Imphenzia - Blender Spaceship + Unity 2019.3 Shoot'em Up

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[Music] just make sure the stream comes up give it a few seconds all right yeah I'm screaming again you know I'll try to live a little while like little guys seem that you're dropping in in the shop now Oh everything's good I'm good thanks how are you guys so today I was thinking I was gonna I did that 10-minute video a little while back where I did modular spaceships and I had some requests in the comments to implement those into a unity project but I thought I'll do that but I'll also remodel the ships with some less stress so I'll do a bit of a few modules and I'll have them imported into unity and we'll make a little small space you could game today I think so we're here in Sweden it's nearly half past midnight now so the kids are finally about going to sleep I'm a terrible down because they be not way too late to in summer but now they're in their bed and I'm gonna spend there probably a whole bunch of hours now but I probably have to replace this I don't I'm still waiting for a battery or like a power supply for my camera so I can so I don't have to change the battery all the time because they will probably run out about once an hour oh hello guys glad you like the channel so I know it's late but and it's a short notice but let's see what we can get alright yeah same here Oh Oh 24 so let's say let's just get started I hope everything's up and running you have to let me know if I get out of sleep or something like that as usual I've got my palette loaded so if you don't know how to get this palette just check out my low poly editing video with a long one perfect I go through how to get this palette sorted and if you're watching the rerun at this one hello guys Germany Italy so it's late for you guys to sorry to keep you so an alt e' to scale along normal so good all right I'm just gonna start doing some modules again though so I know I'm gonna get distracted a little bit by the chat they're not distracted it's great to see you guys chat my way but I tend to be able to talk and do stuff at the same time but I'm terrible at reading at the same time so let's say hey in fancy at you your space for unity and procedure planet access work for each DRP no they don't yet because I need to update those and I'm just learning it's the RP and u RP myself I'm actually gonna be using you RP today but I do need to update those assets Oh Belgium Ukraine Norway France whoa very a lot of you staying up late so let's say let's get started I'm just gonna do the autumn mirror again I'm not gonna stress these bills at all so you have to bear with me just gotta take it quite easy today will make you oh and all the music that I'm playing as well I'm gonna put a playlist up it's my own music it's about four hours of it so this should last most of their YouTube crashed okay I hope you didn't crash for me it's still streaming okay let's say it creates a few more low poly modules here I'm gonna do it all that's slower so you can follow along I've got screencast keys running again so you can see them so let's see what should we do I'll do ship by4 are a few times we'll make up a few extra modules this time some variations that's good yeah thanks haircut I finally had to get it on been postponing getting my haircut to be with Alcoa thing and then finally I decided to do it so I picked the least popular head barber shop or whatever you called it in Sweden in unison and then I did it when they were about to close no one else was around where do I publish my games on each die oh I've got a few most we've done my dentists not a lot of their prototypes and I don't really finish so many of them but my Ludum dare games in there anyway it's so look up in Pensione each time I oh yeah which is it better I have to check out to twitch and I'll have a clue how to twitch okay I'm talking more than I'm doing much more than just a with you this is a bit unusual for me to do the strange items so I'll do the same type of thing cockatoo just tend to make them fake black plasticity first kind of be similar to the other yes I participate in game jumps but only one of them Ludum dare is pretty much the only one I have climbed for it he used to run three times a year now it runs two times a year which is pretty good for me oh yeah before cube for the winter I understand it for you guys have to go sleep I should really be going to sleep as well because I'm gonna be tired tomorrow but this is some too much fun so I can't really help myself I'll stuff my kids are finally getting a bit older so they can take care of themselves when they wake up so gone are those days where you have to spend basically well when you go to bed at like 4 a.m. and then the kids wake up and you have no choice but to get up now I can just stay I don't know if the volume of what the volume is like yeah this track actually made 5 years ago for a game I don't think the game was actually ever released it wasn't my game I made it for a project alright thanks guys I'm gonna try to stay up to date with there's so many chat comments here it's ok great to see you sorry if I kind of answer everyone great Brazil as well cool glad you like them please how do you get good they're good let's see how do you get good blender craft qualities how do you mean craft what you mean by that not quite sure what you mean so let's do ITIN set eat extrude I'm gonna mix the music a little bit so it's some of my trans music today and it's some of my game music that I've made for games and it's some piano music like this one and there's some chip music so if you start to hear like something that sounds like Mario Brothers then you know I've warned you how another sneaky live show this one I actually announced in my discord about half an hour ago but I don't see any responses there so I don't know if anyone actually spoke to my I find it's so difficult to find the time to attend like do all the things do the videos do my day job do the house and then the discord I knew sort of that the discord was going to be something that I'd struggle with but I'll try my best at chopping as often as I can yeah but are you by modeling good question I'm just doing some spaceship modules here so I'm gonna make yeah I really like her to do the spaceships modular because when you do like a shoot-'em-up game then you can have the modules explode and separate and you can have them as separate hit boxes with their own colliders and everything like that so I tend to just do random stuff like this so ulti to extrude along face normals scale goes down a bit see what is your GPU I've got a actually a bit of a beast and I went all-in when I did my last move machine so it's 2080 TI the GP or the graphics card cost pretty much like the rest of the computer I think so let's just do some random this could be something like a cargo module personally maybe I'll colorize these of them so if I ever were to try to do a 10-minute build in in a livestream I'd probably get so distracted that I'd probably couldn't complete it let's see what software do I use for music I used to use blender most I used to use Cubase most of the time and now I've started to transition to Studio One by persona sudden difficulty I think it feels like you're Cubase is left a little bit behind feels a bit outdated I think oh good crazy spike so you saw my announcement that's good so what software do you use for music oh yeah that's the one I already apply to that one so yes I'm gonna do some merch actually I ordered my samples today so I've created some merch some t-shirts hoodies coffee cups and what else oh there's a chiptune so sorry guys if you're into chip music sorry about that this is called yeah if the volume are right on the on the music is it too loud too low a low poly to the arch no way I've never tried that how do you do that we can do maybe hear some so much focus focus focus maybe this could be some rich thing just a tad bit high okay that's gonna be a problem because I think my volume here is have you tried using the Unreal Engine 4 yes I am and I'd really like to use that engine because I know that it can produce amazing results but I'm not good at this C++ and I find it really difficult to to get adapted to the engine so I think they Levi and everything like that feels so foreign to me so I wish but I'm gonna give it another chance it's more of a personal thing that I just need to get used to I think I've got some of my assets running most mostly the sound once in Unreal Engine and my space boxes I don't have you seen my space box assets as well it's not space for unity but it's like static space box hello guys yeah would you ever sleep wear it just work for 24 hours i sleep way too level as some of you guys comments rightly so in my videos that i look tired it's probably because i am best sleep about four hours a night maybe sometimes I sleep two hours and sometimes five and sometimes I sleep like eight and then very rarely but oddly enough I can sleep like 14 hours let's see yeah I know performance for C++ is unrivaled I know I really have to learn it I totally agree see so I'm gonna make a few model models models a few modules and I'm not going to assemble the ships in blender I'm going to assemble them in unity as well because that gives a lot of flexibility so I'm just gonna be doing the modules here but I should actually colorize them a little bit more maybe so make a little bit more interesting just do it-- insert that on get extrude them darker there a colorized employment well actually I think I'm gonna color them all instead of using this standard great I'm gonna go for this bluish gray I think it looks a little bit more methylene and same thing for these when I'm gonna reveal my RTS game it's not so far away we're actually discussing how to do that we're entering a closed alpha testing now and I might in the discord we might be looking for a few extra testers so I might announce something there for people to sign up their interests too and do some alpha testing we're playing the game a lot now and it's we're having so much fun playing the game and I just hope others will do it it's still a prototype look to it so even though I've spent a lot of time doing blender stuff and the game is so complex in the development that I could have spent a lot more time on the actual graphics but we just had to try the concept to see that it was fun to play and now we're actually hooked ourselves we play if we could we'd play all the time instead of developing it but we have to do this for instance no I said no I didn't get a 20-18 just for low poly modeling I played games as well and do play a lot of games whatever Atari experience yeah unity is I think blueprints are good but you can't really I'd say that you have to do some development some coding to do so I probably if you knew I'd recommend starting with unity because it makes it easy to get started then you can always change it back to unreal which one but I believe I spoke to a guy and he said that someone made an entire game quite a complex one in blue principle it sounds very which gained may I ask that I play or that I'm developing at the moment so kneecap which one day me yes okay I'm gonna at some point I'm gonna do a 3d model of a gun sorry I have been postponing that because I'm not quite sure what country if I should make a real one or a sci-fi one but I'll I'll do something TIE fighter yeah it looks a little bit like do you need any online services for your artists I'm not sure what you mean by online services we're hosting the back-end service at the moment in the Microsoft Azure I'm not sure and we use unity and the some of the cloud services see sorry guys if I'm missing some part 6 of the low-poly game not sure yet I still have to remake it the problem is that I've gotta rerecord and remake it I can't just use the old footage because I've changed it so much that it would be a really long editing process ended up actually what am I doing here I'm gonna do some vengeance that was some other modules simply just see we'll do do l let's disable clipping move our point scale this out L to put no effort to cap it then I'm gonna do this one just just be quiet for okay now let's make some shall I do engines first of all two engines so what is the name of the game you're making it's not decided just yet where I just have a project barking name for it most likely we might have found a name for it number one so yeah yes a roblox game at some point I will be making I'm just learning that one two my son is into it and my other kids as well so I'm gonna make something in roblox I'm thinking as well see maybe I'm debating whether I should make them after cyber I should assemble them in here so you use procedural planet back to these official yeah I haven't actually I was kind of keep it a little poly for now so which track is this I forget the names of my own songs that I made oh yeah I made this one for a game actually called plasma sky it's an Android game I don't know if they made it for it a really cool guy you made us suitably enough I shoot him up game so heightened sense Gale period and doing to the Georgians Cowboys time so someone is funny with this track someone got rickrolled I didn't know what that means but apparently it sounds like Rick Astley it like an 80s - I wanted to make this tune so it sounded a bit 80s because and early 90s because I used to do I used to love that mob music from the Amiga and like the demo scene since PI delivered my space synth music this is probably this you stated a shoot-'em-up game in the title so it's just gonna bring these little spaceships into unity today and see what I think we can just get something small what we're running yeah I know low poly acids for you on real engine I wish I had the time to actually do stuff because stuff sells in the market and but the game that I'm making now is taking up so much of my time I find it really difficult to maintain even the assets that I've got so I have to how do you export these as separate FBX files yeah usually actually for blender 2.79 I made a script by exports these I'm going to I have to redo that script so it works in 2.8 because then basically I just had all these as objects and I just hit export batch and then it picked the name that I had a separate objects here and exported those as individual files a bit wider [Music] hi Jessica yeah we Unreal Engine 4 supportive land I know unity does but I tend to actually prefer FBX because the files are smaller and it used to be that when you sold us it's in the asset store you couldn't actually use blend files they didn't allow it I think they might have changed that now I sort of just like the size that they're so much more intense at that one extrude okay now let's do some wings as well and I'll have to call it quits on the Sun and start bringing it into unity I think that you thought process on whether to duplicate or extrude and steel duplicate or extrude and scale I do both but sometimes i duplicate and sometimes like i duplicate faces sometimes like this shifty with an ex-student to make separate objects is it possible to add a mission on a modest yes I could do I'm probably going to do the mission in unity instead actually I should add some stuff here we can induce an emission stop here so I should make them maybe track is this oh yeah Christmas I made this one when I lived in England orange I think no I'm gonna make these some I want the fire in the game to be orange so I don't want to confuse the ships tighten this up oh I've disabled clicking let's do some feature goes off okay somebody's done Deacon's trip first let's do a flaming because sometimes that's a baby now let's do stylized bring it on maybe rotate this and why now we'll do this track I don't know if anyone of you heard tassels in the sky by ear month all that was popular about 20 years ago this track I converted into a remix because had a remix requests for one of their tracks [Music] oh is the music over PI over my voice okay I can't even lower the volume anymore but I can raise the volume on my microphone okay oh I should probably pause that but then have to promote my own music a little bit so I'll keep it on the button where's my I'm missing it Mike got way too many icons in my tray here I'm trying to find my there's my mixer setting for my sound card let's be crazy backing off this one hopefully my voice is a little bit louder now check check check stop better guys man that really sucks man what sucks let's see I missed a lot of stuff there yeah still in quarantine that sucks well sweetness doing it a bit differently I don't really agree with the way we do it yes I'm using oh yes let's see my job right now I'm there making the RTS game that's my main job we don't get paid anything because we're self-funded for it since a year ago so it's a bit of a gamble to say the least I know it's a bit risk and they might not even pay off but I hope they do so otherwise my job is IT security consultancy I've been doing that for many years okay perfect mix that's great thanks guys what about workout oh thanks sir Josh glad to hear that sorry I'm missing so many comments if I were wanted to try to reply to as much as I can but I get it for some reason I can like I said before I can talk and the model at the same time but trying to read and answering questions at the same time finding it difficult Hayes how sweetness it's pretty good so well if you disregard everything like politics Kirill knows do diorama yeah I'll do another one I'm not so happy with their last diorama that I mean so I can revisit that for sure one day see now we're gonna do something more that's a eat extrude that's the scale to do some work oddly shape us don't eat why it's too it's a straight about well actually that's like bobbing they eat it's true I think I broke something that what's the name please what's the name of one of the iOS game I've never made an iOS game actually because I don't really get along with the Aisin iOS and max I've got a MacBook Pro but I feel like I'm not a bit from planet when I use it I can't really use that one but the I made a game for the Android tests how to release it in the Play Store and it was called parking spaces I really I was happy with that game but it got taken down because I needed to update that privacy policy titles I to extrude that was another coffin dance moment I do that okay so we've got a few wings now we've got a few models on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 that's gonna do so what should we do let's see er all alone in fence on patron yes I am patreon thanks guys I