Let's Model, Rig, Pose, Light, and Render a MECH - Ep. 91 - Blender 2.93

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I need more of this daily.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/syth429 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
ah caught that before recording that was good stay down now during the recording session please i slept for nine hours last night three times more than i usually see i'm still trying to recover from excessive sleep here we go i feel like i'm taller hello everyone and welcome to episode 91 of the 10 minute modeling challenge so last week we did the minecart that was a super basic thing and now i'm going to be mixing from like the start of 10 minute modeling challenge to the end of it we're going to mix it all so first in the 10 minute session i'm going to model a character moodle sounds like yelling i'm going to model a character which i've done quite a lot in the past but i'm going to do like a mech warrior but not the two well this is going to be the two-legged ones but with arms and a head and stuff maybe a little bit like transformer like but it's not going to transform tried to figure out ways to do a transform in 10 minutes that didn't work so i'm going to do like sort of like um i don't know when i grew up i watched some cartoons and stuff and they always had giant like low legs for some reason and like uh big shoulders small heads i don't know yeah sounds like i'm describing myself big at small shoulder no big small head small head big shoulders i don't know i'm not even that big i'm quite that sounds i'm just digging myself grieving i'm not big big mostly i just had wide shoulders when i grew up as a kid just to get that clear not trying to claim that i'm uh as strong or anything anyway a lot of stuff going on right there that i had no intention to say so what i'm going to say is i'm going to model a character again and in the 10 minutes i'm going to do the actual shape of it and then we're going to do some bonus material the first bonus material is going to be rigging it which i've i haven't done in a while actually in quite a few videos maybe 10 20 episodes so if you're new to the channel check that out so we're going to do some rigging today and then i'm going to model him a weapon and i'm going to stick it in his hand and then we'll do a pose i'm not going to animate him today but i'm going to do a pose and then for the magic part i'm going to take that scene and then we're going to render it with some lighting effects and that's going to take it to the next level i think because in the last few weeks i've been spending a lot of time with the lighting stuff and trying to get colors right so it's all a learning process for me and i'm glad that you are joining me in this process and that you're learning along the way hopefully so we're going to take it from the default cube here and we're gonna have uh ourselves a little journey right now and uh settle back for episode 91 i have no idea how long this is going to be but the modeling part as usual is going to be 10 minutes so i might have some tinkering time though afterwards just in case i need to rectify some disasters i'm gonna set my keyboard all ready here and we're gonna have ourselves a 10 minute mowing sessions right now we're heading to 200k as well give it a subscribe if you haven't already and we're going to make a 24-hour live stream when we hit the 200k that's not that far away now so all right with that said let's get modeling ourselves a robot uh item set no oh someone's calling no i stopped the stupid oh okay i think i've got one minute to go so i i'm annoyed though here we go again ready steady go tab into edit mode it's select everything watermelon we need first scale g move it i'm gonna make a torso usually i make the characters about two meters high so it's a bit easier to know what i'm going for so let's move the hip in we're gonna do uh like a triangle shape on the hip here and then i'm gonna do shift d to duplicate that one g to move it rotate about that much and then scale what i'm going to do now actually i'm going to rotate it on like an angle so i get the pointedness forward here we're going for low poly of course so oh i've got no screencast keys there we go uh scale down g to move e to extrude s to scale and here's going to be those weird mech legs so i'm going to do some skinny parts there shift the scale g e to extrude and here we're going to make them big and then just bring them down to there e to extrude as the scale rotate and then fit shift d move it down to there side view e to extrude or to rotate and that's going to be the feet eat to extrude there and eat extrude again down to there move that down low poly foot here we go and bring that in groom that in i'm not going to groom anything there scale there and maybe wider and then we'll fix this so it looks better i think it's extrude has to scale hard to rotate now let's go for the body here so e to extrude s to scale e to extrude here's going to be the belly e to extrude or the stomach eat extrude eat extruder scale there we go rotate very wide for some reason so let's make it less white scale on the y axis y there and then up there and then we'll do the arm so i'm going to do similar to the legs here side view shift d let's go to edit and go circle because we want to make this into a square so it's only four corners there elsante scale x zero it doesn't matter if it's not perfect and then e to extrude that's too small so scale e to extrude s to scale need to extrude that's the scale and then i'll just do shift d scalar on and here big arms popeye style mech warrior arms there we go and then i'm going to do a hand here low poly hand like i normally do them so i'll shift d to duplicate that face rotate it scale on the z axis that's just so we can grip that weapon that we're going to put in this hand so e to extrude and e to extrude that one and eat extrude just simple low poly hand for this mech unfortunately so and then uh ahead we need to get ahead of things so i'm gonna grab this shoulder pink pink thing scale it move it forward so i can see scale move it in scale up e to extrude side view and e to extrude has to scale and usually the heads like again like sunk in a little bit into the body here i think scale rotate g okay and then i have to make room for the head here so i thin set b and it took extrude it feels like i thought i think i've done a character similar to this in an episode last year actually now come to think of it did i even call it mech or something probably oh anyway we'll let's just pretend that we haven't made one of those so gee i'll have to make it look a little bit different than somehow but saying that i'm probably going to do the head very similar because usually this is how i do my heads for low poly characters keep it simple like this maybe like this like a knights element and then i'll do control r loop cut here ctrl r loop cut and then i to inset literally for the eye and then colorize that one maybe black or no maybe we can make the eyes light up a little bit later on since we've got the the texture and if it looks stupid like most of the time it does just try to shape the eye a little bit to make it a little bit more aggressive or something you can even go oh for proportional and then g and then move it down and then maybe we can scale this one up no okay that was probably a bad idea but anyway try to shape the eye so it looks less dorky and now i just make it look stupid okay uh let's pretend the eye looks alright for now i can't let go of the eye literally and now i messed up the face never mind you know what we'll fix that in post so let's make the arms a little bit more interesting or the whole body now i'm going to make like armor plates things