I Spent 100 Days in Valheim... Here's What Happened

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I spent 100 days in valheim and here's what happened and I survive and defeat five valheim bosses welcome to valheim I spawned this wild and dangerous realm with nothing but my clothes on my back and a burning desire to survive so I set out on a mission to punch some trees for wood to make a club I soon stumbled upon a shed and I knew that with the right tools I could deconstruct it and gain valuable resources I went East through the black forest and found on Meadows for my base I made an enclosed workbench for crafting and repairing and built this space from Finn foreign [Music] began building my Foundation I was met with a surprise attack from skeletons emerging from a nearby Crypt without hesitation I picked up my ax and started fighting for my survival with the skeletons defeated I turned my attention back to building my base I set out into the Wilds in search of boars whose fur and meats are always in high demand the hunt was challenging but the reward was worth it I chopped down trees for wood and deconstructed nearby wooden structures for materials I used the resources I had collected to fortify a base and make it my temporary shelter as I lay down to rest I couldn't help but think of the challenges that Leia had I woke up early the next morning ready to continue my quest for survival I ventured out into the Wilds knife in hand ready to battle I encountered all sorts of creatures and monsters but I was more than a match for them I battled through the hordes of enemies honing my skills and gaining valuable loot [Music] but my ultimate test was yet to come I stumbled upon a two-star skeleton a formidable foe [Music] it was a fierce battle but I emerged Victorious having proven myself a true warrior of valheim I had a growing pile of resources and my shelter was becoming stronger and more secure but this is just the beginning there's still so much more to do I'll keep working hard Gathering resources and building my base because in valheim survival lists everything after my battles I was in need of nourishment so I set out to cook some meat I had gathered I also started building a storage system for all my resources which required more wood shopping on the fourth day of my journey I stumbled upon a grayling spawner and quickly took care of it [Music] but just as I thought I was done for the day a troll appeared it was a massive creature towering over me I knew this would be a tough fight but I was determined the troll had been a valuable source of resources providing me with copper ore and fine wood which greatly boosted my early game but the price of this was high I had lost my life for the first time falling to the trolls brute strength despite the setback I managed to recover my items and continue my journey but my troubles were not over yet during the night a one-star Shaman appeared unleashing its poison breath upon me I fought bravely but in the end the shaman emerged Victorious claiming my life once again it was a harsh reminder that death is always lurking in valheim but I will not be discouraged I will prevail thank you my journey continued as I soon encountered another troll it provided me with more fine wood but it methods demise from a falling tree I used to hide from the troll to craft a troll tunic which would provide me with additional protection on the sixth day of my journey I stumbled upon a troll cave I quickly realized that it was not safe for me to enter and decided to exit the game as soon as possible I then Venture deeper into the black forest and came across another troll this time I was better prepared and was able to defeat it [Music] foreign cores in order to build furnaces these Crypts were filled with skeletons but I knew the reward would be worth the risk the skeletons put up a tough fight but I emerged Victorious having cleared the crypts of their inhabitants to my delight I found a starch of circling course hidden among the skeletons on the seventh day of my journey I set out to hunt some more bores and gather some mushrooms because now I sacrificed two deer trophies to summon the first boss acheer foreign [Music] thank you the battle was fierce but in the end I emerged Victorious I claimed the deer antlers from egg there which is used to craft pickaxes I placed the deer's head on a trophy stand not only as a symbol of my achievement but also to activate its ability this ability reduces the amount of stamina you need when you run and jump I finish the day by hunting the Airing Gathering beehives for future honey day 8 I ventured into more Crypts in search of resources but my exploration came with a price as I found myself trapped by skeletons and eventually dying again despite the setback I recovered my items and loot from the crypts I used the stone sincerlin course I found to craft a furnace and charcoal Kiln which allowed me to start producing coal I spent my days chopping wood and burning it to fuel my furnace as the evening approached I decided to also chop some tin to add to my resources however I soon realized that living near a black forest was not the wisest decision as monsters constantly attacked my bees on day 9 I added a tint to the furnace and with the copper that the troll had mined for me I crafted bronze however I will always chop some more wood and mine some more [Music] I also got more circling course from a crypt I finished the day by chopping a little bit of wood and making defensive walls to protect my base as I looked at all the metal I had gathered and crafted I felt a sense of accomplishment on day 10 I made an art gear a