LETS GO ON A JOURNEY BROS! - Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons: Gameplay - FULL GAMEPLAY

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go to 16:27 pewdiepie named a ball bengt

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheMostEpicSven1337 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
Huff's ago morels - Pierre - pack and welcome to brothers a tale of two sons this game that I've been wanting to play for a quite a while I just never been been having the chance to play it and finally I can cross it off my list of games I wanted to play the reason why I wanted to play it because everyone just seems to praise it so damn much there is something special about this game I know I know the premise Adam but we'll see what that it's about in a second so I wanted to do say that if you haven't heard of this game before or if you really like I want to play that that looks cool feel free to stop at any time and check the game out yourself I hear this is the type of game that you really should just experience and enjoy yourself it's also a game that is kind of built around finishing in one one setting as far as I'm maybe that's not entirely true but I think I think that's what I hear so I'm gonna try to make this into one video which might be a problem because I hear the game is like three hours which means this is the longest video ever I don't know if actually pull that off or not we'll see but regardless let's blame this press this is also a puzzle game and I'm awful at puzzles and I probably won't edit this as much this is a very long video so this should be interesting I'm looking forward to share these couple of hours with you breaths it's gonna be a good one you're probably gonna get a lot of gray hairs of just watching me trying to solve [ __ ] but you probably shouldn't watch this at all to be honest but I'm glad you're here [Music] his hair feels very adventure time like I could just rip it off an eater or something just me [Music] pull her off with something pulling her down like I couldn't she just take still wanted there though [Music] still want to eat there oh she's a ghost [Music] well that's sweet yee-yee are they speaking the same language a Russian da has everyone dying in this game is that our dad he has a great beard and haircut pretty stylish dad red boots - okay what are we doing here we have to get down cool world looks cool I like it very nice much don't say it I'm sorry hold triggers to interact did did it there we go oh my god I'm controlling vote for the brothers now what are they doing down there at the same time which is a little funky to be honest so the big brother is left I'll just have to remember that our dad is really [ __ ] sick man it's like to try to break that is our subject look at this oh god my coordination skills are like the best ever so this should be easy don't worry papa coats we got your back oh god oh god it's so weird my brain cannot handle this well bridge though I mean why just finish building the bridge when you can go interact somehow with these how do I interact with them maybe the little brother has to do it hello sorry now the big brother should do it because he's bigger which button was that oh yeah I got it I got it don't da me yeah I get it oh my god don't have Tommy oh it took him a while I have to hold it down he's really loving that steak huh calm down big brother all right yeah okay now you now you're pissing me off yeah just grab it what are you doing there you go god this is gonna be a long day dress on me for me so you figure out the controls Jesus it's so weird all right whatever game what is this now god I gotta wrap my head around this uh is it broke there and some flowers you you have to go up oh there you go well that was easy let's not just fall down and then interact there we go the rope and then I go down and my dad is still dying but ah oh god move oh god what are you doing okay well he probably has night yeah naives coming nice coming all right here we go it's so weird there we go the barrel did something good today oh god oh god alright thank you sir a brain there we go yeah I know you like saying yeah let's stop Tommy man god damn you and you're a toss sounds like Pootie Tang if you've seen that movie there we go wouldn't it be easier if the doctor just came to us I really okay he's barefooted that's not very hygienic doctor if you ask me yep great beards in this game I don't know man it's one chance see I understand what they're saying total this scroll will go up his neck oh the Tree of Life [Music] well heal your dad [Music] [Music] like I just put it on my table what a doctor are you give him a get them out of pillow or some [ __ ] it's gonna be a brat okay we're free we lost our mom we cannot handle losing our dad so we'll do anything literally at this point Oh God who are you you douche don't me I have a scroll who do you think you are you stick wearing douche that's why he loved that other sixer Wow amazing do a 360 I can't always get of water because someday he's like it's just water you idiot what the hell he wants him to ride on his back see I understand them even though they don't speak English old sugar to drag a little brother they have a girl little brother wonderful marvelous why are we going here yes oh just because that do she wouldn't let him pass us pass I would just punch him in the dick we did it oh well we got wet but we did it how do we we can climb okay fantastic arias again that [ __ ] screw that guy trying to save our dad are come on Bella fat Adama [ __ ] luckily Oh God I got coordinate just coordinate there we go whoa whoa he said god damn mountain goat can we jump imagine I don't know if it's because I'm clicking or if it is and there we go our little parrots a secure socket it's a very pretty world it's a pretty wire were living in Bros for ChaCha's my hose oh good eye gorgeous oh wow I don't know what happened to synchronized dance hold all Albie and rb2 rotate the camera Oh God all right doing it there's man sleeping there and people fighting there hey go I did it come on what do you want all right let's make this guy up no I'm just gonna sit here my dad is dying but you know just gonna sit here I would probably only just sleep if if I was living here what is up with this that so nothing else we can do what about the little brother maybe he's less anxious more anxious nope all right well let's check Oh whoopsie Daisy Oh God is making a motion sick Shahadah foul I'm at this okay we need to wake him up somehow what if we jump up again all right well leave our brother for now oh he can go to all right I didn't know that oh god it's so hard to control if they're in different spots like if they're coordinated somewhat no never mind anything I just said yeah no we can just climb up here there you go the brothers of blue and orange got this in the bag got him in bago he's a little slow oh that's okay Oh God because I'm slow there we go beautiful ah that ass hole I hate him he will pay he will pay I will say how's he doing now does he have nothing better to do my god you the brother doesn't fit the big run oh god that's an ugly dog you're wearing lipstick you look fab all right let's let this one out why would they keep a tiny little dog like that in the cage come on kill kill Rufus kill well that takes care of that half bad ha ha ha 5 yeah yeah yeah yeah all right where do we go now synchronized ha ha ha I knew he was working with the barrels how did the dog get inside the fence that one is sleeping in this goddamn game how do we get past here well we're here we act like dogs when they can't things like well I don't know is there something in this well perhaps don't spit in the whale what are you doing you don't spit in whales that's the strap bottle did he cheat on your wife again mr. Anderson it's ok Anderson she exactly we get it whoa that's a nicer dog let's talk to this guy hello oh that's a cat that explains it can I pet it that it's oh my god well it looks like he doesn't like you okay let's keep going then everyone is sleeping hello it doesn't care what about the little brother yeah oh my god are you gonna do your job now you have one job to pull a damn lever come on oh now he's awake now we can ask the brother Oh see there's so many people like that in other jobs in real I like you I can