Midjourney V6 VS DALL•E 3: Prompt Battle & Full Review

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mid Journey version 6 is here to Challenge darly 3 and I'm going to take a look at how each of these remarkable AI art generators compare we'll put them to the test through a number of different challenges starting off we'll compare the features before we'll take a look at how the user interfaces compare then we'll take it to the arena and give these two a prompt battle where we'll put the same prompts in to each art generator for a number of different styles after that it's time for Speed as we'll take a look at how long it takes to generate different images inside of each of these AI art generators after that we'll have a look at what are the limitations to each of these platforms and discuss the community and pricing of each so buckle up and let's dive in to the greatest battle of modern times mid Journey versus Dary so first of all mny has a much greater ability to change parameters inside of the algorithm so there is a much easier way to handle different aspect ratios to deal with fine-tuning the algorithm for your specific needs inside of mid journey and as well as the ability uh much more effectively to save and locate all of your Works inside of your own gallery for using mid Journey now mid Journey has been running inside of Discord for a long time and that means you use Discord as a platform to interact with mid journey in this stream of conversations so you have all of your images listed one below another and it also then allows you to go back through to have different conversations related to different image Generations but mney has been working on its own website and they're slowly rolling this out and right now it's available to everyone to save their images also explore the community images and work with it in that way uh at some point they will also release for everyone the ability to create images inside of the new website so it's a little bit cumbersome to be using two separate platforms right now within mid Journey but that is going to improve in future whereas darly Works mainly inside of chat GPT form there is a standalone website version but I recommend using the chat GPT version for a couple of reasons which we'll get on to later and so essentially you are able to work inside of CH gbt and also harness the abilities of the large language model to use Dar which is a very interesting use case that sets Dary apart from mid Journey so something to really keep in mind on that front the other important factor is to recognize that Dary has an API available whereas currently the mid Journey API is not available so let's get into the prompt battle and this is where things get really interesting what we're going to do is run the same prompt through each of the platforms for 20 different styles we'll take a look at the outputs and we'll discuss what are the pros and cons of each so we'll start off with photo realism and the prompt is a photo realistic image of an Ancient Forest at Sunrise if you would like access to this document where I've collected all of the comparisons as well as all of the prompts I'll leave a link in the description below so you can take a look at that so let's have a look at how M journy and Dary came up with this photorealistic landscape situation you can see now there is a slightly richer amount of detail coming out in mid Journey for example if we look at the reflections on the water you can see that individual branches and specks of light are coming through more clearly whereas the reflection on the water in the DAR image is uh much less to find I would also say that the types of trees in mid Journey here look more real they look more realistic there is something about them That Is Random and believable for instance there is the detail of this broken off branch that is not completed which is an interesting imperfection that mid Journey has added whereas Dar on the other hand has created something that feels like it might come out of a a lot of the Rings scen from Amazon Prime it's slightly too perfect and and it blies the realism as well as the darly image is extremely saturated and has a much more broad range of colors you can see that pretty much every color in the color palette is represented in this version wellas mid Journey reflects something that's uh more refined more narrow and slightly more shall we say restrained so let's move on to our next prompt and this is looking at patternss and we'll be looking at seemless geometric patterns in Modoc Chrome suitable for elegant wallpaper we've got two contrasting patterns here with mid Journey on the left and Dary on the right and you have to say you would have to say they've both done a pretty good job on this prompt it is a more simpler approach and both of these will work as repeating patterns we can prove this by styling them together and seeing that they are seamless and we can see that if we TI these together there is a bit of a edge inside of the darly version there you can see the where they have joined so you can see that it's not quite fully aligning you can see here these shapes not fully align whereas the mid Journey version uh gives you a much better seamless integration you can see it's extremely hard to tell where the join is so on this front we would have to give mid Journey the points 10 points to Mid Journey now let's move on and to a interesting challenge which which is designing logos in mid journey and we have asked for a sustainable energy company incorporating a leaf and a lightning bolt so we had two concepts here and we're asking it to actually take these and merge these together which is quite challenging because you're taking two diverse visual concepts and unifying them but as you can