know some of you can there support me there it's really appreciated that especially now since I'm making that rtst which brings in 0 so I'm having to try to live on savings and assets and patreon a youtube and I'm not big enough on YouTube net yes so it's eating into saving so patreon if you can but if you can't that's fine just happy to have you on my screen let's pray and I even drinking my coffee let's see yeah I'll actually reply to some questions here oh ok the attendant village challenges are great that's cool glad you like them thanks okay welcome your honor flying I spent 20 minutes yeah thanks guys thanks Josh for subscribing so actually this is so I'm gonna make a unit of it soon I've got they're crazy enough it's a 30 page script that I created to make a a very basic learn how to use unity so it's gonna be the most thorough unity introduction that I'll ever make in my whole life so that's coming so yeah 40 40 min videos 10 min challenges be unmuted me yes sir maybe in the future I want to try to build up a big subscriber base first and try to release as much as I can free and then maybe in the future I will do good in the course or something like that but for now I'll just keep everything free I think just to gain subscribers and things ah this particular tune if I was interested I made this one for my youngest daughter for every child that we got I've got three kids I composed the track for them each and this one wife's coming to you it was for me on my youngest one she's 62 I live in Sweden near Assam [Music] oh yes kid animation I know that's coming in the episode six finally when I managed to release that one hey I actually use an existing script for the skit so you can Google unity chorus kids I modified it a little bit but you should be able to use that one okay let's say I start to detach these modules now let's do P I thought anyway a P and then do by loose parts and now we've separated all these so there's gonna be okay thanks guys hello Spain which city in Sweden I live in ninasam which is south of Stockholm it takes about 40 minutes to drive but I usually do it in 20 for some stupid reason [Music] kindest man alive I don't know about that ask white kids they'll say I'm not so good sometimes when I make them clean their room or walk or something that's the body call this module oh great that you're learning guys happy together module actually copy this into my body - oh yeah sorry thanks tomato when I press f2 I know someone tipped me on that one before thanks guys or thanks ed I'm gonna actually who said that probably more of you but I can't say your name but knew your button and probably some other guys as well thanks f2 I keep forgetting that let's see module body or bridge bridge thing and then what should we call this one core why I call it almost have TIE fighters so let's just call that tie what this is the worst naming scheme ever this one I have to do differently because it's a when you export into unity this one is symmetrical so I only have to do one of these so for this one I'll apply I'll actually delete the layer modifier for this one and then I'll have to resend for this one so I'll do oh yeah how I got to an issue with the centers will not have to do this as well so I select an object I'll do shift s and do I see no I forgot that's the set origin just wrong one oh yeah I have to apply them they're my final apply the set origin let's see origin to geometry so try making a big beard I just shaved my enough today but I guess you mean in 3d so will this video stay yes it will I think my this is only the second time I live stream but they'll be available for as far as you can see because they keep getting used interests hello Vietnam consider getting blender models in a yard no I haven't actually I don't really know much about the ohms teach with cool and calm thanks I'm hardly know what I'm doing I just tend to do stuff and speak so that it comes across very useful oh yeah especially the Star Wars I'll have to do another Star Wars it's been a long time since I did a Star Wars headphones are you rocking oh I've got the Audio Technica mhm something fifty they're old now so they're falling apart wrap it get smooth maybe do some glowing lines between those empty wings are we talking here okay I'll just finish renaming these and researching this side let's see the f3 its origins I can't really chat them to let's just apply all these so this one will take away because it's going to be one-sided and here I actually have to keep them because in unity you don't really want to flip the geometry so I have to export these as left or right wings oh I did a plug-in for that one should should have used that one to MIT it's not something so let's see core not one yep sheets see what should we do f3 origin to geometry earthly origin to geometry f3 origin to geometry every origin to geometry at the origin to geometry and then we'll do I'm going to send to these as well and seen so in this one we should name not one we have so we go engine and one nothing that's gonna be just so wing 1 2 3 4 and then here what should we do this one will apply this one I'll just check if I have what did I call it let's see I renamed something split something I think I upgraded to 2.83 after I changed that no I'll just do it manually from sorry guys are missing the chatter you know if I considered releasing my music for streaming eyes I was thinking about it I've got some of it on Spotify thanks glad you like it oh yeah living room with the AR I have to look into that one day have a bit more so Christian and congratulate on the channel Thanks let's see the challenge of the signing in ten minutes sir was born by working at home with your children yeah pretty much I just wanted to start with something that was quick to make and I like confined like restrictions when makes you focus a lot more when you have to do something within a certain time frames what kind of games do I play I and now I play evil mind all the bits so that's the time killer of all I used to play that one 15 years ago and now I started with my kids again play a little bit of roblox with them but it's not so many roblox games that I like so I'll have to make my own once there and then I played fortnight's so I wish I was better I used to play a lot of FPS games like Unreal Tournament Rainbow six then I like the old style of adventure games Lucas art games and Sierra games and stuff so see sorry guys I'm missing so many things I just have to do a little bit of this cuz let's see I'll try to get back to some questions in a minute so let's see we should what should I busted it's no applied easy thing and then I'll do top LP separate by lose parts do the same for this one so I made a plugin for this one to actually do this myself err so it would take a mirrored objects and split them into it and rename them to left and rights but I guess it says is so few parts so now we have to actually have to name them l for left wing which track is this I tell you it's been so long since I made this oh yeah theme of decimation X so a few of my friends consider them friends I've only met them once in GDC but they made a game called estimation estimation X so my games a couple of brothers from Nova Scotia in Canada great guys so I made a game they made a game called decimation X and I made the music for that one and then they did out of the decimation game and I made music for enough okay and then I have to do the origin for these as well now I'd like to keep the pivot point so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna select that one shift s cursor to selected tab out so I get the 3d cursor there and then I'll do a preset origin and an origin to 3d cursor because when you rotate this you can actually put the modules really good on the spaceship and have them rotate it so that's really useful the tedious that I have to do it twice here but shift s cursor to selected nope f3 let's see from my I always named them so that the left is this from the ships orientation left and right so I hope I did that so it's when I assemble the ships later on that will be correct so let's see ship that's cause it's like a f3 set origin origin cursed ship us cuz it's selected table f3 set origin origin - cursor so so nearly don't know I've got a beer here as well what I'm gonna open soon and I've put it on an ice block it does absolutely nothing to keep it cool probably put it at least they couldn't make it worse I'm gonna celebrate when I bring it to unit oh how did I start with blunder I started many times to use blender I tried I used to use 3dsmax but I couldn't afford it and then I started to use blender about ten times I tried and then they had right-click as mouse select or you selected with the right mouse button and I just couldn't understand why you'd make again a program like that but finally since it was free I managed to convert about five years ago and I'm super happy now cursed selected origin cursor nearly don't know did they there she do cars have selected earthly Authority I know I could flip these sometimes I used the same meshes in unity as well and I scale them in I invert the scale by minus 1 but there's some hidden problems over time too if I'm gonna use a model them like this think I might let's see we've got this one centered so all their points should be alright so I've broken my one that I've actually got no such rule but I should really have such a rule but you should always save your files so I haven't saved this yet so if this crashes now it's my own fault but let's just live a bit bravely and scale this one then I want to make peace scale y a couple of longer ones as well now let's see okay I'm gonna try to reply to some questions sorry if I miss some of you guys you're faster piping and well not so fast I used to think you're smart but thanks so can you create a tutorial on creating this 70 polygons file characters maybe I could try maybe to do something I'm oh you know guys if I hit 100k I'm nearly on 80k subscribers now and if I hit 80k no ATK that's gonna be next week maybe or this week but if I hit 100k I'm gonna do a live stream and I'm gonna make the stream about and when I try to stream for 24 hours but I have to break it up to multiple streams I think and I'm gonna make low poly characters I think that's what I'm gonna make and I'm gonna do as many as I can and some animations for them in 24 hours so I can I've named the thought of a few characters and I've started to give them stupid names so sorry my stupid humor will probably annoy most humor and when I got my English skills from I studied in the US for a year I went to high school in Connecticut so yeah but then I lost that accent because I actually managed to quite a little bit of an American accent but then I married an English girl who's my wife now so my accent is totally messed up with something in between color palette is check out my descriptions on some of my videos it's there so I'm glad you like my videos guys I see a lot of comments like that I'm super happy to hear that it makes it takes a long time to make them and but I'm enjoying it and the blood comes across and they like oh great you're also making a game hey people what's my computer setup I've got a so an i-9 9900 Intel processor 64 gigs of ram because I do have massive orchestral libraries that I need to use then I've got the 20 80 TI and force Nvidia and then a whole bunch of SSD Johnson ask your kids for funny character names I actually asked them and I read them some of mine and he's just shook their hand and said that I'm stupid more or less they didn't use those things backwards but so you're gonna be probably rolling your eyes at some of my character names that I'm gonna be doing I've got a basically I tried to think of every oh what am i doing I'm doing stuff now without having the mirror modifier on so I'm not gonna do it okay that's it I'm gonna bring these in now let's do select all of the objects alt G to Center them all that resets them all to Center that looks pretty good and let's see now what should I do I'm actually gonna I'm gonna export all of these so let's see sorry guys I just have to check let's see I know I dragged it out because I needed to check where I saved on export FBX when I drag this out as well a bit because I've got the whole game projects and stuff here that it'll reveal my project names my secret project names for the games that I'm making up I'd be a problem but it could be some other stuff in the paths there that I need to take care of up let's see when I create a new one here let's bring unity up actually so let's create a new projects and let's call it YouTube shooter very creative name and let's use the universal rendell pipeline for this one so I like the high definition render pipeline a lot more because especially weirdly enough the shadows aren't a problematic like it is in all the other settings you really get some problems with broken shadows in the other render pipelines but unfortunately the high definition render pipeline is super tricky to get right it takes a lot of work to set up all the stuff so with the exposure and the color management and everything like that at least that's the way I find it so I'm gonna use the universal render pipeline that's also more performance if you're gonna do something for like mobilers look like that person that's great though let's see oh thanks I hope i'll hit osman Roseman hope I hit saundra case you will you do a music tutorial yes probably at some time I've got some really old ones and I should redo that I wish I had some more time I use libraries I've got a lot of soft synths like Nexus One and riaf X and C oh I've got a whole bunch of them from vengeance sounds and stuff but for Orchestra libraries I've got the east-west Symphony Orchestra Dimond library oh thanks John for joining the patreon sorry if there are more people that are joining patreon I'm super super grateful it really helps me out especially in these times but as I said earlier in this dream I totally understand if you can't as well so just having you watching it is great sink background oh yeah I don't know if you saw that one it's my the lava monster than I made patreon say can download some stuff as well all my music that I made is I think from that $2 tier you can download all my music so if you check in the patreon history it's about 10 hours worth of music with all the stuff that I've composed over the past 25 years let's see so I just started the default scene here in 2000 19.3 and I'm just gonna delete we don't really need this stuff in space so let's delete the example assets for the main camera we can switch over they've changed the UI in Blinn I like it more in unity now but it's a bit confusing to me because everything looks a bit different but I do prefer the new look so it looks a little bit more modern so what should we do we can see let's check some shots here so it's true well you show us how to make some game music yeah I think yeah yeah I will do at some point so I'll do chip style music and also some orchestral stuff and some more transistors oh yeah webinar on the self fracture I'm actually planning to do a tutorial as well while I'm hoping to do so and so the this lava monster that I made I'm gonna try to do a Cell fracture tutorial instead of that as well so haha what's the time traveller so you spotted some stuff there as well no that's not there are tsking that is another project I'm trying I love time travel so I've got some ideas for that serum yes I've got serum that's a VST for all of those of you who don't use music and a VST is a virtual instrument let's see ah no having new stream that do videos is great thanks but don't know why do thumbs up you every time I just sums up you can now click the like button but don't do too many times because it disables it I don't think that the erp comes with those reasons you can't get an empty ok alright madman yeah cool I'm glad you like my videos like some again I am Swedish I could speak a lot in Swedish but I'd lose half my audience so probably one I see you know your project list and unity table was visible for a sec yeah no that's okay it's okay it's just some random links and somewhere sighs okay let's see is this your music in the background yes it is so I've got it's on Spotify but somewhat not all of it but some of it is and for my patreon the $2 an offer you can download all my music it's about 10 hours secret projects yet say hey man your tutorial video source some of the best I've seen whoo that says a lot thanks guys write them let's see I need to what should we do but bringing this stuff in I'll just create there's so many I used like unity I started using unity in version 3 and then 4 and then 5 and then and then longer it gets it the more stuff you gets in the default scene with lots of weird assets they used to just be blank and empty it used to be a main camera and a directional light I sort of liked the old style a bit more so that's a delete some stuff there that's they even create this script folder and everything settings all right let's bring the stuff in oh so blender let's bring it to youtube tutorials we've got YouTube sugar one create a new folder here called meshes selected objects here's if you're I'm not pressed escape those with stupid so export FBX YouTube shooter one assets Misha's now you can imagine with all this stupid messing around that I'm doing now when you do when you edit the videos it takes forever to cut all this junk out when you do when you press wrong stuff and everything so let's I'm gonna export it as one FBX files but I'm gonna have the selected objects and then for some reason I deselect it but I'll just I don't want to lose this settings again but I do apply scalings and do FBX units scale and then do this experimental apply transform when you export it then the rotation and scale becomes correct so I'll just export that but I'll have to export it again because I need to select these but I wanted to keep this settings here so FBX spaceship modules selected objects if makes UNIX scale and then experimental apply transform that's it and now we should appear here for you so if it updates there we go so spaceship modules here and when you expand this all the separate objects here will be in to unity so now I didn't talk so much when I did that and I'm gonna do a proper tutorial on it so don't worry about that but I exported the FBX files with all the selected objects and then it automatically comes into unity and it's named like this sort let's see let's check that check this one this track which one is this it is state of confusion I made this one when