Ocarina of Time Randomizer - Max Shuffle, No Logic

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all right fire medallion is free starting his child samsung prelude all right oh whoops all right lost would start um i guess i'll go straight to middle's house [Music] cool bunch of junk i just realized i never checked the ocarina check last seed this check i don't think i ever got it that's bad key chests do not have spider web designs chests that have tokens have spider web designs key chests have a different design up come on oh my god see what's in the shop iron boots and requiem iron beats 45 opponent song 180 okay well that was fast [Music] who just won big it was boots i got iron boots rolling boaters okay so that's water temple um boss key the strength dirty skulls bad deku although i'm actually so unequipped i can't even do deku right now [Music] actually i should oh where do i even go i need rupees or something let me see how much the nuts were in the shop okay yeah let me just grab nuts in a sec [Music] [Music] but then i still need more rupees [Music] [Music] [Music] come on i was hoping at least one rippy would pop up there hearts dude whatever here shadow key wow [Music] harold castle bed [Music] i should have got the rupees a drop [Music] uh i'm gonna be one rippy short uh [Music] okay this is gonna look really stupid but trust me uh spawn was in the kakiri entrance of goron city so kind of spawning kakiri [Music] if i grab the rupees that the deku scrub dropped i wouldn't have needed that so it might be [Music] [Music] are damp coins considered legal tender no i cannot get past here [Music] [Music] there are 475 checks in the pool thank you retorted mail well sort of 475 factorial for a chance for vanilla seed but remember there's a hundred scotlands and so if you aren't assuming that if you're assuming that just any sculpture counts as being vanilla uh then it's a lot less same with hard pieces and stuff but if you do want to be very uh precise and count sculpt was as being you know its own sculpture and not just any sculpture then yeah [Music] cool strength 140 okay market potion [Music] strength 140. so i know where two strengths are that's good [Music] oh was it misspelled up greta okay never mind [Music] i couldn't even get a stick in either of the shops okay so uh uppers or his fountain gs lens gomez hmm don't okay what's this [Music] what's that key oh deck shield uh spirit 195. nuts uh no uh do i okay i should not buy that stick so that i can equip so a bunny as adult wait was bottle on the left side or right side okay final frog's bed gtg spirit 40 just bad and end of ice cavern but that doesn't really mean anything because serenade reward no yeah um for shops if it's something like a bottle or bomb chews it needs to be on the left side for me to be able to buy it right side is like a refill [Music] no i don't have any limit on sculptor rewards so it could be up to 50. but i haven't gotten a seed that needs a dumpster ultra reward for something required yet i think worst i've got so far is like bomb bag being 40 or something [Music] yeah you're gonna go swap with nuts as long as you don't have sticks in your inventory the problem is not having six inventory is fairly rare whatever um what [Music] add one of 80. twitch ads suck dude did people just get like a random ad in the middle of the stream i didn't play an ad [Music] just like a random mid-roll cool see if i can get sub 40. oh the dodge no this isn't sub 40 bad movement wait maybe can i clutch it dude his body was in the way green rookie i literally got bodied uh last window was 245. i'll grab it come on dude what okay shadow shadow [Music] yeah so far only thing i have is iron boots i guess master sword i got a check or a mark and deco shield oh oops uh spirit key 75 um okay i'm gonna buy oh wait this might give me enough okay now um [Music] okay let me just write this down i'll probably come back and get it very soon probably gonna do my death mountain loop route it's also joking up there i'm intentionally skipping stuff uh because i need to make it to uh [Music] the skeletal at the top of the trail on time dude slingshot so what [Music] oh [Music] dude [Music] berry bottle i don't have enough health yeah i can't i can't get that bottle right now i don't have anything to get over there first run was 245. uh come on i already know that oh check what dc is fire temple i can do a little bit i should say i'm just i know i can't i yeah never mind okay but dc is fire autocorrect made it forest wow uh let's do it lunge storage okay [Music] [Music] oh i didn't check a roof guy did i uh nothing here [Music] oh my god [Music] [Music] all right uh because i have iron boots i am actually going to go up zoro's river i think this might be a good idea it also might not be or actually should i go to yeah yeah trying to decide between zoro's river and kakiri but i can go back and forth anyway uh no reason to form the grass going on my way to not touch grass yeah i can use one here with iron boots good question uh i'll try in a second yeah it does actually speed it up a little bit scrubbing the crater cells hookshot that's good to know although scrubbing crater i can't get without explosives i think or hammer as child that's against castle foolish uh dry i can uh but if i don't have sticks in my inventory i can equip swap it on nuts okay template time okay template time ganna's castle foolish and crater scrub perfect that is perfect timing okay um let's go out here deku was deku right i might want to go in deku now actually can i do deku right now yeah i can yeah i just can't do all of deku come on [Music] oh wait if i do deku i'm gonna have to wait do i have strix yet no okay so to do to be goma i'm going to have to unequip um bunnyhood but as long as i don't grab a stick in deco i should be fine no i didn't start with sword and bunny hood i start with mass shop open though so i can get bunnyhood very quickly so it's like it's almost like starting with bunnyhead no deku being vanilla doesn't mean that there has to be another one that can be vanilla like all the other 11 dungeons can be um can still be like randomized themselves i probably shouldn't be getting junk chests because i might get a stick getting a stick would actually be bad right now can i kill us with a jump slash yeah it's probably saved to save scum just in case [Music] yes oh whoops what am i doing uh do i have time i have to yellow it uh that's not gonna work i'm not gonna trust that [Music] wait i forgot dude does beating dungeons set time of day in rando i think it does oh god this might be bad this might set it to daytime wow i'm dead i should have issued [Music] washed yeah [Music] recycle for content that that'd be difficult what [Music] water medallion it does set time of day uh actually wait i don't want to go back in anyway um that's not the worst actually i think the only sculpture was that it could