LIARS EXPOSED: Fake Researchers Try to Cancel Star Wars Fans

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody it's your boy vito and i want to thank you for returning to one of the most hateful channels on youtube as you as you guys know all we do here is preach hate i am i am veto i am a hate monger i am an evil horrible individual and i only use my channel to try and make the world a worse place or so you would be led to believe now i don't know about you guys i've watched my videos maybe you've watched a couple of them i'm pretty sure all i do is talk about movies i don't like and why i don't like them and maybe i make a couple little comedy videos here and there and maybe sometimes the comedy maybe gets a little bit maybe a little bit edgy tiniest bit edgy tiniest bit not even not even trust me if i wanted to push the edge the edge would get pushed i don't push the edge on youtube because they will demonetize me horribly but i don't think i don't think i spread hate i don't think i'm a bad person i don't think i'm helping lead you down i don't even know if i could say this word out loud i will see if the algorithm flags it i don't know if i'm helping lead you down in alt-right pipeline as they as some would claim now uh one one reason i find that claim comical is uh i what we'll get into why i find that claim comment let's take a look who's making this claim who says this about me well a lot of my uh critics have said it people who don't like that i made a video about the last jedi what like three four years ago it's been like what when that movie come out it's like three years old i made that review get over it they say veto uh spreads hate he only made that review because he dislikes uh minorities no no that wasn't that was not it that was not the reason there's a lot of problems with that movie and it's not that it's got a black guy and an asian woman both of which i want the black guy to have a bigger role i've said it on many occasions i want him to do more and the asian lady i'm like hey she's a good actress this script is just terrible all right let's get into it this this i don't know where this came from i don't know where who this is like a new thing somehow this came to my attention this rewriting ripley podcast a new bi-weekly podcast on feminism and fandom in the age of social media okay cool i love podcasts i mean i'm not probably not for me i probably don't need to hear about feminist angles on things i know i know what's good i don't even hate feminism and i've said it on many occasions there's a lot of feminist ideals i completely agree with 100 the only problem is when you start calling everything sexist and trying to change media to make it less entertaining or interesting when you tell me my video game uh if it has a boob in it i should be you know dragged to a re-education camp okay i take some issues with that but honestly i think that's french feminism i think that's extreme feminism i don't think that's the core feminism i agree with feminism uh these people uh do not agree uh let's see rewriting ripley podcast has put out this uh this here tweet here and the worst part of this and the part that makes me the most mad is that they call themselves uh researchers we researched this there's science here the science of the hatred of star there's no this is not science you're not researchers sh you're wrong all right let's watch this video let's watch real quick i don't want to watch the whole thing uh all right it's it's i mean you'll get you'll get the gym very quickly a few rabbit holes that are very powerful and try to find which rabbit hole is the closest to your interest for me once i started diving hard into some of these people's youtube videos you kind of get hooked maybe they'll stop pushing this feminist agenda that has driven star wars into the ground we are going to talk more about disney and their feminist agenda she has some weird look i'm going to say this so bad i mean you get the gist you understand what's happening here they're they're taking a bunch of youtube channels guys who goof on feminism guys who uh i disagree with on many occasions geeks and gamers this guy rk outpost i think is just the clown among clowns he doesn't like me i don't like him rk outpost uh but again i i think we on some level share some of the same uh concerns i just don't go as far as a lot of these guys a lot of these guys go oh feminism is what ruins star wars no i don't buy them bad writing ruins star wars people who say kathleen kathleen kennedy tried to make it a feminist universe not not really not really there's some of that and it but mostly it just comes down to bad writing bad plot it's it's not a feminist agenda and that's where i kind of break with these guys this rk whatever the [ __ ] uh geeks and gamers guys like the quartering i think they go a little too far but as i just said yes occasionally i have mild critiques of uh some i think sometimes if you're a hardcore feminist it starts to leak in your writing you go a little bit blind and you start writing female characters you lack depth who lack relatability who are uh shining perfect goddesses and i i i think it hurts your story i think it makes the characters less interesting and believable i think we go into movies with male characters you see them uh fail at times you see them