it was confused by the are those sound effects on patreon free for commercial use yes they are so patreon scan download I even released goodie bags where I do some random sound effects and music a lot of the music as well I have to actually retro release June because I missed that one so I'll do that one again and you can use the music and sound effects that you download from those goody bag assets you can actually use in your own games and if you just scroll through the history you can get a year and a half's worth of goodie bag stuff so there's a lot of sound effects there that you can use commercially and using are you building a game or just designing now I'm just playing around with it for in the stream to show a few steps exporting them into the unity and stuff so why not use Godot I don't really know I haven't tried cold ups so I've heard some good stuff about it but I just use knows no unity solo so that's what I tend to use Jacob who designed my logo I did it on a piece of paper in 1997 I drew Milo alien and then I brought it into vector graphics and then I've just kept it ever since it's funny when I look at my some of the merch will actually have the alien on it so we're doing into that one it's funny I've gotten so used to seeing my logo alien that if I see it mirrored it feels like I'm gonna explode it feels like it's not totally weird-looking shape and I think I wonder if this is what people see when they see the the icon but for me it looks totally like it's gonna fall over so that was a bit of a Simon Weiss open source yeah I'm not too bothered with open source or not today it's good if it is but if it isn't I understand as well people have to make money make a living from stuff they make sometimes it looks oh yeah the wallpapers of space aha yeah space topic I'm actually going to bring up a few things in the stream there because I wanted to show let's see I've got some so again let's check this out this is also on the patreon one so let's see all papers ok I'll do a little slideshow of wallpapers there because if you're new to when my channel is stuff quiet most of the stuff that I've been doing for the past 10 years or so is not only music but also space stuff so poly modeling is only something that I've done low poly modeling in the last couple of years or something like that mainly but I've done a lot of stuff like this where it I've got some assets for unity where you create like a spacing so it randomly places nebulas and stars in a in a sphere so these are some screenshots from those things so there's another one some and these are seamlessly wrapped around like a space box or a sphere and then I also make procedural planets so these planets are randomly generated so the asset is only I was going to say it's one megabyte in size but it's actually six megabytes because the PDF into manual is five megabytes but all these textures are generated on the fly so and here's a screenshot from that parking spaces that I made for Android that got taken off because I need to update privacy policy and I've made it there I tried to do it like a what you call it free to play but with some upgrades but it feels altimeter stupid I just wanted to learn how to do it but I should have just released it for like a dollar or something some more space ponies more space ones a toxic planet so again these are just generated textures on the fly in unity and should demo that sometimes if you check my channel history you can see actually some videos of that mess it's it's closed a lot of this stone these are only wallpapers I know it's not that much to brag one most papers static but what it when they come from is quite fun see need more blender yeah it's gotta be a lot of lenders stuff please do a tutorial on plants yeah cuts right there a lot of shader magic in those planets I've spent two years making the shaders to get those plants to render properly huh so okay I'm talking too much here let's bring some modules you know so I've got the whole bit bunch of spaceship modules I'll just drag them into the scene pen and we can scroll in here and then we should create a a material here let's just create a new one called material call it common because it's going to use the common parts and then here I need to drag my pallet in how am i doing oh the battery is down too I might have to relaunch the stream at some point because my battery is down to one blip so might cut out to camera soon maybe that's a good thing let's see I bring this palette in to here just put it in the materials folder for now so I just dragged it from the desktop into here and here remember when you do the palettes this is only a really really tiny 8 by 8 pixels so this is super important in if you actually what I'll do is I'll do this first so you can see why it's important so I'll drag that into the albedo or the base map there select these and drag that one okay I did a mistake here I dragged the wrong modules in because I should do this instead if you drag this in it brings in all the ones but if you wanted to do them individually you can actually drag these and I think instead like that and that creates them without the textures but it got the mesh renderer and stuff on so I'll select these and then drag this common material on to there and now you can see that it doesn't quite look the same as I modeled them the colors are a bit off like here for example it's not the red that we expected on some of them let's see and if this one doesn't look black at all and this is because we've we have to do this compression needs to be set to none mm-hmm excuse me apply so that fixed part of the problems because the compression with on such a small texture actually makes the colors undistinguishable or non recognizable so that's one thing we need to do and the other important thing is rat mo no no filter mode bilinear change that to point in the plight that's super important too because otherwise it'll interpolate the colors between those so two things there yep what else should we do - that's crack an open this beer number it's cold enough I said I was gonna celebrate when I brought it into unity so it's cracked open up I'm not gonna drink it though save it for later planets in blender you have thought about planets in blender but I do mostly unity stuff and I don't do so much texture stuff in blender so how do you learn how to use unity I just saw that you using it one day start it off and try to do I in my coming blend no unity video where it's a crash course or a very basic introduction to unity I'm going to step through everything because I like to when I start to use a new program I especially like a game engine I try to do something extremely simple I'd like create a box and then I just see can I make that box fall down if I can do that I'll I'll make it see it kind of collide with something okay can I press space to make it jump can I use the arrow keys to move it and then I gradually just increase it so the unity project that I'm going to be setting up to demonstrate all of this is going to take you through everything like that it'll take you through the whole user interface here what all of these different things do and how you create your first scripts and how you do like your input how prefabs work how colliders work everything like that rigid bodies so I'll go through everything like that yeah you can unpack proof up as well that's great and if you drag this one yeah I sometimes I drag this whole thing as well and I just unpack it or move it don't but we've got a few of these now so let's see what should we do we need colliders on all of these as well for primitive ones I usually use primitive colliders so for these modules for example I tend to use for hit boxes it's not so you don't have to get there I'd say that the mesh colliders are they require so much more performance that it's not usually worth if you're gonna make a shoot-'em-up game or something like that so I'll just select these now and then I'll do ad components when the box Collider and that sort of resizes it to the correct size and usually that's okay but you could tweet them and sometimes you have to do compound colliders so this one for example is a bit too wide so instead of having that like that I'd probably do with this I probably disable the collider or remove it altogether create another child object too then I'll just demonstrate this colliders and then I do add Collider box Collider this is a bit of a painful my tusks too because it it doesn't automatically slice it but you use these sizes to change and then position it as well but it's I'd say that it's worth the effort poor for the performance if you're making a shooting game and especially if you're gonna make it for mobile I definitely recommend using primitive because I done some speed testing and it does make a big big difference if you're gonna have a lot of objects on the scene so and then you can add multiple box Collider soon oh yeah check this out this song sounds like that GI TS spider robot fights I'll check this out guys I made I made procedural nebulas as well one day let's see if we can bring our video I haven't released those yet I wanted to make a unity asset for that as well let's see I'm gonna bring now [Music] how many viewers they've got 190 whoa nice forget sometimes say well I thought I was talking to myself now let's see where am I going I'm good every time I switch PC I tend to just shove everything onto my NASA storage and then I have to go dig it out so I have to think like it wasn't more than a year ago since I made it then I have to dig it out see I stored it on my old II drive and Friends yeah you're not seeing what I'm doing now so I'm off screen again I've got a really wide screen so I'm only recording the top right corner which is a 1920 by 1080 section here check this out I'm gonna try to put it in the stream you're gonna do that here I'll pause this music so I know the music is a bit louder no because it's from this video but I made this track for this video because these nebula started growing now I made those in substance designer which is a program that can generate basically I use that to generate the textures for the planets and you can animate those parameters over time so I created a graph that generates nebula styled clouds like this and light them up and then I just exported like hundreds of PNG files and then I created these animations of it this video is actually on YouTube with the music and things so my son used to play it a little bit when I used to go to sleep on loop or repeats offense or it just created some nebulas on the screen and then happy music so I wonder if I've added that one to my patreon I should do that because that track should be written on occasions and it just goes through a few different ones here so the idea was to actually take these nebulas as well and have them procedurally generated in unity because it's super it was I was really happy when I found this method because my space for unity asset uses fixed images that are they take up a lot of space and these nebulas take out like that the source graph to create these nebulous is like 20 kilobytes or something and then you could just create an infinite amount of colorized nebulas maybe one day I'll get around to doing stuff so sorry for it going off on these side notes sorry let's see should unpause that one again just assignments let's eat can you can I know what oh yeah so that and that music in the background is actually called procedural nebulous and I think it's not on Spotify but it's on my patreon I think and if not I'll have to add it to do let's see infancy er how would you go about adding text decals or logos to the models hmm yeah good point I'd probably text you map those on to the modules so that I would on you be wrapped that probably so if you need text on it that's probably the spring I think the high definition render pipeline in unity supports decals but I haven't started to use that property thanks sacrament about from Egypt I hope I said your name wrong sorry about that excuse that so I want the procedural nebulous project that in my room that would be good I bought space for unity years ago didn't know until very recently when browsing your channel that you made it it's an awesome assets thanks I hope it still works properly I need to update it and feel really terrible for try to do so many things and I tend to follow behind on things what age did I start learning unity I was I'm 45 now woo getting up there so I started to use unity in 2011 or 12 maybe so I was 37 Wow okay okay here's another piano track this is for my son duplicate my soul I made this piano track when he was born so he's 10 if I ever did something in the demo scene I did actually I was in a demo group on the PC called the Skyhawks how about that name TSH we released a Christmas demo in 1992 it's still on you can find it somewhere in like an Internet Archive if you look for TSH or the Skyhawks Christmas demo you'll read the most ridiculous scrolling text that we wrote I don't know why we would write such a weird messages that we did as if anyone was interested but I wasn't that one let's see and what H there start learning unity oh yeah so we get access to these files I don't know it's much to get access to probably I'm gonna add everything everything tutorial why some do I'm gonna add to the my tutorial tier on patreon but I think for stuff like this you'd probably best just if you wanted to be like for a learning experience just model it again learning yes 1975 that's when I was born mattias Killian chillin chillin that's a Swedish word for uh fridge okay no I don't know that Mateus he sequester and I'm not sure he lies sorry was he in the demoscene or so Oh glad that it helps you to learn blender great to hear that and sell those nebulous to star citizen I still haven't looked at star citizen I should really try that games wait okay so I was here with the colliders wasn't it again so many side notes sorry about that guys I'm gonna make I'll tell you what so this livestream is more like a like just get-together or whatever you call it so I'm just kind of hopefully you can get stuff out of it but I'll probably make a proper video a tutorial about that this as well because I'm realizing that if you're watching this and came for it to be like a tutorial it's not gonna help too much because I dress on so many things and talk too much so I'll make a tutorial for it as well so don't worry I don't know I say worried all the time probably no one's worrying about it so let's see I wonder if there's like a plugin that will automatically do the primitive colliders for this because this is a really boring thing to do and again it doesn't have to be that precise because when bullets are flying super fast especially in space shooters and stuff like that it's not really a problem then you won't really notice anyway so it just has to be when I started to do low poly stuff and in games like this like for example that car game the parking spaces I did basically I used mesh colliders perfectly and everything was good and aligned and but then I realized that it's it was a waste of time because it did when it spawned a lot of the mesh colliders it glitches in unity it has to recalculate I think you can bake some of the stuff as well but it's still quite slow so I switched everything into some primitive rotated cubes and meshes and it was so much more performant on mobile so and I couldn't tell any difference if anything it turned out a little bit better to be honest I'll just do this for now as a playing inves on repeat oh no this is a different one so I made this for procedural planets track this is also on my hope it's on my picture otherwise not only I'm worried about worrying I'm a worrier actually I'm not a warrior of worrier I've always worried about something I would glad you like the content thanks guys Oh 74 nice 70s okay so that's it these I'll just keep these colliders for now that's gonna be okay that's gonna be okay everything's okay oh yeah this is a problem actually wings are always gonna be a problem so let's say for the sake of it let's just actually for the wing let's just add a mesh Collider anyway even though it's just said not to use them the problem here is well is that if you want to make them convex and a lot of collisions required that they're convex then you're going to end up with colliders that are not proper anyway so for that case it's actually better anyway so scrap what I just said anyway and they'll do box Collider and just kinda live with this that it takes a bit of time to do this so you can resize it move it up and then you have to fiddle around with these scales always get the wrong ones there move it like that and then you have to add another one oh yeah and here's another problem so if you add another box Collider now you can't really rotate a box Collider or at least you couldn't no you can't still so then you have to do compound colliders so for this wing I'd have to do create empty Collider then here we have to add the box Collider and then I have to move it into place here for example I have to flatten it so this is actually a really tedious part I'd say if you're making for a game like this you'd spend a lot of time but that's why it's good but modulars well I think then you can just do it once and then reuse the modules so Center and then not now the benefit when you've broken it into separate object series that you can actually rotate this object around its own that's the z-axis so like that and then flatten it a bit more again it doesn't have to be so precise so then you can press ctrl D to duplicate that on slide the whole object down and then we rotate this one a bit more shrink then one more time control-d attract is this one princess at the gate made this one in 2007 when I bought that keyboard that and they let you see that in the background it's a roll-on fp7 master keyboard I don't want to rotate the camera because I might mess up my focus rotate that a little bit more again don't feel compelled to to hang out in the to be kind you don't have to stay here if I'm too slow doing stuff that you're not interested in don't don't feel sad about this connecting I understand it's late as well so let's see LS there some questions as well so Oh c64 yeah Brian that was a cool machine I not had a c64 it was quite late I had a spectravideo MSX first and then I got a Amiga as well so isn't it better to edit the collider by hand and then some probably yeah there's many ways to do it let's see one thing I would love to learn you once mentioned in your videos how to render the cavity effects in the