powerful spear-like weapon which felt amazing to use I used it to demolish gray dwarfs and felt confident that I could take on a troll and I did [Music] foreign [Music] next few days I will mostly be smelting oars and crafting more weapons and tools I made a cauldron using tin and cooked some delicious Queen's jam and board jerky during a harsh storms I rolled into mine some more resources and crafted a bronze sacks with this bronze ax I was now able to chop fine wood from birch trees I spent the rest of the day deconstructing houses to construct beehives and I finished a day by smelting the resources on day 12 I set out to hunt more boars and loot more Crips but this time I stumbled upon the second boss the Elder the summon for him requires ancient seeds so I set out to destroy the spawners to gather them after that I took the opportunity to loot one more Crypt as I prepare for the battle with the Elder I also focus on expanding my smelteries and fortifying my defensive compound I upgrade my workbench and upgrade my troll armor which will be proved beneficial I gather more resources chopping wood and Mining or finally I acquired the last of the ancient seeds needed to summon the Elder I smelt in my last bit of copper and crafted it into bronze which would later become bronze pickaxe and a cultivator on day 14 I continue my routine of chopping wood and found another troll [Music] [Applause] [Music] I work on upgrading my workbench and use its height to upgrade my troll armor during the evening I mine and smelt copper or I craft a bronze helmet but avoid creating the chest piece and pants as they reduce movement speed I also upgrade my Forge and spend the day mining copper smelting it and chopping more wood I also place fermenters to create minor healing and poison resistance potions on day 16 I continued my Mining and chopping efforts I also encountered another troll which I successfully defeated I used the resources I obtained to upgrade my Forge and smelt more oars I finished the day by Mining and chopping wood on day 17 I made Brown snails for a future boat gathered fine wood and constructed a carb I also made fire arrows and the fermenters were done Brewing I set off to kill the Elder sailing through a river and out into the ocean South I eventually made it to the elders altar but a troll almost killed me foreign [Music] I activated the Elder with three ancient seeds and engaged in combat [Music] foreign [Music] the Elder has three move attacks shooting Roots out of his arm racing Roots out of the ground in a melee stomp attack he reminds me of Groot foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] despite my bow being broken I was able to defeat the Elder using melee combat and obtained a swamp key afterwards some 19 and defeated another troll [Applause] [Music] I then returned home and utilized the resources I had to cook and obtain more potions I fermented them and spent the remainder of the day cooking on day 19 I had gathered all the necessary resources for exploring the swamp I prepared my boat and sailed far to find it along the way I encountered a sea serpent and was too scared to fight it foreign so I sailed away with the wind eventually I stumbled upon a merchant and checked his stock I sailed out again and stumbled upon a drugger village which almost killed me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you I managed to escape I sailed to a swamp Island but there wasn't much there so I sailed out again on day 21 I somehow found the planes after selling far and wide I eventually found a swamp and established a base [Music] [Music] [Applause] on day 22 I ventured out and encountered an Abomination playing as fast as I could I continued exploring this swamp but later decided to confront the Abomination [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ERS be prepared to face the ultimate test of strength and skill as you embark on a battle against the Abomination this Undead monstrosity is not to be underestimated created by the god of death himself helheim this massive creature is immune to stun and knockback but vulnerable to Fire and poison it is recommended to bring a group of skilled Fighters or high-level players to defeat it good luck in May the gods be with you [Applause] [Music] foreign it was a close fight but I emerged Victorious afterwards I decided to leave this swamp as I was unable to find any Crips I sailed South and found a meadow next to the swamp where I established my base [Music] I then used my ability to run and locate a crypt I locked it using my swamp key and ventured inside as I faced the dangers within I found a wealth of oars and continued looting [Music] foreign most of the day Mining and firing off groggers I plan to return to the area frequently for precious iron the Crips provided me with a lot of it as well as chests filled with iron and chains which would be useful in the future I continued mining making trips back home to repair and store it during the night I stumbled upon a wraith and defeated it [Music] okay [Music] then found another Abomination which I also killed [Music] overall it was not an interesting day you're smiling on day 25 I spent the morning Mining and by noon I had 120 iron and preparing my ship for a return home I attempted to use a small River as a shortcut but my efforts to mine it larger were in vain so I had to sail around eventually I sailed into this big river and made it back home Upon returning home I unloaded my cargo and stored all the resources I placed the iron in my chests and chopped wood to begin smelting it it took a significant amount of time and the following days were primarily focused