have mattered for i can't even check anyway i can't kill them though i guess not that big of a deal uh i guess i will [Music] check menuet and then save warp [Music] nintendo direct seed what's that supposed to mean nothing i hate this trick all hype no substance [Music] okay cowan house is choose uh i doubt that would be good considering how long they'd probably take but maybe uh what am i why did i hit that jabu wait okay joshua's ice covering yeah jabu ice cavern again i feel like i'm getting certain patterns with the dungeon randomization okay long line uh that's an interesting one um let me check the tower if i had wallet i can get opponent song and then i could actually get shoes from cowen well i need a bottle or ocarina too i think if this is junk it's gonna be fastest for me to reset [Music] okay yeah uh i think i go back to child now that was a skull token [Music] yeah the death on crater scrub grotto is child only so i have to go back to child although i don't even have much to work with this child either i'm gonna have to get sticks so i'll lose adult bunny hood slingshot i can't even get slingshot until i get either explosives or hook shot or hover boots or hammer obviously of course i forget the the glitchless method until last [Music] okay so i have shield at least so probably buy sticks and then i guess go to would go to cac uh hyrule castle was barren right yeah uh which okay wait let me double check this make sure this yeah okay wait i thought no no it was chew shop that had sticks uh that sucks um i guess go to lawn lawn yeah long longer than cack i'll either make it in time for daycak barely or it'll be night time uh in time for damn pay uh [Music] [Music] dude [Music] nice wait uh i i was just delaying the inevitable i can't kill it if only i could step on it with iron boots pot uh oh yeah okay well it's fast for me to get this first but yeah i can actually throw a pot at it yeah i forgot that there's pots in lawn bottle it's very nice uh actually uh because it's ready with a fish i can no i can't or yes i can i can do put away away i was gonna say i can do oi and i thought no i can't i don't have an item and then yes i can i can be put away [Music] what do you mean why did i not get sword i don't start with it i haven't found sword yet okay this will be interesting so i have to throw a pot at this then i have to grab a second pot and take this all the way to the other side of the lawnmower pot sanity this is real pot sanity no dude i knew that was gonna happen it won't happen twice though see foreign how many fire keys i think i have three fire keys now four oh my god um yeah okay fire was dc uh i like to do fire once i have explosives and then once i i think once i have explosives and i add a few keys i can do a decent amount of fire so um okay i think i'm gonna wait for day here do cuckoos and then come out and do out of suns for damn pay yeah i could check a little bit in fire but i generally wouldn't want to go out of my way to do fire for like one or two checks unless i'm like already uh checking like entering fire just to see what it is although it is dc which is super close super like not out of the way not his child but probably probably as adult next time i pass by it i'll do it just go get sword man can you tell me where sword is if you tell me where sword is i'll go get it [Music] thanks for 34 months pole sword on frogs i still don't have a weapon i still can't kill the sculptors yeah i guess i can i guess i can kill a few with pots plus key spirit are there any pots in graveyard now goodbye fish uh okay i seriously need to find a deku stick oh my god um you know what save warp no even then i couldn't get a stick from the baba's was there a deku stick in kikiri shop does anyone remember i can't check hack shop yes okay here i will save warp to kyrie i guess i can check night carry too well once i get stick i guess how long does random like this normally take i guess four hours or so that's been my average i mean it depends on your experience with it it could for less experienced players definitely a lot longer you guys told me there was stick here you guys lied and i can't i can't grab a stick from the deku babas because i don't have a weapon uh dude i don't know where to okay i have to go get a stick from chew shoe shop and market [Music] yeah i know i know there's one in market but market is much farther out of the way which is why i wanted to avoid going to it who would've would've thought the most important thing i found in a shop so far is deku stix hmm what uh wait where am i even i guess i have to play something again [Music] yeah actually just as i was doing suns there i was thinking i could go to len's game and since i had to play sons anyway i could just use it to cheese lens but well whatever yeah i can backflip away now let's stick actually i should have just saved warped to carry first whatever [Music] up wait i should do this first come on oh well i have navi let me check what obama is i'm pressing the wrong button because i'm used to stick on a different building go to training grounds i can do basically nothing here uh let me just get this one check [Music] well this lets me get 10 skull reward so far i only know 30 and 40 score rewards are bad i don't know anything about uh 10 20 and 50. oh i probably should have at least looked at middle chest yeah oh well what yeah it's rare for the rainbow to be impossible to be the only one i've had to be impossible was impossible right from the start like i couldn't get out of the first area inventory looking mighty thin yeah [Music] um yeah i can get bunnyhood early on because i have mask shop open from the beginning yeah two seats tonight since the first one was really quick i don't save warp is long [Music] i think my sword trail is lagging like the game lagged a little bit because of the sword trail oh come on [Music] i forgot how much of lost woods have i checked have i checked the scrubs i think i have right yeah um okay i gotta check these soil skulls [Music] and ocarina game [Music] yeah i can knock in the game with oi yeah i can check sfm [Music] [Music] i think three subs see barb [Music] yeah bunny hood actually isn't that good in mm because of goron mask it's actually weird how like bunny hood would actually be much more useful in oot than mm but of course only mm actually gets a boomerang [Music] hmm [Music] that's like a hook shot kind of yeah bottle is invisible if you use it while you have isg [Music] that's not what i meant to do i have bottle on a different button than i usually do i thought i was taking out stick oh [Music] wow [Music] minuet semi vanilla vanilla ish almost vanilla [Music] and i can actually play that because i have a bottle i already checked these right [Music] uh zoro's river yeah [Music] hmm okay yes [Music] i think i want to go to lake hylia now lullaby lullaby on frogs wait i'm stupid now i can get another another