Let's Model an ISLAND in 10 MINUTES - ep. 23 - Blender 2.82

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i like him too, but he mainly does lowpoly stuff for unity

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/devjfb 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
alright folks welcome back it's Thursday and it's time for episode 23 of the ten minute low poly modeling challenge I said it again low poly the ten minute modeling challenge it's gotta be low poly surprise anyway I hope you've had a great week so far I've been super busy myself I hope you've been up to a lot of fun stuff as well you know I've been outside a little bit in the sunshine but not so much because I've been inside a lot been working on the RTS game it's going great of the last night until 5 a.m. I spent there making a lot of the sound effects after a year of making the game we're finally now getting into the sound effects we've been so focusing on the game play and the whole AI parts and the multiplayer and everything all the units and maps and everything like that so finally finally finally I decided to set some time aside and I made about a hundred pound effects so that was a lot of fun what else said this week I've done some modeling as well I've done some high poly modeling surprise surprise I started to make a car I did that in 3dsmax about 20 years ago but I did a Nissan Skyline back then it was the r32 that was the hot one back then now it's the are thought r35 no it's the r34 I did was are 32 are too aren't you no not one anyway this one anyway that I'm modeling now is the are 35 the GTR but it's taken forever I started to model the one of the side panels and the hoods or bonnet if here in the UK and I did a lot of subdividing I haven't made sure that I had a quad topology this time that's a must and that I also did some like holding edges to get all the subdividing good happy with the results but it takes forever and it takes a lot of patience something that I don't really have so guess what I made a low poly version and then I thought how many polygons can I trim away and still keep the shape of the car and still keep that low poly look so I stripped a lot of polygons away and then I thought why if I had some polygons so I made all the car parts everything all and every wing and whites and not light bulb put lights and everything like that and bonnet water so again the hoods and the trunk into separate objects low poly objects and then I brought that into unity as well and I thought I'll try to replace my old low poly car just to see what it looks like so that's what I've been up to this week I'm actually gonna make a tutorial of how to model this car I'm gonna do the low poly tutorial first I'm gonna show you how I model the car and talked a lot about it I'm not gonna stress that video I'm gonna go through everything that I do every little single step of chic keyboard shortcut keyboard shortcuts she won't quote cuts keyboard shortcuts you're gonna be looking at those instead of listening to this annoying voice wow that's the longest intro I've done so far and I'm not even finished you've followed me in the past you might have seen that I've done quite a fair share of floating islands do my time I've done it for a few of the Ludum dare so I did it for the robot power or running out of power I did it for the lots that medieval the biking game and then I did it for oh yeah my platformer with a Dominator guy that loves Roman shipping all sorts of stuff floating islands with some animated the tiles on that one I even did a 2d version I did the Robbie copy one as well another Ludum dare game so that was more float I guess it's just platformers and then I even made a pixel art one so why is it Kaufman of floating island it's the in the sky should be called flying or at least hovering well I'm not gonna do a floating island today oh all that talking I'm not gonna do a floating island I'm gonna do a suggestion that someone made and it was Eagle and the trip eco London no ego trip London absolutely eagle and Ted sorry about that there so ego I'm Ted suggested that I should make a regular island be a sinking island then if it's not a floating onion hmm I guess it's just a regular island your rights eagle and Ted I've also had a request to go through my setup video I keep referring people to my blender setup video but just to recap and see if I've changed anything around so I've just started a brand new fresh version of 2.82 here that's a lie this is the same version of always used anyway this is the fresh scene at least so this is what I do I delete this default camera and I delete this light here but this one is untouchable you're not allowed to delete this one every object that you create from now on must derive from this default cube we have to save the default cube by go into this shading tab here and then just with the default material area and go to my desktop and you should go to the description of this video and download this little palette that I've got because it's a palette but it's teeny-weeny it's only 2 kilobyte in slices to PNG file so but I drag this palette in and you could create your own palette in any drawing program I used to download some palettes from low spec for example or I can use it Photoshop or any paint tools or anything like that you can use just to create a grid of textures I only use 8 by 8 pixels nup and then I connect this collar node to the base color node you can see that it's all smudgy and blur here and that's because we need to switch this from linear to closest because it's so few pixels that it tries to interpolate between those and we don't want that shouldn't joke about that my mom actually I've grown up but she pulled through she's 79 and I was really worried but she pulled through so that's Swedish strategy for you and then we've got the two weeks in a row now we've got the worst the death count in the world in comparison to the number of people that live in this country our neighboring countries Finland Norway Denmark