relate when I skate only when I wait we're free we're out in the wilderness beautiful very immersive this world I like it very nice more sleeping people everyone in this game has narcolepsy that's that's okay she wasn't she points as towards this direction because there is so many other direction that we could go what are you doing win let me show you how it's done you want the ball here's your ball okay and you want the Buckeye fine hey Jamie here they go shoot alright I'll block it yeah Denard oh oh dad passed oh oh my god she sucks too much go yeah we're just as bad as that other guy Oh the ball is called banked and he will join us throughout this journey this epic journey of dad dad trying to figure out controls Oh God well that didn't last long there right here we go he said four yeah so that means we have to go here I mean we could just climb over it nor anything at all of them but Big Brothers tell us go here so let's just do that why don't we get banked you're still here good for you oh did we hit them I thought we were gonna hit the well what is with this game in Wales I want the ball not the well there we go see you later Bank perhaps in enough I got an achievement for that that's awesome good I like when the world is really a bet we're gonna go down here I like when the worlds are really interactive it feels more vibrant and alive we see I use the word like I've been trying to figure out how to do that for years marvelous you're welcome I know butterflies sake I let the brother try hello Holliday both oh hello they both have different skills it's always fun yeah where you were definitely supposed to go here for like a myth built of something though by not crossing well it was whatever okay that's cool we got a drunken bastard who lost his boots let me talk to him there we are easy I can't drink that if you drinking from his boat that's genius oh come on show some decency and respect god damn it I don't even know breath oh I swear all suck heart sake did you see the squirrel suck y'all suck oh god what's happening oh no it's a makeup dog oh oh I get it he wants me he wants my ass you want this ass I can distract him hey oh oh go go go Oh probably should do a better job at distracting this is awesome Ron I'm sorry I'll never do that again did it we're doing great for us have five proud of you for doing nothing for putting up with me I think that's more than enough okay I'll stop definitely stop there oh I like Oh Road controller I'm sorry sorry little brother yeah he's he's trying it come on don't be mean just cuz he's slow yeah synchronize John what hmm all right we'll need to help each other get up then okay man the matrix kills main um it takes a while but after a while you started to get wrap your brain around the whole control to people at the same time thing it works oh god that's gonna sing I almost spoke too soon it works so weird apparently you think you'd play like in some other place interesting games one person holds this one and another person holds this one I think that would work but apparently the the developer of this game recommends that you play alone okay it's like a co-op alone game alright I get it I'm the hamster I get it all right that's cool hello sheeps or just goes back up what yeah that happens okay got it oh I get it oh my god ah the Sheep sorry sheep poor thing sheeps do we need what if I stand up I never mind no no she yeah oh no the Sheep was never seen ever again oh my god no stay stay if only we had that barking dog that could help us hold it down or some shot some shop get it no stay on the godforsaken bridge please stay stay oh god I can't no what about now what the [ __ ] Oh supposed to go in the wheel I'm sorry I'm numb there we go I mean do you think about it it should work my way as well there you go sheep you're a hamster now [Music] Jane yes do we need more than one no okay that took me a while good job game I'm an idiot you proved me and ever all the brothers like they didn't know it before but hey sly down oh you okay there brother I feel like we're doing great in your beds down so far I haven't been stuck anywhere and I think that that's pretty impressive for a puzzle game considering I'm playing it when he says after it's kind of like yatta and since I'm [ __ ] such a weeaboo I know that means anyway I hear something it's cool I you can still see that doggy what is he doing someone is crying inside a bottle oh well you're ugly I would probably cry too to be honest if mushroom was growing on my back it's not a very good oh I like his bed little heart it's cute oh there's two beds wet where's your partner [Music] it's not easy hi to people oh it's so cute don't let him see his nipples okay maybe this time he seemed safe daya is he going with this no we're going inside this too it's cool to see all those things you can interact with okay alright well ladies first like a mermaid will pop out of some [ __ ] alright he's showing us the way lead the way you troll man what is he doing oh my god help it's not gonna stop he throw me you can't do that come on don't throw me whoa it's like poke balls No can we sit down so that's where we're going out with it soon whoa this game is pretty epic it feels like going on an adventure I love it that's our game should be we're going to that I don't know that cave it looks pretty far though and dangerous oh god are you gonna flick us again I don't like it Oh oh that one okay you got to remember which one is which otherwise you're effed there you go of this hold down bow for them for now thanks troll appreciate it have a good life and a great afterlife and a great next life after that okay I'll stop go oh god I almost died and you don't Nighy me alright don't you dare nay me alright what do we get yeah you really love pointing at things don't you it's that easy cut ice coming we need your help again let's push this looks like the one from Zelda the ones you pull up yeah okay you need to you need a shell ah stepping on his fingers oh oh he's a bridge don't fall now I probably will hurt like the poor sheeps poor she's resting sheep here we go here we go here we go here we go hmm it looks like we can climb hell yeah yeah hmm are we are we going then okay let's go little brother first and big brother ah all right whatever oh god this is really weird I'll wait for the troll there we go oh I made me nervous it's really weird you have to think like okay the left one there right oh god I have to touch his pimples that is a nasty go up oh yeah little brothers this one you don't want to lose the grip now there we go we did it how about my hands are cold ah sorry it's a head five I had just invented it don't worry about it we need the troll again I think high five it looks like there I'm gonna spin five yeah yeah have you ever done that coming up with all kinds of original [ __ ] throw me which which game is that when they fill them oh yeah it's Kimberly and Lord of the Rings throw me I love their climbing technique I think we need the troll master again no we can do it now brother big brother has problem and I don't know why yeah we go let's just make sure he's safe all right I did it oh yeah my brain cannot handle two at the same time oh actually maybe it can and I need you to Africa oh it is hard I know you probably just think I'm an idiot for not pulling it off but like it's harder than you think hey troll so he's coming with it seem like I wonder how far whoa what is this what we're gonna do left or right what is he doing he wants both that's what is he gonna do oh you cray cray it's gonna matter eyes whoa what uh well that went better than expected Oh ready all right let's take a break here all right took a little break a broker there we're back the brothers uh uh oh yeah he can't swim I forgot [ __ ] sorry brother I'm sorry my my bro okay I got this go into water and then you could grab on to him there we go there we go it works gorgeous it's what it looks so clear I just want to like they look like they had like alcohol or something change then you can do it you can do it it's just water high-five you did it when I was a kid I remember you know when you're young and you have those things in your arms to swim like it really young remember I was like [ __ ] those I'm gonna swim without it so I jumped in and I nearly drowned true story great I was genius