Level Up Your Prompts in Midjourney V6! - Generate Better Ai Images

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so you're getting started with prompting from M Journey but you're feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to begin don't worry I've come up with a guide to walk you through step by step everything you need to know in order to generate any image you can think of we'll start with the basics and go through everything all the way up to Advanced topics of how to combine different subjects backgrounds colors Styles and much more at level zero we'll start with a basic idea of the image we want to generate like a man and a woman are sitting at a at this level keep the prompts simple without any extremely detailed descriptions consider basic character archetypes for your characters such as a Pianist or an English teacher character archetypes represent specific recognizable characteristics and patterns for example a mermaid will have lawn hair and be underwater in a blue ocean we can also prompt for animals in these archetypes like a panda Soldier or or a raccoon blacksmith in mid joury version 6 it's easier than ever now to generate multiple subjects in the same image for example here's a goblin in a fairy a wit and a magician although this photo is kind of creepy and a police officer in a fireman we can place your subjects in specific locations in your image on the left is an alien and on the right is an astronaut I'd always recommend telling the AI exactly where you want each subject to be generated to stay organized especially as you adding more and more details to your prompts you can generate different settings and environments take a photo of a waterfall to be outdoors in nature or a cathedral if you're fan of architecture here's an image of a street in Italy that seems quiet and peaceful consider different objects which are things like vehicles and buildings here's a spaceship that looks like it's from a Star Trek movie try placing your objects and subjects in different types of environments you can get really creative with these here's a car in the forest and here's another one that's under the ocean I really like this photo of a statue inside of a temple to get a bit more specific we can start prompting for spatial relationships between our subjects and objects for example uh Fox is hiding underneath a blanket in the bed the key part of the prompt is hiding underneath telling mid Journey the relative locations of stuff in your prompts gives you an extra level of control here's a woman with her dog sitting next to her or a goblin on top of a car all right we've covered a lot already the final part of level zero is combining your subjects and different backgrounds and also giving them actions to take a woman is swimming in the ocean next to a dolphin the two subjects are the woman and the dolphin who are next to each other the setting is in the ocean and the action the woman is taking is swimming I can't really swim myself but that looks like fun a man is reading a book while his dog chews on the bone the two subjects are the man and the dog this time they both are taking their own actions both a man and a dog are generated and what's even more impressive is that both actions are generated correctly let's do one more uh which is cooking a magic potion in a pot inside of her house if you've gotten this far you're already not a complete beginner anymore make sure to like this video below and let's move on to the next level now that we've got the basic idea down we can start adding in details you want to use specific adjectives that modify your subjects and the backgrounds that they're in for a human subject spend some time considering their ethnicity gender age clothing that they're wearing and the colors that they have on them let's make our dolphin picture a little more interesting a young Indian woman is swimming in the ocean next to a dolphin the woman has a ponytail and is wearing a yellow swimsuit the dolphin has a gold crown on its head so we've changed ethnicity and hairstyle and clothing attire mid journe is pretty good at this some of the images get mixed up and put the gold crown on the girl's head instead of the dolphin but most of the detail we asked for looks accurate let's see just how specific we can get with the details in this prompt the subjects are a man and a woman who are walking down the street I specifically asked for the man to be on the left and the woman to be on the right the man is Arab and the woman is black for attire I decided to give the man a white suit with blue stripes and a red collared shirt underneath he's also got gold earrings the woman is wearing blue jeans and and she's wearing a green shirt with pink polka dots on it every single detail that I asked for from the race of the subjects down to the specific clothing patterns like blue stripes on the suit or pink polka dots are generated accurately this showcases the amazing capabilities that mid Journey version 6 has now with respect to language understanding when prompting for characters think about what emotions you want them to have whether it's sadness like this man hugging his dog or or the pure joy and happiness of this girl standing Outdoors what if she's scared of something that's casting Shadows on her face maybe it's this angryl looking guy that she's afraid of when it comes to objects and even animals think about the textures and materials you want them to be made with if you want a Lamborghini for instance you can get creative and ask for a marble likee texture or upgrade to a fluffy exterior for colder climates adding patterns and colors to the different elements of your images a large Temple shaped like a pyramid the temple is made out of Green Glass and has many gold floral patterns on it outside the temple are many small worshippers who are wearing red robes covering their entire bodies and faces you can get really fine Grandin with your prompts now and mid Journey will follow through notice how I prompted for different shapes colors and patterns in this image when generating animals you can apply the same principles of different textures and materials to get more imaginative images here's a dragon made out of green Vines and leaves and here's one made out of light blue orami paper don't be afraid to experiment with different materials like crystals and gemstones we can generate a fox Spirit that's made out of yellow flower petals but one that's made out of plastic or Lego blocks a huge component of your images is the lighting that you use you might not have realized it yet so let's walk through step by step what we can do just by changing the light source and the lighting Styles starting with the time of day from sunrise in the morning when the sun's just coming up to Golden hour later in the day which produces the best natural lighting for photography down to Sunset with more colorful light Reflections you can take photos later at midnight when there's more artificial light lighting Styles also make a big difference maybe you want something more saturated and colorful with bright lighting or popular neon colors used for more futuristic images try using desaturated colors for a darker dimmer more serious look although you can always brighten up the scene a bit with more natural sunlight you might want to put a spotlight in the back somewhere or just show the silhouette to add some mystery to your image and if you see my other videos you already know that I like casting Shadows on the face decoration lights can also be used liberally I really like using these fairy lights or Christmas lights in photography but also try just adding in normal light bulbs upgrade to these traditional Asian style lanterns to get a more festive feel candles are great for Spiritual images and fireflies make your images feel more in tune with nature adding some City Lights in the background or just have