I Survived 100 Days as a FIRE LION in HARDCORE Minecraft

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on day one I spawned in as a baby lion in front of me was my Fierce father the all Mighty Fire Lion Son we are in big trouble I looked around and noticed that we were inside of a caged entry Dad where are we just then the cage slowly opened we walked out only to see we were inside of a large Gladiator arena with a huge crowd Watching Over Us the fire line welcome you have something that I want something that I need and I Invictus we'll take it just then I noticed a fire amulet that was tied around my father's neck without hesitation my father took the amulet off and threw it over to me this caused both of us to transform I was now a baby fire lion with five fire hearts and my dad was just a regular lion dad what just happened son this amulet grants the holder the essence of the flame you must protect it with your life Invictus saw this and started to charge forward Escape now I'll hold him off no dad but before I could finish my sentence my Dad ran forward and started a fight off Invictus his attacks were very strong and with one ground slam he took out my dad no I knew that I had to run but as I was I accidentally ran over wooden trap doors that burnt away he must not get away on day two I fell down a dark scary hole ah I heard heavy breathing throughout it and knew that I wasn't alone uh who's there just then a monster slowly emerged from the Shadows oh no it charged in and started to attack me ah thankfully since it had long legs I was able to temporarily hide underneath it confusing it think come on think just then I noticed a passageway in the room I guess that's my only option I ran through it re-alerting the Beast it was chasing behind me catching up by the second oh no it's a dead end I turned around and watched as the monster slowly made its way towards me I'm done for as I was losing all of my hope a brave magma giraffe emerged from the lava pool uh who are you no time come with me now do you want me to jump in the lava oh no here goes nothing I jumped inside and to my surprise I wasn't dying sweet now follow me you have a lot to learn the magma draft and I emerged from the lava outside I looked around and noticed that we were inside of another looking Sahara whoa I also noticed my fire Hearts were low and I was so hungry yeah hate this the giraffe threw me over some fire fruits I ate them which caused my health to instantly heal whoa fire heals me now erect fozzo with that amulet you hold around your neck you have no idea how strong you can get my name's Jenga I used to be best friends with your father so you're saying I can become stronger but how oh young one why tell you when I can show you follow me on day four I was brought over to a Cliffside I looked down the valley and can see it held a gravesite of some sorts what is this place just then I was punched down by Jenga ah what the heck I heard growling and coyotes emerged from behind the Tombstones oh is this a little snap we see uh let me back up uh please these coyotes are not welcome here fight them use the Amulet the Coyote's charged in and started to attack me I slashed at them using more energy than I ever had which caused fire to emerge from my Paws whoa I have a fire slash I kept using it which caused the coyotes to flee from the grave site we will be back yeah yeah I'm sure because of my victory a large Rumble surrounded the area what's happening a fire Jaguar Spirit then emerged from the largest Tombstone there who are you you have brought peace to my grave and for that I owe you this my amulet on my body began to transform I was able to grow out my very own lion mane I gained five more hearts and also noticed I had a new ability I wonder what this could do thank you foso so every time my amulet upgrades so do I precisely if I was out this Jaguar Spirit was the first of five animal spirits that guard the Savannah each one you help will make your fire amulet stronger then I will do whatever I can to help all five so that I can be strong enough to take down that gladiator where do I begin on day five Jenga and I made our way back to the nether Hill I think this is is the perfect place for our new Animal Kingdom I went out and gathered enough materials to make myself a set of stone tools from there I built up a nice fire themed lion Den while I was doing this Jenga built himself a long house I have a long neck fozzo hey I'm not judging from there I designated an area for each spirit I set to rest the Jaguar one is done now four more to go I wonder what type of spirits the next ones are if your father was still here he'd be so proud of you he believed that as the holder of that amulet it brought the responsibility of protecting this climate and all the animals within it well I'll make sure that his belief lives on what was that I ran over only to see a small baby zebra being chased by a couple of the Gladiators men oh no I have to help on day six I chased after the Gladiators gee geez guys are fast they were able to Corner the little