Let's Pray Together! Session 1 -Kevin & Kathi Zadai

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hello everyone dr kevin zadai with you with warrior notes and welcome to our prayer time with you me and my wife kathy we had a great holiday season and we're excited about what god's doing and we know that there's a lot of things that have gone on in in the world and uh there's such a war going on in the spirit and so the the main thing that kathy and i decided the lord just put on our hearts to to come on and pray with you and uh to encourage you because you know when you pick when you pick a fight with the with the kingdom of darkness which you already did just because you were born and then you were born again there you're already in the war but see it's it's a whole another thing when you're in a generation that that is at the end of of all this and uh at the end of time you know where as we know it we're getting to the end of time we're getting to the end days then all of a sudden that generation is endued with with revelation and power in the word of god then than has ever been seen before and so when that generation comes on the scene then it really picks a fight with the kingdom of darkness because we start to we start to go into the next phase of what god has so we're we're actually in a warfare right now and it's time for all of us to stand up and be counted in this generation and don't give an inch to the devil don't give up any land we're not giving up anything are we god god's not asking us to give up anything he's he's wanting to give us even more right yes yes to see how much we can believe him for that's right and so because we're believers and because we are the believing ones we have to we have to stand in faith it's it's required so god requires us to stand in faith and walk in faith it's a requirement because he's not pleased if we back off in any way it's what pleases god it's it's faith right it's our faith it's our faith care for us yeah and so we wanted to encourage you because we have um have not um in any way even caused what is what is going on to get into us we've we've allowed the spirit of god to stay in control and we are demanding righteousness and justice aren't we we're just like standing firm with what god has for us so i know that um we wanted to pray with you and we're we would do this uh we've been doing this for the last probably what uh 15 20 days we've been just uh praying and studying 20 years yeah and the 15 or 20 years too as well uh together with 26 years or 28 years now so but in the last days since christmas we have just been uh we've been just uh uh building ourselves up in the most holy of faith spending time with the lord and our environment is an environment of heaven because we choose to live there right we just choose to live there but we thought we'll just encourage you come on and just say listen now nothing has changed in heaven god has hasn't had a bad day uh since we we last uh saw every one of you and we we we know that there's all kinds of unrest and and things that are going on in the world but we have to stay true to what god's character is and what he's already revealed to us and we need to wage war with the prophecies we've received so um with that you know you you wanted to share some things about praying in the spirit because we're going to pray in the spirit with you all and um you can just join in with us like you're in our home you know and this is what we do all day we just pray in the spirit we we we miss meals we pray in the spirit we're we're standing firm against the enemy who is has uh doing what he does he the enemy steals kills and destroys and that's what he does it should be no surprise to you that god wants to do all these wonderful things for people and for nations but yet um the the enemy comes in and he wants to steal kill and destroy that shouldn't surprise any believer because a believer should know his is his enemy that's a good soldier he knows their enemy right and we know that one of the weapons is tongues right it's praying in tongues yeah praying time yeah so go ahead i know you want to share some stuff i just um we just had it on our heart to spend some time in prayer with all of you because it's great to pray alone but it's also um their strength when we pray together and so this is going to be um we're going to pray in the holy ghost because that's what jesus thought would be the best thing he could give to us when he left was the baptism in the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues he knew we needed that he could have left us anything but he left us that and so we want to be a good steward of that precious gift of the holy ghost and it's um we just want to share this time with you like kevin said we do this at home all the time and for a long time now probably years it's been on my heart and i know kevin's heart to spend time praying with other believers to get develop that flow sometimes it's easier when you pray with other people to get that flow going we want that flow to go in your house in your car and everywhere you go we want it to continue that flow to continue to grow and um the word the lord gave me this morning was victory channel because every morning we wake up that's all we hear is a victory in our spirit so when we pray in the holy ghost it helps us tune into that victory channel that is within us and if you're born again and don't pray in the holy ghost and you're watching us ask the lord to fill you with the holy ghost and fire and just let that prayer language come out of you it's for all believers yeah so these signs will follow those that believe so we're just we're sowing this to the lord and to you all because we we just love love you we love the lord and um so when you pray in the holy ghost you also develop um your inner ear and your natural ear to to to listen to the spirit