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today i'm turning into spider-man my friends and i made the homemade spider-man suit and are going to be upgrading it until we have our hands on the iron spider super suit trust me this thing is absolutely epic it has so many overpowered abilities including waldos which are apparently the weird spider legs on its back i don't really know why they're called that by the way if you guys do want to support me end today's video afterwards check out the official place to get all back project merchandise links in the description down below use code bessie for 10 off all right boys listen up underneath this cobweb is something that will change your lives that's enough for me i'm heading down okay i'll follow you trust me alec it's perfectly safe i'm stuck alex no questions just it's okay you just have to go down with us just slow and steadily down we could die it could actually change our lives there could be cookies down there you just have to follow us break this thing am i hurting someone oh what's up oh hey alex so boys today we have the homemade spider-man suit now this is the only spider-man suit that i can get my hands on if we want to get the upgraded suit like the miles morale suit and the iron spider i'm gonna need your boys help okay i have a question i do have a question though so these are the suits but do we actually get the abilities or is this gonna be spider-man here's the shoe like it's halloween here's my suit so we do get abilities you can test them out you have spidey senses you really are spider-man bro that's so cool [Music] yup just climb right out i would love to see adam do this i did it first try building let's see what you got out of here can i just you can just hug the wall leave a like if you think adam cannot do this wow it's just so electrocuted okay adam focus what does web pull okay go ahead how do i hold on so ready watch us oh no i just watched there you go okay boy so your web shooter is what actually allows you to flow in the wind like a worm [Music] oh jeez bro okay so that's what web pool does that is pretty cool now careful boys we only have a limited amount of webs this is only the homemade version of this suit oh this is kind of lame did you guys see how fast we are whoa oh yeah we're really really fast spider-man does have really fast reflexes that's true is that web grenade oh no that's web dude these grenade actually so cool we can roll around too electric web what does it look like adam is electrocuted electrocuted so are you hey what okay boys if we would like to upgrade our suits i need your help defeating a couple mobs just a few yes okay it should be pretty easy we really have a web grenade they should all die okay here's the first one take it out boy the spidey senses should be tingling you guys broke his body his insides are just all over the grass can someone clean up okay boys just knock them out you don't have to annihilate so hard would you say kill him oh yeah his head just rolled around three times like a bowling ball that was beautifully majestic how [Laughter] don't worry it just gets better than this next up we have to kill one of our own kind boys oh i can't do that here let me test out just a punch so okay this is rapid fire punch does a lot of damage go ahead just just test out a normal punch i'll doubt you alec punch him i can't he called your mom stupid 16 damage okay that's pretty not dirt man you're dirt boy he's becoming the host it's becoming spider hulk oh my gosh okay let me take out this next one well you also used it on me that was not very fun wow sorry adam i accidentally went pulled your gut this bird it's a big target all right boys last challenge of challenge number one the homemade suits are proving to be pretty powerful okay okay let's try web grenade super oh he doesn't get electrocuted because he's made out of iron i like how they did that i just realized too webs don't affect us look you can just walk around in it oh for real no actually no it affects me bro yeah what are you talking about i guess i'm just built different now i'm stuck i'm stuck in another web okay boys you said after we're done with the first challenges she'll give us a hint where she hid the next suit the miles morale suit okay okay i love a good riddle bring it up okay it says find the webbed cave it's not much of a riddle there's also spider swords wait i was literally just in a cave with can you get to the bottom of the riddle uh like before tomorrow okay so you take the web okay make the cave did you make the cave i'm pretty sure it's underground if i had to guess alex do you agree you're an intellect oh i'm going to agree with adam that this is probably underground apt analysis extremely smart he's also struggling to get down into the cave this is our tingling okay this has to be good my spidey senses are tickling me adam is wiggling like a worm he got stuck in a web boys what the hell oh okay these look so sick oh my gosh okay wait what's above them hold on too much information kill a bart somebody kill get a bird out of here bird down man down code brown uh here i have beginning of a rap somebody with a web shooter there you go okay let's shoot let me see so let's take off this suit and let's right click oh did it work oh i did i did something who's this man i i don't like it's not working steve here are you guys seeing steve we're standing right there yes it is steve he was holding on to the suits so here we go we have the miles morale suit i can't see okay i got it this guy here you go i don't know what i don't know what miles morales has to do with spider-man but cool sorry adam he has everything to do i just gave you the same exact suit you don't know miles morales oh you haven't seen into the spider-verse yet because you're a pleb that's true i have yet to watch that oh my god that he has to watch it it is so good i think it's on netflix well i know there's finish this video this is more important it is like one of the best if not the best spider-man movie it is so good comment your guys favorite spider-man movie down below in the comments okay boys now we have this make sure you right-click with the web shooter to equip it all righty it is now equipped it's nice pretty sure i'm all good okay let's test it out oh yep yep you're right it works i absolutely put your armor on bro put your for yourself hey stop it yeah pants are on fire let me try now you have no no you you have the web shooters you just don't have the suit on there you go nice tada you're wet boy get wet boy get wet not very nice oh it was it just automatically started shooting at you that was weird yeah so this guy has really no limit so you can spam every single one of his abilities look at bessie i trapped her in a web [Music] so if you guys hold this ability down it'll just keep going until it connects yeah i know oh that is sick it's so cool yeah i did it earlier you can literally fling yourself it's a little bit more controllable sorry jack now what's our third ability outrun me boy who's next who wants some i don't think we have a third ability uh yes we do a ball over there we do have a third