baby zebra into a dead end please don't knock me shut up no I rushed in and jumped in between the both of them stay back the Gladiators were all surprised to see me and began to attack me they had strong swords made out of a rare metal which did a lot of damage I knew that I had to fight back I guess it's time to test out my new ability I used it which shot out fire blasts wherever I aimed awesome the two Gladiators were tough but thanks to my new upgrade they didn't stand a chance that takes care of them you didn't have to help me but you did of course those men and their leader are pure evil anything to help out another animal they are evil it captured my parents and were trying to capture me too I miss them so much I can tell how sad my new zebra friend was do you know where they took them of course it's not too far from here my name is stripe nice to meet you stripe now show me the way let's set your family free on day seven stripe brought me over to a gladiator Outpost I noticed a cage there that was full of zebras look stripe your family oh no they don't look so good stay here I went ahead and snuck forward I noticed there were lots of men on guard here there was no way I can take all these guys at once you think Invictus is going to enjoy our catch maybe it's not the fire lion but who cares The Show Must Go On The Show What show I then noticed nearby trees and had an idea I snuck my way through and used my fire slash to set the trees on fire I then ran away and watched come on spread the fire all began to spread which alerted the guards fire we need to put it out before it spreads to the camp all the men then left and I knew I had a short window I run rushed over to the zebras who are all surprised to see me oh you're a lion now's not the time let's go I set them free and we all left together back to stripe and Mom thank you fozzo this means a lot of course I've heard about you and no of your quest you seek the five spirits of the fire amulet yeah I am looking for the second one well young one I know exactly where you can find it on day eight I sent the zebras off towards my base and was on my way towards the second Fire Spirit the Scorpion I just hope he's friendly I followed the zebra's directions until I found an entryway into a sacred tomb of some sort okay scary I made my way through trying not to set off any traps after a long Trek I finally reached an ancient tomb site inside it held an intimidating scorpion statue yep I'm in the right place um hello fire scorpion sir just then a fire scorpion emerged from the statue is that a fire lion ah I see you are the holder of the fire amulet that's right it was gifted to me from my father and I need it to stop an evil that is hurting us animals as a spirit I have found it hard to be brought peace no one seems worthy enough to be the true protector of the Savannah till we find him or her I shall not rest well that person is me what do I have to do to prove it the Scorpion then left forward and stung me with his poison ah I started to feel extremely dizzy why you think you're worthy prove it that poison running inside of you is deadly and will make you hallucinate you must fight it and if you lose you die my vision became blurry and my head started to drift into the sky on days nine to ten I found myself inside of wait where am I is this the afterlife I then looked up and saw the fire scorpion appear in the sky above me but now he was ginormous what happened this is the land of your hallucination it's time to tell if you really have what it takes to be the animal's projector just then poison viruses appeared and rushed towards me so I have to fight the poison literally they all left and tried to suck on my face ah a stay away us stay away I tried my best to dodge them every time they would hit me the more and more weak I started to feel if your father was still here he'd be so proud of you I can't give up not now I fought back fighting through the poison I slashed through them and even shot them with my fire shot they were strong but I knew if I was going to be the protector I had to be stronger I shot one last time and took down the last one I did it Well Done lion well done on days 11 to 12 I awoke back inside of the Tomb room I noticed that I had upgraded I gained five more hearts and was now a full-sized Fire Lion because of this I had a new ability that allowed me to walk on top of lava this is awesome with my fire passed on to you I have trusted you to keep the animals of this world safe is that understood yes I understand sir good now go on make me proud foso the fire scorpion then vanished and was put to sleep forever I promise you won't regret helping me I headed out of the Tomb and on the way out I was able to find some iron ore I mind it and crafted myself a set of iron tools and armor I was on my way back to base when I ran into a large Gladiator Arena that was in the process of being built it was surround founded by a lava mode and right in the center of it was Invictus himself on days 13 to 14 I decided to take a closer look and figure out what exactly