Level Stats Easy And Fast Valheim Guide

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this is your one and only fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome back to another informational valheim video today we're going to talk about leveling skills let's get to it okay so i've covered this on stream a little bit but we're gonna go a little more in depth for this video on how you can easily level your skills now of course just playing the game you're gonna level them over time doing whatever you do but there are situations where you may just want to get a few levels really quickly like maybe you just died you lost a bunch of levels in jump or run and you want to get those back as quick as possible well one of the ways to get those back is to regen your stamina as fast as possible because the faster you regen your stamina the quicker you can do said skill so that you can rinse and repeat that skill quickly again in order to level up so one of the ways that we can do that you're going to find a rock i'm going to show you something here we're essentially going to make a training dojo or a training building whatever you want to call it you'll find a nice rock like this you're going to level out around the rock and then you're gonna build around the rock like i have done over here so we're gonna go in here you can see i have a rock i have a fireplace and chimney which is super important now this is a little trick that we just learned on stream earlier today if you have the core wood you can actually put a campfire on top of the core wood which is absolutely fantastic if you don't want to do that you can just simply put a hole in the ground or hole in your floor and put your campfire there make sure you venture smoke then we want to have our workbench so we can run repairs easily and then the other thing we want is a platform just like this so this is a very specific way we have this and it's because if you don't do it like this you can have some camera issues so we're just going to delete it and i'm going to show you real quick so if you put it right here at the snap point when i show you what we're going to do you're going to have camera issues what you want to do is hold down shift and just move it ever so slightly above that snap point like so that way when we jump which this is our jump training area our head does not clip through we actually bounce off of it and we'll get into why this is important here in a second so why is all of this inside and set up like this well it's set up like this because if you take a look here at our buffs we have the resting buff up here and then we also have the rest dead buff as well these two buffs combine if we take a look at what those buffs give us we end up with a 400 percent stamina regen which allows us to quickly spam an ability get our stamina back so that we can spam the ability again now you can train pretty much everything on a rock uh that involves you hitting something so we can stay here with the axis and if we come over here and we take a look at my skills you can see where my level is right now with axes so if i just whack at the rock for a few minutes okay we just spent pretty much our whole stamina bar and we come back here you can see that they drastically went up but the important thing is is if you watch you can see how quickly my stamina regens once i am done so let's stop look at that look how quick it regens it's crazy fast which allows me to essentially spam my ability now if i wanted to i could time it with a macro or just sitting here watching a show in my other monitor or whatever and you can essentially never run out of stamina and level that way now i know that's super boring and you're probably sitting there why don't i just play the game yes it is super boring this isn't about whether or not it's entertaining to do this is about speed and this is one of the fastest ways you can level in this game because it regens your stamina so incredibly fast to allow you to spend the stamina again because that's part of leveling many of these skills they won't level well a lot of the ones for hitting things won't level unless you're one hitting something and two spending stamina and i know that because if i run my stamina all the way down and i continue to hit i'm still hitting the object but i'm not spending any more stamina so i won't gain any skill same thing goes with jumping now i got i wanna before we get into jumping i wanna quickly explain that you wanna use food that's going to give you as much stamina as possible so wherever whatever stage you're at in the game does not matter highlight over your food look at the stamina numbers and pick the combo that has the highest amount of stamina okay so now you know all that let's take a look at jumping now this platform is super super handy because we can level a bunch of things really quickly with this platform if you just want to jump you just jump now why are we doing this why are we retarding the jump we're doing that on purpose because that's faster if we jump we spend more time in the air look at all that time we're spending in the air before we can jump again we're spending so much time in the air by the time we land we pretty much regen our stamina but if we're here under this it stops our jump so we can say here we can spam the spacebar really quick look at that we just gained a level really quick and gain levels the other thing that we can do is we can also train sprinting at the same time so if you take a look here you can see my jump is at eight and then our sprinting or our run is at six you can see where they are right there we're gonna level anyway as i'm doing this so what you're gonna do is angle your camera back you're gonna run into the wall and as you're running you're just going to jump and you're going to spend stamina look at that there goes jump and then we're going to let our stamina regen quickly and then we're going to do it again so we're going to sprint into the wall and then we're going to jump and if we go back here and look run levels are really slow you can see run has went up we're almost to another level and run so we just continue to run and jump so there's our jumping and there's our running so you can level really quickly like that in in this area here you can level pretty much anything you just need to be a little creative in some situations so for example bows you can level bows in here you don't really need to be creative shoot your rock the rock is your training dummy the rock is your friend it will take all kinds of abuse and allow you to train many skills now granted you're gonna waste arrows but just make wooden arrows they're super cheap super easy to get you can make tons of them and you can easily level your bows so you can see here we're spending a