Call of Cthulhu Classic RPG | The Auction with Becca Scott

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hello friends and welcome to a very special call of cthulhu one shot in celebration of the 40th anniversary of call of cthulhu tonight we are playing good times society presents the auction i am your keeper of arcane lore becca scott and i have some fabulous players here with me this evening let's go around the table introduce yourself and your character's name be dave it is i be dave walters uh thank you for having us here and today i will be playing louis grandison who was a scholar and landon gentry excellent josephine mcadam hello i am josephine mcadams that's how i talk normally at family and i am playing henrietta amelia teresa blair the sixth to the seventh both of them yes yes yeah i don't know i plan to live long depends on who's asking erica ishii hello i'm ericky ishii and today i will be playing madame moussant this is the slide from new york darling and last but not least xander genre yes i'm xander genre but today i'm playing jasmine carlisle you know you've heard of me it's jasmined and i am here ready to play here's what your investigators know the year is 1927. you have received an invitation to attend a prestigious private auction in vienna austria an auction of occult items you also know that in this year austria is in dire straits it is after world war one and the austria hungarian empire is in shambles the former gentry and nobility of this region have have to sell off everything to their title there there's very little that they can do to sort of maintain that nobility the only people in austria right now who have enough money to buy a cab or buy a newspaper are the workmen because they are the only ones that get paid on the daily so the nobility have been selling off these prized possessions and use scamps just swoop in there and snap them up each of you have different reasons for your interest in the occult and each of you have a strong need for adventure let's visit with our investigators perhaps we'll start with mr luis grandison outside of savannah georgia oh shantae describe louise to us and describe where he receives his mail as he opens up the invitation to this auction well as previously stated lewis granderson is a scholar and a landed gentry i'm i'm a man of bucks and a man of papers um i have a estate i've inherited which is unusual for someone of my inclination of the time and period but i'm proud of my accomplishments nonetheless um a courier arrived when i was enjoying my afternoon constitutional on a sunday evening that let me know that there was going to be an auction that would be um i would have been remiss to miss and you might say so i booked passage on the first steamer across the atlantic and here we are mr grandison uh please enjoy your stay here at the hotel imperial hopefully these rooms are to your liking they are sufficient i'm just happy that this building is still standing given some of the recent upheavals um you all do have uh security in place it would be um ungentlemanly where we approached by the common rapper oh yes we have doubled down on our security many times over we did find there was a problem with um beggars and the like and therefore you may have noticed several armed guards outside the front doors to this establishment ah yes quite quite perhaps if um i do not finish my my meal this evening you might see that the remainder is sent to the kitchens for those that might have young children at home uh i am uh i like to be compassionate in providing for the have-nots when when convenient so kind of you in fact uh i i i wouldn't mind bringing it home to my wife and children um yeah hold on here um this um i'm not sure how well these are these british pounds these uh pound sterling i never can get my hand around the conversion rate but there's a little sum for you there are are you sure sir five yes absolutely just um as the night wears on just remember your old buddy louis if something uh interesting should maybe come up maybe off the stand docket oh what's sort of interesting i add the hotel here oh i should mention that a note was delivered for you from asberg house the the house of ashburg the auction house yeah yes they have sent a letter and as you open it uh you see an invitation before the auction begins to go to ausburg house and meet with alberta osberg excellent excellent this night is already looking promising and profitable excellent let's cut to madame bousson where is madame boussant uh describe her and perhaps the place where she lives you see a fire red model a come roaring down the avenue new york city 2 a.m in the morning and it's dead quiet everywhere else a couple of revelers spill out of it as it pulls up to a town home one of them is a slight uh asian woman with a fashionable bob cut jet black she removes her scarf and goggles to reveal a striking slightly off-putting golden eyes she stumbles up to the town home waves goodbye to her companions as the car streaks off into the night um and she opens she opens the door uh to the town home there's a pile of mail that has like crowded around the maybe she hasn't probably been back for a little bit um so she pick and she picks up an envelope oh madam this is the envelope you have been waiting for i know you had solicited too many to attend a said auction she grabs it and opens it greedily oh so it's to be in vienna then the nms i've already arranged your travel you're the best eloise thank you thank you darling um she gives her a little peck in the cheek uh may i perhaps use your bath tonight if i am you sometimes reward me in this way is it too much to ask of course that's for everyone everyone thank you everyone she like stumbles up the stairs sleep off the rest the rest of the morning and louise goes to draw herself a bath and this this invitation is something you've been looking for for quite some time is that right um it is this is this has been through a large network of of communiques and salon parties and you know whispers um this has been very long in the working and uh the madame has quite a lot riding on this yes and in your town home the items come from all over the world it's finally decorated with items of the occult items celebrating the undead and the otherworldly because that is what you're known for in new york city that's right darlings i am quite well known as a master of the occult and a scholar of the otherworldly yes some say that uh that my client has i appeared as from nowhere and some say that you know my uh dealings and and and my rise to claim rise to fame uh happened because a very generous patron who uh left me quite a deal of money yes among those other letters as you're flipping through them heading up to bed you see a quick note that's been scrawled from one henrietta amelia blair the sixth and seventh who just said are you going oh dear sweet honey pennies going excellent um uh eloise after your boss and let's let's send a little a post to uh to henrietta i'm already done miss it was oh that was so fast you don't want to you you don't want to soak a little more on it no no no it was too indulgent and i immediately regretted it oh well louise honey i've turned down your sheets for you now and i've drawn the curtains so the sunlight doesn't stream in always so attentive she sits next to you now i'm going to be gone for i don't know how how long it takes to get there and back and take care of all the business but it could be as long as a couple weeks a month oh no mistress i don't wish to think of it this time we'll be so slow and and trolling as as we are without you in the house well i'll do keep the bed warm for me won't you she climbs under the cover then we head to the estate of henrietta [Laughter] warm up it's been a point of luck oh jesus um uh tell us about henrietta where she lives and where she was when she scrawled this short note um i believe henrietta is in a very large estate passed down to the family for you know years back now and there's been a heat wave and so she's just icing well she's not icing herself she has beautiful people surrounding her that she likes to keep around icing her fanning bringing cool drinks whatever she would like with big large bay windows overlooking a beautiful lake outside and it's just lounging she spends a lot of time lounging uh henrietta darling thank you for letting me stay the night i hope i haven't overstayed my welcome this is a gentleman caller that has spent the night here his name is james galveston it is i james galveston do you remember me from last night james yes yes yes i remember which one were you uh i was at your feet oh yes good work i um i know this may be rushed but i'm having feelings for you henrietta oh no no no no uh and then he's just immediately shown out by the people thank you that was dreadfully awkward what interest henrietta about attending an auction in austria well i heard there are lots of exciting items and i really want some conversation starches for my parties and they are just so wonderful for that and um i already have a few book of the deads multiple just a couple and i heard that there will be one there as well as a human skull and um well my dear dear sister valentine has been having her own collection building and well i just want to be better than her understandable who wouldn't uh yes each of you along with the invitation has received a list of the 16 various lots that will be available at this private auction and uh there's one more guest who as your travel has been arranged is there anything you care to investigate or do before you take your steamer across the scene steamer um i [Music] would like to take at least two pretty people to be around me excellent um jack jack of course and jacques jack and jacques yes of course jack and jacques of course must come to carry your luggage you need to attend to your knees whatever needs to be done while you are in vienna very important thank you yes i'm sure you have to bring a lot of luggage so of course you couldn't carry it yourself no worries nor let the attendance at various venues carry it their hands are i don't know where they've been yes yes of course all right uh and mr jasmine carlisle exactly yes yeah i think as we find you you are strolling through the smithsonian looking at your favorite artists well yes this is a daydream though i'm i'm scrolling back through the smithsonian in my mind and then all of a sudden there's a customer that comes in and they they give me a tonic in a bottle of some sort there's a conversation that happens between us some money may be exchanged and then we cut to a hotel room in the hotel imperial there has been a bath that has been drawn and there's steam coming out and we see jasmine reaching up from the bath like his hair comes back and he looks into this mirror to cover up some grays and his hair is pink and he takes the little brown bottle and he looks at it and it's an elixir it's supposed to cover up gray's why is my air pink the horror beacon takes out some dapper dan and just maybe no one will notice yes the the head valet is in your room sir i i'm sure there's nothing that i could do to to help you we have only a shampoo in in the hotel better not risk it very important things coming up for work of course you see yes yes of course and you did receive the note that was on the table yes yes yes and he'll go through um he's got a letter from home uh that he's brought with him and it's a as you can see as he's shuffling it just says love your husband stephen at the bottom not that not that uh and you can notice that he's not wearing a wedding ring in the hotel stephen uh but then he pulls up the note with the auction items excellent yes in addition to the original invitation you've received a note here at the hotel in austria that is inviting you immediately upon arriving in town to go and meet the auctioneer the head of the auction house alberta osberg as well she's invited you stop by at any time and uh we'll cut to all four of you have arrived it is uh you were meeting in the lobby of the hotel imperial where you all have been secured rooms set up by the staff at the house of ausburg and let's see uh is anyone getting a drink as in this hotel lobby indeed yes of course lewis is sitting at the bar watching as each of you approach uh have any of you met before [Music] honey fanny darling look what i didn't know you're going to be here well i couldn't miss it when i saw your name on the invitation liz you flatter yeah i can't help it um and uh what uh what do you have your eye on oh i don't know i'm just browsing you know this one of course well um i don't know what what should i be looking at according to you oh well you know i always like to get the most expensive item on the list which is the sore the sword you know circa 1350 german what do i know do i know would you like to make a history rule to see if you looked into a sword yeah first rule of the game yes henry doesn't know she just was given some description she wouldn't know the difference okay so i gotta hit a 35 i think yes they're driving longer this sword looks uh very cheap to you based on the description you think it's probably trash well my dear i'm sure i don't know if it is of value value but it is certainly very pretty and you do like keeping pretty things about you don't you i do and uh i feel like i could swing it about some you know from the chandeliers from my hands on the table just like their mouth jackets are standing behind you and each of them raises their eyebrows uh when she says pretty things drinks drinks you're approached by the head valet excuse me but there is a car waiting for the four of you to take you to asperger's house and so uh yeah jasmine does his drink with lewis and we just set it down yes drinking silently together as you load into the car that's waiting for you in the street outside you're taken to an unassuming two-story three-story building uh has a small plate sign above the door reading osberg house and as you enter there is a beautiful burgundy carpet in the foyer crystal chandeliers above you the smell of of french pastries wafting in you hear the clanking in a kitchen to your right and you are met by the major domo of the auction house finally someone who's in charge now come on we need to set this up right away i need to get the best prices on these items yes uh fraulein uh asperger will speak with you in her office i will show you there now and may i fetch any beverages from the kitchens for you whatever they're having you can put on my tab everything will be free of charge of course you are very esteemed guests of the auction house please this way uh please do take jack with you he'll handle anything i will be consuming okay yes uh this this hunky man maybe he's like um your jack uh i think he's he's almost ripping through his white button-up shirt i only buy smaller sizes on purpose you do know they make those in adults it's nice but how nice is this i think he has shoulder length blonde hair maybe tied in a low ponytail yes yes yes uh and what about jacques is he with you can stay for now and jack will handle consumption maybe jacques has more of a mediterranean look equally oh look full in his shirt sure you're both full full very fully in the shirt yes full yes the bond one was jacques and the other one was jack oh you know sometimes i mix them up but they don't seem to mind you know well if i would hang out with you all the time honey i also wouldn't mind so you can call me whatever you want maybe mia does she have a poison taster is that what i think so maybe how many uh oh hello excuse me good to see you again i swear that you had a third man before it's down to two now yes so i like to keep even numbers around me now oh that must have been my bad just confusing yeah member of the crowd no it was probably a you know coming and going and yeah best way to do it really if you will please wait for the frauline in her office and you're shown into a magnificent office with high ceilings again the crystal chandelier there are various artifacts on the walls all the way up to the ceilings along with bookshelves of old tomes and a desk facing these beautiful grand windows behind and he leaves you here to wait a few minutes yes i would like to do an appraisal check what is the most expensive item in this room sure roll for praise i would like to do an occult check what's the most mystically significant item in this room are there items in there uh you don't just like a library at a cursory glance yeah this is just uh her private office and um you don't see any of the items that you noted on the sheet specifically although there were some you know older books and the like on there and i did get under my uh my hard task as well oh hard success on your appraised rule yes i think e6 you immediately are drawn to uh on the desk there is um a box that is inlaid it is gilded uh like much of the furniture in this room which is all louis xiv style gilded and gold very ornate and this box speaks to you uh as something that in and of itself is you recognize as belonging to louis xiv oh dang it's louis box me about your role i got a hundred so to me i feel like in i'm in the genies sanctum like there's untold mystical to stream casually about everything here is full of immense power and you're afraid to touch any of it but man of host is entertaining us this evening someone with taste jasmine says and he'll go over just slowly caress the behalf speaking of taste though could i do like a judgment check on who looks the most out of us uh presentable well to do fashionable let's buy