Let's MODEL and RIG a LAVA MONSTER in 10 MINUTES - ep 20 - Blender 2.82

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hello guys and welcome back to another Thursday 10 minute modelling challenge its episode 20 can you believe it it's been 20 weeks since I started this challenge thing of mine it's gonna be a fun one I'm gonna challenge myself as I usually do and I think I might freak out a little bit in this one because I'm gonna pour myself water over the head is that even a sane and in English hella bucket over that I don't even know if it's a Swedish thing to be honest anyway I'm gonna challenge myself a lot anyway that's what I'm trying to say and it's gonna be a lot of fun I'm gonna try to model a lava monster that could also be turned into like an ice monster or just a stone monster so I'm gonna rate the model it rigged it yeah that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the IQ again but with a full body I'm gonna do a custom armature I've had a I think about some of the techniques that I can use to get the stones as you model this creature it's gonna have a lot of individual stones and you can't do automatic weight painting for that one because it'll stretch the stones and I want those to be solid so I'm going to map all the individual stones so watch me panic spot there sorry about that thanks for all the comments thanks for all the subscribers I'm really thrilled of you reached over 50k now I'm on fifty to nearly 53 now pays to slow down a little bit so I think the algorithm got fed up with me for a while there I was scraping in 2000 subscribers a day and then I think they just thought this can't be right so they tweak the algorithm so now I got about three four hundreds a day still really good I'm happy about that but it's not quite the pace that I used to have so share this video give it a like subscribe put kind comments in as well anyway let's get started let's model ourselves lava monster Ready Steady Go when we're off Auto mirror top insightiq mode front you eight to scale everything it took select everything in has to scale it down let's put a torso hear from you again scale it e to extrude s to scale e to extrude as to scale e to extrude s to scale and let's make some room for a leg here so let's move this one in yes from you again e to extrude s to scale and then let's flare these out into chunky big chunky rock legs here e to extrude s to scale R to rotate it extrude R to rotate scale each extrude or to rotate there it big chunky legs here II took screwed let's move it into there rotate does that rotate the side access a little bit ok let's make some arms e to extrude up s to scale move it up e to extrude s to scale X make your big monster eat chunky arms here as well e to extrude e to extrude s to scale it extrude e to extrude s to scale e to extrude extrude as this kill there we go big monstrous arms here let's scale ease down a little bit on the y axis of scale y down that's right ok let's pull the back up a little bit make it a bit hunched here and pull it in let's get this front down and let's make room for ahead here control art loop cupped select these two I to in September to get rid of the center move it in e to extrude a neck key to extrude s to scale a head e to extrude again move it down a little bit like that that's it let's actually save this one so shift D to duplicate it hide the original and here we're gonna apply and this modify an out and do apply a bevel modifier and then just apply that onto and tap all em to remove any doubles yeah we have four of those objects let's do an add-on here quick effects cell fracture I'm gonna do smaller margin or a bigger margin actually 0.01 let's get rid of sharp edges as well and apply this one let's go for it let's split it let's get rid of that one and now we're gonna actually a select everything ctrl J and join these into one object tab a select everything kate's select all the stuff scale these movies down to their tab control two to subdivide this one into round the rocks apply that one go to modifier decimate it we want to go back to low poly 0.1 maybe and apply it that once and I will got ourselves a monster here with stones how am i doing 739 okay so let's do set origin on this to 3d cursor so we got it found at the feet here like the characters shift 8 let's do an armature single bone go to here and so we can see the in front tab into edit mode shift space G get this little movement thing to move it up to here F to Taurus so thanks for that tip e to extrude on the dziak this name this one spine side view let's do a head here as well eat to extrude that on alt p and then disconnect this bone here and that's called this head front you eat extrude from here and key to move this one to here ctrl ctrl P to parent that one with the offsets f2 what's called this popper leggy pops of L for left e to extrude e to extrude lower leg dot L and then but L side view let's move this one forward on this one backward forward a bit it's extrude the ika bones here as well and this one's gonna be called I K poll L and this one is going to be AI K targets don't L and we have to disable here deform we want to disable and Alt key clear parent here we wanted to disable the form of P Claire parent let's move this one forward to Paul one OK and now we need to do the arms as well so let's go front 6:05 on the clock eat extra that on alt p disconnect bone actually we want to parent that one to here control P if I haven't it's already connected so that's okay so let's G to move that on G eat extra e to extrude let's call this one upper arm pops L this one's lower arm that's L and and dot L okay and now let's do the eye case stuff here so let's do front view a shift and and do recalculate bones on the new axis side view control tab post mode select this leg here do control knob control light shift I to apply the kinematics here let's go into here and do armature armature targets armature and then we do two in the chain and 90-degree angle now we need to disable inherit two rotations for this one for the foot and it's a bit like the MEC and then we're gonna do with here do a copy rotation armature targets and then local space local space and local space let's see Scott so we have to invert the rotation