Modeling a LOW POLY NISSAN GT-R R35 | Blender 2.83 Complete Tutorial

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hello and welcome to my channel guys my name is stefan paschen also known as infensia and today i'm going to do some blender 2.83 modeling and i'm going to do a car this time from blueprints so if you know me by now i do most of my stuff is low poly work and that's what i'll be doing this time as well because i plan to put these type of cars in a low poly game with low poly characters so i also need to be able to have the doors open and close and the windows transparent and the trunk should be able to be open and close as well and you should have like a little low poly character be able to go in and out of the car and drive it but i'm going to try to find a workflow so i can create these type of cars maybe in half an hour in the future or something like that well i haven't done that many yet and this is a learning process for me as well but i still wanted to record it and share my progress with you guys so what i've done here is i just googled up a nissan r35 blueprint and i found this one that i thought looked pretty good and i don't really want to save it as it is because it's a gif file so instead i'm going to use just the snipping tool to grab a little part over here and then just save it to my desktop called r 35 that's it and then i've also prepared here i googled the dimension so i know it's going to be 4.68 meters long 1.895 meters wide and 1.37 meters high and let's start up blender 2.83 i'm running at the moment and let's delete the light and the camera and then what i'll do is i'll split this viewport now into four viewports because i want to have perspective and i want to have a top side and front view let's see so i'll split this one and this one let's enable screencast keys up here as well so you can see what keys i'm pressing let's see first actually i'll set the viewports i want to front down here side and top view here so one on the keypad three and seven and then i'll just drag this okay apparently i have to click and deselect or something drag drop okay now it works for some reason not sure why rotate minus 90 to get a vertical we should resize this cube now to the dimension of that car so this is going to be like a reference cube so i can just type in 4.68 meters long 1.895 wide and 1.37 height then we can do shift space and g to get this little move tool up here and get it aligned that's it and then alt z as well to get transparency so we see through this one and for this image now that i just dragged into the viewport we can go to this little image here click on transparency and do 0.1 and then we'll also hide it here from this view from the respective view and then g to move this one and then now i'll just actually i'll bring this down first and press s to scale this one and we'll bring this reference image up to the same size as this little reference box and then for this one now i can just uh click on it shift d to duplicate it and then rotate it on the flip it up to the side so we're going to rotate on the y axis by minus 90. no right not minus 90 just 90. then we'll bring it down we should be able to fit this one pretty good in here as well in the reference box there we go shift d again right click to snap it and then rotate on the z axis minus 90. and then here g to move it into this box that's good enough slightly off there but it should be all right it's gonna be low poly anyway no one's gonna be able to tell shift d to duplicate that one one more time and then we'll do control one to get the rear view here and then move this one up and have this one sync that's it and make sure when you get uh when you download an image to use as well you'll find that some aren't perfectly aligned or the scale might be slightly wrong on the different perspectives the front and the top view for example so i actually tried first with a different blueprint and then it didn't have the door lines weren't matching from the top and the side view so make sure maybe you'll have to try one out and see if it works and then maybe switch to another one if it doesn't have a matching lines let's name these appropriately as well we'll do top side front so i'm just pressing f2 on this back and then i'll right click here do a new collection as well call this one blueprints i'll drag all of this down into that folder just reference box here as well or cue that's just to make sure the size works so they're hidden here from that one with this perspective view is gone we should also hide so it doesn't overlay this so i'll select the back one okay maybe it's flipped so i'll do front front on that one and on the front one i'll do back back or is it the other way around so front front back back this is the back view i've got a back view there one front view and front view yeah that's it and then i'll click on this little filter thing and show this so we can actually make it non-selectable now we can't click on these so that's good we can't mess it up let's save this one as a start one okay that's it uh now we're going to start modeling finally so i like to start by just placing a single vert so i'll do shift a mesh and then do single vert add single merge and then if i press g here i can move it we should also make sure that this one is not in the blueprint collection so we can select it if you don't have single var there it's and you probably don't it's because you need to go to preferences add-ons and then enable this one called extra objects add mesh extra objects and you should also add this one f2 this one has got some nice