Jerma Streams - The Carnival Stream

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[old-timey carnival music plays] [uncanny carnival music plays] [quirky carnival music plays] ["Triumphal March" by The Merle Evans Circus Band plays] [old-timey carnival music plays] Let me ​find my way over here... I get lost sometimes! [electric motor runs] Let me just… [electric motor runs] Woah! [toy squeaks] How do I—​? What? Hey! Hey, how are ya? [squeak] Let me just quickly—​ Let me park this thing! Can I park here? Is that okay? Can I—​ Can I park in here? It's alright, I'm only gonna be here for a few minutes. I think that's alright. That's good. No, that'll be fine. It's alright, that's okay. That's gonna be fine. Hey! Which camera we on? You! You! You! I don't know. I'm not sure. This one right here! How are you? Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Jerma985 AND Partnership with AndyMark Carnival. Now, I know a lot of you are probably wondering… [squeak] 'what's going on here?' I'll give you a brief description. I'm so excited for this. Literally... this has been a long time coming. And I do have to just really shout out a few people here. You're gonna have a lot of fun. First of all I wanna thank AndyMark for their contracting of the robots. They did an <i>insane</i> job. You have no—​You have no idea what you're talking… Listen to me. You have no idea. We're gonna go to this camera too because I gotta—​I can't see chat! That's my problem. We're going to this one! [laughs] I have power! I have real power! Uh, now I can see chat, yeah. That's my fault, I'm an idiot and I crashed the—​whatever. I wanna thank AndyMark, especially. They're all—​You don't see them, but they're back here, and they did a hell of a job making these robots. But what ro—​ what are you talking about? We're gonna be playing games on this stream. This is a carnival! So what do you do at a carnival? You play games. And there is not ONE game. There are not TWO games. No. There are not THREE games on this stream. Not four, not five, not six! Hopefully this doesn't blow away. I really hope it doesn't, 'cause we've got strong winds in the forecast. That thing goes... Uh—​ Fuck it. Y'know. Whatever. We get—​ [squeak] Y'know. That kind of thing. There are SEVEN—​ Seven games that are gonna be played. That's right. And they range from all kinds of different things. These games are going to be played by YOU. Not me! They're gonna be played by you. By you! That's right, I'm seeing some jermaVenuses over here. What're you saying? Seven hundred thou—​No, no, no, no, we're not gonna—​ I know, I know. Look. Listen. I know I look like a group of soccer coaches banged a bunch of red lobster employees. But that's—​ that's BEYOND the point, okay? We are going to move to different games today. AND some other special surprises as well. So stay tuned, I hope you enjoy this! A lot of time went into this. So... I mean... If we can really decide when we're gonna move to the first game. That's—​I have the power here, remember this is my controller. I press this three or four times, [squeaking] and we move to the next game. So... I am just gonna be, like, going like this. Somebody gif that! Put it on the fuckin' Reddit. What are you saying? "No, stop! No, stop!" What do you mean stop? Why am I stopping? "Get it quick." "He's a Redditor." So I use Reddit. I've been on Reddit like twice. Is that a problem? There's a bug on the camera? This—​The camera—​ Which one? Which one of these—​ Which one of the cameras has the bug on it? "Top right." I don't know which one is my right. This—​Up here? No, that's a Jerma985 logo. To make sure that you know where this fuckin' came from. Alright! So first up. You are gonna have a series of controls on your screen. Series of controls. They are gonna be W, A, S, D, Up, Down, Left, Right, Power, Decrease Power, Increase Power. You're gonna see them on the screen. The first game that we're going to do... ring toss. That's right. I'll demonstrate before we go. Y'know. I'm gonna demonstrate the ring toss for you. Ring toss is the first one. And we got ring toss, we got a pitching machine, we've got—​ You guys have no idea. This is, like, literally—​I—​ Can you hear the wind? This is gonna be crazy. So. [squeaking] Are we ready for the first game? We're ready for the first game. You know I'm getting word—​ I've got a secret service—​ Do you see this? You didn't think I was gonna have a fucking secret service thing in my ear. I do. First game, let's go! Ring Toss! Cue it up. [carnival music plays] [panting] Hey! How are ya? You see on the screen right now, you have a series of commands and graphics, and those commands are going to directly connotate to the movements of the robot that you will see on the screen here, very shortly. Right now. I will prove that this game is winnable, by the way. I get a ring, over here. Ugh! As we see. Exhibit A. [pop] I heard a balloon pop. Get down! Get outta here! Take a look at this. [mouths] I'm the carnie, I've gotta prove you can do it first. Give me another couple. Okay, like three—​ah—​ three more tries and I'll get it. Fuck! I practiced this for like an hour! YES! So it's possible, you see. I gotta prove it's possible first. As you see here, this is the first of the THREE AndyMark created robots. Can we get a shot of this robot, please? Somebody? I wanna get this thing in the camera. Because look at this thing. It's absolutely stunning! This is a launcher. You have to go where you want it to go to launch—​ By the way, very important... This thing is gonna have a timer on the screen—​ [car noise] There's a vroomer here, I dunno if you heard that. There's a vroomer here. They fucking follow me everywhere. I literally flew across the country and there's—​I can hear that, so... Like, literally, that's un-fucking-believable. Anyways, so there's gonna be a series of commands on the screen. They're right there. You have to control this. It will only accept inputs when there's the green light on the bottom of the screen. When the timer reaches zero, it fires. So make sure you get it in the right spot. And I'm seeing people spamming already. That's not how it works. You have to wait. Wait 'til it's ready. Green light means go! Can we get a demonstration of what it looks like? Interesting stuff. Let's see what it looks like! Well I'm talking—​OH! That was a little overshot, but you get the idea. I thought I could do it without looking. So! When the command is green, please, control the robot, if you will. See if we can get, uh—​ get it loaded for ya. I actually have to make sure I collect these. I have to make sure I collect 'em, because they're gonna be gone. So... When the timer's on the screen and you see the green light, that means you can control it! [squeaking] I see green light, go! [laughs] It's actually working! It works! It's phenomenal! When that timer reaches zero it's gonna fire that ring. Really? Okay. Don't shoot at the guy, okay? I just wanna make that really clear. Don't shoot at the guy. You gotta get three of these. We're not gonna move on until you get all three. "Oh, shoot at the streamer, he's oh—​he's a streamer!" You gotta get three! I've got a drink around here somewhere, I dunno where the hell it is. How many you got, zero? You guys—​nice try. Disabled commands, by the way. Disabled commands. Do not write commands when it's at—​when it's at red. Because when it's at red your commands are not gonna be taken, because we're doing it on a timer. Oh, that's wonderful. Hi. Nice to see you. Aiming directly at my face. You have to win the GAME. You have to play the game. When it's green, that's when you do it! Win the game! Forget about shooting it at me. [squeak] What've we got? You think that's a good spot? You think that's a good place for it? I don't think that's a—​eh, it might be a little to high, I think! Alright, that was close. That was—​ that was close. It was a little too far this way. But you get the idea. This is a warmup, guys. You are getting warmed up for the inevitable, incredibly complicated events that are gonna take place here soon. Seeing some PogChamps, that's good. What've we got? Timer on the screen, let's see it! Chat commands have been accepted! Anybody going for the back row? No, they're going this way. Where you going? [laughs] You're going right in the middle? This is insane to see this, by the way, live, happening. The wind is picking up. You guys might get lucky from the wind. Oh, shit! Strong winds! It's gonna knock all the bottles over. OH! No that's not a point! Not a point, landed in the middle. Sorry. I should probably show you the prize that you're playing for but... Nah, that'll be a surprise too. [squeak] That was actually pretty close. That was as close as you're probably gonna come. This is hard. This is not easy. Look at that, you can see—​ you can see your movements on screen. Remember there's power as well. You're not just controlling left and right, you're talking about POWER LEVEL. Control your power. You've seen Dragon Ball Z. I haven't. I mean, I'm never gonna watch it. But you've seen it. At least like a hundred of you. Maybe. Possibly. I gotta get you a better view. Are you lined—​ That looks good. Nope. That one wasn't even close. That was not even close. [laughs] That's so funny. So how many? We have one, two, three, four, five, six... I dunno like six—​ a hundred? What, are there a hundred bottles? I think there's a hundred bottles for you to choose from. If—​You know, I'm gonna give you a tactic here, as the person that's, you know, the carnie here. I would go right in the middle, because then it can bounce around. You gotta do these tactics. Get the fuck outta here. Like, what a wasted throw. Thank you for listening. Are you gonna listen? I don't think you are. Are you not gonna listen to me? You're just gonna fire it at my face. You gonna just aim it this way? Go ahead. Let's go. Let's go. Yeah. DELETED! DELETED. I just did it with my MIND. I looked at it and just snapped it out of existence. Just like, uh... Big Bird. Whatever his name is. The guy, that purple guy. If you've never seen Infinity War, by the way, like—​ It's a great movie. I would—​I'd recommend it. It's a great—​ Just out of nowhere, I just wanted to say that that's a good movie, you should watch it if you have a chance. No spoilers or anything. I don't have a spoiler here. It's just a good movie. [laughs] Remember, it's when it's at zero is when it fires. You guys are never gonna win this game. I'm starting to come to the realisation that it's just not gonna happen. It's just not gonna happen. It's unwinnable. SNAP that one out of existence, too. Like ELMO. [snap] No, no! We got it, we got it, we got it! [laughs] You didn't give enough power! You didn't give enough power on that one. That was like zero. You have to put more power. You have to put more power! It's gotta be at least, like... c'mon. You have to—​ You're raising the hammer. It's a hammer, so you raise it high enough to launch the ring over here. It's simple instructions. It's very easy. You saw me do it. I'm surprised that you can't. And now you're going all the way down. Now you're going all—​ Now you're going all the way down. You guys are like breaking this thing, you guys are going too far down. Pull it up a little bit. Up higher. That's not gonna do anything! Higher! Higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher. I'm just trying to help you here. 'Cause I mean this is like—​ You gotta pull it up a little bit, like, like, ten, twenty percent higher. 'Cause seriously, like, let me show you. I'll give—​I'll give you a quick little look. Ready? That's just not gonna happen. Shit. [laughs] I think the wind, like, shot that one. The wind just, like, shot it down. [laughs] Hold on, I don't want these to fall! We got some extreme winds. These fall, then—​ This took, like, sixty seven minutes to put all these in the right place. You understand? If the wind picks up high enough, these are gonna FLY, and then we're gonna have to move on to the next game. I'm scared. Let me show you how it works. Damn it. Waiting for the wind to settle for a second here, if you can believe it. Let's go. So! Let's do it! Pull it in! Shit. I'm not very good at this. So the wind is kinda causing a few problems here. But, you know, [squeaking] that's what happens when you have—​ That's what happens when you have fifteen—​ Fifteen million people, all at the same time putting commands in with torrential, sixty mile-per-hour winds. We tried— As you can see, we tried. We're trying to accomodate for it. But it's, uh, it's pretty difficult. There's no way you guys would even get one anyways. Not like it was gonna work. Chat inputs are now disabled. Get a good look. Get a great look, because that's what you're looking at. I'm gonna make a prediction for you. Uh, at some point during the stream, there is going to be a scenario where, uh, the wind takes something. Don't worry, we've got plenty of trained staff onboard. And looks like you've—​ You've figured it out. You've got the machine moving in the right direction. There you go, there you go, there you go, there you go! C'mon, you can get one! Please get one. This is so insane. Two... One! FIRE! AH! That almost went on. That's so funny. Aw. Let me—​I've gotta clear these out. Gonna make it—​I wanna make it easy for ya. Are we ready for commands? Are YOU ready? I'm not sure. Let's see what happens. I just wanna see if you get one. I wanna see if you can get, like, at least two. Power, power, change the power. C'mon, I know you guys can—​ That way, that way, that way. Move it this way. THIS way. Please, get one! Make it worth it! [sighs] [laughs] I have nothing to say. This is just fucking hilarious. I just like to watch. Going for the back left row. Interesting choice. Let's see if you can do it. No, changing your minds, collectively. I wonder how many of you are actually trying to—​ Nice shot. I can't even do it from fucking two feet away. [bang] People are popping balloo—​ The wind is, like, taking balloons. This is gonna get ugly. I dunno if you could just hear that, but there was a very loud crack. Right there. Right here, try to get it in the middle. Less power. Oh shit. This—​ I don't wanna break it before we're done with it! Too high! Too high. Less power is more utility. This game is really hard at the actual carnival. Let alone one that's controlled by six hundred million people right now. I don't think you're gonna do it. I don't think so. Good, good. Y'know, I probably shouldn't be standing here. That's giving, like, sixty percent of the people a target. [groans] The last one was here. That next one was here. You've gotta pull it in a little—​ Just—​Just a hair tighter. You want it like here. Right there. Right here. You want it right here. You want it right here. This game's not completable. Welcome to the carnival! Nothing is winnable! Nothing is winnable. [squeak] I wanna see one. Get the fuck off me! [groans] Now you overdid it! You overdid it by, like, a hundred percent. Now you underdid it by, like, a hundred percent. Remember your commands are only accepted when it's a green light! I ain't gonna touch anything! I'm gonna hold this thing down. Look, I'll—​ Aim for my fucking face, okay? We'll make it easy for you. Just aim right for my teeth. And then you'll get it. Like, the sixty percent of people that wanna hit the streamer in the face with a rock, just go ahead, right here. Right in my face. You can do it. You can do it! I know you can! Oh. Damn it. You had a chance. You had a chance. Oh shit! It's coming this way. There's gonna be, like, a tornado in the background. Get away from me! You're ruining my carnival! Right here? I like it. I like the idea. I will block the wind with my fucking body if I have to! Unwinnable. Good luck! This is gonna fly forward, and it's gonna take out the whole table. So I am only here—​ I'm just gonna T-pose over here to make sure this doesn't happen. There you go. Nah, nah, nah, nah—​ A little more, little more, little more, you're going too far. You're going too far! I think that's good. Mayb—​Mm, don't listen to me though. I'm a liar. [squeak] No, no, no. ​I'm like collecting rings. By the way, you win this. This is what you win. It's fallen—​It's gotten rolled all over the ground. It's a goat. It's a prize. That's what you're looking for, you just gotta get <i>one</i>! I would laugh so hard if it's not even one. It would be great. It would prove just my total superiority. Let's try it again. Augh! Too much. You guys go too far or too little. You gotta go, like, that sweet spot. And you gotta try to hit it right in the middle. So bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, land. And even if it doesn't, it's hard to do, y'know? It's hard to do. Pay no attention to the guy that's putting his hand in here. Remember, this is just to teach you how this works. What did I do? I think I fucked something up. This is a lesson, because there are six more games coming up here after this. This is the tutorial. And you failed the tutorial. You know you guys give me shit all the time for messing up tutorials? You guys failed it. I was really thinking you were gonna get at least one. Go back and re-do the tutorial. See? I— See? I just did it! It's really not that hard. You have to do it sixty or seventy times in a row, with varying degrees and angles. I think this'll be the one. Mmm... I think you gotta go harder than that. Remember, it's a mallet that is dropping. You're pulling the mallet back to land on the platform to launch the ring. So use the force that is there, Luke, Goddamnit! Unfortunately, you still can't get it. By this point you guys have already spent probably, like, four or five hundred dollars on this, and that goes directly to me. It goes directly to me. So, I'm gonna give you guys— I'm gonna give you guys a shotgun here. Can you shotgun blast this and land on one? We've got like five rings loaded up, and then you're gonna have to move on. It's just... you guys can't do it. It's very evident, you know? I mean, c'mon. We'll see if we can shot— It's gonna hit me. I should probably back up. Should I even be in here? I'm not sure I should be in here. I don't think I should be over here. I'm gonna get hit in the eye. Can you get one? I don't think it's gonna happen. Why am I squinting? Honestly, it doesn't matter where you put it. It's just gonna go. Oh shit. [laughs] Not even fucking close. Not even close. You failed the first game! You can't even do the first game! Well, all right. So what's gonna happen here is— I'm sorry, you don't win this. I don't even know where that went. Who cares? What we're gonna do now is I'm gonna give you guys a special little treat here! I'm gonna give you guys a little treat. We're gonna move on. What kind of carnival exists without, of course, some delicious, nutritious, potentially illness-causing, bacteria-infested, cotton candy. That's right. And, I mean... I'm gonna need somebody, one of you guys, one of the people in the chat are gonna have to come up here. Um, does anybody— Does anybody want any cotton candy? You'd like some? Son, you over there? Why don't you come on over here, son. I am gonna make you a special treat! I have trained in this, son. Is this your brother? Hiya, what— Daniel? Daniel. Good to see ya. So I have trained in the art of making cotton candy! And I can't— Oh! I hope it just— fucking shatter— Oh shit! Okay, so— [grinding noise] Alright, so everything is good to go. How big do you want it, son? How big? You want it big? I can do that for ya. All you can hear is probably loud noises. [grinding sound] Does mom want one too? All right, I have actually been trained in this. Let's get a good, nice, big cotton candy surprise for you! This is not what I thought was gonna happen. Alright, I'm not very good. I'll get a big one for you and your brother. [laughs] I have no fucking idea how to do this. I read the instructions! Very, very quickly! [grinding noise] This thing's gonna— This thing's gonna fly off into outer space! Okay, like— Well, hey, there ya go. There ya go! Here ya go, son! This one's for you! Here you go, take it! There you go— <font color="#FFFF00">JERMAVENUS!