even as a kid okay the troll told us to go in here how wonderful and beautiful and magical this game is magical because it has trolls I think that says in a book somewhere if you look in the fine lines Oh what do we got here can we both go through I don't think that brother can needs to fight but not worry sir there we go then take care of that bad let's take a look at the view I don't know why I like this benches Big Brother don't whoa this reminds me of the great minds of Moria it seems a little bit Lord of the Rings inspired it takes you a while to remember ok left stick brought Big Brother's a right stick small brother wait up brother big brother all right if I can keep them on the right side - it's a lot of you yeah go little brother Oh God Oh okay we just let go Oh Africa it's awesome oh god oh god jumping it's fine oh god don't Josh don't DA me it's generally a bad idea to control both when I'm at the same thing ever again whoa daddy Brad high-five ow ow what is this place who built this this is awesome if I were these kids I would go in all the time but I guess the troll wouldn't really help them all the time where are we going Mart is this do we need to lift this summer yep the where though I have no idea let's just bring it I'm sure we like it they wouldn't just place it there for no reason am i right am i right or am I wrong or am i wearing a thong oh we need to walk like this got it genius absolutely genius of me of course because I'm the ultimate bro and you're just the hole hey ho I'm sorry that was not called for I hope we need this cuz I don't really check down there is there anything down there that we maybe we need to stop that thing or something the cogwheels could that be it yeah yeah yeah that's definitely it oh how we did this without even talking to each other we'd be like oh yeah oh this is tricky though and get stop it no one likes you sorry it goes trying to sit in my lap drinking loser there we go doing great so far the puzzles are pretty straightforward I would say they kind of kind of sold himself to be honest what is okay you go there I go there well I would assume we go this way first that's half the bridge okay um guys no guys there you go guys good job whoa that's a weird a lever thingamajigger you'd think it would be enough to with this one but I guess ah don't fall down it would be fun if they walk like this in real life they're like ah don't understand I don't g says sometimes I mean if you're walking in there both same direction it's easy but controlling two directions at the same time is listening to one direction and five shots at the same you just can't do it fangirls be happy you're too short I get it air began marvelous oh it looks like we have to leave our love brother ham let's go up Oh Oh see nap see you nap ZN up that's what we call mustard in swedish the more you know stand up mustard next time you're in sweden you and you wants a mustard on your halal and you just yeah you have no idea what I'm talking about it's okay you're still pretty then average I mean I don't want to give you too much credit oh yeah well let's check this out this looks too pretty not to investigate guys there you go oh my god this oh my god fish a.i fish oh so you like this kind of water huh a little bit of Cologne there in there I mean Hanson oh my god fish a.i fish a.i why was this not told when i bought the game i should have known about the fish a.i I just oh my god I can't believe they didn't market it is that I can't believe wow faciai and they don't even tell us about it I felt like I the price of this game is too low now it should be way like 60 bucks like the call of duty alright here we go oh we were supposed to go here maybe what do we got here it's a bit creepy here isn't it I don't know what this is baby huh up big brother first Oh big brother wait for me now you son of a I know you weren't trustworthy all right my turn all right my chin is itchy ah and I have to hold down the triggers oh my god why does it have to h everywhere right now all right left one word about God thank God oh yeah yeah okay is that don't let go the wrong one oh my god it's like when you know you can't eat it just starts itching more there we go all right let's see what little brother has to do oh we need to open okay ah jaysis I only got smushed kids spreading keep spending keep spending punched what are those lights the hell is that come on can I do it in time come on yeah boy high five can do because I have to yeah all right let me go hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry I am eating curry today everyone's for you oh cool that's my turn to grab one what is this doing oh that will sling me across one it I'll look there's a little I didn't see the troll sir they're down there working on stuff whoa I'm pretty sure this can't be the intents and purposes of these mekin oh yeah yeah we did it doing great great flow in this gameplay I like it keep doing it I'm like twirling around here you like it don't you you're lucky when that make this a is vibrate okay another cream when can I let go oh great there's a show is that what Oh wrong way wrong way sup now my butt is itching I'm sorry rabbit nope now scrap it already yeah I would be so scared I would be just poop my pants and probably like fly to space or some [ __ ] some [ __ ] get it hilarious I know I do try I do try it seems when I think about the controls the less I think about the controls the easier it is to control the less I think about control it easier okay anyway hmm is it oh it's climbing time conveniently someone placed a bunch of rings here thank you whoever came up with that idea brother big brother has a bit Oh God that is awkward big brother seemed to have a bit of a problem with the climbing I don't know he I think he'd be the better one but what do I know oh god I don't like this oh thank god whew they did that without a hesitation I would probably try to climb up and jump across instead it looks like you could do that and way easier oh look at the view synchronized said hey they are the troll still looking down what are you doing down there I'm talking to you well they're they're blind I mean they're death there we go okay big brother can you thank you synchronized up oh they both suck now what is this what are you doing what the what the fudge cake what am I doing here oh they just climb up okay I thought they had to jump up Jesus no wrong come on again Oh God the climbing man the climbing I don't like this one bit I'm just there you have it huh that just broke my heart a little bit cuz first time we die alright let's just do one at a time oh this makes me nervous man oh my god oh my god all right big brother time yes oh thank god oh my god I think this is both at the same time we're designed this I love the voice I game Wow Wow it's me when ate a sandwich that is really exact same noise how did we end up here what the fudge happen Oh God keep running don't question it whoa oh my god it's collapsing poor trolls they built this for centuries and we just turn it up whoa oh there she is who who did that to you is that the girlfriend yeah yeah we're not a troll we understand does he have the cob he does have the car oh oh it's right there how can how convenient well the big brother loves six so let's do it and that [ __ ] is vibrating the [ __ ] are you guys doing alright I can't walk farther okay we can't split up too much there we go okay got it careful now Naheed I've got this bunch of bones Oh God I wasn't supposed to walk into things oh oh oh well there's brutal deaths in this game everybody a little bit of limbo it isn't it yeah right sorry about that I should have seen it coming before I literally saw it like as soon as I there you go attention not tension I wish we saw the death trap so we'd be more cautious or whatever grab it is mmm yeah went through with that oh you need to grab the key sir thank you now heed if that is your real thing Oh God every time it's like the itch tests of itch this game starts itching everywhere alright there we go and we go you're free and now we set you three power of three will be on D everything wonderful absolutely wonderful you're free where's my four high five I'm gonna call her moose please that's her name mush this nice song smooch kiss oh no she's hurt oh no well how about a thanks come on oh-oh-oh-oh