society everyone roll for appearance just a straight appearance yes it's one of your main characteristics on the top of your shoe four over oh my oh my god you're hot i felt so hot i got a nine is that i got a two wow wow all of you your eyes just bug out of your faces when you see madame oh yes they did i got a hard success on that oh yes and of course the very debonair mr chasmant jasmine carlisle jasmine uh is also what was your score exactly i would like to i got a 40 out of my 80 and i need to know scores i see at 39 out of my 35 so my my luggage was ruffled and transit and my my shirt was a bit crinkled he's an older gentleman perhaps uh you spend a lot of time outdoors and maybe maybe you have some scars maybe you have some yeah i concerned myself with my inner development um i wrote a nine but i think it's only by virtue of having encountered this uh amazing seductress well to me but let's talk for a moment jasmine yeah you're blushing no that is just some of this austrian sun you know how it is we won't mention the hair that's really what i was referring to i fear i was being a little bit obtuse what is this are you uh now that you're back on the market you're uh you noticed did you um yes stephen and i are just taking a little break well i'm on vacation in austria oh and i thought i'd change up the look a little bit but how about you i i didn't think anything could pry you away from new york city well something of this interest you know and being the expert that i am you know i feel like perhaps the habsburgs could do with a few less of their treasures i know see we have ulterior motives do we i mean it's hardly ulterior i just want i just want to get my hands on something interesting well if there's anything that you want to call dibs on let me know lewis it is so good to see you again it has been too long it is always a pleasure jasmine although it seems like you've been engaging in some alchemical uh experimentations of your own to tell you this was a total accident i don't know how it happened i i not want to get swindled but it works for you though it it it lightens your complexion it accents your cheekbones i think it's smashing it'll be all the rage in new york can you come back there party in the scene we'll be quite the trend i may have thank you for the compliments lewis your arms are looking fantastic oh thank you the great tall door creaks open and inside floats a tall magnificent woman with her hair in an updo wearing a beautiful gown hello it is such a pleasure to meet the four of you yes henrietta blair louis granderson madame boussant and of course jasmine carlisle how you doing yes it is a pleasure to meet you i do ask that each guest coming to my city to share in one of my private auctions does come for a private audience so i may meet you all and of course assess the caliber of the type of person that will be joining obviously each of you are just the type of refined personage we cater to clearly surely there must be some mistake you send it to a madame busan yes no no no no mistake at all your reputation precedes you for each of you yes yes well and reputation is of the utmost importance here at aussburg house reputation and resources absolutely yes we are some of there's a few to have made it through this whole debacle of world war having having um been relatively unscared we had found a way to cater to those from other um continents and countries that can appreciate the fine things that many austrian families have had to part with oh and we do appreciate it so and you have some mighty fine things yes yes now i must say i personally uh know little of the occult but i don't know what my patrons enjoy what my clients have to to sell and to show and so it is my great pleasure to share that with you of course you understand there will be no no gawking or no sort of ridicule of these items i believe each of you take this sort of thing seriously ridicule go always do we look like we go yes excellent i just wanted to take at least one point of course that's a given but uh our host does make a good point there are quite a lot of americans that you know find this to be a bit of a lark and no uh we are here because we venerate the lovely relics that have been gathered by the great houses of the empire and what we americans lack in history and refinement and we make up for hopefully in our generosity will there be any other bidders besides we had before oh yes yes we do have a number which um oh i should start by saying the the time and date that you received on your initial invitation has changed yes that's why i'm so very glad you've come today the auction will be tomorrow evening oh yeah yes 9 p.m we'll start with the banquet and after that the auction will begin at 11 pm sharp oh well i suppose we could move some things around i planned for a little romp but well there is a reason it's been moved up oh yes there were some of the clientele who will be attending who were concerned about the security and well some of these items are very very prized and just to make sure that no one knows of the time and place that shouldn't miss allsburg i don't mean to be um too forward here but uh you have four very qualified expert candidates right here perhaps we might arrange a small preview uh might make things go just that much smoother tomorrow if the lots were already reduced common practice in america you see we do a pre-bidding before the actual auction for the people that matter and we have traveled significant distances individually and collectively to be here tonight and as we said we take this thing very seriously and we can be very generous well i wish i could say that you were the first of the attendees who have asked to take something off my hands but i feel like would be disreputable for any items that were on your initial invitation to not be present in the catalog of the auction you understand people have traveled for particular items far and wide well perhaps you could just maybe let us know the hot ticket items we should be uh keeping our eyes on or i certainly could not i feel it would be invading the privacy perhaps it would make those items bid differently i i couldn't please i have so much money to spend don't you worry i'll buy it all ah yes well of course so do many of our guests that we'll be attending such as oh there's the lady margaret jameson the whole lady jameson has fallen on very difficult times everyone knows that oh well her family perhaps but uh the young english woman seems to have come into her own and she's very forward and into things um well i shouldn't say too much what anyone's interest we're among friends oh i couldn't you can roll for persuade or charm oh i passed just a regular success on charm persuade i got a hard success nice all right what do you say to her too and what information specifically would you like about lady jamison specifically or just in general i can each of you can have something different if there were a single individual of means and interest that we might find to be our primary competition who do you think that might be oh who has the highest spending limit oh such gossip i i don't know if i feel right sharing this information regret it's just i believe you are familiar with uh well i hadn't met him before but nikolai tejewski a russian man he uh he's he seems to um have the most at his disposal let's see in addition to the lady there's also mikhail de borsavind the frenchman he seems to be a bit of a spiritualist that's where his interests lie yes um of course there's there's an austrian man a klaus hunter pressed he's a quiet one that one uh of course darnell coulson there's the swedish playboy you remind me something of him yes he is staying here as well no i believe he's at the hotel imperial interesting good to know ah yes looking to make a number of acquisitions he's speaking about greyhound racing uh and um all of his other interests yes their training their history no mostly just greyhound racing is this interest in this uh nikolai traveling alone nikolai i did not see him nor do i know of him to be wed in any way or tight interesting yes interesting yes oh and uh sir martin murray who i believe you are familiar with uh a patron of the arts and he has traveled the world mr murray is a great friend of spark house team marti josephine what specific question would you like to hear to answer with your charm role you asked about a hot ticket item uh yeah oh yes yes what is the one that everyone's got their eyes on you know that might require a little tussle to get to did was that a hard success no well many of the items are most intriguing to all of the guests um i have received a few calls specifically about well the sword of course is interesting in the sword yes um the dictionary inferno uh seems my favorite yes and if you have heard of mr alastair crowley he is his book of the dead he's one of a kind and uh the riveted brass head has sparked some interest oh how did i miss a head yes i did not see it at first thank you so much a strange item well you'll see tomorrow night oh yes i sort of walk around behind her and run my hand along her shoulders and say just one more item information is wondering is uh where do you stay miss osper uh too well um i my my husband and i um stay just down the lane our home is uh good relationship good happy good oh what a question oh we can talk more about it later tonight um roll your nose yeah psychoanalysis yeah oh i do i didn't even play in mind games oh i will spend a little luck to make it a success this is what you spend your 10 points of luck on i spend just i just spend four of them okay and i can't do math i mean gotta risk it for the biscuit you uh you notice she says husband but her ring is also not on her finger you see it in a bowl on the desk yeah things are fine at home yes oh good good good thank you for asking oh you're welcome is that perfume and what what is that perfume oh yes that's just my natural smell oh my while she's distracted i would like to try to open this box on the desk sure i'll give you a bonus die which means you can roll your tens die twice and take the better oh okay and it would be a slate of hand check or um yeah either sleight of hand or stealth whichever you prefer uh stealth okay so definitely roll that again it was an eight or a nine so 82 i failed uh it just looks like oh there's nothing in there it's um louis xiv himself probably best not to touch him he's injured like the ashes well some items i keep for my own personal collection yes it's lovely the 14th would you like to touch you i sometimes stick my fingers in oh yes she opens the box and sticks her fingers in here i just horrified oh yeah shall we stick it to the royals um madame like sticks of pinkie i will add that to your bills at the end of the night if that's how much how much the going rate is i wouldn't worry the going rate for louis xiv how did he taste what a curious place oh you know like a king oh yes i know all right uh one final thing weapons of course will not be tolerated security will be very tight as you understand these matters will have uh guards on site to make sure you're safe and uh that you're securely transferred to your accommodations after the evening with your items secure oh yes i have no weapons to speak of but i am a little bit concerned about the security place it seems that there are concerns all over what are we guarding against oh just you understand austria is going through a bit of a difficult time sometimes we'll auction off an item and then members of the family will come back and beg for it back because of course you see we've already sold it and they've given us our commission and nothing can be done the items that are on this auction they have been volunteered to be sold correct or have they been acquired cured if you will ah yes all of these items have been given to us by families who will be receiving a portion of the proceeds otherwise we have purchased them and will be selling them yes yes yes no everything is above board of course yes although please watch your persons have you as you move about uh burglary has um been a bit of an issue in the city for some time now but as soon as we stabilize our currency i'm sure all that will be fine you understand british pounds are to be traded here yes so be sure everyone will um be secure in their funds yes so jacques you better stay close then dear yeah yeah is it closer it's cl you know as close as you can excuse me yes this works yeah he just starts kissing your neck in front of all him jasmine sort of settles up next to lewis and he's like last i remember you had a pretty mean left right hook both of them you well i do not like to boast but um next to you then here i am stay close friend i'll make sure we all get out of this safely okay to have a big strapping man to help protect us yeah when we have a moment i would like to bend your ear it is not often that i have had the the honor and privilege of the presence of a well-known scholar of the otherworldly such as yourself well i don't think you remember but we both were at the uh golden dawn salon a little jew that they had like a couple months back we might have been both wearing masks though so once the opium pug came out the night becomes a bit hazy wow it'd be a pleasure to have a little sit down and chat for online augsburg asked to take her leave of you and arrange us travel for you to head back to your hotel unless there's anything else that you would like to do here or anything you'd like to do at the hotel this evening uh we'll cut to the evening of the auction oh i would be oh yes before the auction i just want to pull chasman aside just apart for a moment yes darling yes yes yes i know the last time that we saw each other um a lot happened as far as i remember that's oh good do you you don't remember too much oh good let's just agree to keep that you know we'll see how the auction goes it seems like we may both be up for some items and let's just say personal history may come into play oh jasmine oh you don't mean that i do many we yeah want your secrets to get out no no no no yes and certainly stephen's very aware of all that is happening we don't need to break okay was the hair his idea and sure i'm leaving i just do make a point that like all of the staff all of the attendants like i tip everyone yes just like break off a couple bucks every time i'm like anything of note happens yes a second brandy a second pastry everyone's holding doors for you running ahead of you to dust the ground before you walk um and just a cursory glance over the library um and any artifacts of or paintings of note in the home inside on on the first floor in the office um the the items don't seem particularly remarkable to your occult eye as she said items the of the occult are not the things she personally collects but of course is catering to her patrons right no that is not at all my assessment of this place it was rife everything is extremely powerful europe has that effect on all of us it's true it's like you know we go there and it's like ah there could be fairies around every corner what did you call me [Laughter] uh would anyone before attending the auction this evening and returning after you've dressed in your very finest to return to this auction house is there any item you would like more information about i'd allow each of you to uh have the time to maybe take the morning and go to a library or ask around about a particular item well there there is the couple of them that are like multiple lots and so i guess maybe just going into if there's any more information about the historical nature of them whether maybe they belong in a museum i would like to know if there is anything on this list that is particularly hotly contested with the family like she said people want things back like what's the word on the waves that maybe nobody really wanted to sell grandpa's human skull type thing yeah oh yeah i'm interested in this hand of glory okay um so give me a roll for history on the hand of glory and then of the multiple lots i believe there's a few 13 and three five also and five um sure uh give me a history role will do is there someone else we could i could ask for to tell me about the hand of glory um there as you head into town walking down the main promenade of vienna near the danube river you see a small uh library of strange and exotic books oh oh well certainly i would have told madame about it and brought her along if there's strange books around i know she likes that paper absolutely yes as you both are in this bookstore an old man is behind the counter with little spectacles very hunched over i would like to know more about uh have you heard of the hand of glory ah the hand of glory i do have a recent book of of occult materials let's see give me a library use role i've got a good score all right what have you got what have you rolled i can't do anything i had rolled a 57 so regular success on history okay uh so as you look over the lots you notice lot number three is 19th century ritual objects there's a cassock which is like a sort of robe as well as a wand a dagger inlaid with designs there are things that you're wanting to examine more closely as you see them in person they obviously have some significance so trying to figure out yes but you do think that they have significance and they would look very lovely in a museum of course who knows if those things are of such interest to you me particularly um a museum known as my house you know that these items came from the late 19th century meaning they're not too very old and they seem to be in use by a