Making SmashBurgers on my Blackstone! Quick and easy tips and tricks for the perfect cheeseburgers!

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what's up guys so i've got a lot of requests from people commenting saying that hey they want to see me cook on the the 22 inch blackstone and i just haven't had the time to make a video so i guess my first video is gonna be the most popular item that people do on the blackstone griddles is smash burgers now i have used my griddle quite a few times i've learned a couple things along the way right now i'm just heating it up trying to get it ready as you can see there's a lot of you know it has been used and it's a little dirty but you know that the flat top is clean but um but yeah it's uh it's been a little bit of a learning experience there's a few things that use a lot of guys on youtube don't really point out so i'm trying to point them out as we go especially with smash burgers uh it took me a good three or four tries to get it right it's not as easy as folks say it is but uh we'll go through the you know go through everything and just hopefully people pick up a few pointers along the way number one first import most important is making sure everything is ready if you don't have everything ready ahead of time and you're gonna scramble and look for stuff as you're making it forget it it's just gonna be a mess because they drive very fast if if you don't uh have everything ready ahead of time if you cook them for too long even if it's like a couple of minutes too long it's over you know because you know well we'll get into the whole smashing aspect of it a little later but right now let's just go over the stuff we have here i have my spice mixture this is salt pepper garlic powder and onion powder the ratio is two two one one so two salt two black pepper one garlic powder and one onion powder as long as you have that ratio right you're good to go i don't have wax paper today so i'm using a wax coated cardboard it does the same job i just whatever it works i have a six brioche buns we'll be making six burgers uh i have made up to nine burgers at one time on the 22 inch black stone that's the pretty much the upper limit now i i make my burgers pretty big um these are five ounce patties and i smash them out not too too thin and i'll get into that a little bit later um i have four cheese because i'm making four cheeseburgers and two hamburgers and i got my butter there to uh pre-butter the grill when i put my uh oh oh get away fly when i when i put my buns down and also put a little bit of butter down when i smash down the uh the meatballs so now when it comes to smashing on the meatballs i'm not going to smash them down to like paper thin uh what happens is they cook way too fast you get a good crust and everything but they cook way too fast by time you flip them put the cheese on put the you know the bun on top it's it's like it's done and cheese doesn't really get a chance to melt so i'll show you guys how i do it it's a little bit different from the folks on youtube oh well some of the other folks on youtube but hopefully uh it works for you so without further ado let's get started i actually have the blackstone going it's been it's been heating up while i was talking so i don't know if you can see it on camera but it's starting to you can see that smoke coming up a little bit so it's super hot right now so what i'm going to do is i'm going to uh put the buns on first get those toasted put them aside and then the do the burgers okay so the grill's been going on for a good few minutes now say about five maybe 10 minutes even it's super hot so i'm gonna put the butter down first i have a stick of butter here this is the easiest way i thought i could do it is just you peel it peel the paper back a little bit and you just rub it on oh there's a little bit of water coming off because i got these out of the freezer actually but anyway so i give it a little bit of this just like that 10 11 12. okay put that down let him get our buns on just roll it in [Music] it soaks up most of the butter that's a nice toast on it and it happens very fast you'll see i bet you this side is already done by the time it's that's almost there you see that you see how fast that was it's literally like just a couple minutes see that those are toasting up nice see that oh that's nice that one's got a little ways to go but these guys i could take off i'm not sure these guys are probably done yet uh as you get experience also you'll know which ones i see that one a little bit much but uh you got more experience on where the hot points are on the grill so this one's got a little ways to go this one's got a little ways to go a little bit more a little bit more so you can move them around and get a nice toast on them the middle seems a little bit hotter than the uh the corners so this looks pretty good it's hot looks good and it's okay if we go a little bit over it's not a big deal it's still going to taste good there you go looks good and that's it that's that's buttering up and toasting up the buns really really easy okay now we're going to do the star of the show which is the burger patties now heat is on really high you see it's smoking hot we're gonna put the butter down first not a lot of butter but a little bit just so that it gives a little bit of brownie a little bit of flavor on there okay we got our six spots and we have a little burger too for my get some little extra it's okay if it's burning it's fine it's going to be a nutty flavor it's fine put the meatball down you hear that sizzle wax paper side wax down wax side down first give it a push i don't push it down super super thin because i don't like my smash burgers paper thin they come out about a quarter inch thick just like that next one push it down hold it for about five to ten seconds once you get your desired thickness and then pull off the paper okay you're gonna repeat this process first of all before i forget