Let's OPEN THE SAFE from the $3,010 locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction.

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oh what do we got here oh oh oh this is another traxxas oh we've got a few different cars here this is good yes found gun and storage locker oh it's more wheels oh that doesn't that doesn't go with the rc oh another huh let's get into this right here today we're gonna try something a little bit different let's just give it a shot and see if it works this is a magnet let's see if this will work okay got my protection on let's go i feel like we may have gotten through those i haven't left the house on fire yet so that's good that was a good one all right what's up locker nets we're back at this unit i think this might be our last time here because we're almost through it all but there's still some boxes and bags in the far back to go through i'm excited are you guys excited let's get started right now we're going to take all this stuff that i processed in the last episode put it in the van that's going to go to my unit and eventually wine wind up at the flea market or a garage sale i got some stuff to donate let's clear all that out then we'll get started with the unboxing right we tidied that up a little bit now let's get to the back i'm gonna use this gopro right here i got a gopro here i got a gopro here why is that because i got a new gopro that's a gopro nine right here this is the first time i'll be shooting on that christmas present all right let's see how it looks it back there it's kind of dark back there so we'll see how this one does in the low light and see if it'll i don't know let's see if it's up to the hype all right guys go pro 9. it's on let's see let's see let's see okay i know it's really dark back here so gopro or no gopro it's going to be hard to see but this is basically what we're down to this and there's a couple goodies tucked behind the couches there we'll get to those soon but um yeah i see a hoverboard bags boxes i do see an rc car here let's start with this box right here okay what do we got here oh oh oh oh this is another traxxas oh wow this one's newer than the other one too the other one had lots of scuffs on it which is not a big deal but um the other one had some pretty sweet wheels and stuff a little bit more complete this one's newer so how do you like them apples that is pretty cool and of course you see over here these are the ones we found in the last episode the other traxxas car was near the front this one in the back along with the bodies we have three bodies so that makes sense two of them are traxxas i think now we found two traxxas cars awesome guys oh we've got a few different cars here yes what is this this looks like some kind of a 4x4 and uh wow wow look at the suspension on this thing a twist what is this what is this do you guys know what this is comment below if you know what this is it says waterproof for this little part right there i don't see any um brands on here made in china that's usually not real good that's not necessarily a bad thing but it's it's very very very seldom a good thing okay here's another larger model traxxas yeah baby this is really really good these traxxas are pricey oh my so this one seemed a little bit more wear you see the scuffs and wear marks on there not a big deal if there's nothing broken i don't see anything broken this is good guys this is really really really good was it was that castle engine i think that's an engine right there or a motor sorry motor oh boy all the enthusiasts are going to be up and running down that's not 100 okay that's good right good good good good and we have these little wheels right here those must go to one of those cars hopefully the tracks is very nice i thought there's only one remote control car in there and now we've got three more that's four total cars we found in this locker if you didn't see the earlier uh episode where i pulled this out go back there because i found tons of great stuff right out the gate in this locker please sir can i have some more can we find some moa rc cars please all right let's get let's see if this looked at it's not bad right nice little chair a little a little chunky chunk right there and some loose threads not great but it's all right let's see what's in this duffel bag it's got a little weight to it could be anything oh i might i just mentioned what a glorious day it's getting a little overcast over here but the sun is still beating down it's warming up when i got here it was blue sky right there and just beautiful it is january i don't know 13th or something like that i don't even oh what was i just saying please sir lisa have some more and saul said you may you me spectrum dx2e need the cover right there feels decent it feels like it's a decent quality i know nothing about this you guys i'm just saying based on how it feels feels pretty all right what is this sidewinder three might just be that one part right there this looks like something very fast because you see those wheels those are built for speed those are built for speed this little cord's a little worn right there was rubbing on something and i wish i knew more about this okay what does this say hpi hpi it's got the same castle motor as the other one did wow okay this is good yes all right look at this some glue i wasn't talking about that all right all right here's some little parts now i imagine these little parts and stuff can be very expensive here's some batteries that are popping out the side right there so i don't