go through trials and tribulations and it's much more interesting and i think that's the best way to write a female character as opposed to some of these golden goddesses that these people put out so so you go vito why do you care you're not in this video this doesn't concern you they're making fun of the quartering not making fun of but they're saying if you watch the quartering it's going to eventually force you to hang out with steve bannon i don't know whatever um here's what here's why and this is not this is nonsense how do i get to this article these people so they got a podcast i haven't listened to the podcast i don't know if they talk about me there and if somebody has the uh if somebody has the patience to sit through a podcast of two women uh making things up for fun uh go nuts but they also put out an article in plain sight i'm so mad reading this because it's so stupid it's so stupid that it's like look i'm not even gonna say like you have there's yes there are some people who right now uh and maybe this will sound controversial who do use fandom as a gateway to say and if you liked this video come check out my other videos on the republicans and why you should vote for them which is a bit of sneaky back to our politics i i don't think i make videos i don't tell you guys at the end of it by the way go vote for biden by the way you know come come adhere to my political beliefs because because i don't think that one that you would follow me on that i don't think anything i say about thank you busho for ruining my video can y'all move the camera in the middle of the video you [ __ ] cat uh i don't i don't know i don't want to preach politics to you sometimes we talk about politics in like live streams or stuff and whenever i do that i lose a ton of followers but mostly i'm not here to preach to you and i think some of these youtubers they do they do uh end up trying to convert you to their political sphere so i'm not even gonna say that's reasonable but to say that this is this takes it way too far how white supremacy misogyny and hate targeted the star wars sequel trilogy one i mean the big one here is white supremacy what look i have i have arguments with the quartering with geeks and gamers with ryan chucklefuck outpost whatever the [ __ ] and uh i don't think any of these guys i don't think any of those guys are outright white supremacists or white yeah white supremacy uh i don't think that i really don't i i haven't seen anything from those guys that's like by the way if you don't like star wars come join the kkk come join the clan i don't see it i haven't seen it uh and there's nothing in this article that says otherwise so let's go through this article blah blah blah the rise of skywalker and the last jedi turned everybody into hatred here's their little this is great steve bannon at the top the alt-right pipeline as they say you come on down and let's be clear i hate most of these people i really do i don't like steve bannon milo yiannopoulos is a [ __ ] attention seeking uh talentless hack ben shapiro's a little hobbit troll i have no idea who this is don't know who this is this is a legitimate nazi uh dave rubin is a disingenuous idiot who i think made like 50 000 videos about how trump was going to win the election he was just wrong jordan peterson haven't read his book it actually seems kind of interesting though a little out there he seems to think that he's the savior of uh humanity i think he's uh smoking too much reefer cernavik absolute grifter guy sucks posabic is the exact same both of these guys say they're against canceled culture when they were the guys who are specifically responsible for canceling james gunn alex jones you'll love to hate him i hate her you hate to love him i i kind of i can't lie alex jones is a great showman pjw sucks comic artist's pro secrets i don't watch uh quartering is i fight with these guys but i love them i love to i love to have fight with them and i think they feel the same way and tim poole again is another idiot so i hate all these people i really do most of them some some of them i'm okay with quartering i love fighting with you on twitter it's always fun but the idea that uh i don't know somebody watches a quartering video and next thing they know they're like hanging out with richard spencer there's a lot of there's a lot of lines there i mean even like something like i don't know you watch tim pool and then you're gonna follow richard spencer maybe like i don't know 0.01 point percent of his audience is gonna end up there but i think most people are not hanging out with this uh nazi guy i really don't think you get there from watching star wars videos and if you do get there from watching star wars videos i don't know man it's again it's not it even it's not a direct line okay yeah okay you watch the quartering then maybe you go watch this guy's thing then how do you get there through jordan peterson jordan peterson eventually makes you into a nazi i don't buy it there's nothing here this is nonsense all this all this all this they talk about gamergate which we're going to have to get back to and let's be clear i hate talking about all of this i don't want to talk about this i don't want to talk about gamergate i have nothing to do with gamergate i have nothing to do with any of these people have nothing