can we have in the car go in the car no we did it nice I guess we need to trick him inside the couch yeah that makes sense come Sekai my cup stop going out nice haircut the yes hello there mr. troll ah ah you're trapped wha oh yeah oh yeah a batch that is awesome oh oh well if you told us about that maybe we didn't have to risk our life for a damn troll well now shut up troll no one likes you you have a great haircut but that's all you got working for you really why did she have to damage mousses oh I have to do it well of course well brother has some problem there you go oh hello the coordination sometimes just doesn't want to do it I am very sorry I assume we have to go here yeah the pulse is all very straightforward what I would say but I like it it flows well in the gameplay you don't no one likes puzzles where you just get stuck for hours I guess some people like those puzzle [ __ ] we forgot about us yeah okay now I am having some serious problem there we go I don't really think about any matter matter about us I guess we can jump across she's damaged look she can't be as badass as we are right now or - hush hush please I'm gonna call the other troll at Portuguese yeah beautiful name should be proud there we go high-five what is she doing she's waits for us at least this time thank you which case are you okay though you don't look too good thanks ah in Sakai that's adorable we made them reunite spank that booty come on no all right just meet Oh oh that is so cute oh come on how did you stop how much beer do you drinking on me I gotta troll this smarter than we are this is awesome what does this lever do yeah okay I should get it hello [Music] great job now if you could take care of this changeover that'd be great look at the shadows and it's awesome this guy's very pretty for an indie game I mean come on get some credit I like how the little brother is the one that always has to be in danger alright let's see if we can time this Oh No yeah come on pull it ah it's a time is better there we go oh oh oh no step on his fingers take a limp ah teamwork let's do it together [ __ ] that is fantastic [Laughter] hope gazing far she is it's gonna be okay oh I ship them so much yours have no idea that way all right got it by can I give them a hug or something Fisher yeah bakumaru [ __ ] oh ma okay that probably means goodbye hope you make many ugly babies I would assume oh so we passed the mind some Aria now we're going to man tomb really you're just gonna stroke his nips that's not gonna solve anything [Music] [Music] I don't psyche [Music] [Music] what's going on here is there something about the Stars and now we're back at the brothers how does it work and it's night now hmm wonder what dangers yours and then oh hello look at I there's wolves that's awesome a.m. oh did we built that or was that there there probably was there am I scared of fire no I'm just bull normal to fire like the most most things eh stay close little brother bench that's right I'm the boss you don't even drink sauce do you okay now I really need to figure out how to control these two because know what I don't want to get Wow it's kind of kind of Warcraft healing to it the graphics it's like cartoony but Oh what the hell I didn't know wolf supporter capable of this the [ __ ] is wrong with me they're everywhere it would suck if the fire went out we'd be dead right there's light here why why is it or light here oh now he'd need Jesus thank you Oh chicks mine my nips fell off dawn oh come on oh my god I was just not being cautious just bided eyes like that like Mohini come on luckily the penalty for Deaf is nothing more than a tiny heart attack a graveyard oh I don't need this why is it so late just from the lights and candles what is this mysterious wonderful and Blair is it's a bell here what does that do you did we just call upon the spirits of the Dead like in Dark Souls yep I like his hat hello set sorry to wake you up Tom Murphy got it otama feet got it oh he's coming with us to show us that's awesome thank you he seemed to really struggle but he seemed like a good man considering everyone else is narcoleptic in this game I guess they sleep during the day and yeah he looks like he's wearing like a oh sorry huh oh well I think you say he looks like he's wearing a diaper when he walks I'm just Oh God Oh God did we dried them Oh Oh help him oh my god they stick a strange turn of events who put these candles here now whatever it looks get beautiful let's go with it oh my god we need to stop somewhere right swim Oh God Oh God waterfall waterfall oh that was close damn this game is epic like I'm really getting into it and I'm starting to understand why they like it so much which is always a nice feeling a bench bench station gotta love my bench station so we're going down there that's apparently where we're supposed to go unless you're a bro or a whole girl unless you're a bro or a ho oh god more climbing I am not very good at Oh God it starts itching on my nose as soon oh god oh god oh god oh [ __ ] I don't like this oh no no okay what's supposed to happen oh my god no no no no we got stopped ratted come on oh no oh oh grab it now Oh Dan that has to hurt man now you yeah right that does not look any safer than anything else I wonder what happens if you go with a big brother first I wonder if that luck has any difference oh jesus [ __ ] christ oh my god this game just wants me to have a heart attack don't think Oh what just happened oh yeah here hold said oh my god okay and I can't cut what thou oh my god my faith is nature this struggle of playing this game you have to hold down the bottom constantly I am sorry okay Oh God well you don't do this [ __ ] every day I never heard of trees thumbs being against you this is news to me but they do look creepy so anything creepy is just set out to kill you I think that's like the rule of Darwin or some [ __ ] doing good keep it going looks like we have a moment we can go up over there I don't want to die now you know alright it looks safe here oh never mind seriously you dick oh we were supposed to okay Jesus this game just takes a lot of strange turn of events save Naheed oh god I have to save Naheed oh god keep going come on it's your brother oh he's magnetic that's awesome come on what happened they would save him can't gain now why isn't this game called sisters sexist sexism in games hmm I'm sorry I'm just kidding there is something special about the ridership of about what that [ __ ] is that what the actual you're just approaching that like it's nobody's I could be a giant potato though no it is oh hello well you could literally go inside our nostrils oh she's holding the dad I didn't see that this is some weird [ __ ] what kind of drugs are you guys on well the water drugged hello oh he's having out okay Wow oh I'm unconscious they'll probably ah thank you Oh what the [ __ ] run in front of your mother so he was resurrecting him from death got it this is a weird way to do what I would say all right break it down you two that's enough I mean it you okay after wha I'm gonna say that next time what the WHA high-five yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right cool we are in a new area and the night is over it's a short night but I'm okay with it cuz the wolf is scary uh-oh what is he doing is he trying to kill himself hold him up or shoot the [ __ ] am I supposed to do I were trying to break their thing why was he trying to kill himself whoops we couldn't save him oh I wonder if that has any consequence god damn it we [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I'm sorry bro what the hell what was that all about so it isn't the perfect world out there huh people still I mean it looks so cute okay I get it you and your finger-pointing man I'm sick of it oh well that doesn't really help does it I see what we got here we're probably gonna grab one of those right can I can i oh oh whoa hello well I guess that works yeah yeah oh yeah yeah whoa did you hear that someone is screaming in pain what the hell what's up with this what is this place I mean we saw a bunch of hang dudes before all right what is this do I think we have to run for it Oh God okay go go go go you're my hope okay never mind never mind I don't have to do [ __ ] was easier than I thought then that's okay cuz I'm doom straight up