frog all right this time i i have to play lullaby and not opponent song i can't possibly accidentally play opponent song now yeah that's the second random of the day look oh wait i need rubies had to be careful with that because i don't have a backup if i fall in the river since i don't have bombs i have everything marked right i guess not sticks do i need to do i really need to mark sticks [Music] nice have i missed anything else on this tracker i think i'm up to date okay i can do the other two long long skulls at night and then i think i'm gonna go to like kylia i can get hook shot now no because i can't i can't get to the scrub unless i have uh explosives i think i need to either clip out from goron city no no i can okay yeah i can do the statue unload and i can get through goron city yeah yeah okay so um well hookshot would only be useful as adult so i don't have to like go get it as soon as possible so i'm still going to go online and then um i'm gonna do la la on lake kylia [Music] because it's not like hook shot isn't uh highest priority just as long as i get it before i become adult again oh are you guys complaining because if i don't get it right away it'll throw off the gamba are you guys worried that i'm gonna get something else besides hook shot first oh my god you guys well too bad that's the way it is i'm not intentionally trying to get a different item first but it's not a good idea for me to go out of my way to get hooked out as soon as possible like that sorry guys maybe i'll get hook shot first maybe i won't melon uh yeah i should have done melon whoops well i'm i'd probably have to make another trip to loma anyway once i got opponent song it's hard to remember every single check all the time uh shadow is shadow i already have that marked right yeah i already found gtg right uh what was gtg again because i did not write it down well right breath of the well can i get this before turns day [Music] okay 50 gold skull to the bed okay so i know 3450 are all bad um i don't know for sure if this is the right time to play sun song but i'm going to try [Music] my goal is to do fishing and get the fyro platform gold skulltula before it turns a daytime although you know what i should have i should have used that oi for scarecrow not suns whatever [Music] i think i can make it though oh well if i don't i have sons anyway hmm [Music] oh swimming is so slow ocarina thank you okay to make sure that i remember that i have ocarina i'm equipping over bugs oh yeah sorry hook shotters sorry for ruining the gamba for some people but gamba is a gamba right [Music] i can't get the diving game yeah i can't do anything in the lab okay so i guess it's just straight to thor's domain anything over here door tunic can't get it yet though oh [Music] what key is that bottom of the well 240 oh my god do i have any bomb on the wall keys yet no uh i'm gonna try without that torch i'm pretty sure yeah this should usually work no that was a bad idea okay gonna have to abandon it it was close [Music] i thought for sure it was gonna work it'd probably work with uh quick puddle or not quick put away um blame storage immediately punished yeah oh god that looks bad i might fail it a second time [Music] okay uh yeah chess size smash contents is on [Music] yes i can see today [Music] seriously well at least i got broken sticks i know this already i got the hint wow [Music] i think it's like 26 blue rupees something around that [Music] [Music] you're a temple okay ggg spirit i already know that um okay i think i should go to uh froze wind i can't get in yeah uh okay i want to go to goron city but my save warp is gone city but i'm blocked by rocks um i'm just gonna have to leave and go to cac and go around all the way from cac wait can qpa can qpa stick crouch dab go through the rocks i have no idea but i will try yeah i doubt this works okay yeah i know bow works but i can't actually use bow can i've gotten lines no that sculpture uh that has lens is adult only [Music] okay because of my lack of warp songs this is going to be very annoying and i just have to go through hyrule field up to cac up to death mountain to goron city well i guess i'll at least get to [Music] get um skulls on the way soil skulls oh i never did gruder valley uh i guess i'm just gonna have to do it afterwards i should have done garuda valley before lee kylia i think i'm done with night cac uh but yeah i did i do need to do melon again i guess i guess uh before i go to gorilla valley i can do melon now gorilla valley right now wouldn't be good because it'd be so far out of the way well i mean i'm going super far out of the way regardless oh i could try something stupid should i try something stupid i really shouldn't oh wait i forgot to get hold on i forgot to get graveyard skull okay i can get um i can get the soil skull in front of dc without explosives without blowing up the boulder but it's kind of dumb i guess i might as well try it yeah sun song chest and soil skull here i forgot the what was in something semi was in the crate right was it a tunic oh the wall skull uh yeah i guess i can check the wall skull too yeah it was ortunic or a tunic a blue tunic no no no okay never mind [Music] yeah rudolph's letter was a tunic [Music] oh yeah and i can get royal grave choose all right no never mind about uh dc oh my god come on never mind about dc skull without explosives [Music] does not count as bomb bag [Music] [Music] oops [Music] i forgot did i get a hint for the fire uh chest here or was that the previous seat i think it was the previous seat right yeah it was a previous seed okay i'm gonna have to do this with uh flame storage which is fine flame storage is in my bed cool hmm [Music] bomb bag all right there's actual bombs that you guys wanted so much is it is it hook shotters that is still molding because i keep getting stuff before hook shot nice [Music] quick shot is truly in shambles yeah bombs was um royal grave flames [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] nice dude i can't hess junk u-turn virus final frogs [Music] [Music] well fires don't count for anything right [Music] skeletal account i don't even know what i'm at like 15. [Music] all right here we go guys what you've all been waiting for never mind just adding suspense here we go oh yeah i can get the bottle with the fairy now not that it really matters that much at this point uh i guess yeah i guess let me get this first [Music] [Music] one uh oh yeah i didn't mark slingshot whoops yeah i did get slingshot i forgot to mark it [Music] it's okay it's just a trap it's a trap for the gamblers [Music] have i checked with fire temples yet uh it's kind of a gamble to check what it is [Music] uh i should not check it as much as i want to it's a terrible idea it'd be hard to get out without a safe warp i'm going to try this once but it might not be a good idea [Music] that's why that's why i saved before it's actually