so I'm going to save warp instead which will bring me back to the bridge over the gorge if I time this save warp to be late enough in the post hole get animation then I'll get the postal without getting the text box [Music] there are still two golden bugs two heart pieces and a Poe to get at the Gorge because I'm already wolf I'll head to the post hole first after this I'll be going to the nearby Cliff for the two heart pieces and this is a pretty scary part of the run I'm going to be ljing to the heart piece chest instead of using the double claw shots as intended and failing the lja in such a way that I void out would cost me so much time that I couldn't possibly get done everything that I want to do during this night cycle foreign wow a heart piece wow a heart piece and into the void voiding here is quite a bit faster than warping back to the Gorge here I'll call apona and begin heading to the other areas that I need to get to on the way out I'll grab the golden bugs on either side of the Gorge one thing that takes him getting used to running 100 is managing having all the hidden skills after picking up the bug I won't press a to roll immediately as that would cause link to Mortal draw of the goblin similarly holding a instead of just tapping it when going for a jump attack will make link start to charge jump strike making that mistake can be disastrous when going for an lja I'll hold down on the control stick as I approach the second bug to get opponent to stop nearer where I'm getting off [Music] and now I'll ride oppona all the way across Southern Hyrule Field and over the Great Bridge of hylia to flight by foul there are two pose and three golden bugs on this path and this is just the most convenient way to get them as there are no portals nearby and there's no other reason to go to these places at any other point in the Run yeah just like I did for the upper zores riverbug a couple of hours ago I'll draw the sword and then put it away as the boomerang returns to link to cancel the animation and catch the bug immediately several enemies like to Cluster around this Poe and with bad RNG a mid and charge attack can carry link pretty far away from it that RNG was not so bad now it's time for opponent's colonoscopy and I'm off to the Great Bridge of hylia to go quickly I'll need to manage opponent's Spurs well here I'll space out five of them timing them to coincide with opponent beginning to lose speed then wait for them to recharge as they'll do so sooner than they would if I were to use all six I'll leave opponent over here as this is the direction I'll be going after getting the PO or foreign [Music] it's uncommon for 50 rupee chests to be fast enough to be worth getting but this one is on the way back to oppona and I need to transform the human anyway there's a golden bug on either side of the Great Bridge of hylia and both of them like to fly around so I'll try to catch each of them low in the boomerang scale so that they land on the ground when the boomerang returns to link I have no idea why that missed fascinating [Music] and that bug is trying to fly away these bugs are not being polite to me right now there is a fair amount of RNG in these collection segments with the bugs and the pose and other enemies aside from just going fast the real challenge is figuring out how to approach all of them in ways that mitigate the RNG to get down those stairs quickly I did an opponent slide as we'll soon see it's actually significant how much in-game time that saves even that small amount of time save could be important if I were to say for example somehow managed to throw the boomerang in Flight by foul and not catch any of the five cuckoes in the room [Music] twice suffice it to say this is a pretty uncommon mistake and because of this I don't know exactly where the spinning platform is going to be in its cycle so I'll have to play it by year the hard part about this is not landing on the spinning platform but getting down from it to the next platform I think I'll play it risky and go to the left and barely make it that was a fast 100 rupees and then of course I need the heart piece and the PO as well thank you there's one Poe in all of lake hylia that I haven't collected yet and I'll need to use flight by foul again to get there to transform just then I called midna from third person instead of from first person I mentioned earlier that it's faster to call her from first person when she's on links back but it also takes more in-game time to do so after the time losses with the golden bug and the Cuckoos I'm willing to lose a few frames to play it safe here's how this is supposed to go easy [Music] even though there will still be some collection for me to do after it turns day there are only two more nighttime pose for me to get before I can stop worrying about the in-game time I'll warp to Upper zores River to get the PO there and then take the Waterway out to North Hyrule fields for the bridgepo foreign [Music] let's see how close to daytime it looks as I exit the tunnel I see a little bit of sun it would have been very convenient if this Poe had been available during midna's desperate hour as that sequence begins on this very bridge but there are four pose in the game that don't spawn until after Midnight's desperate hour they are the four main Hyrule Field pose outside of grottos or caves this one and the ones at Great Bridge of hylia South Hyrule Field and the gorge all of which I've recently gotten oh and with that my night cycle is complete and I no longer need to worry about in-game time let's listen for the beginning daytime jingle to see how close that was hey hey there it is so I had about 10 seconds to spare as I noted during the day night cycle after midnight desperate hour it doesn't look like much when things go right in fact it kind of looks easy I had those big time losses near the end and I still made it with 10 seconds to spare you can take my word for it it takes a lot of practice to be able to do this even though it's mostly playing the game as intended just fast now even though the night time is over I still have some collection to do while I'm here in this area there are two golden bugs including the one I just got two heart pieces and two pose that are available during the daytime I'll first go for the hard piece in the ice puzzle cave which is a callback to a puzzle in a room of snow peak runes that very few speed runs go into even this 100 run bypassed that room entirely aside from just using the solutions with the fewest steps I'll try to go through these puzzles quickly by using the ball and chain if I were to grab and push the blocks with r instead then link wouldn't be able to move while the blocks were moving furthermore you can see that even though I released the ball and chain link isn't fully throwing it and going through the whole retraction animation this is because I'm throwing the ball in chain from a specific distance away from the blocks and it saves time as a side note it is actually possible to skip the first two of these three puzzles by using Moon boots bomb boosts to boost onto the blocks and then ljing over the gates that the puzzles unlock but this is very difficult and even more difficult to do fast done reasonably fast for a human it's still not as fast as just doing the puzzles but I do look forward to the 100 task going for the puzzle skips laughs the difference between human speed and wolf speed in this cave is not significant but I'm about to cross a chunk of Hyrule Field and wolf is much faster out there so it's worth transforming in fact it would be very convenient if I had the horse call already so I could use Epona for this section but getting the horse call comes so late in the game that I'll only get to use it once I've toyed with the idea of delaying this bit of collection to after getting the horse call but there are two golden bugs involved and that would mean either needing another trip to Agatha and not having the giant wallet for Cave of ordeals which is bad we're taking two trips to this area one during the day and one at night which is also bad [Music] while the boomerang with this bug is returning back to link I'll shoot a bomb Arrow at a distant rock that will drop 50 rupees and there's a grotto with two pose between me and The Rock so I'll enter The Grotto and get the rupees after [Music] much like The Grotto in Grove 2 this Grotto is designed to suck but this one has a solution if I run into the corner and charge attack both pose from the wall then I'll Bonk and that will Land Land close enough to the pose to get both Souls before either Poe gets up [Music] no sucking required [Music] there's just one heart piece left to get in this area at the end of the long spinner rails and on my way there I can finish filling my wallet by getting this purple rupee and the three yellow rupees inside the rocks blocking the spinner path [Music] nope gotta break the Rocks first I apparently equipped the ball and chain and Spinner and then immediately forgot which buttons I put them on and now it's time to go we we we if you had to miss any of those Wii's for any reason don't worry in 20 minutes or so there will be another one I've totally cleared this area and finished my collection so I'll get on with finishing ilya's memory quest to do so I'll need to warp the bridge of Eldon back from the Gerudo Mesa and then head to Hidden Village [Music] now I could have gotten to Hidden Village without warping the bridge of Eldon but it was blocking Cave of ordeals so I needed to warp it at some point [Music] nice shot I cannot remember getting hit by one of those bublin archers before here's another trip that would be a lot faster on Epona but I can't possibly have the horse call here because I need to go to Hidden Village to get elia's charm to get the horse call so for