on smelting I extracted the fermenters and picked up my first stacks of iron I crafted iron Nails in preparation for building a long ship going to sleep in valheim accelerates this melting process significantly on day 27 I continued shopping fine wood and smelting as I had before I crafted all the iron nails and constructed a giant long ship I spent the rest of today's melting and loading the boat for another trip to the swamp I also crafted an iron maze which seemed like a good weapon to use I continued chopping wood smelting a little more and corrupted full iron armor it looked great during night I prepared everything needed for my next trip to the swamp on day 28 I also wanted to visit the merchant by a megging yard which would increase my carrying weight I set sail and spent most of the day traveling however during the night two Raves appeared and attacked me foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I was caught off guard and my boat was destroyed I ended up dying in the sea and all my work on the boat was lost I was ready to give up but I immediately went to I was ready to give up but I immediately went with my smaller boat to check it out of course I spent most of the next day sailing and recovered everything it turns out only the nails were lost when I arrived at my swamp base the swamp creatures attacked me [Music] I killed him off and then at the swamp another Abomination appeared which I also killed [Music] foreign [Music] Mining and finally found the fur boss bone mass it was a repetitive experience but I mined and killed off monsters [Music] unfortunately I got stuck swimming and round foreign was able to recover my items though on day 31 I focused on mining iron and dropping it off at the entrance of the crypt I repeatedly went back and forth between the Crypt and my base on day 32 I discovered my fourth Crypt and continued mining eventually I was stunned and filled my boat with the Mind iron and sailed through the ocean on day 33 eventually arriving home where I spent the rest of today's melting the iron on day 34 I decided to start farming and cleared an area for planting I planted carrots from the black forests and crafted a root mask from the Abomination which provided me with poison resistance I had a troll chop wood and smelted more iron on day 35 I continued shopping more wood and constructed a proper defensive compound I crafted more nails for another long shift and continued chopping fine wood and smelting iron right after I was sailing towards bone mass I spent most of Day 36 sailing towards him and arrived at a black forest I set up base and found and killed another troll I got my rest debuff and prepared for the fight with bone mass [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] despite my best efforts to fight against bone mass proved to be incredibly difficult I quickly realized that I had made a crucial Mistake by not bringing my Forge with me leaving me without a reliable way to deal consistent damage I also didn't think of portals my bow also proved to be ineffective against the boss and I found myself struggling to survive as I dragged the fight deeper into the black forest despite dealing some good damage I died several times before finally succumbing to the powerful boss foreign [Music] and decided to make a tactical Retreat to sell home my equipment was damaged and I almost lost my boat to a sea serpent [Music] on day 39 I assailed my boat and docked it on the other side of the island to save time on future trips I prepared better food and crafted Frost resistance gear for the mountain I chopped more wood than on day 40 I set sail against towards bone mass this time armed with my Forge I arrived and crafted a new base and got the rest of debuff however I realized I had forgotten to bring my poison resistance gearing wondered how this battle would go [Music] thank you [Music] I fought bone mass again this time it's a better strategy in mind I had brought my Forge with me so I was able to use it to deal unlimited damage to the boss despite facing setbacks and dying multiple times I was more confident in my abilities and I was able to slowly chip away at bone Master's health foreign [Music] on day 42 I continued my battle against baldness this time I was playing with more confidence as I had unlimited hits with my Forge I slowly took him down by running away from all the poison and using my iron maze as my weapon of choice the black forest was a treacherous environment with acid rain staying my skin [Music] [Music] cases despite the challenges I ultimately emerged Victorious defeating bone mass and obtaining a wishbone which would help me locate underground loo with the lands now called my looted equipped and set sail for Home on day 43 I set sail and navigated through the vast ocean on day 44 I finally arrived home and began extracting fermented liquids from the fermenters I had set up I also harvested honey from bees and built more chests to store my supplies I cooked better food and set out to explore the mountains unfortunately my journey led me to a pack of wolves which ultimately resulted in my death foreign [Music] 5 I recovered my items in mind obsidian I encountered and defeated some wolves I explored the Northeast and discovered iron deposits in the swamp I built a shelter underneath a mountain and on day 46 I dismantled my previous shock and established a new base on the mountain [Music] [Music] I returned home to farm food and gather fine wood for a portal I crafted fire arrows and cooked more food then I used my boat for future silver Transportation I placed the portal tested it and built some chests to end the day