dude if the brother keeps to the left and they're all been stationed in station okay what did we get and abandon old castle on top of a that seems like a weird place to build the castle I'm just saying if I was a architecture I'd probably be just be like I smell it somewhere else guys Madison seem safe to me I'm okay we're just building on top of the all right but hey it's a magical world now he'd come on I don't even know the name of their bigger brother cuz you just keeps yelling naheen sir oh that's not how you do it don't look down you'd probably just die a horrible death it'd be a quick one but a horrible one hear me out looks like we're almost there where we have to make it back then again so it's like they're in Beck again oh my god are those gorillas those are gorillas aren't they now they're what the actual there's something at least don't attack us we come in peace now I'm gonna ride you [ __ ] yeah this is awesome hahaha oh my god this oh they're mountain goats they can jump like pollicis drinking salsas on the mic this is awesome Oh oh yeah that is awesome look at a look at you're not looking oh snap oh I'll take the know what little brother let brother there you go little brother yay what's uh if you don't know where to go just ride up map didn't gap if you [ __ ] up hey let three thanks goats have a prosperous life that's not a sentence I just I I thought it sounded good I try to be in tonight show me the goats yep that's me alright this is the bridge Oh Albert Einstein okay yes I do agree with you oh the cogwheel yeah yeah I'm gonna say that next thing yeah ii sweden there's a dialect that if you want to say yes to something instead of just saying yes or any word at all you just go so anymore you know it's actually kind of funny how lazy you aren't you do it's like do you want to go out cycle are you trying to be a vacuum or do you want to go out it's like okay I'm just gonna be funny here and it's not working how do we get the cogwheel over doesn't seem like you can jump with it how do we maybe we can catch it to each other oh my god a puzzle I'm stuck on I don't know can we no oh no that does it wait like it was nobody's business oh [ __ ] did not expect that I just walk across these controls man sometimes it's a little little infuriating I would say it looks like I will have to throw it but we throw it like it's made out of a [ __ ] made out of [ __ ] learning I'm just kidding okay you think it would be easier for him to just pass it up here but I wanna wanna know about life keep spinning keep spinning oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh is it going why does every old people walk like their have poop in their pants nice carpet where are you going come back here his haircut looks like a brain it's pretty awesome yes that's how Einstein was so smart all right what do you got for us your backpack is spinning it's kind of awkward haha is that it what is going on here does he need something from us okay we're just gonna keep walking Oh a Thomas Cobb I like this place is cool what can we see doesn't seem like there's any people strange yeah I don't know about that oh wow whoa what is that what are we gonna we get it oh we getting it okay what no [ __ ] way to the left to the left this is awesome oh oh it's secure music man I don't buy you guys when I'm rolling lines like that cave oh well do what you want let's see it's your life what do I care [Music] god damned is epic miss that feeling you know when you go on an adventure I like it and we're gonna fly all the work whoa whoa oh [ __ ] god damn Birds oh oh are we gonna deal with are we gonna market cuz it doesn't look very shiny oh shut that is not how flying works oh god go left right oh [ __ ] we're losing too much LT Todd oh there's no way we can do it we're dead you might as well oh nevermind we did it oh he probably spent like months building that thing where we made it to the castle hold Nadeau is that - is that the place they have the same we can use the rope genius now can jump skipper what oh you're gonna climb oh [Music] hell no I'm not that good at climbing I'm just not I grab a B all right press we can do this I believe at you and I believe I do I mean I believe at me because I have to do it but I know you believe in me so thank you for doing it focus your mind like just look like you're constipated because that seems ah see what happened do wait I'm not playing around here make that constant there we go that looks great you look L expect a good look on you so what am I supposed to go then oh oh oh your constipation man damn it works ah wrong one [Music] [Applause] don't let go of the wrong one Wow oh my god that pressure is real israel is real okay what do we got here though I don't like this brooch achos keep looking for constipation ah did that on purpose god dammit oh okay we just climb up now now what okay he needs to come over here uh which one was it [ __ ] Oh oh my god it's really intense to do this I'm pressing down so hard like I'm gonna get like hemorrhoids in my hands or some weird [ __ ] what did I just say whoa and that's how it's done and that time with bang that time with then we made it through that all around mean like how the Rope just goes through the ground because my night oh no aah boom ha ha ha okay that was a joke I think so much it's not a lever trying to hide from me don't act a meme right well we have to climb it Matt the climate okay okay the itchiness man if you are prone to itchiness don't I would not recommend this game it's not your game okay what about now okay I can jump okay ah climb [ __ ] every wall we have to ah all right sorry about that I messed up I'll admit to messing up but sometimes you can't play perfectly let's all right let's just walk around look at the background is so pretty except that giant line that goes across the mountain but besides that it's very pretty uh-oh what is this place it must be ancient it's pretty epic though I'll come on there we go whoa Oh bro why don't we just oh god oh god the struggle is oh my god Oh Maggie anything it feels natural though Mary niet Charles DVDs we could just let go yeah oh well calm down calm down there we go we did it high five breast [Music] looks like we have to climb now what no in our way oh well that does it cool and then he swings maybe yep that works what about your brother hey hey hey hey okay you need to grab on to something seriously there you go no not you okay you should be fine anyway right come on just jump up there you go boom I thought we wouldn't make it for a while okay look you can see inside the castle like giant Olivia or some [ __ ] what is over here how can I want to investigate just for the fun seas come on guys one at a time there we go oh there's nothing okay well you don't know if you don't look and we did get an achievement for throwing down a bowling it well so a tiny little girls Bowl she's probably crying about it still at at home like to her mom me why why did they throw down the bar mom and their mom is like some people just want to see the world burn Maria I just want the world to burn but why mom whining but brother was my only friend well that's because you're a loser no one likes you Maria that's a different that's a different issue all right moving on it looks like yeah what is that sound this looks weird okay what is this I do not like it I do sir okay we still have this oh hello they don't seem to care at all come on can't you jump No okay we have to walk like this for some reason hello why they don't even care cool guys don't look one floor is falling down they just let them all floor down and Wow I think that's the lyrics I'm not entirely sure though ladies first well what's the problem here what am i what am I supposed to go in here no help me what did I miss okay we're supposed to walk down here got it I got it all right there we go got a little luster but hey that's okay because I'm nothing never mind okay well what do I know then wasn't Leslie walk back all the way this is really strange why won't they walk there what's the matter with you guys they don't want to walk anywhere this is so weird ah what am i gross am I missing something obvious here what about here oh oh oh okay I thought for sure we were going downstairs okay my bad my bad drinks on me Prez drinks on me next time we see drinks on me and