Let It Go

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ladies and gentlemen let's give it up for Bishop Thomas Dexter Wow let's give Jesus the best praise you can muster right now hallelujah you may be seated y'all should have told me I could have warned my genius that ain't fair I got me some jeans I'll have no skinny jeans cuz my cup runneth over how many glad to be in the house of the Lord today I am going to take a few minutes and talk to you I'm not even going to open up the text I'm just going to talk to you about the crux of what I have been traveling all over the country for the last two weeks tone I'm gonna hit 20 to 30 cities before I get home there is a word that God has put in my heart that I believe is life-changing we put we spent a lot of times cleansing ourselves from the filthiness of the flesh lust and anger and habits and addictions and things like that but but what is deeper is the cleansing of the heart to get heart clean you can clean up everything else but everything that's going on in your life it's coming out of your heart your God is a God of seed he's a God of seat everything he does he does it by seed it starts out in seed form he sends his word which is a seed and the seed germinates and he bring forth fruit in him forth life it all starts in seed form your mind is the ground where seeds are planted and that's good when it's positive seed seeds of life and seeds of healing and seeds and restoration seeds of delivery that's really cool but it's bad when it's negative seeds like unforgiveness pride flesh carnality though the negative things for the last year I've been studying and preparing and writing a book called let it go which is built on the premise of forgiveness forgiveness it's amazing to me how many of us as Christians never talk about forgiveness I mean isn't that the substratum of what our faith is all about it about forgiveness in that what Jesus died on the cross for for forgiveness in that what we're here singing about raising our hands about clapping and skipping and falling on the floor of my forgiveness everybody in this room has been forgiven that's that's a victory right there everybody in this room have been forgiven if your question you've been forgiven you're not here because you deserve it you're not here because God owes you a favor you've been forgiven in it funny how you could have been forgiven and found it difficult to forgive the challenge is God wants you to be a conduit through which his character flows through he tells Paul in first Corinthians were with you have been comforted in other words monkey-see monkey-do he said when when when you see me comfort you just turn around and act like me to somebody else and comfort them God will give anything to you that he can get through you so whether you know how to do things when I was a little boy a lot of young when I'm little boy those young man my brother seven years older than me he was 19 when I was 12 I asked my brother how do you kiss yeah I I was worried you know cuz I thought you suppose I'd do it wrong and it's I said how do you do it he said well he said don't worry about it he said just whatever they do do it back I won't finish that story because that story got me a whole lot of trouble but it'll look but at the time I started into it it seemed like a good metaphor to teach you a very strong principle God says whatever I do to you do it back even if you don't know how to do it even if you're not familiar with it imitate me if I comfort you you comfort them if I bless you you bless them if I teach you you teach them if I forgive you you forgive it I'm telling what started me on this journey they told me you're listening Church that's good because I think listening people to be thinking people think about this ever since we were kids we were taught the Lord's Prayer our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily prayer take this out and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us now that thing I was good until we got to that that means all of my life I have been asking God to treat me like I treat people do you want God to treat you like you do your old boyfriend Oh y'all talking about I see yeah oh yeah you want God to treat you like you treat that person you work with and go to school with that gets on your nerves your last no you want God to treat you like you treat your father who didn't raise you your mother who didn't love you or that particular sister who have always compared her said do you want God to forgive you like you forgive her here lies the problem and everybody cannot get it forgiveness is a big idea it's for people who are big enough to see the big picture can I walk I'm a walk I'm a walker and I'm not for me it's all I'm gonna be tripping I've already stepped on your path to come level statement and be good hope you believe in divine healing cuz I'm pray for your toes forgiveness is a big idea it is it is it is not for little people I've had an amazing life a tremendous career started out in the sticks in West Virginia with almost nothing nothing not almost I lost almost I had lesson I would support couldn't pay attention never mind you get it later now what what happens is since then I've gotten opportunities through my gifts and opportunities God's grace to interact with people who are gladiators in the industry at the top of what they do whether it's television or movies or the White House or around the world scientists I've been with astronauts I've been with Oprah been with everybody I'm getting ready go to over when I leave here I'm flying to do a master's class for their one common denominator regardless of the sphere of people who do big things and great things is how they handle problems big people see problems in proper perspective they always take the high road they think like Eagles