on day 48 I hunted some Drakes and stumbled upon a stone Golem which almost killed me [Music] foreign [Music] I decided to avoid it and instead focused on Hunting more Drakes I also found some dragon eggs and the wishbone led me to a silver deposit which I spent most of the day mining [Music] [Music] the days on the mountain were long and tough but I persisted in hunting more brakes and mining Silver until the end of the day on day 49 and the following days I focused on mining and eventually taking on the stone Golem I realized that the stone Golem dealt a lot of damage and I should have used my pickaxe to fight it after defeating the Golem I continue to mind for resources and returned home to farm cook carrot soup and brew potions back at the mountains another Stone Golem up here but I was able to defeat it as well on day 50 I encountered another Stone Golem and almost died again despite this I managed to defeat it and continue to mine for resources I also hunted more Drakes and guess what I did during the night I continued to mine but I got too greedy and was killed by a one star wolf even though I had my shield up on day 51 I attempted to recover my items but due to my disoriented State I believe I could survive the frost and ultimately died after returning with food I retrieved my items and resumed mining with a significant amount of silver I constructed a carton smoothly transported it down the mountain foreign [Music] I arrived home and began smelting all the silver and extracting fermenters on day 52 I chopped more wood collected the first smelted silver and continued smelting and cooking in the evening I sell to the merchant to purchase weimer's flesh which I needed for a frostner I left the belt there and created a portal foreign afterwards I fueled the furnaces and crafted the frostner as I cooked more food I also went to the Merchant's Black Forest to gather more wood and finally I crafted a drake helmet and wolf armor chest at home on day 54 I continued to smelt silver and chop wood I crafted the legs for my wolf armor set so I now have full silver armor I also needed a silver Shield so I gathered fine wood and crafted it I organized my chests and chopped more wood before making more nails for another boat on day 55 I continued to chop wood and test my newly crafted frostner on a troll [Applause] I also continued to smelt always in search for another Crypt in the Merchant's Black Forest however I stumbled upon a drauger village and found out that the frostner is really good with its Spirit damage which is effective against the undead [Music] I took the opportunity to loot another Crypt before returning home on day 56 I continued to smelt oars but realized I need more silver so I mined for it in the mountains I also started searching for the location of the fourth boss modder but ended up discovering a cave instead the cave was eerie and the creatures inside were unexpected I encountered Wolfman and fought them foreign [Music] [Music] thank you losing their dungeon for valuable items such as fur which I could use for crafting [Music] the cave was also home to annoying bats which made it difficult to loot during the night I wandered home and looked at the items I could craft Fenris armor which increases movement speed on day 57 and the following days I searched for the location of the fourth boss modder in the mountains I also constructed another boat to collect some items from the swamp that I needed [Music] after using the boat I dismantled it to regain all the resources and I could construct it anywhere I wanted I portaled home and slept on day 58 I constructed a boat by the shore and safely transported the cart down the mountain [Music] I sailed it back home and farmed some turnips and made more food I then placed the trophies at the start and activated bone masses ability which reduces physical damage taken on day 59 I continued my search for the modern boss location in the mountains despite not finding it I did come across a cave and explored it for any valuable resources foreign [Music] I spent time farming and looking for modern in the mountains again but instead found another cave to loot [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 61 I became greedy and believed there was something valuable beneath a castle but ended up getting trapped [Music] I eventually managed to mine my way out and returned home on day 62 I used a portal to travel to my swamp base and search for the modern location in a nearby Mountain although I didn't find anything I stumbled Upon A fooling Village armed with bone mass I engaged in combat and successfully defeated the goblins and deathsquitoes [Music] foreign [Music] the village for flux and here is where I am at the map later that night I continued to fight more goblins and eventually returned home to cook on day 63 I set out on my boat to explore an island mountain in search of the modern location although I found some valuable Loot and defeated some mobs I was still unsuccessful in finding the modder I did come across a cave which I explored and looted But ultimately I came up empty-handed I returned home still on the hunt for The elusive mother location on day 64 I spent time cooking and using my bow to search for more Mountains to explore foreign despite not finding anything on one mountain I continued searching and found a village during the night I then sailed through the planes and came across another Mountain that seemed promising I set up a temporary shelter and on day 66 I traveled by boat to my swamp base and found another Mountain to explore despite facing challenges and fighting off our horde I went back to my swamp