Marvel's Iron Man VR Traning ve bölüm 1

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foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign my name is Tony and uh well you know who I am and what I am all of us here are capable of self-destruction if we're not careful but in my case mass destruction is also a distinct possibility you see I once created an artificial intelligence in my own image he looked like me talked like me had the same impulses I did he was a cool dude until last month when he tried to blow up the world [Music] okay Mark III testified starting with maneuvering thrusters Hands by my science good feels good all right time to open her up [Music] foreign [Music] targeting Suite repulsar is ready hands up Palms forward [Applause] bullseye foreign [Music] [Music] you may have a problem Tony remember I have a lot of problems I'm serious you in this armor do I need to Stage an intervention only if I start wearing it to bed where are you anyway look out the window oh hi handsome looks like you made some upgrades [Music] one more that's how it's done all right time to fly [Music] [Applause] [Music] and join the view we should have lunch out here I'm not climbing that I'll carry you it'll be a dark day when I let you carry me wearing that thing inspecting the foundations I should add a secret entrance down here you know it's not a secret if you tell me about it anyone for tennis no you always win oh come on we can play doubles what's next time trial mind if I watch oh you know I work better with an audience hello anyone there [Music] [Music] let's start with Boost [Music] [Laughter] that was wow oh man so I think if I swap the DC motor for a solar power converter and apply quarter inch magnetic articulation seals to the boot thrusters I can reduce my drag coefficient by 10 maybe 10.5 percent should I be writing this down no need I've got a mind like a steel trap yeah when's my birthday yeah I'm sorry Pepper you're cutting out sounds like you need to reduce your BS output [Music] all right foreign [Music] up the Jets I want to punch something fist Rockets engaged throw a punch knockout just like happy Hogan taught me beautiful [Music] foreign [Music] thank you time to punch out well done Tony did you get what you needed or are you gonna go again [Music] maybe later after I Noodle on it some more when you're ready come find me at the house we have something to celebrate [Music] thank you ego has landed I'm being trapped in a cave with a gun to your head and a car battery hooked to your heart really changes your outlook on things my days of making weapons were over I was proud of that and more importantly pepper pepper was proud of me [Music] [Music] well I should make my way to the living room foreign can't fault you for staring please I'm just shocked to see you out of the armor I was afraid to defuse to your skin I'm working on something like that oh wait [Music] that's worth more if I sign it it's worth more if I sign it I Forge your signature better than you do Tony capturing the moment as of today Stark Industries no longer makes or sells weapons of any kind sounds official coming from you I've seen my glasses he left him in the living room I'm headed up to the Overlook grab your glasses foreign pepper was convinced and with her help soon the world would be convinced to the hard part was convincing myself well my past itself the gunsmith candlelit dinner Tony you're full of surprises if you only knew no silverware we'll use our hands oh topless uh see to start Palma de Fuego so we're not having dinner what right on cue Stark Industries drones combat drums last of them the dregs I figured they deserve a worthy sentence if you're gonna blow stuff up at least move away from the Fine China drone versus Repulsor start versus start like I always say Tony you're Your Own Worst Enemy so what's on the other plate God peace no dessert something sweet bittersweet [Music] here goes the gunsmith AI it's time the old Tony hung up his Spurs [Music] hey boss Miss Potts where's the party wherever you go not a fan of my new drones huh well Shield is hard for director Fury put in a full order I canceled that order what you're shutting me down early retirement you've earned it boss um it's not your fault I made you to make weapons created you in my own image and now you want to change that image I want to change the world I go to the trophy case with the trash or your top shelf pal up around suspended animation but with full internet privileges guess I'll take up surfing you cool gunsmith me of course I'm cool I'm him well let's get to it boss a life of leisure awaits see on the other side [Music] [Music] that wasn't easy I'll take him he was good at what he did but what he did wasn't good [Music] foreign the world doesn't need another cruise missile or smart bomb the world needs you Tony the world needs Iron Man [Music] strange stop morning sir may I get you something Friday have you seen pepper I believe she's putting out a fire did I start it she's been on the phone with the press all morning she something about your surprise announcement caused quite a stir or don't you watch the news Tony Stark no stranger to stunning Revelations shocked the business world today when he named Pepper Potts the new CEO of Stark Industries during a press conference Mr Stark admitted he had not informed Miss Potts of his decision prior to the announcement perhaps you jumped the gun sir it's the opportunity of a lifetime she's gonna thank me I'm gonna kill you I'm your assistant Tony you need to warn me before you do stuff like this you're not my assistant you're the CEO of Stark Industries or don't you watch the news I should I'm gonna pepper I'm not always right I mean I'm usually right Tony here's the thing I wasn't put on Earth to sit behind a desk and you weren't put here to handle my unpaid parking tickets I was gonna ask if there are any more of them their glove box is full of them that's not the point the company turned a corner years ago we're a Force for good in this world and I want you to get that message out there don't people always try to shoot them messenger Friday who taught you how to fly uh you did Sir unfortunately I'm not in control right now someone has taken us over remotely out there it's a stark drone a combat drop s the Drone is encasing itself in some sort of hard-like Shield hello Stark do I know you I have a ghost from your past [Music] incoming [Applause] time to die Tony Friday your airline just lost my luggage override my safety belt pepper I I know just come back in one piece [Music] [Music] those drones are headed toward pepper i what's up Friday I'm feeling a bit naked here hang on sir my Gauntlet inbound [Music] there's peace coming in on your left drones inbound all right Hey where's my head at in the clouds as usual sir running out of time here heads up all systems online just in time I got a plane to catch you cannot run your pastor we'll see about that pepper can you hear me [Music] sir we have a massive breach in the hull old news Friday tell me about something I didn't just jump out of scanning [Music] there's an engine fire that needs your attention a secondary explosion on the right engine sir got it fire suppression system online that's one less burning issue to deal with good job sir so the autopilot is no longer responding and the Jet is projected to crash into a populated area no stay put it's too dangerous any more from our mystery guest they're giving us the silent treatment but their hounds are clawing at the door show them in Boulder foreign what's going on in there Scouting For missed calls [Music] push it upgrade your firewall our new friends messing with my HUD also locked me out of the Jets Diagnostics I have no read on this pause pepper do you copy inbound got it pepper pepper come in [Music] time I have control of the jet keep the good news coming sir more hostiles on Route Friday what did I just say foreign city council will be pleased to know that [Music] guys I can't steer so the aileron on the left side has been damaged is that fixable we'll have to wing it [Music] [Music] that looks better I've located an airstrip for emergency landing thanks Friday pepper you think you can land this bird the magic gear thank you gear doors are malfunctioning of course they are take a wish it's all yours pepper gears down three green well done both of you if no one has any further objections I say we call it a day your old weapons will be the death of you sir I'm detecting a new energy signature more enemies good trigger fingers getting itchy all threats neutralized but I'm sensing our hacker friend has returned Friday Friday all systems are down my controls are locked vanished from radar I can see that get me back online systems restored things so I believe the jet is officially a lost cause there's a panel beneath your feet a compartment it leads to the nose landing gear [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign connecting flight [Music] next time I want my own suit [Music] usually I see the danger before it hits even from twenty thousand feet but someone got the drop on us and I wanted Revenge pepper was okay but I wasn't entirely truthful Friday you see I had a plan and I knew she wouldn't like it so I went home and I woke up the guy who knew my old weapons better than anyone response this once hello old friend [Music]
Channel: Caner Akkaya
Views: 34,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oculus, oculusquest2, quest2, vrglasses, vrglass, vr, virtual reality, virtual, reality, vrgame, vrgames
Id: I0qDkLuYjrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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