Playing PUBG Mobile Zombie mode to STOP TseriesVIRUS

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[Music] they sustained the moment we've all been waiting for Hootie PI hands-on versus none other DJ I mean the t-virus that's what we're here to eradicate the t-virus my name is Jack PewDiePie and welcome in its time I have fought in many battles many challenges as you can tell by my fix welcome for the last and this is where it all comes down to you they says eight look at this green screen impeccable [Music] okay alright y'all know why we're here now let's just jump into it how are you guys doing sorry I'm late I couldn't get to I couldn't get them [ __ ] audio to work and I still can't get it to work so we're just gonna have to go with it it's just one of those big hack to my computer I know it nice camera quality thank you finally someone who knows what's up so we are here we are here to play table G mobile that's right they updated it with a very nice survive till dawn rested an evil cross over a very epic look at that you can play as resident evil lady look at me very sexy wow you look so sexy but most importantly we're here to fight the t-virus I didn't want to go so far as call it a virus but that's what it actually is now if anyone in the comments knows how I record audio at the same time the Bo gotta let me know that would be great thank you thank you very much if you guys want to play with me you can download it link is in the description and we can eradicate the t-virus together as a family as a as a team a family of teams and love and lovers maybe potentially lovers Jay mica drongo let's go boys thank you very much let's see how many comments about the bridge we got in the chat oh great nothing at all that's awesome now apparently you have to be level 10 to it you have to be level 10 to play this mode and I'm level 9 so we're gonna have to play a little bit of classic old pub G good ol classic mean pub G everyone why is it doing now I'm playing on the my epic honor phone I need to wait please damn it okay so I need to actually I need to do one regular game and win it survive till dawn and then we will eradicate zombies I mean T virus the green screen is perfect is that what you guys said thank you is it better now oh god I'm turning into one of them damn this is pretty cool can you guys hear the gameplay at all I hope I don't get any text messages when I play this I chose whether to add the audio just so I can hear it and play good or it's shitty through my speakers and I chose to chitti oh wait maybe I can connect this or Bluetooth now I think about it I don't think my computer has bluetooth for the love of God I don't think this map actually has any bad stuff in it so fix the green oh okay sorry I thought the green screen was good I may have gotten the wrong idea all right let's get that chicken dinner yeah we're playing happy Willis that's it leave it like bits okay I'm curious should I check like it's like I can look at my phone but I can also look at the screen it's really weird I don't know where like where to look okay Paradise Resort now it's been a while since I play I'm a low rusty all right who jumps paradise resort anyway why is the graphics better on the mobile version honestly look at this then on my computer the audio is muted near the map that makes sense watch me get it chicken then or first try boys easy this is going to be legendary we're playing with cara cara Vedran and joshi pub i realized they can hear me but i can't hear them there we go hey what's up team how's it going bro are you all ready for this cool well this should be very exciting all right let's get this bread pull it loops that's that's the first thing you want to draw all right let's go all right we're good hey Jesus Christ I did that on purpose to draw them out I know what I'm doing way I should look up here it's a little weird but I see so much bigger as well look at that it's like - half a second delay it's pretty good you know if I didn't say it I wouldn't know it I'm playing on mobile one do you pretty epic so I think I actually have to win to rank up so lot of pressure the pressure is definitely on on me guys AKA is the best gun really I'd run past it though all right let's get it I like the SMGs cuz I can't aim in this game so I'll just go for that for now alright thank you so much for the tips guys really appreciate it if you have any more tips just let me know it could be whatever just make sure that no not everyone in the goddamn chat has already said it that's all I ask okay you ain't slick is what I'm saying I don't play on an iPhone what do you think I'm some scrub Android okay that's why the graphics are good all right literally someone could be next to me and I wouldn't be able to hear it why am I wearing these don't even need them there we go there we go why is no one else dropping here where's my teammates they mark this area oh they all drop there what a bunch of scrubs oh god they can hear me sorry guys I didn't mean that but you're bad okay sorry but someone has to say it t-series is the best Wow band that guy how dare you I cannot believe it no they are the best ah Jesus my character disagrees no wait when did I pick this up what happened to me okay what the hell where do you go not good this is Oh someone's nearby okay okay I got this I got this I got this watch