on this one so let's go here and back to fly there okay tab a select everything f3 symmetrized this one that's it how am i doing for 30 okay that's white paint this one out so we need to go to object mode here select this one select on control P with empty groups this time let's hide the armature from you and now we're gonna do something teachers here we're gonna do a lot of pressing L here for the feets first for the foots here that's okay that's all that we can and then go here and then assign these now individually we have to do all of these individually so photo dot L assign and I'm gonna hide these so I don't do them again ll L okay that's okay lower like assign height ll out of the lake left assign hide LLL ll a lot of love it's gonna be foot dot our H and then hide them it's like these two blower leg put or hide them these two upper leg or hide them let's do the torso here it's family L key that should be okay torso assign hide and then let's do the spine here so a lot of stuff shift L on this one we come to that one gonna assign all of these to the spine here so not that one we said it's too long in on the arm so that's the spine assign H that one can also go on the spine h and old said let's do the head here we can do that one like this head assign always or hide its old said and how am i doing for time 254 okay so let's do here this is gonna be the left upper arm that's all I'm gonna do there upper arm L did I press the sign yep H to hide its let's do the lower arm here so knots okay I think it's gonna be a stone it's gonna be a rigid most ear so lower arm H old said let's do this to the hunt hunt L sign right old said and then now the upper arm is just gonna be that bone I think upper arm but are assigned hide to 18 on the clock la la la la la the Laura arm here so I'm not gonna do the ones that are on the hunt here so those two can they assign lower arm H and then all said box select these and to hunt okay so hold set age and I'm gonna do alt H to unhide everything that should be much now so let's actually do the interior on the lava we can change this to black now this is gonna be like a charcoal book and then we'll bring this cube back I'm gonna do the lava interior now 145 okay so let's do 50 on that one to duplicate it for now in case we need it then go here let's apply it this modifier and let's apply displace modifier and let's do - get nervous now 127 my is 0.15 maybe yeah and let's apply that on tab a select everything and get that into orange you can also apply maybe bevel modifier to that one too actually that's first parented to the armature here got an itchy nose pardon me one minute and four seconds ago so that one that one control P now we're gonna do with automatic weights here control tab let's check it yeah it seems to be moving now we can do on here again let's go back to this one and here no what am i doing I can't see a control tab object little tab you can actually do the bevel modifier on this one now how am I do in 38 seconds apply bevel and then let's apply another one as well let's do control tool as well to get balanced really smooth and seconds yeah that's it what should I do now I've got 18 seconds to go I'm gonna have them I copy we got ourselves a lava monster and we've got ten seconds to spare let's hide the armature and see what he looks like mean Beast okay I won't be able to animate him in two seconds that's it [Music] that's a new chime okay I've changed my phone to our galaxy s 20 recently the smaller one so how do I even dismiss it failure ok guys I'm happy about that one yeah that was a lot of fun but it the the manual mapping of this of the stones or charcoal or whatever it is in this case is a real pain isn't it so I'll just spam the L key a lot but it worked out in the end my face was itching like crazy then so I hope you like this one some new tricks in here that I think the cell fracture that's included in it's not a third party I'll or anything you just have to enable it in preferences and you can enable cell fracture and you can split that object into multiple pieces it's a little bit buggy I think sometimes when you do it if you have some double vertices which you shouldn't have anyway but then it can flip out a little bit so that's not so good for for this I just kept the polygons quite simple and and to touch them far apart and for that sentence it works pretty good so that's a trick that you could use if you're gonna do you don't have to do a stone monster with it you can do a stone wall or something like that or uh stones for a house or anything like that a brick wall maybe not a brick wall but stone wall would work we've actually got a little bit of an issue here but what the cell factor does and you might bump into this issue as well it's actually deleted the front face of this one here so if you can you can be really hard on me now and say that I failed because I didn't actually cap this one I didn't spot this error while I was doing it so but I'll blame it a little bit on the self fracture plug-in as well whoever coded that one has to share part of the blame I think I'm not gonna tape well not with my fault anyway yeah if you want to fix something like this if that happens to you you can just select these you have to manually I think sometimes you can bring select but this is just so all over the place that I have to shift select the edges that I can see not that one but this one that one this one that one I think the tricky to see sometimes yeah and this one and this would have taken me half the time to fix and then press f to cap it and it's actually facing the wrong way now so let's do F 3 and then flick normals a G and then move it to the same color but then I'll also press ctrl T to triangulate these so they don't go like one big face and that's how you can fix a problem like that I think that was the only one that was broken we can also do another nifty trick now as well and that is to turn this lava monster into an ice monster so what we can do then is say let's rename this one so we'll double click on this one and then just call it lava monster shell and then here we'll call it lava monster pore and then if i duplicate the core now like this then I'll duplicate the shell as well we can hide the original