Invictus was doing destroy our camp how stupid do you men have to be but Sirens we must kill that Beast that I can possess the Amulet Don't Come Back empty-handed the men all nodded and left immediately I would hate to be on his bad side oh wait I am Invictus then looked up at a statue who is that after this father you will have no reason not to be happy with me I will get that ambulance and I will be the strongest Gladiator to ever exist I will put on a show so he wants my amulet just to put on a show to why hurt us animals what a jerk I couldn't disguise my anger any longer and Drew invictus's attention oh no yeah I won't Invictus charged at me and I knew that I had to run I tried but he was just too fast he hit me once with his Spear and I was already down to one heart how strong is this guy I try to escape the arena but was quickly cut off at the lava mode by Invictus I thought I was done for that when an idea sparked using my newest upgrade I was able to Sprint across the mode I turned around filled with fear oh you you are scared scared I could get right there when you least expect it a clock is ticking I have to run I have to get far away from here now on days 15 to 18 I barely made it back to base I felt my heart beating fast I could have died Bozo there you are all right you all right I am now Jenga I am now I turned and saw stripe and his family at our base they didn't have homes yet I went over and made them some that I thought would best suit them hopefully now they can feel like they have a safe place to live how do you guys like it like it we love it it's good to see that you've gotten stronger too yeah thanks to you guys I looked over and saw Stripes family building a farm next to their home a Shivers love farming we promise we will keep this place nice and fed awesome I went and added my second pillar and done two down three more to go go Jenga then walked over to check on me wow you were out on your journey you'll be happy to know that I found out about the third Spirit you need to go out and find otherwise known as the fire crocodile fire crocodile so what does he swim in Lava Lakes probably I don't know nearby there's a swamp known as the Ashen Vines find that place and you might just find the crocodile on days 19 to 22 I made my way towards the Ashen Vines it didn't take long for me to realize I was headed in the right direction all the grass and the terrain slowly but surely was turning into Ash that is when I saw a lava lake surrounded by fiery swamp trees in the middle of it lied a magma Hillside holding a tomb is this it is this where the fire crocodile resides why yes it is a crocodile appeared hovering over its tomb hello um I have come here for I am aware why you are here even dead I can still see the amulet that rests upon you you wish to set me to rest that's right I need to not just for me but a lot of animals are being hurt my family they have all passed down a sacred jewel one I have lost in my lifetime I know that I can't truly rest without it I can go find it for you let me help if you wish to know that it resides where you are your weakest deep within the water of a dangerous river not far from here if you find My Jewel you shall put me to rest the fire crocodile then vanished okay before I find a jewel I'm gonna have to find out how I can survive underwater as a fire lion how hard can it be on days 23 to 26 I made my way to to a large river maybe water won't hurt me that bad ouch ouch ouch never mind well great how am I supposed to swim underwater if I can't even touch it just then a water Strider approached me hey bud looks like you've gotten yourself in quite the predicament huh what if I told you I can help you out you can how whoa whoa slow down okay it just so happens that I'm in a little bit commit myself you scratch my back I scratch yours why would I scratch your back I just the same genius oh my goodness follow me I followed the Strider over to a coastal Camp what is this this was my vacation home but that bird right there is always flying around causing me issues and attacking me I'm just trying to get tamed man and I'll help you with your water problem deal I walked over maybe I can try to reason with it it then spotted me and attacked on sight ah okay never mind it would fly through the air and shoot me with beams through its beak I fought back by shooting my fire blast at it I can tell that the Beast was hurting with one more shot the bird went flying away yeah and stay out Bravo pal here eat this The Strider threw me over a water fungus you want me to eat it just throw it all right stop being a cry baby okay okay I did as The Strider told me to and once I ate it a water Aura was sent throughout my body awesome on days 27 to 29 I jumped inside of the river and now didn't take any damage better hurry quick now the effect is only temporary I listen to The Strider and started to swim down deep below the river come on where can this Jewel be I swam and swim until I saw gold shimmering deep below perfect I went down and managed to find an underwater treasure room in the