I Cheated Using POKEMON in Minecraft Build Battle

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these are my friends and today I invited them to a build battle what they don't know is I secretly paid professional Builders to make custom Pokemon builds if the boys don't hate me by now they will after today's video the video ends when they catch on five minutes on the clock you guys have to build a Pikachu I got this easy peasy come on baby you guys are going down oh God oh God ah the build battle has started and the boys have no idea that I paid professional filters to make custom builds for me if I do slash schematic list you will see every single custom build that the build team made I also added a custom Pokemon that they're gonna have to build later all right we're gonna build a Pikachu in like two seconds I don't really know how that's really possible at all but we gotta try hello Pikachu all right we have five minutes to build a flipping Pikachu are you kidding me luckily I have a level 69 Pikachu right here this will be my muse this will be my art piece I will sculpt him perfectly you know Pikachu is pretty much like a mouse and I think instead of being basic and building a Pikachu I think I could build an actual Mouse and that would make more sense first things first we have to build the Pikachu and by build I mean paste let's go ahead and load up our schematic and if we do slash paste we should have a professionally built Pikachu Pikachu stand still do not move I need a copy your every single block I'm making his big old belly I feel like from your guys's perspective it probably doesn't really look like a Pikachu at all right now but trust me I have a plan I have a plan so we've got some chunky legs Pikachu's kind of fat and I'm looking at him oh God oh God this is not Pikachu this is Pikachu you know what I'm saying wait okay so hold on how am I doing this so let's do three let's make our Mouse like this yeah like that perfect okay we're gonna get rid of like the extra details because I am not good at extra details the rosy red cheeks works out great we're gonna get rid of the eyebrows and the whole objective is to make this thing look extra blocky all right this is his backside in big old Blossom is popping now we have to build his tail I feel like the tail is Iconic on a Pikachu okay I mean I I don't know if I love it but it's something okay I'll be looking oh my gosh dude this is gonna be the ugliest looking Pikachu ever dude how do you make a freaking Pikachu this is garbage all right I gotta go fast oh my God I have to really go fast I I messed up guys I really really messed up we're gonna replace all of the yellow concrete powder or at least some of it with yellow concrete oh there's also a different one by the butt the butt is yellow terracotta I'm gonna remember that simplify that just a little bit I actually think that's looking pretty good all right there's his tail oh God it really did not come out as good as I was hoping it would okay now we want to build like his little arms here he looks like an Among Us character this literally just looks like among us all right all right we're getting somewhere this looks decent body's kind of short he's got a really weird shaped head nice little three by three did I not do this properly oh my God his head is gonna be so distorted okay so right next to our Mouse we are going to build the Pikachu okay like that okay the ears are way too good by the way we're gonna add some yellow concrete do some finishing touches and I also kind of feel like I should hollow out the inside of the Pikachu if they start breaking any of the blocks they're gonna realize that I definitely did not have time to place down everything we're building his face right now we have his little cheek red thingies whatever those are called I don't know we're getting his eyes done now beautiful stuff Pikachu look at me look at me okay all right got it understood oh God this is Pikachu dude this is scuff this is so bad all right there's one here okay second ear okay all right I like that boom that kind of looks like Pikachu okay I need this and I need milk and then I need a whoopee cushion so now exactly break the block break the block break the block nothing to see inside of here I feel like we should add like little tiny arms they're kind of already our little tiny arms but I guess I'll just like extend them a little bit let's see how his face looks okay I mean it's not the worst ever is it good no definitely not I I just can't really see Adam doing anything better than this here's the thing like that's kind of what I'm comparing this to okay let's see these red cheeks here and then we got the eyes okay I'm not gonna do the eyes the feet are something else all right we gotta focus on the tail now the back looks good the face kind of checks out it's just like not as blocky as it should be so we're gonna get rid of I guess like the sides here Pikachu no longer is Gonna Have Hips yeah I think that looks a little bit better okay but now we have to do his ears like this and then maybe add like a black little thing like this and then replace this with that okay that's actually not horrible oh we got the tail we got the body we got the ears I really don't have any room for the eyes oh oh God oh God all right we're gonna go white glass oh yeah this is a special picture okay here's Alec here's Alex here's Alec that's so stupid wait a second this is a really good idea all right there we go the ears are done now I guess we should I don't know why there's electricity going on over there I guess because it's Pikachu someone has actually summoned Pikachu this is crazy okay I really have to do his arms though so we'll just do like little tiny baby arms like this and honestly I don't hate my Pikachu I feel like it's pretty cute actually we're gonna make a secret entrance to his bum because why not and then inside what is Pikachu's favorite thing holy crap I just got rid of his face oh okay I like this a whole stack of candy oh yeah we're gonna fill this entire thing with candy we can grab a command block we can copy the coordinates go to the side of the Pikachu Dig Down paste the coordinates add a pressure plate and now yes dude every time I walk over it Pikachu gets lightning bolts okay on top of that we're also going to trap a Pikachu in here boom and then that Pikachu's just trapped in there for Life he's like controlling it look he's inside of the Pikachu all right this