Monk / Rogue Multiclass Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3

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hello everyone in this video I'll be showing you an OP monk rogue build guide for balers Gate 3 this is a very powerful multiclass because the thief gets or the thief subass of Rogue gets an extra bonus action which the monk can make really great use of so we're going to be starting with the monk I find this to be the better of the classes now we get our nice flury of blows there and our class features being key unarmed defense so we get our wisdom modifier to our Armor class which is very important I'm going to touch on that in a moment here when we pick stats dextrous attacks we use our dexterity instead of strength for your dexterity is higher death strikes attacks with mon weapons and unarmed attacks youal one to four blooding damage that's normal damage is higher and then bonus unarmed strike so make an attack with a monk weapon or unarmed you can make another unarmed attack as a bonus action so for our abilities now this depends where you're at in the game but I think it's best to dump strength and use the potions to increase your strength here so there's the hill giant uh potions that's going to set your strength to 21 and there's the cloud giant which will set it to 27 so you can't get a strength higher than that naturally and we're going to be making taking advantage of something that's very important that I'll touch on in a moment so we're actually going to focus on dumping strength we want to have high Constitution for survivability but also having a high wisdom because that's going to add our wisdom modifier at plus three to our Armor class and some pieces of gear will also add your wisdom modifier to your attack roles so that becomes very powerful and we're going to keep our we want our constitution pretty high as well you can even set it something like that if you're the face of your priority you might want a bit higher on your charisma cuz a eight Charisma is not going to cut it but something like this looks good we're going to be focusing on strength potions to get our strength or if you want to you can take the strength gauntlets but there are some really great gauntlets I'll be getting into gear at the end of this video but the a lot of the gauntlets for monks will allow you to add damage modifiers to your unarmed attacks roles which is very very powerful so at level two monk we get our on our movement so we we're not wearing any armor having a shield so we get extra three meters we get patient defense attack rolls against you have a disadvantage and you have advantage on dexterity saving throws so that's a nice reaction or key to have double your movement speed jump no longer requires a bonus action also very huge and then also SE the wind disengage I have an item too that's going to help out with increasing our jump height which makes this a very crazy build you're just going to be jumping around everywhere taking people out so at monk level three we we also get our race skill here but we get to choose of three subass classes there's the way of the four elements more so puts things into like a mage perspective there's the way of the Shadow which you would think works really great as a rogue melty class but there's way too much overlap with this class to really find it to be useful way of the open hand is the most powerful monk subass the reason being is we get the flurry blows topple which is a bonus action which we can take advantage of the Rogue thief's extra bonus action so we're going to be going with something like that and I find that this can be very powerful now now you can go three levels Monk and then three levels of the Rogue that can be a way to go about doing this build so we're going to do that just for the Simplicity sake we get the sneak attack and abilities we can it's actually better to start as a rogue I should have mentioned that because as if you start as a rogue you get extra um you get some extra options here for your skills so that can be really nice heavy increase perceptions usually pretty good um something like that and we also get where is it I guess we get to pick two of them yeah so we'll go with Insider intimidation something like that so the reason that the Rogue is so powerful is it gets a bonus action once we get to choose our subass for level two we get our actions High Dash and disengage we get a further rise skill for level five but this is where the build comes kind of online at is the Rogue level three and the bonus or the subass we're going to go with is Thief we get that bonus action which is super useful and we get resistance of falling damage assassin is nice but the thief bonus action is really what's useful here for dipping three levels into Rogue because we can use that Flurry of Blows twice now and that just really increases our damage potential per action or I guess bonus action now we're going to go back into the monk here and we're going to just leave it at three levels of row we get more key slow fall you gain resistance to Falling damage so same thing as the Rogue now for our feet this is where things get interesting Tavern brawler what this does is it when you make an unarmed attack used imp provid weapon or throw something your strength modifier is added twice to the damage and attack rolls so we don't have a strength modifier right now but with the potions that's going to be like a plus five or a plus seven so that can be nice adding that twice and then we're also going to pump up our constitution to get it a nice rounded off 16 there for the plus three to the checks that's really powerful Tavern brawler is crazy it would be perfect perfect even without the added Feats but we're going to get an extra Constitution which is nice and again strength is going to be covered by the potions or your equipment I think this is one of the best classes to just completely dump strength and use the potions for because it makes it so much better now we get an extra attack at level five which is quite useful additional key point to fuel your monk techniques we get stunning strike which can stun targets pretty basic but the monk gets quite powerful at level 9 so this is really what how the build will come together and the gear options that I got for this build are incredible so I'll show you those two we also get an additional key Point uh unarm movement increases so we got 14.5 meters of movement while not wearing armor chat empowered strikes your unarmed attacks count as magical for the purposes of overcoming enemies resistances and Immunity to non-magical damage now people don't