practitioner of the occult not necessarily a very successful one and with a regular success we'll just give you that one for now but you are more interested in learning about lot number five uh it's an african fetish figurine um which seems to have hair based on there it seems to be a sketch in the book the um catalog you received and an african drum and you know their circa 1800 both of these were brought back by an english explorer and you know what explorer in africa from england means you think that they may not only have um some inlaid power but also some anger sure uh and did you rule for history uh yeah i didn't know what the role what uh uh oh oh it's probably not bad um uh it's not um yeah it's the what's the second level of success sorry hard success yeah excellent and which item were you looking at just under 50 um i'm trying to find out what's the most contested with the family like the the greater context of like yeah who didn't want to let something go okay the most hotly contested uh let me get back to you in one second what did you ask the librarian um well with a 93 i probably would oh i don't touch books but yes uh madam would you you're so good with them i with books yes i quite remember you being good with them i do like a good book um so i did library use and i rolled the hard success wow yeah an eight yeah um were you looking into the same item or different um i [Music] other than the the iching sticks are there any other ones that have sort of like divining powers any items that have divining powers yeah any any items that have you know sort of any any yeah any anything that that could sort of like summon a higher power very good you're drawn to the back of this shop and you pull aside a frayed curtain and find a smaller room with much older books and as you scan through them you find one that is an index of magical items um throughout europe and the new world and you find listed as you cross reference with your catalogue the dictionary infernal which speaks to you because this book lists and describes the major devils of hell which as a study of the occult is of interest to you especially because you're not sure what sort of being you were speaking to for all those years you're also drawn to a pamphlet early 18th century by the reverend ward phillips the prodigies in the new england canon this is an exceedingly rare pamphlet depicting attacks by the devil on a particular area of new england and uh these tales have a ring of truth and these occurrences are described with very ominous meaning aunt mr lewis as you look over everything here the one you think may have a particular history of contention around it of being taken uh is the manuscript of beth ilom this is written in hebrew written circa 1580 um nothing particularly remarkable about its history but you do know in gold leaf it makes it especially valuable and um this uh in looking through the books in your hotel which has a small reading library you find that this book is a kabbalistic treatise on angels demons the soul of man and how and why they exist it seems to be of interest i did already have my eye on that particular acquisition um all right is there anything else anyone wanted to do before um well for the uh hand glory can i throw that book into just this one this one uh i personally know about the hand of glory that's out of character knowledge i guess but can i uh do a little look through whatever book that that it's like too high for her and she's just like oh yes there's those little more old man has stooped over this book and i found it here but my glasses are oh not doing what they used to well what do you as the the the player well and this could be just something that i know you know in my travels in the world um i i don't know if it's right or not but the supposedly the hand of glory was rendered from the fat of a hanged uh criminal and it had the power to you light a candle in it and there are different tales some say that it renders uh whoever it's presented to motionless or that it can unlock any door oh and is it true that it's a human hand oh yes human hand rendered fat from a hanged man stopping one in their tracks [Music] as you pull the book out of this man sans all of that is true you find it recorded in the book right in front of you as well as the fact that this hand could also sometimes be used in summoning of the dead and when taken into a house household the residents will fall asleep and the hands wielder can rob the building this is what you know of the lore oh wow that is something i must have see reading can be fun oh yes but it's so fun when you read to me oh you just like hear inside my voice i do i do you know me now you do note that you'll need to verify the authenticity of this particular hand to know if it is the hand of glory or just some mummified hand each of you is armed with this knowledge of the items that are of interest to you as you head into this this once in a lifetime very special night a night to celebrate the strange and unusual and as you parade into the building you notice some other guests heading up the marble staircase that you saw on your first arrival you had past the chandeliers on the second floor is um uh you head up these marble stairs and on the second floor you see an arc display in the center and surrounding you notice the doors two four auction halls there is the green the gold the blue and the brown and the doors are closed to three of them the door is swung open to the green auction room you notice some assistance coming to and fro outside of the green room and there seems to be um eight rooms total there are four uh staging rooms preparatory rooms and the one nearest the green room is open as well you notice people coming in and out and as you head towards the green door around the art displays in the center of this this floor where there's just various carvings on pedestals there's a mask there's just a a large like sort of um like looks like the david uh uh like a greek greek sculpture that was roman a roman sculpture you you head in and there is a banquet a table laid out with uh emile and you can start chatting with any of the guests of course you remember you were told about a few of these guests lady margaret jameson you seem uh a young in her 20s well-dressed well-to-do english woman there's the young frenchman who um is dressed he's wearing a sort of like coal beneath the eyes and is wearing black flowing robes there is a an older englishman there is a very very stuffy kind of shady looking guy whose eyes are darting side to side and you overhear what sounds like a russian accent you may assume that's cheveski there's um and then there's uh three other people in the room there's the handsome young swedish man who of course you remember as darnell coulson of course people of uh this level of aristocracy no names names is something you all immediately clock upon hearing um and uh an older man klaus honda pressed stands alone in a corner sipping from champagne glass and the major domo who you met the day before comes over and offers you champagne how how is the security like could i have strapped my gun to my thigh they did not pat you down or anything like that but you did notice a couple very strong looking men standing at the front door um so i will have brought mine your pistol excellent strapped to your thigh secretively yes um we'll see if anyone else notices uh what what does your gown look like oh well let's see i would have coordinated probably with madame because i don't want to of course we would have made a whole dew of it yes dressing up in the room together a little montage of us spinning around in front of the mirror yes yes yes i i think some metallics perhaps a long flowing gowns i i would uh maybe go for some some gold yes just go i'd like to drip and go dripping in gold is always well well regarded at this type of event um has anyone dressed more plainly or are you all sort of i will say that you could notice that jasmine is wearing the same suit as before and it's almost uniform like like you as you look closer everyone give me a spot hidden to see if anyone notices which has a suit i'm utterly on a whale no no idea fashion baby so much to look at it's the pink hair my what that right here pulls the eye yeah fraulein alberta asparagus also in this room and she does clock that your suit has not changed and makes a note she's um yeah she she finds that a little strange uh darnell is engaging people in a very vibrant conversation and um just speaking to anyone who will stop by and listen and they are good you like the horse racing wow swedish is very serious i knew it immediately 1920s swedish look this whole event is for me to showcase my accent accomplish yes well and i have my own horses that we watch them race yeah but i love to watch the horses all over the world austria their horses are so hungry that they run faster wow we were told he said have you eaten horse no not yet we were told i thought that you were into a greyhound now darling that's the thing i want to know is he we were told he's into greyhounds so is he lying or quite frankly eating greyhounds are i call them horses they are better oh yes greyhounds they have horses dogs dog's house part in my english it's okay he's into greyhounds he's very bad what what could you have uh at this auction that could be of interest to you i mean there doesn't seem to be anything related to dog racing yes oh you're a jasmine yes jasmine oh yes well i could not tell you what i'm interested for fear that you would take the thing oh i would never do anything like the sword but but uh tell me if i could just have a little bitty hint um just to get to know you better because i sort of like what i'm seeing as i said a number of new acquisitions role for psychology okay are we all the same horrible people i succeed with a 31 for my 35. um i have to tell you my interest is in alchemy the change into gold i think i could do it with anything of course it's like my family is already doing the alchemy you understand we have so much money yes i could buy everything at this auction but would not be fair to the others ah so you were looking for maybe the tools to help you with your alchemy i think that i will find them here tonight no tell me yes what do you know about these different colored rooms it seems that the green room is open now oh you know they it is not a normal business hours it's called the hours late and perhaps uh they only have us here so no one knows of these strange things that we are buying and selling interesting thank you interesting and perfectly accented yes didn't know you had it in you well i wish you best of luck darnell i must taste the uh the sausages over the banquet table and i'm staying in room 407 ah yes i am 3 21. if you also care to taste the sausages on the champagne oh you haven't changed have you hmm thank you [Laughter] um would anyone like to speak to one of the other people as you mail about i would like to talk to nikolaj veskey is the now drift along with that yeah drift we we we link arms yes i forgot to my final accessory would be assuming that madame is wearing lipstick i would like a perfectly outlined lip uh kiss print lip print yes on the inside is the wrist oh do you both have it in each other's shades yes i thought those oversized attendants were your last two um it's a decoration but okay oh my damn is so much more than decoration how dare you big old boy jack and jack were granted special access most people were not allowed to um bring their emancipation if i needed to i couldn't keep them leashed or whatever after you told uh lady osberg that she she just said fine fine yes yeah we'll make a detection uh as long as they don't speak or bid at the auction don't do much except stand there and look pretty yes yes nozzles if you want them i couldn't um i don't know what that accent is you do notice her taking special notice of jacques but um oh yeah i will make a mental note of that until jack you know maybe later in the evening go visit miss um miss ausberg yes uh he he gives you a knowing nod a very slowness he thinks about who and then he figures out who you meant and she's rushing about they know no speaking darling they're so pretty yes as uh as the two of you head over to speak to count nikolai tychevsky as he introduces himself he's very curt objective skin yes there are fine items to be solved so you are interested in them tonight nikolai darling this uh you know i run uh an export house it goes through greece and so um perhaps these exports there will be something i would like to sell you're just looking for assets nothing for you no nothing for me but if there's anything that you'd like me to perhaps bid for you i will do so for a fee you know bid up something else that you don't want if someone wants what you want and then never mind i'm just always looking for opportunity you see him looking at all the doors and uh watching the servants walk in and out he seems to be looking a lot into that that he's at the edge of the door looking through to where the servants are going in and out of that preparation room nicky old sport he's even tad jumpy tonight this you make me blush with nickname [Music] it's cute oh i see what i did there it's hilarious it's better for me in greece um i'm not looking for anything particular but whatever items are not bid on by other people i will take so you're just looking to make a quick buck have you met my associates uh the madame henrietta's uh henrietta amelia suzanne theresa bled he saw sixth and the seventh and uh this and this fine man luis grandison do you know each other have not had pleasure no it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance uh and i do shake his hand he shakes it back heartily what is he wearing he is um rather simply dressed just wearing a suit it's all black um and uh it seems like uh it's a very nice suit he's got gold cufflinks um but aside from that nothing too fancy a wedding ring no ring no ring uh one thing i am interested in no i should not say i'm bad at this option so we don't unnecessarily compete yes we wouldn't want to compete with you is this not the place and time for us all to compete well it depends on what you have your eye on the gold and silver of course he points to medallions and you can see the items are on display against one side of the wall you're welcome to look around at them but they seem to be here for a limited time and then some of them are coming in and out they're being rotated out by by the assistants of course the gold and silver yes very interesting pieces that are she's trying to get him to like elaborate and like yeah speak before she does about what they really all do that these medallions were used by sorcerers right to protect evil influences oh perhaps the wearer had done bad things in his past perhaps if he's wearing a medallion no harm can come to him are you looking for some protection i am i i hire my own protection and medallions are just icing on cake as you say yes well i'm sure none of us will get in your way no as you sip your champagne and rub elbows with the other guests who you are now well acquainted with the food is cleared away from the buffet table and fraulein alberta iceberg steps onto the small stage and behind a podium we will begin the auction uh clapping is aided by the assistants also clapping as everyone takes their seats we will start with the first item it's placed on another small table for showing the egyptian ankh we will start the bidding at one hundred dollars circa 550 bc and immediately you see klaus the tall imposing man austrian you remember you didn't speak to him yeah he raises his hand immediately his eyes his bulging eyes um don't um give much indication except an intensity is all you note ah yes the starting bid at 100 pounds uh do i hear 150 150 pounds for the egyptian 150 west 150 do i hear 200 200 ah yes 200 200 250 250 going once totally 250. 252 uh do i hear 300 300 pounds 300 pounds 300 going 100 200 300. oh don't hear 350. going once going twice as sold to henrietta um amelia theresa blair the sixth and seventh instead of her sister valentine who had been placing a bid by mail but you far exceeded the next item up for option and you see that the ankh on its display is set off to a table in the room to the side everything else has been removed to the other the green room prep room and the next item is placed it's the manuscript of beth alum this is written in hebrew circa 1580. the leaves are the pages are illuminated in gold leaf and it has a leather binding let's start the bid at 60 pounds sterling 60 pound sterling 60 pounds for a hair 60 pounds 60 pounds 60 pounds 60 pounds i think this goes on uh did anyone else like to bid oh do i hear 100 pounds from the gentleman 120. 120 120 pounds uh do i hear 200 200 pounds for the manuscript going once going twice 200. 200 200 pounds for the manuscript alone 250 do i hear 250 250. oh all right 250 do we hear 300 and you see uh uh darnell coulson the very flipping swede um oh this must be in desire oh four hundred four hundred five hundred five hundred five hundred all right going once going twice sold to luis grandison the manuscript of bachelor all right next thing 19th century ritual objects we have a cassock a wand and an a theme a bronze inlaid with silver designs dagger uh let's start the bidding at 40-pound sterling 40-pound steerling for these three magical items yes 40-pound sterling from the good gentleman with the uh rose-colored hair yes of course 50. ah 50. i have 50 do we hear 100 100 pounds sterling 100 pounds sterling 100 100 yes 125 425 125 do we hear 175 175 for these three items oh 175 for these items of extreme occult value do we hear 225 225 225 anyone going once they're 220. 