Our Germany Trip was WILD!

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in [Music] what's up to our matriarchy out there guess who's back from bavaria the boys are back yeah it's krispy kreme puff tits and yanny [ __ ] bratwurst poppy papas we were in germany in bavaria in austria and let me tell you something we [ __ ] had a great time and i'm it was just good to go see germany and see what the usa the [ __ ] boys did to that country because they [ __ ] deserved it is it fair to say that we went wild because we make no mustangs make no mistake i'm on three cups of coffee right now writing paragraphs to girls inboxes on instagram i'm just going whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you did just go wild i went wild i mean i saw what one chick that actually had a job just dm'd me you just don't know how to talk to girls with jobs i can't yeah yanni made that very clear yani i can't talk to a girl with a job and she and i just [ __ ] flipped out and uh you know i ruined it and it's just what it is i got new furniture and it's all okay you uh the text that you sent you just sent like four paragraphs four times like you're a first grader and you've never talked to a girl before should i send her a message no you have to stop now because you can only yeah you can only talk to girls where the first messages she's just sending you uh the back of her ass yeah and then you send a couple of cucumber emojis and that's it and the remote deck that's what it is a girl who could put together a sentence you don't know what to do with that cause we had a [ __ ] wild time you smoked a pack of cigarettes yeah that was supposed to be our secret oh [ __ ] i would say cut that out but we know zack's gonna forget yeah do you know how funny it must be for the people listening to hear every time we say zach cut that out yeah it's just right in there i mean last week what what got on the podcast i'm going to get destroyed in court for i mean hold on yeah am i too old to enjoy that no listen farts are [ __ ] funny i know they're easy laughs i get that i did the best no i i get there but we are probably the only podcast where the guys every time they have a fart yeah stop whatever is going on and we fart into these microphones make no mistake this is a studio that all the podcasts that riot cast use yeah we fart into these microphones on the regular yeah but you know what it's like people always want to like flip out like oh you fart on the mic it's like it's [ __ ] air okay there's no [ __ ] particles that are going to get through the barrier of my [ __ ] plus my ass warts plus my underwear plus my shorts onto the mic so it's like if you're someone who's complaining about a fart in the mic it's like just stop trying to make it about you well that's because you got big cheeks yeah so it the fart kind of goes right to the top and then recedes like a wave short tied i have an any [ __ ] not an out i have an inning but let's talk about let's start by talking we visited bavaria and i just want to munich germany which is bavaria yeah and we went on a upper deck tour bus on i mean we hit so many tours did i do well with the tourists i mean you are a veteran but you wanted to fart you were trying to get a fart and you pushed and you peed in your pants so that happened in bavaria where chris just squirted in his own pants wow can i just tell you can i just say that long message i sent yeah why not put it out to the public no no no i'm not gonna say that long message i sent she just double tap hearted it no response wow so i'll just never message her again yeah i think you want to lay back in the cut now should i just write i'm sorry i think she's contacting the authorities should i just write i'm sorry just don't write anything no you got to let it go now at this point chris what do you think zack i think you should write i'm sorry because that would just make it funnier yeah if you say i'm sorry i mean then she's i mean she might contact the authorities or you could just say i saw you liked it what's up yeah are you chris are you really writing this not a bad idea i'm just gonna have to never talk to her again and probably unfollow her and everything right i mean i'm just gonna have to forget she exists because you live two beers in any other normal person has had two full heifer license yeah to live the way you live that's just how you live you go you get up and you go you're a hyena you're not even a hyena you know what you are what a hina because you say you say hyena like israeli is your first language yes delilah all right so we toured out we toured out bad so as i said on the last podcast i found out your boy christy d is only eight percent italian and over 40 german but it's eight percent enough to be proud of what italy means to new york city yeah okay here's the thing here's the deal here we go steel pipe christy coming at you i was discussing this with in my own thoughts because i'm schizophrenic so here's the thing okay if you removed italy if you removed italian immigrants specifically from any major city i'm talking about new york boston uh chicago the truth is if you removed italians you would lose the best food the best uh culture you would lose shift you would lose your favorite movie scenes you would lose the charm italians not only do we have the best food we make other we make other uh uh cultures work like the jews are only working really hard because the italians are collecting their [ __ ] money push them around a little push them around a little bit you need an italian because they grew up in the same neighborhoods push them around you need a talent to push people around and keep people on your toes i'm sick and tired of the arguments yeah about you know these other cultures or you know every other city being better than new york city it's just italians in new york are just number one what if you remove if you remove italian culture from new york what do you have if you remove italian culture from new york you have cleveland that's just what it is that's what it separates from i know i know people i call cleveland as a little italy yeah no i know i've been there i've been there okay it's like cleveland what do you want me to say it's like i'm i'm happy to have the support but from the fans but it's like it's not like i don't like the city but it's like just stop trying to act like new york we have nine million people we really [ __ ] you've really gone in on cleveland not cl i didn't mean cleveland all right let's pittsburgh no you did you did you like pittsburgh sorry to cleveland cleveland look what did we say we said even during the day it feels like night yeah no cleveland even when it's open it's closed yeah that's just what it is it's what it is yeah i just i yeah italians italians it's a real it's kind of the biggest factor in what makes new york the best and the reason why i'm bringing it up is because when we were in munich we found ourselves in a mostly italian-less culture and there was a big problem yeah also no blacks a blacksmith italians which sent italians ironically historically in urban areas like new york they hate each other but guess what yeah they both want to be each other and neither one wants to admit it well every black friend you've ever had what's their favorite movie [ __ ] scarface bronx tale and black and and italian kids when i was growing up wearing starter jackets getting designs in their head wearing [ __ ] high top read backs listening to [ __ ] yeah you know i like big daddy k i mean it's a good song i mean i wouldn't let my sister date him i want them out of my [ __ ] neighborhood but it's good music yeah yeah see i i agree with that i agree with blacks and italians being the two most important cultures to any major u.s city i mean and that's what i'm trying to say yeah and it's just what it is and i know you know we'll get arguments people on the patreon people say hey heard that you know whatever you forgot about czechoslovakia what about polish what about vietnamese it's like shut up okay like i like that i like a vietnamese food you know everybody who wants to cuck out and be like you know wants to go oh let's let's go have a vietnamese sandwich that's once a week once a month but what are you doing three to five nights of the week peach and what's pete's italian yeah it's just what it is the thing you're eating most nights yeah is italian food what even when you want to go [ __ ] vegan and keto and blah blah blah what do they always have a recipe for peach let's let's let's be honest the simulator this is a game this is exactly everything is set up in opposition that's why there's no sweet spot in life right yeah whenever you find out damien lemon shout out damian lemon you know you want that the grass is always green on the other side you get on the other side then you miss that you there's no sweet spot you're always hopping from one leg to the next yeah so this is this is a game this is a simulation and there are certain codes that you need to decode certain perfect things within this imperfect game yes that you can find and when you do you get to the next level one of those things for food was the tomato yep the italians decoded the [ __ ] tomato yeah that is the cornerstone of the most delicious cuisine we have in america america and guess what munich doesn't have tomatoes they don't have it germany listen is it tomato-less few but it's also fumeless no it's fumeless but you know i'll be honest with you yeah germany has no fumes but 2018 germany has no fumes 1941 germany they were being [ __ ] yeah that's the medieval few medieval times yeah and then but australia the medieval times they had fumes too but in the middle of time but germany had fumes but austria salzburg austria no fumes gorgeous you could lick off yeah salzburg or she was clay cause every guy you see in austria you just know in those levi dungarees fumeless fumeless cause you're gonna have to lead the podcast i mean we i know we all you always do but but i'm [ __ ] i got i've had too much coffee it just hit me in a way where i can't concentrate and i'm bugging out a little bit yeah well i i drank half a bottle of cbd oil by accident this morning i told him to put a a drop under his tongue he [ __ ] took a whole syringe full because you are your life is a candle that's being burned at both ends okay wait a minute now can i just hold on yeah yeah why are we in third grade she liked it she double tap liked it and then she wrote sounds good yeah it's