middle of it lied the gem I was about to grab it when a giant underwater rock fell on the way my treasure what what that gem it doesn't belong to you me no care the straddler charged in and started to attack me hey wait it didn't care though and started to throw rocks at me under the water ouch we kept fighting back and forth but I soon realized it was pointless stop it there has to be some way I can get the Gem can't there be no pressure only thing that keep me company strad has no friends well what if I can change that I can tell the Rock Beast was intrigued um give me one second I went out and found the water Strider from earlier what do you you want you will be perfect I brought him back and introduced them to each other no Fred yeah yeah buddy calm down the Rock Beast was happy and because of it he allowed me to take the gem thanks no thank you come on bud let's go tan together on days 30 to 32 I made it back to the lava lake and heard a whisper through the air what the lake consume it I threw the gem inside of it which caused a huge burst of lava whoa I then felt my body changing I gained five hearts and felt so much stronger than I ever had I now had fire aligned over my body and two saber-toothed tusks because I was Stronger I had a new flame attack ability awesome on days 33-35 I returned back home to base I looked around at all of my animal friends and saw everyone was making themselves at home the zebras were farming and supplying all of us with food while Jenga was planning for our next mission knowing I would keep growing stronger and stronger I decided to upgrade my Den to serve as a symbol for all animals who are in need I also went over and added my third pillar once all five are done those Gladiators will know not to mess with me Bozo there you are we had trouble nearby here a day or two ago you did yeah that was coyotes are out on patrol they want to find you and take revenge for kicking them out of their gravesite thankfully they didn't find our home don't worry Jenga I'll find them and handle this just as I finish my sentence I noticed a new set of smoke coming from the distance could that be the coyotes on days 36-38 I followed the smoke hoping to find a Cody Camp then a couple of snakes slithered by me whoa run away and our home is destroyed what are you talking about the snakes didn't listen though and kept slithering out I entered the desert and there waiting for me was a large Gladiator mining site countless Gladiators were there mining away stripping the desert of all its resources oh no poor desert animals yes with these resources our Arena shall be built up in no time Invictus he's here and you my number two I am now entrusting you to go out and find the fire lion I need that amulet sir yes sir I must focus on this Arena do not let me down Invictus left great now I have more people looking for me I was about to leave until I saw the coyotes running from the desert oh no they're gonna get themselves hurt hey dude that we just heard your whole Converse station with your boss guy here and we want to join you that fire line is a pain pathetic animals you really think we would need your help Marsh started to walk towards them and I can tell they were scared but we can help we are Hunters at silence the number two then sliced his sword and took out two of the coyotes oh my goodness oh you you monster take this one to the prison area we need extras for invictus's show on days 39 to 42 I knew that I couldn't just let the last coyote die while they were stubborn they were still animals I snuck through the mining operation trying to perfectly time the Gladiators mining I went deep inside an underground prison area and after a bit of searching I was able to find the last coyote trapped inside of a cell my friends my dear friends hey I'm here to get you out ah you are you gonna hurt me what no I then opened his cage and let him out look no animal deserves what happened to you I'm sorry for your loss those Gladiators yeah pure evil they don't care about anything besides themselves why do you think I'm trying to take them down yeah I'm sorry I see that now and I may actually know a way I can help you out really that's great but first let's get out of here the coyote agreed and together we both were able to escape the operation site now far off in the distance he seemed excited to tell me about one of the fire Spirits I know where you can find him oh yeah where is that he is known as the fire vulture and I know exactly where he resides on days 43-45 my new friend brought me to one of the coldest biomes I had ever stepped foot in I looked around everything looked so dead well that's because everything is I'll meet you scary Beast I followed the rude coyote until he reached a grave site the vulture is here not exactly but the entryway is entryway to where he then brought me over to a headstone that was much larger than the rest you're fired you need to use it okay I shot my fire out which caused an entryway to appear awesome all right you're on your own now good luck lion he left why did he seem so scared