see we've got two options here mid Journey want again on the left Dary on the right this will be always be the case and I have to say that in my impression m Journey wins this again it's pretty hard to see how there is a leaf and a lightning bolt in Dar for me it looks more like a a torch that you might be holding in the med Medieval Times going down into the dungeon to beat the slaves for fun um sorry uh but the mid Journey version my criticism of this is for a logo it is too detailed that there are too many details and this would not work well at a very small resolution like if it's like this you have all these extra little spots and Sparkles but it has done well at actually definitely incorporating a lightning bolt and a leaf however it is too detailed for a logo so I would say there is still room for improvement for both of these going forward but at this moment mid Journey takes the biscuit so our next challenge is Pixar which is we're asking for an image of a friendly robot in a Suburban setting in the style reminiscent of Pixar animations the robot is characterized by smooth rounded shapes and a cheerful color scheme so let's take a look at how we got out with these we have two quite different outputs from this same prompt it's really interesting to see how both of the platforms have interpreted our input with darly we have a very saturated it's uh it feels slightly childish is my interpretation of it it's a it's a nice scene with some wonderful details in the background I particularly like whatever object this might be sitting on the lawn is it a lawn mower who knows but the the color palets are good there is a nice focal point to the eyes I enjoy that there is a a pose presented by the robot that he did is waving it's looking at us with Intrigue but my feeling is that with a lot of these darly images we have this heavily airbrushed feel so let's compare that to the mid Journey version where we've got a much more characterful robots it's really telling a story for me it's it has more heart more soul to it this robot has had a challenging life he's lived on the bread line he's been homeless for many years is both his robot parents died at a young age and he's trying to make his dreams come true and I can really feel that in this image I particularly enjoy perhaps the the contrast and the grunge the gritty textures from this robot as well as the slightly more original framing of the shot you can see that it's looking up from the ground whereas the darly image takes a very standard eye Lev shot which gives it a much much less emotive feel and if we look at the just compare the tones of the sky for example you can see we have this this nuanced slightly desaturated turquoise compared to this very cliche I would have to say like this very stereotypical sky blue that you expect to see everywhere and there's something about this that that I'm not such a fan of personally but I I think in different situations these can work very well you'd have to say also that the fine details in the men version are more effective these slight bits of rust on the robot's outfit as well as how this shadow cast across his chest and also the depth of field I think adds a certain Allure this is something that mid Journey version six has really taken the lead on which is bringing much greater depth into its work so we can even have another look at the the landscape example where you can see that the the feeling of depth in the mid Journey works is it feel it feels more natural there's something about the the way that the landscape disappears into the background that seems slightly repetitive in Del whereas in mid Journey there feels like there is more variety but let's continue going on and here is one of the classic genres of AI art which is creating cyborgs and here on the left we have a very dark and Moody cyborg woman looking off into the distance with little specks of light being C across her cheek and a wonderful little highlight of this led behind her ear and compare this to the DAR version you can see that the Dy version has taken a very I would say the most obvious approach the most obvious intention of this it's a straight on headshot uh it's looking from a exactly eye level the background is it's not necessarily adding to the image and it feels harder to relate to this character is my concept I would also say that once again the color palette of mid Journey has a greater sense of taste or did I say that this is my opinion I'll be interested to hear what you think are you agreeing with my subjective approaches to the color palettes the lighting the depth of field the tonality the detail next up we are looking at an Instagram influencer so people have been making tens of thousands of dollars with their AI influencers on Instagram like attiana Lopez and I think people are going to be pretty impressed with the quality of AI influencers they're able to create in mid Journey version 6 so let's compare how darly influencer who looks like a a plastic surgeon obsessed Russian influencer whoa something pretty shocking and frightening about this she's definitely got way too much makeup on whereas the MJ influencer is a very attractive young lady with her own style and approach you can see that it feels a lot more realistic more natural she's definitely not been down the surgery office as often as Dar and once again there is something about the oversaturated this about Dary that although it brings your eye to it maybe a little bit more it is less realistic I mean that's for sure so moving on to an illustrated fantasy scene we'll be looking at how Illustrated fantasy scene with a dragon perched to top of mountain overlooking a mystical Kingdom the dragon is majestic and Powerful with scales that Shimmer and I would say this is a