not that big of a deal because i literally saved like my save warp is right outside corn city anyway i think that was a regular oot crash because slingshot weird shot can crash regularly in vanilla oot so i think that was a genuine game mechanic crash try water cooling the wii i don't think that's necessary oh actually i shouldn't use bunnyhood here so i can do my regular setup as opposed to one of the kind of crash as opposed to tunic color crash which is a randomizer thing or vc crash which is an emulator thing which would just be a random crash rupees i actually will grab the rupees and go in the shop again every time milk fire key 140 milk uh yeah okay uh where am i going now i think i want to go adult now um i have lullaby oh yeah mel oh yeah melon okay melon um oops one meeting uh yeah melon um river valley adult i check dc dc is fire no we're definitely not basically in go mode i have no bow no magic no light arrows uh [Music] i only have boomerang no hammer no mirror shield uh i should go over here that was a sick s yeah i guess i should check hyrule field grotto's here too nice [Music] hmm big one crafts wallet wow [Music] uh wrong way uh okay i'm gonna go in a weird direction here i'm gonna get the grotto over here and then lawn lawn and then the rest of the hyrule fill grottos and then go to valley no no no no no wait what's part of the gamba this time what are the gamble options for this one [Music] magic bow wallet hammer strength okay dang hmm what's my money on not bigoron you guys everyone seemed to like panic at wallet but uh waller requires me to find adult trade quest item i am going the wrong way adult trade quest item is one of those you know one-of-a-kind items that's not super likely for me to find quickly and easily [Music] although yeah wallet is there are three wallets so in a way wallet is one of the more likely options i hate that [Music] [Music] wow dude okay so do not need that i think it's a jkf [Music] yeah that was 1.0 qpa on 1.0 uh you can try to put away the stick and interrupt it with throwing a nut to do qpa which is really convenient uh i was trying to decide if i actually wanted to get that or not and then there's also another 1.0 exclusive method of qpa of putting away sword and jump slashing off a small ledge which is good if i don't have nuts or sticks like if i could do as adult without sticks so [Music] [Music] i should get uh 20 skull reward next time i'm in cac as a doll i guess i should do chew bowling before okay yeah let me do i'll do chew bowling and dense fire before i become adult i have 30 rupees i need to get more what happened yeah if opponent's song and lightrose are both on cows then yes it's an impossible seed [Music] go by strength and shop with what with what wallet and also what strength there's only an ice trap [Music] my water double defense i'll take it just because double defense is cool i really shouldn't i'm trying to go fast [Music] gave me on morphe i don't think it'll save me on morph uh considering i have hook shot i know castle is foolish what am i doing okay i will go adult [Music] average time so far has actually been a bit below four hours uh i guess all right what is forest temple forest is water uh i have iron boots i can actually check a decent amount oh and i got water boss key so i can just head straight to the end oh here i can get this real quick i forget doing this normal way these guys always always get you oh my god this is the worst room of the game strength sorry guys or congratulations i have no water keys surprising yeah i remember i got the water boss key but i thought by now i'd have at least one water key all right i might as well check all um non-uh non-key checks [Music] which should be pretty doable hey [Music] i'm gonna have to do qpa twice here it's gonna be weird um wait i'm gonna have to do i gotta find somewhere else to do qpa uh [Music] can i do qpa on [Music] okay i can do here i think this is gonna be weird i think this works okay wait i don't know if i can hit that high uh me with ice sg i don't have bgs right no okay here we go i made it work uh just crouched up kill these no i'm going to try to kill them with hook shots so i just keep qpa i need the second time oh speaking of yeah water temple kind of loaded so far [Music] uh hookshot can't reach up here can it i don't think so yeah wait why did i get this if i saw it was junk again tectite can i target it from down here oh my god uh this is so awkward okay [Music] how do i kill this uh no dude okay hard piece uh come on uh [Music] oh my god i'm doing so badly okay okay it's nothing [Music] no i have no plans for more channel point redemptions unless it's more variations of wasting points uh [Music] on the well key all right fine i'll pay out oh my god which which one is it it's uh strength right all right if you guys are gonna troll me then i reserve the right to choose whatever i want to troll you guys back be thankful that i i chose the correct one there uh okay [Music] uh dude how come when i test it off stream it's so easy [Music] thanks for subscribing i'll just buffer side flips actually no this one i'll what how did that not work [Music] oh my god [Music] i haven't warmed up yet yeah me uh how's my animal crossing island self-sufficient without me uh the contortion over there is kind of weird and i don't trust it half the time although i should probably look into it more well actually i'm actually pretty sure buffered eiffel covers are faster than contortion i forgot did i get a hint about what water temple what the entrance to water temple led to what dungeon the water temple entrance led to i don't think i did right horse billion you sure that wasn't lassied yeah it might have been lassie that's why i'm asking oh wait i should take this skull [Music] hey is that all my bottles i think so did i get this one yet i don't think i did [Music] [Music] fins you know what that means [Music] what [Music] what [Music] [Music] there's a water key billy [Music] okay i need to go check what fire temple is and then i'm gonna go to ice cavern oh am i gonna have race again oh no dang [Music] i wonder if i can get the goron to fall out of bounds because he's really close to the wall fourth key one shop had a fire key but it was too expensive [Music] i'm gonna save here again just in case oh it shouldn't actually matter [Music] oh my god oh wait i gotta get the scrubs in goron city too cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] can i hook shut up here no yes [Music] hey nice rupees not anymore i now i'm getting my water temple keys after i leave water temple [Music] okay fires bomb the well uh that's fine uh i hope i have enough time to get out of here actually if i don't i have a strut yeah i guess it would have been good to check if as i was child but it could have also been a disaster if it wasn't the wall [Music] okay [Music] i don't have scale do i yeah i know 30 40 and 50 skull