I went down until I reached a dead looking catacomb in the center of it lied what looked to be an orb of some sorts okay I went over and touched it which caused the entire room to shake oh no what's happening before I knew it everything turned white on days 46 to 47 my vision came back to me ah where am I I looked around and saw nothing but black and a large vast grave site this is what awaits in the future I turned only to see the fire vultures sitting on a Ledge above staring down at me you are giant did you you say future in front of you potentially lies all animals that reside in the savannah the desert you name it if the Gladiator wins this will become reality wait so you know about the Gladiator of course as a vulture I am the eyes and ears of what resides in the living world it is my job and I know yours is to set me to peace I have to it's the only way I can stop evictus I shall help you if you save my son's Spirit it has been trapped deep within an ancient temple in the Land of the Dead I'm sorry did you say Land of the Dead but I'm alive and I shall not be set to peace while my son is trapped in a prison forever save my son and I shall give you the essence of my fire you've got yourself a deal where is this temple on days 48 to 50 I left the vision and went off to search for the Land of the Dead it doesn't sound too creepy does it I was making my way through a lush Forest until I was met with an opening the vulture told me my way to the temple was this way but it just led me to a train station what the I watched as ghosts got on board and there was a ghost conductor one way that's Central Let's go people hurry it up hurry it up um excuse me does this lead to the Land of the Dead why did you yes it does stick it please ticket no I don't have a ticket but I really need to no ticket no message now stop wasting my life away oh wait I don't have one I quickly realized that all these ghosts were cold we have nobody hate any stupid Soul Flames nobody heat us up at all I can help you with that I went around the train and used my fire abilities to change the soul Flames into regular ones I can tell that all the ghosts now we're happier my goodness heat and this feels amazing you know what lion you can ride with us you and and it on days 51-53 the train stopped inside of a dead looking area is this yep the Land of the Dead enjoy the conductor quickly went back inside of the train right I'm here I walked throughout the land until I was met with a very large black Temple this has to be it the Temple of the Abyss I walked inside and found a large warm-lit room that had an ancient tomb lying in the middle of it just then a small Soul vulture appeared outside of it please help me this is the soul I went over to try to open the closed tomb but was quickly interrupted by a large bite ah I turned only to be face to face with a deadly Guardian literally uh stay back the guardian didn't listen and started to attack me it had a massive mouth and kept trying to bite me whole Death Shall consume you ew stay away from me I used everything I had on the deadly Guardian but nothing was working does fire not hurt your skin that's when an idea sparked don't aim for his skin I perfectly waited for the guardian to open its mouth again and once it did I shot fire directly inside of it which defeated the monster for good sweet I went over to the tomb and mind opened a hole which released the fire vulture's son thank you lion my soul can finally be released he flew off and a sense of Pride filled within me you did it fozzo you did it on days 54-56 I was summoned back to the fire vultures realm whoa you can just do that I can when you've impressed me foso well done I then started a float up high and in a Flash I upgraded I gained five more parts and felt my body's strength increase heavily I got a new ability which allowed me to summon fire souls to Aid me in combat sweet I've never felt so strong before in my life on days 57 to 63 I went home and saw that the coyote was there scaring stripe hey boo ah stay away from me this is great can you cut it out sorry don't worry stripe he won't hurt you I went over to a new spot of our base and made our new coyote friend a home to stay in it's not a grave site but it'll do thanks you know as a coyote I am skilled at hunting I'll be sure to gather meat for our base as a food supply thanks hopefully now you can finally feel like you belong somewhere after that I went ahead and built up our fourth pillar I just need one more to go and then we're ready I then looked over and saw Jenga aiding to a kangaroo hey what's going on the kangaroos they've been attacked oy the rest of my people those Gladiators they took down our entire outposts in search of the fire kangaroo's Spirit they are the real animals it's okay if you are strong enough to why don't you show me where your Outpost is I think it's time I show them to stop messing with us animals on days 64-68 the kangaroo was able to bring me to its kangaroo Outpost instead of them being free though running their empire they were all stuck inside of cages