to do with richard spencer why am i a part of this why because i made a video i made one video okay two before i made multiple videos about star wars but they're only mad about the one they're mad that i reviewed the last jedi and it got a lot of hits i don't know why that makes them so mad all right so here's their here's their grids their graphs their nonsense and here here's where i this whole thing falls apart uh these guys claim that they're researchers right that they research stuff that this is all this is all statistical we ran these tweets through a robot and the robot figures out who's alt-right who hates everything okay um negative youtube videos mentioning last jedi by account affiliation here's mine there's my video look i made that one the last jedi complete cinematic failure why is my bubble green my bubble's green because i'm a gaming channel okay uh let's let's take a quick look at something here veto the most popular gaming channel on youtube we're a big gaming channel uh let's take a look at my videos i mean let's not even look at the most recent videos let's take a look at my top videos of all time not to uh not to toot my own horn let's see all my top gaming videos all the gaming videos i make let's see last jedi well that's a movie that's that's like a comedy stunt movie movie comedy stunt comedy stunt comedy stunt joker that's a movie movie pewdie okay okay you know what i'm gonna say one two three four five six seven eight nine ten you could say pewdiepie is a gamer maybe that is a gaming video pewdiepie pewdiepie is most famous for being a gamer and then two more you get resident evil uh too okay that's two gaming videos let's see one two three four four six number 10 number 12 let's see movie movie movie something some movie star wars star wars star wars stars mulan elita star wars star wars then pokemon okay i like uh number 20. looking at this would you say that this is a gaming channel because i wouldn't i'd say we cover uh pop culture and various aspects kind of what's ever in the news now i'm not gonna say i don't like gaming i clearly have a shelf uh with one of the greatest gameboy advance collections you will ever see and i am very proud of that uh we're not a gaming channel why do they call me a gaming channel why is that important to them uh here's why because they have a whole freaking chapter about how here we go gamergate what is the gamergate what is the gamergate it's a great question i'm not answering it why do they call me a gamer because it plays into this fake narrative that they're trying to push right here the gamers are the ones pushing the hate they can't just say i'm a channel i'm a com i'm a comedy channel let's be clear a comedy channel didn't push it no no no the gamers the evil gamers the gaming channel this look at this giant gaming channel clearly this is a gamer game thing uh i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not a gaming channel mr research mrs researcher sorry two women two women to put this together now now i do sound sexist maybe this is a hate channel women can be researchers too just these ones are bad all right now here's here's the thing is uh here we go we're gonna get in we're gonna get into me because i don't care about what they say about other people they can slander as many other people as they want i guess maybe i'm supposed to stick up for my other youtubers but no i'm sticking up for myself all right a quarter of the negative videos are from channels that post content about gaming yeah i've done it a couple times well we stream some games post content about gaming that's so broad they were a gaming channel a quarter of negative videos from channels that post content about gaming however within this group uh oh uh oh [ __ ] i'm getting mad now i'm getting mad reading this several accounts could be labeled as pushing alt right or radical right wing ideology i'm mad too blue shammy my cat's yelling at me i wanna i wanna i can i ask you guys a serious question when you come on my channel i talk about i don't like wonder woman or mulan to be fair those movies all star women what can i do they're the blockbusters that are out there i made videos about superman okay i'm gonna make a video about that the justice league i'm sure okay we don't just hate on female lead movies in fact i didn't even remember how everybody was hating on captain marvel i barely got in on it i didn't even see the movie i did set a cat marvel pop figure on fire but that was because i wanted to do a whole series of lighting pop figures on fire where i was gonna take the most popular one each month and burn it and but nobody liked that video so i didn't do that was it specifically because i hate cat marble all right several accounts could be labeled as pushing alt-right or radical right-wing all ideology this is what they are accusing me of veto the pushing radical right-wing ideology now again i don't like to talk about politics on this channel but i do want to lay out real quick how absurd that is who did vito vote for the radical right-wing ideology guy i voted for biden and i know some of you in my audience you think i'm an idiot for doing so i don't care because you know what else i'll say another uh controversial political thing i do not like donald trump i did i thought he was a bad president why do i