Let's model A CYBER TANK (with animated tracks) in 10 MINUTES - Ep. 92 - Blender 2.93

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i just did the whole intro and i wasn't even recording what's up with that it's just one button to click and i failed to click it anyway hello everyone and welcome to episode 92 of the 10 minute modeling challenge we've only got eight episodes left to go until the big hundred we have no idea what's gonna happen after the big hundred maybe there'll be a big 200 i don't know we'll find out so uh i'm a little bit stuck in the past but going to the future in a weird way because uh i've got the scene loaded from last week where or pretty much the same scene i think anyway it's uh basically i've got uh like a reflective floor with screen space reflections i've got my emissive and transparent texture set up i've got a blue light from the right and a red light from the left set up so it gives it that like a cyber feel to it where you get the pinks and the blues and the turquoise the cyans magentas all those flashy colors that like sort of are supposed to be futuristic but set in the 80s or something so i'm going to stick to that i'll i'll i'm in that mode so let's keep that scene going and to build a little bit on what we've been doing over the past episodes is i'm going to keep you i'll do a test render with evie still learning that and probably going to get it wrong but it should be fun anyway if you want to see the settings and how i get this type of a scene set up check out the last video of the that robotic type of a mech guy or a s-p-a-c-e marine i can't say the full word unless i get sued maybe by the the makers of that game so i'm not going to use that term but the um i don't think i'd get sued for that but anyway it's a universal marine universe marine this week i'm gonna make uh i'm gonna revisit the tank subject but i'm gonna make it a cyber tank not a sci-fi tank not a futuristic tank i'm gonna make that cyber looking tank and for cyber that rings uh some bells to me and the bells are saying cyan magenta pink turquoise whatever you want to call it light emission lots of weird stuff on the tank itself and yeah that's what i'm gonna go for so and also to build on the stuff that we did in the minecart episode because i did that like a an array with a curve there and i was thinking i could actually use that to make the tank tracks so i'll use that method to create animatable tank tracks as well so let's get started i'm going to set the timer and i'll change it from 25 to 10 because i'm not going to bake a cake this time here we go are we ready world's itchiest nose contest i just want it ready steady go we're off tab into edit mode eight to select everything move it up scale it down on the z axis move it down again apparently scale it down flatter there we go auto mirror our friend when it comes to symmetry and let's go for i'm gonna do something super primitive just to have a placeholder because i don't want to miss out on doing the actual tracks here so scale on the y-axis a bit there uh and then i'm gonna do what we did in that minecart thing so shift a add a curve circle rotate on the y axis by 90 degrees ctrl a apply that rotation let's move it out to here maybe oh no let's keep it there while i do this track actually tab into edit mode period we need to be on medium point scale z scale y move it up scale y a little bit more and here let's just rotate these two get like a traditional tank looking track there scale y that should be good and now let's add a cube here shift a mesh cube this is going to be the track tab in edit mode scale it down all the way down to there delete to focus in on it scale x and we could actually move these out now so let's go i'll pick that and that move it out to the side and itchy chin uh okay got it sidetracked okay uh add modifier array modifier let's increase the count a little bit let's go what we did with the rail track there there we go and then add the curve modifier also like we did in the minecart thing uh the bezier thing but we need to change the axis y negative and maybe i don't know 40. and tab into edit mode scale on the z axis flatter control r maybe that many loop cuts whatever that was e to extrude a to extrude s to scale actually i want to make it a little bit less like that and then e to extrude s okay that should be good uh let's get some textures going here as well mark those items that p to extrude okay period let's go for individual origins scale that one i to inset e to extrude 742 on the clock i to inset and e to extrude down and that should be our tank track yeah it looks a bit uh weird so scale it on the y axis maybe like this and then we need to increase the count wrap to there shift and move that on to connect it there we go so that's going to be the tank tracks maybe they should be wider still scale x nothing wrong with why they're tank tricks that's good we should get the material shift click that one ctrl l link materials tab into edit mode eight select everything on the left scale down to zero darker tracks so here we go on path on track there we go we'll duplicate this one or that one which one is that that one and that one shift d to duplicate