really talk about this enough but chat empowered strikes is powerful because there's a lot of enemies that are going to resist normal physical damage so we can turn our physical damage into magic damage deal a lot more damage damage so this is just overall increase our DPS we get manifestation of the body your hand sap cheve from enemies bodies your unarm strikes you additional 4 to7 necrotic 4 to7 psychic or 4 to7 radian so very nice and then we also get Hold Us of body regain half your Che points enter a temporary state of Wess where you regain CH points and have an additional extra bonus action so there's another bonus action this gets really crazy you can take down enemies very easily with this so getting into monk level s we get some more class features here so evasion very very nice the Rogue gets us and the monk gets it when a spell or effect would deal damage would deal half half damage on a successful dexterity saing throw it deals no damage if you succeed and only half damage if you fail so that's quite nice just to overall up your survivability Stillness aine if you're Charmed or frighten you would automatically cast Stillness of mind or remove the condition that's nice just to have that fail save cuz being frighten kind of of sucks and just the ability to remove that instantly is really nice we're going to be getting our next feat here and this is where the build will start to come together now we get extra cheap points and then we're going to go with an ability Improvement you could go something like alert to get bonus to initiative and can't be surprised if you wanted to use the hag hair on your dexterity to take that to 18 and then two more from the ability Improvement it all depends on how you built your character and your de decisions thus far but Tavern br being the really big one for this build so ability Improvement and we can take our dexterity up we'll just pretend that's 20 cuz The Hags hair I believe I'm not sure where the hags hair is on this but uh it's it's going to bump that up even further onl Bo oh permanent boost of strength I put on strength so this doesn't really work for this build we'll pretend that that's 20 though for the purposes of this build here now at monk level 9 this is the final level that we got and we get some nice features here we get that on our Advance on our movements so we don't get bogged down by difficult terrain you can jump an additional six meters very powerful and we have some other things that's going to help assist that so we get key resonation punch hit a creature with your bare fist making the chi and its body resonate with yours uh bonus action and blast so detonate the chi of a creature resonating with you hit the creature and anyone within it within 5 meters of it so you can basically just make things explode super satisfying great for damage potential and it just makes this build come together really nicely so looking into the gear that we have for this so I like to go with the mask of Soul perception so it gives you a plus two to attack rolls initiative rolles and perception checks and you get to detect thoughts this are really grous to have the death stalker mantle obviously this is only for if you're the dark urge but there's also some that give you a increased chance of rolling a critical hit when hiding um I like the one that increases your armor class now for the grace I'm using graceful cloth but there are better options for this um so this gives you a plus one to unarmed attack rolls and damage of throwing attacks and gives you a plus one Armor class gloves of Soul catching these are really great so as you can see Soul Fist your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1 to 10 Force damage that's pretty nice just to have once per turn on an unarmed hit you gain 10 Health points alternatively you may foro the healing and you get advantage on attack rolls saving throws until the end of your turn this is also really great and we get a nice plus two to Constitution which takes our constitution up to 18 These Boots are the great are really great for monk so the we the we wearer deals additional damage equal to their wisdom modifier with unarmed strikes that's why we were pumping our wisdom you could even have pumped I put Dexter up you could have put your wisdom up high it's probably what I should have done there and just kind of brain laps there uh Amulet of ball is a really great one cuz you're typically as a monk going to be jumping around and getting into The Fray early on so you're going to inflict bleeding on anything that has full health points killer Sweetheart's gray just for a critical hit on demand really nice and you can also get the athid potential that gives you that as well so two free Critical Hits can really melt things away and Ringo jumping which gives us an extra triple jumping distance which we already have quite a high jumping distance so you can go really far with this it's actually kind of broken like path is interrupted let's see you can jump really far it feels hilarious to do in practice but the monk itself gets really fire jumps and this is nice cuz it lasts until a short rest it uses a bonus action so I'd recommend doing it outside of combat as the start of combat jump distance tripled is incredible so yeah this build can be really powerful for overall damage output because you got lots of damage Riders I mean you can even use a ring that adds acid damage to it um there's also some other nice options like we got this which unarmed attacks will deal additional one to four and you get ice knife it's nice cuz the monk typically has gear just for it so you won't be taking gear from your other party members that's the nicest thing about having a monk on the team is they are great at dealing damage without taking away from your other uh teammates which is super powerful so there it is an OP monk build guide with the thief multiclass in balers Gate 3 I hope you found this video useful if if you did please hit that subscribe button below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: JasonDunna
Views: 1,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jason Dunn, jasondunna, OP Monk / Rogue, OP Monk / Rogue Multiclass, OP Monk / Rogue Multiclass Build Guide, OP Monk / Rogue Multiclass Build Guide Baldur', OP Monk / Rogue Multiclass Build Guide Baldur's Gate, OP Monk / Rogue Multiclass Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3, monk rogue bg3, monk rogue build guide bg3, monk rogue build, monk rogue build bg3, monk rogue multiclass bg3
Id: FwvVIGM_e_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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