is our final product here that actually doesn't look that bad okay what else can we maybe do I guess we can some more red to the sides here like this why do I just hear a fart sound okay someone is literally farting on me right now what is going on I don't know why I'm doing this or why it's funny it's really not wait is there a villager inside of my Pikachu bro get out time is up stop your building what whatever you're building drop it whatever block you're using eat it we just started I just blew the freaking smoke off the water you guys are going down Adam is pretty confident I feel like we should check his out first oh let's go you guys wanted to build battle this is what you're gonna get yeah you guys know how this works we have to vote on a scale from one to ten of how awesome we think Adam's build is oh why is he so fat it looks like a couch it's so big is this like a TV this is okay you guys all have a Pikachu but this is Pikachu this is Pika Cyclops why does it look like a couch I just want to sit on him it actually is a cyclops if you look inside there's actually a Pikachu controlling it there's a Pikachu inside of that was for sure there the entire time oh oh mini Pikachu controls big Pikachu it's like a cyborg Pikachu like team titan I like that that is really cool the problem though is that the prompt was not to build a cyclops Mecca Pikachu it was just to build a Pikachu he is right why is there a villager going into Pikachu's butt this is kind of like something Team Rocket would make if I'm being honest yeah oh is that a turn let's just say Pikachu's got a stuck turd that he needs to get squeezed out Pikachu has experience rare candies and cookies inside of his butt why is it raining uh that's how I feel about the bills sorry Adam yeah not to rain on your parade but I'm gonna give this a seriously I think I'm gonna go with the five I like it Adam I know so the thing is I had five minutes I'm I'm just gonna take some points away because it's not really according to prompt but I'd like the idea behind it it was smart I'm gonna give it a 6.5 out of 10. that's respectable for the person no not bad let's go Adam good job Adam since you had such an amazing build who's Bill do you want to check out next get him kill them Adam do mine next do mine all right let's go over here oh God okay maybe we shouldn't go over here next up is Christopher's build oh God are you kidding me you can't be a four guys guys give Christopher the floor let him explain so Pikachu is a mouse and I thought instead of being you know like everyone else building like a Pikachu why not build the realistic Pikachu a mouse Pikachu a mouse what you should have made him yellow at least but a real life Mouse isn't yellow wait so you're saying this is your Pikachu yeah yeah I thought Pikachu was like a guinea pig I thought it was a rabbit honestly the the mouse the mouse is like an eight out of ten and the Pikachu over here it's like okay I I like it needs the ears though is this mouse an eight out of ten it's like 10 blocks total well I could I could tell what it is it's like a like a really low grade 2D Mouse and it looks exactly I would pay 50 to 100 for that bro he knows he knows it's like modern art Simplicity is is what drives the cost now dude you either get it or you don't get it it's like that you know it's yeah true and with the small adjustments that I made I think I'm gonna give it out of ten six out of ten let's go okay with the a little bit of adjustments that I made I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it a nine out of 10. what Adam what are we thinking a four out of ten what are you guys doing you guys gave me a five out of 10 average rating are you kidding me this is higher at least mine was a mouse we gotta move on did we do Alec or me next Let's do let's do Alec all right come this way then Alec is a good Builder I'm excited to see what happens I'm definitely not a good Builder but here is my little Pikachu it's like you took Adams and you made it good what yo oh I feel like the second time I'm looking at it it looks way worse than when I built it the first time but his body is the body is questionable no he's you know he's Trucking stuff real Pikachu is Chubby bro I promise no he actually kind of looks a little bit Bluff though I don't know if this is just you guys but it looks like a rocket ship that's about to shoot in outer space [Laughter] I really like the head and the tail I the head is good I don't like the body at all Alec it needs like a mouth though so I'm gonna deduct the points there I'm trying to give it a mouth and then look like this so I I decided to take it away that's more like a nose right here here all right 10 out of 10 right there ten also the tail needed some work I'm gonna give this one it's probably the best one that I've seen so I'm gonna go eight wait he's got like a chisel Joel right now wow this is Pikachu all right yeah this one's great I'm gonna give it an 8.5 out of 10. oh let's go I did not think you needed that eye come on Christopher what did you give it 10 out of 10. oh let's go Perfection we're throwing out 10 out of 10. that's insane if Jax is better than this then you can't even give it a high rating okay oh yeah I mean the next rating's like taking on a date because I mean like God damn Pikachu whoa what check it out check it out oh wow can everybody just watch ready oh God so we have the lightning we have the Pikachu it's got a mouth it's a little bit less blocky than Alex you know it's a little too mousy for me it looks too much like a mouse it looks like a plushie though does it not it literally is a mouse the only issue I have it it kind of looks like Pikachu if he was 95 years old he's like hunched over yeah he's hunched over he's old but not it's still sick I think you were able to add a lot of detail in five minutes plus the lightning effects how do you even do that lightning effects are my secret secret it's clearly better than a siren it's like no competition Cyrus is trash I'm gonna give this one a 9.2 oh yeah crazy I'm gonna give it a 9.3 just so I can be better than dirt boy okay but yeah I do like it a lot I'm gonna give it a 10.1 again it reminds me of a plushie like I would sleep with this thing we get it you're gonna sleep in bed with this thing ultimately it's up to you guys watching comment down below who you think won round number one round number two is to a Squirtle Squirtle Squad let's go baby squirtle's my favorite Squirtle