12.25 for the one the dagger yes not to be used in polite society of course weapons will not be exhibited on the premises we know but of course we love to play with him do we not 300 going once going twice 300 for the wand the castle again the 325 do i hear 325 what are these numbers i'm jumping up by i don't know i'm not a real auctioneer 325 do i hear 325. we don't going once going twice told for 300 to mr jasmine carlisle congratulations if you please you're quite anxious to get your hands on that lot it belongs in a museum everything here does oh interesting bit of information um all right and now one that there has been much interest in the ooze in ours as the hand of glory is placed on the table this is from the usa circa 1900 the left hand of a human it's marked with mystical designs and on the tip of each finger is a candle and it is rendered in human fat this hand of glory is a staple of black magic for centuries we will start the bidding can i do it a cold quick a call sure i would also like to see what it is sure yeah are you going to appreciate anything um that is a a hard success what is it like the tunnel hearts no that's extremely success yes hard success hard success on a cult uh and then give me a separate appraise i get an extreme success failure on a praise uh you think uh has this item madame boussant as the item passes by you you place a hand out to feel the air to see if you feel any occult energy and you don't think it has any magical powers despite its strong reputation and you're not sure if this is authentic but of course mr chasmund knows that this is the one and only hand of glory it is in fact the real hand you can see the delicate markings that have been well reported by some such establishment in the states that maybe maybe not you're associated with i don't know what you're talking about but uh you don't feel any magical energy coming off this item uh it's placed onto the table and uh the bidding will begin at twenty dollars twenty dollars pounds sterling twenty pounds twenty pounds going once yes twenty pounds do i hear forty pounds forty pounds sterling for the hand of glory uh uh thirty thirty pounds thirty pounds and um you see sir martin murray the english man eighty pounds sterling it is an option my dear he raises bushy eyebrows and it has any supernatural powers however there are other uses you already have plenty of hands around you okay 100 100 pounds sterling going once going twice 200 200 there's power reputation 200 pounds sterling 250 do i hear 250 pound sterling 250 250 300. 300 1000. do you even have that i'm writing to check right now 1000 sterling going once going twice sold to mr jasmine carlisle for one thousand pounds there's a round of applause that goes up after this thank you thank you and uh it's brought past you so you can look at it as it's placed on the table next to the door all right um they go let's see uh oh the next item this is an african fetish figurine circa 1800 of teakwood and hair it is 18 centimeters tall in the style of the housey tribe and it comes with a drum of the same location irregularly shaped and both bear the sign of the artisan that created them uh starting bid 300 pounds three sorry it's 30 pounds starting with 30 pounds 30 pounds right here 30 pounds thank you 30 pounds uh 50 pounds 50 pounds right here 50 pounds for the statue and drum 50 pounds sterling 50 pounds uh you do hear a bit let's see number five uh yes uh see klaus hung hung depressed the the bulging eyes man very unfortunate looking man uh he raises his hand yes uh 50 pounds 50 pounds sterling from mr hunter press yes do i hear uh do i hear 80 pounds mr grandison 80 pounds 80 pounds 80 pounds over here 100 pounds 100 pounds going once going twice sold for 80 pounds to louis granderson yes these relics deserve to be returned to their rightful descendants and um do you have uh an occult skill give me a roll for it minorly minorly well um 20. uh it's over but it's whether or not i'm going to spend luck on it um you know what no it would take too much nope without 20 on a 15. i will tell you this isn't your area of expertise but you do feel some energy coming off of the statuette not the drum but the statue that is not necessarily positive but [Laughter] all right and we're waiting on our next item this is the magist the book by francis barrett it is a first edition from 1801 and we'll just wait for that item to arrive my assistants will be bringing it shortly can you go check on her please well if someone misplaced the tome um i'm sure certainly not we have assistants that will bring it if we could keep things moving in a timely order yes all right what seems to be the problem it'd be a real shame if someone would have gotten prior access to some of these right because what manner of a facility would allow early access to there's nothing certainly not no no no no yes um and just then you hear a scream from the young woman that went to chuck check on the other assistant or you hear a scream coming from the hallway everyone give me a power roll unlimited massive failure wow me too almost done oh that is sad extreme success i succeeded 46 as you hear a gut-wrenching guttural scream of terror coming from the hallway lewis and jasmine you are glued to your seat as are all the other patrons but madame boussant you dash out the door right behind the front line iceberg who's strided over in her floating way towards the door and henrietta you follow just a bit behind yeah seeing medamo follow her cue of course you see fraulein ausberg in the doorway of the prep room cradling the head of a motionless assistant a young man and uh you can go over and take a look if you'd like um yes i i go over um check for pulse and see see what what what's happened give me a first aid roll oh my um that's just a little bit over you could spend some luck i could spend some luck even without succeeding you can't help this young man but you can feel he's still breathing and as you stand and brush yourself off the frown line is just shaking back and forth and closing her eyes tightly as she cradles this head and as you peer behind her uh the rest of you can rush out if you'd like would you like to follow all four of you each one of you stops as you look into the door yes i'm actually paying attention for who doesn't go who doesn't react is what i'm looking for okay no one else except the four of you has gotten up from their chairs they're just you know turned towards the door and many of them are whispering scared you can roll to see uh for psychology to see if anyone doesn't seem nervous oh i have oh nothing in that uh no it seems legit everyone everyone seems nervous and frightened as well why did someone scream and why did they scream like that yes i do have a question so since the item was just on the stage am i able to get my hand of glory there is an assistant in the room but they are nervously paying attention just telling everyone to calm down if you want to try and swipe it uh on your way out the door just get some give me a slight of hand okay oh i got a 33 oh not good enough no nope you grab it and the assistant totally clocks it got it yeah you have it with you did you you did just buy it uh you paid for it yet but you did bid on it um madame boussant you are the first to look into this room and what you see is the body of the young woman assistant who had gone out sitting on the couch and her head on the mantel and her arm on the coffee table and her other arm strewn uh in front of the fireplace and blood everywhere each uh just a cursory glance each body part looks as if it's been gnawed and ripped apart viciously these were not clean cuts and i need you to roll for sanity the three of you you all looked in the door clutched madame's hand seven oh no that's a one is there a critical success oh you critically succeeded on your sanity role yes you claim worse nothing about this shocks you in the least when in rome or austria but with your critical success i will give you a little more information as you look around you see a trail of blood leading to a small door in the wall raised up above floor level which you know to be a dumb waiter look at this and i'll go over right over there to point it out when you go into the room okay i am in shock i have did not succeed on my sanity okay you lose for sanity okay uh describe to us how you momentarily lose all composure i clutch madam's hand [Laughter] wow i don't know what this is speaking in time yes something in this room was taken over oh just then you hear fall line who who's um shaken herself out of her her fearful reverie and yes call the police someone call the police get them here as quickly as possible there's been a murder and when you hear the word murder everyone in the room gets up and runs out except for the lady margaret i think she stays behind she's too faint of heart she actually faints right where she's standing and in her chair yes okay um could i uh the one the person whose head is still or whatever the the young man who was in for allies yes arms um is there any way i could do a psychoanalysis like of the eyes are the eyes closed the eyes are closed yes it seems as though he's fainted as well okay well then a frown line herself yeah um he is coming too a little bit but yeah yeah you can check on frontline yeah see is this um real shock okay give me a wrong [Music] hard success she seems utterly terrified okay so she cared for all uh everyone under her employee she's very close to her employees you saw her working with all of them and she's just seen the body parts of one across she's also thinking about the carpeting the walls it's just going to require a new paint job do you get up and go to the door not yet um is it this macabre spectacle taking place over there is that in the area where the staff is located where nikolai vesky was keeping a sharp eye on is that the same locale that is yes i would like to keep an eye on where mr chavezque gets off to uh he okay he he walks out the door and um as he peeks around he he starts going downstairs um and uh he says i'm going to get to his horses and starts heading in that direction i believe i will i will follow him at a short distance perhaps ten feet and hence okay um as you do roll for stealth i do not know this stealth is my standard oh actually that's an eight percent i am a ghost he doesn't notice a thing yeah yeah i yeah i don't i'm unranked but i'm below the average he dashes down the marble stairs he runs out the door uh he yells patrolman patrolman and then um he flags a policeman down on the corner he says there's been a murder the policeman before coming inside runs off to go fetch back up um and he comes inside all right uh did you i i think that you would not help but to glance in through the door can you give me a roll for sanity realistically at this point i definitely would get in by now i would check yeah it's one of those things where you can't not look oh i am one over i will spend the point of love to succeed in that role can i spend the point of luck to succeed oh when you see this young girl who has been ripped viciously apart and rule for constitution if you would in fact everyone please roll for constitution oh oh goodness i have failed by a significant moment oh i'm fine you two vomit i'm like and jack and chuck stand in front of you so no one sees their custom they used to holds hair for you yeah you hold your hair they grab the jack and cover uh mr louis grandison you have lost five points of sanity in a single instance and so now i will ask that you roll for intelligence and now your smarts will not help you because you want to fail this role with that very good role i will tell you that you know whatever did this doesn't seem either human or any animal you've ever seen would this viciously almost intelligently place these body parts around it doesn't seem like an accident where the head is sitting on the mantel and this is going to uh make me roll on a table yeah you were going to temporarily lose your sanity just a bit i wasn't using it anyway amnesia you immediately do not remember the events that have just taken place i can't remember any bit of the auction uh you do of course remember these people from the last day you've seen them but nothing of the past two hours sometimes you just have to tell yourself this simply isn't happening to me uh mr grandson are you uh quite all right i have a quite unusual question uh henrietta matt damn up did we perhaps paul take a bit more of the opium i'm known on occasion to have a little but i seem to have misplaced myself in my surroundings and this seems quite terrible now do you remember [Music] they since he's suffered quite a bit of a shock in fact i believe that all of us have i have seen i mean i'm from new york darling so you know nothing but agreed this is horrible that's why i do not travel up north if this is nothing we will catch up as soon as we can little bean come look at this and i'm gonna bring her over to the dumb waiter uh sure um frownline augsburg has gotten some of the other guests in attendance to help her move the body and now that assistant is waking up and um you can overhear what did you see i walked in i just saw the body and i then everything went black and um she's now heading downstairs presumably to meet with the officers that should be arriving soon uh and yes you can you can show madame bousant what have you got here it seems like the there's a blood trail that goes into this door in the wall you can just give me a roll for spot hidden as well probably oh nope i can barely it's a have a hard time seeing the blood oh wow uh yeah yeah you sure it's not red paint you're right i this doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary to me hmm uh youtube may also roll through what's going on none of this is making any sense i don't remember any opium but maybe you just start screaming again no henry you gotta compose yourself darling honey it's going to be all right oh i don't know that you can guarantee that actually yeah i mean he would not even remember but um you you investigate the dumbwaiter further okay um you smell a sickly sweet smell you all know the smell of blood you have a little familiarity with first aid that's that rust iron smell you smell that but there's also something separate there is just like this sickly sweet like um fruit left out to rot kind of smell that wasn't something you noticed before the auction or when you walked through this hallway before us being people of results is um is this like dumb waiter over a garbage chute like like a certain amount of stink is normal or or is it i mean this may smell worse but yeah as i'm feeling around on it and take a look at it i um smell it and i open the door um and actually i think it's it's two metal slabs horizontally and you have to sort of pry to push him and you see a shoot straight down if you peer down you can see there is the little car that and the pulley strings and um the size is about big enough for a couple people if they wanted to stuff themselves in um like people would have to be crouched but um a a person could definitely fit in there are we on you are on um there's the first floor you came in on and you were on the second floor yes um but it seems to if you look down it doesn't seem to be on that first floor when you came in it looks like it's like 60 feet lower oh yeah or 60 feet from where you are uh yeah they're they're tall floors sure it's got a basement of course it's got a basement i wonder do you think we should tell the authorities well i think whoever did this got away right this is the means to escape maybe they're still down there should we go check well we could be the heroes no it's not a reason not to go check no i mean shouldn't we cut the code on this damn thing and just let them plummet to the doom or whatever is there the the lever or the button to operate the dumb waiter or is it uh you could hand crank it there is also looks like a a button is connected to a mechanical electric pulley you can push the button i push the button okay and while and while it's on the rise up i i i catch up louis uh lewis and louis uh there has been a murder by some manner of beast uh it seems to be and don't don't it's all right just trust me on this there was an auction um you uh won a manuscript and you agreed to let me take a look at it oh delightful clever no my manuscript is your manuscript i would love you to we're going to sit down and have a little chat about you know the supernatural absolutely difference anybody told you that your eyes are absolutely astonishing the way the light glints off of them no i apologize i need my cops around and i was just taken oh no no nothing like a a a murderer rouse the spirits yes get the blood up if i might perhaps we should step out of the way of this dumb waiter before it arrives though because you have no idea yes you like gently take your hand and step to the side yes there were chairs and stuff in here too right like there was a couch and and things like that yes there is more furniture in the style of louis xiv with the gilded legs and fine prints all completely ruined and going to have to be expertly restored because they're splattered with blood well if it's going to have to be fixed anyway i'm going to reach down and grab a leg of a chair and rip it off and as you look around the room you also notice all of the lots of the auction that had not yet been auctioned are in this room oh wonderful because i was