</font> Settle down, Jesus Christ. <font color="#FFFF00">POGCHAMP.</font> Alright get the fu— Go home. Do you want one too? Do you want one? Would you like one too? Would your brother-- I'm gonna get, like, burnt! No, no no, no! Don't do that. Just like— Just like mom used to make. All right. Just like mom used to make. Uh, I taste soap. I dunno— I don't know why. It tastes soapy to me. I can't believe he fucking screamed. Mmm! It's delicious! Hold on, let me get some more. There we go. Okay! Well I'm gonna give you— I'm gonna give you a double there, son. If you would like to take that. Shit! That was like a bug zapper. [laughs] All right. Look at that! Imagine you— Imagine you got this at the carnival. I'd be like— I'd fucking return it. Can you return cotton candy? That's fucking— That's like so shitty. That's so bad. Hold on, there's— Oh god, this is bad. This is bad. No, this is not an injury! C'mere. Come here. And bring your brother too, c'mere. This is not an injury. People think that— People think I got like a cut. No, it's cotton candy. Relax. It's gonna be fine. All right. That looks good. I'm gonna—I'm gonna need a shower after this, I think. That probably looks disgusting. I don't know if you can hear anything I'm saying right now, because there's a loud machine over here. So coming up next... Oh, there's more. There's more. This ain't it. Spent six hundred and forty five million dollars on this fucking project. I don't have— I should just turn it off. Coming up next is... what do we got next? That's a good question. I'm gonna have to take this off. Oh, what a great, like, fucking joke. I made shitty cotton candy for five minutes. Wonderful. Don't put your hand in here, by the way. That's dangerous. Like I'm doing. I'm a professional. There's like fifteen people on staff here. They taught me how to do this, don't worry. Actually pretty good. Where we're going next... We are going to another game! That game is... I've forgotten the game, tell me what is is in my ear, 'cause I don't fucking remember, I swear— We're going to frog launch! Launching frogs! I'll see you over there. You gotta get that frog on a lily pad. And hopefully in the air too. Fucking cotton candy. That was such a waste of time. It actually was not that bad, it did taste a little bit like soap— Of course hit the streamer. I'll let ya—I won't move, it'll hit me right in the face. It'll hit me directly in the face. I don't care. Do it. Go on. Go on, do it. You wanna make that joke so bad. You actually did it. I actually can't fucking believe you did that. That's un— I mean, did it hurt? Yeah. Am I gonna cry about it? No. Maybe not. That was a direct fucking hit. Un-fucking-believable. Anyways, now can you, if you could, could you play the actual game. That would be— That would be fantastic. Come on! You gotta land on a lilypad! Oooooooooooh! Too much! Too much. I got something for you if you need it. You got enough back there? Okay. I'll just toss them in the box. I'll just toss them in the box when I get them. Oh god. Wind, you're ruining my whole show! Hey, let me show you how easy this is! Pretty easy! We thought it was gonna rain, you understand? So, like, I'm not sure what's worse. If it rains, then the whole thing has to be canceled, but if it's wind, then you have to compensate for the wind like a golfer. You ever play golf? You ever go to the driving range and have to compensate for the wind? You have to do that here. I'll give you a good example. I'll throw it in the air, so you can see. There you go, wind's going that way. Just so you know, wind's going that way. And it's on the bot now. You have a— That scared me. I got actually startled. I actually just got scared by that, so... It's coming up all over the place. We got rings, we got frogs. It is possible. I forgot to prove that. I'm supposed to prove that it's possible. It's too hot out here. It's time for me to de-rope. I'm going to be in my fucked up train conductor outfit. That's not going to be the best. I don't want to show the whole box of blue man shirt. Wait, oh, I think it has ripped out my mic. Can production staff still hear me? Can you still hear me? I think I may have ripped the mic up. You guys can hear me. Let me help you. Too high. You have to find that spot. That spot that lands on the table. If you find. a spot on the table, you want to try to keep it there. You guys are moving it too much. I should put my head down there. I should put my face down there so you guys actually do it. Oh shit. I forgot. That's too easy. Right in the middle. Good, good, good. Good. Good. More. More. More power. More power. Oh! If I were you, I would aim for the bigger ones. Because I mean, these are smaller. If you go to the carnival, they're going to try to get you to throw it on the smaller ones. Use your thinking faces. Use your 6000 IQ. Put it on the big one. These don't count, by the way. These frogs. They're just there for fun. And to squeak when I need to. Like that. See? You want to get them all? I'll do them all. One more. This one sucks. Replace them. It's not good enough on camera. Alright. Is it going to be enough? Almost at it. That was right there. Almost there. You had an opportunity. I wonder if you guys are going to be able to do any of these. I bet you... I bet you you don't do one. And by the way, the dunk tank is coming up. So good luck with that one. I don't think you're going to be able to do that one either. I hope you proved me wrong today. I can't believe it. By the way, if it bounces and lands, it counts. That does count. If you go from here to here, you just have to land on it. It counts. It is really hard though. When we were thinking about these games, and we were designing them, and we were going back and forth with AndyMark, we were trying to figure out, like, hey, what can we do? We didn't want them just to win immediately. Because that's fine. Hi, I see... I know. You're going to go for it again? I won't move. You think I'm scared? No. Have you realized that you can't win? You're just going to... Okay. I may have just cheated. That was getting close. But I may have just influenced that a little. Now that was right here. It wasn't going to land. It was going right here. Don't even give me that bullshit. Can I take this hat off yet? It makes me look like a dickhead. No, that's worse. That's worse. I think it might be worse. This is like, don't invite me anywhere. Like, I'm a scary person. What's worse? I'm using the production monitor as a mirror. That's how much of a vain fuck I am. I'm paying attention to the game. I'm like, what do I look like right now? What do I look like? Do I look okay? Let me see. Okay, nice. What's that? What's that? Yeah? What's that? Yeah, okay. I got you. Roger that. I'm not fucking bald. I see it. I can see the emotes right now. Cut that out. Or I'll fucking ban you. You want to get banned from the carnival? There's two ways to get banned from the carnival. One is to puke on a ride. And two is by. riding the ride too many times in a row. Because they get sick of you. And they'll just tell you to leave. I know this because I did it. I rode a ride and puke on a ride. I rode a ride too many times in a row. Because I bought like 150 tickets and they just like, you can't do this like fucking 20 times in a row. So I was like, alright, fine. So I left. Because I was just getting back and they were sick of seeing me. They thought I like stole them all the tickets. And I'm like, I didn't fucking do that. I paid good money for this. I don't want to influence that. I'll take it off. Something going on that way. You guys have seemed to have figured out the controls though. I like that. You got to go for the middle ones. Have you done? No, no, no. No, that's safe in baseball. You're out. You can get a photo of it if you want. Get a photo of it because that's no. The foot don't count. No, you got to get the whole thing on. That doesn't count. You got to be on the actual pad itself. That don't count. That doesn't get you anything. That gets you a nice try. Not a hole. It's not rigged. Where have you ever been to a carnival before? I know you've never been to a carnival. But I have. Everyone's been to a carnival. How have you not been to a carnival? I'm projecting on you. Everybody that's been to a carnival knows you have to get it. There's a very specific area you have to get it on. That don't count. You didn't win shit. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What are you guys pretending? Are you guys pretending? Huh? Stop pretending, chat. Right? Stop pretending. Are you doing this hard thing that's really hard to do and you can't do it? Stop fucking pretending, chat. You know what I'm saying? Quit pretending. Let's go. Get it done now. Oops. [carnival music plays] You hit two hats. Double. Not enough. Watch ready, face crossed. Didn't count. I love this so much. This is amazing. I love watching you guys try to do something and you can't do it. I get to be the backseat gamer because I know how to do this. I get to watch you guys. fail over and over again. Get to watch you guys suffer. through Dark Souls 3, which I beat on stream. I did the DLC too, if you weren't curious. Some of the new viewers don't know that I beat it on stream. I played Demon Souls. I beat it on stream. Beat Demon Souls on stream for me. Come on. Let's go. That jumped up and then fell. We're going to leave that there. We're going to referee to verify that. Who's been completely independent. of anything going on here that I have hired. to bring on. Completely independent third party reviewer that I have brought on. I have hired. By the way it's me. Do it. I know you can. I'm certain you guys can. ride in the middle. You got to up, down, pull it back a little bit. Work together on this shit. Work together on this. You were right here. You were literally right here. Now just pull it back. Don't even move the fucking thing. Just pull it back like a little bit of power. Don't go forward. You got it. Work together. There you go. There you go. No, no, no. Don't move it. Don't turn it. Somebody fucked it up. Who did it? Who screwed that up? I did. Me. You wish me? I did. I did. You wish me? Too much. Way too much. You had it right there. You just had to pull it back a little bit. I think there might be some pranksters in the chat. There might be some people joking around too much. No, it was right here. Now I moved this way. You had it. Blame the people in chat that didn't follow along. That's what I blame. No, that's just extra cotton candy. I don't even cut on my arm. Don't worry. I have to get this off. I hate it. I just saw it over here and I was like, "Get that fucking thing off my head.". I look like one of those guys that goes in like surveys. This is seriously like a traffic cop shirt. I can't take it off though because my mic is hooked into it. So I can't take it off. I have to look like this for like at least another 30 minutes. By the way, look at the glue man shirt. That's available. No, no, no, no, no, no. It doesn't count. You guys got the feet. You got two feet. No, does not count. If you guys can't... No, it doesn't count. It needs to land. It has to be on the pad. Not kind of on the pad. You guys get it together. I'll leave it, but I'm not going to count it. Why would I do that? And now the juggling of Jerma at five. I have no idea how to do that. You guys are going to go higher than that. It's too low. Although it's not my game. So that's not me playing. Come on. I want you guys to win. I do. I want you to win so bad. I am so desperate for you to win. Because if you don't win any, there's no fun. Just keep going until you just do it. You have it in the right area. I know you're completely capable of it. I know you're completely capable of it. So do it. I know you're... The wind is going this way. Do it. I have complete faith. No, more. Pull it back. I'm just trying to help you. That's it. Because I'm seeing this the complete... That was close. All these are so close, but so far. To a point where... I don't think it's going to happen. I'm pretty sure you guys can't do the first. These launching games are the hardest ones probably. That's why they're first. It's like a training thing. I'm the only one holding this. I'm trying to train you to win the fucking carnival game. And at the same time, I'm training to hold this before it falls down and crushes me. Whichever one of those two things happens first we'll find out, won't we? Same spot. Same spot as the yellow one. How much is it usually to do this? Like five bucks? What, do you get like three tosses for like three-fold all or something like that? I think it's something like that. What is it like? Five dollars for three tosses? Three bucks for two tosses? Usually? This is a different style here. This is the one. I'm calling it right now. Once that time hits zero, what's going on? I'm certain of it. Don't let me down. Don't let me down. Right now. You had a chance. We are going to do this. only a few more times before you guys have to get thrown out of the carnival here. There's a line behind you. We've got only a couple more times. You guys have a line forming behind you. You can't just hog it. It is not completable, rigged just like a real carnival. Just like the real one. If you hit it, you get something great. I'm going to put that out there. They did it! They got one! You actually did it! And of course, if you win, you get a prize. And hey, how's this for a prize? How's that for a fucking prize? You like that one? What I have here is some kind of animal. Some kind of teeth animal. Big Grinner. I think it's a Pokemon. Characters. You'll get it later. You did it! Actually, I probably shouldn't have... That's going to get dirty. By the way, that's for you. It's for me. That thing is like a hundred bucks. Why? Why the fuck is that thing? I can't believe you did it. I was getting kind of concerned though. After the first one, and the wind and everything, I'm just sitting here going, "I don't... they're not going to do this." "This is going to be impossible." But you actually did it. In fact, I have to inspect this because, wait a minute, it's not on there all the way. It counts. I'm not going to touch it because one of you wants to... No, it does. It does. I'll count it. I don't want to... to kind of stifle your victory here. So, "Wail Lord, it's your prize. It's going in my office." I'm going to hang it up behind... I don't like a door or something. I don't know. I'm actually surprised that these things all stayed. What we should have done is we should have said, "If you got four feet, then you get a prize.". Good work. You actually actually did it. I'm so happy about that. Can I touch this now? Can I put my hands on this? Can I? Okay. Get your photo! Give me this thing. Give me this thing. All right. I got those. I'll leave that. Should I not touch it? What are you saying? What did you say? Oh, you're taking photos. That's a good idea. I see all the... I'm not sure, JPEGs, whatever they are. But, I... I have something here