ENGINEER Your Midjourney Prompts with SEEDS

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take a look at these pictures and this prompt purple and yellow abstract collage in the style of graffiti inspired portraiture light cyan and black mixed patterns gai group mundane materials Serene faces close up I got this prompt from the describe feature but how are we supposed to know which of these words actually matter to the bot well it's actually very easy to find out and it involves the most timeless technique in science isolating variables we are going to keep the strongest variable the same while changing another to see the effect and that strong variable is the seed number you see mid Journey has over 4 billion seeds there are over 4 billion outcomes for each prompt you write and the system chooses randomly for you every time you generate you can react to any of your images with the envelope emoji and the bot will send you a seed number to that image you created this will help you recreate a set of images if you run the exact same prompt with the exact same seed number on the exact same version now that's great and all but the true value of seeds is to help us test out the effect of individual words and we can do that by specifying a seed number ourselves by adding dash dash seed space and then a number between 1 and 4 billion at the end of our prompt personally based on this prompt I wanted to know what gai group really meant to the generation so I'm going to run that exact same prompt again but I'm also going to choose a seed number to run this test on it does not matter what seed number you choose I literally hit random numbers on the keyboard so these images are what this prompt creates on seed number 686 320 pretty cool pictures but that's not what we're here for now we are going to run this exact prompt minus the word we're testing which is Guai group along with the seed number we just used this is what it will look like every word the same except for that word we're testing we keep the same seed number and these are the results I'll flip back and forth between them but keep your eye on number four what do you notice it's the same right I mean as close to similar as possible I'm talking specifically about the lines on the skin that appears in both of the images now what that tells me is that gai group really had no effect on the end result of the prompt the results of these Generations are practically the same granted they are not completely the same they're not exactly twins but when you're testing out certain words to see if there's a difference what we want to see is a difference and personally I don't think I see that here at all however using this prompt I can show you a group of words that do make a difference we're running the entire original prompt here on seed number 942 424 and this is what it creates a bunch of beautiful faces now what I was really wondering about was this part of the prompt in the style of graffiti inspired portrait how much did that phrase affect the generation so we're going to run that test again by excluding that part of the prompt but we are going to keep the same seed number and these are the results what do you notice I think in my opinion there is a big difference we are no longer getting faces in 1 2 and four sure there are some in number three but I think the differences between the other parts of the grid are big enough to say that that phrase makes a difference in fact this is a good example of what seeds actually do if anything they can keep a similar shape between prompts so take a look at number one there are some Silhouettes here as we move from the yellow to the purple to the black to the purple to the yellow over to the blue now let's look at what happens in the original prompt with the portraiture included we have the same color setup but faces appear here again that tells me that something like portraiture really matters to the bot it sort of brings out facial features and elements like that isn't that interesting isn't that fascinating that's what prompt engineering is really about in mid Journey testing individual words while isolating a key variable that variable is the seed number if you have fast hours to spare and want to run these tests at a quicker Pace you can write your prompts using permutations and I think this could be good for testing similar batches of words to see if what you choose really matters like a miniature superhero speeding rushing racing hurrying down a busy Street full of angry dinosaurs then I chose a completely random SE number we are going to enclose the words we want to test within those squiggly brackets and when we hit enter it's going to ask us if we want to imagine all of those prompts we can hit show prompts to see if we made any mistake while writing it everything looks good here we can click yes and it will generate all of them for us again that really just helps us speed up the flow of these tests now do you think there's going to be a difference between speeding and racing down a street I don't know but this is how you test it here's the miniature superhero speeding this is sort of going to be our base canvas and we're going to compare the other words to this generation don't worry about tiny small details the pictures are always going to change when you change the prompt we're more focused on the goal the end result what vibe did we get from using this word and what vibe are we going to get from using the other word I think if we notice one of these pictures in the grid showing up again there really is not much of a difference so from speeding we'll go to rushing is there a difference what do you notice one and two are similar four is slightly different but three is like the exact same I'll do a quick little before and after Da Da Da Da like look at that when that happens you'll know that there is no difference between speeding and rushing it means the same thing to Mid journey and that's how you're going to engineer your prompts effectively here's the word racing and maybe you could argue we get something slightly different I think number one is cool number four has its own Vibe number two is sort of similar to the other number threes when it comes to something like this it's going to be a personal decision don't let this stop you from using different adjectives in your prompts but if you ever want to be sure of what you did this is how you would test it and finally here is hurrying I think you could argue that these are different enough to place them in their own category I like number two a lot now that's what the process will look like when you're testing similar words but I think this