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hey welcome back I'm Adam I'm Brett and we are the wall toys and today we cook again we cook and you know what we're going back to an old southern classic a favorite of ours nuts as a childhood because we didn't grow up in the south but is quickly become one of our absolute favorite breakfasts biscuits and gravy you love this classic and we can't wait to show you our take on it so if that seems like something you'd be interested to see our take on this southern classic breakfast then stick around while we dig in I can't believe the wall twins they're right there that's one of them that's the other one I'm the other one like we said welcome back however if this is your first time to our Channel welcome we hope you consider subscribing and hit the notification bell so you don't miss anything we love getting together for these amazing cooks and today we have another great one on the blackstone griddled Rhett let's get to the grocery yes we do as you can see we got some salt pepper with two cups of milk Jimmy Dean regular premium pork sausage we got Mary B southern made biscuits we got two tablespoons of butter two tablespoons of flour and our pot for the cream that is pretty much it this is relatively simple we like these frozen southern made biscuits first of all you can put them together actually and they'll rise together we'll talk about that in a minute but we can throw them straight from frozen right on to the griddle we've had the griddle warming up now for about five minutes or so yeah one thing that we we've learned from this with the black stone because it takes a while for the route to heat up if you just throw the pot on and then crank up the heat you want it hot when you throw the pot on to throw the butter of the flour and the milk in to start the roux going for the great and so just a tip on that absolutely so what we want to do is we're going to kind of do this all at one time but we're gonna start with the biscuits we're gonna Brown both sides of the biscuits really quickly usually when I've seen other people cook this on the griddle top then take their biscuits they Brown one side and then go ahead and start warming it up however chef mate at Blackstone actually recommended doing both sides thanks for the tip Nate that was awesome we have found our biscuits turned out a lot better better cooked on both sides when we do brown both sides before we pull them on to the warming rack so we're going to do that first then we're gonna get to our roux for the gravy which we'll talk about and then we're gonna quickly hook the sausage which is the quickest part yeah mix it all together for a beautifully tasty delicious biscuits and gravy all right so first things first today we are using vegetable oil if you watched the channel you you know they're between avocado and vegetable oil is pretty much what I use most the time to cook you use them after you've used olive oil before you can sesame oil canola oil canola oil we're just making four biscuits we'll just use a little bit of oil now we've got all four burners like I said on medium-low the purpose for that is we're going to start our biscuits right here and then when we're done getting them browned we're just going to lift them and put them over here in the corner under the tool on the cooling rack underneath our black stone dome okay so those have been now going for just a couple of minutes so since the top side is still frozen let's take a quick look here nice nice light brown perfect because they're frozen they're slippery just a little bit use the backside to help us so all we're doing is just getting a little browning on both sides clearly I see my hot zone on that one got a little bit toasty and that is just starting the cooking process for these things doesn't work we're gonna cover them with a black stone lid and then they're gonna continue to cook on the cooling rack that's our warming rack and so it's just gonna keep the cooking process going while we get the gravy going all right because that cooked rather quickly he's taking a quick gander there's my quick cook one right there okay we just want a little browning which is what we've got on okay so those have a little bit of browning on them so I'm gonna push these off to the side just a little bit real quick so I get my cooling rack now this can go all the way up but since we want to cover it we're gonna lay it down now this is the Cuisinart cooling rack it fits perfectly on my 36 inch griddle so I personally love it for that reason all right so we're gonna let those cook together hold up let me make sure those are touching these ones actually rise a little bit better when they do clip together so we're gonna put that into the dome cooking time is about 20 minutes after about 10 minutes or so we're gonna take a look at those but while that's going let's go ahead and get the Roux going Bret so we've got our pot will be cooking directly on the black stone all right so we got our two tablespoons of butter she's gonna plop that right in there all right so we're gonna create a room now I see people who cook the sausage first and then put flour and then their milk and everything else and whip it this is the same way that I actually make homestyle or homemade gravy I make my own roof I like any of the others it is simply gonna be butter and then as soon as that butter is melted I'm going to slowly stir in my two tablespoons of flour once that creates a roux then we'll be using the milk to complete that so instead of like chicken stock or beef stock then I would for other gravies