for you guys. That's incredibly special. We're going to move on to something else. This is not a game. Please, please give an incredibly warm welcome to the amusings. of Cuddles and Paulie Polite! Paulie, come on in and join me. Come on in. Come on in while you can. Sit right down over there. Oh, yeah. Sit, sit, sit. Sit down. Now, what do you want to do? Sit down. You know what? Sit down there. I'll make them balloons. Yeah. Okay, I'll make them balloons for you. Yeah. Oh, my God. I don't like... I want a dog. Can I have a dog? I'll make a little dog for you. Yeah, I'll make a dog for you. I can do that, you know. I make top legs and back legs. Hello there, little puppy. Whoa! Yeah, here we go. Whoa! [growling] No! Oh, yeah. Whoa! I'm going to fix it. I can fix it. I'm watching, I'm watching. Come here. [barking] [screams] Yay! [barking] I know what I want. A dog! Oh, we can make a dog, aren't we? I want to make a dog. I want a dog. I'm coming undone. I'm coming. I want a blue dog. A blue dog. A blue dog to go with my pink dog. Oh, she wants you, she wants you, my babe! Oh, I can do this really fast. Because I'm good. [barking] Yeah, I'm good. What you doing? I'm making a blue dog. I'm making a blue dog. He needs a friend. Yeah, uh-huh. I'm making a friend. There you go. How's that? Oh, I know what I want. I know what I want. I know what I want. I'm holding you. A dog! Oh. Okay, I'll make a dog. Okay. Uh-oh, yeah, I can make a dog. Yeah, I know what I can do. I can make a dog. You're all right. What you doing? Sit right down there. Oh, yeah. Okay, I'm going to make a dog. [barking] One's chasing me. Here we go. Ooh, a purple one. Yeah, I like purple. Purple. I love that. Purple is a really, really color cuddles. Yeah. [barking] I see their nose. Yeah. Okay, hang on there. We're going to do it. That's the next one. I'm going to get them some feet. I'm going to get them some feet. Ah, purple dog. There we go. Hello, purple dog. Oh, yeah, he says he's doing okay. Okay. I think he's high-dotted. He's a little wrong with that thing. I love the purple dog cuddles. Yeah, I like that. I love the purple dog cuddles. Yeah, I want one now. I know what I want. What? I want a dog. Okay. Please, can I have a dog, please? What kind of dog do you want? Hmm. Okay. What do we think? A poodle? Got one. Well, that could be a weedy dog. That could be a weedy dog. He's a cute one. He's going to be all yellow. I'm talking about the new one. Yeah. And the purple one, that's a town dog. Maybe a Yorkie, huh? Look, these are popcorn. A yellow dog cuddles. That's going to be all yellow. Yeah, I'm going to make all the hay on there. That one was 15 bucks. Stay right there. Stay. Yeah. Okay. Are you waiting? Well, you better wait a minute. I'm waiting patiently. Well, you're not waiting patiently enough. Wait a minute. I'm getting me a big yellow doggy. Yeah, well, wait a minute. I know right here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. That one almost fell away. I know. Stay. Please. Whoa. Can I have it? I'll hold it for you. Shining. Shining. Okay, we'll fix it. Oh, the other is about to come to me. I like dogs. Dogs like me. This time, I must put light as I can be. Whoa, yeah, you are. Yes, I am. That's me. Okay. Oh, man. Big dog. Whoa. Get in there. We'll see. Whoa, yeah, you're working on it. You got a lot of things going on there. Mom. Oh, yeah. I'm gonna ask you what that is. Oh, there's another one. Wait a minute. Wait. I don't know, but I think this is going to be a yellow. Oh, yellow's got too many legs. He's got four. That is a leg, right? Yes. Right? The only one I know that has more legs is you. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. That's a leg. Right here. You're making fun of my dog. I think he's pretty. You want that one back? You're an Indian giver. All right, then give it to me. Okay, okay, okay. Can I have my yellow dog now? Thank you very much. My God. Are we all done? No, we're not all done. I had something very special. I'm gonna take my dogs out. Thank you, cuddles. Okay, well, that's the way it goes. Bye, cuddles. Bye. You're very welcome. Yeah, okay. Bye. Bali polite. Wonderful wonderful wonderful clouds. We got em. Oh you didn't think they were going to be of course there were even the going to have some with our clients. Are you mind. Anyways your this is the this is it right here behind me I know I get my hair and for to my face. This. It don't tank. So what's going to happen here. Very important. You have to shoot. This thing here while I'm sitting up there. And baby dumped me maybe you don't I dunno we'll see. This is the idea that I had. The two or three years ago and I can't imagine I'm ecstatic I'm so excited to get up there because I I. This is this is the main event here this is what I did this for and. We've got a new robot in play here. This is the pitching machine robot. It is loaded. It is dangerous. Do not. Under any circumstances I can make this very clear. Do not fire at me. That's no okay do not not okay. Do not fire. At anything besides the red circle over there on the right side okay. You're my understanding. Good great can't wait for you to break that rule in about fifteen secs. Anyways I'm going to get up there. Good luck. Because I don't think you got what it takes. You bastards. Is that good. I call them bastards is that good okay. Let's go. So. I've ever been to a carnival before. Not sure which camera I'm looking at your. You got one chance the same exact rules are in place. Wait. For the timer. To get down to zero. And then it's going to fire wherever it fires. I'm actually a little bit nervous about this because I'm excited but and yes I am wearing jeans. Rubber. An area that they have been. I don't want you to see. Or got shorts onto to anybody the type of the people. Right now it's not. I've got I've got like four pairs of underwear on. I'm going to leave it. That's were win-win. So. Are we ready. To to. At mom if you're watching mob. I know you thought I was probably going to be a dog. Not me. Way the right spot I go to a gerbil of the right place. When the have to go up with a wedding to. It's a steal by the way I am protected completely. No one. Can get through much steel. To one hundred and fifty HP. For. Softball that goes at twenty five HP reduction. Get. This is called the should. Be work about going to get to can I get a quick question into the group. That anybody visit here. Nobody pistol. He didn't visit Europe. The Jupiter. You're you're you're you're nodding yes but I know you did. It's already. Do. This is disgusting. It's absolutely revolting. In an array. It. Don't think this is real this real water here you can hear swirling. Don't want to is. About. Witnessed scared the shit. Golan. I wish you the best of one. Why am I nervous up here that's like should. I should be like completely end of this but I'm just like a. I to get dumped. It sucks. That's not fun. I don't like that. I want to go through with that. Yes have stolen. That's what I'm doing right now you've figured it out. The fifteen sixteen twenty whatever one thousand people here yes that you've figured it out. Good for you. One of alone. It's an elaborate setup we got going on here. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Oh shit, okay. [carnival music plays] I can hear it. I can hear it now. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Oh my. God my head. Is a kid this go over. I saw it. Is this it of. Negative or the face. Oh shit. Same place, come on. You're better than this. You can do better than that. I know you can. I'm actually concerned that if you aim high enough, people will be right in fucking eyes. [carnival music plays] I'm gonna have to stop. There should be enough protection here. [carnival music plays] Make sure you're at the right place. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Oh my god. You don't know how scary this is, okay? This is a real machine. [carnival music plays] I'm doing gamer neck. [carnival music plays] Oh no. [carnival music plays] You guys are so bad. What are you doing? Why are you going up there? [carnival music plays] What the fuck are you doing? [carnival music plays] Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me help you out here. Can I help you out here? Let me give you guys a little bit of a hand because you guys haven't way too much trouble. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] I brought a laptop because I figured you guys are going to have trouble with this shit. This is a Dell Inspiron 4100. This is, you don't know, this is the computer that is all the way to the left and best part. [carnival music plays] I don't want to, this is my brand new computer. Let me go and let me see if I can help you guys out here. You guys are fucking this whole thing up. What are the controls? W, ASD? [carnival music plays] See if I can help you. I'm just going to log in though. Just give me a minute. I was going to log in. [carnival music plays] I don't know my password. What the fuck is that password? I have no idea what my touch password is. [carnival music plays] I think it's like, I think it's BallSack21. [carnival music plays] Oh shit, I shouldn't have said that. Oh, I lied! [carnival music plays] That's a good BallSack21 got me. [carnival music plays] Okay. I got to help you because you guys are fucking this whole thing up. [carnival music plays] Get in there. Let me do a test here. Let me do a test if you guys can see. [carnival music plays] See that? Yeah. Now you guys, you guys, let's go. Let's do it. Go down! Pull it down with me here. Down. [carnival music plays] Down here. Yeah, looks like that makes sense. Looking further. Come with me here. No, go to the left. Just listen to me. Go to the left. [carnival music plays] You know what I'm saying? You guys just don't get it. [carnival music plays] That should be it, right? [carnival music plays] Yeah. I think I lied it up. [carnival music plays] I should say, I should say fuck you streamer. That makes sense. You guys are not paying attention. [carnival music plays] This thing, by the way, this thing feels real new. Can I just tell you? This is a new laptop. Got it. Leftmost spot at Best Buy. Make sure I reiterate that. That's at least $215. It's got a Celeron. Intel Celeron. Whatever fucking denomination they have. 22? 2 GHz? I don't know. [carnival music plays] How bad would it be? If for some fucking reason. I was on the computer. and we for somehow what an expensive piece of technology the streamers use. [carnival music plays] Let me help you get in the dunk. [carnival music plays] How bad would it be? [carnival music plays] Something fell. I don't know what it was. I have idea what it was. Jetty. Whew. I love to do I look at the. Up for it's expensive. I'll just go ahead. That's fucking expensive ship. No I didn't get this from it's a free tech. It's not a fee tech. How long as I jumped Pentagon. What twenty four seconds thirty four second. Fire but. Make it real easy boy. Gone. It's gone. Well. Whoo. He's got some skills with that thing. Spikes. Did I mention how expensive this laptop was that I expect to play that that are exploiting. Part that was gonna be a little rain. Oh. Fucking that got me that got me at that just got me odell. It actually did that I of of them. Of all honestly. Of all the fucking things that injure me on this stream I I. That actually cut my hand. Of all the things. Heartbeat. Tiny umbrella is the thing that gives me like a welt on my hand. Get back on the computer. Has been tested right. I think so. Bring it down bring it down. Please. Hmm you fuckers. Kill the broadcasting. And the stream that the game. That is not all right. You get back on my computer. Can't believe that little umbrella. We have machines. Are firing. And I get my hand. Marketing. Efforts. It's unbelievable. What a job. Got it. Yeah that's so I can put the laptop down don't hear a joke. They're not going to get. They're not going to get to art. It's too hard. It's not story you're not gonna get. You guys you're not gonna get it. Fuck. That was pretty close. Girls isn't that's my whole life liquid. So anyways. You are not capable. This is the easiest game of the day. I want to be very clear on that. This is the easiest game of the whole day you did the frog launcher. You can't do something as simple as hit the target. Hey. Why of nerd network bad to say yes. Vet nerd neck right now for censorship straight. Okay on a scale of one that's how bad is my nerves. Then. Rocket. Not going to. Wait to hide way to I. That's all that you've gotta go lower. I am as safe as you could possibly be. That's never gonna happen. You'll never dug me you fuckers. Fuck all yeah it's not going to. Oh no oh no. I can't believe it or not my domain. An awkward. Spreading my eyes. Oh shit. What like. Broad. You that's what. I didn't think they were gonna do it I really didn't. I really didn't have limited. Alright I'll be back on here. We could. I'm so embarrassed. I can't believe I didn't take that one. Didn't take that long. Nice job. Alex. What I really can't believe is the fact that. I have an injury. Guys. It's. I dunno. I dunno what the fuck I was could. Cause a tiny umbrellas like over what it is rain I I literally pinch my pocket finger and it's like hurts. Work myself. All the fucking. Just. You wouldn't take it like my skullcap cap off a bomb know I pinched my ended a bully. Fucking. Whatever it is. Work. But can you have fucked up is my hair. Down. Like silva this is like. Real Jeremy United States very outward since. I can't. I can't fucking what are they saying I I can see the chat but I can't sense too far away. Just yell out of fucking worried whatever the thing. Is a balding. You guys him. Focus coming out of my nose just not yes or no. Other. It's great I thought it was take longer than that. They say they're making it harder. Because like. Just for the next few minutes to take a nap at. Nice. Somebody grabs his is a blanket that's down there and I can't reach it. It can't reach it I I actually can't reach the blanket that's over the I'm supposed to I'm I'm going to go to bed. And like. Good luck. It will come to this dream that don't know what's going on. I can imagine it mistake I sleeping on stream. In a clown. Like parade. With the dog tank underneath them you're probably going to be like. This guy sucks. No you won't. Know you while you're gonna be like the guys are awesome and stream but also and it's been a fucking awesome day so far we got way more to do. If somebody get that lucky to have the big. Let's go. Get outta my face you can block the view. Fuck. Is so heavy. What a bad idea all right I'm ready to go to bed let's go. Do to get it right off the bat. Not immediately. Residents sleepers with the traveling. Guys are just show you got the so bad. I can fucking sleep. I can feel it everytime it sucks. Can I got this joke is like it's funny but like I actually have to close my eyes and I don't like that. I don't like closing my eyes for this. This is my hair looks like a fucking rabid animal it probably does. The fuck. I remember how funny it was remember how funny it was when you are aimed at the cage. Got like five or six more time. Yeah funny that was. Hm mm. That was really funny. That was incredibly funny. Why is it a package in a packet. Get get outta here goes to go over there. A lighter. My phone in my pocket. I hope my phone's not at my pocket. That would not be very good at all. Or. Wherever their sure. You got at once I don't think I get it again. Part of the act. Or why don't I go back to read. Smoke in bed. I I got. I feel like swear are you more cause that that's all you're only way you're going to do it. Told me a bug know. I you guys. Got once I I dunno if you'll get it again. That was a fluke. I was just a fluke that's all of US he broke my fucking the computer to. You know where I got that. Sharing. As thing ways like fucking one hundred pounds right on. The like this. You do do you want to see it go into water or then play better. It's not that hard play better and you'll see this going to water. How long do you have to do the residents sleeper I'm sleeping on stream job. Do better play better. That's the power of doing. Homework. Whatever the company is. Oh god. Get the I don't need a cigar get the fucking cigar away from me. Physic. Yeah I gotta do it it's not gonna happen. Oh. Yeah. You guys get your twice. That I think you'd be able to do it two times absolutely not you really good at once accidentally. Accidentally the first time. No fucking way you'll do advice. How many how many people that. How many. How many people are watching a people are there. We will count how many people watching. Like. Like six like the two hundred and of you can't do this. I would have to one hundred. I can't see the chat for. Is at least one hundred and twenty five people here you guys can't figure this out. That are already. What do you want. You guys did I get that there's enough people here to do. And I'm sure. It's just it's kind of embarrassing. Handling job where I was going to fall and. In you're not even capable of doing. Really. I don't show my feet don't show week that's like that's going to last longer. I don't want an Autumn on my feet on camera like that's a big that's a thing. The trust me when I say that they don't show up I feed on can't really like people with spring but. Anyways. I mean seriously. We're looking for skill hear how about I. I know you I know you very well. That's the hair. Give me like a scale once ten. Hey well I'm going to bed on stream again. Come on a cab I do it. I'll catch it in the air. You