good job guys you're doing it pretty good because you have zero deaths at the moment whereas we have like a hundred Thursday so what I've created this material here I if you go into the UV editing tab here again you see that you can hardly see it here and that's because we need to zoom in here a lot all the way in just using the mouse wheel to here and that's how I'd see these colors here but then we also need to change the viewport here and that I go to this little drop down here and I switch onto texture there and then I switch on shadow to get a little bit of shadow and then I also enable this is the million dollar one here even though it doesn't cost anything it's you enable a cavity and you drag this one up ridge and valley that's how you get the shining edges that everyone's asking about and then you can go to also switch it from screen to both and then you drag this one up as well the ridge and the valley on that one and this is how I get that shiny look and I can quickly colonies now if I tap into edit mode on this cube and press three on the keyboard to see the faces here then I can just you see on the left now I can just if I have this face on the left side I do a to select everything scale s to scale zero creates a little tiny dot here and then I press G to move it and I can move it to anywhere here and if I select the whole cube a stale zero and then move it to blue for example that's how shiny look on my objects all that and I'm still gonna load my default scene because I've got screencast keys that's up there so drop that one everything's I lost my fixture oh yeah it's because I copied it let's copy that one back there let's reload it reload reload what - monster killer you've been playing way too much Unreal Tournament okay enough enough there we go ready ready go hop in - edit mode control I delete and face us we're gonna just use this one control snap it down scale 10 tab out control for to subdivide it apply a control for to subdivide even more now we've got a lot of detail here so shifty to duplicate that one we need it for the war trip top view tab inside ik mode let's right-click and control to make the shape of an island actually let's keep it consistent there G and actually Oh first we need proportional G is that and then we have to scroll this proportional down a lot we just want to race the island a little bit like that let's make a volcano here in the center shall we so then we just keep gonna do it manually instead of using any displacement here because I want to keep a little bit of artistic control I guess to this so I'll just race it on the z-axis a lot so I'm offsetting here as well maybe here get some more slopes here okay there let's continue with a volcano here and now we're just gonna select the crater up here let's do it a little bit rounder please like that G Zed I'm bringing it down to there so that's our crater and we should actually bring scale Sub Zero then bring this down a little bit as well make it easier okay and now with that's our volcano now is actually should come about this whole thing to brown first because that's gonna be the underwater color and then we're gonna do a side view here holds that to see everything tap into it I would actually grab everything apart from the base let's make that green and now I'm gonna use let's see all set again let's do circle select now so see and select some of these sharp edges here or steep ones because we want to try to do like a steep slope selection here maybe not then just not so great at that but we can work around that a little bit so let's get some steep slopes there so I'm here as well maybe okay and now f3 select similar normal and then we can bump this up a little bit now we get the most of this sides at least maybe one more two more three more four more ok let's enter on that on a scale there on the left side here in the UV 725 on the clock let's make rocket color there and now we can put at this decimate the modifier we love decimating things so that's decimated to 0.1 to get the low poly look back apply that on and here's our base for the island now we can put some lava here so see two circles select here and like this ctrl + actually I can do and let's do scale zero that you've ease here and put that into orange lava and then scale Zed actually I need to disable this one first scale is at zero and then scale it out to lab it's it's that oh okay I should touch it first actually so I'm not working with mishter and here I'm gonna put some lava pouring out so it's okay that it's a bit broke in there we're gonna hide this proper cheating so let's pour the lava like that we just grabbed this actually will do I to inset this one and then G to move it down a little bit like this and then ctrl + say let's make a like a black edge around this and then ctrl - again and put the lava hold it back so there that's our lava let's make some cheese on in there 6 minutes so let's hear shifts shifts s cursor to selected shift a let's do a cone here with 8 faces and scale it down a lot up to there scale it down even more maybe that should be okay we're just gonna do pine cheese that's all I've got time for it's get zero let's make it a bit dark here what happened to that scale 0 G to make a dark tree there and scale it down shift D rotates Zed scale it down shift D rotate that shifty scale it down okay and maybe one more skip down to that rotate set okay now let's select all of these and then switch to vertex snapping here and now I'm just going to hold the ctrl key to snap the height or the placement to a lot of vertices here so we can get some it's a bit of a workaround maybe blender is not the best at place and stuff we can make low trees by just hiding it partially in the ground that should work shifty let's just place a lot of trees here where it's green where the grass is growing if I bring it up a little bit I can help it along the way a little bit there shifty let's bring that one up shift the duplicate just sometimes you help have to help it up a little bit to get the height