this one I don't really have the option I will never forget I once crashed on the upcoming transformation which was unfortunate just a random transformation crash perfect hidden village one is a fun aiming minigame I'll be quiet for most of it so you can just enjoy the music foreign [Music] oh yeah I needed a rupee between now and entering City in the sky there's quite a bit of cutscene as I'm wrapping up ilya's memory Quest howling at a howling Stone and getting the cannon fixed it's definitely not the most interesting part of the run but it's kind of a nice reprieve after a long and stressful day night cycle from the beginning of that cycle to the end of the night time took me 33 minutes in this run longer than any dungeon [Music] and now for the longest camera pan of all time yep still panning ilya's charm is the penultimate item in the trading Quest and I'll just need to bring it to Ilia to convert it to the horse call to finish impasseer will also give me the ancient Sky book though I won't end up using it for the intended purpose and all I need to do to get it is to show her my rod oh this is the end of the intended first trip to Hidden Village there's an intended second trip later after getting the horse call where I meant to do a mini game get a Poe and howl at this Stone link isn't allowed to transform in basically any of this area but in this spot for some reason he can this means that even though I can't do the minigame or get the PO yet I can howl at this Stone and spawn the golden wolf this is beneficial because the hidden skill I'll get from the golden wolf great spin will be useful in Palace of Twilight and in Cave of ordeals the howling for the stone by itself is basically unrecognizable but the song is an excerpt from the main Hyrule Field theme credits theme foreign [Music] [Music] thank you Helen complete it's now time to visit kakarika Village for the final time in the Run completing both the Malamar side quest and ilia's memory Quest at once in this final trip to malamart in kakariko I have 200 rupees left to donate to open the castle town mallomar and I still need to buy the Hawkeye for 100 rupees I'll use the remaining 300 rupees in the wallet to pay fire to fix the sky Cannon to get the city in the sky [Music] hey [Music] foreign trip to the sanctuary where I'll give Ilya her charm in exchange for the horse call and show Shad the ancient Sky book to repower the Dominion rod if you've played this game but haven't seen a speed run of it before you may be wondering how I'm not going to visit the sanctuary again after I've gotten all the ancient Sky Book characters I am in fact not going to get any of the ancient skyboat characters and you'll see how in just a minute getting the horse call from Ilia is a requirement for 100 because it changes the item on the item wheel and is a prerequisite for going back to Hidden Village for the heart piece from the minigame unfortunately because it comes so late in the game I'll only get to use it once in this run there has been some Overworld collections so far that would have been faster if I could call oppona with the horse call but rerouting that collection to be after this point in the game just doesn't work out to be faster or at least we haven't found a way yet I usually take a bathroom break during this upcoming cutscene so I'm going to sit here and watch it this time it's been a while [Music] foreign [Music] good music as I said the horse call only gets one use in the run and it'll save a grand total of about five seconds considering all I had to do to get the horse call it should be no surprise that it doesn't appear in any non 100 categories next I'll drop down to the basement to show Shad the ancient Sky book and get him to repower the Dominion rod in a casual playthrough this would initiate the ancient skybook side quest where link would need to go around Hyrule Field and collect missing characters for the ancient skybook before entering City in the sky filling the ancient Sky book allows the player to move the owl statue that's currently on screen but there is another way past it and filling out the ancient Sky book isn't one of the requirements for 100 I'm not completely sure what the justification for this was when the rule set was made after all we do require upgrading the fishing rod with the coral earring even though we'll never use it just because of the impact it has on the item wheel however the ancient skybook is a temporary item on the item wheel and isn't meant to be there at the end of the game so as such I imagine the justification is that the ancient Sky book isn't required at all and if there were a method of repowering the Dominion Rod without it we could remove it completely anyway I'll now transform in a specific spot to clip past the sallow statue and skip the entire side quest whoops second try is the charm by some metrics that simple clip is the single largest sequence break in the game as in an 80 run it not only skips the ancient skybook side quest but the entirety of ilya's memory Quest Temple of Time and beating snow peak ruins obviously a 100 run still needs to do most of that but the sequence break still does save a lot of time on Galloping around Hyrule Field funnily enough now that I've warped the sky Cannon if I were to now go collect all of the sky Book characters bring the filled book to shad and move the owl statue that I clipped past there would still be a cut scene with dramatic music to reveal the sky Cannon for the first time only instead of a sky Cannon we'd be looking at an empty basement now I just need to pay fire the 300 Rupees to fix the sky Cannon and I'll be on my way to city in the sky but first a very awkward equip at this point the item wheel is so full that realistically I can only get very limited use out of holding L to move the cursor to an item directly it'll be a little bit nicer once I get the double claw shots and city in the sky since they're one of the most useful items and I'll be equipping them often and they'll be at the cursor's default position at the top of the item wheel now it's time for fire to fix this piece of ancient Machinery with a single hammer [Music] the spawn position after this cutscene is a little awkward relative to where I need to be to enter the cannon but a side hop and side roll will give me a working angle hey for anyone keeping score City in the sky will be the final mirror Shard dungeon before we can go to Palace of Twilight and Hyrule castle one interesting tidbit about City in the sky is that it sets time of day to noon this means that while most Overworld O's are only available at night time and some pose are available at all times of day the two pose in city in the sky are the only pose in the game that are only available during the day at least without cheats that is if I go into the game's memory and manually set time of day to night time then the pose don't despawn or anything unfortunately doing this in city in the sky has no visual effects so we can't see City in the sky at night let's look at this Dragon for 10 seconds yep still looking alright while shortly gain control and begin actually playing through the dungeon City in the sky is one of my favorite dungeons to speedrun as there's a big emphasis on aiming quickly and there are a lot of cool ljas all of the aiming puts the skill ceiling pretty high which makes it a fun challenge as I get out of the water there could be wind to push me back but there isn't I got a favorable wind cycle which is just RNG I'll try to time a roll to begin just before hitting the cutscene trigger at this gate that way I moved as far as I could during the cutscene instead of using the hookah to fly across this room as the game intends I can cross it with two quick ljas before I open the door to the next room I'll transform into wolf flank in the Next Room there's a giant ceiling fan that prevents access to the boss key until it's deactivated from above but it turns out that the fan is only activated in the first place by a trigger right in front of the door I just opened the trigger is pretty small and it only counts as being hit by wolf link if his back Paws reaches so I opened the door from about as far away as possible and skip the trigger entirely in an any percent are all dungeons run this is a huge sequence break as it means that we can just claw shot up to the boss key without doing the entire second half of the dungeon 100 still needs to go to the second half of the dungeon for some Collectibles but it still saves time not to have to turn off the fan later anyway if I get off the spinner right before the bridge finishes extending then I can get a roll into the cutscene then I can save a very small amount of time by ljing across this Gap instead of claw shotting the fines I'm making my way over to the west side of the dungeon first as there's a small key here that I'll use to access the east side with the infamous trick known as City in the sky a small key skip this small key is actually skippable the trick is known for being tasks only in any percent or low percent context in 100 there is an extremely difficult but RTA viable way of doing it but it doesn't save time in this category this is because the second half of the dungeon that 100 needs to do starts in this room and getting this key sets this room as my save warp spawn point until I hit the arc cutscene trigger just outside this is designed to prevent the player from missing the arcara cutscene by save warping after getting the small key but I can use this to my advantage by skipping the cutscene with some parkour and keeping my save warp spawn point in this room for later this means that after getting the double claw shots on the opposite side of the dungeon I can save warp and spawn right here skipping a lot of backtracking to avoid the cutscene trigger all