little people think like chickens chickens you see eat off the ground and you might not know this and I don't want to mess up your Sunday dinner okay I know you got a chick in a homing oven the chickens they eat corn but they also eat sticks anything on the ground and if you ever run a chicken coop chickens that eat their own feces feces is what you shouldn't release when you keep eating what you should release it weights you down so no matter how much you flap and flutter and jump and you're you can't go by so high because of what you've been eating when you have unforgiveness you eat what you should have excreted if you eat like a chicken you cannot fly like an eagle eagles eat in high places they do not eat feces their pie is king their vision can see for miles the wings are nine feet from tip to tip they make love in the air did you know that yeah the Eagles belong to the mile-high club what they do they get into an embrace at about twenty thirty thousand feet in the air and they grab hold each other and start spinning down and FA spiral down they make love in the air so you never have to worry about an ego mating with a chicken because a chicken can't function on that level if you are going to be promoted to the next level you can't keep eating off the ground you can't keep going through the same memories you can't keep going through the same old issues you can't keep bringing up old stuff that ought to be over you can't keep living this light of a living dead experience where you keep bringing it back and again and again and again because you can't get over it unforgiveness is keeping you in a chicken coop when God is calling you to the Mount I was in South Africa on a safari spoons been on a safari with my wife she went out to the cabin would not leave the cabin elephants in South Africa I don't mean the lose zoos we have over here we run around with elephants and rhinoceros and lions and stuff like that I thought it was good and I'm out there and I'm out there with the Zulu guard and I'm out there with a professor at a university the professor represents Interlake the Zulu represents in-state so the professor tell him about the Renato rhinoceros and how much he weighs and how much he moves and the zoom is looking at the dawn saying the rhinoceros just left a moment ago we get ready to go down the road of professor telling me about the elephant how big his tusks are and have what the calcium the problems of the relative tough Desilu is sin on the edge of the truck say elephant to mouth down this way intellectualism versus instinct so they come to the point it got dark and I thought maybe my wife was right I should have stayed at home but I have courage about what I can see but I get disturbed about what I can't see and what made it bad is the Zulu shine his light is dark now out into the forest and I saw all of these eyes looking back in so I got a little bit nervous had done just a little bit nervous and they told me they said relax they said the the animals are only kill when they're hungry this they said to comfort me and then they told me don't worry the animals eat in the morning they are not like people they do not kill out of rage they kill out of hunger man is the only thing that kills out of his emotions if an animal attacks you is even that you're on his territory he did they pee on the ground to declare their territory or he's hungry only people will kill you because they hate you because the malice that means we our instincts are being controlled by our emotions now whatever controls you becomes your master if you let it control you it will ruin you your memories your scars your abuse your pain is your master anytime it controls you you are a slave anytime somebody can walk in the room and change your mood you are slate anytime you can be whistling in the grocery store turned down the next aisle and see her and your whole mood changes you have not forgiven now unforgiveness does not exist amongst animals the lion no say the next time I see you out here I will bite your knee don't do that they don't do that it didn't come from animals watch this it's not in babies no babies are not Unforgiven you a little tall as you can spank them and to 2 million mama you so pretty it's not in babies it is not in little children they ten-year-olds can be on their plan and to feel get into a fight with each other the kids will make up and their parents are still not be speaking you know I'm right about it if it's not in animals and it's not a baby then it's not in children how'd it get in US you didn't take it in school you didn't get me you didn't get unforgiveness for dummies you didn't take unforgiveness 101 you didn't have an unforgiving classroom for biology where did you get that from then it's got such a strong hole now that you can't get rid of it and you don't even know where you got it from very the pathology that have developed in your house in your environment in your community where you learn to express emotions certain ways you know why you laugh like you laugh because your mom and them do you are quiet in here but when you get home you know how you really act y'all ain't fooling me I know you ain't even worried about it I am already real you know how you do every family have the pathology my wife's family is real quiet a real call my family we like we hate each other just just talking Josh shut your mom no she didn't when my wife family came over to visit my family it was like the meeting of the United Nations my family with we were holding our spoons and pointing at each other yelling and hollering her family because my you know why we act like that because that's what we saw we all have the same feelings but how we express them is a result of the pathology and the environment that we if your daddy internalized pain was not communicative