make some small trees up there let's just keep doing trees that's pretty much all this sort of detail I'm going to be able to make on this map so maybe one there that's dangerously by the way all right okay let's make a beach here so let's do C select this part here maybe not you and then a scale 0 here hello scale 0 and then it's a beach color maybe not color no it looks too much like lava let's do it that way and bring it down okay that's it and now we should bring let's see 354 let's bring the water back so here we go and select that on bring it up OOP not you I need to select this object ship space G move it up I'm gonna have to call it this tab here caller blue and then top view let's make the shape of the island here as well so I'll just select as it fits like foamy water here so I like this okay and then we color that on a lighter blue like this so it's that's it then let's do a leti 315 so let's add a displacement to this one and then I'll just do new here select clouds texture maybe two in size and then we can lower the effect on this one a little bit if it's there just to get a bit of shape to it and then apply that on because we're going to decimate it as usual I'm going to decimate it so zero point one and it's decimated okay we need to apply that on it first of all and then bring it up so we get rid of that it's not that's didn't so that's the smallest ocean in the world I just created and we can do that we've got the beach let's do some cliffs here 236 so I can do some cliffs here let's just select some random faces here like yours and mine maybe I'll be random G and then actually you can select some or you let's make it a lot spiky here even down by the water it should be cool maybe G should I do might be proportional G scroll the town make some steep cliffs there and then we can do the same here select faces it's a jagged island Zed and then let's do some up here as well G is that okay and maybe some here as well it's an evil Island G is that okay we could 146 we have time to make a little water stream coming out here somewhere so let's have the water pour outs of here let's do circle select here and then let's make it pour down like this Ayten set that on oh I've got some extra selected over here I have to read it on it's pouring out of the volcano how random is that that shouldn't really happen surely but it's happening on this one there I - inset Oh what's going on there I've got some serious weirdness going on there let's just work around that by deselecting up and select - turn right and set I've got a bug I think I can set oh I have to deselect this tree I've got a tree there get rid of tree here move you out oh wow proportional editing but I'm all over the place so this stream I've wasted one minute I'm not creating the stream at all let's make some small trees their tiniest trees in the world okay now I've got 45 seconds to actually make something I couldn't do in one minute so let's try that again shall we down to their eye - inset it ctrl + no actually control minds only got 30 seconds to go so bring it down to there a scale zero on this side make it there we can make some whitewater maybe here as well there there here and there 18 seconds let's make some white water rushing there I've got the part of the tree they're still mine let's bring you out to there and bring you back to where you belong scale it down scale it up oh yeah now we're done there we go we've got a volcanic jagged island boys and girls or a boys and girl I should say I've got three percent female watchers so hello to you thanks for tuning in this is a volcanic island and it's got some trees on it a little stream coming out here from a parent is really strange because it's love up here and it's water down here I doubt it highly that there would be any form of water here but on this island it is so I guess it's partly a magic island as well we've got some jagged cliffs around the side here some grass or seaweed I guess this is nuts growing on this side there because I don't think grass would be growing there I've got a little bit of grass here and the water is well apparently got some white foam going around here we got all the beach here could have a little bit shot or something like that all around it's a pretty cozy Island I wouldn't want to live there because it looks quite dangerous we spent over a minute and a half on not creating a river here and then I spent about 45 seconds creating a river there so that was a lot of waste of time I could have done something more valuable but that maybe created a tiniest of hot 2 or low pier or something I guess I have to live it up alright guys there you have it so so what should the tip be this week we did a few new things I guess 'sir this time so proportional we covered last week so that's not really new I guess the slope selected could be a tip this week so what I did there was if you have something like this island here so if I select this one default cube number one here or number two oh no this one is default cube number one if you want to select steep edges what I did was tab into edit mode when I press 3 to get into this loss face selects I press C to get the circle select tool and then I just painted some faces here that I knew that were steep and I guess I could paint some of these as well and you have to do it on all sides not just on one side you can't just tell a blender that I want to steep edges unfortunately if you know a way to do that please let me know because too hard to save me a lot of time you press f3 and then you type select similar and then you press there and press f3 select similar and then normal I did and then you can use this slider here or the threshold if you have if you don't see that one you can click it off similar and then you can just step how much similar you want those to be so if you want to select they'll do a rough selection as you can see it selects it on the tree as well so I didn't make the trees beforehand and it's a little bit easier and then to select the faces that you're