features to extend to make it easier to create faces between edges and birds so enable those two and i also have loop tools enabled loop tools has stuff like flattened surfaces and things like that and circular shapes and things okay back to this vert here g let's move it to here and i want to try to follow the side view now of this car so we can maybe make this one slightly bigger for now and then i'm just going to do e to extrude this vert and i'm going to go to this part here let's refine a little bit there e to extrude this one up to there and i want to keep this low poly look e to extrude to there e to extrude so i'm going to count these how many i'm doing now so for this wheel arch that i just traced and notice i'm not doing the inner edge i'm just doing the body inner edge and i can extrude these out later on but i want to have both wheel arches the same amount of detail so one two three or five verts in the wheel arch itself i'll do it to extrude this one and then do the same here for the inner line here the body is actually going to go all the way to there later on but like i said i'll extrude that one e to extrude i have to have the same count here now you need to extrude diagonal up to the tip e to extrude to that body line there need to extrude to this body line body line and e to extrude down to there e to extrude the vert to here it's a line here e to extrude and i want to try to keep a quad topology here as much as i can at least i'm not going to be able to do that fully for this low poly car but here's going to be a quad need to extrude up to this line now which is the same as let's see this line that goes here so it's not by the window it's the one here that i'm tracing with the mouse here i'm gonna go here's gonna be a quad as well then so e to extrude all the way to here because i'll i'll just quad this whole section here if you want to make a realistic car all the way down to the all the body panels then you want to trace the lines of these and have those as separate panels so you can have little gaps between them there's a lot better people at doing stuff like that than me i'm pretty good at low poly stuff but if you want to learn how to do high poly cars that look photo realistic you should probably check out some of the amazing tutorials or even the paid ones that people are creating stuff that looks even better than photo realistic probably like 5 10 20 hours to make and i don't really have i want to make them low poly be able to create many of them since i'm a solo developer and i want to create simple games so again this is going to be a low poly one if i said that enough now e to extrude this one so we get another quad here e to extrude to the door because i want to be able to have separate doors so that's important to me here that's going to be a quad here need to extrude that one here i'm going to actually do a triangle and e to extrude this one and here i want to enable as well make sure that i've got merge bottom edge vertices on and i want to have snapping here to vertex because now i can press g and move it and hold the ctrl key and snap it to that one and since this is a bit of a funny way part of the body shape that is triangular i'm going to keep a triangular but if you want to subdivide it again try to keep quads as much as you can here we can imagine that this is going to be a quad here i need to extrude to here that's going to be a quad actually i'm going to move this one all the way up to there now b to extrude here's going to be a quad e to extrude to this line that's going to be a quad and one more quad here hold the ctrl key and snap it to there so that's okay we can do the door here as well e to extrude i'm actually going to bring this all the way down to there again low poly so okay with that control r to loop cut works here as well when you're in edge mode gg twice to slide this one down to there we're gonna make the make sure that we can open the door here so control r again g g to slide this vertically here and now we can e to extrude hold the control key and connect these e to x or actually you can do this as well uh you can select that one and that one with shift and press g okay you can't connect that so e to extrude hold the ctrl key and snap b to extrude hold the ctrl key and snap now we should be able to start creating some quads here so f this is the f2 add-on tool now that makes this a little bit simpler so i'll just press f and it fills in these pretty good for me here we've got an issue so we'll have to fix this and why is that we have to figure out how to do something else okay i'll just do g here and hold the ctrl key snap that one back and then we'll f okay fill this one here we can do this one fill this one here's the door here it's going to be like that f to fill it here's the first triangle that we're going to have in my case f to fill that on here we're going to have another quad there one here i'm just holding the shift key to multi-select these and pressing f to create a face and last one there now let's move it into place so a to select all of them shift space and okay shift space and g to get this little move tool out move it to the edge there let's make sure the top one here works pretty good as well and then i'll select this one so this is going to be let's see down there we have to find the corresponding line it seems to be that one so that little corner there is the same as this one there and it's the same as this one here next line it's going to be where that one joins so we'll find that connection there and there so this blueprint is actually matching up pretty good