think that because i'm a filthy bleeding heart liberal [ __ ] and i'm okay with that and that's just how i am but to say that i'm a radical right wing dude because i made a review of star i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm i don't know what to do i don't know what to do you do everything right in life this is the problem with being a liberal see now now i'm going down this political thing but it's cl it's true if you're on the right wing it's fine you're all having a fun party everybody's on trump's magic party boat they hand you a beer and they go welcome to the party if you're a liberal like i am you are constantly challenged on it you are constantly are you a real liberal what do you think about uh this political issue what do you think about this political issue oh you disagree with us on one thing we are not really a liberal you're the radical right you're all right you're a radical i had a friend come to me we're getting way too political whatever we're ranting here remember that guy that guy uh kyle kyle rittenhouse right to be fair a sad situation a shooting happens people get people get killed during a protest okay i watch the videos whenever i try whenever i get a situation i like to look at all the evidence i looked at all the evidence i said well you got a guy holding the gun you got another guy who looks like he's chasing that guy across a parking lot uh eyewitnesses say that the guy chasing him tried to grab the gun yeah i think uh i think you could have a pretty valid self-defense claim there or at least something you got to fight out in court it's not cut and dry i had a friend send me a message she goes i have to cut ties with you because you are a radical conservative uh hate monger i'm like why because i think that kid deserves his day in court because there's more to that situation yes exactly you're basically a nazi is what she told me why because again we eat our own the liberals we hate we i don't know why we do it i don't do it if you tell me i'm gonna vote for the for uh the democratic candidate i go good same team high five all right that's what the trump people do you voting for trump good same team high five but the liberals know if the liberals are even mad that biden won they're like oh he's not as good as bernie would have been yeah okay whatever at least we got the guy in you're never happy you always have to tear each other down which is what you're doing to me i just i just keep screaming and my cat is mad all right all right so again i'm pushing alt-right radical right-wing ideology uh but i'm not primarily i don't uh primarily push a political agenda or my exact political beliefs are hard to pin down first they talk about pewdiepie which i guess i should be honored that they're comparing me to the great pewdiepie thank you uh researchers for example pewdiepie whose opinion on the last jedi is negative overall hasn't been without racist or anti-semitic controversies in 2017 he read a sign this is death to all jews and used the n-word to describe a player during a stream of playerunknown's battlegrounds we have covered this boosh can i make a video this is the worst uh the things pewdiepie has done again saying the n-word uh derogatorily towards another person inexcusable behavior uh and he's apologized and i think he understands what was wrong to be fair he's not american uh american culture we we treat that word much differently than other cultures do i think he learned he learned he knew it was wrong when he said it he felt bad for saying it and you can say that he's a secret hate monger who you know runs around his house yelling it and everybody will listen i don't see it seems like a nice guy and uh of course the anti-semitic controversy we've discussed this as well the the idea of the science death toll jews this was a service where you could pay gentlemen uh living in some country some african country let's say we'll take a look real quick pewdiepie i'm getting i'm on an fbi uh list for typing this in okay so it was like a it was like a fiverr service where you could pay these guys to hold up a stupid sign and laugh you know you could literally pay them five dollars to hold up whatever stupid sign you wanted and and the idea of the video was not i endorsed this message the idea of the video was are these guys stupid enough or crazy enough or whatever you want to call them that they would hold up such obviously i'm laughing so now i'm in trouble you're not supposed to laugh at it such an obviously horrific message okay it was pushing the limits of all right these guys say they'll hold up a sign here's five bucks will they do it oh my god they did it uh yeah okay a little too edgy and as i've said i mean he was getting a check from disney at the time i've said this about disney stars i said about gina carano you guys got to toe that line got to toe that line didn't tell the line but is this is this hate speech no this is a this is a clear pushing the envelope of trying to get these guys to humiliate themselves not endorsing this message whatever okay we're finally on me and here's where i get man i've been mad this whole time but now i'm real mad another example is youtuber vito they never call me comedian veto always i'm always labeled a youtuber comedian put me as comedian i do stand up i write comedy scripts i