ton of stamina and let's say that's the end of our stamina bar we stop we reload our stamina we can immediately go again now what about pickaxes and stuff like that well you can level your pickaxe here as well all you have to do is attack your structure so i advise before doing that just stack a bunch of floor pieces so we can just stack them up here like so because that way if we break them we don't have to stop for repairs we don't have to worry about repairs for a period of time we can just go hard because we're doing damage to the top of the structure here and we will eventually gain a level in pick axis we're also blowing a ton of stamina now you're probably going to tear through these pretty quick you can see we've already damaged this one pretty well but it's fine it doesn't matter that's why we stack them the other good thing about this is once you destroy them you will get the resources back so you can just turn around and stack them again there are some things that you can't level in this situation like you can level your axes but you won't level the tree chopping so if you take a look here the wood cutting you actually have to cut trees to do that so that's one that's going to be difficult to level in here but you can do running you can do axes blocking is another one that's going to be relatively difficult because you need to actually be hit but it is possible to do that one outside of here relatively easy you can find something like a boar or a gray dwarf and just don't kill them let them continue to attack you and there's practice blocking okay so let's talk about swimming first off you don't have to make a structure look as terrible as i've made this one here i originally thought that we could put a campfire in here and get the same buff as we got in the other one but then i realized you don't really need it for the way we are going to level swimming so you do however want to make sure your structure goes down into the water just to the point where when the waves come in or go out you are standing and when they come in you are swimming and if we take a look out here we'll go out here so you can see just about how deep i have this thing and then every now and then the water will come through and then go up over it see how it like just touches and goes up over it there we go so when you're placing the structure what i did is i went to the edge here found about where i was going like this see how i float up and then i go back down and then i put a pillar there so that i knew to mark it so i know that it's about right there so i'm going to wait till the waves calm down a little bit and i know i was about right here and then you can build your structure off of that just like that so then we can go through and we can build the structure and the other good thing is building it with the pillar like that means that if you don't get it just right it's easy enough to make adjustments to this bottom floor so you can see how i have it here now that the waves have gone down so i can stand right here i'm kind of in the water the waves come in i'm swimming i'm not swimming now the reason we do this is because when we're not swimming we're regening stamina so when we're just standing here but when the waves come in we're not actually moving and we'll talk about that in a second so i want you to take a look at my swim so here's where my swim's at right now now you don't actually gain swim experience unless you are moving so when the waves come just come in and i float nothing happens i need to be moving and we can do that very easy just by hitting q q is your auto run key so we're going to auto run into the wall and then we can legit just walk away you can do this before you go to bed go grab a bite to eat have your morning coffee whatever you want to do but you can see we spend a little stamina we swim a little it drops us back down and then we gain that stamina back we're continuing to walk but then that doesn't really do anything we really only get the experience when the waves come in and i got some really wonky waves right now ideally what you want is a nice smooth wave gentle coming in and rocking in and out just enough to kind of lift you drop you lift you drop you uh we got some serious waves right now um so i don't know what's going on but it's enough that you get the idea of what's going to happen so here we go another bunch of waves i'm getting some swim experience i just leveled and now i'm going back to run again so you could legit afk and level your swimming to 100 with this technique super super easy if i ever find a way to do the other ones like that without setting up a external program to run a macro uh yeah i'll definitely be showing you all that one but right now swimming is the only one i can figure out how to auto level because like even if you were to try to do sprinting so if you hit q and you weigh down your shift key you're eventually going to run out of stamina and because you're not spending stamina you won't gain any experience okay well that's pretty much it for this one this was just a short sweet one i just wanted to show you all how you could level your skills relatively fast for whatever reason maybe you're just starting out a new character maybe you've died a couple of times and like i said i know it may not be the most entertaining going out and fighting things is a lot more fun but you know it's a good way to level quickly and it does and will level you faster than just being out doing whatever because you have very little down time all right if you found this a video helpful consider hitting the subscribe button and the notification bell so you can be notified when i put out other valheim videos and i don't just cover valheim i cover all kinds of different games so you never know when i'm going to be making guides for a game that you may be playing all right that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you like what you saw considering that stuff but i want to give a big thank you to my patrons for making this episode possible y'all are absolutely amazing people if you'd like to join my league of patreon supporters please check out the link in the description below if you enjoyed this video please leave a comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and show your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 674,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Valheim, Valheim level fast, Valheim how to level skills, Valheim level stats, Valheim level stats fast, Valheim level skills fast, Valheim how to level skills fast, Valheim afk level, Valheim stats, Valheim skills, Valheim skills list, Valheim skill level, Valheim skill levels
Id: XK0ippMtwtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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