then you got a pee and then I'll run away [Music] hopefully someone is farting but it sounds like something very creepy you can always hope for farts that's what my mom always said oh god oh god you cray-cray what happened did I take a shortcut ha ha ha are they both up yep magic I believe Oh boom ba boom ba we have to go inside uh uh me first I don't know what I feel about this pretentious do not the feel of what I don't know it's probably sleeping that's a bird oh we could ride that bird oh my god that's perfect where is the master he keeps the bed very tidy though oh he's gonna come from that oh uh why not the books at that okay I love these books if you like it then sure to climb the birds oh really that's that okay you know what I don't know what the [ __ ] you guys are doing but I want you to stop there you go I I know something bad is gonna happen he's way too what he likes hmm I want to see how the little brother reacts to this alright little birdie don't want to make waker oh he's great at drawing at least Jesus like if these were on deviantART everyone would just be like oh my god you're so talented yes all right the little brother has to go through release right now I want you to go through the catch no stop humming for the love of God stop humming why doesn't he want to go through there you go come on I tried so many times I tried so many times sorry so but the brother wasn't really necessary I hope at least here we go handle well it works there we go yes teamwork my bunch I see my snake he just leave his brother haha I took it that's oh it's all dusty it's a Griffin thingy kind of sorry my balls Richie ah de we saved you now fly us to safety thought for sure giant would come up and be pissed that we sold their bird but I guess the giant even is long gone they didn't they didn't leave the bed very tidy okay this I would not do this Nate's is awesome I love it [Music] beautiful Fiona Thank You Sven okay yeah that's on I shall miss you your courage will not no guess it was too late [Music] what a great dad take his son fishing [Music] I guess I really haven't given us much reasons to why they dad is so special until now like could be an [ __ ] for all we know let me hover this hand above your arm to show how much I care oh that is sad though I liked him right back wonderful did you miss me it hasn't even been a second for you strange Oh time flows for people in videos don't hey nahi me i rhymed oh holy [ __ ] it's sick whoa is that one of the Giants what is it blah I should not have had that much snacks it's coming out of my belly what is happening those tiny brakes where the game takes over I'll take them to scratch my [ __ ] oh oh oh oh oh it's a fallen warrior a great battle taking place what uh there's so many of them oh god ah that was gay gone mad I don't know what they're called in English those but the evil ones from Lion King don't like them they're evil they're pretty ugly too anything unglazed evil as we learned from from history and that's an awesome maze and what that maze nice toenails he keep them pretty well I would say oh don't lick it now he'd god they're everywhere it looked like a recent battle - then I mean if they're still oh we're we're gonna push his arm oh my god that is some freaky [ __ ] man that is probably heavier than we can push let's be honest it'd probably be easier to just climb over it but hey what are you gonna do great toenails in this battle these swords are epic man how did they even get we're gonna climb this oh go away what are we gonna do then Oh got it Oh God disgusting we're not going down are we no we're going here No dah all right well you said it sister grab em never count thank God you should look after your little brother more man you know he can't swim got a little hot Claire the water is this vital of the Deaf that's been around right we did it mm-hmm yeah we're going here can't get it you guys can't reach it I get it I get it all right I thought we wouldn't take a shortcut by doing that directly but I guess not here we go up you go now he'd go and I hate I'm proud of you know he'd you're my favorite now eating out of all nights I ever met and you're I probably met another night heat actually I think that's a real name yeah it's fine it's flawless just pull him down Oh or that there we go I should have been a thing where they brought little brother had to go back first or something that'd be more tricky but I like I said I like how there's a lot of straightforward are we gonna tickle this man's bead like next time you push him trying to actually touch him like germophobia is these these two whoa whoa oh well okay oh my god this game is crazy so many things I would like never expect to happen I like that we're slide and girl or more Blood River wonderful absolutely wonderful how much of a river to be honest I bet we're gonna go back what is this okay there we go careful Oh another arm hello conveniently they got shot in the arm there's no blood there though come on yeah oh we didn't really think that oh my god that is nasty hahaha oh my god that's actually awesome for a guy well I guess it was dead but I wonder what happened I'm set up in station I love my pension whoa what are they doing with the blood down there is weird you guys are weird everyone is weird in this game I'm just glad none of them are alive honestly well I guess we'll have to chop him off or some weird [ __ ] okay I get it you're not strong enough but now I'm stronger now witnessing killing mean oh are we gonna blow the whistle can you blow my trombone maybe bum bum baby I wanted to do it what did just happen ah don't make do that again the hate it's how you do it need stronger lungs call of the what did it say I didn't uh I didn't get a chance to read it your best probably got it so I got an achievement for doing that but why all right we need to go here I wonder what my achievements I missed I like though that there is like that you get points for exploring or whatever even though it won't mean [ __ ] oh now we're just back here maybe we need to follow the river no no that's not it either well what the hell yeah yeah again got it [Music] I mean it's I know we need to go there but how did we make him go there nice angle hmm oh there's a crossbow Nancy it okay obvious yeah just go up then I'll go around then there we go all right my bad sometimes you don't see obvious things I can't be the only one we're gonna blow his [ __ ] head off it's awesome okay now he'd come here oh say your last prayer Oh Mitch headshot for a guy this mutilating this dead corpse I mean they don't look that bad I wonder what kill them with so many dead were they fighting each other or all these questions I would keep away from those guys I would probably stay hidden from those guys whoa so much blood now on the [ __ ] did he jump oh oh oh my god they're full of blood now it's awesome [ __ ] are they doing that how am I gonna tell them apart now it's impossible oh well [Music] love these random pots it seems like a good place to cook right yes that is it what is it show they're killing something else ah clean already clean as a whistle oh don't want to go down there are they gonna sacrifice the Virgin she might have done like something awful we don't know but she's a girl so we have to save her right that girl we have to save her we don't know why but we have to do it it was a man we'd probably be like yep they did something bad sexism in games under scale it's the controversial topics I [ __ ] can't go there yes it was optional to save her nevermind we have to save her what the hell is I I kind of statue told us to do it what it what is this oh but why are we doing this oh oh we get we're mimicking their God we have returned we have returned let go of the woman let it go let it go we coming pies oh that was easy oh my oh they don't even bother any black however Oh God say yay we did it they were stupid [Music] you know maybe there's a love interest for the Big Brother mm-hmm a rabba all right well rabbi you if you know what I mean sexism in games sorry all right ready place now lucky very nice oh well this is where our journey ends Induna well I didn't see much else we could do All Right see you later okay let's kiss her kiss her goodbye oh she's coming all right cool oh god I'm controlling this this is really weird Oh God Oh God huh