Let's Play CITADELS | Board Game Club

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hahaha [Music] hello I'm Adam from no rolls bar and welcome to board game club where the first rule of ball game club is never a tribute to stupidity that which can be adequately explained by malice every week we gather a group of our friends here at Draft Board Game Cafe in London play a game show you how much fun board gaming can be this week we are playing citadels designed by Bruno fiduti and published by wind rider games this game is set in the past you can tell because there's a there's a king and weird hats and that they wouldn't have Kings today the aim of the game is to build the most impressive City to do that you'll earn money then you'll spend that money to pay for district cards the game ends when one player has built seven district cards and players will get points equal to how much all of those districts cost if they build any sets of districts and also if they achieve any other special scoring conditions so far pretty simple earn money spend money have the best thing at the end of the game but here's a Twist to make citadel's very interesting and Berry mean to each round the players will be choosing a character to be number one two eight starting with the King character players will look at these characters and secretly pick one then they will pass the rest of their neighbors who also pick one keep picking keep picking until everyone has a character now we're going to explain what each of these characters do as they come up in the game but what you need to know is they mostly exist for players to Dick each other over and that's it characters will be waking up in turn order depending on which character they chose with the one character waking up first and the eighth character waking up last they'll be taking their turn they'll be screwing each other over and we'll just try and see who's got the best city at the end of it who will be the king of the castle who will be the dirty Rascal find out as we play citadels joining me for this stacked edition of board game club I am joined by John hello Blair hello Sally hello Carly hi Rosie and Laurie's here citadello yes I'm sorry I spoke over it would you like would you like I'll do it again do it again do it again start from me hello hi John hi Blair hello Sally hello Rosie cyanide right find out probably at least mildly toxic yeah yeah we're playing citadels a game all about different characters in a fantasy Kingdom trying to build districts in their City we will have in play uh the standard uh eight characters assassin Thief magician King Bishop Merchant architect and warlord and we'll explain what each of them do the first time that you see them everyone starts to go everyone started four cards the first round begins now the oldest player is the one who starts with the king's crown [ __ ] me I didn't know that was gonna be the case [Laughter] where am I just [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] I'm the Boomer in this game I've got the property you damn kids we're not allowed to go until you announce our turns oh good to be a long video here are the eight characters you Shuffle these and you discard one face down at random okay okay and so I'm the king for this first round uh you are the king until maybe someone else uh claims the king's character because uh John is gonna pick a character uh then we'll pass to Laurie Laurie will pick a character Pastor Esther Rosie pick past Pick past Pick until it gets too blur you'll get given one card but then you get to pick up this card and pick one of those so no one will exactly know who everyone has and then we're going to activate these characters and players gonna take their turn not in clockwise order anti-clockwise by an order from one to eight a person who picks this if this is picked going first and if someone picks the king they will become the new king and the next player uh new next first player of rap yeah nailed it all right [Laughter] Rosie that's it I want to know what he's going to be tell me the game Ken Rosie oh that's a flavor just regard for the comment section [Applause] right who shall I be tell us all let us know um oh not that one oh what do you mean that's a terrible one oh bad movement oh that's a rookie error I'll go for that one yeah good choice if you're an idiot yeah if I can get her a lot of the rules get money based on the color like based on the type of District they have yeah and notably you can trigger that ability before or after you build so if you have a color card in your hands and you can afford to build something this turn then sometimes choosing that way sorry most of your character abilities can be used at any time unless specified anyways they could be right at the end of your turn should you wish oh no Rosie you went to that one yeah so you can can you take you can take gold and then build and then use your character building you can do that in your order yeah yeah but you have to use your character ability interesting uh you can your character ability on your card yeah you can use at any point during your turn not necessarily right at the beginning unless it specifies otherwise yeah let's have a little luxury so it can be good to wait but you can only do it once so you couldn't take like before and after all right let's have a little okay Adam is wrong the Creed what to do I'm gonna do that one those are for you oh yeah okay so this one and so Blair this one that was discarded by John at random you now get to choose between those twos cool interesting I'm the only one wearing a Christmas jumper lose it I know I I put one on we did bring a spare one for you but then we would literally just be the weird little Christmas jump station I like I like Spidey Christmas I mean Rosie could wear it I mean she's not in there Rosie's in a fabulous shirt yeah hmm right we've all got a character now uh which means it's time to activate them not starting with junk but instead starting well jump as the king my liege uh until you are deposed by a new king but it's your job not going down without five oh he's the Mad King yeah uh so you announce um the the first do we have an assassin we do oh who are you gonna kill uh yeah we do hope it's not the king uh no I'm not gonna kill the king this turn um I am going to kill a character which means they'll lose their turn they'll still be their person but they'll lose their turn and I'm going to kill the merchant oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so you don't have to announce who it is I'm just annoying because Bless The Merchant damn it thanks Blair um imagine if this was a bluff though imagine if it was like imagine so the emergency and I didn't see the Assassin doesn't call a player because that would be a little too mean uh instead of the character that character when revealed will skip their turn uh Carl is now progressing with the rest of her turn which is gathering resources which takes two forms you either take two goals or you take two cards pick one and discard the other one to the bottom of the deck and then after you've gathered resources you can choose to build one of your districts from your hand if you can afford it you don't have to build you can just save up money for a future turn but you can build uh and also that's it and also that's it also awesome and also that's it that's it I'm going see you next time um I'm going to play The Manor for three since I'll have one left nice um that is how much uh that card is gonna be worth at the end of the game once someone has built seven districts that will be the final round um and yeah that will be worth three points at the end of the game and there are other scoring things but we'll get into that when we get there uh my leash you may die uh at some at some point but you're currently still the current King so please do call for that any any chance to switch these good work Blair