I Beat a Minecraft RPG Game

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen to a brand new Minecraft video kind of the scrolling on YouTube when I stumbled across this video where another Minecraft YouTuber to read an entire RPG Minecraft game no this is crazy that is smooth and honestly I want more updates for the game the game was made by one person so they need a lot of support in order to make more updates so really I'm making today's video for me so you guys go check out the game and I get more updates let's check it out RPG craft new game another day another opportunity to look for adventure these are all the controls pretty simple so oh oh what's up Steve why does Steve have a donkey donk on his butt he is double cheeked up so we can click in order to interact with things we could also flip around the camera that is smooth I really don't want to break the game all right how do I get out of here can I walk through the door oh a chest there's an iron pickaxe time to mine let's grab that and I think our currency is doubloons I like it okay let's go outside and let's see what the RPG Minecraft world has to offer so as you guys can see this looks amazing this is one of the coolest Minecraft fan made games I have ever seen let's click on this sign here Steve's house well at least it's Canon looks like there's a chest down here with the sword it's dangerous to go alone okay so we have a sword and a pickaxe two essential Minecraft items I wonder if I could talk with a villager what's up dude hello Steve I'm the farmer what do you do oh you know just the good old farming don't think suspicious or anything how was your day all good I have this buddy of mine Jesse he's been helping me with the job you should totally meet him where is Jesse can I farm I don't think so I can also like click to move around which is really nice Farm what's up here please do not punch the tree well now I gotta you got a stick sick can I do it again ouch gonna stop oh cool in the top right hand of the screen we have our inventory so we have our stick stick truly the pinochle of civilization I mean you're not wrong I can't get over Steve's Caboose oh it looks like maybe there's something over here this is kind of giving me Zelda Vibes what a nice view oh wait I can look around Let's cross the bridge oh wait is this his friend hey hey Steve why are you still planning to leave the village and search for adventure that's probably a bad idea my buddy Stan wandered out and he died well thank you for that little tidbit of information what does this sign say Pond Pond it is true Steve this is indeed a pond what have you come here for looking for purpose babe money many people have come to this Pond looking for answers and Fortune are you one of them Steve are you here looking for your fortune because that would be really dumb of you I am literally just a pond you could tell a YouTuber made this game there was a house up here wasn't there let's go inside hey what's up man hey Steve I need to pay rent this month is there any chance you could get me another Emerald from the cave Quest add it to your Journal dude it actually is an RPG game we have quests these are my quests find a way to obtain an emerald from the cave and bring it back to the Village I can do that what is this it's a capybara I don't know why I use the Villager voice there you gently pet the Cappy bear up he seems to like it that's so cute okay we need to find that Emerald cave cave that checks out you can go in it's all right I'm sure you'll be fine why do I feel like I'm gonna die hello oh the music changed it is so crazy to me that only one person alone made this entire game like you would think that at least a five-man studio made this entrance to the cave go furter if you want Akana is giving me like undertale Vibes we're gonna go deeper into the cave oh wait there's a zombie oh what's inside of the chest you found 100 doubloons in the chest sweet can I mind this I need a pickaxe for this how do I equip it do I oh oh wait I can put it in my in my hand uh right hand is a sword wait it actually shows up in my hand uh can I mine this yes we got an iron ingot what's inside of the chest the chest is empty that's unfortunate can I fight this guy we're battling a zombie um oh wait I forgot okay so it's turn based combat which means that walk as close to the zombie as I can and then hit T to end my turn Okay so they damaged me but there's another zombie coming I can attack I do a lot of damage wait I'm gonna stay right here I think the zombie can probably only move the same amount of blocks that I can so that should be good okay now I can walk forward and attack that's a whole lot of damage sweet is there something in the chest now still no onward Badonkadonk Steve what's up here this game is honestly way more fun than it should be supposedly they just added a brand new update where we can actually battle the Ender Dragon okay wait first things first we gotta kill these zombies nice try Bud you're dead I do so much damage there's another zombie I thought I killed them can I just like go around the zombie let's see oh we got an emerald why does the emerald kind of look like uranium all right I'll be back for you later zombie what else is in the cave oh wait diamonds diamonds diamonds you got a diamond you could probably make something cool with this all right let's dodge the zombies I honestly