beams of sunlight shooting in use conversational language in your props there's no need for Junk words like UHD high resolution 4K things like that it's better to use more natural sentences putting together what we've learned from level one we'll make a big dog looking inside a gingerbread house specifically the dog should be blue and fluffy with yellow eyes it will decorate the gingerbread house with Christmas lights and marshmallows outside level two is going to get more advanced since we'll be considering how to frame our images starting with camera angles which will take out prompts to the next level if you learn how to master them starting with low angle shots that place the camera below the subject and points up these are usually used to make your subjects appear bigger more powerful like they're in charge of the situation the opposite high angle shots move the camera above the subject and points down at them which makes them look smaller weaker more vulnerable but it can also give some really cool perspectives overhead shots or Bird's ey View move the camera even further above the subject and let you capture more context from the surrounding environment in your images wide angle shots also pull the camera back and capture more of the environment although they're shot from the same level as your subjects try long shots to really zoom out and show the contrasting size between your subjects in the environment like this Manning Yellowstone Park you can also change the distance of how far away your camera is from your subject close-up shots bring you up close and personal and how highlight faces and emotions medium shots push you back a bit more so you can see the rest of the upper body full body shots show the entire figure if you're struggling to generate the full body in mid Journey a useful trick is to specifically prompt for the types of shoes a person is wearing and mid Journey will then generate the entire body for you put some thought into what you want the backgrounding environment to look like for your images as they can make a huge impact on the story you're telling try out different weather conditions like foggy and Misty adding weather effects like rain or lightning storm for dramatic effects or even a tornado in the background maybe it's snowing that day or nothing's going on it's just a regular bright and sunny day outside the scenery of the environment also changes the vibe of the images let's take this woman who's relaxing in her living room and move her outside into a futuristic city with large skyscrapers at nighttime and Lantern decorations we can try a steampunk style environment at Sun with goblins and fairies in the back afterward she decides to visit an old temple in a bamboo forest or just wants to chill out at the beach we can take a man who's inside a rustic Cottage and move him into a modern high-rise apartment the locations you use shape The Narrative of the photo and tell a story on their own here's a pro tip if you want to make your images stand out from the crowd you have to consider the color combinations that you're using you've probably seen a color wheel like this before the key point to know is that colors on the opposite sides of the wheel contrast with each other the most and if you want eye-catching images it's a good idea to use color combinations that contrast with each other let's scroll through some of the images you've already seen and pay attention to the colors in them a green shirt with pink polka dots on it a girl in a blue dress in a field of orange flowers a dragon with purple and yellow skin I use these color combinations all the time to maximize my AI images and make them pop out all right so we've learned all the basics of competing for images from the basic subjects to adding in more details all the way through how we frame our subjects in our pictures now we get to the fun part where we get to play around with a different medium and art styles for them the medium of an image is what materials it's made from and what it's used for it's generally best to put the medium towards the front of your prompts photography is a really popular one and you can change up the film types like using Kodak portra film try out different cameras like this image of a wolf shot with a Polaroid camera if you like 3D animation Styles use picture style for your renders or directly ask for 3D blender render some popular art materials incl include watercolors which is one of my favorites it just feels very friendly and approachable or oil paints for their bow textures and solid colors here I combined the anime art style with the oil painting art medium but you can try simple cartoons for something more common peaceful or use DC Comics for an intense detailed and dramatic image the favorite style for many people is the dreamy surrealism style you can combine different styles and mediums like bang Go's paintings with paper quilly materials it's impossible to cover all the art styles and mediums I'll post a link in the description to a comprehensive library of mid Journey styles to customize your images for practical uses like social media or products you have to learn how to use parameters the aspect ratio is the most important one that you add to the end of the prompts all the images I've shown so far are shot with a wide 16 to9 aspect ratio some other common aspect ratios are the vertical 9 to 16 for short form content one:1 Square images or Ultra wide cinematic aspect ratios like 5 to2 to get a Ultra widecreen effect the next main parameter you'll use is styze set as a value between 0 to 1,000 the stylize value controls how much creativity and Imagination mid Journey will inject into your images the higher the styliz value the more mid Journey adds its AI imagination into it although typically it doesn't change that much after 500 and if you're curious the default value is 100 the raw mode parameter is useful for generating images that follow your prompt a bit more here's two children's crayon drawings of a cat and you can tell in the image on the right which is used in raw mode that it's a bit more of a real looking picture compared to the one on the left time to put it all together let's generate a comic book cover we want a cat detective but to make him look more important and imposing let's go with a low angle View From Below I'll throw in some details like blue fur and to make him look more like a detective give him a khaki peacat and a brown Fedora I need to feel some suspense so we'll set the time to midnight in the dark city and there's a street light shining on the cat we'll also add in the text Street cat into the title and yes you can generate text in mid Journey now just put the text ins side quotation marks like I've done here it's still kind of inconsistent but I'll make a video about text generation if there's enough interest finally since we're generating a book cover we'll want a vertical image so I'll use the aspect ratio 9 to [Music] 16 let's try another example and generate a watercolor painting of a woman this time we'll go to Vietnam and let's have her working at a street food stand and since she's cooking we'll give her an aprint I want a busy street and let's throwing in some rain to make our painting more interesting to capture more of the surrounding environment now use a wide angle shot and also the wide aspect ratio of 2 to one since we don't want our painting to be all dark and dreary I'll promp for warm and cozy colors and that's perfect to learn more about Advanced camera angles for framing your characters in your images go check out this video over here also make sure to subscribe if you want more guys like this n
Channel: Tao Prompts
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Id: B1hOFU-Wzf8
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Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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