ability hey adam where's the webs coming from stop it i think the third ability makes us go invisible yeah it does but i don't think it actually works i think i'm invisible right now no but i said wait adam i can't see you wait am i invisible on your screen nope your hair flip is gone yeah i know that the invisibility thing is a little bit buggy but it's still pretty cool okay let's see we have round number two if we can complete these challenges we will unlock access to the iron spider suit dude that's gonna be so epic adam i want you to kill this monstrosity okay can i have the suit now alec it's your turn oh my gosh my spidey senses were tingling okay my turn almost moved i'm gonna trap him trap him boys trap him whoa oh my gosh we just like one shot yeah wait a second how much damage do we actually do oh my god goodness anything that you spawn in i'm just gonna spider whip it and then slice its head off okay oh spidey senses are tingling these fighting sensors are a little bit different is that what that was are you guys you guys killing it let me try 76 attack damage that's with the sword spam click that's pretty impressive here you go ab adam attack don't worry we can trap any mob this is way too overpowered yeah this is really cool um this one i don't know if we'll be able to web it's a giant nasty source okay okay this next one as soon as i spawn it in you guys have to web immediately okay please tell me it's not a weather 3-2 wither you guys didn't do it where'd it go oh it literally goes right through the webs not good the webs are doing like seven and six attack damage it's basically like i'm shooting an iron or a gold sword wow just got destroyed you're so strong wait what do you like what you see what the heck happened you're green spider-man interesting somehow the whatever creature you respond in gave me this this chest plate and now i'm the hulk you are not full you are tiny spider-man wait you have a sword now that was like a cutlass yeah no i i ow ow what the heck bro oh killed you with this spider sword super effective against spiders i killed you with my super muscles um okay boys so to get the last suit the iron spider suit i got this note from bessie in the last chest another riddle no well yeah it's a little bit of a riddle i want just one of you guys preferably adam to read that sentences are tingling go ahead adam that's all you bro you're really good riddler punch my udder huh what does she mean by puncher the way you said it i think she wants you to punch your otter okay go for it okay [Music] i don't know exactly what you have to do but all right i'm going to pinch and twist this is a weird it's a weird experiment but it seemed to work i think this is like a clone pinata bessie well whatever it is i love it it's awesome sweet tony stark's iron man suit oh my goodness this is my favorite suit by far my gosh what do we have here okay we have a web shooter but we can change the mode let's see now all repulsors dude it's literally toby stars and spider-man combined into one okay boys i want to show you guys the waldos ready three two one where's waldo we're playing a hide and seek game whoa whoa no these are the waldos and every time i attack they attack with me okay [Music] it says waldo's it literally says all those right there okay yep you want me to spell it for you nice spelled w-a-q-g-e-y okay i'm ready for some challenges i feel like we're going to be able to absolutely destroy everything that you see first one we got jeff goes [Music] to guys burn him while he's down burn him while he is down with the repulsors does anybody see that we're able to fly too um i have no idea just just hold down space wait we can fly yep we have rockets coming out of our boots this is sick let's get them wait i can't fly how do you guys fly oh okay so you when you hit b you can change your mode or whatever you have as your change mode ability so you can change between web swinging and flight oh very cool very nice i'm a wiggle that's epi yeah i don't know why we wouldn't just fly all the time seems way more effective yeah i mean but the other one's like more fun i feel like oh cool yeah there's no wiggling involved okay let me try out super ultra abilities oh oh you shoot webs and repulsors and repulsors at the same time my turn wow oh that yeah not even adam somehow got exploded wait you didn't have the suit on did you no what even are you going to put back on okay while he's doing that alex let's go back and forth and see if we can take out this very malnutritious skeleton oh my gosh so i think with the sword we do around like 50 attack damage that's pretty soft don't worry adam's not here it's probably better that way smells way better i mean no i'd love to have you here okay boys there's only one more challenge left are you ready it i mean nothing so far too challenging so yeah give me a second certainly ready i need to get mentally prepared okay that i do not care oh giant robot spider boys be careful here i'm using ultimate ability oh my gosh bro this thing's barely taking any damage and it's it supposedly can fly um i can fly it is definitely flying i'm using my old ability on it i just used my ultimate ability and i don't think it did anything it's like a helicopter ship more help than we do this guy's a thousand five hundred health wait a second guys spider-man we don't deserve to be called spider-man this is the definition of an iron spider right here yeah we're kind of lame compared to it i'm trying to smack it let me try with my waldos all the waldos do a lot of damage boys i'm doing okay i'm summoning my walls [Music] nice nice keep going boys keep going oh my gosh bro come on oh dude the water's down okay make sure you're using repulsors as well i think we have this thing locked down i just keep using webs is it even fighting back it's really not it's just taking a beating like oh wait a second guys there was a spider on top that was like driving it and i think it's gone oh somebody killed the brain yeah i literally i think we killed the operator and now we just have this keep it let's go keep it as a pet as a trophy no let's destroy it yeah mine will destroy it let's get this thing out of here we can sell it for parts ew dudes the web sounds so squishy doing the dirty work i know it really does all right it's almost there we only need like 10 more hits together just a few more adam go ahead finish it all right get the final blow yes we did it boys he dropped sticky pistons nice ladies and gentlemen there you have it the life of spider-man in minecraft if you guys do want to see more superhero videos hit that like button and hit the subscribe button in the center
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 4,386,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, iron spider, iron spider suit, spiderman minecraft, minecraft spiderman, craft spiderman, spiderman, spider man minecraft, spider man, spiderman suits, spider man movie, spider man mod, web shooter, new spider man, minecraft superhero, miles morales, spiderverse, beckbrojack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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