this watch this oh there's a king whatever I need to kill look at this look at this Pro I'm ready to go pro right here's someone else they'll never know [ __ ] now they don't know where's his teammate come on substitute a pion wind that's right for every subscriber I get during this live stream I will get another subscriber and that would be really cool okay my backpack is full what do we got I got a 4x on my um that's really good drop drop it quit pretty damn intuitive alright so well if you guys want to play with me and you don't have the game make sure you play now and level up because you need to be level 10 and hopefully I'll I'll get a little time I think I'll get level 10 do you hear anyone that reads it just me keep trying to pull up the volume alright let's let this scrub Wow bad just bad oh you hear that that's gunshots I don't know if you guys knew that Oh get ass eaten that's right that's what I'm talking about Pro I got to hear people G says where they go oh now that's pro play that's pro play right there I'm playing against bots again aren't I no I'm Pro okay did you see that spin around not anyone can do that only real pros I don't know what else I need really rapidity pretty loaded don't forget to reload your extended mags what do you think I'm some scrub let's get this guy who's shooting doko desu ka' come on come at me where do they go where are you I will just this is not camping this is finding searching am I using emulators no I'm playing on the phone okay I have such a great phone that I can have amazing graphics that's why make sure you're in the zone I am get the scope dude I have a scope you scrub stop leaving [ __ ] tips all right we're good in the map I'm trying to understand what the hell you guys are saying open your backpack I don't need to okay maybe I did maybe I need to sort out a couple things there you go you happy I hear him right am I crazy it's hard to hear because my sis is vacuuming my mic is on well it's on T oh [ __ ] it's in all so everyone is hearing me [Laughter] I hope they heard me I guess the speaker should be on all then oh god stop why do you do that I keep hitting on the left sign wishes better fortnight or pub G pop G mobile baby it's the only game you'll ever need in your life after maybe maybe now you know what it's number one god damn it alright I'm gonna move cuz this is boring don't know where to go though in the UK you don't vacuum you Hoover well that's because you're a bunch of dumb balls okay and you don't know what vacuuming is is that a silencer what is that no it is ah Jesus I already have a silencer this game is still relevant you got that right god damn it is there anyone else like I keep hearing stuff but it's like my own footstep all right 35 alive come on let's see some pro level gameplay why do they mark out there it's so annoying alright well my teammates are getting known what's the sub cap what's the sub cap I forgot I forgot to pull it on the screen no I haven't been goddammit this is not zombie mode yeah I need to level up Jill we'll do it after this one okay just relax I'm full of [ __ ] honestly I think I have everything I need you need to come to Russia feel extreme with the red from the Red Square to defeat history me Mars actually wanted to go to Russia but then we understood it's really you have to like apply for a visa and it's kind of a process and we just couldn't be bothered sorry Russia my phone seems like an iPad does this look like an iPad to you you dumb ball it's almost I was 30 K that's pretty good this some guys a 30 King good job guys you keep holding in turn I keep subscribing I'm sure I'm sure like I'm sure YouTube is just gonna nuke it out of nowhere they're just gonna remove like a hundred K and be like ah [ __ ] it that would be the worst like if teaser is gonna win at least win with like a countdown not just YouTube being like a [ __ ] you that's all I ask oh I see a guy let's go stealth from this [ __ ] damn damn I'm good did you guys see that did you guys see that epic shocked kill very nice headshot right in the head I aim for the head always aim for the head double damage everyone knows this all right well he had nothing compensator but I have silencer turn on peak and fire what is that is that in the settings aim-assist oh wow that was on that's supposed to be off I gotta hear someone who's here ah either everywhere but it's happening that wasn't him right snake mode snake mode now back to settings peak and fire unable what does that mean what does speak and fire do okay maybe it helps I don't know peek and open scope what does that means peek you know when scope very confusion that my teammate hey what's up man do something good all right cool he's Pro you can tell yeah it is amazing graphic I know what are you doing whoa okay this is peak how do I get that oh sorry sorry sorry sorry oh okay so I can hit those okay that's kind of cool how do I get out of it there we go is that what you guys talking about take the painkiller well well well well we have a bunch of backseat drivers in here ah get some way I got I got this I think I got him I think I got him you're welcome my teammates that got him no no that was me that was all me baby which is why I take the loot because I did all the work shoot with left fun yeah I need to start doing that all right I have a bike now so that's that thing