The NEW Pokemon Minecraft Mod is Incredible

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today my brother and I added Pokemon into Minecraft we're gonna get 30 minutes to catch any single Pokemon we can find it could be a Pikachu a Charizard or even a legendary Mewtwo at the end we're gonna be battling to see who caught the better Pokemon and it's gonna be me three two one 30 minutes on the clock it's not working PVP is all it's a zombie make sure you guys leave a like to join hashtag teambackproject if you don't you automatically join team dirt boy we are using the brand new cobblemont mod if you guys want to try it out it will be linked Down Below in the description this mod takes Pokemon and Minecraft to the next level we need to choose our starter we're going with Mudkip I bet you Adam's gonna choose Charmander I don't know who I want oh was that Piplup wait wait I gotta go back to people up come on come on give me Piplup give me Piplup this is my favorite absolute favorite we're going with Piplup I choose you wait what the spawning feature's insane whoa look at that it looks like I'm summoning a laser from Star Wars what oh my gosh that's the coolest thing I've ever seen in Minecraft are you kidding me it's our first Pokemon we have tons of master balls so we should be able to easily catch anything that we come across wiggle yes come on and we captured it let's go it is amazing all right what happens when I catch this butterfly oh my it's even bobbing the master ball Bobs did I catch it oh I got a Butterfree wait I got a Butterfree I'm just excited about a Butterfree one of the coolest things about cobblemod is that the Pokemon actually looks like they could be found in vanilla Minecraft it's so blocky and I love it animations are really cool look at this ing around should we try to battle it oh wait we can actually hit it this is so weird when it died R.I.P Pidgey for those of you guys that wanted to know it drops chicken and Feathers all right there we go we got three Pokemon already pretty trash we're gonna be battling Jack at the end of this so I have to find the best Pokemon imaginable so we're not gonna capture this Lulu we're yeah we're gonna walk by that thing nothing is trash bro oh a torque oil that thing looks pretty cool all right we're gonna pop him he looks like a volcano all right we're gonna keep on moving here chucking along we got a village maybe there's Pokemon in a village I wonder if villagers have Pokemon it looks like Pokemon in Minecraft so I wouldn't see why villagers wouldn't have Pokemon oh my gosh it's best what's up Betsy I'm gonna try to battle Bessie this is so cool we will fight the cow mud slip let's use rock smash milk tank is a lot more difficult than I expected rock smash please kill it almost there and Mudkip died don't worry we have Saul's book why does it look like they're about to kiss use energy ball yes we killed the cow what happens oh it disappeared and did drop the leather this mod is amazing oh a heat more okay I think it looks cool it kind of looks like a turquoil but standing up all right we're gonna check out the fighting feature here I want to see what happens oh no oh God the bubble the bubble I'm using a bubble move right now that's that's not gonna work oh God I gotta run I gotta run I'm gonna get toasted how's he not touching me yet am I gonna beat this guy oh oh god oh gosh why am I fighting level 21 I need to get out of here my Piplup is not strong oh my God two health I'm running I'm running I'm running see ya no we killed my Piplup what okay we're bringing out the big guns we got turquoise out here cool all right um yeah okay yeah we're running we're running dude does he why is he more so good that was the best he more ever that was the best level 21 I've ever all my life is he chasing me oh okay I gotta get out of here what other Pokemon will I find a level 13 Weedle Don't Mind If I Do whoa what is up there we don't seem s ready to evolve can I just evolve Weedle I feel like I have to do it in battle Weedle there's no time I swear I saw a Pokemon up here where did it go is that it nope that is a cow after looking around for a while I think I finally spotted it that my friends is an onyx let's see what level it is level 32 and it is massive join me in defeating dirt boy I don't even know why I look at the ball it's a master ball so it has a hundred percent chance of capturing oh a Mankey level 29 all right we're gonna grab him there's so many Pokemon in this game I don't know who did this but whoever took the time to individually model each Pokemon is insane they look like they belong in Minecraft whoa a ghastly I know we're supposed to be capturing high level Pokemon but this thing just looks amazing I will for sure have the highest levels and also the coolest Pokemon and I'm gonna capture the most pokemon I'm gonna beat Adam at everything all right this is our starting lineup right now we got a man key we got a turquoil a butter for your Piplup and whatever the heck that reindeer looking thing is he looks just like Minecraft seriously if this was a regular Minecraft character and I didn't know anything about Pokemon I would seriously believe that they were meant to be in Minecraft they just looked like any other Minecraft mob whoa look a level 26 wulu I thought it kind of just looked like a sheep I found your brother and I captured him a level 34 double it has a nice long beard welcome to my Pokemon Army oh a village maybe I can find a Pokemon Trader or