in all three views if yours isn't it could be that you've positioned the car slightly wrong or the reference images or it could be actually that the reference images themselves aren't aligning so maybe you have to switch to a different one then g to move this one let's put it right on the edge here of this light in the front front light this one i'll bring to there which is going to be roughly here again this is going to be approximate for my needs this is going to be more than enough detail actually or accuracy and here we have to figure out it's actually this line that we're going to trace here so i'll move this one in let's move this one in here and that's going to be right where the door is joining so roughly there this one is so here is where it starts to get a little bit tricky to see so again this is going to be good enough you can refine all the edges later on anyway g this one's going to be right there and this one is here this one will be down there so roughly probably there you can go to the back view here control one a bit tricky to see as well but yeah it's on the dark there so it's pretty good there where it is i think this one we can fix fix it in post we'll fix that one a little bit later on that one it's yeah it's pretty good this one move in okay and this one yeah for our purpose this is pretty good that one looks way off there's nothing even out there on the car so let's bring that one into there make sure that one's okay then let's do one i think that's fine too it goes down here okay and now we can look here from on the perspective one let's see first of all we need to hide this reference cube there and here's the side of the car that's going to look good enough we've got an issue here and this one is way too far out so let's do control one bit difficult to see what we can do here as well this is uh people tend to forget this but i can box select all of these parts here to there and press h to hide them then it becomes really easy suddenly because there's not a lot of confusing lines here this one a bit difficult to see but it looks like it's coming down here i'll put that one there and then alt h to unhide that one and then now we've got the body shape is good enough again for our purpose here now i'll connect it up here so i'll do two to go into edge select and then that's going to be the headlights so it's just going to be here here here i'll shift select all of these and then e to extrude them up to there and then we'll look at the top here and bring it into there press one to go into vert select move that one to there this one can be on the door right here to follow it along this one goes there this one again just match it up i'll match this one with a window here actually g to slide this one to there g that one's okay and g that's okay let's do the front view one here okay this one's tricky to see as well but i think we've got it enough here in these two views so that one's okay and that one's okay this one's way too high so g to move it down it's the same height as this light here i think bring it to there again all of these can be fixed at some point later if necessary so might be going down too much sometimes you also want to have a look at real life images okay let's leave it like that for now now we can come across here and do the hood as well of the car so i'll select these two e to extrude now we can go to edit and enable auto mirror okay i have to be out of edit mode and select it so tab out of that auto mirror tab back in and here i can select this edge e to extrude that on g okay and let's go that one's going to go up to there so we find that that tip is the same as this inner edge there this one should follow this shape this one's way too high so let's bring that one down and this one down to the headlights with that line and here we see it in the front view as well that's pretty good maybe we'll move this one forward to get a bit of a more of it rounded shape there and uh if you want to add the details you probably it will add another line here in a minute i think to get this hood to look a little bit better and i'm not going to model these i'm just gonna keep the shape of the car you could either texture those later on or model those if you wanna have the high poly stuff this one we can bring down it's gonna be there on the screen there okay now we'll do the side here i think so i'll pick pick this one that one this one and that one that one's too long we don't need that one i can press g to move this one to where we need it here and that one there make sure we didn't mess it up here now g g gg good game now we can bring these three shifts like those e to extrude select that one and now i'll just keep the door one not the window itself but again this is going to be good enough low poly i think so let's bring it up to the window there g g okay and let's make sure we're matching here okay that one's way off so let's bring it into that's going to be all the way into there this one's going to be on the corner there and this one it's going to be where that line comes and this one is roughly there for a perfectionist i say roughly a lot and i'm starting to wonder maybe i'm not a perfectionist after all considering i'm not doing this fully that detailed i'll do the roof here i think select these two e to key extrude move it to there let's get this arch and go in here not too happy with that maybe or am i maybe i'll skip that line let's what does that look like i do it and control that i have to figure out how to do that one bring this one up to there that one needs to go up there spawn up a little bit let's