rewards are all bad i do need to check 20 the next time i get the keck though but i no longer need to collect gold's ghost tokens [Music] that's not yeah there was always since world river it does seem to appear in zoro's river you've got to be kidding me are you are you feelings the spoiler log i was someone mentioned that in chat i was like yeah actually hammer does appear in zords river a lot i kind of noticed and then incredible [Music] well there's hammer i haven't found jabu yet [Music] the fire fires dc okay i should definitely do dc soon dc which is fire soon oh god uh that should work oh wait since i'm getting the skull [Music] so i know jabu's ice cavern uh i actually should i think i should enter jabu actually i'm gonna check what ice cavern is first but uh because i have iron boots i can do reverse ice cavern which makes checking ice cavern pretty quick [Music] i know these are going more like four hours nowadays ooh hover boots right as i said i wanted to enter jabu i don't have to do the stupid method and i know lens is right up here i'll just mark it ahead of time so i don't forget i promise i'm not reading spoiler log chat's reading spoiler log if anything [Music] look at the 503 bits wind extra what's down here hurt ice cavern is forest should do that right now why am i bothered probably to kill this guy please leave me alone the annoying thing about those wolfos in specifically in dungeon entrance randomizer is if you if you know you're entering forest temple you can immediately just stop your movement and then the wolfos won't do anything to you but if you don't know what dungeon you're in you're almost always gonna like naturally walk into the trigger for the wolfos which is really annoying uh yeah vanilla song wait what what song oh oh music for some music i didn't even realize thank you [Music] claim check there's wallet well future wallet uh i should go out this direction first see ya [Music] yeah that's fine dry i think chat has had enough gamba today anyway they can probably it's probably best to cut them off of gamba anyway what yeah you guys have had enough [Music] huh wait no ah foreign [Music] chad could not have gotten spoiled from anywhere i was just joking there's no way anyone could have gotten the spoiler log it was just an insane coincidence [Music] thank you [Music] i think hey [Music] yeah i saw the new mario kart 8 tracks dude waluigi pinball's back finally [Music] i'm not doing all four checks i'm just doing the lower checks because they're all quick and i still have i mean i still have plenty of items to get so still worth checking i don't have bow yet i don't have magic light arrows i mean lighters if it was the only item obviously i wouldn't check anything but yeah um still worth i'm still at the point where it's worth checking stuff [Music] i don't know jingle jump you mean the early bow hook shot jump uh well with eight double defense hearts it's not a great idea in the first place if i have less less health then i would consider it especially with one key um early bow works really well with one key but yeah too much health for it to be worth it right now and i also don't think it's worth checking all of forest tumble right now anyway okay um so i'm gonna do all of ice covering so i can do it really quick [Music] uh use master sword please [Music] final chest is foolish but i still need to get the final chest in order to get the serenade check so it doesn't really mean anything i still need to check it [Music] oh come on [Music] hey yes [Music] [Music] um [Music] wait why didn't this one seed bag [Music] [Music] no i want to kill that kiss and then dude i don't want him interrupting my damage boost okay fine [Music] silver scale [Music] what [Music] [Music] right okay [Music] i probably want that oh yeah sculptures are in chess that have like a web design on it and those are small chests [Music] okay so um what was ice cavern again ice cavern was forest what um okay i think i go to dc now which is fire temple [Music] yeah is that five fire temple keys yeah okay i am perfect for fire temple actually wait uh how much water yet actually i'm gonna go to water first because i want to get a scarecrow song and also check what water is [Music] [Music] yeah i haven't i haven't entered the water temple entrance that's what i meant [Music] how hard is it to edit the move set of another you mean like give an enemy different attacks i it's definitely possible and people have done it but that's probably something more advanced or i don't know about advanced i don't know i don't know exactly what the difficulty is but it's more than it's probably more than simple at least but it's definitely doable when people have done it [Music] yeah it's something that definitely needs to decompose [Music] [Music] oh yeah from refill [Music] [Music] not [Music] no this wouldn't be unreadable if bo is behind firearms because there's three bows uh stupid bunny hood yeah there's three bows so if one is impossible to get the other two are gonna or could still be possible the other two like all three of them would have to be behind uh all three of them would have to be behind bow checks which there aren't that many bow chicks really i guess there aren't that many bow checks that can't be gotten around with glitches uh i cannot check the sun yeah it's broke plus quiver upgrades in rando upgrades are just progressive so the first one you get is your original bow the second one you get is your quiver upgrade the third one you get is your next quiver upgrade but they're all just labeled as progressive bow dc that is good and see deck of shield oh speaking of bow [Music] oh right because i slashed the skull so [Music] what i know the gossip stones are randomized but there's duplicates of hints that's why i usually see like two of the same uh not just lighters also magic although i think just magic and lighters at this rate what actually wait why am i doing this oh yeah this is why uh i think it's giant snipe not big goron sword so that's why i'm not using it all the time i think it is right junk chest yeah okay [Music] uh i'm gonna grab those shoes hey long shot key [Music] uh i was about to do something very stupid [Music] i was about to hover boost over there to get the key first and then get the long shot instead of you know just getting the long shot first and long shotting the key [Music] yeah dc loaded uh [Music] uh the sound is a bubble popping yeah the jabu bubbles thing i should have just ground jumped it's not the same every seed it's just that uh there's not that many sounds it's randomized with what [Music] oh come on [Music] uh i found jabba yet i haven't okay so i know i have to know spiritual must be jabu because i think it's the only dungeon i haven't been to or got a hint for yeah all right spirit is jobbing for sure nice bomb bag in front of king dodongo cool please all right so i need to beat fire shadow in jabu i think