The Most Renewable Fully Farmable Foods Valheim Guide

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this is your one and only fire spark 81 with your daily dose of video goodness and welcome back to another informational valheim video today we're going to talk about the most farmable foods let's get to it so there's about 14 000 of you out there that is just still crazy for me to comprehend there is about 14 000 of you out there who are going to see the intro this video and go wait a minute this looks awfully familiar didn't i already see this didn't you upload yeah this is a redo video because the first video i uploaded about this was absolute trash and you deserve better so please watch this one because the other one missed some things that this one is going to cover anyway so today we're talking about the most farmable foods now i want to make something very clear here from the get-go because i saw a lot of comments in the previous one for the short time that it was up where people were talking about other foods and how they are better that is not what this is about this is not about what the best foods are that's a totally different video i'm going to cover later this is simply about the most easily renewable farmable foods and what i mean by that is foods that you can do start to finish in your base that you do not have to go out and forage for for anything because if we take a look here at some of the recipes in here pretty much all of the recipes have something you have to go forage for so cloudberries locksmith now there was a bunch of people who were like you can farm locks you can't you can tame locks but locks currently at the time of making this video do not breed uh if you're watching this afar in the future check the valheim playlist to see if there's been an update on that because there probably has because at some point they are going to but currently as the game stands right now at the publication date of this video they do not breed so they are not farmable yes you can go out and murder them but technically that is foraging if we take a look at fish wraps fish wraps is another one now some people say that fish wraps are a farmable food source they kinda are a bit kinda aren't it's relatively easy to find the fish schools and technically you could have a base by the water so you never really have to leave your base in order to hunt for the fish but at the same time you have to buy the bait now the bait is only 10 gold per 50 but you still have to go out and forage for the gold so technically fish you're still foraging for them sausages you can set up a farm for entrails relatively easy if you find a draugr spawner you can also farm meat but you have to forage for thistle and you get the idea there pretty much all of the recipes in the game have at least one thing that you have to go out and forage for like carrot soup confirmed carrots can't farm mushrooms but there are a few things in the game that you can easily farm from start to finish in your base and we're gonna take a look at those now so first off we have honey honey is an absolutely amazing source of food in this game because well i mean first off it's short it only gives you three 300 seconds duration it only gives you 20 health and 20 stamina but it gives you 5 hp per tick and you don't have to do anything you don't have to replant you don't have to keep up on anything you literally find the beehive get the resources that you need to or find the beehive in the world destroy it get the b so you have the resources that you need in order to place said beehive over here under crafting there you go you need a queen bee 10 wood and that is it then you place the beehive and it will just generate honey for you i have a bunch over here if you take a look beehives can hold up to a max of four honey and there's no limit on how many of these that you can have if you run out of them in your world and you literally can't find any more bees anywhere at all in your world you can take your character to a brand new world and go get more bees uh you can just have all of them that you want you cram a bunch of them into a tiny area you can put them on posts like this and we can just bam look there we go oh look we just got four honey this is absolutely fantastic snack for around the base your default health is 25 but if you eat one honey that's going to put you up to 45 we're gonna regen here relatively quickly and hit that 45 mark it also gives you a nice little bit of stamina and it's absolutely perfect for just derping around the base i mean it's what i it's my go-to food and it's the only food i'll eat if i'm not out doing anything if i'm farming or just doing whatever work around the base i will constantly eat honey and use that as my food source you can see it there it put us at 44 but that's because it's ticking down so if you don't eat any other food on top of it if all you are eating is honey you won't hit that 45 mark you will only hit 44 but you know it's great it's great for around the base and it's a super easy renewable food that you don't really have to work for next up we have carrots carrots give you 15 health 15 stamina they last 600 seconds and they are at 1 hp regen per tick and that's terrible carrots eating carrots alone are a terrible source of food i mean they're if they're all you have then yeah it's fine to eat one but they're they're not the best source of food next up we have cooked meat and you can farm cooked meat relatively efficiently and we're going to talk about that here in a minute cooked meat is great cooked meat gives you 40 health 30 salmon out lasts for 1 200 seconds and gives you 2 hp per tick then we have turnip stew every part of turnip stew from start to finish can be farmed in your base this is one of the best foods in the game because of that and i know i said this wasn't like a best foods in the game video but this this right here is one of the best foods in the game because the fact that you can farm it all in your base you don't have to forage for anything and it has really good stats is it one of the strongest foods no there's other foods out there that have a lot higher stats but you have to forage for parts of them so turnip stew has 50 health 50 stamina