I'll need to do is avoid the ground at the top of the stairs so I'll side hop onto this broken ledge and then jump up the railing now I'll just make my way to the east side of the dungeon link just grabbed those vines with one hand and then dangled a little bit before climbing it's just a matter of RNG whether he gets a one-handed grab or a two-handed grab that allows him to climb immediately which saves 32 frames or just over a second over a one-handed grab foreign I'll need to use the spinner to extend this bridge as well and there's a baba guarding the spinner socket that I can kill on the way to the spinner socket with the spinner outside of the Stallard fight this is the only time the spinner is used for combat in the Run again I'll get off the spinner a little early so I can start a roll and now I just need to get to the door without the wind blowing me off the bridge I can take very direct paths to the exits to these next two rooms using some ljas thank you the first LJ in this room won't actually use the boomerang but will instead involve targeting the tile worm across the gap foreign it's pretty easy to kill the two dinalphos in this room quickly with the sword but I can do it even more quickly by using the claw shot the United Alphas jump back a little bit when they try to defend themselves and they are not very careful [Music] when flying with the hookah I'll use the iron boots to moderate my height and avoid long drop times in the second half of this room I'm meant to pull a switch to turn on a fan but I can get through it a little bit more quickly if I do an awkward jump off of this ledge [Music] at the bottom of this next room is the door to the mini boss so I can just grab this Ooka and have a nice easy flight down or I can go skydiving for the low low cost of two hearts of damage I'll need to wear the iron boots to pull down the switch in this room to enter the mini boss fight so I'll match the button for iron boots in hopes of equipping them on the one frame after this door closes nice unfortunately we don't know of a way to get the ball in chain in snow peak ruins without killing dark Hammer but just like death sword and arbiter's grounds and The Dark Knight in Temple of Time heraldos and city in the sky is skippable I'll do a sword combo for a position setup and then simply claw shot this really irresponsibly placed claw shot target this skip is somewhat precise but at least in my opinion not quite as difficult as death sword skip or dark not skip from here as I mentioned earlier I can save warp to get all the way back to the other side of the dungeon so I can start the second half in a convenient location foreign I want to get to a platform across the room and I could do that by using the claw shot targets but we even with that position set up before the LJ it still saved about a second over claw shotting I'm tapping L after reaching each claw shot Target in order to enter first person a little bit sooner than I would otherwise in this area I can skip killing the babos by claw shotting the Crystal from the side and then ljing across [Music] this also allows me to skip the claw shot target just ahead of me [Music] in this room the background music disappears until the Giant Baba is defeated but I can skip killing the Giant Baba by luring it to one side of the arena and then rolling across to claw shot up this means no more background music until I get out of this room instead of dropping off these Vines and heading across the narrow path to the right I can jump onto this platform and LJ straight to the heartbeast chest foreign [Music] instead of claw shotting to the center of the room I can LJ straight to the door this area features both a Poe and a heart piece meant to be accessed by some very slow-moving P hats done casually this area would require waiting for a long time on a p-hat cycle but with this LJ across I can get on a part of the p-hat cycle that's favorable and even kind of tight on time one more LJ brings me to the PO [Music] [Music] from here if my movement was good enough then I can claw shot straight back across the gap in fact I was fast enough there that I was able to accidentally Target the wrong p-hat Now with an LJ over to this heart piece chest I can save quite a bit of time on p-hat cycles and load zones this chest is meant to be accessed by leaving the area entirely and coming back through this door you may have noticed that I just pulled out the claw shots while opening the door in city in the sky and Palace of Twilight link doesn't actually use his hands as part of the animation for opening doors so it's possible to go through them with an item out I'm starting this room by using the claw shots in third person which takes six frames longer if the claw shots aren't already in Link's hands as a side note I'm currently directly above the argarot cutscene trigger that I skipped earlier that cutscene trigger is still there though it only activates the cutscene when link has a small key in his inventory if for some reason I had gotten the small key skipped the cutscene trigger and then done small key skip anyway then the cutscene would have played and yanked me down straight from those p-hats to quickly get up to the PO and the boss key in this area I can do this somewhat precise claw shot and then LJ across this Gap [Music] I can also Target the poe to lja to this platform and skip a little bit of the tightrope as you'll see when I transform this area is extremely laggy so I'm leaving the senses on as long as possible to reduce the lag from here I can skip some more travel in this room by ljing across at the door here's the fan that I avoided turning on earlier by opening a door as wolf and here's the boss key behind it [Music] I've cleared the dungeon of Collectibles so I'll just need to head to the boss door now whoops didn't mean to grab that ledge before opening this door I meant to descend on one claw shot and use another to pull the switch to turn on the outdoor fans as you can see I didn't do that as there is an alternative that is a cinematic double lja claw shotting onto the highest part of a Fan's grade from above will result in a ledge grab I can use this to get all the way to the second fan all right from here I'll just set a few targets and then fly the final room before the boss is the fan Tower in this room the player is Meant to hit a crystal switch from a low fan Ascend to the top fan and then hit another Crystal switch to access the door with a carefully aimed bomb Arrow though I'll be able to hit the top Crystal switch from the floor this starts the top fans spinning early and gives me an opportunity to make a quicker cycle up to the door this comes at the price of making the fan Cycles a little bit more difficult though so my aim will need to be on point thank you my aim was not on point and Claw shotting straight up to the door from here like that is impossible I was just killing time [Music] 20 seconds later I get to try again and at least I got that final shot which is one of the harder ones foreign there's one framer between this door closing and the cutscene where I can mash for a roll I want a claw shot as high as possible on the vines to avoid climbing slowly up to our garage so I'll Stand very near the edge to get a good angle in the first phase of the argrock fight I'll need to wait for argrock to become vulnerable so I can tug it down by its tail I'll spend the time waiting in the most productive way possible thank you I'll be careful not to shoot the claw shot as early as possible to grab onto argorock's Tail as claw shotting it on the very first frame possible results in a funny soft lock with argarok dragging link all the way around the arena it is funny but it costs about five minutes so I don't go for it for cycle 2 of phase one if I turn around and Claw shot up the pillar immediately ourgrock doesn't fly away so I can get right back on and finish the phase for phase two of the fight P hats will spawn around the arena and I'll need to claw shot across them in order to avoid argrock's Flame the fight normally has three Cycles but I can use the Great Fairy tiers that I got from Giovanni earlier to two cycle a fight saving a bit of time the first two cycles of the fight are identical and the third cycle is a bit longer so to save as much time as possible I'll do cycle one as normal and then use Great Fairy tiers so that I skip the third cycle [Music] thank you before I get started on the two cycle I'll do what most anyone would do faced with a giant fire breathing dragon and run away thank you voting out here makes our garage stay in the center of the Arena instead of flying around it saving a few seconds now I can claw shot up the pillar and do the first cycle of the fight argrock will begin breathing fire after it roars as it begins breathing fire I can use the iron boots to sink low on the SP hat and fool Arc rock into thinking I fell down this cancels the flame attack allowing me to finish the cycle immediately [Music] it's possible to claw shot back up the pillar so quickly that argrock begins to Roar before link actually gets to the top so I'll hesitate for a split second before I claw shot up [Music] from here I can do a similar flame cancel only this time instead of claw shotting to another p-hat I'll claw shot down to this other pillar this will put both link and argrock in good positions for the two cycle from here I'll grab the ledge for a position set up and then wait for argorock to begin blowing the flame once it does I'll be able to avoid the flame drink the fairy tears claw shot back up to get a flame cancel and then have just enough time on the fairy tier's timer to attack argarok foreign it's not too tough a trick but it's a little harder than it seems because of the time limit on the fairy tiers by the time I killed argrock they