still not it's still not it's still bad i i don't know cuz but it doesn't sound good let me see how long your message is yeah wow yeah there's like two of them yo because yours looks like an internet agreement scroll to the bottom and click yes yeah holy and hers is just looks like either decline or or accept wow you're losing it cuz so what do i do here to rectify that you just leave it alone for now cause we're doing a podcast so we're right in the middle of entertaining people here here's [Laughter] where's shangshan yes all right yeah all right let let me focus let me [ __ ] god just always went to bavaria listen make no mistake we're gonna have a show one day or we're gonna be doing live podcast one day where we go to your place wherever you live or every place in the world the hyenas will come and we will learn the history of that place and do a live show there because all we want to do is tour and chrissy wants to pitch a show to the food network called i shouldn't eat this yeah yeah cause you eat a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] you should not eat you are way off the wagon i fell off the [ __ ] wagon i would say every single day in germany i have sweat yes because germans are good at chocolates they are good at chocolates and that's about it yeah food wise food wise the germans kind of don't know what they're doing it's ballpark food but i mean it's hot dogs and sauerkraut we went to a zagat um which the firemen i was at the firemen i was with um where i said oh did you go guys go to that augustine restaurant it's zagat uh rated and they changed the z to an f and then called me that they said oh uh you mean [ __ ] rated that's what they said yeah and what did uh what was the other joke you heard about the when the guy said one if his relatives died yeah well we went to we what's his fireman this is fireman you man this is what like you know this is how like people go to jail for this [ __ ] today but i'll just tell you if you know it was a [ __ ] it's because it's just a joke just a funny one of the firemen we went to doc out concentration camp which we'll talk about in a second and then he said to me the firemen my boy big t he said to me he said um he said you know my uncle uh my uncle died in the holocaust and i was like like and he said it sincerely he was like my uncle died in the holocaust and i was like oh i'm sorry to hear that man and he was like yeah he goes you know he fell out of one of the guard towers broke his neck yeah it's a good joke it's a good joke which is probably like just a street joke that you know passed around but it was good it was good at the time here's the deal here's what it is chrissy look chrissy's somewhat of like what would you say uh transgender asexual besides being super trans yeah you're kind of like a g list celebrity would say h f i would say let's be on in america yeah well what are we talking about black neighborhoods and and suffolk county long island because we're talking about predominantly black neighborhoods a-list and suffolk county long island i'm close i'm about a b yeah yo that's it that yo you saw guy code yeah i'm i'm not i'm gonna andrew scholes right yeah they call me andrew schultz but most other places i would say an e in e to an f you're an e to an f less celebrity here but it's enough to get a lot of puss plus you're also a cute kid so you got you got cute going for you and you also got that you're on tv recognizable so you get a lot of push based on those things now we went to bavaria which is a german state we're going to explain to you in a second what the difference between bavaria prussia austria is all german kids all fumeless but it's wild and you went there all the kids are tall hitler was you got to give him one thing he was right about one thing cute kids handsome kids can't so seven kids were cute two good looking guys so everyone basically looked like you but a little taller and not as blown out yeah yeah butts were a little tighter butts were a little tighter yeah nobody gets guy caught out there nobody gets guys did you feel it i felt it not one woman looked at me yeah not one i felt like i felt like giannis walking through the streets of america that's what it is no no no that's exactly what it is nobody looked at me yeah i i mean zero yeah zero to the point and it was just it was interesting because you kind of looked like just someone they went to school with who put on a lot of weight [Laughter] yeah it looked like a failure i mean everybody out there was six three six four you know 180 and i'm six one two thirty five yeah and they all have blonde hair fumeless yeah and uh good looking people though good looking people and being a comedian out there i don't think it carries the same gravitas or attraction they don't have that sort of kind of thing that we have that's not a mantle they just all love michael jackson i was there with um with the firefighters in a bar one night where giannis giannis was home um googling nazi videos and and or it was in the hotel google and nazi stuff for the next day and for sure the german government knew we were there they were watching us and tapped our phones yeah because we were googling a lot of nazis a lot of nazi [ __ ] and then yeah and then giannis was standing outside in public in the middle of a public square watching a nazi video from exactly where we were standing 60 years ago screaming this is where hitler's doing so i was like you got to shut up just to give you a little context what we learned being over in bavaria is in germany in in the country of germany it is violently illegal i'm just using the word violent to emphasize how frowned upon it is i mean you do jail time three to five years if you put up uh if you hail if you cannot hail that you you cannot uh i think there's little loopholes for theater and things like that but generally you cannot hail hitler you cannot it's you know it's very sensitive to even say the word nazi or nazi jokes you got to be careful yeah out there it's a whole [ __ ] thing you got to imagine we're in a place where you know we're talking 45 so you're talking about 80 years ago people are still alive who we walk past in the streets that were there for that time period there's people still alive today who were in the same room as hitler i believe i mean you know my dad my dad's 90s so my dad if my dad people my dad's age were like fully conscious cognizant people your dad yeah this was going on my dad was born in 28 or 29 so he was 16 17 17 years old when this [ __ ] went down so it's highly illegal to do anything like that you do jail time in fact while we were there at oktoberfest which is a [ __ ] show of drinking it's like an amusement park for beer yeah it really is two uh what was a switzer swedish they were switzerland they were swiss two swiss two swiss tourists you could probably google it got arrested and uh kicked out of the country for getting drunk and throwing up nazi salutes at october yeah you get deported if you're if you're not if you're not a german citizen you get deported you can never come back to germany if you're a german citizen you get three to five years in jail that's what it is but here's a wild thing we're doing this nazi walking tour in munich now basically munich is where the nazi party started that's where it started adolf hitler was living there he's from austria originally and then after world war one he moved to munich and kind of uh tried to get into art school failed and then he started finding himself hanging out at beer halls which is just german culture everything happens around beer and beer halls which is massive you can google photos of old beer halls there's like thousands of people would get together and drink brews and listen to political speeches and adolf uh was just he would crush i mean let's be honest the kid was a headliner oh hitler he was a headliner one thing about hitler and the nazis those [ __ ] sold tickets well he sold tickets yeah so he's done yeah he stole tickets like he's the andrew schultz of of uh nazis yeah because he would crush he would um and he worked his way up to be the like the um the propaganda the head of the propaganda which back then propaganda has a negative connotation now because of things like this because of this time period propaganda just meant like the guy who speaks the guy who's you know dealing with the public you know but now it's like propaganda means like your [ __ ] liar which is it's great because that's that's basically what he was doing that's what he yeah but he was such a good speaker they used him for that and he realized his power much like a conor mcgregor or a donald trump and he wanted more he's like i want to be the head of the party and they're like get the [ __ ] out of here so he left the party for a little while we're talking about this is in like the 30s now the early 30s and and let me clarify when he was the the the you know the head propaganda guy i mean we're talking about cause because a big thing with german politics is going into beer halls like you know beer gardens big beer halls and that's where you do your politics that's where you do political rants that's where people come and listen to you still to this day they still do it in beer holes it's a huge thing being drinking beer is not it doesn't have a negative uh spin on it like it does here it's you people it's like encouraged to drink beer it's a part of the culture so hitler and and his crew were selling like i'm talking about 10 000 seats i mean well hitler started to really push tickets people really and so then he he figured it out that he was the draw he wanted more they kicked him out he quit the party because uh he knew that if he left that they would see the light that without him they were really nothing and that's what happened and they saw like wow this kid's ambitious and we don't really like this kid he's [ __ ] he's one of those guys you know you have in the office who's really really a go-getter looking to get ahead but we need him because he pushes tickets he just pushes tickets and when he left no seats and when he came back it's sold out yeah he was the star make no mistake the nazi party which back then was called just [ __ ] you know democratic socialists working with the party working class socialism what was it called against actually that world nazis is an acronym for national national uh socialist democrat working party yeah i'm just blanking but oh well it was really it was really his personality