uh so um please call for the next character safe we got safe enough yes I'm a thief so the thief uh will now call a character that they wish to Rob if that character is around the table when they are revealed not now when they're revealed you get to steal all their money hooray I'm gonna steal from the King interesting I really thought you're gonna start from the merchant for the dead Merchant he's not gonna use it he's dead stick that voted uh yeah you can't uh thief from the Assassin and you also can't see from the character that the Saturn has assassinated absolutely fine and now you take the rest of your turn great um I'm gonna grab two gold have any stuff and I will I'm gonna build a trading post our bloody Trading Post classic Sally that is classic meeting he loves trading but he loves posts two put together what do you got next is I call the magician to the court do we have a magician I wish for some tricks I want some close-up magic oh interesting that's good it means that no oh Blair is all right um yeah I've lost my turn I'm very uh and now it's time because we know that the magician's not in play because that card must be the magician otherwise you would reveal it and take your turn which means it's time to Crown a new king potentially unless John haha I am the new king Rosie's the king heavy hangs the head this poison chalice have fun with it all right God give us your dash yeah you see being the king sucks so your your character powers are you take the crown which you which you've done and at any point during your turn you can gain one gold um for each of your Noble districts you currently have none but if you do build a noble District this turn you can gain an extra gold for it if you like but first you have to uh gather resources which is either taking money or or taking cards I would add cards please okay and so you look at these you take one that you like and you burn the other one oh great don't be too literal telling Gracie to burn a card just in case and you eat the one that you don't want this is a lighter either one you don't want I think I'm gonna all right uh you have no money so I don't think you can build thank you Adam you're welcome I mean I didn't I didn't steal from you I know all right could have been any one of us I will never know oh use a character ability you don't have any Noble districts so yes oh yes King Rosie the Assurance I know what's happening in this Kingdom all right yeah new king would you like to call the next character please um is there a bishop in town bless you my child I almost killed you oh Carly you should have thought harder uh so I can't have my uh districts destroyed by the warlord whoever that no exactly I just finished them uh so I'm gonna gather my resources I'm gonna take two coins I'm gonna spend two coins to build a lovely Church oh beautiful I'm gonna activate my part again on gold for each of my religious districts so I'm going to end with three gold and I really hope the thief doesn't steal from me next round that's it you can always be the thief then you can't get Thief I might you know what's next uh do we have a magician in town no we're going up the king is bad what was next you're looking for number six sorry I can't read match it yeah it's very Merchant in town yeah [Applause] but it didn't help me because I'm dead so yeah Poker Face who could possibly know uh but yeah no I know it's a Twist but I am the merchant um unfortunately killed by Carly yeah should he call the Bishop I'm not threat in this game I'm definitely not going to win I thought about it I won't doubt my gut next time I'll keep you safe that's okay jeez um so okay so I just do nothing you do you do precisely oh great game [Laughter] it's Bruno Bruno have a great time stick to Music Mate is there an architect yeah there is hello me I get two coins and I get to gain two extra cards anyway yes so instead of choosing between cards and coins you can get both do I have to pick one of these I just keep both yeah it's super strong and then you could build up to three things architect is scary it doesn't have a lot of gold to build a lot of expensive things so we could build a lot of cheap things but that means one of them is very easily gotten rid of by our warlord yeah but it's it you got to watch the architect at the end of the game because if you can build three cheap things and end the game no one can touch you yeah spill myself a judge the cat okay we've got God over here you kind of got over there no you can't beat everywhere actually it might be a good time to point out uh this is okay but you could can't build the same there are duplicates in the game is there a warlord in town um okay so I'm going to First Take two gold here is your two guys thank you um I would then like to destroy oh wow actually oh no I'll build first that makes sense and then destroy it right so I'll spend one yeah just to make a watchtower thank you um and then oh nice I will destroy who's doing the best Sullivan you have four gold [ __ ] [Laughter] you don't have to spend your money sometimes you just want to build up yourself like you never have to use your words no I'm going to I'm going to destroy you oh wow you have to spend one dollar yeah hot dog why why sell it now because it's just cheap Adam's fires off his power that's the entire round all of these cards come back in and go to our rightful King who shuffles them discards one face down there we carrying rightful Kings because you killed me you call my lovely Merchant I didn't really want to just stamping out trade I don't need that let's keep this lovely manner so one rich person can live in yeah [Applause] I think trade's the real problem here not me having all the money it's my massive house all right there we go lovely and now you keep one I've got okay okay I think we're gonna have an eternal God kid [Laughter] and either confirm nor deny why are we living in the Dune Universe yeah Rosie becoming it's a junior universe yeah yeah there's a um a character becomes like a like a thousand-year-old worm Emperor Oh I thought the film was quite boring great I really James [Laughter] for God you sign up guys welcome James [Laughter] [Applause] could you [ __ ] on oh is there is there an assassin Carly hello oh okay I thought about it but I knew he'd take it sharpen your knives Governor that'll be the warlord more looking good [ __ ] itself uh for this round the world can go [ __ ] yourself uh I'm gonna take two coins I'm gonna spend all that money on building a town spending all my money to make my well I mean I'm immune to a thief anyway but there we go is there a thief sure is shinier uh cuppers Governor sign your cup yeah that's what they do right what are you doing your turn Blair where am I oh [Applause] I'm going to rob what's up you can't you pick a character you can't be that mean that's why you have to try to guess who sell you a pick Sally who are you I can't say you mate I'm sorry that is a really good wrinkle I have not interested I'm going to steal from the merchant they're a merchant it's up next election it's just it's like a blur of words it's absolutely I can see the end with it because remember magic comes yeah it's like wishes and triplets that's fantastic oh yeah you remember that magician is three years old one two three wow you've just learned to count to three Lori kids um Blake Magic black magic comes in freeze I like three Magics three magic three magic so the magician's power is I can either exchange my hand with someone else or I can discard cards from my hand to gain an equal number yes and you currently have the most cards so it doesn't make sense to get money unless someone's been really eye in their cards heavy yes which I will be doing I'll discard these two cards to draw two cards nice yeah [Music] oh sorry you will get your money when it's the Merchant's turn I'm doing so badly in this game and you want to build something it shouldn't