is this kind of hard because I'm looking at a bigger screen I don't really know where my fingers are going okay almost time time tv2 very well I'm feeling I'm trying very hard to save you please watch my effort I need more support from bro army okay I'll check it out right now I'm a snake that's right it's snake time baby this is Swedish military strategic at hand this is how we won the ancient Wars this is how we got Danmark this is how we got Norway you fight snakes with snakes that's right damn my teammate is killing it all right let's just [ __ ] this honestly I need to do this get some bread let's get those kills I need to rank up over here it again where are they come out oh he went down what a noob what a loser oh dude he's getting [ __ ] crawl oh wow well well well looks like it's up to pudy pie the number one snake what can I not see them are they behind me I'm really I'm in the middle aren't I all right let's keep sneaking boost up fine gosh all right we got gamers over here but we also have bushes over here Oh someone died over there let's go to this tree no one ever suspects a tree change your scopes no you guys are crazy I can barely use the red dot I'm gonna change now I mean look at the map where the shots are coming yeah I've been doing that that's helpful anyone gonna come from here come become like I'm like imma come with me oh Jesus bombs over Ghana change the scope change the scope they said that's what idiots do oh they got smokes and [ __ ] over there alright push time should I use my headphones but then you guys can't hear anything I see him okay why had I lost vision yeah I think someone else killed him is he in there I can't see yeah he is nope nope fine I mean the map hey where did that ah oof big oops why would you do that how could he have possibly known that I suspect hacks and cheats I see him in the house by the way all right banished time all right hey I have adrenaline oh [ __ ] he's running out yes stay right there oh god it's so fine hey don't shoot a switch man don't shoot a Swedish main you didn't do nothing where'd he go oh yeah oh God good shooting oh [ __ ] it's me and had my god [Music] he doesn't know about the snake he doesn't know the power so he's over here right I'm not in the circle I just realized where's the circle down there well he's got to move first we'll wait for him I see no Rosie okay I'm confused are shades Bamie [ __ ] what oh [ __ ] you you know I don't even care that I seriously get cut in the end goddammit t-series win nope no why did I get up because I had to move okay stop asking stupid questions look at this [ __ ] team did nothing you did nothing hide I'm okay you killed four people whatever you did not think oh nine well whatever they did something doesn't matter it doesn't matter who kills why t-series got up damn identical yes we're level ten thank God all right so now we can do what we sought out to do and Edgar have joined the party what's up Edgar invited me to a team charity that was exciting that's a good game what's up Christian I bring us can you hear me man he just started I didn't even click okay okay here we go defeat zombies in two nights survive till dawn hey Christian what's up man you found me are you doing my client I have a client oh [ __ ] okay well I want to make my own claim okay I will make my own client or should I call it no no no no no no [ __ ] t-virus that's it that was perfect nice okay I never played this mode before is it good okay cool wait is this is not zombie mode is it okay it is okay great so you're you're Christian right okay I'll jump with you vaccinator okay run run me through what you do here besides killing zombies okay okay that's cool so I'm basically moving exactly as you're moving now is that how it works okay all right I'll check it out so it's basically the same thing but there's zombies as well did I get that right yeah okay cool okay way I want to say it all right it's fine fine whatever I don't care hell yeah dude what are you doing Dylan stop Dylan Dylan not cool billing [ __ ] Dylan why I need to live it a bit ain't got an armor yet Oh found the common bond knife okay got it easy oh Jesus Christ okay let me know if you find my best or some [ __ ] or maybe it's not that neat it I don't know okay should we just get going then talk so what was the client I joined you know let's go okay okay very nice okay we'll find a car then I haven't seen any zombies yet okay dude you don't even have a weapon yet oh you have one okay never mind oh I see guys look oh it's Dom be okay let me use the knife thing dude that's a fat one can i knifing oh hell yeah oh yeah oh whoa oh [ __ ] they got Luden's flamethrower mind my my my my my my hell yeah oh yeah jeez say what the [ __ ] is that liquor cheese said oh he's got a car 98 got damn oh I see it that's it it's pretty dope damn they changed him stuff oh yeah that's what I wanted to do you might have heard something what does that mean what are you guys doing oh I say okay damn look at this gradient so ecstatic oh look at that oh god they don't even care about me there you go hmm three kills how many you got oh yeah oh really [ __ ] [ __ ] where's the one getting the big one hey big one hey big one hey oh Jesus oh he's dancing I like that oh yeah okay nice hey hey [ __ ] damn sixgills more oh I say okay let's do that then oh nice nice good