got lucky that first step. I don't think it's going to happen again. It's a smell emanating from this tech. And it's at it's very much like it's it's a. It's an ammonia smell. I didn't precedent. I promise. I'm going to keep do this routine until it works. You're not going to get it is not going to happen. I really don't think. Closet it's not gonna work. Oh wow. You can hit a target that sitting in the middle of. Right there. Is so easy. There it doesn't. That doesn't go anywhere it's. Fucking here. It's a circle. You can't even in a circle. Unbelievable. I will hold this against do. But the next ten fucking years the honest. I was spell. I'm slipping. I'm going to all off. You're not going to get it. You guys. Yeah. There wasn't enough power. Or no record. Of. Gotta get in a circle. That was me falling not you winning by the way. Because I'm wet I'm slacking off the see. I'm just doing weightlifting. Don't do I don't do it. Guys you guys suck. I'll be real honest. Way we do note. This thing is. Normal why. Is that way lines rumor. That way are you blind. Are you guys blind rewind. You're looking for that. It's not a you hit the I can you see that can they can they see this sort of. I just want to confirm they can see the circle. Okay again. Rudder. That. Oh this is technically a circle but not the right one. Some of you want to sell badly of in the face of talking to. Was probably really loud. Other way. Ten years. You want to both. I just swallow. And I'm not going to freak out about. I would panic right now a second. Osprey. Bucks are. One more time. Kid this thing is. Actually like it's pretty it's pretty great. Genes are no want to panic. Scope from the right spot. Only operate these things of you're a professional which I am. Fucking lap. What happened. What do you mean. Me. How to. Are you how does it was I don't understand. All right so. Would you want another one. Let's go a lot it up let's go. Go by give me everything got. You mean there's no no no no we're not pulling me you get no no no no no we're going to shoot the robot child as to shoot the robot at the circle don't pull 'em again I heard that overproduction. I heard that overproduction they said they said pull them again. I know what to do that we're going to do in a fire the. I just hear over here at. Home again. Just take. Know it'll probably yet. So. Much more today. This is not it. I'm happy that you can please give me one second time was bullshit. Trying to get. I want you to give me everything you have. Everything you have. First try. At first tried. Get the first dryer I'm done. First try or I'm done. First dryer I'm done. I'll say it five times. So what. So what is so it's uncomfortable. August scream. Guys don't got what it takes. And that's fine. If. You've read this more than any other game though that's the thing that's. That's good on you. I'm going to scream the whole time. Just be ready on this Mike is going to be going to be locked. Spelling. Know that didn't work. I thought it up. Only have like a flash of something that's going on. And you'd like you kind of process in your brain with it you know what I'm saying when you have a flash of your money you know what's happening what's happening right the second. That's like what what the fuck is happening. Is this a dream is it. Is actually actually happening. I guess it is. This was a dream that I had. And then I just started to turn it into a livestream. So technically it is a dream. You coming up here and I'm so I'm wondering why. See if the to ask. You because of someone asked me what is it. It'll be just coming up here just like getting hit my way. Or. Well. I can tell you a little story we drive. A little bit of a production issue. The time. I don't have anything for you. I literally there's that there is like don't shut down telling you don't do that. I told you that like five times you should've listened to me the first time. Understand like twitch TV has this thing. With a fucking to scream the word it's an airport. It doesn't is not at the you see know. Fucking fucking. I that's ok. That on the. Intentional. Whew. Reading. Fucking guys. Hi Jonah. The rest of the. So what do you think so far. You have a fun. We've still got four more games to play airport. By the way I. Make it very clear. How fucking incredible. Was. Of. Like. I was unbelievable. Soap opera. That was a better. Apartment with a great movie. Is there any. Not really. The time purposes. You guys have already done it. Was like I think I'm going to get like a disease. The another ten minutes. Like I really think that is like. Just look at a bar would look at this this is disgusting. I have to like greatest. You understand that this is like green at this point. I have to get the fuck out of this. I'm going to take a shower and I'm going to go dry off. We're going to move on and what what's next. We are going to something very important. When you go to a carnival is very is something to do with a carnival what do you do the. Challenges of. Look I can see this deck that's not what you do with the car for I mean like a bunny but. You. Play games. Clowns. Right right. But. Enjoy. Getting onto one of those right. Have fun I'll see you and if your wallets. Go ride the ride. And don't show fucking feed on Kim. Somebody. Puked on the first. Stomach of. Filler. Take a look outside your screen I know you've seen las Vegas beautiful las Vegas. But discipline ourselves this other stuff here. That was cool to know that was was that a. Sandcastle. Well I can give you a I'll give you a reality what happened. Releasing. You broke. Many people were a type of at the same time and your rip the. Rip the. Belt off of the pitch in. So. Don't work. It's going to get to the working on the right up. There are many more things there are going to happen. So. But you have. You have put too many inputs in. The of pushed the robot that was going to be the pitching machine Rabat that the first. But yeah. We're almost at. Show where we're going to do something else very special. We were going to. When you go to a carnival. You tend to. The rides check out the the fucking thing off that could hear it. Irritating me. When you go to a carnival you typically. Rights. Go to the. Midway games you lose over and over again. But you also get. This thing taking care of you know what I mean. So what we're going to do is we're going to paint a picture of you. Are you. You. Talking about you in the chat right now you're going to get a painting of yourself. Do what you want with it but it's I take a while. Cause obviously the artist has to actually draw you. So they are going to do that. They'll take care of that. I want you. To sit out. Have a seat over there. And I know I said that a little weirdly I said that like. Like as if you're in trouble you're not in trouble. You're not I promise you are not in trouble. We are going to go. Again to the musings. Begin cuddles in. Paulie polite. And they are going to draw a picture. Of you. Hey pauly yeah you're supposed to wake up. To do you know that. Oh my. Yeah yeah well you better not forget any more because you've gotta have somebody and you've got gotta draw a picture of me out there are plenty of the people in the home in the audience that are watching the show. Do. I know what I. Do. You just wait a minute because I'm gonna give you your ticket for. That is going to make it easier for you yes I am. Glad to help your. Particular further. Then you'll be a real artist and. Yeah. Put job okay. Okay let me see. Pretty dollars. I see ya later I. Go at sneaky I gotta take off your sleepiness. Draw a nice picture where. Yeah. Alright. That. Out. That. I can do. Oh I do. Not. Is a nice. A real artists. Yes. I. Do. To. That to. See. Oh. I can't find somebody. I can look. I get. My really. Why go to find your mind off. Found so why. Nice the bad. Battery. Cute. The. Media Nemo. Mean you. Join do I like to do at a. Ooh. He is. I I doing such a good job in your weapons to hike I thought I would give you a person. Tired yeah because you have an Idaho like to eat today. Give you a little something for you. That. Yeah check it out. Game. I know. Angry. Yeah there it is yeah I know. That yeah that's how. Yeah. I can be that. A. To. Say your pounds the corner the got it. Yeah. Beautiful beautiful well we'll see what they come up with at the end of the sure. Maybe they're printing you. Will they are painting you. Of course they are. So what we have here is we have a series of images on the backdrop here. Do you play down the cloud before. You're about play it Australia mother fucker. That was rude that was really rude but you just dumped me in the tank and I just have to change either change my clothes for god's sakes. That was rude was that to root. Sure I've been a little bit a little nicer was that to root. Cause. The find was I to ruin okay. I feel like I was little. So. You'll need to aim this machine is the same machine that was at the dunk tank by the way. You'll need to aim this machine. At the various images on the screen and there are quite a few as you say. Knock them down down the clown. You're in control. The controls be on the screen there are pretty similar to what they were the dunk tank so obviously right. We've got. German Jew boy and your do people can we see some of the trap police by the way. We are. We are. We can see them. I have to get out of the way. Because I've been told that this will hit me. From any point inside of the cubes so. I I kind of have to get the hell outta here. Because you guys will seriously injure me and the only injury have had all day I. Was. From the little umbrella this is true by the way all the production people. I actually got injured by the little umbrella. Like seriously and we have a great way to wrap it up and there was a bucket was a there's blood everywhere back there. But. Do your worst knock the ball down try to get as many as again. Good luck. I will be commenting and I can see the chart this time but I don't trip over the. Good luck. Make it work. Your inputs are disabled at the moment but there will be active very soon. At a food in this carnival yes there is. There is plenty of food. After having to audio I'm still here I'm fine. I just have to get away from the machine. Add. Wow that was close. Close. Yeah right of the veteran was right there. Nice feet man gimme a break. I like I dunno that way we were going to guy here that wasn't aware of a feat thing and I. Take down the Jupiter first. There's no feet on camera. There is no feed on camera. Stop talking about feet this no feet on camera. Through our job and our first. Take it down. Oh you got it. German your for has been knocked down and congratulations ago job I did it know your collectively did it together you did. Can you get a wall. Going to get all for. Know that was me it was me. It was all of you you all did. You just give yourself some credit all of these together. Though let's go. Gulf a German Shepherd of one journalists your was your what your was your image of one let's go. Through the way these robots are all provided by Annie Mark. The what are that was a fucking terrible display. Absolutely disgusting. Were you guys even trying. Why what the hell was that. The I have right now I get to be right over here I can see the cameras. I can see the chat that was disgusting. It was so bad. Do better than that makes seriously I'm watching right now I this the first time I've been able to watch. I suck you suck you mean use what are you talking about. You're saying I suck. I have nothing to do with this I'm just a bummer I'm an observer of what you're doing. I didn't do any thing. This is you you have to control this. I. Tell the tale down a left am ride w a s d. Yet at. Ah. Yeah. That was. I went down it went down. That technically called. Yeah. That god's I guess. Two hundred I q chat. Something like that. I by the way if you get all four. German Jupiter's down I will dab in front of the camera. Oh what am I doing it unless you got all for. I will dab on camera. If you get all four job Jupiter Jupiter have to a derivative of the region would report. Our zapper incentive. Come on do it. You want to dab. Now know you got it in the same spot right in the same spot as before. Come on. Come on. More to the left pull it over. A is left. D is right. You have to tilted. W s tells of ss tilt down. Play by the rules god damn it before I cancel it. Where are you going where you going. Where are you going with this there you go there you go come on do it do do do do it. You got one second. Oh to far too far too far. Let me get back there is a good. Coach he goes a little bit here. I feel like if I was on camera like I was back there the game at the streamers. Game of the aim of the game of the streamer space. Like. Let's go. Rudder. The streamer is now ready to hit in the face by a fucking ball. I I you actually did it already. Surprising yes. Hit the streamer in the face. Hit this rumor in the face you can do it I know you can. I know you have it any. Once this real danger involved. Real danger I could get hurt here. Do it. Right here German job three. That's not have the right spot turn it. Turn turn turn turn turn. Janet. You've got to go left. Pull it this way. Pull it this way. I think the ball got stuck. Ball was lodged. You see you guys have you guys are going and I feel like somebody's spying on me it's you. Your the spy. A you it's always you. You come into you shown my feet and shit. You know how long it's going to take to get over that gets going take like three years. For this community to get over the fact that you showed my feet on camera. You should you like you show up my feet on camera and like all of a sudden they literally. I got to shock the balls. Because we weren't allowed. Going to take like two or three years because get over that. You know when you like. Do something that you regret. That's one of those things. I regret your on my feet on camera. I don't know what I don't let me when can I ask a question seriously. I can't see the chatroom here but the fuck is the thing like what he's talking about. It's just hands they're bigger and there are longer and their on the bottom of the body. Get over it. Wait a minute. Have you got it. Are you are you going to get it. Come on. Come on. Get it you gotta get the full Jupiter or it's not even worth it. The whole Jupiter you can do it no board of the left. More! Too much! Way too much! [carnival music plays] Let me get some balls for you. Guys, I know, I mean, not here. Here, here, here. Can I demonstrate? Can I demonstrate for them? Guys, you're aiming so far to the other side. Oh, sorry. Is there any, what are the others? Let me show you. I'll show it to you. You guys, you're going so far this way. Collectively try to get it in the right spot. Look, easy. [carnival music plays] Go ahead. [carnival music plays] [laughs] Come on! Hit the streamer in the face! Remember what you did with the fucking frog game? [laughs] Wasn't that funny? [carnival music plays] That's how we shuck balls to get them so we can continue to play the game. Down! Further down! Get Jerma Jupiter or I'll delete the emote! [carnival music plays] You guys have like 10 minutes. I will delete this emote if you do not knock it down. You don't want that? Nobody does. [carnival music plays] The timer! Get it! [carnival music plays] [laughs] What the fuck are you going? Where are you going? What are you... I got to have a talk with chat. I'll be back. I got to go see the chat. This is like, oh, this is UN-fucking-believable. [carnival music plays] I can see what you're saying. Um... Predicted aim. I'm going to delete the emote. It's hard. We're trying. [laughs] [carnival music plays] I'm rubbing my hands. Of course, it's hard. It's really hard. Please, we need to cross here. We need to cross here. I'm just sitting here rubbing my hands. This is exactly what I wanted. Somebody give 10 community subs? Holy shit. EvilCrucifix Thanks for the 10 community subs. Maybe you'll get it. Chat needs food? I ain't making any more food. I almost hurt myself making cotton candy. That's not a joke. I truly almost hurt my hand. That thing spins at like, 400 miles per hour. I didn't know that and I almost like, fucking burnt my hand off. Get it! Ahhhh. That was really close. You had a chance. [carnival music plays] We hunger. [carnival music plays] Hold, shift it left. I know. That's what I'm saying. [carnival music plays] Every time you go left and right, it's one step. [carnival music plays] That's not bad. That's not bad. Bring it down. Bring it down. Bring it down. Too high. [carnival music plays] Too high. Too high. Too high. Come on. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] It's not, what do you mean rigged? How is it rigged? You guys are in total control. I'm not controlling this shit. I'm all the way back here. [carnival music plays] You guys, look at where it is. [Laughs] It's rigged. It's only rigged if you think it is. [carnival music plays] Let us hit you again. I didn't let you hit me. You actually did. If you delete Jupiter, we'll do only feet flips. I'm all right with that. That's not bad. To the right. To the right. Come on. One second. To the right. [carnival music plays] Come on. You guys got one so quickly. You've got two so quickly. Come on. You guys can do it. [carnival music plays] Feed chat. All right. Somebody give 50 community subs. Holy shit. AB Joe, you just gave 50 community subs. You got to be kidding me. [carnival music plays] Thank you so much, AB Joe. I might have missed a lot of... I've been up in tanks and over in the corner, but seriously, that's a lot of subs. