Helping Law Enforcement Get Another Criminal Off The Streets
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: RepoNut
Views: 439,290
Rating: 4.7766666 out of 5
Keywords: repo, repossession, reponut, repoman, repomen, car, cars, vehicle, vehicles, taken, took, stole, stolen, ut, utah, provo, orem, salt lake city, skip, trace, skip trace, skip tracing, skip tracer, locate, locating, lost, missing, hard to find, technology, hi-tech, gps, tracking, repossessor, carsofutah, stealing
Id: slM7Wtkt358
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 34sec (3094 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 09 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Love this channel. Sadly the guy has been going through some very rough times lately.
wow. that was entertaining
It's a long video but satisfying ending
RepoNut is good.
Had me on the edge of my seat when that Rav 4 pulled up.
30 seconds after going through metal detector at police department.
This is literally what YouTube was made for though, right? This is awesome. Like that dude that records his convos with Uber passengers? Amazing
More stuff like this!
I'm looking forward to these videos getting popular on Reddit so people start posting some of his videos on a regular basis, but edited down to 5-10 minutes.
Saw him start to roll away, and was like "Uh, that car is front wheel drive." Made sense to get it from the scene and then swap the lift around.