produce pilots okay comedian vito giziwali not youtuber i don't i don't want to be known as i hate youtube right now i i think youtube right now is doing some really horrible things creators i hate the idea that i am i'm referenced using their name whose negative review of the last jedi entitled the last jedi complete cinematic failure is one of the most video viewed videos mentioned in the film with 9.4 million views uh first of all i have to correct the record here it is not one of the most viewed videos mentioned in the film it is the most viewed video about star wars the last jedi on the entire in the in the world give credit where credit is due i have the number one piece of criticism of the last jedi why because i spread hate and people love it apparently his this is i can't believe they wrote about me i'm so this is so crazy his political views vary from right wing to leftist what the [ __ ] does that mean what what is my right wing view tell me is it that i want universal basic income is it that i supported black lives matter is it that i argue on twitter about trump and how much uh what a chuckle [ __ ] [ __ ] i think he is all the time are those my right wing views you can go through my twitter feed and people hate me on twitter because i am legitimately an obnoxious liberal [ __ ] who fights with everybody so what are my [ __ ] right wing views tell me here's uh this and this makes me crazy this part makes me legitimately crazy he doesn't like to associate with all right leaders like jack posabic who he has described as a griffer doesn't like to associate i hate jack [ __ ] posted vehicle doesn't like to associate that makes it sound like i'm in the same world as him but for some reason me and him have like a personal little no i legitimately hate this [ __ ] okay even and this is this makes me insane even though he does indeed follow posts of being so this is them saying he says he doesn't like jack posabic but he follows him on twitter why do i follow jack posabiak on twitter i will show you right the [ __ ] now go go to my twitter let's go let's find it okay uh why do i follow jack posibiek let's find out it's gonna take me a second to find it everybody be cool and there's me tweeting about star wars because i hate women we're very close we're very close okay damn it where is it it's right here this is just me screaming at them here we go okay remember the claim is that he says he doesn't like jack posabic but he follows him on twitter here's why i follow jack posabic on twitter i follow jack posabic so i control him as much as humanly possible anything jack posted me a post first of all here's my tweet where i talk about i'm trying to tell people look this [ __ ] canceled james gunn stop claiming this guy is against cancel culture when he specifically compiled the tweet document that got james gunn fired okay this is me trying to tell my followers [ __ ] this guy in his mouth he sucks okay jack posabic says antifa militia general sullivan was the antifa militant which is completely wrong i'm going to try and stay out of the politics of it but i go you know what good i'm glad john got paid [ __ ] you jack posed to be okay name things larger than violence cloud trump's tally of blatant lies again i'm an obnoxious liberal whatever uh proposed montana law calls for antifa to be a terrorist organization how about we extend that to the capitol rioters who wanted to trap and gas legislators would you say that i am following jack posabic because i am a secret alt-right figure who secretly agrees with what this guy says and i'm trying to convert my followers to his side he says he doesn't like him he says he doesn't associate with him but he follows him on twitter oh i follow so many [ __ ] that i hate on twitter i am on twitter only to fight with people i am sick in the head i need i need confrontation constantly it's the only thing i use twitter for i am following so many people who i think are scumbag losers so that when they post garbage like jack posabic defender of uh cancel culture tries to get jam's gun fired i follow that [ __ ] so i can tear his [ __ ] open whenever i see an opportunity whenever i can just slightly annoy him slightly i really hope he sees him he goes that's a [ __ ] veto guy he's always needling me now to be fair he probably ignores all my comments but i don't follow the [ __ ] because i'm a secret life do you not follow anyone you hate okay for you you claim to be researchers i hate to tell you this uh you should know what's going on in in spheres outside of your own you should know what the people you hate are up to i follow a bunch of people i hate just so i know what's being said what's being what's going on in the news i can't believe you wrote in an article i can't believe you wrote an article he says he doesn't associate with jack post but he follows him on twitter i'll follow a [ __ ] why is this in a [ __ ] whatever this prof this giant [ __ ] article which claims to be researched and meticulous your research and you're going to say i'm a member of the alt-right because i follow a guy on twitter who i hate who i you can tell that i hate him okay however vetoes review the youtubers this is a complicated one and to be fair maybe this went over some people's heads and i get it but in vito's review the youtuber says one of the flaws of