Let's Model and Rig a Spider Bot in 10 Minutes (bonus animations) - ep. 71 - Blender 2.92

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hello everyone and welcome to episode 71 of the 10 minute modeling challenge this time around i'm going to be doing a spider bot and it was suggested by mia pc and i think she meant it like a spider bot so i'm going to do a spider robot if that's not what you meant then i got it wrong but i'm going to do it anyway so a little robotic hard to surface the spider it's going to be low poly of course no surprise i'm going to fit it in 10 minutes i'm going to rig it as well last weekend got a little bit busy as well first it was my wife's birthday actually on the friday so we had a good time there spent time with the family and celebrated that and then on the weekend we did a lot of housework so we started to tear down a balcony and of course there was ludum there 48 and i sort of a little bit forgot about it so i just had to do what i could i didn't want to miss out on my 13th consecutive participation of ludum there but i had to scale it down so i did a little diving game and uh very unimaginable very little innovation when it comes to this one and originality it just flushed down the toilet and when i told my wife what i did she's just going god couldn't you come up with anything better than that but the game's called deep blue wow surprising original yeah i know and it's a deep diving like a free diving game so i modeled a little character and it had some new challenges actually but it was good to learn first of all i'm not used to modeling characters being upside down and with the leg movements i'm so used to inverse kinematics and the walk cycles so when i'm going to do the flippers and when he was swimming down it was a little bit trickier than i thought so that was a bit of a good practice and there was a few other things i did an inverted ragdoll which was quite fun that's another new one for me because usually i just do a ragdoll apply physics and let them drop but this one i had to do a ragdoll basically like before but i inverted gravity and i had to do the angular drag and the drag of all the joints a little bit so it looks like he's floating up and for the depth of the water just to make that blue shades i didn't really go all in with volumetrics and stuff like that i did it uh the cheating way that's what that's me uh i was gonna say that was me that's not me but the uh uh oh yeah i just put a lot of transparent sheets between uh like different layers of the background so it gradually shaded it towards like a blue color for the depth so you can download that unity project and if you want to have a look at it it looks a total mess it's like hack and slash just make it work within the uh within the time and i guess you have 48 hours for ludum there leave them there 48 48 hours that was a bit of a coincidence but i managed to put 15 hours into the game and uh considering that little amount of time i was happy with the result and i also wanted to make my first one-click game so there's only one button that you need to do in the whole game and that's press spacebar but if you time the swim downs then you can go a little bit faster so you can reach that depth and the theme of course was deeper and deeper so i thought every time you go you're going to go a little bit deeper it's time to model a spiderbot and i'm going to go for the old cool palette again the solid link is might be in the description let's go ready steady go we're off tap into the mode a select everything g oh no first of all of course bottom mirror a g move it up scale it down bring it in and here i'm going to copy this for the legs shift d and copy this for like a little gun turret at the top here l scale y control r maybe six loop cuts on this one because then you get a nice even number to do this little effect with that we're gonna use so we're gonna do i to inset b to get the root of the boundary in the center alt s to scale it down and here let's do like a head so ctrl r scale it out there maybe bring that down and here we go i'm just gonna do some sort of a like spider-like body or something i don't know g okay hey select everything let's make it a little bit darker this time dark spider like in minecraft g orange bit robotic no minecraft anymore g to move that on i think that should do and make a little bit point here and we can do an i here so i to inset oh i to inset the eye hilarious not really g red spin cycle on the washing machine is going up again bear with it stay with me let's see g okay i haven't started the legs yet so let's that's the eye let's do it like scale it down archer rotate scale it down i'm going to do period and do uh no i'm not comma and do normal so we get the normal directions there e to extrude e took shoot s to scale e to extrude e to extrude that's the scale i'll just do like a robotic leg of course so that's it simple as that and here let's copy this one shift d scale it down e to extrude that's the scale do it like internally like that don't have to worry about the hydraulics and stuff like that we should be getting away with it low poly we'll get away with it it's extrude sd scale e2 extrude sd scale e to extrude no i'm not going to say scale that one shift d scale it down e to extrude s to scale e takes true that's the scale e to extrude e texture s this game and i'm going to do like spiky legs here so i don't have to worry about feet 7 47 on the clock here i'm gonna do l to select the linked hair though and rotate this so the legs don't get too long so g okay e to extrude i'll just all