whole thing works even better when you test a bigger dichotomy like stock photography of an excited old man when he sees who is at the door we lock in the seed number and we get these pictures pretty cool same seed number same prompts except we're going to be using the word disappointed instead of excited and these are what we get same similar groupings of the old man but the feeling the expression has completely changed and this is a fun way to see how mid journei interprets the adjectives you use I also recommend testing art styles or artists in the same way because there are over 4 billion seeds the only way to test a prompt accurately is to keep the seed the same if you don't any differences you notice between prompts could be entirely random like one in four billion random and some of you might not be comfortable using artists in your prompt so this is how you would test whether you really need their name or not like here I found this prompt and described a man and his grandson standing by the side of a street in the style of lazette model intuitive gestures 1920s Yankee core candid photojournalism childlike innocence photo montage but it appears as though LTE model is a real person an Austrian born American photographer so I'm going to run this prompt using her name and a specific seed number this is what we get running the same prompt without her name on the same seed number and this is what we get I think this proves that her name does not really matter that much to the rest of the prompt and therefore you might be more comfortable leaving her name out of it that's the power of seeds that's how we can really know what we're doing permutations and Seed testing works great when you're trying to prompt for a person like here a Fierce Female warrior prepares for a battle on a beach the weather is overcast I want to see The Prompt just like that but I also want to see what the prompt looks like when I adjust her hairstyle so I start the permutation with a squiggly bracket I use a comma and I'm going to say the female Warrior has then I'm going to place another open squiggly bracket and I'm going to list my hairstyles french braided hair pigtail hair pink and blue hair red hair green hair burning flaming sparkling fire y hair and finally cartoon anime hair I'm going to close that with a squiggly bracket and I'm going to close the whole thing with another squiggly bracket that's a little Advanced way of using permutations don't worry about that too much for now just remember that what you're testing goes inside of squiggly brackets and then we're going to test it on seed 364-7974 here's the first foundational prompt Fierce Female warrior weather is overcast cool pictures sure why not but now we get into the tests the Female warrior has French braided hair I think these look pretty amazing I love number two a bunch it's that specific hairstyle same promp same seed number except we have the warrior has pink and blue hair these are pretty cool here's pigtail hair and I don't think I worded that quite correctly the results weren't great it's not what I was looking for here it is with green hair I like these a lot as well red hair looks great cartoon anime hair didn't seem to do anything I'll make a note of that now I know that's not the right word words to use whatever I was describing and then we have burning flaming sparkling fiery hair and these are great number two might be a little too much I like the idea though right now there are a few more quick notes about seeds in case you're wondering cinematic still of a dog wizard casting a spell through its mouth seed 935 893 pretty cool pictures what I want to point out is that rrolling this prompt will give you an entirely new seed number even if you specify a seed number up here you you see the seed number didn't show up in the prompt even though that it's showing we made it from the previous seed number now we're going to react to this image with the envelope emoji and if you've done this enough times you can actually just rightclick on an image and the envelope Emoji should be there for you so we see that that grid was created with this new seed number however what you need to know is that the seed of an upscale is the same seed as the grid meaning that four different images will have the same seed number and that's why seeds are not the answer to consistency across prompts portrait of a female crime scene investigator with platinum blonde hair and a dark green lab coat seed 72497 these are the women it generates if we keep that heart of the prompt and add a new action with the same seed number we are not going to get these same people same start of the prompt but then I added the female is trying to plead her innocence with a robot police officer same seed number and now these are different women seeds do not guarantee consistency they barely guarantee the same shape of what you're going for don't let anyone tell you that seeds are the answer to consistency I just want to be clear on that seeds are also only applicable to their current version same prompt same seeds in different versions will generate completely different images the degeneration of society version 6 seed 2854 239 cool right great here's the same prompt in 5.2 5.0 4 and three this seed number does not matter when you're changing versions of mid Journey seeds also act a little funny when you're using multi- prompting but that's a little complicated for this video so we'll save that for another time if you're having trouble with any of this I have some quick troubleshooting advice for you if you want to find your seed numbers make sure you go into your settings and allow DMS from strangers so the bot can message you furthermore make sure you are reacting to an image not replying to it this is reacting it'll bring up this list replying will bring you down here to the prompt box we do not want that and the last thing make sure you are using the plain envelope Emoji these other ones will not work running these tests are great but if you want to know the best Cadence for your prompt like how long should it be and where should you add details I think you should watch this video right here I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 13,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai, midjourney, ai art, midjourney tutorial, midjourney tutorial for beginners, midjourney tutorial prompts, midjourney prompt help, midjourney tricks, midjourney tips, midjourney advanced tutorial, midjourney seed, midjourney seed tutorial, midjourney prompt engineering
Id: rpoSYuuYrs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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