were just a second or two from expiring [Music] and here's the fourth and final mirror Shard this is actually the only mirror Shard that the game checks for when granting access to Palace of Twilight so in an 80 run this is the only mirror Shard obtained but because of this at least with current knowledge every category that beats the game is required to beat City in the sky it will do before claw shotting into the sky Cannon to get back down to Lake hylia I'll put on the iron boots normally the Canon launches link into the lake but I want to warp away right after this so I want to land on land and iron boots jump attack does just that as I mentioned earlier the final hidden skill great spin will be useful in Palace of Twilight so before I go there I'll want to go to castletown to meet the golden wolf to learn great spin since I now have the double claw shots this trip to Castle town will also be a good time to do the star 2 minigame for the giant quiver the minigame costs 15 rupees and I currently have none on account of buying the Hawkeye donating to mallow Mart and fixing the sky Cannon so I've come to farron first to clean up the last heart piece and Poe which are behind a rock that conveniently drops 15 rupees this will be the only time I move an Overworld owl statue and I won't even get the sky book character hey Coral I could attempt to skip the text boxes for these rupees but it wouldn't really be worth it in Cave of ordeals later I'm going to be getting a lot of blue and yellow rupees and there's pretty much no way to avoid the text for all of them without losing time there aren't any save warps between here and Cave of ordeals that would reset the text boxes so I might as well just clear them now [Music] [Music] conveniently the PO in this area is available at all times of day [Music] now that I have enough rupees I'll make that castle Town trip in addition to getting the big quiver and great spin this will also be a good time for me to give the remaining golden bugs to Agatha for the giant wallet as I'll need that wallet capacity to get enough rupees and Cave of ordeals giving her these golden bugs will also fill my 600 rupee wallet so I'll be able to buy the magic armor now as well [Music] thank you eek it's him this minigame looks kind of chaotic at first but the trick is to follow the color-coded lines we have a leaderboard for this Mini-Game by itself and for that I've done it in under 26 seconds but in a full run setting I tend to go a little bit more slowly and carefully if I do it in under 30 seconds meaning I have over a minute left on the in-game timer when I finish I'll be happy with it foreign [Music] that was not very fast but I'm Giant and quivering my next stop is in Agatha's castle where I'm going to donate the 10 bugs that I haven't yet donated like my previous two visits to Agatha I'll pull up the item wheel but then close it right away so I can open the door sooner [Music] it is a bit unfortunate that after my wallet is full I'll be wasting all of the rupees that Agatha gives me in a run that needs so many Rupees but it would have been pretty slow to come here a fourth time just for rupees and at least I can waste her rupees unlike if I opened a chest when my wallet was full and I needed to put them back I think earlier in this commentary I've said all there is to say about giving bugs to Agatha so I'll see you in two minutes or so and if anyone knows of a glitch that would allow us to give more than one bug to Agatha at a time please let me know foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right my next stop is buying the magic armor from mallow Mart in central castletown so I'll just be careful not to talk to anyone in the streets damn it when talking to the salesperson if I tap up left on the control stick instead of right then the cursor starts closer to the magic armor than it would otherwise in a casual playthrough the magic armor is pretty nice when wearing it instead of taking damage to his Hearts link takes damage to his rupee count it's well tailored to Cave of ordeals where enemies often draw blue or yellow Rupees to replenish Link's rupee count and I will be doing Cave of ordeals later on in the run but I actually won't be using the magic armor because I need the rupees from Cave of ordeals to pay Charlo for the final heart piece in fact in this category the magic armor is never equipped at all it's kind of a shame that this is the case because magic armor can be used for Moon boots just like I did with jump strike and the iron boots when link is out of rupees the magic armor becomes heavy just like force unequipping the iron boots on a specific frame of jump strike it's possible to unequip the magic armor on that frame and get the same boost it's also possible to use magic armor in conjunction with backslice instead of jump strike to get even more height unfortunately because it costs 1200 rupees in Malamar donations and then an additional 598 Rupees to buy the magic armor it ends up being slower to go out of the way to get it earlier in the run this is also in part because all of the uses of moon boots in this category are approaching or within Temple of Time as we've seen in the past hour combining ilya's memory quest with Malamar donations makes a lot of sense as they both require a lot of trips to kakariko and to castletown and of course ilya's memory Quest begins after Temple of time so combining the two is impossible while getting magic armor early to learn great spin a little bit faster I'll backflip before spin attacking that way I won't knock down the main hero shade and I won't need to watch an animation of him getting up before learning it [Music] go and do not father my child with mycastletown errands complete it's now time to head to Palace of Twilight so I'll warp back to the mirror chamber inconvenient as it was to come all the way to the doors of Hyrule Castle before the end of the game great spin will save a lot of time as it kills most enemies in one hit and makes for easy one Cycles on both Phantom zants and Palace of Twilight foreign notwithstanding it'll be slightly faster for me to enter Palace and do the first room as wolf I'll try not to Bonk on the stairs [Music] every dungeon up to this point has featured some pretty major glitches and sequence breaks but Palace doesn't really have that nearly every door requires a small key to open and with no way to skip those small keys I'll need to beat the enemies or solve the puzzles in every single room it would be cool if we found some skips someday but I also like Palace as it is going fast can be a fun challenge whether I'm doing what the game intends or not as for the layout of the dungeon I'll need to go to each of the east and west wings to defeat a phantom xant mini boss and get a glowing ball called a soul then bring each soul back to the entrance to get the light sword and gain access to the north Wing where I can eventually reach Zan the boss for this room's small key I'll just need to kill one Zant head and I can do so quickly by releasing a charge attack from underneath it to hit it twice with one attack [Music] foreign up to the door I'll go ahead and transform into wolf I could use the fog in the Next Room to automatically transform into wolf but I would get some mid to text afterwards this room also features one zand head but I can't kill it the same way as I killed the previous one because it's too near the ground the main challenge in this room is getting to the chest before the cutscene begins [Music] if I positioned myself correctly I should be able to just press a out of this cutscene and open the chest [Music] the claw shot targets for this door are awkwardly placed so it's faster to side hop up the chest because I have backslice I had to hesitate a little bit on the side hops so I didn't get a side roll [Music] as I mentioned earlier I'll now be fighting Phantom xan to get the first Soul this is the first place where having great spin will really benefit me without paying attention to damage values casual players find Phantom xand teleporting around the room a lot and taking a long time to become vulnerable in most speed runs we deal just the right amount of damage on each cycle to prevent it from teleporting finishing the fight in three quick Cycles with great spin though it'll only take one cycle I spun and I won if I take too long to grab the soul Mitten will start explaining what the soul is I already know what the soul is so I'm going to grab it quickly instead while the claw shot is out I'll also do an else slide so I can move a little bit in the direction that I want to go while the soul is coming back to me before the hand cut scene began I threw the soul towards the socket and it actually entered the socket during the cutscene which means that the stairs are already up afterwards there's a lot of claw shotting souls in this dungeon so I'll be doing a lot of L slides speaking of claw shotting Souls there's a pretty cool glitch that can be done with Souls that's unfortunately completely useless and so it won't be seen in this run standing near a soul socket and Claw shotting the sole while it tries to roll into the socket will result in links sliding around the room very quickly while carrying this all kind of like windmaker hd's item sliding glitch as far as we can tell though it only works with souls and there's no way to use it to save time even with the soul sockets Outdoors to avoid having to climb the entire staircase I rolled to the top of it before it Rose I pulled the sword before pressing a to roll to avoid accidental Immortal drawing the squeevils there are four squeebles that are supposed to spawn on this upper ledge but for some reason the L slide while claw shotting the soul prevents their spawn backtracking through this room is very simple but I will need to