so just to exaggerate a little bit let's put something on the legs here so i've got four minutes 26 here on the clock so let's go go scale to scale those up no let's not let's go i to inset and then alt e extrude long phase normals scale that down maybe g to move it and i just want to put like pretend armor stuff here so maybe i'll do e to extrude again g to move that on rotate i'm just pretending like this is some sort of armor plate thing like we did for this spider bottle a bit maybe and here let's grab let's not grab that scale okay let's do something similar here for the arms so we'll do ctrl r maybe on this one uh e to extrude e to extrude again e to extrude i'm just pretending like oh i've got two things selected e to these are some sort of shield things that he's got and i've got proportional so i should be able to grab those two move out a little bit put a rocket pack on on the back i think i did that for the last one too so repeating history in itself here so and then shift d to duplicate no i'm going to shift d so i don't get the attached one oop shift d scale this one down g to move it to there e to extrude and scale bring that out okay they're gonna look like a clone of the other one 252. okay i'm gonna try to put some more armor stuff on this character to make it look a little bit meaner so let's do proportional there proportional there and here on the arm i'm gonna put as well something control control r ah losing my voice again e to extrude he to extrude again let's go for something pointy here it might look cool when he's holding the weapon later on i don't know need to extrude rotate it's like sculpting low poly but it's not sculpting it's like just box modeling i guess rotate there and then again maybe something cooler here it's like a samurai type of you need to cover this leg that's just in the air someone so first of all let's make it like this some really skinny upper legs i don't know why they have that maybe so they're agile maybe oh yeah it's too bulky probably so all d maybe extrude long phase normals nope that looks hideous so let's not do that let's go e to extrude that let's pretend he's got some sort of a hip attachment here like a hip replacement titanium e to extrude that's the scale maybe i'll just reshape the body here a bit so 132 i'm gonna spend the time in in post to to do all the tinkering anyway and then i'm tinkering now instead so but i guess maybe we should bring that down a little bit so you can see put i'm okay with the ha the hands just floating in there but i think we'll get away with that actually when it grabs the weapon later on slightly bigger have i missed something vital probably but that's okay let's do something here on the legs too one minute to do i'll just keep doing some armor plate tinkering here we'll colorize it afterwards too i think i'll just do them literally the modeling in this one so should we do archer rotate i feel like i want to put some sort of armor plate here she's got a very small chest area a to select everything scale shift set move it in no not happy with that i don't know what i'm doing so g will analyze and fix after i think scale i've only got 20 seconds to go anyway so let's put it instead here no let's just extrude it then e to extrude as the scale and here as well something for the shoulders b to extrude some armor e to extrude s to scale and rotate why did i make that sound dismiss all right so this is our starting point now so this was the 10 minute modeling challenge it was actually literally the the modeling part that we did this one now i think i'm going to do first of all let's save this one so we've got the original spoiler alert if you don't want to see the final image look away now and keep looking away until i say so because we're going to be spending the rest of the video now continuing to refining this model tweaking it we're gonna rig it and we're gonna wait paint a little bit we're gonna pose it into a weapons pose we're gonna add a weapon and then we're gonna do some lighting effects and some rendering so this is what we're gonna be achieving at the end of it so if you stay for the whole video you'll see the entire process and now you can look back and enjoy the rest of the video okay so we've got this character now so to make him into in a less stressful manner now let's try to see what we could change with him first of all i think he's a little bit too bulky for some reason i need to get the proportions a little bit better so it looks more like those robots that i remember i think they were skinnier or something so let's try it i'm just got proportional on note so i'm going to grab a few faces like this and then just start pulling a little bit to see if i can get give him a little bit more of a traditional like leaner look so already there i'm liking it that it's giving some like slanted angles usually i think they have a really narrow torso section again it's like if you think about it mechanically or something i guess it's like it needs to be a little bit more agile so it can't be too bulky everywhere so it's got these uh regions so i i already like that a little bit more for the leg here it's kind of might be an issue when we animate in the future that it's uh but i don't think so uh because you won't really see the parts inside there and you can't do it mechanically correct anyway so i think we're okay there rotate that one looks a bit too straight in the back could have been maybe again just some minor tweaks to the polygons there to make it look a little bit better and the arch like an arching back that looks pretty good i think for the arm here i'm not sure either i think i'll do alt select on that edge scale it down funny enough even if it's already skinny for this arm as well i think i'll just tweak the polygons a little bit to make i don't know what i'm looking for really but i think i'm not happy with maybe it's the way that part goes maybe it was just that it was too much like uniformed or something so let's tweak that and i'm not too happy with how this goes uh it looks like a life ring life vest so can i extrude this one just to scale it g to move it and i think it's just too wide this opening here so let's grab that edge with proportional note bring it in make it a little bit closer just like there's a hole here for the head and move that one up i think again the chest plate here needs to be bigger or something maybe the chest plate should come out a little bit more proportional off there and this is too wide let's bring that in and let's get grab that one and this one i've got proportional i'm not too worried about but usually proportional proportional in low poly mode to be honest g and i don't know if i should do something like screws here as well maybe maybe that looks a bit too no that could work maybe i'll do the same here just for some more it's like a mix between uh like ninjago or but that that's got a lot more spiky bendy stuff and like transformery type of thing i don't know that's that one is annoying me more than usual let's get that one in and i think i need to extrude let's see we'll scale this one up no we want you to extrude it just get a little bit more geometry there i think and then yeah i'm not have it at all with this so let's get this one again proportional in nope i want to grab that one move it in i want to grab this one move it out proportional and this i think i need to move up i'm severely severely annoyed by the the way this part of the leg looks at the moment so let's make ourselves less annoyed with it it's coming out way too much i don't know if it could be like some thrusters under there or something i don't know why he would have these i guess it's some sort of a side shield or something i think this is annoying me that it's going out too