the last jedi is that ryan johnson uses laura dern's character vice admiral holdo to compel the audience to trust women okay no you're wrong you're wrong the flaw is not that he's telling the audience to trust women i as i say i don't know if i say it in that exact video but i have said it in other occasions you can absolutely make a movie about the importance of trusting victims of trusting women uh event there are movies about that and i i feel bad that i can't name any off the top of my head because i went into this blind i'm thinking of the movie doubt you know which is all about a kid who uh you know a priest who gets accused of something and how you look at that or what's that uh mads mikkelsen movie which i haven't actually seen where he gets accused of uh you know touching a kid and it turns out the kid made the whole thing up but you know trusting i guess that's the opposite that's coming against sexual uh accusations but regardless uh yes you can trust victims sure absolutely i've said i've said that on multiple occasions that if somebody makes an accusation you do have to treat it seriously um the problem is this is a star wars movie and my my analysis of it my interpretation of it maybe i'm wrong i really do think that ryan johnson looked at what was going on with the me too movement uh with other with other you know just general uh feminist ideas and he wanted to say poe dameron is going to be kind of a mansplainy character who thinks he's right because he doesn't trust women again he has her show up looking very feminine i think it's on record that originally she was supposed to be wearing like normal rebel clothes but instead excuse me she shows up in a very feminine kind of ball gown uh you know very feminine hair style pink hair whatever and i think the point was well you you think she oh you don't think that that could be a military commander you don't trust her well it turns out she had a secret plan the whole time uh and the only fault that you had was not trusting her and the reason you trust her is because she's a lady am i off base with that interpretation i really don't think i am i think it's pretty obvious i think there's a there's a vanity fair article with laura dern where she talks about how it's basically a feminist movie i'm not going to look it up right now but i don't know man i think it's pretty obvious i think it's kind of beating you over the head with it the problem is that if it doesn't work because we don't actually have a reason to trust her okay we don't get shown like oh she's super capable and the only reason that poe doesn't trust her is because she's a woman no we get shown that like she isn't giving poe that he crucially needs to make informed decisions and you know yeah i don't know he kind of has every reason not to trust her but the movie is like no he doesn't trust her because she's a lady i'm like yeah but it kind of reads to the audience that this is a guy who literally begs her he's like do you have a plan because if you do please tell me and she's like oh shut up leave me alone yeah i think i mean it doesn't work so the criticism is not you could have made that a thing i still think it would have been obnoxious to have poe dameron who's a character i like be a misogynist randomly but yeah you could have it you could add a situation that shows she's a very capable commander and that the only reason somebody doesn't trust her don't use poe for it but the only reason somebody else doesn't trust her is because she's a lady uh but i just thought that you undermined that whole plot point by giving the audience other reasons to mistrust her other than being a woman anyway vito invokes criticism against the metoo movement to suggest that asking the audience to trust me my character's power is the same as asking people to trust women who come forward with their stories of sexual assault no that's wrong it's wrong again people i don't know man maybe i'm maybe i'm the smartest guy in the room or maybe i'm too much of a dummy to make my points clear the point is that uh this hashtag feminism this idea that you go on twitter and you go hashtag me too hashtag time's up i think it's i think it does not solve actual problems i'm i've been screaming so long i'm going to sip on this my throat's getting wrong i think what ryan johnson did was performative feminism i don't think it was real i don't think it was important and i don't think it moved the needle on anything i think it was just feminism for the sake i hate to use that term virtue signaling to say look i put a feminist moral in my star wars movie aren't i so brave clap for me crap clap for me ryan johnson the feminist when you did not think out that moral at all you did not write it in a competent way that resonated with any audience because most people that's one of the biggest complaints of the movie is everybody being like why didn't you just tell them the plan okay so when i say in my video hashtag me too hashtag time's up it's not to say it's not to say don't trust sexual assault victims it's to say that ryan johnson putting in this movie is about as hollow as as using a twitter hashtag to say you support if you support all women go do something about it and yes you could say showing solidarity is is fine or whatever sure but both of those hashtags have been hijacked by