fire should go first [Music] oops nice all right i can do the sun uh [Music] i should do that done great [Music] the music is randomized [Music] i bet there's gonna be nothing [Music] is that magic no it's bombs guys you don't have to copy and paste it okay ugh ugh [Music] how are you swim through the ice uh i just clipped into the the [Music] uh entrance from lake halia to zoro's domain it's normally closed off as adult but all you have to do is just clip inside and then you still appear under the water there but it's just once you hit the water level then the ice pops you up inbounds yes [Music] oh yeah so you guys uh you guys know how i always have to mention that like flare dancer takes more damage from master sword and big one sword uh so we finally figured out why elliptic looked into it so it turns out on normal damage tables sometimes a master sword and big orange sword damage are like flipped in order like it'll say kakiri sword first and then big run sword and then master sword but the damage is correct so like sometimes some tables will just be like that but it doesn't actually mess with the damage table it's just the ordering is weird but there's one damage table which happens to be used by flaredancer where the order is incorrect and then the damages also follow still being incorrect and so it's like uh so it says kakiri sword um kakiri sword and then big orange sword and then master sword but it's all wrong but it's the wrong damage values so like gives eight damage to master sword and four damage to bigger one story jump slash [Music] and also the really interesting thing about that is that uh that damage table isn't exclusively used by flare dancer it's also used by a few other enemies but all the other enemies that use it uh will always die in one hit anyway so you never really realize it but like for example i think green bubbles in um bottom of the well or green bubbles in general but you know you probably know them from bottom of the well those have the same damage table where theoretically master sword does more than big ones but you would never realize it because green bubbles suck what no dude [Music] no hess there because no goron tunic if i try to hess without going to your neck the lava stops me instantly wait i do have it i don't think i have it no i don't stop trying to gaslight me anything i'd want you nick [Music] uh master quest dungeons is an option for randomizer i don't have it turned on but yeah you can just uh turn on an option to have dungeons be master quest okay whatever i was gonna come back around for it in a sec but nevermind not upgrade okay cool i should have done it later anyway my plan for trying to time the boulder did not work out shin rinchi thanks for giving five subs weird path oh i think i can do a thing nice i can do that on a small chest too if i do a ground jump but with a big chest it's free i like master quest but i usually don't do it in rando just because i i do it so infrequently that i just like forget masterquest dungeons a lot i might want to start trying it again airshield mirror shield uh hmm that actually means i can skip jabu if i want that means i can skip going all the way to uh across the desert oh but gtg is spirit um [Music] so i have to go to gerudo no matter what but i don't know now i'm actually not sure you know what i think i skipped shadow in this case i think shadow is the best one to skip actually oh come on that was so close small chest alright since i have an extra key i can take an easy way around nice that was terrible yeah i'm pretty much just magic away from uh just getting the lighter hint uh do i like minecraft i have never played minecraft how i don't know i just haven't i've seen minecraft i know steve [Music] i actually have watched like random minecraft videos occasionally about like technical stuff about the game or something yeah and van i actually i actually have watched ant venom videos oh god i'm sorry wish you knew which ones i think one's on the far lands yeah that [Music] and probably some other ones that i'm forgetting uh just jump down [Music] no membership card that's cool um i don't have boss key right yeah okay so i need to skip i was about to save warp down and that would have been really bad um i'm shooting these bombs uh i guess i can use giant knife for this oh wait is this enough okay i should really count i wasn't counting and i was just kind of assuming that i was doing it right man suddenly chat can't stop talking about minecraft all of a sudden [Music] i think for 75 months loaf oh i have claim check right i need to go get um a wallet i gotta go climb i should just be hessing why am i bunny hooding [Music] it's so weird hessing up the thunder trail with no eruption yeah i just need magic for go mode oh come on what bunny hood oh my god it is infuriating that bunnyhood prevents trading claim check there's no reason for that uh opponent's song was in curie okay um i'm gonna go down through here actually wait do i have enough i need to get rupees first uh don't use giant's knife i'm gonna need rupees for oh god it's 180 and then i also want 200 wait i should i'm stupid i'm gonna kill the um skull kids [Music] uh what am i doing kill the skull kids hey okay so after this i need to be either spirit jabu or shadow two of two of spirit jawbone shadow here is gtg no spirit is jabu gtg is spirit um shadow is shadow [Music] yeah i think go i think uh yeah go to gtg yeah i might as well i have to i have to go to guru no matter what so i might as well do gcg first head over to jaboo oh wait do i have requiem no requiem was in the previous seed right not the seed yeah what [Music] that's weird the the bomb wall behind the first one was broken but not the first one i don't think the hammer broke both i don't think it can okay this is fire already oh yeah i can no that's a slingshot i don't need that i already got slingshot uh how am i doing on spirit keys spirit three um [Music] there is a spirit key i can buy here for 75 but it's not worth farming rupees and i'm good on spirit keys bolero a little bit late for that is it daytime actually you know what if i'm this close to shadow right now i might as well just go to shadow right now because i can do boat key skip so i can finish it really quickly or actually no i should check it because shadow has really good check density yeah i should just do all of shadow and i'm really well equipped for it yeah shadow's shadow i'm looking for lightrooms and magic well magic specifically because i'm not really looking for lighters because um i could just i could just get the ganon hint uh with three keys i think i should do both key skip anyway yeah yeah i should definitely do bokeh skip [Music] i always forget that's the child set up oh never mind no that is the adult setup i'm stupid i thought i did it wrong but i didn't do it wrong you ever think you're a failure but you actually did everything right what i'm