even better yet a legendary Pokemon first things first let's capture a level 31 Butterfree I am a Pokemon catching Menace no Pokemon is safe oh wait they could fly that is amazing dude look at that little Pidgey I'm gonna capture you because I love you I'm gonna show you to every single one of my friends and of course it was bound to happen we found a level 5 Rattata I guess you could join my party just because I feel bad we have a vast world to explore so without further Ado let's get hunting I'm pretty sure we only have 25 minutes left I spent so much time in that fight that I'm gonna have to start rushing now oh I wonder if there's anything in caves other than stupid zombie get on my face get out of my face this is another right sword and it's taking me eight hits all right I completely waste my time in that cave we made it to the top of a snowman uh and it's not going well I was thinking I could find maybe an Articuno or something powerful but um no no we're we're we're gonna run I kept falling in the stupid Avalanches I'm not trying to die like that I'm getting embarrassed right now oh my gosh it's already night time and I have the worst lineup ever Butterfree get back on my Pokeball okay we need to find a real Pokemon as soon as possible why is that cow in the corner by itself did it get put in timeout now that it's nighttime different types of Pokemon should be spawning in yes dude it is a level 33 Haunter what else could I find excuse me will my Pokemon fight for me Onyx can you squish this zombie is that a thing not yet but maybe in future updates oh a brand new Pokemon it's a Buneary yes sir what's up in that tree that's not a Pokemon right oh cool dude check it out it's a black apricorn I think we could use these to craft pokeballs I don't think I'll need to do that anytime soon what is that thing this is about to be my highest level Pokemon a level 39 primeape AKA Logan Paul as a Pokemon there's gotta be good things up on that icy mountain and I will find it I think I've already captured that guy but what else could be at the top wait what's that whoa it's an Articuno why are the goats attacking me were the goats protecting the Articuno we gotta get out of here before the goats attack oh wait what is this rolling around a Geodude the animations in this mod are Next Level when it's rolling around it honestly looks like a tiny Boulder the mobs are starting to swarm I don't think the goats or the mob wanted me to capture that Articuno I've been looking for for hours maybe days and the show for oh what is that oh is that a Charizard oh my God I can't die I can't die right now I cannot die right now please please Butterfree fight him dude wait can Pokemon play for you no Butterfree what are you doing kill the skeleton at least use yourself as a shield all right all right I have to capture charger before I die come on come on I'm not dying today Charizards be my meat Shield all right get my Pokeball right now oh my gosh we actually got a Charizard are you kidding me come on all right it's time to kill this stupid skeleton yeah that's right that's right oh Butterfree hello I might delete Butterfree right now he did absolutely nothing for me he must kill me I think the Butterfree did more harm than hell all right I'm taking everybody out of my lineup except for Piplup and Charizard that's my new Dream Team you have to just spawn out of nowhere you kidding me look at the way he just rolls around like that that is such a cool feature they didn't even need to add that but they did it just makes the game that much cooler oh my gosh let's go dude all right Joe dude you impressed me you're getting my Pokeball we're out of here if we do slash PC we should be able to see all the Pokemon that we captured let's get out our best ones I wonder if I could fly on the back of the Articuno no dude I wish that I could maybe in future updates I decided it was time to find a new bio that way we could find different types of Pokemon eventually I found an ocean I think we're probably gonna need a Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat excuse me I am busy easy wait what is that that is a Blastoise oh my gosh I don't even need a boat who needs a boat when you have a Blastoise level 45 let's go dude what else is around these parts there's a pine cone way up I could use a pine cone a level 23 Krabby and a level 17 but sorry I'm gonna have to take the better one oh sick dude there's a Staryu let's grab one of these I feel like a kid in the candy shop and I have infinite money of capturing everything I'm literally taking all of the Pokemon all right so far our dream team is Piplup Charizard and Geodude chicken get in my Pokeball chicken some work on that team oh my God Academy Pete are you kidding me what does a Caterpie even evolve into all right we're gonna test Charizard's ability here one shot baby get on my face Caterpie you're trash that was awesome wait what wait I can give this thing dirt I can give it items to hold what I just gave it a piece of dirt to hold what the heck that's so cool what about like diamonds and stuff look he's holding a bone yo okay this game's crazy uh this might be the best Pokemon game in existence there is a stray baduf all the way out in the ocean I will save you no but do if left behind oh that is a parata wait what I should have made the boat all right let's save the badoof and maybe we can find something really cool out here there's a level 30 basculine yes bro this is Easy Pickins hey why are