corporate interests the people who came up with them whatever that actress was rose mcgowan has been disowned by the movement she started uh which has now been hijacked again by corporations i'm sure coca-cola is out there tweeting me too hashtag time's up it's woke corporate nonsense and ryan johnson putting it at star wars felt as emotionally hollow as taco bell telling me hashtag time's up so i i guess this went over the head of these women because they're dumb as women are okay i'm a misogynist now well you got to make a couple jokes no women are great i love women most of them are smarter than me but uh yeah this clearly went over their head what trus as the same as asking people to trust people who come forward their stories of sexual assault i get and i've gotten into huge arguments with people who say you can't you can't uh you know you can't disown people just based on accusations and i go look man there might not be hard evidence in the cosby case but you get a certain number of accusations you gotta lend them some credence or just a very uh credible accusation it could be one accusation now i wouldn't put a guy in jail because of it but if someone comes forward and they go here's what happened you know i'm a credible figure i uh have some form of evidence hopefully to prove it i mean let's put it this way i'm not gonna bury a guy but if his ex-girlfriend says he did something creepy and my sister starts dating him i'm gonna be a little worried you know absolutely i don't miss immediately dismiss uh stories of sexual impropriety i'm not that kind of guy but you know it's much easier to just say vito is a big dumb neanderthal i mean they see me wearing a zelda t-shirt an evangelion hat a bunch of anime stuff and they go this guy must have the iq of a potato which should be fair maybe i do but uh i like to think that sometimes i'm smart and sometimes have nuanced opinions on things and no i'm not ridiculing the me too movement i think the me too movement of the time's up movement they both started off with great intentions uh great great uh it was a great idea and then they quickly as all good things do got hijacked by corporate interests by grifters by nonsense and whatever what whatever spirit of those original movements existed has been buried beneath corporate market speak uh here's the best part though not only am i let's be clear not only do i push alt-right radical right-wing ideology not only do i have political views that are uh could be described as right-wing and uh a follower of the hated jack posabic not only did i say you should not trust women with their stories of sexual assault all of this is wrong all of this is so wrong here's the worst part sorry there's a lot of bubbles in that soda i'm not going to edit this video it's just gonna be one straight rant so mia me burping is gonna be in there what can you do all right vito is also spread racism veto has also spread racism i want to ask you guys a question when you come on here when you come on this channel what do you got when you see me on twitter tell me tell me about all the ra horrible racist things i've said now have i made some some uh colorful jokes sure but i'm gonna say i have never made a joke any more offensive than anything you've seen in south park family guy the office 30 rock again there's different rules for some reason if you're the mainstream media you get away with making an edgy joke if you're a guy like me well you're a hate monger you're a race i'm a racist now why am i a racist article in a now deleted quote tweet of an article reporting that a podcast host had been suspended for using racial slurs vito insists i rap along the songs containing the n-word and i have never once felt bad about this why am i racist i'm a racist cause when i listen to forgot about dre dre goes what's the line nowadays everybody want to talk all these i can't say it on youtube because i'll get in trouble all these buddies who say that i've turned pop that i'm a firm flop i don't say buddies i say the actual word when i'm listening to my when i'm listening to my ebony and adopted because i only listen to the cr rap music from my chin i don't listen to any modern rap music because i'm a freaking fossil uh yeah i might be rapping along and i don't catch myself i just i just rap the whole thing because why because i'm a human being who likes rap music sometimes is that racist does that make me a racist black people in my audience tell me what would be horrible to discover i have no black people in my audience because i would feel bad but i know there are some black people in my audience and uh please tell me when i when i uh am in my house alone by myself and i listened and forgot about dre are you okay with me rapping along with it even if i'm out even if i'm out i'm in my car i'm listening to it and i rap along with it maybe somebody might hear me is that really wrong really that i that i enjoy the work of a black artist so much that i want to uh embody that black artist and pretend i have his rapping lyrical skill all you buddies who say i don't know why buddies is my stand-in for the n-word uh he then proceeds to tweet the racial slur let's see it can n n-word with the a respect i would never use the er let's be clear although i guess some rap songs use it so maybe if i'm rapping but otherwise i