ones here and let's rename this one ice monster core and now we can just select all of these with a on the core and then G and then move this color to a darker blue here and then we'll do the same for the shell here we'll rename this one ice monster shell yellow shell top eight select everything no select everything and then C put that into like a light really light blue and there we've got ourselves an ice monster using the exact same geometry it's just different colors so that's quite handy and we can also do another one as well and this if we hide the core they're just duplicate the shell hide that one as well and let's call this one stone monster and here tap into edit mode 8 to select everything G and change it to great and now we've got ourselves a stone monster it's got no core it's just hard core haha c0 did that lame jokes okay so we got ourselves a stone monster as well so we've got three monsters out of this one got a stone monster ice monster and a lava monster let's also do some more bonus material now and let's animate this guy and we can bring back our lava guy and I noticed that my machine is lagging there but this is what the core looks like I put a sub divider on it so it's rounded it off quite a bit I made this guy for some bonus material as well shall we so let's go into the animation tub control f3 I have to rename the screencast keys because it keeps disable itself for me when I switch the tabs here on and off there we go let's change this all a bit let's get a walk cycle for this monster of ours so let's I'll just do a very similar walk cycle to last time so let's go to capital so it's 24 frames let's enable the automatic keyframing let's show the armature and let's go to frame number one here select the torso control tab so let's move the feet a little bit closer together so it doesn't walk quite so wide leg so move those in control C control shift V to do a flip to post bring the other leg in as well bringing the pole and bone in this as well so Denise or this is if you don't know this pole target for AI key points is where the leg is meant to be pointing let's start doing the poses here so control three to get to the right side let's drop the torso like we don't normally do here G on the right leg or to rotate this is gonna be the contact post so the heel is contacting here a little bit forward and then this leg is gonna be slightly behind the left leg here then we'll skip forward to frame number four drop the torso a bit more this is the recoil I think it's called so that foot goes down and this one goes back and the whole torso went down a little bit let's go to frame number seven here and then this is gonna be their crossing so we'll bring it up a little bit more and it's called crossing air because this leg is in the center like this and this one is also like in the center too so they're crossing surprise and I go to frame number ten and this is gonna be the high post so let's bring them up as high Z's gonna go and a lot of weight to lift their this leg goes back to their it's actually too high because we need to move this like back a little bit farther can't really flip turn these legs to cause it would it'll be really noticeable if the stones go down in the ground so we can only do it like a slight thing now and then this one is gonna go off in the air like this maybe have a look at that yeah I should be good and then what we can do is we should fix the arms as well so we can bring those down let's go to the front you are to rotate this arm down so you'll have some stretching on the interior mesh here that'll poke out I don't think it does too much of up it's not too much of a problem at this point but just be aware of that you might want to change some of the weight painting if that's a problem talking like this is a tutorial there's not meant to be a tutorial remember I'm stressing through these but I might as well just try to tell as much as I can let's ctrl-c and ctrl-v to do the flipped post there let's bring this arm back are to rotate this one back and this one are to rotate forward let's bring the arm up in the hunt maybe up like this this one back I'm just going to swing his arms like this but flick a Down on the dope sheet a to select everything swim in a little bit with the mouse wheel control see skip to frame 13 control shift V and that'll flip all of those key frames like we did will do the mirrored for the other legs and then we need to bring the arms back and everything so it was like all the bones here and now I'm up here on the copy on the dope sheet control C skip forward to 25 and then control could just control V this time because we're gonna have the same frame here as we do on frame number 1 and then we loop it on frame 24 so there we go there's our little walk what else said we can actually do some twisting of the torso and stuff as well I think what I'll do for now is well I'm gonna disable this modifier the subdivide modify because it has to do that every frame so on the core here lava monster core control tab object mode modifiers and let's just disable this one for now so it's gonna be a lot faster and it looks said this is probably the better low poly look anyway if you're gonna use this in a game you don't really need a high subdivided look so you can skip that modify the subdivide and if you want to see what that one looks like now it looks like this instead so here's our walk now for the core and we've got the exterior going on there as well I've already set some rotational keys now for the torso so I have to expand the torso and delete those on all the frames but the first one here so these quarter nians here I'll just be - box select and and select all of those because it's actually setting the rotational on every keyframe that I've set and I want them to interpolate from new keyframes that I set so I'll delete those but I keep the first one here and now I'm free here to do some modifications to the torso so I can for example let's rotate on the Zed so he twists forward on the opposites with the leg and then skip to frame number seven here and that's where he's doing the weight the crossing pose so I'm just gonna tilt him over a lots to shift his weight onto that leg quite a lot here and we can actually