going to bid on that sword that was next and we just got interrupted by this dreadful affair and i'm sure you would have won anyways i have the means and so i'm just going to go just write them attack yes i'll just leave a little check here or a little iou as do you go to the sword yes as you approach it you notice a name carved into the hilt a uh where is it number seven left column asoft azoth is carved into the hilt a daughter how lovely and i'm going to grab it yes as you do you feel a slight thrum of energy like a little shock wave go through your hands oh you have the power it seems uh i'd like to do a cult check on it sure would you like to touch my sword i would love to that is a regular success you feel this weapon seems to be enchanted you feel like there is something beyond just a normal sword within this especially when you touch the letters of the hilt that's when you feel a fire under your fingertips wow and also with that rule you remember is azoth you remember that this was carved by a german philosopher and alchemist named paracelsus do you by chance have any proficiency with bladed weaponry do you know how to use a sword by chance it is a wonderful relic but uh perhaps i will be standing behind you in the coming conflict oh well i just it's an accessory to murder into the doorway the frenchman that you spoke to a bit earlier perhaps you noticed his black flowing robes and that eyeliner well if it isn't my favorite spooky frenchman hello miguel i almost hit him with the club uh or sorry michelle michelle a way more french name that i have pronounced this whole time michelle uh anyone who comes in i no where is it the murder is right here all over the place no i see that and i'm quite disturbed i assure you although i have seen dead bodies in my time oh it's it's um in books of course you understand biology is a study of spirituality you're comparing what you've seen in books to a dismembered corpse no no no certainly not i do find it's very strange but we must find who has done this and who has taken the brass head is that missing missing also as you look around you see all the other lots if you see one of the catalogs lying around you notice um number seven the sword the human skull is here uh the iching sticks the book of the dead gold ring here number 16. the ring is sitting at the end of the table i would like to there's no one in here to stop you unless you're trying to hide it no i very much was like this was the last acquisition you're very good of you to come over here and check and i'll sort of usher yeah i and i scoop up the uh the lot 7 lot 12 and lot 14. what's that the pamphlet and the um i know a lot's happening i apologize is the magus in here the the the delay the thing that didn't come out like all right is it infinite yeah is it in this room and she just got got retrieving it or is it not here you see it on the floor beside the sofa ah so it's the brass head it's the only missing one okay but we do have a lead uh michelle so we're just gonna have you chase them down and i'll push him into the dumb waiter sorry as you uh pulled open the dumb waiter doors there was no one in there sorry anticlimactic but you do see um shoe and handprints that are covered in blood and in fact maybe it's just hand prints and and some smudges you don't actually see uh the tread of a shoe hmm so it's so brave of you to volunteer to chase them down and i'm sure they're down there we will lower you [Laughter] i just listen carefully for the sounds of a horrible death actually like and this stench it smells of this sickly and sweet what is that like rotten fruit uh you hear mumbling paris i'm sure you're accustomed i heard that uh and just about this time you hear the tread of boots running up the stairs it seems a few patrolmen have arrived in lady osbourg follows behind just right to your to your left as you head up the stairs can i try and hide my sword sure give me a self or sleight of hand whatever i make no effort to hide my thing but i do pick up the stuff i bought i grabbed my book my doll and my drums yes you can grab your stuff uh make it a dexterity roll knowing what she's doing i do very much try and step in the way too i'm like yes it all seems to be in order here oh i have jack and jack sandwiched around jack and jock sandwich and you hide it right up your spine down your dress very delicately placed and none of the wiser especially from asperger who is showing the patrolmen who immediately take one look in this room and vomited the plants yes a lot of fertilizer this evening they they start to question everyone that's around they've asked all the auction guests uh including you not to leave um to not leave this floor oh we'd better go get michelle i mean yeah he was very fool-heartedly it just was something right there yes lady asperger tells the patrolman no no of course my guess they're not going to leave right and if michelle has gone somewhere please go fetch him lady elsberg we might if we might have a moment we'll just go get him yes i do pull her over and i'm like who showed the most interest in the brass head by chance it seems to have walked away no stolen parents of course one monster would do such a thing i didn't even think to look how silly of me but yes of course along with some other of the artifacts mysterious oh no my business this is dreadful first my reputation is done for i need the four of you to help me will you help me to find who has done this and ma'am ma'am the brass hater the press said yes well there was special interest yes you asked me who had asked to purchase items before the auction began and oh yes three people had asked specifically about the brass head yes well and who might that have been it was the lady margaret jameson michelle de borsavin and the final person of interest a klaus hunter priest yes he got very angry when i told him no i told everyone no i told them if it is in the catalog i must auction it otherwise why would people travel from other countries in order to see but theoretically all three of them were in the room with us when this person died at least theoretically correct oh yes from my vantage point on the stage i could see all of the invitees who received an invitation were present and in my field of view i do know that you allowed a special dispensation for jack and jacques hill was anyone else allowed an attendant or a valet of some so to come in with them this evening no attendant or valet could have done that surely well one would hope oh please don't let the help be the ones doing this no i trust my assistants implicitly in fact there were five of my hired staff that knew about this event and knew the time and place because of course you remember we we changed the day of the auction if i might direct your well i suppose the dumbwaiters departed we did see human looking bloody handprints inside but no shoe prints that that struck me as unusual that is most terrifying who would not have shoes well and at this moment i'm i have jacques injected because they'd sanitary in a way that i no longer had to walk well there are ways to answer your previous question no one except jack and jack who i have been assured and we've checked the credentials of several times no one else was allowed to valet but of course miss blair was quite insistent well the rules don't apply to miss blair um if we might be excused perhaps we should what would you keep down in a low low basement maybe three levels below ground maybe smelly oh that's the vaults yes where we keep the auction items before in the auction and each of the auction rooms has a separate vault separated by steel doors within the basement i grant you access this bumbling idiots and police officers i answer their questions and i suggest you do the same but yeah they don't have the constitution for this sort of work not like we do you see that vomiting not like us i saw madame bousant when she saw in the room and you were not faced you had a determination americans you know oh yes i believe in in the strength of uh all of you i trust you um in fact let me give you um an assistant to help you in your work uh anything you might need i will give you my best servant his name he's not important let's call him krueger expendable trooper don't get to what you don't name them you feel bad when something happens to them it's so funny the way that land and gentry treat their health also i believe we might need keys to these vaults or are they just open ah yes uh she hands a key to kruber ah yeah i'm here to help oh oh whatever my name is kruper and he bows very deeply appearance um kind of elf like like a turned up nose um blonde hair that slicked back so like ears [Laughter] like all the other serving staff he's wearing um a black tuxedo okay uh cooper do come along then under the leader housing anything else anyone would like to do in this room um temptation i want to go to uh the different items that are remaining with with your permission um do i feel any uh a cold energy in any of them i go with her and i remove my iou note before anyone it oh no i i put uh i put iou valentine from valentine's day um val's got to come in roll four uh rule for cults you can only fail that role yeah uh uh success all right um you feel an energy coming off the two items that you picked up that you found reference to in the back of that library you have the the pamphlet from uh uh colonial new england as well as the dictionary infernal and as you pass by where the brass head has been sitting you feel a dark powerful thrumming coming just from where the item had been set as the little cards with lot numbers sat in front of each item uh and then the book of the dead by alistair crowley feels so you feel it pulling you slightly towards it and just then uh lady margaret jameson hurriedly uh covering her eyes uh i can't look at any of it i just i'm here for a book the lot 11 and i need it you don't understand i need it we can hold an auction right here i suppose well uh sure how much do you need it who would i pay you well she i thought the alberta's here isn't she this is very i cannot uh there is too much going on i have to attend to the patrolmen please do not take or touch any of the items we will reschedule for another time the hand with the ring on it i kind of tug in my pocket wouldn't think of it and i i go to jasmine look i know we don't always see eye to eye but i feel that there are quite a few opportunities here with your um dexterous hands and what my uh you mean my appraising eyes she means you're praising eyes and the hand of glory the hand what my hand of glory that i legally purchased and now own me i thought you said it was going to museum it is going to a museum perhaps it should be is what i'm saying can everyone roll for a listen oh yes nothing hard hard success regular success for me all right uh as you're having this conversation you hear the german being spoken by the two patrolmen oh yeah um you hear them they're just sort of staring at the body parts and like covering them up and maybe drawing a chalk line around the various bits and pieces and you hear them mention um grapes uh oh this is so strange and like in das tour the graves were just uncovered we're just opening in somewhere else the last das tour d-a-s-t das tour you hear they mention das tour yes the graves so strange that um and with your extreme success or your hard success you overhear them say that five grave sites have been disturbed recently and they wonder if whatever strange thing that happened here also is the reason those bodies were stolen before they cover all of this up i would like to take a quick peek and make sure all these parts are from the same body sure yeah roll for either first aid or spot hidden and as i hear this i will hand off my uh sword to jacques jack jack and uh part where the cities let me just go speak with the um police see if i can find out more sure you can speak to them um there is one other option you have if a role doesn't go your way you may push uh this means you have to tell me how and why you're taking it further and if you fail that role there will be dire consequences that's right i'm prepared to allow this particular mystery to lie uh do you go and speak to the patrolmen yes hello it's um it's me this is a murder you need to leave miss interviews um i was wondering um i thought it was a i had a grave recently disturbed i work they immediately go silent and look at you strangely and then they clam up and i was just wondering is there any way that you know that this is related in any way what were the graves you know how many others and who we don't know what you've heard but that case is private we are investigating it currently uh yeah everyone knows grace yeah yeah yeah that's tour we can't tell you anything that happened in the dust to our graveyard yeah that's right i'm clearly we are with you this is an ongoing case we can't tell you what happened in that store we can't tell you about the culprits that we saw with the black cloaks and we are still hunting them down so we can't tell you we can't tell you about their strange skipping gate it's all very strange and do not ask anymore you have to arrange a meeting with the deaf sergeant if you want to talk to those officers the death surgeon desk oh not a death sergeant okay this is very strange in austria in vienna to have this sort of murder yes one quick question um i find on occasion you know you see things that you just can't believe that just can't be true that you know that if you had to guess no matter how strange you guess where you think those people are located are they at a church somewhere or a club or the written midnight ritual this is foolishness we're among friends here you just yeah go for a persuade and i'm going to put a hundred pounds in his hands [Music] no real necessary his partner he nods and he pockets the hundred pounds and he says this uh the graves sometimes the bodies were missing and then sometimes only the clothes and the jewelry that's very strange sometimes we find just parts of the body he looks like he's almost about to vomit none yes but we have no culprits but the officers that saw they saw two black cloaked figures with a strange skipping gate running away but they could not catch them skipping were they children they might have been children they were hunched they were small but i could not they could not see their faces they did they have feet of course they must have feet why wouldn't they where they're wearing shoes we did not find any footprints or any and you know like we just it did not it was not a rainy night feet oh i'm sure they have footprint we didn't investigate the footprints when roughly did this take place uh there were four separate occasions and it gives you uh the months and days of these four occasions he says and that is all we know um we must clear everyone out of here we'll collect everyone's names and statements but you are all in the room when this seems to have happened so do point out the dumb waiter the blood the handprints you know like they don't hide that you know and that that damn they are completely floored you point this out and yeah we have a friend we need to go ten two in the vault yes um also as as we go out any attendants or valets that have been working the auction house or working with uh any of the guests um whose palms have already been greased by our good friend uh luis here um i i inquire about the schedule if they've overheard anything about uh lady margaret or michelle or klaus's um travel schedule for the past couple of dates um dates that we had just heard about oh um do you guys want to split up because you were heading to the basement parallel yeah as we as we move down before yes you're heading to the basement and you're questioning um you have kruber in tow oh yeah cooper yeah grouper i'm right here right behind you i'm sorry i'm small you sometimes don't know just um how small this crew is where's you [Music] i showed up a bit late and um you know all of the shoes were taken and it came with the tuxedo it belongs to the auction house this tuxedo of course i can't afford a taxi though um so what do you know about some of the last uh movements or schedules and itineraries of the three guests you stop to question the other surface kruber has set up all the other assistants in the gold prep room in order to answer any of your questions and i also have a map in fact kruber delivered each of you a nap at your request practicals this map is incomplete though there's definitely the further down that we observed so he opened the gold room for us and we were in the green room but we want to go to the vault right right yes he's open the gold prep room just to put the other uh four assistants into that room and answer all of your questions um as you question them one by one uh would anyone like to roll for psychology will psychoanalysis help sure you can do psychoanalysis i have no i have no head for it well if anyone questions them i can you may also um try to charm persuade intimidate what do we want to know who did it yeah i might have uh oh yes she's gonna ask did if they saw anyone go into the room before right beforehand who went in corroborate the stories yes well the psychoanalysis did not go well it's an 88 ah i got a pretty good psychology success should i try charm for just just like i got a hard success on persuasion so all right um the first uh so they're of the five present attendants krueger is happy to answer any of your questions he seems like a pure angel the sweetest and knows absolutely nothing but is so willing to help you number one on my list