much closer Run Race this is an area where Dary does very well I would say that this is probably the closest comparison we've had so far I would marginally prefer mid journey I would say the composition of mid journey is more interesting the darly image feels a little bit full whereas mid journey is really keeping out some negative space and drawing Us in with a nice contrast of tone tones whereas Dary feels very flat in its tonal range though I would also say is that Dary has followed the prompt specifics more accurately here that we've talked a a little bit about the mystical Kingdom SPS out field with fantasy architecture Lush forest and winding rivers and it has all of this in the image whereas MJ is not necessarily including those elements that we have specified so Dary is certainly better at understanding the relationship ship between different objects for example if you have different objects with different traits and you want them to be arranged in specific ways doly is very good at understanding about how we separate subjects and how they relate to each other so if you are working with characters or with environments scenes where you want to have particular details in very specific ways then you're going to find that darly listens to these much better so that is definitely an area where Dar Dar stands out you can see one user was comparing how mid journey and darly related to showing photo of a cat on top of a table and a dog lying beneath that table and you can see that mid Journey on the left did not fully understand this prompt whereas Dary did understand the relationship to these but it is important to note that mid Journey version six has vastly improved with its understanding of how objects relate to each other so moving on to a tattoo design featuring a Phoenix rising from the flames in a traditional Japanese style so we can see here that on the left we have mageni and on the right Dar now again this is a very interesting comparison I would say that there are strengths to both of these pieces with mid Journey on the left we have something that feels a little bit more authentic and true to a Japanese style however the IM image on the right boasts a more graphic style you can see that it resembles more consistency and more symmetry in the image These Wings Are particularly symmetrical and the balance between the the swirls on the left and the right are also extremely symmetrical so I'm interested to know which one of these you prefer I would say that darly in this instance is leading out so what we can start to see is that for photorealism for Landscapes M Journey has the edge but if we're looking at Illustrated painted or graphic works it's a much closer Run Race and darly does particularly well with these now let's move on to another one of the most popular genres inside of AI art which is anthropomorphic animals animals looking like humans nobody loves anything better than a dog dressed up as a police so we have a fox dressed up as a in detective and we have two vastly different outputs here this is this is where it gets very fascinating how we can get two completely different images generated using the same prompts on the right we have uh this very inquisitive quite Whimsical childish illustration of a fox whereas on the left we have this much more Moody and engaging in my opinion image of a fox so you can certainly see the other Trend here is that the images from Dary are likely to appeal and suit a younger audience whereas mid journe Works tend to come out with something that is a little bit more poetic is the word that I would use there is a drama there is a sadness almost as some of the mid Journey works in its inherent style whereas Dar generally seems to Output only Happy Shiny perfect places and there's a part of me that thinks about how this reflects of chat gbt's influence on the world that it is extremely censored it is only purporting a very positive and thin slice of reality and that's coming across with how some of these images are being generated so next up we have a surreal landscape with floating islands waterfalls Defying Gravity so this is an imagined scene and once again we have very different outputs and I would have to say that my my preference is certainly here for Mid Journey though there are strengths to darly as well I certainly en enjoy the intensity of the darly image though I do find that some of the details are repetitive you see seems almost like these floating islands are copy and paste you can say there is some similarity to that in the mid Journey but there is There's Something Beautiful about the balanced composition inside of mid Journey that the way that these two two islands are interlinking with this one in the foreground dominating and this one in the background slightly off center brings a nice visual Integrity to the image whereas Dary sometimes feels like to me it's just been all thrown on there like all over the place there is like the relationship to of the sizes of the different objects inside of the Dary image do not feel as intentionally considerate as they do in mid Journey that there is a wonderful relationship between the size of these different objects and how how they balance each other out you can see that it's interesting that we have the large moon is on the right and the large island is on the left and there is this this this diagonal balance and then you have the two smaller items also at a diagonal and it's very interesting that this brings real coherence to the image whereas here in the D image we have these three objects sort of floating that are a very similar size that have a lot of the visual weight but then that's also very much increased by this large Island underneath it and it feels to me that there is less visual interest because