finish this roof here first e2 extruder i'll just bring it all the way and let the auto clipping here on the mirror modifier take care of that and then here bring it up slightly this one is pretty good there okay we'll need one more line here for to bump this one up i need to extrude that one all the way across okay this is the trickiest word so far i'll just bring it down for now to there and i'll have to break the topology slightly but we'll shoot across here need to extrude that one g to snap these with control here i'll need to do a knife cutter as well k to add some words there g control snap it here back of the window here is top of the window i guess we should do control one here to see the back and that's at the lower corner there just there and yeah it's pretty good let's look here we've got some issue here with the this is dipping down very strangely so g you have to be along that line it's quite tricky to figure out which line is matching up i think at least i hope that this comes with a lot of practice you'll start figuring out exactly how these are connected and you've probably figured out a better topology in the end i'm not too happy here but again i've cut some corners here across the body anyway so i think for for the purpose of this low poly card is going to be good enough so here we go let's save this one let's do the rear window here then select that vert e to extrude it select the edge press or actually select those f and then those f see this one is too low g to move it up that one g and this is again i think the shape is good enough here how is it looking here gee okay and i need probably something for this uh post coming down here i've got no vert to meet it up here so maybe i'll do k now to get some more detail here we can actually use that for this uh hud well that was k to do the knife tool have i lost no thought i lost the screen cast keys it tends to disable itself every now and then so maybe like that now i can e to extrude and connect that one and we'll do this uh post here so shift select all of these f to create the face there and here brought window f through the windscreen and that's it starting to get the shape now of the car itself in a low poly version of it so let's continue with the front here do the headlights shift select these f to create a face there and i guess we have to do one here and we can see that this one is meant to go further down so i'll control z out of that one let's do the front here e to extrude that one need to extrude it let's grab it and it's auto merge remember i've got auto merge vertices on here that's why it's merging itself automatically here otherwise you'd end up with do two vertices there now i'll just do shift select this one and then f to create the headlight and let's do the front here now want to see the vertices e to extrude that one all the way across and here's going to be ctrl r g g to slide this one to here we'll create a face here we've got one more line here apparently which is pretty good because then we can e to extrude that one as well f to cap it f to create a face there as well and let's extrude this one across e to extrude across we can actually go up to there i guess starting getting this shape here it's always a compromise when you do low poly you're not going to be able to meet every line so it's trying to pick the ones that are most important to follow and here we're going to end up with the five but i think that's okay e need to extrude that one create the face here shift select those f here we actually need to come across as well i'll delete this one face only face we want to do that one okay that's the rear vert that was a bit tricky didn't spot that how's it looking here now shift select those let's just create oh let's create a face here f here i'll do e to extrude that one instead to there let's do create a face there create a oop create a face here and create space here and this has to come forward i see all the way to there these ones have to come forward to there let's check the side view here as well okay that's too far oh yeah because that's just a little spoiler let's go goes there okay and this one has to go forward a little bit further as well top view that was there go down i'll bring that all the way forward to there instead to get the length of the bonnet correct even if it's breaking that line it's okay for the low poly cart i have to extend the spoiler down here afterwards i think i think that's pretty good to get the front and here what we could do then is actually i to inset this whole thing now and b to get the boundary no because then we get a bottom boundary as well so here i probably have to slide across let's see how should i do this just do k for now or knife tool i to inset and b for boundary and then just let's see e to extrude it and that should be okay for now i think that's the front and then we have the rear to go here as well so i'll do control one to see the back tab one to see all the verts all z to see through up here as well now let's just hide everything that's not the back here near enough h to hide it that one's a little bit hidden there side view oh it should be slightly further back and down this one should be down a bit and now we'll have to do figure out how to do it i'll slide this across e to extrude all the way across to there here we can do k to knife cut to there let's move this one to there f to create faces that's it and let's check it here that's obviously way too far in so this whole line here will have to come out there this one to there it's that line there it's the same as that corner there this