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. You guys have to at least get some of these. What about Jerma pain? [carnival music plays] Come on. Work together. You guys beat Dark Souls for God's sakes. [carnival music plays] No. Not even... almost there. Close enough. [carnival music plays] What do you get for Jerma pain? [carnival music plays] What do you get for Jerma pain? Well, what will happen is if you get Jerma pain or all four jupitas, I'll dab on camera. You're talking about... because it's easy to get the top four. Jerma jupita, Jerma jupita, Jerma jupita. I can't even talk. [carnival music plays] If you get Jerma pain, I will dab on camera. I swear to God. I promise. I'm going to stand behind the net so I don't die. Sounds like a good idea. I see now I fucked it all up because everyone's going to freak out. [carnival music plays] People are going to be like, "Well, now we have to do that." [carnival music plays] I thought an incentive would help. Oh, now you're going down there. Good. Good. I'm going to get some balls here. Let me help out here. I'm going to get a few balls. I have faith that you guys might be able... I don't know. Depends. How bad do you want me to dab on camera? This one is stuck there forever. [carnival music plays] If you guys want me to dab on camera, you're going to have to get Jerma pain or all four jupitas. That's the only fucking way. That's happening no chance any other way. [carnival music plays] Let me try to get this one. [carnival music plays] Get... That's wedged. That ain't coming up. [carnival music plays] I hope I don't break this. [carnival music plays] Get out of here. [carnival music plays] I promise I'll do it. Right in the middle. [carnival music plays] Remember, you can only do it when it's the green light. [carnival music plays] If you are doing commands with a red light, it's not going to work. [carnival music plays] Jerma pain. There it is. That's not even a real emote. [carnival music plays] I put that up there for you guys. [carnival music plays] That's a community place. Oh, they're close. [carnival music plays] Oh, you got to go up a little higher. If you go up even 5%, 10%, I will literally dab on camera. [carnival music plays] We suck. [laughs] We suck. [carnival music plays] [laughs] [carnival music plays] [laughs] No, you don't be twice. That's pretty damn good, I would say. [carnival music plays] Get Jerma pain. Get it. I know you can. A little bit to the left. Maybe to the right. [carnival music plays] Oh, is that it? No! More! You got to go more. [carnival music plays] [laughs] It's the wind. [carnival music plays] The wind. It's getting caught in the wind. And flying forward. There is a lot of wind. You have to remember that. More to the left. [carnival music plays] [laughs] That's too much. Don't overcompensate. That's not going to help. [carnival music plays] I wonder. That looks alright. That's not bad. That could be it. Did they get it? Oh! That was so close. Don't move. Nobody touch anything. Do not move. Just don't move. Don't move. Don't move. Don't touch. Nobody touch any buttons. Just put... somebody press W. Once. If someone presses W one time, it will... Stop that. Just W once. Don't move. Don't move. No! Stop it! No! Stop pressing S. W. It's got to go up. Up. Right, right, right. Stop, stop, stop. No, no, no, no, stop, stop, stop. Too much, too much, too much. That's too high. That is too high. Down, down, down, down, down, down. Oh, God. [Laughs] [carnival music plays] [Laughs] [Laughs] [Laughs] I love this. This is fantastic. I was wrong. Alright, I'm not going to say anything. You guys just do it. I'm not going to say anything. [carnival music plays] I won't... I'm not going to talk. I'm going to watch. Okay? Don't listen to me. I'm wrong every time. [carnival music plays] [Laughs] I'm coming over here. I'm coming to the... I'm coming around. Is the wind causing problems? [carnival music plays] We have to have people hold this. [carnival music plays] That's pretty good. [carnival music plays] Oh, man. I'm going to go down like once. All the people that are fighting going up, up, up, up, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down. No, no, no, no. Just bring it down once. You have to... There's going to be overcompensation. If you're going to go down, somebody press up, because some people are spamming it. Go... Keep it there. Bring it up a... Down a little bit. That's all you got to do. [carnival music plays] Down a little bit. [carnival music plays] You want to dab on camera. That's how you're going to get it. [carnival music plays] That's the only way you're going to get it. [carnival music plays] You can see that, like... Which way do we go? I think it's up. I love it. That's so funny. Look at this wind. [laughs] The wind just instantly stopped it. That's so funny. It's never going to happen. I don't have to ever dab. That hit the front. [carnival music plays] It's crazy, because you got this one. in five seconds. And then none for like 20 straight minutes. [carnival music plays] There's so much in fighting. I love it. [carnival music plays] Get... Oh, no. You're changing tactics, I think. Going up. I don't know. Going up, it seems. Maybe down. [carnival music plays] You can do it. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Up. Alright, let me... Hold on. Let me get a few. Let me get some. Can I get some balls? [carnival music plays] Look. Here. I'm the shucker, so... [carnival music plays] You guys have to do this. Come on. We got all this stuff here. You can't... You're going to get shown up. [carnival music plays] Down the clown. You guys can't do this. This one is stuck here forever. Hold on. Let me get it out. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Yeah, let me throw a few. Let me see. I have to... Look, I have to prove it's going to... With the wind, I know it's hard to prove. Let me get two. Alright, the robot's right here, right? [carnival music plays] It's a twister! [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Alright, I tried. Let me... Hold on. [carnival music plays] If I can get one of these and just prove it... [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Alright. My own game doesn't work. It's rigged. [laughs] Surprise. Alright, I'll give you one. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] [laughs] [carnival music plays] Okay. I got you one. [carnival music plays] It's rigged. It comes back up. [laughs] [carnival music plays] Here we go. Here it comes. It's actually rigged. Well, that's what happens. Let's go! Accept it! Let's do it! [carnival music plays] [laughs] Ten seconds. Come on, guys. I know you can do it. That's too low. You got to pull it up a hair. Pull it up a hair. [carnival music plays] Thero! Oh! So close! [carnival music plays] [laughs] [carnival music plays] Reloading the robot. [carnival music plays] Alright, we're going to give you guys two more attempts. [carnival music plays] Two attempts. I know you can do it! Do it! I know you can! Please! You've only got a hair. It's very possible. I know it's conflatable. I know you've seen me do it! [carnival music plays] From the same distance as the robot. Come on! You need to win the prize, which is a dab. Which I'm going to regret for the rest of my life. That's not a bad spot. Not bad. [carnival music plays] That's pretty bad. You get one more shot here, guys. And then I'm going to have to show you how it's done. You got one more fire. And then we're going to have to move on. [carnival music plays] [laughs] One more shot. You got one right off the bat. [carnival music plays] [laughs] [laughs] [laughs] You got one. And 25 minutes later, we can't get any others. [carnival music plays] That's surprising. [carnival music plays] Make this be the one. Come on! [carnival music plays] Do it! [carnival music plays] Oh! Oh my God! [carnival music plays] Unbelievable! I can't believe they actually did it. That was your last shot! That was the final shot! Oh, wait. That means, hold on. That means I have to dab on camera. [carnival music plays] Well, that's not good. I fucking can't believe it. It deserves some claps. It does. Two of us. We'll give you some round of applause for that one. [carnival music plays] Alright, time to dab. We're going to move on. You did it. I actually can't believe it. I have to dab on camera. [carnival music plays] Which camera am I on? Can I just pretend to do it? Do I have to actually do a full dab on camera? [carnival music plays] I have to. [carnival music plays] Why did I say that? I should have just said you have to get all four. My own worst enemy here. So which way? Which way? Left or right? [carnival music plays] That way? Okay. [carnival music plays] Thirty-four years old, by the way, tomorrow. If it gets anyone curious. That's not a lie. That's real. Bang! Oh, that hurt. [carnival music plays] You can tell how many times I've done that by me hurting myself on a dab. [carnival music plays] Okay, so we're going to move on. [carnival music plays] Thank you. I'm like afraid this is going to shoot me to the chest. [carnival music plays] Imagine that. It was just like, we were going to do, but we couldn't. Because it was too dangerous. We were going to load in a little dummy ball, a little like foam ball, and then we're going to shoot me right in the chest with it right in the beginning. Like, "Hey, I'm introducing the games!" And I hit right in the chest with that fucking ball. But there was just the legal shit. It was just that we couldn't do it. We could not do that. Because if there was a chance that I want a regular softball gun in there, and I would hit the chest, it would be like happy Gilmore. [carnival music plays] That's not alright. That's not okay. And, uh, medical staff speaking, um, you know, we've got plenty of people that are over there already. waiting in case I get hurt to find umbrella. [carnival music plays] But, uh, medically speaking, we didn't have the staff to be prepared for me to get hit in the face by a real softball. So, we didn't do it. But, we are at the point in the show where, and I know there's going to be a lot, you know, I can already see it. This is like, there's already 100 images. I'm on the subreddit. And this is like the Jerma N850. By the way, it's still September. [Laughs] What day is it? Is it 22nd? What is September stop? [carnival music plays] Okay, so September stops at the end of September. If you feel like, uh, something to the channel, then don't. Don't. It's not worth it. This channel sucks. Um, you better off fucking buying like a pack of bubblegum or something, but just don't even. Anyways, uh, we have way more to do. Let's talk about these. Let's talk about these. So, over the course of the stream, [carnival music plays] how did I hurt myself again? With this little shit I don't understand. I'm hurt. I actually hurt myself again. How the fuck is this possible? The tiny umbrella, the, the paper. I just paper cut my hand. I'm alright. I'll just wipe it up my ass. On my ass. Not up, you know, you get it. We have been tracking how many bits have come in through the course of the stream. [carnival music plays] And [carnival music plays] Over the course of the stream, there has been quite a few bits that have come in. So what we're going to do is I'm going to try to collect as many as I possibly can. [carnival music plays] And we're going to do that with a very, very important task that I will have to do and any bits that I do not collect through this machine. are going right to charity. You heard it here first. So, why don't we you can take this from me. Why don't we cut to [carnival music plays] The Money Machine! And welcome by the way to the Jerma N.A.5 arcade. This is the arcade. We have some cool stuff here. Got an authentic Pac-Man stand-up cabinet, which is, you know, that much. You can get it at Walmart, it's not that much. Money Machine, I have to collect as much as I can, otherwise it's going right to charity. You understand? We also have, I forget about that, that's not real. I am going to get eye protection first. [carnival music plays] Because if one of them is like right there, you know what I'm saying? Let's see how much of this I can actually get. By the way, thank you to anybody that has given any bits during the stream. [carnival music plays] I am ready. to collect as much as I can! And what have we got here? Somebody gave two, wait, there was. something. There was $200 donation, bid donation? $250! A 10? Alright, so we got a lot of money here. And there was a lot of money that was given so far. It's all in here already. And I'm just total transparency. There it goes, it's in there. I cannot see it! I can't touch it until of course this is closed. [Door knocking] We've got 60 seconds to figure it out. [Door knocking] [laughs] Let's see how much I can get from me. How much money I can collect. Are we ready to turn this fucking thing on? So I can embarrass myself in front of my parents some more. Because I heard they were watching. Mom, I'll take you out to dinner tomorrow night. Probably like next week. [Door closing] I am ready! Be careful! [fan whirrs] I got a 10! [Door closing] I got a dollar! I got a 10! Always go to the corner. [Door closing] I'm just going to try and scoop. [Door closing] I got a hundred! Where's the hundred? [Door closing] I need that hundred. [Door closing] I got a hundred! [Door closing] No, don't put it in your pants that fast. [Door closing] That's way harder than it looks. [Door closing] I can't see! [Door closing] They're all wet shit here! [Door closing] Is that it? That's it? [Door closing] So, that's it. That counts. That counts. That counts. That counts. This one counts. So what do I get? A dollar. [Door closing] [Door closing] Did I lose the hundred? I have one cent. One... Okay, a dollar and one cent. Can we keep track of these? Okay, alright, that's gone. A dollar and one cent? So that's ten. So that's eleven dollars and one cent. Eleven dollars and two cents. [Door closing] My twelve dollars and two cents. [Door closing] Thirteen dollars and two cents. [Door closing] Thirteen dollars and two cents. [Door closing] Fourteen dollars and three cents. [Door closing] Fifteen dollars and three cents. That's a big one. That's twenty four dollars and three cents. [Door closing] Oh, you didn't think I got a fucking big one? That's... seventy three dollars and three cents. Eighty four dollars and three cents. Eighty four dollars and four cents. Eighty four dollars and four cents. There you go. That's what I get to keep. You want me to go again? I get to get more money? Alright, let's do it again. Did more come in? Oh! More money came in. Phil will fucking thing up again. See if I can get out of here with the fucking makers. [carnival music plays] By the way, this doesn't work. It's in here for show. I'm sorry. I had to put something here. [carnival music plays] How much was that? Hold on, wait, wait, wait. Did you just put in like nine cents? It looks like... [carnival music plays] So we're going again for nine cents? [carnival music plays] I'm ready. [carnival music plays] Here we go. You want to walk it? [carnival music plays] I'm ready. I'm looking for that hundred. I'm only going for hundreds. What am I just picking up now? Is that legal? No? Okay. Can I? [carnival music plays] Got it? $200! 