would never i would never type it out i have standards i would never type it out can a buddy get a table dance youtuber video just as well who has one of the most top viewed videos the most top viewed video my number one tweets a racial slur and now deleted tweet now deleted tweet that's lie number two because i stand by the things i tweet and that tweet is still live why because i ain't no [ __ ] i ain't no punk i stand by i stand by this i rat we're in an era where people again no matter the context it doesn't matter if you're rapping along it doesn't matter if you're referencing something else said you could post a screenshot of a lyric sheet and you would get canceled for it and you know what cancel me i want you to cancel me because i love the song table dance by maestro which i will probably get flagged for playing uh which sucks because i really want to play it right now for those of you who have not heard the song table dance by maestro it is him going can a buddy get a table dance shake it up shake it up whoo back that thing and he says it uh a bunch of times and it's real it's just a song about saving up your money going to the strip club and getting some fat booty stripper to shove it in your face and it rules it's a great song can a buddy get a table dance shake it up shake it up we've played it on some streams before because i love it i unironically love it it's not me being a racist it's not i like the fact that the idea that this is me spread this that's what sucks let's wrap this up let's be clear these guys are grasping at straws so hard to try and make these tenuous connections so let's go through all their lies one more time one that have a gaming channel because they want to connect me to gamergate not a gaming channel we established that number two that i do not have the top uh star wars video i have the top star wars video that's not really relevant but let's be clear i'm number one uh what else what else that i push alt-right or radical right-wing ideology i mean you would have to define what that is i don't know what that is i think a guy who votes for biden who wants universal basic i wanted to vote for gang i made yang hats do i have a yang hat somewhere in here is that my yang hat no that's a different one i made yang gang merchandise is how much i love yang yang but i push alt-right uh ideology radical ideology uh let's see my political views are right-wing uh i follow jack posabic because i even though i claim i do not associate with him right uh i don't want people to trust women who come forward with their stories of sexual assault very true of course uh and i spread racism all of this all of this in this uh in this meticulously researched article clearly i've been yelling for a while let's wrap it up uh guys if you come to my uh if you come here looking for me to push you into an alt-right pipeline please don't i don't want you to i really hope you don't uh i i still don't really know what the alt-right is because they keep changing the definition right now part of the definition is did you like star wars no well you're in the alt-right you're an alt-right grifter veto okay well if you're coming here for me to tell you women are bad people different races are bad if you want to hear racist uh alt-right hate speech or whatever it is i'm doing i don't think you're gonna get it here i think you're gonna get some movie critiques i think you're gonna get some funny videos i got a video i'm making about french fries you know one of the most common alt-right uh topics of the day is french fries which ones are good which ones are bad all you're gonna get here is a fat guy talking about movies and you can follow me on twitter maybe once out of my thousands of tweets my i have tweeted so many tweets i can't even remember i deleted a bunch of them because you have to delete them every now and again but uh i thought i used to tell you how many tweets you had i tweet i tweet like 20 times a day out of the thousands tens of thousands of things i've tweeted exactly one time where'd the search bar go all right well twitter's broken point is you can search for every time i said the n-word and uh any form any form of the n-word and uh the answer is that i did it exactly one time one time i posted a rap lyric on twitter and that's how they get you all it takes is once one time and now what am i labeled well he spreads racism he's a racist we live in a society folks that's what it comes down to thanks for watching my video more cool videos coming soon and uh you can't win you can't you get cancer yeah i'm they're canceling me good cancel me i don't care just do it i don't care done do it
Channel: Vito
Views: 22,776
Rating: 4.8308096 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, everything wrong with, the last jedi, holdo, worst character, worst movie ever, ruined star wars, worst star wars movie, why the last jedi sucks, luke skywalker, the last jedi review, killed star wars, why the last jedi is bad, last jedi analysis, what's wrong with, why holdo, why the last jedi, last jedi gotcha, star wars gotcha, cinemasins, last jedi sucks, the mandalorian, star wars review, last jedi review, disney star wars, geeks and gamers, yellow flash 2
Id: 9eJmGX_LmdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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