Badoo spawning all over the ocean what is happening I have a boat boating time let's go see what we can find in the ocean we're gonna find something big out here I can feel it it is super weird seeing normal Minecraft mobs and then seeing Pokemon that look just like Minecraft Mobs like if I didn't know any better I would say that that's just a Minecraft mob but it's not it's actually really high level that is level 45 let's capture the Tentacruel normally the bigger they are the higher level they are I also didn't even think about it but maybe if we can get to the nether we can capture lots and lots of fire Pokemon maybe even a Charizard alright we still have a trash team so I'm gonna start hunting even more I'm pretty sure we only have 15 minutes left I wasted so much time just checking out the features oh can I capture this Wolf come on come on come on no just kidding hey you're dead oh hey Mr Wolf did you see me destroy your friend yeah didn't think so watch your back okay I need another Pokemon really my my best Pokemon is Charizard and all I see is these stupid pigs wait oh what is that wait wait what is that oh Securities Jake just talked about having a Magikarp but I got the Evolved four were you kidding me this is actually oh I can't breathe I like oh my gosh it's actually Gyarados I am not just making this up oh oh my God one shot done get in my Pokeball Gyarados oh please please please please get it yes this is my inventory let's go Gyarados has been added to my party no way this is I think it's my favorite Pokemon right now what this is by far the coolest model oh my gosh it looks like a serpent and it's almost 50. oh my God I think I just died and went to heaven this is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen look at how much time they put in the details each single individual block now we got Gyarados Charizard and Piplup that is the starting three that is the Dream Team I see something big down there what what what what I gotta get it that is what is this a level 55 Gyarados the best thing that I can find in the ocean but little did I know I was shortly going to find something even better Alex mom she's mine now it wasn't Alex mom there's an ocean Monument over there I feel like that's a perfect spot to hide a legendary that's a lot of Guardians guarding this place wait what's that in the water I think that might be a Lapras it's not a legendary but this is amazing let's see what level Alex mom is wailmer number 21 Lapras level 55 dude Lapras is busy oh wait I think I already caught it we gotta get out of here these Guardians are not happy that I am here I think I just stole their dead your dad went to go get milk we'll be back soon don't worry he's not coming back oh is that a Psyduck well I love how all the water Pokemon are in the water most people don't think about that you know it stays true to the Pokemon rules that are made to be uphold all right um I was about to drown we gotta get out of this water fast I need to find the nearest cave oh my God it's round okay we gotta go we gotta go I'm gonna go into this cave oh I wonder if there's teeth Pokemon here oh my gosh this place is huge all right let's just make our way over there see if we can find anything any sign if Pokemon life I'm gonna capture there better be some legendaries in here oh is that a Diglett okay I mean a diglett's pretty cool we'll capture that baby up all right wait no no no no no no no no no no no that's a level 70 Mewtwo okay oh it's a Mewtwo oh my gosh wait we actually have a fighting chance now my team's good we have a Mewtwo we just got legendary Mewtwo are you kidding me all right we're getting out of this cave right now I am not dying with a Mewtwo in my PC all right see ya ooh new biome the two-headed bird let's go we got a Doduo what's this cool guy do I even want that I mean it is level 41 so I guess I do not only do they have two-headed Birds they have three-headed Birds this place is amazing oh Noob little guy a Sphero you are adorable and now you're mine they have Diglett a little Diglett oh look at him Bob and weave and they have Psyduck too I'm having a blast oh I think I see an Atkins yes dude I wonder what else I'll find a level 40 gold duck that thought he was using camouflage but I found him excuse me good sir I'm gonna need you to get inside one of these master balls thank you oh is that a ghastly too wait no that's actually ghastly dude the little particle effects are so cool all right yeah you're getting my Pokeball is that Articuno uh okay no it's it's a zoo man sure I'll capture you two we have to go though we really have to go I don't want to be in this cave for too long let me just snipe that last Pokemon and we're out of here what even was that what Pokemon I just get I got a Gastly Zubat Mewtwo and a nose pass of course is that another wulu oh my gosh these stupid goat Pokemon I think it's the evolved version it's double wool what is up with all these dumb sheep there are some really high level Pokemon out here this guy's level 47. oh check this out there's a level fifth and chars are just chilling out here in the Savannah Biome oh I guess I must have spawned because there's a lava pool and I think I see ataros level 44. third boy is going down you guys have not left a like then you have not joined my team which means that you're automatically on the losing deep trust me guys you don't want to do that all right we're putting Mewtwo in the starting lineup we have Gyarados we have Charizard and we're