Leprechaun (1993) KILL COUNT

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Welcome to the guild cow where we tally up the victims and all our favorite horror movies I'm James Agee nice, and it's time for us to start another franchise so in honor of tomorrow being st. Patrick's Day We're looking at leprechaun released in 1993 and the first of the leprechaun series that contains seven yes seven movies I'm sorry in the weeks that follow We'll wash the titular leprechaun as he hunts down Everyone who dares to steal his pot of gold his adventures will take him to Las Vegas, Compton And yes even outer space which are all just different backdrops for the same small bag of tricks He has which include nebulous magical powers and a penchant for spitting out One-liners so bad the Fred Krueger wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot finger knife Always wearing I need know what you know right off the bat that these movies are Awful none of them are great and only a couple are halfway Decent and as awesome as Warwick Davis is the Leprechaun himself fucking sucks he's mean and nasty and hardly ever actually funny all of these movies are plagued by real low budgets awful screenwriting and some of the Most horrendous acting I've ever seen and I know that you might be asking why do them? Then why not do a series more people want to see like Halloween or saw well because y'all this channel is about the horror genre As a whole and we've got to look at everything the good the bad and in the case of leprechaun the ugly Maybe we'll get lucky and at least have some decent kills to watch let's find out and get to them The movie begins with well to me it look like a leprechaun to me Wilson the Leprechaun say yeah in a voice Overlap says that anyone who steals his gold goin die so that's probably not good news for Dan O'Grady Because I don't think hearing the money for that limousine at his nine-to-five job drinking Jameson He's all decked out in a suit with pants that make him look like a backup dancer for MC Oh hammer, and he's telling his lady wife that they're rich now because of something he's found Gor Yep, gold that he says he got from a leprechaun after catching him inside their house mrs. O'Grady Here's a little boy boys coming from inside dance suitcase. It's singing mary had a little lamb and complaining about the cramped conditions in there Okay when she opens it, it's just a pissed-off leprechaun yelling about his gold and pushing her down the stairs the tumble breaks mrs. O'Grady's neck and kills her giving us our first kill a mere five minutes in between this and that scene and Hercules I might just Never help a little kid again It's always a trap left confronts Dan and asks him where his gold is while also Complimenting his late wife's brewing skills. You might make some fine cuts of teen Danny me bowling but Dan ain't playing around He's got a four-leaf clover Which is the active ingredient in left be God and show enough that left be going going gone left flees to the basement to give Dan's dead wife a shoulder massage and performed the worst ventriloquism. Oh I've ever seen Dan no never calm and then Dan just shoots him with a gun okay Then puts his limp little leprechaun body in a big wooden crates. I think the clover on top as a sort of protection He nails that boy up and gets ready to light a leprechaun bonfire But the little green man apparently uses his powers to give Dan a stroke before he can send it off it's ten years later and cruising up to a Grade II spine North Dakota home is JD reading and his daughter Tori played by a 22 year old Jennifer Aniston in her first ever theatrical film role her character is the worst kind of cliche I'm going to be miserable here. There's no swimming pool. There's no shopping malls. There's no cable Yep, the spoiled rich, California girl who just oh my god Can't even like what is this even want to know how spoiled she is it's freaking 1991, and she has a cell phone What she bumps into this hunk Nathan and spills his paint thinner when she offers him money to replace it He sticks it to her with a real condescending sense of small-town morality You knock over my can of paint thinner, and then you bow for me 20 bucks. Have a death Maybe you said you were sorry what you want an apology instead of money You can't buy groceries with sour And if that wasn't belittling enough what I just think it's funny the way girls are always afraid of spiders and stuff Wow this dudes the worst even if he is rocking the muscley handyman Aladdin lock his challenge to Tori's bravery makes her decide to stay So she tells her dad to put her suitcase back inside and maybe while you're at it pops change that outfit look like a cowboy Who's worried about his upcoming hunting trip with Dick Cheney? Let's get some characters Who aren't the absolute worst like Nathan's precocious little brother Alex and his Lenny like friend Ozzy? They're actually kind of enjoyable even if Alex looks like a good guy to all come to life Probably doesn't hurt that Ozzy's played by Mark, Holton aka Francis from pee-wee's big adventure Their antics lead to Ozzy getting covered in blue paint so he heads inside