versus your mind your mind sometimes needs to be retrained because it's used to being in control so when we're praying in the holy ghost we're like telling our mind you know this is good for you but you're just to have to not be the boss right now this holy ghost the spirit my spirit being is going to be in control and this is going to increase more and more every day of my life until i go to heaven so let's um i just feel like we could just jump in right now and just pray a little bit in the holy ghost yeah but one of the things that one of the things when you pray in the spirit is that your your mind is not fruitful that's what paul said in 1st corinthians chapter 14 verse 2. so i want to make sure that you understand that your mind doesn't participate in what we're about to do also this is a believer's meeting so in a believer's meeting we don't have unbelievers in in the congregation this is just me and kathy personally praying together we pray in the spirit for hours together we interpret what we're saying together we we uh we we it's a believer's meeting this is not this is not something that where it's it's in a congregation where there's a huge amount of unbelievers there too as well so this is just a personal something we're inviting you to do with us this is not this is not something that would come under what paul said that we have to interpret our tongues if we speak in tongues because this is our personal prayer language is our personal prayer time but we're including you in on it okay so that just to understand that and then sometimes what happens is we'll be praying in the spirit we both know it you know we know what we're doing but we'll get all of a sudden our mind might not be fruitful but we will get a revelation that comes through our mind right up through our spirit yeah that the lord will give us an understanding of what we're praying and so that might happen right and you have to remember also that praying in the spirit builds you up yes it builds you up in the most holy of faith and it builds you up so that you can remain in the love of god and right now there's a lot of people that are very upset with their they feel like they've been stolen from and we need we need to get into forgiveness we need to remember that that god does not renege on on his goodness he wants everything you know it's it's a it's amazing to me that we're we're supposed to be convinced that god is a good god that he is in control of every detail of our lives that he's woven this in and fit it together into his plan and so the spirit prays out that plan yeah so remember that that when we pray in the spirit we're building ourselves up in the most holy of faith and also in the love of god which means that we forgive we forgive those who have stolen from us who have misrepresented us we we we feel sometimes we have to process these things i remember real quick when we when our car was stolen and all of a sudden we're actually going down to go to church and we we uh yes the devil didn't want us to go to church yeah so our car is missing you know and so we had to go like get a ride to church and then with the police came and everything but the first thing we did was we we we grabbed hands and we said lord we won't have it this way you know we command those people to be caught in their own trap and we want that car back and we want recompense we don't want just a car back we want a seven fold return for that stolen and you know it took it took several weeks the police actually they're quoted as saying it was a miracle we've never seen anything like it especially with a nice car like you have they don't come back he said but everything we caught them in it and um they hadn't uh trashed the car yet so yeah that they the criminals had to pay us for years and we ended up getting double what we almost double exactly what we would have paid for the car we actually she had to make payments yeah all those people the that were in that in the drug trade who had stolen it so i remember that we didn't accept that that even though um we didn't think that god had taken that from us um we we knew that the devil had stolen the car god had nothing to do with that car being stolen but he had everything to do with it coming back to us and that's what we're believing for is that god is going to reward those who diligently seek him i just remember too sharing that there was one other thing on shares that a lot of people in january they make new year's resolutions or they want to set their set the course for the rest of the year but this is probably the number one way you can make sure you sh you set your course right unless the lord's already revealed to you a specific plan you because your tongue is like the rudder of a ship so if your ship's going this way but it's supposed to be going this way praying in tongues is going to make sure that rudder which guides the whole ship is going to go towards the mark of god's perfect will for your life so as you just let the holy ghost pray through you you're going to be like adjusting your direction if it possibly might be a little bit off course this is going to help you get back on course yep so yay i'm just i woke up this morning kathy and i both we felt the power of god so strongly and we knew that we were supposed to come and and and pray with you all and i want to encourage you that god has not let go of you at all in any way he hasn't changed his mind in any way shape or form that this is like this generation that we're in right now it's a very important generation we've been already told um for for months and months and months we've had warnings about getting out of warmness and that there was a test coming so now that the test has come it's just a test let's pass it let's pass it you know this was warned uh this was out since may you know we we're going through it uh step by step and we're we're going