job [ __ ] it's too dark now I can't see any I'm on the roof oh god oh god [ __ ] up yeah yeah look at that oh yeah can they open doors okay I'm just gonna I'm gonna do one of these there you go [ __ ] nice oh it's that [ __ ] sound yeah I don't know sounds uh nasty never again whoa she says oh hell yeah thanks appreciate it buddy I need to hear that Oh oh yeah it's barbecue time oh ho [ __ ] they don't drop anything good okay hello [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my tree look at nice okay well I'm almost full anyway [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] my areal oh now Dan the flamethrower is awesome hey we made it we made it through the night how many nights are there in each game okay where seems aaahm be should we just stay here okay stop camping I don't think so Oh okay oh wait I don't have a vest [ __ ] I'll go find one cool this is all Luton wait you got you got knocked I thought you were good wait I do have a vest where do I why can I not pick it that wanna talk yeah what happened well goddamn guess it's up to me No there we go okay it's fine okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what a coward would do okay exactly and I've killed 0la Queen there you go I know what I'm doing revive your teammate Oh where's e it's too far back guys you heard it here first a my fault [ __ ] ah Sh oh that's a big one she says cranes is better have a lot of stuff in it how do I pick up the ammo oh there we go Thanks nope come on there you go yes this is it oh jeez that [ __ ] scare me all right I'm gonna keep moving oh there's bosses dude I want to check that I know what I'm doing okay oh [ __ ] are they on the roof they're on the roof Monday I would never do it such a thing that would be highly yeah should I just drive through the night [ __ ] where's again why am i blind okay I see I see oh [ __ ] I'm all out of gas oh [ __ ] where do I go okay we'll go there these [ __ ] left me a car with no gas to die I can't believe it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] go in ah okay okay good it begins it begins here we go why won't you [ __ ] buy she said what's hitting me oh it's a liquor yeah god [ __ ] damn it oh my god ah God never don't loot he'll bark real oh I'm so [ __ ] stressed out get out never is he stuck or something Oh God don't think so zombie don't think so okay Oh God [ __ ] Oh God oh [ __ ] me what is that I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done get out I'm dying ah how long is this night going it's fine zombies are slow right I'm stressed out I mean it I mean I mean boy look at that pro gameplay happening right here okay I don't think I need anymore okay so oh I'm in the zone well metaphysically I'm in the zone okay how do you know that my chat on the street okay thanks stream what else have they say th all right well I mean I've been useful looks like it's just me here yeah all right I heard silent shot wait so I gotta check this From Russia With Love is let down your gameshow thank you very much hot Jukes in your Oh God I think that's Amazon that's my Amazon delivery send your pie actual Pub GM Pro streamer oh that's awesome hot chicks happy to show you the way on OBS in a game already got my sub - PewDiePie shirt on that's cool thanks man hit me up in the game if you want to play I'll play with more people next time okay hopefully that didn't show my [ __ ] number Jesus Christ it's gonna be the stream where I'd doc Doc's myself I'm sure of it well what's the number on the street don't call the number it's my Amazon delivery no wait what what are you coming from that side now say that again you still there man I can't hear anything oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I got effed hard what is happening why is it coming from here thanks bro alright well I appreciate the help thank you for walking me through it I'm gonna play with more and just random people if that's alright so we'll say our ideas it was great we'll never forget it Dylan honestly I need to fix out I don't know I don't know what happened with my phone okay just give me one second brooch and let's do another game third we got second and third but we need that dinner use my headphones maybe I should just do that where are they it's weird I don't know what happened with the audio but then you guys can't hear them and then I just sound insane when I talk to random people I don't know why like I'm using how I always record but some reason audio doesn't want to show up in my computer oh look I hear myself does anyone know how to fix a very stressing - what did I just get booted out no not my account not my precious account I just got to level 10 okay I still have my account it's kinda laggy I think something happened to my phone number restart the game and my phone what in the world is happening okay I'm restarting you can play with an emulator wouldn't I be cheating I didn't think of it that's awesome it's actually a great idea just link the game with your social media I should probably do that okay restarting show the gap yeah let's do that actually some curious what are where are we at right now PewDiePie versus t-series sorry once again almost sure my email that's always great design I show up at you know what [ __ ] I can't be mother alright let's jump into another game that was fun though I enjoy playing though very