makes me trust him less yes there is of course the assistant that's in pieces there's assistant that uh was fainted and once he comes too he describes to you how he walked in he saw the body he fainted that was his friend and they were to play poker later that night he just seems very distraught um the other assistant seems bored doesn't want to be there and then the final assistant um his name is carl and carl seems very nervous the guests uh they everything was normal as far as i know and um what do you say to persuade him um i break all of them off a five spot this is like and i'd say really i just have one question it seems like someone in particular was after the the riveted brass head um if there were anybody that was in attendance that you think was eyeing it a little too heavily or acting a little too odd did anything poke out to any of you i i don't i don't know anything about the brass head i don't know anything about any of this stuff i don't know why anyone would want any of that stuff and now uh genevieve is dead yes he seems like he's just nervous i don't know i fee i feel a little guilty though nervous or guilty yes it's not it's not anything about the head or anything else it's just that i sold the map of the building i sold the map of the building oh just someone it was a man he has a strange man with bulging eyes klaus yes never trust a bulgy-eyed man named klaus yes that's the one that's the one i i i told him the copy of the plans of the building you sold him the i'll give it back please don't tell how much do you do listen to the problem should you do this for uh ten pounds wha what is wrong with you more money than i see in six months no just understand friend we're not here to make any trouble for you just know that your friend genevieve is dead as a direct result of your grief he starts rocking back and forth and blinking a lot is there anything else he wants to tell us carl oh no just we'll help your case the blinking though the blinking yes he he didn't he didn't blink i kept looking at him and he didn't he would never blink did you see where he went no i mean the guests have started to go home now at this point the police have released everyone i don't know this isn't all my fault it's all my fault jennifer's dead it's all my fault she's dead it's all my fault it's absolutely my fault it's all my fault and he starts like screaming and then the other servants have to hold him down as he's crashing give me the sword where's the sword where's the dagger i'm going to kill myself get that man a drink yeah someone just pours vodka down his throat and he takes a deep breath i think we should go to the boat or michelle i'm very worried about someone else we must find a clown we cut to the basement you're running down the stairs there's four vaults you also see a coal bin and the boiler beside you it's very hot down here jack and jack are coming chuck uh right behind you yes in fact you don't even have to walk and jack in the front krueger in the back yeah insulation against monsters yeah yeah kruger runs first and um you can tell from the plans that you've been given as well that there is a vault that corresponds to each of the auction rooms um or rather their preparatory room like the uh yeah you can tell that the dumb waiter goes directly from the vault of the room uh in the basement to the second floor it has no stop on the first so we want to go to the green room one the green prep room that's where michelle so we'll be deposited if we're coming down the stairs it's the first one that we'll see on the right-hand side exactly it's to the east uh and kruger fottles with the keys very nervous he drops him a couple times before he opens the ball oh it's my mistake the bottom fingers just let us let us he hands you the keys oh no don't tell her i gave you the keys um i'll leave them back please of course i hand them to you jasmine's got this yeah compose yourself man as you go into the vault room you notice tiny boxes set into the wall individual vaults for each one and on the wall in front of you in the stone wall it's been uh a tunnel has been dug and since caved in well rubble is all over the floor that does seem anomalous where is michelle where's the dumb waiter michelle was trapped in here uh the law i have been waiting so calm down my ropes got very dusty when i climbed them and they're splotches of of blood um and as the dumbwaiter their bloody footprints or um shapes that who are not quite feet uh have patted out and look like they're in this collapsed michelle i feel uh you should maybe perhaps be a little um careful leaving the establishment you look for michelle what chest did you have in the brass skull well if you must know there is a ritual i've heard of with this skull i am from a spiritualist group in france back in france and i have heard there are many things that can be done with the brass head that's why i am so eager to find it what kind of things yeah who is it calling hmm roll for for sweet or charm intimidate damn it no i believe that the spirit world will speak through the head that is all i have heard it it has been mentioned in in notable occult tomes and if we could speak with this spirit world i have many questions i would ask it would bring our spiritual group closer this is why i will help you find it yes okay we're done with you because you do seem to be a bit of a casualty no no wait please let me help you let me help you no you've done enough michelle well come take a look at this and i'll go over to kruger how long has how how long has this tunnel been here i came down to dumb winter i've never been in this room before oh is that from cooper oh kruger um uh groover this tunnel is new yeah this was not here when we took these items out yesterday it must be fresh i'm gonna take my chair leg and sort of swing at the rubble if it's is it loose or really compacted in like it had caved in uh it is very compacted yeah it doesn't seem like you could easily it would take hours and hours if you tried to dig through this rubble what could have possibly created a tunnel like this in one day give me an extreme occult where does this mean if this were to go uh like where did this lead outside of the home to the west what's to the west of here uh to the east to behind this wall wait never mind west west this behind this wall yeah it's west on our map whatever you say yes this way oh sorry i get whis confused yes to the west it is just a regular success it's a metric east um you know that this is something that must live underground perhaps something that is unnatural and no animal it seems whatever doug this is an intelligent being with like a human level of consciousness but you don't know what it what that would be friends if i might um we have now come into possession of certain relics and artifacts that we have duly all paid for and compensated this establishment and is it possible that any of our newfound accoutrement might be of some assistance and i do hold out my doll to madame busan he's a doll yeah i got the african adult oh yeah fetish fetish but it's adult and i'm like um i get a powerful and i from perhaps you might give me some insight into what it is and how it might be of some assistance to uh an occult role give me a catholic mythos i'm going to i look at it and it's not definitely not my area the expertise but i'm going to push to try again what can you do to this item um as you look at it yeah give it give it a closer look but describe to me consequences to pushing yourself magical i i pull pull it out and i concentrate on it very hard i steer stared directly into its eyes and that is actually a hard success hmm stories about you have not only been true but have not captured the true scope of your knowledge and skill i feel like your eyes start to glow in your hands i thought that was just me uh you feel a pulsating from in the base of this statuette and can anyone give me a chemistry or a mechanical repair [Music] oh that's oh yeah okay let's see oh that's a that's the heart the extreme success yeah with your best success in chemistry you feel that this hair is not not human hair or animal hair uh this hair seems to come from a creature of the unknown it seems as you feel it and look at the spirals inside it it seems to contradict any anything you've seen before and you feel a terrifying nature to it um roll for sanity what's the problem with understanding things oh i was i was one point over last time i'm one point under yeah oh no my drop my sanity dropped one point can i push sanity no oh yeah no no i didn't i just you lose one point of sanity as you feel uh something telling you to break off the bottom the base of this to break the statue apart and as you do you see a sign a sign carved into the base a circular design with a symbol inside that uh you feel like is is related to a god and now i am but uh did you succeed no okay i'm but an armchair student of chemistry usually i just use it for brewing moonshine but um i have determined one this hair does not fit any known taxonomy of man or beast and also does this mean anything to you oh yeah i very much i'm like with your successful opponent you do recognize that that is an elder sign and you remember from your time in writing to the journal and the things it would write back that sign was present and you know that sign to be one of blocked passage you know that that can stop a mythos being from traveling through a place that is a symbol of great protection stuff and it can stop it being of great and terrible power from passing through a place oh was it doing that well it was connected to the statute i don't i i think that it probably so the the hair that's a very good does it feel like the hair is related to the symbol as well as a beast of lee it does feel related but not that they have to be attached okay so it wasn't something in particular it didn't lose any any feeling of power when i very much tucked my front butt handkerchief i'm like well that's good to know protection excellent while they were doing that i just wanted to see if my my item could help and i've been hitting away at the tunnel with my sword uh give me a roll for a fighting brawl nope uh a few rocks have rolled down from it wow you've noticed there's some nicks are starting to form i don't think it will help and my poor blade's getting nicked you might want to check the the hands see if they can opening doors for us darling i don't know what you're talking about though pull out the hand of glory i guess so there are there like five candles type of thing like each finger is one or is it like a place for one candle in the hand each finger the where the fingernail should be it's been replaced with a candle okay so i'll sort of everyone clear away i don't know wait uh as soon as you hold it up the doors of the dumb waiter fly open i think you got a live one well lucky here i just hold it at the tunnel nothing happens okay well what what kruber yes what's to the west of here uh there's a neighborhood there is the voltas bar there's um dust tour graveyard oh that's still work the graveyard really now oh we'll take us there kruger go go you may also roll for idea if you're ever stumped happy oh um so i i flipped through the pamphlet looking for or i crawled for instance the pamphlet and the um infernum uh tome looking for specifically uh skipping loping beasts dismemberment um and you know cults that that might do grave robbing okay um as you look through them do you want to take a moment in game we don't have to spend too much time here but do you want to take the time in game to study the pamphlet and the dictionary inferno yes well if you would like we could walk and yeah oh in fact there uh you did notice a set tea on display upstairs in the middle of perfect in case of emergency anything you need an emergency set the case of the vapors oh also kruber had shoved um michelle out of the vault and closed the door and gave a thumbs up to you when you said we're done with you oh good good cool so he's just still staring like waiting outside yeah so to death uh as you go out um as you look over the colonial pamphlet this exceeding rare pamphlet has information on the devil and you feel that it is a true mythos book you may add five to your mythos it will cost you nothing for sanity and with the dictionary infernal uh you see you peruse things you're familiar with because you are very experienced with the cult but now you have this reference in hand um you notice all the different stories and permutations of the way the devil has been represented in literature as what's is what's contained here and you may it's a grain of truth and a lot of the different interpretations of it yes and you may add five to your occult skill um we'll say that that took an hour to do would anyone else before you leave the auction house um is there anyone else that you were looking for or would you like to make an idea rule i am that would be uh your intelligence skill level you can roll for idea should we open some video that's what i was going to say we have the keys let's just take a little peeky please i would stretch kruger perfect open everything extreme success on the idea uh with that you think you think in the office you remember seeing a ledger sitting on the desk with the information of each uh of the guests of the auction in fact she asked for your home address for the billing later and for the delivery of goods included and you'd find cloud you know she did take all of our addresses and information presumably for shipping details this klaus fella might have his name in her ledger oh absolutely but if this was premeditated who knows what a dress he put down oh crew but would you take me there yes perhaps we should at least take a look come on crew uh he immediately when you stroke his face he runs up to the office and he meets you at the door proudly presenting the ledger okay outside of the vault when he comes back oh good good yes um as you were preparing to leave and and walking and talking while studying he um i assume you're about to leave the building well well cooper is distracted for crime we're just gonna open a few of these with the keys that i now have sure just still take a little peeky poo see what's up um each uh each of the inside each room looks the same and there's just a wall of yeah a dumb wader the doors of the dumb waiter of each are open no blood it's clean and then clean walls of steel drawers and each one has a lock and key and if you try and open them they're not on your key ring you know i certainly pull out this hand all the doors fly open now with my appraisal skills sure looks exactly the most okay that is just a regular success uh you notice scrolls from uh uh egyptian uh the dead sea scrolls yeah the dead sea scrolls i see yeah you notice them in the pocket this is where they went uh yeah and then i'll i'll go through and sort of slam the doors shut as i come through again and just come out is the hand still out i put it away with the dead season okay yeah because you started to close some and then they just pop right back and as all that's happening madam boson has been furiously studying flipping through all the pages speed reading them we have the ledger uh so does tour and then potentially to does the address he gave seem anywhere around here because you're right there's a real chance it's garbage but i mean if it's like two blocks away and taco bell that's exactly right the basement of the combination pizza i didn't talk about do you are you looking for anyone's address in particular of course of course it is in there it's three two four vols strauss number one and uh kruber can tell you oh that's a bad part of town it is way across uh on the other side of the cemetery very close to the cemetery oh is he is klaus the only local uh everyone else seems to be from another country why would he live in such a bad area of town if he has the means to attend one of these well maybe why has the means he you know this is all very [Laughter] oh sure i've always wanted to do that no it was quite that was very good [Music] michelle was still standing awkwardly like let's bring me guys [Music] [Music] uh he immediately gives off his necklace it seems to be the egyptian ankh that he had taken off the table i bought this this is my ankh yes which i bought it as a peace offering here you go hey why don't you just step back into the vault michelle yes they'll come and look for your show uh that is a very kind of use who say um you didn't even have to say that and you did so i will wait in here how about you don't tell anyone about the gun because you're covered in blood and were found in the vault yes this doesn't look very good for me yeah maybe i will take the dumb way through back up goodbye we'll tell everyone we saw you arguing with genevieve before the event they will believe us i will be leaving town then why would you do that i have offered to help you no yeah just don't mention the gun okay oh i will not mention anything but i'm pretty sure you killed genevieve and that's absolutely not what happened anyone i very much lock him in the vault when he says that i'm like no i'm sorry you're gonna have to we killed jen and fifa would just kill you now that is true you are still alive sir do you have an excellent point i guess uh i have nothing to fear you will not shoot me you will not choose me i should not be afraid yeah important point of clarification friends um are we going to attempt to go through the undoubtedly terrible cemetery or all right straight to the hill well he wouldn't have gone straight home right he had this escape plan