much there i don't really know what i'm looking for here maybe what like you don't necessarily have to accept the geometry that you put there either you could always like delete it and recreate it does does it need it probably doesn't need more extrusion usually try to fix a problem by adding another one that's never a good sign not happy at all with this let's cancel that one i'm also afraid that i was going to go away from low poly there for a second started to the poly count started to get to me a little bit nervously so maybe like that let's see how long this took to fix afterwards no i'll fast forward probably this part so you don't have to spend forever looking at this all right this is me again now from the editing studio and uh i spent some more time on these first of all on the legs it took about seven more minutes like i showed you there to actually get the shape that i was happy with and in the end i realized that i didn't my problem was that i was trying to inset and extrude stuff from the geometry and it didn't feel like robotically enough or whatever that means so in the end i found that when i marked the four faces that were facing out towards the side of the lake i duplicated those four and i pressed shift d to duplicate those to send them out to the side and that was when i started to get a little bit happy you're probably still wondering what are you talking about it still looks hideous and it might do but i i was less annoyed with myself at least with this look so this is the the the model that i ended up going for with the legs and what i did was i ended uh added some geometry to get it a little bit pointy like this like chevron style i thought that added like a futuristic armor style look to it and finally i was able to put my mind a slight bit at rest i didn't talk at this period because i was just sitting there focusing going what am i doing with my life in a good way i guess because i'm having a good time i'm enjoying this so i'm not really too bothered and it's funny looking at it from the side view like this because the uh like when you look at it all the geometry like you look at what why is he got like a cow's feet or something or pig's feet and then i fix that a little bit and then i scroll like it's quite wonky you could refine this a lot but then as well i think it's myself like these models that we create especially the low poly ones then a lot of them are going to be viewed in game from a distance and i've said this a lot a lot of the time and it's sometimes it's not worth obsessing over details it might be better just to accept a few things the way they are and then push ahead making your game if that's what you're making of course if you're making assets for a game so i was uh happy enough with the legs at this point i moved up to the upper body and started to reshape it a little bit and usually when you look at it for a while then you start to realize what what annoys you the most and i just contradict myself because i said don't over obsess over details but i guess a little bit of extra time could be spent that's what i guess that's the trap that everyone's that's so you get they're stuck but i use proportional editing uh even if i'm doing hard surface uh low poly style i quite like to use proportional to try to like refine the model so it looks a little bit more aesthetically pleasing when you create stuff like this don't get annoyed if you get stuck a little bit too much in in phases that you don't uh like you feel like you're making no progression or you get annoyed with yourself just allow that to happen and uh it's kind of happy it happens to me a lot i create stuff that i don't like and i either i delete it or i live with it or both so they just keep iterating try to improve it look at it from different angles scroll around see what it looks like delete stuff that you're not happy with control z as far as the the history buffer will allow you and try to rectify it from there and in the end i think you'll reach a point where you're happy enough and that's going to change over time as well the more you the more models that you make the more picky you might become but at the same time the less picky you might become to i'm just going to be quiet now all right i'll fast forward a little bit because i'm just doing so many minor tweaks here so key message here fix what you think needs fixing don't over obsess with details don't spend too much time on it but if stuff is really annoying you then try to get rid of those or fix those so that's the key message enjoy the little time lapse until we get to the point where we are colorizing this model okay so that took a little bit of time but in the end i think i got there what i ended up doing was i hated the way the legs looked and i ended up deleting the geometry there and starting over a little bit tried a few different ways then wasn't happy with anything it wasn't until i actually detached a face like this i detached this whole thing into a new section i didn't want to extrude the extruder from the existing dig maybe that's what was putting it off so i just detached these two faces and moved them out and then did these sort of pointy shapes i went over the whole model as well tweaked the feet a little bit tweaked the armor plates uh here lowered and brought the shoulders back in uh remodeled slightly there's still a very low poly uh rocket pack here changed the head around a little bit uh i it looked a bit too lame so i wanted to get some more aggressive eyes and then nearly like a breathing apparatus type of thing here in the front i don't know what that is and then um some slight refinements as well just to the general shape of their body so again this could be tweaked a lot more for i'm not so happy with the way the arm looks here for example it's unnecessary geometry i should have done the same as i did for the legs where i just detached it instead and kept these probably a little bit straighter actually in fact that this looks a bit too so i might do x on that one and this limited dissolve even on this one x actually i'll just do dissolve edges there i think i want to bring that back into a simpler shape again i was going to put those uh marks there that i did on the legs on the on the arms but i wasn't happy with any way that looked so i think for the sake then this is so let's uh save this as a model step number two part two so if you're not happy with that what you modeled in the beginning uh try just go over it over and again and see try to make little tweaks here and there and see if if you feel better about it or if you feel less better about it and just try to find a way where you're actually happy with the end result and i think this is probably good enough for what we're trying to achieve so i'm happy with this let's colorize it then so i've got my texture here and we can do maybe some glowing eyes instead and then maybe some glowing parts on his body too and i'm going to render this in eve so maybe we should first should i colorize it or rig it first let's colorize it first i'm gonna go for take it from this into like this different type of blue more like a steel blue or something there and then that's uh stuff that's like indented like this like this one for example i want to bring to a much darker color and same here select the interfaces control plus i tried to do there that didn't work maybe this whole cavity here i'll go for dark too like that and then here usually i try to find spaces which are it's near like a fake ambient occlusion where you go okay this one would be dark probably so let's go for a darker color there so it's not like lit correctly but that's okay and then for like these parts where the inner arms are this would have been like shaded as well or like darker so let's put