it shouldn't affect Laurie's turn yeah unless he was going to people in there people watching the video being just like hey they're going to realize at some point don't worry guys this was just a test um I'm gonna build the harbor for four whoa it's very nice green nice okay so I've gained these two I've discarded some cards I've drawn some new cards I'm going to spend four and build master for Castle Alec is Sam very good uh is there a king you get to stay King are you the cameras okay is there a bishop yes oh good for me um you can get some Dutch so I'm going to take two new cars it has two delicious coins I don't know two cars sorry it's two delicious cards yeah take that one I'm gonna spend three ah the rank 8 character cannot use its ability on the keep as in the warlord yeah nice so that can't be destroyed by water just sticks around cool um and that is I believe me yes nice Laurie nice oh that's good there you go that's good that's why they named it yeah that's really nice was it again just about keep just just so you get oh I've forgotten it actually this is like watching Danny and Bill loves June how much interested [Music] um uh is there a uh Merchant Sally do you want to break John's heart or should I I'm sorry oh you're the merchant yeah oh what do you get a coin I was fine but it feels right oh you're gonna get a lot of Dodge John says Sally I didn't say you're gonna get a lot of Josh I said you're gonna get your Dosh [Laughter] so you gained one extra gold for being the merchant plus one uh if you build a trade district and I will yeah and so I'll spend two fantastic you're not spreading the well all right all right there are two characters here yes there is an architect it's me guys uh gain two extra cards you build up to three districts okay there you go thank you money two three three two one um money for me well you can choose to take more cards or you can just have money as well yes but you need money to build the cards oh I'm still in prison wow that's okay the King has laid their cards very firmly on the table Royal architect come here build me the biggest prison you can we do not like one house first as far as do you want to live in the prison that you Do you want to build me a prison well I guess I would be living somewhere I suppose finished oh is there a uh is it Warlord warlord and Sally get killed yeah I got killed I've had a very unfortunate start to this game but you've got you still get your money I've still got Dash it can still be stolen it can still be stolen so yeah we'll see what happens uh that's it bring it in all to King Rosie it's very yeah yeah I've I've had a I've had a difficult start here I'll say as well with we're still early doors and being uh behind early doors is actually good the heat's off you and yeah yeah you can actually accrue and build because um this is one of those games where you start a gun for the leader fairly quickly yeah yeah I'm not winning I have five he has five in one building I have five and two yes but I'm lovely yeah he's Captain America all right I forgot that part where's your Christmas jumper Carly one for is it for me it's a Spiderman Christmas jumper what this one no other one ah winter soldiers they're all big stars on them you know strong children men from the films yeah exactly the strong children you all love it yeah children men yeah they're children but they're men [Laughter] that's a good film s [Laughter] [ __ ] incomprehensible it's redundant it is the most self-proving phrase malish they're an assassin oh yeah oh interesting well that's not okay it is it's possible yeah because it could have been one of the two uh they're safe hello oh there's only one there's only one thing I can do if I get lucky it [ __ ] Sullivan over massively so I'm trying um uh architect I'm gonna go for architect okay okay his face is unreadable uh so I'm gonna build uh who's the magician that would be me um I would like to exchange my shitty hand of three cards how many how many cards do you have four cards four oh you don't have that many cards anymore no I built them would you like buy one no I've got a [ __ ] down three cards how many how many cards do you have sorry it's travail someone else's conflory I got a lovely lovely three cards here thank you absolute snake away with that I literally don't give a [ __ ] because your face was so guilty if you're worried that Laurie this is a trick my dad used to play when I was 10. Rosie Rosie Rosie the game must continue please thank you oh Rosie oh Rosie oh what is this on the body advice don't you die okay I don't need your advice I'm lashing out can I have two coins yes yes thank you I'm just gonna leave it I'm upset all right who's the king does I the throne returns to the rightful air well this now yeah I do thank you [Laughter] anyway I've got a series of wars [Music] um okay I'm the king uh it doesn't really do much does it I haven't got it Noble districts what you could do on this day of course yes you do have a turn I do have a term uh I'm gonna follow my predecessor's example and I'm gonna build a military thing I'm gonna build some Barracks very nice there's three coins you're very welcome uh moving on uh Mr King oh yes uh do we have a bishop yeah me ah the bishop uh so I get to two the warlord cannot Target my buildings I also gain one goal for each of my religious districts I have one religious District hey nice and I get to build okay we've got to build with three coins some dogs so we can leave my city I built it now we're going moving up we've ruined it immediately we finished Bishop I'm finished do we have a merchant me um game one extra gold or would you like cards all three you can say you can take three so you can either take two coins or four cards no I'm gonna have I'm gonna do that yeah regarding to what you choose you gain an extra gold so you can do cards and get a gold yeah yeah three golders gonna build a manner another manner hot dog um getting one gold for each of your trade districts but I don't have fun yeah currently okay uh have I stolen from you architect yeah sorry about that excuse me excuse me sorry do we have an architect in the the court coming for you I think you may still there's a royally sanctioned I am I'm so glad that would have been very horrible for me horrible for me it would've been very bad stuff and you'll notice I didn't steal from you you don't know who I am not your choice you don't know who I am Sullivan might have taken it thank you a lot of money to spend I could probably build a lot of things what's that another Trading Post oh no oh yeah you definitely know now who I am yes do we have a warlord oh we do oh he's back okay it's the warlord son he's very upset about a older assassin who came in and killed his dad yes but not on purpose who lives in a very fancy Tower oh my gosh you're gonna spend all your money to do it now slowly now slowly yeah oh yes because then it's then it's just really do well it won't be bad [Music] um but the um I forgot about the cost element of this and actually that does kind of [ __ ] well you could do one and just like knock them down a little that's cool or okay but that's then I I it's not it's not this is the best thing can I just remind you Sally it costs one less than the cost on there in case you're worried it's five cost is only four I'm sure yes no I know that but it's um it [ __ ] with my plans nonetheless my plans are different this turn so I'm not actually going to take your time be happy to know because I don't have the dash um uh do that you can build first and then decide if you're not a threat at all let's keep it that way I think I will I think on first yeah first I think I'll do exactly that Curly I think I'll build first nice I'm going to spend oh but I think I'll just get your Watchtower for free it's free famously hate Jimi Hendrix oh lord Jimmy you're dead or indeed Bob Dylan who wrote the song yeah yeah it was better