think those could those are most likely not good anymore that's just my guess all right that's my guess yeah a bunch of junk in here really there's a wheel that's good another wheel probably not that good and a bunch of old batteries oh there's a part three bucks that's a gear all right for traxxas there's another part right here it's probably decent hpi racing it looks kind of like that i don't know what i don't even know what i'm looking at i know my buddy jeff knows i'll ask him what i got here jeff this is something good send me a text let me know that did i hit the motherload of rc cars i sure hope so but i don't know okay look at those wheels oh those are traxxas branded wheels wowza good okay you know what i'm gonna put all the parts in here that i think might be worth something okay another controller these definitely can be some pricey stuff oh this is a traxxas brand one this one feels probably the nicest the ones we found but i think there should be an antenna right here and that's missing um definitely nice the first controller we found in the locker i looked it up it's like 75 controller i'm surprised it didn't sell for more in our auction and if you guys don't come to our live auctions it's where we sell a lot of this stuff was this e-flight advance electric flight a charger okay and that goes in your car yeah we sell a lot of stuff in our live auctions guys so if you're interested that's where you need to be every monday night at 5 pm pacific on our youtube channel we do a live auction and we saw a lot of great stuff there oh look at that look at that we got some money you know that makes me happy so happy and a little bit more oh found gun in storage locker all right another charger right here profit sport lipo dynamite it says right there dino mat i think that's good it's more wheels oh that doesn't that doesn't go with the rc that's an echo i see the the uh logo right there echo brand watch looks like a pretty decent watch mark echo nice retro play tv 200 games what is this dream gear oh right there av huh weird look at that 32 for these two wheels those are brand new right there scorch rt excellent tires i don't know what these are there's some parts still on there we'll keep that these are apple ear phones right here and just the case another wheel there's another wheel and another wheel we got looks like four matching monster truck tires there's another one here's another one here's another one got four more another huh another mark echo watch this one's seen a little bit more wear but it's still a pretty cool watch nice that's an unexpected fine right there okay there's some kind of rubber part it looks like i for a handle put that in there there's the instruction book for one of these that one titan 12 t another motor all right this is a kind of cool bag not bad okay let's get this out oh man these are so heavy i haven't found one in a while i don't know if i've ever found one that worked i think i did actually yeah when i was working with manual we teamed up on one found one that worked i know we got the charger cable that's really good because these charger cables are kind of expensive maybe they've gotten cheaper now but i know last time last couple times i found these they were really expensive um you see the scuffs and scratches and stuff but that's all really really common for any of these that are used because they are a physical product right people fall off of them they rub curbs 4wrd i don't know if there's like a main brand on these but this is just like some chinese brand right here nothing real special when these really really got popular there were so many people making these and buying them um my kids wanted one you know what i did camille wanted one for uh christmas one year or her birthday but her birthday is close to christmas so um and she wanted one so bad so what i did is i took a piece of wood and i cut it out the shape of a hoverboard and i gave it to her i said here you go you won't break your wrist with that one it's hanging on my wall right now cushions good to find if you uh have a couch which we do you kind of need those all right what do we got here i think it's all bedding this is unfortunate getting down to the end now we're finding the betting what's in the file box my guess files i hope not though at least i got some skills yeah look at this these are all the the label stickers they're just labels they print on an inkjet oh my goodness if i print on those that's why they have the nice printers they're trying to print labels so they're making a marijuana vape prod products of their own which is why obviously they didn't care too much about copyright infringement because they didn't they make it on their own they're not exactly getting government licensing or anything doing it the right way and uh try valley vape okay the area that we live in is called the tri valley and oh geez it's a little advertisement funny all right well that's what this box is premium color paper you know what guys paper is expensive don't uh discount you find some pretty decent paper that's gonna go right my printer okay got this bag right here okay first up i know i saw these two more feet for the couches hopefully we've got the complete set and what else do we got here's some more legos which is i knew i saw these we saw those and there's quite a few looks like quite a few characters in there little figurines one of the reasons i didn't want to sell the legos i just want to make sure i got all the legos complete just do it to push up bars you know get a good