to stay stay in there and we're inviting you to stay in the victory um nothing i mean it's been bright sunny days for us in the spirit ever since god uh came into my life and in the cafe's life when we were born again we have had nothing but stories of victory and um we are very important at this time we need to stand in faith god has not abandoned you he has not changed his mind about you in any way god is is is got a plan he's got a strategy and he's he's chuckling right now because he is you know the lord constantly constantly throughout our lives we've we've been through so much together and we've seen things turn this is like this is like a common thing for us where it looks impossible but after after going through this for 40 years we know we know that we already expect god to come through in a victorious way so we when we yield to the spirit we're building ourselves up in our most holy faith and remaining in the love of god so you need to just forgive every evil person that's ever done anything evil to you you need to let go of all this evil these people yielded to evil spirits and um that's what that's what uh people that are unsaved do that's what religious people do so now you see the goats you see the goats you see the sheep it's pretty pretty obvious now who's really a believer and who is not it's pretty obvious whose tares and wheat it's pretty obvious who's the wise virgins and who's the unwise virgins and so this is this is the way it is so when you pray you're building yourself up and you're also remaining love of god and you're forgiving okay so you forgive everyone you you let offense drop you just let it go and you build each other up in the most holy faith and also remember that your mind doesn't participate in what we're about to do and that this is a holy time this is a sacred time so let's go ahead and pray and unless do you have anything else you wanted to share or is that you feel like you got it out it says that we're you know we're um speaking to god yes we are we're speaking to god and so these are prayers that are guaranteed to go to god be heard by god and be accomplished by god because we agree with the spirit of god so let's all just yield and i mean i'm yield to the joy because the other realm is very bright right now very happy the the spirit of god god's word his realm is is active and living and sharper than any two-edged sword and you don't have to worry about a thing right now god's saying you don't have to worry about a thing he said i've got this i've got this let's go ahead and is is is foreign oh and put on the spirit of god the spirit of life the spirit of rejoicing i am with you in a mighty way it's okay working it through working it through building up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] fulfilled is foreign hey hey it's your time to smile it's your time to speak where you're going to speak the word it's your turn to see the salvation of the lord of the resurrection hallelujah thank you holy spirit for helping us thank you for comforting us lifting us up thank you taking us to the hard place taking us to the secret place hallelujah counseling yes the world needs a savior place yes yes okay foreign [Music] yes hallelujah in the name of jesus deliverance has come holy in the name of jesus yes yes hallelujah yes unity thank you lord we serve you the rest of our lives lord we stand faithful you are faithful always [Laughter] well that that just signals the victory right there and you know what the lord doesn't like to be stolen from either you know he has done so much for us he is he has given so much you know you see his personality with the children of israel and how they they they saw his salvation they saw what he had done they saw all the things that he had done but yet when they went out into the desert and he delivered them through the red sea they did not they did not um come and thank him and because of that we have a lot of things going on in that in that message of god being hurt by because of unbelief because they didn't acknowledge him that's a war a good warning that not to get into unbelief yeah because right now in my spirit i feel like the lord is sad and that he's been stolen from too as well and he's not going to let that happen because he's a righteous god and that's how you can tell if god's in something is it righteous is it justice is it is it for life is it for defending the fatherless and the uh the the widow is it for uh that's the children the unborn children is it is it uh for freedom of of worshiping god is it is it for health is it for uh the lord to work and move in your life and you to meet together these are all things that have to do with god's personality and it's revealed in the bible so you can tell when god's moving in something and when he's not and you can tell if it's the enemy if it's it's because the fruit of the flesh the fruit of of what the personality of the devil is comes forth and you can label it by the word of god so we know what's of god and what's not and god if jesus went around healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil and doing good then we know that that jesus went around doing good and healing everyone okay so we know that that's the will of the father okay so it's the same thing with everything else um jesus was defending life he died so that we could live he gave us life more abundantly so that's what i got in the spirit when i was praying i realized that we can't we can't go against even if it's in our mind we can't let our heart be troubled because god's already revealed his personality to us through his word and so you can't accept anything that's against god's word and and god you know god doesn't like to be stolen from he he did so much for us and he counted us faithful to be here and he knew we'd be praying it's like that that little kid when the teacher said and they were in