that's right everyone round them all up we need to see if they know where that stupid fire kangaroo is should lead us right to the fire lion he's hurting them because of me this filled me was so much rage please sir let us go silence the second and man that hit the kangaroo with his sword which greatly wounded him I will get what information I can from you and once done you will be thrown into the dungeons forever not if I have anything to say about it no what I didn't listen though and ran to the camp fully exposing my location small Gladiators noticed and started a charge in towards me their swords hurt quite a bit but thanks to my new upgrades I was able to take them down in groups I am much stronger now the last Bunch pushed me but I took them out with ease oh wow we finally meet Fire Lion yeah we do I've seen what you've been doing and it's wrong all of it is US animals we have emotions too you think I care all I care about is making Invictus happy and that will only happen when I take what is around your precious neck and I will not let him down I'm sorry to tell you this but that's not going to happen see it on day 69 to 71 the Gladiator rushed towards me he swung his massive sword which did lots of damage thanks to my new upgrade though I was able to stand a chance I shot him with everything that I had and use my new fire souls to Aid me as well you think this hurts you are weak he kept attacking and attacking and attacking ouch his sword is so strong I tried using my new attacks to my advantage even trying to ground slam him but he was just far too fast for me I was in a losing battle he hit me one last time and I knew I was close to being done for oh boy porn lion you really thought you stood a chance didn't you how naive of you I looked and saw that I still had one last fire Soul left he flew off and for some reason I knew exactly what he was planning I watched far off as my fire Soul aimed and hit the kangaroo's cage head on letting them Out Boy Thanks the Gladiator was too distracted to notice though just remember you a stupid animal and you never you never mounted to you will die here now alone he's not alone I looked over and saw all of the kangaroos standing there in front of the Gladiator how did you escape March the Kangaroos and I collectively fought him off it was a losing fight before but now with the power of these animals by my side we were winning I use my fire blasts on him one last time which defeated him take that boy thank you so much for saving us sir the evil man he wanted to know where I'll fought a kangaroo ancestor was we didn't trust him at all though but you do know where he is don't you the kangaroo seemed a bit skeptical look I know you couldn't trust him but you can trust me I promise oh you're right go north of here and find kangaroo Rock Mountain he resides there on day 72-74 I ventured out north after a short period I was able to find a mountain much different than the ones I've seen before this one had a stone kangaroo head carved out of the side welp here I am kangaroo Rock Mountain as I got closer I began to hear Whispers coming from the Stone's mouth could it be I climbed up and reached the monument once inside of its mouth I knew my suspicions were correct come to put the final Fire Spirit to rest have you yes I have and I have a feeling you already know why correct the tricky thing is I want a rest lion more than anything but for some reason my heart doesn't want it do you know why that is do you think there's something stopping you why yes it's fire Essence that lives within me it's stopping me from Eternal rest and I wish for your help what do you want me to remove the fire from within you I mean that just sounds crazy nothing in this world is too crazy I will show you that now just then I felt a huge surge of Firepower connect between the fire kangaroo and myself ah I looked around and was now who knows where you are within my heart foso I looked off in the distance and saw a fire Wisp and watched as it flew off quickly go catch the fire Essence wisp once done you will have successfully taken the viruses from within thee allowing me to rest good luck foso on day 75 to 77 I was running throughout the field trying to find the fire wisp come on why is it's so fast every time I would spot it it would just fly off again this is so frustrating I have to stun it I waited for the Wisp to stop moving around and knew I had one shot to hit him correctly come on please work I shot out my fire shot and hid it down to the floor while stunned I ran over and was about to pick it up Suddenly the entire area began to shake what's happening the fire wisp I was about to catch then grew larger and larger and larger they monster now oh no on day 78 to 80 the now monstrous fire whisk began to attack me it's fiery attacks were very strong it used its flying ability to its advantage and would fly up to shoot me from above I did my best and kept trying to fight back I fought back harder than I ever had before in my life I then ground slammed it which caused it to shrink back down to its normal