yeah make no mistake history a lot of times is just pushed forward by individually charismatic or brilliant people or capable people he happened to be charismatic and evil yeah but it was his personality that pushed this to the forefront and a lot of people you know that can't imagine i kept being fascinated by like how people could do that and like how it could happen and like you got to understand germany in this time in the early 1930s they were just been decimated in world war one they got their whole country ruined and ripped apart they had to pay major war reparations major and the the um you know we had the great depression here uh in 30 what was the great depression 1928 29 29 we had the great depression here in america and everybody knows the stories i mean guys that you know fathers have to knock out their teeth to sell their teeth and all this but it was 20 times worse in germany i think they were saying at the height of it there was like a 75 unemployment rate in germany so it just was the perfect perfect perfect time for a guy like hitler to step up and say hey germany doesn't love you but i do here's what we need to do we need to just get our sense of national pride the jews and the non-germans are the one and the romas which are like um romani's which are like i guess we call them gypsies in america these are the people who caused it all which of course was not true but being a propaganda guy he just needed someone to blame and he got nearly the entire nation of germany to hate these groups of people that had nothing to do with the situation nothing to do with the reason why germany was in the situation it was it's interesting because you can clearly see i mean that's the reason why we study history is because hindsight's 2020 as the old expression goes and you can clearly see how this unfolded and you can clearly see that it was a confluence of factors that came together one big stew of situations of context that created world war ii created the holocaust created the nazi party into what it was and like chris said one was the desperation of the german people i mean they were printing money like inflation it was like their money was useless it was like you could leave a barrel of money it's an old german old german story adage joke whatever you want to call it from that time period where you could leave a barrel of money outside right because it was so they were printing so much money and it was so worthless at that point they just kept printing more and more money and inflation was so and so high that you could leave a barrel of money outside and people would dump the money out and steal the barrel yep at one point at the worst it was the guy tour guide told us one u.s dollar equals one trillion german euros one trillion euros it wasn't euros but franks german frank's german whatever they're whatever what are they called again they're called fearless they're germination yeah you know what giannis had a good point to wear out there when we won world war ii what is it the mark mark the market that's our german marks when we won world war ii and made all the changes i mean when the boys won world war ii sworn world war ii and we divided up berlin and we you know you know all put the marshall plan in effect for japan which you know brought baseball and all that [ __ ] we should have outlawed the german language yeah that was the honest point it's just a gross language and it just makes you mad yeah and it kind of fires you away it's gotta go it's gotta go yeah so this is a perfect confluence of circumstances like i said the desperation the you know after world war ii the place is decimated their national pride is down the rest of the world is kicking them treaty of versailles their [ __ ] other countries are kicking them around making them pay being too harsh with them taking land you know poland took some land they all took some land where there was german people still living there and they just took that land back and uh so german's feeling beat down and uh her the stage is set perfectly also you have industrialization uh you know it's reaching a peak now i mean you could really really make heavy artillery i mean sophisticated planes bombs all this stuff and germans seems like they have a natural inclination for militarization the prussians and also an aptitude for engineering so these guys wanted to get to work building bombs so this is coming and then you also have the science around this time um you know people started to play with genes the genome was discovered and they started manipulate genes so they you know the nazis started to pervert this science like hey if you can manipulate a watermelon to make it bigger you know you could why not manipulate people you're manipulating animals plants crops why not people yeah hitler's whole thing was you know to eliminate he felt like if you have people who he considered inferior you know the jews the romanians uh any any non-german catholics even gays that you would pollute the gene pool and he wanted a superhuman and the superhuman had blonde hair and blue eyes which is interesting because hitler was just [ __ ] short and had black hair brown eyes i mean he was not a good looking kid and he definitely had fumes he looked like a croatian father yeah yeah yeah look like yeah so that's the stage that was set and um of course also you got a nietzsche was a big german philosopher right before that time and he had the concept of course of the uberman the superman so all that [ __ ] hitler took and it made you can clearly see all these factors come together in this one big [ __ ] stew sandwich but most importantly the kid was charismatic yeah even i mean you have to be an animal to agree with anything he says because it's [ __ ] insane and sadistic and evil just pure evil but when you watch his speeches the kids spoke with emotion the kid went 110 every time he hit that stage he was crazy he'd stepped up to the mic i mean that's really what it was and he wasn't just a good speaker i mean he was the he was the guy making decisions he was running the right he ran the rock and you know the war ended in 1945 when you know the russians surrounded berlin and then hitler killed himself um but really about two years before that the general his own generals were like we need to we're going to lose we're going to lose this war but he said no we're going to fight till we're going to fight today and he started arming women and children at the very end yeah and it was just complete complete i mean the definition of an egomaniac is adolf hitler you can't be more egotistical than him and here's some things you look back in history you know a lot of historians have joked around calling him the forest gump of history because there's just a few moments where he got so lucky he's so lucky i mean it could have went the other way about when we saw the place that we saw where he had spoke every one day a week would say was wednesday every wednesday for like a year he spoke for up to three hours let's just take a second and and emphasize that the guy would hold people's attention for three hours we perform in front of crowds for a living 45-50 minutes even if you're crushing doing comedy people are kind of they're starting to get to the end like all right you know an hour maybe an hour and a half tops this kid would talk politics and crush for three hours that's how good he was of a speaker so like chris said he would do these for three hours and three hours and then one day a guy i'm forgetting his name which is great forgetting his name hold up we can pull that up can you look up the guy who um tried to assassinate assassinated hitler in munich in munich he tried um this was before like the nazi party was as you know as big as it would become just like in the late 30s i believe um and he had the timer on the bomb go off 48 40 uh no he wanted i don't know hitler left hitler left after 48 minutes that day and then which is so rare so i mean it would never happen never happened went off about 10 minutes later yeah and he what was the reason he left again was it the the weather or something he had to travel he had to take the train home because he used to take the train to [ __ ] just rallies yeah yeah i mean munich was his name there were two people who tried to assassinate him in munich uh one was maurice bavard and the other one was johann george as johan george is who it was ah neither one of those sound correct i think it was joey because i knew it was gonna be with a j well can you see uh can you say a time bomb that elsa constructed in place near the speaker his name is elsa his name is uh that's his name johan george uh george elser yeah elser that's his name hitler who left earlier than expected but killed eight people and injured over 62 others yeah and then they caught the [ __ ] guy too and they caught the guy bad luck the way they caught him and then guess what and then they kept them almost got away from it but they kept him alive for a while yeah it probably tortured his ass five years and then he was in the concentration camps they put him in a camp in dhaka right and i believe it was dark but they kept him alive because i guess i don't there was a specific reason why hitler wanted him alive but then when hitler felt the walls closing in and they he ordered him to like it was like hitler had a thousand things on his mind like hitler had like countries surrounding him but he still made the order to kill that guy he never forgot he had to kill him yeah so that was wild we actually listened going to munich and we were actually there while they were having their elections so it was a little weird because we were in what's it called the martian plaza what was that the marion plots and that's where they the beer hall push happened right right there yeah so when you go to munich you're basically going to ground zero of where the nazi party formed started it was hitler's town where he was making his bones struggling as an artist and then he started talking these beer holes joined the nazi party you know rose up through the nazi party just because of his ability to speak and so you're there when you're walking in the streets that he walked now i think it's like 40 how much percent of munich was bombed to [ __ ] it was like i think it was like in the high 40s high 40s like munich was bombed i mean a lot of germany got [ __ ] drilled yeah because basically as we know the year ago the usa was not getting involved in europe's war we just wouldn't