hectic very disappointing finishing okay so let's see how this works can you guys see this there we go is it up [Music] now the livestream of this care [Music] okay just send me an in mind let's freakin get the bread the shame you guys can't hear the game audio I'm sorry audio is bad audio is amazing what happened how does it sound for you guys how does it sound for you guys how does it sound for you guys hello testing hello testing sounds amazing don't you guys are talking it's repeating its echoing really it's echoing yes echoing because I was listening to myself you dumb balls inviting you to a team all right who invited me what's up boys can you hear me fucking-a not here about audience no no no cancel hello what's up xyx hi Marge can you hear me hey hey one second moist trying to figure this out I'm restarting the game again I think it's because I pulled in and out of my headphones I won't keep saying put in your headphones but Oh turn on the mic yeah sure sure good tip pro tip for overflow what does that mean okay let me restart again or just see it's already working at all I'm just gonna play fine no audio you got completely cut okay now it works now it works okay one second and we should be good to go I know why I listen to you guys it's working yes there we go now I know even if my mic was off it didn't matter because they had no audio on my phone at all okay you guys think you're slick you ain't slick [Music] come on load up its load up uh-huh load up you know I'm new to start around again to see if the auto works did you guys hear the audio the audio echoed how how is that even happening wait so you guys hear the audio but I don't wait so you guys hear the audio but wait so you guys hear the audio my god oh my god what is happening what is happening oh my god but now the order in the game works what the [ __ ] [Music] yeah [Music] you know yo is it echoing now is it echoing now let me know if your insect going because I can't tell boot camp it is no more heavy doesn't know you know yeah deep so audio is going they step in it's not don't tell you haven't done it somebody moving anywhere but how am I supposed to hear Chablis how I said it can you guys hear the game well what the [ __ ] happened now hello now it's coming through my hello I like our enemies would for some reason if I turn on the [ __ ] maybe Yuri if we do push-to-talk right maybe then it will work no it doesn't all right we're gonna have to do it like this get [ __ ] boy where are you going I don't I know audio in game is a bit [ __ ] but that's that's the best I can do okay and then we're gonna leave this cuz yeah I know I know I know don't be sad how do I leave this game yeah I know yeah okay now we play where we came that new survived resident evil cross over plain thing I have 50 friends I'll join a team there we go what's up supercharged how's it going bro no I don't I live here you do your thing there we go this is what I'm talking about very epic I like this okay are you guys any good at this you have two wins damn cool it's really good to hear audio I muted him sorry sod stark clogged headphones to computer and said Oh BA daba Damona game captures on what yeah but the game is capturing through my mic I don't know how the [ __ ] that has got happening super weird yes okay where are we jumping good ol prison I should have just downloaded on PC yeah I [ __ ] up here I watched thinking I can stream from a phone no problem I was wrong it's fine this works fine kind of I don't think we're gonna make it a prison just just just a thought oh yeah perfect this is where I wanted to go very epic look at that yeah I got nothing we're screwed it's GG over before it began well I think we knew that well G says I thought it was someone else okay no that's just discriminatory okay we're not doing that hey you got someone you got his nice nice good job my in-game name is PewDiePie forever number one it says right there guys honestly VR No number one of course why would I think you have the t-virus what okay I'm going to school cuz I don't know what else to do [ __ ] someone's been out already here now you're high good job prior to you nice job team I don't even remember where that's from oh [ __ ] it is yeah [Music] poor Zach [ __ ] I want more Zach he just disappeared after that someone from PR probably went hey you can't speak publicly anymore just a [ __ ] cool I'm dead please help me I'm in the bed I'll wait for you now I got it [Music] thanks cold sure appreciate it I'm alive oh [ __ ] oh my god did you get him nice oh yeah wait you died what are you new I [Music] win don't worry I got zero deaths you're right about that I know what I'm doing again don't even worry I don't know if you know this but I'm kind of a big deal kind of a pro-gamer kind of a prevalent voice in the eSport community oh [ __ ] that's fine hey what the [ __ ] what are you come from Oz Chinese Chinese that's not okay I'm sorry I let you down man your first bail I've never been this disappointed wait it is oh nice okay let's do another one that was pathetic that does not count oh I got a message from my clan that's great we hear you yay was that what oh okay yeah I'm having similar issues damn dude that's higher than I am I'm ready you said you never lost is that good you never play okay I would say I started usually releasing Lisa let's register each