size then I picked it up awesome just then I was brought back to Kangaroo Rock Mountain did I do it yes well done it's now up to you be the guardian of all my body began to transform one last time I gained 10 more hearts and felt my muscles and strength begin to grow I could now do an insanely powerful fire Rush attack awesome I knew that after all of my hard work I was ready to face Invictus on days 81 to 85 I was making my way back home when I noticed something horrible everything was destroyed oh no I watched as the animals all around were scared for their lives ah finally a fire lion joins us the animals protector well it looks like you weren't here to protect your people from this who are you you I was about to charge in but Invictus signaled me to stop I would think again just then Jenga crouched out looking weaker than ever falls out my goodness what did you do does it matter you want him back come to the arena and get him the two of us will be waiting Tick Tock Invictus escorted Jenga out and I knew that I had to save him I looked around at all of my friends I'm sorry guys I should have been here it's not your fault yeah that mean Gladiator guy is going to pay you're right he will together all of us animals went around the base and repaired it back up I had to make sure that nothing like this could ever happen again once the base was fully repaired I went ahead and built up the final pillar and done with all five pillars complete I knew my base was finished because of it a fiery Aura began to shoot out throughout my home turning everything to White on days 86 to 90 I looked around round only to see my dad there in front of me dad oh my goodness done it is so good to see you the amount of progress you made I couldn't be more proud that evil Gladiator he took me from you he's hurt so many people I know son but I have been there with you every step of the way if anyone can fight back and take what's rightfully ours it's you I sure hope so hope so like here boy I know so just then my vision was brought back to me I looked around at all of my animal friends and knew that this had to end it's time we fight back and take what's rightfully ours that's right oh yeah baby the next time you see me Invictus will be done for on days 91 to 94 I made my way over to invictus's Arena and I noticed that it was now fully built he's putting up a show all right I noticed countless Gladiators there holding guard out front it's the lion catch him they are charged and so did I I went in and started to use everything I had against them they tried their best with their swords but at the end of the day I was just far too strong for them to handle me after I use my latest fire Rush ability it sent the Gladiators Running Scared oh he's too strong run then suddenly I heard a voice calling from inside it's time for the show yes it is on days 95 to 99 I walked through the corridors only to see Jenga incredibly weak inside one of the rooms changa frozo my boy what are you doing here I'm here to stop this and to save you I'm afraid there's no saving me foso I feel so weak that gladiator is blade I tried to fight back but no you can't give up now we have to get through this together it's what my dad would have wanted your dad would have wanted you to protect these animals and I I helped you with that beat Invictus foso beat him for all of us Jenga Jenga no Jenga was gone and right after that the gates in front of me opened only to see Invictus in the middle of his Gladiator Arena waiting for me on day 100 I walked out and was face to face with Invictus I looked around and saw a huge crowd of Gladiators watching us yes Fire Lion do you [Music] you are a maniac and you will soon learn to regret everything you have done oh really then bring it Invictus and I both clash which caused the audience to uproar he was really fast and used his expertise in sword fighting to his Advantage he would jump and slice his weapon into me which did a lot of damage I try to fight back against him but most of my hits ended up being blocked by a shield I tried the best that I could but could tell that I was losing no I can't lose I can't it's now up to you be the guardian of all if anyone can fight back and take what's rightfully ours it's you beat invict disposo beat him for all of us fight foso everyone is counting on you you can do this you can do this I left up and slammed a very powerful fire attack which sent Invictus back he was clearly stunned and I use this to my advantage I did everything I could and everything I had against him my fire Souls fire shot you name it I gave my all and thought about all the animals I was protecting no no oh with one final powerful fire slam Invictus was down for the count with him gone all animals can be treated with respect
Channel: Fozo
Views: 4,216,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Days In Minecraft, Minecraft Lion, Minecraft Fire Lion, Fire Lion, Lion, 100 Days Lion, 100 Days Fire Lion
Id: SttAsyqhb-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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