do it the war started in 38 or i'm sorry 39 we didn't show up till 41 because we just said look we're not going to go the u.s people said we're not going to go and then we start to find out about what's happening to jews and then we said look look adolf all you got to do is not push jews and ovens and your towns will be saved you could do whatever you want you can fight you take but just don't push people in ovens and they couldn't do it and then when you listen what what happened here's how here's how it was this is how the red white blue deals with this is how the united states works in wartime we give you a command and we say you have one chance to obey it when you come back and say you're not obeying that command we pick up the phone and we make one call and it's to the boys boys we call the boys and then the entire us army comes down parachuting onto your [ __ ] country and we destroy everything you ever [ __ ] knew and it [ __ ] hurts bad and then when you [ __ ] weigh songs when you come out on the other end when you come out on the other end you just know who did this to you and it's the boys look i know you're watching us over there right now you're watching all these people who are banging on the door of the supreme court they got short haircuts little purple hair strands and glasses and they're screaming and crying to the sky yeah that's here but guess what that's here during peace time right now we're in peace time we're american as a free country so everyone's arguing politics but make no mistake yeah make no mistake yeah one of you [ __ ] steps out of line and starts pushing people into ovens or doing something crazy the boys yeah are gonna show up on your doorstep and clean the place out yeah it's if you are european and i don't mean the boys who you seen on tv process i'm talking about the boys yeah and here's here's how wars usually here's what's been here's what happened in the first world war in the second world war countries start to push poland around yeah you should start to start there right yeah just start to throw around poland paul is just sitting there yeah they just don't know they're like yeah lukas just wants to make he just wants to make [ __ ] potato croquettes that's all he wants to do and yeah and see that dude my great friend lukash loving death his face if you want to look his face looks like a pierogi came to life if you want to see one you want to pour applesauce i want to see what people from 1945 look like go to lucas saigon on instagram and you'll just see yeah greatest guy he's a doctor right but and he's intense godfather and he's a handsome kid he's a cute kid but make no mistake he looks like history he's he's got a historical look because i mean his genes have been in poland and stayed in poland he is a polish kid yeah but let me tell you something he's got a [ __ ] gorgeous wife and before he had his wife he banged on a lot of hot girls and does he have a nice piece got a nice big dick that was freshly circumcised oh he got it circumcised late i don't know i used to see him in the locker room because he played ball with him he's a big dick what was his piece like he had a nice [ __ ] piece he had a nice [ __ ] polish piece [Applause] so the thing is you start pushing poland around that's when you know and a little there's just been a little concern from some countries as of late pushing poland around one of them being germany and the thing i want to remind you of is if you want to push someone around then why don't you try on the boys the boys why don't you see if you can come push the boys around because i got news for you you can't push around the boys cause guess what the boys we all do keto we all do crossfit yeah it's not the people you see on the tv at the protests that are coming no no no no our boys are still here no i got a news our boys are still here here's the thing and i know you know unfortunately this may hurt some feelings i got a news feel a lot of the boys are pro kavanaugh it's just what it is they're gonna protect you and they [ __ ] it's what it is yeah so listen listen to me those who that's who you want protecting you yeah you want a pro yeah because here's the thing you don't want hari kondabolo picking up a [ __ ] gun to go defend you yeah guys like janice and i well maybe mostly honest we're the generals you know we tell people what to do because the front line of the boys we're keto we do crossfit you know we're [ __ ] jacked out kids we're juiced up we're on steroids we're you know we got we vote republicans we've all republican i was going to say we we lean a little right yeah we're from long island and the rest of the country yeah we love trump we're not from three places we're not from portland we're not from san francisco and we're not from new york city that's it we are from every single other place on this goddamn planet it's just what it is yeah so and we're heavy what be fed yeah boys boys yeah everyone's packed everyone's strapped out and ready to go underestimate us russia uh just under china just keep looking at us funny the boy the boys are just taking a nap guys because yeah you don't want to wake up the boys japan woke up to boys with pearl harbor and then what happened they got [ __ ] up because you don't want to wake up the boys so that's what you shouldn't do our tour guide was great was remember he was like listen when you so they bombed when you bomb you have to expect to get bombed back yes because that's what the boys did when they bombed you back yeah munich got [ __ ] destroyed dresden oh dressing got fireballs more people died in dresses and more civilians died in dresden than uh you know hiroshima and nagasaki that can't be true it is true you can look it up exactly we said that the other day firebomb dresden yeah and we only did that really for it was power show to the russians we did that there are no political or strategic well a lot of that stuff we just knew we just wanted because we knew the fight with russia was it was common right well it was interesting because we're all on the same side but within that war effort on the same side we were competing you know the russians stalin wanted to get to berlin first the americans wanted to get there first we wanted to bomb them harder they wanted obamacare kind of what it is no he did he did we knew we knew we both both sides knew that what was coming next because we were opposing economic philosophies opposing systems we knew that the next that we were on the same side for this you know we're going to get together to take care of this little [ __ ] man with the mustache yeah and then it's gonna be all out war a cold war between us now the thing is we was i right about that uh so 80 000 people died in hiroshima and nagasaki that's the numbers i'm getting and there's no accurate numbers on uh dresden but it's believed to be between thirty five thousand and a hundred and thirty five thousand wow so yeah just killed everybody there yeah they just [ __ ] firebombed it dude they blasted it and it the problem there was really no military target like they didn't even know what was coming probably no no military targets there no nothing at all they just kind of bombed people they just wanted to show russia yeah the thing about germany is [ __ ] up there's a lot look nazis were evil but like when war is evil war is evil but the nazis where you and you understand that a lot of people just got swept up in it you couldn't really it got so big everyone's scared everyone has to join the effort um and then when it was over there was a no what the thing that nobody really talks about the way like nobody talks about how doctors want boats and that's why the health care system is [ __ ] up right well that of world war ii is the atrocities committed against the germans towards the end and after the war yeah the germans got [ __ ] brutalized the germans and all those the german populations the german-speaking people who lived in parts of czechoslovakia opponent you know because that's how it is they got cleansed yeah they got ethnically cleansed a lot of them fled there was tons of refugees from all over europe who were german speaking who had to rush back to germany but remember they're rushing back to a country that is occupied by angry russians mostly kind of left yeah but we did some [ __ ] too but you gotta think the russians were pissed because the russians lost 20 million people in this [ __ ] war because of the germans so they raped a few women named jana it's just what happened what happened yeah and it's bad you couldn't get you couldn't you know it would because there was a lot of rape that happened of germany a lot of innocent german people because the thing is and i and i say instant i'm careful to say that word but but i'm backing it up with the fact that you know what we learned is that you didn't have a choice in germany okay so what i mean by that is here you have a choice you can like trump not like trump like hillary not like whatever you want in germany during that time either bless you either you were a nazi supporter and and hailed or you and your family were killed and or thrown in a concentration camp you had one of two options yeah either join the nazis and salute to us or be killed on the spot or go to a concentration camp and have your family murdered yeah and raped and killed and whatever so so that's what it is so a lot of these people were innocent like you said just being swept up where they just were born and raised in germany but they were anti-hitler they did not like him or like what any of these nazis stood for but they were [ __ ] killed later and it's just what i mean it just happens we went to dock out too i mean like i said oh my god so much touring and you hated the tour because he was you hated the tour guide because he was chinese well you know the weather was a little chilly yeah because i go the other way i like it warm yeah and so when the when the when the temperature drops below 62 the chinese are not safe yeah yeah giannis did not like the chinese yan the chinese tour guide spoke english with a tiny accent and then janus said in the middle of the tour when is this guy going to start speaking english i did not say that oh did i say that yeah no what happened was is it wasn't his english was actually pretty good no he was great he's a chinese scorer he just no he was not that great at talking about the tour guide for the hitler walking tour on the third reich was a great one who said you could call