220,000 bits! 20,000 of them! [carnival music plays] Let's go! [carnival music plays] I got another tactic! [carnival music plays] Oh my god! [carnival music plays] Okay, I need help. What do you mean help? [carnival music plays] That one counts. [carnival music plays] Hey! [carnival music plays] I need somebody to take these! I did it! [carnival music plays] $10.01 $11.01 $12.01 [carnival music plays] I need somebody to help. What is it? $12.02 Oh my god! $12.03 [carnival music plays] $12.04 [carnival music plays] That can't be it! [carnival music plays] $12.00 [carnival music plays] That tactic was not good apparently. [carnival music plays] How did I not end up with $100? I was like doing the vacuum! [carnival music plays] Hold on. No, there's nothing else in here. That was it. [carnival music plays] Okay. Well, that's going to charity. We are going to move on to the next game. I don't need to still wear these. We're going on to the next game. The next game is going to be... The cheese game. Get the fucking ball with the cheese. See you over there. Let's go! [carnival music plays] This is back at the launcher machine. [carnival music plays] We are going to do... Get the ball and the cheese. I feel like you guys can do this one pretty well. Because if you take a good look, you will see we have. there's a lot of holes. But we do have one, two, three, four, five, six green holes and some wiffle balls. You have to get the wiffle balls. into the green holes. That's the only way it counts. Nothing else counts. The launcher at your disposal. make it work. You will be launching wiffle balls. Let's go ahead and show how it works. As you see, we have to take a look from here. I lost. Into the green holes, the only way to get points. That's it. That's the game. All these are worth one point, by the way. If you get to five points, I'll fucking... I'll tap on street. What do you want? What do you guys want from me? Five points. Then you get to live with it for the rest of your life. You collectively... I don't even know how many people are watching. There could be 100, there could be 100,000. How many people are watching? You get to live with that for the rest of your life and you won a game with a bunch of people. So if you could, work together. Make it happen and have fun. Good luck. We're setting up the bot. Making it work. I still can't believe they only got like $11. What, like 300 bucks coming? That kind of sucks. I gotta say, this room is very expensive. I'm gonna have to fit in. I'm gonna have to try. I'm gonna have to take it alone. All right, let's go. I'm gonna have to try. All right, let's go. Wiffleballs. They travel differently than the frogs. The same machine, different game. Keep that in mind, the controls are on the screen. You're looking for the green holes. Not the yellow ones, the green ones. Get them in the green ones. Only plays. Otherwise, I'll be very upset with you. And I'll start fucking talking shit. You don't want to hear that. You probably don't want to hear me. I'm gonna have to try. You probably don't want to hear me. Maybe a bit rougher if I stop talking at all. Oh my goodness, guys. Holy shit. Not even on the board. That's not good. Get your whole family here. Maybe they'll help you. Call your siblings. Grandfather, you're grand-mother. That was pathetic. I'm just gonna call it like I see it. You fell off an edge in Dark Souls. That's kind of how I can tell you how that was. Green holes. I know you can do it. It's not as shiny. You hear... You got a little bit more control, I think. That's not bad. Not bad. More. You got to get it in the game board, at least. Not just... You got to get the right spot. Here it comes. Zero! All the way in the corner. That is not any points. You're kind of close, but not really. Kind of close, but not really. You have quite a few chances here. Going for green. Green only. Here. Here. Random. So they're all in one spot. 15 seconds. Come on. Cue it up. Do it! Fuck off. Come on. I'm walking around doing a presentation. And everybody wants to fire the presenter. Hey, that guy walking around. Why don't we take fire at that guy's face? Like we did last time. You got 20 seconds to do this. Line it up. [carnival music plays] Two in the corner. Don't aim in the corner. Oh! Close. They're not close enough. Now the balls stay, so that helps. But you do got to get three points. Otherwise you lose. You'll lose if you get three points. Wink. I'll leave it. I would try to go short. Not go long, because then it'll roll. Almost, not quite. So close. So close. So far. You don't win unless you get it in the green. I'm sorry to say. I hate to crush your dreams here. And you got to get three of these. You want to shock unblessed at one of these? Maybe? For fun? Because remember, you got to go for it. Once they fill in a little, you have a chance here. I would go for the left side. But that's me. I'm not you. I'm not you. It got stuck. But you had it wrong anyways. The wind is like pushing it. I'll give you a win denominator. Ready? Watch this. Ready? See? The wind is going this way. I mean, these balls sure are bouncy. Hey. I can't believe how bouncy these balls are. Jeez, I can't believe it. What the heck is going on here? This is a bouncy grass. I'm a train magician. Let me sit there and pretend to be. Right here. I'll get it right now. Too high. Pull it down. Let me help you. See, normally a carny would not do that for you. But I just filled in a few more slots. The hammer is like trying to come down so bad. And this is the real deal, by the way. Take a look at that. Look at that engineering. This thing is the actual real deal. Not a bad spot. You got to get one point. Otherwise, what a waste of time. Zero. You don't get points for getting almost there. You only get points for getting there. One point is worth a pretend sneeze on camera. Just in case you're curious. I'll do like a funny, I love how I laugh out loud, sneeze on camera. That's what that's worth. I love watching it just fight. I love watching the little like. [Mimicking the sound of a car] Judging, that's not even in a hole. You got four in the same corner. Judging by how much is in here, I would probably pull it out a little. You got to come out just like a a full foot this way. You guys are going way too far into this corner. Pull it back a little. Hi. Okay, sure. Let's see what you do. [Splash] Nice try. There. I'm just filling holes for you guys. These don't hurt like the frogs do. The frog hurt. Green means go, red means stop. You know the controls by now. [Splash] Right here. This way, this way. Pull it right there. You can do it right here. Yes, yes, more. That's going to be the one. That's it right there. That's a point, I think. That's a point. [Splash] Okay. [Rubber, are you ready?] Sorry. Sorry, guys. I thought you guys were going to do it. You tried, though. Almost. Look at that. Look at this. One over. Two over. One over. [Splash] Do it. There you go. Bingo! That's one. What did I say? Oh, right. Sorry. [Splash] Squish this camera over here. Get to this camera here. This one over here. You can for a second. I want it clear. Which one here? Like the other one over here. You cook? Thank you. What a stupid fucking shitty prize. Whatever. Keep going. [Splash] Imagine you go to a carnival and the guy's like, "Hey, it's $5 for two balls. If you get one point, I'll sneeze in front of your girlfriend.". Okay. [Request] See you later. It was nice to meet you. What's your boyfriend's name? Greg? Hey, Greg. How are you? My name's Dave. [Splash] Thanks. You got one though. Three is worth something else. [Splash] No! I thought I was going to keep rolling. Good. You got one. You got one. That's all it takes to get a sneeze from the. top. 192. variety streamer on Twitch. I'm in the top 500 variety sneeze streamers on Twitch TV. Very proud of that. What did he say? Have I dropped down a few spots? [Laughs] [carnival music plays] [Splash] [Splash] No! Look at that. [carnival music plays] Look at you guys. You guys are so close to the Kinect 4. Look. [carnival music plays] You need one. Look at how good that is. It's just not good enough. [carnival music plays] So close. [carnival music plays] Do you think the ball staying there would help? Apparently not. [carnival music plays] Good. I like the angle. I like the angle being used here. [carnival music plays] What happens if we get three points? What do I do? [carnival music plays] Try like elbow drop the table. [carnival music plays] Come on. Shit. [carnival music plays] Try to try just like elbow drop right in the middle. Do you guys win? Break by elbow. [carnival music plays] Let me, I want to see what you guys are saying. I want to go see the chat. [carnival music plays] How's it going? You guys capable of this shit? I know you are. Come on. Give us the goat. You don't get the goat unless you get two. [carnival music plays] If you get two, you get the goat. [carnival music plays] We get you, we get your feet if there's three balls. That's not going to happen. I can't, I'm so sad that that turned into a thing. Say Peter for the next point. No. [carnival music plays] No. Too low. Too low. That was such a miss. [carnival music plays] I want to see the goat's feet. [carnival music plays] Why? Why do you want to see that? [carnival music plays] That was too low and too high. [carnival music plays] [laughs] You guys are crazy. [carnival music plays] Come on. Turn it. [carnival music plays] We're not making it easy for you. [carnival music plays] [laughs] That's not bad. [carnival music plays] No. It's over. Way over. [carnival music plays] Way over. Not bad. You're not going to do it. [carnival music plays] You're going too low. [carnival music plays] Two is for the goat. If you get two points, you get a goat. I'll hold it up so you can see it on screen. You can screenshot it. Because I incentive everybody goats. [carnival music plays] That whole corner is now taken up. Here. Ready? Give me a hand here. [carnival music plays] There it is. [carnival music plays] Two. Get two. [carnival music plays] You know what? I'll help you out even more. How much help do you guys need? [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] How much do you... [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Right there. Do it. How much coaching do you need? [carnival music plays] You run out of space to put these. But I can see where you're going with them. Right? You can see where you're going with these. Mostly on the right side. Is where you're going. Not a whole lot on the left. Take one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. More than ten shots on the right. Less than six on the left. You might want to go for the left here. [carnival music plays] That would probably help. Because remember, it bounces around. So if we get bouncing to the corner back over here, but you're going too far. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Damn. [carnival music plays] At least you got to sneeze. [carnival music plays] At least you got to sneeze. Hey, let me help. [carnival music plays] Come on. [carnival music plays] Do it for where, Lord? [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Okay. All right. Hold on. Keep playing, guys. I mean, like, for real. Give me a break. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Guys, I mean, if you can't do it, you can't do it. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Let's... [carnival music plays] I'm gonna... I'm trying to help you. I really am. [carnival music plays] What the hell was that? Okay, go on. Go on. Go on. Go, go, go, go. Good. Let's go. You got, like, six extra spots. Come on. I know you can... Just do it. Two points. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] You got, like, three or four extra spots now. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Come on. Look it. Look it up. Look. Look. [carnival music plays] You... Look at how many spots you got there. You need two points for a go. Do it. [carnival music plays] Come on. At this point, it's impossible to lose. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Wait a minute. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Just shoot it in this fucking corner. [carnival music plays] Get it in that corner. Just get it in the corner. And you can win the game. [carnival music plays] Oh, shit. Hey, can we get that water drunk back over here? Oh, it's... [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] All right. That's not coming off. It's green forever. [carnival music plays] Just get it in the corner. And just please, win the game. [carnival music plays] All you have to do is get it in that quadrant. [carnival music plays] That's two points. [carnival music plays] Get three, please. Get three. Just get three. So we can move on. Just get three points so we can move on. Please, thank you. If you aim over here, you're an idiot. I just want to make sure we're clear. If you aim to the right, you're an imbecile. I just want to make sure that we got to be. very good. [carnival music plays] Come on. Let's go. Do it. Do it. Come on. Right in the teeth. Hey, but break all my front row. Break the whole front row of teeth. Right there. Come on. [carnival music plays] I can't touch my face. If I touch my face, it's painted on my face for the rest of the day. That way. I'll pick it up and put it over there. [carnival music plays] Go for it. [carnival music plays] In there. There you go. You're way off. You are so way off. It's not even funny. More to this way. There's a pain over here. Good. More power. No, no, no. More power. More power. More power. More power. That's not enough. That's not enough. More. More. Give me the bottle. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Hey. Wow. Would you look at that. I can't believe you got one. You actually did it. Holy crap. Holy heck. You got a point. You got three points there. Holy heck. I can't believe it. [carnival music plays] So, uh, come on up next. Is a, uh, [carnival music plays] Another group of clowns. We've got cuddles. We've got Miss Polly polite. There they go. Bring them out. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] [laughs] [carnival music plays] Wait. Am I on camera? Oh, shit. I'm on camera. Hey. We got cuddles and Polly polite. [carnival music plays] We've got to go to those two. School. If there. Oh. Awesome. That. You. Try and bring it over to get ready. Alright. Alright alright. Thirty. Cuddles. I. Know already for you know. I got the bandit and. I'm okay this magic in. Magic. Company. Thank you for purchasing this month's trick in a box. The contents onto a tree and place it in front of. Now. We're going to learn some magic. We're going to me. First. Pick up the bandana. That folded in half. That's right. What more time. Folded bandana. Secretly. Hide it in your lap. Yeah. I. Keep your hands of a natural position. This is known as Paul mean. Open up the folded bed net bad then. Great the to find whooping it up and down. A. To prove it's a real bandana. Why don't you wipe your face with it. Or. Use it to blow your nose. Pick up the red scarf. Now gathered the four corners together. At make a pouch. Doing okay. Bed Ghana on the same line that you previously building it. When you have done that. Place the bandana. In. Couch. Tightly. What the art. Doesn't know. It never really. Couch. You kept it in your left and right. Paul being. Make a magical gesture over the bag and doing it open and. You are just. Opinion. That online gambling. Where's the all gone. Age me. I know. Why. Why I would tell you what why I. Then. Turn around. That. I could see that I can see that. Concentrate one of the cards now I don't care. I just. Don't count. A. It's been around just take your car. I don't tell me. Daddy the point that I'm not good because you. See where I'm going to do is. Make that car disappear. At me yes you are to look at. Derek me. Yeah and you run a conscience. Trade on the harder to fit. Let's stop not so close. I trust. Just concentrate on the card yeah. Calipari yeah you pay very pie yes it is. Concentrated concentrating on. All right I'm gonna make it disappear. Your car there. Oh. My god. That smart. That above remember very good magician yeah. That's your reading the Mark up here. Yeah around. Respect your. Okay well da da da da da da for right now because I I think I'm going to have to get rid of that banana. Know what kind of yeah. Why that trick. I like. Okay. What is this. Yeah. I think. Cuddles. Used to. What are you likely not. You get my. Will get some water. For. Okay I can get my. All right thank you very much. Thank you very much you show a nice to me. I got the guardian. I don't think she's got it yet. Pretty good on that trip though the state as. Is. Yeah. He. Get. Fill up the three and she didn't even know. But I gotta tell you. Indiana. Cause who's going to eat. Hungry it's been a long day at all. Really got your. She took the banana. And she went. All that. Like to eat it. Because. It's unfolded banana. And I dunno what happened to the yellow that. It appeared. I can bring you back over here to be part of. The arcade section of this room. That you going to that was a cuddles and probably polite. Doing great work over there. As the two best claus. Probably in the universe that's like apply I got I got a local stuff. Otherwise what kind of we're going to play PacMan for a little bit because we're in the arcade they'll welcome back to the German ninety five arcade experience. I'd say we are pac man and pac-man plus we're going to play is a video games three right. Sometimes has to be for a little bit. Do we have audio on this thing let's find out. Is it about you. Can you hear it. Oh. That. Don't go for it just yet. That. Bait around the corner or did you see that fucking to play that was the best probably going to all day. I. Remember I told you just didn't work. Well that was alive. I have one of the top the try this is so fucking love I have one of the top rifts okay last but that's okay because. You know. I have one of the top I don't have any high score on line let's go. We're doing this for a little better so. Irregardless better than we have an opportunity to set up the next. Event. Which. The clouds or. I can. A great. Come on come a little tighter. I want them to see this. You know they actually sell bees. They sell these machines. At Walmart now. They're really not that expensive. Huh. You can get one of these for three hundred bucks. Which is what we did. All the shit that was good. Doesn't even require quarters. Come on level one level one level one kamagra kamagra. Level one done. That. I've actually never gotten to level two and pac-man I dunno what it looks like. It looks like this. Louder. That. Er da da da da da da da. I would never do that on screen. Or offspring for that matter. The last. Or I lost their I will sort of. That come up with track band let's see what you got that don't ever go for the balls first that. And. I dunno I dunno this. Came off. How many things are going to go wrong I dunno. That. One to. Bring. The dog but it. Yes. That. Nk is faster than and anki faster than keys baths with everybody. I don't need that shit. Yeah. Up. Down. Left out of. Know you guys don't get to play this one this is just me. Wouldn't have to your time. He said that up so unfortunately this is just a mean that. Sorry. For. Done. Know that. Things are hurting. That. That got it. Yeah. To. It. Why why why was I mean. What does that mean. That was indignant england. Then I went somewhere what does it mean that. I've never seen level three before in the background I don't know what looks like. I. Don't get angry this is a fucking importance for him. That. All the way to the left up. It's golf largest way women just going to win when my mother. Way way way way way way. There are dedicated to to a quick. Dinner there quicker I want