some a blue or a darker color here on these shift select a bunch of those g bring that to black and maybe we should stick to that theme actually and go for like the upper legs here could be let's press l for all the linked ones they're actually a bit darker for those two same goes maybe the lower part of the leg here shift select these darker and that could do so that's maybe it's the specular lighting that's thrown it looks a bit shiny but it should be all right and equally i guess we could go for like brighter parts as well then so we'll do if we do pretend that stuff is armor maybe i can go for should i go for a different i had orange on i like that for my platforming game i did like an orange color that could look pretty cool i guess let's go for that one see if this works not sure if this is going to work but let's try so control plus these are actually attached to the on this is where i made a mistake i shouldn't really attach those to the arm really let's uh go for g move those up to there and the hips here as well i suppose we'll go with the with the theme now i think these are very similar colors to my dominator guy that i did he had some white on him as well maybe and then maybe the chest plates here too rocket pack maybe this is too bright the mushroom that's too much go for a darker rocket pack then with black nozzles thing and gotta keep this in the color to get the hip apart hands could be dark too like gloves they don't have gloves this one does okay and dark feet so that's our color scheme simple as that let's just keep it i guess you could go for some darker hair even again like fake lighting and we've got some geometry poking through there um that's okay all right i'm going to rotate him before i rig i'm going to rotate him because unity likes him to face in the forward y direction here so let's go ctrl s to save that rotate z 180 and then ctrl a and apply rotation so we it's important that this here in item is a rotation is 0 0 0 when it's facing in this direction here so it should be good all right now let's regain them so we'll go to the front here then it's ctrl one on the keypad to see from his front again and we'll do shift a this has been a while actually armature so we'll do i have to go see if i can remember if you port display in front let's bring tab into edit mode shift space g move that up into the torso bring it down i'm just going to do a simple two spine thing that i normally do here so i'll do e to extrude i think it's good to have sometimes i usually only have one spine but it's a bit too limiting when you do your animating so i'll do two spines even if it's just the top spine that controls the whole upper body here and then e to extrude will do one for the head here as well but this one can be this one will be press alt p and do clear parent no alt p and disconnect bone and then put the head here like that and then we'll do the arms here so i'll do see front view there so e to extrude and i'll just do like this one won't be used really collarbone e to extrude p to extrude and e to extrude for the hand we actually need to introduce a little bit more geometry so it bends okay so i'll just go ctrl r here put a few loop cuts ctrl r a few loop cuts it's just so it bends a little bit better because since we're going to grip a weapon actually i can't just have a single hand i need to have uh i can't even get this thing right there so if we put the hand is gonna start there and then i'm just gonna do finger one finger two and then we'll have to do the thumb here as well so top view e to extrude i guess i can just separate this one i'll do alt p disconnect bone put the thumb there but this one also needs to be i think it's connected to the wrong it's connected to the lower arm here so we have to change that um so i'll do ship shift select the thumb shift select the hand control p and keep offset and now it's going to rotate it looks a bit weird it feels like it should be there but it shouldn't so now when you rotate the hand the thumb will actually come along with it and then for ik i usually put that little twist here as well so just put a little dent on the elbow the way it helped the ik know how to fold it and then for the leg here e to extrude middle mouse button locks it on the axis pretty handy g to move it there and then we'll put the knee cap there e to extrude remember middle mouse button locks it on an axis and then e to extrude that feet look uh weird here well they could be fixed and then we need to select this upper bone shift like this one control p and keep offset so it follows the root bundle as well and same thing from the side view here i'm gonna do a little dint on the knee so the leg knows how to fold on the knee on the ik inverse kinematics and then for the here i usually go just go from the heel or from the like the area where the foot is attached to the tip of the toe there i should do and then now we're going to name these important so f2 root f2 spine 1 f2 spine two we don't need a neck it doesn't have one f2 head and then f2 shoulder and here's important dot l because it's his left shoulder and for symmetry to work we have to have the dot l so f2 upper arm dot l f2 lower arm dot l and then here for the hand we'll go hand dot l thing finger one dot l finger two dot l and then here thumb dot l and then for the leg upper leg dot l lower leg dot l foot dot l capital l please thank you all right so now we've got the main parts of the hand there's or the whole um skeleton set up so now we can let's do the ik as well since we're going to pose him so i'll select that joint ctrl 3 to see from the side view e to extrude and then here alt p and clear parent move it this is where the knee is going to be pointing towards and then here for the same e to extrude and then select it alt p and clear parent oh but that one stays in the same place though so alt p clear apparent this one we're going to name ik leg dot poll dot l and this one is going to be ik leg dot target dot l and then we have to disable deform on these so go to little bone tab there and disable deform and disable the form on this one and what more should we do have to remember now so we go to the lower leg do here i have to go to compose mode control tab hope i'm not forgetting anything post mode control tab i'm going to post mode and here go to this add bone constraint inverse kinematics and then we'll do target it's going to be ik okay so i can't click on arm it so armature this has been uh ik uh target and then here armature and here ik leg pole that's it and it flips out like this is good we need chain length to two for the leg there and then pole angle needs to be uh let's see 90. so it points forward and now when we move the leg it should be okay like this there's one thing i forgot to do actually which is important i'll go to control one on the front view here and then i'll do tab into edit mode a to select everything and then do alt n no shift n no control n okay sorry so select the armature tab into edit mode select all the bones and then do is it shift n and then go recalculate roll on view axis and that's so that later on when you all the roll angles will be correct for pose flipping later on so that's a bit of a hint there for you so let's go back into pose mode and see control three go here that one works we still have the foot issue that we usually have so when you lower the body like this on the torso that the toe points so that doesn't work so to fix that one there's probably multiple fixes but i usually do it this way i go to relations relations on the bones there and then disable inherit rotation and then here comes some quirks here then we go go back into the constraints here and then we add a copy rotation pick the target armature pick the bone it's the ik target dot