five minutes on the clock starting now the timer has started I think the boys are catching on they didn't really say anything but it kind of makes me a little bit suspicious that they didn't come after me because there's no way I could have built that in five minutes all right guys we now have Squirtle I have a interesting strategy for this one I don't know if this is gonna work especially because we live in five minutes so yeah I gotta go that's around that this looks like a squirtle build so I feel like I can just do the same thing but in squirtle's body look he's all blocky like he's a shell we're just gonna change up the colors and the the legs he's got two legs all right we have to build a Squirtle Squirtle Minecraft [Music] Let's see what they did for a squirtle that is so good dude holy is bugs look at the eyeballs they did custom flags for the eyeballs I gotta get rid of that I gotta get rid of this oh maybe I'll build them on all fours that might be easier if I do that yeah all right I wouldn't build them in all fours just to be a little bit different you know I feel like the rest of the competition they're all going to build him like a normal Squirtle but I am not these colors are not it absolutely not the pressure's on right now being the best builder of all time I need to keep up my reputation all right do you guys remember that episode with Squirtle um he gets the sunglasses hold on a second we're gonna replicate that exact episode okay the belly I think I'm just gonna have to make like all the same color there's no way I could have built this in five minutes the shell looks way too good and honestly if I was building the shell I probably would have used wood actually ancient debris I never realized this kinda does look like wood maybe I could just like add layers to this interesting Jack just got the achievement to get ancient debris so I'm actually going to steal his idea thank you very much for the idea Jack that's gonna come in much handy that kind of looks good we're gonna make them like super stocky looking I'm just gonna place blocks and then see if it kind of works and then if it does I'm gonna go with it all right this is what we got so far that is not bad we can patch it up a little bit all right let's do this thing so first we need the legs how do you dude seriously how do you build a squirtle the tail of a squirtle it's not really like super long so I'm gonna make it a little bit skinnier and then we'll have it like kind of go like this and maybe with this I can add like a twirl effect like I think that looks kind of cool and if I'd like delete these it kind of has like a little twirl to it that might be it are we doing one more block up no no he's Stumpy that gives us no room to make these stupid colorings okay uh this is gonna have to be an artistic something all right what what dude how do you make this thing and then in terms of the belly I I can't really think of anything else to change like it looks great I'm gonna probably replace the hands because the hands are way too good and detailed the eyes are definitely gonna be one of the trickiest parts here guys I'm realizing now this is gonna end up looking like very demonic I think okay but it does have a little squiggly tail too so let's go ahead and build that now in art you could pretty much do whatever you want and get away with that's how art is so I could theoretically do anything I want and it can be considered art I think this is looking good so far um it's not too bad but it's not too good either oh God I can't build I'm so bad I have your crisis I'm having a breakdown we're gonna need to build out the mouth a little bit more because what I did is not the best and I actually think it's good maybe if I don't do that well this round so we're gonna start to destroying a lot and this thing is gonna look so weird by the end alright so there the tail done I I don't know if I put I'm just gonna pretend that I do just so that I have more confidence going into this next round but now the rest of this time I get to spend building his head which I guess will start like this um oh God guys I don't know how I feel about this this is not looking good right now we're gonna go with the eyes up here oh oh God okay we're gonna go no eyes we're gonna go no bro he looks like an alien now that's all I could do all right now I gotta do the arms oh my gosh dude this is starting to look terrible now are you kidding me oh God I'm I'm bad at life oh no oh no oh no guys oh no this is so bad what is happening start out with white for the eyes and give us a little bit of a blank canvas you gotta do a little bit of like red under the eyes there's like black in the corners as well so if I go with uh maybe some black terracotta that could work like I figured that's kind of good it's a mouth looks like Yoshi okay maybe I just don't even do that maybe I just like go like this and this is the mouth okay wait actually do I like that I feel like I might actually like that for some reason wait a second wait a second guys did we just do a thing we might have just done a thing Valley looks like a sumo wrestler oh God oh God oh God this is taking a turn all right uh we got some time now I guess this is technically finished I do want to spend some time with the artwork inside making sure that stomach looks nice [Laughter] oh no oh gosh dude I really messed my members here is it okay do we like it okay I need to fix the head here too I gotta switch up the butt make it a little bit more blue and ocean like I think it looks okay I am I don't know I am conflicted oh yeah we're giving them a six-pack abs there we go oh yeah oh yeah wait wait why is he actually kind of cute looking right now wait he's kind of adorable though wait a second I mean is it the best build ever most definitely not like I will fully admit to that but is it the worst ever I also don't know okay what if I go like this replace prismarine with light blue concrete what if I just like do that does that look good I think that might just look a little bit better there are a lot of different blocks going on but we're gonna have to lock this in oh he's got a tail too okay okay I did not know that okay we're gonna have the tail come from absolutely nowhere okay this is not bad I wish this wasn't Minecraft so I could make it a little better it's so blocky right now time is up boys time is officially up can we do mine first I just want to get it out of the way Alec is volunteering his