Fifth Wheel Repo With Bankruptcy Discharge In Hand

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[Music] all right so we are heading over here to my buddy Ethan's house to drop off the repo ninja for a minute we're gonna switch into his f-350 that's got a fifth-wheel plate on it I was one of the disadvantages of selling the at the repo truck that had the ability to I could pull the shell off and I had a fifth wall plate attachment I could pick up fifth wheel Sofia repo stallion but now with the repo ninja I may be working on building a custom fifth wheel attachment for this wrecker and I'll be selling those online but until I get the R&D done on it the template finished I'm stuck borrowing my buddy's truck teaching others dog as gorgeous stop I'm friendly just oh holy wind guys order special wind out here for us or what we got sign papers from the judge hope the guy's not stupid alright how much feels in it you don't care thousand bucks something you guys forgetting something all right we'll work quick will be back soon Thanks yeah he's a safety officer up at Sundance let's actually write about him and yeah firefighter Springville cool where we at on time she's that back up camera automatically come on factory back to Finland Heathrow Traverse it's got the little lines to tell you how close shard of things it's friggin awesome sorry what'd you say on time for and we got to be meeting them to release that Pacific at six yeah we're not gonna make it to Claire Phil the back swapped it well hang with your buddy then we'll run to the freaking impound and get the Pacific out go or at least that and Murray and then I'll head up and do the freakin repo that way won't be rushed all right we're up here now in Clearfield coming up on the given address for this fifth will you've already had the spotter go buddy he took a picture on how it's parked and he sent the picture over for me to take a look at so I knew how it was position and stuff we do have paperwork on the I think it's gonna be the other corner because the way it was parked from the judge the bankruptcy judge signing off saying that this guy needs to release this thing to us so if he gives us any trouble hopefully that paper will be enough for us to be able to get him to voluntarily surrender it but just like any other repo we're not waiting for permission to take it that's it right there on that merge nope they're off to the side I believe that one yeah there's just the garbage cans in front of it so what we want to do that's him out front right there see him we will wait for a second I'm gonna see what he's doing gonna pull up you see this heat up there's a lock on the end of that trailer hitch I don't heat in this truck hope his name's so we know what his name is looks like his woman's out front with him in the other truck remember there when the other truck he pulls me they pulled the assignment or fun find out all right so he was all right there all right let's go see how this goes yeah it does not look like there's a lock on the end of it no I'll talk to him hey guys done are you Mike oh is is he here okay we're here to pick up that fifth wheel for the finance company that's got the loan on it you guys must be the new tenant that are living here do you don't pay enough keys for anything okay all right yeah we just added a paper route from the bankruptcy courts that said to come out and pick it up for them I just didn't know if they had any stuff they still needed to get out of it personal items or anything like that it's got looks like he's got the jacks still down I can take care of that I've got a build it open that up so we'll just put the hose away and okay yeah you're probably good to go through it make sure there's not anything in it that you any personal items if you guys have been using it gotcha gotcha seven of 13 while the times away expired you know if it's got more current registration than that on it I've got it I've got a transporter plate we can put on here it's not currently registered I didn't even check the registration on it bikes motorcycles and bikes like bicycles okay perfect well back up and start looking it up we got to lower the jacks in the back you have the tools you know the tool the lower the jacks okay mmm you have to get the tailgate pastor then you lift the tailgate up a little bit more tell me what I can clear the tailgate clothes out so we're gonna need to go up with the trailer actually well what if I could that we might be able to angle it actually I might going to slide that up on there come around over here oh so you thought you're tired come here come over here as I took this up gonna hold that into Engel I guess I can slide it up on there oh it's not if she's okay she's in there not gonna move we're just latching it on so she can keep she might feel it shake a little bit but it won't go anywhere yeah well he's yakking it up a little bit yeah hey push back on the board if that's instance to bring load in okay ready okay yeah that should be lots looks good got the feet in okay let's look up the lights hand me back yatin we got lights you know I got to bring those up so you got to take the weight off of home and then they should scissor up you pull the pin pull the top pin and they go once the weight comes off you pull that top pin once the weight tributes and then push the thing up now slide it straight up put the pin back in do the same on the other side oh you found a socket good deal I did it all in the keys she have them work she's on the side you got him okay okay well the key doesn't go to a different vehicle goes to this one right okay well I could say when it goes to the auction the auction if there's not a key with it they'll make one and then they'll charge it to Michael and so if you guys have a key it saves them money so otherwise I'll kind of key and then try to charge a locksmith fee and stuff so they do if we turned vehicles in without keys then they have to sell them with keys whatever they can so especially RV stuff you had to be got to be good at dealing with frickin crisis situations in a calm manner that's probably one of the most key things about this job is being good with people I gotta watch this bad make sure where you go down off this ledge this bed doesn't [ __ ] hit that like it's it shouldn't drop too much so they like about this being a long bed puts fifth wheels way back there I gotta watch the ritual okay contact with the rear of his bed okay this is a diesel these are the valves from the eight said eight valve this is a diesel so it's built differently they use different diesel engines are built differently you know then gas engines but they call it a uh because you do I mean like diesels the other 24 valve you still have valves and stuff but I think yeah but this one I think it's a power stroke which is the v8 engine so it's a v8 diesel but it's a it's a power stroke v8 diesel is like they got the Triton v10 that's a gas engine and then you've got just a regular huh that's what I had my excursion and I loved that engine but forever I threw a thousand plus miles on that thing the reason these fifth wheels are so popular is because of how they write so well the balance point on these things is you don't ever get that sway back and forth you know like you do with the traditional tongue pull trailers depends on the engine you know right now Diesel's cheaper than fuel or deeply whew know what got up till 4 [ __ ] 5 bucks a gallon for a minute but we're down to something now well this thing probably gets around 10 to 15 15 on the highway 10 on the in the city so horrible you
Channel: RepoNut
Views: 411,805
Rating: 4.4257302 out of 5
Keywords: repo, repossession, reponut, repoman, repomen, Ford, truck, car, cars, vehicle, vehicles, taken, took, stole, stolen, ut, utah, provo, orem, salt lake city, skip, trace, skip trace, skip tracing, skip tracer, locate, locating, lost, missing, hard to find, technology, hi-tech, gps, tracking, repossessor, carsofutah, lying, liar, body language, human behavior Patterns, Social Engineer, Human Lie Detector, ninja, sneak, sneaking, sneaky, trick, recovery, industry, Matt Pitman, Matthew Pitman
Id: Gu3pbJQW74M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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