stop for the dungeon's first heart piece [Music] thus concludes The West Wing I'll be off to the east Wing next [Music] after dropping the soul if I time a roll just right I can put link on the platform that the soul makes rise in just the right spot for an lja foreign [Music] ERS including myself refer to this next room as stupid room because it's kind of stupid the Zant head spawn point is determined by RNG and can be in any one of five places how to Traverse the room really just depends on where the Zant head spawns and the keys can be bothersome as well thankfully in 100 it's a little bit simpler I didn't do that right well if I had done the room correctly I would have used Shield bash to knock the Zant heads attack back at it to stun it till I could get over in great spinning [Music] I'll need to kill three Shadow beasts to start this room I'll use the boomerang to stun two of them to get them to come to the center faster so I can kill them all at once thankfully using the fog to transform here does not yield midnight text I'll dispose of this sand head while launching myself back towards the center of the room where the other's ant heads will spawn and if I'm quick I can get up to this claw shot target before the cutscene begins after claw shotting up to the ceiling I'll attempt to claw shot over to the wall without entering first person we call that one Spidey shot claw shotting over to the door from this ledge is fastest but it's annoyingly precise so I'll use this LJ instead the second fight with Phantom's ant is pretty much identical to the first though he spawns a little bit closer to the center of the Arena I spun again and I won again it is worth mentioning that great spin requires full health to perform so I've been careful in all the previous rooms not to take damage claw shotting the soul in this room is a little bit different there's no mid in a text to worry about but if I claw shot the sole from too far away then the Soul will drop out of the claw shot when the cutscene activates I can now quickly make it to the top of the platform by sword dropping the soul and then rolling onto the platform as it rises thank you this is run straight room one of the most challenging rooms in the game I need to run straight wow that was tough I found this room very funny the first time I ever played the HD version of the game because the Wii U controllers don't have notches so running straight actually was a challenge the second hard piece of the dungeon is in this room I'll start off by throwing the soul to activate the light platform early then roll down and drop onto it and get the soul [Music] I didn't know until learning the speed run that it was possible to claw shot the hand to stun it a lot of people feel the hands make this dungeon terrifying and pretty stressful and in casual playthroughs I felt the same in speedruns though because we know where we're going at all times and what the hands will do they're pretty much never an issue [Music] from here I'll just make a somewhat awkward jump down to this platform to exit [Music] let's take the keys on a tour of the room I hope you enjoyed your tour there will be one frame here where I can throw the soul before this cutscene but I missed it so I just sword dropped the soul before I began rolling so I could get to the platform faster than if I were running with the soul ha Goodbye cruel world [Music] the light sword is what will allow me to get past the waterfall of fog that's right behind me and enter the north wing of the dungeon the light sword also can kill every enemy in Palace of Twilight in one hit which means that great spin doesn't matter anymore until xand this is what makes this segment pretty much identical in every category the puzzle in this room is to get the two Souls into the sockets that are covered by fog unfortunately while there is a cooler strad for this room that I helped develop it's RNG based and it best saves only two seconds so I won't be going for it that Strat would be to skip throwing the souls and raising the staircase by using the boomerang to bring a keys to the second floor using the fog to transform while the boomerang is out and targeting the keys with a charge attack to super jump to the second floor the RNG component is where the keys decide to fly and targeting them while they're in the fog can be very difficult once I get near the other side of the room I can use an lja to skip a little bit of the platform ride the boomerang will need to go out of bounds between these two points on the wall before the last two Zant heads spawn all Spin Attack to activate these Souls so the platform will be ready for me later thank you I want to get at least 800 rupees between now and the end of cave of ordeals so I might as well get this free one from here I can do an lja similar to the previous one but I'm going to buffer this one to make sure the boomerang goes out of bounds because failing this costs a lot of time this outdoor area contains the boss key and a sprawling sequence of Zant head spawns because of how the head spawn Cycles work it'll be fastest for me to get the boss key in the middle of the spawn sequence as such I'll start off by rolling over to these soles so I can get the Zen head on the distant platform foreign right on this platform as I can to get the Zant head to spawn a little bit sooner from here I'll set up for an lja that'll save me a second or two on my way to the Head [Music] instead of writing a slow platform back to the main area I'll void out after I'm sure the Zant head has exploded from this respawn it's not possible to kill all three of these Zen heads before they disappear so I'll go get the boss key now and catch the Zant heads on a better part of the cycle yay [Music] now just three more zent heads and a little bit of bird population control before I get the key all foreign [Music] we call this next room early platform room as with good movement and Claw shotting it's possible to make an early cycle on the platform at the top of the room right before the shadow beasts drop they'll make a sound I'm listening for that great spin didn't matter in the second half of the dungeon but it will matter during the Zant fight a little bit so I'll grab this heart to help me get back up to full health after jumping to the next platform I can do an LJ to save a little bit of time getting to the next platform as far as I can tell it's just RNG whether this Baba decides to hit link or not it has ruined my day on more than one occasion [Music] looks like I made the platform cycle pretty handily from here I can Shield bash the xanthead's attack back at it then claw shot over and kill it here is the seventh and final small key of the dungeon in theory I could jump to the next light platform directly from the chest but it's extremely precise and the punishment for failing is about 40 seconds of riding the platform back up so I don't go for that one I can however do this lja to get to the door a little faster in this final room before the boss door I'll just need to kill several waves of Shadow beasts they always spawn in the same places and at the same timing relative to the previous Shadow Beast exploding so I can pretty easily spawn Camp them I'll also want to make it up to full health before entering the boss door as having great spin for the first base of sand makes it a little easier to play optimally a boomerang this pot because I'm not getting heart drops from the shadow beasts but the pot only sometimes has a fairy in it looks like I have time to grab this heart before the barrier despawns the Zant fight will go through five phases that call back to the earlier fights with dayababa dangoro morpheal ook and blizzetta then end on a unique Hyrule Castle phase All Phases but the final one are meant to have two cycles though it's possible to one cycle the first two phases one cycling the first phase is frame perfect and only saves time over a two cycle with bad RNG so I don't go for it but I will go for the one cycle on the second phase that usually saves over 10 seconds and has a 2 Frame Window in general normal slashes deal very little damage to zand but a damage cycle will end if he's hit with a great spin mortal draw or the final part of a sword combo so I'll mostly use those techniques for the first phase I'll simply go through two cycles of knocking sand down with Boomerang and then great spinning him if I hadn't managed to get full health before the fight then I would have been trying to land the fourth part of a sword combo on Zan right as he landed which is a little bit harder [Music] for the second phase I'll throw the boomerang and Zant until he stops wolfing around then begin a sword combo on him pausing part way through to time the last two attacks within a two-frame window so they count as the second cycle that Strat involves taking some damage but thankfully on the next phase I can refill my health without losing any time I'll begin this phase by doing my fish suit dance fish suit dance my fish suit dance doing my fish soup dance yeah fish suit dance complete I'll roll a little bit towards the Zant head in preparation for claw shotting xant I'm not getting too close because I don't want the bubbles from the nose to blow me away since I don't have great spin I'll mortal draw for this cycle which has the same effect then while waiting for the second cycle to begin I can get a heart from this pot while the second round of giant Zant heads are rising I'll set up my angle so I'm facing directly at the one across the way Zant always spawns in the head farthest away from link so I waited for a cue before swimming over to make sure Zant was in the head that I expected with good timing I was able to quash odd Zandt before he began his attack which would have rebuffed the claw shot in this phase xant always hops the