the whole thing. Why you're not moving. I did it I want that. Why is it so loose that. Thinks it'll fall off at any moment seriously even if the spread of. That a fucking the ruined it wasn't idiot. Alright now this paint on this know I've ruined it. That's game over. Not fucking time playing again. So what's going to have been now is I am going to do something. That has never been done before. On the platform on Twitter of talking total on twitch. Well we're going to do this time. Is we are going to do so are you seen twitch play. Pokemon you've seen to which play you know complete dark souls. Two which controlled robots. But. But. Very important. Have you ever seen. Have you ever in your life and I mean in your entire. Seen. Twitch. Versus. The fuckin broadcaster. You have not. To which fights broadcaster with control inputs put it on screenplays. Come on pregnant. Control this thing with your hands. Get the commands on screen. Twitch fights the guy in real life. I'm going to wait for the commands. You've got a left punch you've got to ride punch. Are we ready. Tell me one to go. Do we have action. Are you waiting inputs. Jesus. A. My elbow. Don't go for the face that over that might Doug Doug of my face. Why why why why why why why why stopped stop stop stop inputs stop inputs. We didn't even shake hands. Please raise the broad rise the right thank you. Don't trick me here. There it is. Our okay all right. Let's go. Inputs are taking let's go. That huh. Of fucking hand. This think that. This. Come on what do you got. Right in the face I'll give you a free shot. Are you opposite. Well have regenerated it as regeneration for hours. Wow that's unbelievable c'mon right in the face to do a on your keyboard. I going to have one hundred thousand and of you hit a the same to. All right that was pretty close pretty good when. Almost. All right you know what. About this chat. How about this one lawyer. Yeah. That means I win. You thought you could fight the Balkans from you thought you could be. It is given. Oh. Collection of cover kind of kind of. Mechanism. I when. I always win. Don't let anybody for you. You got one shot in the face that's all the matter. You lost your head twice. And. I like really really hurt my hand. Have to. Do I need to use my right hand anymore. Because it's seriously hurts. God. I got your loot. Plus one of the fucking damage hands. I'm going to keep this manon because I really did like my I may have sprained my wrist. Cause that was hard punch. Somebody fucking to celebrate on eBay. Alright so now. We have. Another game for you to play. Oh god. Stay there please don't fall down. The next game. Is. A classic. We're going to move on to. The milk bottles. The milk bottle. See over there. So this one. All you have to do. Ladies and gentlemen you just have to knock the bottles down. Right in the metal. If you couldn't do that. You'd. Take them all it out. The controls are on the screen. Can. You. Doing. Your Beth. Erica. Right the metal. Right in the center. Looks a lot easier than it is. I can assure you. It's aiming. Directly Abbey. Right in the center. You can do it. You just have to take them down. I. Probably shouldn't be standing there. That's way too far. Where are you going. Are you going into the sky while you. What the hell are you guys doing. I got a net here. I am in complete control. It. Isn't that here. Funny though. Would have been funny. Not my project. See a reaction when. Because I want to see. Why back. Get it in the middle. Member of only when it's grade. Gabbard. No. It in tighter. You've got to go much tighter than that. Otherwise it's never going to happen. But the target so much but you okay but the last one like this the down the cloud. You guys there was. A small little section you can hit anywhere on these cans. Just hit a can. Anywhere. Anywhere right in the middle preferably. Sure do it. Look I'll look right at my face come on. Right in the center. That looks good. That looks good. No no no no no da da da da da to I. Down bring it down. Oh. Darn it. Start at. Darn add that wasn't I almost had it. That was close very close. Very close. Let me help you out here. You did manage to get one though that's good. He did manage to get that one. Me helped me to get it back stacked up here. Nice try. Darn it. It's unfortunate. Too bad. Try it again. That was close. Closer than I got last time I tried this. He got the top one that's that's still good. Not bad. And still doesn't count. Still does not count unfortunately. Not. On for oh I'm getting stuck. I'll leave it off. I'll leave that can of I mean you just hit the top of it you've got to get the whole thing. You can't just hit it right in the tub. You've got a look. Let me show you something. Important. So. If you hit this thing here. Now people think this game has written right which I mean obviously you would. Think that if you were. A. Your mind was the one slower than mine was. If you don't hit it directly in the center these were these things way. Like forty five pounds right so this whole thing is vague about fifty pounds so you got like four. Eight twelve sixteen twenty twenty four twenty eight. Thirty two. And then a higher one like forty. They are very heavy so you can't just. You can't just hit one of the top and then you gotta get it right in the center massive right here. If you don't do that it's not going to fall over. Somebody probably says prove prove it but I want you to do it I don't want to do it. You have dented dump their very heavy. Look. See. You see rock and heavy this is. You've got to go from straight on directly in the middle. Not going to work unless you do that way. I'll leave the top one of. And. Broken. Second time today. How's it going to hard. You've popped out to. Be pumped out the sphincter. Just realizing live the word I just used. But that's kind of what happened. Soccer mom. Pop does spectre. That's what I think that's actually back to the technical term for the whole thing. Maybe I'm not sure. Hey what is this. How about this. I can not be that really. Let's kill some time. How the fuck the people learn how to do this. I dunno. Can I just break. Don't know what not a chance to help. I tried to three. For my understanding you have to do with the you know that's not going to have them. Because you chat. What I think. Saying right now. I wonder. I wonder what things are screaming at me. If your. Luck has happened. What can we play the damn game. And I'll just very quickly there's another balloon popping off camera. We've had like a balloon pop like every fifteen seconds at most reputed picks up on on the microphones it on. Durham I want to throw the ball can. No you do trust me I do too. Here's a look at those you to say that I'm Bob. If you want to take a look at the. Texture take a look. That's as far back as it goes. You're getting real Jeremy I was in Dallas has no there's no substitute right now. If it wasn't so windy. Oh well. We're going to do. The wagons yeah I can say I can see you're getting that close. Polo back. Get the whole image. We gonna like this. We're trying to fix it. This robot. Has seen hell. It's gotten a ton of inputs. The server crashed like three times. But it still worked. And it still works very well. This thing is it is a modern marvel of engineering. Just taken thousands of inputs at the same exact time. So. One of the things get busted they fix it and we kept on. Not a problem. And I think ladies and gentlemen. I think we're going to be. We're going to be close to. Through. I hear involving. I'm getting the fuck out of the way. When I hear that noise it's just like all right time to get I'm trying to move. Players don't hit me. Well. Knock it down. You have plenty of downtime they're you I'd like at least October three minute downtime. Maybe five minutes. Knock it down. Yet those bottles. Get those forty five pounds can't. When picking up. Can you compensate for the when I wonder. As. Oh. Last forty five forty five. Kids. Are really. Really taken a beating. As you could very reliably tell. I don't think your guys are capable of log in the can down the it's very hard. Three seconds. At this the. Oh too bad you guys don't get the whale lord fries. Or share of stock has a spiderweb. Oh they're going to kill me. Just like the real thing. You can't fucking do it. I when. I when. The I. Don't have a play this game with the carnival because it's impossible. You cannot win this game it's not complete of all. It isn't. The way I'm down. We don't do that here. Absolutely. Okay. Is that technical encounters a win. Oh. That doesn't count. I don't know if that's a counter not. Should it be. Are in. Now that okay that counts back out. That's account map. With book. Yeah. Carnival. Or even when you read the game it don't matter because. The. The find a way. Alright so. We are moving towards. Another. Another game but before we do. We are going to complete. This whole. Arc here. We are going to go back. To who do you think. Where are we going. I want to see I want to say expand and chat before I go anywhere. Who's coming back out here. Are they. Is it a dog. Know. That a cat know. No who who could possibly be coming out onto the main stage to perform for for you guys. Fucking awesome. So. Let's move it over. Once again. To cuddles. And Paul a polite. Take. Paint. Bring up. Yeah. Make make make my. I know I know. That. I. Okay. Bomb. That. I. Mean. I think. That. High. Trying. Okay. Okay I'm ready to play. Piggy. Alright. That. I explained to you why it's gonna happen. To help that nothing like this. What. Kind of Oliver. Red. Yellow. Orange. Green. Now what you. With him hope that not. Come over here. I. Don't show me in a book. Of my hand okay. Ready. That. So smart and so. Mark. I saw what that would put it back. Can. Pick out a ball. Ball forgot about. The. Going to hold the bag up just like this and I'm going to reach wide inside there and I'm pretty good. I'm ready ready. You're ready to enter that. Oh. I Georgia I was similar to. Cool yeah. Yeah I put down. I'm more time. One more time on the bathtub. My backpack come on. Ball. I got my. Gearbox. If you're ready to show your ball. Iraq. Back in the I can't get over that that I'm so smart. Can't believe that uber. Boy that. Tell you something else could you be alive by the okay. Show me that. I wanted to see. Current I'm glad that. I want you to do. I'm going to make a prediction when I make this prediction. I know which. You think you do yes I do she don't. Take my prediction. Is my protection. Right down there inside the. Okay alright. Yeah since you can do that. Come on. Know you have to come up with him and pick up. Deputies and to pick up. One. That way. To. Now. Would you look at the. Spite bottom. What's on the ducky find a. Is a number. The number and what that number. That the two three four by six. Look at that number three is. You got a number three on your back pocket here decade. To. Production. Okay. Fucking that were they wearing pink sweater with a pink and blue hat. At. The dancing around getting know what. I was going to stick a twenty dollar bill and they're just get you going back to see you. Know you were just jumping up and down to make me forget to do not forget it. Forget it. Even though. Take care of. Remember. Palanquin. Hey whoa what a kid your valera. Thank you again. Thank you. Thank you. We have a very special special treat for your this is the final game of the evening. If you're curious. That what's that What's that final game? The final game is going to be the crane. We have a crane here. [carnival music plays] We have a crane here. And the crane is going to be controlled by you guys in chat. [carnival music plays] And I hope you can get prizes. [carnival music plays] There are various prizes in here for you to collect. You are in control of the game. It is you. You got the claw. You got the button. You got the timer. Try to grab one of the prizes you possibly can. In the time limit. This is the last game of the evening. But, that's not true. I'm a liar. I'm a pretty bad liar. So, enjoy the crane game. Have fun with it. Try to get a good prize. I will see you guys in a moment. [carnival music plays] Let's see if we can get something. Camera back. Crane back. Crane back. Crane toward. Crane left. Crane right. Got a bunch of various prizes in here that look good. Did you just get one? No, you didn't really just get one right with the bat, did you? Did you get a panda right? No, you didn't. They didn't just really get it right with the bat. No, they didn't. You got to be fucking kidding me. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] They won. The first try. They got it first try. You did it first try. Really? Well, do it again. Okay. Wait, is it a pant? No, it's a cat. [carnival music plays] [Laughs] What was the... Hold on. There was a prize in here. What are you going for, the goat? [carnival music plays] That... I picked up the wrong prize. Oh, no, you didn't again. You did it again. You got it again. [carnival music plays] Holy shit. Wow. [carnival music plays] Wait, there are... You didn't get this. [carnival music plays] Where's the panda? What the fuck is this? [carnival music plays] There it is. You guys are good at this shit, apparently. Nice work. [carnival music plays] Going for another goat? [carnival music plays] You guys aren't going to be four for four. [carnival music plays] Is this too easy? No, nothing. Not that time. Not that time. [laughs] You can see me. You can see all the good shit. [carnival music plays] There are some rare prizes in here, as there always are. [carnival music plays] You got some orange and blue stuff. I think that's a Fortnite pinata. [carnival music plays] I know a lot of you guys like that game. I would be going for the Fortnite pinata on the right side. [carnival music plays] It's dropping. Where's it going? No, it's going to get caught. [carnival music plays] No, I did it. Do you guys like Fortnite? [carnival music plays] [laughs] [carnival music plays] Oh, I was trying to get it. [laughs] [laughs] No, you didn't get it, unfortunately. But you guys have a few prizes here. You got a wheel, a cat, a panda, a goat. [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] Only do the commands when it's green. [carnival music plays] [laughs] Zero! [carnival music plays] Oh, they're going for Fortnite. [carnival music plays] Are they going to get in there? [carnival music plays] Oh, shit! Another goat! [carnival music plays] Really? [laughs] [carnival music plays] Winner! [carnival music plays] I'm keeping all these, by the way. [carnival music plays] [laughs] The controls are inverted. [laughs] Good, extra hard. [carnival music plays] Remember, toward is... toward the screen. Back is back towards the mirror. [carnival music plays] [laughs] Thank you, Invader Lure, for the five community subs. Appreciate that. You almost got something there. What are those? Close. Those are socks. Some type of video game that has an RPG from the video game Nintendo. [carnival music plays] [laughs] That's a Nintendo sock game. [carnival music plays] It's alright though. I don't know if you'll get it or not. I don't know if it's worth it. Going for Fortnite! [carnival music plays] Drop it! [carnival music plays] Oh! Is it going to happen? [laughs] People saying the controls are inverted. [carnival music plays] [laughs] Why inverted? [carnival music plays] Yeah, guys, remember, S is towards the screen. W is back at the machine. When you press S, it's coming forward, like toward you. A should be left, D should be right. And then you 8-bit ZIG for the five community subs. Appreciate that. I love it you guys like the pretend Fortnite thing rather than the Pikachu socks that I've been lying about for a year and a half. It's kind of surprising to me. I said the word Fortnite, really another goat. [laughs] Okay. [laughs] [carnival music plays] [laughs] They're saying A and D is inverted. [carnival music plays] Is A and D inverted? It shouldn't be. There's no way to change that. There's no way to change that. D is left, A is right, apparently. [carnival music plays] [laughs] A for Pikachu. [carnival music plays] It's not inverted. I'm being lied to. Okay, well that's fine. [carnival music plays] [laughs] [carnival music plays] What's that? Oh! You've got Jake from Adventure Time! [carnival music plays] Another balloon just popped. [carnival music plays] Nice work! [carnival music plays] Seriously! Oh, there's a panda! Take a look at this shit. [carnival music plays] That's the first thing you won. I know I'm in the way, but you've got two goats. [carnival music plays] Wait, what happened to the thing you just won? [carnival music plays] It's not even in here. I don't see it in here. [carnival music plays] No! Are you going to get it? [carnival music plays] Oh! They got it! [carnival music plays] No! Drop it! Drop! Drop! Drop! Drop! Oh! [carnival music plays] [carnival music plays] You did it! Congratulations! I'll put them on. You got the Pikachu socks. Congratulations, guys. Excellent work. Nice job. [carnival music plays] [laughs] [laughs] I have to show them. Get the Fortnite thing! Come on! [carnival music plays] [laughs] [laughs] [carnival music plays] Get the Fortnite goat! Whatever that video game is. [carnival music plays] No! Nice try. Get more goats. [carnival music plays] [laughs] It turns out, out of the four plus hours we've been doing this, you guys have been better at the crane game than anything else. And you got the Pikachu socks. Congratulations. Nice work. But can you get the not licensed. bottom of the shelf at the grocery store cereal