one bring it all the way out to there okay again compromising as its low poly i want to be able to open the trunk so this one actually does have to match where the trunk is going to be opening so taillights are sunk into this car but i'm going to keep it it'll add too much geometry for my purposes so i think what i'll do is i'll add those just as external lights instead these i think need to go out as well and this one it's good alt h to unhide everything and now we should have a decent enough back i think that one can come back come back i did the titanic reference again okay let's save this one as the next old set to see this one without the see-through we can at least do the indentation i guess for the boot or for the then i'll hide these again so let's go alt set no b b for box select hide hide here for the boot let's do this shape here as well actually okay i want this little cutout to not make the back look so bland so i'll just knife cut here then okay to there to there to there will this work g twice to move down about to think a little bit now how to do this eye to inset this one maybe this is better g to move that one out then we can follow along with these g b g okay am i messing up the back here now but probably let's extrude this one in a bit e to extrude them so there i right click to snap it back and then i move it back in and then let's do the number plate slot here as well now okay it's okay and okay to knife cut there as well there and then e to extrude this one right click and move it on the axis there's that so i think that should be all right for what we need i don't think i can take these away dissolve edges could i yeah that worked i'll just do that keep it clean there so alt h to unhide now we're starting to have the body i think time has come where i'm going to start to color this i'll bring in my normal palette so check the description if you want to bring this palette in and use that one i'll go to the shading tab select the material here and then let's just go to my pallet the low poly one or the 8x8 pixel okay that didn't work do it again that worked closest since it's such small resolution you need to have closest filtering and then base color then we go to the layout and we'll just change this one i think texture now we have to go to uv editing select everything a uv reset zoom in here a scale zero on the left side here make it orange and this one should be textured as well tab in and out okay and let's go to the layouts and now we have the colors here we can start coloring i'll just make this black for now i think or we'll do white actually with the headlights and then windows i'll do black for now and here's going to be a dark part as well that's it go back to the layout and hear the front actually we should do as well control plus we'll do this one black as well and layouts so that's the rough car shape now for our low poly car save this one too the roof is looking slightly too flat here so i'm still gonna have to cut at least something across here to make that one pop up so we have to figure out where to bring that one from and i think what i'll do here is just alka knife cut that one up to there and across and bring this one up to there just to get that roundness to the top there i've got some issue here in the back i think that we need to fix that one's too high let's bring this one down there i want to bring the hood up a little bit to make it probably break the original slightly i'll do e to extrude that one and s to scale it and move it in a bit so the proper one has these uh vents here but i'll uh just keep it like this i like the look of that one oh yeah we have to do the wheel arches now as well properly so i'll go to the side view here i'll shift select these e to extrude but then i'll just right click and do s to scale them down so they match to there and then same here here to extrude right click yes to scale them to there and then i might bring these out slightly to make them slightly wider and same for this one just shift selecting the oh i've lost screencast using it that's it and now let's make the wing wing it yeah let's wing it well to make the wing i'll just duplicate random face there has to scale it move it and bring it up to the wing height here and then we'll extrude that one to there and we'll e to extrude it up to make it a little bit thicker l to select the length and bring it down again select both or the whole edge there now so we don't mess it up okay so what does it look like here it's difficult to see how that wing goes does it go down here and then back in connect to there i think i'll have to actually look at a reference okay so the wing goes down and then goes all the way back into the trunk let's do that then comma and then do rotate by normal r and then around it's y normal need to extrude it [Music] i think what i'll do is i'll ctrl r to loop cut that one and just e to extrude that one to bring it back and that's it and then here there was one in the center as well so i'll do select these two right click subdivide gg twice let's just bring this one down e to extrude that one forward scale but shift x because i don't want to scale it on the x-axis okay so that looks good enough for us i think that's the wing done let's save this one now let's cap the wheel arches in the bottom of the car i can bring this one into the modeling tab then for that one because i don't need to have the three port view here we'll bring the textures on that's okay so here i'll just click there hold the ctrl key and walk oh too far shortest path selection here to here and then i'll do control