it let's swap the x position out okay this one needs to swap there we go two both of them and now let's go see that we've got 642 now to just make some weird extrusions here and try to make something that could look past for a cyber i nearly said sci-fi tank against cyber cyber tank scale so i haven't what should we do here to extrude that's the scale e to extrude s to scale this is going to look like a cartoon thing i think never mind e to extrude and let's just go for it e to extrude that's the scale let's get an overhang going here uh there we go sorry oh we need wheels shift right click shift a let's add a cylinder let's go for the the more low poly look so shift a cylinder let's go for 12 instead rotate y 90 scale it down a on the left scale the uvs why am i sitting like weird on the chair there we go scale it down side view g to move it there it's not going to be perfect never is uh let's cut these two go in there i to inset it instead again alt s to scale i to inset and one more time i'll pull this to scale let's just go for it like something a groove in the middle should really be cogs but i'm not going to rotate the wheel so it look weird if there are cogs there i don't have time to get animatable wheels there so and now let's just shift d to duplicate it shift d and then hopefully space these out roughly okay that should do it and that's our tank track that should be the same yep that's good should we go for a different color on them a to select no okay not that's gonna waste time so let's keep them there and it's extrude that's the scale now i'm just going to have to go crazy around the tank so it's going to be a cyber tank i've got 4 45 e to extrude no okay control r first i'm going to put some side cannons on this thing is that more like a some sort of a sam thing or a futuristic i don't know control r futuristic control r that's what it just became uh move that one back this one what am i doing uh ctrl r i'm doing a control r okay here we need some sort of a canon line anyway so shift d duplicate it e to extrude actually i want to put them vert no should i let's do the octagon shape that's cyber isn't it okay if i can select these hello ctrl b to bubble might be a faster way to do that e to extrude sd scale e to extrude eat extrude sd scale eat extrude okay ctrl r six if you do them even you should be able to get every other here item set alt s to scale we need somewhere for the rail ability type of thing to come out as well ctrl r let's go for something here to alt or let's do e to extrude as the scale e to extrude i don't know what this is but it looks cybery doesn't it hello it's always difficult to pick the right face when there we go control unwasted time on that one there we go i'm going to put some weird fins on here not like the the country people finns but there we go i have no idea why you would have that but it looks pretty cool maybe boop tab how am i doing three minutes okay let's go for some we have to light this thing up now literally so let's go for that cyani pinky color there oh did i pick the wrong one no oh i don't is that i should go for like a rendered view there should i there we go okay and let's go for the same thing here then let's but make them bigger shift d to duplicate them scale up a lot i have no idea why it would look like this can anyone tell me uh control r let's go for that look move oh i already had a control r there let's move that up and move that back maybe let's get like an indentation going here so i to inset e to extrude move them back into there i guess that could work and l to select the linked let's move them in a little bit more i have to do something here uh i to inset e to extrude should we be like that no i'll go up instead scale control r let's go go for some weird stuff all the extra long phase normals scale that down here let's just go over here if it looks strange just add stuff try to get out of a pit by adding geometry there we go and it should probably tilt a little bit here i don't know what this is eat extrude and here maybe go for some e to extrude s to scale control r let's put some weird panels here should we do like this bot e extreme long face normals how am i doing for time 125 okay we need to put some some of that cyber look on it i'll go for it dark in there but here let's put some weird like scanner type of uh lines here i to inset e to extrude oh i had b so light and set b for the boundary thing b to extrude but let's go into there so this is going to be our like blue light for some scanner type of thing and should we do something maybe here as well all the way around to there i to inset all the extra long face normals and should it go pink or cyan let's go pink and i need something here as well i think e to extrude f to scale we need more of those line things i to inset all d to extrude long face no how am i doing 33 seconds this one could be cyan and should we go for different canon colors here go darker i don't know if that's the right choice let's go alt e external face normal scale alt e extreme long phase normals fault e extrude long phase normal scale e scale e scale item set eat extrude oh what's the time one second okay there we go it's more of a i don't know