viewport in the shading oh yeah I'm blender that would be nice just there if you want to learn it now before I make a video about it switch the render from eve or cycles to workbench then you actually it it'll allow you to set the accommodate filter but there are some limitations for that you can't do custom lighting and there's a lot of limitations see can't you do little poly version in blender yeah you could so any mesh Collider if you're gonna have a shooter game for example on a mobile or even on a PC if you're gonna have like thousands basically of objects with exploding modules then the mesh Collider when I do the testing it is significantly slower so the primitives are super much more performance so that's why if I make games like that and to be honest I if you're making a top-down shooter anyway you probably wouldn't want the colliders to be so precise anyway because imagine that you're watching these from above like this now and then you have bullets flying they'll like pass under here so in the end I'm just doing this to show now what you could actually to be able to since we were just messing around I'm gonna delete those anyway and then let's reset that one you could very well have it just like that to be honest because when you're gonna have it if you have enough top-down shooter the bullets gonna fly and it's gonna hit by there hits like right on the tip here or up here it doesn't really matter to be honest it makes it easier because you start wondering sometimes white bullets fly through the ship so I'll just keep them like this for now it makes it seem personal favorite Amelia 5-under game easy supercars to how do you get a black background it used to be on the main camera used to be a thing they've changed this around so much no but they hear background solid color black there we go and if you want it black up here you just go to here at the drop-down and then disable skybox when I make space stuff I tend to like to disable that and it's shaded like this because fog is enabled in the viewport as well okay and then here's the game you will see you for a simple sumo style game wouldn't be sufficient to just use one single Collider for the whole yes it would be to use it for the ship but now even though I've just spent a lot of time chatting about weird stuff when I want to make a shoot-'em-up game I tend to like to keep the modules like this because when you assemble your ships it's quite cool to be able to to shoot like let's say it was a boss for example and then boss then you want to be able to have maybe that you need to shoot off the wings first and you can have separate hits I usually use a white material that is sorry guys my video just cut out too so I need to fix that I wonder if I can do this so I'm going to try to change the buttery in my camera and see if I can bring that up to the livestream I think I should still be can you still hear me guys as I'm using a separate microphone let me know in the shot I think there's a delay in the truck as well but let me know in the chat if just still hear me yes cool guys great I have a sip of my beer enough cameras know what you'll find good actually my music just cut out okay the the stream OBS did not like this so I'll have to restart OBS as well let's see if this works so it's going to cut out the stream for a few seconds but I'll come alright guys I think I'll be coming back hopefully any second now although great guys we're back this is good practice for me as well because I was always wondering I've actually ordered the power supply for the camera so I can keep it on forever well not forever but for a very long time and I was hoping I could do this in during a livestream to change the battery so if that power supply doesn't come I had order in China because it was sold out all over Sweden so all over Europe so I had to order it from China it's kind of take a few weeks to get here I'm using gh 5 it's a Panasonic camera for it Micro Four Thirds really happy with a camera actually it's one thing that's terrible at it and that's the autofocus it's horrible it's very slow and there's so many better cameras for that but for everything else it's really really good and quite good value for money my good camera on stream line no music no music is the music column again the whole thing is blurry like I said they autofocuses hopefully it'll pop back in them you have to check a little bit sometimes cool this truck is a beautiful space Carl it's called it's a little like game music that I made as well it's a mix between like a piano and a chip style no not anymore I don't know which one actually are we referring to his oh thanks glad you like the music it was blurry when the stream came back okay all right okay so so I went to 360 that's okay small bitrate 1080p great okay and can't hear the music as well says see music is still down is this music is back cameras sharp everything is fine great thanks so just shows how a newbie I am at discipline maybe I'll get used to it one day okay so should we make some spaceship snot finally so let's see I've got these modules will create a new one called prefabs here and then I'll just drag II I wonder if they change this I don't think they have you have to do this manually so if I drag this nope not allowed you have to drag them manually to create prefabs from these unfortunately which is a paint I know I made a script as well and edit your script ones that did this for me so you could like block select here and then right click on it and say create prefabs so if you don't know what a prefab is it's gonna be covered in my big unity video that I'm planning I'm gonna go through everything about prefabs and why their crates its prefabricated objects and when you make a change to the object Boop - take actually attract these and when you make it what am i doing so when you make a change when they're blue like this and you make a change in the prefab here then everywhere you've used this object it'll update that one for you and that's just one of many things that's really useful with it so a lot of the repetitive stuff in this video I did I sound Canadian hey see let's check out something new everything's perfect yanked the delay doesn't help nope that's true all systems nominal I like that language so let's see what I'm using to sort my app on the desktop I'm using a app called fences so that's quite good here you can do this with it create these little things you can double click on them to roll them up and down and you can have transparency and scroll II things as well it's quite useful if you're not organizer let's see happy to hear there's a unit to being you're coming yeah I'm really excited about that one it's gonna take up beast all the time to edit it it's gonna take very long time because it's so much to cover I really want to do that one so make an anchor like a boat's anchor hey Archer sorry my eyes are terrible yeah that'd be fun making an archer not an anchor let's see just a material with just one colour in unity require that much space hmm not sure what you mean yeah my texture is only 8 byte pixels now so it's really small for this 4 colors where do you live some and I see yes they do sound like that okay 20 minutes from Canada sorry I won didn't mean to offend anyone by the way it's just heart I think I married that he and when you because of flight controls I'll probably just do some simple movement for now so this is our to rotate told me sitting by a pissant so that means what am i doing up this late and this is actually primetime for me I'm it's only 1:50 a.m. and I tend to stay up till about 2 3 4 or even 5 o'clock no business nice and quiet the kids are asleep too soon I'd say hoping to see complex particle systems export it to unity I'd already export particle systems from blender actually I do everything particle stuff I do in blender or in unity by native stuff really [Music] and how a doctor a painter and designer okay yeah I designer I'm really familiar with I've done a lot of my procedural textures and for for both the planets and the nebulous and stuff like that I do in designer I really like that program to create textures painter not so much but I've done it a little bit but I have to read refresh I've got a subscription for it so I really like that method of texturing so I'm hoping to be able to do a really detailed spaceship or a whole series of them at some point to that before new developers let's see I should bring this up again so at least it's not just an empty space [Music] yeah it's cool that unit is free and everything like that's super cool people can use it I have every unit oh yeah I know check this out do you know if you're curious eh why I've got so many unity versions that makes no sense probably to most people but since I do assets and I have to maintain them for different versions I have to make sure that I fail at it a lot of the time because they release so many use versions of unity so I have to like test the assets my procedural planets and space stuff in all of these different versions and I actually have more older ones as well like version 4 but I don't support I'm so thanks on dish or Anders under longing me I guess it's Amish thanks for subscribing thanks for everyone who's subscribing have you tried the texture painting in blender a little bit I've tried it and not enough so I don't want to do that thinking spike cool glad you got me live so just a noob but are very grateful to well to be honest I'm pretty much a noob most stuff I do a lot of different things so I'm still a new but pretty much everything I just tend to be stubborn and keep doing it over and over eating let's see so we don't want to blend anymore so let's we've created prefabs out of these we can just delete those and then let's move this directional light anomaly so let's create our first spaceship now how long have you been streaming about 2 hours when I still I'm creating this anticipation have I missed anything yeah oh hello Alex rack to devil he said one of my admins in the discord thanks really appreciate your work helping me out there so I've posted it on this chord that I'm streaming so I don't know how many people saw cool all that so let's just bring something about crates someone chills here it's just bringing the cockpit in as well I want you to do just it and then here let's do core rotates Archer rotates what should we do that's what this is why I actually like the 10-minute challenges because it just forces you to push ahead and do stuff you don't have to think so much let's create I guess this could be the players check sure to do here we'll do this flat things well is that what I just put in yeah so we'll do another body let's bring a Wingham to do a different wing actually something with some more detail maybe three and then we'll do here I'll have to do this since it's a separate object I'll have to bring the right counterpart in and then sometimes I do this I child that one on to that one and then I reset the position so they end up in the same place and then I bring it out from there so it's not sure child-friendly I know so it's not a child anymore and then I just flip this exposition back and that way it's mirrored and it's positioned correctly okay let's see some stuff here this is actually the first ever infancy a live stream I'm in ground well this is only my second live stream ever so you've only missed one opportunity before so let's see what's the story behind your channel name in fancier I actually came up with that name in 1997 I think it was back then the Google I don't think Google existed it was web crawler or like Alta Vista or something and I put something random in that I just banged on the keyboard and it turned out to be in fancier you know it had zero hits on the Internet so I thought this is gonna be a good way to keep track of what I'm doing so then I knew if it hit something on the search engine it was likely to be something that I've created funny I should say that because I've actually not got in fancier as my YouTube login because someone took that one before me so I'm my channel name is slash infancy but my infancy or my YouTube account is infancy of music I started a space program in 2010 quick work on it in 2013 cool glad it's a brain move to quit your job I've done that previously and I've done it now as well to do the artists game super scary and it's a brave move to do and you have to be aware that stuff will sometimes it works out then sometimes it doesn't but you can always go back hopefully so I'm really impressed that you did that cool stuff oh sorry I asked you misinterpreted that you said you quit working on it in 2013 not that you quit work like I did so well I'm still impressed let's see otherwise I love your videos unknown here helps me to learn things in 3d in general from France sorry I'm not I'm trying to read through it as quickly as I can so I'm really happy again that it can help out so many people so I'm really thankful for that both in blender in unity can someone share the discord link check out my video history if someone's got it a hand here please feel free to paste I don't know if you can actually paste it might be blocking them so let's see which truck is this here's another piano song that I made for my kids as life unfolds let's see Alta Vista Wow whoa I feel old now well I do too so that's okay we are old yeah but that's okay oh yeah 33.6 and 4k board I guess their modem my first modem that I was I had at 2400 no I had at 1200 as well women I also had 300 that you put the phone and that was so old that was the first modem I ever used let's see how I came up with a ninja guy it's actually an alien like an alien guy I guess it looks a little bit like a ninja I drew on a piece of paper and I turn it into vector and it's been my logo since 1997 so Harold you learn blender free and fast yeah that's great well blender is free is well so and it's my way to give back a little bit to the computer computing community so trying to remain in active and work interactive can either read sorry so trying to remain interactive Network good stuff ability how I would go about to create color variations of the ship side there swap out the texture probably sometimes sometimes I do the modules that I create different modules so I can reuse the same texture the benefits of using the same texture it really pushes the last bit of performance that you can out of unity because any objects that use all these modules know they have the same object so when you render something it'll batch it so if we press play here it won't look like much now but if we check on stats here you can say less is a bit what okay it's because I've got shadows and stuff enabled probably I'm surprised that save by batching is minus 19 because one of the benefits with with them if that's a bug or if I'm just thinking about maybe it's because I've got post-processing stuff check here no still so anyway when you use the same material it usually boosts the performance a lot so if you can try to use the same materials but if you wanted to recall in the ship's like you could have different palettes Oh organ and my idol this the first time I've been someone's idols thanks feels a bit strange see you should get some sleep yeah - you would get some glasses as well because that's right I can't really see so here's the chiptune guys but I mean it's called platformer yeah when did I start using blender about five years ago let's see good luck with the unity projects thanks appreciate it oh yeah sound effects tutorial that'd be fun at least one in a month that'd be fun actually I haven't recorded a lot of sound effects lately I actually love making sound effects both editing them and going out with my microphones and my field recorders to record source material it's a lot of fun the garbage PC yeah only thousand frames I think that it's funny I speak about performance and I'm sitting with like objects we like a few triangles and most simple textures it's true okay so let's say I continue this here if you wanted to rotate these a little bit maybe we'll do it on this end like that this is the benefit of having the pivot point in this part of the wing instead of centering it in the object because now when we rotate it around the Zed you could actually animate these as well not you probably wouldn't want it to fluff like this I look stupid but if I rotate that one down like that we can do this one we had to invert this what I think cuz you know I haven't liked this do - there but then here is there another cool thing with us if we were to child that let's put an engine here so let's swap the engine one it's a bit big let's child that one on - under in batwing then we can move this one eyelids we switch this pivot point here that's a bit surprising actually feels like when they change the if I have to upgrade the version so pivot points I'm expecting this gizmo to change when I switch it to local not sure why it doesn't do that that's the whole point of this gizmo that when you switch it to locally should align it oh yeah sorry it's because there's like I said like someone said I knew I should really get some sleep instead of let's put that on there and then we can scale this one down a bit so this is not problem to scale we can just do our to scale how stupid is that not the same key as a unity but there we go that could be an engineer for example down there and we could so here's the beautiful thing when you child something in unity here then if you rotate this re2 rotate oh sorry then that child is really good it stays down there duplicate that one the buttons but now we need to let's see what do I need to do here is well flip this one to have to think you know okay let's do this inspector hmm I'm thinking something oh yeah it's because that one is think twice this one so copy that on I should be in the right place copy this location okay let's check out some stuff I know your sound effects pack and they're awesome cool I hope to update them feel ashamed no because the universal sound effects that I released I want to add lots of sound effects to it and I've recorded a lot of stuff but I haven't updated it for a very very long time and it really needs updating I really want to add some stuff to it I just have to get around to it let's see I didn't know that I could not crush unity I'm not sure what you mean by crushing unity by if you use the same or too often next low-poly racing episode coming out yeah I'll have to release that project so you guys can see it but it's containing I can't really really sit in a way because I can't release a lot of it but it's using the skid marks are using something