same direction at first so it's easy to catch him and then he always respawns on the central pillar so it's easy to catch him again as you may have noticed in the previous cycle mortal draw and great spin do enough damage to xanth that a single stab will finish the second cycle [Music] in this phase I'll need to wait for Zant to drop down and become vulnerable so I can hit his foot and then attack him I'll park near the edge of the Arena so Zant can't land on me whoops a little early it's not relevant to this category but this phase of the Zant fight is notorious for being the only reason that any percent needs to get the ball and chain the ball and chain is the only way to make Zan vulnerable in this fight so even though any percent doesn't need to beat snow peak ruins we do need to go all the way out there to get the ball in chain this Final Phase of the fight has three Cycles but they're pretty manageable because xanth's movement is predictable and that's the Zant fight his aunt can I hear your best impression of the CSI Miami intro [Music] okay that was pretty good thanks for some reason this else slide looks sillier to me than the others with Zant defeated I could go finish the game right now but I still have three heart pieces and seven pose to collect before I do my next stop then will be Cave of ordeals which houses three pose and sets time of day to night time so I can get the Overworld pose afterwards Cave of ordeals has 50 floors and I'll need to defeat all the enemies on each floor to progress to the next one in order to keep great spin I'll be trying to avoid taking damage I'll also switch to the hero's clothes here because it's easy on some floors to take a lot of ice damage because Cave of ordeals isn't a proper dungeon and the reward for finishing it is only filling a bottle with Great Fairy tiers rather than receiving a new bottle or other item finishing the cave isn't required for our 100 rule set even though it spawns fairies in the Lake hylia Shrine as such I'll be save warping out of the cave after I get the PO on floor 44. so I'll still need to do most of it thank you as I said I'll be trying to avoid taking damage so I can preserve great spin but I also want to go fast because this is a speed run on some floors it may not look like I'm being very careful but I've spent a lot of time practicing this cave and I generally know how to avoid taking damage without going out of my way the earliest floors of the cave don't have very many enemies on them so part of the challenge can be finding them quickly when they're scattered around the room after killing all the enemies in a room I'll try to pick up as many Rupees as possible I want to leave the cave with over 800 rupees so I can finish paying Charlo and Castle town for the heart piece Cave of ordeals is a great place to stock up on rupees because all of the enemies except the chews and the Ghost Rats have the ability to drop a blue or yellow Ruby though they can also drop a green rupee or nothing there are also a couple of dig spots in the cave with high valued rupees inside them ideally I'll be getting all of these rupees while waiting for the door on each floor to open so I'm not wasting any time the enemy Ruby drops are RNG but getting up to 800 rupees by the end of the cave without losing time going out of the way for Rupees is pretty reasonable one thing I'm looking forward to in the 100 task though is getting 1 000 rupees in Cave of ordeals which obviously requires way too good RNG to be RTA viable anyway I'll snipe these bulb one archers with bomb arrows so I don't need to roll all the way over to them and stab them generally speaking the fastest way is to kill enemies in the cave will be with great spin or bomb arrows which usually kill enemies in one hit though with smaller enemies like these torch slugs I can use the claw shot to get around the room quickly Hmm this is some pretty bad rupee RNG so far we'll see what I end up with one of the biggest challenges across Cave of ordeals is just understanding the enemy RNG on the earlier floor with rats and keys they really could just go anywhere in the room on this floor though the enemies pretty much stay near their homes in a rough circle around the room and understanding that helps me find all of them quickly this floor on the other hand sucks because these tektites can basically be anywhere and their movement is hard to predict with bad RNG you can sometimes end up jumping down straight onto one and taking damage which is just unfortunate the next floor though is completely consistent I'll just hang off the ledge for a split second before dropping into an auto spin to kill the two archers then roll over to the Los alfos and kill them the door exiting each floor begins opening once The Last Enemy on the floor explodes and calling midnight and transforming doesn't stop the door's opening animation so I'll Transform once The Last Enemy explodes so that I can travel to the ferry on floor 10 as wolf which is a little bit faster than doing so as human floors 10 20 30 40 and 50 house great fairies instead of enemies each Great Fairy gives the reward of releasing healing fairies to the Light Spirit Springs in the Overworld but this isn't required for 100 so they're essentially just unskippable breaks in the combat I got to this floor with only 54 rupees which is pretty bad enemy drop RNG I could have gotten a few more but I would have needed to go out of my way and that would have cost some time hopefully the Ruby RNG will improve in the rest of the cave killing the pack of rats on this floor like I just did is perfectly consistent but dealing with the helmosaurs is tough it's pretty common for runners especially beginners to take damage on this floor I can deal with this floor's giant purple Friend by blowing it up with a bomb Arrow into its smallest components and then great spin in them the game takes longer to count shoes as being dead than other enemies probably on account of being scoopable after death so I've got a little bit of time for a dance routine these four two worms can migrate anywhere in the room so with good RNG they'll be near each other and I can claw shot two of them and kill them both with one great spin these four tree worms in particular must smell pretty bad because they're avoiding each other at all costs [Music] in this floor I want to dig in a dig spot for 100 rupees so I'll Transform as soon as the last bubble has exploded so that the door is opening while I'm digging because I got orange rupee text from Agatha before Palace of Twilight I won't need to skip this orange rupee text this floor is kind of chaotic all right that was a pretty nice arrangement of rats they're often spread out much more than that the upcoming floor contains the first of the three pose in the dungeon and it's kind of an awkward floor a back walk and do a backflip Auto Spin to bait the poe into attacking near the door while I roll away from it then kill all the remaining stall Hounds in the room unfortunately I had to go roll stab that last one because I failed to spawn it when I jumped down [Music] oh this floor by itself isn't notable but I will go ahead and equip my bottle in preparation for the next floor which contains quite a few chews including a rare chew whose jelly I'll want to bottle in preparation for doing a two cycle on Beast Ganon foreign whoops I'll try not to leave chews near each other for long on this floor as if they made they take much longer to kill I will need to stop and bottle this rare chew though and that will give the Jews a little bit of an opportunity this concludes the second set of 10 floors and because I'll need the ball and chain on the next floor that has enemies I'll go ahead and equip it so I don't accidentally drink the rare chew jelly as before I waited for the door to begin opening before transforming it to Wolf [Music] thank you [Music] the goblins on this floor will chase link until they hear him attack so I'll wait for them to gather around before attacking that was really nice ice case RNG this floor is the first to feature Ghost Rats I'll try to kill as many of the non-ghost enemies as possible before the ghost rats weigh me down and I need to transform this floor is notorious for having a potential soft block that we call Floor 22 glitch as I've said the exit door will only open once all the enemies in the room have exploded but by be attacking a non-ghost rat as wolf near a wall it's possible to get wolf link to throw the rat out of bounds rats only explode once they've hit the ground so out of bounds rats never explode and if this happens the only way to progress further in the cave is to save warpout and restart it this would cost about 8 minutes this floor on the other hand is just satisfying I know I'm comfortable on rupee count if I have 400 leaving this room so still not doing too great because I already know where the give those in this floor will rise I'll try to kill two of them with one great spin oh unfortunately I missed it but at least the gibda didn't scream at me [Music] the next floor is the first one that's supposed to get you if you're not being stealthy but I know exactly when the bulb and Archer will shoot so I can avoid it without even going out of my way just like on the tektight floor earlier it's possible with very bad RNG to jump down directly onto astalphos and take damage I've only had it happen once before so I'd say it's pretty uncommon [Music] in this room before cutting down the third so I can kill it while waiting for the bubbles to gather around this floor is a bit clumsy I'll just go around great spinning all the enemies I've tried to work out a solution before using a bomb Arrow to get all the enemies together around in one place but unfortunately lizalfos RNG makes it unreliable to do without taking damage in this