tribute for the first judging is there Tomatoes I can grab so I can throw him at him probably uh I'm just gonna grab some snowballs just Alec imagine that they're they're tomatoes so give us the tour well Squirtle isn't normally on all fours so I was really really scared to build him this way but I actually think it came out all right you know I don't know you were just crying a second ago what are you talking about well I thought you guys would really kill me for him being on all fours it's it's kind of like like a Mudkip like the face looks like Squirtle for sure but like I don't know there's a lot of Mudkip Vibe going on I was gonna save it dude it's a shell it's a turtle shell how is that I know but like the tail the tail is very mudkipy wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait actually the Tail's so good look at his tail come here look at this tail tail is pretty good but I feel like Muslim also kind of has a big tail Tail's pretty good you're making the tail taller than his head oh my God don't tell me that I'll make it until taller than its head the eyes are my favorite part I feel like you really nailed the eyes thank you I agree I agree it makes him look like a baby all right guys relax relax you don't gotta you don't gotta spoil him with all these compliments no it's really not that good though oh I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna give it snowball I'm gonna give it a I thought you were gonna go higher than that it sounded like you liked it more than that what I'm giving it a seven it's not your best work you could do much better I'm gonna say a seven two I think yeah okay five minutes I feel like it's pretty solid for five minutes but I guess that is a respectable start all right who are we going to next let's go Adam Adam had a lot of talk [Music] so as you can see most artists have a theme and a style that they like to keep so that's yours is dumb looking eyeballs I'm I'm kind of making a little collection here so we have the Pikachu looking all cybertronic and then we have the Squirtle look he's rocking that six-pack abs he's got the nice looking tail he's got a nice defined shell he's not a little baby like Alex he's actually strong why do I kind of like it guys yeah bro it's kind of like one of those McDonald's figurines you'd get look at those neck pads he's ready to go on any flight from the back he does look good except for the turds that are leaking out what it's kind of weird wait I'm confused though your Pikachu only has one eyeball your Squirtle has zero eyeballs what is your next build going to be how many eyeballs is it gonna have stick around and find out all right I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna give it a six okay that's better than the first one I'm gonna give this a three bro it's trash it is it is absolute garbage it's a collection piece this is Artistic we don't give them bonus points just because he's dirt boy that's how this works guys I'm artistic Alec I'm artistic it's a six there's a three Christopher you're you gotta you gotta decide you know it's just kind of tough man I'm gonna go for a 4.69 that is like almost slap dab in the middle very precise are you happy with that Adam okay over to Christopher me no no no no no no no Christopher's oh my God how does Christopher give me a score like that and then he pops up again wait wait Christopher we said Squirtle not Squidward no no it's squirrel Squad you know Squirtle Squad with the glasses yeah but it's still it's still horrible I was actually thinking about making my squirrel Squad no I mean that is just absolutely abysmal bro I'm sorry blocks to use there's like three different blocks it's not that bad because I don't do this very often but this one this one might be uh blow-upable if it's ever lower than a zero guys this is what we do to it it's happening wait what's the scores then you know the score the score is trash crittle just died he's killed Squirtle my Squirtle died all right that goes on to my build ew whoa what even is this hey dude he had a leak what what if I throw up with his lips dude I couldn't figure out the lips right now this is like the same exact build but swapping out the colors it's like a jinx just don't look at it too hard it's kind of like a like Yoshi's girlfriend I don't know if you guys know that character why is it leaking it's like peeing on us bro it's using hydro pump no it's Hydro P Bro I'm looking at this thing dead on and I'm not gonna lie you should be put in prison I like this thing it looks like squirrel X Mario it's gonna give me nightmares just give me a score guys I'm looking for a score here I'm gonna give this saves a five honestly like it's better than critics but what I actually like Adams more wow yeah that hurt let's go wait but Adam I think I gave you a three so I should probably change your score I don't know clearly guys you heard it here Alec has a bias towards me with this no idea what is I think he just has a bad memory he just said mine was better and he gave him a five are you kidding me so he's trying to imprison my Squirtle right now all right I'm gonna give this thing a five double five adds up to ten I'm gonna give this uh oh God uh uh pick a number any number all right uh six six you know six wow okay wow guys comment down below who you thought won that round I'm pretty sure it was me pretty obvious it's me no I won that round I got like eights and sevens I think mine had a good reference though if I'm being honest you know but it's up to the people it's up to the people next round Charizard oh my gosh how is this possible even at all I'll give you guys 10 minutes for this one okay okay okay all right I guess we'll leave my Squirtle right there but we have to do slash schematic list again and we're gonna see how big our Charizard actually is holy moly wow that thing is good and it also kind of destroyed my Squirtle I have no idea what to build this time I actually I can't I can't do this I cannot do it foreign I don't even really know what I'm doing I'm kind of just looking at it and I'm just gonna start placing blocks and pray that somehow someway this turns out to get away dude still oh my gosh sit I think I'm gonna have to meme this I don't know if I can actually build an entire charger look what happened when I have fire but it's about a Pikachu and a squirtle all right I'm going to the internet we're gonna find a meme check check pro builders did such an amazing oh maybe I just