of this so I'll move on to the next Edition which is a detailed illustration of a Gothic Cathedral with intricate spires now again this is another great comparison you can see there are strengths to each that the darly image has outputed a very fine detailed quite flat design whereas the mid Journey version has something that is a little bit more atmospheric it has nice contrasting colors in the yellow highlights of the windows to the blues of the sky whereas the DI image feels a little bit colder now we move on to a character concept art piece which is a steampunk Adventure character complete with goggles mechanical arm and a backdrop of vintage machinery and we've got yeah two beautiful images here once again darly has its style of everything being in focused and the background merging quite a lot into the foreground not creating a separation of subject which gives you some fine details in the background some context but it makes it more difficult to visually interpret I would say it it has a nice angle here and I love how mechanical this arm is the arm is very beautifully rendered the details look extremely realistic let's zoom in on these and you can see that each of these knobs are different and beautiful and I think these are these are both excellent images is the mid Journey version has a little bit more romance to it I notic that I see I find myself being more drawn to the mid Journey character that there's something about him that I'm I'm curious about his background about his history whereas the darly image my my judgment of it it feels like somebody is dressed up as this character it feels like an actor playing this role whereas the mid-journey one feels more believable to me that is how I'm interpreting the difference so we'll move on to an art Novo poster in the style of mucha Muka mucha and we can see that both of these have performed excellently well this is where they both Thrive I think you can see that these are beautiful illustrations with fine details wonderful competi both have selected nuanced and delicate color palettes and I think you can work well with either of these in this situation I would say I quite like the way that the lines in the mid Journey version aren't all curv D there are there is a slightly more the type of lines being used in the mid Journey version bring a sense of velocity to it whereas the DAR version you can see that every single line has a curve to it it's always been smoothed out and that brings its own style but there's something very beautiful to these this mixture of of straight and curved lines in the mid Journey version so moving on to a FY scene with Forest bioluminescence and we can see wow this is very interesting actually because once again mid Journey has not fully followed the prompt it's not handling this longer prompt as well it's missed out a lot of these creatures that we had specified and also I I'm quite drawn to the variety of Shades actually in the Dary version these neon Whimsical glowing creatures though something about this little chabby here feels just a bit cliche shall we say what is cliche about it well I would say that it feels extremely juvenile so here is a very good example of the strength and weaknesses of each mid Journey fails to include all of the elements from the long prompt whereas darly reverts to a very flat overly saturated and slightly juvenile approach the composition and drama of the piece in mid Journey works more effectively than the very FL FL and full version of Dar okay so let's take a look at Interiors now this is an area where AI art generators are revolutionizing the way that we consider designing our homes and we have this futuristic design now both uh have accurately completed the prompt once again Dar has its consistent saturated approach and it's sort of Chuck everything in everywhere uh make every corner of the imagees busy as possible and don't have too much thought into overall composition and moury has given us a a more refined approach again demonstrating the clear differences in how the same prompt can be rendered completely differently so to summarize our prompt battle I would say that photo realism works better in mid Journey for darly it's very good to be looking at longer prompts more detailed prompts and if you have comp complex relations between different items or characters in your works the drama the story the moodiness the poetisa the poeticism the poeticism the poeticism the poeticism of mid journey is much more advanced but as you can see there are situations where you would might want to use each one one of the best things about darly is the ability to use it inside of chat gbt because it allows you to collaborate with a semiconscious intelligence about your work so you can ask its opinion on your work you can ask it how it might be perceived by a certain group and you can generally chit the chat with your design Budd for example you can put in make me an image of a British man and then you can ask it to be more British just say more British and I will output you an even more British version you have the man in the bowler hat and then you can say well more British I say I want him to be more British and then he he get him with a large mustache I'm getting pretty damn British now but you know you don't even have to stop there you can say even more British and suddenly we're getting this very intense character full of More Union Jacks then you can throw a stick at and finally I say take it further I say and suddenly you get more arms apparently being more British means having more arms but if you want to take it to the final form you have to get a bie and ride it through Central London with multiple umbrellas now it's quite fun you can also do this with Americans for all those American