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wake up mid Journey just released one of its most requested features consistent characters do you want to make images like these with the same character in each scene maybe a trip through New York maybe a trip to Egypt maybe a cartoon there is a lot to go through so why don't we start with just how to trigger this new feature first you're going to need a character you're going to need a phas that you want to see in future Generations I'd like to introduce you to Eliza she came from the prompt a beautiful woman in a Victorian dress with pearls and diamonds lace details Tiara blue eyes in the style of cinematic this is S400 style Rock now we can type our prompt we can imagine really any new Scene it doesn't really matter but if we want to see Eliza appear in the generation here's what we have to do type-- CRF into the prompt CF character reference then what you can do is simply click on the picture and drag it in the prompt box make sure there is a space between CF and your image link and then if you hit enter you'll get something like these there it is there's our character there's Eliza how amazing is this how much fun is this going to be how many opportunities does this open up for you I'd love to hear from you in the comments please let me know how you plan on using consistent characters there are some things you need to know about this feature though mainly that it isn't perfect right now at least if you notice our character is still wearing her traditional lace Victorian gown even though we didn't specify that in the prompt and that might be a problem for you especially because it's not the exact same outfit she was wearing that's sort of the main thing that this feature cannot accomplish right now so in order to get around that mid Journey actually provided a new parameter that we can use-- CW that stands for character weight we can use a value between 0 and 100 to influence the weight of our reference picture and that might be a little frustrating to remember considering how different parameters have different range values character weight is 0 to 100 you might also notice that our character link was shortened once we generated that's going to be important because now we can just use the shorten link rather than that big long one before so I'm actually going to highlight this and copy it to my clipboard and then here's like the biggest tip I have for you this is going to save you so much time I'll make sure I go slow and explain everything what we're going to do is we're going to take that image link our reference picture for Eliza and we're going to set it as a shortcut so that we only have to input the shortcut in our prompt rather than that image link every time let me show you on Discord you're going to type prefer option set into the prompt box when you click on it you'll now need to click here at plus one more that will bring up value click on that now we have two boxes down here to enter information in value I'm going to paste our image link that's the link to our character and then under option that's going to be the name of our shortcut you can call your shortcuts whatever you want whatever will help you remember so that you can trigger this character I'm going with Aliza 1 when I hit enter we'll now see that Eliza 1 was set to that image link now when I type a prompt something like Grand Theft autoloading screen stylize 300 style raw chaos 7 all I need to do is type in D- CF I'm going to leave a space that's really important now I'm going to type my shortcut a Lia one watch this when I hit enter our prompt is going to get expanded our shortcut will open up into our image link isn't that incredible oh my God I get goosebumps just looking at this now it's going to save you so much time the most time by the way if you're new here my name is Nolan and it really is my goal to make learning all of this as straightforward as possible possible so if you've learned something new so far please consider hitting the like button so that we could share it with more people and if you want to learn more I am so happy to announce that I have finished my online mid Journey beginner course I don't think you would believe how hard I've been working on it that's why my channel has been a little less active than normal but I'm happy to say it's finally done there is like 37 or 38 chapters available online right now and I'm going to update this course as M Journey continues to update their service and want to let you know that the price you see right now is a special introductory first week offer as I continue to update the course the price is going to increase accordingly I wanted to let you know now so that if you are interested you can get in when it's the best deal possible you can find the link to the course in the description below back to our generation look at oh my look at the isn't that so cool isn't this so much fun I like number two but three is also a good time but again I bet you're noticing the Victorian outfit and I mentioned the character weight before so let's include that in our next prompt we're going to use that exact same prompt except this time we're going to use a character weight of Zero by default your character weight is 100 and when it's at 100 mid journey is going to try to include every detail that's in your picture that includes clothing and accessories but it's not very good at it so I don't know if you're really going to want that when you change the character weight to zero mid journey is going to try to only focus on the character's face here are the results you'll notice that Eliza does appear in number one and number four but the other two are not that great so instead you can include a little trigger word in your prompt like a woman Grand Theft autoloading screen and here are the results this is amazing like I said at the start there is a lot to go over a lot of different options you have with this let me talk about something you're probably wondering can I use this with my own face quick answer no no you can't it's not going to work how you think it'll work I uploaded a picture of my ugly mug to Discord then I ran some different prompts like the king of the world fauxm style and just look at