I'm not the best at this I'm probably not the worst either ah awesome what is this amazing still blood though well so much blood and suffering and just that and fishy's television are we gonna go okay I thought we were gonna go inside the waterfall I don't know why well you gotta give them props for making them gorgeous game cuz holy [ __ ] so pretty sakya - are we gonna go there it looks like we're gonna go there ah I would probably keep going with the boat if I were them say uh Oh what the hell is that okay oh whoa killer whales its killer whales slash octopuses got it can we go here yep they go underneath what I'd say that's nothing let's take this route cuz I don't trust them don't kill me please okay oh god oh god don't go up now so you see a little bit before oh god oh god oh god I got it got it back back back like oh that should have made our boat capsized but what do I know about life in these boats I'm dissing sailors in Sweden I say my blood my back and blood I get the feeling this is not the type of water you want to swim anything all right we did it whoo man was a tough one ah yeah high five goddammit coordinate you're supposed to say one in the front and one in the back it's like you don't even know reminds me of a dishonored in the beginning I don't know why even BioShock Infinite okay oh why do they keep doing that shot stockyard red sock yard or sake on say after me sock sock hot out of that bag gotta buy whoa something really big died here keep going someone else's journey the same path assess so pretty got to look pretty for you breast that's okay I don't wait for us she cray-cray damn I would not do that jump that easy oh thanks oh where you keep sliding and stuff guys don't try it the harder you try the more you fail it's like the first rule of sliding and life in general actually come on jump what's going on what's she doing there we go I don't know why they didn't want a gym that she was gonna do something we ate beautiful like I can draw in the sand it's not sand sure like you know I'm from Sweden okay I know what it is don't hate Oh what the hell is that a torch one slide in whoo oh my god they look suck I suck yeah why doesn't look very happy now let's save in Spain we are a nice people okay what the hell what are you doing I got him he's mine tireless it for dinner boys I guess we go up here [Music] and then we put them on top of each other and then we have a mountain of turtles got it or we could just make them slide down that would work too I suppose bye-bye and then they drowned out they're fine actually okay oh that's so cute they're back with her mother or father I don't know how to tell the gender Nova tour to Isis to be honest oh he's still unhappy there's one more where could it be did I look everywhere maybe there's something more I mean I didn't see anything oh there is okay okay might as well try it we should do the limits he loved it look at him that's the face of someone loving something I think they should carry it faster - there you go is your stinking turtle cow oho cheeks it don't throw away there we go turtle step I totally call that [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you're welcome I have a great life you should probably go to somewhere hotter like Africa the same oh you're welcome by the way no gratitude and whatsoever how did she lose her son's and bad is anyway no I guess this is did she just sneeze at all what time okay I guess we had to climb [Music] okay it's probably better to do it one at a time otherwise I'm just messing up there we go yeah yeah cute whoa does that guy freeze trying to high-five a treat can we see if we can find an axe this guy looks like it has an axe da I thought hey let's check over here oh all that does it oh I'm a lumberjack around okay I see falling that in and work all day I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay I sleep all night and I work all day you use a la bocca huge okay I need girl night anywhere all day I cut down trees ate my lunch I don't - they're bad hombre I wish I was a girlie just like my dear papa you sure lumberjack oh he's okay they sleep so night and works all thing did it did it did it did it's a good song I'm just saying we're gonna saw her down because she's kind of in the way so you know technically to make the tree fall in the right direction you have to saw on the other side but what do I know I'm just the Swedish man you don't know anything about freezing [ __ ] what do I know about fixing this is not how it works most unrealistic game ever I'm just kidding I'm displaying whoa holy [ __ ] she from a circus or some who does that who does that no one does that she's just trying to show off for the bigger brother I would say she wants daddy yes I wish I was a girly just like my dear Papa whose I'm sorry I'll stop singing so much death along our way like holy [ __ ] what happened here oh my god the Queen lives I'll eyes that must be living here the ice queen yeah that's nice yeah okay fine you know what make us do all the dangerous part when you're obviously the acrobatic one Oh a great war dick blasts here I'm grant war indeed if only they figured out how to use the catapult instead of all just standing there oh sorry lad with I'll have a seat whoop all right nope nope nope nope okay are we gonna shoot ourself in cos you're cray-cray she cray-cray she's straight-up cray-cray alright bigger brother get it alright well enjoy your trip kinetic boy swayin my turn my turn yo yeah dad that's how gravity works oh she landed on the other side nice aim I didn't even see that that's awesome oh he can pass through yeah forgot my day cool city mornin it's a tad raggy it's an invisible monster amnesia near Thames Nisha monster I knew it I knew it I reckon knew it Bruce oh my god what is going on here okay she's telling me to kayak that is never a good thing are we splitting our ways here already I don't like this brooch at Joe's this doesn't seem safe okay or you could just do that cuz holy [ __ ] where are you from why did she ever need to escape for help escaping from those guys holy [ __ ] she's [ __ ] Batman Oh [Music] [Laughter] who's to say you won't just walk up straight into us there we did it but I don't think the danger is over yet oh oh okay yeah yeah grab on grab on to it there you go whoa place is epic it was overrun by that invisible demon dragon thingy I killed all the people probably I let go too soon I'm sorry I feel like an idiot I'm probably the only one ever who died there oh my god one of what happened is if we don't do it correctly let's go oh it's a pretty town it's a shame what happened to it I missed the snow I miss it saying that in the summer I bet when it comes I'm through my back it's cold sure loves to point at things come on thank you let's look for the shadow this time I thought for sure that we're over it there is no shadow that'll explain it okay I let go automatically to Jesus crisis ladies crazy no I want the one in the middle or come on why did he just eat one of them for funsies oh my god run run around Baus you [ __ ] [ __ ] you better not say anything okay keep going amazing I made me and me sorry my face it oh let's spit in there well [ __ ] it not oh it's so much snowing there's no point I guess I wonder why they did that oh we're safe thank goodness oh my craft we are dead he can't walk in here Kenny oh don't split up Nahid in my head oh oh oh he got him save your brother man what the [ __ ] what happened buna my can I skip this come on nahi nahi what is it doing it wasn't running what the hell was that oh come on that is bullcrap er I I swear to God I held down there the trigger I don't understand why you did one now he runs see I'm not even controlling this so why didn't he run there we go keep running guy how the hell I fail at this come on you they we don't really know if he's dead or not do we I love her she just looks at him what about Naheed is she what the hell I knew she wanted him I knew it hello in Romans this sparks out of absolutely nowhere oh now they're in love right that makes sense the hell does that look like she kissed me that day she kissed me whoa North Korean a roar I worry abou always or whatever it's called in English and sounds more like light and uh we call it North Korea pretty it's pretty regardless it's weird I didn't feel like we were