him mind fuhrer yeah yeah because actually mine fur the originally just like propaganda originally mine fury just kind of meant like my leader right but now it's of course turned into something different just like the name adolph nobody names their kids they ate all that he can't do it anymore yeah no there's no hitler's anymore everyone's changed their name although from what we understand adolf and the last name hitler was just a common name back then that now it you just can't it's just like john or something and propaganda just meant like hey you're the speaker you're the guy who deals with the public now obviously because of the nazis it's turned into uh you know you're [ __ ] propaganda you're lying it's it's public relations that's false that's a lie that's manipulated and in that same way you know what were we just talking about originally we were talking we were on dachau dachau yeah so we went to dhaka oh we were talking about the tour guide he was just a little all over the place right right and yeah mind fuhrer just means my leader so the guy was just a little all over the place um his tour wasn't that tight you know we went on so many tours i started to like really rate the tour guides yeah and i put the tours together by the way do i get a [ __ ] congrat like a good job or something you're just so good at it yeah you're so good at planning how we're going to see the [ __ ] here's the thing and giannis you mentioned this too when we were sitting in mine plots on the last day you know we had a flight to couch in about an hour and a half but do you think the german company the german government was alerted to us being there because they were like why are these two guys bopping around yeah going to every single tour this city has to offer who are these [ __ ] kids we just kept going on tours but like yeah you know you know me having my german roots and giannis being a greek kid you know giannis just wants to like look at sculptures and you know he's just looking around taking his time he's always late for things and i'm just more anal with it because the german so like i kind of after being four or five days and being almost late for everything the last day i kind of and giannis mention this i kind of was like you know what maybe i just want to [ __ ] maybe i just want to see what happens when i turn the temperature up maybe i just want to fry that's what happened that's it yeah let me let me just let me just see if i could just put some panko and breadcrumb on him let me just throw him in the oven yeah let me just see we figured it out we figured out what's behind the german personality of the 1930s and 40s yeah that led to nazism and fascism by our relations because yeah i was a little late chris is really organized with the tour yes like with so saw we would go to sleep we were sleeping basically we were sleeping in a hostel with these firemen we slept we literally had i'm a grown man with the family giannis is 43 years old about to get married and we've slept in twin beds two twin beds we did so yeah and you just didn't have a phone charger the whole trip i know well i got [ __ ] up you take a [ __ ] you gave me the one for england [ __ ] [ __ ] anyway so chris is just always the one like okay so so we're going to sleep at uh 1300 hours to be up at 7 15 a.m because we have to go to the tour for there for the hitler's youth when he was a young child in munich wisconsin wake up then he wakes up he [ __ ] sounds an alarm and we're going and i'm a greek kid we go hey listen baby come on it's like having a cup of coffee and drink is hanging out we're just taking our time here baby we're relaxed we relax philosophical people and he's going we have to max the talk come on i should sauce so the battle between this went on for days until about the the fourth day chris just kind of was running out of patience and that's when he slowly is just that's how nazis they just kind of like your efficiency gets challenged and you just by the fourth day you're just going yes and it just comes out yeah yeah because janice kept yeah for some reason giannis just kept looking the wrong way even though the cars come the same way as the us i don't even think you notice it you just kept thinking we're in england you were looking the wrong way and we were crossing the street once walking back to hotel and i said let him just look the other way and i wouldn't tell him a car's coming you were going to push me weren't you yeah i was just going to give a little push and then say i don't know that's not what happens i just i he then walked into the stuffen streifen street when i was in college it was just for you know um indiana jones the nazis in indiana jones always funny because they always smoke between these two han the ring finger and the middle finger for some reason when germans smoke they smoke like it's a camel like a camel's health yeah and our tour guide was smoking between those two fingers for some reason yeah that was the best tour guide i've ever seen it was but i was gay guys i always used to just reenact like a nazi getting somebody in the train being like oh hello dr jones says hey you're going to switzerland let me see your papers um switzerland i don't think so hands up because germans are [ __ ] funny we're funny [ __ ] i mean we don't have a sense of humor you're a comedy club i'm gay you're like it's like a gayness to germans don't you think like hello my name is justin forsen would you like strudel it's it's like a gay yes come to my place right here what my players well our characters um uh max and stupids and stubborns are characters that we were putting on instagram that we that uh giannis developed in uh austrian german success was black guys they're gay they're gay gay characters who are obsessed with black eyes american black guys are the best kind i like the black eyes stupid he loves the blacks but joe we were in munich cuz and there's this place we'll put up the we will put up the pictures is it called the marion platz my name plots so i took a picture first of all it's intact and it's gorgeous it is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous and by the way we decided that we're going to do a full patreon episode in total flamboyant gave away so if you want to hear the episode where we just talk like this for the whole time go to patreon.com bay ridge boys yes we haven't put it up yet but in addition to our walk-in talks another segment we're gonna do is we're also we always do our bonus episode okay there's always a bonus podcast every week if you join patreon.com bay ridge boys and become a member of our major arkey you will get an extra episode every week okay but also we do walk and talks now yeah where me and chris just walk and then the third thing we're gonna do is [ __ ] full little segments in gay boys yeah and it's gonna be fun yeah so um what were you saying america i was saying marion platz we took some pictures where there's pictures that exist during the beer hall push ceremonies that the nazis would had because make no mistake what happened was hitler gave a speech it's called the beer hall putch it was like the martyrdom event for the nazi party right where the 16 nazis got killed by uh bavarian government soldiers and so once the nazis came to power they would do a ceremony where they reenacted the walk from the beer hall to the government building to try to take over the government where they had this clash and it all happened right is that called the mariam plots where you know what i'm talking about where we went back in the morning that's not my name what is that i don't i forgot what that's called what it's called it's got two lions with ball with the actual sculpted balls in the back whoever's a history buff whatever just [ __ ] post what it is and we'll correct it next pocket whatever it's called the beer hall push was wherever that happened and then where the ceremonies and the reefs would go up on that statue with the two [ __ ] it has two lions and hitler would speak there and so you can go there now and there's actually a famous picture in front of that where hitler was listening to uh nazi speeches when he was young before he joined the party and you can see he's like a 20-something-year-old kid and he's in the crowd and it's a famous picture you can google where you see a young hitler with his little stash i don't even think he's cut it all the way to the middle yet he still it still looks like a little longer he hasn't become hitler yet but you can see he's blown up they blow him up and it's clearly hitler in the audience of that speech you can go and we went to the spot where he was standing like right there yeah and where these ceremonies would happen where the nazis would give their speeches and then you look at the old footage and you look at and you and you look at it in person it's a little spooky and eerie because it looks the same all the buildings are the same and you realize holy [ __ ] this happened right here right here right here and then one of the pictures that we took of me i'm standing almost exactly where he was standing that's exactly where he was standing which is [ __ ] wild you can stand where he was standing and just feel all that evil i felt the same way in charleston it's been a while two weeks for me because back to back weekends i went to charleston south carolina where make no mistake the first shots of the civil war were fired at fort sumter you know and that's where that started and that was evil and about evil in the slavery in america and then i guess through coincidence or maybe simulators are having fun maybe the simulators are really fans of this podcast yeah and they just set it up because then the next weekend i'm in munich yeah where the nazis started yeah so it's like the two most like horrific organized you know evil things by kind of western powers yeah with industry behind them yeah i was at the i went to the two cities where they both began in the same people going where the enemy is where am i gonna go next we're [ __ ] boston red sox yeah that's the enemy yeah next week i'm going to [ __ ] yeah i'm going to big poppy's house yeah where that started because the trip to germany i mean it was enlightening and we didn't [ __ ] talk about salzburg yet and we didn't even talk about the fact that we were in bavaria and we before we went there we didn't even know what the [ __ ] difference was yeah the difference between bavaria germany and um austria it's just it doesn't make