Let Balthazar Take Nightsong vs Kill Nightsong vs Save Nightsong | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3 Choices)

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balthazole come to add more bars to my cage or perhaps to lead this would be justicious blade directly to my heart I invite you keep more sins upon your head my retribution will be all the sweeter for them all this time and you still fail to appreciate the gifts I bestowed on you alien to see a thing of beauty not recognize it so well but General thought he appreciates you you and he wants you close at hand so I am here to whisk you back to him I welcome the sight of him after these hundred years he whose immortality I Supply with my very Soul General fall I'm sure you'll be on your best behavior for him but just in case I've taken some precautions keep back it will take quite some concentration to secure alien for her little journey foreign what else alien is so much more than you comprehend she an asthma bound to a soul cage of my creation and lending her Immortal strength to general form her power his will and my genius and unsurpassed ramblings most unsane poor Balthazar for maggots ate his brain long ago hold your tongue alien or I'll take it away from you again no more interference kick it over with this is to be savored return to moonrise Towers I'm sure we'll find further use for you then now don't struggle alien well maybe struggle a little a pleasure to have made your acquaintance little warrior we will meet again I am eternal I will be free one day and I never forget a face until then Balthazar has drawn his final rancid breath pity it was not my hand that brought it about instead it was you you have come to seek the praise of your wicked goddess you who have come to drive a dagger through my heart her fate is mine to steal let me handle this the Fate you seal is your own to be a dark Justice here is to turn your heart from everything but lost you will know no love no joy only servitude until of course your mistress inevitably discards you and there is much she does not tell you a terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death you feel Shadow heart bristling your bond is strong be able to sway her from the path of Duty to the path of light the Night song is not blind to your conflict behind that raging heart is the Restless beat of one who knows too well faint hands and the balance well well well what's that I sense a spear intended for my heart empowered by your goddess I empowered to kill the child of a god do you know what I am little assassin but I know you a Lost Child frightened by wolves in the dark what did what much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life I sense more in you than you know whatever you think you know of me won't matter once I become who I'm meant to be laughs there it is true death at last just child after all and I am I am it is done you've approved proof you have answered my highest calling chosen my warrior my dark justicia let me show you let all see how you have served me shadow art and how you have been thank you pain is now your power revealed it true my charge must be cleansed hunt down the traitor Catherine Thor he summed my race he let my armies be slaughtered he used my domain to safeguard his wretched life but now without the knights Knights he's vulnerable end him named Shadow let him see you in your Splendor before you shut his eyes forever 's gate awaits your holy work will continue There Will you first learned as my embrace take up my spear again and go forth cleansing begin finally through me her will is enacted her shadows strengthened and the Darkness takes all I have her chosen foreign [Music] I've actually done it a dark Justice he had chosen by Lady shark it almost doesn't feel real the long overdue death of catherick Thorne lady showers Church in Baldur's Gate has yet to be cleansed a rock has set in amongst the leadership one that I must cut out even once all that is done more will be asked of Me no doubt the holy work will not be done until the night singer's Eternal darkness is restored there is one other matter as the chosen of Lady Shah it is time to carry myself like one still carry certain vestiges of a novice that will no longer do if I am to lead in lady Shah's name I must look the part leave it to me you'll see exactly what I mean soon enough thank you hi I can't believe I just did that lady Sean will disown me what will happen to me not what will happen what will you do your past is not yet lost your future is not yet fixed lay a hand on me in Friendship not quite Sharon and I will fight the battle that has been waiting for me this last century then oh then we will have much to discuss oh [Music] Our Lady of silver hear me she who guides the Moon made song The Night song is no more [Music] [Music] all right [Music] I am resplendent you have given me a great gift little warrior don't you find it oh so curious that you would spurn your dark lady perhaps you fell a staring of the truth already but that will come later there is a battle yet to be fought I've done what we feared was impossible released and great so too must be your weapon you must choose what you will read and the moon Maiden will provide thus I have said thus will it be served are you ready kill Catherine Thorpe foreign first to be here not after what we did it's what frightens me she must be angry yep I don't feel it or hear it there's only silence let's get out of here please whatever's coming I don't want to be in the heart of the Shadow fell when it finds me the Night song will be headed for Moonrise Towers we'd better get there and see what she's Unleashed against Catherine Thorne [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Gamerpillar
Views: 53,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur’s Gate 3, BG3, Nightsong Baldur’s Gate 3, Nightsong Choices Baldur’s Gate 3, Kill or Don’t Kill Nightsong Baldur’s Gate 3, Baldur’s Gate 3 Nightsong, Baldur’s Gate 3 Nightsong Choices, BG3 Nightsong, BG3 Nightsong Choices, BG3 Kill or Save Nightsong, BG3 Kill or Don’t Kill Nightsong, Nightsong BG3, Nightsong Choices BG3, Kill or Save Nightsong BG3, Kill or Don’t Kill Nightsong BG3, Nightsong, Nightsong Choices, Kill or Save Nightsong, Kill or Don’t Kill Nightsong
Id: tLT4cv7SaG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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