it is horrible to see someone chanting do it gets punished but I'm so sorry for you I'm sorry I'm so sorry for you bro I think this has made it much worse my only gold killer you were making enough I did it for free also Blair you you sniped my [ __ ] building on the first time that is an okay reason thank you to do this yes there we go got this bought it no no not a reason I just enjoy your suffering all right what a lovely ten what a lovely time oh I'm gonna make a fuss now the plot of children of daddies heating up children daddies it's all good everyone it's all good beefs everyone just takes squashed Pizza beefs have been eaten they were delicious we're all fine now my tummies are full foreign citadels is quite famous for yes an endless spiral Spiral of hate oh it's hot spicy content that in June give you that much [Laughter] you do promise to respond to everyone oh if I don't then I am a liar king king um do we have an assassin in the house who you killing I'm debating it [Laughter] um should we will just tell you our roles they can kill Adam [Laughter] that's my money um [Laughter] I'm going to make things nice in this town okay um I I hope it's over there and I hope it is um but no Thief today I'm taking my money I'm not building I mean they can't even get me I'm just saying no Thief today no mean today so you're assassinating with me yes great stuff no mean today she said and that's perfect sorry sorry is there a theme in my courtroom maybe that corpse is the thief we've got no evidence about it all these purses doctors truce I suppose truth we're gonna [ __ ] each other over uh that's fair you stole I was going to steal from the warlord to the water and I killed you and you stopped for me it's all Poetic Justice right now our town is fine as long as you don't mess this delicate balances we're all doing okay it's fine Adam anything you'd like to do with your turn he can't wait to rub it in mate genuine mistakes go to the aspirations [Applause] okay sorry that was a genuine mistake I wasn't even gunning for you all right okay uh do we have a magician yes I'm here oh look it's the magician magic on my next trick I'll throw my voice here um Blair can I have your cards please yep thanks actually who could uh has anyone got lots of cards I will do it myself yeah it's okay sorry yeah James Louise um and then you get the rest of your ten do you want to take it uh can I have two gold please away next turn um let's see here let's see let's see yeah it's a lot of spicy stuff some spicy stuff spicy meatball look at this one is that my hand yeah yeah it's really good isn't it thank you and the crown beef yeah I'm gonna spend one coin and I'm gonna build a lovely little Tavern I was looking forward to visiting that Tavern you can still visit it or destroy it it's not the new ownership Rosie how do you feel about that I think she's the warlord I think she's gonna destroy it yeah it's gone she will visit yeah do we have a bishop oh what I know are you missing a character oh [ __ ] who's the king do we have a king no [ __ ] respect there's a man with a huge crowd at the corner I've been waiting for you all right uh here we go so I'm going to uh take uh two gold lovely and I'm going to build myself a manner of course you are don't worry everyone you gotta go back and I gotta go back ah great move two girls and there we go all right you go I'm so proud of you that goo like a rainbow state [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] foreign so I'm gonna take two gold noise and I get my one extra gold nice I'm gonna spend two I want to spend to build the markets and then and then I get to getting two more gold whoa fantastic that's how you play huge scenes and do we have an architect yes hello um okay I will gain yeah I'm going to take two golds thank you and two extra cards thank you none of these cards that you've given me very nice you took my card s I'm sorry no I took your cards you're right yeah that's that's [ __ ] Rich no that was the end of the process and you earned them didn't you you earned them with your Hardware I did I worked really hard for them [Laughter] no I'm just gonna I'm just gonna hang on to the money I'm just gonna hang on to it I'm gonna chill out I don't need to build anything it's mine okay it's fine all right and finally the Lord oh boom boom boom boom boom destroy what destroy he just read the word war and you were like excellent destroy plus you have a prison so it needs to get an extra one unless you went to the Builder and wanted to take more money yeah because if you build another red then you could take two yeah sadly I'm doing this okay nice so you can destroy up to a three coin cost oh really you have to pay all your money hands up who's got free coin one everyone yeah I do Blairs can't be this way I mean you can kill any either of these or but it'll cost you one yeah yeah you can if you spend two you can kill a three but it will cost you one to kill one of these or you can destroy actually never got one no lorries Adam Laurie and Sally has a lot of high value stuff but it would cost more Lori and Adam are pretty high I've not been [ __ ] anyone over yet Laurie could end the game actually this is where to the second two crust this is the way that Laurie always wins okay I'm gonna destroy your dogs wow nice dust around you killed it all right great great work who's the king now I am the king [Applause] it is that is the best voice [Laughter] too long [Laughter] [Music] uh well I could bring into new laws anyone got any ideas Laurie can you start yourself first word never sit crossed legged with your daughter 's only [Laughter] um [Applause] you're wearing the crowd wrong descended from the mountain the stone tablets written in crayons the man who says he's wearing the crown wrong he's like kill that man immediately push him close to my face all right that's it I think it's a good start yes um uh the sit cross-legged with your daughter sons of daddies and also uh all coins have been replaced by tangerines oh it's gone roads that is drawn his own face on all of them tangerines to be bred with my face on oh also money will now go off oh King you're insane the real money is in the fruit bowls her money does grow on trees [Applause] thank you I had the both actually yeah how do you come up with them Rosie your mind what's your process yeah no I just uh just listen and listen just listening well to be fair though if you did listen to your joke and then told it again so that's something it's pretty good listening yeah my Lord please here we go do we have an assassin yes it is [Music] I assassinate myself I'm retired I'm going to assassinate the wall oh don't do fast that was the one that was safe what does it matter I'm done for I'm sorry you have a pretty good district and all things considered you're gonna win Kelly yeah yeah I have modest buildings there's some big hot mama Honkers out there Mama huh that is the name of my town because [Laughter] the great Honkers so it's profoundly disrespectful the Colossal Honkers oh that is like listeners okay explain my decision that I wanted to go for the warlord because any any of our richer people if they were a warlord okay [Laughter] medical attention uh no I'm afraid please please King assassin oh it's so confusing he's got a second job I must return to my Royal chamber better fight after being an assassin King was not gonna be so easy yeah oh he takes his royalty cries it back like turns it inside out and it's like an assassin plank inside that's perfect ready uh sorry the bloodlusters up I will take some cut oh what are you oh I like it's like a king could kill whoever he wanted and yeah he's still assassinates secretly it makes noise does no dirty business no respect it I'll be taking that card thank you and that is my goal the advisors are so desperate to get into the chamber they just can't get in we won't have it I'm ready to be a king again uh do