nice push-up nike oh there's another one that's that's good because it'd be a little awkward just one this is some good rope right there i think i'm gonna keep that i'm gonna keep it i'm gonna keep it i'm gonna keep it i'll keep it right there there's the there's the van okay got a pretty good load definitely far from full but it's gonna be a nice load for the flea market we got here baseball this is a little weight right there okay that's where they go hmm look at that it's clever you haven't seen that before i've seen weight belts before but not with those loose weights like that a couple decent baseball shoes for youth basically baseball gloves there's another chair but unfortunately it does not match these are cool though it's got the swivel like a bar chair or a high i think a little fair breakfast bar probably okay i'm not exactly sure what this is right here it looks like a tv mount but now i'm starting to think maybe it is a uh monitor mount maybe for your desk i'm not sure could that be no i don't know this definitely clamps onto something like the real clips on right there maybe for an office ah maybe there's just a whole another part that could be too it's made by us all right we got these big rugs right here those just going to go right on the van i'm not going to open them and look at them too much uh yeah they're cheap cheap but someone's gonna need a rug all right now i thought this was a tabletop that's what i thought it might be it's a mirror that is really cool i mean that's gonna sell that's a nice piece i don't know if it's gonna fit up there though yeah it fits it fits i'm loving this van really it fits so much stuff in there it's a pac-man print that's neat neat 30 bucks i found another one of these stools they're very nice heavy nicely made and um then i found another hinge so there's two of those stools we found one very early on there's the other one right there got two of those and oh this one's got oh wow look at this this one's got a hinge and a bracket on there maybe for bolting to the wall this one doesn't i was wondering what that went on to and then right here we've got another one with the bracket but just the base no no stool so there's another huh another hoverboard but this one's a little messed up i think looks like these are snapped off right there so this one's swagtron i think this is more of a mainstream brand i bet you we can order a replacement plate for that i don't know if it's going to be worth it someone might just want to glue it on or something and this one also same plug i think we have one charger so now we have two hoverboards one charger and that's some good times hopefully this one still works hopefully that's just cosmetic right there crisscross applesauce oh that's nice look at that says family it's a nice little sign but it's raised uh cut metal that's that's nice that's probably a five dollar bill at the flea market right there all right guys that's going to do it for this dig okay now for this episode this dig i think we've gotten through all the exciting stuff there's still a little bit back over here bed frame couple pictures that's just not that interesting stuff and um i don't know i'm getting to that point where i'm like okay what do i do i got someone coming to pick the dressers up i've had them listed for like five or six days start at 75 50 25. now they're free finally someone's coming to get them supposedly all right we'll see people flake all the time it's so frustrating but just trying to move them you know i just they're too big and heavy i can't i can't move those to my unit and take up space there and have to meet someone there they just gotta go the time is more valuable um this piece i gotta get this cleared off so i can list it the couches yes i need to get those listed those should be a couple hundred bucks but i won't get it until i list it so so anyways we're gonna wrap that but don't forget coming up next we're gonna open that safe and see what's inside all right we're back at the nut house and let's get into this right here if you guys remember this is one of the reasons well i mean i wouldn't say it's a reason i bought the locker this thing wasn't in there i would have still bought the locker i would have probably paid just as much money but the fact that there's a safe in there always makes me a little bit more eager to throw my bed in the hat or my hat in the ring or whatever this right here okay but look it doesn't make any noise so i'm not really really really really excited about it because i think it's going to be kind of disappointing but we're still going to get in there but i'm going to try a new method usually you see me whacking away with like a crowbar and sledgehammer and whatever we can find and get in here today we're going to try something a little bit different let's just give it a shot and see if it works all right so you see the combination here no lights are coming on batteries either dead or busted out sometimes the little battery compartment the door will actually fall open the battery fall out i don't think that's happened here because you don't hear the battery moving around but um definitely uh it's out of juice right it's not getting any power check this out though it says sentry on it this this key i don't know if you remember me finding this key if i showed that i don't remember um i already tried this key unfortunately that doesn't work it does not go in there at all it's not the right key for this uh safe it's not going in at all so this is a magnet i found it in a locker a while