we got to find the other end of this tunnel well but if it went into the cemetery and then he crossed the cemetery we have taken our time that's true this is all right we might have thought we weren't going to be on the trail but i i i catch him at home red handed well why don't we go to his place and then on the way we take a little quick peek at the cemetery see if anything's disturbed okay fine i just was trying to avoid a cemetery at midnight we have problems with cemetery grouper has arranged a car for you for the cemetery kruger has arranged a car for you oh of course uh and um he wishes you well he says he has to stay with the front line as it is now the wee hours of the morning break him off 20. he's you saw and heard nothing no of course you're my best friends i love you very much this is the best night of my life it's a fortune if you fail oh no it's the worst night of jennifer you've just left well as soon as you he says you're my friends jasmine gets a little like guilty look on his face and handsome default keys back oh i was been executed for that excellent and he runs back inside uh send you in your car on your way call me uh i don't have your number but okay no not for that just of course jack and jacques uh are are writing um up front that are stuffed into that seat as the four of you take the more spacious back yeah so jack and jack could sit on each other's lap in the front seat yes yes and i sit on hand me on his lap hmm you don't have to but it's all right it's all right no i just don't and i just want to make sure that there's enough space for everybody i'm going to pour myself a drink in this bar that we have in the car oh yes this is the private car of um frownline asberg and so it is well decked with the bar uh the driver silent type cat pulled low he doesn't say much friends uh you know i i don't mean to seem like i'm not of an adventurous spirit but you know we could simply depart we've all done our business is this even our problem to solve we could just well don't you want that skull that everyone else wants murdered for does seem pretty posed but how are we going to decide amongst ourselves who will retain the skull even i don't need to own the skull all i need is just a little chance to talk with it it would it could be like a like uh um organize it we could send it to each other and write little messages to each other as we do well you know and and keep in touch over the sisterhood of the traveling yeah that is true i'm sure they did not go to such lengths to uh acquire an infernal relic for anything positive all right we can take a look you drive past the cemetery it's dark all you see is a guard on duty as you drive uh through a seedier part of town and pull up to a three-story apartment building uh this is three two four um whatever yes um the lower east side of uh vienna yeah exactly that side of the danube just the wrong side of the thing straight out of danger the gun is out once we arrive crazy grab a name close hunter breeze and the sword okay that is that is a fine aesthetic ma'am if you walk into the door of the apartment building which is unlocked there is a staircase inside next to the first door it says number two manager and the manager's name uh at flat number two is adolf lederman to the right the stairs read lead to the second and third floor landings as you go up on the various stores by the mailboxes you see the second floor flat says er rudolph horst and the third floor flat says um dr wolfgang dornheim so klaus isn't listed no there seemed to be three floors and one flat per floor he looked like a woman to me wolfgang dornheim um uh the building manager is right here where the door is yeah it's about 3am right now good okay i found on the door what is it and a grubby old man wearing a shirt after a few minutes comes to the door and opens it uh he's already smoking a cigarette somehow it's yours what do you want um adolf lieberman hillary berman uh we have been nepotized to investigate a murder that took place not too far from here and we are seeking an individual named klaus hunter pressed bulging eyes very buggy-eyed fella he starts to slam the door oh i'll put my foot in yeah where's that hand i don't talk about my residents their business is their business my business is my business yeah so here's a resident uh which one of these flats would our buggy ad acquaintance be residing in i'd hate to have to wake up everybody in your fine establishment but we will roll for persuaded yes we will regular success i yeah i got a success at intimidate i said you listen to me i will scream so loud that the entire building will wake up and then the constables will be called the cigarette falls from his mouth uh he stomps it up i look i don't know anything about a murderer all i know is he lives in the basement and the entrance is on the other side it wasn't a flat to begin with but he insisted to rent it is it a cemetery facing basement cemetery i mean that's tour is right here in the gate oh interesting the real well thank you so much for your help darling i don't want any trouble please don't tell him he can't yeah i delivered him yes no he won't when he said there was a certain fear around klaus's name when you said it seemed like you didn't want to say anything so as we make our way to the basement i will hand my sword to madame i feel this would be uh well used in your capable hands perhaps henrietta amelia theresa blair you are the sixth to the seventh yes you know what never mind it's it's a trendy saying they're all saying it in in new york you're the six to the seven i am the sixth i plan to also be the seventh oh well that makes sense then exactly there's nothing odd about it as you go around the building you're looking at the base of it for any basement windows and you see none and there's no like cellar door as you get to the back there is a cellar-facing door the kind that goes directly underground and it says it's completely unmarked are we ready as we'll ever be i'll hold on to the club and one hand and then pull out my hand of glory with the other and point it at the cellar i'm pointing the gun at the door i'm actually gonna turn and face the cemetery yeah okay drawn you watch the cemetery everyone is poised the hands uh comes out and immediately the cellar doors fling open and just darkness inside ooh a few steps down i'll put the head away do we have light this is spooky does anyone have light it is a candle i take my i take my light and my cigarette lighter out and i like lighter oh just one what the flame glows blue and then orange and then white and stay as a steady white on the one one finger that is lit it's a pinky any particular stinkiness come out of it when it opens you do smell a small hint of that slight rotten fruit smell as you walk you'll get that particular heady bouquet i do as you step down and the light guides you you see an entrance room with a single wood door and what's bizarre is that the outside of the building was pretty shabby these stairs are like a rough concrete but immediately in this little entrance hall it seems to have been completely remodeled it doesn't look like a not an apartment basement it has wood paneling and a small table and carpeting in a lush rich red the candle is and hand is still out so the door flings open in front of you and you see a long corridor with six doors leading off of it do the six doors swing open yeah i'll just run down the corridor and then turn around and look sure uh well i i proud jack and jack to go into the first jack and jack report back look jack and jack report back um in the first two rooms to the left there's a library to the right a living room i would like to take a quick peek at the library just to see the kinds of books i don't have to like like i'm just like yeah i would also like to peruse the books while they peruse they send jack and jack to the next two regular success on the library use yeah the library use you find a librarian reading room you notice shelves of the classics as well as a section of mystery novels and an even larger section of the occult you've spent enough time around this to immediately recognize some of the titles of course the book of the dead by alistair crowley along with others and you don't see any like uh uh as madame bossant who would say uh sort of mythos like beyond the occults but you do notice a lot of occult books here obviously if he was at this auction something he was into and you notice a lot of these books are about resurrection of the dead or about reincarnation i do pass that on to my associates i got an extreme uh cult success in that room yes an extreme success uh you find a notepad and scrolled on the notepad what does e-a-e-a catholic [Laughter] you see notes scrawled that say liber tenebra which you know to translate to the book of darkness it's just notes from this book it's not the actual book you notice in a scrawled handwriting it says contact ghouls bring her back uh perform ceremony with the head do you i really i relay this to everyone oh we ought to hurry uh i'm necromancy lovely definitely guilty oh yes of course sir shoot on site yes yes apparently before he can return from there double time check the doors yes check the doors oh they they stepped forward like um yeah all of the furniture is beautiful and immaculate perfectly clean looks barely lived in but you hear jacques describe the kitchen is disgusting and jack when he peeks his head in the bedroom he says oh the smell i can't go in there and he runs back towards the entrance hall i go to the bedroom i'll lift up like my shirt collar and go into the bedroom sure right give me a constitutional nope just barely succeed oh nice you puke on the floor oh goodness there's a ritual going on in there i've already ejected my dinner for the evening you don't even remember having it that's an extreme success actually yeah yeah yeah you feel strong you feel like you can do this can you look about in there yeah all right what do i find you walk into the master bedroom and this room is a disorganized shambles there's clothes run about that the drawers are half open there's remains of late night snacks all over the floor give me a spot hidden roll oh yeah you mountain dew the gamer version everywhere i crept up behind oh wow right yeah yeah yeah uh spot hidden is percent is the i don't have anything in it yeah but you even go to that he has a ten a hard success for the standard yes amazing uh as uh you pry through the drawers of the dresser you find a diamond ring unfortunately there's a bony hand that the ring is still on but uh you notice the ring is of extreme value as you roll for sanity uh success you pull the diamond ring off the bony hand and place it back in you know i feel like this is the track it is the ring do i feel anything and does the hand look like it is what can i tell anything about it's rotting it's moldy it's definitely not super naturally kept well so it's not a tell if it was it's um pretty it looks like it's a hundred years old oh can i tell if it was a man or what if is it smaller or larger is it has been hacked off uh yeah it looks like the bone had just kind of come separated from the femur and that there's very there's like this sinews and tendons that are dried and desiccated hanging from it it's not just clean bone but it is very old bone and it feels female at least the style of the brain was is it a left hand or a right hand a left hand interesting okay very well i tucked that i tucked the ring away we did get reports of a grave robbery in the area so that very own brand i suppose he's not here where is clowns and your extreme was on your spot hidden yes you notice the smell is coming strongest from the closet at this point i'm joined i passed the constitution i am fairly certain that there is something horrifying in this closet i i open i i yank up with her i can't i cannot help myself i must get to the bottom of this that's your thing there's a trapdoor in the floor of the closet with some clothes kind of covering up but you notice the steel against the carpet the do finally enter and i do make the con so i'll hold my breath i imagine it came through here i have like smelling salsa uh give me a strength check all of you oh uh are you are you going to open the trap door i will okay all right i'm a strong boy oh yeah that's the middle success sure i'll roll for jack and jack middle success oh horrible horrible success yeah i in fact don't even help you don't need to jack and jack uh are very strong brawny boys and they are able to help as uh one two three four five of you um pull heavily on this door wait wait i checked to make sure i feel the door and make sure and i sort of check to see if there's any sort of auras or no flurry cult that is an extreme success you feel something awful and sickly you want to run you are repulsed by whatever is down here no no no no there's something awful down there i i i don't know i just know that if we go down there there is a possibility that none of us will come back up or the things that come back up will not be us anymore which one of these two do you like the least uh plug your ears you have a jack they do jack definitely but we need to send a note of some sort of where we are and what's happened here like so that if something terrible does befall us this oh this mystery does not die one of them behind yes actively send them back with a note yes oh well okay then jack it'll be yes jack jacques jacques my darling yes yes not now um would you um head back to the hotel because i just don't want anything to happen just in case just jack looks very uh like that guy with if we don't come back in uh 24 12 hours two two hours just maybe perhaps let the authorities know two is very short let the authorities know on the back of my auction slip i just turn it over and i write where we are i give the address klaus hunter priest was behind everything look at the trapdoor uh he looks confused as he tries to read it and then he takes off in a healthy job tell the boy in my room to not wait uh up room number it's i believe you all are losing track of the three of you all right the door flings open and each of you step back as you are hit with the strongest version of this rotten fruit sickly sweet smell you've smelled yet you can taste it almost it's in your mouth it's covering your skin and there is a dark ladder leading down there it seems that this is a stone hole you can see the earth around it i grabbed jack jack my darling you've done so well these past three days wow you get them around for so long i know and i've so appreciated those three days together but you must go into this hole for you anything uh as he starts to go down he i'll hold the the hand that's lit on the pinky like in but i'm just watching it it shines light uh you see about 10 feet down it's just ladder and hole and then electrical cables on the side and as you look they lead up to a light switch just on the side of the hole right by the top of the ladder and can we just tie like a string you flip it immediately and jack's done as jeff goes down we've tied a string or something to him there's a bunch of belts in this closet like i said i established i have a leash so i guess it's true that makes perfect sense [Music] he uh pulls out uh unbuttons his shirt and of course there's the leather straps and the metal ring and he yeah he attaches the leash to his harness and all along the electrical pole there's just electric lights that go all the way down is going and you keep hearing them down feet more and more and more much further than you can see and jack takes a gulp looks at you blows you a kiss and starts down the ladder you hear his nice dress shoes clinking on the rungs of the metal ladder as he steps down and you don't hear anything except him continuing i think i'm going to have to let go of the leash eventually i don't think it'll be long enough oh let me grab a sheet from the bedroom right here tying it to the end of the end of the leash and i will keep doing this again these sheets are disgusting they have not been washed in what looks like years and you tie the sheets i wish you were here then you would labor i do give him about a two-minute head start and then i start climbing down okay i'll say yeah no i i give him away so i might hear like screaming or like you suddenly the line goes i suppose yeah honey okay he calls up to you there is a room here mistress okay well we're coming i don't think you'll like it it's not your style oh how so it's been your style up until now he's so pretty yes yes he is let's go down all right each of you descends can anyone roll for geology on your way here yes we have a geologist in the house maybe i have some geology for some reason do you i do science i have specified a bit of a caver myself extreme success i rolled a seven i have a 60 in geology as you look at the way that this is dug into the cave wall and the stone wall as you're going down it's very clear to you that the digging was coming up from below whatever made this tunnel came from down there roll for sanity oh no nope you did not make that there's one sanity this one okay [Music] as you continue down as each of you sets foot on the bottom one at a time the lights seems to have triggered the light in this cavernous room as well and as you reach it and look around each of you is horrified at the nightmare you have stepped into the walls are marble slabs stolen from mausoleums that are set against the stone and tapestries made from shrouds of old clothing of fine clothing is strung together in these most macabre decorations some interwoven with the