other's channels sub4sub William Walker thank you very much damn Alfie sorry I didn't realize you guys heard me either vaccinator nice this children won't die [Music] get their knees okay hello e God that's life okay let's go for the win I need a win please are you stream sniping me dude what the hell yeah yeah yeah you can't stream tonight I'm gonna ban you now I'm sorry it'll be an honor to be banned by you see this is the right attitude that's what I like to hear you subscribing through yeah cams only only three accounts dude I thought you were legit then that's right then that's more like you were trying to outplay CaptainSparklez no one can do that everyone knows that oh [ __ ] what is that zombie [ __ ] I'm dead I'm dead go go go I'm good I'm good easy no no I'm fine I know exactly what I'm doing no no no don't worry you know how many accounts I'm so jeez it oh yeah shoot him shoot him shoot him Chim Chim Chim Chim Chim Chim Chim shut up shut up shut up you're too [ __ ] thank you it's cool I can hear myself like five seconds after it's really cool you died dude I thought you said you never fail okay okay it's this dream sniper it is isn't it all right dude drop me some help hey hey what are you doing here what's a friend alright does he have a help no he didn't [ __ ] useless Hey look I can get off first I have my one-stop sales that's pretty cool no well that's fine you can do that that's alright so long as you unsub the t series you can sub to wherever you want never what if what if oh god I'm dead I'm dead [ __ ] oh they were on the roof I come away with a shotgun thanks kills drawer you gay someone refugee dude dude banned that person how could you say that I'm not gay how dare you not that it is anything wrong with it yeah do it thank you thank you very much thanks for the right white okay good hey that's right this guy knows what's up I have a comment now there's a guy in the building I'll do it anything okay what do you see uh-huh okay good someone shooting it okay yeah I see it I just need a hill out what did you say [ __ ] what happened who's shooting [ __ ] me apparently sorry oh they are yeah look at look at that little [ __ ] nice good job sorry [Laughter] well at least they apologized yeah exactly thank you you have been no they have been redeemed it's okay oh wait that's a zombie and got time wait what what okay okay I'm here look at this look at that so good Hey look they drop that I don't think zombies have balls or do they that's true some deep thinking going on here asking the real question okay now is just getting weird I don't know what to tell you man there's someone here it's alright science gear where are you [ __ ] why do I keep doing that whoa okay wait what oh hell yeah oh okay but stream snipers can get us this is how the game is meant to be behave this is not bad this is tactics it sounds like you hacked the game they put it in here so probe pro players could use it it's fine no one will know we're doing this it's not like I'm live-streaming it or anything that's right I'll change to t-series yeah and they'll build banty series I don't know why I said it like it was an obviously you jump down you mad I don't have to do anything this is great all right let's get this bread let's get the wing there's a tournament tonight oh that's cool damn ah [ __ ] these ones can throw okay well that's all right yeah I do not condone this message okay yeah absolutely I got you man perfect we did it we survived the night oh really dude I survived it solo all right easy do I need anything uh yeah I need a painkiller or something do you have any oh I see see you don't want to give it to me Oh fun one do you want it I don't think I need it I'm pretty good the game so I don't think I need like any heels or anything like that damn it's so bright and nice now should we stay here then yeah we're still in it I'm counter curious to see a boss though I haven't seen them hell yeah let's go what he did what he did cool great god it sounds so bad please turn it up alright okay alright okay there we go is that an Indian in our team hey it is we have an Indian on our side I don't even realize tells or thank you for working undercover Hey see that's what I'm talking about alright here's the boss oh okay I don't see him okay what was that lion you calling Michael Jackson oh Jesus Christ it's Michael Jack's at what is he doing he throws rocks what the [ __ ] MJ don't throw rocks Park where do you get rocks from look at that aim dude you're tanking that guy Ron keep raw egg he's on the down oh nice good job man we killed MJ we've done something great here today oh [ __ ] I don't mean to loot everything you should take some there was a ghillie suit oh it looks like I took everything oops wait I want to wear the ghillie suit we got the giveaway see I didn't get it others do you want the flamethrower thank you oh hell yeah and then for what yeah it's getting dark should we go somewhere you want to fight him here okay yeah yeah yeah I like this this is our last thing back to back [ __ ] who's shooting now this is great good idea I like this idea whoa she says where they come from oh this [ __ ] guy try to run me over stream snipers they're worse than zombies I got to watch out for cars oh god I got a fat one cheese ass leave me alone reload there's too many dude where are you where are you where