l but here it flips all the way around so i need to go to local space and local space and when you rotate this one it goes the opposite direction there both on the red axis there on the axis and it goes correct on the blue axis but it goes wrong on the roll as well so on the y so we need to flip here on this one we need to invert the x and y axis i usually get that one wrong anyway so let's see that works as expected z that works and rotate rotate on the x-axis oh sorry rotate on the y-axis that now works too so now we're set up to do the post flipping here i'll do object mode a select all the bones f3 symmetry and then now we've got that's why the dot l was really important because if we look at one of these bones now f2 it's named it automatically to dot r there so let's save this one as a new one rigged and i'm adding these two after this episode now actually upload a new batch of my 10 minute modeling challenges to my patreon so patreon.com you can actually download this character pretty cool so i'm not going to animate him into an animation for now i'm just going to pose him in this video i've got a lot of other animations so never mind i'll animate them at some point probably so now let's get him into a pose so to do that i need to control tab into post mode and then i'm just going to go into should i go to the animation tab yeah let's go into the animation tab change the dope sheet into action editor click new here and then i usually save this default post and i name it underscore so it goes at the top t pose select all the bones i to insert inset no i to insert and then i'll do location and rotation so and i should have actually been at frame zero so let's go back there and now i'll do it in search location rotation so now we've saved the t post and i click this little uh fake user thing so we don't accidentally lose our animations i usually protect them that way now i can duplicate this one and then just do weapon pose and then save that one and now i'll be able to put them into um posts that we like so i'll go back into the uv editing i like to work in here everything's set up so now we could oh we need to link him too so i'll do select the character now shift select the armature control p i'm going to try with automatic weights here so armature deform with automatic weights and for a lot of organic characters that work and for low poly it could have a lot of issues now with the touch so let's let's figure out so you can see that it's not really ideal in the way that the when you rotate the arm here it actually changes the the metal plates of this character so it's not necessarily the best way to to do for these characters see that one looks really weird as well how it stretches so i'll have to cancel out of that so let's go all the way back so it's not linked anymore it's gonna be a little bit more tedious to link this character so i'll explain what i'm doing but maybe you can do it in a different way so what i'll do now is i still set up the character shift select the armature control p and then i do with empty groups now it creates the vertex groups for each bones for this character here so if i go to the character now vertex here then you can see that it's got all these vertex groups already so now i need to assign the right vertices here to the right group so it's a bit of a pain painful way to do it but let's just start so i'll start from the top here so the everything that's going to be connected to the root here and that's going to be this part of the body and in order to do that i need to probably should detach this so the torso is actually a solid piece instead then i'll do shift select see how should we do this actually i think i'll do it this way ctrl plus to mark all of these and then i'm going to press y now to disconnect this so it's actually in a separate part so i can we can hide this one l and press h to hide it f to cap this one so it's like a solid piece and i don't really mind if it's going to be gaps and stuff so f so alt h to unhide it and i realize here now that i've missed a few these are orange so it looks a bit let's see control plus okay i missed those so l well and then we can press ctrl j to join these again i think l to select link what's the button to join these again we can do merge by distance i guess l to select link now this one is one piece there so this part is one piece that's okay lower arm is one piece this is one piece i'm pressing l here just to check that there here we can actually link these together no they're already linked they're linked they're linked everything's it's just this one that's manageable so now we'll try this again then we'll do select this one it's already got all the bones so l to select all the linked here assign these now to the root you can't really see any difference here we could have gone into weight paint at some point to see here i'll select all all the links here i'm actually going to do the same here so i'll do shift select those oh no i'll ring select this y to detach it l to select all the upper h to hide that and now we can tap this one so f to select that one and what i'll do is i'll just do some internal geometry here so actually it doesn't like look like empty space i'm just doing a bit line there so that's just like a torso clump there and then i should also select l to select the link here h to hide it and we need to also cap this one or is that already kept yeah that's okay and that's already got a face there and then but the upper body here we need to do the same so alt h to unhide it l select linked hide that's got a face we need to create a face here so f and now that's a solid phase two alt h to unhide it so that's a bit uh you'll get used to that process now what i can do is do l to select the linked which is just gonna be this internal thing here oh this is a problem l l these need to be linked so m merged by distance now that became one clump there so we've got that selected that should be on spine1 assign and then here l to select all the linked here the upper body assign this one to space spine2 l to select the head and go assign and here we go l to select no we're not going to have anything on the shoulder actually so l to select this part and go upper arm dot l l to select this part upper arm dot lower arm dot l l to select the hand here hand dot l and then same for the leg l okay the hands we have to do manually i'll wait paint those i think so come back to the leg here it's gonna be upper leg dot l assign l to select the link l to select the link assign this one to the lower leg dot l and l select that one and go foot so now we can try it ctrl t that works and you see now that we did it this way it forces all the way to 100 when we do it so it looks a lot better for rigid objects like a robot like this and i i don't really care if it penetrates like this i just live with that so it's not worth the effort to try to prevent that from happening so let's see we've got body movement or the rocket pack there we can attach as a separate object anyway rotate the head that works the legs work there as well and then this works and that works and since we have the symmetry thing everything works out of the box so we're okay to go but we need to fix the hand in the backpack so i advise maybe the backpack will do l l and then p and separate this into a whole new object all together here f2 call it rocket pack and this one we can just make it so i'll actually even do set origin to surface volume there okay that doesn't work because it's got the stupid mirror modifier so let's apply the mirror modifier right click set origin to center of mass there and then also i'll take away the armature there so now it's not going to follow it still but we can put constraints on this one so i'll go to on this