this that's not that's not me the team at Mid Journey did warn us about this though character reference really only works good with Native mid Journey images but they did say that if you're going to use an outside picture it's going to act similar to an image prompt and that's certainly What's Happening Here I also tried oil painting it didn't work and I tried stained glass maybe all bald guys look alike but I don't think that's me and here here's another fun thing that you're going to want to try you can combine character reference with style reference and it works amazing like here I generated a picture of a vibrant graphic novel at stylize 40 and I love these colors I love this result I wanted to see how Eliza would look in this style we could start by typing a prompt like a woman fighting off an alien invasion I really don't know if this is going to work out but what we would do is type D- srf hit the space bar then we can drag our style reference image into the prompt by the way if you don't want to click and drag your images you can click on the image once right click and hit copy image address now you can paste that link into the prompt box after your style reference you're going to hit a space now we want a character reference D- CF space I'm going to type my shortcut Eliza 1 I want to bump up the style weight because I really want to see the look of this picture so I'm going to use d-s SW Style weight space and then a value between 0 and 1,000 like I said I wanted it higher so I'm going with 1,000 but I also don't want Eliza's Victorian look to influence the generation so I'm going to put D- CW character weight to zero that means it's only going to focus on her face and when I hit enter we are going to run our prompt and surprise mid Journey came out with another new feature recently take a look at turbo mode look how fast this goes it's incredible right it's like three .5 times faster it is more expensive about twice as much but we can get results like these really quickly now I will say that this whole character reference and style reference thing as you can see the prompt didn't really come through we really don't see a woman fighting off an alien invasion I told you this feature isn't perfect but these are the type of things you can expect in the future and please let me know if I messed up with my prompt is there's something I'm missing should I not be specifying a woman will the character reference do enough I don't know play around with and let me know what you find lastly I want to show you how you can create your own photo shoots really quickly with this feature let me introduce you to Chicago Kelly I found her when I created Polaroid of an Instagram model AR 1x1 and I use styze 400 chaos 4 in order to get our character Kelly Chicago in an easy photo shoot what you're going to do is type A prompt here I have again portrait of an Instagram model we're going to use a comma space and then an open squiggly bracket and now we want to type in a bunch of different Aesthetics like chibi Chic modernist old Hollywood film Noir constructivism data bending collage once you write the Aesthetics that you want to see you're going to close it with a squiggly bracket then I'm going to include the word style now we want to hit Das Das CF and then we're going to click and drag our character into the prompt box now don't forget to include your other parameters like D- AR 1x1 whatever you want and absolutely do not forget to use a char weight-- CW of zero and we'll let the bot put our character in different outfits to match the scene when we hit enter mid journey is going to ask if we're sure about this and that's because we created permutations If You Don't Know What You Did you can click show prompts and that should show you a list of what you were about to create it'll look something like this I don't know why it's not working right now nonetheless you'll hit yes and then here we go we have a photo shoot of Kelly Chicago this is going to be so much fun Phil Noir I like those old Hollywood pretty similar to film Noir constructivism style one of my favorites you get these cool glitchy effects Chic modernist okay I like number two I like number one a lot and then data bending collage same sort of idea as constructivism okay before I go let me show you how to do this on the mid Journey website first let's find a character why don't we use this alien sure what you're going to do is literally click on the picture and drag it into the prompt box now you've established that you want to use this picture in your prompts but you do have three additional options when you hover over the picture you'll see your three options this one on the right is for just an image prompt the one in the middle is for a style reference and that's not what we want we want the one on the left we want this to appear as a character reference now we can type whatever else we want in the prompt I don't really know what to type here let's go with a new police captain right now on the website we don't have access to all the different parameter values that you might want so what you could do is still just type them any your prompts like D- cw0 that isn't what I want right now I kind of want to see it at the default so I'm going to erase that and it will generate at character weight of 100 when I hit enter I can find it on the create page and there we go there's our character there's our alien the new police captain I hope you learned something new today I hope you have a lot of fun with this character reference don't forget to check out my mid Journey beginner course I hope you're doing well take care and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Future Tech Pilot
Views: 67,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney ai, midjourney, ai art, midjourney tutorial, midjourney tutorial for beginners, midjourney tutorial prompts, midjourney prompt help, midjourney tricks, midjourney tips, midjourney consistent character, midjourney consistent character design, midjourney consistency, consistent character ai art, midjourney cref, midjourney sref, midjourney update, midjourney v 6.1
Id: v_Ni-vr6NQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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