the way down to the tip you know scale pointy feet there ctrl r but i'll chunk them up a little bit here put some features here now i'm gonna do some shields of some sort here so let's just do uh let's select that one each extruder i'm going to attach it to the actual leg so it's a little bit easier to weight paint because we have to do manual weight painting for this need to extrude so let's do the shield here the leg shield e to extrude for the spider bot e to extrude r to rotate and then let's shift select a few of these and alt t extrude long face normals g to move it down scale z no x no y okay no apparently no axis so let's leave it then and g to move that on spiky i think the washing machines don't know to move that on okay this should do and then uh i'll do features here as well so maybe i'll gg something wrong oh yeah that's because that one so ctrl r let's do four here i'll select these item set alt test to scale them down and make them orange and then here 621 we'll do the same type of feature here so b to extrude e to extrude but here i'll just do one i think like this e to explode like a shield here on the leg as well all d to extrude long face normals is that even what i'm doing i hope so g move that one and should we do move that one up ctrl r we'll just do one loop here height inset all test is scaled down orange and here it felt like it was a bit too thick so let's do shift select these and spike this up as well don't need to protect the leg that much that should do and should we do some something weird no i think that should be all right dude e to extrude that's the scale little details here okay never mind and now i'll do the torrent turret so g to move that one back to there e to extrude i'll just do something super simple e to extrude s to scale e to extrude and then h extrude s to scale and then here i'm just going to do like a cannon or a gun let's just call it a gun shift d duplicate that on the scale bring it down to there and bring it in because it's going to have like a recoil effector e to extrude you to extrude again s to scale a little bit taller y okay comma and do global again and then e to extrude e to extrude that's the scale e to extrude here's just like the tip of the gun or something e to extrude s to scale item set b for boundary and e to extrude in that's a big cannon big cannon hole ctrl r six loop cuts maybe that was too many i don't know let's do those like indentations here as well i'll test to scale that on let me bring those up and here should we do like a shield in the back here as well all the extra long oh all the extruded face normals scale z rotate g e took screwed as the scale and we'll do those i'll just do one here as well alt s scale it down g okay four minutes to go let's try to rig this and i have to figure out how to do this now because let's do some maybe dark parts here too okay okay uh so to do this i need to do more legs here g to move uh i have to first of all do the armature shift a armature and here let's go into this tab and do viewport in front tab in credit mode i've got three minutes to to awesome i was trying to call rotate minus 90. ah can't answer now maybe that's the fiber uh i'll just have to decline for now and pick up after shift space g uh shift d that's for the turret that's for the gun and name this one root name this one turret name this one gun and then we'll do this one needs to be connected so control p keep offset and this one needs to become vectors one keep opposite and i have to do the legs so e to extrude g to move it g to move that one down oh i have to do inverse kinematics with this two two forty eight this is not gonna work i'm panicking now fail duck might be coming up uh let's see so i have to compare that one control p keep offset leg a dot l zero zero one weird name and g to move that on down e texture down up to no g there i need to extrude it down to the tip and this needs to be segment b but leg one and this one needs to be ligament legacy let's see one still i feel panic now two minutes to go each extrude uh p now alt p clear apparent g to move down high up because this is going to be the pole target for some flippy legs i need to find the d4 needs to go off and then e to extrude on alt p clear parent deform off ik target dot l dot zero zero one i k poll dot l zero zero one and now i do have to do the image kinematics two so i have to go control tab pose mode did i name this correctly yeah uh 132. um honeykin uh inverse kinematics there and we need three segments this time and here's the armature so armature and ik target here's the armature ik pole and that's flipped out i have to do a to select everything shift n view axis roll calculation tab again and we have to do this one this 180 because it's probably yeah that like works control tab okay now i need to duplicate this so shift select these uh 57 seconds to go this uh let's see i'll move that one to g minus one okay g there two minus one minus two okay um let's move shift d two shift d two okay thirty four seconds uh tab inside mode l to select all the links here [Music] and then back shift d to shift d minus two oh no ah top view g minus four that's it and here we go 10 seconds to go and i'm gonna actually move these a little bit closer again l shift select everything and great great so the 10 minutes are up and i did manage to sort of model a spiderbot and i created the armature roughly but i failed to link it up and you can't do automatic weights with this anyway so i don't think i was even close when it came to it at the end here so the idea was to do a rigged spider bot in 10 minutes