swing this arm outs as well and then we probably have to turn this on all of it so it doesn't bump into the ground as well like that so we have to select all of these bones now and then we can do first pose here we've got the twist ctrl C go to frame 13 ctrl shift V and then on the last frame here control V and then we have to do the same for this one number seven here control C skip to frame 19 which is the married equivalent control shift in V and now we should have some some hip movements as well and shifting weight and we can disable the armature here to see what it looks like when he walks okay that's looking pretty good we can also do something with a head maybe so it's sways around as well with the body here so let's see the armature again select the head bone here control tab into pose mode go to frame seven here let's dip the head down control three to see from the other side dip the head down a bit maybe like that that rotates it so it still looks forward control see we're already got a keyframe here on that so let's just paste that one on 19 ctrl shift V that's looking pretty good now for for this monster we can see what it looks like as well if we were to have the love amongst ring guests instead let's see what the - this is the lava monster let's have a look if we look on the ice monster that's what he looks like that one still got to subdivide Iran he's lagging a little bit here on my pc and then the stone monster would look like this if he's walking around okay we've got a slight thing here that's happening with the head let's actually have a look to see what's going on here there okay it's this big stone here that's poking through so that could be an issue we can actually test it by assigning this bone instead select that one ctrl G and remove from all groups and then we'll go back into this vertex tab here and then let's assign this one to the head instead and see what this looks like head assign let me look at the animation here okay that looks a lot better so now this stone here the big one is actually connected to the head movement instead that looks a lot better I'll have to do that but it still pokes through a little bit here so you're gonna have some issues like that I don't think it's a problem really so this is what the core looks like and what you could do is if you disable the bevel modifier it becomes even more round so and then here's what the subdivide one looks like so you could even keep it like this so let's look at some alternatives here subdivide only looks like this bevel only looks like this and both of them together look like this for the court it's taken a lot of CPU power to calculate this one now on the fly let's see what which one do we like the most probably not we don't need the bevel modifier so I think I'll scrap that one just now I think that's the best-looking alternative so let's do that for all of them [Music] giving a little bit of a jerk there as you can see that when he swings that arm forward just as it loops here he freezes a little bit and there's a thing you can do to mitigate that and if we show the armature again control tab into post mode select everything I don't know if you have to do this on the first keyframe but double click a to deselect everything B to select everything here and that actually selects everything all the way down automatically and when you're over this one now do shift E and then do make cyclic F modifier here so make cyclic and now as you get there it doesn't do the freeze as the other ones do it's a bit hard to notice but it's a bit better alright guys that's it that was a lot of fun to make I hope you enjoyed this video it was certainly fun to make it and I don't know how long it ended up being I hope you're still with me if you're watching the premiere still thanks for everyone who's so active in the chat and in the comments and for liking the video and sharing it I've been terrible at try and reply to comments lately I do it on and off and I try to reply to as many as I can and then it just gets on top of me or next to me we're all it doesn't get but I read all the comments especially just before I'm about to go to sleep I scroll through the phone and then I think I have to apply to these tomorrow and then I don't so sorry about that guys I'm gonna try to reply to a little bit more especially the ones where the important questions in so but again I'm really thankful so thank you so much for sharing it for liking it for commenting and for all the kind words I'm really happy to read them and I do read pretty much every comments so sorry for not replying check in the description I've got a discord so I didn't even know why I had that so I'll check in the description I'll put link to it I think about it for like two years or something but I haven't been active in it at all I forgot that it was even running so don't expect me to be too active in there and it's just one more of those bad conscience things but still it's there you can join it if you want and I'll see if I can drop in every now and then also when I'm looking into making some merch of googled how do youtubers make merch I have no clue I saw something like teespring and why else did I see like printful or print off' i and things like that so I've got a few shirts t-shirts and hoodies in mind that I'm gonna do and someone wanted a tea cup or a coffee cup as well so I'll I'll do one of those with some of the quotes the first one is going to be e to extrude as to scale and that's probably the most common phrase that I'm using all the time so that should be quite fitting i've talked way too long now sorry for keeping you so hit the like button if you liked it subscribe if you haven't already have a great week everyone and i'll see you soon again bye for now [Music]
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 271,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, monster, lava monster, low poly, imphenzia, 10 minute modeling challenge, how to model stones, stone monster, ice monster, blender tutorial, how to model a monster, rig, armature, walk animation, animate monster, hard surface rigging, weightpaint
Id: ySBrpmu_Gyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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