we have a thief we do not oh okay great um do we have a magician I'm a magician um three two one it me it me okay it's me all right I'm gonna do magic with my own cards and leave Rosie's cards alone joke of the day there how many times everyone you already said magician what Rosie said well I didn't really get enough I said magician [Applause] why do I come here so good thank you you're just so honestly thanks for saying all the cameras up as well yeah no worries where's my phone I get the back end up so I'm turning the channel off [Laughter] [Applause] the channel what next have you done it have you done your time yeah yeah I I swapped out my cards I took money I spent some money I have a prison now too I just popped up out of nowhere magic prison prison industrial complex which you can escape yeah is it a prison for magicians oh yeah it's very hard everyone's locked in water yeah music is the prison you'll see the handcuffs that they have here yeah there's always tricks Harry Houdini was Hungary and neither Hungarian honestly the guys are more bothered do we have a new king because you've spent so much time off killing me I mean surely we do surely we do Quick Check yep oh really pays attention this one it's gonna be a good rain everyone oh my God she's prepared it's straight in the eye Rosie the prepared take the crown done um so what depends if you're going to take so are you going to take gold you're going to take cards as your first action because if you can build another Noble District if you activate the power you can take two gold so no matter what you do you'll get one gold then because you already have a matter so if I take money I still can't build it so I should take cards and hopefully I can build something else yeah it makes you less of a fee first yeah she's a free frisk and then you keep only one of those too um thank you Rosie all right hopeful I'll build a Tavern oh nice for one very nice uh they're a bishop in town yeah it's me I'm that Bish um one of these for my church oh oh here comes big big spend boys I'm going to build a Honker the night conquer of the world a quarry [Laughter] what does it do what does it do I can build multiples of the same thing in my district oh wow what's happened also he is almost one of every kind of District too this is really scary but I thank goodness we've got a warlord out there it's going to take care of that don't [Applause] worry you're right also I'm watching Town yes we have a merchant in town thank you in town in town Stephen uh I will take three gold please I'm absolutely minted Blair thank you yeah [Applause] all the way um because you could build up two three four five up to three I will spend five no it's a merchant no it's the uh I'm an idiot no disagreements here that was so polite and so rude very excited is that the biggest honk no no it's still your Palace is as nice as my town my quarries is nice as your town hall and Paris in Paris Paris come on is there a um an architect sure is hello everybody uh so I take two and you can build three I can build three I've never got money except me Rosie if it makes you feel better I've got one oh yeah you just spend your money I've only got one you bought a nice little tablet but I have none I'm gonna attack you all what's the tax for what helps back you've got to tax something you're having money Lori I'm done I'm done no money no is there a uh a warlord in town no I wonder who that is I can't wait to kill someone oh wait how ironic I've been killed has took my legs [Music] [Laughter] um I wonder who killed him it just looks like there's there's a scepter left at the seat of the crime in a bloody knife who could it possibly have been yeah Rosie is the game this guy yeah it looks like it it is Mrs King to you I'm married I am married to Mr King and I took his name as well she's just like the town crazy you're not Mrs King oh it's really fun when you get assassinated isn't it it's really good you just get to sit there and just enjoy yourself doing a great job yeah just so cool not taking turns great I do hate Skipper goes to do a quick you know go to jail on the IU evil podcast that you can see on the uh no it's part patreon uh Skip and go with me bye probably one of my top ones that's good that's good there is alternate characters for every stage so if you really hate the like pure assassins I would assassinate the Assassin but the thing is that's why taking assassin can be so strong it doesn't have an extra special ability but you protect yourself inherently what's your new law rezzy one word at a time law for the king yeah let's do it who do you want to start oh yeah okay what law is a question is a riddle doesn't have to be a question and also direct questions directed to the king please animal crap um so what an offer should the most um coin I don't know what we've said so far that's the opening Clause now there's a comma because it was done and if you want to extend it so this is a second stage Clause because beavers have eaten most [Laughter] monetary value okay what animal should offer the most points because Believers have eaten the most monetary value I'm a writer this is an unbelievable yeah I'm sorry here we go Badgers thank you stopped priests [Laughter] okay what animation offers the most are you happy I've gone boring now because it's very boring what animal should offer the most coin because beavers have eaten the most monetary value if badges stop humping the priests the the priests from oh yeah Freeze from no priests from uh what's the name of the city we each have a different city ah from Graceland from Graceland comma comma now he's talking yeah um finances [Applause] okay okay yeah yeah yeah okay okay it's pretty simple May um end it however finances May of accrue comma I've got it Sally all you need to do is say don't and then black and say another word that's the law okay these are all the sub Clauses don't count let's hear it don't count chickens done [Laughter] if you have a problem [Laughter] what animal shall offer the most coin because because beavers have eaten the most monetary values if badges stop humping the priests from Graceland however the much however finances May a crew don't count chickens honestly absolutely nailed it you're evil stop taking the Warlords again but you don't want two cards were left warlord an assassin that thought No One's Gonna Take the Assassin thank God I can pick the wall up I shouldn't have done that yeah I shouldn't have done that it was only me that would have taken the warlord I'm not gonna start smashing up my own [ __ ] let's kill your competition I've got my money and I've got one as well that you can use to kill people with one you can still kill my buildings [Music] [Laughter] so sorry Mrs King that one okay lovely thank you very much no that's it all right so we're beep in town yes hello I would like to see you from the merchant okay great yeah um [Laughter] I will take I'll take two gold let's do go for you thank you you're very welcome um and then I will build uh just a little Tavern just a little just a nice little Tavern [Laughter] all right is there a magician in town no it's not okay let's see Christ is there a king in town yes [Applause] [Laughter] with your daughters now everyone assassin King everyone but the Beavers need not worry no all the badges for they will not be counted back for my holiday of killing the Old King well remember to get your satsumas out everyone yes remember I hope they haven't gone off I hope you've been ordering them still in the same quantities what are we ordering them [Laughter] assassin doesn't kill them all right I'll be taking uh two Coins Plus another one because of my Noble building no yes oh good job Kitty please don't kill me that's all right don't worry I'm going to uh instead I'm going to build something a factory where you could all make more satsumas it means also that I can I can pay one few ago to build any