object now go to the constraints tab add constraint child of pick the armature and then i usually pick spine 2 here and then set inverse so now this is a child of the object so the backpack will follow all together and that the nice way of doing it this way is that you can disable the rocket pack then so it doesn't have one so you can have all the props that you're going to do it's going to be that way okay uh we need to fix the hand still though unfortunately so control tab and for that i think i'll go into weight paint mode should i or should i we'll just try our weight paint let's try it so i'll select the armature shift select the character control p and go into weight paint and then with the hand selected there now i'm just gonna hopefully not grab the body so let's just get i'm just gonna do this like decent enough for the video i have to be careful not to get anything of the actual arm though so maybe like that and then shift select to select the next bone and shift select and then paint the tips here this probably is going to deform horribly but we can live with that shift select this shift select double click a there just to deselect and shift select to get that and there we go maybe this will work if we're lucky let's try it control tab go back into pose mode okay object mode first then select control tab and let's hope this works no that doesn't work i'm missing a vertex there so a couple of vertices there don't have any painting at all that looks hideous too so we'll have to fix this a little bit so select the armature shift select the object control p weight paint and then shift select here we need to make sure that we got a few more vertices here and then double click a shift select the tip one here that one sorted control tab and then we need to get all of them connected to the thumb here i think ctrl t oh no select that one shift like this one control tab wait paint and everything needs to go through the thumb i think hopefully this will be good enough so control tab object mode and control tab host mode okay and the problem here is that we've still got verts that are connected to the tip there that's no good and what i could do actually is let's angle this one control tab pose mode rotate it so if maybe if we do it with a post we'll be able to see how it behaves so control tab shift select control tab weight paint because now with a post you can actually see a little bit better than here we've got a problem everything's linked to the hand so i need to set the weight to zero there that was one of the things that were really messing it up because the hand shouldn't affect the digits at all that should do i think hopefully for our purpose okay i think that's going to be good enough you know control tab into object mode and control tab on the armature post mode yeah that should be good okay i think that'll solve our needs anyway hopefully this one tagged along on the journey yeah that'll be good enough so that took a bit of time still recording yep that's good all right let's save this one as a new one so this one will have uh quite a few uh painted uh weight paint so now we need to put him into the pose then so we'll go back into the animation tab and we don't actually need to i can be here oh no i need to go to animation i just need to change here so go to texture shadow cavity both so we get the same viewport feel here there we go and then here we can do i was gonna do rendered but we can't actually so now we're to do the post then i'll do weapon posts we've already got that one and so i'll put automatic keyframing on here oh we need to do the weapon first we need to do the weapon first so switch that one off go back here into this mode and for this one i'm just gonna do let's do shift right click here on this hand shift a create a mesh let's make a cube tab in edit mode scale it down and a scale zero let's give him a black weapon here scale and then here i just have to make a weapon of some sort first of all i should have actually moved usually i put the center the pivot point where the weapon handle is going to be and we're going to model it so it's in his right hand here let's put it right there and then shift right click the character here press ctrl l and do link materials had i done that already actually no tab into edit mode and we've got ourselves a black color there so l to select the linked vertices scale it down here's going to be just the handle for this weapon so to model a weapon i'm just going to do something primitive so we've got something to to do so i'll just box model like something like a stock thing here so b to extrude that on ctrl r maybe loop cuts and we'll do e to extrude s to scale e to extrude should we do it e to extrude s to scale e2 scale i don't know what i'm doing here as usual but we'll put a magazine type of thing here i think it needs to be bigger that like for some reason like characters like this should have big weapons from the scale so let's make it proper big one like that and then let's put a magazine here we'll put some loop cuts i'll usually do this for my low poly weapons put two maybe two items set alt s to scale and then here we'll put a magazine shift d scale zed scale x e to extrude a big magazine you could bend it a bit more uh commando like so it should be facing the other wing usually the bands go forward don't they yeah i think so he took extra r to rotate control plus i think there let's put something needs to be wider here doesn't scale is that why am i upside down i'm gonna be upside down scale scale z okay so we've got the handle there again i don't have time unfortunately to do too much because this video is probably already going to be quite long so let's go for it uh shifty duplicate e to extrude it extrude heat extrude some rail thing on the top here for sound side mounting ctrl r loop cut two knot two holes here one for the bullets and one for the grenades maybe and i think that should do should make this bulkier true all right let's just keep it that primitive uh we could colorize it though should it go we can make this light up as well but let's make it blue for now light blue all right so that's going to be his weapon let's p oh i was in there we go so f2 weapon and the pivot points are in the correct place and here's the nice thing now we can actually just make a childhood constraint for this one too so i'll go to this one add object constraint child of pick armature and then here it's going to be hand dot r so there we go and then set inverse to get it back and now it should already follow this so when we post this one now okay i've got some issues here unfortunately okay so i see what's happened something is when we wait painted the hand here ctrl tab i've got somehow words here that are part of objects groups that we don't want and you can let's see what can we do here we can see in here okay for some reason that word has got foot to it which we don't want l okay so i've got some dodgy foot and thumb is okay foot however i signed the foot to that's so way wrong okay seems to be all about the foot so let's do l here to select the linked uh let's do vertex uh save first because i'm gonna say control g is it okay so foot here okay control g we'll have to select active group foot dot l control g remove all remove let's see from active group there we go now it shouldn't be a single foot here anywhere no we're all right so i don't know why i must have done something wrong there hopefully now we're back into control tab object mode control tab and now yeah we're back in business so control s let's get that pose going now then so we've got the post and the lighting to go and then we should be finished let me in for a long run i've got to edit this too so let's get get that post going now we've got weapon there so to