How to Create Multiple Consistent Characters in Midjourney V6!

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let's answer the question is it possible to generate multiple consistent characters in mid journey I get asked this question a lot so I did some testing with mid Journey's new consistent character feature on creating images with two of my characters inside of them like this woman in a yellow shirt and the man in a blue turtleneck the results actually turned out way better than what I expected so let's walk through how I did this and what tips and tricks you need to know to generate multiple consistent characters in mid Journey first we'll need to get reference photos for our consistent characters I generated a photo of this black woman in a yellow collar shirt using mid journey and also one for an Asian man in a blue turtleneck notice how in both of my prompts I asked for the photo to be shot with Kodak portra 400 film you want some consistency in the style of the images and using a simple camera film type is a great way of doing that so for all the photos I inject these two characters into I'll add Kodak portrait 400 to the prompts before moving on let's use the SL prefer option set command to save our reference photos for our characters to custom names just type SL prefer option set into the direct message with the mid Journey bot and inside this option box we'll give the character name we'll C her Lisa then click on plus one more and select value in the menu above the direct message inside the value box we'll copy and paste in the image link for our friend Lisa enter this command and now every time we add-- Lisa to the end of our prompts mid Journey automatically uses our reference photo of Lisa I'll repeat the same exact process for the man except I'll give him the name Kim with our character reference photos finished let's move on to generating base images that will be injecting our character into the prompt format I'm going to use is a camera angle for the image the base setting and a description for each of the characters then follow that up with the camera film stock for the first example we'll try lingo shot from below of a woman and a man walking down the stairs on the left is a young woman wearing a yellow button down shirt with a Rolex watch on the right is a young Asia man in a light blue turtleneck shot with with Kodak portra 400 film notice how I match the character descriptions with the reference photos I generated I also used Kodak portrait 400 film to keep the photo Styles as consistent as possible here's a base image that mid Journey generated for us the camera angle and general characters look like what are prompted for so let's move on to injecting our reference photo into this image we'll start with the Asian man and use a very region N Paint painting tool beneath the image to inject his face in here I'll use El lasso tool to carefully select a silhouette around the GU face which is the region we want to add our reference character to then underneath the prompt box I'm going to type-- CF after the prompt to call Mid Journey's consistent character feature and then add-- Kim to attach the photo reference of our character if we go ahead and submit this we'll get a images where the face of the man has been replaced with our reference character the facial structure looks pretty similar to our reference photo although his hairstyle looks off I'll talk about how to get matching hairstyles later on in the video what's really impressive to me is that the camera angle of the face has been correctly changed to a low angle shot even though the reference photo uses a centered view now with Kim injected into the image let's also add Lisa into the photo using the very region tool again we'll select the silhouette of the woman's face rain painting then inside the prompt we can see the CF feature with a link to Kim's photo let's replace that link with D- Lisa for the correct character now just hit submit and there's Lisa and Kim shot from a low Ango [Music] View [Music] here's another example of a base image with two people sitting at a dinner table I can repeat the exact same process to inject Lisa and Kim into the image the faces look pretty good but the hairstyles do look different than our reference photos we're going to have to find a way to get around that for now look at how the Shadows from the environment are mapped onto our character's faces it really does look like Lisa and Kim naturally exist here this image of the two of them jogging outside was an interesting case I've already injected Kim into the image as you can see now let's also add in Lisa so we can start by selecting the woman's head as usual but if we look at our reference image it looks like Lisa has a slightly lighter skin tone than the woman in the current image so in this case I'm going to select the woman's head but also drag the selection around her hands in order to get a more consistent skin tone for the entire body then add D- cf-- Lisa to The Prompt box below to add our reference photo if we compare the before and after the skin tone of Lisa's hands has also change slightly to match her face make sure to consider all aspects of the photo when trying to prompt for consistent characters all right so let's see what we can do about getting a more consistent hair hairstyle here's a photo with a man and a woman playing chest together once again I've already injected Kim into the image on the right I think his hairstyle looks okay but the woman is where things went wrong if we select the silhouette of her head as usual and then tag Lisa with a c feature inside the prompt we end up with an image that looks like this the face does match our reference image but the hairstyle looks really different Lisa originally has dreads in a bun above her head the woman in the Imp painted image does have dreads but if you look carefully the bun is missing on her head so instead when we select the region for imp painting let's also make sure to drag around the area above her head where we want the hair bun to be imp painted this gives mid Journey a bit more room to work with and just like we hoped in the new imp painted images Lisa has an original hairstyle in her reference photo [Music] now there are some situations where it's really hard to control the hairstyle through the very region tool here's an example with a base image of a hingo shop pointing down for two people walking down the stairs the woman has her hair puffed out covering a large area so no matter what I tried it always generated a hairstyle that didn't match Lisa reference photo probably because I had to select a large area team paint instead I changed up the prompt by specifically asking for the hairstyles I wanted for my characters so for Lisa she needs to be wearing dreads in a bun and for Kim he needs to have a fade here's a generated image with much closer hairstyles to our original reference photos now let's try to do the in painting for Lisa again select the region around her head and tap after d-f inside the prompt the hairstyles we get now look much closer to Lisa's original photo I know I'm going to get asked this is it possible to also do this for nii style anime images here's a reference photo for a man with orange hair and eyes in the style of my hero Academia and also a woman with purple hair and purple eyes also in the style of my hero Academia it's extra important to make sure you're using the same exact style for niiji mode because of how much variation there is in the visual appearance of backgrounds and characters in different anime for some reason they both look like villains but let's just go with this for the base image I'm going with front view of a woman and a man in an ancient Buddhist temple on the left is a woman with purple hair and purple eyes the woman is wearing a yellow sweater vest on the right is a man with orange hair and orange eyes in the style of my hero Academia again make sure your character descriptions match the references and that you're using a consistent anime style we get an illustration that looks like this which does look like a scene out of my hero Academia when I try to inject the characters in here though the result just doesn't look quite right the characters have some similarities in the eyes and hair but the faces just don't look consistent next to our references I tried a couple of other examples but didn't get better results I think it's going to take some more work before we can get multiple consistent characters for anime style art I know this guide was kind of advanced if you want a more complete comprehensive beginner intro to Mid Journey's new consistent character feature go ahead and check out this video over here also make sure you subscribe if you want to see more guys like this [Music]
Channel: Tao Prompts
Views: 28,806
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Id: n4UIyb9Aln4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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