like delete the head and I make the head look super Derpy I'll just say that I spent all of my 10 minutes which is actually going to be five minutes working on the body okay I have an idea a black white and orange let's go fast okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this and then we're gonna do this and boom no how did that not work I guess his leg's done we're making this one 2D I'm sorry but there's just not enough time we're gonna have the wing come back here oh yeah oh yeah excuse me we'll switch up the feet a little bit because they kind of came in a little bit strange okay for the tail we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna switch it out with some Netherrack and we're gonna set it all on fire there we go now it looks realistic all right guys I I can't do this so I'm resorting to the only thing I can do trapping Charizard and if they don't give me points I'm gonna I'm gonna do this I'm gonna release him he's gonna die so I better get a tad it's hard to make proportions so quickly when I don't have that much time does that look like oh my god dude it looks like Tails from Sonic stop Flying at me oh my gosh you are so obnoxious yeah he's flapping his wing there we have him with a with his arm out here we go we have him making a fist like that then the rest of the body's gonna come up here this is this is something I don't know what I really hope this turns out not trash okay the tail looks absolutely gorgeous it looks like they use smooth red Sandstone for that and I feel like honestly if I was building this myself I would probably just use orange concrete yeah that looks great okay I would probably also make this light blue concrete so we're going to change out the Warped planks okay kinda sorted not really believe it or not guys I'm already going to start building his head which um is a scary thing because the rest of his body looks abysmal already I've just given up on it because I don't oh no I accidentally replaced all of this okay and now oh my gosh it looks way too humid hang on I gotta I gotta cut this down a little bit his head is a little bit more narrow than this this is not right I should be put somewhere far away for doing this to him oh okay this doesn't look terrible from this angle I really just have to patch all this in to the mouth through the eyes and do whatever I can to meme it all right here we go so if I don't get a 10 Charizard is gonna fall into the pit and this is the end of him I'm sick of not getting a 10. I'm sick of it I'm being treated like crap and it kind of hurts my feelings you know when they say it my builds stink they blew up my build like I worked hard on that what if he made like his mouth open as well like he's roaring right I feel like that might get some points oh yeah wait actually this is gonna be sick oh yeah wait this is gonna look cool he's a fire breathing dragon let's go come on come on come on final touches final touches what do we got oh see that that works on its own all right we got the eyeballs now we got the mouth all right he's smiling now we got the final eyeball over here how's that look oh oh God oh God oh God oh my gosh I think we're doing it boys it looks a lot more like this Charizard here okay now I need to figure out how to like do the claws I think something like this might do the trick right kind of maybe not okay wait a second wait a second wait a second this is actually maybe starting to come together a little bit I feel like his nostrils should be a little bit of a different color though boom nostril one nostril two yo we're trying to do something here hand over those tens or or you're gonna get a serious thing oh no oh oh no oh no I am so sorry Charizard I don't even know what to say is this even Charizard that looks like a tail it's supposed to be his wing all right yeah that looks more like a wing kind of not really okay there we go it's a good start for the head grab some red concrete for I guess we can like make some horns as well after we figure out the little tiny head we need white concrete for the eyeballs okay we have the eyes of Charizard and I just need to add like spikes coming out of the back that is amazing music I know that Jack is really really really good at building he always builds like crazy crazy structures I don't even know how he does it so I gotta compete with that I'm not really too hurt about dirt boy although I'm really excited to see what that dude comes up with because he always has something crazy all right there we go there's one of his wings I'm not gonna lie I really do not like it I just don't have enough time to like fix it up and like actually make it look really nice so for now that's kind of just what it's going to look like I think oh it shoots out fire all right so we're gonna have a little fire pull here okay all right all right I'm saving this I'm saving this and if there was a way I could shoot out a fire charge dude make this on fire I would but I don't know how to do that the whole Wing should not just be one single color so I'm gonna try to mixing this in a little bit okay there we go there's his wing done honestly I don't know guys I don't know I do kind of like it but at the same time I think it's just okay I wonder if I can get away with doing something like that maybe I open up the mouth here yeah maybe like that and then like way in the background oh okay I like that I like that and then we do the fire charges here so that if you look at it from this angle looks like he's shooting fire oh that looks cool now he's cool and then I just need that little mouth at the front that's actually not too bad that is my Charizard and just in the nick of time time is up all right boys time is up this is my best round yet but let's do mine last I'm feeling extra confident should we do Alec first Alec has been doing pretty much Alex still building Thomas building Alex Stop building guys everybody go to Alex I'm going to Alex I'm going to Alex right now whoa oh I wasn't done dude did you give me more time bro this would look so cool how about you keep working and we'll just like have a look at it oh really wait what all you gotta do is copy and paste that Wing right I'm trying but I can't figure out how to flip it look Dude Looks Like A Digimon I like the fire breathing particles that is that is nice I like the face the belly um kind of looks like Sonic you're always gonna touch it up eventually belly and the gloves and the and the boots if I don't