are you Roy I'm scared dude I'm so dead oh [ __ ] there is what is he doing I'm just gonna run for it and then he'll come on what kind of bullets do you need hey what the [ __ ] don't hit me don't hit me I'm liquors dead there's bullets here here here in front of me here alright well if you don't want them there's five six here yeah you're welcome so ungrateful whoa whoa there's a guy with a [ __ ] shield dude shoot him how good job good job nice [ __ ] I hate those oh oh I'm out I'm out I'm going out blasting [ __ ] I'm gonna run outta my real dude they're so [ __ ] many what do I do [Music] how is it not day yet okay wait I have bullets I abolished come here line them up for me I'd say look at these very epic look I got 716 a zombie grenade what the [ __ ] is that oh dude you're gonna God up through this car here we're saved I do but have no idea how I drop it but I only have 80 I don't want to give no fun you know fine fine I'll drop keep begging for it the shield guy is still okay wait wait tank the tank the guy tank the guy thank the guy thank the guy I'll run around him shoot him in the ass you got no bullets okay don't worry don't worry don't panic don't panic we're gonna find your bullets and everything's gonna be all right everything's gonna be fine just positive thoughts PMA oh god the shield guys here the shield the [ __ ] shield guy I don't like him okay shield guys are on my tail I don't like it there you go nice and yeah yeah keep shielding him nice he dropped nothing hey that's pretty good than eight times I don't know if you need that in this you want 20 but dude you're so greedy 20 bullets okay fine I'll drop 20 bullets drop there you go drop 20 bullets over here and some five times Jesus it's fine it's fine all right there's bullets in this building nice good job wait where are they where are they [ __ ] other in the Billy that was amazing dude we killed Michael Jackson oh Jesus [ __ ] sorry sighs are they [ __ ] we're not in the zone not cool all right here we go jump over okay well I got a ghillie suit place there's two bosses around us okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go for this zone and then it's snake time that's the plan and if they find me in the grass then we know their stream sniping so it doesn't even matter all right I got a unmute the guy I muted for playing [ __ ] lasagna I'm sorry sorry man hey you're still there sorry about the mute man it was a spur-of-the-moment oh no I'm I am I am legitimately sorry but we're back now so it's fine right okay cool this is eight it all comes down to this throw away the flamethrower [ __ ] you see them cemani damn look at this dude nice dude that was [ __ ] nice that flamethrower is super obvious fine I'll drop it Jesus I can't drop it now they're on the other side you got him there's only one guy left well we got a circle on no I'm scared I'm gonna sneak in where oh I see [ __ ] well I cheese that okay okay okay easy no I didn't well he has to come here so I see him by the vehicle yes he's in the blue now got him once hey chicken dinner thanks guys good job very nice happy wheels that's how it's done all right I'm gonna I'm gonna join one more with another party thanks guys very epic that's how it's done total gameplay right there and I'm level 11 thanks for all right thanks guys see you later all right if anyone else wants to eat my meal let me check out the chance [Music] right yeah I don't know how to invite them I can't see it says invited to team and our who invited note it was not Tara kills I care like 50 billion times what are you talking spero kills no it's zero that's that's what I got all right some people oh there I am what's up guys hey killer made it back in that we got the Indian spy all right let's get this another win please boy who said that oh I probably did I didn't realize I'm sorry okay yeah I thought you just weren't speaking okay well well well I can hear you now goddamn it Jimmy you lost your spine you messed up Jimmy all right so how good are you guys at this from one to ten I don't know why I don't believe that at all it's the true but you dye landscape didn't you I don't know who's talking right now oh is it garlic I can't see oh it's Lola okay now you're right I didn't play with your last game all right well now's your time to prove your worth even though I'm the one who's worthless oh because you were witnessing such amazing gameplay that you felt like you weren't good enough yourself yeah I get that insecurity but that's your own issue that you need to work out wait so camping on the door not good then then how come I won the game uh-huh excu excuse me zero depth that's what I got cuz I didn't die a single time listen I don't need this for my teammates okay maybe the chat can say that can't believe this that's all we need and that's all we're gonna get if we follow my simple strategy camping by the door I've been trying to teach people educate them okay I still need a helmet I haven't used it for you okay very epic so anyone see a helmet let me know well you don't have a helmet yet what do you want me to check out this guy I don't understand you how the gun the gun the gun oh oh thanks bro Thanks hey you got ammo for that oh that's a bro fish that's definitely brofist worthy yeah hell yeah yeah yeah okay thank you okay well don't we all okay still have no helmet that's