and that sort of failed so i'm gonna have to move into the bonus content now and rig it and we'll do a little animation for this spiderbot as well but when you think about it maybe was it a fail or was it a huge success because i managed to model the spiderbot well within the 10 minutes so this is the bonus material now and this is where we take care of the rest of the rigging and the animating let's try to just ignore that everything that just happened and let's move on let's proceed okay so i'm still going to try to keep the pace up though a little bit but it's weird without the pressure on kind of keep the pace open you should always work on the pressure it's always a lot better so what we're going to do here let's take these bones here shift space g i'm going to move them a little bit closer together again because i think they ended up a little bit far apart so let's shift select a bunch of those and move them up okay i need to move the whole bone oh the the tempo significantly drops after the pressure is off so g um let's do on this axis 0.5 that's a little bit better i think and then we'll move this one down too shift select those g minus 0.5 there we go and then we'll do the same for the legs here so l l l to select linked g middle mouse button zero negative zero point five start ll g 0.5 okay so the idea now would be to let's see everything's there since i named them the way i did we can parent these now i think everything's pretty much set up i've got the inverse kinematics we had that in time though so that worked within the time limit that's pretty good could've been worse so with this done i think it's time to do them symmetrize so a to select everything no tab into edit mode on the armature a select everything f3 oh that's cache since the last challenge symmetrize there we go and that one's all symmetrized and control tab post mode the inverse kinematics everything works for both legs yeah that works and this works so let's uh parent it we have to do a little bit different because uh now since we're outside of the 10 minutes bonus then when we parent this i can show you that we don't really want to use automatic weights because if i do that ctrl p so i shift select there first i select the mesh shift selected the armature control p if i do the automatic weights now it sort of works but if you look here ctrl tab into post mode g and see that it's moving the face and it's distorting the legs a little bit so you don't really get that hard feeling but it did actually do a pretty good job but this is no good so instead of doing that we want to lock everything 100 in place so to do that let's controls that out now i'm going to do again select the mesh shift select the armature control p and then do with empty groups i've done this a few times in the past for like the mech warrior type thing but let's do it we'll start with the body here so tab into edit mode l to select this one ctrl g and set active group okay we didn't name this one apparently root so let's let's do that first f2 i thought it did ah did i name that one okay tourette's uh root i alright do like a programmer's tourettes like singleton singleton singleton garbage collection garbage collection let's go l select the linked purchases for the body and then now we'll do ctrl g set active group root ctrl g assign to active group l this is going to be a bit repetitive control g set active group turret ctrl g still a side tag to group you get a little bit faster when you've done it a few times so l control g set active group gone ctrl g assigned to actually group and now comes the fun part we have to do it for the legs so l that's why we sort of named them a little bit decently control g set active group leg a l.001 so i'm just going to do it now instead of saying all this so we'll do this one and you get start to get into the repetitive moment here so you can slow this down if you need to l g and this one this one ctrl g assign type group that's why it's good to have all the leg components attached to each other as well because it makes this uh sub part a little bit easier i tried with them i can't really speak and do this at the same time but i have tried with envelopes instead of automatic weights and that doesn't really work so well either so this is pretty much the only way i've found to do the hard surface stuff when i connect them up and a spider shooter i have eight legs i only did six legs ah that was to save some time and it looks cool enough i think with six legs so ctrl l set active group and here we go the last one this one control a hope i remember to assign them all here l control g there control g active group and the last one l we have only have to do one side sec active group like oh nearly another one no it was the wrong one not nearly it was the wrong one it was nearly the right one and a scientific group okay now we can check it ctrl tab post mode g will it move that moved this one moved and that one moved and these should work then yep success and the poll targets here will aim the legs so that's done um we should also try to animate this one because i haven't really modeled any i haven't really animated stuff that's not like a bipedal thing so let's go into the animation tab we'll do the right thing first set this one to texture and shadow and we'll do cavity of course both so we get a pretty interface here when we look so here we go there's the spider with a little cannon on so let's animate it first of all i'll go to the action editor here instead bring this one up and let's create a new action let's call this one uh just we can't call it t-post