last 1 600 seconds gives you two hp per tick it's gonna cost you one raw meat and three turnips as you see here turnips cannot be eaten by themselves like carrots can you can eat carrots by themselves you cannot eat turnips by themselves i can right click on it all i want and nothing happens next up we have bread bread has really good stats for stamina so it has 40 health 70 stamina last 1 800 seconds it also lasts a really long time which is nice and gives you 2 hp per tick the downside to bread is that it takes barley barley can only be found in the plains as far as i know that's the only place that i've seen it and then it can only be farmed in the plains as well now this isn't the worst because you can legit just set a portal up to a small garden over there portal over to your gardening and then portal back to your base so it's like you never really left your base in the first place now i've heard people mention and ask about stasis and when you leave an area if it goes in your plants go into stasis you do not have to be over in your farm area in the plains biome plants aren't affected by stasis as soon as you go over there their timer will have continued to kick to tick down and when you go over there they will update and they will have grown i tested this thoroughly plants are not affected by stasis at all bread has a lot of downsides first off when you harvest barley you only get two per harvest so you plant one you get two back so you're technically only getting one because you're going to want to continue to plant that barley in order to continue to grow it so you're going to have to put one of those back in the ground it takes 10 barley flour to make bread or to make one bread which is terribly just terribly inefficient i mean all the time that it takes for you to go through and plant them make sure they're far enough apart all of that stuff and you're not planting them too close together then you go through and you harvest them you only get to keep one from each so you're gonna have to harvest ten to get one bread and then you're gonna have to replant those ten in order to continue the loop honestly it gives great stats but i feel like it's one of those ones that's like uh used once in a while when you're going out to do something dangerous um it's not like an everyday eater because of the fact that it's just so terribly inefficient time wise the other downside to bread is that you need the artisan table and a windmill in order to process the barley flower to get to the artisan table you have to defeat motor so you the dragon balls so you're not getting a hold of this anytime fast you can actually rush the turnips relatively early game you can head over there in the swamp i advise having at least troll a good chunk of troll hide and then just don't stop moving when you're over there in the swamp just keep moving and stay out of the water as much as possible you should be able to do a quick run through the swamp and find turnips i've done it before so i know it's possible i only died once which is not the worst especially if it's early game get a hold of those turnips right after you hit the bronze age and you get the cultivator and you're you're looking pretty good this on the other hand you have to defeat the dragon boss before you can make bread so you need the dragon tears in order to make the table and then if we grab the barley here and we bring it over here you put it in the back of this thing and you just load it up also you can't hold it down like you can the other stuff so like the the furnace and stuff you can you can hold or hold down or the smelter you can hold down and just keep loading it this you gotta like you gotta tap it you gotta tap the e to add all of them um and then you just patiently wait and it will eventually spit it out the front it's a one for one so i've loaded 24 in here let's skip some time all right we've skipped some time it's popped out and you can see we only got 24. so it's a one for one on the barley yeah bread not a bad item just terribly inefficient so let's talk about how we can make turnip soup and getting a hold of raw meat a little more efficient so you have two options for harvesting meat you have boars and you have the wolves bores are really easy to get and you can take one of those turnips and feed it to a boar and then make another baby and then get to meat from it if you are using at least a one star bore i do not recommend farming any boars unless they are at least one star or above the level one bores or the no star bores are just terrible to farm they don't always give resources they don't always give meat and they're just terrible if we farm up some of these one star boars so we just got two in a row right there and we harvest them up you can see we got four meat and four leather scraps now they will pretty much always give to meat uh on occasion they give less or more leather scraps but i've always gotten two meat from each of these that i farm so we're gonna continue to harvest here so they seem to be on a roll for two and two today but i have gotten three leather scraps from these guys before so it must be a bit of a random chance but you can see they're super efficient so if you just get to meet purr it ends up being a situation where you only need to farm turnips because they will eat and breed off of turnips so if you only have two pigs you farm two turnips you drop the two turnips in here that's going to get you four meat and that turns around to be four stews so you essentially turn two turnips into four meat not a bad trade-off but it's even better if you have two star bores these guys will always give you four meat every time you kill one you will get four meat from eight to starboard they are an absolute fantastic thing to get a hold of because of how efficient they are so you turn one turn up into four meat that is a very very very good trade-off now another really good option is the wolves and the wolves are a good option because you don't have to turn any of your produce into meat you can turn meat back into meat so you can turn all of those turnips that you're farming into turnip stew instead of feeding them to your boars the downside to wolves is going to be a little bit later in the