that I just found on get up so part really you release that part of it so but I can release the rest of it can you have different metallic Ness and smoothness for the different colors yes you can let's see if you have the palette here let's see we got the common material here metallic map here we could actually put in if you create a separate what kinda zooming because it goes so blurry no but if you create one here a different texture with the same layout then you could see then you can have the metallic map on its separate texture you just put whatever you want to shine you put the metallic map to cover it up hope that makes sense turn off local how do you mean should be alright think oh okay so you mean for the positioning thanks yeah that would work it thanks have you used to high poly normal Maps yes I have sometimes when I made some spaceships and some characters in the past I do the low poly version first and then I did a really really really high poly version and then I bring it into substance painter and I bake that high poly version into into a normal map and ambient occlusion and things like that so I should really do a tutorial for that I got a tutorial where I do that on a stone block so maybe I released it about a year and a half ago or something like that I think I actually cover the entire process there as well yeah that's right it's because the transference relative to the parent just missed that one thanks would it help if you compiled the modeling blender first yeah it could probably help but I like to keep the module separate I actually made an editor if you watched my last video or a couple of videos ago I had if you watch the spaceship video I made a spaceship editor so this whole interface I actually took care of all the the mirroring and the rotations so if you added a module and in position that it did the other side automatically for you so that was quite good but I think I prefer to just keep them in unity like this I know it's a little bit tedious in the beginning but it's quite useful well let's actually bump up this metallic maybe like this you could it said whatever you feel I guess looks the best we should change the camera nostril so they pair let's reset this one let's say this track is I play the piano but I can't really play these when I compose these tracks I can't really do them in one go I keep pressing the wrong keys and stuff sorry I've played this on the piano and I recorded it but I had to do it in multiple stages my brain flips out a little bit when I needs to do stuff in sequence it's like I get nervous that the closer I get to complete in something especially if I'm playing the keyboard then I start freaking out tonight a ronke Union so I'm impressed by those people that play piano without having high a cylindrical collider probably you're right but I'm gonna keep it square just for now to save some time but I agree it could have been a cylinder is unity hard to learn then I'd say compared to other game engines I'd say nope so I definitely recommend starting with it and I'm gonna create so if you missed that part earlier I'm gonna create a really beginners course in unity it's gonna cover all the basics so come back then okay guys this is the most recent track I made so I made music a lot before it this one is called restitution and I made this it was seven years between my previous trance track and this one I made this one last year actually there are no cylindrical colliders but there are capsular colliders actually so Russ you can use the capsule Collider instant oak awakened post music - yeah that's fun I've not tried Godot no I haven't so I should try the same things if all the parts of this ship are separately on oh yeah that's right that's one of the really benefits when you have the separate objects but I really like that part actually made check this out I'm actually remaking something nearly that I've done that a while back let's bring this up Hitchcock IO let's see I'm gonna bring something up on the screen so here's my H dot IO page and fancy about each thought I owe you check this one and then I made here's a few of the games that I made in the past this one is very very old if you're into 2d racers I was gonna make a multiplayer version out of this these were all hand-drawn in painting and folk shops these tracks so you can download this one but I know it runs on modern computers I've done some before like this one if anyone's I released this one in 1999 it's an arkanoid clone and it got published in a German magazine that was a lot of fun it was and I still got males today but people are saying like oh I used to play this game when I was a child and then I realized how about fun but here it looks good what I was going to show ya this one's blood money this one so check this game out this is very similar to what I'm sort of making no [Music] power-ups are actually it's so powerful that they destroy it but that that's very good but if you keep them separate and they're quite useful let's see yeah right recalculating normally some lenders such rate the whole unity and unreal I think it's whatever engine works for your needs let's say looks so easy to get started with with unity that I'd recommend that for beginners I want to learn Unreal Engine myself at some point because I think in terms of performance and scalability and reliability I think it's got the upper edge at the moment so but I'm I think it the learning curve is so tough on that one so remember that one managed to pull off a 20-minute run that's cool but if you play this a that game by the way and you should try it because it really flips out in the end yeah I made that for a Ludum dare game and I tried to scale it so that it wouldn't go extreme but see the amount of bullets that you can fire it's after about 20 minutes the whole screen is just filled with bullets so I had to check actually have the forma cars that was wow cool so that that's impressive it's a unfortunately I couldn't ever release it in a state that I wanted I wanted to make a multiplayer and I want to make it into a complete game but in the end I just had to release it okay so let's see and so I've got a bunch of modules scattered out now so like I said before it the cool thing now with the wings is that if you rotate them they're like this but let's create an empty here and then mainly I name this player this could be the player spaceship and then off of these in zero zero zero and then just strike these in as children to this one and then we have the place rotates and then I should probably move on these modules and just block so like these I'll press W and move it so that the rotation is pretty much around that looks pretty natural oh yeah it looks like this here because we've got fog on so I should change that we can go to post-processing volume at least I thought so is it on the main camera they've changed this I'm so so I have to really do a lot more in unity with ever with this Universal render pipeline it's quite confusing to me still so I have to fix that lighting fog there's the fog we can disable on for now and then camera if you wanted to have it like a 2d game pretty much then we could you could consider switching the camera here to orthographic so go back to the inspector here and I start of production you use or orthographic and then change the size here then basically if you put this spaceship let's bring it down a little bit again if you put the spaceship over here you can see that it's still a top-down render so whereas with a normal perspective one here if we do this then you can see that you see the spaceship from the side there so it's a matter of that tastes like what personal preference I'll keep it in perspective for now but if you wanted that like retro amiga styl top-down look you could consider using it in orthographic mode alright Marius I understand yeah it's past 2:00 a.m. here you have a good sleep hi I'm out see is anybody even paying attention to what he's saying I've got no idea but if you do that's great if you don't that's okay too if you're just hanging out let's see so we've got this play ship there let's bring it back here can't see the ship no it's so tiny actually it's super tiny here's the game you know so I can rotate this one let's do a side-scrolling like so we rotate around the y axis 90 degrees it there I'm gonna keep it quite small like this so some of the best-looking 2d games I've ever yeah made in unity I think it's really nice that I used to make 2d games or at least stuff that maybe I was never at least like that performer course and the the problem with 2d games is like with a lighting if you rotate at a static image of a car for example then the lighting turned out wrong that's why it's so nice to do it in 3d but because when you rotate it now OOP I should rotate down then the lighting is quite good so change this see there's still a long unreal versus unity engine discussion government good luck there's that both engines are really good I'd say let's see okay so what should we do another thing we could I'll just jump back into blender real quick now because one thing that could be quite cool to do in a game like this is if you wanted to have instead of just a black background like this we could go back here into blender let's hide those and add another cube there we go actually I should shift C to bring that back shift a to delete here we go now let's just create something random here I'll do shading switch this material to the same one go back into you the editing scale zero let's make these gray like this let's make some objects for the background so and let's say your webcam screen covers part of the game you sorry about that ah I see that's why you couldn't see the ship forgot about that actually good point why my models get black whenever important models from three years into unity I usually create my I usually don't actually export it with the material I usually create that afterwards so I create a new material in unity and I just use the same texture because usually you want to tweak the settings anyway okay oh yeah what I wanted to say here for example we could create some background art now for this so let's just make some random stuff now let's do this eat extruder on has to scale eat extrude eat extrude that's the scale rotates around the y-axis the tower eat extrude let's just do some random rotate I don't eat took straight again rotate by e to extrude it doesn't matter if it's straight or not control our for loop cut there eat extrude let's do some other stuff here as well e to extrude s to scale that you to extrude now I feel back in familiar water yes in there I have to use unity Morgan I've been doing so much blender lately rotate why eat extrude let's do some weird stuff here as well eat extrude eat extrude on ctrl R right insert that s to scale those down so I'm just got to create something I thought if you played like the old Amiga style games like I think it was one called iridium and maybe one called Saxon or something and they add that you flew over like a mothership and stuff like that or a bigger ship so I'm just gonna create some random stuff here it doesn't at all matter what it looks like to ghosts so eat extrude that one let's create something here just that it's got some character to it anyway control our it extrude us to scale e to extrude see sorry again guys if I'm missing stuff in the chats so Lucas cancel that control are we can we use this same one I won't do too many of these so we can be used these over and over again just rotate them and stuff so it doesn't really matter what it looks like maybe like that some little cuts there itin sets each extrude so our again it doesn't really matter as well how many polygons this is still in the grand scheme of things it's so for you anyway peyten set e to extrude let's create some ears I'll eat extra though I'm not narrowing this one or anything see right in such sex trade her monolith from space obviously I'm not sure what I'm grating I'm just creating some some sort of a platform that could be panned underneath the spaceship to make it a little bit maybe it's like you're flying you know you could also create some turrets and stuff like this and put on and this one could be quite fun with some stationary objects as well not only enemy ships what else said let's create some thicker parts as well shall be doesn't have to be this can we can go the crazy of this I think that's e to extrude could be like big cargo containers or something it'd be if we're running it in perspective mode he could look quite cool when you've got stuff that's running a lot further down like this is about height in sets these extrude scale eat extrude he'll make sense hopefully soon if we see it in unity so he took straight along forty-two extra-long normals accidentally press ctrl s there which was good saved it extrude okay should we settle for this soon it's time to think that you're getting the point there's no science to this let's do this as well so some oh let's see I to insert all the extra normals you could have there some of this animated as well I guess let's get a few things like this is robot instance so I should have probably had some different colors as well but I'll have to make do for now or I can do a few things make this maybe I should we do maybe I should do something with a glowing thing as well let's do so this is going to be one thing we can just play around with this and see how it goes let's export this one let's call it eg ship and then right let's do ctrl s to save it export FBX select an object FBX UNIX unit scale I'm going to be key for background I'm gonna try have a looking at chat in a second here let's have a look now actually so like a battlecruiser yeah like a wrecked one probably at the moment see still a lot of unreal versus good luck with that debate guys which one's best I think they're both good like I said Birla T not a lot of unity items in your patient will you add some yes I should really do that I should do that thanks guys all right thanks Sir John I'll try to keep that in mind I have some immunity stuff there let's see okay yes this dream will go on YouTube as far as I know it'll be there automatically so okay let's I've exported this one let's go back into unit you know we should see that one here let's bring it in and it's pink because I dragged the mesh in here at this submerge thing so let's put the common material on it and it's a bit shiny so we can actually duplicate this one and do another material let's call it be key for background reduce the shininess I have to actually move this one onto it as well some BG ship and then we can make it darker then I'll just slide this color down I think as well like this we can probably scale it as well like this so now if you were to have here just bring it down I can just control D to duplicate that one I need to rotate again W like this alright so under twelve hours I'll keep that in mind Thanks you can scale this one up a bit so you could make a whole bunch of modules like this might as well but another good thing is now they can control D and then just rotate it hold the control key to stop rotate rotate control key you don't have to do it by 90 degrees and stuff either but maybe something like this here it could be fun as well to play around with the farm let's have this ship move a little bit so ever thought about doing a paid blender unity training course I've thought about it but for now I won't because I want to just try to grow my channel and have more people to be able to learn and see it but if I get a lot more subscribers in the future I might add in like a paid course in the future sometime but I don't really have any plans for it at the moment so yeah this could use some more detailed textures yeah you could do I sometimes I like to keep the eyes from being distracted and but I agree you could add more details to it and you could also add a lot of colors here's a good thing if you in blender now let's say we wanted to add some more details to this let's do that mr. control are a little bit it--in set that 1 e to extrude down quite a bit let's do some more here - so he fighting sets feet extrude there and then now we could let's do circles so like nope few those then maybe then to G here make them dark actually I should change all of these and instead of having the other one colored I should do maybe like that instead you could also do we could play around a bit maybe with some emission should I do that on this one let's do it so let's say we wanted to have why should we put it let's something with a slant here so height Incept eat extrude e to extrude s to scale move it to the side a bit like this you texture it on that's the scale maybe here we can do ITIN set that one faulty to extrude long face normals in let's make that on a sci-fi pink if there's such a thing it's like the older school but let's make this pink stuff glow so we can make it in a few places let's also do here we can do control B to babble that on right in sets e to extrude let's make that painters ball if anyone remember with the CGA games but you had four colors you have black white cyan and pink so you had this color roughly and you had that color to play with those were the days but the games were good I remember I thought so right in sets eat extrude make that black let's make this black down there because now I should be able to switch on a mission for these so I can also do here right in sir okay so let's try to do an emissive material here so I'll I need to say here's a good thing now if I export this one export FBX I just overwrite this one out time and then it's already imported into unity automatically that's really nice when you over save it but now we can brighten up the material a little bit again so maybe two there and we can make these glow a little bit as well but for that to happen I need to create a separate emission material here so when you're extruding are you looking at local or global I do a little bit of both sometimes I extrude in local and sometimes I do it in the global let's see infancia do you make the art for the art yes is it low poly as well christian masks yeah I'm making the art at the moment and at the moment it is quite low poly but with details the units are so small so when they're low poly and you compress Emily actually turns out like they're quite detailed but they're really tiny the units so it works pretty good and then I created a procedural generation of a world so it's a 3d map that's generated imagine the way the other RTS games work for example civilization or not it's not as RTS game but that style of