it's not a tank looking thing okay now first things first can i itch my face no ah i was trying to do that i was a bit excessive i i i don't know i don't know if it's a tank it's more like a anti-anti-aircraft vehicle of some sort maybe let's test to render it f12 okay let's save it so let's see what we've got here what we could do is so it's a bit uh chubby and bulky i don't know if it should have been like a cool tank would probably be a lot longer than this one is i don't and i don't necessarily think we could scale the whole thing but let's try it scale y that just looks weird looks like some sort of a boat thing could we make it narrower see slightly narrower maybe no it still looks a bit bulky so i'm guessing i'm pretty stuck with that shape that's a bummer but i guess like it could be some sort of i nearly get uh like the idea that it's like some sort of an anti-aircraft or anti-spaceship type of thing so rather than a tank maybe it's more like some i don't know what like a bulkier smaller type of vehicle but if we move it it should actually animate the tracks as far as i know so as long as we don't move the tracks themselves because if i move them nothing oh yeah something happens there oh yeah it's because i scroll the things so that works too let's rename this one called to cyber tank and then let's name rename this one to right track curve and then actually i don't like the curve right track and let's name this one curve okay left track and then let's rename this one track right because it's that tank's right and then this one tank put track left so if i move the tank and the curves now yeah it animates those automatically which is pretty good it doesn't rotate the wheels at the moment that's why i didn't put the cogs on it because the the wheels you should really like link up to like a transformation thing we could maybe do that in the future sometime because you'd really want the not just the tracks to move you want these wheels to move especially if you're putting like modeling some cogs that go out and go down and interlock with these things there are some tutorials out there i saw a while back so could be worth checking those out but maybe i'll do something about that at some point too also if you want to be able to rotate the turret here we could break this one out so let's do l to select all the links here for the top part maybe that should do p separate that into a separate selection f2 on that one called it turret and then i need to set the pivot point for that one to be up here somewhere so i should sometimes the trick i do there is i i'll pick like a vert at the top here in the center and then i'll pick a vert there and then shift s cursor to selected it puts the cursor right in there and then i right click on it set origin to 3d cursor and now if i rotate this one it'll rotate that top part the third one thing i'm not too happy with this this straight line here looks a bit silly it's too long or something so that's just this is another tinkering post post event type of thing that i'll get away with even if it was outside the time frame so maybe i'll just make it a little bit less looking like it did ctrl r s that looks a bit mean i just did ctrl r to loop cut and then alt s to make it a little bit different you could go as well a little bit crazy since we don't have texturing to play around with here you could keep adding details to it just by tapping into edit mode find panels like this do i to inset alt s to scale find another set of panels i to inset maybe i'll do alt e external phase normals in on that on or something could put that like a light type of effect there i guess that cyan thing going as if it's like a light same thing here you could keep adding just different little features to it here could be maybe some oh what am i doing turret turret tab again i to inset e to extrude estes scale fins i don't know what why would it need fins i don't know i just need some type of features to put in s to scale keep doing this all the time maybe iten set eat extrude and then again either cyan or magenta let's go for cyan in there as well and maybe it needed some more features here that could have been a simple case of uh the mondays beat extrude s to scale again just go with some e to extrude as the scale should sort out make it look a little bit more interesting items that e to extrude some weird light down there as well it could be smaller okay final touch here too some armor plates here maybe i to inset alt s it inset alt s and here's some intake here's the vulnerable spot should we do light there as well let's render that one see if it gets reflected no okay not sure why let's see that could be some sort of a fresh air intake don't be afraid to go oversized so if you had like this one you could probably even go like even bigger that looked ridiculous so don't do that scale said those fins are really poking up through there but never mind let's put a little tiny animation on this thing as well so let's go select these things i'm just going to do a super simple thing so animation let's rotate this thing let's grab the so i can only animate i should actually parent the turrets here so control select the turret control select the