class and the teacher said um how many of you would if you had the choice to stand on the bible or go to heaven who would want to go to heaven and everybody in the whole class raised their hand except one kid and the teacher's like well joseph why didn't you raise your hand he said well teacher or whatever her name was if i stand on the bible i'm standing on the word of god and it says that heaven and earth will pass away but my word will not he really he that's a smart little kid a little kid he's listening to me that's right and and we need to be that smart little kid and realize that we're never we're never quitting god because god's never quitting us he's not god doesn't have settled forever yeah and we can't we can't go back on what god has not already revealed to us in his word about him and so we know that something is going on in the spirit and we know we need to stand firm and see the salvation of the lord god is faithful and and i'm telling you i'm telling you you're faithful you're going to be you're going to be um pleasantly surprised at how everything works out in your life because god is working it out he's he's faithful and the word of god is sharper than any two-edged sword and i'm going to pass my test you're going to pass your test we're all going to pass our test and we're going to be counted as the the sheep and we're going to be counted as the wheat and we're going to be counted as the five wise virgins we're going to come through this we're all going to come through this together and we're going to be perfected we're going to be the bride of christ we're going to be perfected and the glorious church is going to arise and the gates of hell aren't going to prevail against that in jesus name right amen did you have anything else you want to share because uh praise the lord praise the lord okay god is good god is good welcome and now you see how you can just do this in your house and you can you can watch this video over and over again and just pray with us but this is just for your personal time and this was just a personal peek at what me me and kathy and i do every day we do this together and we build ourselves up because the kingdom of god is coming upon this earth and the kingdom of this world is not coming upon the kingdom of heaven up in heaven it's the other way around the kingdom of god is coming to this earth he's already come in the name of jesus in the form of jesus he's come and now he's walking amongst us he's walking in us we are the ambassadors of this kingdom and that kingdom shall reign forever and ever and we're not we're not going to get into unbelief about about god's character or anything that he's done or said in the past so just just be encouraged and um and we'll see you again soon um we we love you we're praying for you we love all you partners and all you students we love you all and we thank you for your faithfulness to god and we trust that god is going to intervene in your life in a very strong way and we have we send that impartation to you right now in the name of jesus thank you father may the spirit of god go and rise up inside of all the warriors all over the world be encouraged for the spirit of the lord is willing and even though the flesh is weak the spirit of the lord is willing we just impart heaven right now and the joy of the lord is your strength yes thank you jesus name god bless you we'll see you next time on warrior notes tv god bless hello warriors dr kevin zeta with you with warrior notes and i just want to talk to you a little bit about my new book called the mystery of the power words and this book is an amazing uh download from heaven and i want you to be part of what god's doing on the earth and so i am offering this new book and a cd called mystery of the powers which is an impartation cd that i did so it has all the scriptures about power words all the different words on it and then it also prays i pray for you and i give you an impartation that you can just um receive from heaven and i just believe that this book is is very important um i have i've talked to sid roth and i've talked to my publisher and they feel like this is a very important book for this time so in the book i i actually uh received this information a while back in my and it's been in my spirit for a long time we've actually been planning on doing this this so this is like a big thing for me because it's been coming for like three years now so i want to tell you some of the things that i put in there i talk about the blood of jesus which is one of the power words i talk about the repentance and about the covenant the new covenant that we have in jesus christ i talk about the kingdom dominion which is a little stronger wording than just authority i talk about the fear of the lord resurrection power holy fire visitation habitation i talk about many more in the book and i want you to have this and i really feel in my heart just for all the partners for everybody that has really helped me and the students i want to give this to you for a great price for this time in this season so um remember that god wants you to access everything that he has for you he he did not hide these benefits from you and one of the mysteries uh of this of this revelation is that satan doesn't want you to understand and know the power words and he doesn't want you to use them but hell trembles when you use these words so this is dr kevin zedai and i just want to encourage you that you are walking in the spirit when you obey the spirit's voice and you need to speak these power words this is part of what the spirit is doing god bless you we'll talk to you again [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 68,962
Rating: 4.9530616 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: jNpltDifN48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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