other unique districts that's very good so that's me uh I get three of these because I got a church I'll just take the money time in it for the money do we have a merchant that money goes to Blair I know but it's okay I make money so it makes sense to steal from me I have a lot of money now it's just scary don't steal from me next time guys all right I get three I'm gonna get one gold for my extra gold and then I'm gonna buy a Tavern with it and then I'm gonna get three gold oh [ __ ] because I have three different hot dog I'm very I I have a lot of really shitty buildings but being first to finish your town and having all of the sets is about a bit very much [ __ ] Warlords who could have taken some buildings down if I ended it now because I have such low value things that like one of my things is worth just to this at Sullivan's or two of them together so like I would I could end the game but I would probably lose the game you'd build two more and get all the bonuses you'd be fine but also you could build a one really high value thing last yeah it is possible I'm just I have one card and I'm not likely to end it right now and I am losing objectively now any Arctic Serene kiss me yeah um okay I would like I'll have two cards for me for you and I'll have two coins as well please for you thank you and you can build up to three should which two absolutely smashing um well that's the end of my turn I think hot dog and finally our unfortunate Warlord very unfortunate I don't want you pity that's much worse it was much less of a Target so I've actually left there you go um I won't pick them all up again guys don't worry I won't pick it again I've learned my lesson oh my God I can't face another day out it's so boring welcome everyone to a new year in the city new year new year happy New Year New Year Old King Old King you assassin they keep trying to kill them but they come they just can't do it do we have an assassin in town we do oh they made it all the way to me um uh I'm back to keep our town honest I will kill the thief this must have happened before you can't release this game haven't played for three times this is like a third edition you fix this problem Bruno oh [Laughter] you can follow me I'll tell him as well no sorry you check your turn I've done too much I have a turn I'm sorry John um this is one of my favorite episodes me too I can't believe that I can't take the warlord because Laura will probably do it again so I'll just pick something safe like that for you yeah I'm just gonna ask gonna steal from you as well because I think I know what cards you've got dogs oh my God okay um I really I'm so sorry I'm sorry if I was pretty nice fault do we have a thief [Applause] what yeah hey man it's me Garrett you know what I'll get it from Thief that art projects I will get I'll give away my money my life because I'm dead um do we have a magician Alakazam oh wow uh I am going to discard do you know who's got a lot of cards I've got quite a few I mean I'm not going to use them genuinely what I'm gonna do with my My Dead Body I'm just gonna lift one of my dead arms and play some cards genuinely if I sound angry I'm angry at you Bruno thank you genuinely yeah I'm not going to win this I I honestly didn't want to take anyone's cards I wanted to I wanted to steer I wanted to do do a thing and I wanted to be the least likely to be assassinated or stolen from because now uh do we have excuse me oh my goodness I was just going to say do we have any further actions [Applause] did you kill me no I didn't kill you no no assassin King bro I'm Priceless I'll kill me do we have any further actions from The Magicians so weird for a magician to not get [Laughter] respects take a close-up look at this I feel a library if you choose to draw cards when Gathering resources keep all drawn cards oh that's very good all right here we are um uh do we have a new king instead more years [Applause] everyone's still afraid oh fantastic um all right uh do we have a bishop yes hello yes um all right I will okay I'll take two cards fine it is um and then you must give away uh one of them yes oh yes sorry um I will get rid of that one thank you so much uh and then I will build what you gonna do what you're gonna build uh what's three a monastery hot dog and then I will take a coin thank you great very good thanks thank you very nice thanks and you're such a good discount on your own desserts it's great do we have a merchant hey you stole one for each coin you have in your stash at the end of the game Laurie's gonna be the only one for whom coins mean anything at the end of this game unless we destroyed that okay um do we have an architect yes I build a really weird torture chamber his crown is massive it's structurally impossible I live in a crown house oh nice Crown at half thank you very much at your feet takes a two coin and two cards I said bro could you do I want you do I want you do I want you I know I I think I'm going to leave them for the moment but that they are lovely right do we have a warlord me oh now here come now now there's a decision to be made okay so you get your two coins or your two cards I think I would like two coins I wanted Rosie [Music] the Lord Rosie I'm gonna build um a thieves den oh wow uh season is pay some or all of the thieves then cost with cards from your hand instead of gold at a rate of one card equals one gold so you could have actually expect Less on that because you could have just discarded two cards you'd have spent three oh oh I didn't even to build any building to build that yeah play pay somewhere all of the thieves Down's cost cards from your hand you gain you essentially gain coins for cards so I because six so I'm going to discard two and spend four great there you go great move yeah thank you everyone left over uh I've got one left over so I'm gonna destroy anything worth two or any or anything worth one for free imagine John said please get pretty big but it's destroy his Tavern for goodness sake I will destroy I don't know who's Church whose church should go I think Laura's probably the biggest threat Laura's got good um split across types oh yeah church is gone I'm sorry Laurence yeah again we didn't need church this is a valid argument so that costumes uh right well that's that's that's the business all done here we go a Boop and a Boop there we are a royal book for you and a Boop and a Boop and a boob John I I so hope you get to play honestly honestly oh my God at this stage I didn't think you picked these at this stage it doesn't matter it would almost it would always be funnier to keep getting I think is I don't want to assess someone else because I think that is a bit a bit dull because I think three of you are actually all of you are in a pretty good chance missing four turns and actually being in like not the worst position in the world is pretty damn impressive actually yeah I'm trying I'm trying I'm struggling God I hope he doesn't watch this I hope he's not dead I don't think he is is he dead I don't think so oh God I mean he wasn't a couple weeks ago all right if he dies before this goes out you have to cut all of this please all right everyone do we have ourselves an assassin yeah could this be my last ball game I'm gonna wait till the end of my turn love it keep the tension yeah I love it oh my God um I'm just gonna grab cards yeah um I'm going to kill I'm so scared of like getting John or being too mean um it's not me it's accent he knows what he's done let's kill the architect you can play right dude my gift to you I almost did the words now but I almost did the warlord so we'll see how that results every town needs a thief where's ours here no I wanted you to I'd like to rob from a merchant please money money is strict points for him that's scary yeah it's true yeah really good cards oh yeah [Music] who wants to do a magic trick yeah I'd love it if it was you I'll give you a clue are you trying