tank ctrl p parent is object there let's do that for the two tracks here as well select the tank last control p so now if i move this tank hopefully let's move it out here select the track or the tank and so those wheels are automatically moving there i think those are looking way too thin so one more thing i'd probably do this one let's go for both tracks at the same time maybe side view alt z to c through b to box select and shift space g why don't i see that thing there we go okay let's go for control plus i just want to compress the links here a little bit ctrl minus ctrl minus and then we need to extend this one back to where it was control selected there hey that was not a very graceful fix but the tracks look a bit better that way they don't look as brittle at least all right so now let's go for the animation all i'm going to do is go to the animation tab go to frame 1 shift space g move it back to there let's just do those wheels significant problem there they shrunk okay let's copy that one again so shift d to duplicate n negative negative and same for this track there we go we're back to complete tracks we have to rename it left and left track there we go and now let's animate it then so let's just put it there shift select these two eye to inset insert location rotation move it back maybe or to frame 60 move it to here it in search location rotation and then turn the turret maybe maybe we should start with the turret all the way over here actually rotate rotate zed it t insert location rotation and then that rotates it to here and then we'll just keep maybe we'll keep rotating it to rotate z there height insert location rotation and i think you know what i'll delete this so it rotates without stopping there first delete there we go and then we'll render it to frame a 180 or something and then to render the animation i'll change the frame rate here to 30 because that's what i'm running there we go and then we just hit ctrl f12 just for the sake of it i think i'll do the same as i did oh well i think it was in the last video actually i'm going to render it with the the workbench renderer too and we'll put texture shadow cavity ridge both here and screen space and world space and then if i do a test render okay it goes dark because i need to bypass the compositing here so let's just go straight to there f12 so that's the cavity look for this tank let's just save this one actually you know i'll save the whole animation sequence we'll go up to 32 samples to make it a little bit better i should probably go for the lighting here as well let's try f12 a bit brighter that's it and then now we'll go into settings here where is it here and then drop down let's create workbench here and to get those shiny edges remember it's the cavity settings that you need to have enabled there so now if we render this one to control f12 let's render that sequence there's a lot faster to render with the workbench render and i really wish that ev had the cavity look as well because those two combined would look sick so obviously the wheels would need to rotate that's a big downside to this it looks stupid when they're sliding like that but that could be fixed at some point [Music] so i just rendered an eevee version and i also rendered the workbench version and uh i'm compositing the two just on top of each other with a color dodge for the workbench one with a cabbage look because then you get the the glowy edgy type of thing so i think it looks a lot cooler i spent quite a bit of time trying to get my wheels inside the tracks here to rotate and i used the transformation constraint and tried to map that to the movement and but i have to look into that a lot further because it just started to rotate and then it just stopped and froze all the time so it didn't work it worked when i moved the tank manually then the wheels rotated perfectly fine but when i played the animation it stopped rotating so i don't know if it's a bug but more likely it's something that i've done wrong but i'm gonna look a little bit more into rigging stuff because i'd like to be able to rig cars and tanks and stuff like that to get not only the track movements to work but also the the way the wheels work and also if the tank is twisting or like the tracks are supposed to go the opposite way so i'm gonna have to look in a little bit uh into that but it was a fun first project to try it out on and hopefully it gave you a little insight on how you could do the tracks at least and then we'll take it from there in the future video so i hope you like this one and give it a thumbs up if you did and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and as usual i've got a patreon site patreon.com if you want to be able to give that extra bit of support that help out a lot and yeah until next week take care and i'll see you then bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 15,657
Rating: 4.9843135 out of 5
Keywords: blender, low poly, 10 mmc, 10 minute modeling challenge, imphenzia, low poly tank, cyber tank, tank tutorial, tank tracks, animated tank tracks, blender 2.93
Id: WkMJQy2i33k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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