The FASTEST way to level melee skills in Valheim

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so you're looking to increase your melee skills in valheim well you've come to the right place recently while playing with a couple friends of mine we discovered the absolute best way to level your melee combat skills in the game we were both frustrated that blocking was taking way too long to train naturally in the game as enemies like graylings and gray dwarfs are a bit inconsistent with their attack patterns we were both in the mountain tiers in the game already and we both only had a blocking skill of about 15. so I had an idea what if we set up an arena and train together so we had just discovered the new fist claw weapon that's in the game and so I wanted to train my fifth skill to try them out and he wanted to boost his block skills since he's the main tank in the party when we started I only had level 3 fist skill and he had level 15 block so here's how you do it you should set up a one wall by one wall room in your base preferably in an area near a fire for maximum resting stamina regeneration so if you have the rest bonus your stamina and health regenerate faster secondly if you have the rest bonus you get bonus XP which will make this training go even faster then eat some good stamina food whatever is available to you we use some pretty high fear stuff but even like mid or low tier stamina food will do wonders okay this is a great method both of you should flag for PVP by choosing this button in the menu and then the attacker should start hitting the blocker you will see that you'll get levels in no time so here's some important notes first the blocker should use a high tier Tower Shield as high tier as possible in this video my friend is using a tier 3 serpent shield and I willed on him for basically forever and never got through his defense the attacker should use as weak a weapon as possible in the category for safety purposes when we first tried this my friend attacked me with a silver sword and overwhelmed my defenses and actually ended up killing me so I don't want that to happen to you it's uh very important that you don't die because you'll lose five percent of your XP in this Training Method so it's best to be as careful as possible something of note it only matters how many hits you get in with the weapon not how much damage you do so this is another reason why you want to attack with the weakest weapon possible just so that you can deal consistent hits and not overwhelm the shield and rest as little as possible so for instance if you want to train daggers you should use a flint knife and if you want to train axes you should equip a flintax etc then you simply just wail on each other my friend literally got something to hold down his right Mouse button uh for blocking and just afk'd for a few minutes and I just wailed on him for about 15 minutes and in only 30 minutes of training with this method I went from level three fist to level 66 and he went from level 15 block to 42. I popped on a YouTube video and just kind of chilled and you could watch a TV show do whatever you want during this method it's very very easy very low maintenance I just recommend that both parties don't AFK because there could be a surprise raid actually while doing this uh we had a skeleton raid so I'm glad I didn't AFK also otherwise we would probably have a destroyed base so let's assume that you're a solo player and you don't have a friend to train with well I still have a second option for you however it's roughly about 50 as efficient as a strategy I just showed you so if you can find a friend to train with or somebody online that would be the best option but in the event that you are a pure solo player this is my recommendation for you however I wouldn't attempt doing this until you have at least about 40 armor for like a full iron set or a fully upgraded troll set or better and have some decent food options so grab yourself the lowest tier weapon just like in the last method and go out into the black forest and find yourself a gray dwarf spawner as long as you don't break the spawner it will give you an infinite amount of enemies to Train Your Weapon skills with remember you want to land as many hits as possible to get your weapon XP and block as many hits if you're trying to get your block XP I recommend building a small Shack nearby that you can rest in but not too close that the great horse will follow you and attack it once you decide to leave to rest keep your resting bonus up for maximum XP gains and then maybe have a station for you to repair your Flint weapon and then just return to combat tip I want to I want to ride on How to Train Your stealth skill in case you're interested in getting those big sneak attacks in the method I use is I simply find a troll cave I haven't been in before but you could also do a swamp Crypt that is completely blocked by mud piles with the enemies on the other side this one might be a bit safer of an option in order to get sneak XP there just simply needs to be an enemy nearby that hasn't detected you yet that means they don't have that red exclamation mark over their head it's important to note that any line of sight will allow them to spot you and anything you do that makes sound could alert them so just be really careful once you have a good setup simply just sneak into a wall or rock or something and just hold W until your stamina runs out then wait for it to regen and repeat again you want rest bonus XP if possible so you can get faster gains you can easily get your first 30 levels of stealth doing this in a very short amount of time if you have good stamina food and the right conditions well I hope you found these tips useful if so I would appreciate it if you liked and subscribed to the channel as it would help me greatly let me know in the comments if you'd like to see any more valheim guides tips and tricks and also consider checking out the rest of my channel for more survival and Base building game content have a great one and see ya
Channel: Goose Rogan
Views: 5,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valheim, op, how to get train skills valheim, training guide valheim, sirrogan
Id: kKc_06rU24U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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