fine oops just lucky shots just warming the gun up a bit what okay wait saying the middle building this one don't check the roof Wow lie lie much I wait found it never mind never mind never mind sorry I'm sorry I didn't see it all right so what's the strategy here should we just stay here wait wait I know this I'm kind of pro at the game so I know like veins and outs you follow me I know like I know like a secret thing okay okay I will be okay that's probably a better idea yeah where should we stay then let's get the swinging Hall the swimming pool like the smaller building over here oh [ __ ] now where the campers thank you it's not looting so I told you I'm Pro [ __ ] pro strats nice oh there is a little ledge here you can see it even wow they look so sad goddamn I'm [ __ ] awful oops okay I really want to use this gun it's getting dark I can't aim down the scope with it what whoa whoa oh yeah hell yeah yeah all right I should probably save this one or actually I can't nice very epic how many kills do you guys have I see so weren't you making fun of me for having 0 kilo slice last time damn they die fast bottle ooh damn this gum [ __ ] owns oh that one you pissed off the fat one damn [ __ ] I don't realize it did they why am i punching nice oh there's more to come how long is his night oh yeah I saw that and where I'll punch him there you go Shirley that's it for the night there you go alright are we still in the zone we are nice god damn I'm good at this game I should reload we're gonna mute this guy's one second thank you very much i witzy shout out to my girl deke Daxi she beautiful my old channel with 70 K fans got terminated from nothing last month ammonia any man it's [ __ ] YouTube they'll get you I'll get you out of nowhere when is he playing minecraft that is a great question not right now we're playing pomp g/mol balance racing it's on the extreme I'm not going near any bridges Greg why do you think I'm deliberately dropping in the middle I know what I'm doing I need this sort of help don't worry I appreciate you looking after me but it's funny so wait is that are they too much cuz for me they're not allowed at all man last game that guy seems so upset that I muted him I completely forgot I'm sorry oh well let's get back in it what's up sorry I had to meet you guys one saying hey eight eight eight I got some drinks I got some slurps just hit me up yet the school isn't looted so you can just look around should be plenty okay the game RT is not loud okay good nice aim thank you I know oh that's probably loud you might have heard something oh they're shooting me [ __ ] why stop where are they North white oh I see them now is it zombie nice nice hey now you gotta kill em good job see real real pros play without killing people I don't know if you heard about that you probably haven't heard of it it is an achievement hell yeah well I definitely got it already then [Laughter] that's the only achievement I'll ever get listen I'm getting used to it okay what do you mean what happened that's implying I'm not good I'm still good listen thank you no I really enjoy it it's a fun game okay yeah I like this are we missing a guy now we're all here yeah ooh they're spitting goddamn that's all I'm trying really hard here nice where are they spitting from there Sam oh [ __ ] did that on purpose what happened Oh CPU were good at the oh [ __ ] I just realized there it is let's get that liquor Dicker's oh Jesus [ __ ] real own cheese sighs my we made it hell yeah yeah yeah yeah ye and that's how it's done I see em Sam ah die zombies these are so [ __ ] annoying hate them is it over ah [ __ ] are you kidding me straight that must have been a stream sniper we've not even top ten guys not even top ten alright well still still GG I will say still GG we came we saw and then we came all right I'm gonna that was my last game guys thanks for playing dude leveled up level 12 bye guys bye okay so pop G mobile is having their one-year-anniversary suit [Music] so they're gonna have an exclusive advance stop other people's stuff as well if we get some very nice if you guys wanna check out the game there's a link in the description download it now add me as a friend I am pewdiepie forever know it supposed to be p5 forever number one you can like back and do your part by eradicating the teeth I mean the t-virus hashtag the virus it needs to stop so what you can do is upload a picture or video using social media whatever one you want but hashtag and teats I mean antivirus and show off your high as a zombie kill streak and I will check it out very epic is it loud what's loud are you guys talking about happy birthday Jesus Christ the chat is crazy thank you guys for joining thanks for everyone for playing it's super fun and thanks to pop G moment what a lovely next up next up happy wheels alright guys that's it for me brofist since you guys joined it's a brofist time look at this look at this progress wait we're out already this door
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,533,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: player, unknown, PUBG, player unknowns, player unknown's, battleground, battle, ground
Id: 9y871YfIeAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 59sec (7919 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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