see the head it's Sonic oh nice okay that kind of works you know I I like it I like that I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it probably like a seven what's it look like a squirrel you know I'm giving this a tag I love this wow really what yes it's still building as we're talking no no no it's time done I'm done I'm done I'm done Christopher you just you gotta take a look take a look at the Charizard and then take a look at his Charizard what do you what are you saying the thing is Charizard we only had like five minutes to build this dude uh 10 minutes that was not 10 minutes not 10 minutes there's no way that was 10 minutes bro that was 10 minutes Alec I can't wait for Alex to see what I built because he's gonna poop his pants wait you know what it's missing it's missing ears that's what and I think it's like a 10 actually I think it's why you keep giving out tens all right I gave it I gave it a seven it gives out pass like they're candy they don't mean anything okay so we have a seven we have a ten Adam go ahead do the wings flap if you close your eyes and use a lot of imagination yes they do flap okay if you close your eyes and you imagine you probably got a nine but this is real life so I gave you a four yeah we don't live in a world of fairies and Magic actually I'm gonna give you a six four is a little harsh six seven and ten Adam you were saying something about yourself oh yeah oh my gosh all right okay before you touch anything before you touch anything oh my God what all right everybody now now that you've had a look fly exactly to where I'm hovering okay as you can see his mouth is actually shooting the fire down here how can you think of this stuff bro that is good that is good I like the creation all right all right if we look at this fire that Charizard created we'll see that it's so hot like Alex mom whoa on fire this is getting a zero nine other signs that could have worked Alex Hair nine nine that's about nine nine yeah let's go I get a nine wait Alec why zero you don't gotta bring my mom under this your mom's pretty though I'm moving on bro what is going on here all right just wait just wait okay to protect the world from Devastation to unite all people within our nation to announce the evils of Truth and Love to ascend our reach to the stars above Jesse James give me a 10 or I'm gonna kill this Charizard right now oh gosh okay this is this is tough I'm gonna I'm gonna go two what I gotta have my own Charizard I will also go too I kind of want to see this happen to be honest with you I'll give it a four if he dies what true yeah are you dumb you can fly wow oh my gosh wait zero zero that was trash wow he is like Team Rocket Team Rocket is blasting off again yeah I'm lowering my score I'm sorry [Music] whoa wait what wait why doesn't have a jaw though I'm not gonna lie I ran out of time for the head I I did the body and then I did the wings and I look look look at the tail dude how did you do the wings like that well I did one wing and then I copy and pasted it flipped it around and then boom you got the other Wing you found the perfect colors for the Charizard I use those same colors ding dong no he's weak somehow's wings look so much better why does he look confused I feel like his neck going into his head looks really weird like I don't know where his head starts the head was definitely the hardest bit this is my favorite build of today this is crazy I don't know how you did this in 10 minutes let's go I think this is the best one actually see Jack and I were the only two people to actually bring in fire mine's breathing fire there's a fireball coming out of his mouth yeah but Alec that's fake fire that's fake fire all right uh Jack I'm giving this one a 9.8 almost perfect I just don't see how it's possible for you to build this honestly 9.8 let's go I would give it a 10 but I've given too many tens today so I'm gonna give this an 11. I don't know dude there's no I'm just like in disbelief I just don't know how it's possible for you to build this in five minutes ten minutes we had 10 minutes I did have 10 minutes it was not 10 minutes no I really a timer on my phone I'll show you it's 10 minutes you even took the time to add in the little smoke the reason I'm so skeptical is because you were able to like shape the wings and like shape the tail yeah if you look at all my builds I mean not that I'm good or anything but everything's very straight like the wings were straight because yeah you can't but you can't it's almost impossible to build wings like that in such a short time yes yeah no Adam did pretty good with his wings no we did not it's what are you talking about Jack I need to start spending more time with you if your makeup feels like this I was spending all my time hanging out with the siren if he's building trash now well see Adam this see look here's the wing that I copied earlier see it all right flip it flip it to the other side I already did no no no do it right now do it right now already I do it right now I want to see how it is you can do it I literally I literally just did it no Pace it and then have it face the other way and paste it again yeah it's gonna paste see see you don't even know how to do it no I didn't we just did it again the other way it's not this way it's not this way what's going on which way is the right way what are you talking about like make the wings like how they are here I did I literally just did he did left and right now backwards wait I swear he just did well do it okay fine do it again do it again um I I don't I don't have the comment check you don't have to copy of yourself to him on to the next build guys all right guys shut up this is our last build I've got to build this thing what is that muscle carp oh he's flexing on all the haters that they don't even like on today's video yeah oh my God look at those abs oh my gosh those abs are popping look at those chiseled ABS oh my God you can put them Flex in you could give him a six-pack you could give him an eight pack if you want I feel like I'm just gonna stare at him for five minutes I don't know if I could build this thing yeah everybody we'll be back in five three two one build the muscle car boys all right guys I'm pretty sure I stole last round with that little fire feature I added in so we're just gonna take the time to top that right now okay so I pretty much need a big Buffy man with a Magikarp on top all right we're gonna spend some time on the buffness