non-branded. Captain Crunch character that is Fortnite? Can you get it? I wonder. [carnival music plays] Can you get the off-brand Fortnite? This is not Fortnite. Don't sue me. [carnival music plays] [laughs] I don't know. Can they get it? [carnival music plays] [Groans] The suspense is killing me! [carnival music plays] Another goat. [laughs] [carnival music plays] You got to get the orange Fortnite character. [carnival music plays] [laughs] Just wait a second. Hold on. [carnival music plays] Get Fortnite! I love that game! [carnival music plays] I love building and jumping and firing my shotgun! [carnival music plays] Is this the one? No. It's another goat. [laughs] [laughs] No way! [laughs] [Screaming] No! Remember, three goats get you a dab. [carnival music plays] Five. Sorry. We already have three. [laughs] [carnival music plays] [laughs] [carnival music plays] This is fucking... This is so fun. [carnival music plays] Come on! Get a good prize! [carnival music plays] You guys are going for the goats. [carnival music plays] Are you going to get every goat that's in here? [carnival music plays] No. Sorry. [laughs] Goat spotted! It's one of the things we're seeing here. Sorry. Now, when less are available to grab, they get harder to get. [carnival music plays] [laughs] What do you mean rigged? It's not rigged? You guys are... You got like seven prizes! How is this rigged? [carnival music plays] Oh, it's rigged. You pulled out like eight things. [carnival music plays] All right. Come on. Let's see it. Get the off-brand cereal Fortnite! [carnival music plays] No! You went for the goat! [carnival music plays] You didn't... [laughs] Okay. Another one. Good job. It's going to drop. It's going to drop. Shit. [carnival music plays] All right, we got it. Here we go. There you go. You won it. Nice job. And there is Jake from... Finn and Jake fucking throw swords at monsters. Whatever that show is called. [carnival music plays] Better than anything else today. Funnily enough. [carnival music plays] Chat is very good at grabbing stuff out of a box. Not so good at firing a ball. [carnival music plays] Or flipping a ball into a hole. [carnival music plays] But very, very good at putting a crane down. [carnival music plays] Did they get it? Oh! No! Almost. We had a chance. [carnival music plays] We're not... Guys, I'm telling you right now, I'm not stopping this to get me a fortnight. [carnival music plays] We're not moving on till I get a fortnight. I got to stop saying that before I get in trouble. [carnival music plays] A neon orange. [carnival music plays] Jolly Rancher. That's a brand too. I can't say that. What's a non-branded orange thing? [carnival music plays] Orange. It's just orange. An orange dog. I can just say that apparently. What do you got? Pull it up. Oh! They got another cat. You guys are pretty good at this. [carnival music plays] [Laughs] Cute! By the way, all these are going to my office. [carnival music plays] There you go. Nice job. Nice work. All these are going up in my office. [carnival music plays] Whatever you guys pull out of here. Anything. It's going to be a goat office at this point. [carnival music plays] [Laughs] There's like a zebra in the back. You haven't gone for the zebra? Come on. [carnival music plays] [Laughs] They want it. I don't know if they're going to get it. They want it, but they're not going to get it. Is that a double prize? That's a pog champ right there. That's a Garfield. That's an orange Garfield. And a unicorn. I think they got a double prize. Are they going to do it? [carnival music plays] You got the orange fucking Fortnite Garfield. And you got the unicorn. Unbelievable. That's a double. [carnival music plays] That deserves a dab. [carnival music plays] [Laughs] [carnival music plays] I'll give it to you. You get one. [carnival music plays] It's all over me. [carnival music plays] [Laughs] Fortnite Garfield. [carnival music plays] [Laughs] [carnival music plays] Don't worry guys. That fucking dumb game will add Garfield probably next. You got to double twice. That's a quadruple. Holy shit. [carnival music plays] No way. [carnival music plays] No. You got two shitty dumb that game sucks. Fortnite characters. [carnival music plays] [Laughs] [carnival music plays] That's twice in a row. Are you kidding me? [carnival music plays] That's two dabs. No, you get one. You only get one. I'm not doing another one. Stop saying Fortnite. [carnival music plays] I want. This is my carnival. Zebra. Zebra. Oh. Almost. [carnival music plays] Can you get the zebra before we move on? Can you? Can you get the zebra before we move on? [carnival music plays] Come on. [carnival music plays] Shroy that. Thanks for the 10 community subs. Appreciate that. [carnival music plays] Do it for Shroyle, please. [carnival music plays] Get Fortnite. I can stop saying that. Get Orange Garfield. Or the zebra, please. Make it happen. [carnival music plays] He wants another goat. No, we got plenty of goats. We don't need any more goats. [carnival music plays] That looks like maybe what you're going for here. [carnival music plays] [laughs] There's a lot of prizes though. [carnival music plays] [laughs] [carnival music plays] [laughs] This is fucking awesome. I love every second of this. I'm so happy about this. I hope you guys had fun. [carnival music plays] I want another goat. [carnival music plays] Get me another goat. No, no, or the seal. The seal is important to me. [carnival music plays] This is the last one. One more. Get either the zebra or the seal. That's what I require. That's what I demand. Get the seal. Last chance. [carnival music plays] I demand the seal. Get it for me. [carnival music plays] [laughs] Jerma old. What? Why? [carnival music plays] Get it. I know. You guys got Jerma pain last second. You can do this. I think they got it. Just get the tail. That's all you need. Get the tail. That's all you need. Get the tail. I know you got it. [carnival music plays] Oh, you got to be shitting me. They went double time on this one. You got... Is that three? There's no way that's three. Is it three? Holy shit. You went out with a bang. No way. No way. It's three. [carnival music plays] [laughs] Where is it? [carnival music plays] Wait, what? No, wait. This is all you got? No. What? This is it? No. Shit. All right. That's it. Calling it there. Nice work. [carnival music plays] No, we're not going... This thing's saying go over in my ear. All right. We are going to do... We've had some more bits come in. Maybe go ahead and turn on the money machine one more time. [carnival music plays] [laughs] See, you guys... You guys can't hear this. Maybe. Maybe you can. But every... Every like 30 or 40 seconds a balloon pops. It's just like... It's just... Everyone just kind of freezes and goes "What's that over there?" [carnival music plays] But we're going to do the money machine one more time to get the bits from the stream. And then we're going to move over. to something else. Just stay there. Don't move. Hey, there it goes. There's the money. How much... How much money was it this time? I don't know. Like 40 bucks. 40 bucks? That's it? Why is it not 4,000? [carnival music plays] I need eye protection. [carnival music plays] So I don't get my eye like slit. [carnival music plays] 40 bucks! [carnival music plays] No, don't lock me. Like you... You make it so scary. [carnival music plays] That was another balloon. I'm ready to get to money! This this though. Okay. Got at least a dollar. At least poker chips. Just wait a minute. I've got no don't put this on campus. And. No they can see it over there that gets even the mirror. Just cut to the cut the. It's like fifteen bucks. All right so it's like. We got. We got fifty. We got which one is that this one. We got fifteen dollars in two cents. Congratulations. No way I got to ten. I got a ten year. Seal seal seals seal where. Where what. You're talking about. What the fuck you don't see where were. Trapped. Where's that where's the steel trapped. Where's her what are you talking about. Get the seal get the seal foot cam know what what would it was assailed. Free the seal. You are on top of that today. You are literally like in making my life trouble. He's just like. Aiming down. It's in the claw machine. Know you guys lost limbs are. You didn't want. So are going to now is. We are going to show you. Somewhere in the beginning this stream you were getting. A caricature done of yourself. We're going to reveal that and show you what the artist has created. If we're going to cut back do. What do you think we're cutting back to. Cuddles. And Paul a. Polite. Right now. What's all that great who is the cat. Ooh. It's a view. I can't wait to say this. I bet that you've finished. So you've printed one who have are painted here. The. Amy the berries that your audience member okay so you go to a special audience that. Found one you got one. Okay well why don't we show that this a special audience member here that are going to be showing. Let's say who it is. I yeah. What did you paint. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We got you. Know. Wow that's is that leave. No I think that's why be need. Is that me. Is that you. Know that you that's you. Wow. Unbelievable. That looks. That looks just like you. Yeah it really does it looks just like you. Yeah. Well. Thank you so much to cuddles and. Quality polite for their wonderful job and and a great painting to. All these. These of mine. Is your mind. Is your mind. Your my songs okay see you later alligator by so what we're going to do now. Is we're going to do something. That was a pretty good caricature of you. Think so of me and there's there's like a dollar bill like going down my underwear right now. There is a dollar bill going down my underwear at the moment. And. It's currently causing me some discomfort so I'm going to go ahead and. Try to fix that while we move on. What we're going to do now. We are going to go back to the fan favorite machine. Because I know a lot of you're probably saying German yeah generated your projects and I do I know it's fine. What what we're going to do is we're going to do one more segment. With the dunk tank. Because I know a lot of you wanted to see that again. And try to dunk me again. So that is what we're going to do when we come back. From potentially. A few minute break. We're going to come back and we're going to do the don't take one more time. So. If we will cut to a beer ibec screen. Back and just a moment. But one more dunk tank extraordinary. I I I. Back where we were a couple of hours ago. This is the main events or I figured what jewelry for a little bit longer. Try to dumping. We're going to do this until we break the machine so. What I think I would like to do. Is the the folks over at anti bark. The supplier the robots they did the first of all let me just say they did a fantastic. a fantastic fucking job. This whole day with the robots and everything it's been it's been an absolute delight. Incredibly talented fucking awesome people there. Were going to try to break the spot. So if you could. Whoever is in control. Dropped the slow mode zero. Let's try to break this fucking thing let's make it happen. Dropped the slow mo to zero let's try to just try to kill the spot. And try to drop me down. If you could. Let's see what we can do with one or more dunk tank appearance. I'm ready. I dunno if this is the tests or not but we're going to find out. Get rid of slow about it was spent on five ten seconds the whole night. Get rid of it. It's like. Shit. Yeah. That's not going to do anything. You're going to set of the space. Seven seconds gabbard. Direct go see a later come on. Whereas. Where are you going. I think they broke it. All it took was one time. It's still going. Alright this freak me out. I'm kind of scared. Too much. Okay he broke it you already broken. So we're going to go back to. The five to ten seconds small mode because you've already broke it. This thing has seen so much it's been hit it's been run through the wringer so many times. I can't believe it's still works. Just shows like how well made this thing is. Second thousands of commands at the same time. So you broke so congratulations. He fired. So we're going to go back to the way it was. Dumping. Let's do it. I have no monitor so I don't know what's happening. Why my nails painted. Oh that's paint you know what I mean just paint them earlier. Did you I I did you piss in this member I made that joke like three hours ago. He did. South let's go. At oh that's close close close to the left holding. Oh Jesus. Oh god. You might as well. All the toys. Everything you guys collected is right here. So remember if you dumped me. You don't think goats. And the Fortnite Garfield. And the zebra. And. I dunno. I could feel this and I gotta figure it out. Two cents in my underwear. Hold on hold this like this money in my pants. I have like. The dollar. That's what dollar. I feel like a credible. One dollar. Junk me you get a you get rid of all the goats to. Of scared. Of scared. I think if removed all the money from my underwear. I think one more. You know when you go to the beach and you just feel the sand. This all of you there's like this like one cent bit donations all of them by like underwear right now. I think I'm all right. We lost somebody though. Do we didn't die. For every minute that is not ready yet another. Goat Garfield goes into the bucket tech. Everyone knows. No I want them to my office. Why is it coming towards me. I. Get the fuck over here. These are actually pretty nice. He's a nice. Sitting there have been there. I can't get about. It goes another one. I want to save these animals I don't want. The. I gotta say Fortnite Garfield the most important one. I got him when he said. Steve urkel. My pants. So far up. Get hey. Yeah. We like Fortnite Garfield about do you like to be like him. Way home. Fine. Only done it twice can you do or the third time I don't know. I'm just fucking idiot in a tank. Have to accept whatever happens. Oh I felt that one that was pretty close. Keep on the floor ninety. Four. Or as fortnight. I can't do it. I'm trying. But I can. I'm still dry. Probable one or anything. It'll scare me. Right. I want to second. Make it so. Yeah. There's going to pop if I put up. Don't use it to the I'm okay as soon as don't to our gross. Automotive swap so. Sorry. It was going to do that. Doing. Why is it still the air at it. I get away from Adam on the boat was. No way we pay for. Gas. Shape of. I can't believe it took this much anyways look at this hair. Gonna get a haircut. Got it. What camera we are. Over here. Shit. I got gods for days by the fuck up. She. Never gonna happen. I go to the go from no down to that I zoomed in gross face. You can do it I know you can we got two more shots before the robot is no longer functional. Didn't work. The bought his grinding. We got one more shot. The last shot. Of god. With garage into all. Shit. Robot actually was done. At the that the grinding part of it. Oh my god. The shit on the last time. The last time every time. You get the pressure involved and. You do it. God. Well. Ladies and gentlemen. That's going to be in. Thank you so much everybody for Johnny I like this you might have been the rings not like you're right that was awash on that robot could possibly fucking. It's broken it's Montgomery. Through hell this spring. Why am I like like splash around it is disgusting water. By the way to been here for a puppet forty eight hours. It's already customer at least two people that I know they I can smell it. Has been filled with ice. Let's accept it. That's the end of the stream everybody. Thank you so much. I really can't even express how much I can thank everybody for participating even trying. You did very well considering the. Circumstances so. Thank you so much everywhere the participated. Special huge thank you to cAndyMark. They made all these bots they made this whole thing possible without them this does not happen so eighty Mark. Absolutely killed at thank you so much for even. Giving the robots and putting the the technology and place to make it happen to mutual the Chad. Jk productions another company that came in and just knocked US out of the park with. Location and and media services and other just bucket unbelievable work. And then. They can you. That already been thank you so much. I am going to the shower. I hope you enjoyed this there has been it's been a wild ride. I and a few days. When I come back. And we play. Fucking like Mario kart. Fucking four hours. So your next time. Take care of. Good. Good goodnight Syria when I got back. Fucking tang. Huh country. I didn't do. Ukip shit. That's my motto them now on the general gift shit. I feel like a fucking game show host. Who gives a shit. Can I can I not locked. You know that took like an hour and a half to set up don't even knock it over. I'm angry no no no I went away. Hey my model from our who gives a shit. German five don't step on the nailed. Like four or five is. Who gives a shit.
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 181,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, jerma carnival, jerma carnival stream, jerma irl, robot carnival, twitch plays carnival, jerma clown, jerma dunk tank, carnival games, dunk tank, ring toss, lily pad frog, Down the Clown, Chesse Game, Pac-Man, Ferris Wheel, Frog Launch, Milk Bottles, Claw Machine
Id: xSLK5mp4GV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 285min 23sec (17123 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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