to get the stance then should i actually colorize it here a little bit too there so i'm gonna bring it down i'm gonna step forward a bit with one leg let's say this one shift space g to get this little thing and then rotate on the z axis maybe on this one step back with this leg i'll have to do comma and global because i need to be in a different space here maybe that's too far rotate z rotate head zed let's bring the arm down let's bring this arm up rotate rotate and i'm just going to manually like fix this note rotate let's see rotate the arm rotate i don't use inverse kinematics usually for low poly arms find it causing too much problem switching between ik and fk too much so i usually just try to match my animations instead low poly for the low poly like this so it's a bit tedious to do it but i don't want to upgrade that one giant weapon i was gonna say for mankind but it wasn't probably oh it might be for mankind it might be to come here and solve our issues who knows rotate hand rotate i could do an idle pose maybe a little idle animations now we have to just wrap the fingers around a bit tricky but you get used to looking at the geometry even if it's like going through like that so that could be do that could be do scooby doo okay now i need to do comma do local so when i rotate now i get the bone um accesses here instead so rotate okay not going to be picky with this that pose should do needs to step out a little bit consider his weight distribution rotate g he could be looking maybe in a different direction slightly forward should we arch him slightly rotate that forward and rotate this backwards i think that foot needs to go out a little bit too it's a bit awkward to rotate the feet unfortunately i don't feel like they rotate i think that might have set something slightly up wrong with the let's get that bend i stopped half sentence again sorry about that okay so that might be our pose we could do hide the armature there to see yeah that works actually this arm looks a bit too weird so about to go down let's rotate yeah put the camera in the angle to help you rotate that's how i do so we've got the weapon posts here we recorded all those keyframes so we should be good to go if you want to make sure you can have everything selected here a item search and location rotation keyframe just to make sure so now back into that we can hide it and then now i'm just going to light this and render it so tab into edit mode let's do a little floor here shift c to get the cursor back shift a let's do a mesh let's make a cube bring it down l scale shift z there and then we'll make this one skeleton black make it into like a gray color oh i don't have the material so select the cube shift select the the guy here ctrl l and link materials and then you get that across so now we're just gonna do if i render now f12 it's in eevee i don't have any lights to set up so first of all let's move the camera so he's facing the camera hide there g to move this one and rotate and let's get him back into view g that should be okay and that angle might work maybe a little bit more from the front rotate g there we go and we need some lights as well so if i just just do shift a here and add a light let's do a point light g and get some side light here rotate oh no sorry i wanted the sun shift a light and let's do a sun and now rotate and up and down and now if we do f12 we should be able to render so this is the default ev render now just with the light just like a sunlight from the side so this is where we're going to make it a little bit more interesting now so this is the final bonus part of this long video to make it look a little bit more interesting first of all i'm gonna get him into view a little bit better so we're gonna do some magic now when it comes to colorization i think from what i've learned recently so again actually we can switch this one now let's go make some more room here now and here i'm going to switch it so i'll press z here and go rendered so now we can see the rendering effect all the time here so first of all just to change the colors we could get his eyes to light up i guess what should we do first no here's the biggest change anyway select this light and i'm going to go color and make this into a blue light increase the strength a bit and we can see real time here what's happening on the left so there we go i'm going to keep it quite blue like that even stronger and then duplicate this light now or rotate it a little bit shift d to duplicate it rotate it like from this angle and change this one into red there we go so let's uh make some other changes here too we can get his eyes to light up so i'm gonna do emission i've set this palette up now as you might remember from previous videos so check out historic videos but you can download this in the description it's i'll just quickly run through it in the shader editor here i've got three different textures i've got this one which is the pallet texture and let's i'll show you what it looks like albedo it's this one so it's got all the colors here there's the camera and it feeds it into the base color and then here i've got an emission one so the emission feeds into the emission with strength 10 here and that's just black all the way here so it won't light up anywhere but down in the lower right quadrant it's got the further the left into a cell that lighter will be the more emissive it'll be like light up and the further to the right in the cell it'll be darker and then i've also got an opacity one here so this one is set at the top right all the colors will go all the way from the left there opaque or solid and the further the right into the light or the color cell the the more transparent it'll be so again that's why these look the same here it's because the top right here is opacity control and the top bottom right here is uh emission controlled so that's our material and if i go back into the uv editing okay oh it's because i've switched the texture so in the shading here it's whatever texture you've got active here so click on this one do the editing if you lose your texture that's why that does uh so with that said now then you know that we can tab into edit mode of the character now select the eye and then change down to the lower right here now then i can find the emissive colors so if you wanted to have like a bright orange shiny color for the eye there then they light up which is pretty good we could also have the weapon light up in the same way so if i select these two that are blue instead of moving them from up here we'll go to the lower right quadrant and then they'll start to light up a little bit instead so let's put them maybe there and we also need to change some render settings because if i do f12 now it still looks quite plain the character itself so there's a few things we can do to fix that as well first of all maybe i should have a backlight too so i'll take this one make it even stronger shift d to duplicate it rotate g move it from the back this one could be an orange and rotate it there we go and then now let's configure the render settings a little bit so first we want to enable bloom and with bloom you get that little extra like light effect there so we could go change the radius of it or threshold depending on how much you want it intensity we could ramp up so i'm just going to stick to the eevee renderer for now the another thing we could do is uh to change we want ambient occlusion and ambient occlusion and if you take this one it it won't really make any difference straight away and that's because we need to set it up and i have to remember where to set it up now it's in oh yeah this is what we need to do go to layers enable ambient occlusion go into rendering no let's go into compositing we've got ao here