don't okay well that was short-lived where are they at zombie oh it's across the bridge come here buddy come here buddy I don't have to do anything I can just wait till it gets close and I do 22 damage oh crap all right he's on the other side of the bridge okay wait there's three enemies right now all right all I'm gonna do is wait at the bridge keep on coming guys come on over and now it's time to kill the ball oh crap wait no no don't touch me wait can I kill him no no okay I need to run no he still damaged me okay looks like we gained back some health after every single time we're done battling let's go back out of the cave and give my man back his Emerald what's up dude great to see you again Steve here it is the Villager has given you an apple that was nice seems like perfect food for the capybara oh we're gonna feed the capybara hey what's up little guy give the Apple to the capybara did I do it recruit the capybara does it follow me does he follow me or not I'm confused I can't tell if he's following me or not I'm gonna name you Captain bear I'll be back for you later what is this monsters Beyond this point careful I'm not scared of monsters wait is that the village that is so sick dude why look at the trees okay wait this is honestly bringing me back I'm sure a lot of you guys maybe haven't ever played like an RPG game like this but this is exactly how it used to be all right these kind of look like bird poop but I'm guessing they're mountains what's inside here is this like a monster cave it'd be a monster Tower oh oh wait do I oh God I gotta fight okay uh should probably flip this around there we go now I can attack it's cap didn't Barrel yes oh he came with me that's actually so cool wait no this game just got 10 times better we could actually have pets I wish that he was following me but I guess that was a little bit difficult to code but the fact that he's actually like in the battles is so cool okay I should probably do like a 360 every single time that I'm in a brand new area okay we're gonna wait right here you wait there Captain bear up out die let's grab our iron helmet so that we can always have protection we'll put that on our head and it actually shows up in game I am loving this so far okay let's get out of here where else can I go I think this is an encampment up here let's check it out what does this say Stan's house he's dead oh poor Stan I guess this is a ruined Village sorry about that Stan so if this is a ruined Village that probably means that there's zombies around let's see this was a workshop maybe there's some leftover items wait a crafting table I don't have enough materials oh so that means that we can find materials here and then we could use the materials in order to actually craft things this used to be a totally empty house house nothing here for fun I'm just gonna check it out and see you know if there's anything inside there's a side yep told you nothing in here just me and you actually I'm beside so it's just you you look so dumb right now I'm gonna take that one on the chin ooh a staircase hey what's going on down here wait is this a stronghold so we actually can beat the game we just need to get the eye of the Ender I need something to light this portal with all right we don't have anything right now which I highly doubt because that's not really how Minecraft works all right I'm gonna make sure not to accidentally walk into the lava my new Quest is to find the eye of the Ender just in case we're gonna save the game Tavern we only have one bed left sorry also there's totally nothing in the bag don't even bother checking yo Steve what's he doing right now Steve his cheeks are going crazy gotta make this man stop he's a menace to society all right we might as well take a nap so if I take any damage I could sleep and I'm pretty sure that replenishes all of my health which is good to know can I walk in the back oh oh back here okay yeah that's what I went to earlier which had the end portal good to know I just realized we have a zoom feature I could zoom really far out if I want to oh my gosh it looks so much cooler when you're all the way zoomed out okay looks like there is a villager house over there that I need to get to so we gotta go up this way we can go to the nether how about that that's awesome still not able to craft anything what does this say warning big obsidian thing ahead we don't know what it does but it smells funny so be careful I guess I will be extremely careful oh wait should I like mine these trees okay no I can't I thought maybe I just needed to get rid of the sword in my hand and then I could myself I do need to find one more stick however in order to craft something oh wait there's a chest so I click on that I think it'll automatically walk to it which is really cool so we're just gonna wait back here while they do the trick we'll grab our Flint which is nice and sparkly oh wait now we actually have materials that we can craft right we have the iron from earlier and now we have the Flint which means we can craft we crafted the flint and steel oh boy we're going into The Nether let's do this oh the music changed out got a little bit more scary all right let's go this way I saw the stronghold there's a shop this way wait I should probably go to the stronghold first because I have a feeling that we're gonna be able to go shop and maybe that's where we get the eye of