game before you're able to get a hold of them and also as you're about to see you're best off getting a hold of two stars because the one stars do not always give you meat so here we go we're gonna just knock down a few of them here and you can see that this one here did not produce any meat however this one produced two so the one stars have a random chance to drop meat so you're not super efficient there they are farmable it is a thing you can do because we can get one meat we can turn that around throw one of those on the ground and use that to make another baby wolf and then we have one that we can use for ourselves to eat however if you can get a hold of two star wolves uh from what i can tell they're probably your most time efficient option they are going to be the hardest thing to get a hold of those so if we knock this guy down here and we harvest him up you can see for me if we take this one down and we harvest him up for meat every time you take down one of these or farm one of these two star wolves you are going to get four meat that is two for yourself and two for two more wolves you don't have to use any of your produce you can use all of your produce for making the soup and then you can use the wolves to duplicate the wolves so you have a few different configurations for options here obviously late game option for if you want to go fully renewable farmable food source and that's the only thing you want to live off of because you don't want to forage for whatever reason your option best option is bread turnip stew in one meat and let's take a look at what the stats look like for that so here you go you can see i have 155 health and i have an absolutely massive stamina bar so not a bad option there once again you're not going to be able to achieve this until after you beat the dragon boss if you want to go fully farmable and you only want to eat renewable food this is what that's going to look like for you now you do have another option relatively early game and we're going to take a look at that now so your early game option would be a cooked meat a honey and one turnip stew and let's take a look at the stats on that so you can see with just that set up there we end up with 135 well it just ticked down it was 135 135 health and then our stamina bar uh it's an okay stamina bar i prefer more stamina but we're going to cover how to max out your stamina in a different food video once again that's not what this food video is about so yeah it's it's not your best option but early game it should serve you well you do have a nice chunky hp bar there so you should be able to take a couple of hits and it's not bad for 100 renewable resources that you don't have to go out and forage for now one thing i do want to mention here is that super super early game you're not really going to be able to start off with this because the first boars that are going to show up are going to be level one boars and they're going to be trash to farm don't even bother with them honestly but once you are to the point where you're safe enough to go over and explore the swamp you should start seeing at least one star bores i'm not 100 sure on the mechanics on what causes those to show up so i'm not going to talk in detail about it i'm also not going to talk in detail about breeding them or the difference between stars and all that other stuff i have videos covering all of that stuff so if you're interested in that and you want to know about breeding them and how breeding them works and getting you know more two stars or one stars or whatever check out my valheim playlist i cover all of that but once you are at the point where you can somewhat safely run through the swamp and get been hunt for turnips you should already start seeing ones at least one star boars and those are a good one to start with to until you get to the point to move into to starboards so about that point in the game you can become become completely self-reliant on food and not have to do any foraging if you don't want to and last but not least just so that i am super thorough for those of you who want to know what your least favorable combo i guess we're going to call it looks like which would be the meat carrot and honey combo that's super easily obtainable as soon as you hit the bronze age and you get the cultivator you can easily do this combo here let's take a look at what that looks like health-wise and stamina wise so you can see that puts you at 100 health and there's your stamina bar so yeah i guess that early on in the game that's not a bad setup but you can do way better okay so this time i think this video was worthy of you all i think i covered everything and uh yeah hopefully you found it informational hopefully if you watch the other one you continued to watch this one and you picked up on all of the things that i left out in the first video and it was a little bit more informational to you i apologize for that first video that should have never happened if you did find this informational and helpful and you have not yet hit the subscribe button and the notification bell please do it's going to ensure that you get notified when i upload other velheim content and i don't just cover valheim i cover all kinds of different games so you never know when i'm going to be making guides for a game that you may be playing alright that is going to wrap it up for this episode if you like what you saw considering that sub button i want to give a big thank you to my patrons for making this episode possible y'all are absolutely amazing people if you'd like to join my league of patreon supporters please check out the link in the description below if you enjoyed this video please comment down below let me know what you thought if you're shy you don't like to comment just hit that thumbs up button and show your support until next time thanks for watching
Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 311,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Valheim, Valheim renewable food, Valheim farmable food, Valheim best food, valheim best food, valheim foods, Valheim food farm, Valheim easy food
Id: S9kM4NfyQx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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