in a color into this rocket color so you can get that little separation between the green parts and the rock faces if I tap into edit mode you could just select a few of these I hold the shift key to select a few and then with the proportional editing and quite a small radius press G and then that I did but you don't have to lock it on there's that axis actually you could just do G and move it five for Youngs to get this one tilt to them and then you can make jagged rocks quite easy that way it's quite cool when you don't move them to the Zed axis because then you can get that they're pointing in like this and you could also I guess make some crystals or something let's say this was a Treasure Island and here if I were to press C circle select a few of these circles electives because I've got this little customisable circle here let's select that press ENTER a scale 0 and then let's make that dark because this is a rich sight of something here something happened in the volcano here the immense pressure but for some reason isn't pushing this boat water out but the immense pressure here created some crystals so if I select a few of these faces now like this maybe not that one but that one hmm very sensitive you G to move it and then you can use it proportional but let's say we wanted it like this and then I guess now I've done a lot of extrusion so now as to extrude s to extrude s to extrude now we can just period here and go to individual origins actually each extrude s the scale up and down and now control plus a few times and then we can turn these into some pink crystals or something like that so if you want a rich site of some valuable I annoys me that that miss visible they're actually just no that's great an object over here I don't want to create the queue because then the default queue will feel sorry there we go so that you could create some crystals maybe or something like that and also one more tip a lot of them have felt like providing a lot of tip this one and that was when you move the trees here I press L so L selects linked vertices and if you don't know what the linked of art is this vertices that are linked to each other and even though these the top of this tree here is overlapping this tree no vertex on this top here shares a vertex with the bottom one or the one below it so if I press l1 I'm hovering over this tree top here it just selects those faces I mean still in the same object and everything but that's a really handy way and the nice thing here is that you can actually do L LLL just to select the ones that you want here and then so the tip was that I switched up here into snap to vertex so instead of hot pressing G and then oh I have to press oh no to disable proportional if I press G now I wanted to place this tree it's difficult here to place it on the ground but if I hold control now it'll snap to that vertex there and it still does it a little bit wrong sometimes when you step off the slope yeah but it does help to if you if you need to speed model for whatever stupid reason you might have to do that maybe you're making YouTube videos then it's quite a handy way to place them at least even as a helper maybe you could use it even if you do it in a non speedy fashion you could use it a little bit as a helper I use it quite a lot when I position things I guess that was pretty much the tips of this week I don't think there was anything else too magical about this one but I did get curious not because I saw what happened if I do this I saw something there that I haven't seen before what was I even just doing them oh yeah I'm gonna press L linked I didn't realize there was a little pop-up here normal material seemed okay so you can delimit it by you these even huh are you kidding me no way oh my god that is good okay a game-changer boys and girl ah that is cool I can delimit it by the colors a lot of that talking there for a video I hope everything's alright I hope you're doing alright I hope you didn't fall asleep oh yeah the discord is blowing up I said that last weekend well I should I just want to say it again because it's nice to see we got over 500 people there a nice community of that blendering unity people now all joining in chatting away I'm in and out every now and then mostly I'm working on stuff for prepping videos and things but I drop in every now and then and you should join that one if you haven't seen that one already maybe you can find some help they were just hang out with the like-minded people like ourselves so join the discord I'll put a link in the description I said earlier this year that he was gonna be a great year I think it was in the one of the first videos that I did is the star destroyers and I said that 2020 is gonna be a great year and then Corona happened so for a lot of people including myself I guess it's not that great of a year but you should try to make the best out of it try to spend the time with the close family if you've got some of that or make games and blender learn blender and unity and make yourself a little prototype and game and have some fun for me it's pretty much no difference I spent most of the time inside sitting in front of the computer doing this anyway so Corona or no Corona - pretty much the same for me but it would be nice if it gone away pretty soon so that's hopefully until next week anyway I hope you're having a great one I hope you hit the thumbs up if you like this video and subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you next Thursday for another ten minute modelling challenge bye for now also did I mention that I've got a picture [Music]
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 117,401
Rating: 4.9609685 out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.82, island, low poly, regular island, non-floating island, volcanoe, water, low poly island, low poly water, how to model an island in blender, blender tutorial, imphenzia
Id: 3njdzYh_1GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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