base and took the portal back home and all the and all the Torches were out I was gone for so long I then went to sleep on day 67 I went to my swamp base and ventured up a mountain finally discovering the modern tablet it was located close to my swamp base all along I ventured further up the mountain and discovered a mother spawn Arena I believe I will need three eggs to defeat the boss I returned to my base and expanded upon it both High twice and adding a defensive perimeter and I also started farming a little bit more I then started Wood shopping some more and then this happened [Music] more food and created Stone piles for storage I crafted obsinian arrows for the boss battle and gathered more wood I also collected more feathers for arrows and made a successful shot I continued expanding my base and cooking throughout the day I teleported to my swamp base and found a large number of dragon eggs but they were heavy to carry so I had to transport them individually I successfully obtained and brought the first dragon egg to the altar however I was then hunted and barely escaped with my life having to hide behind a rock on a hill [Music] so I obtained the second egg and brought it to the arena but many Drakes defended the third egg but I got it I then built a temporary base and during the night a thin ring appeared [Music] I then went to bed and on Day 70 I was ready with the rest of debuff and summoned the modern boss fight [Music] through [Music] everything [Music] [Music] the mother didn't move much and I had intended to use my bow for the entire fight but it was breaking and I needed more arrows when it did land it stayed in one location but I was forced to melee it with my weapons [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] foreign the fight was long and intense with the mother hurling eye shards that nearly killed me attention brave warriors get ready to face the ultimate test of strength and skill as you come to face with the mother this powerful creature is found in the game of valheim and it is known for its massive size and formidable attacks their mother is a formidable opponent I can do heavy damage so be prepared for a challenging battle it's recommended to fight the modder with a large group or high-level players good luck and may the gods be with you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but I had a surplus of potions and was able to defeat it during the night my frostner and bow broke so I had to finish the boss off with my ax I emerged Victorious and returned to my base I repair my equipment and made an obliterator because I wanted to get rid of unnecessary items [Music] and also unlocked an artisan table using the mother's tears on day 71 I focused on upgrading my cauldron and managed to get some high quality food upgrades I also spent time farming and creating a spinning wheel I made several linen threads which is used to make padded armor I then set out to do the Crips because I needed a circling course to make a portal for the planes I traveled through the black forest and on Day 72 I made more nails for the buildings in the planes I also cropped it up how to chess piece after loading up my boat by the swamp I set sail I discovered a planes area on the map as seen on the map here I encountered and defeated a group of mosquitoes and also discovered a fooling totem which is related to the fifth boss I then collected a significant amount of wood to build my plane space the majority of my time was spent constructing the base including racing the ground for campfires and then I constructed a small temporary Shack that I could sleep in for the night on day 74 I continued to chop wood and made progress on constructing my house I also placed a portal and gathered more wood from my home base as it was more plentiful than in the plains I worked on finishing the base one step at a time and on day 75 I continued chopping more wood I also built a chimney on the roof and continued working on other aspects of the construction [Music] I also made a stone cutter which I found to be very useful at my home base I used it to create a hearth then in the plain space I constructed a spinning wheel for the night on day 76 I ventured West and discovered a swamp I explored the area and found several items but I also needed iron so I sailed to an area where I encountered an abomination I eventually arrived at a crypt and began looting it for iron and other resources [Applause] foreign [Music] was finished I sailed back home on day 77 I continued shopping fine wood and constructed a blast furnace which uses black metal I also chopped more wood at home and encountered an event that summoned bats [Music] on day 78 I completed the task of eliminating bats and set sail in search of tin copper and iron which were essential resources for me [Music] foreign after completing my search I returned home during the night only to be greeted by mosquitoes on day 79 I transported several furnaces to my plane space and reconstructed them I also built a windmill to process barley and smelted by a variety of ores I continued to chop more wood and smelt different Metals finally creating a hearth in my plane space the map of my journey can be seen here on day 80 I made more improvements to my base I built a defensive perimeter and upgraded my workbenches I also ventured out and encountered some dangerous enemies like goblins and Taurus lines [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I had my first encounter with a locks a formidable opponent that deals a lot of damage foreign however I managed to defeat us using my bone mass ability on day 81 I improved my Forge by upgrading