to remains why why me you've got the most cards everyone's on low cards yeah sorry sorry there's more there's more coming guys it's good here we go doesn't matter does not matter burn the world I'll just step with two chords now that you mean yeah uh okay do we have a king of course you do it to me [Applause] uh right I'll be taking uh three coins of course probably spending my money and what would I be spending my money on well I hope a palace for the lovely King what to enjoy oh I wouldn't I wouldn't do such a thing no I want to uh I want everyone in this city to have a fair shot at life and I'm giving you all a wishing well it's not benefits are throwing money into it how else are we gonna make wishes I think it's great what's that you want a hospital I Empower you to build whatever you want but it's wishing well and uh because I'm a it's a unique building and I have this other car that makes it cheaper very good the wishing well allows me to score one extra point for each unique District in your city what a combo yes have we got a bishop yes me ah um I'm the bishop um uh don't don't get me Warlord um I'll have two plus one can the bishop not be got at all or is it just yeah it would still be protected even when assassinated they maintain that ability yeah you still cannot be targeted by the war like similarly the king would still get the crown even if they were assassinated would still pass to a new king um so you don't lose your protection you would just lose your turn not your ability yeah but but to be clear the other Bishops they can't destroy any of your buildings or Justice oh actually that's not true if you are killed the ranking character can use its ability that is change because old Edition that isn't true that was uh that was the thing that is a very different change even if you died we'll talk to Brett that stinks I'm upset thank you yeah me too I'll build this oh she's got six Rosie is one District away from the game stuff um uh now uh we've got a merchant don't worry pretty sure I'm getting back on my feet now I've got a brand new business about to start I'll just check my piggy bank I was hoping it was Sally or uh Blair old Merchant but I do get two do I no I'll get two normal oh one extra one do I get three yeah yeah you've also got two dishes plus these two yeah oh five okay and I've got one yes it's a Smithy I didn't even know I had this once per turn pay two gold to gain three cards there you go I'm very happy with that switch oh it's brilliant very nice good job you missed a few turns but that's a that's a good good job good job you did yeah just as well you missed a piece uh here we go lovely turn uh the architect yeah it's fine I don't go and that's we'll just be right oh yes unfortunately you died okay and finally the warlord is that is there so we are all done oh I wonder what he's gonna be all right do we have an assassin in this town yes patterns left um I'm gonna take my turn okay attention keep it attention keep it secret keep it safe because what I ended is also a question yes and someone will miss a turn maybe attention um no I'm not ending it right now Rosie can make that choice if Rosie wants to I will lose right now um okay I'm kind of going between two do you want to know which two or should I just say which one okay just do just pull the Band-Aid off kill that guy they're both laid or something please [Laughter] all right you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me you're gone to me [ __ ] kidding me absolutely out [ __ ] rages gone he's totally gone I've heard the door downstairs I didn't want it to be here uh right do we have a thief uh I don't know what to do with myself I just walked around down there for like three minutes you didn't have to pick the Assassin I don't even have to kill anyone he assassin why would anyone be the magician he was the stupidest role pictures [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] you stop with your cursed words [Laughter] no no no we've got everything tired let's move on from this uh let's wallow in it yes who's that a magician [Laughter] I've been killed who would have predicted such a thing I'm dead well you shouldn't make yourself such an obvious task I want a great character to be at this stage in the game uh all right well uh I I I um [Applause] you could have killed Sally every turn by picking the king he's chosen them all right [Applause] uh no I'll be I'll be saving my dog I'm gonna be saving my dog um uh then uh the bishop that was me hello hello um cool all right I will take uh my two what three coins actually you can take three uh oh actually oh oh wait hold on sorry no no no wait sorry I take this back I think I actually need cards more than I need honey okay you will get one anyway for your Monster yes I will get one um yeah cool I'll do that and then take there's two and please put one back um and then I will with three other coins yes we'll build a manner by itself because a palace was not enough this is your summer residence unbelievable yes absolutely rich get rich all right uh the merchant who could it be very good turnout very good it's almost like that would have been a good one to pick the guy that wins if they have money much better than magicians that would be really powerful enemy instead of the [ __ ] magician it was gonna hide is the magician right then he wouldn't have got money he could take money and just no one would have killed him but I did are you gonna do anything but I will I'm not I'm just wondering whether I want to take the money or whether I want to take the cards because you would get I just think this is I just yeah I just think my treasury is high on people's list to kill me I'll pick the thief I'll get assassinated you're fine I'm currently winning but that means that that's incredibly likely that the warlord or you are the warlord can you can you afford to buy anything with what you've got because then you just buy something decent so you're not gonna get assassined are you worried about being warlorded I'm just weird I think the thing is if I get warlorded then having a load of money and no cards is useless cards and then take one extra coin for having a market and one extraction one extra coins as well um oh an honest Merchant Do you want to build something yeah I might as well something that hopefully gives you more points yes spend to to build a trading post nice did you get you get another coin now I'll do the wrong order sorry [Music] um all right do we have an architect yes thank you for not killing me Kelly that was made my thoughts it's great move Carly take down the threats you can at least have this yeah baby [Music] pretty good um all right and finally our Warlords [Applause] Appetite for Destruction for Rosie so I think I will have a two cards okay okay go on in the game um okay I'm going to get rid of that and then so I've got two okay you you oh yeah that's what we're once you're gonna go do you want to destroy a building yeah uh right you're winning no here's every color I think you have every color and and so knocking out one of his colors would be probably helpful in a big way I will be honest I I can come back yeah then you'll probably the cheapest View s for you so the only color because it's got it but the red is the rarest so if you do knock out the barracks it's the hardest degree claim he also has a lot of cards but I didn't know that yeah yeah so I can say I mean it's better to take more points so depends how many coins you want which would you like yeah uh I'll get rid of your Church this one don't pass me the Assassins guys hey Carly don't have to take it just say no all right do we amongst us have an assassin of course we do it's a king that's at it here we go number six uh this week yes oh and you know what was there originally oh yes I didn't look at the cards I got too excited also oh yeah also in theory that card could have been in place so it's um but