sense they're all like german states right so all the people are like ethnically german descendants of the celts you know uh germanic tribes who settled there but they [ __ ] hate each other and they actually had a war with each other the uh but bavaria is not separate bavaria is just a part of germany yeah but it used to i mean they used to fight they still say bavarian yeah well they they kind of the prussians who are a little up north and are known to be when you think about the german stereotypes the prussians are like the militaristic germans like the nazis that's what you think of or the wilhelms you know what the wilhelm uh spiked helmet in the [ __ ] i'm a german let's go and then the bavarians your stereotype would be the leader hose and a big mug of beer bavarian we were told bavarian and munich and oktoberfest and this whole state of bavaria which is just now part of uh germany is like texas yeah it's like the texas of germany cowboy [ __ ] yeah they look at him like that a lot more laid back the leader hose and like the prussians up north and impressions are a little more up north i guess they don't really [ __ ] uh or is it easter i don't know where they are but the prussians look at the leader hose and as like silly right and then you got your austrians which is another country but they're german too and but they hate to be confused with german which is hilarious the same languages look the same yeah when you're american you go and you're like you guys are all [ __ ] snow monkeys and we also we just randomly took a day trip we just decided last minute take a day trip to salzburg austria wow on the train which is where mozart the great composer mozart was born and raised and cuzzies cuzzies and cassettes if you ever get a chance i know a lot of a lot of you guys have probably been there already but if you ever get a chance go to salzburg i mean giannis is good sorry giannis is gonna [ __ ] detour his honeymoon through salzburg i tried but my fiance was like no we're going to italy and greece so she wants no part of it what about mine and your fiance yeah yeah well she doesn't know that you're just coming with us on the honeymoon yeah she's going to open up her suitcase and say hi brittany but look salzburg it's got to be one of the most underrated beautiful tourist destinations it was so underrated and so beautiful it's like the [ __ ] bay ridge of the world yeah because bay ridge is underrated and beautiful well i mean so they have the oldest medieval and biggest and well-kept medieval castle in europe in salzburg salisbury it's on the biggest hill in salzburg and it overlooks the whole city and it also faces the alps and they have like restaurants there where you can just sit up on this mountain and stare at the alps it was cute it was seriously [ __ ] gorgeous yeah that was literally like it's a time i think i'll always remember in my life yeah and uh i had to smoke a cigarette you smoked a phew and it's just what it is i mean it was just so beautiful i mean we were sitting up there and it happened to be a great day and um we checked out all of salzburg we walked around salisbury we were there mostly for the beauty it was just there was nothing really we didn't even really pay attention too much to the history in salzburg well we did no we looked at all those buildings that were built in 1280 13 20 and then we stored it in 1985 i'm just saying we didn't learn that much about specifics well we were caught up in the goddamn beauty because we sat in that restaurant for four hours and drank brews drank bros well we learned i mean we learned a little bit about like you know the kings yeah i guess we didn't i guess there was a bishop that back then like the bishops and the aristocracy used to live in those castles and they would just [ __ ] on everyone below him that's basically what it was on my family i mean let's think i mean the crazy thing about going to germany with you was we went right after you confirmed that you're mostly german but i'm mostly german so make but not upper echelon high class john i mean of course you wouldn't be you'd be at a party with donkey heads if that was the case i'm front line german you are [ __ ] shoveler peasant german yeah you're down you're you're your line your family line is down there at the bottom of that hill by the hill shoveling [ __ ] you're lifting rocks you're moving it's [ __ ] because you think in the fort if i was alive in the 40s and of age you think the nazis would make fun of my butt a little bit for sure yeah here's the thing like we're all animals so we all adapt to our environment like that's why you hate the heat and stuff because you're from germany yeah so the heat makes chinese people unsafe yeah but also when you look at the size of your butt it means for generations your people were lifting something for bishops yeah so because to have that and i have no biceps either no biceps so it wasn't this you were it was you carrying things on your back so that's why you have a strong butt and push enough that's why good trots you have good tries because you're pushing something up hills yeah you could have been carrying like you could have been like a plumber your line could have been famous plumbers who are carrying up parts for this [ __ ] for the yeah for the toilets of the bishop what do you think my bit what do you think my real last name is it's titan stuff it's got to be something yeah like uh what's that place in ridgewood called i love that one zoom stomp dish that's why well my man the man name is kerner kerner it could be carter you could just be regular current where's carter me can we look up in german or kerner means because sometimes the last names are based on what the trade that his trash monkey ancestors had er you get that one more time k-o-e-r-n-e-r yeah is what kind of what does that mean something in german like blacksmith or like prostitute yeah does it mean does it mean guy who carries boulder with big butt because you inherited that big butt from one of your ancestors just what it is right so i'm telling you it's an occupational name for a grain merchant or possibly for the administrator of a greenery wow the administrator of a greenery grain greenery what does that mean middle high german corner nickname for a miller from a noun derivative of middle high german current yeah so it's an occupational name for a grain merchant or someone higher in that field i was selling grains because merchant merchant you know what that means selling it no you know what that means if you're a merchant what jew yeah oh you got chewing you well i told you i had a little jewelry you do yeah because well you said it be in the because you're one of the brightest not bright kids i know yeah so you said you thought you were jew because did because the jews believe in part of the bible so that makes you part jewish does it yeah well and catholicism started as a as a kind of out you know fringe sect of judaism yeah so that's where the catholics came out yeah you're not supposed to be outside they should give you an ankle bracelet that keeps you in ridgewood that goes off whenever you leave ridgewood you're not supposed to be walking these streets god you're not supposed to cross that [ __ ] water yeah you're supposed to they should give you you know people are in house arrest yeah people from ridgewood should have to wear that around their ankles yeah so the rest of the world knows when they try to leave yeah and eileen can't leave ridgeway no you guys can't we can't have you people [ __ ] walking the streets is the is my mom and eileen having a brew right now cuz right now since you got new furniture and you got your place right now the corner store that sells bruce yeah his business is a little lower yeah because make no mistake as soon as you make another bad decision which will happen yeah and eileen and lynn are going to get a brew to smoke maybe maybe a sausage at doom stomp dishes stomped it yo make no mistake we were in the place where your dna line comes from you didn't feel anything i did you were looking because i was looking at the people knowing you being your friend i was looking at the people and it's wild that you can see you can see it's kind of like you guys got the same face yeah it looked like a lot of use just better versions just better versions better shape i mean i i got no i got no interest from females or males um and uh yeah it was interesting it was the the beauty of austria it really like shook me it like made me nervous i wanted to leave yeah because it was so nice i was like i don't i'm not worthy and the churches were beautiful and you were cursing in the churches i said you got you cursed in the church you got very uncomfortable yeah yeah you know we're going to hell but yeah i try to tell you it's just a building and i don't believe in this yeah and you were making [ __ ] jokes about you know like real bad stuff in the charts yeah bad stuff that they did yeah they did so i don't want to hear it i know i saw when i posted that video on instagram we lost like maybe two or three followers i get it i knew it was going to happen because there's a couple of you are hardcore catholics and that's fine i'm not judging you but make no mistake you got some freaky ass priests in there in there you know what you're talking about those freaky ass pieces touching those kids that [ __ ] happened yeah act like that [ __ ] didn't happen that [ __ ] happened so yeah make no mistake you're from there i am from there i mean it was a [ __ ] trip of a lifetime though i mean it really was just dope to be in germany but i i will say that the you know it makes you appreciate america a lot more because after about the third day i was just ready to get back to the united states where like you can just get like we looked we walked around for 20 minutes to get soap on a tuesday afternoon because they i'm so glad we went on this trip for one reason specifically many reasons but the a big reason was there's been a huge change in you yeah now when we left isis chris was like you know what i love germany i can't wait to get to my homeland yeah he said i'm going to come back with some different opinions but you know what happens is it went the opposite way and you learned that you are a red white and blue kid through and through i'm a [ __ ] patriot and i hate to keep talking i got to put money in the thing because i'm going to get banged out and especially going to see dachau at the end of concentration camp to see