we're just gonna go ahead and toss in the milk so then of course the flavor for the sausage gravy is gonna be surprised the sausage and some of the fat from the sausage right and now I have seen some who don't use salt and pepper we've learned salt and pepper to taste actually brings out the flavor in the sausage we've done it without and while it was good it still tasted a little bland because we do use the Jimmy Dean's regular sausage rather than the hot I know some people like it spicy for us we like a little bit more mild so we use our own salt and pepper to taste so that butter is just about all melted bring the heat up just a little because even though that's melted I do want it to to cook and we want to bring this to a boil eventually you know what we're gonna do let's actually bring up the second one okay good we're gonna turn the second burner all the way to medium-high not quite high all the way because eventually I want this to start boiling the butter is melting on that higher heat so now I'm going to just slowly start stirring in my two tablespoons here of flour now the key is to just make sure this doesn't clump the whole purpose of the roux is just so you don't end up with any flour that is going to stick or make clumps and this is what I have found to be the easiest way to do that okay so go ahead and put the milk in alright you can pour it faster now that can go all the way in once we know that that is not gonna stick it all we're just gonna mix that give that a good mix splatter that up just a little bit got to be a little more careful here all right we got the rains coming in Central Florida thank heavens were under this covering here that was Adam and his wife built this beautiful kitchen so we can cook in the rain that's right our biscuits are cooking up nice we're gonna let that sit now but we can go ahead and get going on the sausage all right we're gonna cut that open now we've got Brent has these amazing the self sharpening farmer where knives which are just amazing we love these there's a link in the bio we do if we are Amazon affiliates you can get those through Amazon gives us a small Commission at no additional cost to you is just one way of helping the channel we really appreciate it but I love these knives we're gonna cut away from us we're gonna cut that open and we're gonna lay this down you sir alright get the sausage lay down alright here you go buddy go ahead and toss that thank you alright now this sausage is going to cook up really fast all we're doing is browning this and so we're gonna chop this we want this finely chopped up for this probably like we would do for ground beef oh man we had to move the whole operation that rain was getting as we left we were right at the edge I started getting a little water here so we're doing better now god Brett caught that sausage so while he's doing that here but I actually want you to give them real astir here here she has boiling a little bit alright stir it good that's what we want this is cooking nice and then when you're done with that take a look at the biscuits nice that rainbow brother alright we'll get this finely chopped up alright little salt little pepper and then we'll just do a little bit more once this is all and like we said that's gonna be to taste that's browning nice you can see that is almost perfectly browned all the way up so we are ready to go ahead and toss that in our gravy smellivision up in here is fantastic ain't that the truth ok oh look at the grease in that just kind of a mix it with that brother okay one more yeah alright those have been on for about gone wait a minute 15 even they're still a little soft so we're gonna give those we're gonna give the biscuits five more minutes obviously you want the gravy to come to a boil that will about at that point we'll start thickening and then we can go ahead and kill it kill the heat and get these puppies ready to boil ready to serve as soon as the biscuits are ready that's why we can't emphasize enough start with the biscuits because they take the longest off to the side on lower heat as they just warm slowly come to a nice clump and then you can cook the rest you can see how easy and quick this cook goes it does and here's what's awesome - Rhett that is boiling up perfect look at that keep telling you that's perfect alright sorry oh good excited about this last time we tried this hook together it worked out it worked out well but we did each step by itself we did the biscuits then when the biscuits were done we went ahead and did the the sausage we pushed the sausage aside and then focused on the roof last time the route took a lot longer Oh long this cooked quicker but we also learned to use the medium heat last time you wanted low and slow and I think it was too slow right here take a turn on the stir all right you dizzy is it weird that we keep taking turns like doing the stir like we're stirring together told me weird if you make it weird good boy we're not making this weird so we're good go ahead and cut that the heat on that that's gonna continue to thicken up because it is still boiling so that's awesome let's take a look at our biscuits bro those are look at those golden on the sides yeah all right now are they still soft are they okay a little bit of Pat's tough brother you tell me those might you know what let's go we're going two minutes we're giving it three minutes we're gonna pull these off we're gonna dress this and we are going to shout down bro after about 15 minutes of letting it cool down other yeah I'm gonna be sucking air through our navels on this this is a