room I'll need to be really careful around the stalk end so I don't get poked one nice thing about this Strat though is that it takes advantage of the fact that stalphos will only attack if link is facing them that concludes the third set of 10 floors so I've only got 14 left [Music] [Music] the deeper into the cave you get the more floors you'll see that are designed to reward a cautious player on this floor for instance I won't jump down immediately but will kill the bemos with bomb arrows first then kill the keys [Music] I'll base my movement on this floor on where I know the torch slugs on the ceiling will drop I missed that one with great spin so that's going to kind of throw things off yeah this isn't quite as smooth as I intended oh well this next floor houses the second of the three pose in the cave just like I did with the first bow I'll avoid this PO until I've had a chance to kill all the other enemies in this case for gibdos hello [Music] we call this floor lawnmower floor thank you it can sometimes be tough to find the last ghost red in a room that wasn't too bad as funny as it looks to jump directly down on the freezer to the middle of this floor I will try to avoid that freezer it's unfortunately can only be damaged by the ball and chain but mini freezers can be taken care of with great spin this floor has four chillfos and it's one of the hardest floors to avoid taking damage on yep in retrospect it's pretty obvious that I should have just done a jump attack and Auto Spin straight from the door to kill those first two chillfos usually though that results in getting hit and rolling is the better option in any case I got two double kills with the ball and chain so that's not too bad and I can drink this five and a half hour old milk that I got in order to refill my health don't try this at home [Music] the floor with four chilfos was tough to avoid damage on but this next floor has four chillfos two freezers and assorted ice keys and ice bubbles let's see how I do what's up [Music] much better I really wanted that yellow Ruby but it was just out of the way [Music] the next floor is the final one of this set of ten and it contains two dark nuts I'll start on the side of the room to keep them as separated as possible then try to get a really quick kill on the first one so the second one doesn't have time to make its way over to me until the first one's dead from here I can just kill the second one in the exact same way I'll set up my position and then transform as soon as the Dark Knight explodes to dig up a silver rupee and then make my way to the door as quickly as possible unfortunately since that dig spot is in the center of the room it's impossible to get it without losing time but it's worth it for 200 rupees [Music] just four more floors to go really three and a half on floor 44 I won't even kill all the enemies I'll just get the PO here's another floor where I'll make sure not to jump down I can kill all nine armors from above unfortunately this means that I won't be able to easily collect any of the rupees that these are most drop my root account is kind of concerning though there are backups after the cave if I need them I'll also go ahead and waste a bomb Arrow while I'm waiting for the door to open two floors from now I'll want to have normal arrows instead of bomb arrows equipped and to avoid going into the item wheel to unequip the bomb arrows I can just use the rest of my bombs because I managed not to take damage on the floor with all the ice enemies I can just use great spin instead of a bomb on this floor 786 rupees getting close I guess I forgot to waste the rest of my bomb arrows so I'll be using them on this floor it's not a big deal and in fact in theory using bomb arrows makes this floor easier I just find that the smoke from the bomb arrows makes it harder to aim I think it worked out pretty well the next floor has the final Poe so after I get it sold I'll be safe warping out I'll stay near the entrance so I don't attract any of the other enemies until it's too late all right from entering the cave to save warping out it took me 16 minutes and 41 seconds in this run which is near the best I've ever done I didn't quite make it up to 800 rupees but I made it close enough that I'll be able to use backups without losing too much time I entered Cave of ordeals during the day in game but floor 16 sets time of day to night time so now I can finish getting the Overworld pose that I haven't gotten yet foreign this one was obviously pretty convenient at this point next I'll work to Elden Bridge because I still need to complete a grotto and the cats minigame in Hidden Village for two heart pieces and a Poe there's a postman trigger on Eldon bridge that I want to avoid so I'll Transform right before hitting it then call apono with the horse call and LJ over the trigger while opponent is approaching I unfortunately learned just yesterday that taking too long to do that lja will result in opponent making it all the way to where link is standing putting her inside the postman trigger if that happens it's probably faster to forgo oppona and dash to The Grotto as wolf since like I mentioned earlier calling and writing opponent here only saves five seconds or so we're ready in this Grotto I can position myself near where the chest will spawn then wait for the stalphos to gather around so I can kill them and then climb up to the chest while it's spawning whoops [Music] looks like I also picked up two green rupees in The Grotto putting me 12 short of 800 which is pretty convenient because the backup rupees in Hidden Village come in increments of six each time I load hidden village two convenient barrels hold a blue ruby and a green Ruby respectively and I'll be looting hidden village three times over the course of cats first when I enter the village second when I begin the minigame and third after I've completed the minigame [Music] thank you foreign by talking to the cuckoo behind the house on the left in the cat's mini game I need to talk to all 20 cats in Hidden Village ideally I won't get confused and talk to any of the cats more than once but some of the cats do move around a bit and can be hard to find I always follow the same rough Route Around The Village and then just account for cats that have fallen off of balconies as I go this minigame features the same music as the shootout with the bull Blends earlier in Hidden Village which is a great choice in my opinion I usually only talk to three cats in this front area but I just saw one jump off the balcony on the left so I'll talk to that one as well looks like the orange cat on the right has also jumped off the balcony so I'll be up to five the fastest way for me to get to the next balcony will be to side hop onto this railing and jump over foreign I hesitated before jumping just then to make sure that I had a Dash as a jump without a dash would not break the window which I unfortunately learned during a run [Music] hmm there's usually a small dark cat around here I don't know where it is though oh it caught up to me that cat can be really Troublesome when it decides it doesn't want to be social but with all the variable cats in the route accounted for I'll just need to talk to two more on my way back to the cuckoo oh [Music] and with these six I'll be up to 800 rupees exactly that means I'll need to be very careful when donating to Charlo so I don't accidentally donate the wrong amount my heart piece reward is at the South End of the village and then I'll need to go to the North End to get the PO foreign the second story of The Village but I can manipulate it from below to come down and attack on the first story that way I don't need to climb up the final two pose in the game that I still haven't gotten are at snow peak there's one in the connection cave between the ascent and the snowboarding area and then there's one more PO on the ascent that I couldn't get earlier because it was daytime oh something tells me this cave wasn't designed to be traveled through backwards as wolf [Music] the fact that the ball and chain is required to break this Poe out of the ice is the reason that I didn't get it on my way to snow peak in the first place I could have come to get this PO after the snowboarding minigame because it's available at all times of day but the other Pro that I'm about to get is only available at night so I still would have needed to come back later speaking of which since the time I got this PB I've realized that in a route that backtracks for the poem about to get it's faster to leave another of the three snow peak Ascent pose for this point in the run as well I'll be changing that for runs in the future and here's my 60th and final post hole of the run the only things I have left to do are to get the one remaining heart piece from Charlotte and then head into Hyrule Castle to finish the game since I was able to skip the postman trigger on the Eldon Bridge I'll also need to skip the postman trigger on the bridge entering Castle town [Music] to get Charlie's heart piece I need to donate a total of 1 000 rupees I donated 200 earlier after finishing Midnight's desperate hour after lake bed Temple so I need to donate every one of the 800 rupees I have now in order to get the heart piece annoyingly the default option is to donate 30 rupees and if I were to do that by accident with fewer than 150 rupees left in my wallet I need to go find some extra Rupees to be able to donate the full amount I'll be very careful for that reason oh it's silly but it's actually kind of nerve-wracking having to go get backup Rupees at this point would cost well over a minute and now I'll just head to the castle before I can begin to beat Hyrule Castle though I will need to watch a long cut scene where mitna shows off her cool hat for style points I'll Bonk entering