a failure yes when i dropped down there i was slightly worried that i jump sliced too early and if i did then i would have soft locked which is why i paused and saved [Applause] [Music] i did just win yeah you can drop the bomb down the hole and it stuns bongo before he's loaded only works on versions 1.0 and 1.1 though which is why you might not see it in speedruns very often [Music] okay and then i'm gonna go straight back into shadow and not use dims because i don't have magic hmm no i didn't get hustle i was planning on getting it after shadow uh yeah you can actually stares the doorway away i think it requires a different setup that's longer though i remember seeing a video of the setup recently though i think it was probably posted in ot videos in the last like week or two or maybe i just got randomly recommended it on youtube actually i forgot i remember at the very least i saw it recently [Music] there's another shadow key i don't think i'll need that i'm gonna actually gonna go around the opposite way [Music] okay i'm gonna go this way first i think this is better [Music] because if i happen to find something good um [Music] first then i get to skip the boat ride yeah i did get up on a song wait i did get a pony song right yeah yeah yeah it's for cows oh come on [Music] i was on the tracker because i'm bad uh going to circle around the room i go to my party no i haven't played mario party in years [Music] [Music] oh yeah i totally stomp any casual no i'm probably terrible at mario party because because of how long i haven't played it for i also kind of just don't have interest in playing i don't know for some reason mario party just when i think about playing mario party i'm just like i don't want to play mario party my time oh come on [Music] mario party except the minigames are ocarina of time tricks yeah i'll play that mario party [Music] i bet you could bunnyhood through the gate like like probably just run up to it without doing any setup oh god okay uh that was a terrible idea no i lost my bunnyhood i have to re-equip it magic nocturne nocturne in shadow that was bad okay that worked somehow [Music] i have to pest to make that to make the cycle uh actually i have long shot i should have a weird shorter then whatever well there's lighters all right shadow kind of loaded i still need still need to check um past the boat yup everything before magic yet another search for magic seed where am i going it's always magic dude i don't know sorry a song right it was the last seed that i got sorry song this is what's annoying about doing two randos in one day is i get my seeds mixed up [Music] ready can't find magic because magic isn't real it's real to me oh god this is actually don't fall off actually sketchy with bunnyhood because i might okay i was worried about walking too fast off uh uh not go mode until i get magic i am magic away from go mode magic mode junk junk oops me [Music] nope nothing here [Music] nice that i found nocturne so i can just warp straight out okay i need to get archery uh and 20 skull reward and then go to gtg which is spirit temple actually maybe i skip spirit i can check a lot of spirit though i don't know wells gtg should i check gc no i shouldn't go out of my way to gtg right now i haven't gone against castle yet yeah i just need magic to finish oh i want to check uh skeletal on the roof oh and cowan house i can start checking my cows now come on oh i never checked death mountain cow uh do i leave death mountain cow i found cow the cow that's always good okay yeah i'll go back up for it it should be pretty quick [Music] leaves hideout key that's actually good considering where i'm going i got a hint for cow and house being bad right um no i did not i might actually have to do a cow in house oh no no yes i did calvin house is choose never mind now i just read the wrong part of my notes i did have it in my notes i just read the wrong part [Music] [Music] nothing the cow let me down for once can i do this does this work dang actually wait yeah this does work okay not not the way it was going not the well not what i was intending to do but it works out anyway nice skull check how many times i have to tell myself to check skulls before i actually do it just keep getting distracted over and over okay cool and yes i know i can check 30 and 40. they are useless they're junk did i check skull on top of him i did i did looking for magic yeah as always i hear epona [Music] oh magics and cannons well gannon's castle is gonna be the first place i check after um i finish all my dungeons honestly maybe i should no i shouldn't check it now i shouldn't check it until i've beaten all my dungeons but once i have that'll be the first place i check [Music] i haven't checked anything in guinness castle i have everything there to check what come on cow poner [Music] [Music] [Music] all the cows are useless uh greater valley cow is child only [Music] [Music] don't have song of storms can't get the grotto here [Music] magic sorry song i can do more frogs then clearly frogs are the way to magic i have griddle card um i'm not sure if i should do gtg or not or as pure temple because like uh yeah i should oh no that was terrible what an incredible attempt at isg oh i have all four keys here that's nice huh [Music] yeah i should be able to full clear um [Music] spirit so yeah i should grab it i can't isg dude why is isg the hardest trick in the game [Music] man i just want to skip items i probably should do this strat to the torch strat if i mess up isg i just don't because like i plan to use isg and then but then i actually doesn't go as planned and then everything's bad and i should just use torch as a backup what oh right because i have greater card [Music] come on okay hmm what [Music] these are the worst guard fights oh my god and yeah the skeletal play sons going ggg which is spirit temple probably full clear spirit um if i don't get magic then if i don't get magic down i don't know if i want to go to jabu or like gannon's castle or something i don't but if i go to if i don't go to jabu and then i do end up having to go across the wasteland it's going to be really awkward [Music] i'm gonna do archery afterwards um i can do this [Music] actually wait i should do child side first yeah okay hold on [Music] seriously i got this stupid invisibility glitch oh my god [Music] [Music] so uh say we're back [Music] i think sorry subscipio i can't read i can't read all the time i have to choose when i check the resubs [Music] oh come on i become so bad at the super slide all i do is tsc now [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] tsc is triple slash clip it's that clip i did into the pillow to get past the silver block wallet not that i need it anymore i think there's like one key i can get that i don't need actually no yeah yeah i can get a 240 rupee bomb of the well key [Music] oh come on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] come