it and used it to create a black metal shield additionally I collected more wood than crafted iron nails to construct a dragon bed on day 82 I built the entire compound and made a padded helmet then I went out to kill more goblins in search of falling totem some more flax and barley foreign [Music] I killed all of them in a fooling Berserker [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I spent the rest of the day smelting on day 83 I decided to steal flax and falling totems wherever I could even though it was risky okay [Music] I managed to escape several times and obtained three folding tolerance and a lot of flags [Music] [Music] I lured enemies to a nearby tar pit and added all the flags to my home I farmed the flags and made a black metal chest for storage and I also made a porcupine to finish today on day 84 I set out to the Crips in search of more iron foreign after a successful trip I sailed back home on day 85 I made padded Greaves and tested my strength against the locks using my porcupine which proved to be very effective [Music] when I defeated that locks I made a locks Cape which was very good I spent the day cooking and went back to mine for copper and iron before sailing home to end the day on day 86 I focused on Gathering more resources such as flax barley and wood I then got hunted while out in the plains but managed to fend them off [Music] [Applause] however during the night I made a mistake and died at the hands of a one star wolf while on a mountain again [Music] I went back to retrieve my items and then returned to smelting I needed one more fooling totem so I decided to steal one I also had to deal with a mosquito attack in my own home [Music] on day 88 I sailed out again in search of more falling totems I stumbled upon a plane Syria and found a hand sticking out of the ground it turned out to be the fifth Boss Arena I Explore More villages in search of totems on day 89 I successfully stole the last totem needed I then sell back to my base and spent the day Brewing fire resistance potions and constructing an oven on day 90 I continued to gather resources and improve my equipment I harvested more cloudberries and stole more Flags to add to my Spinning Wheel I also upgraded my padded armor and chopped more wood on day 91 I waited for my resources to ferment and use the time to upgrade my Forge in porcupine [Music] foreign however I became too confident and was killed by a two-star fooling which hit me for 73 damage even with my shield up and then I died again to a mosquito but I was able to retrieve my items eventually on day 92 I built another boat since goblins had destroyed my previous one I sailed off to the planes and made a temporary shelter to rest and sleep in on day 93 I ventured out and successfully hooked all five totems to summon the fifth boss yagolith [Music] passed [Music] that's the first time I encountered mistakes during my battle with yaglov my health and health regeneration were insufficient making it impossible for me to tank his constant attacks additionally my frostner weapon was more effective than my porcupine but it had a low durability at 200 his stamina potions I made were also not effective in helping me during the battle I was also attacked by a group of tar slimes which ultimately led to my death despite my attempts to fight yugloof again I realized that his health regeneration was too fast and made a mistake of giving up foreign [Music] [Music] again while trying to swim and die again trying to recover my body eventually I did and sailed back home in that tactical Retreat I focused on making better foods such as onion soup on day 95 I activated eighth theorem I also made medium healing potions once these were done I will head back I made more onion soup and mined silver to upgrade my frostner and make a butcher's table I also crafted needle arrows and started smelting I needed to sail to the Crips for more iron and once I returned home I smelted it and upgraded my frostner with the silver on day 97 I made a cauldron at home and chopped wood to make pots and pans with a high level cauldron I made locks pie and the potions were also done I then made blood pudding and baked the pie in the oven I made even more blood pudding and selled all the way back to full healthy agloof ready to face him again [Music] foreign [Music] was able to keep up with his health regeneration thanks to my healing potions and upgraded frostner my improved skills and Equipment also allowed me to better defend against his attack the food also helped me immensely foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Trophy and items I celebrated my victory over yaglif and sorted through my inventory afterwards I sailed back to my base but encountered a sea serpent on the way which I defeated using my bow [Music] [Music] I added more Flags to the spinning wheel and baked more food in the oven I also hung up the trophies on mortar and Jagua yogliff's ability increases resistance against fire Frost and lightning could be useful with my new equipment and experience I set my sights on this next challenge the sixth boss I headed back home and crafted a Fenris Hood to increase my movement speed before getting some much needed rest for the next Day's Journey anyways it has been a hundred days seven valheim if you want to continue on this safe I'll make consider becoming a patron remember anyways thanks to my patrons members and if you bored and watch this video next
Channel: veequeue
Views: 469,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 41sec (3401 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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