viewers out there here this one's for you so you can start off with your average American man make him more American put a flag on his shirt make it more American have a eagle on his shoulder take it another step further and he'll be eating a cheeseburger and wearing a glove and he'll have wings and finally he'll be surrounded by Meat nothing says America more more than a barbecue and then the final form of course is a eagle riding a burger with a man with a mullet but this is one of the ways that you can interact with chat gbt and darly to have a conversation about your works and that is a very exciting way to approach the subject okay so now we'll put the speedrun to the test we'll run the same prompt inside of both and we'll see how long it takes to get the images and we're off oh my God this is riveting stuff can you believe it mid journey is processing the command and and Dary is loading its image one thing to note is that recently moury has already released an update to version 6 and they say it will run up to 2.7 times faster than the original version of V6 they just don't stop there they are wonderful people giving us updates almost every day Here's to You mid journey and here we have both images once again we have the plastic surgery enhanced darly version of an Instagram influen and it's important to note that it varies how long each of these takes it has a lot to do with demand the time of day and even the complexity of your prompt the other thing to recognize is obviously that chat gbt gives you one image at a time whilst mid Journey gives you four so let's talk a little bit about the limitations which is that both of these are heavily censored you can't be taking any naughty adult content in either of these however Dary is more sensor than mid Journey because it does not even allow you to create images of famous people or use artists as inspiration for your work so on one hand that is protecting the potential styles of different artists whilst on the other hand it's much more limiting to how you can prompt and create different art but if you're looking for Naughty adult content you're going to have to stick with stable diffusion now as for the community the community surrounding mid journey is much more active the entire Discord Community is full of a lot of supportive and helpful individuals whereas the DAR Community is still evolving as well as the documentation and the features available for Dar you would also have to say that the team behind mid Journey communicate much more regularly about their intentions and open up their office hours for conversations whereas there's nothing like that on the side of Ali so there is certainly a a community a philosophy a a feeling of togetherness that is more available in the mid Journey ecosystem and let's take a look at pricing so darly is available with chat gbt Plus for $20 a month and it seems there are no restrictions on how many images you can make with that whereas mid Journey starts at $10 a month but that limits you to a certain amount of GPU time which usually equates around 200 images and it goes all the way up to $120 and for that you get 60 hours a month of fast GPU time and you get to hide your jobs from the mid Journey Community you also get up to 12 concurrent jobs which is great for creating a lot of different works at the same time with $30 a month you get unlimited relax GPU time so that means you can still generate it an limited amount of images but they just take that bit longer to create now overall there are advantages to each of these platforms and which one you want to use depends on what you're trying to do if you're looking for Ultra realism and complete control of the algorithm then mid journey is the way to go but if you're looking for very specific relationships between the objects inside of your works or you are looking for Illustrated or painted Stu Styles then darly is a very good option remember that darly also has the benefit of being able to collaborate and evolve your prompts with the llm inside of chat gbt whereas mid Journey you're left to your own devices it's all down to you Soldier but on the other hand mid Journey has a much more developed and evolved Community which you can leverage to find prompts ask questions and to develop your own unique style mid Journey also has the advantage of it being focused purely on being an AI art generator where darly is an AI art generator inside of another tool which is somewhat reflected in the overall effect of how the images come out which is important to talk about the philosophy of both of these which I think is it's it's really beautiful to actually reflect on how the philosophy of the entire project are reflected in the visuals of the artwork of the outputs Dary presents a pretty narrow view of the world a very Happy Shiny childish almost naive approach to image making whereas mid Journey gives you a more well-rounded understanding of the Dynamics of being a human you can really tell that mid Journey was made by artists for artists whereas darly certainly has the feeling that there are bunch of techies trying to make something cool that's a big judgment coming from me there whoa stand back kids so let me know which one you prefer in the comments thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you again in another video but remember most of all have a delightful day
Channel: AI Samson
Views: 79,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dalle 3, dall-e 3, ai art, dall e 3, midjourney ai, midjourney vs dalle, midjourney v6, midjourney v6 review, dalle 3 vs, vs, comparison, prompt comparison, midjourney tutorial, dalle 3 chatgpt, midjourney 6
Id: AXv5sgIoPnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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