putting in some random people too I'm just gonna put the highest levels that I have we're putting a nose pass barely and I took off Piplup I'm sorry we still have an empty party slot okay please please just take a look at this Mewtwo right now oh my God we're definitely giving my most valuable item what all right yeah we're giving a carrot come on take the care there you go you'll be holding onto my carrot what that is awesome oh my gosh we actually haven't been on our team I didn't think I'd find any legendaries here wrecked sheet all right we still have about 10 minutes left so I'm gonna take my time and hunt for everything uh after I kill this Caterpie wait you can actually kill Pokemon in this game what I come on that's new there's only five minutes left to capture Pokemon and so far I only have one legendary so I decided to travel to the nether don't ask how I got there there are so many Pokemon in the nether look at that there's a level 40 Arbok why are you in the nether I have no idea oh look at that there's magmars everywhere I wonder if I could snipe it come on little guy oh my gosh first try it looks like there's a lot of demonic Pokemon in here like gastly's gengars haunters spooky stuff but I haven't really seen too many fire type Pokemon oh dude wait wait chill chill man excuse me good sir we just came across a legendary Moltres in the nether I did not think I was gonna ever find that this has to be the best day of my life okay I have absolutely wasted my last 10 minutes oh my gosh dude I'm wasting my time I haven't found anything in Forever a level 83 Greninja yes I didn't want to say anything I didn't want to scare it away but boom we got a Greninja at the final seconds we're taking the stupid ghastly out of our inventory and we're throwing in the Greninja at the number one spot right at the very last moment are you kidding me this might be my best Pokemon and I got it at the very last moment we have zero seconds left I have to battle Jack now oh my God wait our team's not terrible I thought I would have the first one with just the Charizard let's go I have no idea what that is comment down below if you guys know I'm gonna say snubble I have actually goaded when it comes to catching things with my master balls oh it was a MAG B I honestly could not have told you that if you gave me a million dollars there's still one more spot I have to go to the Dimension baby let's see what sort of Pokemon spawn here it's in algae and uh an Elga LL guillem yep I'll take one is there anything else I thought for sure the highest level Pokemon would have spawned in the end Dimension maybe I was wrong just kidding I'm never wrong check this out there is a level 80 Mewtwo all right I'm gonna take him off your hands please don't murder me I will be on my way I said don't murder me and time is officially up it is time to battle third boy I'm ready let's see what you got there boy bring it sucker you ready to fight oh it's time is that a Blastoise wait you got a level 83 Greninja yes suck actually what I gotta switch out to my Articuno but no big bird my gosh get smoked what did I just hit you with I don't know oh the Hydra pump flamed you come on let's go heal wait no down to 20. heal keep healing keep healing stop it keep up it keep using that same move all day leave me alone I'm done messing around you're not even hitting me I can't I don't think I have any moves to hit you okay we're gonna have to switch out right off the bat to my big guns you already switching out twice my Mewtwo are you scared actually I'm not scared you have a Mewtwo too yes sucker what oh there we go oh my gosh wait what mine's more powerful you use the same move on me but it was super effective that's dumb he's dead we killed his Mewtwo I just got smoked by the same YouTube or like you dead you know what I'm bringing out the big guns again you want the smoke you're gonna get it you probably back out Greninja I'm switching out to Moltres your defense is so high let's go all right I think I have a perfect calendar what is this oh you have a level 50 Gyarados that's dead oh my gosh okay she's dead bro I'm gonna hit you with the main move oh wait what you're not even fast enough I didn't even get to use a move you're just too slow Adam do you found you as a Pokemon oh my gosh how did you find yourself as a Pokemon I was gonna take it easy on you no there's just no way are you better and you're paralyzed sucker chill dude I don't know what to use I guess fire be fired Charizard bro yeah this is my that's my coolest one no way how are you not paralyzed still hey let's go I'm about to get washed by this guy no People level 23 Bullets My Vulpix is is my secret weapon how did you not find level 40s don't doubt a Vulpix and I'm down to Greninja get rid of this Greninja get rid of this freaking Greninja you can't touch him I just I'm I'm paralyzed you can't touch him oh there we go I have no moves that do damage I don't know how you're not winning yes let's go no I lost my first couple Bond battle we did it we beat him make sure you guys smash like click this video to see more
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 172,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, cobblemon, minecraft pokemon, pokemon, charizard, mewtwo, legendary pokemon, new pokemon, pikachu, legendary, god pokemon, bidoof, beckbrojack, pokemon cards, opening pokemon packs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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