and took a drive rather than communicate to your mama guess what you're going to go into isolation and bury your frustration and never confront your issues and it's hard for you to talk if your mama talked about everything and over talked about and followed you around the house repeating it over and over again then you really know how to time that we get need to talk about this oh you mean you're not gonna talk to me you need to talk about this something got to be done about this it is a learned behavior it is a learned behavior now let's think what does unforgiveness do to the person that violated you nothing you Sydenham mad at him he left you for her and you anger forgive him no matter what now why are you cinnabar all swole up and your heart is racing and stress is collecting in your body and you get hypertension and you're not resting and you're not creative and you're not functioning you're not doing good he'd make it love going to the club getting him a drink didn't party or get down get loose again with it so what did your unforgiveness do to him nothing to be unforgiving it's like you drinking poison waiting on somebody else to die let's go a little bit deeper it doesn't protect you either it's not like if you're unforgiving you've got this force feel around you that it protects you from being hurt again no no no no no it does not protect you from being hurt again because deep down beneath it the only reason you're unforgiving is because you still care you never have trouble releasing what you don't care about if I walk up to you and say I don't like your dress and you don't care what I think is up please you only invest in emotions where you have feelings this that's unforgiveness is killing you why because it is the cancer that eats up your destiny your history is killing your destiny and God gave me a message to preach all over the country to tell you that he has things for you that your eyes have not seen that your ears have not heard that has not entered into your heart that your latter days are supposed to be your best days your happiest days your strongest days your freest days your most abundant days but he can't give you your future when your hands are full of your past so he says in order for me to release a kind of blessing that I want to release upon my sons and my daughters they have to let go of where they've been so you can seize where you're about to go touch the man saying let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go don't wait to fix it don't wait to resolve it don't wait to straighten it out don't wait on them to apologize anytime you waiting on them to do something you have put the power in the hands of the perpetrator that's like living in your room but putting your thermostat in their house why would you let them have control over your atmosphere when you let it go you get back the freedom you need to be who you need to be so you can do what you need to do I feel the glory of the Lord coming into this place right now because God wants you to be free Jesus didn't go to the cross and died and shed his blood and overcome all the demons of principalities or forces of Hell the satanic Kingdom for you to get bound up by Jimmy you mean you overcame witchcraft Satanism hexes warlocks all kinds of demon survived all the tragedies of your path and now you won't get down here and triple the heaven the devil in the lie is time for you to take back your authority take back your control build yourself back up stand up on your feet release where you've been kind where you're going spread your wings like a eagle and yah yah yah yah yah yah yah touch her sister touch her brother time go let it go I'm gonna let it go I got to get myself in a position where I'm ready to receive what God has for me I'm going to let it go I'm going to move into a position that I'm ready to walk in Kingdom destiny and divine authority I'm going to let it go I'm gonna let it go cuz I'm going to get my control over my life and bring the fullness of Who I am to the forefront of my life I am simply going to let it go I am going to let it go and this is what I'm really going to give you a couple things that will help you in the process of letting it go I'm going to give you a couple of things I'm going to death alright because when I teach this there bring two is going to happen all over the room there are marriages that are being healed their relationships between sisters that are not speaking that are going to be heal right now when I get to teach early somebody's gonna go home and call your daddy even though he didn't pay the child support even though he wasn't there for you even though he didn't raise you he's still your daddy and that pain and agony has got to be broken off in your life because if you don't break it off in your history is gonna show up in your destiny and you got to break that bondage so you can be free to go into the realm of who you ought to be and you know how you can forgive people who really hurt you you can forgive people when you understand them and this is the beginning of your understanding this is understanding 101 you get the book I'll take you through the whole process but this is understanding 101 you have not made a distinction between weakness and wickedness he might have been weak but he wasn't wicked she might have been weak and not wicked some things people did they didn't do them to you they did it to themselves and you were a victim of their weakness and how arrogant of you to act like you have no weaknesses of your own do you hear what I'm saying to you so I want you to begin to make the distinction between weakness and wickedness so that you can begin to understand that you can't afford not to be forgiving the Bible said blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy somebody shout mercy now I want you to