map where you have a generated world basically so I use a mesh for that so that's not really low poly that's about like a million polygons for something I'll put all of my blender files from all the tutorials in the tear in the tutorial tier and my patreon so it's just that keeps their track a little bit of some of them are released free as well and I don't really mind releasing them for free but I want to be able to give some extra back to those who can do the patreon so but otherwise it should be quite easy to replicate this stuff you probably want to it's just e to extrude s to scale about the 10 billion times I'm gonna start Photoshop because I need to do an emissive texture and you could use any program I just happen to I have to pay for the Creative Cloud subscription because I use so many different no products cost a lot unfortunately since I've been doing acid since I love them I'll justify that cost I use premiere After Effects Dreamweaver Photoshop Illustrator and audition probably use other ones as well Lightroom a little bit I do so let's bring this palette in so this is the way this palette looks and now I want to make this one emissive so I'll just duplicate this layer and then I'll color everything my pop running off screen here so here we go that's just blocks I like these and I only want to make that pink one shine for now so let's fill that onion black ctrl alt s to save it as a PNG file and then let's save it here D to save in the right place so here let's do this hopefully I should work now if we go into the bg1 here should be able to localize that emissive map and it's still not emissive Oh stupid that's not the metallic laugh I'm supposed to do it it's this emission map okay I have to enable it first and miss it I don't enable its glowing a little bit now but we can boost this one intensity there we go got some glow and this is where the default render pipeline settings as well it's already got if you look at this post processing volume it's already got the blue here and it's the bloom that makes it glow let's see oh yeah donation links I don't even know how to set that up how do you set that up do you use the particle system modifiers for animations hmm no actually how do you mean I use particle system modifier only to create some random objects for example if I want to scatter some stuff but I'm trying to further animations what do you mean like smoke or something or I sold your firstborn for a dope subscription oh it cost absolutely a fortune I can't really when I think about the thing I've paid a Creative Cloud subscription now for like eight years or something so I'll pay them a lot of money is it Sweden you live in yep it's it's I live in Nina something in Sweden so let's see okay sorry if I missed some stuff eh yeah the full livestream will be uploaded I'm gonna keep it definitely under the 12 hours so it'll be a bit available I missed the first part of this stream only seeing the modelling is there a top down platform it this is just something random I just had you create there like a little spaceship the modular spaceship Sue and I just brought it into unity to see what we could like do just for fun so here when we maybe should create this ship should we make it move a little bit as well let's create a very rudimentary primitive script to script right click c-sharp scripts let's call it okay and here we can do some housekeeping as well create empty let's call it level put it to zero then just bring these in there so then we hide them out of sight out of mind it's not what it's called so got that object there player ship if this one moves there let's see what should we do oh I'm not playing in music nope no I'm this one I played before it's the decimation oh here's another decimation track that I made this game I don't think they've released it yet destination x4 and it's not available at the moment for the low-poly racer but it will be I think I'll just have to decide how to release that one but I can release everything apart from the skidmark stuff because that's a third party like it gets a free one so you can download up yourself I just haven't modified a little bit so let's see what was I doing oh yeah we could create first of all let's make the ship move like we said so here by your ship tell us I'm gonna go do super basic scripting it so I'm not gonna follow too many conventions or really sir I'm just gonna make it work so here let's just create public speed viable public float movement speed update you just transform translate to move it and then we're gonna do a side-scrolling shooter so we'll do like axis and we'll do the particle axis because I'll use the up and down keys to move it and then we have to multiply it by time.deltatime to make it framerate independent and then multiply it by the movement speed see if this works and we've got this there okay so I'm living the camera now that's good isn't it so I have this script enabled and disabled and this one's a default script that uniqueness okay I haven't set up two axis okay if I can spell the river like a cold okay oh yeah so up and down now I can just move it up and down the list so see ya it's a bit laggy like this so if I release the key and that's because their default settings here if you want it to be more direct you can go to project settings inputs manager access and then on the vertical I was operating out then it's this gravity and sensitivity if you just boost this one up if you want more directly maybe 300 and p.m. let's try that need some of your music on patreon - they're actually all my music is on patreon pretty much I think nearly every track so on my patron from the I think I forgot what which tearless I think it's the dollar - theory you can download all the music a few minutes over ten hours and it's on Spotify as well if you own it feel free to I haven't tried the new input system yet Christian I have to do that I've been waiting for it for many years because I'm being fed up for the old system and then when it finally was released out of preview I'd still haven't tried it so I need to do that oh yeah sorry ctrl L yeah I agree faster waits is to delete it so I have to try to use the new input input system I agree so now it's so much more direct if you wanted to I should make this space you're smaller than so I can just do that by camera backing enemy like this you could also let's see if you want it to fake there's many ways to do this but we could create a particle system here create empty star let's just call it stars particle system and here we could just do see the zooming rotate it hold ctrl key to snap it let's change the shape here to box and then the size to see the beavers that right okay syllables what's going on poet somewhere far far away okay he said okay excellent [Music] but this will just make it to fit the screen sum up move to there change the particles to default particles maybe [Music] the fault particle so tiny cutting this yet and then let's move it down haha sorry about this song guys this is a very old chip style music song that I made it's very short so see [Music] okay that's cool that's a good tip there Christian's about the unity talk I'm actually going to try to watch that one the song so I googled search for it so obviously it wouldn't make any sense for the stars to move like like this fast but again it's like an art style game so we're all gave it so speed lifetime maybe 20 seconds 100 seconds let's change the emission speed to 2 4 and then let's move this one special evidence you just have to put it out of the sight there [Music] normally I'd probably consider different ways to do this sometimes I'd probably create a custom particle system but it takes a while to do that so I'd probably have a custom script that spawns the particle instead of animating it like this this is just to get the like a little look of a star field and then we should probably move it at least so it's below this bottom one here and then in that case we have to increase the size of the particles quite a bit so they're a bit bigger so what size are we out here we're at six or maybe two and then we have to make this one wider again the emission like that and then we can move it to here let's see we need to make them live longer again 200 seconds and then we can do some random colors here as well so random between two colors start color any of these so they go to the talker and then will they start size random between two constants maybe 1 & 3 1 & 4 so there we go okay and if it doesn't start like this straight weight then you could do for the star system here you do pre-warm then that way it'll play automatically when you press play let's see [Music] bacon and minecraft it's going to do four legged eight you I should go to bed but I'm not gonna do that for a while it's at 2:45 a.m. here see do you ever make an ambient occlusion map for your low-poly model I've played around but without it I'd probably do it for static objects that I could wear I'm not texturing the way I am it's quite cool to do the ambient occlusion Maps to get them to look a lot better we have from shadows and stuff so I could definitely do that oh yeah that's be fun to import the stardestroyer I can probably do pay up c64 I like a lot of it with c64 games or it musics I hope your area is pretty free from Kovan well I'm in Sweden so we're not doing a very good job it's they're trying to come up with all sorts of excuses why we're why we're everyday I hear oh where we've hit the peak now we're on our way down and then yeah we're still at the peak on the way don't know so it's amazing that they get away with the way they're doing it our neighbors are doing really good Norway Denmark and Finland good job guys okay what am i doing so we've got play we've got the star system oh that's okay yeah we could also try to get them there's a hmmm what should we do there's two day ways you can do it you could have it the background pump or you can have the spaceship on its whatever which one you prefer let's just create a little really simple script here called trance-like what should we call it translator and let's bring no one up here can you create a nuke explosion effects they're probably good a combination of that I like to create explosions with if I do low poly games I like to use particle system and I use a mesh and then I use a mission on it to create quite cool explosions so I could probably I won't have time to do it in this video but I'll I should probably cover that you know tutorial if you can translate Chinese probably not it's gonna translate the object sideways let's just do then we'll just do boy update here and then to transform translates and then we'll do translate I'm fine in this way though okay thanks like I said like someone said I should be sleeping no oh thanks game big tear on patreon thanks guys appreciate the support really appreciate it for each 10-minute video can you make you make yeah let's see should make one way to teach us how to do it I'm thinking about that actually so every time I've thought about that many times that I should make the 10 minute video have some fun with it and then rerecord it and then do it tutorial out of it and it's a really good idea and I was hoping to do so but I haven't been able to get around to that one just yet Christina's love this dream thanks even though I hate it since it makes me feel lazy okay don't worry about that we all iived a days where I just tend to like zone out and I'll play a game or I'll like watch YouTube some random weird videos for about hours and then I feel guilty so don't worry about it just picking up whenever you feel like you're inspired again sometimes as well I should mention I'd like as many of you know I do a lot of different things probably too many things so I do music sound effects development coding 3d graphics 2d graphics some web development I do like so many different things and what I've learned first I felt really guilty because I'd spend a lot of time and then like let's say I made music for two weeks and then suddenly I felt you know I wasn't interested in them in it and then I'll try to force myself to do music and then it didn't turn out any good anyway so what I've learned to like I'll just let that go then I'll just drop music for a while and then I'll focus on whatever else comes that's quite fun to do at the time and then I'll just take advantage of that period maybe I'll like it for two weeks or one week or a month or sometimes three months I'll really focus on it as long as I'm interested and I feel like in the mood to do that I'll just focus on that and then I just pick it up so it's a problem if you're like paid to do something like a freelancer or something like that then obviously you have to do what what a list that you've got to do but if you like since I've been doing this as a hobby it's been really working pretty good today I could just okay I'll do assets for a three months I'll do some music for two months I'll do sound effects for like half a year so I call it just like waves of creativity and I'll learn to not fight that I'll just do whatever I feel is like most fun at the time that's probably why I'm released so many games yet but hopefully this RTS game is going to happen because we've put over 4,000 hours into it so it's gonna be released that's no questioning and we're not bound to like a publisher or anything like that and we're both really eager to work on it so that's not really a problem oh yeah so patreon I should actually can I update the description right now I should really have like a little mini overlay maybe shameless plug here so let's see hello from France hello from Sweden just joined what are you creating I was just making like some i remade some modules in blender some modular spaceship stuff and then I created some background art stuff and I've just imported that into unity and making like a little space shooter thing but I haven't really gotten I've spent most of my time just talking random stuff so I'm gonna make a proper tutorial about this Sunday instead so what I was doing here I created this little translator script I can move that you can decide whether you want to move this ship or the level and since I've made the stars here static you could if you wanted to make a force like an endless-runner type of scroller or a runner in this case but an endless scroller then you could actually pan this whole thing and then let's move it in maybe five or something let's press play hello Canada Robert okay it's a reversing note that was a little bit so it's an easy fix just - spider so and now we've got basically it could just keep it like this if you wanted to make a super simple shooter just but we should actually implement sideways movements but let's force the panning so you planned I'm actually the the spaceship is in the same location as if it was just playing on a single screen but we just pan the background so it's you can do it same anyway okay this track guys is spirit within you I made this one for my daughter Amelia when she was born spirit within you I picked it fit people have been wandering over these names if I pick some am not really a religious person but I've I've named that like the tracks after the kids okay let's see ship exactly one of my favorite tracks that I made let's bring this to here I'm going to reverse it I'm gonna put a little bit louder hopefully it won't block me out though so this is one of my favorite tracks that I made over the years okay let's do horizontal hair as well this one exists in a trans version and of emulation as well distractions so try to add movement like Skyforce how does that work with Skyforce I do a lot of stuff by trial and error by the way so don't think that I get it right the first time I tend to just instead of think I'll just test it so if it moves in the wrong direction now I know that I did it wrong okay so that was stupid it was moving up and down Oh so instead of being lazy I should probably just think what I should like but I guess it's forward got it oh glad to stop by thanks Minnie ups 12 glad you can catch it Thanks whenever that happens yeah I'm not sure when I'm wrong at a live stream meet him at some point okay we got it right so now okay and then another thing we could do is add some faulty actually maybe we can introduce that one again it could admit maybe look care quite cozy so let's go back into the post you know Mike fault and then they can't have it like that actually I'm going to change the background color instead of being pure black [Music] let's make it into like a deep blue this and then now let's bring the my team has to change the settings here because it's blocking it out too much but let's see if we can do linear for maybe when I start we can bring it bouncing there and an end and bring it back this is a good idea holdin up this is not working let's try how hard would it be to make your ship twirl how do you mean twirl now here we've got a problem that background becomes about the same speed as the Stars which increases so star star speed we should vary the speed as well between two costumes 570 let's do 10 okay this oh no it's going onto those let's see whatever got to oh yeah ok so it rotates around its center line yeah you could do you could just tilt it so when it turns it tilts a bit [Music] shouldn't the near objects past ya know as I said before the stars it's it's just an old retro look but the stars should really be static of course but it looks a bit boring if they're static so I decided to give them so yes the camera is perspective let's try to switch that back again no to orthographic so see that's too bright [Music] so this is a sort of loses a lot of it you'd have to do a lot of other tricks see how static it looks now you probably need ambient occlusion or something like that and texture mapping needs a lot more different if you were to go for it looks really fun there so the perspective really outside plus it that disable okay I can see what else should we do that should create some shifting I guess now check something got some power on this side okay let's see what the chance is me yeah hell yeah lack of star just raise oh yeah enemy ships we should do we should also how did I did the omission to think yeah I just created a separate texture here so in the materials here I've got to this emission texture so it's just got that pink color from the pallets everything else is black and then for that material I just put the emission back there and I boosted the intensity here the intensity is important otherwise if you want it to glow the bloom needs to pick it up so I was pretty strong don't know if you