relatively simple cook even in the rain we got this done I gotta say this gravy is looking phenomenal it's like the but be the best we've ever made brother there is something last time we did week because we push the sausage off to the side too early we didn't get that grease and those juices from the sausage to help marinate that Roux I'm excited for the roux this cooked very quick this is simple and once those biscuits are ready we're gonna dress this thing and we're gonna have a nice meal all right buddy we ready to pull it let's go let's do this oh man that saucy see there a theme steam is just lifting right here in front of us you see if you can 15 lifting an elevation that smells fantastic notches great well I think we say just about every time Bret this may have been my favorite cuz we had the rain but you're slowing down right now yep happy about Rick by the way it feels amazing out here Central Florida no yeah we still got a little bit from the you know because of the humidity but it's not that bad it's not that bad overall this was such a fun cook this smells ridiculous I'm literally mouth-watering I know right this minute there's one reason why I'm okay that we're delaying is because it is still very very very hot and we want to be able to taste our food for the rest of the day so therefore you more minutes so talk about it just remember to put everything we suggest you do everything all together throw the biscuits on first couple sides just brown them get them off onto the cooling rack Cuisinart got a link below on Amazon you can chop forward there and then cover it and then get the roux going get the roux going and the great earth yeah and then well that's going to get the sausage going and boom boom boom bang it is done this is still really hot but I really don't want to wait anymore I want to dig in brent here we go you want to get your bite oh my stars so this is our take on the southern biscuits and gravy homemade on the blackstone griddle oh my goodness I'm trying to get as much money or good to me to that my brother can I get a hallelujah you get again we missed it now wait one more game baby that was awesome Oh let me ask you have you tasted a better biscuits and gravy this is quite possibly the best biscuits and gravy and not just because we made it but also because they made us there's extreme bias going into this but no this is this is delicious give it a try let us know what you think if you have followed our channel for a long time you know the britain i used to do fast food reviews or just food reviews in general one of the reviews we went and did a couple of years ago was law was biscuits and gravy and I used to claim that everybody has that story yeah wawas might be good but you've never had my grandma's biscuits and gravy you're right we haven't now we've had our biscuits and gravy and I would say these these are might get Wawa run for their money I'm just saying these might be the best ones really amazing first of all so simple such a delicious cook and so easy to do I love that we did this I want to keep eating this ready to me I don't want oh my goodness thank heavens we got one more hmm thank heavens we've got plenty of sausage gravy to go around we can toss more biscuits on for the kiddos get everybody fed perfect for listen if you're camping and you're out you've got your little alligator you could do the whole cook right there on it the biscuits were ridiculously simple and they're just these biscuits are so simple so delicious and they're just they're buttery you can just taste that it's so good and Adam touched on it here at camp you can be the start of the entire weekend if your calf eat like I said I have my little 22 it's got a little camping table which you can also get on amazon link below it's also great for tailgate I've said this before I live in a college town where football starts back up man for early games throwing biscuits and gravy for a later game some wings some smash burgers star of the show tailgate we try to keep these camps and cooks relatively simple we like the simple cooks we love learning them and then sharing what we're learning again this is our take on them and so if you enjoyed this cook go ahead and give this a thumbs up however if you didn't we understand this book isn't for everybody and some people said now Walt wins you have tasted my grandma's biscuits and gravy yet again you're right so go ahead and hit the thumbs down two times force cuz we understand having said that Brett let's get up out of here aside from doing this amazing breakfast cook which is a hardy enough meal for breakfast lunch or dinner or your fourth you loop it for your midnight snack or any other time something to take to the movies I don't know anyways it doesn't need a good meal and aside from making these why else are we doing this because all we do is twin no matter what and with that we bid you adieu and a don't forget to Like and subscribe and griddle on [Music]
Views: 106,214
Rating: 4.9362669 out of 5
Keywords: easy blackstone griddle recipes, biscuits and gravy, sausage gravy, blackstone griddle, outdoor cooking, easy recipe, biscuits and gravy (dish), blackstone griddle recipes, blackstone breakfast, griddle biscuits, sausage gravy recipe, backyard cooking, how to make biscuits and gravy, breakfast sausage, biscuits and gravy recipe, blackstone griddle recipe, WALTWINS, country gravy, blackstone recipes, gravy recipe, griddle recipes, biscuits and gravy on blackstone griddle
Id: ZYvltlB7MXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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