understand that whatever you ask for mercy you have to understand you guilty see if I accuse you of a crime and you didn't do the crime when you go to court you want justice because justice is a friend toward the innocent so when you are innocent and I falsely accuse you you pray for justice but when I accuse you of something for which you are guilty you pray for mercy blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy that means that mercy is what God releases not when they're lying on you God releases mercy when you are guilty and there is something that each of you know about yourselves in this room that you are guilty of and yet you have received mercy my question then my brothers and sisters is how can you receive it and then refuse to give it and your reason for not being forgiving of all things is because they're guilty how now you should see what he did he's guilty so you if God have ever forgiven you though you were guilty had mercy though you were wrong then it's kind of like the kissing just do back what he did to you let it go let it go if I bruise your leg we can put some mercurochrome on it and it'll get better if you have a laceration in your arm we can stitch it up and it'll get better but what happens when your soul is bruised when your self-esteem is Bruce when your femininity is Bruce when you've lost confidence in yourself as a woman or you've been emasculated about what you've been through these are the wounds for which world has no remedy and so we enesta sighs our pain some do it with crack cocaine thunder it with alcohol some do it with church Church can become your drug of choice it's not where you worship it's where you are Nesta sighs and medicate what you cannot fix Jesus did not say I come that you might have Church he said I come that you might have life and have it more abundantly this is not anesthesia this is not a tranquilizer to to induce some spiritual euphoria to get you happy for a few moments and then go home and live in hell jesus said I come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly and the only thing stopping you from having life is that you are taking your faith like a narcotic instead of using it ever libera door so that it can empower you to simply let it go that this is what I want from you I want you to stand up on your feet I feel the anointing of the Lord in this place see when when I speak to you I come to you as a mailman a mailman brings you little but he can't open up the envelope so your promisee is protected even though he brought you the message I brought you a message today and I can't see in the envelope I'm talking to you in generalities but if you have the Holy Spirit he's speaking to you in specifics while I'm teaching relationships are to be coming up in your face areas that God is directing this message to you because he wants something to happen in your life that liberates you I brought you along this morning a healing influence all the way from Dallas Texas I came to you when Pastor Gingka väth me would I come over here and be a Zion I didn't know two days ago that I would be here but the Holy Spirit directed me to be here in person with you because I'm special equipment like a doctor in the specialist I'm a specialist we all have different specialties my specialty is your pain my specialty is your scar my specialty is your secret my anointing is for your own forgiveness don't you let me walk out of here without getting what God sent me here to give you I don't care what you've got to climb over to get it because you didn't know a week ago I would be here and I didn't either but the father knew from the foundations of the world that I would you God interrupted your schedule in mind because he had a special delivery for you I don't know who he's talking to you about I don't know what you're going through I don't know what syncing you I don't know what's eating at you I know you're tough I know you're surviving I know you're a bad sister I know you're bad but I got all of that I'm getting belief all that garbage I'm talking to the you God created you to be the woman down inside of you to scream and wanting to get out the guy down inside of you that really wants to be free and can you may have to forgive somebody release somebody even if there's somebody is you join hands sweet Holy Spirit's come now in this place touch somebody heal somebody let your power minister to somebody let your glory take over this place send a healing influence somebody's going to need your help to let it go their emotions have been driving the car so long then they don't know how to get the wheel back but God in the name of Jesus come in this place squeeze that hand you're holding right now right now Lord just that quick let your anointing and let your healing go into every secret place I have challenged your people today and shared what you told me to say I didn't even know I'm going to be here you wanted my steps somebody in this room has got to be changed you wanna send me from Texas if somebody wasn't going to be changed spirit of a little God have your way in this place yeah I thank you for what you're about to do have your way mighty God squeeze in here the anointing is going into that person's life into that person's heart into that scar let it change happen and adjustment be made a heart be mended a mind be fixed Lord if there's an eagle in this house if there's an eagle in this house cut them out of that chicken coop and let them fly in Jesus name let me hear the Eagles give God praise you
Channel: Zion Church
Views: 537,414
Rating: 4.8631601 out of 5
Keywords: Zionchurchmd, zionchurchonline.com, Keith Battle, zionchurchlive, Zion, Church, Maryland, Bishop, T.D., Jakes
Id: KCu7Ehpgexw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2012
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