guys I might officially just give up I don't know how I'm supposed to build this thing and I don't know I'm on a jack I feel like Jack's he's doing some weird magic voodoo going on thing you know what I'm saying I play problem with the final Pokemon I didn't have the professional build team build me a muscle carp I found out about it way too late I did however have them build me a Groudon so I'm thinking we can put a magic carpet on top I don't know how I'm gonna do this we're making him 2D again it could give me a lot of time to focus on the actual things that matter like his rock hard six-pack but guys We're not gonna stop at the six-pack my strategy for this round though because I guess we have to still build this thing I'm gonna build the magic carp and then figure out what I'm gonna do with the muscle part of this whole thing later on because I don't really know what the heck to do first things first we gotta chop off the head the head has been chopped step number two I need to figure out how to build magikarp's head now I know Magikarp or muscle carp only has eight ABS but I'm gonna give him 37. you think this is enough ABS uh we're gonna keep going I'm gonna make sure the world knows he's got rock hard ABS bang okay that's gonna be the base for the magikarp's head on the sides we need to have the giant eyeballs same thing on this side on the front we need to make its mouth and like a little bit of a forehead too all right and there's my Magikarp done honestly wait a second boys wait a second we might be holding something this is low-key like kind of sick I don't know how much time we have to build this thing but I am pretty happy with how this is looking right now I'm not gonna lie all right Flex for me it's the only time I want you to actually Flex we're gonna go like that and like that and like that oh my gosh his abs are stacking up he's got one two three four five six seven eight twenty packs of ABS this is where we add the giant mouth that looks amazing okay we can add like the little structure on top and it's kind of just like spikes and then that kind of Blends like right into the tail I gotta make sure that I make his body nice and big because I have to leave room to give him abs and then now we go one two three four five six boom look at that all right so my plan is this time to use the sound of muscles on them I'm not really too sure what to do because I'm not too good at building if I'm being honest like right I don't know if you guys have noticed but my building is slacking a bit in this episode um I'm not feeling it as much as I usually am usually I feel like a build like if I feel it it's in my heart and it comes out amazing but this time it's kind of like a big butt it just you think it's gonna be it's gonna smell good but this one's not smelling too good now we gotta make the fish on his head I guess we're gonna do the arms too why not I'm just gonna do some simple arms right here like that we're gonna give them a little bicep there the only thing that matters is this rock hard ABS so now we have to give him a nice big old chest as well easy peasy okay get out of the way now buddy thank you very much wait guys wait wait wait wait I was like I was honestly so upset about this round I didn't think for a second that we were going to be capable of really doing anything just wait this could turn out sick is it weird that I'm kind of scared of muscle car okay let's see how it looks that's looking he's so good oh my God and then the last thing we need to add I think are the fins and then maybe like the whiskers that pop down a little bit of that a little bit of that we really don't have time for this that is kind of like Magikarp all right uh looks like his mouth is kind of like bat we're gonna make his lippies like that got some Flappers and a tail this is really not the focus now that he has a 10 pack I really I don't care about the rest okay there's his body done I mean is it the best most definitely not but it's certainly something I think we did it we just need to add the eight pack of ABS all right we have the a-pack we have the Magikarp head at we have groudon's body which I can convince them that it's magic cards boys time's up okay oh gosh oh gosh Jack don't do me like that time is up time is up Jack time is up Jack it's over stop building where's Alec everybody go to Alex again all right all right all right wait this is actually sick Alex can you tell us which one is which no that's just that's his trophy that's a trophy that's just a trophy oh he killed this guy yeah so if you have his own head so yeah you guys have played the game fishy before right where you eat other fish to get bigger well this guy has eaten so many fish that he's huge now and this is just one of the trophies that he managed to he just ate so many fish he got bored of eating fish so he was like okay I'm gonna just keep this one as a pet I like that it's actually pretty good that checks out that checks out yeah this is impressive man the actual Magikarp is is really cool yeah The Magikarp looks great let's go we could use some more minutes in the gym maybe but he's got nice abs nice quads nice body shed nice chest big nipples what else could you possibly want where's that booty at it's kind of lacking the leg day in the booty yeah I mean like where's his back muscles too if you look at the actual muscle carb actual muscle carp has some pretty big clubs he's not flexing right now he's just not flexing right have them Flex real quick all right this is him flexing his booty cheeks it's a shelf dude I can put so many things on that that thing is popping all right eight let's go I'll give it eight I'll give it a nine let's go dude thank you guys that is very humbling thank you so much I'll take that score so we're gonna check it out okay all right boys what on Earth do we have going on here that is a goldfish on top what is this this boy hits every AB day every second he's got not one not two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve Thirty forty fifty six Seventeen twenty ABS the louder that you yell does not make it more convincing that this is a good build I am pretty convinced actually yes it's a 20-pack most people are fine with an eight pack he's got a 45 pack of ABS honestly Adam better than Alex definitely the creativity is through the roof I'm going nine oh my God how and he's flexing and he's flexing look well Adam's cloudy it's not better than yours but it's more funny I