on i'm running so fast with bunnyhood it's invisible as adult though [Music] is that one big no come on [Music] magic beans [Music] magic something well there's actual magic [Music] the taunt into all right here no more taunting all right and that should be end of the seed very quickly [Music] yes [Music] i was worried for a second if uh bunnyhood messed that up come on i actually really like the sea this was a really neat seed i think [Music] must be quad time i hope give me the quad uh okay dang i got a triple last time so of course this time is gonna be terrible [Music] oh i'm matching l uh kind of rng manipulation but not really whenever i'm making a tass or a low tad it's what i use to rng manipulate to try to make a triple or double happen um it doesn't like in the context of an rta run it doesn't actually help but it does when trying to make a test but i just do it because why not it's fun i guess like holding a when trying to catch a pokemon well holding a when trying to catch pokemon probably doesn't change the rng at all like targeting there it does change the rng it just doesn't give any increased potential for the rng to be the value you want wait what is that stick okay [Music] because like navi navi moving around does change the rng it's just it's changing the rng but it's just going to be another random value that has no greater chance of being the correct one that i need thanks for 30 months reckless magic was in spirit temple this is a very pink and purple seed i have pink and purple magic pink and purple mirror shield and and light blue for c buttons and tunic and b button only the a button stands out the e button has to be quirky and different thanks [Music] [Music] huh um let's see if i break giant's knife here well that was quick still crouch dabs though whatever it just saved me a pause later on that i would have had to do anyway hey uh yeah that's why i wasn't using it for most of the run because it was giant's knife not the ground sword uh if qpa could skip light arrows i think i'd have to either not do that or add like some other restriction because that'd definitely be 20. [Music] i'm not gonna get sub 340. might get sub 341 i think so yeah uh yeah i used to unlock in and um the normal time he would take to get up he usually gets up around like four or five steps um and then past that is unlocking him actually might be three or four steps i don't know but yeah it's uh it's just unlocked to hit him that much huh now randomizer just has a setting to skip the tower escape since it's just the same every time just to speed up the ending nice sub 341 no stone of agony neither run back no i got i got the legendary stone of agony skip the hardest trick in the game all right spoiler log time [Music] i will give you guys the spoiler log right now [Music] no i am not doing a third seed today i never marked match beans on the tracker oh no silly me okay what are we even looking for in the spoiler log i actually got most important stuff right um i got both hook shots i got what was it two bomb bags gannon's castle shadow trial front chest tone of agony dang it would have been like a 20-second detour i could carry sword kakiri sword was jack andrew as adult i really skipped that why did i oh my god okay that's really dumb i was about to say i was about to say i actually really liked the seed and i think i played i played it pretty well and i don't think it really made that many mistakes and then i see i forgot cac andrew as adult never mind i made a mistake okay but i for real i do think um this was both an interesting seed and i think i played well [Music] oh cool there was ice trap magic beans in forest trial requiem in light trial serenade and oh serenade and requiem both in light trial cool [Music] yeah again light trial has two two of the same thing bottom of the wall compass chest big one sword what else was in the bottom of the well what did i miss in bottom of the well bulky smoky be going sword strength uh neighbors love progressive wallet okay so moderate there are moderate interesting things about the world but nothing significant go to training grounds eye stature she has magic meter uh gorilla training grounds no i think yeah i think uh skipping training grounds was the way to go well what was your training grounds again greta fortress uh you know go to training grounds was from the well yeah i think it technically would have been faster to get magic mater from critical training grounds but i think in terms of the way i played it i think i made the right call storms was impossible [Music] frogs in the rain was song of storms amazing [Music] let me check other um other song of storm scrotus yeah i want to check all the all the songs storms grotto see what was locked behind impossible um let's see dmt storms grotto rupees uh rose river storms grotto where is it i can't find it oh scrub brought a bow oh so one of the bows was actually impossible one of the bows was behind the song of storms grotto in zoro's river valley water temple key was another impossible one um where's the kakiri did i miss kakiri yeah song of storms was behind frogs in the rain the song of storms you have to play sonic storms for the frogs so yeah song storms was impossible kf um they have storms grotto gold's fault the token what about hyrule well hyrule castle was barren okay so yeah so storms and one bow was impossible [Music] what about grotto training grounds in general how much did i miss in grota training grounds besides magic oh a bomb bag although well progressive scale magic meter gang okay go to training grounds was kind of loaded it was actually kind of loaded and loaded early on [Music] yeah i statue chest oh heavy block fourth chest was progressive scale okay that would have been annoying but bomb bag left chest but yeah i never uh the only time i got into go to training rounds was before i got bow or slingshot and by the time i got slingshot i never wanted to go back yeah comes chest and bomber was on the main floor [Music] no the ending isn't a video on vc it's a video on gamecube uh but yeah they don't randomize music here i guess just cause it's the credits people probably want the real music for the credits it might be kind of weird hearing like the credits music in game okay but again yeah i actually really like the seat i think this was an interesting seed and i played it well this was probably my favorite seed so far favorite in terms of not just the seed but like in terms of both seed plus gameplay i think it's my favorite so far i might upload this one to youtube apart from chicken lady uh you get one mistake [Music]
Channel: ZFG
Views: 695,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Speedrun, Glitches, ZFG, OoT
Id: psstwPaTVAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 33sec (13773 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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