back i don't even remember what locker it's pretty beefy probably the inside of a speaker or something so i've kept it because i didn't i don't know maybe go magnet fishing or something it seems like you tie a rope around that and throw it in the water and see what it pulls out i don't know but let's see if this will work that gets a pretty good pretty good seat right there all right now i've seen on the internet this sometimes does work putting it right there sometimes triggers something inside causes that locked open it is not though okay and in the internet video i saw they placed it on this corner but it was a different style safe so let's try it over here i don't think so all right well it was worth the shot guys it was worth a shot all right guys we're going to try this a little differently this time i've got a little grinder here let's see if we can dig in here and maybe cut the bolts off i don't know if that's gonna work but i'm willing to give it a try i got this nice little makita that i found in the locker not too long ago let's see my angle's not great hopefully that thing doesn't come back and get me in the face i prefer to do it this way so starting to cut through a little bit it's starting to cut through a little bit right there it looks like it's starting to make some progress so get some gloves on just out of just a little a little bit of precaution okay got my protection on let's go so so i feel like we may have gotten through those i haven't let the house on fire yet so that's good that's a side good that's getting a little bit better i can see the bolts in there see those bolts i did cut i cut into them i didn't cut all the way through them i wonder if i'll be able to huh i don't know if this thing will go deep enough to get all the way down up in there well i've cut down as far as i can go with that it's not going to go any further unfortunately so let's get the crowbar that's fun that's a good one that was a good one well i think that may have just done it oh that was it we got it but wow wow there's nothing in it boom all right look at what we did here though we cut right through that lip right there and that's what these bolts go right underneath that lip so we did do something good next time maybe i need to cross either go further or cut crossways this way take this little lip off that might help i did cut into those not even close to through the a little more than halfway through but not all the way through that's going to take more next time i need a bigger uh blade to go deeper i need maybe a different grinder all right but stinking empty nice little bit of foam yeah we use that to pack for our auctions how's that hey there's worth some money and after everything that's where the safe goes all right guys well that's gonna do it for this episode and i think that's gonna do it for this locker all right um i don't know if there's any other updates to give i went back to the unit actually today uh because i had a guy that was coming to pick up that dresser for free and guess what surprise surprise surprise the douchebag stood me up all right well that's the reality of basically giving things away even selling things away you get stood up all the time is so frustrating it's so disrespectful um but you know what i don't know sometimes guys it's just easier to take stuff to the dump but i hate wasting big beautiful furniture that i know can be given a second life but man people make it extremely difficult on you i've gotten like 20 is it available still and it's like you reply to all of them and they're just like they just ghost you after that it's so frustrating free free so anyways um did go back there went through that little bit of stuff oh yeah there's a thule bike rack okay so we do have that no key right to lock it it looks like it's missing the little straps to hold the bike onto the i know all that can be replaced but uh anyways that was one more good find that's at least 50 bucks and then today that thrustmaster if you remember that uh steering wheel that goes with the ps4 i sold that for 150 bucks local i listed it last night guy came today 150 in cashola so that was a really good sale a nice little boost but still we're far from breakeven i think except for our auction sales has been going pretty strong with this stuff because it's been really good stuff but um local sales i just haven't had time to list enough of the items to uh really make an impact here you know with the big ticket stuff so anyways at the end the dresser the entertainment system the couches all that stuff's either going to go for cheap or for free because i got to get it out of there i need to empty that and move on to the next one because i got more lockers to get through bigger and better things to come guys you're going to go through it with me if you hang in right here on the locking ness channel um and i sure hope that you do because our next adventure is coming up soon until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on loch nuts you
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 23,946
Rating: 4.9004974 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, time capsule, deceased owner, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, mystery, adventure, asmr, how to make money, big profit, gold, Mercedes, Sprinter, selling items, making money, storagetreasures.com, online auction, found coins, unboxing, treasure hunt, funko pop, pokemon
Id: L6NDsZnho1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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