Let Me Just Tell My Kids Spring Break Has Been Canceled

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alright here we are the next day back up here in Ogden on a doubleheader for an O 3 expedition and an O one acura TL expedition supposed to be green in color and the a curve yeah xpressions green Acuras blue okay there's average so that's the expedition in the garage yeah it's a little bit darker not expected to be one yeah that's all right dress that's our expedition Charlie five five six she left the garage open for us oh you're fine she lock it right where it's at once my arm breaks garage door thing it'll well they won't be able to close it I love when they leave their garage is open for us so I make sure we all lift it up so high that we hit that roof off the ground just enough to get it out see the god lights come on wonder where the act went over the actor is up there's a little kid looking out the window see we can get keys for this thing yeah I see if it's in the backyard or something is your mama is he home could you have her come out for it real quick keys are in the ignition I'm sorry what sure yeah see what she wants real quick here staying on him for a sec hey they're repossessing my car right now yeah no you did it they're here right here they have it all hooked up to their truck it's like ready to go it's just run upstairs to tell people to play my part yeah hello there can we call it a every go Oh what's today Wednesday time is it it's almost 8 o'clock I know their office is closed I don't have an after-hours number for this company I don't know if you ever talked to them on their cell phone or anything I don't we're supposed to be seriously we're supposed to be eating it out of town in a couple hours I'm sorry bad timing do you have the guy's number are you kidding me you don't have the guys ever oh no I'm sorry I'm so I only have an office number which I know how yeah and we talk with them through email that's it he's not girl I'm trying I got better really if you have a silver he said he called him I give him the credit card to run it today they didn't they just told so come on pay up the vehicle so I'm not sure what weather didn't go through or what happened do you know if that payment brought they loan Kirk because I may have only been like a partner like two days late I know I'm just I'm just asking yeah at one payment would have brought us her okay yeah Paula second all right this is Matt from certified asset recovery who's this oh okay I will get it for you it's all their bags are packed I understand uh actually the feet actually the fees that you guys are going to incur for us coming out here have already been incurred because we're here now and we've got the vehicle hooked and so even if I was to get them on the phone and they were to say yes it was paid and we were to drop it the fees that you're going to incur for us coming out here have already been incurred that's up in the past I'm sorry what hold on sec oh oh yeah that's oh I can barely hear them you paid to your finance company we don't collect any money from from you guys we just we send them an invoice and we build them and then they they take care of it so you'll take care of all the fees through your finance company no I understand what you need to understand is I'm not going to be leaving the vehicle here we don't leave vehicles behind if I leave this vehicle behind I'm yeah we'll let you get everything out that you get out of the vehicle for sure that's why we stopped so you guys if there's personal possessions in the vehicle you can get those out so anyways but yeah we'll be leaving with the vehicle I just wanted to get your wife handed me the phone so I didn't know what you needed to tell me but it sounds like what you're talking about is me leaving the vehicle and I make clothes that's not going to be happening tonight I he was off today and I tried the number that I have for him and it just goes to voicemail but I did try calling it and it's just I'm just getting voicemail if I could get ahold of on the phone I would do what I could to try to get a hold of him to see if you know like you said we could verify what you're saying about the credit card and stuff but and it would take a verbal confirmation from him for me to put this vehicle down and unless he calls me back in the next few minutes while your wife could get the stuff out of the vehicle there's nothing I can do at this point I can't this is a personal cell number that I can I'm not authorized to give out to anybody right if you had his number already cuz you dealt with him before on that number that's fine but it's information that I have been restricted to give out so you'll have to call him through whatever means you have to communicate with him sure yeah I will try I will definitely try them again so alright I'll hand the phone back to your wife fallen sick he's still on there I've got to read pic that looks like it didn't get a good bite on the side the other favor just weird I must have had it up too high because of the angle we were at going up at something that bit of slope board does this cleaned out they got the stuff out of the back already okay yeah the only number I have for him I call down and I'm just getting voicemail I called him three times and so I don't you in it I understand that and I'm not disputing that I just I understand that I totally get that you know I don't have an answer for you on that not not at this I mean I've tried the number that I have and nobody's answering at that number and that's the manager that authorized this so I've got a bag you can use is that if you want okay let's see if I have to die sure I'll hang out for a few minutes okay there are two hikes we find a ton you're fine take your time gave them my credit card today I'm sure it cleared uh-huh sure did - two days late I love that one two days late it's always two days late and we gave him a credit card sorry but if all that was true I wouldn't be here nothing okay all right and you got anything out the vehicle Edie all right not a very happy life goddamn good timing though Wow yeah we're going Arizona in two hours yeah yeah Louisville come back we'll put it down for you and come back you know what you look like good hard-working honest people did you hear going off on him yeah I got a little game I can live with you anymore I thought you were that we're gone I thought she was shouting at you at first that's why I came over there but then I realized she was talking to him I was like okay she starts freaking screaming divorce and stuff ouch she's stuck I'm often wondered you know in my career when I go out see things falling apart and stuff because we usually don't show up and things are going really well and when you find out that the man is out of state travel into to make the ends meet and stuff like that it's writings on the wall that they've been under pressure for a while and by the time we're showing up to repossess collateral it's it's darned you're ugly and so she had the look on her face of heavy stress she say six kids yeah six or sick no she said six she said six kids came out another and then an older boy came out so that was five so six must have been like an oldest daughter or something but and then she start trying to throw on her face something about how I tell my kids spring breaks canceled why don't what is what does canceling spring break have to do with what's happening right now you know if you got the money then obviously you can freaking find other means of travel well yeah I was going to say some smart like rent yeah you hold your tongue to them you hold your tongue on those oh especially the chick light hair well and especially when you got the vehicle already set up all you want to do is get out of there yo yeah you know I try I seriously in my career I've gotten to the point where I like going that extra mile to wait 5 10 15 minutes sometimes you know we're able to drop the car leave my mom you know I don't want to leave it the vehicle I don't have to you know but you just don't know the situation in southern in o'clock at night on a Wednesday you know no one's answering any phones and you are no after-hours numbers for answering and it's like it's going to happen it's going to happen you know get to that point of conversation we understand that you could have stopped this at 4 o'clock 3 o'clock 2 o'clock what you know you're trying to grow yeah all the money you're saying you have to have all these credit cards that you're saying that image it's like you know we're not gonna sit here and do order this now I need a clock at night that time came and went and they don't they don't seem to process that now do you have to haul this all the way back to Salt Lake or do you jump in here somewhere even further dispose all the way back down to our house no seriously this won't sprinkle this will be on the back of my truck when I drop you off but worried um pens my back hair my lot yeah my long nice is this your first one no no I've got what's impacting right now for finance your already I know I that's my storage yard Oh
Channel: RepoNut
Views: 645,409
Rating: 4.7124138 out of 5
Keywords: repo, repossession, reponut, repoman, repomen, car, cars, vehicle, vehicles, taken, took, stole, stolen, ut, utah, provo, orem, salt lake city, skip, trace, skip trace, skip tracing, skip tracer, locate, locating, lost, missing, hard to find, technology, hi-tech, gps, tracking, repossessor, carsofutah, stealing
Id: S4u3tl5GgUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 22 2014
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