mean if there's a booty we're talking a 10 but there's no booty no no no no he only he only does ABS but but Adam no the booty he is a plank he's a wooden plank that only does ABS all right I'm gonna give this a 9.3 it is a little bit better than Alex yeah how are you guys ready and honey pack yours has like a lame six pack like come on Alec dude he's he's got the body it's supposed to be accurate to the Pokemon anyway you know what I mean he's got that body yada yada all right I'm gonna give it a three it's a joke Alex should be kicked immediately no you should be kicked immediately this is trash how many weights Alex how many abs does your guy have oh I'm normal amounts okay that's what I thought okay uh looks like krizzic built a house wait what video are you on guys just come here just come here just come here I want to hear more about that okay okay come here and close your eyes oh oh that's beautiful wait that is kind of nice it's magical I want to fall asleep bro dude this is is kind of good it's making me think about Alex Magikarp head dude I'm feeling I'm feeling ten yeah is he trying to hypnotize us right now oh my God get out of here now that was when I was under the trance burned them all he said Ted what are you doing they can't be led to live they can't survive I don't like that feeling we're safe now that was very scary I've never been hypnotized like that before I'm gonna give you that cool though I'm gonna give that a six just because I've never been I've never been in that in that realm of my spirit in my mind before I'm gonna keep my two locked in because I was terrified yeah I will be having nightmares about this and I probably won't be playing Minecraft for a week so I'm gonna stick with my two my therapist is hearing about this I'll take it I'll take it I just got a sneak peek at uh at Jack's build you guys check it out okay come on Mega Magikarp that's Groudon bro you did not build this no way Lego magical no that's not possible what do you mean dude isn't it sick that is impossible you can't build this in five minutes you I know you can't build this in general you stink a building yours only has a six pack there's no way he even has a six-pack no way ten what there's no way I don't believe that I genuinely don't believe me yes Adam but Alec made a really good point it doesn't look like the Pokemon I don't care this is a Groudon it's not even the muscle car yeah exactly Ted this is the most beautiful build I've seen today plus he didn't even put this and he's got abs there's no way he built this it's not possible here is my prediction I think that Jack has some sort of pace of a Groudon and then he probably ripped his head off and built out his own mat look how bad the Magikarp is compared to the rest of the head Jack you probably only Built The Magikarp is what I would guess I'm giving it a 10. all right we have 110. you guys have to give it a score bro all right I'm gonna give it uh I'm gonna give it a seven what dude it's not it's not the muscle carb it's a that is a Groudon look in the mirror what do you give yourself every day in the mirror huh yeah that's true I I would kiss this thing I don't believe you built this I'm gonna say I'm sorry like I said who built it then unless you could prove that he didn't build it then you have to give him a 10. I think Adam built this I don't think you built this Jack okay that's the first logical thing you've said all the video so did I win I think you won the entire competition I think you stole Adams build if I'm honest how do you keep doing this skills no Alec use your hacking skills give me give us something I don't have hacking skills nothing Alec has nothing have you seen his builds lately did he actually build this siren have you seen his bills it's a miracle he can even wake up everybody dude I genuinely don't think that he built this thing there's no there's no way I think he built the map the message entire thing there's got to be like a troll or something no you did not no you didn't you're lying sick what are you talking about I just I didn't have enough time for the head I could have Blended that easy I built it again oh I want to watch you build it again right now let's go okay Jack if you could recreate this build in five minutes then you take the W you win the entire challenge pretty sure I gave us longer than five minutes guys you can have all the time you want I want to watch you build this thing by hand there's no way all right all right greatness takes time guys what are you doing wait you're just like copying it right now what are you doing start building start building hey okay wait let me clear it up you guys don't think that that I'm like copying this one you know it might be a little bit different a couple blocks off but it'll at least I mean as long as it's even somewhat similar to that I'll believe you oh my God so many mobs in there yeah it ain't a bunch of mobs too all right let's go let's see it let's see get building right now building I'm building I'm building a building don't rush him I got it he's got five minutes bro all right hold on it doesn't matter what wait what is that oh crap nothing hold on what is that no not hold on hold on what was that what are you even talking about wait what did you guys want to see Alec was that you no that wasn't me bro I told you it's great and I said it I said it I said that and no one believed I literally said that I was the first one to say that I said that are you serious Jack all right maybe you had a point maybe you had a point again I built this one before the video no you did not I did I did I did I built all these before the video no you did not die it's still cheating how long did that take you to build Jack seven minutes no okay bro maybe eight minutes on a rough day I guys I you know I hurt my foot and stuff like a single word that you say bro I can't play with this dude anymore I'm such a cheater comment down below who you think had the best builds lay down there leave a like
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 2,774,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, build, professional builder, builder, build competition, i cheated in a build battle, beckbrojack, pro builder, //copy, //paste, pokemon, charizard, pikachu, pokemon build battle
Id: xiEKXd4rNEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 9sec (3009 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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