to get hose down where he hears a little kid boys singing twinkle twinkle little star He follows the voice into the basement where the little boy voice begs Ozzy to let him out and after knocking the clover off the Top of the crate love's free to punch out of the box and get straight back to weapon which apparently means eating bugs hopes good Protein at least get them gains Ozzy asks what he is and web spells it out for see that the buckle zombie shoes by Ivan Leprechaun he wants to shine Ozzy's shoes, but first He needs his goal the Alice man Doesn't know what he's talking about so he runs away successfully escaping the Leprechaun and his weak-ass powers He got away got speed power selfie Ozzy runs outside with a fanciful Proclamation about a leprechaun in the basement and of course nobody believes him even though. There's a rainbow up in the sky It's a magic rainbow okay, Ozzy even though There's a magic rainbow up in the sky Ozzy runs off to see what's at the end of it and Alex follows to wrangle it, but instead of a pot of gold That's just a rusty old piece of shit truck Wow laughs your powers really are weak But actually turns out there really is a gold coin in the cab of the truck and a whole bag of more behind the scene Hot damn to test if it's real Ozzy bites down on one of them But then he goofs up and swallows it so now they're down to corn now He's going Josh But there's plenty of gold left so much in fact that Alex gets excited about the possibilities of what they can do with it It's your brain I'm smart. Oh my god That's actually kind of heartbreaking besides Warwick Davis's enthusiastic performance Alex and Ozzy are the only parts of this movie worth watching Torian Nate are bonding over paint and her quilt style denim shorts when left crawls underneath the truck it starts caressing Tory's leg It's super fucking stupid, but she somehow thinks that it's Nate Yeah, Tory even though you just saw Nathan go the other way He how double-back crawled under the truck and is lightly brushing her ankle as a way to flirt with you Yeah I hate these characters so much when she sees that it couldn't be him she flips out and winds up with a scratched ankle the Leper owns off to hide behind a tree and make some kitty noises to trick Tori Nate and JD when JD thinks the cast sounds Heard he tries to fish it out of a tree stop only to get a nasty bite on his hand courtesy of the leprechaun they Drive JD to the emergency room in town so Alex and Ozzy take off to get their gold coin appraised at collectibles joe's coins But somehow leprechaun knows what they're up to so he steals a trike from the barn and rides his minty ass all the way into Town arriving at the exact same coin shop at the exact same time collectibles Joe says the coin looks pretty valuable But he'd like to keep it overnight to study it after Alex and Ozzy leave def Lepp appears off the shop owner saved to bite Him in the leg and judge his business acumen that chapeau badge Because the shop owner had been in possession of one of his gold coins left decides to kill him what the pogo stick he helped a pogo stick kill accompanied by the Leprechaun singing a little-bitty Wait why is Joe's face all bloody That's just bouncing around on his chest in any case it kills him giving the Leprechaun another kill as well as another pair of shoes To shine because he's got a real compulsion to do that. It's almost as strong as his compulsion to make shitty jokes He'll bounce back no time Yeah Love's the kind of dude is always diem and Freddy and Chucky and asking if they can hang love comments that with one coin in His possession he's got 99 more to 5 than he eyes a car Perfectly sized for his diminutive stature that he ends up driving down the road pretty fun I guess but no way that thing is street-legal so he ends up getting pulled over by a cop who just thinks LEP's a little Kid in a mass despite left claiming. He's a 600 year old leprechaun leprechaun scratches him in the face Which was originally the end of the scene? But when the studio Trimark wanted to change this from a pg-13 comedy to a gory ER r-rated horror He added this whole chase sequence through the wood which is completely uninventive and goes on for way, too Goddamn long it ends after left uses his magic that bounced all over the place before Eventually appearing right on top of the cop shoulders where he breaks his neck to kill the poor guy. Let's check He's fully dead left yep Looks pretty dead good job me at a diner Torian nadar having more culture clashes over the menu items But I wanted was a watercress salad and an empty on water But they don't have that here and discussing how much it sucks that her dad has to stay overnight in hospital that means no one's Back at the old Grady house when leprechaun gets there and starts going off finders keepers on place as he looks for his goal But dude doesn't know how to keep his eye on the prize He keeps getting distracted first buy a box of off-brand cereal called lucky clovers that apparently tastes like shit Yeah, no kidding dude clovers are for pies not breakfast cereal And then by a collection of shoes that lept just needs to polish man dude's got a