NEW! Midjourney Consistent Styles (using --sref)

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mid Journey has now added style references to version 6 and to nii version 6 of their image generator so I'm going to show you how it works a minute but first I'm just going to type in a simple prompt The Prompt is simply Mickey Mouse and I'm going to hit enter and I get these images here that's pretty much how Mickey Mouse comes out just straight out of the box but what if I want to add a different style to it I can try and use my prompt or I can add a style reference which I've actually experimented with up here what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this mid Journey image I've made of Bruce Lee although it doesn't really look like Bruce Lee and right click on opening browser copy link address to copy the image address of that image generation and to use that style I'm going to go into I can either go in here in remix but I'm just going to start again I typed in Mickey Mouse I type in-- sref space and then I paste the URL so the-- sref is for Style reference I hit enter you can see how it's adjusted some of the style the colors if I scroll up we got Mickey Mouse and we got this we' got that sort of cream background lots of sort of vertical paint drips and things like that and it's kind of put those vertical paint drips into the image and sort of match the color a little bit more closely but what if we actually want to mix some Styles together well one thing I can do is if I decide I've got an image that wasn't generated by AI I want use that as URL I can go in to plus upload a file and I have some images here ready for this particular tutorial we're going to grab this low poly Panda and hit enter now if this doesn't work you can use post image. CC and as long as you upload and use the direct link you can actually use that here if you're having trouble with uh Discord but again I click on the image copy the link address and this time I'm going to come up and I'm going to hit remix and just before the little version six there I'm going to space and make sure there's a space between the next image URL and the dash I paste that URL in also so now I have two image URLs it's going to sort of cross reference those two Styles I hit submit so you can see how it's kind of taken some of the low poly elements and added them in there and it's also still got the vertical line so it's tried to blend those two St files now if you scroll up and look at the prompt again you'll see Mickey Mouse D- sref one URL and then another URL what I can also do is actually add strengths to these URLs as well so again I go in a remix to edit my prompt and with the first image I'm going to go colon colon 2 to give it a strength of two in the second image I'm going to go colon colon 4 to have it lean more towards that low poly look and click submit and see how it's leaned more towards that low poly Style again if I go in I can flip those strengths and we can go up to five so if I take the low poly down to two and the original up to four and submit it'll flip that sort of priority you can see now how we got less low poly elements and we're sort of leaning more towards that original style but there's still some pieces in there such as the shape in the background there and some of the ways it's colored and sort of shaded but we can also add a third image if we want to as well if you want to add a little bit more more of a painted look once again let's say I want to let's say I want to take this image here and use that as a style as well and again you can use any image you have not just AI art but I like the idea of sort of going through old AI Generations copy link address come down remix and I'm going to add a third URL in the end we can add up to three URLs I'm going to give it a strength of two and I'm actually going to take the low poly up to three so I scroll back up and this is a little bit complicated to look at so you have to get used to looking at these URLs I'm going to put the low poly at three so now I've got the first image with a strength of two the low poly image which was second at a strength of three and my new image with the Spider-Man and the Kung Fu style border with a strength of two and I hit submit and you can see it's added more of that low poly information in there which is pretty cool and still stuck with some of those colors and adapted even further between those three Styles so let's just recap for a moment in order to take advantage of this you need to be using version 6 or the nii mode and you need to add-- sref to the end of your prompt with URLs up to three URLs one to three URLs after your parameter and then you can add a strength behind those images by adding colon colon and a number from one to 5 so that is the basics but there's also another step that we can take first of all we can take the same image go to remix where we have version six we can just type in nii 6 and hit submit keeping in mind this only works with nii 6 and no older versions of nii and it only works with version 6 and no previous versions of mid journey I hit submit and then with nii we get a very different result again so this gives us a lot of flexibility but one thing to keep in mind and is that these images are not image props they are used to stylize the image which means we can still use image prompts if you want to further dial in what we're after so I'm going to upload two images these images are from Steamboat wiie which is now in the public domain I'm going to hit open and upload them to Discord and here they are I'm going to come up and this time instead of hitting remix I'm going to copy this prompt and then type in slash imagine and paste now if I want to add an image prompt all I have to do is add the URLs into the prompt but I need to add it at the end of the text but before this srf parameter so I click on this image copy link address and I'm going to make paste it in place and make sure there's a space between it and the parameter and I can add two images to my image prompt so I'm going to add this other image as well and I find the parameter this is getting a little complicated to look at so you're going to have to use your focus a bit and now we've added two images into the image prompt and I hit enter and now we get something different again so if you come back and highlight to show you what we've done we got our prompt then we got our image prompt and then our style references at the end now this could be a really cool way to blend things together one thing I like is the idea of being able to take the same prompts like something like Mickey Mouse and then I can go to a site like say unsplash where I have access to some rtire images and I can copy the image address from this image go to style reference so-- sref and pop that in there so if you find images you like you can type in some pretty basic stuff and now you can see how we've been able to replicate a similar look but including Mickey Mouse in the imagery but there's still one more command we can add to play with that strength a little bit called D- ssw and to give you an idea zero means that the style strength is off 100 is the default and 1,000 is the maximum so let's say we go back and remix this image if I give it a D- style weight of zero and notice how that style completely disappears we've gone from this to this however I crank that up to 1,000 and now you can see that style is cranked up to Max and in many ways it is actually difficult to see Mickey Mouse in some of these images so it's a pretty cool feature to play with and I before I even made the video I had a quick play and was able to get some pretty cool results by mixing strengths and some low poly imagery with with some of these images here Mickey Mouse with sunglasses and overall just some pretty nifty effects somehow we got the Joker here but um a lot of fun to play with so once again let's recap we add D- sref to the end of our prompts we can then add up to three URLs to mix Styles we can then prioritize those styles by adding a colon colon and a number between 1 to five to give each style a strength we can use version six or nii and we can also set the style strength by adding D- ssw to the end of our prompt and of course we can even add an image prompt by adding image URLs before the-- sref parameter so that is a lot to digest but it also means you have a lot to play with and you can have a lot of fun trying to come up with something different once again I had a bit of a play as you can see we got the original image and then we've added some style references to see how we can mix these things up and some of the results are a bit mixed but other results such as this one you get a pretty interesting image so I do recommend finding images especially Realty free images or images of artwork you've created blend them together and just see what kind of results you can make happen I find that some of these ones are actually quite interesting I don't know how I actually prompt for them so it's very useful so that's the video for today guys I hope you found it useful I hope it wasn't too complicated or confusing uh if you liked it please consider giving it a like otherwise hope to see you again soon have a great day
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 14,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney consistent style, midjourney tutorial, midjourney, midjourney consistent character, midjourney ai, midjourney prompts, midjourney tricks, style reference, --sref, midjourney styles
Id: K_rI5ehfWmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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