should there disable that fog again and to play it out a little bit more at some point let's see lighting my approach should be I don't know so we should make some shooting I guess and then some enemies I guess so let's see we could just create the see what should we do a bullet so create empty then the bullets can be done in different ways but let's create one here with a trail render maybe so add trail renderer and then we can check like this see I minimize the chat by mistake yeah oh yeah there's also post-processor I'm using the universal render pipelines so it's got post-processing by default it's got this bloom thing here and it's got the vignette that darkens the corners of it and it's got total mapping on to create fire to alter the car these are just the default ones that are on it so for the bullet here so it's got a train render so as you can see when I move it in the viewport it creates this line and then it should fade out after what is it five seconds but it doesn't seem to fade out for somebody to do 0.2 seconds so now when I move it you can see that this trailer under it just renders like a tray like that the reason why doesn't disappear is because unity doesn't run the update loop in the editor all the time so it should have really been disappeared well but it updates that I can trigger that sometimes oh yeah glowing capsules could work as well I like the thing I like with the trailer Endor is that you could really adjust it so you can get really long fast shots like this - - - Sam thanks thanks thanks for the nice words guys so well now we could let's see with a trade rendering here we should create an emissive material for that one maybe as well so we'll do new material there we go and then let's just call it maybe the particle standard unless maybe don't know we look just do what should we do and then maybe they could be are interesting a mission orange and let's see where do we set the material here there it okay no change why is it not changing so what the tail disappear anyway wants to set the collider but you mean when you hit the collider or and then if you destroy the object it'll disappear so usually you have to disable the object and then destroy it after it's the trail is faded that's usually all I do so dunno why the bullets us and it's I've changed the color so she really changed the material their material one of the boats let's change the Italian see you are the tutorial Jones see what you say you are the tutorials we have missing no one's working with blender focus on game asks well worth the five dollar-a-month backing you thanks thanks John appreciate it so I'll try I'll be realizing now that I've done a lot of blender lately and not so much unity and I'm even noticing even though I work daily in the RTS game in unity I do other stuff at the moment so I'm realizing and especially this whole new look and the you RP Universal render pipeline stuff it feels a bit foreign to me so I have to really get get my act together Jason you're welcome glad you like it so let's see what let's try to figure out if you oh yeah down here bullets how come this one's pink it's because I need to apply systems is that the stupid thing there's something weird is if you can see it guys what it is that's causing this I'm not sure yet I have no idea why this is surrendering to pink sometimes I know that it's lighter systems I think it's a but for the colors to cover let's see let's press play once ah okay let's see what's the question here is nothing so in fact you have you considered doing in development content for your RTS game like that blocks and stuff yes we I've been thinking about it for a long time but we really kept the RTS game under under the radar because the our chess game has got I mentioned this in some of my previous ones but my coworker the guy Christian his name is that I'm working with he found me about a year and a half ago and he contacted me with a game that he's been thinking about for 20 years and it's never come to reality so no one's ever made that game that he's been thinking about and it's got some really unique aspects to it and we really wanted to see if the game was worth like if it was as fun as as he had imagined and now we think it is we're really enjoying it but we wanted to avoid the copycats but I know there's a split thing like what you should probably mention it anyway you shouldn't be too worried about copycats but we really wanted to keep it under the radar because we really enjoy this game itself it's got some really untested that stuff in it so that's why we want it but a when we when we get closer now in the autumn closer to the winter I want to really try to do we're gonna announce the release of it and things like that so I want to do dev locks and streams and stuff like that about them so what's the best video to start with for asset creation and unity does your low-poly collaring sir let's see it's enough to get started can I just buy this kit I said this kit acid-free actually so if you look just Google unity skidmarks you've probably find it I'd say like a free someone some guy released it for free I just altered it and modified it for a bit to suit my needs and also the best way to create to start with the asset creation I'd say the lobe if you want to do 3d 3d objects and stuff funds I recommend my low poly video at the moment to one in half hours just to get started and modeling objects and also I'll be making the unity tutorial that really gets you climatized with unity so that will come out in the next couple of weeks it's so arcane oh yeah that's a that's a good actually that's a good point I should mention that one that's a very good point that you said Jason Vickers check this out some of you will know this one let's see [Music] this one I'd recommend a few interviews what sort of swing shot but upset you began abuse I pull on that oh don't show girls so even began with a movie skip on hello and welcome hope you're having a good week hello and welcome check out this video so you can get the I'm gonna move it into the screen up here so search for this one either you can type it in here is the URL so I'll put it in the chat I forgot that I made this one make your first complete game in unity for beginners so this is 1 2 hour long video and it pretty much covers everything about your first scripts and creating game states menus how to make and this actually creates like an or annoyed game in the end let's see so it creates like a breakout clone Union chimp I saw versus you can put this loads of things in there you could have that so I'd recommend check that video out Oh Chris sorry together my last let's see what I just read your first words in my last game failed after spending three years on it we had a sizable fan base and the game was well-received we felt a market it though yeah sorry to hear that and it's a real gamble and in a big risk and we're aware of that as well and to be honest if ours succeed I'll be happy but I have to be I have to realize the fact the fact that it could not be worth the time that we put into it but at least we'll have a game that we really enjoy playing so that's quite so I've already got that actually so you said like say a newer studio can you create a tutorial about animation and inverse kinematics and unity I've got a basic one where it's a cowboy that aims at pistols so check my channel history and I've created inverse kinematics so you can do a mouse aiming with them up with this door so check that so we'd love to see that game yeah thanks I'm so excited too we want to have more players as well because we need some more eyes on it hello hi guys no space crawlers well welcome back and JD and Rob Oh Rob as well hello old time friend a scene you see I'm talking a lot now I haven't done much I was trying to figure out why this bullet wasn't rendering so it's still pink and I've changed the material I guess it's the shader choice here so let's change that one to maybe it's something to do with them let's do mobile and then do particle let's do additive will that make a difference okay now at least it's something okay so that was that requires a texture we don't really want that so particles so I'm not allowed to use that for some reason okay let's check here I'll just have to check in one of my previous projects or something okay I need to it needs to be a universal render pipeline shader it still gets me no one narrato particle on a particle maybe just sunlit color here's another platform a guy if some it's called once upon a platform so if you're not in the chip music or arcade style music sorry about that I sometimes I know I'm in a mood to make stuff like that so it's not that way there we go there's a bullet no that's orange so I had to change the shader to a universal render pipeline because the old materials aren't compatible but I wanted to boost let's see I want to make it glow and this shader doesn't support to boost that one so we need to find another one as well Universal render pipeline particles on next can we do this one here we go intensity oh that's a bit bright isn't it probably too bright that could be an explosion let's see I've got some chat stuff very mysterious well let's see Oh 200 weapons like FPS games yeah I'd have to spend a lot of time prepping for that video I find the two-handed weapon animation to be super frustrating and time-consuming so but I should try to do though alright JD good night good luck with that but you get to sleep there let's see Oh John you're actually a QA tester in real life interesting so like for games or let's see a good game ideas hard to come by especially original months I totally agree oh nice good weather in Canada here as well as being decent raining Albert will pick up soon so i ka i movement it's a big topic as well to cover maybe sometime in the future i could cover that so i have to disable that strength now donut so emission map just lower the intensity today maybe something like oh this track leaving the outposts space-themed one that I made sorrowful going on about the music but I take the opportunity now to speak about oh great okay so Christians so you're a huge RTS fan that's great we do need play testers and we're might be in the position now to recruit a very small number of them who are really dedicated we need some of our chess players that both like really would really want to play and can play so and then put some time in to do the testing so give me a shout if if you're really dedicated and you really want to play to us something and you don't mind signing an NDA then oh that's good that's exactly what I mean John we need the NDA and we need people that can really put some time into play it and I'd be happy to play again but you need some new new players to start playing as all the new players because we're biased and we need some fresh eyes on it for sure you could contact me let's see what's the best way I wouldn't say a mail me because I'm so far behind on my email I would say let's see I'll put a discord link up here see how do I do that best let's go here just work don't switch let's see I need to invite let's create an inviting him so invite people I'll I'm just creating a new link here because I can't remember what the Obama so copy editing lately unlimited use generate linked never expired coffee so I'm gonna paste the link now so if you are interested - so the criteria for the our test testing is that we need the the NDA to be signed and we need someone or some people that are really really interested in RTS games bump to play it and have the patience to play a fairly alpha version of a game so there will be bugs and issues and we built in some error reporting and bug reporting inside the game so you can submit reports but it'll so if you're interested go to this court and send a personal message to me in that discord I'm just infancia at the top of the listener so let's see so I should create some bullets firing up okay that's good I don't know if everyone loves bugs and right now defects but that's great that's one of the great criteria so Fri just find your channels your bids have helped me to learn blender great happy together so let's see I should so we're going to shoot this bullet now finally so we create a prefab out of it let's see let's position to zero bullets move it to pre pumps and let's just create the script here called weapon well I'll just have it fire from the center no see toy I accidentally said something is finished boy closed it by mistake see okay we need to create reference to the prefab public free pup will do how many rounds per minute certifier surrounds minutes and then below I'm gonna actually pull these sir bullets because you shouldn't really be instantiated bullets every frame so let's make a pool with a thousand bullets so I should make a tutorial as well to cover about how to do object pooling so what I'll do private game object I'll make an array here of will do privates will have a bullet indexes on the counter and then in the starch method here in the monobehaviour we're going to spawn all the bullets so with their bullets cool new game objects sucks so we create an array with a full sized number of game objects notice for each this one or it will do a for loop for int I equals 0 iOS pool size and then we'll do just increase it by one and now we'll just spawn these audience Township and so pull it to cool I creep up okay so if it's about this is handy if you didn't know about its f2 to rename so you don't have to do it all over the place so well change all the references as well okay it's good that I can fix it and spelling error with another I don't know so three that okay and then it wish deactivate them so when we spawn all the bullets in the bullet pool you know and then we'll the deactivate them as well so I'll just copy our and then do set active false so when unity starts the see now it'll loop through this and it'll instantiate a thousand bullets and then it will disable all of them and again you don't really want to instantiate every time you fire a bullet because it creates garbage and it can make the game stop and make the framerate of the inconsistent so then in update let's just do something real mentary crude so let's just check let's see it get input death key down we'll just do for now I know there are predefined buttons in unity as well but we'll just use space key code then we'll do invoke repeating because we want to have this fire bullets every so based on the rounds per minute there so we'll do we'll invoke a method called fire will start straightaway and then the delay will be 60 divided by rounds per minute okay and so when we press the key down it'll start invoke repeating and when we release space so I'll release space we'll just stop that with a pencil this track is the piano version of let's say spirit within you oh I said that before so I did the calm chill-out version before and almost the piano version okay so now we need to create this method felt so we'll do this fire method so we have to check which index which you'd use because we're going to fire the next available bullet in the pool so bullet index equals see polar ice there's a shorthand for an if statement okay so bullet index will be if bullet index is greater than precise there will be zero receptor to zero otherwise it will increase public index by one and then we'll do index transform.position let's see we need to change the bullets that we instantiate it or that we're activating will change its transforms position to the current space-ships transforms position we could or where-wherever this weapons transform is and I will do the same for rotation here and I will set it to active here as well active so now hopefully when we press the space first they'll instantiate all the bullets and hide them and then it'll check if we press start pressing space it will invoke this method repeatedly every rounds-per-minute frequency and when we release space it will cancel this invoke and when every time it hits this one you should increase the bullet index by one until it goes to the max size of the bullet aim index or the pool size max and then I'll reset it to zero and then it will put pre for the instantiated version it'll put it at this position and with this rotation and then it'll set it to active see if that works we need to just assign this one we can delete the bullet from the scene because we created a prefab out of that one but then for the players ship here we just need to add the button script and build it prefab will assign here hopefully now if I did everything right okay nothing happens then we can see so the weapon script is there at the bullet is there it's got the trail render everything's there your ship here we go so then we can see okay let's figure out why it's not doing so let's do some hardcore debugging here it's not how you should debug so I'll do it this way let's just make sure you could also attach to unity and actually go into debug but I'll just do it a simple way okay so it is firing let's not maximize it and let's see if it's actually instantiate and all the bullets are instantiated and deactivated so that looks good so I press space okay and it's actually instantiated them but it's not aa it's not moving them so I'm just creating static bullets now that aren't moving so we need to put that translator thing maybe it will put on here we create a little helper script before so I'll see this script here translator let's drag that one to here it will collapse this a little bit so again there's a lot better maybe you should we do bullets quickest that we need to see if it hits something anyway so let's just create a new script inside called bullets okay so again I misspelled it okay I have to check the chat actually so let's see we've got a bit to catch up on air so can you make FPS games probably but it takes a long time that'll be fun yeah so haven't been an actual beta tester in years something you don't have to have to be in a beta tester to test the game or to apply so you're welcome to announce alright let me know if you're interested in hey what's your favorite bread I've got no clue léna probably and I'd say well you blew up on YouTube so quickly yeah I'm happy about that it took me 10 years to get 10,000 subscribers and then I'm up to 80,000 I'm super thrilled yeah I only had 40 not so long ago March was the best one I gained like 30 thousand subscribers and then it's funny my YouTube stats went up like a rocket and then it just went turned straight down again and then it's been trickling up and then at the peak there YouTube had a little notice saying that they changed the algorithm