now so i'll do shift a here i'm already doing actually a glare node here and uh a mix node so i'm getting the alpha putting a background image on it here that's why i'm mixing the uh uh image with an alpha into uh just that's how i get that blue background shift a mix node image at the bottom ao to the top and then send that one into there instead there we go okay final final touches now i'm going to change this light into a point light instead oh no a spotlight let's bring it the intensity of maybe 10 000 and change the radius it goes a little bit smoother the blend like that same for the red one here i'll change this one into a spotlight maybe 10 000 as well change the blend and this one will change the spotlight to 10 000 okay we'll do 2000 on that one just blending make it a little bit smoother and we could also change the material slightly shading let's go for zed so we can actually see the rendered result here and then for the material maybe we'll do it a little bit more metallic and a little bit less rough so it looks a bit more metallic-like there we go and we could also enable on rendering here we could go to screen space reflections bring down the roughness bring up the metallic so the rock the metallic show it says how how reflective there's the camera so the metallic here says how reflective the surface should be for the screen space reflections in eevee and the roughness here says uh how rough the material is going to be so if it's all the way down here and very metallic it'll uh reflect quite a lot but i just want to have a slight effect to it so let's go for a little bit metallic see we can play with the specularity too maybe that's good and go back into the uv editing and do f12 if it's too dark we could also just add uh here on the background so instead of let's see surface here i'll go uh background and then i'm just gonna pick i downloaded some random hdri images before we can try to just pick one that i had so environment texture and then lower it 0.1 gives it a little bit more light to it as well go full trace trace position 100 radius change the radius before we finish as well there's some pros and cons with every renderer i'd say the the ev is really good because it's super fast and uh that's what i like most about it uh it also has the ambient occlusion uh which is uh pretty cool but there you get the the shading that you see if i do f12 to render see these fake lighting things cycles don't really need that but if i switch the cycles it's slower first of all but i'd say that the the result of the render itself is a lot better in cycles it's grainier and the noise reduction will work so if you're gonna if you can live with the rendering times usually i definitely usually i prefer cycles most of the time because it just gives a better accurate rendering results but one thing i really like is uh you know that i love this workbench render so if i go to workbench here set rendering to 32 samples we'll switch the texture shadows will enable and we'll do outline well cavity which i really like both max these out so one good thing about this one is that it creates these awesome looking uh lines on the edges and i've been looking for ways to replicate that in eevee and i haven't not exclusively ev you can do some beveled edges um you can do some buffer rendering i think in cycles and bringing in the data to eevee but i'd like to get everything just working in eevee if i'm gonna find a solution but with the workbench render i really like it i think it's a cool result to get these shiny edges so my tip if you're not gonna even if you're gonna do an animation but especially if you're gonna do a single render that you want to look extra good i'd probably combine the workbench renderer with so i'll combine the workbench render with eevee or cycles so let's do that as a test i'll just render this one f12 this is how fast this one is i'll save it save us and then we'll do work bench render and then what i'll do is i'll take the cycles or the ev let's do that one that's the quicker one so do the eevee with the cool lighting effects there so this one and we'll save that on there we go and now i recommend that actually we should get this pose as well shouldn't we that's pretty cool let's do this that one too and let's render this one so here's the ev1 let's render this one ev two and let's do this like the workbench too with a cavity setting so it's the cavity setting is super important because i really like the look of that one so save work bench render two so i just brought it into photoshop now so i've got the ev render here and then i'm going to drag the workbench render onto it and i just overlaid like this and then i switch this one to color dodge and that combines if i enable and disable you can see that it actually brings in the cool edges from the workbench renderer zoom into 100 so it doesn't look so you get the glowing edges from the workbench renderer and the cavity settings and it adds it onto the eb rendering so you get all the both the best worlds there and you could do the same with the cycles if you prefer that look as well this one was set up to be rendered in eevee we can also do the same here with uh i'll drag the second view here in we'll get that post from the eevee and then i'm gonna drag my workbench render on top and then switch from normal here to color dodge and that's uh brings it this effect in and you can change it with the opacity of the layer here how much you want this effect and one final twist that i like to do sometimes is uh i like to sharpen it so i combine these right click them into a single layer here merge layers then just go to filter and sharpen there we go and that's probably the crispest looking uh model then and unfortunately you can't use this in a game render engine yet because the workbench doesn't work the cavity i'm still looking into that one sorry i haven't had the time to to follow up the assets that's coming that someone is doing but i think uh if you're gonna render images this is a cool way to go and you could do this for animations as well if you render png cycles of an animation then you could definitely have it so that uh it does the eevee render and then just another layer in your in your video editing software and then just do the workbench one on top with the color dodge you can also play around with the different it doesn't have to be the color dodge you could do add you can do overlay could be cool as well but i like the color dodge probably the most so a few tips there for your final post processing of your images all right guys that's gonna be it for this week a bit of a lengthy one but we covered a lot of stuff we modeled ourselves a character fixed it in post uh rigged it weight painted it fixed it a little bit like that post it modeled a weapon put the weapon in his hand and then added some eevee lighting for some evie drenching i hope you enjoyed this episode give it a thumbs up if you did and don't forget to like this video if you enjoyed it and also i've got a patreon so go to patreon.com and you can actually download this very scene there i'll be uploading this one very shortly so along with the most recent episodes all the 10 minute modeling challenges models are there for you to download if you're a patreon of course so again thanks a lot and i'll see you next week bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 16,754
Rating: 4.9801979 out of 5
Keywords: imphenzia, low poly, mech, render, eevee, workbench, blender, blender 2.93, tutorial, rig, weight paint, ambient occlusion, screen space reflection, bloom, emission
Id: fKoqOyBLevk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 5sec (4805 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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