filthy bones of their previous owners the lights are now on and they shine in this ghastly way in this place where no natural light has ever been and each of you looks around and sees the power on each other's faces is that of corpses roll for sanity when you see this room please also noted i'm holding the lit hand of glory as well oh yes oh made it by a mile this time yeah three won't give me twice yes did not make it hmm madame boussant you've seen quite a bit but this uh you just lose one sanity luckily it's fine thank you thank you does this symbolism mean anything to you i mean clearly it is a very occult but i'm not familiar with yes henrietta with your extreme sanity you maintain your composure as you look around you see two wooden doors that have been just kind of set into the carved wood and in the room that you're in you notice um a stone table and on it is a silver platter and a top the silver platter is a brass head oh oh well there it is oh i hate to point out that he's got the the uh hand out right i'll walk over i use those doors i don't know if i want these doors to open so now you point out those i go oh you're right yeah no that's uh okay hold on um you see the head and you notice um i haven't noticed yet the doors so i'm not like pointing it at them yet right uh the head is not exactly how the sketch was drawn in your booklet it has this like sticky black red substance poured over the top of it and a book is lying open which if you flip to its side you will see lieber what did i tell you mortis written on its spine jack could you fetch that that head please yeah i also got the extreme success on the sanity so do i see this as well you do yes yeah all of you do um good luck we'll just go grab that for us it's very valuable he goes to grab it he grabs them both one under each hand is trying to balance it as the doors fling open turn around oh what's over there with the eyes of the brass head and jack looks into it and drops the head screaming as he sees human living eyes bloodshot and large beneath the brass staring back at him i pull out my banishment symbol and i touch the head with it my symbol from the statue that prevents the elder spirit from returning and i touch the forehead of the statue with it be gone devil the eyes shut you're banishing the skull okay as the eyes shut the bronze head which had fallen and clattered to the floor and was in a single piece and when you put the elder sign up to its forehead the eyes close and a black tendrilling mist comes out of the head and immediately floats up the stairs and covers the ceiling of this cavern and as you look around to notice it you look and see that the doors did indeed fly open because you have been holding this mage hand and as you look to the east you see horrendous canine faced stinking hunched hoof footed the beast ghouls and as you turn and look to the west no you see a marble slab table with a woman's figure lying on it and a larger man's back uh bowed in front of this marble slab but they're not looking at you the ghouls step forward into the room immediately the tendrils lash down and pull one of them up and immediately it's like every molecule in his body it's its body bursts into pieces all at once and you don't hear this out loud but if each of your heads you hear up uh uh [Music] another critical success yeah nope did we just release this horrible thing yeah you did yeah the doors were not supposed to open lose three sanity three it was being held at the beginning you got it okay no i would have thought i felt the same did you succeed henry okay critical success uh has anyone lost so um whatever your power is one-fifth of your power yes uh is a fifth of your sanity as well your starting sanity has anyone lost more than a fifth of their starting sanity in the whole day i've lost the seventh so yeah seven out of nine no i've lost a seventh i've lost six points out of 45. am i right yeah yeah not a fifth though nine is okay oh right no if you get to a fifth i need to know no all right good to know the ghoul is ripped apart and the other three ghouls there were four of them the three of them creep towards you and bang bang we are going to enter combat and a weapon we'll get to shoot first uh let's go to your dexterity order it looks like henrietta has 65 and we'll go first anyway do i have to shoot the ghouls you can do whatever you want lewis uh is going to be next then madame boussant with a oh sorry this is out of order um uh jasmine has a dexterity to 55 so you'll go second okay um luis has 50 so you go third and madame busan has a dexterity of 40 so you will go uh last of of your group okay the ghouls move towards you uh i would say since you were the first to notice the head you are the closest to the head the three ghouls move towards the other three of you i would like to turn to the room and potentially shoot klaus klaus uh you you figure you see a hunched figure assuming is knowledge sure i think you're formulating this class roll for firearms okay oh yes to cut out um i don't know did i give you a firearm skill great oh what what do we do we can no that counts no is that three zeros extreme success right stream success sorry excellent so how do we do your damage maximum plus roll for damage so it's a six automatically plus four so 10 damage crouched man in the in ten damage two crouched man you hit him in the back of the neck and blood spurts everywhere as he tips over and lays fallen when this happens the ghouls uh whatever sort of intelligence was in their eyes immediately breaks and they lunge to attack each of you uh except they stay away from the one with the gun so that's a miss uh one dives for you sir lewis and mrs uh mrs going a dam and mrs going for you too all right we're very slippery uh what would you like to do uh who's next what would you like to do yes so uh as this ghoul's coming to attack me i'm going to take a swing at it with my chair leg give me a roll for fighting brawl yeah no yeah so i take a swing just with one hand because in the other hand i still have the hand of glory totally with it he bites for your arm when you come for him he fights back and he's going to deal [Music] uh he's biting you and he definitely succeeded on a nine that's gonna be two d6s ooh you take nine damage that's more than my hp give me a constitution roll you are down sir oh uh that is a failure he reaches for your arm he misses and reach and gets your abdomen his enlarged snout extends in this otherworldly fashion as he rips out your insides and in one last last ditch attempt i'm gonna jam the finger of the hand of glory in its eye the one that's lit uh okay as as your intestines start to fall out on the floor you stab the hand and the things that immediately snuffs out the candle and it uh falls backwards with bits of your flesh hanging from its jaws uh next is luis i see this and i run into the room where this resurrection was happening because i i know that's what was happening um what he was doing i run in there and does it look like this woman on the slab is still dead she very much is still dead maggots crawl in and out of holes they have drilled all over her body it seems he's tried to preserve her the best he's can but nothing can uh hold back the death i turn him over is there anything on him like a whistle a symbol like anything they'll like give me some idea how to control these ghouls just like kick him over with my foot like pro for luck [Music] uh you can push it what is that luck is the thing you could spend but it's also well i mean if i got to push it down yeah oh gosh well we'll oh oh no wait oh it's literally i have to get a 10. i have to get a 10. 16 out of 10. there's nothing just the look on his eyes his eyes are wide open and they blink at you and he says i couldn't bring her back and no one's gonna bring you back either and i just stump on his head roll for uh 1d6 for damage it's gonna be a d3 actually uh oh i have a stress hey damage bonus oh yeah so with the two divided by two that's still one damage and he did yeah whatever happens to us in particular you stomp on him and his brains just start to ooze out can you see the blood and uh uh the spirit the the black inky tentacles from up and the ceiling what do do who who are they i call out i call out to it who are you well for cthulhu mythos oh come on she's like the regular show i release freaking clearly damn it can i push it okay i say please if you have spoken with youngstothoth or you are him please tell me tell him i say hi he knows me you're pushing uh roll with the bonus die oh wow okay i oh what is the bonus die rolling one more if you rolled a 10 on your tens diet yeah i mean you can re-roll your tens die but uh the only thing better is zero well if you could get a zero you never know zero you just re-roll re-roll the ten steps yeah okay oh no i mean i just rolled yeah yeah yeah i think you'll take the better okay you keep the ones digit okay 10 so 18 and i'm gonna push my luck three points so that it's so that it is uh so that is a straight success so usually you can't spend luck on a push forward but i don't care you can this time um just saying that uh as you speak to it it laughs and it says i am the servitor of the head my child and now that i have been released from my human ensurement and this disgusting brass head i will claim 600 lives for the 600 years of my imprisonment for the two remaining people still alive and in this room please roll for dexterity oh god can we push it can i push it push it may i uh you may push okay in pushing i try to um push jack in front of me the tendrils lash out towards you and they grab both you and jack and lift you up you said we can't use luck right on these right you cannot use that kind of push roll uh technically and you watch as it laughs and and you hear it in your hand say oh do you like this one as jack's head is removed from his body almost like plucking the head off a doll right in front of you and in the arms and in the legs as blood spurts from all the openings where they once were and uh the cools um take a step closer rule did you pass your constitutional check would i have been grabbed yes um everyone uh your friend jasmine uh has been eviscerated i will say as like the camera pans down into the school like eviscerating him his jacket opens and you see the label had docent smithsonian he was a secret docent he wanted to get it going to get everything into the museum oh he was a fraud uh henrietta you are st you are held by this thing and you cannot move um give me a strength check no just to see if you can uh pull free of it as uh the other two rules that missed before are coming surprisingly yes a hard success uh as your it seems to be focused more on jacket because you just twist and ride your body as you say no way take jack not me uh it it sort of you like him take him i don't care you stretch it the tentacle smoke that's surrounding you and it sort of blinks out of existence and dissipates around you and you fall and clatter to the ground and take one hit point of damage lucky roll oh and i will go running as soon as humanly possible uh you can run towards the ladder madame boussant the ghoul that was running after you succeeded how does dodge work oh yeah yeah you're right he totally should have gotten a dodge rolling um his hands were full though there's nowhere too much um okay madame boussant you may fight back against the school or you may try and dodge using your dodge roll if you uh um if you tie on the fight back then the attacker wins so the tie is better for your dodge a high roll for a fight no you want to roll low no you still want oh i see i see in the case of a tie tie goes to the dodger is it more likely that you'll hit on fighting or on dodging fighting whichever is higher yeah yeah you got a sword yeah okay so i draw the sword that henrietta has given to me and that is a hard success of 12. um let's see does anyone have a skill in 30 seem to know what the next 30 yeah six okay uh it also got a hard success oh so the tie goes to the ghoul as he swings at you is extreme do you have enough to make that experience he claws at you for five points of damage okay i'm okay it's fine i'm fine okay i mean you know nothing about this he swings at you it swings at you with both of its claws and slashes as you put your arms up to protect yourself even holding the sword knit claws and rakes and bloody claw prints um streak down your arms you were running for the ladder yeah and i said run uh let's come back to louis you're in the tomb do you stay there or do you run what would you like to do she's so excited so far this smokey thing is not paying attention to me i'm just going to shut the door to this this room just show you guys excellent yeah it might go first uh are the two of you you said you're running yes are you running what is the the the book there's the book right we have the stuff jack had picked it up uh once he was lifted into the air it clattered to the floor grab for the book okay uh grab for the book and then are you going to run with it or are you going to read it okay so give me a dexterity role to run to the ladder give me a dexterity role to roll around to the book no one's following me go get out of here okay uh can i push because i have yes can i push technically during combat no one's allowed to push because the roll will come back around to you um but i'll let you push okay do you succeed push on dexterity yes dexterity yes henrietta you reach the ladder and you climb up it as fast as you can you feel a tendril grabbing for tugs slightly and then dissipates and reaches back down yeah screw you did you succeed now i pushed you describe to me the way in which you pushed um so on the the beast comes the the ghoul comes after me again i slash at it behind me and i already crawl my way towards the book all right you grab the book and you flip it opens to the page with the ceremony of the head and you read you may ask the head any question so long as the servitor of the head remains ensorcelled inside of this brass head otherwise it will unleash unknown terrors upon the world and as you close henrietta the trap door behind you a cackling from below in the basement as you feel blackness surround you madame boussant and you feel a lightness you feel yourself transported ported to um a void of pure light and in front of you you see the pulsating tentacled being that is your long-lost friend yog-sothoth i've been looking for you for so long and all goes black well done everyone louis is still in the basement i'm gonna negotiate the door is closed maybe it's captured enough souls and we'll forget you but uh you do have that weight that you release this thing upon the horses quickly as humanly possible i mean 666. so what are the chances if i get out yeah yes any other epilogues from anyone uh anyone that what would steven think steven uh gets a letter from the smithsonian with this official letterhead it was like uh your husband has died in the line of duty trying to actively procure items for the smithsonian he has been he's been undercover for us for years always getting the best deals at auctions thank you and we're sorry condolences so sad um and maybe they also send along uh like one of the items that you the glory the hand of glory just mysteriously um was found along with your corpse yes anything else from madame busand i she never comes back to her flat she's disappeared you know eloise and the rest of the the staff and all her party friends wait in vain but she is gone and some say that you know the the secret societies of new york can still hear her in seances and and uh you know when when they get together for their little parlor shows yes and perhaps that former lover of yours as he writes in his journal next time he opens it it says hello darling henrietta well i get a new jack she doesn't go by henrietta anymore i now go by teresa yes get a new jack although i can't really look into jack's eyes anymore because of i know what's happened so i probably have to get a new jack as well um but jack has survived he gets a raise and he gets to go on his merry way and then i leave forever um one jack's all you need yeah yeah not to speak of any of this ever again uh i may go back to i don't know in texas i'll never look for you yeah and anything else from lewis i don't want to know whether or not he made it out of the room but i will tell you what he's doing in there as he's got the ring of solomon and the bet elohim he is casting every kabbalistic protection ritual he knows yeah you're saving the world that is the safest room that you could ever starve to death thank you so much to my beautiful friends be dave josephine erica xander you for incredible and i love you with all my heart thank you for letting me torture and kill you thank you so much to you at home for watching we appreciate you so much and a big thanks to chaosium who sponsored this video in celebration of their 40th anniversary of call of cthulhu you should check out what they have going on and we have links in the description below i'm becca scott from goodtime society and we'll see you next time
Channel: Good Time Society
Views: 206,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good time society, becca scott, board games, tabletop games, gaming, tabletop, nerd, geek, geek culture, board gaming, tabletop gaming, games, gamer girl, gamer, female gamers, call of cthulhu, chaosium, horror rpg, horror, rpg
Id: sEj6KrxqRy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 18sec (11838 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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