the the the ovens and the gas chamber and the killing fields and what they [ __ ] did to those people it's just gross at what point did the sweets come out the sweets came out immediately i got we had a layover crazy to see yeah we had a layover in iceland and i had an icelandic chocolate bar and then it just the wheels came off for six days the funny thing is is we say this and people probably think it's like oh that's cute that's funny they're probably exaggerating let me be clear you have never seen anything like this in your life okay we're talking about i i don't know anyone who does the things that he does like comes back to the room at two in the morning with chocolate uh graham crackers just out of bed just had a bag of chocolate graham crackers when we eat he at one point he had a milkshake and a piece of cake yeah i mean he doubles up no but i did ask for an iced coffee in austria and she came back with a coffee milkshake but you did eat the whole [ __ ] thing and drink the whole thing and then we were walking you said i can't feel my foot i gotta chill out no yeah i mean it's you and then the people who follow us on instagram which if you don't you should at history hyenas chrissy went and met all the firemen down at oktoberfest and then he just made a video because you got a chocolate banana who gets drunk and then goes and gets a chocolate banana yeah and what else you got two sweets i got a chocolate banana and an apple strudel wait hold on hold on let me see if i find it keep talking hold on i'll fin i'll find it i'll play it right now got an apple strudel and a chocolate banana and then that night is the night he came back with chocolate-covered graham crackers yeah so what i'm trying to say is it's not an exaggeration he has a bad addiction to sweets and he has fallen off the wagon i mean the wagon is in a ditch and needs to be reconstructed by a carpenter and chrissy is caught in a mud slide quick sand on the side of the road wheels have fallen off yeah i don't know where that video is it's [ __ ] gone i didn't save it yeah but if you follow us on instagram you you saw that that um he made that video because we just had a few too many [ __ ] brews we actually did i mean i had a lot of because how much did you did the fire guys drink the firemen drank to a point where i'm being honest i don't know how i thought for sure we went out with 10 10 guys out there i thought for sure we're gonna lose two i thought two were gonna either die or just say i can't get on this flight but somehow all of them got on and the pain the pain that these kids were in the last day i wouldn't i would i wouldn't she ain't i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy i really wouldn't know that [Laughter] it's like an elderly person who just loses control of his powers because you just because you were just talking it just creeped out cause i got a big ass it just creeped out i mean you're not civilized it's what it is right it's that you're talking you're farting as you're talking because i'm a [ __ ] german piece of [ __ ] right the thing is when you're around girls you just first date you do stuff like that right well i mean i said either i send three paragraph messages or i pick my nose and fart i mean did you did you have no control over that fart just popped out cause were you able to hear it on that yeah i don't know if they were able to hear it but i mean it sounded like i mean you were talking your facial expression didn't even change you know we got to stop farting on this podcast you're mature i don't think you can help it but i think you're it's cheap lamps you don't have control over your bowels it's just what it is oh god but the thing was you realize you're an american kid american kid red white and [ __ ] blue baby you couldn't like yeah you don't even like you don't even joke around about being german no because it's just like when i saw the atrocities it's like patty fly ball says you can call me irish but i'm [ __ ] american american that's what he said i'm american it's like you call me german i'm [ __ ] from the united states and just even even just you know we all knew about the atrocities of what the nazis did but even just being in germany which i thought was a great country in austria is a great country but it's just the united states is we're number one and everybody wants to come here for a reason we're back everybody we had some technical difficulties that you don't even know about because we spliced it right back together but we did go to dachau which i want to end the episode talking about because it was there was nothing really funny about it there's nothing really to joke about it's one of the most moving and terrifying and shocking things any human being could ever lay eyes on i in daca for the most part it's well preserved as it was front gates are intact where are all of the bunks what do they call those where they slept um bunkers or yeah i don't know dorms yeah yeah they don't call them door you know whatever you know where they [ __ ] packed them in the tents tents whatever they slept all of them are marked and there's memorials there now there's there's like one or two that are recreated they rebuilt but what is a 100 intact is the part you know all the guard towers are 100 intact um but the the gas chamber the crematorium the ovens it's uh it's all 100 the same so meaning you're looking at you're in a death chamber man when you're in there you're there at the same place that all these atrocities happened you know now daca was not one of the bigger ones where they they didn't kill as many people but of course they had a gas chamber and crematorium there they had the ovens they had the gas chambers there they killed a lot of people there who knows hundreds of thousands not the millions like in ocelots where it was milk auschwitz auschwitz was millions but when you're in there man you see how they did it and it's just so spooky because it's exactly the same you're looking exactly at what buildings are i mean talking about not replicas the actual structures the actual structures nothing's changed so people have put you know those people who are walking up put their hands on the places you put them stood in the places that you stood and what they did was it was a really devious manipulative and just evil way that they did this it's just there's there's no humanity in it they're lining these people up like cattle so what they do is yeah or there's no humanity in it because i want to be honest about to tell you it's freaky but what they what because they looked at them the germans looked at like jews and homosexuals and non-germans as slaves or they would use their bones to fertilize cabbage fields so they were slaves and fertilizer to nazis it's [ __ ] crazy when you when you think about that yeah they grounded up the bones and used it as fertilizer for the cabbage fields that were right next door to the [ __ ] it's gross i mean it's great and then they made lampshades out of the skin i mean it's kind of out of a serial killer's book like how did this happen their hair they would take takes shave their heads and and keep their hair up their hair like they were using their body parts like they were animals like you know it was inhumane the fullest definition of inhumane to the fullest level 10 in humanity was was the germans and what they did in congress because because yeah there's other you know throughout history like you know people get killed slaves get killed they're treated but what they did was they didn't they took all their like janna said no dignity i mean they were using their their parts as like pieces of machines like it was just there weren't human beings to them they treated them like like pigs or or like cattle i mean literally like cows like going through a slaughterhouse so the way they would do it because obviously they were aware at least somewhat that these are humans and humans get frantic and uh it's hard to control huge populations that are frantic um so what they would do brutal is they would lie to them and tell them the ones that were coming up for the gas chamber um they would say hey you're going into a mass shower so they had these fake shower heads which are still there which is so well and we went me and chris went into the gas chamber this is the same gas chamber not a recreation we stood in the same place that these people stood and i was having these visions my imagination was having these visions of what it must have been like the fear and just the claustrophobia because first of all the ceiling is real low i mean people were i guess a little shorter but germans are tall or whatever i mean it was it's low i mean if you're six foot four your head is touching the ceiling that's how claustrophobic is and they would pack these people and maybe like what a thousand could fit in there yeah pack where you couldn't move yeah they would pack these people in there they first make them take off their clothes in this one room so you go and this is one room where you take off your clothes and then they push them in and they say that there's showers and these fake shower heads on the ceiling um and you go in and then they close these metal doors on both sides and it's just dark in there there's no light there's nothing the only light that was creeping in was the light from when those doors were open and you could see the fake shower heads on the ceiling and then they closed those metal doors that sealed and then they just pump the gas in and chris will tell you about how brutal the death is just imagine the screams just imagine the horror just imagine the lack of hope knowing that there's no escape and that you have this this is what your final moments are going to be like so yeah so i you know i noticed the fake showerheads and then i said tour guide i heard him say oh you know and most people think that's a fake drain but it's not the drain was real because the way you would die the drain on the floor the drain on the floor was real because the way you died from that gas um was all the fluid left your body so you would uh bleed uh you know piss you know urinate defecate vomit you would know what was happening to you and take the average person 15 to 20 minutes to die so it's not like it's not like carbon monoxide where the lights just go out you fall asleep and you're dead you know you physically you were in pain and you you died you were choking everyone in your you know you're watching your family members die your