somewhat on the March 25th it may have slight impact on your views it like it I went from having to a few days I had like two thousand subscriber a day and then I dropped to two hundred or something so on but I'm still happy with it so that's really good let's see don't shoot you need the license first yeah that's true let's see air fried air dried bread I've got no idea that make us like right or something cool Draco so give me a shout in the discord if you could join there and I'll just send me a back message there see oh yeah Jeff brain Raider I've checked that one actually back in a few years ago I had some issues with it I remember but I should probably try it again because I like the look of that one a lot so cool thanks Christine for sending the message I'll check that out after see what an inspiration oh thanks please can't do a tutorial on erase I don't get them okay that will come probably in that unity tutorial that I'm making so you can do lists as well I Reyes they're a bit limited in this size and stuff but I could do cover it up see energy makes them go to that I know Jim is a good old time friend of mine I've known him since I was like 10 years old and I'm 45 now so hey Jim I know I should go to bed see three hours I know it's I'm actually not progressing very fast at the moment because I tend to do stuff quite the awkwardly now and I'm looking in the chat so should the movie script be on this oh yeah thanks for pointing that out yeah I'm gonna create a custom script here so all the instead of using that one because I need to do a ray cast to see if it hits something as well so Chris D'Elia sorry be interested in being a testing used to love okay so Starcraft 2 cool so again if you could join the discord Chris let me know if you could direct message me there and we can only accept a really small number of data testers now or it's not even beta testers it's like pre alpha testers and we have to keep it really really tiny in the beginning so maybe ten or so so let me know and then I will expand that at some point is for the Bob 76 good nights yeah good night I'll try to not stop making videos so thanks good night 123 people watching a 3:30 a.m. how much more devoted KB yeah thanks guys I'm happy to keep sorry to keep you up if you're in Europe if you're in the u.s. is not even that latest it's like 9 o'clock in the evening or even earlier so yeah 20 to 30 where is that that would be like New York or something what is Jim not in bed guys he's a night owl like me what's the theme or setting of your art yes it's it's futuristic dish but it's all the all the units you can clearly recognize their rules that they have in combat in modern warfare Eastern all right cool let's see now so I should delete this one and then we'll create a new bullet script ooh let's see anyone know if using a second UV layer would work for a texture painting on top of the 1p yeah okay the workflow yeah you could you could definitely use multiple unity nowadays support 8 UV channels and you can mix and match them with the shaders you can control if you want to overlay and stuff like that so that would work let's see a long Lee I just want to ask one question why is my work because not showing in the final render I don't know is it like a unit if it's I haven't actually tried blender water so that's what it is in the show it's 2:30 in the afternoon yeah but I'm watching the recording two days from now great job I like time travel so okay so the bullet now let's make a script for this one we'll do public float velocity or the speed of the bullet let's stop harming it should live so time certainly by 5 seconds and there we have to set a time stamp for it so private time so we know how long it's been doing and then we'll do ok so control well thanks for that surprise you remember let's see pour it on enable so this is another mana behavior that runs every time something is enabled and we have to run it not in starch because we need to do this every time the bullet is woken up bicep active so when this weapon is firing it here and activates it from the pool is set active then the bullet will run this on enable and then we want to do time stamp equals time time and this is a unity variable that sets the current it's just a float value from when the okay so okay so here is well on update now we need to move it so transform translate which means to move it and we'll do it in vector three forwards because we want to move it in the bullets forward direction and again I can't spell and then we do it times velocity because we want to move it at that speed and then we have to do it frame rate independence and do time Delta time and then we'll do if time that x is greater than timestamp cost time to live and then we want to expire this one so we'll just set the bullet to inactive objects what game objects false that disables the bullets after their time stuff and we also have to do a hit here we'll just do a collision which I want to raycasting I'll just do another money behavior which is on coalition and to let's eat coalition I think that's predefined yeah argument will come in there and what this do let's just do it to both one to say we're hitting something okay and now we should be able to we have to have a Collider on the bullet phone as well so bullet proof up here we go add components we'll just do a sphere sphere Collider is the fastest type of Collider so it's much well I wouldn't say much faster but it's faster than a box Collider because the sphere Collider only needs to check the radius from the center to whatever it's hitting so sphere at vs. sphere Collider is the fastest type of collisions that you can do mean it could be good to know so let's see we've got that one got everything set now I think you've got the collider that's right okay so we're not having anything and that's probably because we get 50 R did I even assign it bullet got the shade render okay so I did not assignable it script there we go so the bullets are way too slow and they're stopping to fire so I press space and then I let go okay it's only firing one I'd see oh yeah it's because I put ten so it'll probably take a long time ten rounds per minute isn't very fast is it okay okay that makes sense so let's beat it up to a hundred bullets for a second or per minute so and then for the bullet here let's increase the speed of it to 200 in velocity maybe okay so that's a little bit faster okay we've got some issues here I don't know what this is about vertex buffer okay maybe I need to update unity because that doesn't seem to be a script problem related to what I just created okay so let's make it 500 and let's make it plus 200 rounds per minute okay so now their bullets are a bit too long so we can make them we just make the time to live for this trailer and they're slower so or a shorter maybe 0.05 okay that's a bit better and then we can make them glow a little bit more again so let's see this bullet material let's increase the emission to three pocket that's a big bullet let's maximize distance ooh okay and now you could just create the different prefabs with different settings maybe that was a little bit too bright so let's bring it down a little bit again maybe to two points and then again we can make it fire a lot faster 500 rounds per minute neighborhood so now we got something firing here it's got nothing to hit that moment we could try to create a test target so create 3d object cube and let's make a little bit bigger to to to should make sure we can hit it okay it's not hitting it at the moment so it could be again now because the bullet is going too fast that could very well be the case because we have a box Collider on that one and on the bullet we had a do have a sphere Collider yep so it should really let us try to decrease the speed of it okay still not shrinking so something's wrong with our treatment coding bullets on collision enter on collision editor we should really have something there it's chapter chapters well first so see what I missed aren't you missing the F's for the floats yeah usually up - you can still assign them without the FS but if you need if you don't put a whole number in them and you just provide you if it's a decimal number save your work often yeah that's true you should do I should do control that I haven't actually saved the scene control us so if the unity would have crushed now we would have been not so good let's see what's to talk about ml agents for a unity wonder if you could teach players oh yeah I've been thinking about that as well with machine learning but but last time I liked that looked at machine learning for unity it was like in such a beta version and like a mayhem of Python scripts and it took me I was at a United Berlin a couple years ago and we were supposed to set up the ML library in unity and it took me about 40 minutes and I couldn't even set it up so but it would be cool if it could have been used yes sir but you'll be able to watch this later on it'll stay online the stream co-routine and yield return operator yeah you could do that you could definitely do it kora team love this track I wonder if it's this one you mean I don't know if you said it before this one was from plasmus guy I shoot him up a game that a guy made for a Android yeah I like your galaxy and mater is pretty much something like that is this the Basshunter of the game development Swedish I guess and likes the electronic music cool like you like it space crawler well it needs a rigid but oh thanks you're probably totally right there so let's check it out a rigidbody but I would have thought that the primitive colliders should have detected it but you're probably right so we can't use gravity let's try not I'm gonna thought that should still trigger our okay what okay oh they're colliding with each other or something no what's going on okay can I do this you shouldn't really translate them the way I'm doing it if I'm using that's probably not it let's see I would have thought that let's see is there anyone else in the chat picking up why it's not well it needs a rigidbody let's swap there so it's the rigidbody on the target instead let's do the cube rigidbody and then do it kinematic because we don't need to know the cube still not shaking so discreet should be fine I think even for this now that I've moved them too slow so I think that should be alright it's something else show us the code again alright so we've got on collision enter on the bullets collision I did one block hit you yeah nice unintended it's like a swarm of their bullets that just fires all right that's welcome back tomorrow no uncheck both Cuba's effector I'm not sure should have I spelt this even correctly on collision yep hmm this pot put a copy of the spaceship it's definitely like the most primitive of targets with a cube so they should definitely work yeah I could try it on trigger into still no hits or am I even displaying there let's see yeah all right let's try that let's do it on trigger instead but sometimes I use that as well actually for bullets as well instead of collision so we can try that I think that comes with I'll just try to see if that triggers it because I know that criteria is a little bit different for triggers should definitely be should work that I'm finishing in - yeah we go we've got the hit register now so I think you're on to what you said about the rigid body so the trigger hits but not when it's something let's just try it one more time Collider just save some time by disabling so we're still not hitting that one that's so weird I'm missing something it's not the first time I've done this mistake either it's like it's probably so obvious why it's not working but it's so the cube right okay now we get the hit so yeah it's if if you want to use physics then it's probably better to use like proper rigidbody stuff for the for all the stuff and if you want to do it like a 2d shooter like we're aiming to do I'd probably go for the trigger instead so because you don't really want to physics collisions anyway so if you just detect the triggers it's probably better so let's do this so trigger and we don't need the rigid bodies okay and now I probably got set so the cube just switched I want the trigger so that's what we'll do for the targets as well later on okay still not I thought I fixed this so trigger on trigger enter [Music] oh really I think we did it without the rigidbody to me god I should know this and come up yeah you're right so now we should also here's an issue as well look if we were to disable this here let's say we hit the object and then we just disable the bullet and I think we were onto this topic before then you'll see that the trailer render it just disappears okay they move so fast that it's probably ok you don't see it anyway so you could probably get away with it but sometimes you have to disable it with a delay and then you could use a KO routine so you could have it instead of being set inactive straight away if you need the trail let's actually do this let's change the bullet here and then time to live this okay but we'll do the trade render let's say we had a lot longer like 0.3 you can see now if I fire one bullet there but it just disappears so sometimes if you have a longer bullets like that you probably want to change so that it doesn't delete it anyway you could do a KO routine here that deactivates it after a short while but again with the bullets moving faster now it's not really a problem okay hey we could also do let's see see what I've got you Rob okay take care of it me I'm a good one thanks for joining yeah still the rigid body that's true still a must yeah self-active falls when they're out of you that's right there's actually called I think there's so one called on became invisible one became invisible and here you can also do deactivate it and it just ripped that's return to the pool basically so so now when they go out of screen that it actually the only reason why they don't disappear here is yeah because it's not invisible for the editor that's why you can still see them here but if i zoom this in it'll actually you can see that they'll be disabled here a lot faster so there they go away but if i zoom out because they're still visible to the editor that's why they stay visible here for a longer that's so dead I don't know if you can postcode actually I don't know if that works you oh no I won't Krrish I won't forget the racing game sorry sorry for the delay I have to just get my act together so I thought out philosophy not that I stopped yourself a bad episode anyway like I said before I have to take advantage when my inspiration for something comes because if I force myself to do something that I did but when I've got other stuff that I feel like I need to do I don't do as good of a job but I'll try okay so I guess what we should really do enemy ships and stuff like that as well and explosions and things like that it's 3:52 am here now so I think I'm actually gonna round this one off too so I thought it was just fun to to have a little video where we could have a chat together and I don't know if I should continue this or make something else but I should probably put together a tutorial for this so it's not for the hours or 4 hours or whatever food Missy or not so anyone's got the patient to watch so far hope you got something out of it there's a lot of fun anyway so let's see if I missed anything I probably lost mr. quest probably missed loads of questions so sorry about that if I didn't catch you but do join the discord I'll put a link in the description to this video as well and I'll try to jump in there every now and then when I can so all right so people are I'm gonna let you off to go to bed now or enjoy the rest of the evening if you're somewhere else in the world so thanks a lot guys for joining and yeah I'm just shoot some comments in the comments field and I'll try to do some more streams like this it's a lot of fun to just join in I need the practice as well it's a lot of fun to just make whatever so I'll do more blender stuff and I'll do more unity stuff and if you have any requests of them on covers or covers to topic on topics to cover it just put it in the comments as well and I'll see Dapeng fix the ontriggerenter method is not coded right all right okay I'll have to check what could be wrong with that one but I think yeah ontriggerenter is just you seem to trigger so what did you mean by not coded corrects let's see I used to destroy on contact script for a simple game yeah that works too so can you make more tutorials on character and character animations yes I've got that in mind too like I said with the ten with a hundred thousand K sub scribe risky I don't know how that's gonna work I've been planning to stream for 24 hours I'm gonna do a lot of character animation and characters then but I'll also do dedicated tutorials for it I already have some of the stuff in my earlier videos so check those out but I'll definitely cover that top again both because I want to learn it more and I want to be able to help out more because that is a tricky topic ok you don't actually need the collision parameter on the ontriggerenter you can if you want to have you so that then you can add it so but you don't you don't have to use it but I'm probably gonna add it later on because you want to be able to pick up the contact point so you can spawn some like sparks and things like that make a low poly character of yourself or your local guy I've actually made my local guy in 3d and 3dsmax back in the day but I shouldn't definitely redo that one Chris you just wanted to say thank you you really read nighted my dream for them no I desire to learn blender great great to hear that Chris okay so I hope you stick with it and keep the motivation up okay that's it guys thanks a lot take care everyone and I'll see you in the next stream and in the next video and come back next Thursday as well but I'll do my ten minute video hit the like button if you can even do that on a live stream I don't know and subscribe if you haven't already and remember patreon if you if you want to drop by there it's slash infancia until next time have a great one and bye for now see if I shut this off now as well and stream
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 55,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imphenzia, low poly, unity3d, blender, blender 2.83, hdrp, high definition render pipeline, island, scull, pirate
Id: W24-geb7zck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 40sec (12760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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