I will go far I'm gonna go for the matches he's got it he's [ __ ] got it yeah [Applause] cause you thought Lauren yeah [Applause] I think that we need to add an addendum's the moral Victor here all right wouldn't it be fun to root for your own death after a while I'm gonna pick up two goals I would say that one was the easiest one to predict that one well I was gonna I was going for Laurie obviously yeah uh so I picked up my two gold I'm gonna be spending five of that because this is actually a six card but um Dragon Gate which is pretty pretty rad I know it's five because I have a card that makes a unique uh buildings excuse me and this uh adds an extra two points deliver Thief oh no Thief um do we have a magician uh yes uh I am going to exchange all but one of my cards with the deck one two three four five for cheap stuff eat something for a cheap blue I think should have matched his butt should have matched his butt he's gonna match that butt Max those buttons then they both disappear gonna match that but I take my two coins was the magician out so we could have never stopped you from taking the magician no the magician was there that's what that's what yeah yeah uh so I'm gonna spend those three to build a minus three God is back in town nice nice very good very good lovely stuff um do we have a new king oh okay okay she's just trying her best Rose to the throne the bones of one family better change career we're a Target here I'll become a magician it makes sense to kill a merch and make sense to kill a wall or make sense to kill a thief don't worry Lads let's change to being a simple magician no one would dare [Laughter] [Music] and bury your family once and for all thank you yes um we will go on to the queen bish yeah yeah very good nice uh I will be taking two coins obviously I will then spend three coins to build this Monastery and I will take another coin oh it's a huge move oh wait no but it's not every color though plus three that's big all right um then we go on to our Merchant I mean I mean it's probably I believe I believe dramatically [Laughter] buildings as you in that incentives yes many cards yeah you're basically the same Kingdom they're buildings buildings are all about quantity not quality all right we're on the Hope stretch okay yeah [Music] [Applause] um I well first I would like uh my two coins please of course thank you oh sorry um and then I will gain my two extra cards and I'm hoping okay so I can build up to three things yeah districts so I will spend like three oh you building three to build a prison oh that's wonderful points and a temple all right so you complete your town yes very very nice yes guys how many calories it's a peek oh yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry so the other pink is the last one yeah of the drums in two three Reds yes um and what it I need to read it every time destroy one distraction um I'm gonna build this barracks free yeah but then I get one back and no no because you've already taken your gold at the top okay now I can do what's right you can still take two instead of taking your cards because obviously you can believe to say it now yeah the three coins you got with the cut for your red card you didn't actually you didn't actually take your eyes you could have done it in the other order oh yeah yeah do two and then take three now yeah yeah take three now because that would make sense no but yeah that is what you reckon it's absolutely yeah are these mine those are yours thank you uh okay um I don't know what point I'm at in the turn now but now the last thing you can do on your turn is destroy something if you want great uh I've got three so I can just draw it up to four okay you can't touch lorries you also can't touch um Carly's and you can't touch players because you can't destroy this trick in a completed City oh really which looks like you or me buddy You Can Count Sullivan's actual points on the table yes he's got four buildings and all the colors yeah I wish I had Logic on my side you don't need logic when you have a dragon key so yeah you've been super massively in the lead if you won wouldn't you 've got all the questions you're going to get four points so actually it's better to take Adam he has one point higher than Sully I think right now okay you just decide who's gonna have more get rid of your banana how about this Rosie who do you like released your sketch comedy part of over 10 years [Laughter] [Applause] I understand yeah nice uh there we go all right that is the end of oh I'm so close that is the end of the game now it's time for you to count up your points and then we will just say out loud uh what the points are uh going this way I think we'll end with Laurie okay so I've got my points from the districts uh I don't get any points having at least one District of each time wasn't the first player to bloom a city I don't know why I'm reading all these out I haven't done anything I haven't got any uh Autobots or any other player uh and unique districts so do unique districts are they worth anything extra only if they're special abilities yes I'm worth points which means I have a grand total of 13. [Applause] very nice very great all right so I have 18 just on the board um and then I also completed my whole town which gives me two points so I'm at 20 and then I also get three points for having one of each type so I'm not 23. foreign I've got 24 on the board and then um my Wishing Well gives me one extra point for each unique building so that's one two three so that's uh 27 plus an extra two for my Dragon Gate so that's 29. genuinely it was being decided between us because I would have had 25 but now I'm on 19. oh because I've literally only just got the stuff that's on the board oh taking what taking one of yours away and keeping mine it would have originally swapped our position 19. 21 and I'm King yeah uh okay what I was just joking oh no it's just that and I completed three of course first um I've got 17 here complete City and uh one of each type so I got 22. oh nice okay that's great I got 21 on the board but I got four more for this so I'm on 25. oh wow wait wow [Applause] 25 was the winning score was it 29. me and Adam yeah no no no but it was on 25. if one of your buildings have been taken if it made Sully I would have 25 and Sully wouldn't have had less than 20. if it makes you feel any better I would have had 26 the only the only card that Rosie could have taken was the man oh yeah and two oh that's right you only had three coins so I was good yeah sorry no it's all good all of that ignore all of that well [Applause] doesn't mean as much but it's still um it's still worth doing it uh you know what yeah yeah there we go lovely stuff oh if that was like you would have won why yeah because it's the highest rank at the last card oh well hmm that has been our game of citadels wow else could do some Aftercare now don't worry we're all fine or at least we will be uh thank you so much for watching this episode uh join us next week and we're going to be playing yeah oh what a day this is gonna be that'll be chill oh [Applause] snuck in under the wire you should have been doing more in this game [Laughter] see you next week three two one James [Music] hahaha [Music]
Channel: No Rolls Barred
Views: 317,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, board games 2020, board games review, board game, tabletop, tabletop games, top 10 board games, games, best board games, game, boardgamegeek, board game geek, top ten board games, find board games, game news, most popular games, most popular board games, best games, hottest board games, best board games 2020, hottest board games 2020, top board games 2020, popular board games, boardgames, no rolls barred
Id: 0rJUaPm7nm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 12sec (6492 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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