because it's not a t-pose we'll call it uh just default i'll do an underscore as well remember your neutral pose put an underscore at the top of the actions because when you import it into especially unity i don't know about the other game engines but it inherits the post from the first action so tip pro tip from an from an amateur so there we go uh a little shield light come to protect that from deletion and go back to first frame here and now we'll do item search not inset this time and location and rotation and that creates that frame so we've got the default post there for everything now should we do like an idle post as well we'll do idle little idol billy idol no it's a spider idol there we go so on the idle frame i'll spread the legs out of it g to move that on g if you move it from the top view like this with inverse kinematics the feet will always be anchored really well to the ground so i y you move them perfectly along that axis so i should have actually had the animation thing take down here for automatic keyframing so i don't forget insert let's lower the poster there and should we just do like a wobble bobble pose here so this one goes down a bit maybe the bomb goes up and and we'll just change the pole angles here a little bit for some movement of the legs we want the feet to be anchored though that's important because you don't want them to move around on the ground so there and there and that's and as we rotate the body we could rotate the turret up a little bit oop to compensate so it look looks like it's aiming the weapon forward at all times and let's see that works and then we'll do a to select everything b to box select down there shift d to duplicate on the dope sheet to frame 40 and we'll do 39 and 8 select everything shift e and make cyclic and this one will loop forever then and make a pretty good thing so that could be the idle pose for if we can hide the armature as well now that the washing machine is finished i just noticed i'm hearing that they're drilling in the road they're cutting the road up outside but don't worry it's for a very very good cause we're getting fiber finally so i don't have to stream these things during my through my 4g little sim card thing that keeps running out of data so finally a decent internet connection all right back to the thing we'll do one more animation too so i'll copy this one that's the idle looks like he's breathing heavily so wobbling legs there but that's okay so walk let's try to do a a six-legged walk cycle okay how's this gonna go we'll have to show the armature again press space to stop it let's do go back to frame one and the walk here and okay so control tab into post mode select all of them delete everything and for this one i'm just going to animate the left side of the spider here first so i'll take this one this leg let's move it forward this one goes back and this one goes forward i think it's like a an inverted cycle when they walk so that one can go forward even to there and i think i'll skip the pull targets for now i'll just try to animate the legs so i'm going to go forward four frames one two three four five six seven eight so i'll go forward eight frames because now we need to i think just move this leg back g maybe to there this leg goes forward and this leg goes also back so it's like the opposite and we can't have the legs sliding like this that looks super weird so instead of him sliding we have to lift but only the leg in the middle here needs to lift because the ones that are moving backwards are anchored to the ground pushing the spider forward so let's go forward halfway there so four frames and this is the only leg i'm going to lift up let's lift it in to shield this body there too like this it looks like it's a different number of keyframes here i thought it went from four or four frames one two three four okay i missed it so move it forward and move there i think that's should work yeah and then we have to go back to this of course so shift select these i'll actually insert the keyframes here as well i think item set location rotation and then here i have to think now this one is going to come back to this post so and i have to go eight frames in one two three four five six seven eight oh it's on cyclic that's fine that's why it's animating without the keyframe shift e clear cyclic that makes more sense probably yeah so and i'm only needing to animate these uh the rotations of the bones will take care of themselves since it's a merged kinematic so ctrl c and then here we'll skip in eight frames one two three four five six seven eight control v we're back to there and then here the only difference here now is that we need to lift those two legs because they're moving forward so this is the only one that anchoring the spider and we have to mirror it i think on the other side so halfway through here there we go one two three four then we'll lift these legs up instead front view g move it and let's protect the body there so that should be it maybe you can do this more expressive i think uh if you tried so there i think that works and then we'll loop it on frame 16 here shift space that works i think and now we just have to mirror this i think for the other side and then make the body move a little bit so it doesn't look so static and i don't think you can mirror we want them the post is offset as well so this could be a little bit tricky you should insert the location rotation keyframe there so let's think now i have to copy the mirror post i think i'll do it straight forward first so control let's see can i do all of this let's try it on the