snow seven control seven to see the bottom e to extrude this one s to scale it x zero and then we'll just do it roughly i'm not sure how what we'll uh how wide the wheel arches are but let's make sure the wheels can turn okay and stuff in there so let's make it to there and then i'll deselect i'll shift select these now there now e to extrude right click and then move it and then move it all the way to there that should have snapped it and here let's create faces so i'll shift select these two f to select on or to do that one same here shift select these two f and then now just alt shift to like that one f to cap it alt shift select f and then we'll just oh here we have to fill in as well f and f that's our bottom nearly done i have something here as well that's going to be a triangle that's fine and just to keep it simple let's make the base plates just black see old set also depending c to circle select and go into uv editing g move it to black missed a couple but that's okay we don't really need to have these i don't think i'll just get rid of those with the hold the g key or g to move it and hold the ctrl key to snap them i think that's fine we don't really need that detail so g it's not g it's not g hold the ctrl key snap g hold the ctrl key snap save as a new one and now let's model the wheels as well and the rear view mirrors so i'll do i'm gonna do the same wheels i can actually bring this forward a little bit bring that lip out a little bit in that case i need okay to select that one okay i'll do k here and i've cut it there there there and then we'll just bring that forward again for the low poly roof you could look you could add the something here to break that line too should we do that okay no it's more polygons that we need don't get enough detail that's fine we're gonna keep the car like this size anyway so that's gonna be fine okay let's do the wheel i'm gonna do 14 segments actually shift a cylinder 14 i think it'll match up with the wheel then and then escape out of that one okay i'll have to disable the clipping for now rotate y 90 scale it down to the size of the wheel there we go and scale x move it to the side a scale zero make a black for now we'll do both sides item set to there it's going to be the rubber part and then height inset again scale x maybe like that here's the thing where i'm not going to go into too much details because you could always change the wheels out if you wanted to write instead move those in on the x-axis but not this one all said we don't need transparency there here i'll just actually delete this one delete faces delete basis shift alt and shift click those ones and do right click and do bridge edge loops and then now we'll do the spokes here alt set again to see through and i'll just do the spokes here alt ring select checker deselect alt t to extrude long phase normals period and do individual origins s to scale them down to there alt e alt e to extrude long phase normals that's the scale first of all i think i'll make this silver so i can see it g i'll just do this f to connect these f shift select these two f shift select f okay and then alt ring select here can i do that no just ctrl select around f to cap it same on the inside here just hold the ctrl key and go around this f to cap that one i didn't set that one and e to extrude that one in i'll just l to select that wheel go into the layout tab like the other ones and then shift d to duplicate that one to the back wheel i'm just going to keep them at the same size rear view mirrors i'm going to keep simple as well but i'll make them separate i think so we'll do pick a close by face shift d to duplicate it scale y move it down to there scale and then just move it into position ctrl or just one on the keypad there to get this view comma and do normal move it in a little bit e to extrude s to scale r to rotate e to extrude as to scale r to rotate as to scale again and e to extrude as the scale r to rotate i'll just keep it like that i think it extrude or i'll it won't even extrude that one just make this one black there we go we can do a door handle copy that on shift d to duplicate it scale y okay comma and do global scale by so l to select linked i'll just kind of make i'm just going to make this one black too a number plate we should do shift d e to x or s to scale it down oh i have to re-enable them clipping again as to scale it down shift space g and e to extrude l to select the length and then just do white number plates we'll skip the number plate in the front i think looks a bit more mean this way okay we should do the taillights as well i'll do them separate as separate objects since they're so detailed and round so i'll go back into the modeling tab here or layout and then here good control one shift right click disable clipping shift a cylinder l to select the length as to scale it down and then we can enable clipping again so we don't forget uv a scale to zero make it red let's go to layout again l r to rotate hold the ctrl key to snap it s to scale it down the angle of this is a bit difficult so i'm just gonna grab it and have it moved in roughly along the axis so it looks all right but it'll keep the shape hopefully there i'll just do flatten him up that's it slide the whole thing out a little bit eye to inset and e to extrude and move it in slightly and then make that one dark red that's going to be good enough i think now we'll do the same here just duplicate that one shift d scale it down a little bit to there and move it out here i'll bring it in a lot i'll delete that on dissolve faces first do the same type of job here