bigger shoe fetish than Jerry brudos What up, my nono gang gets back to the farmhouse it finds everything in disarray except for the nicely polished shoes What could have been a bear? Uh no dude it couldn't have bears don't shine shoes Why is everyone in this movie so stupid Ozzie tries to point out that hey that leprechaun? He keeps talking about one to shine his shoes, but they're still not buying it And they get to cleaning the place up with one more snide condescending remark from Nate You know no work one of these rain. God, dude fuck ah Little Bell noise eventually lures Nate outside where he trips into a trap prompting the Leprechaun to run out and reveal himself and talk shit All up in Nate's face but then Nate just beats the shit out of the lil dude with a flashlight a Leprechaun sucks man the others run outside to find left biting Nate in the leg And then they all take turns just kind of beaten the old boil with assorted items, man this is the least frightening horror movie villain attack ever left such a little shit Alex gets the shotgun and Nate shoots slept in the Chest with it giving them a minute to free Nate from the bear trap so he can just go ahead and shoot off blindly into A bush half a dozen times, what's up? Man think you're playing with infinite ammo or something with the phone line dead the game decides they need to take Nate into town to Get help, but the truck won't start probably cuz there's a leprechaun in the hood or under the hood sorry you won't be in the hood for a few movies yet bust out the windshield that manages to bite Ozzy's ear before Tory takes the Cigarette lighter and burns leppe in the nose with it causing him to run off to the barn infratry He comes out again in another miniature vehicle. Where did this one come from it looks like a fucking battle box he drives this little left mobile into the side of the truck somehow with enough force to flip it end over end lap chases the Kids inside the house where they slammed the door on his hand cutting it off But as we'll see leppe is basically able to take unlimited amounts of damage especially in the case of shotgun shells so he just picks his hand up and runs away to reattach it off-screen Torrey remembers that she Has a strange alien device from the future my portable and uses it to call the police she manages to tell them where they're at And that they need help, but then the call cuts out the battery time oh You probably installed that new OS huh the sheriff of the town who looks like he's got one foot in the grave and is Racing through a pack of cigs to plant the other one just as deep radios one of his officers to go check out the O'Grady Place but it turns out to be the cop that left killed and now he's using his magic voice changing abilities Sure, he won't have Johnny Law interfering with his hunt for gold Tory patches everyone up But when she continues to deny that it was a leprechaun out there Ozzy let slip that they found a bag of gold Which they hid down in the well so Tory pumps the shotgun and heads outside to fetch a pail of gold coins So they can return it to the leprechaun and he can stop being such a little shit to that as soon as she gets it Leppe appears with some stunning special effects and takes the bag from her What do you think Lep does it pass the sniff test it smells like me gold, I guess It does satisfied he runs off to count his coin, surrounded by his collection of vehicles I think Lepp and Jay Leno would get along he discovers that his short one coin the one in Ozzy's gut so he attacks them And we get the closest thing to a leprechaun versus Chucky We'll probably ever see he plays magic peekaboo in the kitchen Disappearing and reappearing in different cabinets like the little shit that he is before he pops out of a drawer and sexually assaults Nate Nate Gets his revenge though when he answers one of left shitty jokes with a hilariously blunt shotgun blast right here No, Santa Claus Ha ha sit your ass down fool, but of course He's still alive and manages to run away from the gang leading them to do some more exhausting leprechaun hunting I don't mean, it's tiring for the characters. I'm saying the audience is exhausted by now. They're still watching this movie There's some fun and games on a skateboard for a minute before Nate winds up shooting weapon Lep again How many shells are in his little leprechaun body at this point? but of course left was able to escape once more and this time he taunts them by calling on the dead phone line and imitating his idol Freddy Krueger Ozzie says that old man O'Grady might be able to shed some light on this leprechaun issue so they decide to send Tory to the Retirement home. He's been in since the stroke 10 years ago to distract the leprechaun long enough for her to get away They toss a ton of shoes at him and LEP's libido. Just takes over man He can't help But fuck those shoes his pursuit of them has put on pause long enough for Tory to get away in her jeep while the others head back Inside it doesn't keep him distracted for long enough though and in an attempt to make sure leprechaun uses every single wheeled transportation option available He follows Tory to