loved ones your friends and people died at different speeds so different speeds people are dropping around you and you know your neck that's just you know it's coming and if you and then what and then after you were dead after they would open up the doors fit whatever it was 20 minutes later and put your bodies in the oven and a good amount of people were not dead yet they had no energy and they but they were still alive and they were then they were burned alive they were incinerated they would whoever was miraculously still alive and just but like chris said no energy just kind of like but still breathing they would just throw those people in the ovens with the dead bodies yeah so then they took the dead bodies and little by little whatever could fit in the ovens they burned these people in these crematoriums in these ovens they burned the bodies after they've been gas and it was all set up like an assembly line when you go in the building it's like the first room is for them to take their clothes off and wait then there's the gas chamber right in the middle and then the room after that is a room where they pile up the bodies and then the room after that was the ovens i think there was two big ovens there it is insane to see it's it leaves an indelible impression in your mind it's freaky it's spooky it stays with you um i really think everyone should see it you know what the russians did and the americans did was when they discovered and liberated these camps they forced german they went and gathered all the german locals from those towns in daca yeah auschwitz they made them which is a very good thing that they did which is wild they made all these people line up and go look at it they didn't touch they didn't touch the uh the the bodies or anything that were piled up there that the germans had just abandoned because make no mistake they left like uh you know a 10 foot 10 [ __ ] foot high pile of emaciated dead bodies that were yet to be burned in some of the videos and images you can see and they and they they marched the town people through to so they could see what their military was doing yeah because a lot of the german people like you know where dachau was that's a town that or auschwitz these are towns a lot of the german people claimed and i don't know you know only they know that they didn't know what was going on because a lot of the war a lot because it was so atrocious that even the people back in the u.s didn't believe it there were certain journalists that would write in the papers in the 40s about what the horrors that they saw at concentration camps and they said no you're you're lying there's no way it's true so a lot of people didn't believe it including winston churchill and fdr and truman they just didn't believe it was happening until they actually started liberating the camps and then that became a priority yeah they did a march and again it's just a time where people were just stronger and braver when weren't as cold as we are today i mean they would march these people from the train station which we took for the most part um and then they would mar we did the same exact with the bus that we took to daca it was the same exact route that they would march all the prisoners the jews the romani the homosexuals a lot of political prisoners too there was a lot of prisoners of daca who were just from opposing parties actual german citizens um and ethnic germans because the jews were german citizens too for the most part especially in dachau but actual ethnic germans and all them they would march through the town and they would plant germ nazis in the crowd to rall up the people and they forced the town people to heckle these people as they were coming through so they would throw things at them yeah and uh and if you didn't heckle hard enough you sometimes were thrown into the line to go into the concentration camp so that's how [ __ ] wild i mean it was the psychological warfare and the manipulation and propaganda that the nazis used that's how they really did all this intimidation tactics subterfuge spies things like we just mentioned they would do this like they would get into the crowd and rally the people up and if you did not heckle these people if you did not call them dirty jews or whatever it was like then they would put you in the prison so it was just by force by fear that they convinced these people to do this um so it's wild man it is [ __ ] wild we got to see that and uh it changes you forever it's just it's a brutal everyone should go see it if you if you can it wakes you up to how how horrible things can get you know you think you're civilized yeah but we're really it's it's a thin thread between between safety comfort good times and that i want to end on the story of the british um soldiers who tried to parachute in there which is wild oh yeah yeah that was women right yeah yeah it's a crazy story it really is that a lot of the people in the world why don't we do that on the patreon you want to do that in the patreon yeah do that on the patreon wow yeah that's what you call a teaser right there teaser yeah do that one in the pa if you want to hear the the story of the british uh paratroopers who tried to liberate dachau camp i'm not going to tell them too much try to liberate doc out camp then go to patreon.comridgeboys and thank you guys so much for listening being part of the matriarch we actually have some new members i don't have the list oh yeah you have the list today we got these what we want to read out loud the new members of the matriarch and if you joined patreon and became part of the matriarch if you went to patreon.comridgeboys and joined the matriarch and we did not read your name then just [ __ ] dm the history hyenas instagram or dm christy comedy because giannis will not respond and i will read your name on the podcast next week it's getting a little sloppy we're going to get a full list but from what i can see i first want to shout out sean s-h-a-w-n he says please don't forget to name me in the podcast so this kid wants to get named you get named first yeah you you are the [ __ ] matriarch of the of the clan today so sean thank you sean good irish kid then we got joan rosa welcome to the matriarchy yeah what kind of name is rosa joan rosa joan rosa she sounds like a kid it's joan not john joan so it's a woman i don't want to assume though i don't want to assume but welcome joan rosa and then we got jessica tortes jessica tortes chrissy what do you think jessica tortoise is tortes you know what she is she's hispanic she's a hispanic poet and if she is a tattoo in her tit i'm calling her tomorrow yeah welcome to the matriarchy jessica thing yeah thank you then we have uh edward faney yeah i mean does it get i mean that's the type of kid who sounds like he hold you down and yeah fanny yeah that's an irish kid yeah there's what are the chances that this kid doesn't work for the city yeah he's a [ __ ] city worker edward fehney and then we got denton goodin that's a good name no no no that that that is an african-american let me look at his pick right here i bet you he's a black kid denton denton goodin like dwight gooden i don't know he's a black kid yo welcome to the matriarchy denton i like that name denton denton's a good name solid name yeah all right and then we got jonathan duenas yes whenever you see an n with the squiggly line over it that comes with rasam base a little welcome to the matriarchy jonathan jonathan by the way same name as giannis giannis translation just means john in english so we got the same name cuz then we got we got leo p leo p what's up uh it's like a good group have you ever went by john in your life yeah they used to call me john john when uh my friends like chad will call me john john sometimes still interesting yeah my buddies uh and yeah like john john was like my nickname a little bit but then giannis just took i like giannis marcus a little sexier it's a little sexier than john it's a little rarer in the united states giannis honestly there's not too many giannis you know yeah heinous now of course it's me and uh yo and then ali boo deleted her five dollars you know we're going to start shouting out though deleted can you believe that why she was a huge fan and she's out now ali it says alley boo deleted we're gonna start we're gonna start shouting out the people who delete it wow we lost ali boo and we lost ken marshall wow these were big fans those are two biggies i wonder what turned them off probably could have been a catholic joke yeah yeah and then uh we got joel nunez and then wow thanks thanks for joining joel love you cuz yeah cards joel nunez and then of course we got a german kid from ridgewood no doubt rob house yes h-a-u-s-e how do you pronounce that house house yeah so rob house oh that's straight from bridgewater he's from zoom stomper she works in the kitchen at zooms and then we got david marshall kit that's a wasp no marshall marshall david marshall david marshall that sounds like it comes with moccasins with no socks and then we got jay cute then we got kashi osakuwi wow kashi thank you cause kashi thanks for joining cuz we love you man we love you kashi osakui that's japanese cuz that's a japanese yeah and then we got christa matisse uh that sounds like a greek tikkanese sake and then we got babu krishi rishi paavu grisha that means he deleted and pledged again peanut butter cup yeah so thank you all if i missed anyone just like chris said hit us up but again just want to emphasize you want to hear the bonus podcast join the matriarchy patriot.com slash bay ridge boys it really keeps us going and we love your support and we need it and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts yikity yeah yeah thank you guys so much
Channel: History Hyenas
Views: 31,288
Rating: 4.8702984 out of 5
Keywords: Chris Distefano, Yannis Pappas, Chris Distefano Podcast, History Hyenas, bayridge boys, comedy, comedian, podcast, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, history, history class, stand up, funny moments, hyenas, yannis pappas podcast, world war II, nazi germany history, Munich, germany, world war 2 history, german, italy, usa, german chocolate, walking tours, history of world war 2, Bavaria, Dachau, Dresden, history of germany, nazi germany, second world war, tim dillon, jre
Id: A0QA5SAvgX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 46sec (5026 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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