walking north I don't know how it happened grumpy oh he wants to go where she tells us yeah even though it's not the right way I have a feeling she's an evil witch yeah she's definitely an evil witch that's why they wanted to sacrifice her see I knew it I'm the only one who thinks about these things such a genius where's my genius award seriously or is it I look everywhere every day when the mailman rings I'm like it's time and every day I'm disappointed Oh God is this a spider hole this is definitely a spider not a big fan of spiders I don't think anyone is a big fellow spell oh my god this is Lord of the load and the ring soul / game oh my god she's the spider kick her kick her in the face oh yeah Oh Han yeah he made out with a spider oh my god it's the girl from Dark Souls what the [ __ ] that is [ __ ] nasty okay [Music] well I hope you're happy we need to swing ourselves Rolly cow whoa wait work holy [ __ ] uh-oh oh no no night I'm a ball I'm a ball that's right you ball [ __ ] let's go out of here hold on four legs ball attack oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god ball a tank ball attack ball attack okay aah ball attack that's right pull out four legs this one yours not great that's what you get for making out with me you're disgusting you straight-up disgusting one now which leg that Willy oh my god you're disgusting go home Guinea give it a decent AST you straight-up nasty I'm a ball ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba I'm a ball I'm a ball I'm a ball there you go and you are own Oh Oh No that [ __ ] got him oh hell no oh no he's super dead [Music] what the hell is he gonna do now that wasn't supposed to happen [Music] Tory learned Jesus Oh No that [ __ ] if only we just escaped instead of trying to murder her I would fart on her face or some weird [ __ ] just to make her feel bad she must be quiet he must be poisoned now can't be that much fire left you die a virgin now or it leaves the spider non virgin Oh God whoa okay oh [ __ ] be better whoa that's the tree that's the try it's a try we did it what are you Bruce come on we're almost there brother you have to be [Music] [Applause] [Music] we did it it was worth it after all I knew we could do it I knew it all alone I knew it now we can he can take it are there someone living inside the tree really ma Lila nobody lower come on hurry up [Music] go a little brother yeah yeah save your little brother big brother whatever I would run a lot faster if I was him we're gonna meet someone inside this is really weird I'm curious okay there's more stuff inside what is it that we need to collect we need to go higher right yeah to the heart of the tree it's amazingly the Kokiri to your whatever it's called the dad mustache tree young man Wow epic but we need to one of the branches maybe that's right there we go perfect now we're just into climbing interesting I'm really curious what is the whole thing in whoa compared missed I could be our ticket out of here this tree is weird man we found it [Music] don't just dip your fingers in there but if it if it's all like a placebo effect this in regular water or assumption they say we can jump down there that's a shortcut I'm still using both thumbs stick to control it without even thinking oh alright whatever floats your boat man oh cool he better not be dead No No come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] goddammit how'd it feeling one of them would die that sucks well he's sweating his mom now [Music] [Music] [Music] it kind of sucks how they went to save their dad and one of the brother dying the cause [Music] but with all the dangers we win poets felt like it was bound to happen always digging a grave with his hands yeah that is hard work [ __ ] so now we just play oh he's really yeah he's tired oh poor soul oh come on aim it almost that Oh I was pretty [ __ ] out we have to pull it back yeah we have to do it oh my god or naive or soul active berries on brother how are we even gonna get back now and how am i it's gonna be way too easy to play now with this one brother [Music] it's a pretty place to have a really ruining us oh he's back how do feeling we would well you're my brother [Music] how far will they fly is there that is that is the question oh I saw the public [Music] the giant castle how does a bird know where we're going though I mean we met him here [Music] shortcut okay me bummer if today was there now let's finish this fight now the guy from the beginning with the stick shows up again like hey hey you just punch his face out is that that's what I would do yeah that's where we live oh there's a stone where our brother could have climbed that makes me feel sad almost there it's weird to play without him now that we play with him for so long I'm like huh what am I going oh yeah we can't swim come on no no don't give up now [Music] come on if it's water [Music] [Music] [Music] you can't hug ghosts like the first rule of ghosts you can do an ie don't be scared badass neck you can do it okay he can't swim but he's not scared of the water at least now well I guess we go here then hit real Irma isn't Finn from adventure time scared of the water - is he doing you can't walk he doesn't want to walk anywhere well what the hell what do you want to do then Majed what the hell what the hell man he doesn't want to walk anyway okay what the hell all of a sudden are you doing great Naheed I'm so answer answer I'm so proud of you that's there oh we need to go here yeah - can you do that without his brother yes you're stronger now you have to pull you have to pull on top of it it's simple physics unless you're playing then all right we're gonna have to find a way up here maybe Oh God what are we gonna do I have no idea what I'm doing right now ever touches we're gonna ask our mom we're just strength of our brother well that didn't really work did it what am I missing here oh oh I got it watch me look at this after pull boat trigger and that gives him super strength he has the spirit of his brother in him like I was just only one there you go cool I figured it out dude you to do dude it it didn't do well that work here there to do to new to super jump of justice yeah save your Papa I did it looks like the brother could use the material design yes did it we done Billy diddly did it we're gonna go fishing with our dad now that would be adorable are we going to our house yep so pretty goddamn goddamn beautiful oh there is sneak up on him [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] Brothers [Music] Oh Swedish people made this game holy [ __ ] I had no idea how probably explains the same language well there you go that's awesome uh I really like that I don't know what do you both think I liked it for what it was like I I'm definitely all for more games being shorter and when I won one experience in whole rather than just sitting for hours immersing yourself for like 20 hours free tiara I don't know it's nice with a change every once in a while and it was it was nice for when it was something it's not like I'm oh I wish to get was longer but it was nice for what it was and it told that told the story and it really felt like I said many times while playing it it really felt like you are going on an adventure and I miss that feeling you know I missed I feeling in games sometimes because that's how a game should be when you really immerse yourself it should be like [ __ ] yeah we're doing this it's awesome but it was sad a lot a lot a lot of deaf man I didn't expect that but yeah I had a lot of fun playing it I hope you enjoyed and enjoyed it for what it was and I sure did and that's all for me I want to thank you bros for hanging out with me today and I hope you had as fun as much fun as I did and that's pretty much all for me it's a brofist for you and stay awesome bros brofist
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 11,998,353
Rating: 4.8177962 out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewdie, pewds, let's play, playthrough, walkthrough, play, walk, through, walk through, video games, brothers, tail, of, two, sons, brothers a tail of two sons, a tale of two sons, tale
Id: mHg0nrjSHYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 52sec (8692 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 01 2014
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