make sure that it's following the body somewhat and f3 flatten good enough i to inset and e to extrude l to select everything bring it out slightly and then make it park there as well okay we'll do some exhaust as well so i'll keep a similar approach there i think from the back view here shift right click shift a cylinder clipping off scale them down rotate x 90 scale down more i'm gonna fit two here so the blueprint does show it but it's difficult to see on the blueprint so scale down make it gray l but i'm going to fit two here so scale it all up i to inset e to extrude and just do dark inside there so g layout l to select the links shift d to duplicate it and move that one back slightly that should be okay now i'm going to try to break it off into openable doors and openable trunk and separate windows so i'll select the front window first of all we should rename this then to cha chassis p and disconnect that one we'll do the door here l as well to get that one and we'll get the rear view mirror with us p and separate by selection this window p and this window p and then we have to do that so here i'll separate the trunk here p separate the selection the door we've already done but we'll do the window here as well because that needs to be separate p so we'll call this one windscreen door door window f2 here side window rear window and trunk and then we can hide these hide oh this one should be connected actually i'll connect the wing to the trunk here so l to select all the length p to separate by selection select the wing shift click a trunk and do ctrl j to join them together into the trunk now we can hide hide hide hide hide and hide so here's going to be the interior of the car and i'm not going to go overboard here at all i just want to be able to have transparent windows and see that there is a character in there i'm not even going to bother too much about the interior i might even use the same interior in many cars so when i do the ik for the getting into the car and sitting in the seats and having the hand on the steering wheel i want to be able to reuse that in pretty much all the cars so i think what i'll do is i'll model the interior here and then i'll separate that out and reuse it in other cars maybe i'll have one for two seater cars and one for four seater cars now to see the interior when i tab we can actually switch i'm gonna not care too much about this um blueprint now so let's switch into just the modeling tab here and then i can select maybe these faces here and then just press h to hide this h to hide it so now we just may do some makeshift stuff here i think the wheels are a little bit too big i see comma and do global make sure move it up and hold the control key and make sure we're snapping these back into the right height there we go we'll just do something about the interior here how should we do this select these edges i'll do e to extrude that on just to make a thickness of some sort maybe like that heat to extrude snap these vertices together let's bring this interior down just somehow maybe like that i think the dashboard was actually visible on the layout tab here from the top view did we have the dashboard so if that is the case i can bring this one in quite far actually oh clipping was off it's going to be the dash and again not going to bother too much about this look so just make sure i connect this up now maybe etix drew that one to make room for the legs and stuff need to extrude down to there you will hold the control key snap that one to there move that one forward i just want to cap this to be honest uh e to extrude so i just extruded the vert there it's like these f that one too that should be all right so again just doing some sort of an interior i'm not going to see hardly any of this just bring this across i think hold the ctrl key oh did i pick that control key snap to there and here i'll do just e to extrude this one back i'm winging this as you can see hold the ctrl key snap that one up to there e to extrude right click and then snap it back to there let's fill this one in f to extrude this one i'll bring it up to here again e and then we can probably cap this one f to create a face there shift select f to create a face here now we can bring this one back all the way to there probably and then here we'll make the boot as well maybe i'll do l to select these and hide them this one we can probably connect to there here we'll make the trunk i'll just shift select these e to extrude down a bit this one up and in select that merge g and hold the control key snap it to there we can control snap that one too i think create a face here e to extrude down so this is just a very primitive trunk space that's it and now we'll also make i think this just what color should we make the interior i think i'll just do black as well shift select a bunch of these and uv editing tab g moved to black oh missed one i thought anyway you i missed that's it and then maybe you can do the seat as well since we've got this shifty duplicate that one clipping off scale it down clipping on side view i think did you see the seat you saw it from the front only there so we'll just make do with something here then i guess let's just make a seat for now e to extrude ctrl r loop cut it i'll fix this uh after i think this is just to mock it i think g to move that on archer rotate e to extrude here we see the car seat a little bit so a very low poly i'm gonna keep it probably just like that because i'm gonna have a low poly character just jump in here and then i'll probably have to put a steering wheel i guess i'm not gonna make