the retirement home on a pair of fucking roller skate She gets there and finds the front dust guard conveniently asleep So she's able to sneak through this abandoned looking retirement home and find mr.. O'Grady in his room, but wait a minute That's not mr.. O'Grady. It's a goddamn whatever kind She runs away, and he pursues her in a wheelchair But even with the camera sped up to help him along she manages to get into the elevator safely, and that's where mr. O'Grady's body crashes through the ceiling He tells Tory that a fresh four-leaf clover will do the trick for a little green friend, and then he dies Yeah, I don't know how his body happened to crash through the elevator ceiling like that either But whatever why bother trying to make her movie good now when there's only 15 minutes left Tori heads back to the farmhouse and tries to find a four-leaf clover But leprechaun shows up and gleefully chases her away. She finds the police car. That's good, but then discovers the cops corpse inside That's bad lup shows up, and she sticks him in the eye with a baton That's good, but then he rips the door off the police car which is bad Can she go now sure but not before she has to watch left with the eye out of the cops body to replace his own wig well hey at least LEP's are made with interchangeable parts leprechaun gets shot for like the 27th time by Nate and they rush back to the clover field to find their good-luck charm Tori manages to find one and it's Positively glowing with magic when luf attacks them again He's able to run down Ozzy and slash his face a whole bunch with his shoe buckle But alex is here with the clover a slingshot and a precocious one-liner to save the day Lucky charms the shot goes straight into Epps mouth And he stumbles back against the web where we get to witness the best looking effects of the movie aside from the leprechauns makeup done By gay bar Talos that shit's great And he deserves a lot of credit for leprechaun melts into a gooey green mess and some more crazy special effects take over to transition him into an even nastier looking beat-up leprechaun puppet thing that falls back into the well and releases its energy with a bunch of glowing green lights But like I said earlier love's a huge fan of Chucky so he too wants to do the whole keep coming back thing But I've watched Chucky, I know Chucky Chucky wasn't kill counts on my leprechaun your no Chucky and to prove it Nate just knocks him back down there and pours a bunch of gas into the weld and finishes the leprechaun off with a match and a Giant explosion yep, you've got an ancient magical demon force and its killed by some fire great But luck doesn't go on the cow because some rhyming narration lets us know he considers. This only a temporary setback. I'll not rest tonight Yes, as well that we so shall dwell can I tiny magic and great speech there Cobb that rhyming was all Over the place didn't even follow a structure I'm sure some of your nerds will tell me in the comments, but in the meantime. Let's get to the numbers Don't worry i'm making a puppet master kill count Only four people died in leprechaun and have them were next snaps what the fuck of the victims three were men and only one was a woman giving us a 75% 25% gender split with more dead dudes with the run time of 91 minutes that comes out to a kill on average every twenty two point Seven five minutes, I'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to Joe I don't like the bloody face thing, but killing a dude with a pogo stick is pretty creative And I'd wager it's the only kill most people even remember from this movie dull machete for lamest kill will be Dan o Grady even Though the two neck snaps were lame his random appearance through the elevator ceiling just makes no goddamn sense man And that's in leprechaun was filmed in 1991 and released in 93 and despite it being worse than a real bad case of Shamrock shake sheds it spawned five sequels and a remake We'll look at the first sequel leprechaun to next week, but until then I'm James a Jansse. It's been the kill count Thanks a lot for watching my kill count for leprechaun just in time for the leprechaun kill account. We have a new pin It's the golden chain saw oh, I'm really excited over. This one. It looks very cool we got it done in a unique style that looks like antique gold and it's the same logo that I used at the end of Every kill count now You can be the coolest kill if that's appealing you're only eight box at dead meat store calm get them today See you guys later be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 6,185,520
Rating: 4.9123135 out of 5
Keywords: gold, holiday, ken olandt, jennifer anniston, mark holton, clover, irish, patrick's, scary, first, films, 1st, pee wee, jaj, dead meat, pot of gold, body count, lucky charms, james a. janisse, st, horror, kills, debut, warwick davis, jennifer aniston, magic, pine commander boogie, movies, kill count, farm, leprechaun, DMKC, day, lep, patricks, francis, original, mark jones, magical, st patrick's day, four leaf, robert gorman
Id: d51--duNjVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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