this cutscene wow what a cool hat thank you my what numerous arms you have foreign [Music] [Music] that cutscene is also a great bathroom break to get to Hyrule Castle I just need to avoid bonking on this door well done thank you on the ground floor of Hyrule Castle both the east and west wings contain a small key I'll only need one of the two and the West Wing's key is a little bit faster to get so I'll head over there I won't head directly there though because there's a barrier that would trap me with some enemies but if I get the yellow Ruby in this box into my Boomerang and then charge a jump strike near where the barrier will form then collecting the rupee will automatically release the jump strike the jump strike brought link past where the barrier spawns and the rupee text prevented the barrier from spawning during the jump strike I can also skip this barrier much more simply if I roll into it and skip the cutscene quickly then I have enough time to roll out of the barrier before it forms the timer to open the gate is pretty long though so I have some time to spare I can then ignore all of the goblins and just leave them there and head to King Baldwin this is meant to be the fourth and final confrontation with King boblin though I skipped the second one in this run it'll go by pretty quickly with great spin foreign with this key I can get into the castle proper and I'll still need one more small key later but it'll be faster to get the one farther into the dungeon than the one on the Eastway as such I'll now want to head back to the entrance area and the fastest way for me to do that will be to save warp there's one frame after King boblin rides away where I can get a backflip to skip some midnight text and save warp mid-air but unfortunately I just missed it thank you [Music] [Music] continuing the theme of escaping barriers I can escape the barrier just inside the castle by jump attacking into the trigger and skipping the cutscene before link can land on the ground and auto walk into the barrier from here I can ignore the enemies and simply claw shot across some chandeliers to the door [Music] three barrier skips down two to go in this room I can skip the Dark Knight fight entirely by preventing the barrier from spawning using jump strike and rupee attacks just like I did on the first barrier when I entered the dungeon this time I'll use a blue review from the suit of armor the positioning for this one is somewhat precise from here I can Boomerang the torch across the room to begin raising the platform and ignore the Dark Knight as it approaches one fun side effect of doing this skip is that the intense dark knot battle music will continue even after I leave the room all the way till I reach the load zone for the outdoor area it makes this torch lighting puzzle feel more intense than ever oh yeah since the time I did this run it was discovered that this torched puzzle which is only meant to be possible to solve by lighting the Torches in the designated order can be solved by lighting them in an alternative order that saves time on pathing so long as you move fast enough this saves a little under a second but unfortunately as it hadn't been discovered yet I used the intended order there I can take down these two fearsome dinalfos pretty quickly with the cunning use of bomb arrows clever I know okay I guess that's enough dark nut music as I mentioned earlier I'll need another small key to get to the final Tower climb this key is guarded by the aralfos which you guessed it I'm going to bomb arrow and great spin to death while it's not possible to prevent the oralfos barriers from forming like I did with the Dark Knight it is possible to skip the fight and leave the aralthos alive which entails transforming into wolf bulking into the aralfos on a super jump to land on one of the side Ledges getting the small key then bonking onto the side again to void out and respawn at the door this would require extremely good RNG to be able to pull off in an RTA run and I think it would be slower than that very fast fight anyway so I don't do it I'm not even sure whether it'll be fast for the task it is a pretty cool trick though anyway I've just rolled over to the other side where the boss key resides and now I get to watch this cutscene with the friends we met along the way these friends will save link from certain Doom as he's confronted by two bulblin archers and four lizalfos hi he never would have stood a chance on his own [Music] thanks guys [Music] armed with the boss key and a small key all I need to do is make my way to the boss door by ascending the final Tower as I implied during that cutscene the enemies I'll encounter for the rest of the Run are a walk in the park after 43 and a half floors of cave of ordeals in the first room of the tower climb the player is meant to use wolf senses to see a path of blocks that won't fall but if I move quickly enough over the falling blocks I can make it across easily foreign next I'll kill these lasalfos from afar so when I roll over to the other side of the room the barrier is already despawning here with a somewhat precise claw shot I can skip one of the earlier grades [Music] similar to the last lizalfos I can shoot these from afar this time I can kill both with one bomb Arrow I could have gone earlier on that spinner cycle but I hesitated and after that I needed to wait otherwise I would have been knocked down and now for the final Dark Knight skip which is also the simplest I'll just claw shot past it incredibly even though much more substantial tricks like early master sword and back in time were discovered within a year of the game's release this trick wasn't discovered until 2016. 10 years after the game was released and now for the final boss sequence I'll need to fight puppet Zelda Beast Ganon and then Ganondorf on Horseback and on foot the final equip in the run is my rare true jelly and my bow in preparation for Beast Cannon I sure hope 58 arrows is enough to beat him puppet Zelda is a completely RNG based boss the fight ends once I deflect three light ball attacks back at her but there are two other attacks she can do on each cycle after the first light ball she's guaranteed to do at least one different attack before being able to use the second light ball and after that she's guaranteed to do at least three different attacks before the third so the minimum number of Cycles in the fight is seven Cycles but it's possible for her to keep choosing other attacks and theoretically possible for the fight to last indefinitely the highest Zelda cycle count any player has ever gotten in a run to this day is 17 Cycles by Wicked glagger in addition to this there's RNG and how long Zelda floats around between Cycles nothing in this fight is within the player's control but usually the RNG time loss isn't too bad so far just now I've had a late ball attack a Triforce attack and then another light ball attack meaning I could still get a seven cycle the one thing that is in my control to do to avoid losing time in this fight is keeping the camera oriented the way that I have it now facing the opposite direction towards the throne causes additional lag foreign [Music] [Music] cycle it's a pretty common misconception among Twilight Princess speedrunner viewers that the number of Cycles in the Zelda fight is the only thing that counts but as I mentioned earlier Zelda's floating time between cycles makes a difference and her Triforce attack takes longer than her lunge attack for instance I just got a seven cycle but I lost 9 seconds to my best segment now it's time for Beast Ganon whom I can snipe straight away and then mortal draw to quickly complete cycle one how be skin and attacks on each cycle just depends on how much damage I've done to him after that mortal draw he'll fall from the ceiling and I'll be able to shoot him again with the bow in contrast to some damage phases where he can only be stopped as wolf again I'll face the camera this direction as long as possible to avoid lag after knocking him down I'll drink the rare true jelly which will make my mortal draw do enough damage to finish the fight next is horseback and there's another common viewer misconception about this fight which is that Zelda's aim is RNG and she can randomly Miss light Arrow shots there is RNG in what path Ganondorf takes on his horse but Zelda's aim is completely controlled by the player she simply shoots wherever opponent is facing I'll ride right next to Ganondorf to make him swing and Miss which makes him vulnerable then chase him around the field making sure oppona is always facing him after each light Arrow I'll hit him with a spin attack and this will finish the fight in three Cycles unless I do that actually just like how I two-cycled Beast cannon with rare true jelly it is possible to use rare true jelly or Great Fairy tears to two cycle this phase unlike Beast Cannon though the two cycle on this fight only saves about 3 seconds so my rare true jelly was better used earlier with horseback complete I'm now three Auto spins and one ending blow away from finishing this 100 run I've spent a lot of time developing this category and I'm proud to have been able to present this run as a good example of the status of 100 in this era I hope this commentary has been entertaining and educational and please feel free to ask any questions you have in the comments how about you Ganondorf do you have any questions comments or desires would you hear my desire sure take this foul blade uh whatever you say Ganondorf I'll see you later
Channel: bewildebeest
Views: 143,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BtYoHyfMPik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 374min 48sec (22488 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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