it right hand drive shift right click there shift a add a cube i think clipping is off scale it down flipping on uv we'll just make it a scale zero on the left for the uvs make it gray so we can see it for now oh yeah and this one we have to separate out to a separate object remove this one oh obviously did the wrong one this one should have the mirror modifier but this one shouldn't rotate x i'll just do a steering wheel here i think very simple e to extrude as to scale well let's just subdivide this one actually right click subdivide f3 circle eat extrude item set twice to get individual off need to extrude delete basis delete pieces comma under normal slide back shift alt select those right click into bridge edge loops and then delete these faces and then alt shift select those and do right click bridge edge loops ctrl r bring that one down i'll just do it like that i think so last thing we're going to do now is solidifying doors trunk and the wind screens so let's bring back the door and that instead actually will hide the whole car here alt h to unhide that geometry h to hide the whole car h to hide the steering wheel tab into edit mode e to extrude right click let's navigate comma and do global move it in a little bit so i'll make this part a bit thicker and change this one to black for the interior as well so that's as simple as that for the door door window for this one i'll add the solidify modifier and make it maybe 0.02 instead and rear window will do the same solidify 0.02 side window same deal here solidify 0.02 and the chunk this one we can't solidify since we've got that one on so we'll do this one manual alt e to extrude long phase normals down to there and the windscreen this one we can do solidify 0.02 and then we'll do alt h to unhide everything well this one we can hide reference cube we don't need and i'll separate the doors as well and the windows here to left and right objects let's save this one first i actually did a little add-on myself for blender check in the description uh you can download this one i'll uh enable it now so i'll go to preferences add-ons and then i'll install this one it's called the blender 2.8 split objects into left and right and if you've installed that one let's apply the mirror modifier you can see that i've got it's called door here just one object but it's got a left and a right door so what i can do then is press f3 and then type split split into left and right object and then it creates a door l and door dot r and it's actually separated this now into two separate objects and i'll do the same for this one just f3 split oh yeah i have to apply modifiers first f3 split we'll apply this modifier and that modifier this one we don't need to split because there is just one object anyway so it was probably just the door and oh this one as well apply apply f3 split and then the trunk just apply and we'll apply for the whole corner as well i think we can always split it again if we wanted to and for the wheels we should break these out into separate objects so p selection p selection p selection p selection and when i import this i'm probably only going to bring one wheel in anyway so this one steering wheel this is the wheel left front wheel left back right front and wheel right right back now we should set the pivot points as well for the doors here so i'll do actually i'll put that vertex there i think shift s cursor to selected tab out of edit mode right click and do set origin origin to 3d cursor and i'll do the same for this one shift s selected tab right click set origin origin to 3d cursor because now when you open the door rotate zed it'll open pretty good there and this one will make a child maybe we'll make that straight away we can do that in blender here so we'll do a constraint here add constraint child of door and then we'll do set inverse and now when that's a child rotate z the window will come with it so we'll do the same here rotate z that works and the window here we need to do as well so we'll do add constraint child of pick door set inverse set inverse set inverse and for the boot trunk we need to do the same we need to do tab intended mode there shift s car is selected but we need to pivot more along these lines so let's actually move this go to top view then we'll modify here the or edit is a view 3d cursor location y move it to hold the shift key to move it a little bit more fine there tab added mode right click set origin to 3d cursor and now when we rotate this one on the x-axis it'll open the trunk pretty good there rotate that rotate that and that's gonna be it all right guys there we go we've got ourselves a little low poly nissan gtr r35 with uh openable doors openable trunk and steering wheel and a very primitive set of interior i hope you liked the video if you did please consider giving it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already for a lot of more blender and the unity content i'm having a lot of fun creating stuff both practicing myself but also making tutorials so until next time have a great one and i'll see you then bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Imphenzia
Views: 183,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 2.83, low poly, nissan gtr, r35, gtr, low poly car, blueprints, blueprint, car blueprint, modeling car from blueprint, imphenzia, how to model a low poly car, low poly car tutorial, tutorial, blender car tutorial, gt-r
Id: 5cM_lhRmiQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 58sec (4138 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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