you season it okay let's do the next ones and also i like to put sometimes a couple holes in them if they don't uh if you don't see any air pockets in there if you see some air pockets like these came out you're good okay see that one didn't get many air pockets i put a couple holes in it because you're gonna see when the juice starts coming up through the meat that's when you flip it season that one next guy and hold it for a couple seconds let it get good contact pull it off season you see these guys just ready to flip so i'm going to flip this guy you see the juices start coming up from the top there you can ready to get get ready to flip this one you see that crust there that's what you want i'm gonna put the cheese on it i'm gonna put the top bun on it it's gonna act almost like a baster same thing with this guy this guy's ready to flip good crust there oh you see that i forgot to season one side of the other one so let's just do this one season cheese top bun done this guy's almost ready to flip i'm gonna put the other guys down first you got to move fast guys the spatula sometimes gets a little bit hot okay get that down nice put this guy down nice okay now we got our little guy i'll squeeze him in somewhere here squeeze him in there okay season make sure you don't forget the season gotta move fast okay this guy's ready to flip i'm going to flip them nice crust there season cheese top bun done this guy's still going a little bit you don't see the it's starting to bubble a little bit but it's not ready yet this guy is done i'm gonna pull him off this guy's done too we're going to pull them off remember everything is on high heat before it's still on high heat so this guy's got to go a little bit more this guy's almost there i think i think he's pretty much this one's a little bit thicker i didn't smash it down as much as the other one so take a little bit longer but the juice is starting to come up i'm going to give it a flip cheese it oh no not cheese first season cheese top bun this guy is done i'm gonna pull them off there you go okay let these guys go see how the bubbles start to come up there you see those bubbles starting to come up that's almost almost like an indicator that it's ready to flip it's not quite yet yet but i want to get a little stronger this guy is almost done i'm going to pull him off now our four cheeseburgers are done okay now we got our two hamburgers and our extra cool to go okay i think this one's ready to flip there you go not bad give it a hit of seasoning that guy's gonna be done soon this guy's ready to flip there we go give it a hit of seasoning and then we're pretty much done we're gonna let this go for about a minute pull them off and we're pretty much done i forgot about the little guy okay i don't think i see someone inside but it's okay i'm actually going to shut off the the flame now just going to let it cook through the rest of the way it's going to take about another minute and then i'll put them on the on the buns see that color that's what you want some of it came from the butter most of it is came in coming from the reaction that my yard reaction that the meat gets gives it a really nice flavor so i'm gonna pull these off now we are pretty much done give that one a little bit more it's kind of on the corner there it just didn't really really quite get all the way cooked yet but i'm gonna turn that flame up a little bit on this side so i'm just going to let that cook through and we're pretty much done with this guys so i'm going to take these inside i'll show you how it looks so here's the finished product again it happens very fast i made four cheeseburgers two hamburgers and a small patty there and uh total total from start to finish probably less than 10 minutes again you have to get everything ready make sure everything is set up and and you just gotta move fast because these things cook very fast now i don't smash my burgers down all the way uh i don't make them paper thin because in my experience i've noticed that they kind of dry out uh if you smash them down to the point where they're thin but not like paper thin you can retain some of that moisture from the beef um and still get a nice little crust going so i'm gonna cut into these and show you guys how it looks okay so here's the burger as decent thickness to snap if i squeeze you'll see that juice you see that you see how it's nice and juicy if i squeeze this side you see that it's like see that it still retains it's it's cooked through all the way which was what you want for burgers for ground meat and uh it's it's still juicy so this is my way of making smash burgers guys if you uh if you found any of the tips in this video useful i'm gonna give this a squeeze so you can see you see that juice right there that's well it's it's kind of grease and juice but it's all the goodness of a cheeseburger it's not supposed to be healthy right so um but yeah if you like this video if you picked up some pointers if you saw some of the techniques that i s that use you know that maybe you saw in my video that you didn't see in other videos please comment like subscribe to our channel we'll put more content up as we get more experience with the blackstone and also as we learn some new recipes so again i i welcome your comments if you thought this video is useful please let us know see you soon
Channel: Cook with Ron
Views: 2,060,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone, Griddle, Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Smash burgers, Easy recipes, Easy eats, Fast food, Delicious burgers, Tips, Tricks, Bbq, Summer food, Food adventure, Unique, Flat top, Grill, Food under 15 min, 15 min food, #1 burgers, Top burgers, Best burgers, Smashburger, Best burger, Simple burger, Wow burger, Amazing burger, Tasty burger, Five minute burger, Best of the best, Try me burger
Id: b4pl0v65wQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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