the Ender let's go this way uh let's go up anything up here oh hey what's up guys fight me battle me further okay there they are there they are Captain Barrow welcome back oh problem I got this guy easy and we got a blaze rod okay let's make sure that we get one more just in case I'll wait right here Captain Barrow I want to leave this one to Captain bear he keeps missing get ready Captain bear no he just hurt Captain Barrow attack back perish yes you got bit by a capybara imagine dying to that okay there's absolutely nothing that way we're gonna turn around before I dive now that we have the Blaze Rod we should be able to take it on over to the shippity shop if I can find it right maybe the shop is where I get the ender pearl oh wait hey what's up guy how you doing oh you're dead one hit KL every single time that's awesome Jerry's a legal pawn shop oh hey oh oh Jerry you look awfully Shady hello I'm Jerry the shopkeeper nice to see you hello Jerry do you have anything interesting indeed I have this diamond that I smile I mean uh got from the village with another just like it and the stick you could use to make some cool stuff in that crafting table over there can I have it buy the diamond for 100 doubloons which coincidentally I have you got a diamond thank you card sir not a problem pleasure doing business as always let's go ahead and craft a diamond AK-47 I thought it was gonna be a sword let's go ahead and equip that it said it was deadly and shiny that's exactly what I need and wait can I craft I thought maybe I could craft the eye of the Ender but apparently not okay maybe I need to use a different crafting table in order to get the eye of the Ender let's take it back through the nether portal I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be going this way oh wait yeah I am okay this is that secret house where there are Maids what's up guys hey there welcome to the cat made Cafe here's a gift for you the cat girl gave you a gun thank you can I talk to you now what's your name hello welcome to the maid Cafe what would you like to order I need more men for my hidden for my adventure sounds good we're in the cat girls have joined the party yes I have minions Captain Barrow will be in charge of the cat people think it's time to battle the Ender Dragon now that I have my diamond AK-47 I have a good feeling we're not gonna be stoppable okay so it should be back up here can I use this crafting bench now yes we crafted the under eye can I craft anything else no I actually really like that feature where you can only craft one specific thing per crafting bench let's make sure we save here now we can go into the secret basement let's see if this works yes it did that is so sick all right let's hop in to the end portal we're about to beat RPG Minecraft before I even touch the Ender Dragon I gotta see what happens with the cat mates what's up guys they're like not even dangerous there's the Ender Dragon I feel like I should take out these things though right knife oh there we go one down the Ender Dragon looks so peaceful delete it excuse me sir uh I have some business to attend to thank you oh there's actually an egg too a cracked egg looks like something recently had hatched here is that the baby dragon Hey where's the mommy Dragon let's get rid of that this is the last one hey Dragon the dragon faces you fight the dragon or pet the dragon I'm gonna pet the dragon why would I want to find it you pet the dragon it looks pretty happy congratulations you beat the game the portal is now open really you pet the dragon it looks happy we did it we beat the game what uh did I beat the game where am I oh no some sort of weird medical device this is not Minecraft hmm looks like event hello no no no no I we we beat the game cafeterias this way do I call it emergency meeting hello what bro what I have my cat Maids Captain bear let's go fight me wait attack red look says boom dead what about you can I attack you no uh stay here oh God there's six enemies the dragon wasn't the real boss battle attack yes attack yes the cat mates really don't do that much damage this was the real challenge all along die oh my gosh I forgot I have an AK a run run Captain Barrow attack cat girl oh wait you can finish this guy good teamwork team I need to get Steve more involved he's got the most OP weapon out of everybody fight him tag team blue you're dead 201 damage Ah that's amazing find him yes finish red finish blue nice no we're about to have a fallen soldier oh I can shoot from anywhere I guess it is an AKA no no not cat lady we did it you made it Steve you finally defeated your biggest enemy your adventure is finally complete that's it that's the game that was amazing make sure you guys check out the description and give the original Creator tons of support that way we can get some more updates while you're at it make sure you guys leave a like on today's video and comment down below what you thought that is gonna wrap it up my name is Beck bro Jack and I will see you guys next time
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 565,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft rpg, rpg minecraft, minecraft rpg game, i made a minecraft rpg, turn based minecraft, isometric minecraft, i remade minecraft, beckbrojack
Id: -9snxTI2w1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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