dope sheet ctrl c ctrl shift v okay that didn't work i i don't know if the paste mirror post works so well when it's not like on a humanoid so i'll have to do them manually maybe ctrl c ctrl shift v ctrl c ctrl shift maybe it was the naming scheme that i used that was broken so that's mirrored the poses let's just do that for all of them control c ctrl shift v ctrl c ctrl shift v ctrl this is a new one ctrl c ctrl shift b and then this one control the reason why you don't see any difference because when i do ctrl shift v it's actually i've only got this one selected and when i'm pasting it mirrored it's actually affecting the dot r bone here that's why it doesn't change down here ctrl c ctrl shift v ctrl c ctrl shift v and then we've only got a few more ctrl c ctrl shift v ctrl c ctrl shift v ctrl c ctrl shift v one more bear with me why do i change i could have stopped it from there ctrl c ctrl shift v ctrl c ctrl shift d ctrl c ctrl shift b i couldn't be quiet but i'm not so this won't work either because you kind of have it so symmetrical i don't think so it works works like that yeah i guess it was a bit robotic but i think i'll try to mirror it to see if the not mirror it i'll offset it so on this side select the ik target bones and then i think i'll just control i think i only need to there ctrl c and then just control v now because these are already mirrored correctly og og move it in original gamer there we go and then now i'll delete these delete g to slide them down this is probably an easy way to do this but there oh and we've got duplicate frames here need to get rid of them because they were duplicate copied a little bit too many and there and that one should be the same as this one yeah that looks better i think a little bit a bit more creepier but we need to do something with the body too so and i have no idea how to animate the body when it's moving here so let's do let's tilt it so let's pretend i don't know there's probably some science to this which we should be tilting like where the weight let's put the weight on this one he's moving forward with two legs so i guess the most weight would be on the on this side so to get some sort of realism you should always think about like center of gravity and stuff when you animate so let's not think about that too much no you should think about it archer rotate g to move it to there let's pretend he's got the weight like shifted over a little bit ctrl c here we can paste the shift a flip one or something so one two three four five six seven eight ctrl shift v that moves it over and then we have to duplicate this one on frame 16 control v okay that's too much way too much let's do a little bit more subtle then shall we alt r alt move it rotate and let's move it down to there ctrl c frame 8 ctrl shift v ctrl or frame 16 is a frame 15 that i meant to do no 17 oh it's frame 17 okay easy to get confused control v not control shift yes like it's wrong one two three four five six seven oh that's on the wrong frame okay and then maybe we'll do drop it should we go up to here ctrl c ctrl v okay and then we could compensate i think with the turret as well so it's like a gyro in here are to rotate control c and then go to frame nine then ctrl shift v go to frame 17 control v all right let's hide the armature okay that could probably looked a lot better but i think the general movement of the leg it looks a bit spiderish i think so you could probably spend some more it should be try to slow it down a bit maybe it's too fast so show the armature a to select everything keyframes scale two oh okay apparently then select all the keyframes scale two g move it to here frame one and then we have to cycle it on frame 32 instead we can see a little bit slower here and it's animated in place now so you won't really see that it's moving forward but it should be possible to animate it forward at a steady pace i think uh or you could do root motion and animate it into the spell i think that should be all right but then i think i like the more rapid it's a bot after all it's going to be like in a quick game so let's make it faster again 16. there we go i like that one more a bit more rapid come back next week for another episode of the 10 minute mauling challenge it's going to be episode 72 and not only that i'm going to be since i've had the ludum dare out of the way now and my wife's birthday which was wonderful and it's out of the way but that's not what i meant to say like that sounds weird it sounds like i didn't enjoy it but it was really nice actually we had a really good time weirdo okay i'm taking myself a little bit of a pity so uh ludum dares out of the way um no matter how i put it it sounds like like out of the way now that the ludum dare is out of the way and we've had birthdays we're doing a little bit to the house and everything but now it's uh i should have some time now to do the rest of those narration uh segments with the little wild west game the gunfighter thing so that should be a little bit fun keep your eyes out for those videos and uh i'll see you next week i've got a patreon as well if you want to go there it's uh patreon.com infensia and if you like this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already and i'll see you next week bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 194,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imphenzia, spider bot, animation, animate a spider, blender, blender 2.92, blender spider robot, lowpoly, gamedev
Id: YqYTg4YUxP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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